



2005年Lea el siguiente texto y rellene los espacios en blanco con preposiciones o artículos (o su forma contracta) : (8 puntos 0.4/20)Uno de los lugares más fascinantes (迷人的) ________ Guatemala es Tikal, un conjunto de ruinas mayas que fueron descubiertas ________ medio de la selva. En Tikal hay unas 3.000 construcciones distintas y muchas residencias________ mediano tamaño. El palacio ceremonial es impres ionante. Allí se pueden ver más de 200 monumentos ________ piedra y muchísimas cámaras subterráneas cavadas en la roca.Para llegar a Tikal, ________ capital, el avión pasa por ________ selva espesa que se extiende _______ todas direcciones. ________ cabo de una hora de vuelo, aparece el gran lago Petén Itzá. ______unos 15 minutos de vuelo_______ norte del lago, el avión aterriza (着陆) en un campo, a unos 200 metros ____ el nivel del mar. Hay vehículos que esperan al avión para transportar a los pasajeros _____ pequeño hotel rústico donde los visitantes descansan antes de su visita a las ruinas mayas.La civilización maya es una de las civilizaciones prehispánicas más notables._______ mayas tenían una organización política semejante a ________ de los griegos, y practicaban el comercio ________ éxito. En el campo de la cultura, sobresalían ________ la arquitectura, la escultura y la pintura. También desarrollaron conocimientos avanzados de astronomía (天文), como lo demuestran sus calendarios. Tenían además sistemas de numeración que incluían el concepto ________ cero y un sistema de escritura que aún no se ha podido descifrar.Los mayas abandonaron esta ciudad mucho antes de la llegada de los españoles; no se sabe ________ certeza (确切) por qué. Algunos arqueólogos dicen que fue por una epidemia (瘟疫) o quizá por cambios bruscos en el clima. Sea cual sea la razón, ________ cierto es que dejaron una de las ciudades más fascinantes de ________ América precolombina.2006年Rellene los espacios en blanco con artículos o la forma contracta del artículo y las preposiciones en caso necesario: (6 puntos 0.4×15)1. Antonio Ramírez entró en ____________ sala de actos rodeado por muchos admiradores. Era ____________ hombre alto con el pelo muy blanco, vestido con un traje de _____________ color marrón. Iván, al verlo, se acercó y le estrechó _____________ mano. Luego, le presentó a los demás miembros de su familia. Mientras lo hacía, Matilde se puso pálida y sus ojos se quedaron fijos en _____________ figura de _____________ señor Ramírez.2. David creía que él era listo y que, por tanto, podía ganarse ____________ vida sin _____________ menor esfuerzo.3. A ____________ día siguiente, a ____________ ocho de ____________ mañana, sonó ____________ teléfono. Era mi amigo Juan. Me trajo una gran noticia: él había sido admitido por ____________ universidad más famosa del país.4. Nació en Málaga ____________ día 1 de __________ febrero de 1872.2007年Rellene los espacios en blanco con artículos o formas contractas deartículo y preposiciones en caso necesario: (6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. El profesor Moreno siempre termina ________ clase con ________ pequeño resumen de lo que ha explicado.2. Para ser buen comerciante, hay que tener ________ buena vista.3. Le ha molestado mucho el que te hicieras ________ tonto ante el público.4. A ________ anochecer, ________ gruesas gotas de lluvia cayeron sobre________ tierra.5. No me gusta nada ________ sabor de cebolla.6. La tortilla a ________ española es uno de los platos más baratos y populares.7. Nunca tenemos ________ confianza en ________ que prometen mucho.8. Vivimos unos momentos históricos. Nunca ha habido, en ________ historia humana, ________ momento en el que hayamos tenido ________ oportunidad de ahora para construir la vida con ________ mejor calidad para todos.________ nuevas tecnologías y ________ eliminación de barreras nos permiten ________ nivel de acercamiento que jamás existió y, por lo tanto, con mayor acceso a ________ cultura y a ________ productos de otros países.2008年Rellena los espacios en blanco con artículos en caso necesario: (6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. ________ mujer española es cada vez más práctica y le pide a ________ tecnología que sea útil, dejando ________ tema del diseño en un segundo plano. Para ella, ________ teléfono móvil e Internet ya no son considerados como_________ elementos de las nuevas tecnologías, sino que son parte de su vida cotidiana.2. ________ verano de 1950 fue fabuloso. Ocurrieron cosas extraordinarias. ________ hecho más notable fue ________ llegada a nuestra ciudad de dos hermanas cuya presencia llamativa y su inconfundible manera de hablar nos dejaron asombrados a todos, y a mí, más que a los otros. Una se llamaba Lily y era algo más bajita que ________ otra, Lucy. Yo de Lily me enamoré a primera vista.3. Si preguntas a ________ español que tiene ________ casa grande: “¿Dónde está su casa?”, y te responde que su casita está cerca, no quiere decir que viva en ________ casa pequeña, sino que como le gusta su casa, se refiere a ella con _______ cariño, cambiando ________ palabra casa por casita. ________ españoles hacen esto muy frecuentemente; ________ terminación –ito o –ita indica tamaño pequeño o afecto por ________ persona o ________ objeto. Mi hermanito puede indicar que ________ hermano es muy joven, que es________ niño pequeño, o “mi querido hermano”.2009年Rellena los espacios en blanco con artículos o formas contractas deartículo y preposiciones en casos necesarios:(6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. Cristina nos cuenta ________ anécdota acerca de ________ preferencia de comida de la Reina:-En los viajes de preparación de ________ visita de ________ Estado, nos preguntaban por ________ gustos de ella y s iempre les decíamos que le encantaba ________ chocolate. Pero tuvimos que añadir algunas veces que no hacía falta que le ofrecieran ________ chocolate a todas ________ horas.2. Se acerca la Nochebuena. Doña Amparo ha dejado ________ mensaje sobre la mesa de ________ comedor a su marido. Le pide que le deje algo de________ dinero, que ya ha gastado el que le ha dado para ________ semana y no le queda para comprar ________ pavo de Navidad y darle ________de en de dedesde una por/en al Tras al sobre aLos la con en delcon lo la2006年1. la, un, /, la, la, del2. la, el3. Al, las, la, el, la4. el, /2007年1. la, un2. una3. el4. Al, /, la5. el,6. la7. /, los / las8. la, un, la, /. Las, la, un, la, los2008年1. la, la . el, el, /2. El, El, la, la3. un español, una casa, una casa, / cariño, la palabra, Los españoles, la term inación, una / la persona o un / el objeto, el hermano, un niño2009年1. una, launa, / , los, el, / , /2, un, del, /, una, el, un3. La primera, del cristal, el/不填 paraguas(paraguas为单数阳性名词;un paraguas;中文:伞; 其复数形式仍为los paraguas)2010年1. (1) Las, (2) 不填, 3) del.2. (4) una, (5) 不填, (6) un, (7) la, (8) el.3. (9) una, (10) un, (11) un, (12) Al, (13) una, (14) un,(15) los, (16) una, (17) un, (18) el, (19) el, (20) del.。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 130 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN ]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.1. According to the conversation, Mr Johnson is NOT very strong inA. history.B. geography.C. mathematics.D. art.2. Mr Johnson thinks that _______ can help him a lot in the job.A. logicB. writingC. historyD. mathematics3. Mr Johnson would like to work as a(n)A. adviser.B. computer programmer.C. product designer.D. school teacher.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C. To know how housework is shared.D. To investigate what people do at the weekend.5. What does the man do on Fridays?A. He goes to exercise classes.B. He goes sailing.C. He goes to the cinema.D. He stays at home.6. On which day does the couple always go out?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.D. Any weekday.7. Which personal detail does the man give?A. Surname.B. First name.C. Address.D. Age.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. Parcel Express needs the following details about the sender EXCEPTA. name.B. address.C. receipt.D. phone number.9. Parcels must be left open mainly forA. customs’ check.B. security check.C. convenience’s sake.D. the company’s sake.10. The woman’s last inquiry is mainl y concerned withA. the time needed for sending the parcel.B. the flight time to New York.C. the parcel destination.D. parcel collection.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.11. Where is the train to Nanjing now standing?A. At Platform 7.B. At Platform 8.C. At Platform 9.D. At Platform 13.12. Which train will now leave at 11:35?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.13. Which train has now been cancelled?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.14. The museum was built in memory of thoseA. who died in wars.B. who worked to help victims.C. who lost their families in disasters.D. who fought in wars.15. Henry Durant put forward the idea because heA. had once fought in a war in Italy.B. had been wounded in a war.C. had assisted in treating the wounded.D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.16. Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?A. Both are used as the organizati on’s official symbols.B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.C. The red cross was the organization’s original symbol.D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.17. How should cheerleading be viewed according to the passage?A. It is just a lot of cheering.B. It mainly involves yelling.C. It mainly involves dancing.D. It is competitive in nature.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?A. They set fireworks for their team.B. They put on athletic shows.C. They run around the spectators.D. They yell for people to buy drinks.19. Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?A. Because they try dangerous acts to catch people’s attention.B. Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.C. Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.D. Because they dance too much every day for practice.20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.B. Cheerleaders’ contests are only held at the state level.C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898.SECTION C NEWS BROAOCASTQuestions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.21. How many of the emigrants died after being thrown into the sea?A. 15 of them.B. 3 of them.C. 100 of them.D. Dozens of them.22. The illegal emigrants came fromA. Italy.B. Africa.C. the Mediterranean region.D. places unknown. Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.23. What does the news item mainly report?A. China will send three people into space in a week.B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space.C. The Shenzhou VI will be launched next year.D. Shenzhou V circled the earth for two days.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.24. Which of the following had NOT been affected by the wildfires?A. Houses.B. Land.C. Skies.D. Cars.25. The fires were thought to have been startedA. purposefully.B. accidentally.C. on the Mexican border.D. in southern California.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.26. ________ ranks second among leading tourism nations.A. FranceB. The United StatesC. SpainD. Italy27. It is predicted that by 2020 China will receive _________ visitors.A. 77 millionB. 130 millionC. 36.8 millionD. 100 million28. According to a Xinhua report, last year saw a _________ per cent increase in the number of Chinese traveling abroad.A. 16.6B. 30C. 100D. 37Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.29. What would happen to the Argentine officers?A. They would be arrested by Spanish authorities.B. They would be tried in an Argentine court.C. They would be sent to Spain for trial.D. They would be tortured or murdered.30. What accusation would the Argentine officers face?A. Violation of human rights.B. Involvement in illegal actions.C. Planning anti-government activities.D. Being part of the military rule.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN. ]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) “(31) ______ home”. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32) ________ of cash and location on achieving that idea.Cash (33) ________, in fact, often means that the only way of (34) _________ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35) _________ financially. There are obvious (36) ________of living at home—personal laundry is usually (37) _________ done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38) _________. And there is (39) _________ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc. On the other hand, (40) _________ depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—(41) _________do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) __________ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a(n) (43) _________, and that you finally have the money to leave,how do you (44) _________ finding somewhere else to live? If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are (45) _________well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always (46) _________. If you are going to work in a (47) _________ area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, (48) _________ these should be approached with (49) _________. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the (50) ________ of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you.31. A. ideal B. perfect C. imaginary D. satisfactory32. A. deficiencies B. weaknesses C. insufficiencies D. limitations33. A. cut B. shortage C. lack D. drain34. A. getting over B. getting in C. getting back D. getting along35. A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. proceed36. A. concerns B. issues C. advantages D. problems37. A. still B. always C. habitually D. consequently38. A. call in B. call over C. call upon D. call out39. A. always B. rarely C. little D. sometimes40. A. little B. enough C. many D. much41. A. and B. but C. still D. or42. A. tolerant B. hostile C. indifferent D. good-tempered43. A. agreement B. consensus C. compromise D. deal44. A. go about B. go over C. go in for D. go through45. A. seldom B. less C. probably D. certainly46. A. dependent B. a good source of informationC. of great valueD. reliable47. A. familiar B. cold C. humid D. new48. A. though B. while C. since D. as49. A. enthusiasm B. hesitation C. caution D. concern50. A. same B. equivalent C. equal D. similarityPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN ]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better thanI can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make58. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but59. Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman60. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…take61. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be62. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A.objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having63. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if65. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs66. –Why are you staring?–I’ve never seen ______tree before.A. kind ofB. that kind ofC. such kindD. such67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________.A. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of his bad temper.A. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending.A. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s.A. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.A. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it.A. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarelyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN ]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT AIt was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’t’ know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy m ulti-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses hoofs from "Wagon Train" or "Cheyenne", and laughter from "I Love Lucy" or "Mister Ed", After supper, we' d sprawl on Mom' s bed ..and stare for hours at the tube.But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned--books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. "You boys are going to read two books every week," she said. "And you’re going to write me a report on what you read."We moaned and complained about how un fair it was. Besides, we didn’t have any books in the house other than Mom’s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: "I' Il drive you to the library."So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly among the children’s books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page.Soon I began to look forward to visiting this hushed sanctuary from my other world. I moved from animals to plants, and then to rocks. Between the covers of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go anywhere in them. Along the way a funny thing happened: I started to know things. Teachers started to notice it too. I got to the point where I couldn’t wait to get home to my books.Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of paediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins C hildren’s Centre in Baltimore. Sometimes I still can' t believe my life' s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began--the day Mom snapped off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.81. We can learn from the beginning of the passage thatA. the author and his brother had done poorly in school.B. the author had been very concerned about his school work.C. the author had spent much time watching TV after school.D. the author had realized how important schooling was.82. Which of the following is NOT true about the author’s family?A. He came from a middle-class family.B. He came from a single-parent family.C. His mother worked as a cleaner.D. His mother had received little education.83. The mother was ________ to make her two sons switch to reading books.A. hesitantB. unpreparedC. reluctantD. determined84. How did the two boys feel about going to the library at first?A. They were afraid.B. They were reluctant.C. They were indifferent.D. They were eager to go.85. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT thatA. he began to see something in his mind.B. he could visualize what he read in his mind.C. he could go back to read the books again.D. he realized that books offered him new experience.TEXT BPredicting the future is always risky. But it's probably safe to say that at least a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century as America's “Disney era”. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents modern America as powerfully as the company that created Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.The reasons for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty of other respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. After setting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising — something his company still does brilliantly today.But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disney always made sure his films championed the “little guy”, and made him feel proud to be American. This he achieved by creating characters that reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people. Somecelebrated American achievements —Disney's very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, was inspired by Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. Others, like the There Little Pigs and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, showed how, through hard work and helping one's fellow man or Americans could survive social and economic crises like the Great Depression.Disney's other great virtue was the fact that his company — unlike other big corporations —had a human face. His Hollywood studio —the public heard —operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on first name terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons celebrate America, but, during World War II, studios made training films for American soldiers.The reality, of course, was less idyllic. As the public would later learn, Disney's patriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he became convinced that Hollywood had been infiltrated by Communists. He agreed to work for the FBI as a mole, identifying and spying on colleagues whom he suspected were subversives.But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. A new book, The Magic Kingdom; Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, by Steven Watts, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary Americans — in the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt, believing he was a champion of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as some have suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat, in which he portrayed FBI agents as bungling incompetents.By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was “Uncle Walt”— the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented them all their lives, the man who represented all that was good about America.86. Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPTA. painting.B. creativityC. management.D. merchandising.87. According to the passage, what was the pleasant side of Disney’s patriotism?A. He sided with ordinary Americans in his films.B. He supported America’s war efforts in his own way.C. He had doubts about large, bureaucratic organizations.D. He voted for Franklin Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s.88. In the sixth paragraph the sente nce “Disney was more or less the genuine article” means that ______.A. Disney was a creative and capable person.B. Disney once agreed to work for the FBI.C. Disney ran his company in a democratic way.D. Disney was sympathetic with ordinary people.89. The writer’s attitude toward Walt Disney can best be described asA. sympathetic.B. objective.C. critical.D. skeptical.TEXT CWhy do you listen to music? If you should put this question to a number of people, you might receive answers like these: “I like the beat of music”,“I look for attractive tunefulness”, “I am moved by the sound of choral singing”,“I listen to music for many reasons but I could not begin to describe them to you clearly.” Answers to this question would be many and dive rse, yet almost no one would reply, “Music means nothing to me.” To most of us, music means something; it evokes some response. We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music.For many, the enjoyment of music does not remain at a standstill. We feel that we can get more satisfaction from the musical experience. We want to make closer contact with music in order to learn more of its nature; thus we can range more broadly and freely in the areas of musical style, form, and expression. This book explores ways of achieving these objectives. It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show how technique is directed toward expressive aims in music and toward the listener’s musical experience. In this way, we may get an idea of th e composer’s intentions, for indeed, the composer uses every musi cal device for its power to communicate and for its contribution to the musical experience.Although everyone hears music differently, there is a common ground from which all musical experiences grow. That source is sound itself. Sound is the raw material of music. It makes up the body and substance of all musical activity. It is the point of departure in the musical experience.The kinds of sound that can be used for musical purposes are amazingly varied. Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression. Listen to Oriental theatre music, then to an excerpt from a Wagner work; these two are worlds apart in their qualities of sound as well as in almost every other feature, yet each says something of importance to some listeners. Each can stir a listener and evoke a response in him. All music, whether it is the pulsation of primitive tribal drums or the complex coordination of voices and instruments in an opera, has this feature: it is based upon the power of sound to stir our senses and feelings.Yet sound alone is not music. Something has to happen to the sound. It must move forward in time. Everything that takes place musically involves the movement of sound. If we hear a series of drumbeats, we receive an impression of movement from one stroke to the next. When sounds follow each other in a pattern of melody, we receive an impression of movement from one tone to the next. All music moves; and because it moves, it is associated with a fundamental truth of existence and experience. We are stirred by impressions of movement because our very lives are constantly in movement. Breathing, the action of the pulse, growth, decay, the change of day and night, as well as the constant flow of physical action-these all testify to the fundamental role that movement plays in our lives. Music appeals to our desire and our need for movement.。



专四往年考试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The weather forecast says it will be ________ tomorrow.A. rainyB. rainy dayC. rainy weatherD. rain2. He is a ________ man who is always ready to help others.A. aloneB. lonelyC. alonenessD. loneliness3. The company has decided to ________ the new product line.A. launchB. landC. latchD. latch on4. She is ________ to her mother in appearance.A. similarB. alikeC. similar toD. alike to5. The professor gave us a ________ lecture on the history of art.A. fascinatingB. fascinatedC. fascinatinglyD. fascinatedly二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The ________ of the meeting has been postponed due to the sudden illness of the speaker.7. The ________ between the two countries has been tense since the border dispute.8. The ________ of the project was completed on schedule, much to the relief of the team.9. The ________ of the book is quite engaging, making it a bestseller.10. The ________ of the company's success can be attributed to its innovative strategies.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In recent years, the popularity of e-books has surged, with many people opting for digital versions of their favorite novels and non-fiction works. This shift has been attributed to the convenience and portability of e-books, as well as the environmental benefits of reducing paper waste. However, some argue that the traditional paper book still holds a special place in the hearts of readers, offering a tactile experience that cannot be replicated by digital formats.11. What is the main reason for the increase in e-bookpopularity?12. What are the two benefits mentioned for e-books?13. Who believes that paper books are irreplaceable?14. What is the argument against e-books in terms of the reading experience?四、作文题(20分)15. Write an essay of about 300 words on the topic "The Impact of Technology on Traditional Book Reading."答案:一、选择题1. A2. B3. A4. C5. A二、填空题6. cancellation7. relationship8. implementation9. narrative10. success三、阅读理解11. The convenience and portability of e-books.12. Convenience, portability, and environmental benefits.13. Some readers.14. The tactile experience of paper books.四、作文题评分标准应依据内容的相关性、语言的准确性、组织结构的合理性以及观点的深度和广度。



高校西班牙语专业四级测试口语听力考题2005年高校西班牙语专业四级考试口语听力试题Primero: dictado1.听写。






(10 puntos)Para las personas que viven en el siglo XXI, es de mucha importancia hablar más de una lengua. En el caso de los que viven en los Estados Unidos, tal vez la segunda lengua deba ser el español. Este idioma es la lengua nacional de una veintena de países. Además, su uso en los Estados Unidos está aumentando.El esp añol tuvo su origen en el latín, lengua que se extendió por casi toda Europa, sobre todo en Europa Occidental. Posteriormente, los conquistadores y colonizadores españoles que llegaron a América llevaron allí su lengua. Esto diocomo resultad o la sustitución de gran parte de las lenguas indígenas por el español. Sin embargo, aquellas lenguas, a su vez, contribuyeron al enriquecimiento del español con algunas palabras nuevas, como por ejemplo: patata, maíz, chocolate, tomate, etc. (129 palabras)听写到此结束。



2005 年 12 月大学英语四级考试试题及参考答案Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Part 1 Section A1A)See a doctorB)Stay in bed for a few days.C)Get treatment in a better hospital.D)Make a phone call to the doctor.2A) The 2:00 train will arrive earlier.C)The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.D)they are gong to have some fast food on the train.3A) She has been longing to attend Harvard University.B)She’ll consider the man’s suggestion carefully.C)She has finished her project with Dr. Garcia’s help.D)She’ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school.4A)Alice didn’t seem to be nervous during her speech.B)Alice needs more training in making public speeches.C)The man can hard ly understand Alice’s presentation.D)The man didn’t think highly of Alice’s presentation.5A)It ’s worse than 30 years ago.B)It remains almost the same as before.C)There are more extremes in the weather.D)There has been a significant rise in temperature.6A)At a publishing house.B)At a bookstore.C)In a reading roomD)In Prof. Jordan’s office7A)The man can stay in her brother’s apartment.B)Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel.C)Her brother can find an apartment for the man.D)The man should have booked a less expensive hotel. 8A)Priority should be given to listening.B)It ’s most helpful to read English newspapers every day.C)It ’s more effective to combine listening with reading.D)Reading should come before listening.9A)It can help solve complex problems.B)It will most likely prove ineffectiveC)It is a new weapon against terrorists.D)It will help detect all kinds of liars.10A)Help the company recruit graduate students.B)Visit the electronics company next week.C)Get apart-time job on campus before graduation.D)Apply for a job in the electronics companySection BPassage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11A)It ha been proven to be the best pain-killer.B)It is a possible cure for heart disease.C)It can help lower high body temperature effectively.D)It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.12A)It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.B)It speeds up their recovery after surgery.C)It in creases the blood flow to the heart.D)It adjusts their blood pressure.13A)It is harmful to heart surgery patients with stomach bleeding.B)It should not be taken by heart surgery patients before the operation.C)It will have considerable side effects if taken in large doses.D)It should not be given to patients immediately after the operation. Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14A)They strongly believe in family rules.B)They are very likely to succeed in life.C)They tend to take responsibility for themselvesD)They are in the habit of obeying their parents.15A)They grow up to be funny and charming.B)They often have a poor sense of direction.C)They get less attention from their parents.D)They tend to be smart and strong-willed.16A)They usually don’t follow family rules.B)They don ’t like to take chances in their lives.C)They are less likely to be successful in life.D)They tend to believe in their parent’s ideas.Passage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17A)They wanted to follow his example.B)They fully supported his undertaking.C)They were puzzled by his decision.D)They were afraid he wasn’t fully prepared.18A)It is more exciting than space travel.B)It is much cheaper than space travel.C)It is much safer than space travel.D)It is less time-consuming than space travel.19A)They both attract scientists’attentionB)They can both be quite challengingC)They are both thought-provoking.D)They may both lead to surprising findings.20A)To show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be. B)To provide an excuse for his changeable character.C)To explore the philosophical issues of space travel.D)To explain why he took up underwater exploration.Part IIReading comprehension (35 minutes)Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect“ saddle curl,” the Lay’ s potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. But itsmaker. Frito- Lay. Thinks otherwise.” Potato chips are a snack food for the world,” said Salman Amin, the company’ s head of global marketing. Amin believes there is no corner ofthe world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip.Frito-Lay is the biggest snack maker in America. owned by PepsiCo. And accounts forover half of the parent company ’ s $3 billion annual profits. But the U.S. snack food market is largelysaturated, and to grow. the company has to look overseas.Its strategy rests on two beliefs: first a global product offers economies of scale withwhich local brands cannot compete. And second, consumers in the 21st century are drawn to“ global ” as a concept.” Global” does not mean products that are consciously identified asAmerican, but ones than consumes-especially young people-see as part of a modem,innovative( 创新的 )world in which people are linked across cultures by shared beliefs andtastes. Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not knowthan Frito- Lay is an American company. Instead, Riskey, the company ’ s research anddevelopment head, would hope they associate the brand with the new world of globalcommunications and business.With brand perception a crucial factor, Riskey ordered a redesign of the Frito-Laylogo( 标识 ).The logo, along with the company-’heldslongmarketing image of the“ irresistibility” of its chips. would help facilitate the company’ s global expansion.The executives acknowledge that they try to swing national eating habits to a foodcreated in America, but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism. Rater, they seeFrito- Lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world.“ We’ re making products in those countries, we’ re adapting them to the tastes of those countries, buildingbusinesses and employing people and changing lives,” said Steve Reinemund, PepsiCo’ s chief executive.21.It is the belief of Frito- Lay’s head of global marking that_____.A)Potato chips can hardly be used as a weapon to dominate the world marketB)Their company must find new ways to promote domestic sales.C)The light golden color enhances the c harm of their company’s potato chipsD)People the world over enjoy eating their company’s potato chips22.What do we learn about Frito-Lay from Paragraph 2?A)Its products use to be popular among overseas consumers.B)Its expansion has caused fierce competition in the snack marker.C)It gives half of its annual profits to its parent company.D)It needs to turn to the word market for development.23.One of the assumptions on which Frito-Lay bases its development strategy isthat_____.A)consumers worldwide today are attracted by global brandsB)local brands cannot compete successfully with American brandsC)products suiting Chinese consumers’ needs bring more profitsD)products identified as American will have promising market value24.Why did Riskey have the Frito-Lay logo redesigned?A)To suit changing tastes of young consumers.B)To promote the company's strategy of globalization.C)To change the company ’s long-held marketing image.D)To compete with other American chip producers.25.Frito-Lay's executives claim that the promoting of American food in the international market_____.A)won't affect the eating habits of the local peopleB)will lead to economic imperialismC)will be in the interest of the local peopleD)won’t spoil the taste of their chipsPassage TwoQuestion 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.In communities north of Denver, residents are pitching in to help teachers andadministrators as the Vrain school District tries to solve a $13.8 million budget shortageblamed on mismanagement.” We’ re worried about our teachers and principals, and we reallydon ’ t want to lose them because of this,” one parent sail.“ If we can help ease their financial burden, we will.”Teachers are grateful, but know it may be years before the district is solvent(有综合能力的 ). They feel really good about the parent support, but they realize it’s impossible forthen to solve this problem.The 22,000-student district discovered the shortag e last month.“It’s extraordinary.Nobody would have imagined something happening like this at this level,” said State Treasurer Mike Coffman.Coffman and district officials last week agreed on a state emergency plan freeing yp a$9.8 million loan that enabled the payroll( 工资单 ) to be met for 2,700 teachers and staff intime for the holidays.District officials also took $1.7 million from student-activity accounts its 38schools.At Coffman ’s request, the District Attorney has begun investigating the district’s finances. Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortageuntil after the November election., when voters approved a $212 million bond issue forschools.In Frederick, students’ parents are buying classroomppliessu and offering to pay forgroceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs.Some $36,000 has been raised in donations from Safeway. A Chevrolet dealershipdonated $10,000 and forgave the district’ s $10,750enting thebill fordriver educating cars.IBM contributed 4,500 packs of paper.“We employ thousands of people in this community,” said Mitch Carson, a hospitalchief executive, who helped raise funds.“ We have children in the school, and we see how they could be affected.”At Creek High School, three students started a website that displays newspaper articles,district information and an email forum(论坛)。



2005年英语专业4级(TEM-4)真题及参考答案TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 130 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.1. According to the conversation, Mr Johnson is NOT very strong inA. history.B. geography.C. mathematics.D. art.2. Mr Johnson thinks that _______ can help him a lot in the job.A. logicB. writingD. mathematics3. Mr Johnson would like to work as a(n)A. adviser.B. computer programmer.C. product designer.D. school teacher.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C. To know how housework is shared.D. To investigate what people do at the weekend.5. What does the man do on Fridays?A. He goes to exercise classes.B. He goes sailing.C. He goes to the cinema.D. He stays at home.6. On which day does the couple always go out?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.D. Any weekday.7. Which personal detail does the man give?A. Surname.B. First name.C. Address.D. Age.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. Parcel Express needs the following details about the sender EXCEPTA. name.B. address.D. phone number.9. Parcels must be left open mainly forA. customs’ check.B. security check.C. convenience’s sake.D. the company’s sake.10. The woman’s l ast inquiry is mainly concerned withA. the time needed for sending the parcel.B. the flight time to New York.C. the parcel destination.D. parcel collection.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passagescarefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.11. Where is the train to Nanjing now standing?A. At Platform 7.B. At Platform 8.C. At Platform 9.D. At Platform 13.12. Which train will now leave at 11:35?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.13. Which train has now been cancelled?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the14. The museum was built in memory of thoseA. who died in wars.B. who worked to help victims.C. who lost their families in disasters.D. who fought in wars.15. Henry Durant put forward the idea because heA. had once fought in a war in Italy.B. had been wounded in a war.C. had assisted in treating the wounded.D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.16. Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?A. Both are used as the organization’s official symbols.B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.C. The red cross was the organization’s original symbol.D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.17. How should cheerleading be viewed according to the passage?A. It is just a lot of cheering.B. It mainly involves yelling.C. It mainly involves dancing.D. It is competitive in nature.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?A. They set fireworks for their team.B. They put on athletic shows.C. They run around the spectators.D. They yell for people to buy drinks.19. Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?A. Because they try dangerous acts to catch people’s attention.B. Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.C. Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.D. Because they dance too much every day for practice.20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.B. Cheerleaders’ contests are only held at the state level.C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898.SECTION C NEWS BROAOCASTQuestions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.21. How many of the emigrants died after being thrown into the sea?A. 15 of them.B. 3 of them.C. 100 of them.D. Dozens of them.22. The illegal emigrants came fromA. Italy.B. Africa.C. the Mediterranean region.D. places unknown.Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.23. What does the news item mainly report?A. China will send three people into space in a week.B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space.C. The Shenzhou VI will be launched next year.D. Shenzhou V circled the earth for two days.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.24. Which of the following had NOT been affected by the wildfires?A. Houses.B. Land.C. Skies.D. Cars.25. The fires were thought to have been startedA. purposefully.B. accidentally.C. on the Mexican border.D. in southern California.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.26. ________ ranks second among leading tourism nations.A. FranceB. The United StatesC. SpainD. Italy27. It is predicted that by 2020 China will receive _________ visitors.A. 77 millionB. 130 millionC. 36.8 millionD. 100 million28. According to a Xinhua report, last year saw a _________ per cent increase in the number of Chinese traveling abroad.A. 16.6B. 30C. 100D. 37Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.29. What would happen to the Argentine officers?A. They would be arrested by Spanish authorities.B. They would be tried in an Argentine court.C. They would be sent to Spain for trial.D. They would be tortured or murdered.30. What accusation would the Argentine officers face?A. Violation of human rights.B. Involvement in illegal actions.C. Planning anti-government activities.D. Being part of the military rule.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN. ]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank onyour answer sheet.A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Dependingon personality, most have in mind a(n) ―(31) ______ home‖. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32)________ of cash and location on achieving that idea.Cash (33) ________, in fact, often means that the only way of (34) _________ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35) _________ financially. There are obvious (36) ________of living at home—personal laundryis usually (37) _________ done along with the family wash; meals are providedand there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38) _________. Andthere is (39) _________ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.On the other hand, (40) _________ depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—(41) _________do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) __________ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a(n) (43) _________, and that you finally have the money to leave, how do you (44) _________ finding somewhere else to live?If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are (45)_________well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always (46)_________. If you are going to work in a (47) _________ area, again there arethe papers—and the accommodation agencies, (48) _________ these should be approached with (49) _________. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usuallythe (50) ________ of the first week’s re nt, if you take accommodation they have found for you.31. A. ideal B. perfect C. imaginary D. satisfactory32. A. deficiencies B. weaknesses C. insufficiencies D. limitations33. A. cut B. shortage C. lack D. drain34. A. getting over B. getting in C. getting back D. getting along35. A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. proceed36. A. concerns b. issues C. advantages D. problems37. A. still B. always C. habitually D. consequently38. A. call in B. call over C. call upon D. call out39. A. always B. rarely C. little D. sometimes40. A. little B. enough C. many D. much41. A. and B. but C. still D. or42. A. tolerant B. hostile C. indifferent D. good-tempered43. A. agreement B. consensus C. compromise D. deal44. A. go about B. go over C. go in for D. go through45. A. seldom B. less C. probably D. certainly46. A. dependent B. a good source of information C. of great value D. reliable47. A. familiar B. cold C. humid D. new48. A. though B. while C. since D. as49. A. enthusiasm B. hesitation C. caution D. concern50. A. same B. equivalent C. equal D. simiarityPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN ]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to adviseyou much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to54. James has just arrive d, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will haveto install _________ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make58. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but59. Do you know Tim’s brothe r? He is _________ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman60. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…take61. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be62. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having63. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if65. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs66. –Why are you staring?–I’ve never seen ______tree before.67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we cansee light at the end of the _________.A. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of hisbad temper.A. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by handsignals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending.A. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition look s very serious and it is doubtful if he will_________.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been towardon-demand, always-available products and service s that suit the customer’s_________ rather than the company’s.A. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.A. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it.A. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarelyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN ]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT ATEXT B注:本文摘自《英语学习四十年精选之异域风情+ 国外风情面面观》Predicting the future is always risky. But it's probably safe to say that atleast a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century as America's ― Disney era ‖ . Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other singlething that represents modern America as powerfully as the company that created Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.The reasons for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty of other respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. After setting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising — something his company still does brilliantly today.But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disney always made sure his films championed the ― little guy ‖ , and made him feel proud to be American. This he achieved by creating characters that reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people. Some celebrated American achievements — Disney's very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, was inspired by Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. Others, like the There Little Pigs and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, showed how, through hard work and helping one's fellow man, or Americans could survive social and economic crises like the Great Depression.Disney's other great virtue was the fact that his company — unlike other big corporations — had a human face. His Hollywood studio — the public heard —operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on firstname terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons celebrate America, but, during World War II, studios made training films for American soldiers.The reality, of course, was less idyllic. As the public would later learn,Disney's patriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in1941, he became convinced that Hollywood had been infiltrated by Communists. He agreed to work for the FBI as a mole, identifying and spying on colleagues whomhe suspected were subversives.But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. A new book, The Magic Kingdom; Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, by Steven Watts, confirms that he was very definitely on the side ofordinary Americans — in the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt,believing he was a champion of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologistfor the FBI, as some have suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat, inwhich he portrayed FBI agents as bungling incompetents.By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison andthe Wright Brothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; tothe public at large, he was ― Uncle Walt ‖— the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented them all their lives, the man whorepresented all that was good about America.86. Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPTA. painting.B. creativityC. management.D. merchandising.87. According to the passage, what was the pleasant side of Disney’s patriotism?A. He sided with ordinary Americans in his films.B. He supported America’s war efforts in his own way.C. He had doubts about large, bureaucratic organizations.D. He voted for Franklin Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s.88. In the sixth paragraph the sentence ―Disney was more or less the genuine article‖ means thatA. Disney was a creative and capable person.B. Disney once agreed to work for the FBI.C. Disney ran his company in a democratic way.D. Disney was sympathetic with ordinary people.89. The writer’s attitude toward Walt Disney can best be described asA. sympathetic.B. objective.C. critical.D. skeptical.TEXT CTEXT DPART VI WRITING [45 MIN. ]SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN]The students’ Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival nextsemester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas andsuggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the followingtopic:MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIV ALYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describeyour idea.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or asummary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN ]Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra.Write a note to your friend, Hilda/Mike, describing briefly what it is andinviting her/him to come with you.Marks will be awarded for content ,organization, grammer and appropriateness.-THE END- From The Wrist WatchIt is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man's jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, / and thenadopted by men. / In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry. / Later, they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers. / Until World War I, Americans associated the watch with fortune hunters. / Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. / Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, / and pilots found them most useful while flying. / Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. / By 1924, some 30 percent of man's watches were worn on the wrist. / Today, the figure is 90 percent. / And they are now worn by both men and women / for practical purposes rather than for decoration.1-10 CABAD BACBA11-20 CBDBD BDBAB21-30 DBBCA CBDCA31-40 AABAA CCABC41-50 BDBAD DDBCD51-60 AABBD ACBBC61-70 ADCCD BDBBC71-80 DABAC ACDDB81-90 CADBC ABDAB<a href=>真题网提供</a><br>。



2005年英语专业四级考试真题及答案2010-4-24 10:10:57 来源:网络作者:kszy【大中小】点击:155次TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 130 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN ]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passagewill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during thistime you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.1. According to the conversation, Mr Johnson is NOT very strong inA. history.B. geography.C. mathematics.D. art.2. Mr Johnson thinks that _______ can help him a lot in the job.A. logicB. writingC. historyD. mathematics3. Mr Johnson would like to work as a(n)A. adviser.B. computer programmer.C. product designer.D. school teacher.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C. To know how housework is shared.D. To investigate what people do at the weekend.5. What does the man do on Fridays?A. He goes to exercise classes.B. He goes sailing.C. He goes to the cinema.D. He stays at home.6. On which day does the couple always go out?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.D. Any weekday.7. Which personal detail does the man give?A. Surname.B. First name.C. Address.D. Age.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. Parcel Express needs the following details about the sender EXCEPTA. name.B. address.C. receipt.D. phone number.9. Parcels must be left open mainly forA. customs’ check.B. security check.C. convenience’s sake.D. the company’s sake.10. The woman’s last inquiry is mainly concerned withA. the time needed for sending the parcel.B. the flight time to New York.C. the parcel destination.D. parcel collection.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.11. Where is the train to Nanjing now standing?A. At Platform 7.B. At Platform 8.C. At Platform 9.D. At Platform 13.12. Which train will now leave at 11:35?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.13. Which train has now been cancelled?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.14. The museum was built in memory of thoseA. who died in wars.B. who worked to help victims.C. who lost their families in disasters.D. who fought in wars.15. Henry Durant put forward the idea because heA. had once fought in a war in Italy.B. had been wounded in a war.C. had assisted in treating the wounded.D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.16. Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?A. Both are used as the organization’s official symbols.B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.C. The red cross was the organization’s original symbol.D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.17. How should cheerleading be viewed according to the passage?A. It is just a lot of cheering.B. It mainly involves yelling.C. It mainly involves dancing.D. It is competitive in nature.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?A. They set fireworks for their team.B. They put on athletic shows.C. They run around the spectators.D. They yell for people to buy drinks.19. Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?A. Because they try dangerous acts to catch people’s attention.B. Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.C. Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.D. Because they dance too much every day for practice.20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.B. Cheerleaders’ contests are only held at the state level.C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898.SECTION C NEWS BROAOCASTQuestions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.21. How many of the emigrants died after being thrown into the sea?A. 15 of them.B. 3 of them.C. 100 of them.D. Dozens of them.22. The illegal emigrants came fromA. Italy.B. Africa.C. the Mediterranean region.D. places unknown.Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.23. What does the news item mainly report?A. China will send three people into space in a week.B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space.C. The Shenzhou VI will be launched next year.D. Shenzhou V circled the earth for two days.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.24. Which of the following had NOT been affected by the wildfires?A. Houses.B. Land.C. Skies.D. Cars.25. The fires were thought to have been startedA. purposefully.B. accidentally.C. on the Mexican border.D. in southern California.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.26. ________ ranks second among leading tourism nations.A. FranceB. The United StatesC. SpainD. Italy27. It is predicted that by 2020 China will receive _________ visitors.A. 77 millionB. 130 millionC. 36.8 millionD. 100 million28. According to a Xinhua report, last year saw a _________ per cent increase inthe number of Chinese traveling abroad.A. 16.6B. 30C. 100D. 37Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.29. What would happen to the Argentine officers?A. They would be arrested by Spanish authorities.B. They would be tried in an Argentine court.C. They would be sent to Spain for trial.D. They would be tortured or murdered.30. What accusation would the Argentine officers face?A. Violation of human rights.B. Involvement in illegal actions.C. Planning anti-government activities.D. Being part of the military rule.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN. ]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) “(31) ______ home”. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32) ________ of cash and location on achieving that idea.Cash (33) ________, in fact, often means that the only way of (34) _________ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35) _________ financially. There are obvious (36) ________of living at home—personal laundry is usually (37) _________ done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38) _________. And there is (39) _________ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.On the other hand, (40) _________ depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—(41) _________do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) __________ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a(n) (43) _________, and that you finally have the money to leave, how do you (44) _________ finding somewhere else to live?If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilitiesare (45) _________well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always (46) _________. If you are going to work in a (47) _________ area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, (48) _________ these should be approached with (49) _________. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the (50) ________ of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you.31. A. ideal B. perfect C. imaginary D. satisfactory32. A. deficiencies B. weaknesses C. insufficiencies D. limitations33. A. cut B. shortage C. lack D. drain34. A. getting over B. getting in C. getting back D. getting along35. A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. proceed36. A. concerns b. issues C. advantages D. problems37. A. still B. always C. habitually D. consequently38. A. call in B. call over C. call upon D. call out39. A. always B. rarely C. little D. sometimes40. A. little B. enough C. many D. much41. A. and B. but C. still D. or42. A. tolerant B. hostile C. indifferent D. good-tempered43. A. agreement B. consensus C. compromise D. deal44. A. go about B. go over C. go in for D. go through45. A. seldom B. less C. probably D. certainly46. A. dependent B. a good source of information C. of great value D.reliable47. A. familiar B. cold C. humid D. new48. A. though B. while C. since D. as49. A. enthusiasm B. hesitation C. caution D. concern50. A. same B. equivalent C. equal D. simiarityPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN ]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make58. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but59. Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman60. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…take61. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be62. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having63. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. Incase, had64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if65. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs66. Why are you staring?I’ve never seen ______tree before.67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________.A. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of his bad temper.A. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending.A. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s.A. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.A. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it.A. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarelyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN ]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT ATEXT BPredicting the future is always risky. But it’s probably safe to say that at least a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century as America’s “ Disney era ” . Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents modern America as powerfully as the company that created Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.The reasons for Disney’s success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty of other respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. After setting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising —something his company still does brilliantly today.But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disney always made sure his films championed the “ little guy ” , and made him feel proud to be American. This he achieved by creating characters that reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people. Some celebrated American achievements —Disney’s very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, was inspired by Charles Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic. Others, like the There Little Pigs and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, showed how, through hard work and helping one’s fellow man, or Americans could survive social and economic crises like the Great Depression.Disney’s other great virtue was the fact that his company — unlike other big corporations — had a human face. His Hollywood studio — the public heard — operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on firstname terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoonscelebrate America, but, during World War II, studios made training films for American soldiers.The reality, of course, was less idyllic. As the public would later learn, Disney’s patriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he became convinced that Hollywood had been infiltrated by Communists. He agreed to work for the FBI as a mole, identifying and spying on colleagues whom he suspected were subversives.But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. A new book, The Magic Kingdom; Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, by Steven Watts, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary Americans — in the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt, believing he was a champion of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as some have suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat, in which he portrayed FBI agents as bungling incompetents.By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was “ Uncle Walt ”— the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented them all their lives, the man who represented all that was good about America.86. Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPTA. painting.B. creativityC. management.D. merchandising.87. According to the passage, what was the pleasant side of Disney’s patriotism?A. He sided with ordinary Americans in his films.B. He supported America’s war efforts in his own way.C. He had doubts about large, bureaucratic organizations.D. He voted for Franklin Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s.88. In the sixth paragraph the sentence “Disney was more or less the genuine article” means thatA. Disney was a creative and capable person.B. Disney once agreed to work for the FBI.C. Disney ran his company in a democratic way.D. Disney was sympathetic with ordinary people.89. The writer’s attitude toward Walt Disney can best be described asA. sympathetic.B. objective.C. critical.D. skeptical.TEXT CTEXT DPART VI WRITING [45 MIN. ]SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN]The students’ Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVALYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN]Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra. Write a note to your friend, Hilda/Mike, describing briefly what it is and inviting her/him to come with you.Marks will be awarded for content ,organization, grammer and appropriateness.参考答案:The Wrist WatchIt is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man’s jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, / and then adopted by men. / In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry. / Later, they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers. / Until World War I, Americans associated the watch with fortune hunters. / Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. / Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, / and pilots found them most useful while flying. / Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. / By 1924, some 30 percent of man’s watches were worn on the wrist. / Today, the figure is 90 percent./ And they are now worn by both men and women / for practical purposes rather than for decoration.1-10 CABAD BACBA11-20 CBDBD BDBAB21-30 DBBCA CBDCA31-40 AABAA CCABC41-50 BDBAD DDBCD51-60 AABBD ACBBC61-70 ADCCD BDBBC71-80 DABAC ACDDB81-90 CADBC ABDAB。





对话1:1. El chico no fue a ver la exposición, porque:a) creía que era una pérdida de tiempo;b) la visita cansaba mucho;c) no sabía que había una exposición;d) había demasiada gente.2. La chica lamentaba que:a) él se hubiera perdido entre los visitantes;b) en el acto de inauguración no estuviera el alcalde;c) no hubiera mucha gente de importancia;d) él no hubiera podido conocer las pinturas de Goya ni a la gente de importancia.对话2:3. La se漀爀愀 se quejó de la asistenta, porque:a) salió del trabajo muy temprano, más o menos a las tres de la tarde;b) al salir, ni siquiera saludó a la se漀爀愀;c) no realizó ningún trabajo doméstico;d) el trabajo casi no le importaba.4. La primera asistenta que le habían mandado el día anterior fue aún peor, pues:a) no lavó la ropa; b) no fregó el piso;c) ni limpió los muebles; d) ni siquiera llegó a casa.对话3:5. El chcio tuvo mala suerte:a) su autobús estuvo atascado por dos horas en una esquina;b) el metro en que viajaba tuvo una avería;c) las ruedas de su coche no se encontraban bien;d) la carretera estaba cerrada aquella ma愀渀愀.6. La chica le aconsejó:a) llegar a la oficina más temprano por la ma愀渀愀;b) vivir en la misma oficina para ahorrarse los viajes;c) no sorprenderla más con sus problemas;d) despreocuparse de los problemas del tráfico..对话4:7. Los dos jueces trataban de ponerse de acuerdo:a) a ambos les interesaba el primer aspirante;b) la juez quería saber si su colega prefería al primero;c) el juez prefería al tercero;d) dice el juez que de todos modos don Jorge quería que le ofrecieran el puesto al primero.8. Para don Jorge lo más importante en un aspirante era:a) sus conocimientos profesionales;b) su disposición de colaborar;c) su capacidad de trabajo;d) el apellido familiar.对话5:9. La se漀爀愀 dice que en el campo se puede :a) ir en carro a todas partes;b) apreciar mejor la naturaleza;c) madrugar menos que en la ciudad;d) vivir con muchas ventajas y comodidades.10. El se漀爀 opina que antes de mudarse a la ciudad,a) no había vivido nunca en una casa de campo;b) no había visto películas con mucha frecuencia;c) había visto muchas autopistas en un solo lugar;d) había visitado museos y había visto obras de teatro.⼆、填空(每⼩题1分,共10题,共10分。




以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的历年全国高校西班牙语专业四级笔试试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生!I.Rellena los espacios en blanco con artículos o formas contractas de artículo y preposiciones en casos necesarios: (6 puntos, 0.3×20) 评分标准:每错一个空扣0.3分;冠词写对,但大小写写错扣0.1分,缩合形式写错扣0.2分。

1.Cristina nos cuenta una anécdota acerca de la preferencia de comida de la Reina: –En los viajes de preparación de una visita de不填 Estado, nos preguntaban por los gustos de ella y siempre les decíamos que le encantaba el chocolate. Pero tuvimos que añadir algunas veces que no hacía falta que le ofrecieran 不填chocolate a todas不填horas.2.Se acerca la Nochebuena. Doña Amparo ha dejado un mensaje sobre la mesa del comedor a su marido. Le pide que le deje algo de不填dinero, que ya ha gastado el que le ha dado para la/una semana y no le queda para comprar el pavo de Navidad y darle un regalo a su hija. primera nevada de aquel invierno comenzó a caer por la mañana. Antes de abrir la puerta, él miró a través del cristal de una ventana para decidir si llevaba o no el/不填 paraguas.4.–Muy bien dicho. –repitió el hombre con su voz de不填soprano(男高音)–. Tiene usted toda la razón, 不填señor López.II.Rellena los espacios en blanco con preposiciones adecuadas o formas contractas de preposiciones y artículo: (8 puntos, 0.4×20) 评分标准:每错一个空扣0.4分;前置词写对,但大小写写错扣0.1分,缩合形式写错扣0.2分。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 130 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN ]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.1. According to the conversation, Mr Johnson is NOT very strong inA. history.B. geography.C. mathematics.D. art.2. Mr Johnson thinks that _______ can help him a lot in the job.A. logicB. writingC. historyD. mathematics3. Mr Johnson would like to work as a(n)A. adviser.B. computer programmer.C. product designer.D. school teacher.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C. To know how housework is shared.D. To investigate what people do at the weekend.5. What does the man do on Fridays?A. He goes to exercise classes.B. He goes sailing.C. He goes to the cinema.D. He stays at home.6. On which day does the couple always go out?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.D. Any weekday.7. Which personal detail does the man give?A. Surname.B. First name.C. Address.D. Age.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. Parcel Express needs the following details about the sender EXCEPTA. name.B. address.C. receipt.D. phone number.9. Parcels must be left open mainly forA. customs’ check.B. security check.C. convenience’s sake.D. the company’s sake.10. The woman’s last inquiry is mainl y concerned withA. the time needed for sending the parcel.B. the flight time to New York.C. the parcel destination.D. parcel collection.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.11. Where is the train to Nanjing now standing?A. At Platform 7.B. At Platform 8.C. At Platform 9.D. At Platform 13.12. Which train will now leave at 11:35?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.13. Which train has now been cancelled?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.14. The museum was built in memory of thoseA. who died in wars.B. who worked to help victims.C. who lost their families in disasters.D. who fought in wars.15. Henry Durant put forward the idea because heA. had once fought in a war in Italy.B. had been wounded in a war.C. had assisted in treating the wounded.D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.16. Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?A. Both are used as the organizati on’s official symbols.B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.C. The red cross was the organization’s original symbol.D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.17. How should cheerleading be viewed according to the passage?A. It is just a lot of cheering.B. It mainly involves yelling.C. It mainly involves dancing.D. It is competitive in nature.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?A. They set fireworks for their team.B. They put on athletic shows.C. They run around the spectators.D. They yell for people to buy drinks.19. Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?A. Because they try dangerous acts to catch people’s attention.B. Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.C. Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.D. Because they dance too much every day for practice.20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.B. Cheerleaders’ contests are only held at the state level.C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898.SECTION C NEWS BROAOCASTQuestions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.21. How many of the emigrants died after being thrown into the sea?A. 15 of them.B. 3 of them.C. 100 of them.D. Dozens of them.22. The illegal emigrants came fromA. Italy.B. Africa.C. the Mediterranean region.D. places unknown. Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.23. What does the news item mainly report?A. China will send three people into space in a week.B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space.C. The Shenzhou VI will be launched next year.D. Shenzhou V circled the earth for two days.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.24. Which of the following had NOT been affected by the wildfires?A. Houses.B. Land.C. Skies.D. Cars.25. The fires were thought to have been startedA. purposefully.B. accidentally.C. on the Mexican border.D. in southern California.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.26. ________ ranks second among leading tourism nations.A. FranceB. The United StatesC. SpainD. Italy27. It is predicted that by 2020 China will receive _________ visitors.A. 77 millionB. 130 millionC. 36.8 millionD. 100 million28. According to a Xinhua report, last year saw a _________ per cent increase in the number of Chinese traveling abroad.A. 16.6B. 30C. 100D. 37Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.29. What would happen to the Argentine officers?A. They would be arrested by Spanish authorities.B. They would be tried in an Argentine court.C. They would be sent to Spain for trial.D. They would be tortured or murdered.30. What accusation would the Argentine officers face?A. Violation of human rights.B. Involvement in illegal actions.C. Planning anti-government activities.D. Being part of the military rule.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN. ]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) “(31) ______ home”. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32) ________ of cash and location on achieving that idea.Cash (33) ________, in fact, often means that the only way of (34) _________ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35) _________ financially. There are obvious (36) ________of living at home—personal laundry is usually (37) _________ done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38) _________. And there is (39) _________ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc. On the other hand, (40) _________ depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—(41) _________do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) __________ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a(n) (43) _________, and that you finally have the money to leave,how do you (44) _________ finding somewhere else to live? If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are (45) _________well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always (46) _________. If you are going to work in a (47) _________ area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, (48) _________ these should be approached with (49) _________. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the (50) ________ of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you.31. A. ideal B. perfect C. imaginary D. satisfactory32. A. deficiencies B. weaknesses C. insufficiencies D. limitations33. A. cut B. shortage C. lack D. drain34. A. getting over B. getting in C. getting back D. getting along35. A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. proceed36. A. concerns B. issues C. advantages D. problems37. A. still B. always C. habitually D. consequently38. A. call in B. call over C. call upon D. call out39. A. always B. rarely C. little D. sometimes40. A. little B. enough C. many D. much41. A. and B. but C. still D. or42. A. tolerant B. hostile C. indifferent D. good-tempered43. A. agreement B. consensus C. compromise D. deal44. A. go about B. go over C. go in for D. go through45. A. seldom B. less C. probably D. certainly46. A. dependent B. a good source of informationC. of great valueD. reliable47. A. familiar B. cold C. humid D. new48. A. though B. while C. since D. as49. A. enthusiasm B. hesitation C. caution D. concern50. A. same B. equivalent C. equal D. similarityPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN ]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better thanI can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make58. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but59. Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman60. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…take61. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be62. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A.objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having63. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if65. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs66. –Why are you staring?–I’ve never seen ______tree before.A. kind ofB. that kind ofC. such kindD. such67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________.A. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of his bad temper.A. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending.A. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s.A. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.A. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it.A. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarelyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN ]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT AIt was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’t’ know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy m ulti-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses hoofs from "Wagon Train" or "Cheyenne", and laughter from "I Love Lucy" or "Mister Ed", After supper, we' d sprawl on Mom' s bed ..and stare for hours at the tube.But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned--books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. "You boys are going to read two books every week," she said. "And you’re going to write me a report on what you read."We moaned and complained about how un fair it was. Besides, we didn’t have any books in the house other than Mom’s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: "I' Il drive you to the library."So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly among the children’s books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page.Soon I began to look forward to visiting this hushed sanctuary from my other world. I moved from animals to plants, and then to rocks. Between the covers of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go anywhere in them. Along the way a funny thing happened: I started to know things. Teachers started to notice it too. I got to the point where I couldn’t wait to get home to my books.Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of paediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins C hildren’s Centre in Baltimore. Sometimes I still can' t believe my life' s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began--the day Mom snapped off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.81. We can learn from the beginning of the passage thatA. the author and his brother had done poorly in school.B. the author had been very concerned about his school work.C. the author had spent much time watching TV after school.D. the author had realized how important schooling was.82. Which of the following is NOT true about the author’s family?A. He came from a middle-class family.B. He came from a single-parent family.C. His mother worked as a cleaner.D. His mother had received little education.83. The mother was ________ to make her two sons switch to reading books.A. hesitantB. unpreparedC. reluctantD. determined84. How did the two boys feel about going to the library at first?A. They were afraid.B. They were reluctant.C. They were indifferent.D. They were eager to go.85. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT thatA. he began to see something in his mind.B. he could visualize what he read in his mind.C. he could go back to read the books again.D. he realized that books offered him new experience.TEXT BPredicting the future is always risky. But it's probably safe to say that at least a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century as America's “Disney era”. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents modern America as powerfully as the company that created Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.The reasons for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty of other respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. After setting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising — something his company still does brilliantly today.But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disney always made sure his films championed the “little guy”, and made him feel proud to be American. This he achieved by creating characters that reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people. Somecelebrated American achievements —Disney's very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, was inspired by Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. Others, like the There Little Pigs and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, showed how, through hard work and helping one's fellow man or Americans could survive social and economic crises like the Great Depression.Disney's other great virtue was the fact that his company — unlike other big corporations —had a human face. His Hollywood studio —the public heard —operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on first name terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons celebrate America, but, during World War II, studios made training films for American soldiers.The reality, of course, was less idyllic. As the public would later learn, Disney's patriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he became convinced that Hollywood had been infiltrated by Communists. He agreed to work for the FBI as a mole, identifying and spying on colleagues whom he suspected were subversives.But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. A new book, The Magic Kingdom; Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, by Steven Watts, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary Americans — in the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt, believing he was a champion of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as some have suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat, in which he portrayed FBI agents as bungling incompetents.By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was “Uncle Walt”— the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented them all their lives, the man who represented all that was good about America.86. Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPTA. painting.B. creativityC. management.D. merchandising.87. According to the passage, what was the pleasant side of Disney’s patriotism?A. He sided with ordinary Americans in his films.B. He supported America’s war efforts in his own way.C. He had doubts about large, bureaucratic organizations.D. He voted for Franklin Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s.88. In the sixth paragraph the sente nce “Disney was more or less the genuine article” means that ______.A. Disney was a creative and capable person.B. Disney once agreed to work for the FBI.C. Disney ran his company in a democratic way.D. Disney was sympathetic with ordinary people.89. The writer’s attitude toward Walt Disney can best be described asA. sympathetic.B. objective.C. critical.D. skeptical.TEXT CWhy do you listen to music? If you should put this question to a number of people, you might receive answers like these: “I like the beat of music”,“I look for attractive tunefulness”, “I am moved by the sound of choral singing”,“I listen to music for many reasons but I could not begin to describe them to you clearly.” Answers to this question would be many and dive rse, yet almost no one would reply, “Music means nothing to me.” To most of us, music means something; it evokes some response. We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music.For many, the enjoyment of music does not remain at a standstill. We feel that we can get more satisfaction from the musical experience. We want to make closer contact with music in order to learn more of its nature; thus we can range more broadly and freely in the areas of musical style, form, and expression. This book explores ways of achieving these objectives. It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show how technique is directed toward expressive aims in music and toward the listener’s musical experience. In this way, we may get an idea of th e composer’s intentions, for indeed, the composer uses every musi cal device for its power to communicate and for its contribution to the musical experience.Although everyone hears music differently, there is a common ground from which all musical experiences grow. That source is sound itself. Sound is the raw material of music. It makes up the body and substance of all musical activity. It is the point of departure in the musical experience.The kinds of sound that can be used for musical purposes are amazingly varied. Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression. Listen to Oriental theatre music, then to an excerpt from a Wagner work; these two are worlds apart in their qualities of sound as well as in almost every other feature, yet each says something of importance to some listeners. Each can stir a listener and evoke a response in him. All music, whether it is the pulsation of primitive tribal drums or the complex coordination of voices and instruments in an opera, has this feature: it is based upon the power of sound to stir our senses and feelings.Yet sound alone is not music. Something has to happen to the sound. It must move forward in time. Everything that takes place musically involves the movement of sound. If we hear a series of drumbeats, we receive an impression of movement from one stroke to the next. When sounds follow each other in a pattern of melody, we receive an impression of movement from one tone to the next. All music moves; and because it moves, it is associated with a fundamental truth of existence and experience. We are stirred by impressions of movement because our very lives are constantly in movement. Breathing, the action of the pulse, growth, decay, the change of day and night, as well as the constant flow of physical action-these all testify to the fundamental role that movement plays in our lives. Music appeals to our desire and our need for movement.。



2005年Lea el siguiente texto y rellene los espacios en blanco con preposiciones o artículos (o su forma contracta) : (8 puntos 0.4/20)Uno de los lugares más fascinantes (迷人的) ________ Guatemala es Tikal, un conjunto de ruinas mayas que fueron descubiertas ________ medio de la selva. En Tikal hay unas 3.000 construcciones distintas y muchas residencias________ mediano tamaño. El palacio ceremonial es impresionante. Allí se pueden ver más de 200 monumentos ________ piedra y muchísimas cámaras subterráneas cavadas en la roca.Para llegar a Tikal, ________ capital, el avión pasa por ________ selva espesa que se extiende _______ todas direcciones. ________ cabo de una hora de vuelo, aparece el gran lago Petén Itzá. ______unos 15 minutos de vuelo_______ norte del lago, el avión aterriza (着陆) en un campo, a unos 200 metros ____ el nivel del mar. Hay vehículos que esperan al avión para transportar a los pasajeros _____ pequeño hotel rústico donde los visitantes descansan antes de su visita a las ruinas mayas.La civilización maya es una de las civilizaciones prehispánicas más notables._______ mayas tenían una organización política semejante a ________ de los griegos, y practicaban el comercio ________ éxito. En el campo de la cultura, sobresalían ________ la arquitectura, la escultura y la pintura. También desarrollaron conocimientos avanzados de astronomía (天文), como lo demuestran sus calendarios. Tenían además sistemas de numeración que incluían el concepto ________ cero y un sistema de escritura que aún no se ha podido descifrar.Los mayas abandonaron esta ciudad mucho antes de la llegada de los españoles; no se sabe ________ certeza (确切) por qué. Algunos arqueólogos dicen que fue por una epidemia (瘟疫) o quizá por cambios bruscos en el clima. Sea cual sea la razón, ________ cierto es que dejaron una de las ciudades más fascinantes de ________ América precolombina.2006年Rellene los espacios en blanco con artículos o la forma contracta del artículo y las preposiciones en caso necesario: (6 puntos 0.4×15)1. Antonio Ramírez entró en ____________ sala de actos rodeado por muchos admiradores. Era ____________ hombre alto con el pelo muy blanco, vestido con un traje de _____________ color marrón. Iván, al verlo, se acercó y le estrechó _____________ mano. Luego, le presentó a los demás miembros de su familia. Mientras lo hacía, Matilde se puso pálida y sus ojos se quedaron fijos en _____________ figura de _____________ señor Ramírez.2. David creía que él era listo y que, por tanto, podía ganarse ____________ vida sin _____________ menor esfuerzo.3. A ____________ día siguiente, a ____________ ocho de ____________ mañana, sonó ____________ teléfono. Era mi amigo Juan. Me trajo una gran noticia: él había sido admitido por ____________ universidad más famosa del país.4. Nació en Málaga ____________ día 1 de __________ febrero de 1872.2007年Rellene los espacios en blanco con artículos o formas contractas de artículo y preposiciones en caso necesario: (6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. El profesor Moreno siempre termina ________ clase con ________ pequeño resumen de lo que ha explicado.2. Para ser buen comerciante, hay que tener ________ buena vista.3. Le ha molestado mucho el que te hicieras ________ tonto ante el público.4. A ________ anochecer, ________ gruesas gotas de lluvia cayeron sobre________ tierra.5. No me gusta nada ________ sabor de cebolla.6. La tortilla a ________ española es uno de los platos más baratos y populares.7. Nunca tenemos ________ confianza en ________ que prometen mucho.8. Vivimos unos momentos históricos. Nunca ha habido, en ________ historia humana, ________ momento en el que hayamos tenido ________ oportunidad de ahora para construir la vida con ________ mejor calidad para todos.________ nuevas tecnologías y ________ eliminación de barreras nos permiten ________ nivel de acercamiento que jamás existió y, por lo tanto, con mayor acceso a ________ cultura y a ________ productos de otros países.2008年Rellena los espacios en blanco con artículos en caso necesario: (6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. ________ mujer española es cada vez más práctica y le pide a ________ tecnología que sea útil, dejando ________ tema del diseño en un segundo plano. Para ella, ________ teléfono móvil e Internet ya no son considerados como_________ elementos de las nuevas tecnologías, sino que son parte de su vida cotidiana.2. ________ verano de 1950 fue fabuloso. Ocurrieron cosas extraordinarias. ________ hecho más notable fue ________ llegada a nuestra ciudad de dos hermanas cuya presencia llamativa y su inconfundible manera de hablar nos dejaron asombrados a todos, y a mí, más que a los otros. Una se llamaba Lily y era algo más bajita que ________ otra, Lucy. Yo de Lily me enamoré a primera vista.3. Si preguntas a ________ español que tiene ________ casa grande: “¿Dónde está su casa?”, y te responde que su casita está cerca, no quiere decir que viva en ________ casa pequeña, sino que como le gusta su casa, se refiere a ella con _______ cariño, cambiando ________ palabra casa por casita. ________ españoles hacen esto muy frecuentemente; ________ terminación –ito o –ita indica tamaño pequeño o afecto por ________ persona o ________ objeto. Mi hermanito puede indicar que ________ hermano es muy joven, que es________ niño pequeño, o “mi querido hermano”.2009年Rellena los espacios en blanco con artículos o formas contractas deartículo y preposiciones en casos necesarios:(6 puntos, 0.3×20)1. Cristina nos cuenta ________ anécdota acerca de ________ preferencia de comida de la Reina:-En los viajes de preparación de ________ visita de ________ Estado, nos preguntaban por ________ gustos de ella y siempre les decíamos que le encantaba ________ chocolate. Pero tuvimos que añadir algunas veces que no hacía falta que le ofrecieran ________ chocolate a todas ________ horas.2. Se acerca la Nochebuena. Doña Amparo ha dejado ________ mensaje sobre la mesa de ________ comedor a su marido. Le pide que le deje algo de________ dinero, que ya ha gastado el que le ha dado para ________ semana y no le queda para comprar ________ pavo de Navidad y darle ________de en de dedesde una por/en al Tras al sobre aLos la con en delcon lo la2006年1. la, un, /, la, la, del2. la, el3. Al, las, la, el, la4. el, /2007年1. la, un2. una3. el4. Al, /, la5. el,6. la7. /, los / las8. la, un, la, /. Las, la, un, la, los2008年1. la, la . el, el, /2. El, El, la, la3. un español, una casa, una casa, / cariño, la palabra, Los españoles, la term inación, una / la persona o un / el objeto, el hermano, un niño2009年1. una, launa, / , los, el, / , /2, un, del, /, una, el, un3. La primera, del cristal, el/不填 paraguas(paraguas为单数阳性名词;un paraguas;中文:伞; 其复数形式仍为los paraguas)2010年1. (1) Las, (2) 不填, 3) del.2. (4) una, (5) 不填, (6) un, (7) la, (8) el.3. (9) una, (10) un, (11) un, (12) Al, (13) una, (14) un,(15) los, (16) una, (17) un, (18) el, (19) el, (20) del.评论,观念,各有不同做好自己那份就好。



The heat in summer is no less ________ here d B. extensive C. intense D. intensive 密集的、集中的”,常跟course和fighting搭配,即“强化课程”和“激烈的战斗”。Concentrated
Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. denied 贵的溶洞绘画。 贵的溶洞绘画。根据词义就可判断这个题的答案:forbidden义为“禁止”,rejected为“拒绝”,excluded
ost businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the custome A. benefit B. availability C. suitability D. convenience 厂商提供更多的便利。 厂商提供更多的便利。从句子的意思可以看出,on-demand, always-available products and services
The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending. A. finance B. expand C. enlarge D. budget 支提供资金。 支提供资金。其中finance为“向…提供资金”之义,expand为“扩展”,enlarge为“扩大”,而budget







el, la, los, las

un, una,unos, unas.
1. 从前的专四考试中,unos 和unas 一般不作为冠词考察。

但现在的专四考试变成了选择题,选项里会出现unos, unas. 这个时候需根据上下文来进行判断。

unos, unas 有性的变化,意义为“一些”。

2. 中性冠词lo, 与unos, unas类似,以前冠词题里一般不考,但现在可能出现在选项里。


"pues ______ (6) que crece o progresa no es el buen vivir de la gente, sino el poder de grandes empresas.




2005年全国高校西班牙语专业四级考试笔试试卷(参考答案)I.Lea el siguiente texto y rellene los espacios en blanco con preposiciones oartículos (o su forma contracta) : (8 puntos 0.4/20)de en de dedesde una por/en al Tras al sobre aLos la con en delcon lo laplete las oraciones con formas apropiadas del infinitivo que estáentre paréntesis: (15 puntos 0.5/30)1. hacer, preocupada2. se puso, oyó3. Viendo, estaba, se atrevió4. estará, trabajando5. hayamos obligado/obligáramos6. estudiando, aprendidos7. salió, huyendo 8. preparado, durará9. Agradezco, realizado 10. pueda, avíseme11. Haz, siento 12. Es, te has enterado/te enteraste13. amaneciera, se había marchado 14. tradujo, recibió15. pidió, detuvieraIII.P onga el adjetivo entre paréntesis en forma y posición adecuadas respecto al sustantivo que modifica: (5 puntos 0.5/10) luz solar ofrece energía limpia a la humanidad.2.El señor nos presentó a su esposa, distinguida escritora uruguaya.3.Somos viejas amigas porque nos conocimos de pequeñas.4.Eso es pura mentira. No la creas.5.Me da cierta pena marcharme.6.Me encanta la lluvia otoñal.7.El pobre niño se quedó huérfano a los diez años. situación geográfica de esta isla es importantísima.9.En el Tibet se puede ver un lindo cielo azul.10.El personaje femenino que interpretó Mei Lanfang en esta ópera es genial.IV.Hay un error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones. Escriba la oración correcta debajo de la existente: (8 puntos 0.8/10)1.Nos hizo entrar en la sala.2.¿Cómo se te ocurre decir semejante tontería?3.No me acuerdo del nombre de esa película.4.conforme a su Carta, la ONU debe contribuir a la paz mundial.5.Los países europeos están en condiciones de unirse política y económicamente.6. A cualquiera que venga, dile que no estoy en casa.7.Lo que no me gusta es levantar me temprano.8.No te das cuenta de lo enfadada que está la profesora.9.En cuanto llegues al despacho llámame enseguida.10.Si tuviera dinero compraría un coche para ti.V.Rellene los espacios en blanco con la forma adecuada de los verbos dados a continuación: (7 puntos 0.5/14)1.Juan no ha conseguido convencer a su novia para que viaje con él.2.¡No toques el vaso, hijo! Está muy caliente.3.El gerente estádisgustado. No intentes (tú) hablar con él ahora de este tema tandelicado.4.Los gastos de este viaje de trabajo se justifican/se justificarán con facturas.5.No te muevas de aquí hasta que volvamos a recogerte.6.En los últimos meses la pareja ha prestado toda su atención al cuidado del niñoadoptado.7.¡Mira a este señor! Con sus barbas se parece mucho a tu padre.8.Con el profesor Moreno, los alumnos del segundo curso han aprendido muchascosas en este semestre.9.Desde la ventana el niño estaba viendo atentamente el paisaje de la montaña.10.El señor habló sin parar, pero no dijo nada interesante.11.Y a llevamos dos años estudiando español y nos gusta mucho ese idioma tanbonito.12.Él no me respondió, como si no me hubiera oído/oyera.13.El abogado que lo defendía en el juicio demostró su inocencia.14.Aunque no me gusta mucho esta obra, reconozco su mérito artístico.VI.Traduzca al español las siguientes oraciones: (25 puntos 2.5/10)1. A pesar de (Pese a) su edad avanzada, sigue trabajando para mantener a la familia.2.–¿A qué hora llegaron ellos a casa anoche?–No lo sé. Serían las dos de la madrugada.3.Aquel día entró en la oficina y saludó a los compañeros de trabajo, pero nadie lehizo caso.4.–Dicen que el profesor Wang ha ingresado en el hospital y estágravementeenfermo.–¡No me digas! No lo sabía. ¿En qué hospital ha ingresado?5.No le echéis toda la culpa a él, pues vosotros también sois responsables (culpables)de ese accidente tan grave.6.Debemos concentrar todas nuestras fuerzas para cercar al enemigo de modo (para)que no se escape nadie.7.Él me pidió prestados 200 yuanes, y no me los ha devuelto todavía (hasta la fecha,hasta hoy).8.En vista de la situación, él está vacilando en la aceptación del trabajo.9.Lo siento mucho. Por el momento no puedo decirte nada sobre el asunto (el tema).10.Él está arrepentido (Se ha arrepentido) de todo lo que ha hecho.VII.Realice los ejercicios que aparecen a continuación del texto: (32 puntos)1.Diga a quése refieren o modifican las palabras en cursiva y ademásdestacadas debajo de cada oración; en caso de verbo, cuál es el sujeto:(9 puntos 0.5/18)(1)la música de este país(2)el venezolano(3)las canciones(4)las madres(5)el mundo criollo(6)las lluvias y los beneficios de las cosechas(7)advertir(8)las canciones de cuna(9)las canciones de cuna(10)e l niño de pocos meses de nacido(11)música (canciones de cuna)(12)e sta costumbre(13)c antos para acompañar el trabajo(14)h ombres(15)l os cantos de arrear el ganado(16)e l cabrestero/el hombre que va delante(17)l a vaca(18)e l ordeñador2.En función del texto marque con una cruz (X) la interpretación adecuada dela parte subrayada: (9 puntos 1.5/6)(1) C(2) B(3) B(4) C(5) C(6) A3.Conteste a las siguientes preguntas brevemente: (8 puntos 4/2)(1)¿Cuáles son las funciones que tiene la música en la vida diaria de losvenezolanos?a)Entretener al niño recién nacido cantándole canciones de cuna.b)Ambientar las celebraciones religiosas.c)Acompañar el trabajo.(2)¿Cuáles son las características propias de cada tipo de canciones que se hanmencionado en el texto?a)Las de cuna tienen sus modelos en Europa medieval.b)La religión católica juega un papel importante en la música religiosa comopor ejemplo en las celebraciones de la Navidad y San Juan. La gente pideque sean cantados los villancicos por conjuntos de cantores y músicos endistintos pueblos. Y la celebración de San Juan tiene mucho que ver con laentrada de la estación pluvial y las cosechas.c)Los cantos de trabajo todavía tienen vigencia en el trabajo pecuario. Con elcanto, los hombres conducen una punta de ganado manteniéndolo tranquilo.El ordeñador llama a la vaca entonando el canto.4.Traduzca el párrafo 3 al chino (Se destac a dentro de… se realizan enrepresentación del nacimiento de Jesús.): ( 6 puntos )在委内瑞拉的传统范畴内,西班牙殖民者所引入的天主教发挥着举足轻重的作用。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005) 参考答案-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 130 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN ]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.1. According to the conversation, Mr Johnson is NOT very strong in _______A. history.B. geography.C. mathematics.D. art.2. Mr Johnson thinks that _______ can help him a lot in the job.A. logicB. writingC. historyD. mathematics3. Mr Johnson would like to work as a(n) _______A. adviser.B. computer programmer.C. product designer.D. school teacher.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C. To know how housework is shared.D. To investigate what people do at the weekend.5. What does the man do on Fridays?A. He goes to exercise classes.B. He goes sailing.C. He goes to the cinema.D. He stays at home.6. On which day does the couple always go out?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.D. Any weekday.7. Which personal detail does the man give?A. Surname.B. First name.C. Address.D. Age.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.8. Parcel Express needs the following details about the sender EXCEPT _______A. name.B. address.C. receipt.D. phone number.9. Parcels must be left open mainly for _______A. customs’ check.B. security check.C. convenience’s sake.D. the company’s sake.10. The woman’s last inquiry is mainly concerned with _______A. the time needed for sending the parcel.B. the flight time to New York.C. the parcel destination.D. parcel collection.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.11. Where is the train to Nanjing now standing?A. At Platform 7.B. At Platform 8.C. At Platform 9.D. At Platform 13.12. Which train will now leave at 11:35?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.13. Which train has now been cancelled?A. The train to Jinnan.B. The train to Zhengzhou.C. The train to Tianjin.D. The train to Hangzhou.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.14. The museum was built in memory of those _______A. who died in wars.B. who worked to help victims.C. who lost their families in disasters.D. who fought in wars.15. Henry Durant put forward the idea because he _______A. had once fought in a war in Italy.B. had been wounded in a war.C. had assisted in treating the wounded.D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.16. Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?A. Both are used as the organization’s official symbols.B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.C. The red cross was the organization’s original symbol.D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.17. How should cheerleading be viewed according to the passage?A. It is just a lot of cheering.B. It mainly involves yelling.C. It mainly involves dancing.D. It is competitive in nature.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.18. How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?A. They set fireworks for their team.B. They put on athletic shows.C. They run around the spectators.D. They yell for people to buy drinks.19. Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?A. Because they try dangerous acts to catch people’s attention.B. Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.C. Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.D. Because they dance too much every day for practice.20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.B. Cheerleaders’ contests are only held at the state level.C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898.SECTION C NEWS BROAOCASTQuestions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.21. How many of the emigrants died after being thrown into the sea?A. 15 of them.B. 3 of them.C. 100 of them.D. Dozens of them.22. The illegal emigrants came from _______A. Italy.B. Africa.C. the Mediterranean region.D. places unknown.Question 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.23. What does the news item mainly report?A. China will send three people into space in a week.B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space.C. The Shenzhou VI will be launched next year.D. Shenzhou V circled the earth for two days.Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.24. Which of the following had NOT been affected by the wildfires?A. Houses.B. Land.C. Skies.D. Cars.25. The fires were thought to have been started _______A. purposefully.B. accidentally.C. on the Mexican border.D. in southern California.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.26. ________ ranks second among leading tourism nations.A. FranceB. The United StatesC. SpainD. Italy27. It is predicted that by 2020 China will receive _________ visitors.A. 77 millionB. 130 millionC. 36.8 millionD. 100 million28. According to a Xinhua report, last year saw a _________ per cent increase in the number of Chinese traveling abroad.A. 16.6B. 30C. 100D. 37Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.29. What would happen to the Argentine officers?A. They would be arrested by Spanish authorities.B. They would be tried in an Argentine court.C. They would be sent to Spain for trial.D. They would be tortured or murdered.30. What accusation would the Argentine officers face?A. Violation of human rights.B. Involvement in illegal actions.C. Planning anti-government activities.D. Being part of the military rule.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN ]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) “(31) ______ home”. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32) ________ of cash and location on achieving that idea.Cash (33) ________, in fact, often means that the only way of (34) _________ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35) _________ financially. There are obvious (36) ________of living at home—personal laundry is usually (37) _________ done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38) _________. And there is (39) _________ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.On the other hand, (40) _________ depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—(41)_________do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) __________ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a(n) (43) _________, and that you finally have the money to leave, how do you (44) _________ finding somewhere else to live?If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are (45) _________well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always(46) _________. If you are going to work in a (47) _________ area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, (48) _________ these should be approached with (49) _________. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the (50) ________ of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they havefound for you.31. A. ideal B. perfect C. imaginary D. satisfactory32. A. deficiencies B. weaknesses C. insufficiencies D. limitations33. A. cut B. shortage C. lack D. drain34. A. getting over B. getting in C. getting back D. getting along35. A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. proceed36. A. concerns B. issues C. advantages D. problems37. A. still B. always C. habitually D. consequently38. A. call in B. call over C. call upon D. call out39. A. always B. rarely C. little D. sometimes40. A. little B. enough C. many D. much41. A. and B. but C. still D. or42. A. tolerant B. hostile C. indifferent D. good-tempered43. A. agreement B. consensus C. compromise D. deal44. A. go about B. go over C. go in for D. go through45. A. seldom B. less C. probably D. certainly46. A. dependent B. a good source of information C. of great valueD. reliable47. A. familiar B. cold C. humid D. new48. A. though B. while C. since D. as49. A. enthusiasm B. hesitation C. caution D. concern50. A. same B. equivalent C. equal D. simiarityPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make58. I know he failed his l ast test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but59. Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman60. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. hadbetrayed…tookC. has betra yed…tookD. has betrayed…take61. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be62. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having63. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if65. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs66. –Why are you staring?–I’ve never seen ______tree before.A. kind ofB.that kind ofC. suchkind D. such67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________.A. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of his bad temper.A. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across t he field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor J ohnson’s retirement ________ from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending.A. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s.A. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.A. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it.A. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarelyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN ]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT AIt was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn't know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Morn in a dingy multi-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses' hoofs from "Wagon Train" or "Cheyenne", and laughter from "I Love Lucy" or "Mister Ed". After supper, we'd sprawl on Mom's bed and stare for hours at the tube.But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned -- books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. "You boys are going to road two books every week," she said. "And you're going to write me a report on what you read."We moaned and complained about how unfair it was. Besides, we didn't have any books in the house other than Mom's Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: "I'll drive you to the library."So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly among the children's books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.It didn't dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of beforemy eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page.Soon I began to look forward to visiting this hushed sanctuary from my other world. I moved from animals to plants, and then to rocks. Between the covers of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go anywhere in them. Along the way a funny thing happened: I started to know things. Teachers started to notice it too. I got to the point where I couldn't wait to get home to my books.Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore. Sometimes I still can't believe my life's journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began--the day Mom snapped off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.81. We can learn from the beginning of the passage that ________A. the author and his brother had done poorly in school.B. the author had been very concerned about his school work.C. the author had spent much time watching TV after school.D. the author had realized how important schooling was.82. Which of the following is NOT true about the author's family?A. He came from a middle-class family.B. He came from a single-parent family.C. His mother worked as a cleaner.D. His mother had received little education.83. The mother was ________ to make her two sons switch to reading books.A. hesitantB. unpreparedC. reluctantD. determined84. How did the two boys feel about going to the library at first?A. They were afraid.B. They were reluctant.C. They were indifferent.D. They were eager to go.85. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT that ________A. he began to see something in his mind.B. he could visualize what he read in his mind.C. he could go back to read the books again.D. he realized that books offered him new experience.TEXT BPredicting the future is always risky. But it's probably safe to say that at least a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century asAmerica's “ Disney era ”. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents modern America as powerfully as the company that created Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.The reasons for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty of other respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. After setting himself up in Hollywood, hesingle-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising —something his company still does brilliantly today.But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disney always made sure his films protrayed the "little boy". He achieved this by creating characters that reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people.Disney's other great virtue was the fact that his company —unlike other big corporations — had a human face. His Hollywood studio —the public heard —operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on first-name terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons celebrate America, but, during World War II, studios made training films for American soldiers.The reality, of course, was less idyllic. As the public would later learn, Disney's patriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he agreed to work for the FBI as a mole, identifying and spying on colleagues who he suspected were anti-government.But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. A new book, The Magic Kingdom; Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary people. In the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt, believing he was a champion of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as some have suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat.By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was “ Uncle Walt ”— the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented them all their lives, the man who represented all that was good about America.86. Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPT _______A. painting.B. creativityC. management.D. merchandising.87. According to the passage, what was the pleasant side of Disney’s patriotism?A. He sided with ordinary Americans in his films.B. He supported America’s war efforts in his own way.C. He had doubts about large, bureaucratic organizations.D. He voted for Franklin Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s.88. In the sixth paragraph the sentence “Disney was more or less the ge nuine article” means that _______A. Disney was a creative and capable person.B. Disney once agreed to work for the FBI.C. Disney ran his company in a democratic way.D. Disney was sympathetic with ordinary people.89. The writer’s attitude toward Wa lt Disney can best be described as _______A. sympathetic.B. objective.C. critical.D. skeptical.TEXT CWhy do you listen to music? If you should put this question to a number of people, you might receive answers like these: "I like the ,beat of music," "I look for attractive tuneful- ness," "I am moved by the sound of choral singing," "I listen to music for many reasons but I could not begin to describe them to you clearly." Answers to this question would be many and diverse, yet almost no one would reply, "Music means nothing to me." To most of us, music means something; it evokes some response. We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music.For many, the enjoyment of music does not remain at a standstill. We feel that we can get more satisfaction from the musical experience. We want to make closer contact with music in order to learn more of its nature; thus we can range more broadly and freely in the areas of musical style, form, and expression. This book explores ways of achieving these objectives. It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show how technique is directed toward expressive aims in music and toward the listener's musical experience. In this way, we may get an idea of the composer's intentions, for indeed, the composer uses every musical device for its power to communicate and for its contribution tothe musical experience.Although everyone hears music differently, there is a common ground from which all musical experiences grow. That source is sound itself. Sound is the raw material of music. It makes up the body and substance of all musical activity. It is the point of departure in the musical experience.The kinds of sound that can be used for musical purposes are amazingly varied. Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression. Listen to Oriental theatre music, then toan excerpt from a Wagner work; these two are worlds apart in their qualities of sound as well as in almost every other feature, yet each says something of importance to some listeners. Each can stir a listener and evoke a response in him. All music, whether it is the pulsation of primitive tribal drums or the complex coordination of voices and instruments in an opera, has this feature: it is based upon the power of sound to stir our senses and feelings.Yet sound alone is not music. Something has to happen to the sound. It must moveforward in time. Everything that takes place musically involves the movement of sound. If wehear a series of drumbeats, we receive an impression of movement from one stroke to thenext. When sounds follow each other in a pattern of melody, we receive an impression ofmovement from one tone to the next. All music moves; and because it moves, it is associated with a fundamental truth of existence and experience. We are stirred by impressions of movement because our very lives are constantly in movement. Breathing, the action of the pulse, growth, decay, the change of day and night, as well as the constant flow of physical action- these all testify to the fundamental role that movement plays in our lives. Music appeals to our desire and our need for movement.90. The author indicates at the beginning of the passage that _______A. people listen to music for similar reasons.B. reasons for listening to music are varied.C. some people don't understand music at all.D. purposes for listening to music can be specified.91. We can infer from the second paragraph that the book from which this excerpt is taken is mainly meant for _______A. listeners.B. composers.C. musicians.D. directors.。



2005年全国高校西班牙语专业四级考试笔试试卷(共100分)编号____________I.Lea el siguiente texto y rellene los espacios en blanco con preposicionesculos (o su forma contracta) : (8 puntos0.4/20)o artíUno de los lugares más fascinantes (迷人的)________ Guatemala es Tikal, un conjunto de ruinas mayas que fueron descubiertas ________ mediode la selva. En Tikal hay unas 3.000 construcciones distintas y muchas residencias ________ mediano tama?o. El palacio ceremonial ess de 200 monumentos ________ piedra y impresionante. Allíse pueden ver máneas cavadas en la roca.muchísimas cámaras subterráPara llegar a Tikal ________ la capital, el avión pasa por ________ selva espesa que se extiende ________ todas direcciones. ________ cabo de. ________unos 15 minutosn Itzáuna hora de vuelo, aparece el gran lago Petéde vuelo ________ norte del lago, el avión aterriza (着陆) en un campo, a unos 200 metros ________ el nivel del mar. Hay vehículos que esperanalavión para transportar a los pasajeros ________peque?o hotel rústico dondelos visitantes descansan antes de su visita a las ruinas mayas.n maya es unade las civilizaciones prehispánicas más La civilización polít ica semejante aa n una organizaciónotables. ________ mayas tení________ de los griegos, y practicaban el comercio ________ éxito. En elan________ la arquitectura, la escultura y la campo de la cultura, sobresalípintura. También desarrollaron conocimientos avanzados d e astronomía (天文),como lo demuestran sus calendarios. Tenía n además sistemas dean el concepto ________ cero y un sistema de escritura numeración que incluíque aún no se ha podido descifrar.Los mayas abandonaron esta ciudad mucho antes de la llegada de loslogos. Algunos arqueóespa?oles; no se sabe ________ certeza (确切)por quédicen que fue por una epidemia (瘟疫) o quizápor cambios bruscos en el clima. Sea cual sea la razón, ________ cierto es que dejaron una de las s fascinantes de ________ América precolombina.ciudades máplete las oraciones con la forma apropiada del verboque estántesis: (15 puntos 0.5/30)entre paré madre no sabe qué_________ (hacer) con el ni?o, tan débil y tan________ (preocupar) por su salud.enfermizo. Está2.En la reunión de ayer la chica _______ (ponerse) roja cuando ______ (o r) estos comentarios.3.Aquel día, ________ (ver) que la madre _________ enfadada, el ni?o no_________ (atreverse) a sentarse a su lado.4.—?Dónde estátu marido?—?Quién sabe!_______ (estar) en su oficina _______ (trabajar).5.María no lo ha hecho porque nosotros la ________ (obligar), sino cree quees su deber.6.Lleva casi dos a?os _________ (estudiar) el espa?ol y ya tiene ________(aprender) unos dos mil vocablos.a, el ladrón _______ (salir) _______ (huir).7.Cuando vio al policí_________(preparar) para hacer un viaje que _______ (durar)8.José no estátanto tiempo.9.Yo _______ (agradecer) mucho a mis colegas su ayuda,sin la cual nohubiera podido ver _______ (realizar) mi sue?o.n, ______10.En caso de que (usted) no _________ (poder) asistir a la reunió(avisarme) cuanto antes.11.(Tú) _______(hacer) el favor de cerrar la ventana. Es que yo _______o.(sentir) un poco de fríndalo?, enterarse) de ese escá12.?_______ (ser) verdad? ?Cómo ________ (tú13.Aquel día, antes de que ________ (amanecer), el ejército _________(marcharse).14.Ayer el alumno _______ (traducir) tan mal el texto que ______ (recibir) unreproche del profesor.a que ______semana pasada la víctima ______ (pedir) a la policí(detener) al delincuente.n adecuadas III.Ponga el adjetivo entre paréntesis en forma y posiciórespecto al sustantivo que modifica: (5 puntos 0.5/10)a limpia a la1.(solar) La __________ luz __________ ofrece energíhumanidad.2.(distinguido) El se?or nos presentóa su esposa, __________escritorauruguaya__________.3.(viejo) Somos __________ amigas__________, p ues nos conocimos depeque?as.4.(puro) Eso es __________ mentira__________. No la creas.5.(cierto) Me da __________ pena __________ marcharme.6.(oto?al) Me encanta la__________lluvia__________.7.(pobre) El __________ ni?o __________ se quedóhuérfano a los dieza?os.n__________de esta isla es 8.(geográf ico) La __________ situaciósima.importantí9.(azul) En el Tibet se puede ver un lindo __________cielo __________.10.(femenino) El __________ personaje __________que interpretóMeipera es genial.Lanfang en esta óIV.Hay un error en cada una de las siguientes o raciones. Escriba la oración correcta debajo de la existente: (8 puntos0.8/10)1.Nos hizo entrando en la sala.a?2.?Cómo te ocurre decir semejante tonterí3.No me acuerdo con el nombre de esa película.4.Conforme a su Carta, la ONU debe contribuir con la paz mundial.5.Los países europeos están en condiciones a unirse polít ica yeconómicamente.6.A cualquier que venga, dile que no estoy en casa.7.Lo que no me gusta es levantar temprano.la profesora.8.No te das cuenta de lo enfadado que estámame enseguida.9.En cuanto llegas al despacho lláa un coche para ti.10.Si tengo dinero compraríV.Rellene los espacios en blanco con la forma adecuada de los verbosn: (7 puntos0.5/14)dados a continuacióir vencer prestar justificar(se) mover(se)tocar convencer componer demostrar intentarver tratar aprender estudiar mirardecir hablar oír reconocer captarl.1.Juan no ha conseguido ____________ a su novia para que viaje con émuy caliente.2.?No ____________ el vaso, hijo! Estál ahora de) hablar con édisgustado. No ____________ (tú3.El gerente estáeste tema tan delicado.4.Los gastos del viaje de trabajo ____________ con facturas.hasta que volvamos a recogerte.5.No ____________ de aquín al cuidado6.En los últimos meses la pareja ____________ toda su atenciódel ni?o adoptado.7.?____________ a este se?or! Con sus barbas se parece mucho a tu padre.8.Con el profesor Moreno, los alumnos del segundo curso ____________muchas cosas en este semestre.9.Desde la ventana el ni?o estaba ____________ atentamente el paisaje de lamonta?a.sin parar, pero no ____________ nada interesante.10.El se?or habló11.Ya llevamos dos a?os ____________ espa?ol y nos gusta mucho eseidioma tan bonito., como si no me ____________.12.él no me respondióa en el juicio ____________ su inocencia.13.El abogado que lo defendístico.14.Aunque no me gusta mucho esta obra, ____________ su mérito artíVI.Traduzca al chino las siguientes oraciones: (25 puntos 2.5/10) 1.尽管他已经上了年纪,可为了全家的生计他还在工作。

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2005年全国高校西班牙语专业四级考试笔试试卷(共100分)编号____________I.Lea el siguiente texto y rellene los espacios en blanco con preposicioneso artículos (o su forma contracta) : (8 puntos 0.4/20)Uno de los lugares más fascinantes (迷人的) ________ Guatemala es Tikal, un conjunto de ruinas mayas que fueron descubiertas ________ medio de la selva. En Tikal hay unas 3.000 construcciones distintas y muchas residencias ________ mediano tamaño. El palacio ceremonial es impresionante. Allí se pueden ver más de 200 monumentos ________ piedra y muchísimas cámaras subterráneas cavadas en la roca.Para llegar a Tikal ________ la capital, el avión pasa por ________ selva espesa que se extiende ________ todas direcciones. ________ cabo de una hora de vuelo, aparece el gran lago Petén Itzá. ________unos 15 minutos de vuelo ________ norte del lago, el avión aterriza (着陆) en un campo, a unos 200 metros ________ el nivel del mar. Hay vehículos que esperan al avión para transportar a los pasajeros ________ pequeño hotel rústico donde los visitantes descansan antes de su visita a las ruinas mayas.La civilización maya es una de las civilizaciones prehispánicas más notables. ________ mayas tenían una organización política semejante a ________ de los griegos, y practicaban el comercio ________ éxito. En el campo de la cultura, sobresalían ________ la arquitectura, la escultura y la pintura. También desarrollaron conocimientos avanzados de astronomía (天文), como lo demuestran sus calendarios. Tenían además sistemas de numeración que incluían el concepto ________ cero y un sistema de escritura que aún no se ha podido descifrar.Los mayas abandonaron esta ciudad mucho antes de la llegada de losespañoles; no se sabe ________ certeza (确切) por qué. Algunos arqueólogos dicen que fue por una epidemia (瘟疫) o quizápor cambios bruscos en el clima. Sea cual sea la razón, ________ cierto es que dejaron una de las ciudades más fascinantes de ________ América precolombina.plete las oraciones con la forma apropiada del verbo que estáentre paréntesis: (15 puntos 0.5/30) madre no sabe qué_________ (hacer) con el niño, tan débil y tanenfermizo. Está ________ (preocupar) por su salud.2.En la reunión de ayer la chica _______ (ponerse) roja cuando ______ (oír)estos comentarios.3.Aquel día, ________ (ver) que la madre _________ enfadada, el niño no_________ (atreverse) a sentarse a su lado.4.—¿Dónde está tu marido?—¡Quién sabe! _______ (estar) en su oficina _______ (trabajar).5.María no lo ha hecho porque nosotros la ________ (obligar), sino cree quees su deber.6.Lleva casi dos años _________ (estudiar) el español y ya tiene ________(aprender) unos dos mil vocablos.7.Cuando vio al policía, el ladrón _______ (salir) _______ (huir).8.José no está _________ (preparar) para hacer un viaje que _______ (durar)tanto tiempo.9.Yo _______ (agradecer) mucho a mis colegas su ayuda, sin la cual nohubiera podido ver _______ (realizar) mi sueño.10.E n caso de que (usted) no _________ (poder) asistir a la reunión, ______(avisarme) cuanto antes.11.(Tú) _______ (hacer) el favor de cerrar la ventana. Es que yo _______(sentir) un poco de frío.12.¿_______ (ser) verdad? ¿Cómo ________ (tú, enterarse) de ese escándalo?13.A quel día, antes de que ________ (amanecer), el ejército _________(marcharse).14.A yer el alumno _______ (traducir) tan mal el texto que ______ (recibir) unreproche del profesor.15.L a semana pasada la víctima ______ (pedir) a la policía que ______(detener) al delincuente.III.P onga el adjetivo entre paréntesis en forma y posición adecuadas respecto al sustantivo que modifica: (5 puntos 0.5/10)1.(solar) La __________ luz __________ ofrece energía limpia a lahumanidad.2.(distinguido) El señor nos presentóa su esposa, __________ escritorauruguaya __________.3.(viejo) Somos __________ amigas__________, pues nos conocimos depequeñas.4.(puro) Eso es __________ mentira __________. No la creas.5.(cierto) Me da __________ pena __________ marcharme.6.(otoñal) Me encanta la __________ lluvia __________.7.(pobre) El __________ niño __________ se quedóhuérfano a los diezaños.8.(geográfico) La __________ situación __________ de esta isla esimportantísima.9.(azul) En el Tibet se puede ver un lindo __________cielo __________.10.(femenino) El __________ personaje __________ que interpretóMeiLanfang en esta ópera es genial.IV.Hay un error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones. Escriba la oración correcta debajo de la existente: (8 puntos 0.8/10)1.Nos hizo entrando en la sala.2.¿Cómo te ocurre decir semejante tontería?3.No me acuerdo con el nombre de esa película.4.Conforme a su Carta, la ONU debe contribuir con la paz mundial.5.Los países europeos están en condiciones a unirse política yeconómicamente.6.A cualquier que venga, dile que no estoy en casa.7.Lo que no me gusta es levantar temprano.8.No te das cuenta de lo enfadado que está la profesora.9.En cuanto llegas al despacho llámame enseguida.10.S i tengo dinero compraría un coche para ti.V.Rellene los espacios en blanco con la forma adecuada de los verbos dados a continuación: (7 puntos 0.5/14)ir vencer prestar justificar(se) mover(se)tocar convencer componer demostrar intentarver tratar aprender estudiar mirardecir hablar oír reconocer captar1.Juan no ha conseguido ____________ a su novia para que viaje con él.2.¡No ____________ el vaso, hijo! Está muy caliente.3.El gerente está disgustado. No ____________ (tú) hablar con él ahora deeste tema tan delicado.4.Los gastos del viaje de trabajo ____________ con facturas.5.No ____________ de aquí hasta que volvamos a recogerte.6.En los últimos meses la pareja ____________ toda su atención al cuidadodel niño adoptado.7.¡____________ a este señor! Con sus barbas se parece mucho a tu padre.8.Con el profesor Moreno, los alumnos del segundo curso ____________muchas cosas en este semestre.9.Desde la ventana el niño estaba ____________ atentamente el paisaje de lamontaña.10.E l señor habló sin parar, pero no ____________ nada interesante.11.Y a llevamos dos años ____________ español y nos gusta mucho eseidioma tan bonito.12.Él no me respondió, como si no me ____________.13.E l abogado que lo defendía en el juicio ____________ su inocencia.14.A unque no me gusta mucho esta obra, ____________ su mérito artístico.VI.Traduzca al chino las siguientes oraciones: (25 puntos 2.5/10) 1.尽管他已经上了年纪,可为了全家的生计他还在工作。
