
第一部分2100个基础词汇Aa / an art. 一个;每一(个)about ad. 大【联想词】approximately 近似地,大约;some 大约;一些;roughly 大致,大约prep. 关于【联想词】concerning 关于above prep. 在……之上,高于ache v. 痛n. 疼痛across prep. 穿过;在对面ad. 横过,穿过AD n. (A.D.) 公元adult n. 成年人Africa n. 非洲African a. 非洲(人)的n. 非洲人after prep. 在……以后;在……后面conj. 在……后afternoon n.下午,午后again ad. 又,再(次)【联想词】repeatedly 重复地,再三地;again and again 再三地,反复地;time and again 反复地age n. 1. 年龄sixteen years of ~16 岁;at the ~ of 84;2. 时代information ~ 信息时代;a man of middle ~ 中年人;v. 变老,老化As we ~, our brains are contracting. 随着我们年龄增长,大脑在萎缩.ago ad. ……前(从现在算起)10 years ago 十年前aim v. 1. 以……为目标He ~s to be a lawyer. 他的目标是当一名律师. 2. 瞄准~ the gun at the enemy officer 用枪瞄准敌军官n.目标,目的~ in life 人生目标【联想词】objective 目标;客观的;goal 目的,目标;purpose 意图,目的air n. 空气,天空【合成词】air-conditioning n.空调; aircraft n.航空器,飞机; airline n. 航线;航空公司; airlines n. 航空公司;airport n. 机场,航空站all a. 所有的pron. 一切,全部ad. 完全,都almost ad. 几乎,差不多【联想词】nearly 几乎;practically几乎,简直;virtually 几乎,实质上along prep. 沿着along with与……一起already ad. 已,已经also ad. 也;而且although (= though) conj. 尽管,虽然always ad. 永远;总是,一直America n. 美洲;美国among prep. 在……(三者以上)之中,在……(三者以上)中间ancient a. 古代的,古老的and conj. 和,与anger n. (愤)怒,气愤v. 激怒【派生词】angry a. 1. 愤怒的,生气的I was ~ with him for keeping me waiting for a long time. 他让我等了那么长时间,我对他很生气。

Unit11.semiliterate:a.semi-educated;having only an elementary level of reading and writing ability半文盲的,有初等文化的semi-:half or partly2.dropout:n.a personwho leavesschool before finishing a course(尤指中学的)退学学生3.do-gooder:n.sb.who does things that they think will help other people,although the other people might not find their actions helpful一个总是试着帮助别人的人(通常是贬义);不实际的社会改革家(指幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者)4.impediment:n.obstacles,barriers妨碍,阻止,阻碍,阻挡5.trump card:anything decisiveheld in reservefor useat a critical time王牌6.charmer:n.a personwho hasgood qualities that make you like him/her讨人喜欢的人,有魅力的人,有迷惑力的人(尤指迷人的女人)7.get by:to be able to deal with a situation with difficulty,usually by having just enoughof sth.you need,suchas money过得去8.settledown:to becomequiet and calm(使)安静下来;平息9.flunk:v.to fail an exam or courseof study不及格posure:n.calmnessandcontrol平静;镇静;沉着11.parade:n.a seriesof peopleor things that appearone after the other12.at stake:to be won or lost;risked受到威胁,面临危险13.sail:v.to move quickly and effortlessly投入14.testimony:n.spokenor written statementthat sth.is true证词,证明15.conspiracy:n.act of joint planning of a crime阴谋,共谋16.doom:v.to makesb.or sth.certain to do or experiencesth.unpleasant注定17.follow through:to continue a stroke,motion,plan,or reasoningthrough to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底18.I flunked my secondyearexamsandwas lucky not to be thrown out of college.19.The managementdid not seemto consideroffice safetyto be a priority.20.Thousandsof lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.21.I think therewas a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.Unit21.propose:v.[to sb.]to aska personto marry one提亲;求婚2.knockoff:n.a copy or reproduction of a designetc.esp.one madeillegally假货;赝品3.Windex:v.to clean with a kind of detergentby the brand of Windex用Windex牌清洁剂清洗4.takethe plunge:to take a decisive first step,commit oneself irrevocably to a courseof action冒险尝试5.bridesmaid:n.a girl or unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding女傧相;伴娘6.maid of honor:a principal bridesmaid女傧相7.pastel:a.a pale andsubduedshadeor color轻淡柔和的色彩8.taffeta:n.a plain-weave glossysilk塔夫绸9.consignment:n.the action of entrusting goodsor saleor custody托运;托运的货物10.entourage:n.a group of people in attendance on or accompany someoneimportant随从;随行人员11.groomsman:n.a male friend officially attending the bridegroom at a wedding男傧相;伴郎12.courtship:n.the activity or period of courting a woman with a view to marriage 求爱期;追求期13.publicist:n.a personwho promotesor advertisessomething宣传人员;宣传代理人14.monomaniacal:a.characterizedby mental illness in which a personis dominatedby oneirrational setof ideas对某事狂热的;偏执狂的15.pharmacist:n.a personskilled or engagedin pharmacy;a personwho preparesordispenses medicine药剂师16.whine:v.to utter a subduedhigh-pitched prolonged cry of distressor complaint 哀诉;诉怨17.thwart:v.to run counter to,go against,oppose,hinder阻挠;阻止;对……构成阻力18.cathedral:n.any important,large and imposing church总教堂;大教堂19.quarantine:v.to isolate someoneor something that hasjust arrived from overseasor hasbeenexposedto infection对……进行检疫隔离20.petite:a.of small stature,chiefly of a woman or girl(女孩和妇女)娇小的21.brim:v.[with]to be or becomefull to the edge注满22.navigate:v.to direct,manage,steer给船舶、飞机等引航;导航23.eerily:adv.fearfully or gloomily引起神秘感或害怕地24.reminiscent:a.suggestiveor reminding(someone)提醒的;暗示的;像……的;使回忆起……的25.drab:a.dull or lifeless无生气的;乏味的;单调的26.relentlessly:adv.insistently and uncompromisingly不懈地;不屈不挠地;持续不断地27.dank:a.unpleasantlydamp and cold阴湿的;阴冷的28.tattered:a.torn or ragged破烂的;衣衫褴褛的29.prognosis:n.a prediction of the likely outcome of a disease预后(指医生对疾病结果的预测)30.trickle:v.to drip or run with tears滴;淌;细流31.decadent:a.declining or decaying(from a stateof excellenceor prosperity)堕落的;颓废的32.incision:n.a division madeby cutting,as onemadeduring surgery切开;切口33.bolster:v.to support and strengthen支持;鼓励(某人);改善;加强(某事物)34.chemo:n.the treatment of disease,esp.infection or cancer,by means ofchemicals化疗35.poach:v.to cook an egg without the shell in simmering,or over boiling,water水煮(荷包蛋)36.consummately:pletely,to the highestdegree完全地;至上地37.myriad:n.countlessnumber无数;极大数量38.protrude:v.to extendor stick out伸出;突出39.raspy:a.harsh刺耳的;焦躁的;易怒的40.matrimonial a.of or pertaining to marriage婚姻的41.We should be truly thankful to Mr.Deng Xiaoping for taking the plunge andinitiating the economic reform in China.42.What is the useof whining about your bad luck?It is more important to find thereal causeof your misfortune.43.The rising real estateprices thwarted his ambition of owning a houseof his ownin the big city.Disappointed,he returnedto his hometown.44.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the100best rivers and gives his expertadviceon how to navigate their reaches.Unit31.disingenuousness:n.slight dishonestyand lack of sincerity不老实2.withering a.(of a look or remark,etc.)scornful or contemptuous(神情、话语)尖刻的3.endorsev.to expressformal supportor approval赞同;认可;支持(意见、活动、某人等)4.sequentiala.following in order of time or place按次序的;相继的;构成连续镜头的;顺序的;序列的5.testimony n.written or spoken statementdeclaring that sth is true,esp one madeunderoath(法庭上证人的)证词6.nicotine n.poisonousoily substancefound in tobacco尼古丁;烟碱7.the better part of:the majority of;the biggest part of大部分;主要部分8.sophisticationn.quality of being sophisticated老练,复杂9.allure n.a mysterious,exciting,or desirablequality诱惑力;魅力10.extol v.(fml.)to praisehighly赞颂;赞扬;赞美11.clad a.dressed;clothed穿衣的12.pathology n.scientific study of diseases of the body病理(学)13.perverse a.deliberately or stubbornly turning away from what is reasonableorrequired错误的;荒谬的;反常的14.exoneratev.(sb.from sth.):to declaresb.free from blame使免罪;免除15.epidemiological a.connectedwith the study of the way diseasesspread,and howto control them流行病学的ndmark n.an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage里程碑,地标17.bronchogenica.deriving from the bronchial tubes产生于支气管的;影响支气管的18.surrogaten.(fml)personor thing that actsor is usedinsteadof another;substitute 替代;代理19.deride v.to treatsb./sth.asfunny andnot worthy of seriousattention取笑;嘲笑20.exhaustively adv.very thoroughly;completely用尽一切地rmal written businesscommunication(备忘的)记录22.disinformation n.false information,intendedto mislead故意的假情报23.obfuscatev.to make(sth.)confusedor difficult to understand使模糊;使混乱24.spike v.to fastenor furnish with spikes把尖状物钉入25.racketeering n.making money from illegal activities such as threatening peopleor selling worthless,immoral,or illegal goodsor services.敲诈勒索;诈骗26.gagglen.a group of people,especially thosethat are noisy or disorganized散乱的一群,缺乏组织的团体27.skeptic n.a personwho hasdoubtsaboutthings that other peoplebelieve怀疑者28.defraudv.to get sth.from sb.by deception;cheatsb.诈取;骗取29.pandemicn.a diseasethat affects many people over a very wide area(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病30.advocacyn.public support for a courseof action支持;拥护;鼓吹;(对某思想、行动方针、信念的)拥护;支持;提倡31.After the police released their report,John was exonerated from allresponsibility for the accident.32.In a speechat the Congress,the president extolled the virtues of free enterpriseandexpressed his distastefor the blatant hegemonyin IT industry.33.I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in supportand admiration of him and of the courageand fortitude that he and his family have displayed.34.The poor woman was defrauded of her money by a dishonestaccountant.Unit4favor and 1.blessing n.thing that one is glad of,thing that brings happiness;God’sprotection祝福;祷告2.curse n.causeof evil,harm,destruction,etc.诅咒;咒骂;祸端3.chitchat n.(infml.)chat;gossip闲谈;聊天4.detritus n.a weekly hard rock and heavy metal e-zine featuring news,reviews,rumors,special reports,andmore花边消息5.suck v.(slang)If someonesaysthat something sucks,they are indicating that theythink it is very bad;somepeoplefind this useoffensive.令人不愉快;令人讨厌6.con a.(slang)哄骗的7.harry v.to annoy(sb.)with repeatedrequests,questions,etc.harass掠夺;使…苦恼;侵掠8.snoopv.to searchor investigatein a persistentandsecretiveway窥伺;打听9.shrivel v.to(causesth.to)shrink and wrinkle from heat,cold or dryness枯萎;干枯;皱缩rge number(of questions,criticisms,etc.)delivered quickly,one afterthe other一连串的批评11.nanosecond n.毫微秒(时间单位)12.catalyst n.personor thing that causesa change催化剂;刺激因素13.mind-boggling a.(infml.)alarming;extraordinary or astonishing令人难以置信的14.cook up:(infml.)to invent sth.,esp.in order to deceive编造;伪构;谋划15.hasslev.to harass(sb.);to bother与…争辩;不断骚扰16.irreconcilable a.that cannotbe reconciled不能和解的;不能协调的;矛盾的17.salvagev.to save,rescue海上救助;打捞;抢救18.far-flung a.spreadover a wide area;distributed widely辽阔的;漫长的;遥远的19.visceral a.(fig.,fml.)(of feelings,etc.)not rational;instinctive(感情等)非理性的;直觉的20.peck v.to strike sth.with the beak啄;啄食21.lust n.strong sexualdesire;intensedesirefor sth.贪欲;欲望;色欲22.hierarchy n.system with gradesof authority or status from lowest to the highest 等级制度;层级;统治集团23.buffer n.country or area between two powerful states,lessening the risk of warbetweenthem缓冲;缓冲区24.purveyor n.personor firm that supplies goodsor services供应商25.spewv.to vomit;to sendout in a stream喷出;涌出;呕吐;吐出26.vile a.extremely disgusting;despicableon moral grounds恶劣的;简陋的;低廉的psen.a temporary lack of sth.such asconcentration or judgment暂时失去某物(如注意力、判断力等)28.gentility n.genteelmannersand behavior有教养;文雅;出身高贵29.lowercasea.Lowercase letters are small letters,not capital letters.用小写字母排印等的30.run amok:to rush about in a wild and angry frenzy横行;胡作非为;乱冲乱杀31.cobbletogether:to put sth.togetheror makesth.hastily or clumsily拙劣地修补32.snippy a.(infml)尖刻的;言语唐突的33.archive n.(pl)historical documentsor records档案;档案馆34.curator n.personin chargeof a museum,an art gallery,etc.博物馆长35.bemoanv.to show sorrow for or complain about(sb./sth.)悲叹;为…惋惜;认为遗憾36.muster v.to gain sth.by collecting it from other people or by drawing it fromwithin oneself;summon sth.up集合;收集;鼓起;激起37.multitude n.extremely large numberof peopleor things多数;群众38.spurn.thing that urgesa personon to greateractivity;incentive刺激;鞭策39.It is certainly undemocratic,and many peopleare beginning to feel that it borderson the unconstitutional.sheremarks,“yet it is just the desire to explain 40.“No t heory explains everything,”everything which is the spur of theory.”41.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse upon anyone whoenteredthe pyramid.42.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy songcookedup as a commercial gimmick.Unit51.innovation n.the processof making improvements by introducing sth.new;theactof introducing sth.new;sth.newly introduced创新的过程新方法,新技术:新介绍的东西2.define v.to show clearly the edgeof sth.清楚地显示出轮廓3.quantifiable a.can be quantified,measuredcapableof being quantified可以计量的4.rocket v.to move extremely quickly非常快速地运动5.conundrum n.a problem that is difficult to deal with难以解决的问题6.craft v.to make(sth.)skillfully,esp.by hand精工制作(某物)(尤指用手工)7.flummox v.to bewilder,confuseor disconcert(sb.)使(某人)迷惑、糊涂或仓皇失措8.malaise n.a generalfeeling of bad health or lack of energy,or an uncomfortablefeeling that something is wrong(esp.with society)and a lack of ability to changethe situation微恙;不适,莫名的不安9.stagnation n.(fig.)stateof showing no activity停滞10.yearning n.strong desire,tender longing强烈的愿望,渴望11.incentive n.thing that encouragessb.to do sth.;stimulus激励某人做某事的事物,刺激,奖励12.provocative a.tending or intended to arouseanger,annoyance,controversy,etc.激起愤怒、恼恨、争论等的;挑衅的;煽动性的13.perpetual a.continuing indefinitely;permanent永久的14.ingenuity n.clevernessand originality in solving problems聪明,原创性地解决问题15.put a finger on sth.to know the reason for sth.,esp.sth.that is a problem;identify precisely or point out(an error,the causeof a problem,etc.)知道某事的理由(特别是问题),精确地发现或指出问题所在16.lend oneself to:to allow oneself to be associatedwith sth.;adapt oneself or setoneselfup to betreatedin a specialway同意参与;适合于17.raison d’etre(French)a basic,essentialpurpose;a reasonto exist,reasonfor orexistence存在的目的或理由justification of sb.’s/sth.’s18.green innovation:innovation which helps to protect the environment保护环境的创新19.I think you’ve just put your finger on the biggest problem facing theConservativeparty in this election.20.Flummoxing by the surreality of history and the mind-boggling changesunleashedin the60s,many writers in that era became minimalists,withdrawing,turtlelike,inside their own homesand heads.21.According to a survey of college graduatesrecently releasedby the government’sCouncil of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average starting monthly salary for collegegraduatesin2006decreased,which revealsstagnation in economy.22.Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have theyearning for formal school education.Unit61.reiterate:v.to say or do again or repeatedly再次或反覆说或做(某事物)2.benign:a.tending to exert a beneficial influence;favorable易于产生有益影响的,有利的3.transcend:v.to passbeyond the limits of:超出……的限度4.unprecedented:a.neverhaving happenedor existedin thepast无先例的,空前的5.resilience:n.the ability to recover quickly from illness,change,or misfortune迅速从变化中恢复过来的能力6.disruptive:a.causing trouble and therefore stopping sth.from continuing as usual 破裂的,分裂的7.skyrocket:v.to rise or causeto rise rapidly and suddenly迅速和突然地升高或使升高xity:n.thestateor quality of being lax松弛的状态或性质9.fiscal:a.of or relating to finance or finances财政的或与财政有关的10.incur:v.to experience something,usually sth.unpleasant,as a result of actionsyou have taken遭受;蒙受;招致;引起11.intensification:n.action that makessth.strongeror more extreme激烈化12.array:v.to arrangea group of things in a particular way为展示或使用而部署13.folly:n.stupidity,or a stupid action,idea,etc.愚行,荒唐事14.adversity:n.a difficult or unlucky situation or event逆境,困难或苦恼的状态,不幸15.rigor:n.sth.that is hardto endure艰难的或难堪的情形,困境16.dissipate:v.to(causeto)gradually disappearor waste使消散,驱散,弱到或几乎弱到消失的程度17.embody:v.to representa quality or an ideaexactly体现,代表18.covenant:n.a binding agreement;a compact盟约,契约,有约束力的协议19.bypass:v.to ignore a rule or official authority为图省事而不顾规则20.conflagration:n.alarge and violent event,such asa war,involving a lot of people 大型暴力事件,如战争21.subdue:v.to reduce the force of sth.,or to prevent something from existing ordeveloping抑制,克制;使变得缓和,降低22.revealing:a.showing or making known透露内情的,允许一瞥了知的23.vilify:v.to say or write unpleasantthings about sb.or sth.,in order to causeotherpeopleto have abad opinion of them污蔑,诋毁,中伤(某人)24.whenit comesto:when the topic is picked up25.more frequently than not:it occurs quite often that,alsomore often than not26.In the following week,the question reiterated itself in his mind,but he wasincapableof answering it.27.We were very rapidly using up a certain kind of irreplaceable asset,namely thetolerancemarginswhich our benign naturealways provides.28.We apologize for the sluggishness of TypePad-poweredsites this morning,andcausingit.we’re working to resolvethe hardwareproblem that’s29.The conceptthat peopleareborn equalis embodiedin theAmerican Constitution.Unit71.cult:n.sb.or sth.that has become very popular with a particular group of people 在特定人群中变得流行的人或事物2.tenure:n.the right to remain permanently in a job永久地保有其职位的权利3.stardom:n.fame名望,名气4.waffle:v.to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clearanswers胡乱地说或写5.–mongering(suffix,mainly disapproving)encouraging a particular activity,especiallyone which causestrouble(前缀,多贬义)促进某种行为的(尤其是会导致麻烦的行为6.arguably:adv.possibly可能地7.blockbuster:n.(infml.)a book or film that is very successful,especially becauseofits exciting contents成功的书或电影(尤其是因为内容精彩)8.paste:v.to move a pieceof text to a particular place in a computer document(电脑)粘贴9.mollify:v.(fml.)to make sb.feel lessangry and upsetabout sth.使(某人)息怒;使平静;抚慰10.dire:a.very seriousor extreme很严重11.overseer:n.a person whose job is to make certain that employeesare working orthat anactivity is being donecorrectly监督或指导他人工作的人12.hurl:v.to utter vehemently感情激烈地说出13.savage:v.to criticize sb.severely激烈抨击14.flatulence:n.self-importance;pomposity自大;自负15.squabble:n.petty or noisy quarrel吵闹和争执16.exalted:a.having a very high rank andhighly respected崇高的,高贵的17.till:v.to prepareland for growing crops[=cultivate]耕种18.pontificate:v.to speak or write and give your opinion about sth.as if you kneweverything about it and asif only your opinion was correct武断地或自封为权威地谈论某事物19.ghost-writer:n.sb.who is paid to write a book or story for another person,whothensaysit is their own work影子写手;捉刀人personal 20.memoir:n.(pl.)a book or other piece of writing based on the writer’sknowledge of famous people,placesor events(个人生活与经历的)回忆录;自传21.hustle:v.to do sth.with a lot of energyand determination努力地做某事22.moonlight:v.(infml.)to have a secondjob in addition to your main job从事第二职业:作为某人全职工作的额外工作去做另一份工作23.short-change:v.to treat sb.unfairly by not giving them what they deserveor hopedfor未给以公正的报答或酬劳24.ostentatious:a.too obviously showing your money,possessionsor power,in anattempt to make other people notice and admire you为了让别人注意或羡慕自己,故意显示自己的钱,所有物或力量25.ludicrous:a.stupid or unreasonableand deservingto be laughed at;ridiculous可笑的;荒唐的;愚蠢的26.vista:n.an awarenessof a range of time,events,or subjects;a broad mental view 回顾或展望的一连串情景、事情等27.populist:n.relating to or presenting ordinary people,rather than rich orhighly-educatedpeople平民主义者28.trash:v.(infml.)to criticize sth.or sb.severely搞垮,贬低29.besettingsin:n.aparticularly badfeature or habit(often usedhumorously)恶习proposalsas well as Liberal’s.30.The professor trashesConservative’s31.Politicians are always pontificating abouteducation.32.He was askedto bethe overseerof the project.33.He hurled a chair acrossthe set,smashingthe lamps and vases.Unit81.bound: a.going or ready to go towards somewhere前往或准备前往一个特定方向的2.tribute:n.an act,statementor gift that is intended to show gratitude,respectoradmiration表示敬意或称赞的行动、言语或礼物3.chivalry:n.the medieval knightly systemwith its religious expectationof an idealknight,esp.courage,honor,courtesy,justice,and a readinessto help the weak骑士制度(中世纪的);骑士精神(如勇气、荣誉感、谦恭及扶助弱小等)4.reverent a.feeling or showing deepand solemn respect虔敬的;恭敬的5.rally v.(of troops)to come together again in order to continue fighting after adefeator dispersion召集,集合6.forlorn a.(of an aim or endeavor)unlikely to succeedor be fulfilled;hopeless 无望的,几乎没有希望的;绝望的7.custodian n.personwho hasresponsibility for or looks after sth.掌管某事物的人opinions,decisions,etc.不屈8.unbending a.unable or unwilling to changeone’s服的,坚定的9.spur n.a thing that prompts or encouragessomeone;an incentive刺激,鞭策10.eulogy n.(a speechor piece of writing containing)high praise,usu.for apersonor their qualities称颂,赞美11.relentless a.continuously severeor cruel冷酷的,狠心的12.torrential a.causedby or like a violently rushing stream由急流引起的,似急流的13.desolation n.a stateof complete emptinessor destruction废墟:处于荒芜的状态14.indomitable a.too strong and brave to bediscouraged不可屈服的;不可战胜的15.haze n.a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere,typically causedby finesuspended particles烟雾(造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽)16.gaunt a.(of a person)lean and haggard,especially because of suffering,hunger,or age(指人)(因饥饿或疾病)憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的17.ghastly a.causinggreathorror or fear;extremely unwell可怕的;恐怖的18.perpetuate v.to makecontinue indefinitely使无限期地延续下去19.promulgate v.to promote or makewidely known宣扬(某事物)20.serene a.calm,peaceful,and untroubled;tranquil安详的,不受干扰所影响的;平静和安定的21.gladiator n.(in ancient Rome)an armedman who fought againstmen or wildanimalsin a public place asa form of entertainment格斗者,角斗士22.guidepost n.a sign giving information such asthe direction and distanceto anearbytown,typically found at a road junction路标23.beacon n.a tall object or a light on or near the shore,acting as guide orwarning to sailors灯塔;灯标24.monger n.a person who promotes a specified activity,situation or feeling,especially one that is undesirable or discreditable经营某一特定商品的商人,促成某一令人不快或不光彩的事发展的人25.ominous a.giving a warning of sth.bad that is going to happen预兆的或成为预兆的(特别是坏的预兆的)26.tint n.a paleor delicateshadeof a color;slight degreeof a color色调27.We must give tribute to all thosewho helpedmake this a free country.28.The new residential blocks were skillfully integrated with the rest of the Collegeto form a pleasing,self-containedwhole.encouragementwas the spur he neededto succeed.29.His wife’s。

研究生学术综合英语帝单元单词1, sector ['sekt?]n. 部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺vt. 把…分成扇形2, breed [bri:d]vi. 繁殖;饲养;产生vt. 繁殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起n. 品种;种类,类型3, fragile ['fr?d?ail]adj. 脆的;易碎的4, byproduct ['bai,pr?d?kt]n. 副产品5, misappropriation ['mis?'pr?upri'ei??n] n. 侵吞;滥用6, kickback ['k ikb?k]n. 回扣,佣金;强烈反应;退回赃物7, legitimacy [li'd?itim?si]n. 合法;合理;正统8, content ['k?ntent]n. 内容,目录;满足;容量adj. 满意的vt. 使满足9, systemic [si'stemik, -'sti:-]adj. 系统的;全身的;体系的10, cynicism ['sini,siz?m]n. 玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗;犬儒主义;冷嘲热讽11, enact [i'n?kt]vt. 颁布;制定法律;扮演12, prohibitingv. 禁止(prohibit的ing形式)13, bribery ['braib?ri]n. [法] 贿赂;受贿;行贿14, extortion [ik'st?:??n]n. 勒索;敲诈;强夺;被勒索的财物15, promulgate ['pr?m?lɡeit, pr?u'm?l-]vt. 公布;传播;发表16, cooperation [k?u,?p?'rei??n]n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力17, corporation [,k?:p?'rei??n]n. 公司;法人(团体);社团;大腹便便;市政当局18, implement ['implim?nt, 'impliment]vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效n. 工具,器具;手段19, advocacy ['?dv?k?si]n. 主张;拥护;辩护20, underlying [,?nd?'laii?]adj. 潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的v. 放在…的下面;为…的基础;优先于(underlie的ing形式)21, rhetoric ['ret?rik]n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻adj. 花言巧语的22, recognition [,rek?g'ni??n]n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认23, demonstrably ['dem?nstr?bli]adv. 可论证地;明确地24, deleterious [,deli'ti?ri?s]adj. 有毒的,有害的25, consequence ['k?nsi,kw?ns]n. 结果;重要性;推论26, pundit ['p?ndit]n. 博学者;梵文学者27, efficient [i'fi??nt]adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的28, corrective [k?'rektiv]adj. 矫正的;惩治的n. 矫正物;改善法29, inevitable [in'evit?bl]adj. 必然的,不可避免的30, intractable [in'tr?kt?bl]adj. 棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的31, distort [dis't?:t]vt. 扭曲;使失真;曲解vi. 扭曲;变形32, undermine [,?nd?'main]vt. 破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基33, rule [ru:l]vi. 统治;管辖;裁定n. 统治;规则vt. 统治;规定;管理;裁决;支配34, corrode [k?'r?ud]vt. 侵蚀;损害vi. 受腐蚀;起腐蚀作用35, integrity [in'teɡr?ti]n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正36, barrier ['b?ri?]n. 障碍物,屏障;界线vt. 把…关入栅栏37, kleptocracy [klep't?kr?si]n. 盗贼统治38, quantify ['kw?ntifai]vt. 量化;为…定量;确定数量vi. 量化;定量39, estimate ['estimeit]vi. 估计,估价n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价40, trillion ['trilj?n]n. [数] 万亿adj. 万亿的num. [数] 万亿41, bribes赃物42, bribe [braib]vt. 贿赂,收买vi. 行贿n. 贿赂43, embezzlement [im'bezlm?nt] n. 侵占;挪用;盗用44, annually ['?nju?li]adv. 每年;一年一次45, committee [k?'miti]n. 委员会46, scheme [ski:m]n. 计划;组合;体制;诡计vi. 搞阴谋;拟订计划vt. 计划;策划47, drumbeat ['dr?mbi:t]n. 鼓声;打鼓声48, scandal ['sk?nd?l]n. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤49, credibility [,kredi'bil?ti]n. 可信性;确实性50, momentum [m?u'ment?m]n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力51, critical ['kritik?l]adj. 鉴定的;[核] 临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的52, broad [br?:d]adj. 宽的,辽阔的;显著的;大概的n. 宽阔部分adv. 宽阔地53, lengthy ['le?θi]adj. 漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的54, discretionary [dis'kre??n?ri]adj. 任意的;自由决定的55, authority [?:'θ?r?ti]n. 权威;权力;当局56, petty ['peti]adj. 琐碎的;小气的;小规模的57, dynamic [dai'n?mik]adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的n. 动态;动力58, fundfund: 基金 | 资金 | 现款59, host [h?ust]n. [计] 主机;主人;主持人;许多vt. 主持;当主人招待vi. 群集;做主人60, tackle ['t?kl]n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒vt. 处理;抓住;固定;与…交涉vi. 扭倒;拦截抢球61, priority [prai'?r?ti]n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事62, pursue [p?'sju:, -'su:]vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠vi. 追赶;继续进行63, misconduct [,mis'k?nd?kt, ,misk?n'd?kt] n. 不端行为;处理不当vt. 处理不当;行为不检64, investigate [in'vestiɡeit]v. 调查;研究65, prosecute ['pr?sikju:t]vt. 检举;贯彻;从事;依法进行vi. 起诉;告发;作检察官66, legislation [,led?is'lei??n]n. 立法;法律67, administrative [?d'ministr?tiv]adj. 管理的,行政的68, regulation [,reɡju'lei??n]n. 管理;规则;校准adj. 规定的;平常的69, choke [t??uk]vt. 呛;使窒息;阻塞;抑制;扑灭vi. 窒息;阻塞;说不出话来n. 窒息;噎;[动力] 阻气门70, practice ['pr?ktis]n. 实践;练习;惯例vi. 练习;实习;实行vt. 练习;实习;实行71, ombudsmen ['?mbudzm?n, ?m'budzm?n]n. 监察员;民政专员72, whistleblower告发者;检举者73, transparent [tr?ns'p?r?nt, -'pε?-, tr?nz-, trɑ:n-] adj. 透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的74, procurement [pr?u'kju?m?nt]n. 采购;获得,取得75, accounting [?'kaunti?]n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述76, auditing ['?:diti?]n. 审计;[审计] 查帐v. 审计;查账(audit的现在分词)77, requirement [ri'kwai?m?nt]n. 要求;必要条件;必需品78, entity ['ent?ti]n. 实体;存在;本质79, reform [ri'f?:m]n. 改革,改良;改正vt. 改革,革新;重新组成vi. 重组;改过adj. 改革的;改革教会的80, institution [,insti'tju:??n]n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗81, institutional [,insti'tju:??n?l]adj. 制度的;制度上的;学会的82, design [di'zain]vt. 设计;计划;构思n. 设计;图案vi. 设计83, compliance [k?m'plai?ns]n. 顺从,服从;承诺84, beneficiary [,beni'fi??ri]n. [金融] 受益人,受惠者;封臣adj. 拥有封地的;受圣俸的85, inimical [i'nimik?l]adj. 敌意的;有害的86, repugnant [ri'p?ɡn?nt]adj. 讨厌的;矛盾的;敌对的87, accountable [?'kaunt?bl]adj. 有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的88, durable ['dju?r?bl]adj. 耐用的,持久的n. 耐用品89, dimension [di'men??n, dai-]n. [数] 维;尺寸;次元;容积vt. 标出尺寸adj. 规格的90, norm [n?:m]n. 规范,基准;定额,分配之工作量91, financial [fai'n?n??l] adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的92, discipline ['disiplin]n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚vt. 训练,训导;惩戒93, operational [,?p?'rei??n?l] adj. 操作的;运作的94, perspective [p?'spektiv]n. 观点;远景;透视图adj. 透视的95, oppose [?'p?uz]vt. 反对;对抗,抗争vi. 反对96, conditioning [k?n'di??ni?]n. 调节;条件作用;整修v. 以…为条件(condition的ing形式)97, loan [l?un]n. 贷款;借款vi. 借出vt. 借;借给98, grant [ɡrɑ:nt, ɡr?nt]vt. 授予;允许;承认vi. 同意n. 拨款;[法] 授予物99, commitment [k?'mitm?nt]n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身100, ultimately ['?ltim?tli] adv. 最后;根本;基本上101, morally ['m?r?li, 'm?:-] adv. 道德上;有道德地;确实地102, welfare ['welfε?]n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁adj. 福利的;接受社会救济的103, estrange [i'streind?]vt. 使疏远;离间104, plague [pleiɡ]n. 瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人vt. 折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸105, starvation [stɑ:'vei??n]n. 饿死;挨饿;绝食106, assumption [?'s?mp??n]n. 假定;设想;担任;采取107, influential [,influ'en??l]adj. 有影响的;有势力的108, dramatic [dr?'m?tik,-k?l]adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的;激动人心的109, infant ['inf?nt]n. 婴儿;幼儿;未成年人adj. 婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的;未成年的110, mortality [m?:'t?l?ti]n. 死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运111, replacement [ri'pleism?nt]n. 更换;复位;代替者;补充兵员112, outnumber [,aut'n?mb?]vt. 数目超过;比…多113, sponsor ['sp?ns?]n. 赞助者;主办者;保证人vt. 赞助;发起114, procreate ['pr?ukrieit]vi. 生育(子女);产生vt. 生殖115, incentive [in'sentiv]n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的116, explicitly [ik'splisitli]adv. 明确地;明白地117, pronatalist [pr?u'neit?list]adj. 鼓励提高人口出生率的;多生育主义者的n. 主张提高人口出生率的人;多生育主义者118, otherwise ['?e?waiz]adv. 否则;另外;在其他方面adj. 另外的;其他方面的119, imperial [im'pi?ri?l]adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的;威严的n. 纸张尺寸;特等品120, parenthood ['pε?r?nt,hud]n. 亲子关系;父母身分121, dictator [dik'teit?, 'dikteit?] n. 独裁者;命令者122, multiply ['m?ltiplai]vt. 乘;使增加;使繁殖;使相乘vi. 乘;繁殖;增加adv. 多样地;复合地adj. 多层的;多样的123, fertility [f?'tiliti]n. 多产;肥沃;[农经] 生产力;丰饶124, recur [ri'k?:]vi. 复发;重现;采用;再来;循环;递归125, tendency ['tend?nsi]n. 倾向,趋势;癖好126, civilization [,sivilai'zei??n, -li'z-] n. 文明;文化127, reproduction [,ri:pr?'d?k??n]n. 繁殖,生殖;复制;复制品128, primordial [prai'm?:dj?l]adj. 原始的;根本的;原生的129, coerce [k?u'?:s]vt. 强制,迫使130, genital ['d?enitl]adj. 生殖的;生殖器的n. 生殖器;外阴部131, mutilation [,mju:ti'lei??n]n. 毁损;残缺;切断132, abortion [?'b?:??n]n. 流产,小产;流产的胎儿133, infanticide [in'f?ntisaid]n. 杀婴,杀婴者;杀婴犯;杀婴罪134, econabbr. 经济(economic );经济模式(economics )135,military ['milit?ri]adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的n. 军队;军人136, conquest ['k??kwest]n. 征服,战胜;战利品137, granary ['ɡr?n?ri]n. 谷仓,粮仓;盛产粮食的地区138, raid [reid]n. 袭击;突袭;搜捕;抢劫vi. 对…进行突然袭击vt. 袭击,突袭139, rape [reip]n. 强奸,掠夺;[园艺] 油菜;葡萄渣vt. 强奸;掠夺,抢夺vi. 犯强奸罪140, domestication [d?u,mestikei??n]n. 驯养;教化141, surplus ['s?:pl?s, -pl?s]n. 剩余;[贸易] 顺差;盈余;过剩adj. 剩余的;过剩的142, pyramid ['pir?mid]n. 金字塔;角锥体vi. 渐增;上涨;成金字塔状vt. 使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状143, fateful ['feitful]adj. 重大的;决定性的;宿命的144, abundance [?'b?nd?ns]n. 充裕,丰富145, demographic [,dem?'ɡr?fik,-k?l]adj. 人口统计学的;人口学的n. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁vt. 威胁;恐吓147, tribe [traib]n. 部落;族;宗族;一伙148, warrior ['w?ri?, 'w?:-]n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人149, fierce [fi?s]adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的150, valiant ['v?lj?nt]adj. 英勇的,勇敢的n. 勇士;勇敢的人151, prevail [pri'veil, pri:-]vi. 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜152, pouring ['p?:ri?]v. 倾泻;倾诉(pour的ing形式)n. [冶] 浇注;传布153, loot [lu:t]n. 战利品;抢劫;掠夺品vt. 抢劫,洗劫;强夺vi. 洗劫,掠夺;抢劫154, colony ['k?l?ni]n. 殖民地;移民队155, dreary ['dri?ri]adj. 沉闷的,枯燥的156, chore [t??:]n. 家庭杂务;日常的零星事务;讨厌的或累人的工作157, dearth [d?:θ]n. 缺乏;饥馑;粮食不足adj. 一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的n. 一般;将军,上将;常规159, decay [di'kei]vi. 衰退,[核] 衰减;腐烂,腐朽n. 衰退,[核] 衰减;腐烂,腐朽vt. 使腐烂,使腐败;使衰退,使衰落160, lament [l?'ment]n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情vi. 哀悼;悲叹;悔恨vt. 哀悼;痛惜161, perverted [p?'v?:tid]adj. 歪曲的;不正当的;性变态的v. 使入歧途(pervert的过去分词)162, pas sion ['pn]n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒163, idle ['aidl]adj. 闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的vi. 无所事事;虚度;空转vt. 虚度;使空转164, dronesn. 雄蜂;(英)懒汉;遥控飞机(drone的复数形式)v. 混(日子);懒散地打发时间(drone的三单形式);闲散度日(drone的三单形式)165, hegemonic [,heɡi'm?nik, hed?i-] adj. 霸权的;支配的166, collapsn. 塌陷167, overrun [,?uv?'r?n, '?uv?r?n]n. 泛滥成灾;超出限度vt. 泛滥;超过;蹂躏vi. 泛滥;蔓延168, obnoxious [?b'n?k??s]adj. 讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的169, enlightened [in'lait?nd]adj. 开明的;文明的;进步的;被启发的v. 启迪(enlighten的过去式)。

UNIT 1Reading Focusacademia (n.) 学术界acumen (n.) 敏锐,聪明ambiguous (a.) 不明确的ambiguity (n.) 不明确brink (n.) 始发点,边缘collaborative (a.) 协作的,合作的collaborator (n.) 合作者,协作者contributor (n.) 投稿人,撰稿人conviction (n.) 坚定的信仰或主张expertise (n.) 专门知识,专门技能foster (v.) 培养,促进,助长headhunter (n.) 猎头lone wolf (n.) 自行其是的人,好独处的人mindset (n.) 思维定式mitigate (v.) 缓和,减轻mobilize (v.) 争取支持,动用资源newbie (n.) 新手,网络新用户outshine (v.) 优于...,使...黯然失色perception (n.) 看法,认识prioritize (v.) 使...优先prospective (a.) 预期的,未来的,可能的scary (a.) 可怕的studied (a.) 经过深思熟虑的teamwork (n.) 合作,协作,配合transition (n.) 过渡,转变act on 按...行事count on 指望in pursuit of 追求,寻求make up 编造(说法,解释)pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话place a bet 下赌注put one’s neck on the line冒险stick one’s neck out 说冒险的话stand out 突出,显眼Reading Moreadherence (n.) 坚持,信守,信奉affirm (v.) 肯定,强化(感觉,信念等)autonomy (n.) 自主能力blockhead (n.) 笨蛋,蠢人brief (n.) 案情摘要,案情简介civility (n.) 礼貌,客气cost effective (a.) 低成本高利润的cut-rate (a.) 减价销售的cynical (a.) 愤世嫉俗的dealing (n.) 商业活动,商业往来discourse (n.) (严肃的)谈话,交谈due (a.) 应给的,欠下的eminent (a.) (指人)着名的,有名望的empower (v.) 给(某人)做...的权利encompass (v.) 包含,包括equitable (a.) 公平合理的,公正的equity (n.) (利息不定)的普通股,股票ethical (a.) 合乎道德的,正确的gratify (v.) 感到高兴和满意gratification (n.) 高兴,满足inculcate (v.) 灌输(观念,原则等)in-house (a.) 公司(组织)内部的internalize (v.) 使(信仰、态度、行为模式等)内在化(成为性格的一部分)intertwine (v.) 密切相关的kowtow (v.) 顺从,巴结,唯命是从milestone (n.) 重大事件,里程碑neurosis (n.) 神经官能症outlive (v.) 比...经久outperform (v.) 做得比...好,胜过prerogative (n.) 特权pro bono (a.) 为了公益的(尤指律师免费工作)professionalism (n.) 专业技巧,高超的水准,职业精神promulgate (v.) 公布,颁布(新法律法规等)promulgation (n.)(新法律法规的)公布,颁布psychic (a.) 精神(上)的rigor (n.) (环境的)严酷,艰苦sanity (n.) 明智,清醒subsume (v.) 把...归入(纳入)某一类superlative (a.) 最优秀的,最好的taxation (n.) 征税,税收(制度)top-flight (a.) 最成功的的,第一流的,最重要的venue (n.) 举行场所,会场by definition 从定义上讲,根据定义commit oneself to doing sth. 答应,承诺for its own sake 为了获得做某件事的经历而做某事impinge on 对...起作用,影响in the short term 就短期而言in this regard 关于此事,在这方面slake one’s thirst满足(欲望)take precedence 优先于,(重要性)高于thirst for 渴望,渴求(某物)with reference to关于UNIT 4Reading Focusaccommodate (v.) 迎合,迁就altruistic (a.) 利他主义的,无私的avalanche (n.) 雪崩bolster (v.) 改进cuddle (v.) (尤指表示喜爱而)搂抱,拥抱elusive (a.) 难以表述的,难懂的frenzied (a.) 狂乱的,疯狂的,异常激动的impair (v.) 削弱,损害,损伤impairment (n.) 削弱,损害,损伤liaison (n.) 密切的联系,关系mundane (a.) 平凡的,平淡的myriad (a.) 无数的,不计其数的neurotic (a.) 神经质的,神经过敏的,极度焦虑的obsessive (a.) 着迷的physiological (a.) 生理机能的,生理系统的platonic (a.) 纯友谊的,柏拉图式的,纯精神恋爱的prerequisite (n.) 必备条件,先决条件,前提psychosomatic (a.) 由精神压力所引起的,(疾病)由心理上的惧怕reminisce (v.) 缅怀往事,追忆往事retard (v.) 阻碍,减缓retardation (n.) 阻碍,减缓witticism (n.) 妙语,俏皮话,诙谐语wry (a.) 露出怪样的,苦笑的culminate in 达到...的高峰,最终达到deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺filter out 过滤,滤除Reading Morecourtship (n.) 恋爱期debilitating (a.) 使(身体或精神)虚弱的dementia (n.) 痴呆devise (v.) 想出,设计,发明hindsight (n.) 事后聪明,后见之明litany (n.) 反复的赘述rickety (a.) 快要散架的,摇摇晃晃的truce (n.) 休战,停战(协定)b e at each other’s throats (两个人)互相斗嘴,激烈争吵launch into 突然开始(描述、叙述或抨击)lavish sth. on/upon sb. 过分慷慨地给予(某人)make the best of sth. 尽可能善用(不能令人满意的事物),善处逆境reel sth. off 滔滔不绝地重复take shape 形成,使成形whittle away 削减,削弱UNIT 5Reading Focusadept (a.) 熟练的adherent (n.) 信徒,拥护者,追随者align (v.) 使...排成一线artifact (n.) 手工艺品cardiologist (n.) 心脏病专家disciplined (a.) 受过训练的,遵守纪律的hypertension (n.) 高血压indicator (n.) 指示物innovator (n.) 创新者meditation (n.) 默念,默想,冥想,打坐nominal (a.) (金额)极小的,微不足道额,象征性的posture (n.) 姿势,体态practitioner (n.) (某种活动的)从事着,实践者prestigious (a.) 有声望的,有威信的prevalent (a.) 流行的,普遍的prop (n.) 支柱,支撑物reimburse (v.) 偿还reiterate (v.) 反复地说,重申sedentary (a.) (工作等)坐着做的,案头的stamina (n.) 持久力,耐力,毅力strenuous (a.) 艰苦的,要花功夫的tout (v.) 赞扬,吹捧well-being (n.) 舒适,健康,幸福yogi (n.) 瑜伽师,瑜伽教授者Reading Moreadaptation (n.) 适应ambiguous (a.) 暧昧的,不明确的chronic (a.) (问题)长期的,反复出现的cognitive (n.) 认知的,认识过程的compromise (v.) 危机,损害hassle (n.) 麻烦irritation (n.) 令人气恼的事物juggle (v.) (尤指艰难地)兼顾magnitude (n.) 巨大,庞大,重要性overload (n.) 超载severe (a.) 严重的severity (n.) 严重程度,严重性squabble (v.) 吵嘴stressor (n.) 带来压力的因素terrain (n.) 地形,地势turmoil (n.) 骚乱,混乱understaffed (a.) 人员不足的,人手不足的a host of 许多,一大群fit into 属于stress out (使)非常紧张疲惫UNIT 6Reading Focusarena (n.) 表演场地bestow (v.) 给予,赠予,授予,bolero (n.) 敞胸短上衣clown (v.) 扮小丑,做蠢事,胡闹compact (a.) 小而紧凑的conserve (v.) 保护,保存convention (n.) 会议,大会cornice (n.) 上楣,飞檐deed (n.) 行为,行动deficiency (n.) 缺乏,不足distraction (n.) 使人分心的事物dubious (a.) 不能确定的,疑惑的ebb (n.) 退潮,落潮editorial (n.) 社论emanation (n.) 散发物,发射物enact (v.) 上演evangelist (n.) 巡回布道者exalted (a.) 高贵的,显贵的excess (n.) 过分,过量execute (v.) (依法)将...处死exotic (a.) 外来的,异国风情的fit (n.) (强烈感情的)一阵发作forgo (v.) 摒绝,放弃forlorn (a.) 孤苦伶仃的,凄凉的forlornness (n.) 孤独,凄凉forsake (v.) 遗弃,抛弃forsakenness (n.) 被抛弃gladiator (n.) (古罗马)角斗士grail (n.) 长期以来梦寐以求的东西impart (v.) 赋予,给予inflict (v.) 使承受,使(某人)遭受(不愉快的事)insulate (v.) 隔离,使隔绝lapel (n.) 翻领largess (n.) 慷慨赠予的钱或礼物liner (n.) 客轮Lion (n.) 要人,勇猛之士,名人metropolis (n.) 首要城市,大都会miasmic (a.) 霉气扑鼻的morale (n.) 士气,斗志,精神面貌overwhelming (a.) 压倒一切的penetrating (a.) 弥漫的,渗透的queer (a.) 奇怪的,难以解释的rejuvenate (vt.) 使(某人)变年轻,使(某人)恢复活力rejuvenation (n.) 返老还童,恢复活力sanctuary (n.) 避难所,庇护所siren (n.) 汽笛,警报器sloop (n.) 单桅小帆船somewise (a.) 以某种方式spectacle (n.) 奇观,壮观景象splashy (a.) 显眼的,惹人注意的stifling (a.) 闷热的,令人窒息的stimulus (n.) 刺激,刺激物sustenance (n.) 食物,营养tack (v.) 使(船)改变航向expunge (v.) 删除,除去unexpungeable (a.) 无法抹去的undertaking (n.) 任务,事业unresourceful (a.) 无法应对的,无法解决的usher (v.) 领,接人,招待vibrations (n.) 感应,共鸣waterfront (n.) 滨水地区,水边土地westbound (a.) 向西行的account for 是...的原因at any rate 无论如何,至少be content with 满足于come along 出现,来到,发生for that matter 对...同样如此lie in state (尸体)停放某处供瞻仰pull up stakes 搬家sweat out 坚持做完tune out 不理睬,置之不理Reading Moreadore (v.) 爱慕afar (a.) 遥远地assortment (n.) 各式各样的混合物,什锦ballerina (n.) 芭蕾舞女演员bang (n.) (头发的)刘海belch (v.) 打嗝blink (v.) 眨眼clump (n.) 丛,簇,群coo (v.) 低声细语crinkly (a.) (头发)硬而卷曲的dainty (a.) 优美的,小巧的,精致的deck (n.) 一副(纸牌)eyebrow (n.) 眉毛fuzz (n.) 细毛,茸毛high-pitched (a.) 声调高的indignity (n.) 轻蔑,侮辱manger (n.) (马、牛等)食槽poke (v.) 戳,捅,拨开,刺prodigy (n.) 奇才,天才purse (v.) 撅起嘴唇reproach (n.) 责备,指责slant (n.) 倾斜soggy (a.) 湿透的sparkly (a.) 有生气的,有活力的sulk (v.) 生闷气tiptoe (n.) 脚尖,趾尖uneven (a.) 不匀的,不规则的vendor (n.) 小贩willful (a.) 任性的,固执的for good=for ever 永远look down on 轻视,瞧不起lop off 砍掉UNIT 7Reading Focusacorn (n.) 橡树果alteration (n.) 变动,改变antiquity (n.) 古代battlefront (n.) 前线covet (v.) 觊觎,垂涎,贪求desecrate (v.) 亵渎(圣物)deviate (v.) 背离,偏离disposition (n.) 性情,性格endeavor (v.) 尝试,努力engross (v.) 使非常感兴趣,使全神贯注于... germinal (a.) 初级阶段的,处于萌芽状态的germinally (adv.) 初级阶段地home-front (n.) (战时)大后方人民humanitarian (n.) 人道主义者indestructible (a.) 不可摧毁的,坚不可摧的knavish (a.) 无赖似的,人品不正的matrix (n.) 发源地,摇篮miser (n.) 守财奴,吝啬鬼mosaic (n.) 镶嵌画般的东西obliterate (v.) 忘却,抹去philanthropist (n.) 慈善家,乐善好施者preacher (n.) 说教者,讲道者proverbial (a.) 众所周知的temperament (n.) 气质,性情,性格traitor (n.) 叛徒,背叛者defile (v.) 污损,污染,亵渎undefiled (a.) 未玷污的,纯洁的,纯粹的unfold (v.) 展现,逐渐呈现unsavory (a.) 令人不快的,令人厌恶的be a far cry from 与...大不相同at the peril of 冒着丧失...的危险be in order 适宜,合适hold to 遵循,坚持Reading Moreaghast (a.) 大为震惊的,吓呆了的arcade (n.) 拱廊beak (n.) 鸟嘴,喙bum (n.) 流浪乞丐buzzard (n.) 秃鹰censure (n.) 严厉谴责,声讨defer (v.) 延期,推迟ebony (a.) 乌黑的elude (v.) 使记不起来,把...难倒exasperate (v.) 使恼怒,使烦恼flick (v.) 弹去,拂去frequent (v.) 常去,常到(某地方)gleam (n.) 隐现,闪现grimy (a.) 满是污垢的,蒙上灰尘的interminable (a.) 冗长乏味的ivory (a.) 象牙色的,乳白色的jangle (v.) 发出噪音macaroni (n.) 通心面,通心粉motley (a.) 形形色色的一伙人piteous (a.) 可怜的,让人怜悯的recollection (n.) 记起,想起resentment (n.) 愤恨,不满,憎恶resounding (a.) 回响的,洪亮的singlet (n.) 无袖汗衫,运动背心steadfast (a.) 忠实的,忠诚的steadfastly (adv.) 忠实地,忠诚地tatters (n.) 破旧衣服,破布thong (n.) 皮带子wane (v.) 逐渐减弱(变小)whack (n.) 重击(声)wince (v.) 皱眉蹙眼wretched (a.) 不幸的,可怜的,苦恼的wretchedness (n.) 不幸,可怜,苦恼o n the tip of one’s tongue就在嘴边(想不起来)put in (船)进港r ack one’s brain绞尽脑汁scrunch sth. up 把...揉成一团throw sb./sth. over 抛弃t o one’s dismay 令某人沮丧的是wear on (时间)慢慢地过去UNIT 10Reading Focuscatholic (a.) 广泛的,普遍的collegial (a.) 大学的,学院的consensus (n.) 意见一致contemplation (n.) 沉思diffusion (n.) 传播,散播discernment (n.) 洞察力,敏锐disseminate (v.) 传播,散播eloquent (a.) 雄辩的,有口才的embryo (n.) 胚胎foremost (a.) 首要的,第一的illumination (n.) 阐明immunize (v.) 使免疫,赋予免疫性impart (v.) 传授,告知imperative (n.) 需要inaugural (a.) 就职的,开始的incubator (n.) 孵化器laureate (n.) 获奖者lavish (a.) 过分多的lavishly (adv.) 过分慷慨地,过于大方long-standing (a.) 长期存在的non-partisan (a.) 无党派的porous (a.) 可渗透的,多孔的predecessor (n.) 前辈,前任rigor (n.) 严密,严谨robustness (n.) 健全,稳固scholarly (a.) 学术性的serendipity (n.) 善于无意中发现有趣或珍奇事物的天赋staggering (a.) 令人吃惊的staggeringly (adv.) 令人吃惊地solitary (a.) 单独的,独自的suffuse (v.) 弥漫,充满supesede (v.) 代替,取代underlie (v.) 成为...的基础utilitarian (a.) 功利的,实用的vulnerable (a.) 脆弱的,易受伤的vulnerability (n.) 易受伤性,脆弱性couple...with... 并提,加上live up to 符合(标准),不负(盛名),履行(诺言)Reading Morebrainpower (n.) 智囊团,人才burgeoning (a.) 迅速增长的contender (n.) 竞争者counterpart (n.) 对应的人或物exacerbate (v.) 使加剧,使恶化imperil (v.) 危急intensify (v.) 加强,增强lucrative (a.) 赚钱的offset (v.) 补偿,抵消squander (v.) 浪费,挥霍stunning (a.) 令人印象深刻地upshot (n.)结果(be) a recipe for sth. 很可能是造成...的原因,是...的秘诀brace oneself for sth. 使准备迎接(困难)fall behind 落后may well 很可能,极有可能。

考研英语词汇大全考研单词一、核心词汇1. absolute [ˈæbsəluːt]adj. 绝对的,完全的;肯定的例句:There is no absolute answer to this question.2. abundant [əˈbʌndənt]adj. 丰富的,充裕的例句:The forest is abundant in wildlife.vt. 容纳;供应,供给;使适应4. achieve [əˈtʃiːv]vt. 达到,实现;获得例句:She achieved her goal of running a marathon.5. acquire [əˈkwaɪər]vt. 获得,取得;学到例句:He acquired a new skill attending a workshop.二、基础词汇1. ability [əˈbɪləti]n. 能力,能耐;才能2. absence [ˈæbsəns]n. 缺席,不在场;缺乏例句:His absence from the meeting was noticed everyone.3. absolute [ˈæbsəluːt]adj. 绝对的,完全的;肯定的例句:There is no absolute answer to this question.4. absorb [əbˈzɔːrb]vt. 吸收;吸引;理解例句:The sponge absorbed all the water.5. abstract [ˈæbstrækt]adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要,梗概;抽象的概念例句:This painting is an abstract representation of the artist's emotions.三、高频词汇1. adapt [əˈdæpt]vt. 使适应;改编例句:He adapted the novel for the screen.2. add [æd]vt. 添加,增加;补充说例句:Please add sugar to my coffee.3. address [əˈdres]vt. 演说;写姓名地址;对付,处理n. 地址;演讲;处理例句:The president will address the nation tonight.4. adequate [ˈædɪkwət]adj. 足够的,充分的;适当的例句:The supply is not adequate to meet the demand.5. adjust [əˈdʒʌst]vt. 调整,调节;使适合例句:You may need to adjust your expectations.这份考研英语词汇大全旨在帮助考生系统地复习和掌握考研英语所需的核心、基础和高频词汇。

adversity n逆境、不幸、厄运aftermath n后果、余波alleyway n 小巷、胡同altruism n 利他主义、无私anodyne adj 不冒犯他人的、四平八稳的aspire v 最求、渴望、有志于bliss n 极乐,无上幸福bona fide a dj 真正的、真实的bromide n 意在使人消气却没有效果的话dazed adj 茫然的、迷乱的、恍惚的encompass v覆盖、围住excruciating adj 剧烈疼痛的gratifying adj 令人高兴的、使人满足的harrowing a dj 折磨人的、可怕的、令人痛苦的ineffable a dj 难以名状的、不可言喻legacy n 遗留下来的状况mind-blowing adj 令人极度的、非常奇怪的neurological n 神经的nostalgia n对往昔事物的留恋、怀旧情绪ordeal n 可怕的经历、痛苦的折磨paramount a dj 至高无上的、最重要的province n 范围、领域、职责范围preoccupied adj 全神贯注的、入神的refrain n 一再重复的话rheumatoid arthritis n 类风湿性关节炎shrivel v 皱缩、干枯、干瘪steroid n 类固醇tranquil adj 平静的、宁静的、安谧的traumatic a dj 痛苦难忘的、造成精神创伤的tribulation n 苦难ultramarathoner n 超级马拉松vomit v 呕吐、呕出、吐出wimp n 懦弱无用的人anecdote n 趣闻、轶事auditory adj 听觉的boon n 恩物、有用之物circuitry n电路系统conduit n 渠道、通道consortium n 财团、联合企业curtail v 缩减、消减decoder n 解码器disengaged adj 自由的、未约束的duly adv 适当的、恰当的etch v 蚀刻、fidgety adj 烦躁的、坐立不安的footnote n 脚注forage v 四处搜寻godsend v 及时雨hyperlink n超文本链接ideogram n 表意文字longish adj 略长的、相当长的neural adj 神经的、神经系统的pithy adj 精辟的remap v 重新绘制staccato adj 断音的、断奏的telltale adj 暴露真相terse adj 简短的thicket n 灌木丛、小树丛voracious a dj 贪吃的wayward adj 倔强的adversary n对手almighty god n 全能的上帝anew adv 重新beachhead n滩头堡belabor v 强调embattled a dj 问题缠身engulf v 严重影响foe n 敌人forebear n 祖先、祖宗heed v 听从invective n咒骂invoke v 唤起outpace v 超过、胜过reverend adj 值得尊敬的subversion n 颠覆symbolize v象征tribulation n 苦难twilight n 曙光暮色tyranny n 暴政unleash v 释放出、发泄writ n 书面命令anemic adj 没有活力的awash adj 被水或其他液体浸过的bawl v 叫嚷、大喊bawl n 叫嚷、大喊bleach v 使变淡、变白coyote n 丛林狼decipher v 辨认、解释defiant adj 违抗的、挑衅的defoliate v使….落叶dictum n 断言、意见、宣言doe n 雌兔、雌鹿dust bowl n干旱尘暴区extirpate v消灭、根除fang n 尖牙ford v 涉水而过gleanings n费力搜索到的零星信息juniper n 刺柏、maul v 撕…的皮肉、抓裂maze n 迷宫似得的街道/小路melee n 混乱局面molder v 腐烂、腐朽rattle n 格格声requisite n必需品sage n 鼠尾草scuffle n 扭打seedling n 种苗、幼苗shears n 大剪刀spruce v 显得更加整齐干净supple adj 灵活的tingle v 感到刺痛torrent n 湍流、急流tyro n 新手、生手wag v 狗摇尾巴whinny n\v (马)撕叫willow n 柳树writhe v 剧烈地扭动身体affective a dj 感情anecdotal a dj 轶事的、趣闻的arousal n 唤起beset v 困扰、使苦恼disinterest n 缺乏兴趣fester v 恶化irritant n 烦躁的事物mentality n心态obituary n 讣告outpouring n 强烈感情的不断流露peripheral adj 次要的、非主要的populist adj 声称代表人民的、平明主义的sermon n 布道、讲道syndicate v通过报业联合会安排出售给多家报刊发表audible adj 声音听得见auspicious adj 吉利的、吉祥的bulky adj 庞大的、宽大的circumscribe v 约束、限制comport v 行动、表现comportment n 举止、行为cosmopolitan adj 见识广的、兼容并包的delineate v描绘、描写demographics n 人口统计数据detergent n洗涤剂、洗衣粉distaste n 不喜欢franchise n特许经营权garish adj 过于艳丽的generality n 普遍性、共同性ingrained a dj 根深蒂固的、难以改变的jolly adj 欢乐的、愉快的miniscule(minuscule)adj 很小nuance n 细微差别pretest n 预先测试self-effacing adj 避免引人注目的subtlety n 微妙的思想supplant v 取代、代替tadpole n 蝌蚪unpalatable adj 难吃的。

单词与词汇总结Unit 11.This research seems to lend some validity(有力的)to the theory that the drug might cause cancer .2.In a number of developing countryies ,war has been an additional impendiment (障碍)to progress .3.Anthea was about to play her trump card (王牌卡);without her signature none of the money could be released .4.I flunked(挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college .5.I didnt want to lose my composure(镇静)in front of her .6.The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority (优先).7.For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade(一系列)of local residents giving their opinions.8.Thousands of lives will be at stake(在危机关头)if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.9.Brierley's book has the merit(优点)of being both information and readable .10.I think there was a conspiracy(阴谋)to keep me out of the committee .Unit 21.It is not easy for chinese people to respond properly to others compeliments andequally difficult for them to accept criticisms gracefully(优雅).2.We shoud be truly thankful to Mr Deng Xiao Ping for taking the plunge(做一个决定)and initiating the economic reform in china .3.Unfortunately ,television studio are strangely designed and dressing -rooms are often miles away from the studios ,so we had to find a place where she and her entourage(随从人员)could relax in comfort without the need to climd stairs .4.What is the use of whining about (发牢骚)you bad luck ?It is more important to find the real cause of your misfortune .5.The rising real estate prices thwarted(阻碍)his ambition of owning a house of his own in the big city ,disappointed ,he returned to his hometown .6.The old women sat silently beside her collapsed house ,her eyes brimming with (充满)tears and hatred .7.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the 100 best rivers and gives his expert advice on how to navigate(航行)their reaches .8.Outside the forest the snow was already six inches deep and growing steadily , relentlessly (无情地,残忍地)deeper .9.There is no doubt that his duty extends to informing his patient ,if asked ,of the nature of his illness and its likely prognosis (预测,诊断)10.Those who are climbing the career ladder fast may use alcohol as a booster to help them to achieve,and those who recognize that that they have failed to reach the top may also turn to alcohol ,in an attempt to bolster(支持,提升)their failing self-image.11.A typically chinese countryside house is one whose eaves protrude(伸出,突出)over the wall.12.The ship came back from the region that had just been attacked by a strange disease.Thus the health officials placed all its crew in quarantine (检疫)Unit 31.Given the sophistication(成熟)of modern machines, there is little that require manual labor .2.After the police released their report ,john was exonerated(开脱) from all responsibility for the accident .3.The world constructed by online games seems to many youngsters a reasonable surrogate(代理)for "real life ",although what they see is not real in the least .4.In a speech at the Congress ,the president extolled(赞美)the virtues of free enterprise andexpressed his distaste for the blatant hegemony in IT industry .5.He soon became notorious because he enjoyed deriving perverse(倒行逆施)satisfaction from embarrass ing people .6.I endorse(赞同,支持,认可签署)everything that has been said from both side of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed.7.The opposition members of the parliament derided(嘲笑,嘲讽)the government 's response to the crisis .8.The poor women was defrauded (骗取)of her money by a dishonestaccountant .9.The other guests were stunned into silence as h began swinging into thegaggle(a gaggle of 一群) of giggling photographers and kicking at tem frantically .10.Back to the us,the sly businessman was faced with racketeering(敲诈勒索)charges that may send him to life imprisonment .Unit 41.It is certainly undemocratic ,and many people are beginning to feel that it borders on(相当于) the unconstitutional .2.Traditionally ,organizations are constructed pyramidally; with a hierarchy(阶级资料)most powerful at the top and progressively less so as the pyramid spreads downwards .3."No theory explains everything ,"she remarks ."yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur(刺激,激励)of theory .4.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse(祸因,诅咒)upon anyone who entered the pyramid .5.I have always belived tourism has an important part to play in the spreading of understanding between countries ,as well as being a catalyst(促进) for economic development .6.Her body looked diminished,almost shriveled(枯萎)in the hugechair ,and her hands on the arms began very gently to shake .7.The talks will not be easy and the fundamental differences between the parties remain as potentially irreconcilable(不可调和的)as ever .8.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for christmas than a trashy song cooked up(编造) as a commercial gimmick .9.A local builder offered to knock down the remain of the house in exchange for the materials he could salvage(抢救).10.Edward now wore the manic look of some animal transferred into the wrong environment ,as though he might run amok(四处狂奔) .or bite .11.Alan attempted to read every press clipping ,interview anyone who ever knew the movie star ,and cobble together(拼凑) a book out of it .12.Some sociologists tend to bemoan(哀悼)the loss of community in the face of modern urbanism ;there is a wistful longing for the past in their analysis of the modern word .Unit 51."You just can't escape the fact(忽略事实) that we're in a transformational period,"Cole said,"The old way is not survivable.Investors,managers and laborers all have accepted that big things have to be done."2.I think you've just put a finger on (指出) the biggest problem facing the Conservative party in this election.3.The great conundrum(谜)of my life is that my public career continues to flourish and expand even at a time when the music I love,the music I write ,themusic I champion,the music on which I am the world's leading expert,is utterly out of fashion in every segment of musical society.4. Flummoxed(使…混乱)by the surreality of history and the mind boggling changes unleashed in the 60s,many writers in that era became minimalists,withdrawing,turtlelike,inside their own homes and heads.5.Hannah Arendt's clear message is directed at the citizens of democratic societies that the raison d’etre of politics is freedom.6.According to a survey of college graduates recently released by the government's Council of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average starting monthly salary for college graduates in 2006 decreased,which reveals stagnation(停滞)in economy.7.Financial incentives(鼓励机制)are said to exist where an agent can expect some form of material reward-especially money-in exchange for acting in a particular way.8.Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have the yearning(渴望) for formal school education.9.The heated argument is getting out of control,And it must be admitted that Challenger is provocative(煽动的)in the last degree,but Summerlee has an acid tongue,which makes matters worse.10.Malaise(不舒服,不适)is a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness,an out of sorts feeling,often the first indication of an infection or other disease.unit 1P20semiliterate a. 半文盲的trump card 王牌get by 通过settle down 静下来dropout n. 辍学do-gooder n. 帮倒忙的人impediment n. 妨碍charmer n. 可爱的人、魔术师steely a. 钢的flunk v. 失败、不及格at stake 危急关头composure n. 沉着、冷静parade n. 游行、检阅sail v. 航行、起航testimony n. 证据、证言、证明follow through 坚持到底conspiracy n. 阴谋、共谋doom v. 注定、判决、使失败unit 2 P55propose v. 提议、求婚knockoff n. 赝品windex v. 清洁剂take the plunge 冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤maid of honor 伴娘matrimonial a. 婚姻的bridesmaid n. 伴娘pastel a. 彩色粉笔taffeta n. 塔夫绸consignment n. 托付entourage n. 随从groomsman n. 伴郎courtship n. 求爱(期)、求婚publicist n. 公关、宣传人员monomaniacal a. 偏执狂pharmacist n. 药商、药剂师whine v. 哀诉、抱怨thwart v. 阻扰、妨碍cathedral n. 大教堂quarantine v. 对...检疫、隔离petite a. 娇小的、柔弱的brim v. 充满、溢出navigate v. 驾驶、领航eerily adv. 可怕的reminiscent a. 怀旧的drab a. 单调的relentlessly adv. 残酷的dank a. 阴湿的tattered a. 破烂的prognosis n. 预知、病状的诊断trickle v. 滴、掉眼泪decadent a. 颓废的incision n. 切开、切口bolster v. 支持、支撑chemo n. 化疗poach v. 水煮、偷猎consummately adv. 完美的myriad n. 许多、无数protrude v. (使)突出、(使)伸出raspy a. 刺耳的unit 3 P90disingenuousness n. 不诚信withering a. 使人难忘的endorse v. 赞同sequential a. 连续的、相继的testimony n. 证词、证据nicotine n. 尼古丁sophistication n. 复杂、诡辩、老于世故allure n. 诱惑力、魅力extol v. 颂扬、赞颂clad a. 穿衣的、覆盖的the better part of 大多数pathology n. 病理学perverse a. 反常的、任性的、堕落的exonerate v. 使免罪epidemiological a. 流行病学的landmark n. 里程碑bronchogenic a. 支气管原的surrogate n. 代理人、替代品、替身deride v. 取笑exhaustively adv. 用尽一切的memorandum n. 备忘录disinformation n. 假信息obfuscate v. 使模糊spike v. 阻止、用钉子钉牢racketeering n. 诈骗gaggle n. 一群skeptic n. 怀疑(论)者、无神论者defraud v. 欺骗某人pandemic n. 流行病advocacy n. 鼓吹、提倡unit 4 P124blessing n. 祈福curse n. 咒骂chitchat n. 闲聊detritus n. 碎石、岩屑suck v. 吸允con a. 哄骗的harry v. 折磨、掠夺、骚扰snoop v. 窥探shrivel v. 枯萎barrage n. 弹幕、阻塞nanosecond n. 毫微秒cook up 迅速做好饭菜、编造、策划catalyst n. 催化剂、刺激因素mind-boggling a. 警告hassle v. 打扰irreconcilable a. 无法调节的salvage v. 营救far-flung a. 广泛传播的visceral a. 不理智的、本能的peck v. 攻击lust n. 欲望hierarchy n. 等级制度buffer n. 缓冲地带purveyor n. 供货商prurient a. 好色的、淫乱的spew v. 呕吐、喷出vile a. 恶劣的、卑鄙的run amok 胡作非为cobble togethetborder on 接界、相邻于、近似于lapse n. 流逝、失效gentility n. 有教养lowercase a. 用小写字母的snippy a. 尖刻的、语言唐突的archive n. 档案(馆)curator n. 馆长、监护人bemoan v. 抱怨muser v. 召集、对……点名multitude n. 大量spur n. 刺激、鼓励unit 5 P186innovation n. 改革、革新define v. 下定义、限制put a finger on sth.lend oneself to 屈服于quantifiable a. 可以计量的rocket v. 飞驰、迅速增加conundrum n. 难题、谜语craft v. 精工细作flummox v. 使困惑、使混乱malaise n. 病态、不满、无奈stagnation n. 停滞不前green innovation 绿色创新yearning n. 强烈的愿望incentive n. 刺激、激励provocative a. 挑衅的、煽动的perpetual a. 永久的ingenuity n. 创新unit 6 P221reiterate v. 重申benign a. 良性的transcend v. 超越unprecedented a. 前所未有的resilience n. 抵抗力disruptive a. 破坏性skyrocket v. 突升laxity n. 疲软fiscal a.财政的sluggishness n. 发展缓慢的incur v. 引起intensification n.加剧,剧烈array v. 部署、排列folly n. 愚蠢荒唐事讽刺剧adversity n. 逆境rigor n. 严厉的dissipate v. 浪费、使、、、消散embody v. 表达、陈述covenant v. 盟约契约bypass v. 忽视conflagration n. 冲突subdue v. 征服抑制减轻revealing a. 启示,揭示revealingly adv. 启发人地袒胸露肩地vilify v. 诽谤中伤。

mirage n. 海市蜃楼, 幻想illusion n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)con vt. 精读,学习,默记, 掌舵, 欺骗adv. 反对地adj. 欺诈的n. 反对论点,反对者,欺骗, 操舵台, 掌舵infallible adj. 绝无错误的, 绝对可靠的squarely adv. 成方形地,正直地adv.直接了当的、不含糊的、诚实的prospect n. 景色, 希望, 展望v. 探勘, 寻找rip n. 拉裂, 破绽, 激流, 浪荡子vt. 撕裂, 激昂地说, 贬损vi. 裂开, 仓促地冲过... flabby adj. 软弱的, 没气力的, 不稳的conversely adv. 相反地seedy adj. 褴褛的,破旧的,不体面的greasy adj. 油腻的, 滑溜溜的, 泥泞的streetwalker n. 流莺, 娼妓, 街上行人call girl应召女郎aforementioned adj. 上述的, 前述的devious adj. 弯曲的(远隔的,不正当的)snap v. 猛咬, 谩骂, 砰然关上, 拍摄, 崩塌,劈啪作响n. 啪嗒声, 快镜头,突然释放adj. 匆忙的,突然的adv. 劈啪作响地erroneous adj. 错误的, 不正确的devastating adj. 毁灭性的, 令人震惊的, 强有力的eloquent adj. 雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的magnetic adj. 有磁性的,有吸引力的,催眠术的romp n. 好玩的游戏, 欢闹, 顽皮嬉闹的人n. 轻易取得的胜利vi. 嬉闹玩笑,欢快地迅速奔跑vi. 轻易地取得胜利unassuming adj. 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的glib adj. 能说善道的extroverted adj. 性格外向的flamboyant adj. 艳丽的, 炫耀的,火焰式的n. 凤凰木turnover n. 翻覆, 翻折, 半圆卷饼, 营业额, 成交量adj. 翻折的领子unwarranted adj. 无根据的,未经授权的,无保证的attorney n. (辩护)律师root canal n. 牙根管,牙根管填充手术sedan n. (美)厢式小轿车,单舱汽艇,轿子Sedan: 色当(法国东北部一城市)window-dressing装门面措施rapport n. 关系, 同意, 一致what about (对于) ... 怎么样stem from源于,来自于take to vt. 喜爱(开始,从事,养成,养成,走向,容易学会)count on依靠, 指望tip the scales vt. 称起来重为(起快定性作用)revert to回到,恢复到come across vt. 碰到(遇到, 无意中发现)more often than not往往, 多半as opposed to 与... 形成对照low-key adj. 抑制的, 软调的book up 预定thumb through v. 浏览fray vt. 擦, 磨损n. 磨损处;争论;辩论lapel n. 翻领slob n. 懒虫,邋遢的人plaque n. 匾, 饰板, 名牌, 徽章;血小板spiel n. 滔滔不绝的讲话canvas n. 帆布,(帆布)画布,油画confide v. 吐露,信托,信赖sensation n. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动premise n. 前提vt. 提论, 预述,假设trashy adj. 碎屑的, 没用的inoffensive adj. 无害的, 没恶意的, 不讨厌的appeal n. 恳求, 上诉, 吸引力n. 诉诸裁决v. 求助, 诉请, 呼吁; 有吸引力spontaneous adj. 自发的, 自然产生的intermediary n. 仲裁者,调解者,媒介物,中间状态adj. 中间的,媒介的[计算机] 媒介thrill n. 震颤,激动vt. (使)震颤,抖颤,激动vi. 变激动installment n. 分期付款(安装, 一期)domesticity n. (喜欢)家庭生活,顾家overt adj. 公开的, 明显的, 公然的potentiality n. 可能力,潜在力,可能性orientation n. 信仰,趋向,定位,适应,情况介绍[计算机] 定向exhilarating adj. 令人喜欢的, 使人愉快的, 爽快的initiate n. 创始人adj. 新加入的vt. 开始,创始,启蒙,介绍加入consummation n. 达到目的, 完成antagonism n. 对抗,对立,敌对状态(行为)infatuation n. 迷恋intuition n. 直觉, 直觉的知识deep-seated adj. 根深蒂固的,深层的craving n. 渴望, 热望wiring n. 配线,布线动词wire的现在分词形式anarchic adj. 无政府状态的, 无法无天的,杂乱无章的astute adj. 机敏的, 狡猾的lingerie 妇女贴身内衣regress v. 倒退,回归,退化n. 退回回归,逆向思维psychotherapist n. 精神治疗医师rationalize vt. 使合理化,合理地说明,[数]给...消根sanitize vt. 采取卫生措施使其安全, 消毒, 使无害rapture n. 狂喜vt. 使狂喜puritanical adj. 极端拘谨的,有清教徒特点的sage n. 圣人,哲人adj. 贤明的,明智的be possessed of vt. 具有, 拥有monogamy n. 一夫一妻制clandestine adj. 秘密的,暗中的adultery n. 通奸enzyme n. 酶testosterone n. 男性荷尔蒙的一种dopamine n. 多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物)norepinephrine n. 降肾上腺素, 去甲肾上腺素amphetamine n. 苯异丙胺,安非他命euphoria n. 幸福愉快感vasopressin n. [化]后叶加压素, 抗利尿激素endorphin n. 内啡肽buzz n. 嗡嗡声vi. 发出嗡嗡声,充满,匆忙vt. 飞进,使嗡嗡叫tie the knot 打结(婚礼的一项仪式), 结婚ephemeral adj. 朝生暮死的, 生命短暂的stigma n. 耻辱, 污名n. 柱头malaise n. 不舒服insidious adj. 隐伏的, 暗中为害的,阴险的, 诱人上当的,(疾病等)不知不觉恶化的troubadour n. 行吟诗人, 民谣歌手paradigm n. 例子,模范,词形变化表mount n. 山峰,乘用马,框,衬纸vi. 增长,骑上(马) vt. 提升,爬上,装备en route adv. 在途中ultimatum n. 最后通牒chronic adj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的clamp n. 螺丝钳,夹子vt. 夹住,固定riot v.&n. 骚乱,闹事vi. 闹事,骚乱escalate vt. 扩大,升高,增强vi. 逐步升级squabble v. (为琐事)争论,口角n. 争论,口角airborne adj. 空运的, 空中传播的,空降的intone v. (以拖长的单调音)吟咏, 吟咏, 唱或吟咏(圣歌)enlist v. 徵募, 参与, 支持charity n. 慈善机关(团体),仁慈,宽厚drive v. 开车, 驱使, 驾进力n. 驾车, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 路, 街draft n. 草稿,草图,汇票,徵兵vt. 起草,征兵,选秀adj. 酝酿中的tightrope n. 拉紧的绳索,极其危险的处境enunciate v. 发音, (清楚地)表达one-liner n. 俏皮话,打趣的话truculent adj. 野蛮的, 粗野的, 残酷的buttress n. 扶墙, 拱壁vt. 支持caricature n. 讽刺画, 漫画, 讽刺描述法,笨拙的模仿v. 画成漫画, 讽刺,使滑稽化guise n.装束,外观,伪装,借口gag n. 箝口物, 箝制言论, 讨论终结v. 虚伪, 使呕吐, 插科打浑suffice vi. 足够,合格vt. 使...足够blitz n. 闪击战vt. 以闪击战攻击bolster n. 长枕,靠垫vt. 支持,鼓励foster adj. 收养的,养育的v. 养育,抚育,培养n. (Foster)人名;(英、捷、意、葡、法、德、俄、西)福斯特citadel n. 城堡, 要塞anecdote n. 轶事,奇闻contagion n. 传染病,接触传染,蔓延defiant adj. 挑衅的, 目中无人protocol n. 草案, 协议,礼仪vt 拟定议定书implore v. 恳求, 哀求ladle n. 杓子, 长柄杓vt. 以杓舀取chalk up 记下,达到patch up 修补,平息, 拼凑plus prep.(表示运算)加;(表示包容)外加;[口语]和;(表示数目)在零(度)以上n.加号;[数学]正量;好处;附加物adj.加的;正的;附加的;比所示数量多的mileage n. 公里数heed n. 注意,留心vt. &vi. 注意,留心pompous adj. 傲慢的, 自大的, 浮华的out of place adj. 不合适的(不相称的,不适合的)intravenous adj. 静脉的,静脉注射的overwhelm v. 淹没,受打击,压倒prescription n. 药方, 对策, 开处方hyper 既兴奋又紧张的; 精力过旺的宣传人员egomaniac n. 极端利己主义者,极端自我主义者,自大狂reek n. 恶臭, 水蒸汽vi. 放出恶臭, 有...气味aptitude n. 才能,资质tycoon n. 企业界的大亨,(日本幕府的)将军identify with 视...为一体认同come across vt. 碰到(遇到, 无意中发现)inject v. 注射personable adj. 风度好的,优雅的,貌美的quip n. 警句,名言,讽刺v. 说讽刺的话,嘲弄,托辞howl n. 吠声, 嚎叫v. 狂吠, 咆哮, 呼啸what if 如果...将会怎么样roasting adj. 非常热的,烤肉用的n. 烘烤动词roast的现在分词形式get away with vt. 侥幸做成(侥幸取走)radiant adj. 发光的, 明亮的, 辐射的be bound to conj. 必然(不得不,束缚于,必须)moan n. 呻吟声, 悲叹声, 抱怨声v. 抱怨, 呻吟vi. 呻吟gallbladder n. 胆囊disgruntled adj. 不满意的(不高兴的) 动词disgruntle的过去式和过去分词populate v. 构成人口, 居住于deceptive adj. 迷惑的, 虚伪的, 诈欺的masculine n. 阳性, 男性adj. 男性的, 阳性的, 有丈夫气的bracket n. 支架, 括号, 档次vt. 支撑, 放在括号内, 归入一类, 包含, 支持falsify vt. 伪造, 歪曲, 说谎enslave vt. 使做奴隶, 使处于奴役的状态cog n. 齿(雄榫,坯) vt 装齿轮(打榫,开坯,初轧)oversight n. 勘漏, 失察, 失败spur n. 马刺, 刺激, 鞭策, 支脉, (公路或铁路的)支线, vt. 以马刺策(马)前进, 刺激, 激励, 给(马)装马刺flirt n. 卖弄风骚的人,调情的人vi. 掠过,轻率对待,经历vt. 忽然弹出,摇动banter n. 戏谑,嘲弄v. 戏弄,开玩笑pick n. 采摘, 精选,鹤嘴锄,精品, 收获量vt. 摘,挑选,挑惕,剔除,戳,撬vi. 慎选, 凿, 吹毛求疵, 采收scarlet n. 深红色,斐红色,红衣adj. 肥斐色的,深红色的dissect v. 解剖, 切细,仔细研究,详细分析bluff n. 断崖,绝壁adj. 直率的vi. 吹牛vt. 以虚张声势达成bait n. 饵,引诱vt. 嘲笑,纵犬攻击,以饵引诱,放饵magnate n. 大资本家orchestra n. 管弦乐队zenith n. 顶点,天顶,全盛bolster n. 长枕,靠垫vt. 支持,鼓励mastermind n. 聪明人, 智多星vt. (巧妙地)策划obliterate v. 涂去, 擦去, 删除as opposed to 与... 形成对照at every turn adv. 到处(每次,经常地)mark time v. 踏步, 停顿不前at stake adj. 在危险中(处于成败关头)come by vt. 从旁边走过(得到,来串门) vt. 得到,获得exert oneself 努力,尽力in the nick of time 在紧要关头holler v. 叫喊,发牢骚n. 叫喊,怨言truce n. 休战,(争执,烦恼等的)缓和v. 以停战结束simper v. 傻笑, 假笑n. 傻笑, 假笑sycophant n. 马屁精perverse adj. 乖张的, 倔强的, 错误的,不正当的,误入歧途的,有悖常理的bail out 保释出(某人)go-getter n. <俚>非常积极能干的人, 老手servile adj. 卑屈的, 奴隶的tab n.(tabulate)制表, 标签, 垂饰, 拉环,账单vt. 用标签或垂饰安装assuage vt. 缓和, 减轻, 镇定yo-yo n. 溜溜球(一种玩具) n. 笨人,蠢人adj. 上下起落的vi. 摇摆不定saunter vi. 闲逛, 漫步n. 闲逛, 漫步stretcher n. 担架,伸张器,横砖,横木Madonna n.圣母玛利亚,圣母像whore n. 妓女,嫖客,不道德的人vi. 卖淫, 为个人利益而采取妥协原则syndrome n. 综合征,综合症状;(不良情况的)典型表现,典型行为peccadillo n. 轻罪,小过,小暇疵osmosis n. 渗透, 渗透性,潜移默化shackle n. 桎梏, 束缚物v. 加桎梏, 加枷锁, 束缚macho adj. 男子的男子气的fleck n. 斑点,微粒v. 使...起斑点vt. 使有斑点,使成斑驳virile adj. 男性的, 男的, 有男子气概的, 精力充沛的strap n. 绳, 皮带, 镣铐, 皮鞭vt. 用绳索捆扎, 系住, 鞭笞, 磨快shuffle n. 拖著脚走,洗纸牌vt. &vi. 拖曳,慢吞吞地走doleful adj. 悲哀的, 寂寞的, 阴沉的sibilant adj. 发咝咝声的stupor n. 昏迷, 麻木, 不省人事mumble v. 喃喃而语, 咕哝n. 喃喃而语, 咕哝dehydration n. 脱水consign v. 交付, 分配, 委托valve n. 瓣膜,阀门,电子管,真空管furnace n. 炉子,熔炉,闷热地带,严峻考验overstock vt. 供给过多,进货过多n. 供给过多,库存过剩thermostat n. 恒温器supine adj. 仰卧的, (手)掌心向上的, 懒散的vexation n. 恼怒hector vt.& vi.吓唬,欺凌n.暴徒,威吓者,作威作福的人catcall n. 不满之声,嘘声blur vt.& vi. 使...模糊,弄脏n. 污点,模糊irksome adj. 厌恶的, 讨厌的, 令人厌烦的contortion n. 扭弯,扭歪,扭purposive adj. 有目的的, 故意的unobtrusive adj. 不突出的, 不显眼的, 谦虚的racking adj. 极为痛苦的,难以忍受的动词rack的现在分词compliance n. 承诺, 顺从, 遵从unconscionable adj. 不合理的, 没有条理的, 过度的bellicose adj. 好战的, 好斗的gird vt. 束缚,包围,使做好准备vi. 准备行动v. 嘲笑n. 讽刺的话showdown n. 摊牌fortify vt. 强化,增强,筑防御工事于,(物质或精神上)支持或鼓励vi. 构建防御工事sulk vi. 生气;愠怒n. 生气;愠怒;生气的人gastric adj. 胃的telltale n. 告密者,迹象,指示器,[体]发球限制线adj. 泄密的impervious adj. 不能渗透的, 不为所动的telepathic adj. 精神感应的reproof n. 斥责, 责备brazenly adv. 厚脸皮地,无耻地raring adj. 渴望的,急切的mortification n. 耻辱, 屈辱,禁欲,[医]坏疽centripetal adj. 向心的shaft n. 轴,杆状物vt. 装杆于,利用cyclone n. 旋风, 飓风,气旋,旋风分离器whisk n. 拂, 扫帚, 毛掸子, 搅拌器v. 拂, 迅速移动, 搅拌stash vt.隐藏,储藏n. 隐藏地点,隐藏物unctuous adj. 油腔滑调的,油的apathy n. 缺乏感情或兴趣,冷漠dispensation n. 分配, 施与,分配物, [宗]特许,豁免alienation n. 疏远,离间,让渡,[哲]异化convene v. 集合, 召集, 召唤v. 聚集, 集合plenipotentiary adj. 有全权的n. 全权代表inarticulate adj. 不能说话的,发音不清的,不善言辞的cordiality n. 诚恳, 热诚make a fuss 大惊小怪,小题大做make a scene 大吵大闹be carried away 十分激动, 十分兴奋speak up vt. 大声讲(毫无顾虑地说出)settle for vt. 对...感到满足(满足于)tear into 猛攻, 抨击descend on 袭击,突然降临,突然到来patter n. 急速拍打声, 轻快脚步声, 行话,顺口溜v. 喋喋不休, 滴嗒地响, 发出急速轻拍声hailstone n. 冰雹dodge vt. &vi. 避开,躲避n. 躲避grumble v. 发牢骚,抱怨,轰鸣n. 怨言,牢骚,轰隆声scowl n. 愁容,暴风雨前的阴沉晦暗v. 皱眉头,做出不高兴的脸,变阴沉晦暗newscaster n. 新闻广播员, 新闻评论广播员hapless adj. 倒霉的, 不幸的crane n. 鹤, 起重机v. 引颈, 伸长(脖子) vt. 伸长(脖子等)stand up for 坚持(拥护, 支持)apoplectic adj. 中风的, 易怒的slink v. 偷偷走动antagonize v. 使...成敌人,敌对,反对disembodied adj. 无实体的, 空洞的动词disembody的过去式和过去分词形式runaround n. 回避;推诿;搪塞sue vt. 控告, 起诉vi. 请求, 追求, 起诉n. (Sue)人名;(日)末(名);(法)休;(英)休(女子教名Susan、Susanna的昵称)petty adj. 琐碎的,小规模的,小气的toaster n. 烤面包机ardent adj. 热心的, 激烈的, 热情的incommensurate adj. 不成比例的, 不相称的rancor n. 敌意, 恨意unalloyed adj. 未掺杂的, 纯粹的clamber n. 攀登,爬上v. 爬上,攀登outmoded adj. 过时的动词outmode的过去式和过去分词形式commonweal n. 公益,<古>共和国dog-eat-dog adj. 弱肉强食的usurp vt. 篡夺, 霸占vi. 篡位wield vt. 行使,运用,支配,挥舞,使用(武器等)astride adv. 跨着,叉开prep. 骑, 跨accoutrements n. (军服, 武器之外的)装备, 配备pushing adj.有进取心的,精力充沛的<br />n.推动<br />动词push的现在分词形式vulgar adj. 通俗的,粗俗的pharisaical adj. 伪善的, 重虚礼的ample adj. 充足的,丰富的,宽敞的quarter n. 四分之一, 一刻钟, 季度, 25美分vt. 四等分vi. 住宿, 驻扎adj. 四分之一的condominium n. (独立产权的)公寓, 共管, 国际共管egregious adj. 恶名昭彰的, 过份的,非常的sly adj. 狡猾的,诡密的,偷偷摸摸的inculcate v. 教授,谆谆教诲,教育profess v. 声称, 冒称,以...为业,正式接受入教,表明信仰blatant adj. 喧嚣的,吵闹的,俗丽的,明目张胆的prat n. <俚>臀部,(英)傻瓜obtuse adj. 钝的, 不尖的, 圆头的intractable adj. 不听话的, 倔强的, 棘手的ignoble adj. 平民的,卑贱的, 卑鄙的, 不光彩的constellation n. 星座, 星群underscore vt. 划线于,强调,提供伴奏乐n. 下划线,影片伴奏乐philanthropic adj. 博爱的,慈善事业的grandeur n. 庄严, 伟大benefactor n. 恩人, 捐助者, 赠送者linchpin n. 制轮楔,轮辖,关键harbor n. 海港,避难所vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏vi. 进入避祸所,生存inextricable adj. 无法摆脱的, 纠缠的fantasize v. 想像, 幻想=fantasise(英)shorn v. shear的过去分词abrasion n. 磨减, 磨损, 磨损之处superfluous adj. 多余的,过剩的neurosis n. 神经症, 神经衰弱症longevity n. 长寿tumultuous adj.喧哗的,骚动的,激动的sham n. 假, 膺品, 骗子adj. 假的, 伪造的v. 假装, 学样子posterity n. 后代realm n. 王国,领域give away vi. 送掉(泄露,放弃,分配,出卖)under the counter adj.私下出售的(违法的)identify with 视...为一体认同own up 坦白地承认, 供认at all costs 不惜任何代价, 无论如何come about 发生, 改变方向stand for 代表at bottom 实际上, 本质上, 根本上plateau n. 高原;平稳;稳定状态vi. 到达平稳阶段fizzle n. 嘶嘶声, 失败v. 发嘶嘶声, 失败firecracker n. 爆竹, 鞭炮fluke n. 侥幸, 偶然的机会,鲽鱼,猫爪intimidate vt. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫turn around vt. 转身(转变,逆转,卸完货离去)glue n. 胶,粘性之物vt. 粘, 紧附于...smear v. 涂,擦上,抹擦使变模糊n.油迹,污点;诋毁,诽谤;(医)涂片标本dividend n. 红利,股息,意外之财, 彩金, 被除数materialize v. 赋与实质,使体现,物质化v. 成有形,体现,实现forgo v. 没有...就算了, 作罢停止, 放弃mortgage n.&v. 抵押equity n. 权益,产权,(无固定利息的)股票n. 公平, 公正chancellor n. 英大臣(使馆秘书, 首相)bluntly adv. 钝, 迟钝地, 直率地overpower vt. 压倒,制服,给以过大的动力elicit vt. 引出,诱探出pinnacle n. 小尖塔, 尖峰, 高峰vt. 造小尖塔, 放置高处reign n. 执政,君主统治时期,王朝vi. 当政,统治,占优势,支配,盛行stunning adj. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的aptitude n. 才能,资质lackluster adj. 无光泽的(暗淡的,无生气的,平凡的) n. 无光泽(暗淡,无生气,平凡) concede vt. 承认,给予vi. 让步put across v. 圆满完成, 使被接受revenue n. 总收入; 财政收入, 税收n. 税务局recession n. 后退,凹入的地方,不景气stroke n. 中风;冲程;笔画;打击;尝试;轻抚vt. 抚摸;敲击;划尾桨;划掉vi. 击球;作尾桨手;敲击键盘exceed vt. 超过, 胜过, 超出界限vi. 领先verify v. 查证,核实n.[计算机] DOS命令: 打开关闭在DOS操作期间的写文件校验开关surety n. 保证人, 保证, 担保ungainly adj. 笨拙的, 不雅的,难用的。

第一部分ceive- cept(握有,获得)●conceive (3) [ ☜⏹♦♓ ]con(整体,全部)+ceive(获得)=获得整体概念=构想v.①(of)设想,构思,想象;②怀胎,受孕concept (19) [ ⏹♦♏☐♦ ]n.概念,观念,思想concept ion(2) [ ☜⏹♦♏☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①概念,观念;②设想,构想●deceive (1) [ ♎♓♦♓ ]v.欺骗,蒙蔽deceit (无) [ ♎♓♦♓♦ ]n.欺骗,欺骗行为,谎言●receive (24)[ ❑♓♦♓ ]v.①收到,接到;②接待,接见(引)receiver n. 接收者,接收器receipt (无)[ ❑♓♦♓♦ ]n.①收据,收条;②收到,接到reception (6)[ ❑♓♦♏☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①接待,招待会;②接收,接受,接收效果●perceive (4)[ ☐☜♦♓ ]v.①察觉,感知;②理解,领悟●ac cept (33)[ ☜♦♏☐♦ ]v.①接受, 认可;②同意,认可accept able[ ☜♦♏☐♦☜♌● ]a.可接受的accept ance[☜♦♏☐♦☜⏹♦]n.①接受,验收;②承认,认可第二部分站如青松篇stable/stacle/state-stance/stand/stant-stin/stim-siststim 促进其余都是“站”的意思一.stable/stacle●stab (无)[ s♦✌♌ ]v./n.刺,戳stable (8)[ ♦♦♏♓♌● ]a.稳定的,安定的n.马厩,马棚st ability (3)[ ♦♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ]n.稳定,安定in stability (无)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ]n.不稳定(性)stadi um(3)[ steidi☜m]n.运动场,体育场●ob stacle (1)[ ♌♦♦☜●]n.障碍,妨碍,干扰(to)e stablish (15)[ ♓♦♦✌♌●♓☞ ]v.①建立,设立;②安置,使定居e stablish ment (3)[ ♓♦♦✌♌●♓☞❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①建立,设立②建立的机构(或组织)二.state●e state (2)[i steit]n.房地产,地产state (82)[ ♦♏♓♦ ]n. ①状态,情况; ②国,州v. ③陈述,说明 ④规定state ment [ ♦♦♏♓♦❍☜⏹♦ ]n.声明,陈述states man [ ♦♦♏♓♦♦❍☜⏹ ]n.政治家,国务活动家stat ic(al) (无) [ ♦♦✌♦♓ ]a.静态的,静力的●station (8) [ ♦♦♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.车站;所,站,局;身份,地位v.安置,驻扎station ary (2) [ ♦♦♏♓☞☎☜✆⏹☜❑♓ ] a.静止的,固定的station ery (无)[ ♦♦♏♓☞☎☜✆⏹☜❑♓ ] n.文具●statistical (3) [ ♦♦☜♦♓♦♦♓☜● ]a.统计的,统计学的statistics (10) [ ♦♦☜♦♓♦♦♓♦ ]n.统计(学) 注:-ics 学科stat ue (无) [ ♦♦✌♦◆]n.塑像,雕像stat ute (无) [ ♦♦✌♦◆♦] n.法规,章程,规则stat us (17) [ ♦♦♏♓♦☜♦ ]n. ①地位,身份; ②情形,状况三.stance/stand/stant●circum stance (9)[ ♦☜☜❍♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n .①[pl.]情况,形势,环境; ②经济情形,境况 in stance (7)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ]n.例子,事例,例证in stant (4)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ]a.①立即的,直接的; ②紧迫的;③(食品)速溶的,方便的n.瞬间,时刻instant aneous (1)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦♏♓⏹☜♦ ]a.瞬间的,即刻的instant ly (2)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦●♓ ]ad.立即,即刻●sub stance (26)[ ♦✈♌♦♦☜⏹♦ ]n. ①物质, 实质;②财产,财物③大意;a. ①实质的,真实的;②坚固的,结实的;③富裕的stand [ ♦✌⏹♎ ]v.①站,站立;②坐落,位于;③坚持,维持原状; ④经受,忍受n.台,座standard (29)[ ♦♦✌⏹♎☜♎ ]n.标准,规则a.标准的 standard ize (3)[ ♦♦✌⏹♎☜♎♋✋]v.使符合标准,使标准化 ●con stant (9次)[ ⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a. ①经常的,不断的;②坚定的,永恒的 ③忠实的 stand point (无) [ ♦♦✌⏹♎☐✋⏹♦] n.立场,观点 di stance (11)[ ♎♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.距离,间隔,远方,路程di stant (7)[ ♎♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a.远的,久远的 四.stim/stin 篇●stim ulate (4次) [ ♦♦♓❍◆●♏♓♦ ] v. ①刺激, 使兴奋; ②激励,鼓舞sting (无) [ ♦♦♓☠ ]v./n. ①刺,刺痛,剧痛;②刺,叮 stir (2) [ ♦♦☜ ]v.①搅拌,搅动;②摇动; ③激动; ④轰动; ⑤煽动,鼓动 stir up 激起,鼓动,煽动 stitch (无) [ ♦♦♓♦☞ ] n.一针,针脚v.缝,缝合●ob stinate (无) [ ♌♦♦♓⏹♓♦ ] a.顽固的,固执的di stinct (14) [ ♎♓♦♦♓☠♦ ] a. ①清楚的, 明显的;② (from)截然不同的 di stinct ion [ ♎♓♦♦♓☠☞☜⏹ ] n.差别,区分 di stinguish (10) [ ♎♓♦♦♓☠♈♦♓☞ ] v. ① (from)区别,辨别; ②辨认出; ③使杰出 五.sist 篇●ex ist (37)[ ♓♈♓♦♦ ] v.存在;生活exist ence [ ♓♈♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n. ①存在,实在; ②生存,生活(方式)exist ent[ ♓♈♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a.存在的 non existent 不存在的●as sist (18)[ ☜♦♓♦♦ ] v.帮助,援助,协助assist ance [ ☜♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.帮助,援助assist ant [ ☜♊♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.助手,助教 a.辅助的,助理的 v.(in)在于,存在于;(of)由…组成,由...构成 consist ent (7)[ ☜⏹♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a. ① (with)前后一致的 ②始终如一的 ●in sist (9)[ ♓⏹♦♓♦♦ ] v.(on)坚持要求, 坚持(强调坚决主张) per sist (5)[ ☐☜☎✆♦♓♦♦ ] v.(in)坚持,持续(强调一种精神) ●re sist (3) [ ❑♓♓♦♦ ]v.①抵抗, 反抗; ②抗,忍得住,抵制 resist ance (2)[ ❑♓♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ]n.①(to)抵抗,反抗;②抵抗力,阻力;③电阻resist ant(3次)[ ❑♓♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ]a.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的第三部分飞刀切菜篇cad/case/cide-cise/cide-pend/pense-set/stall/pose-press-here落-切-悬-放-压-粘一.cad/case 篇dec ade (23)[ ♎♏♏♓♎ ]n.十年dec 十dec imal 十进(制)的decay (无)[ ♎♓♏♓ ]v./n.①腐朽,腐烂;②衰减,衰退case (35)[ ♏♓♦ ] n.①箱,盒,容器;②情况,事实;③病例;④案件cash ier (无)[ ☜☞♓☜ ]n.收银员,出纳员cash(14)[ ✌☞ ]n.现金,现款v.兑现,付(或收)现款cas ual (6)[ ✌✞◆☜● ]a.①偶然的, 碰巧的;②临时的,非正式的casualty (1)[ ✌✞◆☜●♦♓ ]n.①伤亡人员;②受害人occasion (3)[ ☜♏♓✞☜⏹ ]n.①场合, 时节, 时刻;②时机,机会occasion al (5)[ ☜♏♓✞⏹☜● ]a.①偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的;②临时的;③不时的二.cide/cise 篇●de cide (16)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♎ ]v.①决定, 下决心;②解决,裁决decided (5)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♎♓♎ ]a.①决定了的的,坚决的;②明显的,明确的decision (24)[ ♎♓♦♓✞☜⏹ ]n.①决定,决心;②决议;决策decisive (2)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♦♓ ]a.①决定性的;②明确的;③果断的;de term ine (25)[ ♎♓♦☜❍♓⏹ ]v.①决心,决定;(强调坚忍不拔)②确定,限定a.精确的,准确的precis ion(2)[ ☐❑♓♦♓✞☜⏹ ]n.精确,精确度con cise (2)[ ☜⏹♦♋♓♦ ]a.简明的,简洁的●sui cide (10)[ ♦◆♓♦♋♓♎ ]n.自杀,自取灭亡ac cid ent (14)[ ✌♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.①事故;②意外的事,偶然的事ac cid ent al (1)[ ✌♦♓♎♏⏹♦● ]a. 偶然的,意外的―ly adv.in cid ence (1)[ ♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.发生(率)in cid ent (8)[ ♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.事件,事变incident ally(1)[✋⏹♦✋♎♏⏹♦☜●✋]ad.附带地,顺便提及co in cide (无)[ ☜◆♓⏹♦♋♓♎ ]v.和...一致,相符,相同coincid ence(2)[ ☜◆♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.①巧合,巧事;②一致,符合三. pend/pense 篇●de pend (23)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎ ]v.①(on/upon) 取决于, 依靠②信赖,相信depend ence(4)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]n.(on)依靠;依赖;信赖depend ent(6)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]a.①依靠的, 依赖的②从属的;随...而定的in dependence (5)[ ♓⏹♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]n.独立,自主in 相反in depend ent(15)[ ♓⏹♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]a.(of)独立的,自主的in 相反in dispensable (3)[ ♓⏹♎♓♦☐♏⏹♦☜♌● ]a.(to,for)必不可少的,必需的in 相反●sus pend (3)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♎ ]v.①吊, 悬挂;②推迟,暂停sus pense (无)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♦ ] n.悬而未决,不确定sus pens ible (无)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♦☜♌● ]a.可吊的,可悬浮的,可悬挂的append ix(无)[ ☜☐♏⏹♎♓♦ ]n.附录,附属物四.set/stall●set [ ♦♏♦ ]n.①(一)套,(一)副,(一)批;②机组,接收机v.①放,安置;②树立,创造;③调正,校正;④落山,下沉a.不变的,固定的,规定的setting (3)[ ♦♏♦♓☠ ]n.①安置,安装;②落山;③(固定东西的)柜架底座;④环境,背景set tle (12)[ ♦♏♦● ]v.①安定, 安顿;②停息;③定居;④解决,调停settle ment (4)[ ♦♏♦●❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①解决, 决定, 调停;②居留区,住宅区●stall (1)[ ♦♦● ]n.①货摊;②畜栏,厩v.(使)停转,(使)停止in stall/instal (3)[ ♓⏹♦♦● ]v.安装,设置install ation(无)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜●♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①安装,设置;②装置,设备install ment(无)[ ♓⏹♦♦●❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①分期付款;②就任,就职五. pose●dose (1)[ ♎☜◆♦ ]n.剂量,一服,一剂v.(给...)服药pose[ ☐☜◆ ]v.①造成(困难等);②提出(问题等),陈述(观点等);③摆姿势;④假装,冒充position (10)[ ☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①位置;②职位,职务;③姿势,姿态;④见解,立场,形势positive (8)[ ☐☜♦♓ ]a.①确实的,明确的;②积极的,肯定的;③正的,阳性的;④十足的,完全的n.(摄影)正片●im pose (6)[ ♓❍☐☜◆ ]v.①征(税);②(on)把...强加给ex pose (8)[ ♓♦☐☜◆ ]v.①(to)使暴露,受到;②使曝光expos ure (1)[ ♓♦☐☜◆✞☜ ]n.①暴露,揭露;②(to)受到dis posal (无)[ ♎♓♦☐☜◆☜● ]n.①处理,处置;②布置,安排dis pose (2)[ ♎♓♦☐☜◆ ]v.①(of)处理,处置;②(for)布置,安排de pos it(2)[ ♎♓☐♓♦ ]v.①存放;②储蓄;③使沉淀;④付(保证金)n.①存款,保证金;②沉积物deposit ion(无)[ ♎♏☐☜♓☞☜⏹, ♎♓ ]n.沉积作用,沉积物op pose (7)[ ☜☐☜◆ ]v.反对,反抗oppos ite(9)[ ☐☜♓♦ ]a.(to)对面的,对立的,相反的n.对立面,对立物prep.在...的对面●sym posium (2)[ ♦♓❍☐☜◆♓☜❍, ☐ ]n.①讨论会, 专题报告会;②专题论文集de compose (无)[ ♎♓☜❍☐☜◆ ]v.分解com pose (5)[ ☜❍☐☜◆ ]v.①组成, 构成;②(of)由...组成;③创作(作曲,诗歌等)composit ion(15)[ ❍☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①作品,作文, 乐曲;②写作,作曲;③结构,组成,成分pre position (无)[ ☐❑♏☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.介词pur pose (26)[ ☐☜☐☜♦ ]n.①目的, 意图;②用途,效果pro posal (2)[ ☐❑☜☐☜◆☜● ]n.①提议, 建议;②求婚pro pose (5)[ ☐❑☜☐☜◆ ]v.①提议, 建议;②提名,推荐;③求婚pro position (3)[ ☐❑☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①主张, 建议;②陈述,命题sup pose (7)[ ♦☜☐☜◆ ]v.①料想, 猜想;②假定,以为;③[用于祈使语句]让,没六.press 篇●press [ ❑♓ ]v.①压,揿,按;②压榨,压迫;③紧迫,催促,逼迫n.①报刊, 出版社, 通讯社;②压榨机,压力机;③压,揿,按press ure (10)[♊☐❑♏☞☜☎❑✆]n.①压(力);②强制,压迫,压强im press (4)[ ♓❍☐❑♏♦ ]v.①(on) 印, 盖印;②留下印象,引人注目n.印记impress ion(4)[ ♓❍☐❑♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①印象, 感想;②盖印,压痕impress ive(1)[ ♓❍☐❑♏♦♓ ]a.给人深刻印象的,感人的ex press (32)[ ♓♦☐❑♏♦ ]v.表达,表示a.特快的,快速的n.快车,快运ex pression[ ♓♦☐❑♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①表达,表示;②词句,措词;③式,符号●de press (9)[ ♎♓☐❑♏♦ ]v.①压抑, 降低;②使沮丧,压下op press (1)[ ☜☐❑♏♦ ]v.压迫,压制sup press (1)[ ♦☜☐❑♏♦ ]v.①镇压, 压制;②抑制,忍住;③查禁com press (1)[ ☜❍☐❑♏♦ ]v.压缩,浓缩●pess imistic (1)[ ☐♏♦♓❍♓♦♦♓ ] a.悲观(主义)的 optimistic (8) [ ☐♦✋❍✋♦♦✋] a.乐观主义的optim ize (无) [ ☐♦♓❍♋♓ ] v.使优化七.here 篇 ●co herent (无) [ ☜◆♒♓☜❑☜⏹♦ ] a.粘着的,粘附的 in herent (2)[ ♓⏹♒♓☜❑☜⏹♦ ] a.固有的,内在的,天生的 in her it (无) [ ♓⏹♒♏❑♓♦ ] v.继承 ad here (无) [ ☜♎♒♓☜ ] v.①(to)粘附,胶着;②坚持 her it age (1)[ ♒♏❑♓♦♓♎✞ ] n. ①遗产,继承物; ②传统 ●her[ ♒☜ ] pron.[she 的宾格]她; [she 的所有格]她的 herd (无) [ ♒☜♎ ] n.群,兽群,牛群 v.放牧,群集 here [ ♒♓☜ ] ad.①这里,在这里; ②从这里,到这里;③在这一点上,这时 hero (5) [ ♒♓☜❑☜◆ ] n. ①英雄, 勇士;②男主角,男主人公 heroin e (无) [ ♒♏❑☜◆♓⏹ ] n. ①女英雄; ②女主角 heroin (3)[ ♒♏❑☜◆♓⏹ ] n.海洛因 hero ic (无)[ ♒♓❑☜◆♓ ] a.英雄的,英勇的 ●hers [ ♒☜ ] pron.[she 的物主代词]她的(东西)herself [ ♒☜♦♏●♐ ] pron.她自己,她亲自,她本人 he sit ate (4) [ ♒♏♓♦♏♓♦ ]v. ①犹豫,踌躇; ②含糊,支吾 hesitat ion (无)[ ♒♏♓♦♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n.犹豫,踌躇highjack (无 )[`♒♋✋♎✞✌] v. 抢劫,劫持,揩油第四部分 女子十二乐坊篇feas/feat/fect- fic/fac/fact-ag/act/oper- feit/fit/labor 做一. feas/feat ●feas ible (无) [ ♐♓☜♌● ] a.可行的f east (无)[ ♐♓♦♦ ] n.①节日; ②宴会 feather (无)[ ♐♏❆☜ ] n.羽毛feat ure (9)[ ♐♓♦☞☜ ]n.①特征,特色;②特写二. feat/fect/fic●de feat (5)[ ♎♓♐♓♦ ]v./n.战胜,挫败n.失败de fect (2)[ ♎♓♐♏♦ ]n.缺点,缺陷de ficiency (1)[ ♎♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.①缺乏,不足;②缺陷de ficit (无)[ ♎♏♐♓♦♓♦ ]n.赤字,逆差●ef ficiency (10)[ ♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.①效率;②功效ef fici ent(10)[ ♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.①有效的, 效率高的;(in-)②有能力的,能胜任的suf ficient (14)[ ♦☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.(for)足够的,充分的in sufficient (3)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.(for,of)不足的,不够的pro ficiency (2)[ ☐❑☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.(in)熟练,精通●ef fect (66)[ ♓♐♏♦ ]n.①(on)作用,影响;②结果;③效果,效力v.产生,招致ef fect ive[ ♓♐♏♦♓ ]a.有效的,生效的af fect (19)[ ☜♐♏♦ ]v.①影响;②感动affect ion (1)[ ☜♐♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①爱,慈爱,感情;②影响●per fect (5)[ ☐☜♐♓♦ ]a.①完善的, 无瑕的;②完全的,十足的;③[语法]完成的v.使完美,改进perfect ion (无)[ ☐☜♐♏☞☜⏹ ]n.尽善尽美,完美perfect ly (1)[ ☐♐✋♦●✋]ad.很,完全●super ficial (3)[ ♦◆☐☜♐♓☞☜● ]a.①表面的;②肤浅的,浅薄的art i fic ial (7)[ ♦♓♐♓☞☜● ]a.①人工的, 人造的;②人为的,娇揉造作的office (26)[ ♐♓♦ ]n.①办公室,办事处;②职务,公职;③部,局,处offic er (4)[ ♐♓♦☜ ]n.①官员, 办事员;②工作人员;③军官offic ia l (11)[ ☜♐♓☞☜● ]n.官员,行政官员a.①官方的,官方的,②正式的,公务的三. fac/fact-ag 篇●fac ulty (2)[ ♐✌☜●♦♓ ]n.①才能;②学院,系;③(学院或系的)全体教学人员fac ility (无)[ ♐☜♦♓●♓♦♓ ]n.①灵巧, 熟练;②[pl.]]设备,设施,便利条件fac ilitate (1)[ ♐☜♦♓●♓♦♏♓♦ ]v.使变得(更)容易,使便利●fact or (15)[ ♐✌♦☜ ]n.因素,要素fact ory[ ♐✌♦☜❑♓ ]n.工厂fact (50)[ ♐✌♦ ]n.事实,实际ex ag gerate (2)[ ♓♈✌♎✞☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.夸大,夸张四.act 篇●act [✌♦]v.①行动,做事;②(on)起作用;③表演n.①行为,动作;②(一)幕;③法令,条例act ion(17)[ ✌☞☜⏹ ]n.①行动, 行为;②动作,活动;③(on)作用act or[ ✌♦☜ ]n.男演员actr ess [ ✌♦❑♓♦ ]n.女演员●re act (8)[ ❑♓✌♦ ]v.①反应, 起作用;②(against)反对,起反作用react ion[ ❑♓☎✆✌☞☜⏹ ]n.反应react or(无)[ ❑♓☎✆✌♦☜ ]n.反应堆●inter act (17)[ ♓⏹♦☜❑✌♦ ]v.互相作用,互相影响interact ion[ ♓⏹♦☜❑✌☞☜⏹ ]n.互相作用,互相影响●act ive(12)[ ✌♦♓ ]a.有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的,在活动中的activ ate(4)[ ✌♦♓♏♓♦ ]v.使活动,起动activ ity(12)[ ✌♦♓♓♦♓ ]n.①活动;②活性,活力act ual(24)[ ✌♦◆☜● ]a.实际的,现实的●ex act (14)[ ♓♈✌♦ ]a.确切的,正确的,精确的exact ly[ ♓♈✌♦●♓ ]ad.确切地,精确地,恰好五.oper 篇●opera (2)[ ☐☜❑☜]n.歌剧oper ate(4)[ ☐☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.①运转,开动;②(on)动手术,开刀,(对...)施行手术operat or(无)[ ☐☜❑♏♓♦☜ ]n.①操作人员②(电话)接线员operat ion(13)[ ☐☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①运转, 开动, 操作;②(on)手术;③运算operation al(1)[ ☐☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹● ]a.操作的,运转的●co operate (2)[ ☜◆☐☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.(with)合作,协作,相配合cooperat ive(4) [ ☜◆☐☜❑☜♦♓ ]a.合作的,协作的n.合作社六. feit/fit/laborcount[ ◆⏹♦]v.①数,计算;②算入;③看作,认为n.计数,计算,总数counter[ ♋◆⏹♦☜ ]n.①柜台;②计数器a./ad.相反(的)v.反对,反击counter part (3) [ ♋◆⏹♦☜☐♦ ]n.对应的人(或物)counter feit(无) [ ♋◆⏹♦☜♐♓♦ ]v.伪造for feit (无)[ ♐♐♓♦ ]n.没收;罚金●bene ficial (3)[ ♌♏⏹♓♐♓☞☜● ]a. (to)有利的, 有益的bene fit (27)[ ♌♏⏹♓♐♓♦ ]n.利益,好处,恩惠v.①有益于;②(from,by)受益●pro fit (18)[ ☐❑♐♓♦ ]n.利润,收益,益处v.①(by,from)得利,获益;②利用;有利于profit able[ ☐❑♐♓♦☜♌☜● ]a.有利可图的,有益的●favor/favour (19)[ ♐♏♓☜ ]n.①恩惠,帮助;②好感,喜爱v.①赞成,支持②偏爱,偏袒favor able/favourable[ ♐♏♓☜❑☜♌● ]a.赞许的,有利的,顺利的favor ite/favourite[ ♐♏♓☜❑♓♦ ]n.最喜欢的人或物a.特别喜欢的,中意的●col labor ate(无)[ ☜●✌♌☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.协作,合作e labor ate (4)[ i ●✌♌☜❑☜♦ ]a.详尽的,精心的v.精心制作,详细说明第五部分美女的心事篇man - mini - miss/mit/port - move/mobe/mote/mate/cur/trol- flu/fuse 人、手-小-出去-运动-流动一.男人篇●male [ ❍♏♓● ]n./a.①男性(的)②雄性(的)mal function (无)[ ❍✌●♐✈☠☞☜⏹ ]n./v.①失灵;②功能失常mal treat (无)[ ❍✌●♦❑♓♦ ]v.虐待●man [❍✌⏹]n.①男人;②人类,人manage[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞ ]v.①经营, 管理, 处理;②设法,对付;③操纵,运用manager[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞☜ ]n.经理,管理人manage ment(19)[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①经营,管理;②管理部门●manifesto (1)[ ❍✌⏹♓♐♏♦♦☜◆ ]n.宣言manifest (8)[ ❍✌⏹♓♐♏♦♦ ]v.表明,证明,显示a.明白的,明了的mani pul ation (2)[ ❍☜⏹♓☐◆●♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①操作;②控制;③应付manipul ate (2)[ ❍☜⏹♓☐◆●♏♓♦ ]v.①操作, 控制;②应付,处理●man ner (18)[ ❍✌⏹☜ ]n.①方式, 方法;②举止;③[pl.]风度,礼貌;④规矩;⑤风俗man ly(无)[ ❍✌⏹●♓ ]a.男子气概的,果断的man kind (6)[ ❍✌⏹♋♓⏹♎ ]n.人类●manu al (2)[ ❍✌⏹◆☜● ]a.手的,手工做的,体力的n.手册,指南manu fact ure (6)[ ❍✌⏹◆♐✌♦☞☜ ]v.制造,加工n.①制造, 制造业;②产品manu script (1)[ ❍✌⏹◆♦❑♓☐♦ ]n.手稿,原稿二.迷你篇●mine [ ❍♋♓⏹ ]pron.[I的物主代词]我的(东西)n.矿,矿山,矿井v.①采矿;②布雷min er[ ❍♋✋⏹☜☎❑✆]n.矿工miner al(2)[ ❍✋⏹☜❑☎☜✆●]n.矿物,矿石a.矿物的,矿质的●mini stry (无)[ ❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♓ ]n.①(政府的)部;②牧师mini ster (3)[ ❍♓⏹♓♦♦☜ ]n.部长,大臣ad ministrate/administer(无)[ ☜♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♏♓♦ ]v.①掌管,料理...的事务;②实施,执行;③给予,投(药)administrat ion(5)[ ☜♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①管理,经营;②行政(机关,部门);③政府●mini ature (无)[ minj☜t☞☜ ]n.缩小的模型,缩图a.微型的,缩小的mini m ize/minimize (无)[ ❍✋⏹✋❍♋✋]v.①使减少到最少②使降到最低mini mum (3)[ ❍♓⏹♓❍☜❍ ]n.最小值,最低限度a.最小的,最低的maxi mum (2)[ ❍✌♦♓❍☜❍ ]n.最大值,极限a.最大的,最高的min or(3)[ ❍♋♓⏹☜ ]a.较小的,较小的,较次要的n.兼修学科v.(in)兼修maj or (30)[ ❍♏♓♎✞☜ ]a.(较)大的,(较)重要的n.①专业,主修科目;②专业学生;③少校v.(in)主修,专攻minor ity[ ❍♋♓⏹❑♓♦♓ ]n.少数,少数派,少数民族major ity[ ❍☜♎✞❑♓♦♓ ]n.多数,大多数●min us(无)[ ❍♋♓⏹☜♦ ]a.负的,减的prep.减去n.负号,减号plus (1)[ ☐●✈♦ ] prep.加上a.正的,加的n.加号,正号di minish (4)[ ♎♓❍♓⏹♓☞ ]v.缩小,减少,递减pro minent (1)[ ☐❑❍♓⏹☜⏹♦ ]a.①突起的,凸出的;②突出的,杰出的三.Miss/mit/port篇●miss [ ❍♓♦ ]n.[Miss]小姐v.①未击中, 错过, 没达到;②惦念;③(out)漏掉,省去miss ile(无)[ ❍♓♦♋♓● ]n.导弹,发射物missing (6)[ ❍♓♦♓☠ ]a.漏掉的,失去的,失踪的●miss ion(5)[ ❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①使命, 任务;②使团,代表团sub mission (无)[ ♦☜♌❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.提交,呈送com mission (4)[ ☜❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①委员会;②委任,委托(书),代办;③佣金,手续费per mission (3)[ ☐☜☎✆❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.允许,同意ad mission (3)[ ☜♎❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①允许进入,接纳,收容;②承认●e mission (2)[ ♓❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.散发,发射e mit (1)[ ♓❍♓♦ ]v.散发,发射trans mission (2)[ ♦❑✌⏹❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①播送,发射;②传动,传送trans mit (4)[ ♦❑✌⏹❍♓♦ ]v.①传播,发射;②传递,传导●sub mit (2)[ ♦☜♌❍♓♦ ]v.①(to)使服从,屈服;②(to)呈送,提交com mit (9)[ ☜❍♓♦ ]v.①把...交托给,提交;②犯(错误),干(坏事)per mit (4)[ ☐☜☎✆❍♓♦ ]v.许可,允许n.许可证,执照ad mit (9)[ ☜♎❍♓♦ ]v.①让...进入,接纳;②承认●com mittee (9)[ ☜❍♓♦♓ ]n.委员会,全体委员dis miss (4)[ ♎♓♦❍♓♦ ]v.①免职,解雇,开除②解散inter mittent (1)[ ♓⏹♦☜☎✆❍♓♦☜⏹♦ ]a.间歇的,断断续续的●port [ ☐♦ ]n.港口port able (无)[ ☐♦☜♌● ]a.轻便的,手提(式)的port er(无)[ ☐♦☜ ]n.①搬运工人;②门房port ion(3)[ ☐☞☜⏹ ]n.一部分,一份port rait (无)[ ☐♦❑♓♦ ]n.肖像,画像●ex port (7)[ ♏♦☐♦ ]v./n.输出,出口n.出口商品im port (4)[ ♓❍☐♦ ]v.进口,输入n.①进口, 输入;②[pl.]进口商品,进口物资;③要旨,含意import ance(77)[ ♓❍☐♦☜⏹♦ ]n.重要,重要性import ant[ ♓❍☐♦☜⏹♦ ]a.①重要的, 重大的;②有地位的,有权力的●op port unity(12)[ ☐☜♦◆⏹♓♦♓ ]n.机会pro portion (11)[ ☐❑☜☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①比例;②部分,份儿;③均衡,相称report (49)[ ❑♓☐♦ ]n.①报告,汇报;②传说,传阅v.报告,汇报,报到report er[❑♓☐♦☜]n.①报告人,通讯员;②记者,报导者四.动心篇●move (41)[❍◆]v.①移动,搬家②活动;③感动,激动n.移动,活动,行动move ment[ ❍◆❍☜⏹♦]n.①运动,活动;②移动,迁移re move(9)[❑♓❍◆]v.①排除,消除;②搬迁,移动,运走re mov al(无)[ri mu:v☜l] n.①移动, 迁居;②除去●mov ie (3)[ ❍◆♓]n.电影,电影院re mote (7)[❑♓❍☜◆♦]a.①远的,长久的;②偏僻的;③关系疏远的;pro mote (6)[☐❑☜❍☜◆t]v.①促进,发扬;②提升,提拔;③增进,助长mob ile (2)[ ❍☜◆♌♋♓●]a.可动的,活动的,运动的mobil ize/mobilise (无)[♊❍☜☺♌✋●✋]v.动员●auto [ ♦☜◆]n.汽车auto mobile (3)[ ♦☜❍☜◆♌♓●]n.汽车mot or(12)[ ❍☜◆♦☜]n.发动机,电动机motor way (1)[ ❍☜☺♦☜♦♏✋]n.高速公路●mot ion (10)[ ❍☜◆☞☜⏹]n.①运动,动;②提议,动议v.提议,动议mot ive(3)[ ❍☜◆♦♓]n.动机,目的a.发动的,运动的e motion (18)[♓❍☜◆☞☜⏹]n.情绪,情感●auto matic (5)[ ♦☜❍✌♦♓]n.自动机构a.自动的,无意识的,机械的auto mation (1)[ ♦☜❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.自动(化)●cur rency (无)[ ✈❑☜⏹♦♓]n.通货,货币cur rent (12)[ ✈❑☜⏹♦]n.①电流, 水流, 气流;②潮流,趋势a.①当前的, 现在的;②通用的,流行的oc cur (18)[☜☜]v.①发生,出现;②想起,想到occurr ence[☜✈❑☜⏹♦]n.①发生,出现;②事件,事故,发生的事情in cur (无)[♓⏹☜:]v.招致,惹起,遭受con trol (58)[ ☜⏹♦❑☐●]n.(over)控制,支配v.控制,支配五.流泪篇●in fluence (23)[ ♓⏹♐●◆☜⏹♦]n.①(on) 影响,感化;②势力,权势v.影响,感化in fluent ial(2)[ ♓⏹♐●◆♏⏹☞☜●]a.①有影响的;②有权势的super fluous (无)[ ♦◆☐☜♐●◆☜♦]a.过剩的,多余的●flu [♐●◆]n.流行性感冒flu id (无)[ ♐●◆☎✆♓♎]a.流动的,液体的n.流体,液体flu ent (无)[ ♐●◆☎✆☜⏹♦]a.流利的,流畅的flu ctuate (1)[ ♐●✈♦◆♏♓t]v.使波动,使起伏flu sh (1)[♐●✈☞]v.冲洗,奔流n./v.脸红a.(with)齐平的,同高的●fuse [♐◆]n.保险丝,导火线,引信v.熔化,熔合dif fuse (1)[♎♓♐◆]v.①扩散;②传播,散布a.①(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的;②四散的,弥漫的con fuse (6)[ ☜⏹♐◆]v.使混乱,混淆confus ion[ ☜⏹♐◆✞☜⏹]n.混乱,混淆re fusal (1)[❑♓♐◆☜●]n.拒绝,回绝re fuse (11)[❑♓♐◆]v.拒绝,谢绝n.废物,垃圾●re fute (1)[❑♓♐◆♦]v.反驳,驳斥re fuge (2)[ ❑♏♐◆♎✞]n.避难处,藏身处fut ure (25)[ ♐◆♦☞☜]n.①将来,未来;②前途,前景a.将来的,未来的第六部分嫂夫人与赛先生soph – sci – techn – form智慧-科学-技术-形式一.soph 篇●soph omore (无)[ ♦♐☜❍ ❍❑]n.(大学)二年级学生phil o soph er (8)[♐♓●♦☜♐☜]n.哲学家,哲人phil o soph y (5) [♐♓●♦☜♐♓]n.哲学soph is ti cat ed (1)[♦☜♐♓♦♦♓♏♓♦♓♎]a.①尖端的,复杂的,先进的;②老练的,老于世故的naïve (1)[⏹♓]a.天真的二.sci 篇●science (97)[ ♦♋♓☜⏹♦]n.①科学;②学科con science (无)[ ⏹☞☜⏹♦]n.良心,良知scientif ic(61)[♦♋♓☜⏹♦♓♐♓]a.科学上的scient ist(58)[ ♦♋♓☜⏹♦♓♦♦]n.科学家●con scious (18)[ ⏹☞☜♦]a.①(of) 意识到的, 自觉的;②有意识的,神志清醒的conscious ness(1)[ ⏹☞☜♦⏹♓♦]n.意识,觉悟,自觉con sci entious (无)[ ⏹☞♓♏⏹☞☜♦]a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的三.techn 篇●techn ical(15)[ ♦♏⏹♓☜●]a.技术的,工艺的technic ian (1)[♦♏⏹✋☞☎☜✆⏹]n.技术员,技师,技工techn ique (6)[♦♏⏹♓]n.①技术,技能;②工艺techn ology(41)[♦♏⏹●☜♎✞♓]n.工艺,技术technolog ical(13)[ ♦♏⏹☜●♎✞♓☜●]a.工艺的四.form 篇●uni form (1)[ ◆⏹♓♐❍]n.制服,军服a.相同的,一律的platform (1)[ ☐●✌♦♐❍]n.①平台,台;②站台,月台;③政纲,党纲form[♐❍]n.①形状,形式;②表格v.①组成,构成;②形成form al (13)[ ♐❍☜●]a.①正式的;②形式的for um(1)[ ♐❑☜❍]n.论坛,讨论会●in form (12)[♓⏹♐❍]v.①(of, about) 通知, 告诉, 报告;②告发,告密re form (10)[❑♓♐❍]v./n.改革,改造,改良information (84)[ ♓⏹♐☜❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.①通知, 报告;②情报,资料,消息;③信息form ation (5)[♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.形成,构成●de form (无)[♎♓♐❍]v.(使)变形de formation (无)[ ♎♓♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.变形per form (17)[☐☜♐❍]v.①履行, 执行, 做, 完成;②表演,演出perform ance[☐☜♐❍☜⏹♦]n.①履行,执行;②表演,演出;③性能,特性per fume (无)[ ☐☜♐◆❍]n.①香味,芳香;②香水;③香料●form er(13)[ ♐❍☜]a.以前的,在前的latterpron.前者form ula([pl.]formulae) (无) [ ♐❍◆●☜]n.公式,程式form u late(6) [ ♐❍◆●♏♓♦]v.①构想,规划;②系统地阐述con form (6)[ ☜⏹♐❍]v.①(to)遵守,依照②符合,顺应con firm (2)[ ☜⏹♐☜❍]v.①使更坚固, 使更坚定;②(进一步)证实;③确认,批准第七部分原罪篇vig- vio- vit- viv活力●vig or (无)[ ♓♈☜]n.活力vigor ous(2)[ ♓♈☜❑☜♦]a.有力,朝气蓬勃的,精力旺盛的vio let(无)[ ♋♓☜●♓♦]n.紫罗兰,紫色vio lin(1)[ ♋♓☜●♓⏹]n.小提琴vio late (无)[ ♋♓☜●♏♓♦]v.违犯,违背●vio lence (3)[ ♋♓☜●☜⏹♦]n.①暴力,暴行;②激烈,猛烈vio lent (3)[ ♋♓☜●☜⏹♦]a.①猛烈的,激烈的;②暴力引起的,强暴的vit amin (8)[ ♋♓♦☜❍♓⏹ ♓]n.维生素vit al (4)[ ♋♓♦●]a.①生死攸关的, 重大的;②生命的,生机的●re vive (2)[❑♓♋♓]v.①恢复;②(使)复苏sur vive (18)[♦☜♋♓]v.①幸免于,幸存;②比...长命surviv or(无)[♦☜♋♓☜]n.幸存者surviv al(11)[♦☜♋♓☜●]n.①幸存, 生存;②幸存者,残存物viv id (2)[ ♓♓♎]a.①鲜艳的;②生动的,栩栩如生的第八部分野外郊游篇tin- tain- prise- hibit拿住一.tin 篇●con tinent (21)[ ⏹♦♓⏹☜⏹♦]n.大陆,洲con tinue (28)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆]v.继续,连续,延伸continu al (4)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆☜●]a.不断的,连续的,频繁的continu ous(5)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆☜♦]a.连续的,持续的●intimate (4)[ ♓⏹♦♓❍♓♦]a.亲密的,密切的in timid ate (无)[♓⏹♦♓❍♓♎♏♓♦]v.恫吓,恐吓,威胁●in stinct (5)[ ♓⏹♦♦♓☠♦]n.本能,直觉,天性ex tinct (7)[♓♦♦♓☠♦]a.①灭绝的;②熄灭了的ex tinguish (1)[♓♦♦♓☠♈♦♓☞]v.熄灭,扑灭二.tain 篇●at tain (4)[☜♦♏♓⏹]v.达到,获得de tain (无)[♎♓♦♏♓⏹]v.①耽搁;②扣押,拘留con tain (10)[ ☜⏹♦♏♓⏹]v.①包含,容纳,装有;②等于,相等于contain er(无)[ ☜⏹♦♏♓⏹☜]n.①容器;②集装箱●ob tain (20)[☜♌♦♏♓⏹]v.获得,得到main tain (17)[❍♏⏹♦♏♓⏹]v.①维修,保养;②维持,保持;③坚持,主张,支持mainten ance (无)[ ❍♏♓⏹♦♓⏹☜⏹♦]n.①维修, 保养;②维持,保持enter tain (12)[ ♏⏹♦☜♦♏♓⏹]v.①招待,款待;②使娱乐;③使欢乐entertain ment[♏⏹♦☜♦♏♓⏹❍☜⏹♦]n.①招待,款待;②表演文娱节目sus tain (9)[♦☜♦♦♏♓⏹] v.①支撑, 撑住;②维持,持续③经受,忍耐re tain (2)[❑♓♦♏♓⏹] v.保持,保留三.prise 篇●enter [ ♏⏹♦☜]v.走进,参加,加入enter prise (13)[ ♏⏹♦☜☐❑♋♓]n.①事业,企(事)业单位;②事业心,进取心●pris on (2)[ ☐❑♓⏹]n.监狱prison er(无)[ ☐❑♓⏹☜]n.囚犯im prison (1)[♓❍☐❑♓⏹]v.关押,监禁imprison ment (无)[✋❍♊☐❑✋☜⏹❍☜⏹♦]n.关押,监禁com prise (1)[ ☜❍☐❑♋✋]v.包含,包括,构成(93年完型)四.hibit 篇●ex hibit (14)[♓♈♓♌♓♦]v.展出,陈列exhibit ion[ ♏♦♓♌♓☞☜⏹]n.①展览会;②陈列,展览pro hibit (1)[☐❑☜♒♓♌♓♦]v.①禁止,不准;②阻止第九部分恋爱三步曲ver/verse/vert旋转一.偶遇酒吧间●a ver age(19)[ ✌☜❑♓♎✞]n.平均(数)a.①平均的;②通常的,一般的v.平均,均分be verage (无)[ ♌♏☜ ❑♓♎✞]n.饮料con verse ly (无)[ ⏹♦●✋]ad.相反地con vers ion(无)[ ☜⏹☜☞☜⏹]n.变换,转化con vert (1)[ ☜⏹☜♦]v.变换,转化(98年单选)conversat ion(10)[ ⏹☜♦♏♓☞☜⏹]n.会话,谈话二.恋爱大校园●ad verse (无)[ ✌♎☜♦]a.①相反的, 敌对的;②不利的,有害的advers ity(无)[☜♎☜♦♓♦♓]n.①逆境,不幸事件;②苦难,灾难,不幸经历●uni versal (9)[ ◆⏹♓☜♦☜●]a.①普遍的, 全体的, 通用的;②宇宙的,世界的uni verse (17)[ ◆⏹♓☜s]n.宇宙,万物uni versity (21)[ ◆⏹♓☜♦♓♦♓]n.大学●di verse (4)[♎♋♓☜♦]a.①多种多样的②(from)不同的divers ion(2)[♎♋♓☜☞☜⏹]n.转向,转移anni versary (无)[ ✌⏹♓☜♦☜❑♓]n.周年(纪念日)contro versial (2)[ ⏹♦❑☜☜☞☜●]a.引起争论的,有争议的re verse (3)[❑♓☜♦]n.①相反,反转,颠倒;②背面,后面a.相反的,倒转的v.颠倒,倒转,(使)倒退三.矛盾千重天●verse (1)[ ☜♦]n.①韵文,诗;②诗节,诗句vers ion(1)[ ☜☞☜⏹]n.①型,版本;②译本,译文;③说法,看法versus/vs.(4)[ ☜♦☜♦]prep.①与...相对,与...相比;②以...为对手,对vers at ile(无) [ ☜♦☜♦♋♓●]a.①通用的, 万用的;②多才多艺的,多方面的●vert ical (4)[ ☜♦♓☜●]a.垂直的,竖的n.垂线advertise (14)[ ✌♎☜♦♋✋]v.做广告per verted (无)[☐☜☜♦♓♎]a.堕落的,变坏的,违反常情的a vert (无)[☜☜♦]v.①防止,避免;②转移(目光,注意力等)in vert (无)[♓⏹☜♦]v.倒置,倒转,颠倒第十部分大佛东来篇fer 来●pre fer (18)[☐❑♓♐☜]v.(to)更喜欢,宁愿prefer able[ ☐❑♏♐☜❑☜♌●]a.(to)更可取的,更好的prefer ence[ ☐❑♏♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.①(for,to)偏爱,喜爱;②优惠;③优先选择●re fer (22)[❑♓♐☜]v.①参考,查阅,查询;②(to)提到,引用;③提交,上呈refer ence[ ❑♏♐❑☜⏹♦]n.①提及,涉及;②参考,参考书目;③证明书(人);④介绍(人)●suf fer (21)[ s✈♐☜]v.①(from)受痛苦,患病;②受损失;③遭受;④忍受,忍耐●dif fer (97)[ ♎♓♐☜]v.①(from)与...不同;②(with)与...意见不同differ ence[ ♎♓♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.差别,差异,分歧differ ent[ ♎♓♐❑☜⏹♦]a.差异的,差异的,不同的different iate(无)[ ♎♓♐☜❑♏⏹☞♓♏♓♦]v.①区分, 区别;②(使)不同●con fer (10)[ ☜⏹♐☜]v.①商谈, 商议;②授予,赋予confer ence[ ⏹♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.会议,讨论会of fer (34)[ ♐☜]v.提供,提出,呈现,出现n.提议,提供trans fer (12)[♦❑✌⏹♦♐☜]v.①转移,调动;②转车;③转业,转学;④转让,过户●in fer (23)[♓⏹♐☜]v.推论,推断inter fere (6)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☜]v.①(in) 干涉, 干预;②(with)妨碍,打扰interfer ence (1)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☜❑☜⏹♦]n.①(in)干涉,干预;②(with)妨碍,打扰●in terior (7)[♓⏹♦♓☜❑♓☜]a.内部的,里面的n.内部,内地in ferior (4)[♓⏹♐♓☜❑♓☜]a.①(to)下等的,下级的;②差的,次的n.下级,晚辈super ior (2)[♦◆☐♓☜❑♓☜]a.①优良的, 卓越的;②(to)较...多的,优于...n.上级,长官superior ity(1)[♦◆☎✆☐♓☜❑♓❑♓♦♓]n.优越性,优势circum ference (无)[♦☜✈❍♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.圆周,周围第十一部分声如洪钟篇voc/voke- phone 声音●micro phone (无)[ ❍♋✋❑☜♐☜☺⏹]n.话筒,扩音器tele phone (8)[ ♦♏●♓♐☜◆⏹]n.电话,电话机v.打电话sym phony (无)[ ♦♓❍♐☜⏹♓]n.①交响乐,交响曲;②(色彩等的)和谐,协调●ad vocate (17)[ ✌♎☜♓♦]n.提倡者,鼓吹者v.提倡,鼓吹pro voke (无)[☐❑☜☜◆]v.①挑动;②招惹③激发;voc abulary (41)[ ☜✌♌◆●☜❑♓]n.①词汇, 词汇量;②词汇表voc ation (4)[ ☜◆♏♓☞☜⏹]n.职业,行业第十二部分媒体篇med 中间●metal (2)[ ❍♏♦●]n.金属,金属制品medal (5)[ ❍♏♎●]n.奖章,勋章,纪念章med ical (37)[ ❍♏♎♓☜●]a.①医学的, 医疗的, 医药的;②内科的med icine (13)[ ❍♏♎♦♓⏹ ♎♓♦♓⏹]n.①内服药,医药;②医术;③医学,内科学●Med iterranean (无)[ ❍♏♎♓♦☜❑♏♓⏹☜⏹]n./a.地中海(的)med ium([pl.]media) (5)[ ❍♓♎☜❍]n.①中间,适中;②媒介物,介质,传导体a.中等的,适中的med ia (13)[ ❍♓♎☜]n.媒体●im mediate (14)[♓❍♓♎☜♦]a.①立即的, 即时的;②直接的,最接近的inter med iate (无)[ ♓⏹♦☜❍♓♎☜♦]a.①中间的,居间的;②中级的n.中间体,媒介物第十三部分打斗篇dyn/pote/fort/force- bat/fend/fense- crime力量-打斗-罪一. dyn/pote 篇●dyn amic(al) (2) [♎♋♓⏹✌❍♓]a.①动力的,电动的;②有生气的dyn asty (无) [ ♎♓⏹☜♦♦♓]n.王朝,朝代pot ent (无)[ ☐☜◆♦☜⏹♦]a.强有力的im potent (无)[ ♓❍☐☜♦☜⏹♦]a.无力的omni potent (无) [ ❍⏹♓☐☜♦☜⏹♦]a.万能的pot ential (20)[☐☜♦♏⏹☞☎☜✆●]a.①潜在的,可能的;②势的,位的n.潜能,潜力二. fort/force 篇●com fort (3)[ ✈❍♐☜♦]n.①舒适, 安逸;②安慰,慰问v.安慰,使舒适comfort able (7)[ ✈❍♐☜♦☜♌●]a.舒适的,自在的ef fort (19)[ ♏♐☜♦]n.努力,艰难的尝试●fort une (4)[ ♐♦☞☜⏹]n.①命运, 运气;②财产mis fortune[❍♓♦♐♦☞☜⏹]n.不幸,灾祸,灾难fortun ate (10)[ ♐♦☞☜⏹♓♦]a.幸运的,侥幸的un fortunately[✈⏹♐♦☺⏹☜♦●✋]ad.不幸地●afford (7)[☜♐♎]v.①担负得起,买得起,花得起(时间);②供给,给予en force (1)[♓⏹♐♦]v.①实施,执行;②强制三.bat/fend/fense- crime 篇●bat (无)[♌✌♦ ♌♦]n.①球拍, 球棒, 短棒;②蝙蝠de bate (14)[♎♓♌♏♓♦]v./n.争论,辩论com bat (1)[ ❍♌☜♦]v./n.战斗,搏斗,格斗battle (1)[ ♌✌♦●]n.①战役, 战斗;②斗争v.战斗,斗争,搏斗battery (无)[ ♌✌♦☜❑♓]n.①电池(组);②炮兵连,炮组●of fend (6)[☜♐♏⏹♎]v.①冒犯, 触犯, 得罪;②使不快,使恼火of fense/offence (无)[☜♐♏⏹♦]n.①犯罪, 犯规, 过错;②冒犯,触怒of fensive (1)[☜♐♏⏹♦♓]a.冒犯的,攻击的n.攻势,进攻de fend (11)[♎♓♐♏⏹♎]v.①防守,保卫;②为...辩护,为...答辩de fense/defence (1)[♎♓♐♏⏹♦]n.①防御,保卫;②[pl.]防务工事;③辩护,答辩●crime (12)[ ❑♋♓❍]n.罪行,犯罪commit crimes 犯罪crim in al (12)[ ❑♓❍♓⏹●]n.罪犯,刑事犯a.犯罪的,刑事的criminal activities 犯罪活动criminal behavior 犯罪行为dis criminate (无)[♎♓♦❑♓❍♓⏹♏♓♦]v.①区别, 辨别;②(against)有差别地对待,歧视第十四部分独坐深山篇side 坐●pre side (17)[☐❑♓♋♓♎]v.(at,over)主持presid ent[ ☐❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.总统,校长,会长,主席re sid ence (2)[ ❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.住处,住宅resid ent (4)[ ❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.居民,常住者a.居住的●con sider (72)[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜]v.①认为,把...看作;②考虑,细想;③体谅,照顾consider able[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑☜♌●]a.①相当大(或多) 的, 可观的;②值得考虑的consider ate[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑♓♦]a.考虑周到的,体谅的consider ation[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹]n.①需要考虑的事,理由;②考虑,思考;③体谅,照顾sub sidiary (无)。

(完整word版)研究生综合英语(陆效用,复旦大学)单词整理(第一册).docxFlabby弱的,松的Exhilarating令人高的Lapse 陷入,流逝,失效,Greasy 油的,油滑的Consummation房Amok 狂怒Snap突然,猛咬,突然折断Antagonism抗的,意的Cobble石,粗制造Scapegrace 混蛋Take a liking to喜Snippy粗的Infatuation迷恋Have to do with sb 与??有关Hyperstimulation 度刺激Intuition Rapport关系密切,和Forge 造,造Craving渴望,Stem from源于Curator,管理者,Hold true for sth ??也适用Count on指望Bemoan悲悼,哀Giddiness眩,浮Revert to回到??Muster召集Larder食品柜Gutter民窟,水沟Incentive刺激(的),激励Perversity反常,倔,Infamous声名狼藉Outback内地Hilarious极其可笑的,的Dissolute放Swoop俯冲Chuck拍,;放弃(in/up ),Rogue棍,小淘气Flutter拍翅膀,不跳,打走、扔掉( out)Workhouse救所,囚犯工厂,,抖Expostulation告感化院Wallaby沙袋鼠Unscrupulous肆无忌惮的,无耻Yacht快艇Hector威吓,作威作福得人Amendment改正,修正案Sovereign土Plunk down突然落下Qualm(about)疑,担心,Settle down安Cook up内疚,心Wash one’s hands of sb/sth拒Peck sth out啄出,力的打字Convict 明有罪、判决(of),Be in sb’s debt欠?? A buffer zone冲地使悔悟,囚犯Make a point of doing一定Wipe out底,抹去,擦Vindictive复性的做??干Scoundrel棍Chitchat Be akin to密切关系的,相似的Philander玩弄女性Spam垃圾件En route在途中Grudge 嫉妒(v,n+ against),Detritus碎屑,腐Mount (使)登、爬、;架不情愿做(to do/doing )Suck/rock吮,/ 晃,令人,嵌;(攻);(警Levy 征收,征募,(争)震惊);展出,搬上舞台Tip the scale (against/in favor of)Harry不断Ultimatum最后通牒Come across 偶遇,出,清,Snoop,管事的人,私Chronic慢性走来家探Tardiness拖拉More often than not Shrivel(使)萎、无能力Clamp 子,,行施或As opposed to Barrage阻,猛烈攻取Seedy 多种子的,下流,不愉快,Mind-boggling令人吃惊Riot 乱衣衫Disparate迥异Escalate(使)逐步升,自Sensation感知,Hassle争,麻扶梯爬升Premise 假定,Salvage挽救,可利用的品Squabble争吵Trashy垃圾似的Far-flung遥的Airborne空运,媒Inoffensive 无害的,不人Visceral内Intone吟的Transcend超越Enlist 征募,入伍,取(支持)Appeal 呼吁,求助( to/for ),有Flatten弄平,打倒De rigueure 盛行吸引力的(to)Hierarchy等Tightrope拉的索,危的Intermediary 中介的,中介Purveyor建者境Thrill使,使,使抖Prurient色情Enunciate清晰地音,宣布Overt明,公然,蓄意Spew One-liner小笑Truculent凶狠、好、粗暴Mentor良益友Make for走向,攻,致Buttress支持物Forte特,响的,很响地Get away with幸逃脱Caricature 漫画,夸手法Steak牛排,肉排Speculate on思索,推Guise外,装Tentative性的Imbue sb(sth) with sth灌Gag插科打,塞住嘴,噎住Irrevocable不可撤回的Infuse sb(sth) with sth 注入Blitz炸Forego放弃Raise sb’s hackles 生气Citadel 城堡,要塞,安全的地方Marrow骨髓,精髓,葫芦Call sth forth起Aloofness冷漠,高傲Transient短的,瞬的,Dredge sth up挖取,出,提起Contagion染,染病住客,候Deceptive 虚的,人的Defiant 抗的,挑的,大胆的Galvanizing,Bracket 支架,括弧,,等Protocol ,礼,IT Imposter子,档次,同等的人/物Implore求Vivacious活的Falsify 造,歪曲,撒Ladle勺,用勺舀Crack裂开,开,(笑),Cog ,吻合Chalk up下,取得响,破解,掉,俏皮,Oversight失察,疏忽Patch up修,平息裂,入Flirt 情,一想到,In a twinkling一瞬Trepidation惶恐,抖Demotion 降Be caught up in sth ?特感Arrogance傲慢Banter 取笑,逗弄,开玩笑趣Hotshot能人,自命不凡的人,Scarlet 猩色Theologian神学家快Dissect 解剖,仔分析Bioethicist生物理学家Bravado 虚声,蛮干,冒Bluff 愚弄,吓Permeate渗入,弥漫Lovelorn失恋,相思病Abysmally 极坏的,极度的Mammary乳腺的,乳房的Dropout退出,退学,退学生,Bait ,引Nascent初生的,不成熟的漏掉Magnate 巨,要人,Atheist无神者Infatuation迷恋,迷恋的西Orchestra 管弦Agnostic不可知者Seductress勾引男人的女人Zenith 天,最高点,鼎盛Inundate泛,倒Potency 力量,潜力,力,效Becomingly 合适的,得体的Pharmaceutical 制的力Prima 第一的,主要的Insulin胰素Soother慰者Bolster 子,支持物,靠枕Reiterate 重申,反复做Chameleon色Mastermind 才横溢的人,智Uterine 子的Pejorative蔑的,的囊,幕后操Transfix刺穿,把某人怔住Modus operandi 一做法,工Obliterate 擦掉痕迹,消,忘掉Ply 向,定期往返,不断地做作方法to all intents and purposes 上Juggernaut世界主宰Omnipotent 全能的,至高无上的As opposed to 与?相,而不是Mandate命令,授Fortify加,加固,筑防御工At every turnOnslaught突,猛攻事于,支持,,提高养,Mark time原地踏步,无展Docile温,容易服的提高酒的度数At stake 危急关A host of大量Brim(杯碗、帽子)Come by从旁,得到Grapple with搏斗,努力付Obstinately固的,固的Break off中断,断交,折断Be entitled to有??利Howl叫Exert oneself尽力Walk of life行,Tug拉,拖In the nick of time 及Incandescent 的,的Blemish疤,瑕疵Provisional的,定的Forthcoming即将到来的,有Moratorium 延期付,停,的,意帮助的Bail out保,舀出,跳。

研究生英语词汇表A1、Aberrat ion n.失常eventsthat were aberrat ions from the norm.不合常规的事件a mentalaberrat ion精神失常stealin g chocola te in a momentof aberrat ion一时糊涂偷了巧克力2、allurev.吸引Promise s of quick profits allurethe unwaryinvesto r.能很快收得到利润的承诺吸引了心存侥幸的投资者charmsthat still allure.仍然有吸引力的魅力allu re sb. from诱使(某人)离开...allure(sb.) into [to]把(某人)诱入, 骗进They allured her into a snare.他们诱她落入圈套。
3、amity n.友好, 亲善关系He lives in amity with his neighbo urs.他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。
They partedin amity.他们很友好地分别了。
4、analogo us adj.类似的, 相似的, 可比拟的This proposa l was analogo us to/with the one we discuss ed at the last meeting.这项提案与上次会议上我们讨论过的那份提案相似。
5、anomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物“NASA's systemfor trackin g anomali es for flightreadine ss reviews failed”(Preside ntialCommiss ion Reporton the Challen ger Disaste r) “在飞行准备阅兵式中,美国航空及太空总署的异常情况追踪系统失败了”(关于挑战者灾难的总统委员会报告)“Bothmenareanomali es: they have . . . likable persona lities but each has made his reputat ionasaheavy”(DavidPauly)“两个人都很特别:他们有…相似的个性但每个人都有他自己的性格”(戴维·保利)the anomaly of English spellin g英语拼法的不规则6、angular adj.有角的an angular face.瘦削的脸庞an angular gait.笨拙的步法“thecold, angular brand of materia lism”(David K. Willis)“唯物主义冷淡而刻板的标记”(戴维K.威利斯)7、apathyn.缺乏感情或兴趣, 冷漠He has an apathyto food.他不思饮食。

Unit 1 --------mirage [mi'rɑ:ʒ] n. 海市蜃楼;幻想,妄想illusion [i'lu:ʒən] n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰con [kɒn] n. 反对票;反对论prep. 以…vt. 精读;默记adj. 欺诈的adv. 反面地infallible [in'fæləbl] adj. 绝无错误的, 绝对可靠的squarely ['skwɛəli] adv. 成方形地, 成直角地, 直接地, 坚定地prospect ['prɔspekt] n.希望,前景,景色v.勘探,寻找rip [rip] vt.撕裂,扯开n.裂口,裂缝,撕裂flabby ['flæbi] adj. 软弱的, 没气力的, 不稳的conversely adv. 相反地seedy ['si:di] adj. 多种子的;结籽的;破烂的;没精打采的;下流的greasy ['gri:zi] adj. 油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的streetwalker n.娼妓;拉客妓女call girl n. 电话应召女郎aforementioned [ə'fɔ:'menʃənd] adj. 上述的;前面提及的devious ['di:viəs] adj. 偏僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的hitchhiker ['hitʃhaikə] n. 搭便车的旅行者, 短篇广告, 顺便插入的广告snap [snæp] adj.突然的, 匆忙的erroneous [i'rəuniəs] adj. 错误的, 不正确的devastating ['devəsteitiŋ] adj.毁灭性的, 破坏性的, 惊人的, 压倒性的, 有魅力的v. 破坏granted adv. 假定,假设eloquent ['eləkwənt] adj. 雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的magnetic [mæg'netik] adj.有磁性的, 有吸引力的romp [rɔmp] vi. 嬉闹玩笑, 欢快地迅速奔跑vi. 轻易地取得胜利unassuming ['ʌnə'sju:miŋ] adj. 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的glib [glib] adj. 能说善道的, (说话)不假思索的, 轻易随口的extroverted adj. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的flamboyant [flæm'bɔiənt] adj.艳丽的,炫耀的turnover n. 翻覆;[贸易] 营业额;流通量;半圆卷饼;失误adj. 翻过来的;可翻转的unwarranted ['ʌn'wɔrəntid] adj. 无根据的, 未经授权的, 无保证的attorney n. 律师;代理人root canal n. 牙根管, 牙根管填充手术sedan [si'dæn] n. (美)厢式小轿车, 单舱汽艇, 轿子window-dressing n. 装门面措施;弄虚作假vt. 布置橱窗;装饰门面rapport [ræ'pɔ:t] n.关系, 亲善, 一致in quest for 追求what about 怎么样;(对于)…怎么样stem from源于, 来自于take to 喜欢;走向;开始从事count on ['kauntɔn] 依靠, 指望Unit 5 ---------mount [maunt] v.登上,爬上, 装上, 上升en route 在途中ultimatum [ˌʌlti'meitəm] n. 最后通牒chronic adj. 慢性的;长期的;习惯性的tardiness ['tɑ:dinis] n. 缓慢, 迟延clamp [klæmp] vt.夹住, 强加, 压制riot ['raiət] n.暴乱, 骚乱, 喧闹Escalate vi. 逐步增强;逐步升高squabble ['skwɔbl] n. 争论, 口角airborne ['ɛəbɔ:n] adj.空运的, 空中传播的, 起飞后在飞行中intone [in'təun] v.吟咏,吟诵enlist [in'list] vt.征募, 使入伍,获得...支持charity ['tʃæriti] n.慈善, 宽厚, 慈善机关(团体), 仁慈drive n. 运动;宣传活动de rigueure adj. 礼节需要的;社交礼仪上必要的draft [dræft] n.草稿, 草图, 汇票, 征兵vt.起草, 征兵, 选秀tightrope ['taitrəup] n. 拉紧的绳索, 极其危险的处境enunciate [i'nʌnsieit] v. 发音, (清楚地)表达one-liner n. 小笑话,俏皮话truculent ['trʌkjulənt] adj. 野蛮的, 粗野的, 残酷的buttress ['bʌtris] n. 扶墙, 拱壁vt. 支持caricature ['kærikətʃuə] n.讽刺画, 讽刺, 歪曲, 笨拙的模仿guise [gaiz] n. 装束, 外观, 伪装, 借口gag n. 塞口物;讨论终结;箝制言论vt. 塞住…的口;钳制…的言论;使窒息vi. 插科打诨;窒息;作呕n. (Gag)人名;(英)加格suffice vt. 使满足;足够…用;合格vi. 足够;有能力blitz [blits] n. 闪击战bolster ['bəulstə] vt.支持, 鼓励foster ['fɔstə] vt.领养, 培养, 促进, 鼓励, 抱有(希望等)citadel ['sitədl] n. 城堡, 要塞aloofness [ə'lu:fnis] n.冷漠;远离anecdote ['ænikdəut] n.轶事, 奇闻contagion [kən'teidʒən] n. 传染病, 接触传染, 蔓延defiant [di'faiənt] adj. 挑衅的, 目中无人protocol n. 协议;草案;礼仪implore v. 恳求,哀求ladle ['leidl] vt. 不分对象予以赠送;以杓舀取Unit 6 --------theologian n 神学bioethicist n 生物医学permeate vt 渗透op-ed adj 社论对页版mammary adj 乳腺的nascent adj 开始存在的atheist n 无神论者inundate vt 应接不暇pharmaceutical adj 制药的insulin n 胰岛素essentialism n 本质先于存在论reiterate vt 重申;反复的做uterine adj 子宫的transfix vt 使惊呆determinism n 决定论ply vt 使用;从事某行业juggernaut n 重型卡车mandate n 任期onslaught n 猛攻;突击docile adj 温顺的;驯服的;容易教的a host of 大量的grapple with v 扭打;努力克服be entitle to 有权;有……的资格walk of life 社会阶层Unit 8 --------populate ['pɔpjuleit] v. 构成人口, 居住于deceptive [di'septiv] adj.骗人的, 虚伪的,诈欺的masculine ['mæskjulin] adj.男性的, 有男子气概的, 阳性的bracket ['brækit] n.支架, 托架, 括弧falsify ['fɔ:lsifai] vt.伪造, 歪曲enslave [in'sleiv] vt. 使做奴隶, 使处于奴役的状态cog [kɔg] n. 齿oversight ['əuvəsait] n. 疏忽, 失察, 监管, 看管spur [spə:] vt.刺激, 鞭策,促进flirt [flə:t] vi.调情, 玩弄, 掠过,轻率对待demotion [di'məuʃən] n.降级,降职,降等banter ['bæntə]n/ v. 戏弄, 开玩笑scarlet ['skɑ:lit] n/adj.猩红, 绯红色, 红衣dissect [di'sekt] v. 解剖, 切细, 仔细研究, 详细分析bluff [blʌf] v/n. 虚张声势abysmally [ə'bizməli] adv. 深不可测地, 极坏地bait [beit] n.饵, 引诱vt.以饵引诱, 放饵, 逗弄magnate ['mægneit] n. 巨头orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə] n.管弦乐队zenith ['zi:niθ] n. 顶点, 天顶, 全盛becomingly adj. 合适的, 适宜的; 有吸引力的; 好看的prima ballerina ['pri:məˌbælə'rinə]首席女舞者;芭蕾舞团的首席女演员mastermind n.才华横溢的人; 策划者; 智囊v.指导, 策划, 主持obliterate [ə'blitəreit] v. 涂去, 擦去, 删除to all intents 所有意图at every turn adv. 事事;到处as opposed to 而不是mark time 停顿不前at stake 危如累卵;处于危险中;在紧要关头come by vt. 得到;从旁走过exert oneself 努力;尽力in the nick of time 及时;恰好二、Unit 2--------cognac n. 法国白兰地perspicacious adj. 有洞察力的;聪颖的;敏锐的betoken vt. 预示;表示nicety n. 精密;美好;细节;拘泥细节ritualistic adj. 仪式的;固守仪式的;惯例的explicitly adv. 明确地;明白地one-up vt. 领先于……,胜过canoe n. 独木舟;轻舟reciprocity n. 相互作用(复数reciprocities);相互性;互惠主义rhetoric n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻benefactor n. 恩人;捐助者;施主hooker n. 妓女;渔船frill n. 装饰;褶边vt. 折成皱边vi. 起边皱frivolous adj. 无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的wont n. 习惯;惯常活动prone adj. 俯卧的;有…倾向的,易于…的cliche n. 陈词滥调;[印刷] 铅版;陈腐思想adj. 陈腐的fabulous adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的tacky adj. 俗气的;发黏的;缺乏教养或风度的ego n. 自我;自负;自我意识pamper vt. 纵容;使…过量;给…吃得过多n. (Pamper)人名;(德)潘佩尔altruism n. 利他;利他主义altruist n. 爱他主义者;利他主义者dispense vi. 免除,豁免vt. 分配,分发;免除;执行largess n. 慷慨的赠予;赠品philanthropic adj. 博爱的;仁慈的donee n. 受赠者,[经] 受赠人callow adj. 年轻而无经验的;羽毛未丰的fast n. 斋戒;绝食austere adj. 严峻的;简朴的;苦行的;无装饰的charisma n. 魅力;神授的能力;非凡的领导力dime n. 一角硬币donor n. 捐赠者;供者;赠送人adj. 捐献的;经人工授精出生的chisel n. 凿子vt. 雕,刻;凿;欺骗vi. 雕,刻;凿;欺骗cynic n. 愤世嫉俗者;犬儒学派的人ironist n. 讽刺家;讽刺作家neurosis n. [心理] 神经症;神经衰弱症conduit n. [电] 导管;沟渠;导水管out of proportion 不成比例get down to 开始认真考虑;着手处理paper over 用纸遮盖;糊上纸;掩盖;掩饰;粉饰do a good turn 做好事wind up 结束;使紧张;卷起;(非正式)忽悠某人(wind sb up)measure up 合格;符合标准Unit4--------euthanasia n. 安乐死;安乐死术cessation n. 停止;中止;中断humanitarian n. 人道主义者;慈善家;博爱主义者;基督凡人论者adj. 人道主义的;博爱的;基督凡人论的syndrome n. [临床] 综合征;综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位pediatric adj. 小儿科的congenital adj. 先天的,天生的;天赋的intestinal adj. 肠的obstruction n. 障碍;阻碍;妨碍scalpel n. 解剖刀;外科手术刀dehydration n. 脱水patently adv. 明显地;公然地;明白地prohibitively adv. 禁止地;过高地;过分地thrash n. 打谷;逆风浪行进;踢水动作vt. 打;使逆行vi. 打谷;白忙;猛烈摆动deranged adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的grotesque n. 奇异风格;怪异的东西adj. 奇形怪状的;奇怪的;可笑的perversion n. 反常;颠倒;曲解;误用;堕落conflate vt. 合并;异文合并appraisal n. 评价;估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税);估计sadistic adj. 虐待狂的;残酷成性的Unit 5--------scepticism n. 怀疑;怀疑论;怀疑主义fallacy n. 谬论,谬误hitherto adv. 迄今;至今totter n. 蹒跚的步子vi. 蹒跚;踉跄arduous adj. 努力的;费力的;险峻的toil n. 辛苦;苦工;网;圈套vt. 费力地做;使…过度劳累vi. 辛苦工作;艰难地行进indubitable adj. 不容置疑的;明确的folly n. 愚蠢;荒唐事;讽刺剧exterminate vt. 消灭;根除sober adj. 冷静的,清醒的;未醉的vt. 使严肃;使醒酒,使清醒fatalistically 宿命论ascertain vt. 确定;查明;探知pestilence n. 瘟疫(尤指鼠疫);有害的事物creed n. 信条,教义discord n. 不和;不调和;嘈杂声vi. 不一致;刺耳epoch n. [地质] 世;新纪元;新时代;时间上的一点tyranny n. 暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数)interlude n. 插曲;穿插;幕间节目;[数] 插算potent adj. 有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的gospel n. 真理;信条wholeheartedness n. 全神贯注;全心全意metaphor n. 暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法preclude vt. 排除;妨碍;阻止synthesis n. 综合,[化学] 合成;综合体elude vt. 逃避,躲避grimly adv. 可怕地;冷酷地;严格地garb n. 服装;装束;打扮vt. 装扮;穿衣treachery n. 背叛;变节;背叛行为perpetual adj. 永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的allegiance n. 效忠,忠诚;忠贞mundane adj. 世俗的,平凡的;世界的,宇宙的Unit 7--------misty-eyed adj. 含泪的;感伤的quip n. 妙语;嘲弄;讽刺语vi. 嘲弄;讥讽vt. 嘲弄snob n. 势利小人,势利眼;假内行chariot n. 二轮战车vi. 乘战车;驾驭战车arbiter n. [法] 仲裁者;裁决人enticement n. 诱惑;怂恿;引诱物;吸引力nude adj. 裸的,裸体的;无装饰的;与生俱有的buck n. (美)钱,元;雄鹿;纨绔子弟;年轻的印第安人或黑drachma n. 古希腊的重量单位;古希腊的银币名sprint n. 冲刺;短跑vt. 全速奔跑vi. 冲刺,全速跑absolve vt. 免除;赦免;宣告…无罪ferocious adj. 残忍的;惊人的besmirch vt. 弄污;损害;诽谤iconoclastic adj. 打破旧习的;偶像破坏的anecdote n. 轶事;奇闻;秘史nonetheless conj. 尽管如此,但是shenanigan n. 恶作剧;诡计fortify vt. 加强;增强;(酒)的酒精含量;设防于vi. 筑防御工事swig n. 痛饮,大喝;牛饮ominous adj. 预兆的;不吉利的stimulant n. [药] 兴奋剂;刺激物;酒精饮料strychnine n. 士的宁;番木鳖碱tape n. 胶带;磁带;带子;卷尺vt. 录音;用带子捆扎;用胶布把…封住vi. 用磁带录音pentathlon n. 五项运动;五项全能运动epee n. 重剑;尖剑术hormone n. [生理] 激素,荷尔蒙conjecture n. 推测;猜想impersonator n. 演员;模拟艺人bleak adj. 阴冷的;荒凉的,无遮蔽的;黯淡的,无希望的;冷酷的;单调的skulduggery n. 作假;欺诈;诡计frailty n. 虚弱;弱点;意志薄弱roll around 流逝;周而复始fair play 公平竞争;公平比赛;平等对待by fair means or foul 不择手段地take a dive 假装被击倒jump the gun 偷跑;行动过早;未听发令枪就起跑neck to neck 并驾齐驱fork over 付出hail from (车、船)来自;(人)出生于in honor 为了纪念;向…表示敬意fair and square 光明正大地;诚实地under one’s own steam 下一个的蒸汽cramp up 抽筋go off 离开;进行;变质;睡去。

研究生英语词汇表A1、Aberration n.失常events that were aberrations from the norm.不合常规的事件a mental aberration精神失常stealing chocolate in a moment of aberration一时糊涂偷了巧克力2、allure v.吸引Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.能很快收得到利润的承诺吸引了心存侥幸的投资者charms that still allure.仍然有吸引力的魅力allure sb. from诱使(某人)离开...allure (sb.) into [to]把(某人)诱入, 骗进They allured her into a snare.他们诱她落入圈套。
3、amity n.友好, 亲善关系He lives in amity with his neighbours.他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。
They parted in amity.他们很友好地分别了。
4、analogous adj.类似的, 相似的, 可比拟的This proposal was analogous to/with the one we discussed at the last meeting.这项提案与上次会议上我们讨论过的那份提案相似。
5、anomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物“NASA's system for tracking anomalies for flight readiness reviews failed”(Presidential Commission Report on the Challenger Disaster)“在飞行准备阅兵式中,美国航空及太空总署的异常情况追踪系统失败了”(关于挑战者灾难的总统委员会报告)“Both men are anomalies: they have . . . likable personalities but each has made his reputation as a heavy”(David Pauly)“两个人都很特别:他们有…相似的个性但每个人都有他自己的性格”(戴维·保利)the anomaly of English spelling英语拼法的不规则6、angular adj.有角的an angular face.瘦削的脸庞an angular gait.笨拙的步法“the cold, angular brand of materialism”(David K. Willis)“唯物主义冷淡而刻板的标记”(戴维K.威利斯)7、apathy n.缺乏感情或兴趣, 冷漠He has an apathy to food.他不思饮食。

精心整理, 抵支配的, 期望vi.n., 随增加... , 交还,, 压那附近n.制服达手段如生的节拟的bulk 装vt.并发发明物, ,民族分的的,(到期吹导,文学的的经验主, 装置,, 选粹, 析取,, 创立,, 抵, 公布,解放, 相反的送,本上n.故意的, 调,,当代探测v.中等的反映,许,,最拒绝,抵置换,养得尽管,但抽象的,视显示(书), 教, 齿, 中性adv.仍n.动,放逐在的,的;n.词于vi.with感染,v.,合伙契约质的的图谋程v.晋升为, 着重,, 智能,v.混,会诊,衰落起草相当物陈列本原则售,根据, 个别的,, 通期、号, ,【律】, 分主修部分,, 重确的,筑,推测adj.量的门己有; 方面佣金;生物)群综合的, 管理,, 推,【财, 把..., 特性,,鼻等)特vi.起重最后, 焦, 集中果; vt.开始, 某人扶养规的,到绝对的潜力以前领域, (,保护,保, 债, 纵, 调境况, 构成n.下考虑,pose 形成,的, 坦率的,坦率; 接受有用的,不变v. n.属性, , 承担, 交通,, 浓和...差异(数), 处的, (adj.,vt.安(磁盘)。

研究生综合英语教材精华词汇○A aboveboardadj.光明正大的absolved[əbˈzɔlv]vt.赦免abusive[☜♌◆♦♓]adj.辱骂的, 滥用的abyss[☜♌♓♦]n.深渊accentuate[✌♦♏⏹♦◆♏♓♦]v.重读, 强调, 着重强调accepted[☜♦♏☐♦♓♎] adj.一般承认的, 公认的accuratelyadv.正确地, 精确地accustomed[☜✈♦♦☜❍♎] adj.通常的, 习惯的, 按照风俗习惯的acquisitive[☜♦♓♓♦♓] adj.想获得的, 有获得可能性的, 可学到的acquit[☜♦♓♦]vt.宣告无罪, 脱卸义务和责任, 还清(债务)adamant[ ✌♎☜❍☜⏹♦]adj.坚硬的addiction[☜♎♓☞☜⏹]n.沉溺, 上瘾additional[☜♎♓☞☜⏹●]adj.另外的, 附加的, 额外的adhered[ədˈhiə]vi.粘附,附着;遵守,坚持;追随,支持admonished[ədˈmɔniʃ]vt.告诫admonition[✌♎❍☜⏹♓☞☜⏹] n.警告adorned[əˈdɔ:n]vt.装饰,使生色affectionate[☜♐♏☞☜⏹♓♦]adj.亲爱的, 挚爱的affiliate[☜♐♓●♓♏♓♦]v.(使...)加入, 接受为会员affirmative[☜♐☜❍☜♦♓]adj.肯定的, (对正式辩论中的问题)表示赞成的, (态度, 方法等)积极的, 乐观的, 怀有希望的n.肯定语afflicted[əˈflikt]vt.使苦恼,折磨affront[☜♐❒✈⏹♦]n.公开侮辱, 轻蔑vt.公开侮辱, 冒犯, 面对aggrandized[əˈgrændaiz]vt.增大aggressive[☜♈❒♏♦♓]adj.好斗的, 敢作敢为的, 有闯劲的, 侵略性的ailment[ ♏♓●❍☜⏹♦]n.疾病(尤指微恙), 不宁, 不安akin[☜♓⏹]adj.同族的, 类似的alerted[əˈlə:t]a.警觉的vt.使警惕n.戒备;警报alleged[☜●♏♎✞♎]adj.声称的, 所谓的allergy[ ✌●☜♎✞♓]n.[医]敏感症, <口>反感allocation[ ✌●☜◆♏♓☞☜⏹]n.分配, 安置aloof[☜●◆♐]adv.避开, 远离adj.孤零的, 冷淡的altered[ˈɔ:ltə]v.改变,改动,变更alternative[ ●♦☜⏹☜♦♓]n.二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的ambiguous[ ✌❍♌♓♈◆☜♦]adj.暧昧的, 不明确的amenable[☜❍♓⏹☜♌●]adj.应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的amendments[əˈmendmənt]n.改正,修正amiable[ ♏♓❍☜♌●]adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的amok[☜❍]adj.杀人狂adv.狂乱地, 杀气腾腾地amour[☜❍◆☜]n.奸情, 恋情analytical[ ✌⏹☜●♓♦♓☜●]adj.分析的, 解析的animal-borne动物源性anonymous[☜⏹⏹♓❍☜♦]adj.匿名的antagonistic[✌⏹♦✌♈☜⏹♓♦♦♓]adj.反对的, 敌对的anthropologist[ ✌⏹❒☜☐●☜♎✞♓♦♦]n.人类学者, 人类学家antipathy[✌⏹♦♓☐☜♓]n.憎恶, 反感anxious[ ✌☠☞☜♦]adj.观念的, 担忧的, 渴望的, 盼望的apathetic[ ✌☐☜♏♦♓]adj.缺乏兴趣的, 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的apathy[ ✌☐☜♓]n.缺乏感情或兴趣, 冷漠appalling[☜☐●♓☠]adj.令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的apparent[☜☐✌❒☜⏹♦]adj.显然的, 外观上的apprehend[ ✌☐❒♓♒♏⏹♎] v.领会理解apprehensively[.æpri'hensivli] adv. 担心地, 忧虑地aptitude[ ✌☐♦♓♦◆♎]n.恰当, 智能, 聪明, 自然倾向archaic[ ♏♓♓]adj.古老的, 古代的, 陈旧的ardent[ ♎☜⏹♦]adj.热心的, 热情洋溢的, 激烈的,燃烧般的argentine[ ♎✞☜⏹♦♋♓⏹] n.银, 银色素, 银色工艺材料adj.银的, 银色的n.阿根廷人adj.阿根廷的array[əˈrei]n.展示;排列;盛装vt.排列;打扮arrogant[ ✌❒☜♈☜⏹♦]adj.傲慢的, 自大的articulate[ ♦♓◆●♓♦] adj.有关节的, 发音清晰的vt.用关节连接, 接合, 清晰明白地说ascribe[əˈskraib]vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于assertion[☜♦☜☞☜⏹]n.主张, 断言, 声明assertive[☜♦☜♦♓]adj.断定的, 过分自信的assiduously[ə'sidʒuəsli]adv. 刻苦地, 不懈地assimilate[☜♦♓❍♓●♏♓♦]v.吸收assumptive [ə'sʌmptiv]adj. 假定的, 想当然的, 自负的,傲慢的assurance[əˈʃuərəns]n.把握,信心;保证;(人寿)保险atheist[ ♏♓♓♓♦♦]n.无神论者attachment[☜♦✌♦☞❍☜⏹♦]n.附件, 附加装置, 配属attainable[☜♦♏♓⏹☜♌●]adj.可到达的, 可得到的attain[əˈtein]vt.达到,获得attainment[əˈteinmənt]n.完成,成就attest [əˈtest]vt.证实attic[ ✌♦♓]n.阁楼, 顶楼, [解剖](耳的)鼓室上的隐窝attribute [ˈætribju:t, əˈtribju:t]vt.(to)把…归因于n.属性,特性auction[ ☞☜⏹]n.拍卖vt.拍卖aura[ ❒☜]n.气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环[医]先兆, 预感austere[ ♦♦♓☜]adj.严峻的, 严厉的, 操行上一丝不苟的, 简朴的authentic[ ♏⏹♦♓]adj.可信的autonomous[ ♦⏹☜❍☜♦]adj.自治的autopilotn. 自动驾驶仪avail[☜♏♓●]vi.有益于, 有帮助, 有用, 有利vt.有利于n.效用, 利益aversion[☜☜☞☜⏹]n.厌恶, 讨厌的事和人avert [əˈvə:t]vt.防止,避免;转移(注意力等)awful[ ♐◆●]adj.可怕的, 威严的, <口>极度的,糟糕的awkward[ ♦☜♎]adj.难使用的, 笨拙的○Bbackhanded[♌✌♒✌⏹♎✋♎]adj.反手拍击的, 间接的bail[♌♏♓●]n.保释, 保证金, 保证人v.保释, 舀水bait[♌♏♓♦]n.饵, 诱惑物vt.以饵引诱(动物), 把饵装上,欺负, 折磨vi.中途休息bang[♌✌☠]n.重击, 突然巨响v.发巨响, 重击banish[ ♌✌⏹♓☞]vt.流放, 驱逐, 消除barrage [ˈbærɑ:ʒ]n.火力网,弹幕barrel [ˈbærəl]n.桶;筒,枪(或炮)管vi.快速移动based[♌♏✋♦♦]v.立基于, 基于..., 以...为基础,vbl.建立,装置bashful[ ♌✌☞♐◆●]adj.害羞的beast[bi:st]n.野兽,牲畜;凶残的人,令人厌憎的人bejeweledv. 给 ... 饰以珠宝, 以宝石镶嵌adj. 用珠宝装饰的belittle[♌♓●♓♦●]vt.轻视, 使渺小, 使...显得渺小belong [biˈlɔŋ]vi.应归入;适应;(to)属于benevolent[♌♓⏹♏☜●☜⏹♦]adj.慈善的benighted[♌♓⏹♋♓♦♓♎]adj.赶路到天黑的, 愚昧的benign[♌♓⏹♋♓⏹]adj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的bequeath [biˈkwi:ð]vt.遗赠beseech[♌♓♦♓♦☞]v.恳求, 哀求beset[♌♓♦♏♦]v.困扰besiege [biˈsi:dʒ]vt.围攻,围困;围住,拥在…周围bestow[♌♓♦♦☜◆]vt.给予, 安放betray [biˈtrei]vt.背叛;失信于;泄露;暴露bewildering[♌✋♊♦✋●♎☜❒✋☠] adj.令人困惑的, 使人混乱的bewitch[♌♓♦♓♦☞]vt.施魔法于, 蛊惑, 迷人Biblical ['biblikəl]adj. 圣经的bizarre[♌♓]adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等) boiler[ ♌♓●☜]n.煮器(锅,壶的统称), 汽锅, 锅炉bolster[ˈbəulstə]vt.支撑boost[♌◆♦♦]v.推进bored adj.无聊的, 无趣的, 烦人的boredom[ ♌♎☜❍]n.厌倦borrow[ ♌❒☜◆]v.借, 借入, 借用bottom[ ♌♦☜❍]n.底, 底部, 尽头, 末端adj.底部的vt.装底, 查明真相, 测量深浅vi.到达底部, 建立基础boundless[ ♌♋☺⏹♎●✋♦]adj.无限的, 无边无际的boyhood[♊♌✋♒☺♎]n.少年时代brain-racking脑货架brainwashed['breinwɔʃ]vt. 对(人)实行洗脑, 通过宣传说服n. 洗脑brake [breik]n.闸,刹车v.刹车;减速bribe [braib]vt.向…行贿,买通n.贿赂,行贿物bridle [ˈbraidl]vt.约束brim[♌❒♓❍]n.(杯, 碗等)边, 边缘, (河)边vt.注满, 使满溢vi.满溢brisklyadv.活泼地, 精神勃勃地brood [bru:d]vi.(on,over,about)沉思;孵蛋n.一窝brushed…down刷下来...brushed…off刷过...brushed…up刷...注册bunch[♌✈⏹♦☞]n.串, 束v.捆成一束bundle[ ♌✈⏹♎●]n.捆, 束, 包v.捆扎bury [ˈberi]vt.埋葬,葬;掩埋,埋藏,掩藏burry ['bə:ri]adj. 多刺的bustling[♊♌✈♦●✋☠]adj.熙熙攘攘的, 忙乱的bypass[ ♌♋✋☐♦]n.旁路vt.设旁路, 迂回○Ccallous[ ✌●☜♦]adj.无情的, 冷淡的, 硬结的, 起老茧的callow[ ✌●☜◆]adj.年轻而无经验的, (鸟)未生羽毛的capacity[ ☜☐✌♦♓♦♓]n.容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位capital[ ✌☐♓♦☜●]n.首都, 首府, 大写字母, 资本,资金, 资产adj.首都的, 重要的, 死罪的, 大写的, <口>极好的capitalist[ ✌☐♓♦☜●♓♦♦]n.资本家, 资本主义者adj.资本主义的caprice [kəˈpri:s]n.反复无常;任性captain[ ✌☐♦♓⏹]n.队长, 首领, 船长, 机长, (空军,海军)上校, (陆军)上尉v.指挥, 统帅captivat[ˈkæptiveit]vt.迷住capture[ ✌☐♦☞☜]n.捕获, 战利品vt.俘获, 捕获, 夺取caricature[ ✌❒♓☜♦◆☜]n.讽刺画, 漫画, 讽刺描述法, 歪曲(或拙劣)的模仿vt.画成漫画讽刺cast[ ♦♦]n.投掷, 铸件, 脱落物, 一瞥, 演员表v.投, 抛, 投射, 浇铸, 计算, 派(角色)castles [ˈkɑ:səl]n.城堡castrate[ ✌♦♦❒♏♓♦]vt.阉割, 将(雄性动物)去势, 删除, 去掉最重要的部分cataract [ˈkætərækt]n.大瀑布catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]n.大灾难,灾祸cavity [ˈkæviti]n.洞,穴,凹处;龋洞celebrated[ ♦♏●♓♌❒♏♓♦♓♎]adj.著名的celibacy[ ♦♏●♓♌☜♦♓]n.独身生活chairperson ['tʃɛəpə:sn]n. 主席, 议长championship [ˈtʃæmpiənʃip]n.拥护;奋斗;锦标赛chant[♦☞⏹♦]n.圣歌character[ ✌❒♓♦☜]n.(事物的)特性, 性质, 特征(的总和), (人的)品质, 字符, 性格, 特征, 人物vt.写, 刻, 印, 使具有特征characterize[ ✌❒✋♦☜❒♋✋]vt.表现...的特色, 刻画的...性格charisma[ ☜❒♓❍☜]n.超凡魅力, 感召力, 教皇般的指导力charity[ ♦☞✌❒♓♦♓]n.慈善, 施舍, 慈善团体charter [ˈtʃɑ:tə]n.宪章;许可证;包租vt.租a.包租的chasm[ ✌☜❍]n.深坑, 裂口cherish[ ♦☞♏❒♓☞]vt.珍爱, 怀抱(希望等)chitchat ['tʃittʃæt]n. 闲谈, 聊天vi. 闲谈chivalry[ ☞♓☜●❒♓]n.骑士精神, 骑士制度Christianity[ ❒♓♦♦♓✌⏹♓♦♓]n.基督教chronic[ ❒⏹♓]adj.慢性的, 延续很长的chuckle [ˈtʃʌkl]vi./n.轻声笑,咯咯笑citadel[ ♦♓♦☜♎☜●]n.根据地, 大本营cite [sait]vt.引用,引证;传唤,传讯;表彰,嘉奖civil[ ♦♓●]adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的, 国民的, 民间的.民事的, 根据民法的, 文职的, 有礼貌的clamor[ ●✌❍☜]n.喧闹, 叫嚷, 大声的要求v.喧嚷, 大声的要求clamorous[ ●✌❍☜❒☜♦]adj.大喊大叫的clandestine[ ●✌⏹♎♏♦♦♓⏹]adj.秘密的clapped-outadj. 精疲力竭的, (物)毁环了的破烂的clergyman's牧师的clerk[ ●]n.职员, 办事员, <美> 店员cliff[ ●♓♐]n.悬崖, 绝壁climate[ ●♋♓❍♓♦]n.气候, 风土, 思潮climax[ ●♋♓❍✌♦]n.高潮, 顶点cling[ ●♓☠]vi.粘紧, 附着, 紧贴, 坚持(意见), 墨守(习惯)clinical[ ●♓⏹♓☜●]adj.临床的, 病房用的clinics [ˈklinik]n.门诊部,诊所clue[klu:]n.线索,提示clumsy[ ●✈❍♓]adj.笨拙的clustere聚类Coal [kəul]n.煤,煤块cobble ['kɔbl]n. 圆石, 鹅卵石, 圆石子路vt. 铺鹅卵石, 修, 拙劣地修补cog[ ♑]n.[机]嵌齿, 小船vt.上齿轮, 欺骗coincide [ˌkəuinˈsaid]vi.同时发生;相符;位置重合,重叠coincident[ ☜◆♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦]adj.一致的, 符合的, 巧合的collaboration[ ☜●✌♌☜❒♏♓☞☜⏹]n.协作, 通敌collide [kəˈlaid]vi.碰撞,互撞;冲突,抵触column[ˈkɔləm]n.柱,圆柱;纵队,直行;栏,专栏(文章)comeback[ ✈❍♌✌]n.恢复, 复原comely[ ✈❍●♓]adj.清秀的, 标致的commensurable [kə'menʃərəbl]adj. 可公度的, 成比例的, 匀称的,可通分约分的commensurate[ ☜❍♏⏹☞☜❒♓♦]adj.相称的, 相当的comments注解, 注释commercials商业股票commit[ ☜❍♓♦]vt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把...交托给, 提交, 答应负责compassion[ ☜❍☐✌☞☜⏹] n.同情,怜悯compatible[ ☜❍☐✌♦☜♌●] adj.谐调的, 一致的, 兼容的compel[kəmˈpel]vt.强迫,迫使complacent[ ☜❍☐●♏♓♦⏹♦]adj.自满的, 得意的complacent[ ☜❍☐●♏♓♦⏹♦]adj.自满的, 得意的complaining[ ☜❍☐●♏♓⏹♓☠]adj.诉苦的, 抱怨的complaisant[ ☜❍☐●♏♓☜⏹♦]adj.彬彬有礼的, 殷勤的, 柔顺的compliance[ ☜❍☐●♋✋☜⏹♦]n.依从, 顺从complicity[ ☜❍☐●♓♦♓♦♓] n.同谋, 共犯compliment [ˈkɔmplimənt]n.赞美(话)[ pl.]问候vt.赞美,恭维comply[ ☜❍☐●♋♓]vi.顺从, 答应, 遵守component[ ☜❍☐☜◆⏹☜⏹♦]n.成分 adj.组成的, 构成的compositionscomprehend [ ❍☐❒♓♒♏⏹♎]vt.领会, 理解, 包括(包含),由...组成comprehensible[ ❍☐❒♓♒♏⏹♦☜♌●]adj.可理解的, 易于了解的comprehensive[ ❍☐❒♓♒♏⏹♦♓]adj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的compressed[ ☜❍☐❒♏♦♦]adj.被压缩的, 扁平的comprise[ ☜❍☐❒♋✋]v.包含, 由...组成compromise[ ❍☐❒☜❍♋♓]n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷, 危及...的安全conceited[ ☜⏹♦♓♦♓♎]adj.自以为是的, 逞能的, 狂想的conceive [kənˈsi:v]vt./ vi.(of)构想出,设想;怀孕concession [kənˈseʃən]n.让步,妥协;特许(权);承认,认可conclude[ ☜⏹●◆♎]v.结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论vt.推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定conclusive[ ☜⏹●◆♦♓]adj.确实的, 最后的, 决定性的concur[ ☜⏹☜]v.同时发生condemned[ ☜⏹♎♏❍♎]adj.被责难的, 被宣告有罪的conducive[ ☜⏹♎◆♦♓]n.有益于conduit[ ⏹♎♓♦]n.管道, 导管, 沟渠, 泉水, 喷泉confer[ ☜⏹♐☜]vt.授予(称号、学位等), 赠与,把...赠与, 协议v.协商, 交换意见confide[ ☜⏹♐♋♓♎]v.倾诉, 委托, 信赖confidential[ ⏹♐♓♎♏⏹☞☜●]adj.秘密的, 机密的confine [kənˈfain]vt.限制;使不外出,禁闭n.[ pl.]界限,范围conflagration[ ⏹♐●☜♈❒♏♓☞☜⏹]n.大火, 大火灾, 突发conflate [kən'fleit]vt. 合并confound [kənˈfaund]vt.使(思想)混乱congenial[ ☜⏹♎✞♓⏹☜●]adj.性格相似的, 适意的congruent[ ☠♈❒◆☜⏹♦]adj.适合的connive [kəˈnaiv]v.默许,共谋connotation[ ⏹☜◆♦♏♓☞☜⏹]n.含蓄, 储蓄的东西(词、语等),内涵Conquest[ ☠♦♏♦♦]n.征服n.战利品conscience[ ⏹☞☜⏹♦]n.良心, 道德心conservatism[ ☜⏹♦☜☜♦♓☜❍]n.保守主义, 守旧性consistency[ ☜⏹♦✋♦♦☜⏹♦✋]n.连结, 结合, 坚固性, 浓度, 密度, 一致性, 连贯性consistent[ ☜⏹♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦]adj.一致的, 调和的, 坚固的, [数、统]相容的conspicuous[ ☜⏹♦☐♓◆☜♦]adj.显着的conspiracy[ ☜⏹♦☐♓❒☜♦♓] n.共谋, 阴谋constantly[ ⏹♦♦☜⏹♦●✋] adv.不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地constitutional[ ⏹♦♦♓♦◆☞☜⏹☜●]adj.构成的, 增强体质的, 宪法的, 拥护宪法的constraint [kənˈstreint]n.(on)约束,限制;限制(或约束)性的事物contemporary[ ☜⏹♦♏❍☐☜❒☜❒♓]n.同时代的人adj.当代的, 同时代的context[ ⏹♦♏♦♦]n.上下文, 文章的前后关系contingent[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹♎✞☜⏹♦]adj.可能发生的, 附随的, 暂时的n.偶然的事情, 分遣队contradict[ ⏹♦❒☜♎♓♦] vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触contrast[ ⏹♦❒✌♦♦]vt.使与...对比, 使与...对照vi.和...形成对照n.对比, 对照, (对照中的)差异contrivance[ ☜⏹♦❒♋♓☜⏹♦]n.发明, 发明才能, 想出的办法,发明物controversy[ ⏹♦❒☜☜♦♓]n.论争, 辩论, 论战Conversely[ ⏹♦●✋] adv.倒地,逆地conversion [kənˈvə:ʃən]n.转变,变换;改变信仰,皈依convertedadj.更换信仰的, 修改的convertible[ ☜⏹☜♦☜♌●]adj.可改变的, 自由兑换的cordial[ ♎♓☜●]n.兴奋剂, 兴奋性饮料adj.热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的corporal[ ☐☜❒☜●]n.<美>下士adj.肉体的, 身体的corroboration[ ☜❒♌☜❒♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹]n.使确实, 确证的事实, 确证corrupt[ ☜❒✈☐♦]adj.腐败的, 贪污的, 被破坏的,混浊的, (语法)误用的vt.使腐烂, 腐蚀, 使恶化vi.腐烂, 堕落councilor [ˈkaunsilə]n.地方议会议员;理事council [ˈkaunsəl]n.委员会,理事会counterpart[ ♋◆⏹♦☜☐♦]n.副本, 极相似的人或物, 配对物coverage[ ✈☜❒♓♎✞]n.覆盖cowardice[ ♋☺☜♎✋♦]n.怯懦, 胆小cowpox ['kau.pɔks]n. 牛痘coyness n. 怕羞, 羞怯crackle [ˈkrækəl]v.劈啪地响 n.劈啪声cram [kræm]vt.塞进;塞满vi.(into)塞满;强行灌输cramped [kræmpt]a.狭窄的,挤在一起的cramp [kræmp]n.痉挛;[ pl.](腹)绞痛vt.限制,束缚crater[ ❒♏♓♦☜]n.弹坑craving[ ❒♏♓♓☠]n.渴望cream[ ❒♓❍]n.奶酪, 奶油, (护肤)面霜criterian.标准crucial[ ❒◆☞♓☜● ❒◆☞☜●]adj.至关紧要的crucify ['kru:sifai]vt. 钉在十字架上处死, 迫害, 折磨crush [krʌʃ]vt.压碎,弄皱;镇压,制服,压垮cuddle [ˈkʌdl]v.& n.搂抱,拥抱culminate [ˈkʌlmineit]vi.(in)(以…)告终culprit [ˈkʌlprit]n.罪犯;引起不良后果的事物(原因)cultivated[ ✈●♦♓♏♓♦♓♎]adj.耕耘的, 有教养的, 栽植的cumulative[ ◆❍◆●☜♦♓]adj.累积的cunning[ ✈⏹♓☠]adj.狡猾的, 巧妙的, <美>漂亮的,可爱的n.狡猾, 诡诈curb [kə:b]vt.控制,约束n.控制,约束;路缘curd[ ☜♎]n.(常用复数)凝块, 凝乳, 凝结物v.治愈, 治疗n.治愈, 痊愈curfew[ ☜♐◆]n.(中世纪规定人们熄灯安睡的)晚钟声, 打晚钟时刻, 宵禁令(时间)curious[ ◆☜❒♓☜♦]adj.好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的currently[ ✈❒☜⏹♦●✋] adv.普遍地, 通常地, 现在, 当前curtain [ˈkə:tən]n.窗帘,门帘;幕,帷幕customs n.进口税, 海关cynical[ ♦♓⏹♓☜●]adj.愤世嫉俗的○Ddab [dæb]n. 轻拍, 轻涂n. 少量n. 比目鱼n. <英>能手, 熟手v. 轻拍, 轻涂dam[♎✌❍]n.水坝, 障碍v.控制, 筑坝damage[ ♎✌❍♓♎✞]n.损害, 伤害v.招致损害n.[律] (用复数)赔偿金dastardly [ˈdæstədli]adj.欺善怕恶的;懦弱的dazzle [ˈdæz(ə)l]vt.耀眼;使倾倒n.耀眼的光decency[ ♎♓♦⏹♦♓]n.庄重decent[ ♎♓♦⏹♦]adj.正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的, 大方的adj.<口>相当好的、象样的deceptive[♎♓♦♏☐♦♓]adj.欺骗性的decipher [diˈsaifə]deck[♎♏]n.甲板, 舰板, 覆盖物, 一副(纸牌)vt.装饰, 修饰, 打扮, 装甲板declared[♎♓●☪☜♎]adj.公告的, 公然的decode [ˌdi:ˈkəud]vt.译(码),解(码)dedicate[ ♎♏♎♓♏♓♦]vt.献(身), 致力, 题献(一部著作给某人)defense[♎♓♐♏⏹♦]n.(D-)(美国)国防部, 防卫, 防卫物vt.谋划抵御deference[ ♎♏♐☜❒☜⏹♦]n.顺从, 尊重defiance[♎♓♐♋♓☜⏹♦]n.挑战, 蔑视, 挑衅defy [diˈfai]vt.(公然)藐视;使成为不可能;definitive[♎♓♐♓⏹♓♦♓]adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的deform [diˈfɔ:m]vt.使变形defy[♎♓♐♋♓]vt.不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅,违抗, 使...难于n.挑战degradeddelectable[♎♓●♏♦☜♌●]adj.使人愉快的deleterious[ ♎♏●♓♦♓☜❒♓☜♦]adj.有害的, 有毒的deliberate[♎♓●♓♌☜❒♏♓♦]adj.深思熟虑的, 故意的,有准备的v.商讨deliberately[♎✋●✋♌☜❒☜♦●✋]adv.故意地delicate[ ♎♏●♓♓♦]adj.精巧的, 精致的, 病弱的, 脆弱的, 微妙的, 棘手的, 灵敏的, 精密delighted[♎♓●♋♓♦♓♎]adj.欣喜的, 快乐的deliver [diˈlivə]vt.投递交;发表;接生;给予;解救,拯救demeanor[♎♓❍♓⏹☜]n.行为, 风度democracy[♎♓❍❒☜♦♓]n.民主政治, 民主主义demolish [diˈmɔliʃ]vt.拆毁,毁坏;驳倒(论点等),推翻demonstrate [ˈdemənstreit]vt.论证;说明;显示vi.示威游行(或集会)demoralizing [di'mɔrəlaiziŋ]adj. 削弱某人的自信或精神的, 使士气低落的动词demoralize的现在分词形式denial[♎♓⏹♋♓☜●]n.否认, 否定, 谢绝, 拒绝denunciation[♎✋⏹✈⏹♦✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹]n.谴责, 告发depict [diˈpikt]vt.描绘,描述deployment [di'plɔimənt]n. 部署, 展开deposit [diˈpɔzit]n.定金;存款;矿藏vt.使沉淀;寄存;储蓄deprecate[ ♎♏☐❒♓♏♓♦]vt.抗议, 不赞成, 抨击, 反对, 藐视, 轻视deprive[♎♓☐❒♋♓]vt.剥夺, 使丧失derailed [di'reild]adj (火车)出轨的derail的过去时、过去分词derangeda.错乱的deride[diˈraid]vt.嘲笑derive[diˈraiv]vt.取得;追溯起源vi.(from)起源,衍生descendant[diˈsendənt]n.后裔,后代designed[♎♓♋♓⏹♎]adj.有计划的, 原意的despair[♎♓♦☐☪☜]n.绝望, 失望, 令人失望的人(事物) vi.绝望desperate[ ♎♏♦☐☜❒♓♦]adj.不顾一切的, 拚死的, 令人绝望的despicablyadv.可鄙地, 卑劣地destruction[♎♓♦♦❒✈☞☜⏹] n.破坏, 毁灭destructive[♎♓♦♦❒✈♦♓] adj.破坏(性)的detain[diˈtein]vt.拘留,扣留;留住,耽搁detective[♎♓♦♏♦♓]n.侦探adj.侦探的detective[diˈtektiv]n.侦探,私人侦探detract[♎♓♦❒✌♦]v.转移detrimental[ ♎♏♦❒♓❍♏⏹♦●]adj.有害的deviant[ ♎♓♓☜⏹♦]adj.不正常的n.不正常的人或物deviate[ ♎♓♓♏♓♦]vi.背离, 偏离v.偏离devise[♎♓♋♓]vt.设计, 发明, 图谋, 作出(计划), 想出(办法), 遗赠给n.遗赠diagnosis[ ♎♋♓☜♈⏹☜◆♦♓♦]n.诊断diamond[ˈdaiəmənd]n.钻石,金钢石;菱形diffuse[♎♓♐◆]v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合adj.散开的, 弥漫的dignity[ ♎♓♈⏹♓♦♓]n.尊严, 高贵dilemma[♎♓●♏❍☜ ♎♋♓]n.进退两难的局面, 困难的选择director[♎♓❒♏♦☜ ♎♋♓❒♏♦☜]n.主任, 主管, 导演, (机关)首长,(团体)理事, (公司)董事, 指挥仪,控制器disaffected[ˌdisəˈfektid]a.(政治上)不满的,叛离的disallowable可拒绝的,可否决的disastrous[♎♓♦♦❒☜♦]adj.损失惨重的, 悲伤的discard[disˈkɑ:d]vt.丢弃,抛弃disclaim[♎♓♦●♏♓❍]v.放弃, 弃权, 拒绝disclose[♎♓♦●☜◆]vt.揭露, 透露discontinuous[ ♎♓♦☜⏹♦♓⏹◆☜♦]adj.不连续的, 间断的, 中断的discordant[♎♓♦♎☜⏹♦]adj.不调和的, 不和的, [乐]不悦耳的, 不和谐的discouraginglyadv. 使人气馁地, 阻止地discourse[♎♓♦♦ ♎♓♦♦]n.演讲, 论述, 论文, 讲道, 谈话,谈论vi.谈论, 演说discoverableadj.发现的, 显露的discreet[♎♓♦❒♓♦]adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的discrimination[♎♓♦❒♓❍♓⏹♏♓☞☜⏹]n.辨别, 区别, 识别力, 辨别力, 歧视disentangle[ˌdisinˈtæŋgəl]v.解开,松开disgrace[disˈgreis]n.耻辱,不光彩;丢脸的人(或事) vt.使丢脸disguise[disˈgaiz]vt.化装;伪装;掩盖n.伪装,掩饰disgust[♎♓♦♈✈♦♦]n.厌恶, 嫌恶vi.令人厌恶, 令人反感vt.使作呕gdismiss[♎♓♦❍♓♦]vt.解散, 下课, 开除, 解职, 使(或让)离开vi.解散disorder[♎♓♦♎☜]n.杂乱, 混乱, 无秩序状态vt.扰乱, 使失调, 使紊乱disorientedadj. 分不清方向或目标的, 无判断力的动词disorient的过去式和过去分词形式disparage[♎♓♦☐✌❒♓♎✞]vt.蔑视, 贬损, 使失去信誉disparity[♎♓♦☐✌❒♓♦♓]n.(职位、数量、质量等)不一致, 不同, 不等dispel[♎♓♦☐♏●]vt.驱散, 驱逐, 使消散dispense[♎♓♦☐♏⏹♦]vt.分发, 分配dispense[♎♓♦☐♏⏹♦]vt.分发, 分配disperse[♎♓♦☐☜♦]v.(使)分散, (使)散开, 疏散disposed[diˈspəuzd]a.愿意的,想干的dispose[disˈpəuz]vt.排列;使倾向于vi.(of)去掉;处理disqualify [dis'kwɔlifai]vt. 使 ... 丧失资格disreputable[♎♓♦❒♏☐◆♦☜♌●]adj.声名狼藉的, 破烂不堪的Dissatisfaction[ ♎♓♦♦✌♦♓♦♐✌☞☜⏹]n.不满, 不平, 令人不满的事物dissent[diˈsent]n.& v.不同意,持异议dissipated[ˈdisipeitid]a.浪费的,放荡的dissipate[ˈdisipeit]vi.消散,消失vt.使消散,使消失;浪费dissolute[ ♎♓♦☜●◆♦]adj.放荡的, 风流的, 肆意挥霍的dissolve[♎♓●]v.溶解, 解散distill[disˈtil]vt.蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;吸取,提炼distinction[♎♓♦♦♓☠☞☜⏹] n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫distinguished[♎♓♦♦♓☠♈♦♓☞♦]adj.卓著的, 著名的, 高贵的distort[diˈstɔ:t]vt.歪曲,曲解;扭曲,使变形vi.变形distraction[diˈstrækʃən]n.消遣,娱乐,精神涣散distribute[♎♓♦♦❒♓♌◆☎✆♦]vt.分发, 分配, 散布, 分布, 分类, 分区v.分发distributed[♎♓♦♦❒♓♌◆♦♓♎]adj.分布式的distribution[ ♎♓♦♦❒♓♌◆☞☜⏹]n.分配, 分发, 配给物, 销售, 法院对无遗嘱死亡者财产的分配, 分布状态, 区分, 分类发送,发行disturbance[diˈstə:bəns]n.扰乱,打扰;骚乱;心神不安,烦恼diversion[♎♋♓☜☞☜⏹]n.转移, 转换, 牵制, 解闷, 娱乐diversity[♎♋♓☜♦♓♦♓]n.差异, 多样性divide[♎♓♋♓♎]v.分, 划分, 分开, 隔开divorce[♎♓♦]n.离婚, 脱离vt.使离婚, 与...脱离dock[♎]n.<美> 码头, 船坞, 被告席, 尾巴的骨肉部分vt.靠码头, 引入坞, 剪短vi.入船坞doctrine[ ♎♦❒♓⏹]n.教条, 学说domesticallyadv.家庭式地, 合乎国内地dormant[ ♎❍☜⏹♦]adj.睡眠状态的, 静止的, 隐匿的downward[ ♎♋◆⏹♦☜♎]adj.向下的dragoon [drəˈgu:n]n.骑兵 vt.镇压;迫害dramatic[♎❒☜❍✌♦♓]adj.戏剧性的, 生动的dramatist[ ♎❒✌❍☜♦♓♦♦]n.剧作家drawback[ ♎❒♌✌]n.缺点, 障碍, 退还的关税, 退税(指进口货物再出口时退还其进口时的关税)drawing[ ♎❒♓☠]n.图画, 制图, 素描术dredge[♎❒♏♎✞]n.挖泥机, 挖泥船, 捞网v.挖掘, 疏浚, 捞取, 撒在食物上dress[♎❒♏♦]n.女服, 童装, 服装, 衣服v.(给...)穿衣drowse [drauz]v./ n.瞌睡dubiously ['dju:biəsli]adv. 可疑地, 怀疑地dull[♎✈●]adj.感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的, 阴暗的vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和vi.变迟钝, 减少duly[ ♎◆●♓]adv.适时地duplicate[ ♎◆☐●♓♏♓♦]adj.复制的, 副的, 两重的, 两倍的,完全相同n.复制品, 副本vt.复写, 复制, 使加倍, 使成双dust[♎✈♦♦]n.灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃vt.掸掉...上的灰尘, 撒糖于糕上dwell[♎♦♏●]vi.居住, 踌躇○Eeavesdroppedeccentric[♓♦♏⏹♦❒♓]adj.古怪n.行为古怪的人eccentricity[♏♦♏⏹♦❒♓♦♓♦♓]n.偏心, 古怪, [数]离心率echoeseclipse[♓●♓☐♦]n.食, 日蚀, 月蚀, 蒙蔽, 衰落vt.引起日蚀, 引起月蚀, 超越, 使黯然失色eclipse[iˈklips]n.(日、月)食;黯然失色vt.(日、月)食ecstasy[ ♏♦♦☜♦♓]n.入迷edify[ˈedifai]vt.教诲editorial[♏♎♓♦❒♓☜●]n.社论adj.编辑上的, 主笔的, 社论的education[ ♏♎◆☎✆♏♓☞☜⏹] n.教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学education[ ♏♎◆☎✆♏♓☞☜⏹] n.教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学Education[ ♏♎◆☎✆♏♓☞☜⏹] n.教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学educational[ ♏♎◆☎✆♏♓☞☜⏹●] adj.教育的, 教育性的ego[ ♓♈☜☺]n.自我, 利已主义, 自负egoist[♊♓♈☜☺✋♦♦♊♏♈ ]n.自我主义者egoistic[ ♓♈☜☺♊✋♦♦✋ ♏♈]adj.自我中心的, 自私自利的egotism[ ♓♈☜♦✋☎☜✆❍] n.自我中心, 自尊自大egregious[✋♈❒♓♎✞☜♦] adj.异乎寻常的, 过分的, 惊人的Egyptian[✋♎✞✋☐☞☎☜✆⏹] adj.埃及的, 埃及人的n.埃及人election[✋●♏☞☎☜✆⏹]n.选举, 当选, 选择权, [宗]上帝的选拔elegantly ['eləgəntli]adv. 优美地, 雅致地element[ ♏●♓❍☜⏹♦]n.要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境elephant[ ♏●♓♐☜⏹♦]n.象, 一种纸张的尺寸elevator[ ♏●♓♏♓♦☜]n.电梯, 升降机, [空]升降舵eliminate[♓●♓❍♓⏹♏♓♦]vt.排除, 消除v.除去eloquent[ ♏●☜♦☜⏹♦]adj.雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的, 意味深长的elsewhere[ ♏●♦♒♦☪☜]adv.在别处emanate[ˈeməneit]vi.发出embark[imˈbɑ:k]vi.上船(或飞机等);(on)着手,开始工作embellish[♓❍♌♏●♓☞]v.修饰embezzle[imˈbezəl]vt.贪污embody[imˈbɔdi]vt.使具体化,体现;包括,包含,收入emboss[imˈbɔs]v.加浮雕花纹于,使凸出embroil[imˈbrɔil]vt.使卷入emendationn.订正,校订eminent[ ♏❍♓⏹☜⏹♦]adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的优良的emit[iˈmit]vt.发出(光、热、声音等),射出emulate[ ♏❍◆●♏♓♦]n.仿效enact[iˈnækt]vt.制定(法律);上演,扮演encounter[inˈkauntə]vt./n.遇到,遭遇,遭到encroachmentn.侵入,侵犯endeavor[♓⏹♎♏☜]n.努力, 尽力vi.尽力, 努力endure[inˈdjuə]vt.忍受,容忍vi.忍受,忍耐;持久enduring[♓⏹♎◆☜❒♓☠]adj.持久的, 不朽的enforce[♓⏹♐♦]vt.强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强engaged[♓⏹♈♏♓♎✞♎]adj.忙碌的, 使用中的engagement[♓⏹♈♏♓♎✞❍☜⏹♦]n.约会, 婚约, 诺言, 交战, 接站,雇拥, [机]接合engineering[ ♏⏹♎✞♓⏹♓☜❒♓☠]n.工程(学)enhance[♓⏹♒⏹♦]vt.提高, 增强v.提高enlarge[♓⏹●♎✞]v.扩大, 放大enlightened[inˈlaitənd]a.开明的,有见识的enlightenment[♓⏹●♋♓♦⏹❍☜⏹♦]n.启迪, 教化enlist[inˈlist]vt.谋取(支持等),赢得;征募vi.入伍enmesh[♓⏹❍♏☞ ♏⏹]vt.使绊住, 使陷入enormous[♓⏹❍☜♦]adj.巨大的, 庞大的, <古>极恶的,凶暴的enrage[inˈreidʒ]vt.激怒enrapture[inˈræptʃə]vt.使狂喜enroll[inˈrəul]vi.(in,on)入学,加入vt.招收,吸收enslave[inˈsleiv]v.使做奴隶,使处于奴役的状态entail[inˈteil]vt.使承担,使成为必要,需要enticementn.诱骗,诱人entirely[✋⏹♦♋✋☜●✋]adv.完全地, 全然地, 一概地entitled[♓⏹♦♋♓♦●♎]有资格的entrap[inˈtræp]vt.使入陷井entrust[inˈtrʌst]v.委托,付托enunciate[iˈnʌnsieit]v.发音,(清楚地)表达enunciation[✋⏹✈⏹♦✋♊♏✋☞☜⏹☞✋]n.阐明epicurean[ ♏☐♓◆☜❒♓☎✆☜⏹]adj.伊壁鸠鲁的, 贪口福的, 享乐主义的n.信奉伊比鸠鲁学说者, 享乐主义者, 美食家episode[ ♏☐♓♦☜◆♎]n.一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件equable[ ♏♦☜♌● ♓]adj.变动小的, 平静的equity[ ♏♦♓♦♓]n.公平, 公正, 公平的事物, 资产净值, [律]平衡法equivocal[♓♦♓☜☜●] adj.意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的era[ ♓☜❒☜] n.时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代eradicate[iˈrædikeit]vt.根除erode[♓❒☜◆♎]vt.侵蚀, 腐蚀, 使变化vi.受腐蚀, 逐渐消蚀掉erosive [i'rəusiv]adj. 腐蚀的, 侵蚀的, 冲蚀的erotic[♓❒♦♓]adj.性爱的, 性欲的, 色情的n.好色之徒errand[ˈerənd]n.(短程的)差事,差erudition[ ♏❒◆♎♓☞☜⏹]n.博学escalate[ˈeskəleit]v.(使)逐步增长(或发展),(使)逐步升级escort[ˈeskɔ:t]n.护卫者,护送者vt.护送,护卫espionage[ ♏♦☐♓☜⏹♓♎✞]n.间谍, 侦探essence[ ♏♦⏹♦]n.基本, [哲]本质, 香精essentialism [i'senʃəlizəm]n. 基本教育说, 实在说established[♓♦♦✌♌●♓☞♦]adj.已制定的, 确定的establish[iˈstæbliʃ]vt.建立,创办,设立;确定,确立,证实esteemeda.受尊敬的Eternal[♓☎✆♦☜⏹●]adj.永恒的, 永远的, 不灭的, 没完没了的ethos[ ♓♦]n.气质, 道义, 民族精神, 社会思潮,风气etiquette[♏♦♓♏♦ ♏♦♓♏♦]n.礼节euphemism[ ◆♐♓❍♓☜❍]n.[语法]委婉的说法evacuate[iˈvækjueit]vt.转移,撤离,疏散evacuation[♓✌◆♏♓☞☜⏹]n.撤退, 走开evaluate[♓✌●◆♏♓♦]vt.评价, 估计, 求...的值v.评价evaporate[iˈvæpəreit]vi.蒸发,挥发;消失vt.使蒸发,使挥发evasive[♓♏♓♦♓]adj.逃避的, 推托的evolution[ ♓☜●◆☞☜⏹♏☜]n.进展, 发展, 演变, 进化evolutionary[ ♓☜♊●✞☞☜⏹☜❒✋]进化的exaggerate[♓♈✌♎✞☜❒♏♓♦]v.夸大, 夸张exceedingly[✋♦♓♎✋☠●✋]adv.非常地, 极度地excel[♓♦♏●]v.优秀, 胜过他人excellency[ ♏♦☜●☜⏹♦♓]n.阁下, 优点exceptionally[ikˈsepʃənli]ad.异常地;极,很excessive[♓♦♏♦♓]adj.过多的, 过分的, 额外exclaim[ikˈskleim]v.呼喊,惊叫,大声说exclusive[♓♦●◆♦♓]adj.排外的, 孤高的, 唯我独尊的,独占的, 唯一的, 高级的excursion[♓♦☜☞☜⏹]n.远足, 游览, 短程旅行, 远足队,离题, [物]偏移, 漂移excuse[♓♦◆]vt.原谅, 申辩, 做为...的托辞, 为...免去n.饶恕, 致歉, 理由, 口实, 借口, 清借条, 免去execute[ ♏♦♓◆♦]vt.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成, [律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效exercise[ ♏♦☜♦♋♓]n.练习, 习题, 训练, 锻炼, 演习v.训练, 锻炼vt.行使, 使担扰exert[♓♈☜♦]vt.尽(力), 施加(压力等), 努力v.发挥, 竭尽全力, 尽exert[♓♈☜♦]vt.尽(力), 施加(压力等), 努力v.发挥, 竭尽全力, 尽exhilarated[igˈziləreitid]a.高兴的;振奋的existence[♓♈♓♦♦☜⏹♦]n.存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物exonerate[♓♈⏹☜❒♏♓♦] vt.免除, 证明无罪exorcism[ ♏♦♦♓☜❍]n.驱魔, 驱邪所用的咒语expel[ikˈspel]vt.把…开除;驱逐,放逐;排出,喷出experience[♓♦☐♓☜❒♓☜⏹♦] n.vt.经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历experienced[✋♦☐✋☜❒✋☜⏹♦♦]v.经历adj.富有经验的experimental[♏♦☐♏❒♓❍♏⏹♦●]adj.实验的, 根据实验的exploit[ˈeksplɔit]vt.剥削;利用,开发(采) n.[ pl.]业绩,功勋explosive[ikˈspləusiv]a.爆炸的,爆发的;极易引起争论的n.炸药exposure[♓♦☐☜◆✞☜]n.暴露, 揭露, 暴光, 揭发, 揭露,位向, 方向, 陈列express[♓♦☐❒♏♦]adj.急速的, 特殊的, 明确的n.快车, 快递, 专使vt.表达, 表示adv.乘快车, 以快递方式expressive[♓♦☐❒♏♦♓]adj.表现的, 表达...的, 有表现力的, 富于表情的exquisite[ ♏♦♦♓♓♦]adj.优美的, 高雅的, 精致的, 剧烈的, 异常的, 细腻的, 敏锐的extensive[♓♦♦♏⏹♦♓]adj.广大的, 广阔的, 广泛的extinct[♓♦♦♓☠♦]adj.熄灭的, 灭绝的, 耗尽的vt.<古>使熄灭extraction[♓♦♦❒✌☞☜⏹]n.抽出, 取出, [化]提取(法)萃取法,抽出物, 摘要, 血统, [数]开方(法)extraordinary[♓♦♦❒♎⏹❒♓ ♓♦♦❒♎♓⏹☜❒♓]adj.非常的, 特别的, 非凡的, 特派的extraterrestrial[ ♏♦♦❒☜♦☜❒♏♦♦❒♓☜●]adj.地球外的, 宇宙的extricate[ ♏♦♦❒♓♏♓♦]vt.使解脱, 救出, 使(气体)游离,放出extroverted ['ekstrəuvə:tid]adj. 性格外向的exuberant[♓♈◆♌☜❒☜⏹♦]adj.繁茂的, 丰富的, 非凡的, (语言等)华而不实的exude[♓♈◆♎]v.(使)流出, (使)渗出, 发散开来○Ffable[ ♐♏♓♌●]n.寓言, 神话, 谎言vi.讲故事, 编寓言, 煞有其事地讲述fabrication[ ♐✌♌❒♓♏♓☞☜⏹]n.制作, 构成, 伪造物, 装配工facile[ ♐✌♦♋✋●]adj.易做到的, 易得到的, 不花力气的, 敏捷的, 流畅的, (性格)柔顺的,温和的, 容易的facilitate[♐☜♦♓●♓♦♏♓♦]vt.(不以人作主语的)使容易, 使便利, 推动, 帮助, 使容易, 促进faction[ ♐✌☞☜⏹]n.派别, 小集团, 派系斗争, 小派系,内讧faculty[ ♐✌☜●♦♓]n.才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员,(大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力faddish[♊♐✌♎✋☞]adj.趋于时尚的, 流行的, 风行的fake[♐♏♓]n.假货, 欺骗adj.假的vt.伪造, 赝造, 捏造, 假造, 仿造vi.伪装fame[♐♏♓❍]n.名声, 名望, 传说, <古>传闻vt.(常用被动语态)使闻名, 使有名望, 盛传fanatical[♐☜⏹✌♦♓☜●]adj.狂热的, 盲信的fanaticism[♐☜⏹✌♦♓♦♓☜❍]n.狂热, 盲信fan[fæn]n.(风)扇,扇形物;迷vt.扇,煽动,激起fantasy[ ♐✌⏹♦☜♦♓ ♐✌⏹♦☜♓]n.幻想, 白日梦far-fetchedadj.牵强的, 不自然的far-flung ['fɑ:'flʌŋ]adj. 辽阔的, 漫长的, 遥远的far-goneadj. 程度已深的, 烂醉的, 病笃的farmer[ ♐❍☜]n.农夫, 百姓, 农民, 农场主, 承包主, 牧场主, 畜牧者fashion-consciousadj. 赶时髦的fastidious[♐✌♦♦♓♎♓☜♦]adj.难取悦的, 挑剔的, 苛求的,(微生物等)需要复杂营养地fatal[ ♐♏♓♦●]adj.致命的, 重大的, 命运注定的,不幸的, 致命的, 毁灭性的feeble[ ♐♓♌●]adj.虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的, 微弱的, 薄弱的ferocity[♐☜❒♦♓♦♓]n.凶猛, 残忍, 暴行fervent[ ♐☜☜⏹♦]adj.炽热的fiat[ˈfaiæt]n.命令,决断fiddle[ ♐♓♎●]n.小提琴, 无意识而不停地拨弄vt.虚度时光, 拉小提琴vi.拉小提琴, 瞎搞fidelity[♐♓♎♏●♓♦♓]n.忠实, 诚实, 忠诚, 保真度, (收音机, 录音设备等的)逼真度, 保真度, 重现精度Fierce[♐♓☜♦]adj.凶猛的, 猛烈的, 热烈的, 暴躁的<美>极讨厌的, 难受的, <英方>精力旺盛的fireworksn.烟火, 激烈争论flabby[ ♐●✌♌♓]adj.优柔寡断的性格(或人), 软弱的, 没气力的, 不稳的, (肌肉等)不结实的, 松弛的flamboyant[♐●✌❍♌♓☜⏹♦] adj.辉耀的, 华丽的, 火焰似的, 艳丽的flattensflatter[ ♐●✌♦☜]vt.过分夸赞, 奉承, 阿谀, 使高兴,使满意, (画, 肖像上的形象)胜过(真人或实物)fled[♐●♏♎]vbl.flee的过去式及过去分词flesh[♐●♏☞]n.肉, (供食用的)兽肉, 肉体, 肉欲,果肉, 蔬菜的嫩部, 亲属, 人体vt.以肉喂(猎犬等), 使肥, 赋以血肉vi.长胖flexible[ ♐●♏♦☜♌●]adj.柔韧性, 易曲的, 灵活的, 柔软的, 能变形的, 可通融的flicker[ˈflikə]vi./ n.(火光等)闪烁;(情感等)闪现;颤动flimsy[ ♐●♓❍♓]adj.易坏的, 脆弱的, 浅薄的, 没有价值的, 不足信的, (人)浮夸的n.薄纸, 描图用薄纸, 薄纸稿纸fling-down甩下来...flip[flip]vt.快速翻动;轻抛;轻拍n.轻抛a.轻浮的flirt[flə:t]v.(with)调情;不认真地对待n.调情的人floating[ ♐●☜◆♦♓☠]adj.漂浮的, 浮动的, 移动的, 流动的, 不固定的floggedfloppy[ ♐●☐♓]adj.懒散的, 邋遢的, 松软的flush[flʌʃ]v.冲洗;(脸)发红;赶出n.脸红a.同高的fondle[ˈfɔndl]vt.爱抚foo [fu:]n. 占位符, 位置保持器Ford[♐♎]n.浅滩v.徒涉forego[♐♈☜◆]vt.(在位置时间或程度方面)走在...之前, 居先forgave[♐☜♈♏♓]vbl.forgive的过去式forge[♐♎✞]v.稳步前进, 铸造, 伪造forgery[ ♐♎✞☜❒♓]n.伪造物, 伪造罪, 伪造forgo[♐♈☜◆]vt.作罢, 放弃fork[♐]n.叉, 耙, 叉形物, 餐叉forlorn[♐☜●⏹]adj.被遗弃的format[ ♐❍✌♦ ❍♦]n.开本, 版式, 形式, 格式vt.安排...的格局(或规格), [计]格式化(磁盘)formation[♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.形成, 构成, 编队forsake[♐☜♦♏♓]vt.放弃, 抛弃forsook[♐☜♦◆]vbl.forsake的过去式forth[♐]adv.往前, 向外fortify[ ♐♦♓♐♋♓]vt.设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强, 增加, (酒)的酒精含量vi.筑防御工事forward[ ♐♦☜♎]adj.早的, 迅速的, 前进的vt.转寄, 促进, 运送adv.向前地, 向将来n.[体](足球等)前锋foster[ ♐♦♦☜]vt.养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励, 抱(希望)n.养育者, 鼓励者。

(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7unit 1P20semiliterate a. 半文盲的trump card 王牌get by 通过settle down 静下来dropout n. 辍学do-gooder n. 帮倒忙的人impediment n. 妨碍charmer n. 可爱的人、魔术师steely a. 钢的flunk v. 失败、不及格at stake 危急关头composure n. 沉着、冷静parade n. 游行、检阅sail v. 航行、起航testimony n. 证据、证言、证明follow through 坚持到底conspiracy n. 阴谋、共谋doom v. 注定、判决、使失败unit 2 P55propose v. 提议、求婚knockoff n. 赝品windex v. 清洁剂take the plunge 冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤maid of honor 伴娘matrimonial a. 婚姻的(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7bridesmaid n. 伴娘pastel a. 彩色粉笔taffeta n. 塔夫绸consignment n. 托付entourage n. 随从groomsman n. 伴郎courtship n. 求爱(期)、求婚publicist n. 公关、宣传人员monomaniacal a. 偏执狂pharmacist n. 药商、药剂师whine v. 哀诉、抱怨thwart v. 阻扰、妨碍cathedral n. 大教堂quarantine v. 对...检疫、隔离petite a. 娇小的、柔弱的brim v. 充满、溢出navigate v. 驾驶、领航eerily adv. 可怕的reminiscent a. 怀旧的drab a. 单调的relentlessly adv. 残酷的dank a. 阴湿的tattered a. 破烂的prognosis n. 预知、病状的诊断trickle v. 滴、掉眼泪decadent a. 颓废的incision n. 切开、切口bolster v. 支持、支撑(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7chemo n. 化疗poach v. 水煮、偷猎consummately adv. 完美的myriad n. 许多、无数protrude v. (使)突出、(使)伸出raspy a. 刺耳的unit 3 P90 disingenuousness n. 不诚信withering a. 使人难忘的endorse v. 赞同sequential a. 连续的、相继的testimony n. 证词、证据nicotine n. 尼古丁sophistication n. 复杂、诡辩、老于世故allure n. 诱惑力、魅力extol v. 颂扬、赞颂clad a. 穿衣的、覆盖的the better part of 大多数pathology n. 病理学perverse a. 反常的、任性的、堕落的exonerate v. 使免罪epidemiological a. 流行病学的landmark n. 里程碑bronchogenic a. 支气管原(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7的surrogate n. 代理人、替代品、替身deride v. 取笑exhaustively adv. 用尽一切的memorandum n. 备忘录disinformation n. 假信息obfuscate v. 使模糊spike v. 阻止、用钉子钉牢racketeering n. 诈骗gaggle n. 一群skeptic n. 怀疑(论)者、无神论者defraud v. 欺骗某人pandemic n. 流行病advocacy n. 鼓吹、提倡unit 4 P124blessing n. 祈福curse n. 咒骂chitchat n. 闲聊detritus n. 碎石、岩屑suck v. 吸允con a. 哄骗的harry v. 折磨、掠夺、骚扰snoop v. 窥探shrivel v. 枯萎barrage n. 弹幕、阻塞nanosecond n. 毫微秒cook up 迅速做好饭菜、编造、(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7策划catalyst n. 催化剂、刺激因素mind-boggling a. 警告hassle v. 打扰irreconcilable a. 无法调节的salvage v. 营救far-flung a. 广泛传播的visceral a. 不理智的、本能的peck v. 攻击lust n. 欲望hierarchy n. 等级制度buffer n. 缓冲地带purveyor n. 供货商prurient a. 好色的、淫乱的spew v. 呕吐、喷出vile a. 恶劣的、卑鄙的run amok 胡作非为cobble togethetborder on 接界、相邻于、近似于lapse n. 流逝、失效gentility n. 有教养lowercase a. 用小写字母的snippy a. 尖刻的、语言唐突的archive n. 档案(馆)curator n. 馆长、监护人bemoan v. 抱怨muser v. 召集、对……点名(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7multitude n. 大量spur n. 刺激、鼓励unit 5 P186innovation n. 改革、革新define v. 下定义、限制put a finger on sth.lend oneself to 屈服于quantifiable a. 可以计量的rocket v. 飞驰、迅速增加conundrum n. 难题、谜语craft v. 精工细作flummox v. 使困惑、使混乱malaise n. 病态、不满、无奈stagnation n. 停滞不前green innovation 绿色创新yearning n. 强烈的愿望incentive n. 刺激、激励provocative a. 挑衅的、煽动的perpetual a. 永久的ingenuity n. 创新unit 6 P221reiterate v. 重申benign a. 良性的transcend v. 超越unprecedented a. 前所未有的resilience n. 抵抗力(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7disruptive a. 破坏性skyrocket v. 突升laxity n. 疲软fiscal a.财政的sluggishness n. 发展缓慢的incur v. 引起intensification n.加剧,剧烈array v. 部署、排列folly n. 愚蠢荒唐事讽刺剧adversity n. 逆境rigor n. 严厉的dissipate v. 浪费、使、、、消散embody v. 表达、陈述covenant v. 盟约契约bypass v. 忽视conflagration n. 冲突subdue v. 征服抑制减轻revealing a. 启示,揭示revealingly adv. 启发人地袒胸露肩地vilify v. 诽谤中伤unit7 P255cult n. 狂热、流行、崇拜tenure n. 任期占有stardom n. 演员们、明星界、明星身份waffle v. 胡扯瞎扯闲聊(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7-mongeringarguably adv. 可能地可论证地blockbuster n. 轰动、巨制大片paste v. 粘贴裱糊paster n. 贴纸粘贴的人mollify v. 平息缓和dire a. 严重地overseer n. 监督工头儿hurl v. 丢下愤慨地说出炮轰savage v. 乱咬粗暴对待flatulence n. 自负squabble n. 争吵exalted a. 高贵顶级till v. 耕种耕耘耕作pontificate v. 垄断ghost-writer n. 枪手memoir n. 回忆录、自传hustle v. 催促猛推强夺拼命帮忙moonlight v. 月光兼职第二职业short-change v. 有负于人少找钱ostentatious a. 卖弄作秀ludicrous a. 荒唐可笑vista n. 视野populist n. 平民主义者平(完整word版)基础综合英语_单词unit1-7 民知识分子trash v. 丢弃、修剪树枝n. 垃圾、废物。

(完整版)Unit研究生英语综合教程上单词Unit1academia 学术界acumen 敏锐due 应给的,欠下的ambiguous 不明确的ambiguity 不明确brink 始发点;边缘collaborative 协作的,合作的collaborator 合作者,协作者contributor 投稿人,撰稿人conviction 坚定的信仰或主张expertise 专门知识,专门技能foster 培养,促进,助长headhunter 猎头lone wolf 自行其是的人,好独处的人mindset 思维定式mitigate 缓和,减轻mobilize 争取支持,动用资源newbie 新手,网络新用户outshine 优于…,使…黯然失perception 看法,认识prioritize 使…优先prospective 预期的,未来的,可能的scary 可怕的studied 经过深思熟虑的teamwork 合作,协作,配合transition 过渡,转变act on 按…行事count on 指望in pursuit of 追求,寻求make up 编造(说法、解释)pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话place a bet 下赌注put one’s neck on the line 冒险stick one’s neck out 说冒险的话stand out 突出;显眼adherence 坚守,信守affirm 肯定,强化autonomy 自主能力blockhead 笨蛋,蠢人brief 案情摘要,案情简介civility 礼貌,客气cost effective 低成本高利润的cut-rate 减价销售cynical 愤世嫉俗的dealing 商业活动,商业往来discource 谈话,交谈eminent 著名的,有名望的unit2 aftertaste 余味apportion 分配,分摊apprentice 学徒broth 肉汤,米汤,菜汤ceramic 陶瓷的chili pepper 辣椒粉chrysanthemum 菊(花)collective 集体的,共同的commemorate 纪念,庆祝culinary 烹饪的drainage 排水,排污dynasty 朝,代eccentric 怪异的,古怪的exquisite 精致的facet 一个方面fare 食物ferment 使…发酵filling 馅fragrance 香味garnish 装饰菜ginger 姜glutinous 很黏的greasy 多脂的,沾油脂的harmonious 和睦的,融洽的humility 谦逊,谦恭improvise 即兴表演,即席而作light 味清淡的;浓度低的;易消化的lingering 经久不消的literally 逐字地;照着原文longevity 长寿maw 动物的嘴precept戒律,准则reed 芦苇reign 统治时期renowned 著名的scallop 扇贝seniority 年长,职位高specialty 特色菜stew 炖,焖tendon 腱toast 祝酒triangular 三角形的whiff 一阵气味bid farewell to 告别make a fool of oneself 出丑,出洋相partake of 吃,喝urge…on 激励,驱策unit4accommodate 迎合,迁就altruistic 利他主义的,无私的avalanche 雪崩bolster 改进cuddle 搂抱,拥抱elusive 难以表述的;难懂的frenzied 狂乱的;疯狂的impair 削弱;损害,损伤impairment 削弱;损害,损伤liaison 密切的联系,关系mundane 平凡的;平淡的myriad 无数的,不计其数的neurotic 神经质的,神经过敏的obsessive 着迷的physiological 生理机能的,生理系统的platonic 纯友谊的prerequisite 必备条件的;先决条件的psychosomatic 有精神压力所引起的reminisce 缅怀往事,追忆往事retard 阻碍,减缓retardation 阻碍,减缓witticism 妙语;俏皮话;诙谐语wry 露出怪样的,苦笑的culminate in 到…高峰;最终达到deprive sb. Of sth. 剥夺fifter out 过滤,滤除unit7acorn 橡树果alteration 变动,改变antiquity 古代battlefront 前线covet 觊觎,垂涎,贪求desecrate 亵渎deviate 背离,偏离disposition 性情,性格endeavor 尝试,努力engross 使非常感兴趣;使全神贯注于germinal 初级阶段的,处于萌芽状态的germinally 初级阶段地,处于萌芽状态地home-front (战时的)大后方(人民)humanitarian 人道主义者indestructible 不可摧毁的,坚不可摧的knavish 无赖似的,人品不正当matrix 发源地,摇篮miser 守财奴,吝啬鬼mosaic 镶嵌画般的东西obliterate 忘却,抹去philanthropist 慈善家,乐善好施者preacher 说教者,讲到者proverbial 众所周知的temperament 气质,性情,性格traitor 叛徒,背叛者defile 污损,污染,亵渎undefiled 未沾污的,纯洁的,纯粹的unfold 展现;逐渐呈现unsavory 令人不快的,令人厌恶的be a far cry from 与…大不相同at the peril of 冒着丧失…的危险be in order 适宜,合适hold to 遵循,坚持unit10catholic 广泛的,普遍的collegial 大学的,学院的consensus 意见一致contemplation 沉思diffusion 传播discernment 洞察力,敏锐disseminate 传播,散播eloquent 雄辩的,有口才的embryo 胚胎foremost 首要的,第一的illumination 阐明immunize 使免疫,赋予免疫性impart 传授,告知imperative 需要inaugural 就职的,开始的incubator 孵化器laureate 获奖者lavish 过分多的lavishly 过分慷慨地,过于大方的long-standing 长期存在的non-partisan 无党派的porous 可渗透的,多孔的predecessor 前辈,前任rigor 严密,严谨robustness 健全,稳固scholarly 学术性的serendipity 善于无意中发现有趣或珍奇事务的天赋staggering 令人吃惊的staggeringly 令人吃惊地solitary 单独的,独自的suffuse 弥漫,充满supersede 代替,取代underlie 成为…的基础utilitarian 功利的,实用的vulnerable 脆弱的,易受伤的vulnerability 易受伤,脆弱;易遭攻击call on/upon. Sb. 呼吁,号召couple…with… 并提;加上live up to 符合(标准);不负(盛名)unit9clog 堵塞cram 把…塞入crash 借宿demolish 摧毁,拆掉development 新开发的房产;新建住宅区dire 极其严重的;极可怕的divert 改变(用途或方向)dole 救济金eligible 合格的,有资格的eliminate 消除,根除flatline 降到很低的水平hellhole 地狱般的地方,环境极恶劣的地方initiative 计划,措施lot 一块地lousy 糟糕的mismatch 不匹配,不协调mortgage 抵押借款,按揭pending 未定的,待决的raze 把…夷为平地skimp 舍不得花,克扣slump 暴跌soar 骤升,猛增stall 停滞不前status quo 现状subsidize 给予补助traction 牵引力virtually 实际上,事实上voucher 代金券,凭证windfall 意外之财at one’s disposal 供某人使用/支配be down on one’s luck 穷困潦倒revolve around sth. 以…为主题,围绕tear sth. down 拆毁make ends meet 收支平衡,入可敷出。

highwayman拦路强盗archbishop大主教chapel小教堂anguished痛苦的crucifixion被钉十字架crucify钉十字架livery制服legacy遗产conduit管道gatehouse门楼cloister修道院vicar牧师plaque斑块depict描绘bishop主教monarchy君主政体behead斩首watchman守望者shudder战栗fervent炽热的commemorate纪念tuibulent吐布伦特retreat撤退hive蜂箱on the grounds=because在理由上shake one's head in wonder惊奇地摇摇头bring home to sb.使某人感到高兴makeover改装cosmetic美容的enhancement增强vanity虚荣minimal极小值invasive侵袭性disseminate传播toxin 毒素bleparoplasty睑板成形术liposuction脂肪抽吸术rhinoplasty鼻整形术dermabrasion皮肤磨削术ablative烧蚀的legitimate合法的opt选择aesthetic审美reluctant不情愿的pragmatic实用的downplay淡化traumatic外伤性ultrasonic超声波excision切除术masculinity男子气概vibaant维巴特resonate共鸣dermatologist皮肤病专家vulnerability脆弱性med地中海stigmatize诬蔑plaster灰泥silicone有机硅hematoma血肿clot凝块follicle滤泡dymorphic形态异构的preoccupation先占fixate固定器in line with符合live up to不辜负four-letter word四字母字replica复制品embryologist胚胎学家incidence发病率hypothetical假设homosexual同性恋的intrinsic内在的herein此处tissue组织diabetes糖尿病culture文化sperm精子egg鸡蛋unscrupulous肆无忌惮champion冠军frame legislation框架立法in the event of万一发生life span寿命live up to sth.履行某事on…gounds=on the basis of在……的基础上glutinous糯米的morph变形breed繁殖dietary饮食的staple短纤维metropolis大都市hinterland腹地acute严重的respiratory呼吸系统syndrome综合征subside减弱vogue时尚trigger触发seismic地震naty纳蒂alienate离间hodge-podge大杂烩emigrate移居国外accompaniment伴奏aymbal艾姆巴尔off-and-on断断续续cutout断流器feast盛宴snap按扣presunptuous矫揉造作的go the way of走的道路track down追踪put on 穿上in vogue时髦start up启动take shape成形go by经过hoopla胡闹don大学教师unfurl展开gridlock僵局extortionate敲诈勒索contrariness逆反snowbound积雪的turn转tangle纠纷lull平静ingenuity独创性stamina耐力trouper特工recast重铸merrymaking狂欢作乐infectious感染的revelry狂欢celebrity名人heritage遗产roam 漫游bustling繁忙的conspire密谋nmania诺曼尼亚scuttle舷窗relish津津有味foray突袭souvenir纪念品invulnerability抗毁性tramp流浪汉megalithic巨石的stroll漫步stark完全的swatch样品tangible有形的steeplechase障碍赛跑refective驳回savor品味set out against 出发反对stem from源于not so much…as不如…fen off be caught in the middle of分崩离析have one's backing背靠背bubble up冒泡overflow with溢出on the rise 论崛起bend on doing sth.弯腰做某事prop up支撑an array of一个数组under-the-counter柜台下dream up做梦plunge into跳入zero in零内assortment分类slay杀戮narcissistic自恋的obsessively痴迷地hedonism享乐主义gulp吞咽shipherd牧羊人flaccidly松弛地nonjudgemental非评判性的ingrained根深蒂固的hustle匆忙inflict加害commandment戒律stampede踩踏barbarian野蛮人infidelity不忠neurotic神经质的qualm疑虑catatonic紧张症的put in a good word for sb.为某人说句好话occer to奥塞尔tune out调出arise from起因于be vulnerable to易受伤害residual 残差pact公约profane亵渎priestly祭司的jostle推挤metaphysical形而上学的divine神圣的derenity谦虚shrapnel榴霰弹ignite点燃recede后退primordial原始的concoct编造apparatus装置reverbertation混响subversive颠覆的enigmatic谜一般的agnosticism不可知论convergence汇聚condescension屈尊俯就superstition迷信phantom幻影chasm裂口operatically操作上的scale规模prodigious惊人的provisional临时的concur同意deism自然神论opacity不透明性obliterate抹去shroud裹尸布becoming相配的stay clear of保持清醒yield to屈服于ex nihilo非尼希罗pick up拿起tuinout杜因特leave over离开come around to走近make acommitment to 作出补偿at best至多clash with与…发生冲突be taken by被带走implicate牵连enumeration枚举confidentiality机密性telinquish长途电话bizarre奇怪的obscuiity朦胧性bootleg私卖hypothesize假设consortium财团trove特洛夫blithe布赖斯statutory法定的administer管理buzzword流行语diarepute二重的anarchist无政府主义者deregulation违规obsolete过时的peer-to-peer点对点in (the) pursuit of 在追求中sift through筛过fall under落下。
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Unit11.semiliterate:a.semi-educated;having only an elementary level of reading and writing ability半文盲的,有初等文化的semi-:half or partly2.dropout:n.a personwho leavesschool before finishing a course(尤指中学的)退学学生3.do-gooder:n.sb.who does things that they think will help other people,although the other people might not find their actions helpful一个总是试着帮助别人的人(通常是贬义);不实际的社会改革家(指幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者)4.impediment:n.obstacles,barriers妨碍,阻止,阻碍,阻挡5.trump card:anything decisiveheld in reservefor useat a critical time王牌6.charmer:n.a personwho hasgood qualities that make you like him/her讨人喜欢的人,有魅力的人,有迷惑力的人(尤指迷人的女人)7.get by:to be able to deal with a situation with difficulty,usually by having just enoughof sth.you need,suchas money过得去8.settledown:to becomequiet and calm(使)安静下来;平息9.flunk:v.to fail an exam or courseof study不及格posure:n.calmnessandcontrol平静;镇静;沉着11.parade:n.a seriesof peopleor things that appearone after the other12.at stake:to be won or lost;risked受到威胁,面临危险13.sail:v.to move quickly and effortlessly投入14.testimony:n.spokenor written statementthat sth.is true证词,证明15.conspiracy:n.act of joint planning of a crime阴谋,共谋16.doom:v.to makesb.or sth.certain to do or experiencesth.unpleasant注定17.follow through:to continue a stroke,motion,plan,or reasoningthrough to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底18.I flunked my secondyearexamsandwas lucky not to be thrown out of college.19.The managementdid not seemto consideroffice safetyto be a priority.20.Thousandsof lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.21.I think therewas a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.Unit21.propose:v.[to sb.]to aska personto marry one提亲;求婚2.knockoff:n.a copy or reproduction of a designetc.esp.one madeillegally假货;赝品3.Windex:v.to clean with a kind of detergentby the brand of Windex用Windex牌清洁剂清洗4.takethe plunge:to take a decisive first step,commit oneself irrevocably to a courseof action冒险尝试5.bridesmaid:n.a girl or unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding女傧相;伴娘6.maid of honor:a principal bridesmaid女傧相7.pastel:a.a pale andsubduedshadeor color轻淡柔和的色彩8.taffeta:n.a plain-weave glossysilk塔夫绸9.consignment:n.the action of entrusting goodsor saleor custody托运;托运的货物10.entourage:n.a group of people in attendance on or accompany someoneimportant随从;随行人员11.groomsman:n.a male friend officially attending the bridegroom at a wedding男傧相;伴郎12.courtship:n.the activity or period of courting a woman with a view to marriage 求爱期;追求期13.publicist:n.a personwho promotesor advertisessomething宣传人员;宣传代理人14.monomaniacal:a.characterizedby mental illness in which a personis dominatedby oneirrational setof ideas对某事狂热的;偏执狂的15.pharmacist:n.a personskilled or engagedin pharmacy;a personwho preparesordispenses medicine药剂师16.whine:v.to utter a subduedhigh-pitched prolonged cry of distressor complaint 哀诉;诉怨17.thwart:v.to run counter to,go against,oppose,hinder阻挠;阻止;对……构成阻力18.cathedral:n.any important,large and imposing church总教堂;大教堂19.quarantine:v.to isolate someoneor something that hasjust arrived from overseasor hasbeenexposedto infection对……进行检疫隔离20.petite:a.of small stature,chiefly of a woman or girl(女孩和妇女)娇小的21.brim:v.[with]to be or becomefull to the edge注满22.navigate:v.to direct,manage,steer给船舶、飞机等引航;导航23.eerily:adv.fearfully or gloomily引起神秘感或害怕地24.reminiscent:a.suggestiveor reminding(someone)提醒的;暗示的;像……的;使回忆起……的25.drab:a.dull or lifeless无生气的;乏味的;单调的26.relentlessly:adv.insistently and uncompromisingly不懈地;不屈不挠地;持续不断地27.dank:a.unpleasantlydamp and cold阴湿的;阴冷的28.tattered:a.torn or ragged破烂的;衣衫褴褛的29.prognosis:n.a prediction of the likely outcome of a disease预后(指医生对疾病结果的预测)30.trickle:v.to drip or run with tears滴;淌;细流31.decadent:a.declining or decaying(from a stateof excellenceor prosperity)堕落的;颓废的32.incision:n.a division madeby cutting,as onemadeduring surgery切开;切口33.bolster:v.to support and strengthen支持;鼓励(某人);改善;加强(某事物)34.chemo:n.the treatment of disease,esp.infection or cancer,by means ofchemicals化疗35.poach:v.to cook an egg without the shell in simmering,or over boiling,water水煮(荷包蛋)36.consummately:pletely,to the highestdegree完全地;至上地37.myriad:n.countlessnumber无数;极大数量38.protrude:v.to extendor stick out伸出;突出39.raspy:a.harsh刺耳的;焦躁的;易怒的40.matrimonial a.of or pertaining to marriage婚姻的41.We should be truly thankful to Mr.Deng Xiaoping for taking the plunge andinitiating the economic reform in China.42.What is the useof whining about your bad luck?It is more important to find thereal causeof your misfortune.43.The rising real estateprices thwarted his ambition of owning a houseof his ownin the big city.Disappointed,he returnedto his hometown.44.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the100best rivers and gives his expertadviceon how to navigate their reaches.Unit31.disingenuousness:n.slight dishonestyand lack of sincerity不老实2.withering a.(of a look or remark,etc.)scornful or contemptuous(神情、话语)尖刻的3.endorsev.to expressformal supportor approval赞同;认可;支持(意见、活动、某人等)4.sequentiala.following in order of time or place按次序的;相继的;构成连续镜头的;顺序的;序列的5.testimony n.written or spoken statementdeclaring that sth is true,esp one madeunderoath(法庭上证人的)证词6.nicotine n.poisonousoily substancefound in tobacco尼古丁;烟碱7.the better part of:the majority of;the biggest part of大部分;主要部分8.sophisticationn.quality of being sophisticated老练,复杂9.allure n.a mysterious,exciting,or desirablequality诱惑力;魅力10.extol v.(fml.)to praisehighly赞颂;赞扬;赞美11.clad a.dressed;clothed穿衣的12.pathology n.scientific study of diseases of the body病理(学)13.perverse a.deliberately or stubbornly turning away from what is reasonableorrequired错误的;荒谬的;反常的14.exoneratev.(sb.from sth.):to declaresb.free from blame使免罪;免除15.epidemiological a.connectedwith the study of the way diseasesspread,and howto control them流行病学的ndmark n.an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage里程碑,地标17.bronchogenica.deriving from the bronchial tubes产生于支气管的;影响支气管的18.surrogaten.(fml)personor thing that actsor is usedinsteadof another;substitute 替代;代理19.deride v.to treatsb./sth.asfunny andnot worthy of seriousattention取笑;嘲笑20.exhaustively adv.very thoroughly;completely用尽一切地rmal written businesscommunication(备忘的)记录22.disinformation n.false information,intendedto mislead故意的假情报23.obfuscatev.to make(sth.)confusedor difficult to understand使模糊;使混乱24.spike v.to fastenor furnish with spikes把尖状物钉入25.racketeering n.making money from illegal activities such as threatening peopleor selling worthless,immoral,or illegal goodsor services.敲诈勒索;诈骗26.gagglen.a group of people,especially thosethat are noisy or disorganized散乱的一群,缺乏组织的团体27.skeptic n.a personwho hasdoubtsaboutthings that other peoplebelieve怀疑者28.defraudv.to get sth.from sb.by deception;cheatsb.诈取;骗取29.pandemicn.a diseasethat affects many people over a very wide area(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病30.advocacyn.public support for a courseof action支持;拥护;鼓吹;(对某思想、行动方针、信念的)拥护;支持;提倡31.After the police released their report,John was exonerated from allresponsibility for the accident.32.In a speechat the Congress,the president extolled the virtues of free enterpriseandexpressed his distastefor the blatant hegemonyin IT industry.33.I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in supportand admiration of him and of the courageand fortitude that he and his family have displayed.34.The poor woman was defrauded of her money by a dishonestaccountant.Unit4favor and 1.blessing n.thing that one is glad of,thing that brings happiness;God’sprotection祝福;祷告2.curse n.causeof evil,harm,destruction,etc.诅咒;咒骂;祸端3.chitchat n.(infml.)chat;gossip闲谈;聊天4.detritus n.a weekly hard rock and heavy metal e-zine featuring news,reviews,rumors,special reports,andmore花边消息5.suck v.(slang)If someonesaysthat something sucks,they are indicating that theythink it is very bad;somepeoplefind this useoffensive.令人不愉快;令人讨厌6.con a.(slang)哄骗的7.harry v.to annoy(sb.)with repeatedrequests,questions,etc.harass掠夺;使…苦恼;侵掠8.snoopv.to searchor investigatein a persistentandsecretiveway窥伺;打听9.shrivel v.to(causesth.to)shrink and wrinkle from heat,cold or dryness枯萎;干枯;皱缩rge number(of questions,criticisms,etc.)delivered quickly,one afterthe other一连串的批评11.nanosecond n.毫微秒(时间单位)12.catalyst n.personor thing that causesa change催化剂;刺激因素13.mind-boggling a.(infml.)alarming;extraordinary or astonishing令人难以置信的14.cook up:(infml.)to invent sth.,esp.in order to deceive编造;伪构;谋划15.hasslev.to harass(sb.);to bother与…争辩;不断骚扰16.irreconcilable a.that cannotbe reconciled不能和解的;不能协调的;矛盾的17.salvagev.to save,rescue海上救助;打捞;抢救18.far-flung a.spreadover a wide area;distributed widely辽阔的;漫长的;遥远的19.visceral a.(fig.,fml.)(of feelings,etc.)not rational;instinctive(感情等)非理性的;直觉的20.peck v.to strike sth.with the beak啄;啄食21.lust n.strong sexualdesire;intensedesirefor sth.贪欲;欲望;色欲22.hierarchy n.system with gradesof authority or status from lowest to the highest 等级制度;层级;统治集团23.buffer n.country or area between two powerful states,lessening the risk of warbetweenthem缓冲;缓冲区24.purveyor n.personor firm that supplies goodsor services供应商25.spewv.to vomit;to sendout in a stream喷出;涌出;呕吐;吐出26.vile a.extremely disgusting;despicableon moral grounds恶劣的;简陋的;低廉的psen.a temporary lack of sth.such asconcentration or judgment暂时失去某物(如注意力、判断力等)28.gentility n.genteelmannersand behavior有教养;文雅;出身高贵29.lowercasea.Lowercase letters are small letters,not capital letters.用小写字母排印等的30.run amok:to rush about in a wild and angry frenzy横行;胡作非为;乱冲乱杀31.cobbletogether:to put sth.togetheror makesth.hastily or clumsily拙劣地修补32.snippy a.(infml)尖刻的;言语唐突的33.archive n.(pl)historical documentsor records档案;档案馆34.curator n.personin chargeof a museum,an art gallery,etc.博物馆长35.bemoanv.to show sorrow for or complain about(sb./sth.)悲叹;为…惋惜;认为遗憾36.muster v.to gain sth.by collecting it from other people or by drawing it fromwithin oneself;summon sth.up集合;收集;鼓起;激起37.multitude n.extremely large numberof peopleor things多数;群众38.spurn.thing that urgesa personon to greateractivity;incentive刺激;鞭策39.It is certainly undemocratic,and many peopleare beginning to feel that it borderson the unconstitutional.sheremarks,“yet it is just the desire to explain 40.“No t heory explains everything,”everything which is the spur of theory.”41.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse upon anyone whoenteredthe pyramid.42.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy songcookedup as a commercial gimmick.Unit51.innovation n.the processof making improvements by introducing sth.new;theactof introducing sth.new;sth.newly introduced创新的过程新方法,新技术:新介绍的东西2.define v.to show clearly the edgeof sth.清楚地显示出轮廓3.quantifiable a.can be quantified,measuredcapableof being quantified可以计量的4.rocket v.to move extremely quickly非常快速地运动5.conundrum n.a problem that is difficult to deal with难以解决的问题6.craft v.to make(sth.)skillfully,esp.by hand精工制作(某物)(尤指用手工)7.flummox v.to bewilder,confuseor disconcert(sb.)使(某人)迷惑、糊涂或仓皇失措8.malaise n.a generalfeeling of bad health or lack of energy,or an uncomfortablefeeling that something is wrong(esp.with society)and a lack of ability to changethe situation微恙;不适,莫名的不安9.stagnation n.(fig.)stateof showing no activity停滞10.yearning n.strong desire,tender longing强烈的愿望,渴望11.incentive n.thing that encouragessb.to do sth.;stimulus激励某人做某事的事物,刺激,奖励12.provocative a.tending or intended to arouseanger,annoyance,controversy,etc.激起愤怒、恼恨、争论等的;挑衅的;煽动性的13.perpetual a.continuing indefinitely;permanent永久的14.ingenuity n.clevernessand originality in solving problems聪明,原创性地解决问题15.put a finger on sth.to know the reason for sth.,esp.sth.that is a problem;identify precisely or point out(an error,the causeof a problem,etc.)知道某事的理由(特别是问题),精确地发现或指出问题所在16.lend oneself to:to allow oneself to be associatedwith sth.;adapt oneself or setoneselfup to betreatedin a specialway同意参与;适合于17.raison d’etre(French)a basic,essentialpurpose;a reasonto exist,reasonfor orexistence存在的目的或理由justification of sb.’s/sth.’s18.green innovation:innovation which helps to protect the environment保护环境的创新19.I think you’ve just put your finger on the biggest problem facing theConservativeparty in this election.20.Flummoxing by the surreality of history and the mind-boggling changesunleashedin the60s,many writers in that era became minimalists,withdrawing,turtlelike,inside their own homesand heads.21.According to a survey of college graduatesrecently releasedby the government’sCouncil of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average starting monthly salary for collegegraduatesin2006decreased,which revealsstagnation in economy.22.Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have theyearning for formal school education.Unit61.reiterate:v.to say or do again or repeatedly再次或反覆说或做(某事物)2.benign:a.tending to exert a beneficial influence;favorable易于产生有益影响的,有利的3.transcend:v.to passbeyond the limits of:超出……的限度4.unprecedented:a.neverhaving happenedor existedin thepast无先例的,空前的5.resilience:n.the ability to recover quickly from illness,change,or misfortune迅速从变化中恢复过来的能力6.disruptive:a.causing trouble and therefore stopping sth.from continuing as usual 破裂的,分裂的7.skyrocket:v.to rise or causeto rise rapidly and suddenly迅速和突然地升高或使升高xity:n.thestateor quality of being lax松弛的状态或性质9.fiscal:a.of or relating to finance or finances财政的或与财政有关的10.incur:v.to experience something,usually sth.unpleasant,as a result of actionsyou have taken遭受;蒙受;招致;引起11.intensification:n.action that makessth.strongeror more extreme激烈化12.array:v.to arrangea group of things in a particular way为展示或使用而部署13.folly:n.stupidity,or a stupid action,idea,etc.愚行,荒唐事14.adversity:n.a difficult or unlucky situation or event逆境,困难或苦恼的状态,不幸15.rigor:n.sth.that is hardto endure艰难的或难堪的情形,困境16.dissipate:v.to(causeto)gradually disappearor waste使消散,驱散,弱到或几乎弱到消失的程度17.embody:v.to representa quality or an ideaexactly体现,代表18.covenant:n.a binding agreement;a compact盟约,契约,有约束力的协议19.bypass:v.to ignore a rule or official authority为图省事而不顾规则20.conflagration:n.alarge and violent event,such asa war,involving a lot of people 大型暴力事件,如战争21.subdue:v.to reduce the force of sth.,or to prevent something from existing ordeveloping抑制,克制;使变得缓和,降低22.revealing:a.showing or making known透露内情的,允许一瞥了知的23.vilify:v.to say or write unpleasantthings about sb.or sth.,in order to causeotherpeopleto have abad opinion of them污蔑,诋毁,中伤(某人)24.whenit comesto:when the topic is picked up25.more frequently than not:it occurs quite often that,alsomore often than not26.In the following week,the question reiterated itself in his mind,but he wasincapableof answering it.27.We were very rapidly using up a certain kind of irreplaceable asset,namely thetolerancemarginswhich our benign naturealways provides.28.We apologize for the sluggishness of TypePad-poweredsites this morning,andcausingit.we’re working to resolvethe hardwareproblem that’s29.The conceptthat peopleareborn equalis embodiedin theAmerican Constitution.Unit71.cult:n.sb.or sth.that has become very popular with a particular group of people 在特定人群中变得流行的人或事物2.tenure:n.the right to remain permanently in a job永久地保有其职位的权利3.stardom:n.fame名望,名气4.waffle:v.to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clearanswers胡乱地说或写5.–mongering(suffix,mainly disapproving)encouraging a particular activity,especiallyone which causestrouble(前缀,多贬义)促进某种行为的(尤其是会导致麻烦的行为6.arguably:adv.possibly可能地7.blockbuster:n.(infml.)a book or film that is very successful,especially becauseofits exciting contents成功的书或电影(尤其是因为内容精彩)8.paste:v.to move a pieceof text to a particular place in a computer document(电脑)粘贴9.mollify:v.(fml.)to make sb.feel lessangry and upsetabout sth.使(某人)息怒;使平静;抚慰10.dire:a.very seriousor extreme很严重11.overseer:n.a person whose job is to make certain that employeesare working orthat anactivity is being donecorrectly监督或指导他人工作的人12.hurl:v.to utter vehemently感情激烈地说出13.savage:v.to criticize sb.severely激烈抨击14.flatulence:n.self-importance;pomposity自大;自负15.squabble:n.petty or noisy quarrel吵闹和争执16.exalted:a.having a very high rank andhighly respected崇高的,高贵的17.till:v.to prepareland for growing crops[=cultivate]耕种18.pontificate:v.to speak or write and give your opinion about sth.as if you kneweverything about it and asif only your opinion was correct武断地或自封为权威地谈论某事物19.ghost-writer:n.sb.who is paid to write a book or story for another person,whothensaysit is their own work影子写手;捉刀人personal 20.memoir:n.(pl.)a book or other piece of writing based on the writer’sknowledge of famous people,placesor events(个人生活与经历的)回忆录;自传21.hustle:v.to do sth.with a lot of energyand determination努力地做某事22.moonlight:v.(infml.)to have a secondjob in addition to your main job从事第二职业:作为某人全职工作的额外工作去做另一份工作23.short-change:v.to treat sb.unfairly by not giving them what they deserveor hopedfor未给以公正的报答或酬劳24.ostentatious:a.too obviously showing your money,possessionsor power,in anattempt to make other people notice and admire you为了让别人注意或羡慕自己,故意显示自己的钱,所有物或力量25.ludicrous:a.stupid or unreasonableand deservingto be laughed at;ridiculous可笑的;荒唐的;愚蠢的26.vista:n.an awarenessof a range of time,events,or subjects;a broad mental view 回顾或展望的一连串情景、事情等27.populist:n.relating to or presenting ordinary people,rather than rich orhighly-educatedpeople平民主义者28.trash:v.(infml.)to criticize sth.or sb.severely搞垮,贬低29.besettingsin:n.aparticularly badfeature or habit(often usedhumorously)恶习proposalsas well as Liberal’s.30.The professor trashesConservative’s31.Politicians are always pontificating abouteducation.32.He was askedto bethe overseerof the project.33.He hurled a chair acrossthe set,smashingthe lamps and vases.Unit81.bound: a.going or ready to go towards somewhere前往或准备前往一个特定方向的2.tribute:n.an act,statementor gift that is intended to show gratitude,respectoradmiration表示敬意或称赞的行动、言语或礼物3.chivalry:n.the medieval knightly systemwith its religious expectationof an idealknight,esp.courage,honor,courtesy,justice,and a readinessto help the weak骑士制度(中世纪的);骑士精神(如勇气、荣誉感、谦恭及扶助弱小等)4.reverent a.feeling or showing deepand solemn respect虔敬的;恭敬的5.rally v.(of troops)to come together again in order to continue fighting after adefeator dispersion召集,集合6.forlorn a.(of an aim or endeavor)unlikely to succeedor be fulfilled;hopeless 无望的,几乎没有希望的;绝望的7.custodian n.personwho hasresponsibility for or looks after sth.掌管某事物的人opinions,decisions,etc.不屈8.unbending a.unable or unwilling to changeone’s服的,坚定的9.spur n.a thing that prompts or encouragessomeone;an incentive刺激,鞭策10.eulogy n.(a speechor piece of writing containing)high praise,usu.for apersonor their qualities称颂,赞美11.relentless a.continuously severeor cruel冷酷的,狠心的12.torrential a.causedby or like a violently rushing stream由急流引起的,似急流的13.desolation n.a stateof complete emptinessor destruction废墟:处于荒芜的状态14.indomitable a.too strong and brave to bediscouraged不可屈服的;不可战胜的15.haze n.a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere,typically causedby finesuspended particles烟雾(造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽)16.gaunt a.(of a person)lean and haggard,especially because of suffering,hunger,or age(指人)(因饥饿或疾病)憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的17.ghastly a.causinggreathorror or fear;extremely unwell可怕的;恐怖的18.perpetuate v.to makecontinue indefinitely使无限期地延续下去19.promulgate v.to promote or makewidely known宣扬(某事物)20.serene a.calm,peaceful,and untroubled;tranquil安详的,不受干扰所影响的;平静和安定的21.gladiator n.(in ancient Rome)an armedman who fought againstmen or wildanimalsin a public place asa form of entertainment格斗者,角斗士22.guidepost n.a sign giving information such asthe direction and distanceto anearbytown,typically found at a road junction路标23.beacon n.a tall object or a light on or near the shore,acting as guide orwarning to sailors灯塔;灯标24.monger n.a person who promotes a specified activity,situation or feeling,especially one that is undesirable or discreditable经营某一特定商品的商人,促成某一令人不快或不光彩的事发展的人25.ominous a.giving a warning of sth.bad that is going to happen预兆的或成为预兆的(特别是坏的预兆的)26.tint n.a paleor delicateshadeof a color;slight degreeof a color色调27.We must give tribute to all thosewho helpedmake this a free country.28.The new residential blocks were skillfully integrated with the rest of the Collegeto form a pleasing,self-containedwhole.encouragementwas the spur he neededto succeed.29.His wife’s。