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1. Steven gets up ____ about 8:30 _____ Saturdays.

A. on, at

B. in , on

C. at, on

2. ---_______ do you play sports? ---Once a week.

A. How often

B. How many

C. How much.

3. How is the nearest supermarket from here?

A. much

B. many

C. far

4. I'd like Kate soon.

A. to writing

B. to write to

C. to writing to

5. ---What Jenny ? ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen-friend.

A. did…do

B. is…doing

C. is…going to do

6. ---Your homework is very good. ---______________.

A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks

7. ---_____ is your grandma? ---She is fine. Thanks.

A. How old

B. How

C. What

8. There are months with ____ days in a year.

A. twelve; thirty-one

B. four; thirty

C. seven; thirty

9. Each of the students in our class _____ a computer.

A. there is

B. have

C. has

10. ---Would you like _____ tea? --- Yes, just _____.

A. some, little

B. any, a little

C. some, a little

11. Come in and have a look. This is ________ bedroom.

A. Lucy’s and Lily

B. Lucy’s and Lily’s

C. Lucy and Lily’s

12.I can play ______ football. My sister can play _____ piano.

A. 不填, the

B. the, 不填

C. the, the

13. Mr. Wood teaches _______ English. ______ all love ______.

A .our, We, him

B us, Us, her

C us, We, him

14. _______ sheep are there on the farm?

A. How old

B. How many

C. How much

15. Which of the following animals live in the forest?

A. Tigers

B. Ducks

C. Cats

16. Helen wants to be _____ actor or _____ singer in the future.

A. an; a

B. the; the

C. a; an

17. ---What’s the date today? --- It’s________ .

A. sunny

B. Monday

C. August 1st

18. your pen pal in Beijing?

A. Do,lives

B. Does,live

C. Do, live

19. Sometimes I ________ TV in the evening. But this evening I’m ________.

A. watching, sleeping

B. watch, sleeping

C. watch, sleep

20. It’s 8:30. It’s time _______ have English class.

A. for

B. to

C. at



A:Hi, Li Yan.

B:Hi, Gao Wei.

A: Winter holiday is coming.21_____

B: Yes, I am.

A: 22_______

B: I want to go to Huangshan .


I’m on duty t______26. I got up e____27 this morning. The breakfast was not ready. I had no time to w____28 I left for school with some bread. There were no p_____29 but some teachers in the school. I p___ 30 down my bag in our classroom and then s_____ 31 at the gate. Most children came o_ 32 time. The last boy came at five
