
Eg1. Different topics will require the use of different information sources, but there are a number of reference tools that every student should be able to use with ease.
The method used in our study is known as…
语 The technique we applied is referred to as…
The procedure they followed can be briefly described as… The approach adopted extensively is called…
(4)正文 body 正文是科技文章的主体,是科学分析和实验论证的过程 反映,经常使用各种图表、公式论证作者的观点。
表:Table; 图:Figure/Diagram/Graph/view/Flow Diagram/Chart/Frame Figure; 公式、算式、方程式:Formula/Equation; 如图A所示,如表B所示:As it is shown in Fig. A,
特 Detailed information has been acquired by the authors using…
征 The research has recorded valuable data using the newly-developed
This is a working theory which is based on the idea that…
Eg1. Different topics will require the use of different information sources, but there are a number of reference tools that every student should be able to use with ease.
The method used in our study is known as…
语 The technique we applied is referred to as…
The procedure they followed can be briefly described as… The approach adopted extensively is called…
(4)正文 body 正文是科技文章的主体,是科学分析和实验论证的过程 反映,经常使用各种图表、公式论证作者的观点。
表:Table; 图:Figure/Diagram/Graph/view/Flow Diagram/Chart/Frame Figure; 公式、算式、方程式:Formula/Equation; 如图A所示,如表B所示:As it is shown in Fig. A,
特 Detailed information has been acquired by the authors using…
征 The research has recorded valuable data using the newly-developed
This is a working theory which is based on the idea that…

This experiment has a significant impact on …… In recent years, more attention has been focused on …… The models of …… has recently received considerable attention.
简短扼要 引人入胜
让读者想读完 内行一目了然
摘 语言特点
动词时态(常用三种时态) 动词时态(常用三种时态) 一般现在时 --- 最普通 表示介绍的客观事实 现在完成时 --- 表示已取得的成果或完成的工作 一般现在时+现在完成时+ 综合时态 --- 一般现在时+现在完成时+过去时 大量使用被动语态 例:
The report concentrates on …… Particular attention is/ was paid to …… The greatest emphasis in this article is on ……
It is experimentally established that …… It is numerically established that …… The authors have developed two methods of …… A theoretical model has been developed to predict ……
The English of Science and Technology科技英语

2.3 Nomination Structures are widely used. Compare the following two sentences Archimedes first discovered the principle that water is displaced by solid bodies. Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement(阿基米德最 先发现固体排水的原理. ) 第二句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面 简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement 这一事实. 2.4 Widely use of Long and Complexity sentences E.g Anyone can watch an apple fall and ruminate about a force of gravity. It took the genius of Newton to leap from there to the idea that it was the same force that causedthe moon to drop from its natural motion in a straight line , to calculate at once the amount by which it dropped and from that to infer the inverse - square law ; in short , to leap fromterrestrial gravity to a simple and universal law of gravitation.

(Arabic numerals)
百万分之三 a third part in 1,000,000 a third part per million a third part in a million
练习 其误差( 其误差(error)为6/1012。 )
Its error is 6 parts in 1012.
4. 表示倍数增长 This wire is five times longer than that one. N times +比较级=N times as +原级+as 比较级= 原级+ 比较级 这根导线比那根长4倍 这根导线比那根长 倍。 这根导线是那根长度的5倍。 这根导线是那根长度的 倍
5. on/upon(“一…就”,“在…之后”) 之后” 一 就 之后 Upon rearranging the above equations, we get to the following set of equations. 练习:在把这些值代入( 练习:在把这些值代入(substitute) ) 人们发现v就等于 就等于( 后,人们发现 就等于(be equal to) ) 光速(velocity) 。
The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only ____________. The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few thousandths of an ohm.
答案 1. 倍数、分数+the+名词 倍数、分数+the+ 该电路中的电流为电源( 该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流 ) (short-circuit current)的一半。 的一半。 的一半 The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source. 2.倍数 分数+ 2.倍数、分数+ that (of 短语) 倍数、 短语) 月球的质量为地球的1/81. 月球的质量为地球的 The mass of the moon is that of the earth. 3.倍数、分数+ what 从句 倍数、 倍数 分数+ 现在其内部的压力是原来的1/3。 现在其内部的压力是原来的 。 Now its internal pressure is 1/3 what it was.
百万分之三 a third part in 1,000,000 a third part per million a third part in a million
练习 其误差( 其误差(error)为6/1012。 )
Its error is 6 parts in 1012.
4. 表示倍数增长 This wire is five times longer than that one. N times +比较级=N times as +原级+as 比较级= 原级+ 比较级 这根导线比那根长4倍 这根导线比那根长 倍。 这根导线是那根长度的5倍。 这根导线是那根长度的 倍
5. on/upon(“一…就”,“在…之后”) 之后” 一 就 之后 Upon rearranging the above equations, we get to the following set of equations. 练习:在把这些值代入( 练习:在把这些值代入(substitute) ) 人们发现v就等于 就等于( 后,人们发现 就等于(be equal to) ) 光速(velocity) 。
The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only ____________. The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few thousandths of an ohm.
答案 1. 倍数、分数+the+名词 倍数、分数+the+ 该电路中的电流为电源( 该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流 ) (short-circuit current)的一半。 的一半。 的一半 The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source. 2.倍数 分数+ 2.倍数、分数+ that (of 短语) 倍数、 短语) 月球的质量为地球的1/81. 月球的质量为地球的 The mass of the moon is that of the earth. 3.倍数、分数+ what 从句 倍数、 倍数 分数+ 现在其内部的压力是原来的1/3。 现在其内部的压力是原来的 。 Now its internal pressure is 1/3 what it was.

6. Rocketry
In the twentieth century, rockets became bigger
and more powerful. Most importantly, they became
controllable, which suddenly made them useful both as
technologies that have had the greatest influence on
humanity—both positively and the negatively.
10. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power was to the twentieth century what
Science and Technology Are Changing Our Life
Wang M F 2014-4-8
There can be no doubt that the twentieth century
is one of the most remarkable in human history for its
weapons of war and, even more vitally, as our means of
invented and discoveries made in the last century that
it’s difficult to pare the list down to just the ten.
However, now we look back to those ten innovations or
place in the nineteቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnth century, the airplane did the
6. Rocketry
In the twentieth century, rockets became bigger
and more powerful. Most importantly, they became
controllable, which suddenly made them useful both as
technologies that have had the greatest influence on
humanity—both positively and the negatively.
10. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power was to the twentieth century what
Science and Technology Are Changing Our Life
Wang M F 2014-4-8
There can be no doubt that the twentieth century
is one of the most remarkable in human history for its
weapons of war and, even more vitally, as our means of
invented and discoveries made in the last century that
it’s difficult to pare the list down to just the ten.
However, now we look back to those ten innovations or
place in the nineteቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnth century, the airplane did the

information tranmbiguity
To avoid ambiguity and misunderstandings, science and
technology English of uses specific and clear vocabulary to
describe concepts and phenomena
The use of admissions and symbols
Abbreviations are commonly used in science and technology English to simplify complex terms and concepts, making them easier to understand and remember
Technical jargon
In addition to specialized vocabulary, science and technology English also includes technical jargon, which refers to the language used by experts or professionals in a specific field
Terminology Evolution
With the development of science and technology, new terms and concepts are consistently emerging, requiring continuous learning and updating of vocabulary

Usage: In scientific literature and academic exchanges, the use of abbreviations is very common, which can simplify complex terminology and improve communication efficiency.
• Progress in science and technology: STE is critical for the progress of science and technology as it enables professionals to keep up with the latest developments in their fields and to contribute to the body of knowledge
Overview of Science and Technology
Definition and characteristics
Denology English (STE) is a subset of English used in the field of science and technology It is a specialized language that is unique to this domain, and it is used to communicate scientific and technological information
English • Technical English Translation Skills
• Writing Standards for Science and Technology English
• Progress in science and technology: STE is critical for the progress of science and technology as it enables professionals to keep up with the latest developments in their fields and to contribute to the body of knowledge
Overview of Science and Technology
Definition and characteristics
Denology English (STE) is a subset of English used in the field of science and technology It is a specialized language that is unique to this domain, and it is used to communicate scientific and technological information
English • Technical English Translation Skills
• Writing Standards for Science and Technology English

• Although I love movies, I’ve found that there are drawbacks to moviegoing. One problem is just the inconvenience of it all. To get to the theater, I have to drive for at least fifteen minutes, or more if traffic is bad. It can take forever to find a parking spot, and then I have to walk across a huge parking lot to the theater. There I encounter long lines, sold-out to the floor because of other people’s spilled snacks. Another problem is my lack of self-control at the theater. I often stuff myself with unhealthy calorie-laden snacks. My choice might include a bucket of popcorn, a box of Milk Duds, a giant soda, or all three. The worst problem is some of the other moviegoers. Kids run up and down the aisle. Teenagers laugh and cough and burp, and talk to one another. All in all, I could rather stay home and wait to see the latest movie hits on cable TV in the comfort of my own living room.

Technology has enabled the automation of many manual and repetitive tasks, freeing employees to focus on more complex, strategic, and creative work Automation has also made production processes more effective and cost effective
Technology has empowered individuals and communities,
enabling them to express their voice, access information, and
shape their own destiny
Cybercrime and identity then
The internet has made it easier for hackers to access personal information, leading to increased instances of cybercrime and identity then
Intrusion of privacy
Technology allows for unrestricted data collection and tracking, leading to intrusions into people's private lives, such as targeted advertising or government surveys

I need a more advanced world. My major reason is because when you have advanced technologies, life is much easier as robots and machines would take over your daily life chores(零星工作 ) . For example, daily life chores might be serving your breakfast, cutting your grass, or cleaning your room. With robots and machines doing one’s chores ,one has time to relax. Another reason is because unlike humans, robots and machines do not make mistakes when programmed correctly. They always finish tasks perfectly so you won’t have to worry about making a mistake and getting trouble.
Today, we can’t imagine ourselves without technological advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers, and televisions. However, technology won’t stop here, but develop further. A few advantages of upgraded technology are that one can save time and money and life will be made easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labor.

computers enable them to perform operations
at high speeds.
计算机在体积上差别很大,最小的可以嵌入 一块手表内,而最大的则可以占据整个房间。计 算机的电子元件可以使其以高速运行。
The fastest computer is
able to perform billions of calculations per second. Computes
对每个问题,使用者都必须提供必需的数据并预先编好正确的程序 (运行顺序),计算机通过程序处理数据并给出期望的结果。
Because of , on account of
Owing to the tremendous progress in
the micro-miniaturization of the transistor
自20世纪60年代后期,由于晶体管(计算机 的基本元件)在微型化方面取得的巨大进展,廉 价的小型计算机在社会的各个部门都得到了广泛 的应用。
Industrialized countries have become
dependent on computers to assist in daily
since it normally also contains the
arithmetic and logic unit, is known as the
central processing unit (CPU), namely the
central processing unit (CPU) consists of a

Enhance language comprehension
By analyzing complex English texts, students will improve their language comprehension and critical thinking abilities
Expand knowledge in science and technology
Roots and affixes method
Teach students to use knowledge of word construction such as roots and affixes to infer the meaning of new words and improve their reading comprehension ability.
Learning in context
Placing vocabulary in specific contexts, understanding the meaning of vocabulary through context, and deepening memory.
New vocabulary learning and memory methods
Reading comprehension skills
Summarizing is the skill of condensing a passage into a brief overview that captures its main points It helps in retaining important information and understanding the overall message of the text
By analyzing complex English texts, students will improve their language comprehension and critical thinking abilities
Expand knowledge in science and technology
Roots and affixes method
Teach students to use knowledge of word construction such as roots and affixes to infer the meaning of new words and improve their reading comprehension ability.
Learning in context
Placing vocabulary in specific contexts, understanding the meaning of vocabulary through context, and deepening memory.
New vocabulary learning and memory methods
Reading comprehension skills
Summarizing is the skill of condensing a passage into a brief overview that captures its main points It helps in retaining important information and understanding the overall message of the text
科技英语综合教程(第二版)课件unit 3 Artificial Intelligence and

Facebook, User Privacy, and Data Responsibility
The Past, Present and Future of Big Data in Marketing
Academic Skills
Translating skills
Translation of idioms——切 忌望文生义
Intensive Reading Lead-in
Unit 3 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard in video.
2. Machine learning is the technology that's responsible for most of this d2)isruption. 3. It allows machines to learn from data and m3)imic some of the things that humans can do. 4. We bring together hundreds of thousands of experts to solve important problems for
seen before.
8. The future state of any single job lies in the answer to a single question: To what extent is that job reducible to 8f)requent, high-volume tasks, and to what extent does it involve tackling novel situations?
The Past, Present and Future of Big Data in Marketing
Academic Skills
Translating skills
Translation of idioms——切 忌望文生义
Intensive Reading Lead-in
Unit 3 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard in video.
2. Machine learning is the technology that's responsible for most of this d2)isruption. 3. It allows machines to learn from data and m3)imic some of the things that humans can do. 4. We bring together hundreds of thousands of experts to solve important problems for
seen before.
8. The future state of any single job lies in the answer to a single question: To what extent is that job reducible to 8f)requent, high-volume tasks, and to what extent does it involve tackling novel situations?

• 专业词汇的特点 • 专业词汇的构词法 • 专业词汇的翻译
• 1)普通词汇专业化
• 2)专业术语词义单一性
• 3)较多使用前缀和后缀
• 4)大量使用复合词、派生词、转化词等
• 又称合成词,是由两个或两个以上的旧词合成 副词+过去分词 著名的 well-known 一个新词。
名词+名词 carbon steel rust-resistance 碳钢 防锈
介词+名词 动词+副词 形容词+名词 动词+代词+副词 副词+介词+名词
• 《Forrest Gump 》:
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Scientific English
• The suspension was in the form of a colloidal solution that remained in that state for 1 month without settling (Fig. 1).
by-product makeup check-up atomic weight periodic table pick-me-up out-of-door
副产物 化妆品 检查 原子量 周期表 兴奋剂 户外
• 专业词汇的特点 • 专业词汇的构词法 • 专业词汇的翻译
• 1)普通词汇专业化
• 2)专业术语词义单一性
• 3)较多使用前缀和后缀
• 4)大量使用复合词、派生词、转化词等
• 又称合成词,是由两个或两个以上的旧词合成 副词+过去分词 著名的 well-known 一个新词。
名词+名词 carbon steel rust-resistance 碳钢 防锈
介词+名词 动词+副词 形容词+名词 动词+代词+副词 副词+介词+名词
• 《Forrest Gump 》:
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Scientific English
• The suspension was in the form of a colloidal solution that remained in that state for 1 month without settling (Fig. 1).
by-product makeup check-up atomic weight periodic table pick-me-up out-of-door
副产物 化妆品 检查 原子量 周期表 兴奋剂 户外

10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
9. The Personal Computer
It’s difficult to imagine our world today without computers. Of course, they have been around since World War Two, but they were clunky, massively expensive things that had all the calculating power of a brick. When Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs introduced the Apple in 1976, however, it changed everything and the rest is, as they say, history.
8. The Airplane
7. The Automobile
Though under development in Europe during the nineteenth century, the automobile didn’t really become a practical and reliable source of transportation until the twentieth century. 2013, China's automobile production and sales both more than 20 million, has been reelected for five consecutive years in the world. The number of private cars in China reached one hundred million.
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
9. The Personal Computer
It’s difficult to imagine our world today without computers. Of course, they have been around since World War Two, but they were clunky, massively expensive things that had all the calculating power of a brick. When Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs introduced the Apple in 1976, however, it changed everything and the rest is, as they say, history.
8. The Airplane
7. The Automobile
Though under development in Europe during the nineteenth century, the automobile didn’t really become a practical and reliable source of transportation until the twentieth century. 2013, China's automobile production and sales both more than 20 million, has been reelected for five consecutive years in the world. The number of private cars in China reached one hundred million.
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• 现代高速计算机能消除重复的、耗时的一般性计算。 还能从根本上排除数字错误,因为这时的计算机具有验 证功能。
• 为了实现措辞的简洁入理, 科技英语依次选用词、词组和短语 。即通过简易表达来说明复杂的科技现象, 这样能排除多余繁 杂和含糊辞藻。如 many(myriad)←lots of (a 1ot of, a number of); so that← with the result that; whether← whether or not(the question as to whether)。
• 科技英语是表达自然、思维和社会现象、原则理论和本质定 律的,因而它有平实、严谨、简明和逻辑抽象的措辞规则。 科技英语的“表达方式以抽象性、逻辑性、说理性为特征, 要求平实、严谨、简明。在语文材料和修辞手段的运用上注 重平白质实,不求华巧奇特。在思想内容和表达形式的结合 上,要求谨严切合,直接呈现科学思维的逻辑条理性,而不 运用修辞变通。在表达效果和可读性的追求上,要使人理解 ,而非使人感动,故以明晰简洁为度。用词讲究术语的专义 性、书面性和国际通用性。造句以规范完整的复合句式直陈 事理为基本格调。章法常有一定的程式,按事理的逻辑顺序 布局成文。
集于此——不受阻挡地穿透, 但它们却会吸收某些较长波长, 亦即从地
球表面辐射出的红外发射, 这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新
• 科技英语用确切具体的词汇, 不用局限粗俗、过时 少用和敷衍邋遢的表达。如方言、俚语、行话、口 语词、废弃词、混杂词,以及笼统词或华丽辞藻。所 以,需要减少陈词滥调, 如swell, stuff, to get a hunch。当然,科技领域亦用同义文雅词来表达客观 真实或抽象内容。 如: stiff→ rigid; suitable→ appropriate; make → fabricate
A Abstract and Key Words B Wording Rules C Word Format D Summary
• This paper explains,by way of example,features of technical English,such as simplicity,precision,conciseness and the abstract logic,followed by an exploration of methods of achieving these in the translation of technical English.
• One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
• Modern high-speed computer can eliminate repetitive, time-consuming routine calculations.Also computer can essentially eliminate numeric errors once the programs are verified.
• 摘要:通过实例阐述了科技英语要求平实、严谨、简明和逻 辑抽象的措辞规则,并对科技英语如何达到结构清晰的用词 格式进行了探讨。
Key Words
Technical English
Exact wording
Straightforwar Objectivity d narration and clearness
要求实现平实质朴、 平淡简明和平白严谨的表达效果。
• Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissions radiated from the Earth's surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.
• There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another.
• (而不用句子There are different ways in which energy is changed from one form into another表达)
• 这其中的一个新颖思想就是,在植物的染色体内注 入并非是该植物自然构造一个部分的那些不相关联 的基因:具体而言,这一思想是,在非豆科植物内 注入这样一ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ基因,倘若这些基因可被辨识出来并 被分离开来,而这些基因已使豆科植物宜于充当那 些具备固氮作用的细菌的寄主。
显然,科技英语以事实为基础,以客观为依据, 以明了为意图, 这就
• 为了实现措辞的简洁入理, 科技英语依次选用词、词组和短语 。即通过简易表达来说明复杂的科技现象, 这样能排除多余繁 杂和含糊辞藻。如 many(myriad)←lots of (a 1ot of, a number of); so that← with the result that; whether← whether or not(the question as to whether)。
• 科技英语是表达自然、思维和社会现象、原则理论和本质定 律的,因而它有平实、严谨、简明和逻辑抽象的措辞规则。 科技英语的“表达方式以抽象性、逻辑性、说理性为特征, 要求平实、严谨、简明。在语文材料和修辞手段的运用上注 重平白质实,不求华巧奇特。在思想内容和表达形式的结合 上,要求谨严切合,直接呈现科学思维的逻辑条理性,而不 运用修辞变通。在表达效果和可读性的追求上,要使人理解 ,而非使人感动,故以明晰简洁为度。用词讲究术语的专义 性、书面性和国际通用性。造句以规范完整的复合句式直陈 事理为基本格调。章法常有一定的程式,按事理的逻辑顺序 布局成文。
集于此——不受阻挡地穿透, 但它们却会吸收某些较长波长, 亦即从地
球表面辐射出的红外发射, 这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新
• 科技英语用确切具体的词汇, 不用局限粗俗、过时 少用和敷衍邋遢的表达。如方言、俚语、行话、口 语词、废弃词、混杂词,以及笼统词或华丽辞藻。所 以,需要减少陈词滥调, 如swell, stuff, to get a hunch。当然,科技领域亦用同义文雅词来表达客观 真实或抽象内容。 如: stiff→ rigid; suitable→ appropriate; make → fabricate
A Abstract and Key Words B Wording Rules C Word Format D Summary
• This paper explains,by way of example,features of technical English,such as simplicity,precision,conciseness and the abstract logic,followed by an exploration of methods of achieving these in the translation of technical English.
• One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
• Modern high-speed computer can eliminate repetitive, time-consuming routine calculations.Also computer can essentially eliminate numeric errors once the programs are verified.
• 摘要:通过实例阐述了科技英语要求平实、严谨、简明和逻 辑抽象的措辞规则,并对科技英语如何达到结构清晰的用词 格式进行了探讨。
Key Words
Technical English
Exact wording
Straightforwar Objectivity d narration and clearness
要求实现平实质朴、 平淡简明和平白严谨的表达效果。
• Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissions radiated from the Earth's surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.
• There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another.
• (而不用句子There are different ways in which energy is changed from one form into another表达)
• 这其中的一个新颖思想就是,在植物的染色体内注 入并非是该植物自然构造一个部分的那些不相关联 的基因:具体而言,这一思想是,在非豆科植物内 注入这样一ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ基因,倘若这些基因可被辨识出来并 被分离开来,而这些基因已使豆科植物宜于充当那 些具备固氮作用的细菌的寄主。
显然,科技英语以事实为基础,以客观为依据, 以明了为意图, 这就