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卷I 第一部分听力部分


第一节:听对话,选图片,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1 . Where are they going?

2. Which is Mike's father's car?

3. How does Jimmy keep in touch with his friends?

4. Where does Li Lei usually get news from?

5. What did Xiaoming do last Sunday afternoon?



6. What are they going to do at the weekend?

A. They are going to see a movie.

B. They are going to have a picnic.

C. They are going to play table tennis.

7. How will they go?

A. By bus.

B. By car.

C. On foot.


8.What are Tony and Mary talking about?

A. A new business center.

B. A new sports center.

C. A news center.

9.What did Tony do last week?

A. He played table tennis and swam.

B.He played table tennis and basketball.

C. He played basketball and football.

10.When will Mary and Tony go there?

A. Next Friday.

B. Next Wednesday.

C. Next Saturday.


11.A. an old man B. a baby C. an old woman

12.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening

13.A. looking after and readingB. reading and talking C. looking after, reading and talking

14.A. 20 dollars B. 10 dollars C. 30 dollars

15.A. No. 5 Green Street B. No. 5 Brown Street C. No. 5 White Street




16.—Do you know Yao Ming's child was born?

—Yeah !It islovely baby girl.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

17.—What's your favourite?

—I like spring best. It's so beautiful.

A. animal

B. season

C. sport

D. food

18.一It's said that now strangers are not allowed to enter your school.

—That's true. It's a new rule inschool.

A. my

B. your

C. her

D. his

19.—Would you like to go to the cinemame tonight?

—Great !I'd love to.

A. by


C. with

D. for

20.—I like that camera. is it?

—It's 100 dollars.

A. How often

B. How many

C. How long

D. How much

21.—Science is toofor me. I always fail in the exams.

—Don't give up. You will be successful.

A. useful

B. interesting

C. easy

D. difficult

22.— you help me with the heavy box?

with pleasure.

A. Must

B. Should

C. Can

D. Need

23.—QQ Farm is a very interesting game,?

—Yes, it is. Many people like it.

A. is it

B. isn't it

C. does it

D. doesn't it

24.一Remember tothe lights when you leave the room.

—OK, I will..

A. turn up

B. turn on

C. turn down

D. turn off

25.—Tom, what did the girl say?

—She asked me .

A. how could she get to the bank

B. where was the hospital

C. where the post office was

D. how could she find a fruit store

26.—Where is Mr. Black? I can't find him.

—Oh,he , his car behind the house now.

A. washed

B. is washing

C. will wash

D. has washed

27. I'll always remember the pe oplehelped me wh en I was in trouble.

A. who

B. whose

C. which

D. where

28.—The T-shirt feels soft. —Yes. Itsilk.

A. is made of

B. is made in

C. is made by

D. is made for

29. —I lost my watch. That's a birthday present from my father.


A. That's great

B. What a pity

C. Well done

D. Just wait a minute

30.—Look! What is it about?

一It is aboutin London in 2012.

A. the World Cup

B. the Asian Games

C. the Olympic Games

D. the National Games




Mr. Green was unfriendly, Kids all knew not to go into his garden to pick an apple because he would come after them 31 with his gun(枪).

One day, 12-year-old Janet was walking out with her friend Amy. They had to 32 Mr. Green's house. 33 they got close, Janet saw him sitting 34 his front door. Like most, she was afraid of the old man. But Amy said, “Don't 35 . ”

When they got close enough Mr. Green took an unfriendly look 36 , but when he saw it was Amy ’he gave a big smile. Amy smiled back and 37 him that Janet was her best friend, and that they were going to listen to music and play games. Mr. Green said that 38 fun, and gave them each an apple.

Later, Janet asked Amy in 39 , “Why was he so nice to us?”

Amy replied, “At first I was 40 , too. But my grandma told me not to be afraid
