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Lakeville College Employee Benefits


All employees are entitled to a minimum of two weeks paid vacation time annually. The actual days to be used as vacation are subject to approval by the individual employee's supervisor.


All employees are qualified for any of the health insurance plans offered by the college. Information on the various plans is available from Human Resources. This benefit is extended to members of the employee's immediate family. Part-time employees may apply for this benefit but will pay a higher percentage of the premium.

Use of College Facilities

All employees, full and part time, may use any of the college facilities, including the library, gym, swimming pool, and tennis courts, free of charge. A faculty or staff ID card must be shown when requesting access to these

facilities.Immediate family members also have the right to enjoy this benefit, but must obtain an ID card from Human Resources before using college facilities.


Free parking is available on campus for all college employees; however, a parking sticker must be obtained from Human Resources. The sticker must be displayed on the windshield at all times when parked on campus. The sticker is valid for parking in specially designated employee parking areas as well as in any parking space marked "Visitor." Student parking areas are reserved for student parking only.

Taking Classes

Employees may take classes in any department at the college. Show your faculty or staff ID when registering for the class. Employees may enroll in up to three classes per year free of charge. Any additional classes beyond that must be paid for at the full tuition rate. In addition, any employee wishing to pursue a degree must apply for and be accepted into the program of his or her choice before being considered a degree candidate. In this case, student service fees will apply.

(1)Who is qualified for health insurance benefits?

A.Full-time employees only.

B.All employees, but not their family members.

C.All employees and their immediate family.

D.Part-time employees and their immediate family.

(2)Where can employees park their cars?

A.In the employee parking areas only.

B.In both employee and visitor parking areas.

C.Anywhere on campus.

D.In both employee and student parking areas.

(3)What is required of employees who want to study for a degree?

A.Permission of their supervisors.

B.Student service fees and the full tuition rate.

C.Payment of full tuition.

D.Application for admission into a program.


Most good interviewers will make an effort to establish and keep eye contact. Make sure that you do not find yourself looking down or away. Do not stare.

Rapidly nodding your head can leave the impression that you are impatient and too eager to add something to the conversation—if only the interviewer would let you. Slower nodding, on the other hand, exphasizes interests, shows that you are validating(确认)the comments of your interviewer, and encourages him to continue. Tilting(倾斜)the head slightly, when combined with eye contact and a natural smile, shows friendliness and approachability(可


Your smile is one of the most powerful body signals. Everybody looks better when they smile. Offer an

unforced,confident smile. Avoid at all costs the technique that some applicants use: grinning(咧口笑)idiotically

for the length of the interview, no matter what. This will only communicate that you are insincere(虚假的).

It's worth remembering that the mouth provides a seemingly limitless supply of opportunities to convey weakness. This may be done by touching the mouth frequently; "faking" a cough when confused with a difficult question; or

bite one's lips absentmindedly(茫然地). Employing any of these "insincerity signs" when you are asked about say, why you lost your last job, will confirm or instill(慢慢灌输)suspicions about your honesty.

(1)The mouth may make your weakness known by ________ according to the passage.

A.pretending to be coughing

B.having an unforced smile

C.open your mouth frequently

D.showing your teeth

(2)The main purpose of this text is to ________.

A.tell you how to communicate with others effectively

B.show you how to make yourself more understandable

C.remind you of respecting the interviewer

D.give you some advice on facial signals for job interviews
