




introductory sentence;ii。

body paragraph;iii.Concluding sentence具体讲:第一段introductory sentence只要写一句话,交待图形(如the line graph, pie chart等等),描述对象(如图表描述的是the number of tourists visiting England),地点(如the US, the UK等)以及时间(如between 1988 and 1997等等);另外要注意的就是第一段不能和图表上方已给的句子太过相似!否则,会失分的!第二部分一般写1~3段,这要视情况而定。


最后一段concluding sentence也只要写一句话,主要是总结图表的整个趋势。




原因很简单,这个report 的目的就是要让university lecturer了解某个事物的发展趋势,所以写出来的文章必须结构清晰、易懂,绝对不能太复杂,也不要把每个数据都描写出来,只要描写有代表性的,重要的数据即可.以下为雅思小作文的四个基本步骤第一步:改写题目通过同义词转换在短短的1分钟内就写好作文的第一段。

举例:The graph below shows the percentage of people unable to find work in three major countries from 1983 to 1992.题目中划线的单词都可以进行同义转换:graph—figure, show—illustrate, percentage-proportion, major-key, from…to…—between…and…,第二步:分析时态1. 图表小作文大部分时候使用过去时态,因为出现的数据一般都是以往的统计数据,过去的情形和现在的情形很有可能完全不一样,因此用过去时态比较恰当。






具体内容如下:1. 用times表达倍数:常见的结构为A+be+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B、A+be+倍数+形容词比较级+than+B、…times+as many(much)+名词+as…、…+by+…times。

举两个例子吧:例1:Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company.这句话中,用了形容词的比较级结构表达倍数。

例2:Compared with last year,our coal output has increased by three times.这句话中,用了介词by+…times的结构形式来表达倍数。

2. 用名词表达倍数:常见的结构为A+be+倍数+the+计量名词+of+B、the+计量名词+of+A+be+倍数+that+of+B。


举两个例子吧:The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one.这句话用的是第二种结构,that指代前面的The size,one指代前面的square。

3. 用一些基础词汇来表达倍数,比如说again、double、triple、fourfold等。


举个例子看一看吧:The new work procedure tripled the output.二、分数、百分数的表达除了倍数的表达,我们还经常需要表达事物的比例,常会用到分数、百分数的表达形式。

雅思写作Task 1数据的表达方法

雅思写作Task 1数据的表达方法

data在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time持续变化的data在不同情况下:增加:increase / raise / rise / go up ...减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall ...波动:fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave ...稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off ...最常用的两种表达法:动词+ 副词形式(Verb+Adverb form)形容词+ 名词形式(Adjective+Noun form)1. Verb+Adverb formThe number of XXX+increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuate...+insignificantly/significantly/slightly/suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/sharply /steeply/steadily/gradually/slowly...+from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间)2. Adjective+Noun formThere was a (very)sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slight +increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation (注意:上述很多词不可用于修饰fluctuation)+in the number of XXX from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间)描述稳定的data:The number of XXX remained steady/stable from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间)The number of XXX stayed the same from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间)There was little change / hardly any change / no change in the number of XXX from from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间)描述不同状态的dataNoun form:steady drop / sharp rise peak / dramatic fall / sharp dropVerbal form:(to) bottom out / (to) reach the bottom / (to) increase gradually / (to) reach a plateau / (to) remain steady描述the highest point以及the lowest point高点极值:The monthly profit / The figures / The situation ...+peaked in (月份/年) <准确时间点用at XXX> at XXX% / XXX(极点data) 或者reached a peak / a high point at XXX% / XXX(极点data)低点极值:XXX bottomed out / reached+rock / the bottom / a low point或者hit a trough此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下:并列:as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what's more, apart from ...举例:for example, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, in particular, particularly, especially事实:as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, as long as, so long as ...总校地址:苏州市干将西路305号荣利大厦4-6层热线电话:65226422园区校址:园区苏州大道西229号尼盛尚品汇3楼热线电话:65129512。




例如:The number of students has increased from 3,000 in 2000 to 4,500 in 2015.The amount of money spent on travelling has fluctuated within these ten years.当然同学们在使用中注意时态和对应数字的添加,保证信息和语言的精准性2.THERE BE结构There be句型是大家经常使用的基本句式,在小作文的趋势描述中,这也是很稳妥的一种表现形式,比如: There was a decrease in the energy consumption in 1998.There has been a fluctuation in the world population since2010.同样,在使用there be句型中,同学们要注意时态的选择和单词的名词拼写。


比如:An increase can be seen in the price of cellphone, which has been climbing from $5,000 to $5,600 within the five years.A growth in the tuition fees can be noticed, rising from $8,000 per person per year up to $10,000 per person per year.以上三个基本句式针对于小作文的数字图表描述非常重要,当然,主谓宾的句子和主系表的句子也可以在一定的情况下在这里使用,大家在这些基本句式的前提下,注意好句子中对应的时态选择和主语,并且多多添加数字单位,这样就可以把有效信息正确的呈现出来。



雅思图表作文数据描述例句表示上升和下降的说法:1.The proportion of the people who were divorced went up from2.5% in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991, rising further to 8% in 2001.(离婚在1991年人民的比例从2.5%去1981年到7.5%,在2001年进一步上升到8%。

)2.The crop yields worldwide in 1990 were 15% up on those of 1985. (1990年的全世界谷物收获量比1985年增长了15%)3. The number of shoppers during the Christmas period plunged by up to 23 per cent since then on. (1990年的全世界谷物收获量比1985年增长了15%)4. After five years of steady decline, the high-school drop-out rate started to rise. (在五年平稳的衰落以后,高中退学率开始上涨)5. Oil consumption grew steadily from 1980 to 2000, apart from in 1990, when there wasa drop of 5 per cent. (从1980年到2000年石油消耗平稳地增长,1990年除外,下降了5%.)6. House prices fell as much as 40% between 1980 and 1985, compared with the period 1986 to 1990, when prices roughly doubled.7. Arable land was being lost at the rate of over 38 thousand square miles per year throughout the 1980s.8. Exports topped $10 billion in 2006, with those to Asia Pacific in excess of $2 billion.9. The smoking rate in young girls was on the rise, similar to that among adult women.(青年女子的抽烟率在逐渐增长,类似于成年妇女).10. Motorcycle casualities were in decline, down from a total of 54,037 in 1995 to 38,090 in 2000.11. Gender equality would lead to 13.4 million fewer homeless children, a 13% reduction.12. Inflation is likely to moderate through the early months of 2007.13. The number of married couples showed a significant decline, accounting for 50.7% of the adult population, compared with 68% in 1971.14. The smaller gap between movie-goers and television viewers reflected a 5% drop in the number of people who g to the cinema and a 1.2% increase in those who enjoy watching TV at home. 常看电影的人和电视观众之间的更小的差距,反映在喜欢去电影院的人数下降了5%,而喜欢在家看电视的则增加了1.2%.表示占据的说法:15. V olunteers constitute nearly half of the work force of the health care sector. (志愿者构成几乎是卫生保健部门的劳动人口的一半)。



图表作文常用表达总结——10种趋势类1.上升,增加:go up, ascend, grow ,climb upincrease, rise, ( v / n)show an upward trend增加了increase by…增加到increase to…2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:(1).Jump, shoot up, surge, soar (不加修饰语)(2).go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise / climb up +sharply / rapidly / dramatically / drastically /steeply/ significantly/ substantially3. 小幅度上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +modestly / slightly / marginally /moderatelyexperience a slight growth in…4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise+ gradually / consistently / steadily / slowly / step by step 5.下降,减少:V / N :decrease, decline, fall, dropV. go down, descend, sinkshow a downward trend 表现出下降的趋势6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:(1). plummet / plunge (不加修饰语)骤然跌落, 暴跌,骤降(2).下降7个+大幅度7个(副词)7. 小幅度下降:下降7个+小幅度4个(副词)8. 平稳下降,逐渐下降:下降7个+平稳5个9.波动,(在…间)起伏不定:fluctuate v. fluctuation n.用法:fluctuate between …and …fluctuate over the period 2004-2006fluctuate over 4 years/ during the year名词用法:rise with some fluctuations10. 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:1). level off at, level out at +数字/百分比(平衡、稳定)2). hover at , stabilize at, reach a plateau at …(稳定时期,停滞时期)3)remain / stay/ keep + stable/steady/ unchanged +at…图表作文常用表达总结——4种数字类:1.倍数基础表达法:①A +is…times +as+ adj.原级+as +B②A +is…times+ adj.比较级+than +B③A +is…times+ the size/length/height/width/depth +of + B④The size/length/height/width/depth…+of+ A+ is…times o f +B⑤The +n.…+is …times+ what从句e.g.这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。



雅思小作文 T A S K 1 图表题规律注意事项:1 . Task1 是客观写作,要求客观真实。

2 . 客观性:不应该有任何图里没有而靠自己主观想象加入的成分。





3 . 类型Table 表格题Line Graph 线图Bar Chart 柱状图Pie Chart 饼状图Process Chart 流程图4 . 看图要注意单位,标题和图例。

5 . 对于多数小作文题,题中给出了几个图就对应的写出几个主体段。




6 . 时态和发生时间意义对应。



7 . 结构开头段(1~2句)改写原题主体段1 总体概括具体介绍数字主体段N 总体概括具体介绍数字结尾段(1~2句)介绍总数(若图里并没有明确的给出总数,则省略)结论(根据图里的数据得出有一定合理性的结论)8 . 开头段的改写题目中ShowProportion InformationThe number/amount of FamilyMalesFemaleInfluence改写成illustrate /compare percentagedatathe figure for householdmenwomenaffect/effectCategories kinds/typesSubway system Storeunderground railway/train system shop9 . 介绍数据或描述变化趋势的常用词。


雅思学术类TASK 1范例:
You should spend 20 minutes on this task. The line graph below shows the birth and death rates per thousand population. Write a report describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.
TASK 3柱型图题:
The bar chart below shows the number of overseas students enrolled in a second year Graphic Design course at an Australian college.
Write a report describing the information shown.
3 Write a fourth sentence about France. In France, for example, the number of (mobile phone) owners has increased sevenfold from one million in 1995 to seven million in 2000. 4 Write a fifth sentence about the UK. In 1995,the UK had the greatest number of owners at just under five million and this figure increased to 12 million to 2000.



雅思写作小作文线形图表题(附范文)雅思写作– LINE GRAPHWRITING TASK 1 (Test 2, Cambridge IELTS 7)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. This graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.范文The graph illustrates changes in the amount of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004.In 1979, beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around 150 grams), while much less fish was consumed (just over 50 grams).However, during this 25-year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams, so although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most stable.The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week.Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period.(173 words)WRITING TASK 1 (Test 4, Cambridge IELTS 8)范文The graph illustrates the quantities of goods transported in the United Kingdom by four different modes of transport between the time period of 1974 and 2002. Over this span of 28 years, the quantities of goods transported by road, water and pipeline have all increased while the quantity transported by rail has remained almost constant at about 40 million tonnes.The largest quantity of goods transported both in 1974 and 2002 was by road (70 million tonnes and 98 million tonnes respectively) while the lowest both in 1974 and 2002 was by pipeline (about 5 million tonnes and 22 million tonnes respectively). The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it showed an exponential growth, rising to almost 60 million tones after which it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.The amount of goods transported by rail is almost constant at 40 million tonnes in 1974 and 2002, with decreases in quantity in between the years. It is also interesting to note that almost all showed a decrease in 1994 in amount of goods transported except for the pipeline, which actually peaked in that year. In conclusion the road remains the most popular method of transporting goods in the UK while water and pipelines are becoming increasingly used. In contrast, rail has not become more popular as a method of transport.WRITING TASK 1 (Test 4, Cambridge IELTS 9)范文The graph shows energy consumption in the US from 1980 to 2012, and projected consumption to 2030.Petrol and oil are the dominant fuel sources throughout this period, with 35 quadrillion (35q) units used in 1980, rising to 42q in 2012. Despite some initial fluctuation, from 1995 there was a steady increase. This is expected to continue, reaching 47q in 2030.Consumption of energy derived from natural gas and coal is similar over the period. From 20q and 15q respectively in 1980, gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase, with the two fuels equal between 1985 and 1990. Consumption has fluctuated since 1990 but both now provide 24q. Coal is predicted to increase steadily to 31q in 2030, whereas after 2014, gas will remain stable at 25q.In 1980, energy from nuclear, hydro- and solar/wind power was equal at only 4q. Nuclear has risen by 3q, and solar/wind by 2. After slight increases, hydropower has fallen back to the 1980 figure. It is expected to maintain this level until 2030, while the others should rise slightly after 2025.Overall, the US will continue to rely on fossil fuels, with sustainable and nuclear energy sources remaining relatively insignificant.。









数量:表示具体的数量,比如two pounds of sugar表示两磅糖。

约数:表示一个大概的数量,比如about 100表示大约100。

倍数:表示一个数是另一个数的几倍,比如twice表示两倍,three times表示三倍。


大写数字:在正式写作中,数字通常使用大写形式表示,比如ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO表示152。




➢- The number of divorces increased from 1m in 1970 to almost 1.5m➢表示数值变化差,搭配 from/to )趋势动词+byThe proportion of married people decreased by 11% to about 59%.-趋势名词+ofThe proportion of married people underwent a decrease-➢表示在某一点)The number of marriages leveled off at 2.5 million during the first decade.-The minutes of local fixed line calls reached the peak at around 90 billion .-➢带一个或几个静止的数值)- In1979, beef was the mostpopular of these food, withabout225 grams per person per week.- The next two decades witnessed a steady fall to the initial level, 1m in 2000.which was- Three of these countries shared similar figures with 6.63% inTurkey, 6.51% Spain and 6.43% in Ireland.➢- Specifically, deforestation was the number one murder (9.8%) , followed by over -cultivation and over -grazing (7.7% and 5.5% respectively) .➢- There was anoverall slight increase inbothnuclear and solar/wind (up by 3q and 2q respectively) .- Both nuclear power and oil went up during the period, although the rise of oil was notas dramatic as thatof nuclear power (from15, 20 to126, 25 respectively) .与括号类似,都起到解释的作用。





把握数字中的分节号“,”对把握这种对应关系很有关心,每个“,”左面恰好是英语数字的一个数位名称thousand, million and billion,在汉语中分别是:千,百万和十亿。

请大家试读以下数字:13, 625, 004, 06932,006,080,005Answer: Thirteen billion, six hundred (and) twenty-five million, four thousand and sixty nine.Thirty two billion, six million, eighty thousand and five.1. teen与ty。







2. 分数half和quarter分别表示二分之一和四分之一。



(1/3 one third;5/8 five eighths)。




Overall, the PRC has the largest number of enrolled students (17) and Germany the smallest (5).Japan and Taiwan both have 12 students; Korea has 11. It is noticeable that Japan and Korea have similar profiles.
第三页,编辑于星期三:十八点 五分。
线型图:model answer
On the other hand, between 1900 and 1918 the death
rate stayed constant at 41 per thousand. In 1918, however, it rose sharply and reached the peak of 60 per thousand in 1920. From 1920 to 1930 the death rate fell. It reached the same point of 30 per thousand as the birth rate in 1930. There was a rapid increase in 1930 and also in 1940. Since 1945 it had fallen steadily and arrived at 10 per thousand in 1980. This is very similar to the case of the birth rate.
9 respectively ). For each nationality the males taking CAD



智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料五种雅思小作文数据表达法-智课教育出国考试A类雅思小作文题型可以划分为数据图表与非数据图表两大类,数据图表包括柱状图,表格图,线图,饼图,非数据图表主要包括流程图和地图。





第一种:sth. + verb+ 程度+数据+时间例:The price increased greatly to 100 from 1950 to 1960.第一种方法是比较简单而基础的数据表达,句中的increase可以灵活变换, 如decrease,rise, grow,ascend,greatly这样的程度副词也可以适当变换,如dramatically, rapidly 等。

第二种:sth.+ verb的名词短语形式(含程度)+数据+时间例:The price experienced a great increase to 100 from 1950 to 1960.句中的increase是一个名词,谓语动词则是experience。


第三种:There be + 变化的名词+数据+in+某方面+时间There be是常见的一种句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。


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图表作文常用表达总结——10种趋势类1.上升,增加:go up, ascend, grow ,climb upincrease, rise, ( v / n)show an upward trend增加了increase by…增加到increase to…2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:(1).Jump, shoot up, surge, soar (不加修饰语)(2).go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise / climb up +sharply / rapidly / dramatically / drastically /steeply/ significantly/ substantially3. 小幅度上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +modestly / slightly / marginally /moderatelyexperience a slight growth in…4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise+ gradually / consistently / steadily / slowly / step by step 5.下降,减少:V / N :decrease, decline, fall, dropV. go down, descend, sinkshow a downward trend 表现出下降的趋势6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:(1). plummet / plunge (不加修饰语)骤然跌落, 暴跌,骤降(2).下降7个+大幅度7个(副词)7. 小幅度下降:下降7个+小幅度4个(副词)8. 平稳下降,逐渐下降:下降7个+平稳5个9.波动,(在…间)起伏不定:fluctuate v. fluctuation n.用法:fluctuate between …and …fluctuate over the period 2004-2006fluctuate over 4 years/ during the year名词用法:rise with some fluctuations10. 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:1). level off at, level out at +数字/百分比(平衡、稳定)2). hover at , stabilize at, reach a plateau at …(稳定时期,停滞时期)3)remain / stay/ keep + stable/steady/ unchanged +at…图表作文常用表达总结——4种数字类:1.倍数基础表达法:①A +is…times +as+ adj.原级+as +B②A +is…times+ adj.比较级+than +B③A +is…times+ the size/length/height/width/depth +of + B④The size/length/height/width/depth…+of+ A+ is…times o f +B⑤The +n.…+is …times+ what从句e.g.这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。

•This table is 3 times as big as that one.•This table is 2 times bigger than that one.•This table is 3 times the size of that one.•The size of this table is 3 times of that one.今年的产量是2006年的3倍。

The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2006.2. 一半:half,50%adj. Half the apples are bad.n. Half of the apples are bad.adv. My work is not half done yet.3.大约,估计:about,around, roughly, in the rough,in the neighborhood of, approximately, thereabout,just over…, just under…, …or so, 例:around / roughly / approximately 20in the neighborhood of 2020 or so, 20 in the rough4.比例,百分比:percentage, proportion , ratio , share成比例 be in ratio不成比例 be out of ratio , be ill-proportioned 成正比 be in direct ratio成反比 be in reverse ratioThe ratio of A to B is X to Y.The ratio of pupils to teachers is 30 to 1.学生和老师的比率是30比1.图表作文常用表达总结——6种比较类1.大,达到最大值,达到最高点:reach the maximum / the largest part of…peak at…reach the peak at…reach the highest point at…2. 小,跌到最小值,达到最低点:reach the minimum / the smallest part of bottom out at …reach the bottom at…reach the lowest point at…3.多于…more than …, over…, above…,exceed, surpass, overtake, ---v.4.少于…less than…, fewer than…under…, below…, within…,5. 相同和相似:相同be identical / the same with …The same is true of ... …也有同样情况, 也适用于…In the same way, In like manner, be equal to…be a likeness, be a similarity, equally,大体相同,相似:more or less alike, roughly the same,show great resemblance,…be basically the same as…相同点: similarity n.6. 不同:be different = be of great differencebe different from …be contrary to …differ from …,vary from…不同,变化difference, variation, change n.句型e.g.:A, unlike / as opposed to / as distinct from B, has experienced some changes over this period.图表作文常用表达总结——其他10类常用表达:1. 达到多少数量:reach, hit,come to, stand at(表示最开始的数值是多少),arrive at, amount to,2. 占多少比例:occupy, represent, constitute,make up, take up, account for,3.由…组成,包括几部分:be made up of…, be composed of…,consist of …comprise…= be comprised of …4. 分别:respectively, separately, : 常放在句尾e.g.Female part-timers and housewives have 40 and 50 hours of leisure time, respectively.5.比较:类比:similarly, likewise,对比:unlike…, conversely,in / by contrast , on the contrary,in comparison,句型:A was on a sharp rise, while / whereas /whilst B remained steady all these years.6. 分类,分组:名词: classes, types, groups, divisions, sorts, aspects, parts, categories动词:…be classified into four groups…be divided into two categories…may be graded according to… / on the basis of…/ depending on…7.时期表达法:over / during the period of two decades / 24 hours / seven days,during this 25-year period,during this seven-month stage/ timefrom …to…between… and …8. 对方观点或对方数据:the data of another group,The corresponding data,The statistics of its counterpart,9. 剩余的…The rest of + 名词The remaining +名词The remainder (后不需要加名词)10.然后,以后,之后,在那以后,then, later, Next, and then, after that, thereafter, afterwards,from this point onwards,Over the following three-year period,在接下来的三年里。
