研究生基础综合英语第五单元textB Finding Your True Calling



schedule ['ʃedjuːl; 'sked-] n. 时间表;计划表;一览表vt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将……列入 计划表 loose [luːs] n. 放纵;放任;发射adj. 宽松的;散漫的;不牢固的;不精确的vt. 释放;开船;放 枪adv. 松散地vi. 变松;开火
• 瑜伽还能带来和精心设计的锻炼计划一样的效果,使人增强体质、焕发活
benefit ['benɪfɪt] n. 利益,好处;救济金vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益,得益 well-designed ['weldi'zaind] adj. 精心设计的;设计巧妙的 stamina ['stæmɪnə] n. 毅力;精力;活力;持久力 sedentary lifestyles 常坐不动的生活状态, 缺少运动的生活方式
perform [pə'fɔːm] vt. 执行;完成;演奏vi. 执行,机器运转;表演 attempted [ə'temptid] v. 企图(attempt的过去式)adj. 企图的;未遂的
• Yoga is also a very accessible form of exercise; all that is needed is a flat floor surface large enough to stretch out on, a mat or towel, and enough overhead space to full raise the arms. • 瑜伽的运动形式也很简单;只需一块可以伸展肢体的平地、一块 草垫或毛巾和头上足以抬起手臂的空间就可以展开练习了。

研究生英语 第五单元

研究生英语 第五单元

Unit 5V ocabulary:1. 1) keynote 2) braced3) bristle 4) superfluous5) go its own way 6) ruffled7) dedicated to 8) prop9) floundering 10) made overtures to2. 1) Well, his pet cat is often menaced by his neighbor’s vicious dog.2) Well, as the election results come in, it looks as though thecountry is swinging to the Democrats.3) Don’t worry, dear; just dip your toothbrush in salt—it’s an excellent tooth cleaner.4) They found the performance stunning and were awed into silence.5) Public opinion there is bitterly hostile to nuclear power andmorale in the industry is extremely low.6) She told me that in bed at night she often heard an eerie noisecoming from the trees outside her window.7) The lifeboat crew took them to the dock, and an ambulancerushed them all the way to hospital.8) Absolutely. He is the type of lad that once he’s made friendswith someone, it will last for life.3. 1) break down 2) broke away3) broke off 4) break out5) broke through 6) broke up7) broken with 8) break into9) break off 10) broke into4. 1) Research has shown that children who are fearful, unsociable,or bad-tempered are no more likely to suffer psychiatric disorders as adults than those lacking such traits in childhood.2) Kirk, who was running the company, wanted to make sure thatall important decisions were made on his own terms because he had a lot at stake.3) Jack Millar related some funny stories of his experiences as asalesman, much to the amusement of all present, including his family.4) With unemployment spiraling upwards, it is particularlyimportant to draw up training programs to help those laid off acquire new skills and find new jobs.5) A Hollywood star caused a commotion among the generalpublic when she claimed to have had an affair with a cabinet minister.Cloze:1.dock2. enchanting3. stay away4. glamorous5.be friends with6. flounder7.dip 8. swinging9.menace 10.dense11.chatter 12.fragranceTranslation:Maya, a mother of two, is a professional NASCAR (the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing) driver. A year ago, she blew a right from tire in a practice run at Michigan International Speedway. With tens of thousands of boisterous fans watching on, her car swung out of control and hit an embankment at 175 miles an hour. The car was tossed up in the air in a column of dense smoke. Maya had several injuries, but a few weeks later, she was back on the track.Over the years, stock-car racing has become a glamorous sport. However, what drew Maya into racing was not glamour alone. Like many children of NASCAR drivers, Maya grew up at the races. When she was a child, she spent every Saturday watching her father, a professional racer, compete. As soon as she graduated from high school, Maya started racing professionally.Maya bristles at the suggestion that racing is a man’s sport andwomen, particularly moms should stay away from it. She makes no apology for being a mom in a male-dominated world. “This is who I am. I don’t believe women should stop being who they are when they become mothers,” Maya says. “Some people think racing is a hazardous sport, but the fact is that racing is no more dangerous than driving down the street, thanks to the combination of a set of elaborate safety measures and rigorous professional training.”。

Unit 5新世纪研究生英语阅读B课文 答案 翻译

Unit 5新世纪研究生英语阅读B课文 答案 翻译

Unit 5How to Raise a Polite Kid in This Rude World?Text and language pointsMention ill-mannered children and most people roll their eyes at the memory of a little hellion and his boorish parents. I still get angry about an incident that happened last summer.Mention ill-mannered children and most people roll their eyes at the memory of a little hellion and his boorish parents.When talking about children of bad manners, most people will show their annoyance by moving their eyes around in a circle and recall a trouble-making boy and his rude parents. roll one's eyes: move one’s eyes round and upwards, especially in order to show that one is annoyede.g. —— Marta rolled her eyes as Will started to tell another stupid joke.—— When he suggested they should buy a new car, she rolled her eyes in disbelief. hellion n. disorderly or troublesome person惹事生非的人;捣蛋鬼boorish a. resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior; vulgar 粗野的e.g. —— I found him rather boorish and aggressive.——I‟m sick of your drunken, boorish behavior.一提到无礼的孩子, 大多数人都会因回想起惹是生非的小孩以及其粗鄙的父母而皱起眉头。



2. commit commission commitment A. He has clearly ______________his government to continuing committed down the path of economic reform. B. You can _____________ commission them to paint something especially for you. C. She doesn’t want to make a big emotional _____________ commitment to Steve at the moment. 3. execute executive execution executing the company’s A. Franklin is in charge of __________ reorganization plan. B. The solicitors are proceeding with the _________ execution of her mother’s will. C. He sits on the ___________ executive committee that manages the bank.
Task 2
Work in groups to decide whether the statements are true or false according to the passage. (P 134)
Key: 1F 2 T 7F 8 F 3 9
F 4 T 5 T 6 T F 10 T 11 T 12 F
8. routine discipline discipline A. Martial arts teach respect, _____________, and cooperation. B. We are trying to get the baby into a _________of feeding routine and sleeping. discipline yourself to finish your work on time. C. You must __________ 9. perform perfect practice proper practice A. You’re getting better—you just need a little more __________. B. The new drug has _____________well in tests. performed perfect C. Gemma spent hours trying to ____________ her technique. D. In those days it was not thought entirely ____________ for a proper woman to be on the stage.



Starting out
Task 1
Positive attitudes toward oneself are important components of maturity and emotional wellbeing. Read the table on P124 to understand your self-image.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
6 Resistance to yoga (Para. 12)
Benefits of practicing yoga
(Paras. 6-9)
Philosophy behind yoga
(Paras. 10-11)
Introduction Origin of yoga Yoga is 5,000 years old. Artifacts detailing _______________________________________ yoga postures have been found in India ______________________________________________________ from over 3,000 B.C.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US (Para. 1)
Two schools of hatha yoga
(Para. 2)
How to practice
(Paras. 3-5)



Unit 5参考译文Text A空气中什么引起肺癌?许多人认为空气污染能会导致癌症,但是到目前为止仍缺少证据。











哥伦比亚大学环境卫生科学的教授Regina Santella说:“这是一个很重要的陈述/观点?”。







这些空气传播的微小物质是导致健康问题的主要因素,” Santella 如是说。


Unit5 Finding Your True Calling TextB 研究生阶段核心英语精品课程ppt

Unit5  Finding Your True Calling TextB 研究生阶段核心英语精品课程ppt
Paragraph 15
reading comprehension
8 The people who do jobs in mediocre fashion
and with the idea that when the right job
comes along are always the first ones____
Unit Five Finding Your True Calling
process of fast reading
· First reading: 1.Abstract and summarize the main idea. 2. Analyze the structure of the text.
Ⅰhandwriting Ⅱspelling Ⅲ capital letter Ⅳ single or plural noun Ⅴtense
Many people live a dull and mediocrity life everyday, we always do not know if the work we do is suited and right for us.The author starts from this phenomenon by revealing the essence of it -- we did not look deep within ourselves, and then gives several tests as to whether or not we are following our true calling , and finally recommends us to be our inner being, to explore the potential and realize the value of life .

unit5 公共研究生基础综合英语练习答案

unit5 公共研究生基础综合英语练习答案

Translatiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n B 2
For them, the quality of life means more than the quantity of salary. However, politicians find if hard to grasp the subject, and are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the family value. As a matter of fact, the government can take a provocative role to respond to the yearning for happiness. Ultimately society’s happiness requires us all to play our part, and indeed, laying our part is part of being happy.
Understand the content 7
Although we are in economic prosperity, we are losing one of the most important things—friendship, which could make us happy.
Understand the content 2
People usually summarize their happiness in terms of their work life, their community life and family life. Because people seem to have agreed upon the opinions on what makes us happy.



I. Background Information
• B.F. Skinner's quote: "Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten." B .F. Skinner:斯金纳(19041990) 美国行为主义心理学家, 新行为主义的代表人物,操 作性条件反射理论的奠基者。 他创制了研究动物学习活动 的仪器―― 斯金纳箱。1950 年当选为国家科学院院士, 1958年获美国心理学会颁发 的杰出科学贡献奖,1968年 获美国总统颁发的最高科学 荣誉――国家科学奖。
• 斯金纳的实验和学说最早是在1938年出版的《有机体的行为:一种实 验分析(The Behavior of Organisms:An Experimental Analysis)》一 书中发表的,该书主要是通过对白鼠和鸽子的观察,经验性地描述学 习的法则,从而为操作性条件作用原理奠定了基础。他的另一本代表 著作《科学与人类行为(Science and Human Behavior)》(1953)着 重探讨了人类行为的一些重要方面,如思维、自我和社会化等。1968 年出版的《教学技术学(The Technology of Teaching)》则探讨了他 的基本原理在人类学习中的运用。另外,他在1948年出版的小说《沃 登第二(Walden Two)》和1971年出版的《超越自由与尊严(Beyond Freedom and Dignity)》在社会上反响很大。前者是根据人类行为的 科学原理,试图形成一种以积极控制的方法加以管理的理想社会;后 者则是对他自己观点的总结,并驳斥了他人的种种批评。除此之外, 他的主要代表著作还有:《言语行为(Verbal Behavior)》(1957)、 《强化的相倚关系:一种理论分析(Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoretical Analysis)》(1969)和《关于行为主义(About Behaviorism)》(1974)。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版Text AWhat in the Air Causes Lung Cancer?空气中的什么东西导致了肺癌?Many have assumed that air pollution causes cancer, but proof was lacking. Until now.许多人都认为空气污染会导致癌症,但缺乏证据。


Last month (October 2013)the World Health Organization's cancer arm, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), declared that air pollution is a carcinogen. While physicians and others have long intuited a relationship between poor air quality and malignancy, few scientific organizations officially recognized the link. Proof was lacking.上个月(2013年10月),世界卫生组织的癌症部门--国际癌症研究机构(IARC)宣布,空气污染是一种致癌物。



The new designation rests on findings of a large analysis published in Lancet Oncology. The ESCAPE trial drew data from registries involving over 312,000 individuals in nine European countries followed for over 12 years, on average. The investigators used several models to evaluate possible associations between the sizes, types, and density of particles in air, or traffic patterns, and lung cancer cases. They checked for social and economic factors, like fruit consumed per person, age, sex, and education levels that might confound the data, and assessed smoking habits. A total of 2,095 lung cancer cases emerged within the study population. The researchers observed a clear, positive correlation between the amount of particulate matter in air sampled near a person's address and the odds of developing lung cancer. They also identified a weaker but statistically significant link between the volume of road traffic near an individual's home and the chances of a lung cancer diagnosis.这项新的指定基于发表在《柳叶刀肿瘤学》上的一项大型分析的结果。



John Bodman was a man who was always at one extreme or the other. This probably would have mattered little had he not married a wife whose nature was an exact duplicate of his own.约翰•伯德曼是一个常常走极端的人。


Doubtless there exists in this world precisely the right woman for any given man to marry and vice versa;but when you consider that a human being has the opportunity of being acquainted with only a few hundred people,and out of the few hundred that there are but a dozen or less whom he knows intimately,and out of the dozen,one or two friends at most,it will easily be seen,when we remember the number of millions who inhabit this world,that probably,since the earth was created,the right man has never yet met the right woman. The mathematical chances are all against such a meeting,and this is the reason that divorce courts exist. Marriage at best is but a compromise,and if two people happen to be united who are of an uncompromising nature there is trouble.毋庸置疑,对于任何一个男人,这世上总会有一个相当合适的女人能和他成家,反之亦然。

《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 5

《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 5

Reference NotesUnit 5 Living a Healthier LifeReading FocusYoga in AmericaTopic-related InformationYoga means "union" in Sanscrit, the language ofindia where yoga originated. Yogacombines physical exercises, mental medi- tation, and breathing techniques to strengthen the muscles and relieve stress. It's the union between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years as a life philosophy to connect the individual self with what practitioners call the Divine, Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. Yogais best known as a type of exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses called asanas. But yoga goes far beyond just a mere exercise routine. One of the most compelling reasons to begin practicing is the holistic outlook it takes—working mind, body, and spirit. Body-mind yoga is a very diverse practice, no matter which school you choose. Young and old people can gain many benefits from regular yoga practices, and asanas can be adjusted to fit physical limitations and other complications.Nowadays, yoga exercises have become more and more popular all over the world. Yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a mental discipline, which offers great benefits when practiced regularly. Apart from physical fitness, you can also get complete relaxation of mind by making yoga exercises an integral part of your life.There are many different schools of yoga, all of which have their own unique practices and philosophies. The prominent types are: Bhakti yoga, Hatha yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga. Almost all types of yoga have their unique qualities. The most common form is Hatha yoga, which includes postures (asanas) and various breathing techniques (pranayama).About the textThis passage is taken from Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, 2002, which is designed for students of nursing and the allied health professions, caregivers, and the educated lay readers. It is a five-volume set including over 850 signed articles on various aspects of nursing. It covers nursing and allied healthcare educa- tion and training, current health issues (viewpoints, professional implications), tests and procedures (descriptions, precautions, aftercare), and quipment/tools (descriptions, operation, healthcare team roles), as well as diseases (causes, diagnosis, treatment) and human biology/body systems (functions,role in human health). The book focuses primarily on the interests of nurses and allied health professionals. The essays were contributed by physicians, nurses, and other health professionals.This passage is an expository essay on yoga. It gives a brief introduction to the origin of yoga, its quick spread in the US, as well as the benefits of doing yoga. The author also talks about the different schools of yoga and their focuses. At the same time, he gives the beginners of yoga some tips for practice.Since the passage is an exposition, long sentences and passive voice are used a lot. However, the author makes a point of writing in clear language so readers will fully understand him.参考译文“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”。

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

Unit FiveThe term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joiningthe individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, orCosmicConsciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also calledself-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level yogapostures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen,and align me body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all thebodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dydna)to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, experts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but away of living with health and peace of mind as its aim”““瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是结合”或联合“s.万物之灵或无穷的意传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,识联合在一起的方法。










In modern societies, despite the social progress and prosperity, people always feel that there is something not quite right. However , it is hard for them to put a finger on it .A feeling of emptiness and not belonging ,a lack of defined solid relationship seem to be the sources of unhappiness. People all agree on the great conundrum of personal happiness: when asked how they are they will answer in terms of their family life and work life rather than the quality of salary. For them, the quality of life means more than the quantity of salary. However, politicians find it hard to grasp the subject, and are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the family value. As a matter of fact, the government can take a provocative role to respond to the yearning for happiness. Ultimately society’s happiness requires us all to play our part, and indeed, playing our part is part of being happy.第四单元电子邮件对我们职业生涯和个人生活的影响非同一般。


中,他读了华生和巴甫洛夫的著作,从而开始对人类和动物的行为感 兴趣,就进了哈佛大学攻读心理学。1930年获心理学硕士学位, 1931年获哲学博士学位。接着留校从事研究工作。1936年至1944年 在明尼苏达大学任讲师和副教授,1945年任印第安纳大学心理系教授 和系主任,1948年返回哈佛大学任心理学教授,直到1974年退休。 在这期间,他于1958年获美国心理学会授予的杰出科学奖;1968年 获美国政府颁发的最高科学奖——国家科学奖;1971年获美国心理学 会基金会颁发的金质奖章。

• 4. This began a barrage of questions that lasted nealy two hours.
• a barrage of questions: a large number of questions
• barrage: the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
– Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army...
3. The children asked me textbook questions — about schooling,aslary, whether I liked my job.
• textbook questions: refers to questions that are nomal and not particular or special.

e.g. Their appeal for help went unheeded.



Unit1 TextB1.Our temperaments --whether flamboyant,phlegmatic,introverted,or extroverted --are quite permanent fixtures of our personalities.A. heroic(英雄的)B. vigorous(精力充沛的)C. cheerful(快乐的)D. sluggish (迟钝的,行动迟缓的)2.The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness.A. disclosure(披露,揭发)B. compensation(补偿,报酬)C. eulogy(悼词,颂词)D. contempt(轻视,蔑视,耻辱)3.Fragile though it may seem, the straw also has extraordinary resilience, keeping its natural gloss and pliancy for centuries.A. mobility(移动性,机动性)B. servility(奴性)C. flexibility(灵活性,弹性,适应性)D. reluctance(磁阻,勉强)4.To see his mime act, about going on a date(invisible car, invisible night club) , is to see all the delicacy of Marcel Marceau without the preciosity.A. high valueB. affectation in speech(语言做作)C. attention to detailD. carefulness5.The obsessive thoughts became so omnipresen t that her memory was severely affected.A. one directionalB. present everywhereC. closely monitoredD. multidirectionalphlegmatic: adj. showing little emotion 迟钝的;冷淡的;懒散的opprobrium:n. public shame or hatred 公开的侮辱或仇恨pliancy:n. the property of being aesily influenced and flexible 柔软;柔韧preciosity:n. overrefinement in art or speech (语言)过分讲究;(文笔)矫揉造作omnipresent:n. being present everywhere at once 无所不在的Unit2 TextB1. Air pollution interacting with climate changes to trigger allergic respiratory diseases includes all the following except_______A. particulate matterB. pollen grainsC. bioaerosolD. photosynthesis2. By inducing airway inflammation, pollutants can overcome the mucosal barrier and be responsible for_____ the allergen-induced responses of pollinosis in allergic and atopic individuals.A. primingB. predatingC. commencingD. agitating3. Air pollution has an inflammation effect on the airways of susceptible subjects, causing increased_______, easier penetration of allergens into the mucus membranes, and easier interaction with cells of the immune system.A. permissionB. permeabilityC. contaminationD. dispersion4. Global warming in the 2lst century is taken as the result of the typically _______ greenhouse gas concentrations that substantively interrupt the normal operation of natureA. ecologicalB. meteorologicalC. anthropogenicD. climatic5. Human intervention by mitigating greenhouse gas emission can be possibly the last resort to help______ climate change.A. ameliorateB. amendC. promoteD. aggravatephotosynthesis光合作用priming启动,准备好permeability渗透性;透磁率;弥漫anthropogenic人为的;人类起源的ameliorate改善,改良,改进Unit3 TextB1. If you only consider school attainment, you are____ the most important part of the issue.A. skirtingB. squeezingC. scrapingD. slurring2. Good studies are needed to lend____ credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.A. confidenceB. creditC. credenceD. credulity3. Different economies, with different currencies, should not be_____ to produce uniform policies.A. accumulatedB. aggregatedC. amassedD. added4.They have a ____approach to bringing up their children.A. double-entendreB. laissez-faireC.coupD. faux amiskirtingattempt to ignore;avoid dealing with.绕开;避开credencea quality that an idea or a story has that makes you believe it is true 可信性;真实性aggregated合计;总计laissez-faire(政府对私有商业的)自由放任政策;自由放任的legitimatefor which there is a fair and acceptable reason. 正当合理的;合情合理的。



Finding your true calling找寻内心真实的呼唤The very worst use of time in life is to stay for months or years at a job for which you are completely unsuited.However, a great number of people spend their whole lives doing something during the week so that they can somehow find some thing enjoyable to do on the weekend.人们一生中利用时间最糟糕的莫过于经年累月地从事自己完全不合适的工作。

可是, 有相当多的人却一生都是如此度过的: 工作日内做做事, 周末找些乐子。

In every case, these are men and women with very little future before them.They look upon their jobs as a form of drudgery, a penance they have to pay in order to enjoy the rest of their lives.And because of this attitude, they will seldom advance or be promoted.They will stay pretty much at the same level, moving from job to job, and always wondering why other people seem to live the "good life" while they feel they are living lives of quiet desperation.从各种情况看, 这些人的前途黯淡。



研究生综合英语第二版曾建彬主编课文翻译Unit5Unit Five一个小时的故事凯特·肖班马拉德太太有心脏病,要告知她丈夫意外身亡,得格外小心才是。





















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Most people spend their whole lives doing something they don’t like. These people generally have ambiguous future and feel helpless. The way to get success is finding your true calling and make full use of your unique talents and abilities. when you find your true calling , you will be driven to learn and admire the excellent person in that field. If you have your true calling ,throw your whole heart into doing what you were made to do in an excellent fashion.

The inner voice is always right most of the times because it knows us better than others and probably even ourselves. It is the dare devil child of the intuitions which we have been having since childhood. It’s good to go by intuitions most of the time because it’s the response provided due to the synchronism between our mental and physical being. 心灵在大部分时候都是正确无误的,因为它比任何人 都要了解我们,甚至超过我们对自己的认识。从我们孩提 时代开始,这直觉就一直伴随着我们。遵从直觉是有好处 的,因为他来自于我们的精神和物质现实之间的同步的反 应。
Finding Your True Calling
第三组 :李静琴 赵欢 江敏 单银银 王倩 石星 陈诚 谢远伟
Part 1(1) A great number of people spend their whole lives doing something they don’t like.
Read this essay and think what’ your inner voice
Is there inside you? Very much, ever since you were brought into this world. When you couldn’t open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is the one through which you interpreted and understood things.
你有聆听过自己的心声吗?从我们来到这个 世界的那一刻起,它就存在了。在来到这个世界 的最初的两年里,我们还不能开口讲话,心灵是 我们理解和诠释事物的一种方式。

Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body. It justifies and rationalizes what is right and what is wrong. When we go against what the inner voice says we get a guilty conscious and are bothered by it throughout our lives. 心灵是潜意识诉之于己的媒介,潜意识一直是思想和 情感在身体上的第二反映者。它帮我们思考判断着是与非、 黑与白。当我们违心的做了某件事情,我们会有一种负罪 感,并且在一生当中会不时地为这种感觉所烦恼。
Part 4(17) The author advocates that you should find what your inner says.
A summary should be objective, concise but complete. To write a good summary, you must get the overall picture and the main points ,and rewrite the main points in your own words and connect them; You can delete example ,detail date and author’s personal comment; include important finding.


In this essay, the writer gives us a introduction about a phenomenon that Most people spend their whoike. The method to come out from this situation is finding your true calling and making full use of your unique talents and abilities. When you find true calling ,something will been done or appears. Key words: unlike work; helpless; true calling ; success;
Part 2(2~4) People who are not following their true calling always feel helpless and seldom get success.
Part 3(5~16) All successful and happy people know in their hearts that they are good at what they do, so when you finding your true calling ,you will continually enhance yourselves.
What’s your inner voice?