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News source:China Daily website

Title:Xi’s harsh remarkes on corruption New word:stringent: 严厉的

colloquial: 口语的,白话的

zero tolerance: 零容忍

shirk: 推卸,逃避

accountable: 负有责任的

rectify: 矫正,改正

feign: 假装,佯作

rampant: 猖獗的

squander: 挥霍,浪费(时间、金钱等)

recklessly: 不顾后果地

eradicate: 根除

embezzle: 盗用,挪用

extravagance: 奢侈浪费

bureaucracy: 官僚主义

toe the line: 严守规则

cronyism: 任人唯亲

sycophancy: 阿谀奉承

cliques: 小团体

factions: 派系

nepotism: 裙带关系

malpractice: 渎职,玩忽职守

Summary:X i made the remarks in an apparent move to have a

zero-tolerance policy on cronyism or sycophancy within the Communist Party of China. Party members should work together on equal terms and never try to obtain higher positions by favoring superior officials.

Self-reflection:Xi President there is energy, no personal fait h and the huge political ambition can't become the represent ative of the party and the country, China's political system has always been a generation of collective leadership, stan ding committee of the general secretary is as a representati ve of the top leaders of all the latest main leadership, t he military here involves a question, why the communist part y of China, Chinese society is complicated, many regional ar ea is very much also, huge bureaucracy, various interest gro ups need more political courage and strong power to push fo rward the reform, in order to ensure that the central subje ct status, communist party in a suit, standing committee who represent the entire countries "administration,. The main le adership of the party committee From the point of view of xi as this is the support of a group of people. Can we s ee the social problems of the standing committee of the can see, in addition to feeling a bit they also want to chan ge. Russia's President, the President of the United States c an show personal charm we can, we can see his shadow, he can also be the changes in temperature in the world. Xi ge neral secretary came to put forward the Chinese dream, it i s not only his personal dream, the dream of our billion or more Chinese prosperous democracy, freedom and equality, in order to dream to dream again small is not small.


News source:China Daily website

Title:'Face blind' man can't recognise his wife and children

New word:bizarre: 怪异的

prosopagnosia: 人面失认症

awkward: 尴尬的

impairment: 损伤

fusiform gyrus: 梭状回

traumatic: 创伤的

neurodegenerative: 神经变性的

pathway: 通路

diagnose: 诊断

Self-reflection:Patients with typical face blindness. He may o ften "arrogant" on the road, in the face of others sincere greeting reaction silly smile after a few seconds. He may not know classmates, even don't know my roommate, or like the heroine not know his family, but we need confidence, face blindness while not easy to remember a person, but lik e some metal magnetic phenomenon, once remembered it is not easy to forget. So don't abandon.


News source:China Daily website

Title:How the shape of the perfect body has changed over the last 100 years

New word:pouty: 撅嘴的


cinch: 紧握

corset: 紧身衣

flapper: 轻佻女子

egalitarian: 平等主义的
