西班牙语形容词大全 西英对照
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• A
•abierto - open •abundante - abundant •aburrido - boring
•activo - active
•afligido - afflicted •agradable - agreeable •agradecido - grateful •alegre - happy
•alto - tall, high
•amable - friendly •anciano - elderly
•angélico - angelic •anterior - previous •antiguo - old
•antipático - mean, not nice •aparte - apart
•apenas - barely •aplicable - applicable •apropiado - appropriate •apto - apt
•aterrador - apalling
•atlético - athletic •atrevido - bold
•ausente - absent
•auténtico - authentic •azulado - bluish
• B
•bajo - short (height) •barato - cheap
•bendito - blessed •bienvenido - welcome •bilingüe - bilingual •bonito - pretty
•bruto - brute
•bueno - good
• C
•caliente - hot
•cansado - tired
•caprichoso - quirky
•caro - expensive
•central - central
•cerrado - closed
•cíclico - cyclical
•cívico - civic
•civilizado - civilized
•claro - clear
•clásico - classic
•cómico - comical
•cómodo - comfortable
•confundido - confused
•conocido - known
•contento - content
•corto - short (length)
•correcto - correct
•cuidadoso - careful
•chico - small
•chocante - shocking
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• D
•débil - weak
•decente - decent
•delgado - thin
•delicioso - delicious
•desconocido - unknown
•descubierto - uncovered •despreciable - despicable
•difícil - difficult •digestible - digestible •digital - digital
•digno - dignified •divertido - entertaining •divino - divine
•dócil - docile
•dogmático - dogmatic •dominante - dominant •dulce - sweet
•duro - hard, difficult
• E
•económico - cheap •educado - polite •eficaz - effective
•egoísta - selfish •elegante - elegant •elemental - elementary •elevado - elevated •elocuente - eloquent •elusivo - elusive •embarazada - pregnant •emocionante - exciting •encantado - enchanted •encerado - waxed •encerrado - locked up •enérgico - energetic •enfermo - sick •enorme - enormous •envidiable - enviable •envidioso - envious •escaso - scarce •escrito - written •espantoso - scary •especial - special •espeso - thick
•eventual - eventual •evidente - evident •excelente - excellent •exquisito - exquisite •extra - extra •extranjero - foreign •extremo - extreme
• F
•fabuloso - fabulous •falso - false
•famoso - famous •familiar - familiar
•fantástico - fantastic •fatal - fatal
•favorito - favorite •federal - federal •femenino - feminine •feliz - happy
•feo - ugly
•fértil - fertile
•fiel - loyal
•financiero - financial •flagrante - flagrant •flexible - flexible
•flojo - loose
•fónico - phonic •formidable - formidable •franco - frank
•frío - cold
•frito - fried
•frívolo - frivolous •fuerte - strong
•fundido - melted
•gastado - spent, worn out •general - general