
















《英语教学法》练习题参考附标准答案专升本《英语教学法》练习题一参考答案专升本一. Fill in the blanks1. (1)permanent (2)particular (3)situation (4)facilitating (5)debilitating2. (6)structuralist 7)imperative 8)behaviorism (9)action-based (10)sentence-based(11)meaning (12)situations (13)physical (14)performers(15)interaction二. Explain the following terms1. The Silent Way is a teaching method devised by Caleb Gattegno. The key sense of the Silent Way is that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and learners should be encouraged to think about language features and produce as much language as possible.2. Generally speaking, there are four types of listening situations: real-life listening, classroom listening, practice listening and test listening.3. According to Cummingsworth (1995: 7), textbooks serve as:a resource for presentation material (spoken and written)a source of activities for learner practice and communicative interactiona reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom language activitiesa syllabus (where they reflect learning objectives which have already been determined)a resource for self-directed learning or self-access worka support for less experience teachers who have yet to gain in confidence4. Backwash is a term that refers to the effect of testing on teaching and learning, which can be either harmful or beneficial.5. Language Awareness is defined as 'a person's sensitivity to and conscious awareness of the nature of language and its role in human life' (James and Garrett 1991:4).6. Summative assessment is int ended to measure learners’ achievement.Summative assessment:- is not necessarily prepared and carried by the class teacher - does not necessarily relate immediately to what has been taught- the judgment about a learner’s performance is likely to feed into record-keeping and be used for administrative purposes, e.g. checking standards and targets- is frequently externally imposed, e.g. by an institution or a ministry of education.三. Fill in the blanks1. (1)experience (2)cognition (3)mastery (4)structural(5)oral (6)autonomous (7)generalizations (8)refrain2. (9)interference (10)intralingual (11)developmental (12)transfer (13)generalization(14)rules (15)hypothesis (16)progressive (17)process(18)proficiency四. Open questions1. Surely students will make mistakes in their speaking practice. How teachers deal with students’mistakes and errors is very important for individual learners.If we correct too much, we might kill students’ enthusiasm or willingness to go on speaking. If we do not correct at all, some of the mistakes can be fossilized. We teachers need to know the nature of what kinds of mistakes students make so they we can deal with their mistakes or errors scientifically. For discussion on learners’ errors and mistakes, they have been discussed in Unit 3. Deep understanding of error analysis can help better operation and management in teaching speaking.2. As non-native speaker, we often come across difficulties in the process of reading. We do not feel comfortable if we do not understand every word, every phrase or every sentence. We do not feel like understanding the text. Also we often tend to make a text reading become grammar and vocabulary learning. Because of these two factors, we do not tolerate ambiguities in reading. But we need to and we have to. If we try to understand every word, time, ability and availability of help are limited. The result can be working on one text like a snail so that we end up reading a little. If we tolerate ambiguities and continue to read, we can develop reading skills in the process, and as we go further, our improvement will self solve some problems we had in previous processes.3. 写出教材名称及合理的选择理由即可五. Open questions1. Type DescriptionStructural The contents of the syllabus are organized around grammatical and phonological structures, which are usually sequenced from easy to difficult or frequent to less frequent. Some syllabuses are grammatical; some are lexical and some are both grammatical and lexical.Functional Functions (such as identifying, reporting,correcting, describing, etc.) are the organizing principle, sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each function. The contents can be: talking about yourself, starting a conversation and making an appointment, etc.Notional Conceptual categories called notions are the basis of organization, sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion. For example, properties and shapes, location, measurement, etc.Situational Situational syllabuses take real-life context of language uses called situations (such as at the bank, at the supermarket, at a restaurant, etc.) as the organizing principle—sequenced by the likelihood that students will encounter them. For example, introductions, getting acquainted, at the housing office, etc.Topical A topical syllabus is like a situational one, except that the headings are broadly topic based. In topical syllabuses, topics or themes (such as health, food, clothing, etc.) form the organizing principle—sequenced by the likelihood that students will encounter them. The topics can be: trends in living, issues in society and family etc.Skills Skills serve as the basis for organization sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each skill. The skills can be listening for gist, listening for main ideas, listening for inferences, scanning a reading passage for specific information, etc.Task Task syllabuses specify activity-based categories such as drawing maps, following directions, following instructions, etc. Tasks serve as the basis for organization, sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of notionsQuality In recent years, the concepts about quality educationare added to syllabuses. Suchqualities refer to academic, social and personality abilities, for example, discovery learning, autonomous learning and learning strategies; working with others, solving problems, building up positive and healthy personality. Quality contents are only part of the syllabus.2. Because of the great achievement of science and technology in the 18th and 19th centuries, technical rationality became dominant, characterized by the prevailing concept that human progress could be achieved through science and technology (Sch?n 1983 and Hettne 1990). This form of thinking was termed as the mechanistic paradigm in the West (Pike and Selby 1988) and the authoritative paradigm in China. The development and decline of the two paradigms represent the rise of reflection.3. 写出针对提问的三个例子即可。



《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree 88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examples to rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situation Bottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺IIIIV1-5 a, b, c, d, e6-10 e, d, c, b, aV答案空缺。













第5章外语课堂管理TASK 1Brainstorm the issues that teacher roles are related to. Think about what a teacher does before the class, during the class and after the class. If possible, define some teacher roles. Then share your ideas in groups of four.Key: Before the class, the teacher is a planner, who plans what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve.After the class the teacher is an evaluator, who evaluates not only how successfully he has conducted the class but also how efficient the learning activities have been.During the class, based on the functions the teacher performs in different activities, Harmer defines the teacher’s roles as controller, assessor, organiser, prompter, participant and resource-provider.TASK 2What do you think the teacher does when he/she is a controller, an assessor, an organiser, a prompter, a participant and a resource-provider respectively? When you are ready, work in groups of four and share your ideas.Key: As a controller, the teacher controls the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently;As an assessor, the teacher assesses students’performance and give them feedback;As an organiser, the teacher should design and organize meaningful tasks;As a prompter, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.As a participant, the teacher takes part in the activity besides monitoring class.As a resource-provider, the teacher should provide resources for students.TASK 3The following are things that teachers often do in a language classroom. Decide what role the teacher is playing in each activity. Put number 1-6 in the brackets. When you have finished, work in groups and compare your answers.( ) a. The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.( ) b. T: Do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I like singing and dancing.T: Uhm, and... ?S: I also collect coins.T: Oh, really, how many.., have you already.., collected?( )c.The teacher writes one of five numbers (1-5) on a number of cards (the same number as the students). Each student draws one card. Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will form group 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) d. When a student has made a sentence with borrow, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a pa per, we say a piece of paper.”( ) e. The teacher asks students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure. If someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.( ) f. While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher.( ) g. The teacher asks a student a question ‘Have you ever bought clothes with problems?’ If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says ‘for example, a shirt without...’ and points to the buttons on his own shirt or jacket.( ) h. When the students have in groups decided where to go for an spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.( ) i. When students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.( ) j. The teacher asks students to produce conversations (either orally or in writing) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.( ) k. The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.Key: Numbers 1—6 represent six roles that teachers play.a (1),b (4),c (3),d (2),e (1), f(6), g (4), h (2), i (5), j (1), k (5)TASK 4Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of these four types of student grouping. Draw a table like the one below on a piece of paper and note down your ideas. When you are ready, work in groups of four and share your ideas.Key: (The students might come up with other reasonable answers.)According to Harmer (2001:114—118), different interaction patterns have both advantages and disadvantages. They are summarized below.TASK 5The following is a speaking activity. It has a topic and some questions. Think about how you will organize this speaking activity in your class. Write out the steps. Decide whether you are going to use whole class work, pair/group work or individual study. When you finish, compare your steps in pairs.Key: The following steps might apply:1) Whole class work: the teacher goes through the instruction with the students to make sure they know what to do exactly. If possible, give some hint.2) Group work: students work in groups of 4 and discuss what things they should use. Reach an agreement by the end of the discussion.3) Whole class work: group leaders report their discussion result to whole class,justifying their decision if necessary.TASK 6Listed below are some possible characteristics of a disciplined ELT classroom. Do you agree with them? Put a tick or a cross in the appropriate column. Can you add any more? When you finish, go into groups of four and decide on three most important characteristics which are always typical of a disciplined ELT classroom.Key: Most teachers would agree with items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8.Item 1: This does not mean the class is always working together. It means the class is doing what the teacher wants the students to do and learning is taking place according to teachers’ plan.Item 2: The classroom should usually be quiet unless there are discussions or activities. Also, a quiet class means there is a general consensus between students and the teacher.Item 3: Cooperation between the teacher and students is vital in ELT classroom. Otherwise, there will be break-downs in language teaching and learning.。



答案:一.填空题1. Key: aim, flexibility, linkage2. Key: language skills, affects, culture awareness3. Key: macro, micro4. Key: stages and procedures, after lesson reflection5. Key: engage, study, activate二.T or F1. T P552. F P663. T P594. F P565. F P51三.名词解释1.第51页第二段: a lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it. In other words, teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved, materials to be covered, activities to be organized, and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.2.第52页第五段3.第54页第三段micro planning is planning for a specific unitor a lesson which usually lasts from one to two weeks or forty to fifty minutes respectively. It is often an individual activity and different teachers may have different ways of writing their own lesson plans.4.第59最后一段a starter is an activity or a series of activities that a teacher does at the beginning of the lesson, which, though does not take long in a lesson, can fulfill a wide range or purpose.5.第66页倒数第二段 E stands for engage—to get students interested in what they learn; S stands for study—there must be some new language or new experience to be gained; and A stands for activate—students should have the chance to produce language in meaningful ways.四.简答题1. Language teachers benefit from lesson planning in a number of ways.Firstly, a clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson. Ts need to know what their Ss to be able to do at the end of the lesson and they can plan the activities and choose the techniques accordingly.Secondly, it helps distinguish the various stages of a lesson andsee the relationship between them so that the activities of different difficult levels can be arranged properly and the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.Thirdly, proper lesson planning give Ts the opportunities to anticipate potential problems that may arise in class so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson.Fourthly, good planning gives Ts, especially novice Ts, confidence in class. They know what they are going to do next therefo re they can pay more attention to Ss’ reaction and performance in class rather than themselves.Fifthly, when planning the lesson, the T also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed for the lesson.Last but not least, planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism. P522. Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time, for instance, planning for a whole programme or a whole-year course. This is often done by a group of teachers who are to teach the same course. In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lessons but rather helping teachers get an overall feeling or idea about the course and also get familiarized with the context in which language teaching takes place. Macro planning involves the following:Knowing about the professionKnowing about the institutionKnowing about the learnersKnowing about the syllabus/curriculumKnowing about the textbookKnowing about the objectives3. background information, teaching aims, language contentsand skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-lesson reflection. P54-P554. Lessons may have different focuses, grammar, vocabulary, reading or writing. There are five major principles behind good lesson planning: Aim, variety. Flexibility, learn ability and linkage.Aim: the realistic goals for the lesson.Variety: different types of activities and a wide selection of materials.Flexibility: extra and alternative tasks and activitiesLearn ability: the contents and tasks should be within the learning capability of the students.Linkage: the stages and steps are somehow liked with one another. P53-P545. 第59页第三段first it is clear and easy to conduct by theteachers. Secondly, it is easy to evaluate as there are often cleargoals to be obtained. Thirdly, there is the belief that learningwith a focus on rules can be automatized through practice as aset of habits.。



第15章教学评价TASK 1What is assessment? The following is a list of understanding given by different teachers about assessment. Tick the ones that are closest to your understanding. Then compare and discuss them with a partner.( ) It’s to do with testing.( ) Finding out how good you are at something.( ) I use it to keep a check on my learners, by spelling tests, small quizzes and things like that.( ) It is an on-going process which focuses on the whole life of our school. Finding out if we are being effective.( ) I feel as though it’s a big stick hanging over our heads, teacher evaluation and all that.( ) Finding out strengths and weaknesses of our students and ourselves.( ) I use tests in my classroom. I also use quizzes—as a way of keeping a check on the students’ learning. I also mark their work, sometimes with a grade but usually a comment.( ) It is to do with record-keeping, collecting information about how well the students are doing.( ) I think it has something to do with evaluation?(Adapted from Conner, 1991:2) Key: ( ) It’s to do with testing.( ) Finding out how good you are at something.( ) I use it to keep a check on my learners, by spelling tests, small quizzes and things like that.( ) It is an on-going process which focuses on the whole life of our school. Finding out if we are being effective.( ) I feel as though it’s a big stick hanging over our heads, teacher evaluation and all that.( √) Finding out strengths and weaknesses of our students and ourselves.( ) I use tests in my classroom. I also use quizzes—as a way of keeping a check on the students’ learning. I also mark their work, sometimes with a grade but usually a comment.( √) It is to do with record-keeping, collecting information about how well the students are doing.( ) I think it has something to do with evaluation?TASK 2Read the definitions again and draw your own diagram to demonstrate your own understanding of the three terms and their relationships. Does the diagram you created help you, to some degree, understand the relations among the three terms? Explain to each other how testing is related to assessment and assessmentto evaluation.Key:TASK 3What do you think are the purposes of assessment? The chart below has twelve possible purposes of assessment. Do you agree with them? If yes, choose six items that you think are the most important purposes of assessment. Then add one or two assessment purposes that you think apply to ELT classroom.Key:TASK 4According to what you have understood from the above discussions, complete the following table and then discuss it with a partner.Key:TASK 5Work in pairs and answer the following question: Besides testing, what are the other methods that can be used to gather information about the knowledge and performance of language learners? Please give examples if possible. When you are ready, join another pair and compare your ideas.Key: Teacher’s observations, continuous assessment, students’self-assessment, project work, and portfolios.TASK 6Suppose you have been teaching a Senior 1 class for a year. Now you are given the chance to assess the students’ overall language achievement in whatever methods you like. How would you do it? Write out your steps and reasons for doing so.Key:TASK 7What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of different assessments based on different criteria? Discuss the question in groups of 4 and note down your ideas in the chart below.。



王蔷《英语教学法教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解-第1~3章【圣才出品】第1章语⾔和语⾔学习1.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The way we learn languages我们习得语⾔的⽅式2. Views on language语⾔观点3. The structural view of language结构主义语⾔理论4. The functional view of language功能主义语⾔理论5. The interactional view of language交互语⾔理论6. Common views on language learning关于语⾔学习的普遍观点7. Process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories 强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论8. The behaviorist theory⾏为主义学习理论9. Cognitive theory认知学习理论10. Constructivist theory建构主义学习理论11. Socio-constructivist theory社会建构主义理论12. Qualities of a good language teacher⼀个好的语⾔⽼师必备的素养13. Teacher’s professional development教师专业技能发展本章考点:我们如何习得语⾔;结构主义语⾔理论;功能主义语⾔理论;交互语⾔理论;关于语⾔学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论;⾏为主义学习理论;认知学习理论;建构主义学习理论;社会建构主义理论;成为⼀个好的语⾔⽼师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图。

本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The way we learn languagesⅡ. Views on language1. The structural view of language2. The functional view of language3. The interactional view of languageⅢ. Views on language learning and learning in general1. Research on language learning2. Common views on language learning and learning in general(1)Behaviorist theory(2)Cognitive theory(3)Constructivist theory(4)Socio-constructivist theoryⅣ. Qualities of a good language teacherⅤ. Development of a good language teacherⅥ. An overview of the bookThis chapter serves as an introduction for setting the scene for this methodology course. It discusses issues concerning views on language and language learning or learning in general with the belief that such views will affect teachers’ ways of teaching and thus learners’ ways of learning. The qualities of a good language teacher are also discussed in order to raise the participants’ awareness of what is required for a good English teacher.这⼀章主要是介绍教学法的⽅法论,其中讨论的问题涉及语⾔和语⾔学习的观点,或者⼀般学习及这些观点对教师教学⽅式和学习者学习⽅式的影响,本章也讨论了⼀个好的英语教师应具备的素质,以提⾼语⾔教学参与者对优秀英语教师相关要求的意识。



第3章国家英语课程标准TASK 1The following are the six designing principles for the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education. Match each heading from the left column with the elaborations on the right.《九年义务教育英语课程标准》课程理念(一)面向全体学生,注重素质教育英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。













第1章语言和语言学习TASK 1Below is a list of interview questions on how people learn a foreign language. In the first column, write down your own responses. Then interview three other students in your class and enter their responses in the other columns. Discuss your findings in groups of 4 and draw some conclusions.(Free answer.)TASK 2Work in groups of 4, brainstorm possible answers to the question: What is language? When you are ready, join another group and share your ideas.Key: Here are sample definitions of “language”found in dictionaries and linguistics books.·Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, tocommunicate or to interact. (Finocchiaro, 1964:8)·Language is any set or system of linguistic symbols as used in a more or less uniform fashion by a number of people who are thus enabled to communicate intelligibly with one another. (Random House Dictionary of the English Language 1966:806)·Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. (Wardhaugh, 1972:3)·Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings. (Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary of the English Language 1993:1270) ·Language is a system of communication consisting of a set of small parts and a set of rules which decide the ways in which these parts can be combined to produce messages that have meaning. (Cambridge International Dictionary of English 1995:795)•Language is a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area.(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)•Language is the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area. (Oxford Lear ners’ Dictionary)TASK 31) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in languagelearning?2) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?Work in groups of 4. Brainstorm the answers to the two questions stated above.When you are ready, join another group and share your ideas.Key: 1) Generally speaking, psycholinguistic and cognitive process involved in language learning are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis, testing and generalization.2) To activate these learning process, physical environment for learning is important, including the number of students, the kind of input learners receive and the atmosphere.TASK 4Work in groups. Reflect on your own learning experiences from early school years to the university. Have you had an excellent English teacher? Try to identify as many qualities as possible of your best English teacher(s). Note down all the qualities that you think are important for a good English teacher.Key: Ethic devotion (responsible, warm-hearted, well-prepared, hard-working, etc.), professional qualities(an excellent command of English, professionally-trained) and personal styles(enthusiastic, humourous, attentive, etc. ) jointly contribute tomaking a good teacher.TASK 5Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles jointly contribute to the making of a good English teacher. All the adjectives in the box below could be used to characterize these three aspects.1. Work in groups of 4 and decide which adjectives describe ethic devotion, which describe personal styles and which describe professional qualities. Please write your answers on a separate piece of paper.2. Add any adjectives to the list which describe further qualities that you feel are missing.3. These adjectives are intended to describe positive qualities or styles. Do you feel that any of them could have a negative side as well? If yes, in what way? For example, an authoritative teacher may make the students feel assured, but may also make the student less free to disagree with him/her.Key: Students’ classification will vary. Please note there is no correct or wrong answer for this task.1.2. The adjectives added are marked in italics in the table above.3. Every coin has two sides. An intuitive teacher may save himself or herselffrom the trouble of referring to books, but it may also give students the wrong impression that they can get right by constant guessing, which is unreliable because intuition is often changeable and unstable. Likewise, a humorous teacher will liven up the atmosphere in class, but students are likely to be distracted by jokes or interesting stories, so much that they care little about learning.TASK 6Work in pairs and discuss how one can become a professionally competent teacher of English. For example, we have to develop our English proficiency first and also we may need to learn from experienced teachers through observations. What else can you think of? Make a list and then pool all your ideas together to find out about your common beliefs.Key: To learn teaching theory; to practice teaching skills; to combine theoreticallearning with teaching practice; to reflect teaching experiences; to learn from one’s own experiences as a learner; to learn from colleagues; to have a needs analysis of students; to solve learning and teaching difficulties through researches; to bear in mind the idea of constant improvement.TASK 7Work in groups. Discuss possible answers to the following questions in relation to the model presented in Figure 1.1.Figure 1.1Key: 1. Stages 1 and 2 are interrelated by a double arrow line because neither of the two stages is really ever terminated. Teachers should always make a point of updating their command of English because language is always changing and they may also forget previous knowledge. This can be done while they are teaching, but very often teachers take time off to have further training in English. This is especially important for teachers who do not have enough exposure to English.2. Practice and reflection are connected by a circle because they are neither independent or separate sub-stages. Teachers do not teach one week and then reflect one week. Rather, they teach and reflect on a daily basis. Besides, practice and reflection complement each other and reciprocate each other. Reflection。



英语教学法基础课后习题及答案英语教学法基础课后习题及答案第1章1.什么是英语教学法?他地研究对象和研究内容是什么?英语教学法作为一门独立地学科,有着自己地研究内容.研究目地.研究方法.有自己地理论和区别于其他学科.包括与它相关学科地特点. 研究对象是英语教学,具体来说,就是人们是怎样学习英语地,人们又应该如何去教英语. 研究内容:语言是什么?学习英语是一个怎样地过程?学习英语有什么样地规律?教授英语应该遵循什么样地原则?教学过程是怎样地.有什么特点?教授英语可使用什么方法和技巧?等等.2.人们是怎样研究英语教学法地?遵循着科学地实验地方法,人们一般是通过观察或者归纳,总结有关语言教学地现象,提出假设,然后通过控制有关变量对假设进行检测,最后做出实验地结论.研究还可以通过自然观察和有目地调查进行,对语言错误.某种教学策略或学习地策略,可以通过观察和调查,把它记录下来,进行分析.归纳和总结,最后提出研究地结论.3.为什么说英语教师也要掌握与语言教学有关地学科如教育学.心理学.语言学.哲学等有关知识?作为一门独立地学科,英语教学法不但有自己地理论,还有着与其他学科密切地联系和区别于其他学科地特点.在不同地历史时期发展起来地教学法,如语法翻译法.直接法.听说法.口语法或情景法等可视为是英语教学法地理论.与此同时,英语教学法也应用语言学,心理学,教育学等学科地理论以及与这些学科有关地其他学科地理论,如心理语言学,社会语言学等来研究教与学地内容.教与学地过程.教与学地规律.教与学地技巧和方法等问题.4.你能说出语言是什么吗?母语学习地环境与第二语言和外语学习地环境有什么不同?语言是个系统,并且是个生成系统,它有着自身地结构;是一套任意地符号,是声音符号,也可能是视觉符号;是一种交际地工具;在语言社团或语言文化中发生作用;是为人类所独有.英语在不同地国家里起着不同地作用.由于作用不同,英语可以是母语或第一语言.虽然英语在讲英语地国家里是作为母语,在不同地区和国家里,英语地发音是不尽相同地. 英语在一些国家或地区虽不是母语,但起着官方语言地功能,它是法律界.政府部门.学校.商界和大众媒介地主要语言. 在很多国家,英语既不是母语也不是第二语言,但英语也有它地用场——作为外语存在.英语是学校课程地一部分,是升入高一级学校入学考试中地一个科目.5.为什么说认识语言地本质和特征有利于我们探讨英语教学地问题?认识语言地本质和特征,有利于我们探讨英语教学地问题,因为对语言地不同地看法会导致我们在英语教学研究中采取不同态度和方法.如果我们把语言看成是一种任意符号,而这种符号首先是有声地,我们在英语教学中就会强调口语教学,加强听说方面地训练,我们会“听说领先”.如果我们把语言看做交际工具,我们会以能否成功地进行交际作为学习语言成功地标志,我们也会在教学中让学生参加各种语言交际活动,使学生在语言交际中学习语言.如果我们相信语言和语言学习具有共同特征,我们也会去寻找学习者学习语言地共同方法.共同策略,看哪一种方法,哪一种策略更有利于语言学习.6.举例说明英语教学法与教育学.心理学.语言学等相关学科地关系.英语教学属于教育范畴,教育学地原则.原理和方法对外语教学有指导作用并能在英语教学中得到应用.在研究英语教学法时,我们会应用教育学地理论去处理教学中出现地问题.教育学提出“教师主导,学生主体”地思想,为我们正确处理教师与学生之间地关系,摆正教师和学生英语教学中地作用提出了原则和依据.我们还可以应用教育测量理论和方法去进行测试命题和测试结果地研究.英语教学实验地设计.数字地处理和对英语教学工作进行评估等.语言学士研究语言系统地科学,英语教学法是研究一种语言——英语地教学地学科,两者地研究都涉及语言,因此它们之间地密切关系是不言而喻地.人们对语言不同地观点.不同地认知导致了不同地英语教学法.比如听说法和情景法是以结构主义语言理论为基础建立起来地教学方法.语言学地其他分支对英语教学法也有影响.这些语言学地分支能为英语教学研究提供丰富地材料,社会语言学有助于培养学生使用得体语言地能力.英语教学是教师与学生双方之间地教学活动,对认识过程中心心理现象地理解对学生个性心理地掌握,能帮助教师认识学习过程地特点,遵照学习英语地规律,结合学生地个性特征,寻找出能加快英语学习,帮助不同学习学好英语地教学路子.如斯金纳地“操作条件反射论”.布鲁纳地“认知发现学说”,外语阅读地相互作用模式——“图式理论”.第2章1.为什么可以说目前外语教学很多有争论地问题其实都不是什么新问题,今天地争论只不过是我们对外语教学史不同时期曾经提出过地问题作出反应而已?懂得外语教学法地历史能帮助我们了解在历史长河地不同阶段出现过地外语教学法,这些教学法是在一定地历史条件下发展起来地,一种教学方法被另一种教学方法所替代.不同地教学只是适合当时地社会需求,没有一种教学方法会一成不变地被延续下去地.2.语法-翻译法是怎样建立起来地?语法-翻译法注意系统语法地讲授.词形地变化.词类地变格等地讲解并使用翻译作为教授掌握语言地手段.在19世纪中期,外语课本都围绕着语法点来编写,当时地课本也有翻译练习,练习包括两部分,即把母语译成外语和把外语译成母语.主张语法-翻译法地学者认为外语学习地目地在于培养阅读外国文学作品地能力或通过外文学习来磨炼智慧,促使智力发展.该方法编出地课本大部分取材于文学作品,教师在课堂上使用母语进行教学,课堂地主要活动是语法规则地系统讲解和课文句子翻译.3.在19世纪中后期,为什么都出现过外语教学改革?到了19世纪中期,欧洲大陆资本主义地发展促进了各国人民之间地往来,在交往中,口头交际是最常用地也是最直接地.由于口头交际需要地增加,欧洲人越来越发现语法-翻译法地不足:不能用来培养学生地口头表达能力和聆听理解能.为适应社会发展地需要,一些学者对当时地外语教学作了一些改革尝试.19世纪下半叶起,斯威特.菲埃托和帕西等人继承了改革派地思想并领导着当时地外语教学改革潮流.国际音标地问世使人们能把有声地语言用书面地方式记录下来,为教授口语提供了有用地工具.斯威特主张外语教学应从口语教学开始而不是以文学语言地教授开始.艾菲托坚持认为口语应该成为教学地基础,指出语言不是有孤立地词汇构成地,而是由词组.口语句型和有意思地句子构成地.4.在建立情景法时,哪些英国语言学家作出较大地贡献?帕尔默和霍恩比就是两位杰出地代表.他们创立了一套教学法理论地原则:如何选择词汇及语法内容地选择性原则;如何安排教学内容地分级原则;如何进行教学示范地授课原则.帕尔默与韦斯特编写《英语基础2000词表》,与霍恩比等语言学家一起对英语语法结构进行了分析和归纳,总结出英语地句型:动词句型25种,形容词句型3种,名词句型6种.《英语句型和惯用法》.5.以听说法为例,说明教学法地发展与社会环境.社会需要联系密切.尽管在60年代以前听说法和情景法风行一时,但不久人们便发现学生虽然在课堂进行了大量地语言结构和技巧地操练,但是还是无法像人们期待那样地在课后地交际中运用自如,所以到了60年代后期乔姆斯基对听书法提出了挑战,外界也做出了强烈反应,人们对过去地外语教学法进行反思,才导致了60年代后各种教学法地产生.由此看出,教学法地发展要顺应社会发展需要,要结合不断变化着地社会环境作出更进一步地改变.6.乔姆斯基地理论对外语教学产生了什么样地影响?乔姆斯基批判听说法地结构主义语言观和行为主义地语言学习观,他认为语言不是一种习惯体系,而是受规则支配地体系.人们学习语言不是单纯模仿记忆,而是创造性地活用语言. 他对听说法地批判在语言学界,外语教育界引起了强烈反响,人们开始对那种句型操练,背诵记忆地听书法提出质疑,一些学者从乔姆斯基理论出发,提出了“认知教学法”,主张听说读写同时进行.7.交际法是在一个怎样地历史环境中发展起来地?70年代地欧洲在政治.经济.科学和文化方面发展都较快,为加强各国相互之间地联系和合作,成立了欧洲共同体.为了解决共同体内各国人民相互交往时出现地语言障碍,负责文化和教育合作地文化委员会在1971年组织了专家研究和探讨是否可以对成人开设一个单元-学分制度地教学课程.英国专家威尔金斯提出了从功能和交际角度给语言下定义,并讨论制定一个交际性教学大纲,如亚历山大编写《主导英语》,BBC 出版《跟我学》.8.现代外语教学改革有哪些特点?它所研究地一个趋向是研究重点地转移,教授方法转向学习方法;第二个趋向是把教学方法地改革扩大到教学大纲地改革上去;第三个趋向是教学手段地现代化.9.1950年至1966年期间,我国英语教学地主要特点是什么?在外语教学方面, 当时被视为苏联唯一正统地外语教学法“自觉对比法”得到了介绍.提倡和推广,并被视为我国惟一地外语教学法.在新中国成立后很长一段时间里,中国外语教学地基本路子是语法-翻译法.10.为什么说从1978年到现在这段时间地外语教学繁荣发展,成果累累?1978年教育部贯彻邓小平同志“要重视中小学教育”地指示,为更快,更多地培养人才,颁布《全日制十年制中小学英语教学大纲(试行草案)》,教育部还组织专家学者开始编写中.小学各科包括英语地通用教材.在编订过程中,专家们既参考了不少听说法和情景法地教材,也考虑到中国外语教学地实际情况.1993年又颁布了《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》.1977年以后,高等学校地英语教学也起了很大地变化.1986年《大学英语教学大纲》正式问世,同年《高等学校英语专业基础课教学大纲》在上海讨论并通过,1987年11月又讨论了通过了《英语专业高年级英语教学大纲》.第3章2.尽管语法-翻译法有不少缺点,但它仍然在国内.外地不少学校使用,对此现象你能解释吗?使用语法-翻译法地目地是通过学习外语培养其阅读文学作品地能力,通过背诵语法规则.背诵词汇.应用语法规则做翻译练习等,学生们可以得到很多逻辑.思维地练习.从而使智慧得到磨练.语法-翻译法重视词汇和语法地学习强调阅读和写作两个方面能力地培养.在该教学法中,教室是课堂教学地权威.知识地传授者和课堂教学地组织者.学生在教学中接受教师地教导并按教师地指示去做.及时纠正学生地错误并提供练习地正确答案.3.直接法可以在中国教堂使用么?为什么?使用直接法地教师旨在培养学生使用外语进行交际地能力,重点培养学生口头交际地能力.阅读和书写地练习都是根据口头联系过地材料来设计地.由于对口头表达能力地偏重,教师从一开始就重视训练学生良好地发音和扩大学生地词汇量.教师和学生有着一种搭档或伙伴关系,学生可以向教师提问和回答教师地问题,教师可以向学生提问和回答学生地问题,再者,学生也可以与学生进行对话和讨论问题.4.情景法和听说法有什么相同和不同地地方?试举例说明.情景法:虽然情景法和听说法有共同地理论基础,但是,情景法也有不同于听说法地特点,即它强调语言在情景中地应用.是通过对语言结构地掌握去获得地,而语言结构又是通过口语地训练去掌握地.虽然情景法地目标是培养学生听.说.读.写地能力,但是它能强调地仍是听说方面地能力,口语是第一性地.情景法地教材在编写方面有两个明显地特征:按照语言项目出现频率,选择词汇和语法项目,常用地先后安排,先教授;按照从简单到复杂地原则和组织教学内容.教师不但是语言楷模,而且是课堂活动地设计者和指挥官,作为设计者,他会考虑下一课中应如何设计教学以便帮助学生改在错误.教师可以使用母语讲解一下语言词汇或结构.在学习过程中应想方设法使学生不犯错误,错误出现时,应及时纠正错误,以使学生养成好地语言习惯.听说法:通过大量地模仿.记忆和操练,熟练掌握各种语言结构.听说法强调听说能力地培养,课堂大部分时间都花在听和说地训练方面.听说法在教材编写地特点是:第一是按结构大纲来编写,第二是考虑学习者地母语和文化背景,根据不同母语背景地学者地特点来编写.母语不在听说法课堂里使用.从学习外语地第一天开始,教师就要严格要求学生,要求学生做到理解确切,模仿准确,表达无误.相同点:在两个教学法中,教师是学习外语地楷模,而且对于学生地错误都应该及时纠正,以使学生养成好地语言习惯.5.认知法地教学有何特点?认知法地教学过程分为三个阶段:即语言理解,语言能力和语言运用.在语言理解阶段,学生要理解教师讲授或提供地外语材料,明白语言规则并懂得他们地构成和用法.引导学生理解总结语言规则是第一阶段地工作.第二阶段地教学主要是语言能力地培养.语言能力,必须在理解语法规则地基础上,通过有意识,有组织.有意义地操练来获得.第三阶段地教学活动应该是控制性不很大,是学生享有更大自主权地交际性练习.通过多样化地交际性练习培养学生运用语言材料进行听.说.读.写能力,特别注意培养学生真实地交际能力.6.你认为Junior English for China 和Senior English for China 是按交际法原则编写地教材么?在Junior English for China地教学步骤中,第3项Drill就是属于这一类型地活动.7.真正地交际有何特点?以Junior English for China第1册第13单元第49课地对话为例,说明编写对话地原则.真正地交际活动有三大特点:信息沟.选择性和消息地反馈.从新人教版Junior English for China 课文编写和教学课例里,我们可以看到,课文地对话编写注意到具有“信息沟”这个原则.交际法教学另一特点是教室会尽量使用真实性地材料来进行教学,这些材料能取自外文地报刊,也可以取自外国地电台.电视台或电影.8.有人说Junior English for China提倡地五部教学法体现了交际法地特点,你同意吗?可以算是按题材型编写地教材,在这一书中,编者以一组学生.家长和教师为中心人物,通过他们在校内地活动和校外活动来展示各种在实际交际中出现地较真实地情景,让学生在情景中学习英语和运用英语.9.你认为在中学课堂可以使用全身反应法吗?教师希望使用全身反应法能帮助学生在轻松自如地学习环境中掌握初步地听说能力.全身反应法侧重培养学生地听说能力,在语言方面则强调对语法结构和词汇地掌握.在编写较教材时注意:选择适合在课堂环境里使用地词汇和语法结构,选择学生们容易学习和吸收地语言项目.教师是命令地发出者,学生则是对命令作出反应地人,在学生理解了命令并能向其他学生发命令时,他们也可以成为命令地发出者.教师可以用母语介绍全身反应法,但在教学中教师会全部使用外语.教师只纠正一些较大地错误,在纠正错误时也应注意方法,不应使学生感到有压力.第4章1.你认为英语教师应不断提高自己地理论水平吗?为什么?A 查理兹和罗杰斯在他们所著地《语言教学地途径和方法》中,把构成各种教学方法地组成部分描述为“观点”.设计和步骤.观点指地是语言理论和语言学习地理论或称语言观和语言学习观.设计中包括了大纲.教学活动和学生.教师和教学材料地作用.步骤则指在课堂里看得到.摸得着地一个接着一个地具体教学环节.B 一定地教学方法可能是在某个语言理论或某个语言学习理论基础上建立起来地,也可能是在他们共同地基础上建立起来地.因此,学习语言理论和语言学习理论对我们来讲是必要地.2.结构主义地语言学家是怎么样看待语言地?他们认为语言可视为一个把意义编成了语码地系统.这个系统由结构相关地成分构成.这些成分是音位.词素.单词.结构和句型. 他们认为口语是活得语言,学习语言先要学习口语.而学习口语就是要学习该种语言地“当地人”所说地话,不是按某些语法书所说地那样,哪些不该说,哪些该说.语言是口语,不是书面语,语言是一套习惯教授语言,而不是教授有关语言地知识,语言是讲那种语言本族地人所说地话,而不是某人认为他们应该怎样说就怎样说,各种语言不尽相同,存在着差异.3.行为主义地心理学家是怎样看待语言地?斯金纳提出了行为主义关于言语行为系统地看法.他认为人们地言语.言语地每一部分都是由于某种刺激地存在而产生地.这里讲地某种刺激可能是言语地刺激,也可能是外部地刺激或是内部地刺激.人地言语行为像大多数其他行为一样,是一种操作性地行为,它通过各种强化手段而获得.在某一语言环境中,如果没有强化,语言是不能学习到地.在学习时,只有反应地“重复”出现,学习才能发生.因此,“重复”在学习中是相当重要地.4.什么叫对比分析,什么叫错误分析?A 对比分析是结构语言学家用来分析两种不同语言地方法,对比分析地目地在于找出它们地异同,从而预测在学习外语时地困难和可能出现地错误.B 不少语言学家开始分析研究外语学习者地错误,总结.归纳他们地错误地类型并分析.总结他们错误地原因,这种研究称为“错误分析”.5.谈谈你对乔姆斯基语言理论地认识.1959年他发表地《评斯金纳地言语行为》,批评了行为主义地机械论,乔姆斯基认为“语言不是习惯地结构”.在乔姆斯基看来,语言是一种行为,它像人类地其他行为一样,受着规则地支配.利用语言规则去构造无限数量地.复杂地语言句子.规则性和创造性是语言地两个特征.他创造了“语言习得机制”表示了人们学习语言天生地构造.人们语言地使用不是一种模仿地行为,而是从潜在地能力生成地.6.谈谈你多皮亚杰地发生认识论和布鲁纳地发现学习法地认识.A 发生认识论主要研究知识是如何形成和发展地.认识地发展与不能与智力地成长割裂开来,他认为掌握新知识是一种智力活动.皮亚杰用同化和顺化两个概念来解释认知结构域环境刺激地关系.一定地刺激只有被个体同化于他地认知结构中,主体才能对之发生作出反应.一切认识都离不开认知结构地同化和顺化作用.B 布鲁纳地发现学习法是主动形成认知结构地过程.他重视学习者已有地经验和内在动机地作用,强调对学科基本结构地学习,基本结构越是能归结为定义.原理或法则,就越有利于学生地理解和应用.它主张发现式地学习,就是让学生独立思考.改组材料.自行发现知识.掌握原理原则.要让学生学习掌握英语地结构和规则,通过学习使这些结构成为他们认知结构地一部分,就必须重视学生地主动性,调动学生地积极性,在教学中应以“学生为中心”.对语言规则.结构地学习,那个按发现学习法地原则,让学生在教师地指导下,自己去发现.去总结.去归纳.让学生在理解语言知识和规则地基础上操练外语,在有意义地情景中操练.运用外语,从而达到真正掌握外语地目地.7.海姆斯地交际能力理论地主要内容是什么?海姆斯认为,具有交际能力意味着人们不但获得语言规则地知识,而且还获得语言在社交中使用地规则.海姆斯地交际能力包括四个方面:1)能识辨.组织合乎语法地句子,即懂得形式上地可能性.2)能判断语言形式地可行性.3)能在交际中得体地与使用语言.4)知道某些话语是否可在实际上做出来.8.按照卡南尔和斯温纳地分析,交际能力应由哪几个方面地能力组成?交际能力包括以下4个方面地能力:语法能力.社会语言能力.篇章能力和策略能力.9.谈谈你对克拉申第二语言习得理论地看法.他地理论包括5个假设:习得和学习假设.自然顺序假设.监察假设.输入假设和情感过滤假设.培养外语能力有两种不同地途径,一种是习得,另一种是学习.正规学习能促使学习发生,错误地纠正能帮助弄懂规则,但学习不能导致习得.一种语言地语法规则或结构是按一定地,可以预知地顺序习得地,在第二语言学习时有相类似地情况.他提出地输入假设来说明语言是怎样习得地.他认为,只要人们接受到足够地语言输入,而这些输入又是可以理解地,那么人们就可以习得语言.克拉申提出监察假设来说明学习地作用,有意识地学习(知识或规则)只能起着“监察”地作用.克拉申把感情因素看作是可以调节地过滤器,这个过滤器可以让语言输入自由通过或阻碍输入通过,而语言输入只有通过了过滤器才能到达语言习得机制并为大脑吸收.按照克拉申地外语教学理论,外语教学时应该尽量向学生提供理解地语言输入,为学生习得语言创造一个有利地环境.课堂地活动应该集中在听和阅读两个方面地训练,说地能力应让其自然发生.习得和学习两者都没有明确地定义,在某种情况下,很难判定时习得。



第7章语法教学TASK 1Read the following assumptions about grammar in language learning and decide if you agree with them or not. When you have finished, compare your results with your partner. Try to give reasons for your decisions.Key:TASK 2Reflect on your experiences of learning English in middle school. What method(s) did your teacher use most often to teach grammatical structures? Give examples. How effective was/were the method(s)? When you are ready, share your experiences in groups of 4.Key: The teacher uses the deductive method most often to teach grammatical structures.The deductive method relies on reasoning, analysing and comparing. First, the teacher writes an example on the board or draws attention to an example in the textbook. Then the teacher explains the underlying rules regarding the forms and positions of certain structural words. The explanations are often done in thestudent’s native language and use grammatical terms. Sometimes, comparisons are made between the native language and the target language or between the newly presented structure and previously learned structures. Finally, the students practise applying the rule to produce sentences with given prompts.The deductive method is often criticised.TASK 3Work in groups of 4. Suppose you are going to teach the structure “have/has been doing”. How would you present it? Choose one of the methods to present it. Design a mini lesson plan and demonstrate it to the whole class. Then, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.Key: Step 1: reviewThe teacher guides the students to review the Present Perfect Tense, including definition, main structures, which will be used to explain the new grammar point.Step 2: grammar teaching: Explaining the definition of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.Teaching method: The guided discovery method. (Understanding the definition of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense is quite difficult for students, the teacher should guide them to learn it and then explain it explicitly to deepen their understanding.Activity: 1.The teacher asks students to translate several groups of sentences and raises questions.1) 我读过这本书。



英语教学法教程第二版课后答案unit3task31、20.Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. [单选题] *A.heavyB.hardlyC.heavily(正确答案)D.strongly2、Every morning John takes a()to his office. [单选题] *A. 20-minutes' walkB. 20 minute ' walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk(正确答案)3、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)4、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)5、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)6、65.There is a big sale on in the shop! Every-thing is ________ price. [单选题] *A.bigB.fullC.zeroD.half(正确答案)7、A small village cuts across the river. [单选题] *A. 切B. 穿过(正确答案)C. 划船D. 踢8、30.I want to find ______ and make much money. [单选题] *A.worksB.jobC.a job(正确答案)D.a work9、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking10、He prefers to use the word “strange”to describe the way()she walks. [单选题] *A. in which(正确答案)B. by whichC. in thatD. by that11、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far12、Mary _______ Math. [单选题] *A. is good at(正确答案)B. do well inC. is good forD. is good with13、Many people believe that _________one has, _______ one is, but actually it is not true. [单选题] *A. the more money ; the happier(正确答案)B. the more money ; the more happyC. the less money ; the happierD. the less money ; the more happy14、My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet?_______ at the airport. [单选题] *A. herB. youC. him(正确答案)D. them15、--Do you know _______ girl with long curly hair?--Yes. She is Mary. She plays _______ piano very well. [单选题] *A. a; /B. the; /C. the; the(正确答案)D. a; the16、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also17、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly18、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] * A.excitingB.more excitingC.most excitingD.the most exciting (正确答案)19、His picture is on show in London this month. [单选题] *A. 给...看B. 展出(正确答案)C. 出示D. 上演20、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)21、Tomorrow is Ann’s birthday. Her mother is going to make a _______ meal for her. [单选题] *A. commonB. quickC. special(正确答案)D. simple22、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out23、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about24、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve25、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. wasD. were26、Tony is a quiet student, _______ he is active in class. [单选题] *A. soB. andC. but(正确答案)D. or27、Mary _______ a phone call with her mother now. [单选题] *A. will makeB. madeC. is making(正确答案)D. makes28、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. persuade(正确答案)D. talk29、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)30、Julia’s on holiday in Shanghai _______. [单选题] *A. in a momentB. after a momentC. at the moment(正确答案)D. at any moment。



《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree 88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examples to rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to studentsso as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situation Bottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …。

实用英语教学法教程 参考答案[7页]

实用英语教学法教程  参考答案[7页]

Chapter 1 Language Views and Language Learning TheoriesExercise 2Views on language Nature of language Target of language learning Teaching focusThe structural view A structural andlinguistic system offorms or elementsTo master those elementsincluding phonologicalunits, grammatical units,grammatical operations, andlexical itemsLinguistic patternsThe functional view An instrument tofulfill communicativefunctions in socialinteractionTo know how to use thelanguage to perform functionsCommunicativefunctions of languageand learners’communicativecompetenceThe interactional view A tool to createand maintain socialrelationsTo grasp the patterns andrules of acts, negotiation, andinteraction in communicationThe interactionaldimension oflanguageExercise 3Theories of language learning Key notionsBehaviorist theory of language learning Language is a set of habits that can be acquired through a process of conditioning;Emphasis should be put on language input, reinforcement, and habit formation.Cognitive theory of language learning Language is an internalized system of rules rather than a form of behavior;To acquire a language is mainly about learning the system of grammatical rules.Constructivist theory of language learning Learners construct meaning based on what they alreadyknow and their experiences.Sociocultural theory of language learning Individuals use physical or symbolic tools to mediate language acquisition;A key notion in sociocultural theory is “Zone of Proximal Development”.Chapter 2 Approaches and Methods in Language TeachingExercise 1Advantages DisadvantagesGrammar-translation method 1. It may help students learngrammar by doing translationexercises.2. It can be helpful for students toget a good grade in exams.1. The process of teaching andlearning can be boring.2. Little attention is paid to learninga language for communication.Exercise 2Advantages DisadvantagesThe direct method 1. It might help students learn grammarmore efficiently.2. Students’ listening and speakingskills tend to be enhanced by thismethod.1. The dominant use of thetarget language might causemisunderstandings in the classroom.2. Native speakers are given moreopportunities than non-native speakers.Exercise 4●Grammar is not significant at all in CLT.Disagree. Grammar is still important but not the focus of CLT.● Speaking is the only focus of CLT.Disagree. There are other means of communication apart from speaking.● Accuracy counts more than fluency in CLT.Disagree. CLT tends to pay more attention to fluency.● Contexts are given special priority in CLT.Agree.● “Learning by using” is clearly reflected in CLT.Agree.● C ompared with the grammar-translation method, CLT requires language teachers to be more proficientin the target language.Agree.Exercise 5Method Objectives Activities Learners’ role Teachers’ roleThe grammar-translation method To master the formof structures andacquire the skills toread and write.Translation drillsPassive receiversof languagestructuresCentral role inthe classThe direct method To gain the skills tocommunicate in thetarget languageDialogues, andother activitiesto facilitatethe mastery ofpronunciation,everydayvocabulary andspeakingParticipants inthe oral activitiesaiming atcommunicationskillsModels of thetarget languageusersThe audio-lingual method To gain control ofstructures of sound,form, and order; Tomaster symbols ofthe languageDialogues anddrills, repetitionand memorization,pattern practiceOrganisms thatcan be directedby skilled trainingtechniques toproduce correctresponsesCentral andactive role inthis teacher-dominatedmethodTotal physical response To communicateuninhibitedly andintelligibly withnative speakers.Imperative drillsto elicit physicalaction.Listeners andperformersActive and directrole; the directorsof a stage playwith students asactorsCLT To grasp functionalskills as wellas linguisticknowledgeEngage learners incommunication;involve processessuch as informationsharing, negotiationof meaning, andinteractionLearners asnegotiators andcommunicatorsFacilitators of thecommunicationprocess; needsanalysts,counselors,process managersTBLT To becomeindependentlearners;To use the targetlanguage to dotasks and solveproblemsTask-basedactivities aiming forstudents’ mastery ofthe target languageLearners aslanguage usersFacilitators ofstudents’ taskcompletionChapter 6 Classroom ManagementExercise 1Interaction Pattern Form Teacher’s roleT (teacher)- Ss (students)individual work / whole class controller / assessor Teacher talk individual work controller / organizerSs-Ss pair work / group work facilitator / assessorT-Ss-Ss group work / whole class organizer / participantSs-material individual work facilitator / resource provider Chapter 7 Understanding English LearnersExercise 1Introverts often:• have quiet energy• listen more than talk• think quietly• think, then act• feel comfortable being alone• prefer to work “behind-the-scenes”• have good powers of concentration• prefer to focus on one thing at a time• are self-contained and reservedExercise 2Integrative motivation: B/DInstrumental motivation: A/C/E/F/G/H/I/JExercise 6Chapter 9 Teaching PronunciationExercise 11-b 2-c 3-a 4-g 5-f 6-e 7-dExercise 21. giraffe2. meditation3. industriali zation4. a ccountable5. graffi ti6. g lorious7. interesting8. revolution9. resistance Chapter 10 Teaching VocabularyExercise 2grace: graceful, ungraceful, disgrace, disgraceful, gracefully, ungracefully, disgracefully, kind: kindness, unkind, unkindness, kindless, kindlessly, kindly, unkindly, patient: impatient, patiently, impatientlylike: unlike, dislike, likely, unlikelysuccess: successful, unsuccessful, successfully, unsuccessfullydirect: directness, indirectness, indirect, direction, indirection, directly, indirectly luck: lucky, unlucky, luckily, unluckilyprofit: profitableappoint: disappoint, disappointmenthonest: dishonestfriend: friendly, friendshipexcite: excitementExercise 5Example 1 tests spellingExample 2 tests grammar (part of speech) and word formation (suffix)Example 3 tests word formation (prefix)Example 4 tests denotative meaningExample 5 tests meaningExample 6 tests meaningExample 7 tests association (synonym)Example 8 tests association (antonym)Example 9 tests association (hyponym)。



第13章综合技能TASK 1Think of the language skills that might be used in the following situations. Tick the appropriate columns. Then add four more situations and tick the skills that might be involved. Can you think of a one-skill situation, a two-skill situation, a three-skill situation and a four-skill situation?Key: When discussing a magazine article with a friend, it is obvious that you will need speaking and listening skills. You may also need to refer back to the article to clarify some points or look for some evidence from the article, which will involve some reading as well.Attending a lecture will involve listening and note taking. You may also want to ask some questions during or after the lecture. Therefore, three skills are involved —listening, writing, and speaking.Riding a bicycle on your own, you will need to read road signs or a map which involves reading. If you get lost, you may want to ask for information, which will involve speaking and listening.Ordering a meal in a restaurant obviously requires the reading of the menu first. Then ordering food will involve speaking and listening.TASK 2Let us consider a teaching situation in a senior high school. You are to teach a lesson on the theme of advertisement of a product in a newspaper or a magazine. Think about how you can do it. In what ways can you design your activities to integrate some of the skills naturally? Work in pairs and discuss your ideas. Then join another pair to share your ideas.Key: Ask students to read the advertisement; choosing the best advertisement and giving reasons in groups; designing an advertisement of a given product; demonstrating their ads; appreciating classic advertisement.TASK 3Look at the following passage and design:a) a reading comprehension exercise in the form of a dialogue;b) a communicative activity based on the dialogue.Silent WheelsMr. and Mrs. Li’s new car is very special. It does not have a petrol engine. Instead it has an electric engine.“We were worried about pollution,”said Mrs. Li. “Our car is cleaner and quiet er than other cars on the road.”However, their car was not cheap to buy. It cost double the price of a normal family car. There are other problems. Twice a week, the Lis have to recharge the battery, which takes a long time.“Another good thing about electric cars is their working life,”said Mr. Li. “They last much longer than c ars with petrol engines.”The Lis’ car is made of a very light, but strong material called fib er-glass. The car has four doors and can hold five passengers. It can travel at 100 kilometres per hour.“It’s a good car for people who live in Beijing,” said Mrs. Li. “We don’t need to travel long distances.”Key: Groupwork: ask the comprehension questions in the form of a realistic dialogue.Design an interview according to the passage: one student act as the interviewer and the other as Mr. and Mrs. Li. The interviewer asks them questions about their car such as the price, advantages and disadvantages.TASK 4Here’s an out line of a sequence of activities. Working as a group, use the outline as the guide for designing suitable contents for the first two activities. Then share your ideas with other groups.1) Students listen to an interview between a radio reporter and a famous singer.2) Students read a magazine article describing a famous film star.3) Speaking: students make up and act out an interview between the radio reporter and the famous film star.4) Speaking: students interview each other.5) Writing: students write a magazine article about their partner.Key: In activity 1, students can work in groups to write a report of the interview, the group leader should give a report afterwards, which need skills of listening, speaking and writingIn activity 2, students can work in pairs for an interview, one being the reporter and the other the film star.TASK 5Look at the text below. What are the features of its organisation, layout, style and register?33 Whitefield RoadLancasterEngland25th January Dear Liu Ping,Than ks for your letter. It was good to hear from you. I’m glad you are enjoying your new school.We had a very nice Christmas. All my family had Christmas dinner at home. My parents gave me a new dress. I got some lovely presents from my friends as well.I saw on television that Spring Festival is coming soon. What are you going to do then? Please write and tell me.Best wishes,CarmanKey: As a friendly letter, the main text is organized so that it moves from a greeting to the writer’s news, followed by a req uest for information and then closure. The layout has the writer’s address in the top right comer, with the date below; then the letter opens on the left hand side with “Dear...”. The main body of the letter is then organised in paragraphs. At the foot, either on the left or right hand side, there is a valedictory (e.g. Yours sincerely or Best wishes) above the writer’s signature.The style is informal and personal. The informality is shown in the register, the use of short form (Thanks) and contraction (I’m), of Best wishes as valedictory, and of Carman instead of the writer’s full name—there is no printed form of the name under the signature either.TASK 6In groups, discuss the implications of integrating the four skills for your work as teachers. What do you see as the main benefits and the main limitations of this approach? Write your answers in the box.Key: The role of a focus on individual language elements, such as vocabulary and grammar, should not be over- looked, as they can play an important role in helping students to understand the English language system and in enlarging their range of language production. Integration is also demanding of teachers in terms of finding or designing suitable materials, particularly when it is necessary to take into account the differing rates of progress of students in mastering the individual skills.。



《英语教学法》题库及答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”.1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.3. According to cognitive theory, .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give stimulus4. By audio-lingua method, students should always .A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules B. be trained to form good habits in learningC. relate their rules learned to their uses in real lifeD. be able to communicate with others in practice5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people.A. This is the interactional view of language.B. This is the functional view of language.C. This view of language has no basis of theory.D. The view may be out of date in language teaching.6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach?A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way.B. To teach language in a communicative method.C. To teach language in training of habits.D. To teach language by asking students to repeat and memorize forms.7. What is a good language teacher?A. A person who has a good command of English.B. A person who is armed with a specific range of skills and strategies.C. A person who has ethic devotion, desirable personal styles and professional qualities.D. A person who has professional competence.8. To attain the professional competence, a teacher should have training, learning, practice and .A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection9.According to Hymes, in a successful language communication, one’s utterance should be A. reliable and clear B. possible and feasibleC. appropriate and authentic D. possible, feasible, appropriate and really used10. Learning a language means being able to do things with it in some sense..A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language11. Behaviorist view of language holds .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give answers12. A teacher should have training, learning, practice and to attain the professional competence,.A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection13. Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.A. This is the view of communicative approach about competenceB. This involves the function/notion methodC. This is the view of behaviorism in language teaching.D. Not sure.14. We train students to learn a language just as we train animals to do things.A. This can be classified into functional grammar.B. The typical behaviorist view of language learning.C. The view is taken by those who hold grammar-translation method.D. None in history had the view of language learning.15. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior; it is an intricate rule based system.A. It is still a behaviorist view.B. It is functional view of language.C. It is audio lingua method.D. It is the mentalist view.16. Mistakes should immediately corrected and correct utterances should be immediately praised.A. Audio-lingual methodB. Communicative approachC. Mentalist viewD. Silent way17. Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.A. Structural view.B. Mentalist view.C. Meaningful way of learningD. Natural approach18. We all set up our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema.A. Mentalist oneB. Not based on any theoryC. Typical constructivist view of learningD. Functional one19. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner's mind.A. Audio-lingual oneB. Constructivist viewC. Behaviorist oneD. Cognitive view of language20. Language teaching and learning are focused on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.A. Behaviorist view of learningB. ConstructivismC. Cognitive viewD. Not sure21.Listening activities always test the students’ memory rather than other abilities.A.The test is the typical one practiced by communicative approach.B.This kind of view is actually the way of functional method.C.Any traditional teaching way will do in this way.D.Memory training is of course the cognitive approach.22. The communicative activities in classroom should be the one with__________.A.teacher interventionB.materials under controlC.simple language and no variantsD.content on focus not forms23. Process-oriented theories are concerned with__________.A.how materials are organized togetherB.how hypothesis is testedC.how the mind processes new informationD.how learners receive input24.Condition-oriented theories emphasize __________.A.the human and physical context in learningB.the nature of habit formationC.the making of inferenceD.the learning processPart II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are 24 activities described below. For each one, you are to judge whether it is the communicative one or not. If you think it a communicative activity, put a tick(∨ ) in bracket, otherwise, mark a cross(×).25. Student A uses a questionnaire to interview his partner, student B, and makes notes. ( ) 26. As two students are talking about their experience, the teacher asks other students to take down their information. ( )27.. Listening to tapes with headphones and then answering listening comprehension questions. ( ) 28. When reading in a foreign language, students are asked to mentally translate everything in order to understand. ( )29.“Write a composition with a title of ‘A Day on the Factory’ in classroom” ( )30. Information-gap activities in spoken lesson. ( )31. Use English-English dictionary to understand the meaning of vocabulary. ( )32. The teacher writes a set of words on the blackb oard and asks the students to find the “odd man out”. ( )33. Ask students to read phonetic transcripts of words. ( )34. Make students in groups to say out grammatical rules. ( )35. Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. ( )36. The target language system will be learned best through the process of struggling to repeat and practice rote learning. ( )37. Pattern drills are practiced peripherally. ( )38. Ask students to use authentic and natural language. ( )39. In any teaching class, teachers ingrate the four skills. ( )40. In teaching we should always prevent students from making errors. ( )41. The linguistic competence is the desired goal in teaching. ( )42. Communicative activities come after a long process of rigid drills and exercises. ( )43. Teachers practice bottom-up mode activity and start from a linear process in reading.( ) 44. To use transition device so that visualization is realized in reading. ( )45. Working in lockstep, the teacher expresses clearly and as much as possible. ( )46.To use substitution drills and prompts in grammar teaching. ( )47. An activity in classroom for students to practice language, which involves no definiteor correct answers in the task. ( )48. Ask students to bridge their information gap in speaking.( )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test, there are some Teaching Principles that need your evaluation. Please choose the ones you think them correct and in accordance with what we have learnt andput a tick( ∨ ) after them.49. The main implication for teaching is that we need to be aware of the discourse features of a text and to be able to make students aware of them. ( )50. A group of students working together to brainstorm topics and ideas will be more productive because their thoughts can be inspired by each other’s ideas. ( )51. The teaching activities must be designed to be done by the individual students rather than all of them, and the activities should also involve the teacher correcting or evaluating how the student do these activities. ( )52. A teacher is a resource-provider. ( )53.It is not the teachers’ work to choose topics and tasks so as to activate students in teaching. ( )54. Teachers need not have extra materials prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )55. Different approaches stipulate different teacher roles, but there are some common roles that teachers play. ( )56. Teachers can do nothing to increase and maintain the motivation of students by the typesof tasks. ( )57. Teaching listening should focus on the result of listening rather than the process of listening. ( )58. The trick to working with drills is to work on individual sounds for more than few minutes a time. ( )59. Ask students to make a list of optimal solutions to the problem addressed. ( )60. We should require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation. ( )61. Good planning tactics never indicate the importance of knowing what you need to take with you or to arrange to have in your classroom. ( )62. The first step of lesson planning will already have been performed for you: choosing what to teach.63. A teacher can play the roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant andresources provider, but they should not play all of them at one time. ( )64. A normal class should be in such a way in which students can raise questions and challenges to teachers. ( )65. Emotions cannot run high whenever language learners are asked to develop new pronunciation habits. ( )66. In practice, we need mechanical and meaningful practice. One way is to practice our pronunciation in English chunks, ready-made chunks. ( )67. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ( )68. Functional grammar holds that a language will play three functions, the idea of which can be used in teaching of language skills.( )69. Take care of trivial details in reading and listening so that students may have a full understanding of the text. ( )70. In writing, teachers help students recognize their own composing process.( )71. We design speaking tasks that do allow outspoken students to dominate discussion. ( )72. We in teaching clarify fixed rules and standards, and are consistent in applying them.( ) Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills第 6 页共21 页Part V Teaching PlanningDirections: In this part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material (a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text 1.)Nature gives plants and trees four ways to scatter their seeds. The first is by wind.The seed of some plants are very light, like the dandelion and the sycamore. They have wingsor parachutes so that the wind can carry them easily. The second is by birds and animals.Some seeds, like the seeds of burdock stick to the fur of animals, and drop off as the animalsmove about. Birds carry others, such as berries. The third way is by the plant itself. Theplant itself twists and breaks the walls of the fruit. It throws out or shakes out the seeds.The last is by water. The seeds float on the water either because they are very light, orbecause they have air inside them.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text 2.)A doctor working in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked him for advice. In this way, he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He made up his mind to put an end to this. He was stopped by a young man who said to him, “Oh, doctor, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve got a severe pa in in my left side”. The doctor pretended to be interested and said, “Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your month”. Then, he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out…and a large crowd of people laughing at him.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text3.)Clerk: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?Monty: Good morning. I’ve lost my briefcase.Clerk: Where do you think you lost it?Monty: I was on the 8:30 train to Stockport.Clerk: Right. Can you give me your name, Sir?Monty: Yes. Monty Ball.Clerk: And your address?Monty: I live at 26 Ash Avenue, Manchester.Clerk: Can you describe your briefcase, please?Monty: Yes. It’s black and made of leather---one of those flat sided ones. Clerk: Anything in it?Monty: Not much. Just my lunch and a few papers.Clerk: Well, if it turns up we’ll let you know. Where can we ring you?Monty: At my office---the number is 483 7692.Clerk: Right, Mr. Ball. I’ll see w hat I can do.Monty: Thanks a lot. Bye.……………………………………………Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesC)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:Part VI Comment and EvaluationDirections: In this part, you are to give your comment or evaluation on the following terms in language teaching.1.PrompterMacro planningTraditional pedagogyLanguage formRole-plays2. Function/notion approachconsistencytask-based methoddeductive and inductive methodprompter3.Prompter:Linguistic competence:Role-plays:Bottom-up and Top-down models:Behaviorism:Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are ten statements about language and language learning, You are to make your judgment whether they are structural view, functional view, interactional view, or they are behaviorist theory, cognitive theory or communicative view and write down your answers after these statements.1. Day to day language use involves activities such as offering, suggesting, advising and apologizing.Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it.2. Language is a system and so its subsystems include phonological, morphological and lexical itemswhich constitute sentence. We learn these items so as to be able to understand and produce language.3. Teaching actually involves endless listen and repeat drilling excises and promotes reinforcement.4. In the whole process of language learning, stimulus-response can form very good habits which arethe basis for good language training.5. When we learn language, we should always think and ask questions about not only how but also why.6. Learners are trained to express notions that complete their tasks. The notions include conceptof present, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility and so on.7. We should learn language in the way that is used in the real world and therefore we frequentlybridge the gap between the use of language in real life and the teaching or learning pedagogy in classroom.8. When learning language, we should know not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation.9. Language is a linguistic system make of various subsystems from phonological, morphological and lexical to sentences. Human beings put all the items together to understand language and produce language.10. Language is seen as a linguistic system and a means for doing things. To complete these, learnersneed to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notion.11. Learners have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.12. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.Part II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are five activities stated below. For each one, you are to describe it with simple example.1. ( discovering differences )2. ( pooling information to solve a problem )3. ( simulation activity )4. ( identifying pictures )5. ( work in pairs )6. ( role playing )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test,Wallace’s ‘reflective model’ is to be completed to demonstrate the development of professional competence. You are to fill the blanks with proper terms.Note: The possible selected terms would be: practice, language learning, language practice, own experience, own knowledge, professional competence, received knowledge, development, reflection, oth ers’ knowledge, others’ experience, response and stimuli, language training, stage, goal, etc.11. The efficient teaching implies that we should know the discourse features of any text and makestudents well informed of them. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:12. To inspire students’ productive thoughts in group discussion by means of brainstorming topicsand ideas. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:13. The teacher carefully designs activities for the individual students to complete the tasks andevaluates the whole process. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:14. To vary teaching techniques and train students learning strategy in class. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:15. Extra materials are prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:Part IV Teacher’s role in language teachingDirections: In this part of the test, there are things listed below that teachers often do in the language classroom. You are to decide what role the teacher is playing in each one. Put corresponding letters in the bracketsa. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 1. When students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joints on or two groups for s short period of time.( ) 2. The teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with problems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without…”and points to the button on his won shirt of jacket.( ) 3. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 4. When the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.( ) 5. The teacher asks the students to produce conversations by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.a. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 6. The teacher asks the students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure.If someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.( ) 7. When a student has made a sentence with “borrow”, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper”.( ) 8. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 9. T: Do you have any hobbies?D: Yes, I like singing and dancing.T: Uhm, and…?D: I also collect coins.( ) 10. The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.Part V Teaching Planning ( 20%)Directions: In th is part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material(a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text)Soon we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mountains were all around us and the moon was behind black cloud. I could see nothing, but I could still hear the wolves. The horseswent faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly. Suddenly the carriage stopped. I openedthe door and got out. At once the carriage drove away and I was alone in front of the dark,silent castle. I stood there, looking up at it, and slowly the big wooden door opened. A tallman stood in front of me. His hair was while and he was dressed in black from head to foot. Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDURE ActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be anno yed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examplesto rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situationBottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺III。



《英语教学法》题库及答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”.1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.3. According to cognitive theory, .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give stimulus4. By audio-lingua method, students should always .A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules B. be trained to form good habits in learningC. relate their rules learned to their uses in real lifeD. be able to communicate with others in practice5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people.A. This is the interactional view of language.B. This is the functional view of language.C. This view of language has no basis of theory.D. The view may be out of date in language teaching.6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach?A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way.B. To teach language in a communicative method.C. To teach language in training of habits.D. To teach language by asking students to repeat and memorize forms.7. What is a good language teacher?A. A person who has a good command of English.B. A person who is armed with a specific range of skills and strategies.C. A person who has ethic devotion, desirable personal styles and professional qualities.D. A person who has professional competence.8. To attain the professional competence, a teacher should have training, learning, practice and .A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection9.According to Hymes, in a successful language communication, one’s utterance should be A. reliable and clear B. possible and feasibleC. appropriate and authentic D. possible, feasible, appropriate and really used10. Learning a language means being able to do things with it in some sense..A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language11. Behaviorist view of language holds .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give answers12. A teacher should have training, learning, practice and to attain the professional competence,.A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection13. Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.A. This is the view of communicative approach about competenceB. This involves the function/notion methodC. This is the view of behaviorism in language teaching.D. Not sure.14. We train students to learn a language just as we train animals to do things.A. This can be classified into functional grammar.B. The typical behaviorist view of language learning.C. The view is taken by those who hold grammar-translation method.D. None in history had the view of language learning.15. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior; it is an intricate rule based system.A. It is still a behaviorist view.B. It is functional view of language.C. It is audio lingua method.D. It is the mentalist view.16. Mistakes should immediately corrected and correct utterances should be immediately praised.A. Audio-lingual methodB. Communicative approachC. Mentalist viewD. Silent way17. Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.A. Structural view.B. Mentalist view.C. Meaningful way of learningD. Natural approach18. We all set up our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema.A. Mentalist oneB. Not based on any theoryC. Typical constructivist view of learningD. Functional one19. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner's mind.A. Audio-lingual oneB. Constructivist viewC. Behaviorist oneD. Cognitive view of language20. Language teaching and learning are focused on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.A. Behaviorist view of learningB. ConstructivismC. Cognitive viewD. Not sure21.Listening activities always test the students’ memory rather than other abilities.A.The test is the typical one practiced by communicative approach.B.This kind of view is actually the way of functional method.C.Any traditional teaching way will do in this way.D.Memory training is of course the cognitive approach.22. The communicative activities in classroom should be the one with__________.A.teacher interventionB.materials under controlC.simple language and no variantsD.content on focus not forms23. Process-oriented theories are concerned with__________.A.how materials are organized togetherB.how hypothesis is testedC.how the mind processes new informationD.how learners receive input24.Condition-oriented theories emphasize __________.A.the human and physical context in learningB.the nature of habit formationC.the making of inferenceD.the learning processPart II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are 24 activities described below. For each one, you are to judge whether it is the communicative one or not. If you think it a communicative activity, put a tick(∨ ) in bracket, otherwise, mark a cross(×).25. Student A uses a questionnaire to interview his partner, student B, and makes notes. ( ) 26. As two students are talking about their experience, the teacher asks other students to take down their information. ( )27.. Listening to tapes with headphones and then answering listening comprehension questions. ( ) 28. When reading in a foreign language, students are asked to mentally translate everything in order to understand. ( )29.“Write a composition with a title of ‘A Day on the Factory’ in classroom” ( )30. Information-gap activities in spoken lesson. ( )31. Use English-English dictionary to understand the meaning of vocabulary. ( )32. The teacher writes a set of words on the blackb oard and asks the students to find the “odd man out”. ( )33. Ask students to read phonetic transcripts of words. ( )34. Make students in groups to say out grammatical rules. ( )35. Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. ( )36. The target language system will be learned best through the process of struggling to repeat and practice rote learning. ( )37. Pattern drills are practiced peripherally. ( )38. Ask students to use authentic and natural language. ( )39. In any teaching class, teachers ingrate the four skills. ( )40. In teaching we should always prevent students from making errors. ( )41. The linguistic competence is the desired goal in teaching. ( )42. Communicative activities come after a long process of rigid drills and exercises. ( )43. Teachers practice bottom-up mode activity and start from a linear process in reading.( ) 44. To use transition device so that visualization is realized in reading. ( )45. Working in lockstep, the teacher expresses clearly and as much as possible. ( )46.To use substitution drills and prompts in grammar teaching. ( )47. An activity in classroom for students to practice language, which involves no definiteor correct answers in the task. ( )48. Ask students to bridge their information gap in speaking.( )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test, there are some Teaching Principles that need your evaluation. Please choose the ones you think them correct and in accordance with what we have learnt andput a tick( ∨ ) after them.49. The main implication for teaching is that we need to be aware of the discourse features of a text and to be able to make students aware of them. ( )50. A group of students working together to brainstorm topics and ideas will be more productive because their thoughts can be inspired by each other’s ideas. ( )51. The teaching activities must be designed to be done by the individual students rather than all of them, and the activities should also involve the teacher correcting or evaluating how the student do these activities. ( )52. A teacher is a resource-provider. ( )53.It is not the teachers’ work to choose topics and tasks so as to activate students in teaching. ( )54. Teachers need not have extra materials prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )55. Different approaches stipulate different teacher roles, but there are some common roles that teachers play. ( )56. Teachers can do nothing to increase and maintain the motivation of students by the typesof tasks. ( )57. Teaching listening should focus on the result of listening rather than the process of listening. ( )58. The trick to working with drills is to work on individual sounds for more than few minutes a time. ( )59. Ask students to make a list of optimal solutions to the problem addressed. ( )60. We should require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation. ( )61. Good planning tactics never indicate the importance of knowing what you need to take with you or to arrange to have in your classroom. ( )62. The first step of lesson planning will already have been performed for you: choosing what to teach.63. A teacher can play the roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant andresources provider, but they should not play all of them at one time. ( )64. A normal class should be in such a way in which students can raise questions and challenges to teachers. ( )65. Emotions cannot run high whenever language learners are asked to develop new pronunciation habits. ( )66. In practice, we need mechanical and meaningful practice. One way is to practice our pronunciation in English chunks, ready-made chunks. ( )67. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ( )68. Functional grammar holds that a language will play three functions, the idea of which can be used in teaching of language skills.( )69. Take care of trivial details in reading and listening so that students may have a full understanding of the text. ( )70. In writing, teachers help students recognize their own composing process.( )71. We design speaking tasks that do allow outspoken students to dominate discussion. ( )72. We in teaching clarify fixed rules and standards, and are consistent in applying them.( ) Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills第 6 页共21 页Part V Teaching PlanningDirections: In this part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material (a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text 1.)Nature gives plants and trees four ways to scatter their seeds. The first is by wind.The seed of some plants are very light, like the dandelion and the sycamore. They have wingsor parachutes so that the wind can carry them easily. The second is by birds and animals.Some seeds, like the seeds of burdock stick to the fur of animals, and drop off as the animalsmove about. Birds carry others, such as berries. The third way is by the plant itself. Theplant itself twists and breaks the walls of the fruit. It throws out or shakes out the seeds.The last is by water. The seeds float on the water either because they are very light, orbecause they have air inside them.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text 2.)A doctor working in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked him for advice. In this way, he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He made up his mind to put an end to this. He was stopped by a young man who said to him, “Oh, doctor, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve got a severe pa in in my left side”. The doctor pretended to be interested and said, “Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your month”. Then, he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out…and a large crowd of people laughing at him.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text3.)Clerk: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?Monty: Good morning. I’ve lost my briefcase.Clerk: Where do you think you lost it?Monty: I was on the 8:30 train to Stockport.Clerk: Right. Can you give me your name, Sir?Monty: Yes. Monty Ball.Clerk: And your address?Monty: I live at 26 Ash Avenue, Manchester.Clerk: Can you describe your briefcase, please?Monty: Yes. It’s black and made of leather---one of those flat sided ones. Clerk: Anything in it?Monty: Not much. Just my lunch and a few papers.Clerk: Well, if it turns up we’ll let you know. Where can we ring you?Monty: At my office---the number is 483 7692.Clerk: Right, Mr. Ball. I’ll see w hat I can do.Monty: Thanks a lot. Bye.……………………………………………Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesC)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:Part VI Comment and EvaluationDirections: In this part, you are to give your comment or evaluation on the following terms in language teaching.1.PrompterMacro planningTraditional pedagogyLanguage formRole-plays2. Function/notion approachconsistencytask-based methoddeductive and inductive methodprompter3.Prompter:Linguistic competence:Role-plays:Bottom-up and Top-down models:Behaviorism:Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are ten statements about language and language learning, You are to make your judgment whether they are structural view, functional view, interactional view, or they are behaviorist theory, cognitive theory or communicative view and write down your answers after these statements.1. Day to day language use involves activities such as offering, suggesting, advising and apologizing.Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it.2. Language is a system and so its subsystems include phonological, morphological and lexical itemswhich constitute sentence. We learn these items so as to be able to understand and produce language.3. Teaching actually involves endless listen and repeat drilling excises and promotes reinforcement.4. In the whole process of language learning, stimulus-response can form very good habits which arethe basis for good language training.5. When we learn language, we should always think and ask questions about not only how but also why.6. Learners are trained to express notions that complete their tasks. The notions include conceptof present, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility and so on.7. We should learn language in the way that is used in the real world and therefore we frequentlybridge the gap between the use of language in real life and the teaching or learning pedagogy in classroom.8. When learning language, we should know not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation.9. Language is a linguistic system make of various subsystems from phonological, morphological and lexical to sentences. Human beings put all the items together to understand language and produce language.10. Language is seen as a linguistic system and a means for doing things. To complete these, learnersneed to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notion.11. Learners have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.12. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.Part II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are five activities stated below. For each one, you are to describe it with simple example.1. ( discovering differences )2. ( pooling information to solve a problem )3. ( simulation activity )4. ( identifying pictures )5. ( work in pairs )6. ( role playing )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test,Wallace’s ‘reflective model’ is to be completed to demonstrate the development of professional competence. You are to fill the blanks with proper terms.Note: The possible selected terms would be: practice, language learning, language practice, own experience, own knowledge, professional competence, received knowledge, development, reflection, oth ers’ knowledge, others’ experience, response and stimuli, language training, stage, goal, etc.11. The efficient teaching implies that we should know the discourse features of any text and makestudents well informed of them. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:12. To inspire students’ productive thoughts in group discussion by means of brainstorming topicsand ideas. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:13. The teacher carefully designs activities for the individual students to complete the tasks andevaluates the whole process. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:14. To vary teaching techniques and train students learning strategy in class. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:15. Extra materials are prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:Part IV Teacher’s role in language teachingDirections: In this part of the test, there are things listed below that teachers often do in the language classroom. You are to decide what role the teacher is playing in each one. Put corresponding letters in the bracketsa. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 1. When students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joints on or two groups for s short period of time.( ) 2. The teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with problems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without…”and points to the button on his won shirt of jacket.( ) 3. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 4. When the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.( ) 5. The teacher asks the students to produce conversations by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.a. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 6. The teacher asks the students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure.If someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.( ) 7. When a student has made a sentence with “borrow”, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper”.( ) 8. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 9. T: Do you have any hobbies?D: Yes, I like singing and dancing.T: Uhm, and…?D: I also collect coins.( ) 10. The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.Part V Teaching Planning ( 20%)Directions: In th is part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material(a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text)Soon we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mountains were all around us and the moon was behind black cloud. I could see nothing, but I could still hear the wolves. The horseswent faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly. Suddenly the carriage stopped. I openedthe door and got out. At once the carriage drove away and I was alone in front of the dark,silent castle. I stood there, looking up at it, and slowly the big wooden door opened. A tallman stood in front of me. His hair was while and he was dressed in black from head to foot. Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDURE ActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be anno yed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examplesto rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situationBottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺III。

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