
he fee bee feel tree knee teacher
[hi:] [fi:] [bi:] [fi:l] [tri:] [ni:] [′ti:tʃə]
发音要领: 1.舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,比/i:/要低。 2.嘴型扁平,牙床开得比/i:/宽。 3.可从/i:/出发,将小指尖放在上下齿之间, 使下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降。 即可发出 /ɪ/
• fool
[ tu: ] [du:] [fu:d] [blu:] [mu:n] [ru:m] [tu:θ] [tru:]
发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩。 2、双唇收圆,稍向前突出。
oo: look good ou: should could u: put push o: woman
程度和/æ /相似。双唇向两旁平伸。 2、从元音/ɒ/ 出发,将圆唇改为扁唇,即可发出此音。
u: up fun cup bus o: come mother love ou: trouble oo: blood
• run • fun • funny • jump • cover
• yummy 美味
• for
• more • door • floor
• forty • short • sport
[mɔ:] [dɔ:] [flɔ:]
[ʃɔ:t] [spɔ:t]
发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;口张大,舌身压低并后缩。 2、双唇稍稍收圆。 3、可先发/ɑ:/音,然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩,双唇稍稍收圆(不要突出), 即可发出/ɒ/。

1.元音音标(Vowel Sounds):- 单音节元音(Monophthongs): 有12个单音节元音音标,每个音标对应一个音素,如/iː/(比如,beat)、/ɪ/(bit)、/æ/(bat)、/ʌ/(but)、/ʊ/(book)、/ə/(about)、/e/(bet)、/ɛ/(bet)、/ɑː/(bath)、/ɔː/(bought)、/ɜː/(bird)、/ʊə/(boot)。
- 双元音(Diphthongs): 有8个双元音音标,每个音标代表两个音素的组合,如/eɪ/(比如,day)、/aɪ/(buy)、/ɔɪ/(boy)、/aʊ/(now)、/əʊ/(no)、/ɪə/(near)、/eə/(hair)、/ʊə/(tour)。
2.辅音音标(Consonant Sounds):- 爆破音(Plosive Sounds): 有6个爆破音音标,分别是/p/(比如,pie)、/b/(buy)、/t/(tie)、/d/(die)、/k/(kite)、/g/(go)。
- 摩擦音(Fricative Sounds): 有9个摩擦音音标,分别是/f/(比如,fine)、/v/(vine)、/θ/(thin)、/ð/(then)、/s/(sight)、/z/(zone)、/ʃ/(ship)、/ʒ/(genre)、/h/(high)。
- 鑽音(Affricate Sounds): 有2个鑽音音标,分别是/tʃ/(比如,church)和/dʒ/(judge)。
- 鼻音(Nasal Sounds): 有3个鼻音音标,分别是/m/(比如,man)、/n/(no)、/ŋ/(sing)。

/p/ /b/美式读音符号p/ /b/英式读音符号/p/ /b/传统的国际音标的读音符号/p/是p的发音,/b/是b的发音。
/t/ /d/美式读音符号/t/ /d/英式读音符号/t/ /d/传统的国际音标的读音符号/t/是t的发音,/d/是d的发音。
/k/ /g/美式读音符号/k/ //英式读音符号/k/ //传统的国际音标的读音符号/k/是字母k和字母c的发音,//是字母g的读音。
/f/ /v/美式读音符号/f/ /v/英式读音符号/f/ /v/传统的国际音标的读音符号/f/是f和ph的发音,/v/是v的发音。
// //美式读音符号// //英式读音符号// //传统的国际音标的读音符号////是th的发音。
/s/ /z/美式读音符号/s/ /z/英式读音符号/s/ /z/传统的国际音标的读音符号/s//z/是s的发音,/z/又是z的发音。
/∫/ //美式读音符号/∫/ //英式读音符号/∫/ //传统的国际音标的读音符号/∫/是sh的发音,//是s的发音。

二.有关英语语音的名词解释:1.音节以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ŋ] [l]例外)。
例如:let-ter mem-ber chil-dren daugh-ter②在重读和非重读音节的相邻处只有一个辅音字母时,如果前面重读音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果重读音节里的元音是短音,则辅音字母属于重读音节。
例如:长音pa-per stu-dent fa-ther ze-ro mo-tor far-ther 短音sev-en stud-y moth-er ver-y mod-le weath-er3.重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。
例如:no blue ba-by stu-dent se-cret②相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e 构成的重读音节。
例如:name these bike home excuse5.闭音节单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r w y 除外)且以辅音字母结尾的重读音节。
例如:bag egg fish not cup6.双音节词重读规则双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。
例如:stu-dent Chi-na sec-ond au-tumn含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。
例如:a bout be fore ex cuse re pairfor get-ful in ven-tor7.多音节词重读规则多音节词通常在倒数第三个音节重读。

英语国际音标发音规则1 元音:1)[ i: ] 字母组合: ee ea e ieee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek (ee)ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please (ea) e: he she me(e)ie:piece field believe receive ceiling (ie,ei)读一读:Please take a seat and have tea with me.2) [ i ] 发音字母i y e ai: sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missy: myth many twenty happy dictionarye: defect decide deliciousa: message village comradeComparison (对比):seat — sit leave — live deed — did beat — bitsheep — ship cheap — chip heel — hill3) [æ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flagshall man读一读:Pat’s cat is very fat.4) [ e ] 字母组合ea e aea: head bread pleasuree: elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesa: many any读一读:Betty never gets up early.5) [ з: ] 字母组合ir ur ear er orir: girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdur: turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday hurtear: learn earn earth heard earlyer: term her herd serveor: work worm world读一读:The girls were very nervous at first.6) [ ə] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uea: teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder or: doctor actor mayor author tractorou: delicious graciousar: collar familiar dollaro: together tomorrow today lesson Washington control polite a: around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan China e: men listenu: us读一读:Peter’s elder sister was a doctor.7) [ a:] 字母组合ar aar: car farm card arm gardena: fast class last glass plant aunt calm读一读:My father parked his car in front of the bar at last.8) [ ʌ] 发音字母u o ou oou: up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buso: come mother does brother love aboveou: trouble rough flourishoo: blood flood读一读:My son loves Mary very much.9) [ ɔ: ] 字母组合al or au ou ar aw oor our oreal: small wall talk tall hall ball call walkor: short more lord horse for forty sportau: author caught autumnou: bought ought foughtar: warm quarrel quarteraw: draw saw flawoor: door floorour: four mourn courtore: store more读一读:All the men in the hall were talking about the Lord’s horse.10) [ ɔ] 发音字母o ao: hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar nota: want wash what watch读一读:There are a lot of hotdogs in the box.11) [ u: ] 字母组合oo o uoo: food moon room gloom broom doom goose tootho: who do twou: true truth blue June ruler读一读:Luke chooses a pair of blue shoes.12) [ u ] 字母组合oo ou uoo: look good foot bookou: should could wouldu: put full bull pull pusho: woman wolf读一读:The woman is looking at the book.13) [ ei ] 发音字母a ay ea ai eya: age name cake late gate plane Aprilay: play say may way dayea: great breakai: rain paint plain straightey: they grey读一读:She ate eight pieces of cakes the day before yesterday.14) [ ai ] 发音字母i y ie igh eighi: bike fine find niney: my try fly eyeie: die lie tieigh: light night high mighteigh: height读一读:Mike might buy a new bike.15) [ aʊ] 字母组合ou owou: house out ground account count sound loud around mouse ow: flower down now cow how town读一读:Our house has a brown mouse.16) [ εʊ] 发音字母o ow oao: home cold go no phone host ghostow: know low below grow blow show flowoa: boat coat goal读一读:The old boat was floating slowly on the cold river. 17) [ ɔi ] 字母组合oy oioy: boy toy joyoi: oil soil voice choice boil读一读:The spoiled boy made a loud voice.18) [ iə] 字母组合e eer eare: serious periodeer: beer deerear: ear hear clear near dear读一读:Can you hear him clearly?19) [ eə] 字母组合ear air are ereear: pear bear swearere: thereair: chair air fairare: care dare hare stare fareere: there where读一读:The bear is staring at the hare.20) [ ʊə] our oor uretour poor sure读一读:The poor peasant found a jewel box in the pool.2 容易混淆的元音[æ] [e]bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen s ad said[i:] [ei]real rail greet great mean main read raid[e] [ai]bet bite red write said side head hide[aʊ] [ɔ:]house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn [aʊ] [εʊ] [ʌ] [ɔ]found fond down done gown gone town ton3 辅音1) [p] pen pear play pig pour pull push读一读:Peter helps Pat pick up the newspaper.2) [b] book big boot bike bread break rubber about baby cab rob读一读:Big boxes of bears were brought aboard.3) [t] tree two ten ton town twenty city cat text last doctor bottle letter 读一读:Two ticket takers took a taxi.4) [d] door dull desk dose do dog dictionary读一读:Debbie did not destroy Darrell’s dishes.5) [k] k: king kite key look cook book kitchen skyc: card cat cream correct climb come accountch: school scheduleck: kick quick[ks] x: fox box oxygen x-ray读一读:Good coolies could be cooked bu good cookies cook.6) [g] girl good goal goat grade long language读一读:A big black bug bit a big black pig.7) [m] man make moon morning move come comb读一读:Many a little makes a miracle.8) [n] n: pen ten nine fine night noon moon cleankn: knock knife know knee读一读:The thin man is an African dancer.9) [ŋ] n: unclenk: bank think thank junkng: English sing ring thing king morning evening读一读:The singer sang too many long songs.10) [l] l: long land lend lord fly flag black-l: world cold could goal soul-ll: tall ill bell读一读:The little children are listening carefully in the classroom.11) [r] r: read red right run roomWr: write wrong读一读:The rich man called Frank is carrying a bag of rice.12) [f] f: five fly fine flag frog fog roof life wife knifegh: cough laugh roughph: physics photo pnone读一读:Frank found some fresh flowers for his friend.13) [v] v: very evening even every voice vestf: of读一读:He saved five hundred to visit his wife in vacation.14) [s] s: six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarfc: license city cease ceiling celebratece: licence piece juice science lance space ace读一读:The Spanish speak Spanish in Spain.15) [z] z: zoo zebra zero zapse: close nose noise suppose those whose rose use读一读:Lazy Lucy is crazy about cheese.16) [θ] think thank three thirty tooth mouth读一读:Thick sticks think thin sticks are sick.17) [ð] that this those these though读一读:My brother told me that the weather there was terrible the other night.18) [ ∫] sh: sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush washt: nation attention stationc: social specials: sure读一读:She sells seashell on the sea shore.19) [ʒ] pleasure usually measure vision读一读:They usually watch television for pleasure.20) [h] h: hot hop home house horse howwh: who whose whole读一读:Henry helped Helen to hide the heavy box in the exhibition.21) [w] wh: when what wherew: window wind wood读一读:When will we go away?22) [j] y: yes year yell you your yolk yellow读一读:Yes, you may use my yellow pen.23) [t∫] ch: child chicken China chair lunch ouch teachtch: catch watch matcht: picture nature读一读:Charles is watching a football match on Channel 5.24) [tʒ] ge: age language cabbage stage bridgej: joy enjoy join J uly June junk just Jackg: geography genius German vegetable读一读:The judge, in his jeans, jumped into a jeep.25) [tr] tr: tree country try treat track trunk读一读:Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.26) [dr] dr: dry dream drop drive drink读一读:The drunk driver drove his truck in his dream. 27) [ts] ts: students boots boats goats nuts读一读:The cats are biting the rats.28) [dz] ds: goods woods moods hoods读一读:These roads lead to the woods.4 容易混淆的辅音[v] [w]vest west vet wet vine wine very well[s] [θ]sink think mass math miss myth sort sought[z] [ð]close cloth breeze breathe[n] [ŋ]thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing5 字母,组合音节发音规律1) a [ei] [æ] [ə] [a:] [ɔ]late private grade bake grape nation station page active hand bank fan parent family glad flag accept about above formative machine cinema fast last glass class past fatherwash what watch want2) e [i:] [e] [i] [ə] 不发音appreciate extremely secret she me heletter left message generate pebbledecide pretty previous result restoreproblem prosperous student confidentactive table late wife store lecture3) i [ai] [i]high price library ice cream wife size linefist pick chicken piano city unit pig4) o [əu] [u:] [ʌ] [ə] [ɔ]host cold note okay old homelose do who whose provelove some other mother honey companytoday tomorrow together control collectlost hot mock office soft honest5) u [ju] [u] [ʌ] [ə]University refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bullbut brush bucket duck bubblesupport suggest6) c [k] [s]country camp camera courage cablecity ceiling celebrate cell cease7) g [g] [dʒ] [ŋ]girl grade glass glade bag flagvillage vegetable bridge gentleman gym long song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n [n] [ŋ]moon night noodle numberuncle hungry angry young10) r [r] (美语发音)right read write grade progresscard board door floor form north11) y [j] [i] [ai]yellow year yell young yolkuniversity country pretty happydyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:] [ə] [ɔ:]farm card garden mark dollar warm quarrel quarter 13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [iə]cease season breathe feature meat pleasebread breast breath meadow weathergreat breakidea realize14) ear [ə:] [iə]learn earth earn heardhear near clear ear fear15) er [ə: ] [ə]deserve serve her personteacher driver anger singer16) ere [iə] [eə]here merethere17) ir [ə: ]shirt girl skirtire [aiə]:admire desire18) oo [u:] [u] [ʌ] [ɔ:]room tool cool moon noon foodgood foot stood wood wool cook book blood flooddoor floor19) or [ɔ:] [ə:] [ə]short form corn born forwork world worm word worsttractor doctor actor sector senior senator 20) oor [ɔ:] [ʊə]door floormoor poor boor21) our [aʊə] [ɔ:]hour flour lourpour court four mourn22) ou [aʊ] [ʌ] [ə]house mouth mouse sound found enough trouble touchdelicious gracious prosperous23) ow [əʊ] [aʊ]window meadow know show lownow town how down cow24) se [z] [s]nose suppose lose posemouse house goose rose25) th [θ] [ð]thank think thought clothclothes that this then than26) sion [ʃən] [ʒən]Propulsion tension progression passionprotrusion provision conclusion television27) tion [ʃən ] [tʃən](不常见)station nation translation attention question6 关于语音的几个概念:音素: 音的最小单位,英语中有48 个音素.音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位.元音: 发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分.英语中有20 个元音. 辅音: 发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28 个辅音.开音节: 1)辅音+元音+辅音+不发音的e kite cake name bike make take home plane shine2)辅音+元音he hi go no do be tree three hello闭音节: 1)辅音+元音+辅音sit bed bad bag hot hop let mad map head2)元音+辅音it is of in on up out ant。

2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。
2.闭音节以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。
* 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。
字母a,e,i,o,u 在重读音节中的读法1 元音:1)[i:] 字母组合:ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2)[i]发音字母i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [æ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4)[e]字母组合ea e ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any5)[ə:]字母组合ir ur ear ur orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6)[ə]字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7)[a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8)[ʌ]发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [ɔ:]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10)[ɔ]发音字母o ahot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash11) [u:]字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do twotrue truth blue full12)[u]字母组合oo ou u olook good foot bookshould couldput full bull pull pushwomen whose13)[ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14)[ai]发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15)[au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16)[əu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17)[ɔi] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18)[iə]字母组合eerbeer deer ear idea near here fierce19)[ɛə]字母组合ear airpear bear chair air fair care there where20)[uə]hour tour poor flower shower2 容易混淆的元音[æ][e]bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said[i:][ei]real rail greet great mean main read raid[e][ai]bet bite red write said side head hide[au] [ɔ:]house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn [aU] [ɔ]found fond down done gown gone town ton3辅音1) [p] pen pear play pig pour pull push2)[b]book big boot bike bread break3)[t] tree two ten ton town twenty city4)[d]door dull desk dose do dog dictionary5)[k]king kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k) card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)fox box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x)school schedule schema (字母组合ch)6) [g]girl good goal goat grade long language7) [m]man make moon morning move come comb8)[n]pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean9) [ŋ]uncle bank English think thank junksing king morning evening10)[l]long land lend lord fly flag blackworld cold could goal soul11)[r]read red right run room write12)[f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough physic photo phone13)[v]very evening even every voice vest14) [s]six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s) license city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c)licence piece juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15)[z]zoo zebra zero zapclose nose hose suppose pause those whose16) [θ]think thank three thirty tooth mouth17)[ð]that this those these though18)[ʃ] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush washnation attention stationsocial specialsure19)[l] pleasure20)[h]hot hop home house horse how who21)[w]when what where window wind wood22)[j]yes year yell you your yolk yellow23)[tʃ]child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach 24)[dʒ] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge joy enjoy join July June junk25)[tr]tree country try treat track trunk26) [dr]dry dream drop drive drink27) [ts] students boots boats goats nuts28)[dz]goods woods moods hoods4容易混淆的辅音[v][w]vest west vet wet vine wine very well[s] [θ]sink think mass math miss myth sort sought[z] [θ]close cloth breeze breathe[n][ŋ]thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing添加一点:9)[ɔ:]字母组合al or au our ar awsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarterdraw saw flaw23)[tʃ] child chicken china chair lunch ouch teach (字母组合ch) catch watch match (字母组合tch)5 字母,组合音节发音规律1)a [ei] [æ][ə] [a:][ɔ]late private grade bake grape nation station pageactive hand bank fan parent family glad flagaccept about above formative machine cinemafast last glass class past fatherwash what watch want2)e [i:] [e][i][不发音]appreciate extremely secret she me heletter left message generate pebble decide pretty previous result restore problem prosperous student confident active table late wife store lecture3)i [ai] [i]high price library ice cream wife size line fist pick chicken piano fiancé city unit 4)o [əu][u:] [ʌ] [ə][ɔ]host cold note okay old homelose do who whose provelove some other mother honey company today tomorrow together control collect lost hot mock office soft honest5)u [ju] [u][ʌ][ə]university refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bullbut brush bucket duck bubblesupport suggest6)c [k][s]country camp camera courage cable city ceiling celebrate cell cease7)g [g] [dʒ][ŋ]girl grade glass glade bag flagvillage vegetable bridge gentleman gym long song sing morning evening8) l [l]读音不同listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal9)n [n] [ŋ]moon night noodle numberuncle hungry angry young10)r [r]right read write grade progress11)y [j][i][ai]yellow year yell young yolkuniversity country pretty happydyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:][ə] [ɔ:]farm card garden markdollarwarm quarrel quarter13) ea [i:] [e][ei][i[]cease season breathe feature meat please bread breast breath meadow weather great breakidea realize14)ear [ə:] [iə]learn earth earn heardhear near clear ear fear15)er [ə:] [ə] [iə]deserve serve her personteacher driver anger singerserious experience mysterious fierce16)ere [iə][ɛə]here mere fere serethere17)ir [ə:][ai]shirt girl skirtadmire desire18) oo [u:][u] [ʌ][ɔ:]room tool cool moon noon goof foodgood foot stood wood wool cook wood bookblood flooddoor floor19) or [ɔ:][wə:] [ə]short form corn born forwork world worm word worsttractor doctor actor sector senior senator20)oor [ɔ:][uə]door floormoor poor boor21) our [uə][ɔ:]hour tour flour bourn lourpour court four mourn22)ou [au] [ʌ][ə]house mouth mouse sound found enough trouble touchdelicious gracious prosperous23)ow [əu] [au]window meadow know show lownow town how down cow24)se [z][s]nose suppose gose lose pose rosemouse house25)th [θ] [ð]thank think thought clothclothes that this then than26)sion [ʃən] [ʒən]propulsion tension progression passionprotrusion provision conclusion television27) tion [ʃən][tʃən](不常见)station nation translation attentionquestion6关于语音的几个概念:Phonics 是一种(方法),是教育学习者从字母排列中去拼读出单个字来。

但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。

48个音标拼读规则技巧(实用版4篇)《48个音标拼读规则技巧》篇1英语的音标共有48 个,分为元音和辅音。
以下是关于英语48 个音标发音技巧的概述:元音:-单元音12 个:[i:]、[i]、[e]、[]、[]、[:]、[u:]、[u]、[:]、[:]、[a:] -双元音8 个:[ei]、[ai]、[i]、[u]、[au]、[i]、[u]辅音:-清辅音10 个:[p]、[t]、[k]、[f]、[s]、[θ]、[]、[h]、[t]、[tr] -浊辅音10 个:[b]、[d]、[g]、[v]、[z]、[]、[]、[r]、[d]、[dr]-破擦音6 个:[ts]、[ds]、[t]、[tr]、[ts]、[dz]关于单词的拼读规则和划分,一般先判断单词读音,将其分成音节,然后判断长短元音。
对于双元音,一般将其分成两个音节,如[ei]、[ai] 等。
例如,单词"English"可以标注为"英格兰滴士",其中元音用[] 表示,辅音用[] 表示。
《48个音标拼读规则技巧》篇2英语的音标共有48 个,分为元音和辅音。
以下是关于英语48个音标发音技巧的整理:元音:-单元音12 个:[i:]、[i]、[e]、[]、[]、[]、[u:]、[u]、[]、[]、[]、[a:]-双元音8 个:[ei]、[ai]、[i]、[u]、[au]、[i]、[i]、[u]辅音:-清辅音10 个:[p]、[t]、[k]、[f]、[s]、[θ]、[]、[h]、[t]、[tr] -浊辅音10 个:[b]、[d]、[g]、[v]、[z]、[]、[]、[r]、[dz]、[ts] -破擦音6 个:[t]、[tr]、[d]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]关于单词的拼读规则和音标的标注,可以参考以下技巧:1. 首先判断单词读音,将单词分成音节,例如:English →eng-lish。

例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports; piece→pieces2、凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。
例:bus→buses; quiz→quizzes; fox→foxes; match→matches; flash→flashes3、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。
例:candy→candies; daisy→daisies; fairy→fairies; lady→ladies; story→stories4、以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。
例:tomato→tomatoes; potato→potatoes; torpedo→torpedoes; bingo→bingoes反例:silo→silos; piano→pianos(外来词); photo→photos; macro→macros(缩写词)5、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外。
例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves; staff→staves; scarf→scarves反例:roof→roofs6、以-us结尾的名词(多为外来词),通常将-us改变为-i构成复数。
读音变化:尾音[Es]改读[ai],其中[kEs]要改读为[sai],[gEs]要改读为[dV ai]。
例:fungus→fungi; abacus→abaci; focus→foci; cactus→cacti; cestus→cesti7、以-is结尾的名词,通常将-is改变为-es。

英语语音名词解释:1.音节以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [] [l]例外)。
例如:let-ter mem-ber chil-dren daugh-ter②在重读和非重读音节的相邻处只有一个辅字组时,如果前面重读音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果重读音节里的元音是短音,则辅字组属于重读音节。
例如:长音pa-per stu-dent fa-ther ze-ro mo-tor far-ther短音sev-en stud-y moth-er ver-y mod-le weath-er 0-023.重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。
例如:no blue ba-by stu-dent se-cret②相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。
例如:name these bike home ex cuse五个元音字母在开音节中发长音[e ] [i:] [a ] [ u] [ju:]5.闭音节单个元音字母后面有辅字组(r w y除外)且以辅字组结尾的重读音节。
例如:bag egg fish not cup 五个元音字母在闭音节中发短音[ ] [e] [ ] [ ] [ ] 0-056.双音节词重读规则双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。

英语发音规则一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音字母读音例词a 开音节中[eɪ] n a me pl a ne J a neb a byc a ke闭音节中[æ]b a g d a d h a t m a p bl a ckb a cke 开音节中[i :] h e th e se m e Chin e se闭音节中[e] b e d l e t p e n d e sk y e si 开音节中[ɑɪ] b i ke dr i ve t i me n i ce k i te闭音节中[ı]f i sh b ig d ri nk s i t m i lksw i mo 开音节中[әu] th o se cl o se g o h o me n o 闭音节中[D] cl o ck n o t b o x sh o p s o cku 开音节中[ju:] st u dent exc u se d u ty T u esday 闭音节中[Λ]b u s c u p j u mp m u ch l u nch【注意】在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j, l ,r ,s后面时读[u:]音,例如:J u ne bl u e r u ler s u per二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音字母读音例词a [ә] Chin a a nother wom a n breakf a st [ɪ] or a nge vill a ge cabb a gee [ә] hundr e d stud e nt op e n week e nd [ɪ] chick e n pock e t b e gini [ә]/[ı] hol i day beaut i ful fam i ly an i mal [aɪ] exerc i se satell i teo [ә]sec o nd t o night someb o dywelc o me[әu] als o zer o ph o t ou[ә] aut u mn diffic u lt[ju:] pop u lar congrat u lation Jan u ary【注意】动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[eɪ]音,例如:oper a teu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j、l、r、s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:J u ly infl u ence Febr u ary iss u e二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音字母读音例词a在[w]音后面读[D]w a nt wh a t w a tch w a shqu a lity在f、n、sk 、ph 、sp 、ss 、st 、th前读[ɑ:]a fter pl a nt gr a ph a sk gr a spgl a ss f a st f a theri 在-nd、-ld和-gh前读[ɑɪ] f i nd ch i ld l i ght h i gho在-st、-ld前读[әu] m o st o ld c o ld p o stcard 在m、n 、v 、th前读[Λ] c o me m o nkey l o ve m o ther四、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音字组读音例词ar一般读[ɑ:]c ar f ar md ar ksh ar p在[w]后读[ɔ:] w ar m qu ar ter tow ar dsor一般读[ɔ:] f or ty m or ning sh or t 在[w]音后读[з:] w or d w or ker w or seer、ir、ur [з:] c er tainly b ir d Th ur sday 【注意】辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音,例如: c a rry s o rry h u rry-r音节在非重读音节中通常读[ә]音,例如:doll ar teach er f or get Sat ur day五、-re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读音例词are[eә] c are d are h areere[ɪә] h ere m ereire[ɑɪә] f ire h ire w ireore[ɔ:] m ore sc ore bef ore sh ore b oreure[ju:ә] p ure c ure【注意】are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读[ә]音,例如:pict ure pleas ure重读元音字母加r,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼读规则拼读,字母r读[r]音,例如: pa re nt ze ro sto ry du rin g inspi ri ng 某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象,例如:o r ange ve r y Ame r ican pa r agraph六、元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读音例词ai/ay [eɪ] afr ai d r ai n w ai t d ay pl ayair [eә] air h air ch air p air rep airal[ɔ:l] al ways al so s al t al most[ɑ:] h al f c al m p al m在f、m前[ɔ:l] sm al l b al l t al k w al l al lau/aw[ɔ:] au tumn d au ghter dr awea [i:] t ea ch ea sy ch ea p pl ea se [e]h ea vy br ea d sw ea terw ea ther[eɪ] br ea k gr ea tear [ɪә]h ear d ear n ear cl eary ear[eә] b ear p ear w ear[з:] ear th l ear n ear lyee[i:] j ee p w ee k gr ee n thr ee eer[ɪә] pion eer d eer b eerei/ey [eɪ] ei ght n ei ghbour th ey [i:] ei ther k eyeu/ew[u:] fl ew br ew在j、l、r、s后[ju:] n ew f ew n ew spaperie/ei [i:] p ie ce f ie ld rec ei veoa [әu] c oa t J oa n b oa t g oa l oar/oor [ɔ:] r oar b oar d d oor fl oor oi/oy [ɔɪ] n oi se p oi nt b oy t oi letoo [u:] br oo m f oo d t oo th sch oo l [u]b oo k l oo kc oo k f oo tg oo dou/ow [ɑu] fl ow er h ou se c ou nt d ow n [әu] kn ow r ow thr ow th ou gh [Λ] y ou ng c ou ntry en ou gh [u:] gr ou p y ou s ou pour[ɔ:] c our se y our f our [ɑuә] our h our our s [з:] j our neyui[u:] j ui ce fr ui t s ui t 在j、l 、r、s后[ju: ɪ] fl ui d s ui cide t ui tion七、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音元音字组读音例词ai/ay 、ei/ey[ɪ] Sund ay for ei gn monk ey ow[әu] yell ow sparr ow tomorr owou、ui [ә]/ [ɪ]。

英语语音语调基本规则读音规则1.开音节:元音字母在重读开音节中 a 读 [ei], e 读 [i:],i(y) 读 [ai] ,o 读[2u] , u 读作 [ju:] 或 [u:] 。
如: name [neim] 、we [wi:] 。
2.闭音节:在重读闭音节中 a 读 [9],e 读 [e] ,i(y) 读 [i],o 读 [0] ,u 读作[3] 或 [u]。
如: bad [b9d] , hot [h0t] 。
3.r 音节:在重读音节中, ar 读[1:] ,or 读 [0:] ,ir、er 、ur 都读作 [2:] ,比方: park [pa:k] , shirt [6'2t]4.字母组合:ee 读 [i:],air 读 [/2],ck 读 [k] ,sh 读 [6]等。
如:need [ni:d] ,hair [h/2] ,black [bl9k] ,fish [fi6]单词重读1.双音节词一般是第一个音节重读,如 apple ['9pl].2.有 a,be ,de 等前缀的词经常是第二个音节重读,如begin [bi'gin]3.多音节词一般是倒数第三个音节重读,如university [.ju:ni'v2:siti]4.词尾有 ic , tion , sion 的词在词尾的前一个音节重读,如scientific[.sai2n'tifik] , decision [di'si72n] 。
基本语调1.降调,用于以下句型a.陈述句,如: I wish you happiness.b.特别问句,如: How are you?c.祈使句,如: Come in!d.惋惜句,如: What a hot day!2.升调,由于一般疑问句,如: Have you finished your homework?3.先升后降,由于选择问句,如: Are you a student or a teacher?4.先降后升,用于反意疑问句,如:He won't come home for lunch, will he?英语语音导论A1.学习语音的意义2.发音器官说明3.英语元音和辅音的特点:4.学习英语元音和辅音的方法:5.音素、音标、字母、读音规则:6.学习语音应该注意什么:A1. 学习语音的意义:语言第一是以声音来作为交流思想的工具。
英语读音规则 (含字母表、音标表、字母与字母组合发音规律记忆口诀等)

五、音节、音节的结构和类型、音节划分、音节重音和拼读: 音节就是英文单词字母或发音的排列单位,一个单位
算一节。连读起来轻重缓急,流利有节奏,便于听说阅读。 音节的结构、类型:口诀:完全结构头中尾音头音
中音尾,元音字母包含组合占中央,缺头少尾有开 闭音节,尾成音音节。 开音节闭音节:以元音或不发音的结尾的叫开音节, 以辅音结尾的是闭音节。 开音节词:以开音节结尾 闭音节词: 开始 沸腾,煮沸,激动 羊肉 音节:元音字母+构成的独立的音节,也 可以前后加辅音字母共同构成音节。
组合爱发长双元音重读音节;常受影响发音变;为了 顺口图方便,近似发音相变换。 另有强化加弱化,多个字母省略念。外来古语不规则发音 ,熟读百遍字腔圆。
① 字母的常见组合的发音规则:
非 组合式的情况:藻 类海藻海藻的 代数学信号 发信号用信号通知 八月 令人敬畏的威严的 泡菜
意思)。 定冠词 这个或那个书 小姐帽子 ()字母的两种读音口诀:音节开头发清音 音节末尾模糊音
贴标签 摇篮 眩目,晃眼,耀 眼 常见音节尾音总结:
()单个元音字母最普遍的发音: 元音字母的发音口诀:元音字母音多变, 熟记规则也不难。重开音节多长音长元音和双元音,一般是 字母本音),来 拼;重闭音节轻音短, ()单个元音字其它较常见的发音:
为什么要掌握字母和常见字母组合的一般发音规律?目 的只有一个,让我们能够做到见字读音、听音识 字、音义结合,并最终形成形、音、义结合。
a 第一步是见字(形)读音,听音判形,形音结合,为拼写 服务,帮助记住字形(以音记形)。

2、音标:是记录音素的符号,用于区别字母,因而需加“[ ]”或“/ /”。
1、字母或字母组合在重读音节或非重读音节中的读音 A,元音字母在单词中的读音元音读音说明例词字母name, make, plane, grade, cake, date, /ei/ 在重读开音节中 page, safe, face, gateany, many, anyone, anything /e/ 在ny前map, fat, sad, back, hand, catch, hat, 在重读闭音节中 bad, glad, black, thank, act awash, want, watch, what 在w或wh后past, flash, last, glass, pass, class, 在s, ss, st前 basketWater 在w后偶尔发Mary, parent ar分开发音another, along, asleep, away, among, 在非重读音节中 aroundvillage, comrade, palace 在非重读音节中元音读音说明例词字母me, be, we, he, she, these, Chinese 在重读开音节中get, rest, mend, next, left, then, help, 在重读闭音节/e/ wet, forget, dress, sell, spell 中Zero e er分开发音open, moment, September 在非重读音节中ticket, begin, behind, cinema, between 在非重读音节中time, drive, ride, knife, wife, smile, 在重读开音节/ai/ why, sky, dry, try, fly, spy, July 中hit, ill, lift, kill, twin, drink, pick, ship, 在重读闭音节wind, thin, ship, physics 中police, machine 在重读开音节i(y) 中April, holiday, beautiful 在非重读音节中office, instead, finish, city, family, 在非重读音节really 中go, ago, nose, hope, whole, alone, 在重读开音节hole, phone, smoke, joke 中clock, sock, shop, dog, cross, cock, 在重读闭音节obottle, knock, song, strong 中love, son, some, mother, other 在m, n, v, th前Womanmove, lose, who, whose 在某些重读开音节中one, oncetoday, tomorrow, together, second 在非重读音节中onto, into 在非重读音节中use, student, duty, excuse, music 在重读音节中but, cut, up, nut, duck, luck, lunch, 在重读闭音节sunny 中put, pull, push, full 在重读闭音节中 uJune, ruler 在重读开音节中busy, business 在个别单词中August 在非重读音节中B,辅音字母在单词中的读音辅音字母读音例词辅音字母读音例词 b /b/ Bus p /p/ map 一般不/s/ nice q 单独发 c 音/k/ Cup r /r/ red d /d/ Day /s/ yes f /f/ Fly /z/ pleases gate sure gorange usuallyh /h/ He t /t/ cat j jeep v /v/ livek /k/ Kite w /w/ wayl /l/ Late /ks/ nextxm /m/ My example/n/ nine y /j/ yearnuncle z /z/ zero重点辅音字母读音讲解:n在单词中的读音n在一般情况下发/n/。

标准英语国际音标(48个)及发音方法与规则一、权威英语国际音标英语48个国际音标表元音(20个)单元音(12个)长元音[i:][][][u:][a:]短元音[i][][][u][][e][]双元音(8个)[ai][ei][i][i][][u][][au]辅音(28个)10对(20个)清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz]鼻音(3个)[m][n][]似拼音(3个)[h][r][l]半元音(2个)[w][j]二、权威英语国际音标发音方法/i/--发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。

以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ŋ] [l]例外)。
2. 音节的划分①在重读音节和非重读音节的相邻处有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。
例如:长音pa-per,stu-dent,fa-ther,ze-ro,mo-tor,far-ther 短音sev-en,stud-y,moth-er,ver-y,mod-le ,weath-er3. 重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。
4. 开音节①绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节。
例如:name,these,bike,home,excuse5. 闭音节单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r、w、y 除外)且以辅音字母结尾的重读音节。
例如:bag,egg,fish,not,cup6. 双音节词重读规则①双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。
例如:stu-dent,Chi-na,sec-ond,au-tumn②含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。
例如:a-bout,be-fore,ex-cuse,re-pair,for-get-ful,in-ven-tor7. 多音节词重读规则多音节词通常在倒数第三个音节重读。

英语音标及发音方法1、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/i/传统式的国际音标读音符号该音是个前元音,是字母i或y在重读闭音中的读音。
3、/ /美式发音符号/e/英式发音符号/e/传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个前元音,是字母e或ea在单词中的发音。
4、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/ /传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个前元素,是字母a在重读闭音节中的发音。
/ /是短元音。
5、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/ /传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母组合ar的读音,也是字母a在ss,st,th等字母前面的读音。
/ /是长元音。
6、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/ /传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个短元音,是字母o在重读闭音节单词中的读音。
7、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/ /传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母o,or,al,oar,our或oor在单词中的发音。
发音时舌后部抬得比/ /即美式/ /美式/ /高,双唇收得更圆更小,并向前突出。
8、/ /美式读音符号/ /英式读音符号/u/传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元素,是英语字母u,oo或ou等在单词中的发音。

- diphthongs(/eə/、/ɪə/、/ʊə/、/əʊ/、/aɪ/、/aʊ/、/ɔɪ/)是两个元音音素组合在一起发音,需要注意两个元音的转折。
- 英语中的语音连音现象比较常见,如 "I am" 可以连读成 /aɪm/,"you are" 可以连读成 /jər/。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)48个国际音标发音规则一、元音发音规则Aa 开音节/eɪ/take gate face snake hate cameAa 闭音节/æ/bag cat had can fat matchEe /i:/he me she eveningIi /aɪ/bike like five nine nice side fineIi /ɪ/river pig sit big six this shipOo /əʊ/home no so go hope hold phoneOo /ɒ/not fox October box drop dogUu / ʌ/cup up unlike until run judgeUu /U:/ruler JuneUu /ʊ/put pull JulyUu / j U:/use useful usually二、Phonetics 语音1、英语字母在单词中的读音2、元音字母和字母组合的读音(1)单元音12个e /i:/ me metre be we he these mediumee /i:/see beef week street meet feetea /i:/ meat clean leaf each sea team meali /ɪ/ fish till city wish pick bit film visite /e/ pen spell desk less wet west left lettera /æ/ back bat bag bank bad hat pack handir / ɜ:/girl bird shirt bird shirt skirt third thirtyor / ɜ:/word work world worse workerur / ɜ:/turn Thursday turkeyer /ə/other clever worker speaker teachera 在n, sk, ss, st 前发grass giraffe dance ask lastar /ɑ:/hard smart park star arm faro / ʌ/come love some front money motherou / ʌ/country youngu / ʌ/summer ugly discuss sun run buck much funny must hurryal /ɔ:/ walk tall always ball allor /ɔ:/born north horse sport importantoor /ɔ:/door floor doorbellour /ɔ:/your flour fourtha /ɒ/ wallet wash what want watcho /ɒ/not fox lot stop top crop song stop doctoroo /U:/ zoo cool food pool room school moon noodle u /U:/ rule ruler Juneoo /ʊ/ cook look good foot tooku /ʊ/put full(2)双元音8个a /eɪ/ able table face name place lazy change ay /eɪ/play stay pay say May away todayi /aɪ/mine side nine like tiger inviteoi /ɔɪ/join voice coin toiletoy /ɔɪ/toy enjoy boyo /əʊ/ most home old post cold hold nose hope oa /əʊ/road boat coat soapou /aʊ/house found mouse out south about ow /aʊ/cow how down brown town showerea /ɪə/idea really theatreear /ɪə/near beard ear hear nearlyeer /ɪə/beer volunteerere /ɪə/hereair /eə/airport chair hair airare /eə/careful parent hare aquareear /eə/wear pear bearere /eə/there whereour /ʊə/tour tourist3、辅音字母和辅音组合的读音p /p/pen hope pants play pear park partyb /b/ball bag bat best blank book brush bus t / t/table ten tennis teeth tell taked /d/ dad date dinner desk day dear doesk / k/key kind kid king makeg /g/game green good girl get go greatf /f/ from family father find food four fruitv /v/very vegetable video violin five volleyball th /θ/thing thank think third three Thurday /ð/those this that they then theses /s/see sell sock son swim skirt six star z /z/zero zig zag zoosh /ʃ/shoe short shower show usuallych /tʃ/teacher chair French Chinese chessge /dʒ/ orange bridge cabbage porridgetr /tr/tree trip trumpetdr /dr/drink draw drawer driverts /ts/eats kites sitstes /ts/ writesds /dz/beds hands stands finds friendsdes /dz/tides ridesh / h/happy have her home hobby help hat r / r/red ruler ring really rock roomm /m/meet man math many meet month myn /n/name next new nice not night need ng /ŋ/playing during sitting standing kingn /ŋ/think thank drinkl / ǀ/last like lose lunch love learnw / w/west wet went weatherwh / w/ what who why where wheny / j/yes yellow year yourself you。
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International Phonetic Symbols英语英标和读音规则48个国际音标表元音12单元音长元音短元音[i:] [ɑ:] [ə:] [u:] [ɔ:][i] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [ə] [u] [ɔ]8个双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au] [əu] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]辅音28个清辅音[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [s] [ʃ] [tʃ] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] [v] [ð] [z] [ʒ] [dʒ] [dr] [dz]3个鼻音[m] [n] [ŋ]其它辅音[l] [r] [h] [w] [j]Let’s learn some rules of pronunciation![i:] & [i][i:]Please keep this keys. Peter reached the ceiling.We'll need that cup of tea. Do you feed these animals with meat? [i]His sister is ill. Give her a pill if she is sick.She filled my dish with fish Mr Smith put his fingers to his lips[e] & [æ][e] They are selling pens and pencils. East or west, home is best.Let him ment the desk. He slept in a red and yellow tent in the desert. [æ] Don’t st and under that ladder. The crab came out the sand.Handsome is handsome does. The black cat ran after the rat.[ə:] & [ə][ə:] First come, first served He started the journey early on Thursday The nurse said she hadn’t heard a word Her purse is made of fur[ə] He sent letter to his father The doctor says his mother will better Peter had his meal at eight o'clock They need younger brother[u:] & [u][u:] Her dress was beautiful blue. I’d like to ch oose the hot food.The teacher divided them into new groups The broom is too dirty.[u] The lorry is full of wood. He put some sugar and milk in the coffee.They both study in the bushes. I’m l ooking for a book about philosophy.[ɔ:] & [ɔ][ɔ:] Don’t w alk on the lawn. My daughter caught a cold.There is more room on the fourth floor. I put more salt into the water.[ɔ] There is a good coffee shop in this area. I got a lot of chocolates on my birthday.Tom got a lot of dots on his pocket, if he wants to wash off the dots, he will use a port of hot water.She lost my purse in which there were almost four hundred dollars.[ɑ:] & [ʌ][ɑ:] Half the class laughed loudly My aunt is a master of artsI started to work hard That’s a r ather smart car[ʌ] The flood that happened on Monday caused great damageThere is nothing to worry about My cou sin’s s on wears a pair of sunglassesYour mother asks you to buy some mutton[ei] The cake tastes strange.Please hole the handrail tightly.She is painting a train. I have an important date today[ai] My wife likes watching movies. The teacher repeated nine times.Could you file the documents? The child is eating rice.[ɔi] You should avoid being late. Hope you enjoy yourselves in the party.What's your choice? He is annoyed by the big noise.[au] My house is near here. This conclusion is doubtful.We found ourselves in front of a big hole? Knowledge is power.The crowded people shouted loudly. Mr. Brown built up fences around house.Cow, cow, proud in Brown. Come down to be milked for the hungry town.[əu] You know I know that you know. I know that you know that I know.She bought that coat in roan. I have thrown the broken bone.I went to the grocers to buy some potatoes before returning home.[iə] He is an experienced engineer I can see a theatre and a museum in this picture The deer has small ears She is sincere and serious[ɛə] We often share our toys with other children. He went upstairs.Her mother was scared by the color of her hair.[uə] Are you sure you can come tomorrow? The bull went to the town to buy a manual.He was curious about everything. The tourists are attracted by the rare scene.[p] & [b][p] A pair of apes appear. Pick up your colored pencils and draw a picture on the paper.Did you have a happy trip to France? Please pull the petrol in the proper place.[b]You can only borrow two books from the library at one time.Bring us a basket of beer bottles. Bark bought some bread and butter.Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.[t] & [d][t]To avoid being late, we took a taxi. Could you tell me the time? My watch is broken.Turn left at the white tower. Two tiny tigers take two taxies to town.[d]David does not dance now, but he did once. The sand in the desert is dirty and dry.I desperately need food. Dad has a lot of gold friends.[k] & [g][k] A cricket critic cricked his neck at a critical cricket match.The baker kept a cat to catch the rats. How many books can you count?She is cooking chicken soup in the kitchen.[g]Granny's gray goose goes last. If you go to Greece, get a good guide.There is a girl in green coat waiting at the gate. All the glitters is not gold.[s] & [z][s]The cellar is our storing place. Mrs smith tells us to send her a silk dress.Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See. Can you pass me the salt?[z]She has three brothers and five sisters. Please excuse those boys.He raised his eyes.Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy. Was he?[θ] & [ð][θ]Smith's thumb is thin. Both health and wealth are worth while things.I think deeply about truth, faith and death.She expressed a thousand thanks to the author because his book changed her life.[ð] My father and mother both like these cloths.They are checking whether the leather is smooth.I would rather stay at home than go to that party.Her brother looks younger than other boys of the same age.[ʃ] & [ʒ][ʃ]Shirley's shoes are shining. They pushed the sheep onto the ship.Surely she should show us the sea-shell she has collected.An English fisherman wishes to get full of fish for a cold dish.[ʒ] Beside work we ought to get enough leisure and pleasure.He usually measures his yard. That vision was an allusion.We should treasure the unusual moments.[f] & [v][f] He filled the fridge with fresh fruit and other food.I found a book about philosophy from the bookstore.Philip's home is far from the small French town.Final fantasy is a popular computer game.[v] V octory plays volleyball very well. I love every view of this village.There are several novels on the bookshelves. The truck is used to deliver vegetables.[tr] & [dr][tr]I tried the new trousers on. The trainer didn't trust my ability.He tries to be a successful trader. The trait of this tragedy is that tells a true story. [dr]The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into deep ditch.The drummer let me know that if you don't give up your dream will be realize one day.Jew bought a new dress for his wife. He did not drink a drop of wine.[tʃ] & [dʒ][tʃ]Her child drew a picture of the church. They chase each other in the street.Charles had chicken and French fries for lunch.I'd like to choose that cheap chair.[dʒ] George drew a giraffe on the paper. She went to Japan from June to July.I like drinking orange juice very much. There is a jar jam in the cupboard.[ts] & [dz][ts]There are three hats and five pants in the room.The cats are running after the rats. The rabbits are eating carrots.[dz]Several cards are lying on the two beds. My home has two cupboards in the kitchen.Words are not enough, what I need are deeds.[h] & [w][h]I heard the news from her husband. He hopes to have a happy holiday.My heart felt uncomfortable because of the heat in the small room.Henry hurt his feet with a huge hammer by accident.[w] My wife is washing cloths at home. Where there is a will, there is a way.Wendy asked a question about the Second World War in the history class.Do you know when the weather will get warmer.[r] & [l][r]The fruit trees grow in front of the library. He is preparing for a trip to Paris.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.- Did you write to Richard? - Yes, I told him not to worry about us.[l]Look before you leap. That's sleeping dog's lie.A little pill may well cure a great ill.[m] & [n] & [ŋ][m] Tom's home is near Mary's. A warm summer morning makes me merry.A monk's monkey mounted a monastery wall. I made many mistakes last month. [n]I ate nine bananas this evening. In fact he didn't mean to hurt you.Naughty boys are found of nasty noises. We need a nurse to take care of Nick. [ŋ] Let's sing an English song. I think the bank comes from England.The monkey drank the ink. My uncle was angry because someone hurt his finger.[j]The field beyond are yellow with corn. You can use the yolk to make cheese.He usually cleans his yard. Does this music amusing?。