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16.In the 1980s (L29)
18. lose somebody to 因为---而失去某人(L32) 19. devote oneself to 致力于(L39)
20. set up 建立(L47) 21.keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止---做某事(L48) 22.have access to 接近,使用(L56) 23. the key to doing 关键(L59)
4.deadly 致命的;彻底的 (adj.) a deadly disease/a deadly blow. (adv.) The conference was deadly dull. 5. burst on the scene 突然出现
在互联网热潮时期,各种各样的电脑游戏出现了 Various computer games burst on the scene during the internet boom
8. across /around /throughout /all over/the
world=worldwide 9.at a high rate/speed 高速度(L14) 10.pass sth on through 通过---传递(L15) 11.the vast majority of 绝大多数(L16) 12.share sth with sb 分享(L19) 13. pass on to 传递到(L21)
4. Since the 1980s, Aids has become serious 7___ .
8.____ 1. The 9._____have been made by China. _taken 2. Many international organizations work together to fight to fight Aids. Aids 3. In the opinion of Ajani, the key to stopping the disease is
14.give birth to (a baby) =be delivered of (a baby) 生 (孩子) (L22)
15.(be)contray to 与---相反(L23) 16. be familiar with 对---很熟悉(L26) 17. burst on the scene 突然出现(L28)
• racial/sex discrimination
Ajani, whose father died of Aids two years ago, lost his
1.____ mother for the same 2____.
3.____ inform ation about Aids
1. The 4___ of Aids is a virus called HIVwhich attacks the body’s immune system and there’s no cure for it.
In myself today.
(2)When the group discussion is nearing its end,makAe sure to
it with important points.
解析 句意为:当小组讨论接近尾声时,要确保得出重要结 论。conclude下结论,符合题意。lead 引导;avoid 避免; hold举行。故选A项。
So what can we conclude from this debate? 那么从这场辩论中我们能得出什么结论?
(1)用适当的介词填空 ①He concluded his speecwhith a famous saying. ②What can we concludferom Stafford’s research? ③ conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed
6. bid v.& n.出价;投标
(1)v bid...for/on...出价……买……
He bid $5 for an old book. (1)bid against sb.与某人争出高价;抬价竞买 (2) n. 努力争取;招标(for)
make a bid of...for/on...出价……买……
more beautiful. n. go for a bathe 去游泳
2.abrupt adj.突然的,意外的,粗鲁的
come to an abrupt stop an abrupt manner 3. weep (wept, wept) 1) vi & vt weep for/over sb/sth 流泪、哭泣 weep for joy 喜极而泣 为孩子之死而哭泣的妇女 a mother ____over the death of her child weep tears of joy 流出喜悦的眼泪 2) n.பைடு நூலகம்阵哭泣 A good weep would probably make you feel better.
8. agenda n. 工作计划表,议事议程
be high on the agenda (for sb.)是某人的 当务之急
put sth. on the agenda 把某事提上议事 日程
• 11. discriminate • Vi & vt.discriminate between A and B ;
10____ people at risk, as well as treating infected People.
1. an abrupt scream (L3) 2.die of 死于(L4) 3. too numb with sorrow to weep (L5) 4. give a sideways glance (L6) 5. sth happen to sb (L6)…发生在某人身上 6. lose the ability to fight other illnesses. (L10) 7.immune system 免疫系统(L11)
7. conclude v.断定,推断出(decide);得出结论;
使 结束,终止(end)
应试指导 写作高频词汇in conclusion,to conclude (1)conclude sth with...就某事与某人达成协议;以……结束 conclude...from...从……推断出…… to conclude=to sum up 总之;最后 (2)arrive at/reach/come to/draw a conclusion得出结论 make a conclusion下结论 in conclusion=in a word 总之;最后
1) n.爆破;爆裂: a burst in a water-pipe 某事物的突然爆发: a burst of enthusiasm热情的迸发 a burst of applause 一阵喝彩.
• 2) vi & vt. (burst, burst)(使某物)爆炸; 胀破; 爆破:
• burst the balloon • burst in 突然进入(房间等) • burst in on sb/sth (因突然来到)阻碍某人/
2. One of the first symptoms of Aids is a weakened immune system and eventually the body is 5.____ to fight illness.
3. It is commonly known that the virus is spread in three ways----through unprotected sex, blood-to-blood 6____ and mother-to-child transmission.
discriminate A from B 分别, 辨别, 区分 discriminate between right and wrong • discriminate right from wrong • discriminate against sb / in favour of sb 歧视 /偏袒某人 • Society still discriminates against women/in favour of men. • discrimination n.歧视;辨别力,识别力;鉴 赏力

• burst in on a meeting 打断会议 • burst into sth 突然猛烈地发出/产生出某事物
• The aircraft crashed into the hillside , ____ into flames.
• burst into tears//laughter =burst out crying/laughing
1. Sometimes ,people with this deadly virus live for years with no outward symptoms, so they do not know that they are carriers. 2.Eventually, the body’s immune system becomes so weak that the person often becomes very ill from usually mild sickness. 3.HIV is spreading across the world at a high rate ,with about 7000 people catching the virus daily. 4.By the end of 2009 , there were about 740,000 HIV carriers in China ,among whom about 105,000 were Aids patients . 5. In a bid to control the problem, the government has opened labs to monitor the disease, and in 2003 it also started providing free drugs for Aids parents.
He made a bid of 50 dollars for the table. a bid for power 权力之争 rival bids for the cleaning contract对清洁合同的
竞争性投标 in a bid to do = in order to do
(1)用适当的介词填空 ①We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding a_g_a_i_n_stus. ②He made a bid of one hundred dollars on/for the vase. (2)同义句改写 Claire bid 300 pounds for the furniture.(用名词bid改写) Claire made a bid of 300 pounds for the furniture.
1.bathe vt.&vi. (1 )(给……) 洗澡,沐浴
It is high time/about time we ____ the baby. (2) 用清水洗(尤指身体部位)
bathe the wound bathe sth (in sth) (以光线)洒满,覆盖;使沐浴(
搭配:be bathed in sunshine 沐浴在阳光下 _____ in the golden sunshine, the garden looks