
AAA1. As early as the 12th century boys in England enjoyed to play football.2. A container weighs more after air is put in, it proves that air has weight.3. After her two-week vacation was over, Dorothy regretted to spend so much money for so little pleasure.4. After climbing a great hill, one only finds there are more many hills to climb.5. A pound should be left to find its own level against the other European currencies.6. After she got married, Lily went to see her mother each other week×.DDD1. Don't make ×Helen's remarks too seriously. She is so upset that I don't think she really knows what she is saying.2. Did you ever stop a moment to ask whether we learn English to use it or do we× use English to learn it?3. Dear Helen, please forgive him for his rudeness, can you ×?4. Did anyone inform you with× the change of the schedule that had been decided yesterday ?5. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful× and often works in the field.EEE1. Every one of the students had to do ×their own experiment, and then professor Brown judged the results .2. Every now and then he would come here paying a visit to× his old aunt, who lived all alone in a small house.FFF1.Factory workers had to work very hard before, so had farmers×.HHH1. How ×an interesting role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.2. He got two pieces of × informations about the new product.3. He cannot remember the thing whose× made me very sad.4. He didn’t dare to leave the house for fear × someone would recognize him soon.5. He wished he didn’t tell ×her the truth that brought her so much pain.6. He is a true friend of mine, whom I can always depend × whenever I get into trouble7. He invited me to go to a party and ×I did not want to join him that evening.8. Have you noticed her coat is wet? She × must be caught in the rain.9. He refused joining × us last Saturday night. Don’t you think it strange?10. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching ×his wife to cook.III1. In big cities there is an increasingly ×need for cheap apartments for the lower middle class.2. In the town was × found many old people who badly needed money and care3. It's easier for me to go there on foot than driving a car. ×4. It is better to be guessing× the meanings of unknown words from their context rather than looking every word up in the dictionary.5. It is very important that the students’ voice is heard ×by the authorities of all our schools.6. It is about time that we ×go to supper, for we still have a meeting to attend this evening7. If you had been there, I’m sure you would have enjoyed to see ×the Chinese Team win.JJJ1. Joe's father has died × ten years ago, so he has lived with his mother since then.LLL1. Life× is a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.2. Let’s go and watch that mew movie at eight tonight, won’t we? ×3. Look at the beautiful flowers here ! How wonderful they are smelling. ×4. Let’s hurry up and try to get to the railway station in time, can we? ×NNN1. None of us had the final say in this matter, and therefore it was recommended that we waited ×for the authorities.2. Now that the newspaper arrived ×we can see the scores of the tennis matches.3. Nora hardly never ×misses an opportunity to practice speaking Chinese.OOO1. Of the two coats, I'd choose the cheapest × one to spare some money for a book2. Only after he comes to consciousness ×you can make the final decision.3. On seeing the boy fell ×into the river, she sprang to her feet and went to the rescue.4. Only by practice will you be able to improve your speaking English and gradually speak × fluently.PPP1. 58 percent of people were asked ×thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol should be banned. SSS1. So absorbed she was ×in her work that she didn't realize it was time that she picked up her daughter.2. Some old beautiful × Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall.3. Since the injury is bad, the doctors will operate ×him immediately.TTT1. The price of meat was much more higher ×than expected.2. The famous scientist, in his honor ×a dinner party will be held tonight, is to arrive soon.3. The old man was so angry and spoke so fast that none of his children understood that×he meant4. The young man, to make ×several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping decided to have another try.5. The young man, to make ×several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.6. The protection of our environment is not nothing×to be left to the government. Everyone should be concerned.7. There are moments in life where×you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them up from dreams and hug them for real.8. The problem is how we can operate the new machine on× such a short time.9. The book that you see laying ×on the table belongs to the teacher.10. The best interview is one in that× there is two-way communication between the employer and the job applicant.11. The position of the words in a sentence is the principal means of showing its × relationship.12. The action of market forces means that the cost of something rises if demand for it rises and the amount available remain× constant.13. The head of my department is quite friendly, though I imagine he could be × little friendly in a difficult situation.14. They are going to leave for the United States next week, and so do we×.15. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of that ×are separated from the others by land or water.16. The room, which× window faces the south, is the nicest one of all on this floor.17. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us× feel like going out for a walk.18. The information× which she was injured in the accident was given by Liz.19. The passengers saw the thief× stole on the bus, but they didn’t say anything.20. This equipment is based upon advanced techniques× and it is highly reliable21. Teenagers always long for the time× which they are able to be independent.22. Traditionally, work determines our way of life. But if 98 percent of us don’t need to work, what are we going to do with oneself? ×23. Two woman × teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday.24. There will be more than three hundreds × students taking part in the sports meet.25. There was too× much dust that we couldn’t see what was happening.26. The boy did not have to leave the next day because he got his visa extending×.WWW1. Workers newly arrive ×from the south or rural areas perform their job differently from those from other sections of the city.2. While remembered mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to help ×the deaf.3. We look forward to your order as well as continue× to serve your needs.4. We saw a big dog that was fierce and felt frightened in×in our way home.5. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help × persuading into buying something they don’t really need.6. We are all for your proposal that the discussion is to be put off. ×7. What does× Mr. Johnson like? He’s a friendly sort of man. I like to work with him.YYY1. You should be working instead of lie× there in bed.2. You can see the whole city for miles from here in× a clear day.3. You will feel inconvenient in Japan if you can ×either speak Japanese nor English.AAA1。

20XX年复习资料大学复习资料专业:班级:科目老师:日期:翻译1(共3题,每题5分)1第1题I’ve worked here since I graduated from university.第2题I’ll get in contact with you as soon as I arrive.第3题We didn’t believe i t until we saw it.翻译2(共3题,每题5分)2第1题The price will go up when history repeats itself.第2题Hardly had the game begun when it started raining.第3题You can see flowers in spring wherever you go.翻译3(共3题,每题5分)第1题You could find plentiful material resources wherever you go in that country.第2题We were very excited because our class won the first at last.第3题I had to get a new passport since my old one had expired.翻译4(共3题,每题5分)第1题There were so many students in the class that the teacher couldn’t talk to them all.第2题Smith had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near his home.第3题He often helped me with my English study at that time so I came out among the top students soon.翻译5(共3题,每题5分)第1题If you still kept on working now, you would finish the work early.第2题So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.第3题If you feel worse, please go to see the doctor immediately.翻译6(共3题,每题5分)第1题Even if we had told him her name, the old man would not have remembered the girl.第2题Though they’ve lived under the same roof for many years, they don’t know each other.第3题No matter what I do, he is always on my side.翻译7(共3题,每题5分)第1题Young as he is, he can take care of himself.第2题They watched him closely as a cat watched a rat.第3题You are just the same as you were the day when I first met you.翻译8(共3题,每题5分)第1题Our country has plentiful natural resources, which are being exploited and used.第2题As is known to the world, Mark Twain was a great American writer.第3题Checking machines which could be used to correct the students’ test papers are very popular now.翻译9(共3题,每题5分)第1题I’m more interested in caring for other p eople than making decisions.第2题The better educated people are, the more opportunities they’ll have.第3题The healthier people are, the more happiness they will experience.翻译20XXXX(共3题,每题5分)第1题It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.第2题I’m no more interested in football than my sister.第3题Jack was worried about whether he’d be able to get thereon time.。
电大学位英语翻译题 题库 真题

1. 校长授予优秀学生以荣誉称号(bestow)。
The president of our university bestowed honors on the best students.2. 到18世纪末,英国正迅速成为世界的工厂。
By the end of the eighteenth century England was fast becoming the workshop of the world.3. 这个小女孩渴望受到嘉奖 (avid)。
The little girl is avid for praise.4. 到了明年7月,我在这里读书将已三年了。
By July of next year I shall have studied here for three years.5. 我在专心致志地看书,没听见你叫我(absorb)。
I was absorbed in a book and did not hear you call.6. 他心跳得如此之快,以至于他几乎喘不过气来 (beat)。
His heart beats so fast that he could hardly breathe.7. 无论卡门(Carmen)带领人们参观多少次,她似乎从不厌烦谈论她的城市。
No matter how many times Carmen shows people around her city, she never seems to get tired of talking about it.8. 他工作时,什么也不能分散他的心思(abstract)。
Nothing can abstract his mind while he works.9. 他的口音说明他是个外国人(betray)。
His accent betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.10. 到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。

[答案]I can ask him if he remembers posting a letter for you.I can remember for you to ask him if he sent me a letter.I can ask him whether he remembered that he had sent a letter for you.2.在化学变化中,能量既不能创造,也不会消失。
★[答案]In a chemical change,energy can not be created,nor can it bedestroyed.[dɪ'strɔɪ]破坏,摧毁;消灭,(或In a chemical change,energy can not be created,and it cannot be destroyed,either.)In chemical changes,energy will not create and will not disappear.3.我在专心致志地看书,没听见你叫我(absorb)。
★[答案]I was absorbed[ɔb'sɔ:bd]全神贯注in a book and did not hear you call.I was totally完全地absorbed in reading,and didn’t hear you calling me..hear作为行为动词听见时,hear sb do sth表示“听到某人做了某事”或“经常听到某人做某事”,hear sb doing sth.表示“听到某人正在做某事”4.除非他做错了什么,否则他就不会受到批评。
★[答案]He wouldn’t be criticized unless he had done something wrong.He will never be criticized unless he did something wrong.除非他做错事,否则不会受到批评Unless he does something wrong,or he will not be criticized.5.假如我看见她的话,我就叫她等一等。
电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 4

全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 4把下面的英语句子译成汉语, 把汉语句子译成英语,注意里面的关键词和关键句型的翻译:1. It is likely that their group will get ahead of us.2. It doesn't matter what courses you take; just find the great professors.3. In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110.4. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus.5. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room.6. 所有昨天在场的人都受到了警察的询问。
7. 是这位飞行员的快速反应防止了这场灾难性事故的发生。
8. 高血压使千万人有患心脏病的危险。
9. 我们保持公共场所清洁是应当的。
10. 就我所知,下列方法对我帮助很大。
【答案】1. 他们小组很可能赶到我们前头去。
2. 你选择什么课程并不重要;只是要找出色的教授。
3. 如果遇到紧急情况,请拨打报警电话110。
4. 在校外住的学生每天乘班车上学和回家。
5. 给他安排房间前,接待员记下了他的姓名和身份证号码。
6. All those who were present yesterday were questioned by the police.7. It was the quick response of the pilot that had prevented the disastrous accident from happening.8. High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart attack.9. It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.10. As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.资料来源:(31省市学位英语网,专业的成人学位英语网站)全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 。

电大学位英语考试-汉译英第一篇:电大学位英语考试-汉译英B 必须指出的是,学习只能靠自己It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself.C 乘火车旅行比乘飞机慢一些,但是它也有自己的优势。
Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages.抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响Smoking has a great influence on our health.出乎我们意料之外,科学探险队在三天内就走完全程To our surprise, the scientific expedition team covered the whole distance within three days.春节在全球华裔人口众多的地区得到庆祝,被认为是华人最重要的节日。
Celebrated worldwide in regions with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered to be the most important holiday for the Chinese.从他的外表看,我猜想他是位教师Judging from his appearance, I guess he is a teacher.D 大多数人喜欢什么种类的生活?What kind of life do most people enjoy? 大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例。
The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc.但是,虽然有许多积极的发展与因特网有关,也有一些恐惧和担心However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns.但是,体力劳动者的空余时间有所增加,而知识分子或脑力劳动者的空余时间有所减少。

1.A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.[答案:在动物中,狗素以其聪慧与和善而著称。
]2. A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.[答案:我高中的一个挚友目前在英格兰工作。
]3. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. [答案:好的记忆有助于语言的学习。
]4. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area will be exploited and used.[答案:那个山区有很多自然资源有待于开发利用。
]5. A teacher should have patience in his work. [答案:当老师应当有耐性。
]6.All that glitters is not gold.[答案:闪光的未必都是金子。
]7.Apples here like water and sunshine.[答案:这里的苹果宠爱水和阳光。
]8.Are you fond of music[答案:你宠爱音乐吗?]9.As is known to all, China is a developing country.[答案:众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。
]10.As long as there is water, plants won't die quickly.[答案:只要有水,植物就不会很快死亡。
]11.B ecause there was heavy traffic, we were ten minutes late.[答案:由于交通拥挤,我们晚了特别钟。
]12.Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder.[答案:北京奥林匹克运动会使得中国人民更加努力工作。
电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 3

全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 3把下面的英语句子译成汉语, 把汉语句子译成英语,注意里面的关键词和关键句型的翻译:1. Upon departure, please switch off/turn off the air-conditioner.2. If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the manager.3. My idea is that we (should) give them a hand when they are in trouble.4. It is necessary that another computer center (should) be set up in our department.5. The old woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college.6. 是一连串的错误导致这种结果。
7. 游客们被这座“绿色城市”的美丽景色所吸引。
8. 他们将训练的时间由20天缩短为两个星期。
9. 毫无疑问地,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题。
10. 污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁。
【答案】1. 离开时请把空调关掉。
2. 如果还有其它要求,请与经理联系。
3. 我的想法是在他们的困难时候给他们以援助。
4. 我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心。
5. 老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学。
6. It was a chain of mistakes that led to this result.7. The tourists were attracted by the beautiful scenery of the “green city”.8. They reduced the training time from twenty days to two weeks.9. There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.10. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.资料来源:(31省市学位英语网,专业的成人学位英语网站)全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 。

电大网考英译汉英译汉1.I think everyone knows how to swim.我认为人人都知道怎样游泳。
2.I don’t know who broke the window.我不知道是谁打破窗户的。
3.He doesn’t know what life means to him.他不知道生活对他意味着什么。
4.I was wondering who broke the window.我想知道是谁打碎了窗户。
5.I do want to know what really happened.我真的想知道到底发生了什么。
6.I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life.我认为这幅画给我们展示了水果对于我们的生活是必需的。
7.I think she will change her mind tomorrow.我认为明天她会改变主意的。
8.I think our dream will become true.我想我们的梦想会成真。
9.I don’t think he can operate the new type of computer.我认为他不会操作新款电脑。
10.I’m sure we’ll have a good time.我确信我们会过得很愉快。
11.The doctor said there was nothing wrong with his eyes.医生说他的眼睛没有问题。
12.My problem is that I don’t have much time to do the work.我的问题是,我没有太多时间做这项工作。
13.The little boy wanted to exchange his toy for my cake.这个小男孩想用他的玩具来换我的蛋糕。
14.Our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely.我们的老师总是鼓励我们大胆地讲英语。

电大英语翻译试题及答案一、英译汉(每题2分,共10分)1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.答案:技术快速发展已经给我们的日常生活带来了显著变化。
2. She is an expert in the field of environmental protection and has made a great contribution to it.答案:她是环境保护领域的专家,并且对此做出了巨大贡献。
3. The government has taken effective measures to improve the quality of education.答案:政府已经采取了有效措施来提高教育质量。
4. The novel was so captivating that I couldn't put it down until I finished it.答案:这本小说如此吸引人,以至于我直到读完才放下。
5. The company has been committed to providing high-quality products to its customers.答案:该公司一直致力于向其客户提供高质量的产品。
二、汉译英(每题2分,共10分)1. 他是一位杰出的科学家,对医学领域做出了重大贡献。
答案:He is an outstanding scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of medicine.2. 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了巨大变化。
答案:With the widespread of the internet, the way people access information has undergone tremendous changes.3. 我们公司致力于研发新产品,以满足市场需求。

阅读理解1.While plant植物and animal动物species种类are disappearing消失at a rapidly迅速increasing增长rate比率throughout the world, scientists科学家note记录some success stories成功故事. For example, the number of elephants象killed illegally不法地in Africa has fallen sharply急剧下降. 89 thousand were killed in 1983. 46thousand were killed one year later.This happened because African countries国家agreed to establish建立export limits出口限制on ivory象牙from elephants. Ivory is the hard white material物质that forms an elephant's two long teeth, or tusks长牙. Countries that import进口ivory are refusing谢绝to accept ivory shipments装船that do not have legal export documents合法的出口公文.The Convention大会on International Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty条约signed by 91 nations国家led to the program for saving endangered计划拯救的elephants in Africa. Successful成功efforts成就also同样have been made in protecting Africa's endangered濒临灭绝的mountain山gorillas大猩猩.Almost差不多400 of the gorillas survive幸存in a volcano火山area范围on the border边境of Rwanda卢旺达, Uganda乌干达and Zaire扎伊尔. The mountain gorilla population人口(数量) has remained剩余about the same for 15 years. This happened partly部分, because Rwanda developed发展an important business重要商业that depends依赖on protecting保护the gorillas. Visitors游客there can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals' traditional传统的home area区域.Another successful program is to take endangered animals out of their natural homes. The animals are put into zoos or other protected areas where they can reproduce in safety. The goal目标of many of these programs is to produce引起enough animals to put back into the wild野性.1.What is the best title for this passage? B2.The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased减少greatly in that _A___.3.In Africa, the number of elephants killed illegally in 1983 and 1984 was__C__.4.The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for many years partly部分because of ___C(A)___.5.The phrase短语"the wild"荒野in Paragraph 5 refers to __C___.第1空:A.Wild Plants and Animals野生动植物B.√B. Protecting Endangered Species保护临危物种Saving Endangered Elephants and Mountain Gorillas拯救临危象和山猩猩Successful Efforts Made in Protecting Africa's Endangered Mountain Gorillas成功努力保护非洲山猩猩第2空: √A. African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants同意限制象牙出口B. countries that import ivory from elephants are refusing to accept ivory shipmentsC. there are less elephants now in AfricaD. there is a program for saving endangered elephants in Africa第3空:A. 89 000B. 13 500 √C. 135 000=89000+46000D. 153 000第4空:A. the development of an important business that depends on protecting the gorillasB.the protection of gorillas√C. Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillasD. the protection from the gorillas第5空:A.the animal world动物世界√林B. the natural areas full of animals and plants天然的充满动物的和植物√C. the wild nature野性的自然D. the wild animals 野生动物阅读理解2In 1848, gold was discovered in California; from all over the nation, thousands of young men set out出发for California. People called this the time of the Gold Rush淘金热.A gold miner矿工came into a city looking for a pair of pants短裤. He wanted pants strong坚固enough to stand up to 勇敢地抵抗the rough粗暴work of mining矿业. He met a young man named Levi, who sold heavy粗重cloth衣料for tents帐篷and wagon货车tops顶. They asked a tailor裁缝to use heavy cloth for their pants. Then Levi went into进入the business of making work pants. He asked his brothers to send him some strong blue cotton cloth called denim (斜纹粗棉布). With this blue denim cloth, Levi started making the kind of pants we call blue jeans today. They were sewed up解决in the same way as other pants. In 1860, a miner said that the pockets口袋weren't strong enough to hold the pieces of gold he found. The pockets kept pulling拉loose松from the pants. The cloth was all right. It was the thread线that wasn't strong enough. So Levi used rivets (铆钉) to attach系上the pockets onto the pants. Cowboys needed tough pants, too. They liked their pants to fit tightly. But the rivets marked the cowboys' saddles 承受. So Levi covered隐藏the rivets with cloth. Then everybodywas happy.1.This article as a whole is about ______A_____.A. how people got blue jeansB. the Gold RushC. denim, rivets and blue jeansD. cowboys and blue jeans2.While not stated in the article, you can tell that _____B_____.A. everybody who went to California got a lot of goldB. Levi found riches in the gold fields矿区C. Levi made more money than many gold minersD. Levi sold more jeans to cowboys than to gold miners3.The word this in the first paragraph, last sentence, refers to引用______C____.A. CaliforniaB. goldC. many people looking for gold寻找黄金D. the discovery of gold发现黄金4.Levi used strong blue cotton cloth to make pants because _____C_____.A. gold miners liked the blue colorB. this was the only cloth he hadC. miners wanted pants which could stand rough work经受粗活D. cowboys liked their pants to fit tightly紧身5.Which of the following sentences is not correct? CA. It was Levi who started the business of making blue jeans.B. It was one tailor裁缝who started making blue jeans.C. It was in California that blue jeans first became popular流行.D. It was in California that gold was discovered.阅读理解3Culture shock文化冲击might可以be called an occupational disease职业病of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad移民国外. Like most ailments疾病, it has its own symptoms症状and cure治愈. 文化冲击可被称为有突然被在移民国外的人们一种职业的疾病。

英译汉1. Tom has taught English here since he graduated from Oxford University.汤姆从牛津大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。
2. Visitors who come here like the beach and sunshine. 来这里的游客喜欢沙滩和阳光。
3. Please give this ticket to whoever comes first.请把这张票给最先来的人。
4. The higher the temperature of a body, the quicker the motion of its molecules.物体的温度越高,其分子的运动就越快。
5.Whether they will hold a meeting has not been decided.要不要开会还没有决定。
6.Though it was late, we kept on working.尽管已经很晚了,我们还在继续工作。
7. The child talks as if he were a man.那个孩子说起话来就好像是个大人似的。
8. Never before in her life has Helen seen such beautiful and precious jewelry.海伦一生中从未见过如此漂亮和珍贵的珠宝。
9. The bridge being built will be completed in May.正在修建的那座桥将于5月完工。
10. Mary was such a hardworking student that she soon came out first in the class.玛丽是一个学习十分用功的学生,不久她就成了班里学习最好的学生。
11. Everything considered, their plan is still workable.所有因素都考虑到,他们的计划仍是可行的。

复习资料说明1.学位英语考试于3月14-15日举行,具体时间以准考证为准2.考试形式为机考3.为满足同学们复习备考需求,学校根据学位英语考试大纲编写了各题型练习题,但并非题库,请大家以巩固基础知识和答题技巧为主汉译英第一部分1. 玛丽把小孩委托给邻居照看,然后匆忙跑回电影院去找遗忘在那里的手提包。
2. 对于汤姆来说,金钱和权力并不重要。
3. 在面试开始前,我心中很有些忐忑不安。
4. 事故的原因主要在于司机的不小心。
5. 他靠给几家人做园丁谋生。
答案:1. Leaving her kid to the care of her neighbor, Mary hurried back to the cinema to look forher handbag she had left there.2. Both money and power mean nothing to Tom.3. Before the interview began, there were many butterflies in my stomach.4. The cause of the accident lies mainly in the driver’s carelessness.5. He lives on serving as the gardener of several families.1. ______________________________________________________________(为了帮助她,凡是我能想到的都做了), I don’t know what else to do.2. There are, _____________________________________________________(要是你不介意我这样说的话), several problems with this idea of yours.3. The driver admitted that ________________________________________________(他不但没有上保险), but he didn’t have a driving license either.4. ________________________________________________________________(这两个人中不管哪个偷了她的钱包), she was determined to find out.5. ________________________________________________________(你应该试试照我建议的那样做). I’m sure you’d find it much easier.答案:1. I’ve done everyth ing I can think of to help her, I don’t know what else to do.2. There are, if you don’t mind me saying so, several problems with this idea of yours.3. The driver admitted that not only was he not insured, but he didn’t have a driving licenseeither.4. Whichever of the two men had stolen her purse, she was determined to find out.5. You should try doing the way I suggested. I’m sure you’d find it much easier.第二部分1. 我已得知事故的详情。

学位英语翻译试题及答案一、英译汉(每题2分,共10分)1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.2. The government has implemented a series of measures to tackle the issue of environmental pollution.3. It is universally acknowledged that education plays a crucial role in personal development.4. The company has invested heavily in research and development to maintain its competitive edge.5. The novel was written by an acclaimed author and has been translated into several languages.二、汉译英(每题2分,共10分)1. 随着互联网的普及,在线教育变得越来越受欢迎。
2. 保护环境是我们每个人的责任,我们应该采取行动减少污染。
3. 他是一位杰出的科学家,对医学领域做出了重大贡献。
4. 这个项目的成功需要团队成员之间的密切合作。
5. 随着经济的发展,越来越多的人选择出国旅游。
三、短文翻译(每题10分,共20分)1. 请将以下英文短文翻译成中文:"In recent years, the concept of sustainable development has gained widespread attention. It emphasizes the importance of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."2. 请将以下中文短文翻译成英文:"随着全球化的不断推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。

31. Tom’s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.汤姆的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。
32. Please give this book to whoever comes first 请把这本书给最先来的人。
.33. Though it was late, they kept on working尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。
31. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
32. Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came our first in the class. 弗莱德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生33. Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。
31. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用32. In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students’ test papers. 在外语系,用阅卷机给学生阅卷33. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写31. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。

All I'm trying to do is to _______ why your condition has not been improved.我试图做的是 B)find out B)找出
30 A _______,为什么你的病情没有得到改善。
23 _ 90 percent. _________,最终可能在建筑工地所需的劳动量减少了90%。
robots A)所以聪明的建设机器人
______ has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. ______上面已经说了,语法是一家 A)As A)作为
-Do you mind if I open the window?-______ I feel a bit cold.你不介意我打开窗户吗?______我 B)I'd rather you didn't. B)我宁愿
7 - 觉得有点冷。
- You were out when I dropped in at your house.- Oh, I _______ for a friend from England A)was waiting A)在等待
雪?“是的,我希望这种痛苦会_______。 _______ many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money from
14 _ them at night. _______众多的客户白天上班,比利晚上来收集他们的钱。
All the employees_______ to work online at home except the manager.所有在线工作在家除了经 D)are encouraged D)的鼓励
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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31. Tom’s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.汤姆的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。
32. Please give this book to whoever comes first 请把这本书给最先来的人。
.33. Though it was late, they kept on working尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。
31. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
32. Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came our first in the class. 弗莱德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生33. Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。
31. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用32. In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students’ test papers. 在外语系,用阅卷机给学生阅卷33. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写31. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。
32. This place has plentiful material resources这个地方的物质资源是丰富的.33. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics. 各种材料的磁性有很大的不同31. The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience. . 我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验到的快乐就越多。
32. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加(一分)。
33. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴31. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one. 像这种植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家中都找不到。
32. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。
.33. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子31 Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。
32 Would you please help me with this heavy box? 你能帮我抬一下这个很沉的箱子吗?33 He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city. 自从他来到这座城市就在这所大学里任教31 Transistors are small in size and light in weight. 晶体管的体积小,重量轻32. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. 尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。
33. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause. 如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全身心地投入。
31. You needn’t go there anymore. He already knows about it. 你不必去了,他已经知道那件事了。
32. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家33. The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc. 大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例76.The study was means to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals。
研究意图检测大脑是如何对无线电信号引起的电磁场反应的77.Experts said the results were interesting, but urged that they be understood with great care。
专家指出这一结果值得关注,但是在解释时需要特别谨慎78.Nor is electronic multitasking entirely new: We’ve been driving while listening to car radios since they became popular in the 1930s。
电子操作的多任务处理也并不是全新的:自从十九世纪三十年代它们流行开始,我们就边开车边听音乐了79.Although multitasking kids may be better prepared in some ways for today’s fast-paced workplace, many scientists are positively alarmed by the trend。
80.In Germany, nuclear power has been a repeatedly argued and widely felt issue for decades。
在德国数十年来核武器已经被反复争论,并且引起广泛的讨论81. Earthquakewhich recently happened in Japanhad changed the surface of earth。
82. Children underthe age of 13 should sit in the back sit。
83. I never get upearly on Sunday我星期天从不早起。
84 Child’scharacter greatly influenced by family environment。
85 Since I left ina hurry, forgot to take my textbooks.由于我离开得匆忙,忘记带课本了1. In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company.在五十年代初期,有百分之八九的年轻人在一家公司工作三年后往往会跳槽。
2. Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, they have to make a job change.由于大多数工作只需花一年多就可以掌握,为了继续学习,他们就会调换工作。
3. They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions.作为技术专家,他们在工作了几年之后会更快地跳到更高的管理岗位。
4. Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.社会学家们对于一个社会是怎样形成与怎样发展起来的很感趣。
5. A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s.1830年,一个叫Auguste Comte的法人使社会学成为一门独立的学科。
6. The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation.执行死刑的方法因国家而各不相同。
7. The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it.有个人大胆提议用这种新装置,后来这种刑具就以那个人的名字命名。
8. Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickness of death.许多人认为使用断头台来处决一个人,这是很仁慈的,因为这样会让人死得更快一些。