
断言声称:allegation/ claim/ assertion
B. 语言
提示观点,递进: in addition/ furthermore in the same manner another reason is... that brings us to... what I want to talk about is that...
B. 语言
研究调查:(further/ closer/ other) studies/ researches
Integrated Writing
By Joe
• 1. note taking • 2. summarizing • 3. paraphrasing
Reading & Lecture
1. 驳斥
1.1 L完全反对R中的结论、观点; 1. 2 L指出R中未提及的缺陷、不利之处等; 2. 延续 2.1 L支持R结论、观点; 2. 2 L解释R中的原因、结果等;
B. 语言
驳斥、反对 •refute, disagree with, cast doubt on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradict, differ from, in contrast
B. 语言
Reading 读什么

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.It has been said, "Not all learning takes place in the classroom." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from personal experience with knowledge gained from classroom instruction. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?引言段思路:阐述背景,明确表明自己支持的观点。
模板:Nowadays it is widely acknowledged that __ has played an essential role in peoples life, (可具体描述该主题的重要性)As a result the question is often raised as to whether___________________ or _______________. To this question, people’s opinions vary, with some claiming that it is much better to ______________and others holding that ________ is a better choice. (背景阐述)Taking into account the major factors involved, I cast my vote for the former/latter opinion, and this essay will explore the reasons for my stance(明确立场).可以用自己的语言来开头,尤其是背景阐述,可以针对论题进行简单描述。

写作高频场景词汇:School and Education1) 作为团队工作work as/ in a team2) 在...的帮助下with the help of3) 穿校服wear a school uniform4) 使用学校设备use the school facilities/ equipment5) 参加...的新生引导课程take an orientation course6) 与小组一起学习study with a group7) 出国留学study abroad8) 与某人分享观点share a idea/ ideas with someone9) 与某人同住一室share a room with sb10) 现实生活经验real life experience11) 优先考虑... put a priority on12) 追求个人兴趣pursue one’s individual interest13) 提倡创造性思维promote/ advocate creative thinking/ critical thinking14) 预防校园暴力prevent school violence15) 参与课堂讨论participate in a class discussion16) 理清思路organize one’s thoughts17) 选修科目optional subjects18) 提供教育机会offer/ provide an educational opportunity19) 在...方面改变make a change in...20) 主修major in21) 住宿舍live in a dormitory/ dorm22) 讲座lectures23) 通过...学习learn by/ via/ through + doing24) 自学learn by myself/ teach myself25) 增加教育预算increase the education budget26) 增加某人的潜力increase one’s potential/ 能力capability27) 有机会... have the opportunity to do sth28) 对...有很大的影响have a strong impact on sth29) 对...有强烈的好奇心have a strong curiosity about30) 进行关于...的讨论have a discussion about31) 有...文凭/学历have a diploma/ certification in32) 有...的选择have a choice of33) 从学校毕业graduate from34) 上私立学校go to a private/ public school35) 经历青春期go through puberty36) 因...给某人奖励give someone a prize37) 取得好成绩get a good grade38) 收到良好的教育get good education39) 获得最新的信息gain/ receive the latest information/ news40) 从...获得知识gain knowledge from41) 组成学习小组form a study group42) 感到来自同龄个人的压力feel peer/ contemporaries pressure43) 面对问题face a problem44) 课外活动extracurricular activities45) 拓展知识expand/ gain/ acquire/ obtain/ get/ accumulate one’s knowled ge46) 获得学分earn a credit47) 培养在...方面的专长develop expertise in...48) 必修科目compulsory subjects49) 职业准备career preparation50) 建学校build/ establish school51) 开始正规教育begin formal education52) 必须...,被要求.... be required/ suppose to do53) 参与户外活动participate/ take part in/ join in/ attend outdoor activities54) 在...方面有能力;能胜任... be competent/ capable in55) 上大学attend college/ university56) 上课attend classes57) 参加夏令营participate/ engage in/ , be/ get involved in a summer camp58) 给某人布置家庭走也assign homework to somebody59) 中学、大学 a primary/ middle/ high school. Secondary school.60) 研究领域 a field of study写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society1) 拜访邻居visit one’s neighborhood2) 使用公共交通工具use public transportation3) 没有做... without doing4) 把某人看作... treat someone as, treat them as competitor5) 青少年犯罪teenager delinquencies/ juvenile delinquency6) 养家support a family, feed one’s family7) 对...表示尊敬show respect to8) 展现领导才能show leadership skills9) 解决问题solve problems10) 使某人想起某事remind sb of something11) 信仰某种宗教believe in a particular religion12) 宣誓对...效忠pledge loyalty to13) 将某人的价值观传递给... pass on one’s values to...14) 参加社区活动participate in community activities15) 做出重要决定make an important decision16) 对...做出贡献make a contribution to17) 住在郊区live in suburban/ suburb areas18) 跟上keep up with19) 记住某事keep sth in mind20) 照看、留心keep an eye on21) 普遍认同it is generally agreed that...22) 改善公共交通improve public transportation23) 有高标准have high standards24) 有...的倾向have a tendency to do25) 有社区意识have a sense of community26) 有...感have a sense of achievement/ fulfillment/ accomplishment; humor; belonging; happiness27) 与...有密切的关系have a close relationship with28) 与...相处get along with29) 获得...的支持gain the support of sb/ some organization30) 建立组织set up/ form an organization31) 形成舆论form public opinion/ lead public opinion32) 效仿某人imitate sb; follow in one’s footsteps33) 感到安全feel security34) 感觉被...吸引be attracted to/ feel an attraction to35) 顺便去购物中心drop in at a shopping center36) 为生计做某事do something for a living37) 负担得起... afford to do38) 建立信任build up trust39) 培养社会技能cultivate/ develop social skills40) 从...中获益benefit from41) 建立人脉build social connections/ social circles42) 成为...的居民become a resident of43) 孤立于.... be isolated from44) 需要帮助be in need of help45) 对...友好be hospitable to46) 情感上依附于... be emotionally attached to47) 致力于... be committed to/ commit oneself to/ devote oneself to48) 因...而著名be celebrated for/ be famous for/ be famous as做为。

托福写作讲义_暑假班新托福写作讲义,4,作文的连贯与衔接“启”,首先,first, firstly, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, to start with, in the beginning,at first,一方面,on the one hand (…on the other hand) For one thing…, for another…一般说来,generally speaking, in general现在,目前,at present, now, currently最近,recently“承”第二/第三,second, secondly / third, thirdly此外,besides, in addition, furthermore, what’s more, moreover, in addition to, moreover 而且,also, too例如,for example, for instance, as an example, as another example 即,也就是说,namely, in other words, (In other words, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌。
) that is to say, it means that, that is,同样地,in the same way, similarly,用于句首,= likewise后来,from now on, later on, after a few days, after a while, then, 与此同时,meanwhile,此时,by this time1新托福写作讲义不久,soon因此,as a result, consequently, so同样重要,equally important“转”虽然,though, as, although,尽管,nevertheless,后面跟句子,, despite, in spite of ,后面加名词或代词,但是,but, yet,however即使,even though/even if ,后面加从句,相反,on the contrary, conversely ,相反地,颠倒地,, rather than, instead of…另一方面,on the other hand不幸地,unfortunately仍然,still与…不同,unlike“合”因此,hence,as a result, so, for this reason, as a result of总之,in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, briefly最终,eventually, at last,如我所说,as I have said, as has been said于是,accordinglye.g. He was told to speak briefly; accordingly he cut short his remarks.2新托福写作讲义人家叫他说话简短, 于是他就长话短说了。

2007年11月25日“There is always a siren, singing the shipwreck. Steering always from each rock, we have been a walking disaster. Just because you feel it, doesn’t mean it’s there.”Walking dictionary 活字典写作原则:重要提前原则。
”Make your sentence longer and longer.”主动> 被动注意形容词和动词的多样化,加强使用副词。
Independent Task – TopicsPreference A or B.Opinion Agree or DisagreeDescription Open QuestionWhat makes a man? (responsible, rational, analytical, critical, informative, chivalrous…)写作步骤:Plan:1. Identify the Question2. Brainstorm3. Positioning4. Create OutlineWrite:Initial the Into-partGenerate body paragraphsGive conclusionProofread:CheckUpgrade怎样想理由?(Brainstorm)SWOT·Strengths·Weakness·Opportunities·ThreatsSTAKEHOLDER·Interests·Perspective·Ideology/mind-set/methodologyLIMITATIOJNS·Time: anytime?·Situation: every situation?·Place: every place?·Exception: no exception at all?2007年12月02日“Chongqing, the city of never Jazz.”2007年12月09日Independent TaskIntroductionAttention device (Grab the attention from the reader) ·Paraphrase the topic (-)·Background understanding (0)·Super Star Opening (+)Theme (Explain your position on the topic clearly) ·From my perspective, …How to develop·Transition to the body paragraphs·I regard analytical & rational as…·Hence, this essay will firstly…Key Note:·3-5 sentences·Do not to into specific example·Do not repeat the topic·Theme>Attention Device>HTDHow to create attention device?·Restate or extend the Question·Describe the background information·Use Story/Scenario·Use adage/quotation/expert opinion·Make shocking Statement·Employ Parallel Rhetorical Questions“He knows no danger.He knows no fear.He knows nothing.”2007年12月16日“You are only just a dream boat, sailing in my head You swim my secret oceans of coral blue and redYour smell is incense burningYour touch is silken yetIt reaches through my skin, moving from within and clutches at my breastBut it is only when I sleep”Independent Tast (开头段写法)When Adam Smiths argued that ”there is an invisible hand above the market”, he was only partly right, in terms of the China market.The students at West Virginia University don’t want you to think they take life too seriously. -------marriage issueWhen Ted Kennedy gazes from the windows from his office in Boston, he can see the harbors’“Golden Stairs” where all eight of his great grandparents first set foot in America. ------US Visa IssuePreviously, for some years, dangerous sports such as extreme sports became prevalent to many people, especially young generations.A teacher sometimes has to be a referee, a coach, and a …The year is marked with many holidays each with its traditional rites and customs.The bride and groom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, make an odd couple---so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage. But on December 2nd the videogame companies behind "guitar Hero" and "World of Warcraft", Activision and Vivendi Games respectively, announced plans for an elaborate merger.As Americans digest the news of another gun atrocity, a mall shooting in Nebraska on December 5th, they cannot be blamed for thinking that guns are in too ready supply. But an article in the latest Economic Journal suggests that the demand for illegal guns, at least, is not met as easily as people might fear.Just as computers used to occupy entire rooms, and were able to make only a few thousand computations a second, so the first DNA-sequencing machines were able to read only about 5000 genetic "letters" a day. Technology changes. Now it is possible for a single machine to sequence a human genome of about 3 billion letters in two months. At this rate, those 5000 letters would take less than ten seconds.In a world where sight and sound seem to reign supreme, all it takes is a cursory glance at the size of the perfume industry to realize that smell matters quite a lot, too.IT is a typical example of the colonization of a new frontier. A few intrepid explorers stake out some new, unexplored territory. Before long the first settlers move in and start to look for ways to make a quick buck. their success attracts more settler, and an unruly bonanza ensues; finally the policemen, lawyers and tax collectors show up. But the territory in question is not a new continent: it is the realm of cyberspace, where two developments suggest that virtual worlds are coming of age. The first is the emergence of commercial uses for virtual environments; the second is the advent of litigation and regulation.Even miracles have their price. When DNA fingerprinting was introduced in 1984, it was an extraordinary advance in forensic science. It was also an irresistible temptation to the public authorities to start building databases of their crimina l citizens’' genetic profiles. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of those decisions, these databases have created a need for the mass storage of biological samples."I have not failed. I have just found 10000 ways that won't work." That is how Thomas Edison described his laborious attempts to perfect the incandescent light bulb. Yet an emerging technique for developing inventions knocks even Edison's exhaustive approach into a cocked hat. Evolutionary design, which borrows its ideas from biology, enables a computer to run through tens of millions of variations on an invention until it hits on the best solution to a problem.开篇场景描写:You try to turn off the TV, but you can’t find the remote. Then your cell phone starts ringing, and your alarm clock goes on. Your computer screen flashes a fatal error message; while your electric popcorn popper sends popcorn all over your kitchen, plus a Ding ring of your Microwave and the siren alarm of your water pot. Sounds familiar? If you are like most people you are in an ongoing battle with technology, and unfortunately, technology is winning.He quiets us down with just a stare.Recharge(充电) my batteriesHeaven never seals off all the exits. 天无绝人之路。

TOEFL写作讲义(主讲:戴云)第一章总体介绍一、我的赏与罚封赏与晋升:普通教徒---罗汉---金刚---护法---菩萨---佛---高级佛---教主助理---副教主---常务副教主课堂可以获得最高功名为护法考试95及以上为菩萨,100分以上佛,105分以上高级佛,110分以上教主助理,115 分以上副教主,118分以上常务副教主,121分以上教主。
批评与惩戒:Curse---赠送白绫---开除出教二、托福写作圣经要多记笔记:1、可以保证focus on my lecture,不会absent-minded2、保证将来会有复习的clues写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚。
举例:父母是最好的老师,你同意吗?同意的理由:1、how to behave myself;2、value system;3、experience上述理由都不能证明该题目“后天的知识是老师教的,而不是父母教的”存在逻辑错误,将老师与父母并列起来,应该在老师前面加上修饰语“学校的”。
举例:婀娜多姿:beautiful;妩媚动人:lovelyY ou are extremely smart. extremely means very托福考试30分钟最低要写300字,一般要求写400到500字写作内容和语言同等重要。
把内容表达清楚可以拿到高分clarity高于variety,variety高于complexityclarity is the priority观点的层次比观点的数目更重要。

托福写作讲义复习建议敲字和单词量,电脑上听写、写字板里练习写作反复阅读官方指南第五章249-293和321-343分类读185题库,列提纲,落实具体细节,查字典分类写文章,修改到完美,准备机经练习3分钟看一篇短文,做笔记然后重述的能力练习听学术段子,重述能力,建议93篇学术段子练习可以从不计时到计时,量变到质量三角和巴朗的练习一、独立写作评分标准An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:●Ef fective addresses the topic and task●Is well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplification,and/or details●Displays unity, progression, and coherence●Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.OG 325-343effectively:in a way that produces the intended result or a successful resultorganized:arranged or planned in a particular order or structuredeveloped:to make an idea clearer by explaining it furtherexplanation:a statement,fact or situation that tells you why a reason given for sthunity:the state of looking or being complete in a natural and pleasing wayprogression:the process of developing gradually from one stage to anothercoherence:of different ideas,arguments,sentences to have a clear logical connection so that together they make a wholeconsistent:always behaving in the same way ,or having the same opinions standard评分规则关键的部分1、细节、例子和原因有效上支持了观点、切题2、不要说没有意义的套话和没有观点和主旨的话3、逻辑和结构上的联系并不等于第一第二第三4、宏观和微观上内容统一、逻辑结构渐进连贯5、避免重复的观点6、句子结构的变化、合适的单词选择、允许少量的语法或者拼写错误,前提是这些错误不影响意思的理解7、句子结构的复杂程度、以及词汇的复杂程度一个能力五个误区能力:清楚恰当举例的能力,切题就能写出文章,体现语言运用能力误区:1、没有一定要书面化和地道,托福是为英语是非母语的人设计的,不可能做到,见官方指南5分作文评论289页2、没有说要有观点新颖独特,是语言考试,并不是作文竞赛,在语言上下功夫,而不是在观点上下功夫。

TOEFL Independent Writing1.句子扩充:将一个简单句扩充,增加到15,25,35个字。
2.句式变化:3.如何将一个论点展开成一段?多问自己为什么?4.ETS作文评分标准:✓观点鲜明,论点清晰✓文章结构完整、恰当、漂亮〔首段+中间三段+尾段〕✓论点论证充分〔不讲大道理,要examples, reasons, details, 而且数量越多越好〕✓句式、词汇变换丰富〔长短句、陈述疑问句、简单复杂句变换使用〕✓语法、拼写无误✓力戒表意不清,题外罗嗦话5.如何写好TOEFL作文:✓语法正确✓高超的衔接手段✓充足的词汇量✓各种表达手段综合运用的能力✓清晰的逻辑和结构✓高超的笔记能力✓良好的阅读习惯和听力水平6.TOEFL作文的要求:✓3种时态:✓语态:✓语气:✓词汇量:✓阅读训练:✓听力:7.熟悉写作题库8.TOEFL作文的写作原则:✓正式文体✓完成结构✓明确观点✓精彩纷呈✓正式形式✓通顺连贯✓扬长避短9.TOEFL 作文题库题型分类:✓观点选择类:✓比较比照类:✓自主定义类:✓10.TOEFL作文的审题:1)确定题目的类别,确定切入点:【驳论方法一】先承认钱是工作中的重要因素;【驳论方法二】先承认钱是工作中的重要因素;【驳论】有时候是可以凭外表判断一个人的;11.TOEFL作文驳论点的写法:TOEFL作文驳论据的写法:12.TOEFL作文论点的写法:13.TOEFL作文论据的写法:(黄金规则二)✓健康安全✓便利✓交流✓习惯与心理✓亲情✓成就感✓环保✓经济✓品格✓科技✓教育TP:15.寻找理由的方法:✓有什么条件可以这样?凭什么✓如果这样有何好处或害处?✓如果不这样有什么好处或害处?✓如果要这样,人们必须怎么办?可行么?✓如果不能这样,人们应该怎么办?PDERCR:TOEFL 文章结构:✓“2-1”A型:✓“2-1”B型:✓折中方案:16.关于TOEFL写作人称问题:17.TOEFL文章的开篇第一段写法:1)背景法:背景+反方观点及理由+过渡+正方观点+作者观点及理由2)实例法:事例+论题+各方观点及理由+作者观点及理由3)实例的三种来源:18.主题句:19.TOEFL作文结尾段的写法:20.TOEFL作文段落的实现:1)例证法2)因果法3)比较法✓整体比较4)分项比较5)分类法6)定义法21.TOEFL作文的衔接手段:1)使用连词和短语2)使用代词3)使用语意粘连22.TOEFL 黄金句型〔黄金规则四〕✓强调句(emphasis)✓The more… the more(more)✓倒装句(reversion)✓比较结构和倍数关系(compare)✓修辞问句〔question〕✓并列结构(parallel)✓虚拟语气〔if〕✓插入语(insertion)23.T OEFL Integrated Writing1.综合写作评分标准:✓Successfully select the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately present this information in relation to the relevant information presented inthe reading✓The response is well organized✓And occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections2.TOEFL综合作文注意事项:✓听力部分的内容是最重要的✓不能表达重复,不清楚或者与文章无关✓听完后要尽最大努力去回忆并补全听力材料内容的笔记,写的越全越好✓只要听力内容丢掉一个key point,最高只能得3分✓只出现在综合阅读材料的专有名词一定不重要;在阅读和演讲材料中都出现的专有名词是重要的✓把注意力放在带来分数的点上,而不是均衡放在所有内容上✓千万不能发表个人的观点✓写作采用一般现在和一般过去时态3.TOEFL综合写作出题方式:✓Points in the lecture contradict, refute, depart from, challenge or cast doubt on points in the reading4.综合写作听力材料内容要点通常包括:〔黄金规则四〕✓主题句✓被重复的语意✓因果、比较、比照、比喻✓定义✓✓强调✓问题及答案✓态度词汇✓转折后的内容✓结论5.综合写作阅读材料的读法:✓不需要做笔记;但是需要把专有名词的首字母提炼出来✓阅读材料里面的客观描述〔如故事情节;历史;史实;发展历程等〕是不可能被驳倒的,所以不是阅读的重点6.综合写作考前训练步骤:✓看阅读听力材料,寻找要点〔3-5篇〕✓真实模考〔5-10篇〕7.综合写作文章框架✓“总-分-总”=“1+3+1”模式✓中间每段都要有阅读观点,演讲观点及二者的关系8.综合写作精彩句型:✓The lecture discuss...which differs from the main idea in the reading that…(首段)✓The professor made the point that…; on the contrary/however, the writer demonstrated a contradictory idea that…✓Contrary to the belief in the reading passage that…, the professor says that…(中)✓The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that…by saying that…〔中〕✓The lecture contradicts the idea in the reading by saying that…(中)✓First of all, the professor, in the listening passage, made the point that… The reading materials, in contrast, held a different view by stating that…✓Another important point shows in the listening material is that…, but the reading material presents a conflicting idea that…✓In terms of …, the listening material contradicts the reading material✓Finally, the professor states that…, which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who says that…✓In general, the professor discussed the issue of … that the reading viewed in a contrary/different angle. (结尾)9.综合写作材料的指称:✓The speaker/lecturer/professor/listening material/lecture✓The writer/author/reading material/passage【注意】1、例子一定要specific一个example,一个research2、记得用些ly副词3、用插入语4、长短句结合5、句式变换6、每个例子,就是每段最后一句话必须是总结。

托福写作讲义Teaching Plan (10)第一次课⏹托福写作考试整体介绍⏹作文理论Briefing⏹学习目的及课堂安排第二次课⏹词法:30组托福经典词汇⏹语法:20组常犯语法错误⏹改错练习第三次课⏹独立写作综述⏹Beginning Paragraph的写法第四次课⏹Topic Sentence的写法⏹How to develop sentence (1)第五次课⏹Supporting Ideas的写法第六次课⏹解题思路的扩展与总结⏹佳句赏析第七次课⏹让步式的写法⏹How to develop sentence (2)第八次课⏹结尾段的写法⏹写作流程总结及思路培养第九次课⏹综合写作综述⏹综合写作阅读及听力技巧⏹综合写作文章结构⏹综合写作模板使用第十次课⏹综合写作练习⏹托福写作最新考题分析⏹新托福考场备考策略及全攻略第一次课课程安排⏹托福写作考试整体介绍⏹作文理论Briefing⏹学习目的及课堂安排◆托福作文考试简介50分钟/2篇作文(综合写作、独立写作)☐综合写作(150字)5种关系(_____________________________________)☐独立写作(350字)3种出题方式3种基本话题◆作文理论Briefing作文考试目标☐☐☐☐1._____________________________________________✓✓✓✓✓✓2.______________________________________________✓说明文(两段式)✓议论文(三种传统理论)☐传统段☐对称式☐让步式本课堂的学习内容1、2、3、4、第二次课课程安排⏹词法:30组托福经典词汇⏹语法:20组常犯语法错误⏹改错练习雅思四大话题-30组经典词组和句子1.action/activityThe police took immediate _______when they realized the situation was getting out of hand. Economic________ stagnated as the recession took hold.2.advice/adviseCan you________ me on the best course of action to take?He offered me some excellent ____________3.affect/effectCuts in spending will have a serious_______ on the National Health Service.The strikes will seriously_______ train services.4.appreciable/appreciativeThere is an_______ difference between slaughter and murder.She was very_______ of our efforts to help.5.assumption/presumptionThey raised taxes on the_______ that it would help control spending.It’s sheer_____ for the government to suggest things have improved since they came to power.6.avoid/preventRapid government reforms managed to_______ a revolution taking place.He’s always trying to_______ taking a decision if he can help it.7.besides/besideThe office is just_______ the railway station._______ their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening.8.briefly/shortly_______ before the conflict began, the army pulled down the border post.The minister spoke _______ about the need for political reform.9.channel/canalThe television________ received a formal complaint about the program.The Suez________ was built in the second half of the nineteenth century.10.conscientious/conscious_________ workers always take their work seriously.Most people are__________ of the need to protect the environment.11.continual/continuousA_________ trade embargo has badly affected the economic infrastructure.The computer has given us___________ problems ever since we installed it.12.control/inspectEnvironmental health officers regularly________ kitchens and other food preparation areas. The government plans to_________ the price of meat to make sure it doesn’t go up too much.13.criticism/objectionsThey didn’t raise any_________ when we insisted on inspecting the figures.The government’s plan was met wi th severe _________.14.damage/injury/harmIt was a severe __________ which needed immediate hospital treatment.A lot of____________ was caused to buildings along the coast during the storm.There is no _________ in working out the details right now.15.during/for/whileShops were closed _________ the duration of the conflict.______the transition from a dictatorship to democracy, the country experienced severe strikes. The bomb went off_________ the president was making his speech.16.however/moreoverThe plan was good in theory. ________, in practice it was extremely difficult to implement. The plan was excellent. ____, it was clear from the beginning that it was going to be a success.17.inconsiderate/inconsiderableAn ______________ amount of money was wasted._________ behavior makes life unpleasant for everybody.18.intolerable/intolerantI consider his behavior to be quite ______________The government is _____________ of other political parties.19.job/workEverybody has the right to a decent __________________ with good pay.Following the recession, many people are still looking for _________________y(s)/lie(s)The city of Guito ___________ near the equator.The manager made it clear he intended to _____________ down some strict rules.21.look at /watchWe must ___the situation in Lugumba carefully, and be prepared to act if violence flares again. We need to ____________ the problem carefully and if there is anything we can do about it. 22.permission/permitI’m afraid can’t__________ photography in here.They received _________ to attend the sessions as long as they didn’t interrupt.23.possibility/chanceThere is always the ___________ that the government will reverse its decision.If we act now, we have a good _____________ of finding a cure for the disease.24.practice / practiceIt’s important to _____________your English whenever possible.You need more ___________ before you take the exam.25.priceless/worthless_______ paintings by artists like Van Gogh should not be in the hands of private collectors. At inflation spiraled out of control, paper money suddenly became___________26.principal/principleThe____________ of the college is an ardent non-smoker.The country’s ________________ products are paper and wood.Not many people are familiar with the ____________ of nuclear physics.27.process/processionThe________ made its way down the avenue.Applying for a visa can be a long and frustrating______________28.raise/riseAs prices ___________ , demand usually drops.In response to the current oil shortage, most airlines plan to _____________ their fares.29.respectable/respectfulThe delegates listened in________ silence as the chairman spoke.They want to bring up their children in an area which is considered to be ____________30.treat/cureHospitals are so understaffed that they find it impossible to ___ patients with minor injures. They were unable to_____________ the disease, and hundreds died as a result.1. There be结构错误表达:There have many people believe that computers are useful.正确表达:2. 情态动词(情态动词必须加一个动词原形)错误表达:We should be take some effective measures.正确表达:3. 不一致不一致包括主谓不一致,也包括数的不一致、时态不一致及代词不一致等错误表达:When one have money, he can do what he want to.正确表达:4. 时态问题错误表达:Some people argued that women should join the army.正确表达:5. 语态问题错误表达:Some people think that old buildings should preserve.正确表达:6. 悬垂修饰语错误表达:To solve this problem, proper measures should be taken.正确表达:错误表达:Serving in the army, self-respect and confidence can be cultivated.正确表达:7. 词性使用错误表达:Nobody can negative the importance of education.正确表达:8. 介词短语加了句号错误表达:With the development of society. People begin to realize the importance of education.正确表达:9. 句子不完整错误表达:The question whether the internet is a blessing or a curse.正确表达:10. 固定词组的搭配错误表达:There is a great deal of violence shown in media to the purpose of making people relaxed.正确表达:11. 指代不清指代不清主要讲的是代词与被指代的人或物关系不清,或者先后所用的代词不一致错误表达:However, the internet also has their disadvantages.正确表达:12. such as和for example的区别错误表达:Computers enjoy a host of merits for example high speed, easy accessibility and great efficiency.正确表达:错误表达:Studying with teachers is beneficial. Such as, we can acquire both useful knowledge and practical skills.正确表达:13. 逗号隔开了两个完整的句子错误表达:The human race has entered a marvelous age, the world is developing at an amazing rate.正确表达:14. 用词不当是指在特定的句子中如何适当的选用词语的问题,我们在作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是错误表达:The use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also gives rise to pollution.正确表达:15. 不连贯不连贯是指一个句子前言不对后语,或是结构上不通顺错误表达:As I see it, water shortage, it is the most pressing problem of the earth.正确表达:16. 名词单复数使用错误错误表达:Living in this information-explosion society, we can obtain an increasing number of informations. 正确表达:17. 正式原则一般不能出现缩写形式错误表达:As is known to all, we can’t do without advertisement.正确表达:特例:18. 大小写的错误每句开头第一个字母都得大写错误表达:as we all know, life is hope and hope is life.正确表达:19. 从句引导词错误错误表达:As is widely-accepted, that there are many people which fail to take into account the fact that the diversity of species is the greatest charm in the world.正确表达:20. 介词使用不当错误表达:There is no yet absolute agreement in the question whether schools are of no use in the Computer Age.正确表达:错误表达:On a nutshell, we can conclude that media will still exert positive impacts on the societal development.正确表达:Correction Exercises1.The invention of computers makes people live more comfortable and convenient.2.Don’t put hand in pocket.3.Many traffic accidents occurred is the result of careless.st night was too cold.5.By comparison, nuclear energy has some distinctive advantages, such as it is very clean and cheap.6.Some people claim that fast food will instead of traditional food.7.Despite he is very diligent at study, he still cannot pass the TOEFL test.8.I finished homework and went out of dormitory for a drink.9.Though the Internet has many benefits, but it also has some drawbacks.10.If you are convenient, please give me a hand.11.In the past, the price of milk was so expensive that few people could hardly afford it.12.I forgot my watch at home.13.Smoking is harmful to your body.14.Under his help, we past the IELTS test.15.The two types of designs exist difference.16.The true fact is he never offers help to others.17.There are many people plan to study abroad.18.Keep pets are very popular among people live in big city.19.If let alone at home, many old people are very dangerous.20.The society should pay more attention to the problems of education, poverty and disease; however, theyseldom do so.21.Today is very hot, I stay home.22.When talking to the interviewer, my heart was beating very fast.23.He gave the rose to the lovely lady that he had bought for his wife.parison with the performance of Linda, Kent’s performance is far from perfect.25.The big noise makes me can’t sleep well.26.My suggestion is more attention should be attached to the issue of youth drug abuse.27.The price of milk is more expensive than rice.28.The amount of bikes will declines in ten years.29.Smoking is harmful to one’s body. On the one hand, it can cause lung cancer. On the other hand, it canincrease the chances of having a miscarriage if a woman is pregnant.30.The reason why people choose to live in cities is because the city life is more convenient and colorful.31.People think develop space research will spend a huge number of money.32.Now people go abroad becomes very easy.puter is a useful tool for student to learn English.34.Raising pets are good for old people and child.35.Pet like dog and cat accompany them.36.Keep pet in big city is not allowed.37.There are many medical reports reveal that keeping pet can prevent heart disease and help patient to feelcomfortably.38.Keep a pet would affect familial relationship.39.It arises a public debate as to whether we humans should carry out experiments on animals.40.Pursuit of fashion spends much money and waste much time.41.However, others people suggest that college students do the part-time job is quite beneficial.42.Young people live and study by themselves is of great significance to their future career.43.On the whole, computer games have both advantages and disadvantages. But fairly speaking, everyonehas to admit that its disadvantages far overweight it’s advantages.44.I find myself difficult to work and study there due to my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior.45.I am very difficult to write essays in English.46.When one is over 70 years old, he is very dangerous if left alone at home.47.I hope this letter would draw your attention and look into the case.st year saw a rapid raise in the volume of output.49.A small thief entered into my room and my room was stolen last night.50.I would like a single room to live and study.51.I am sorry for my abrupt departure that day, for I received a telephone that day asking me to return backhome immediately.52.I and my sister like pets very much. Therefore we are strongly against the ban on pet-raising.53.They maybe very busy so that they can not spare some time for their aged parents.54.The curve rose upward sharply in the past few days.55.After three days’ meeting, we draw a final conclusion that Tom is a dishonest man.第三次课课程安排⏹独立写作综述⏹Beginning Paragraph的写法Beginning Paragraph三大要素:(__________________________________________)Sample 1: When asked about the ongoing uproar involving the increasing divorce rate, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard this as a side effect of the drop of social moral standards. I personally think the latter can hold water. The explanation for this problem involves interrelated factors, such as family and social instability, lack of proper guidance as well as juvenile delinquency.Sample 2: When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in the cities, some people think that use should be limited. Others argue that the opposite is true. As for me, there is probably some truth to both arguments, but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. My argument stems from the fact that our living environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate, that the global warming is becoming a serious threat to the human beings, and that the pollution is creating a side effect on the economy.Sample 3: There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability. But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force, on the other hand, maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction.Question 1: (107) Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.Question 2: (56) A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or toimprove the public facilities. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(5分范例)It might not be very difficult to discover an obvious phenomenon that more and more college graduates encounter difficulties in finalizing a job nowadays, which, one way or another, brings forth certain doubts as well as discussions over the issue, giving rise to different points of views from distinctive levels of people. As far as I am concerned, the knowledge that has been acquired in schools can’t very well match the r equirements of this fast-developing and competitive world. (78)家庭作业:(70) Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answers.A好坏宏观宏观微观微观第四次课课程安排⏹Topic Sentence的写法⏹How to develop sentence (1)Topic Sentences主题句写作5步走:1、2、3、4、5、三个过程:今天的重点是:Sample 1: (107) Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.1、确认关键词2、思维两分三种不同出题方式的思维两分图形。

今天是作文,最令我意外的就是作文老师居然是传说中的李笑来.他首先提醒我们,没有经过充分准备的考生千万别进考场,如果参加了考试的,确定自己肯定拿不到自己理想的分数的.请在考试最后记得cancel 掉自己的考试成绩,因为ETS的评分是按照平均水平来的,如果你confirm了你的成绩,在无形中就提高了别人的成绩.一. 1,评分标准要one by one的仔细研读.这个我也觉得很重要,他花了好长时间分析了评分标准,我觉得这个直接影响你的写作思路和方向.大家要抓住评分标准里面的关键词.更重要的是,在评分过程中,是一个找宝的过程,他给我们看了一篇1分—2分的作文.这篇作文貌似组织良好,但是里面隐藏着许多逻辑错误.2,Sample response from ETS and the readers comments.后者更加重要,要抓住comments里关键词3,关于展开论点.OG,P259—260 要很好的展开论点,运用恰当清晰的解释,例证和细节.评分人员会评估考生的作文是否切题,文章中的细节,事例,理由在多大程度上支持论点.不要光为了增加文章字数而死记硬背一些冗长的首,末段.二. 1,在综合写作部分,要快速阅读给出段子的首句,第一段要读前两句,尽量笔记下关键词.2,关注名词概念.主要靠平时积累三.在阅读部分如何作笔记:1,用缩写代替名词概念2,用符号代替逻辑关系四.不要在以下四方面浪费时间:1,不要在意美英之间的差异.2,不要在意口语和书面语之间的差异3,不必在意任何文化差异. ,例如同性恋问题,185中不涉及文化问题.4,不必在意语言是否地道,只写acceptable writing English. 他的意思就是,以我们大家现在的水平是不可能写的出地道的英文,写出能让人接受的正规格式的英文就足够了.五.Step by step1,列大纲,落实具体细节.根据心理学,人类思考并不一定依赖语言,所以列大纲并不一定要用美国人思维方式,记得一定要用中文列大纲.并且大纲内容一定要平实朴素无修饰.(在写作过程中如果遇到不会写的专有名词时,可用拼音代替,在后面用一句话来解释一下即可)2,永不轻言放弃.在遇到不会表达的地方可用同位语解释.3,具体具体再具体.这一点在口语中也有提到.一定要具体到具体的时间地点.可把大纲扩充成分,也可变强调句.老美就爱这个,没办法.所以一定要具体具体再具体.六.排比句的技巧:1,公整对照.2,句法大同,词汇小异3,遵循二分法七.3A1,Start anyway 好的文字是改出来的,而不是倒出来的.所以一定要逼自己动手写下去.2,Continu anyway 直到最后,不管用多长时间一定要坚持写到底.3,Close anyway 给自己一个期限.不能无限制的写下去而又写不完.在思想上给自己一个约束.TIPS:1,IBT的写作是要求说明性,说理性文字,而非散文和诗歌2,特定的文章用特定的阅读方法.3,快速阅读并不是快速移动你的眼睛.4,考前至少背5篇有代表性的范文.5,在平时练习的时候遇到生词一定要记录到自己的笔记本上.定期反复复习6,要具有清楚的,恰当的举例说明能力.平时可以用中文练习.在语言上尽量简洁,朴素,有效.7,第一次练习写作的时候借助一切可以借助的手段,用心写,不必限时.长此以往,写作文的时间会越来越短的.8,关注李笑来的个人网站9,郑渊洁的Blog.5th Feb Writing独立测试部分一简单说明文第一部分1段 Background information**Thesis statement第二部分2-3段 Supporting例平均寿命1段上世纪本世纪增长了20岁主题句Among various factors that have made people live long are A,B,C.2 段 A 食物条件改善A is very important factor……(what / why /how)粗粮-细粮肥肉-精肉牛奶Water from river of well…..now from tap water……Mineral water such as soft drink…..利用googleB 医疗技术Equally important is B(形容词提前体现句法的多样性并且equally 是上下文紧密连接)C 社会稳定Match A and B is another essential factor C.**写主题句的建议1 尽量不要使用只抽象名词主题句好结论句没必要写2 尽量暗示文章将来结构3 主题句应该值得解释,值得证明4 使用绝对词应该慎重(经常问Is this always true?)但不是段首句时,可放宽标准二对比对照第一部分1段Background information第二部分2段Compare and contrast第三部分1段Thesis statement (A>B)例P.7 (4) 说服重于表达列出A,B的缺点和优点然后A>B第一部分Some people assert that B is better than A. However, I want to reason that A is in fact better than B.第二部分第一种方法第二种方法A的优点1,2,3,A缺点1 A的优点1,2,3,B优点1B的缺点1,2,3, B优点1 B的缺点1,2,3, A 缺点1第三部分A>B**说服的原则1 不要站在人家对立面上2 不要告诉他结论,你要让他想结论3 不要盲目追求标新立异三立论文第一部分1段Background information第二部分2段-3段Supporting第三部分1段Rebuttal—驳证(可放在任何地方)第四部分1段Thesis statement例保护濒临灭绝动物很多人的立场是反对保护濒临灭绝动物我的立场是反对盲目地保护濒临灭绝的动物。

托福综合写作讲义-202X年学习资料TOEFL Integrated Writing Lecture Notes - Study Materials for 202XIntroduction:- Welcome to the TOEFL Integrated Writing Lecture. Today, we will discuss the key strategies and techniques to improve your performance in the TOEFL Integrated Writing section.- The Integrated Writing section requires you to read a passage and listen to a lecture on a particular topic. You will then need to write an essay summarizing the main points from both sources and provide your opinion.- This section assesses your ability to read, listen, and writein English, as well as your critical thinking and analytical skills.Understanding the Prompt:- Before you start writing, it is crucial to understand the prompt fully. Read the passage and listen to the lecture carefully.- Identify the main topic or issue discussed in both the passage and the lecture. Highlight the key points and arguments presented in each source.- Pay attention to any contrasting or supporting ideas between the passage and the lecture. Take notes to help you structure your essay.Organizing Your Essay:第1页/共4页- Start your essay with an introduction that briefly summarizes the topic and introduces your opinion. State whether you agree or disagree with the main ideas presented.- In the body paragraphs, discuss the main points from the passage and the lecture. Use specific examples and references from both sources to support your arguments.- Present contrasting or supporting ideas in separate paragraphs. Clearly indicate which source supports or opposes a particular point.- Use transitional phrases to guide your reader through the essay and make it easy to follow your ideas.- Finally, end your essay with a conclusion that restates your opinion and summarizes the main points from the passage and the lecture.Writing Style and Grammar:- In the TOEFL Integrated Writing section, it is essential to demonstrate your English language skills. Pay attention to your writing style, grammar, and vocabulary.- Avoid simple or repetitive sentences. Use a variety of sentence structures to showcase your language proficiency.- Ensure that your grammar is accurate. Avoid spelling mistakes and punctuation errors.- Use academic vocabulary and phrases to express your ideas effectively. This will enhance the overall quality of your essay.Time Management:- Time management is crucial in the TOEFL Integrated Writing section. Plan your time wisely to allocate sufficient time for reading, listening, and writing.- Use the available time to read the passage carefully and take notes. Then, listen to the lecture attentively and compare it with the main points from the passage.- Allocate enough time to outline your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent structure.- Reserve ample time to write your essay. This includes drafting, revising, and editing.- Remember to leave a few minutes at the end to review your essay for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Practice and Feedback:- Practice is key to improving your performance in the TOEFL Integrated Writing section. Familiarize yourself with various topics, practice reading and listening skills, and write timed essays regularly.- Seek feedback on your essays from English teachers or native English speakers. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.- Review sample essays and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each. This will help you understand the scoring criteria and identify areas for improvement.- Focus on improving your ability to effectively summarize the main points from both the passage and the lecture, as well as providing clear and logical arguments in your essay.Conclusion:- The TOEFL Integrated Writing section may seem challenging at first, but with practice and the right strategies, you can improve your performance significantly.第3页/共4页- Remember to understand the prompt, organize your essay effectively, use proper grammar and vocabulary, manage your time wisely, and seek feedback to continually improve.- Good luck with your TOEFL Integrated Writing preparation, and remember to practice and stay confident!。

托福阅读强化班学生讲义第一章:范文第二章:机经答案第三章:一般功能词汇第四章:特殊背景词汇第一章:范文(1)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habits.Many experts have warned us against some diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits, and then some people attribute those inappropriate habits to commercials. Although I concede that advertising is one of the factors accounting for people’s unhealthy eating habits, it’s too exaggerated to say that advertising is the only reason, because there are another two elements that can not be neglected.Admittedly, advertising may be a cause of unhealthy eating habits, for the advertisements of junk foods are often designed quite tempting in order to attract buyers. For example, the commercial of KFC is typically a combination of melodious music, fancy pictures and a slogan of “ We do chicken right”, luring people to purchase the unhealthy food. Howeve r, it is an overstatement to assert that advertising is the only reason since the two following reasons exist.Heavy workload keeps people from having their meals regularly, which is considered as one of unhealthy eating habits. Nowadays, people have to work really hard to survive in the highly competitive society, so they barely have time to sit at the table and have dinners. Take a businessman for example. He may keep working for over 8 hours a day to get all his work done and have no time for lunch. Consequently, he only has one meal a day. It is definitely an unhealthy eating habit, which result from too much business and a long working time.Besides, the so-called junk foods, such as fried chicken, cheese burgers and cola, are indeed more delicious, especially for children. Commonly, fried chicken wings are usually spicy and crispy compared with the blend and mild taste of steamed chicken wings, so it is easy to understand why those junk foods can soon become popular among young children. However, the fried wings, corns and chips are too oily, containing excessive fat and even some poisonous ingredients, all of which do harm to people’s health. So I believe the special taste and flavor explain why people love those unhealthy foods.In sum, it is inappropriate to reckon that advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habit because heavy workload and good taste of junk foods are another two reaons. I hope everyone can say no to the junk foods, reduce working hours and enjoy a more healthy life. (384 words)(Written by Liao Xin)(2)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.The booming movie industry now offers us many choices when we stand at the counter of a cinema discussing which movie is worth watching and which is not. Some people argue that no matter how many movies are produced these years, movies should always show audience thatgood people are rewarded and bad people are punished. From my perspective, the disadvantages of stereotyped movies outweigh the only advantage.To begin with, stereotyped movies will decelerate the rate at which the movie industry develops. It is because there is no innovation in designing the plot. Once the audience can easily guess the ending at the beginning of movies, they will soon find those movies boring. For example, a good-looking hero and an ugly villain, who do you think will marry the elegant princess and who will be put into jail finally in those movies? The answer is quite obvious. In this case, people will be reluctant to buy movie tickets and as a result, the whole movie industry may actually suffer.Plots in the stereotyped movies are sometimes contradictory to reality. In the real society, good people may end up living miserably and bad people may not be punished. Life abounds with such examples. An industrious worker may not be paid his wage after working for one year; in contrast, his boss may be awarded Top Entrepreneur by the government. Similarly, the man who sends an old lady seriously injured in a traffic accident to hospital may be wrongly fined. In this circumstance, children are not able to survive in the real world as the stereotyped movies prevent them from deeply knowing it.Admittedly, stereotyped movies may teach children virtues. Children are supposed to stick to be a good man no matter how hard their life might be. However, it is not necessary for all movies to deliver this principle to audience. What's more, the educational value in the stereotyped movies may fade as children grow up and know the brutal reality.As far as I am concerned, it is not advisable for movies to show audience good people are rewarded and bad people are punished at all time, because the two consequences surpass the sole benefit. (365 words)(Written by Liao Xin)(3)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be rewarded with incomes comparable to those of doctors, lawyers or business leaders. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.In the literature, teachers are usually described as the gardeners or engineers of human souls. While in the real world, teaching is a profession typically characterized by high turnover rates and difficult recruitment. It is an essential role in a society, but a generally thankless one in terms of financial benefit and status. From my perspective of view, I fully agree with the title statement that teachers should be paid comparable to those of doctors, lawyers or business leaders.First of all, at the different stages of social divisions, the role that a teacher plays is never dispensable. Teachers make all other professions possible. A doctor, a lawyer, or a business leader, whoever you are, you cannot begin your career without school education. It was teachers that imparted us knowledge and cultivated us, in the course of our growth. Again, it is teachers that are commissioned with the significant task of educating our next generation. Thus, there is no doubt that teachers make immense contributions to our society. If people are paid distinctivelyby their contributions to the society, why are teachers not paid as well as doctors, lawyers, or business leaders?When examining the income of school teachers, one frequently cited fact is that teachers have summers off or work fewer hours and therefore deserve to be paid less. In fact, teaching is not an eight-hours-a-day job. Teachers put in tons of unpaid hours, making lesson plans, attending teacher-parent conferences, and helping students after class, etc. In short, teachers deserve to be paid more as the job is much more stressful and demanding.Furthermore, the teacher pay seems to coincide with teacher quality over the long run. Nowadays, though teaching generally requires a bachelor's degree or better, teachers' incomes are usually not considered comparable with other professionals of similar education, and offer little room for advancement or significant bonuses. Consequently, the highly educated people choose to take the well-paid jobs rather than becoming a teacher. In conclusion, to increase teacher pay so as to better the quality of teachers and improve the education system in the long term.To summarize, teachers should be rewarded with incomes comparable to those of doctors, lawyers, and business leaders, because teachers contribute to our society enormously, carry the great responsibility and frequently overwork. Besides, adequate payment for teachers is what a better education system calls for.(Written by Kang Hui)(4)It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than to learn facts.Learning is a complicate process, which consists of various aspects. For students, to understand ideas and concepts, or to learn facts, arouses controversy. Is to understand ideas more important than to learn facts? My answer is no. Ideas and facts are equally important aspects of learning.On the one hand, ideas and concepts can render innumerable facts and phenomenon to concise and elegant rules, principles and laws, which are easier to grasp. And ideas and concepts help people to understand the root causes for facts and phenomenon. For example, the Gravity Law helps students to understand the fact that apples fall down from the tree unto the ground. Likewise, the Kepler’s Laws helps students to understand the motions of the planets and the Earth rotating around the Sun. Thus, concept learning plays an essential role during the process of learning for students.On the other hand, facts can help students to validate or debunk ideas and concepts they learned in the classes. Facts are the most abundant direct materials for us to accept. By virtue of knowing various facts, students can have the sense of what they are learning. For instance, fossils of ancient species prove the theory of Evolution. The failure of the Qing Dynasty of China proved that isolation from the outside world would not work. As a consequence, it is facts that help learners to get the first feeling about what they are working on. Als0, it is facts that can prove a student’s knowledge right or wrong.Furthermore, concepts learning are closely related to facts learning, which makes the two aspects of learning hardly isolated. In reality, we usually start learning with recognizing and memorizing facts of different subjects. Only after we have learned enough facts, we are likely to understand the inner concepts. And a deep understanding of ideas is definitely crucial for us to well accept what we have learned. In order to fully master a knowledge point we get from the class, we need understand the ideas of it.In conclusion, it is facts and concepts combined together that contributes to a better understanding of knowledge. Only by attaching equal important to facts learning and concepts learning simultaneously can students benefit from the process of learning to the most extent.(Written by Kang Hui)(5)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not pay for the public transportation.In this day and age, passengers are charged for their ridings. Since most of the mass transportation facilities are partially owned by the private businesses, the system generally aims at the maximization of profits. I strongly believe that people should pay for the public transportation, including city buses, highways and trains, for the following reasons.Firstly, people should pay for the city buses for better service quality. For one thing, the profits can act as a driven force for the bus companies to improve their service. They tend to increase the number of buses, optimize the driving courses and do well in maintaining the bus to attract more passengers and enlarge the profits. For another, profits will surely intensify the competition between bus companies, which will finally lead to the entire improvement of the bus service system.Secondly, people should pay for the highway system since the government built the highways as investments. If people stop paying for their taking the subway, government may stop building more highways and it will result in the inconvenience and low efficiency of traffic system. For example, the citizens in my hometown have ever been reluctant to pay for the highway. What's more, some illegal long-distance transportation firms which used the highway frequently do not pay for the fees and beat the cashiers in the highway very seriously. Several Months later, the government had to close the highway because they were failed in investments. This phenomenon negatively influenced upon and set back the development of the local economy.Finally, people should pay for the trains. On one hand, there are different classes of train tickets such as hard-seat tickets, sleeper tickets and non-seat tickets. If passengers take it without paying, it will be difficult to reach an agreement among the passengers on the fair distribution of tickets and seats. The more you pay for, the better seat you should keep. Furthermore, it will be a heavy burden for the government to support the train system independently.Admittedly, some people hold the idea that we should not pay for the public transportation forsome reasons. Yet, I insist that we should do that. It is the right for everyone to benefit from the mass transportation, and it is also everyone's responsibility to support it.(Written by Liang Jianshi)(6)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than to save money for the future.In this day and age, there is a heated discussion about the utilization of the money we earned. Some people support the idea of spending money on traveling and vacation, while others believe it is better to save money for the future. As far as I am concerned, the second choice is considerable.First and foremost, the money we saved can be used in an emergency. It is no doubt that we have to face different tough obstacles in our life, so money is of vital significance at that time. Facing diseases or personal financial crisis, we will endure and overcome it by the saving money. Fortunately, an increasing number of people have been accepted this idea. A recent poll conducted by government officials shows that seventy percent of university students would save money preparing for future use rather than spending money on traveling and vacations.In addition, the income for some people is so slender that they cannot afford the money for traveling. Those who do not have high income even worried about the consumption of house rent, food and clothing, so actually they haven’t g ot extra money to travel. My uncle is a case in point. He, who works in a factory, only has a salary of 600RMB per months. It is not difficult to figure out money left after paying the above-mentioned expenses of the family. Never had he spent money on traveling or vacation because of the lack of money.Admittedly, spending money on traveling and vacation has advantages as enjoying the beautiful scenery and releasing stress, and its disadvantages are apparent and unavoidable as well. For instance, I went to the National Park, which is a beautiful natural landscape in our country. When I stepped in that park, I felt the odor of Mother Nature strongly. However, traveling and vacation do costly and toilsome, and we can acquire happiness and relaxation from other kinds of ways without taking so much effort and energy.Base on the factors I mention above, a conclusion could be drawn that I prefer saving money for the future than spending money on traveling and vacation.(Written by Liang Jianshi)(7)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.Art and music are the greatest cultural inheritances from our ancestors and elites of our times. For children, starting to learn art and music can help them develop their ability better, communicate with others better and enjoy their life better. In this sense, I totally agree with thestatement for a number of reasons.To st art with, as is often pointed that art and music can enhance children’s ability of imagination, concentration and perseverance. Music is an expressive art of sound and the meaning of every musical note has unique profoundness which leaves our children unlimited scope of imagination. They could interpret the music they heard in their own way and that’s why even a baby would move its body to a piece of music. What’s more, in daily exercises, in order to perfect their skill and control every sound, children have to control themselves and attach more attention to the music. That’s where their concentration has been improved. Finally, after years’ unremitting efforts, they may attend some contests and, of course, if they really stick to music and are fond of it, some prizes will be given and more important, they learnt a priceless lesson that perseverance will pay off.Next, art and music can better children’s disposition and temperament. The process of learning art and music can improve the communication among the students and teachers. They may express their emotion freely and establish a special bridge of communication with others. When they play a piece of music or paint a picture skillfully and beautifully, self-achievement and activeness has been built up unconsciously. According to the recent survey made by Chinese Academy of Social Science, many children are becoming better-tempered, warm, generous, willing to help and communicate with others, after starting to learn art and music for a period of time.La st but not least, art and music can heighten children’s life quality and taste. An evaluation of high quality and taste is always given to the art students, who always have a unique perspective towards many issues. The simple reason is that art comes from life and higher than life. Student learning art definitely enjoy the life of higher quality than others. Besides, all masterpieces of famous musicians and painters should be the learning materials for the students. With the influence by those great people, the students’ horizon will be certainly broader.Obviously, all the evidence confirms an undoubted conclusion that children aged from 5 to 10 should start to learn music and art. It will surely benefit their school life and life after.(Written by Sun Wei)(8)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve education is to raise teachers’ salaries.How to improve education has always been one of the hottest social issues to be discussed. Some people would say that the best way to promote education is to provide teachers with high salaries, because teachers are of indispensable function in the education. But as for me, I don’t think that it is the best way to achieve the goal of education improvement, for there are still other factors need to be considered.First of all, scientific educational plan is fundamental for education improvement. A reasonable and well-organized plan will optimize the structure of students’ knowledge and ability andcultivate high quality talents with specialty. On the contrary, if the plan is in defective condition, it is almost a mission impossible to shape education superiority and development of talents cannot avoid be influenced. We may point out a common example of machinery manufacturing. In producing a beautiful machine, a systematic, detailed, and scientific plan of production must be elaborated and delivered carefully. Any flaw, no matter perceivable or not, will result in functional defect, ever worse, uselessness!Moreover, to improve the validity and reality relevance of learning materials that students are using will affect the education enhancement. Teachers, students and teaching contents are basic elements of educational activities and learning materials are the carrier of the contents, main source from which students acquire the knowledge, and basic principle for teachers’ activities. Correspondence among the objective students, the difficulty and the content coverage of the learning materials will work on the result and effectiveness of learning process. Good materials could definitely achieve the anticipated goal, while invalid, outdated materials could never work out. This is supported by a typical instance of English language education. Students are learning the platitude and cliché of last fifty years for spoken English in some countries. With those materials, the students could hardly perform effective communication, not to mention improve their language education in these places.However, we cannot deny the fact that the improvement of education is conditioned by teachers. The teachers are the playing the dominant roles in the teaching and they are hold the guiding position in the purpose, contents, process, methodology, pattern and means of instructions. Quality of education therefore, is inseparable with that of teachers. After all, the fact that an accomplished disciple owes his accomplishment to his great teacher is inarguable. So, providing them with incentive of higher salaries will arouse teachers’ enthusiasm and then achi eve the goal of education improvement to some extent.From what has been discussed above, we could safely draw the conclusion that many factors need to be considered and many methods can also be taken to improve education. Raising teachers’ salaries is on e of the available options, but not the best one.(Written by Sun Wei)(9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people lessons about the life.Nowadays, a large group of people are crazy about doing sports with other zealous fellows. They always keep themselves occupied with all kinds of sports instead of lying in sofa, watching soap operas. I am a loyal advocator to this passionate life style. While possessing a good health, beneficial classes of life are extra gains of doing sports.Doing sports constantly can steel people’s willpower and teach them the lesson of persevering in everyday life no matter how tough the situations are. For instance, Lionel Messi, my favorite football player, no one could believe that he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency and we almost miss a superstar! However, his persistence and intense love for football kept himgoing on without hesitation and nothing could stop him from becoming an excellent player. Ultimately, the sporting director of Barcelona had been made aware of his talent and led him to a superiorly shining life. Now he has received FIFA World Player of the Year nomination in 2009 at the age of 21. This incident gives me a full understanding of the fact that how unbelievable results sports may bring to people.In addition, sports guide people to respect rivals regardless of the results. Also, no matter how strong you are and maybe your opponent has no chance to win at all, respecting opponents still remains its essential place. In 2010 Africa FIFA World Cup, when North Korea which at the bottom of the ranking list encountered Brazil, which ranks No.1 in the world. Brazil showed the characteristic of a world-class team. They tried hard as their competitors were equally strong as them and spoke highly of North Korea’s presentation after the game. In sum, sports really enable people to own the quality of respecting opponents, which makes it unique compared to other things.Another vital class we can learn is accepting defeats or victories, it is a fundamental part of competition and it is unavoidable for each participant. That is just the most appealing part of sports. Team members should not blame their partners for anything as long as he puts all his heart into it. Facing failure calmly and embracing success modestly are the experiences of life that sports give us.Considering all the analysis above, we safely come to the conclusion that doing sports indeed benefit us a lot in varied ways. I insist that in the future a large range of people will participate in sports and obtain knowledge of life.(Written by Wang Pingfei)(10)Do agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should take different kinds of jobs before they take a career in a long term.Generally, many young people take several different kinds of jobs when they first step into the society. However, some people argue that whether it is necessary to take numerous jobs before they take a career in a long time. Nevertheless, from my perspective, they should take various jobs before pursuing the long-term employment in order to find out their interests and potential, gain more knowledge as well as experience, and make more friends.Firstly, taking several jobs enables the young people to discover their real passion and potential. After the students have graduated from college, some of them have no clue about what career they should choose. However, only by trying numerous kinds of occupations can they figure out which field they will be interested in and do well. My uncle first worked as an accountant in a small company after he obtained his college degree. However, he soon realized the work was too dull for him. Then he changed his career to a HR manager in a national bank. Yet, he was totally overwhelmed by the heavy work load as well as the competitive working environment. He quitted his job and became a mathematics teacher in a high school. To his surprise, he eventually found out his passion in teaching the students and decided to take teacher as his long-termcareer. Therefore, young people should experience a variety of jobs to identify the job that most suits them.Secondly, young people can learn various sorts of skills and gain valuable experience which is useful for the whole career development. It is an undeniable fact that by taking several new jobs, people have to adapt to the new environment. In this way, they can learn many practical knowledge and techniques. For instance, if a young man changes his job and steps into another career, he has to get accustomed to this new place. By communicating with his colleagues, he can gradually improve his social skills. Spontaneously, he will have a quick adaptation to the environment.As far as I am concerned, taking various jobs make it possible for the young people to discover their interests and potential. They can also obtain valuable experience and knowledge that may be beneficial to their long-term career. Considering all the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that young people should take different kinds of jobs before they identify and pursue their lifetime career.(Written by Wang Pingfei)(11) Do you agree or disagree: Newspapers and magazines are the best way of learning about a foreign country.In order to have a comparative edge in this globalized society, people today have to equip themselves with the latest news about other nations. To achieve this goal, some people put forward that the best way to grasp the information is to read newspapers and magazines. Personally, I disagree. Newspapers and magazines are born with limitations and other forms of media can play equally effective, if not more, role in it.First, neither newspapers nor magazines provide people with a thorough understanding of the complex culture of a new country. Due to the limited pages or space, it is impossible to illustrate the complexity of a culture to the readers in a number of lines. What readers get from news reports or pictures of the newspapers is always superficial and subje ct to the authors’ personal judgment. On the other hand, the classic books have withstanded the examination of time and can facilitate the readers’ learning. If you want to truly understand the West, for example, the newspapers and magazines may tell you what happened there, and the classic books like Holy Bible will tell you why it happened. Thus the attempt to truly understand a foreign country by the instant information of newspapers and magazines is due to fail.Moreover, the real experience in a new country may benefit people more than just reading newspapers and magazines. Although some magazines today embrace vivid pictures and even DVDs to better display a new nation, the readers are still both mentally and physically kept away from the strange place. It is because readers are just led by authors and they do not have the opportunity to explore in person. Many people have the experience that when traveling, what they finally find in the destinations differs dramatically from what they have read from the traveling magazines. Hence, without an exploration in person, the newspapers and magazines are。
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Adapted from J. David Velleman, “The Genesis of Shame” Assignment: Should people make more of an effort to keep
some things private? Plan and write an essay in which you
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
Nowadays nothing is private: our culture has become too confessional and self-expressive. People think that to hide one’s thoughts or feelings is to pretend not to have those thoughts or feelings. They assume that honesty requires one to express every inclination and impulse.
A or D: Honesty is always the
best policy.
8000 的词汇量是你的底线。 到外文书店去找一本美国著名的周刊《Times》,你不必
买,在书店里就地翻看下即可,找一篇UNITED STATES 栏目下的文章阅读。如果,你读的感觉是“非常”顺畅, 你的词汇量已高达12000。“非常”的定义就是你用停顿 下来思考文章所表达的意思。如果,你读的感觉是“很” 顺畅,你的词汇量在8000-10000上下,属于这个范围的 同学,你读这本周刊里的Global investing栏目就会感到 非常顺畅。如果,你读的感觉是“似懂非懂”,你的词汇 量在5000-7000。如果,你读的感觉是头晕,那你的词汇 量不足5000。
Alex wrapped all the savory ingredients around a succulent piece of lettuce and after taking a bite, he said: this'd be a kind of culinary perfection.
5)A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper \water is to fish.
6)A is essential/significant/ crucial/critical /vital to B. 7)The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated\denied\ ignored.
As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—when one considers all the potential uses of such money.
什么是写作? 我可不吃你那一套 I will not eat your that tao? I will not accept your opinion. I cannot share your stance. I cannot back you up. Bolstering your idea is the last thing I
want to do.
写作就是“用自己的语言完成固定思维表达的过 程。”
谁动了我的琴弦唤我到窗前? Who, by touching my strings, summoned me to
the window? Who, + doing sth., + verb + object. 考虑到隐私安全因素,我们不会选择在宾馆过夜 Considering the privacy security, people will not
例如: A 对 B很重要. 1)A is important to B. 2)A plays an important
role\part in B. 3)A is of importance to B. 4)B cannot live\develop\grow\ survive without A.
be pleasing to spend the night at inn. Who, considering the privacy security, will be
pleasing to spend the 按难度排列 PS>GRE >GMAT>SAT> SSAT>TOFEL
2. 扩充句子.
加至15字, 25字, 35字, 尽量使用