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Chapter 1 Money

1.1 Definition of Money

1.2 Types of Money

1.3 Functions of Money

1.4 Interest and Interest Rate

1.5 Money Supply

1.6 China's Monetary System


Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange

2.1 Definitions and Quotations

2.2 Foreign Exchange Transactions


Chapter 3 Balance of Payments

3.1 The Definition of BOP

3.2 The General Principle of BOP

3.3 The Components of Balance of Payment Statement 3.4 Equilibrium of BOP


Chapter 4 International Monetary System

4.1 The Gold Standard

4.2 Bretton Woods System

4.3 The Jamaica System

4.4 The Present and the Future


Chapter 5 Financial Market

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Money Market

5.3 Capital Market


Chapter 6 Securities

6.1 Overview

6.2 Stock

6.3 Bond


Chapter 7 Loans

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Major Loan Categories

7.3 Loan Classification by Risk


Chapter 8 Accounting

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Accounting Principles

8.3 Accounting Equation

8.4 Double Entry Bookkeeping System

8.5 Financial Statements


Chapter 9 International Settlement ( I )

9.1 Instruments of International settlement

9.2 Remittance

9.3 Collection


Chapter 10 International Settlement (II )

10.1 Definition of Letter of Credit

10.2 Parties to a Documentary Credit

10.3 Procedures of a Documentary Credit

10.4 Types of Credit


Chapter 11 Financial Institutions in China

11.1 The Banking Sector in China

11.2 Non-bank Financial Institution

11.3 Foreign Banking Institution in China Exercises

Chapter 12 International Financial Institutions ( I ) 12.1 International Monetary Fund(IMF)

12.2 The World Bank


Chapter 13 International Financial Institutions ( II ) 13.1 Bank for International Settlement (BIS)13.2 Asian Development Bank (ADB)Exercises

Chapter 14 Insurance

14.1 Insurance and Risks

14.2 Insurance principles

14.3 Types of insurance

14.4 Reinsurance


Chapter 15 A Brief Account of Financial Crisis

15.1 Definition of Financial Crisis

15.2 Types of Financial Crisis

15.3 Causes and Consequences of Financial Crisis

15.4 A brief Introduction:the Subprime Loan Market Crisis Exercises

Keys to Exercises
