Cultural relics教案1

Cultural relics教案1Unit 1 ultural relis教材分析I.教学内容分析本单元的话题是“化遗产”。
aring up部分首先让学生对物的定义有所了解,然后让学生讨论物所应具有的特点,在此基础上让学生看几幅图片,进一步讨论“是不是只有像花瓶这样的东西才算是物,建筑物算不算物”这个问题。
Learning abut Language 部分首先安排了根据英语释义搭配词汇的练习,力求巩固学生对新词汇的理解和记忆;此外,针对本单元的语法重点----定语从句,该部分还包含了相当分量的练习,让学生通过寻找中的定语从句启发学生去发现、归纳和复习限制性定语从句,同时引入非限制性定语从句的教学与训练。
Using Language 部分的Reading and listening和speaing主要通过对evidene, fat和pinin三个词的讲解辨析,同时结合琥珀屋离奇失踪这一事,对学生进行听力训练,有效地帮助学生将所学内容与实际判断能力的培养结合起。
紧随其后的reading and riting对一封信进行讨论之后,根据所给出的提示写一封回信,这一部分通过展示不同人对待国家化遗产的不同态度,引发学生思考,让他们发表自己的看法,具有现实意义。
Learning Tips 部分鼓励学生去参观博物馆或化遗产胜地,学习有关的知识,尽力为外国游客提供导游服务,一方面可以借此机会锻炼自己的英语口语,另一方面也可以结交朋友。
II.教学重点和难点1.教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语。
2.教学难点(1) 学会区别事实与观点,锻炼思维分析能力。
Culture Relics教案

Unit 1 Cultural RelicsTeaching goals1). Ability goalsA. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.B. Improve the students’ reading ability.C. Train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening.D. Enable the students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways to protect them.2). Learning ability goalsHelp the Ss to learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics.Teaching important points1 ).The new words and expressions;2). Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room;3). Train the students’ speaking ability.4). Improve the students’ reading ability.Train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening.Teaching methods1). Watch some videos about the cultural relics. (individuals)2). Have a discussion. (group work)3). Write an article about the discussion. (individuals)Part 1Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming-upT: When talking about cultural relics, what comes to your mind?S1: The Great Wall.S2: The Pyramids in Egypt.S3: …T: Well done. As is known to all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many of which are world famous. Now look at the pictures and guess what heritage they are. All these are cultural relics.Imagine you have a chance to travel these places. Which place would you like to go? Why?What is a cultural relic?(Ss can find the answer from the Warming up.)Step 2 Speaking taskIf you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it?Step 3 Pre-readingT: OK, class, do you think these cultural relics are beautiful?Ss: Yes, very beautiful.T: Suppose one of them got them, what will you do with it?Part 2 Reading and comprehendingKnowledge:Learn some new phrases and some new sentence patterns.Ability:1.Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2.Improve the students’ reading ability.Teaching methods:1.Learning and practicing.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and lead-inT: We learned some cultural relics just now. Well, we’re going to learn another cultural relic. Look at the pictures on; do you know what it is called?Ss: The Amber Room.T: Yes, It’s called the Amber Room.What do y ou know about the cultural relic” the Amber Room”?T shows the Ss some pictures of “the Amber Room”Step 2 Fast reading:T: Do you want to know more about the Amber Room? What does the text tell about the Amber Room? Read the passage first and try to answer the questions:What’s main idea of the passage?What happened to the Amber Room?(finish the text)Step 3 language pointsin search of , search for ,search sb/sth in the / one’s search for;state, nation, country;gift; make into; in return; wonder; remove; furniture;Step 4 DiscussionDo you know how amber works?Part 3(Text analyses and language points)Knowledge:1.Words: ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror,wonder;2.Phrases: look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take apart, thinkhighly of;3.Sentence patterns(1). In 1770, the room was completed the way (that) she wanted it(2). There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Kingsburg, at that times a German city on the Baltic Sea.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionT: In the last period, we learned something about the Amber Room and we also know that this room has a strange history, could you tell me what happened to this room chronologically?The Ss talk it about by themselves for some minutes, and then T gives the answer: Built in Prussia-- Frederick William I--- Sent it to Peter the Great (Russian)-- winter palace Czar--- Catherine II Move outside St Petersburg-- The war between(R&G) Nazi German Secretly stole--Sent to Konigsberg (G)—mystery--- Now RebuiltStep 2 Learning about the language pointsDifficult sentences:1.Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when(it is)heated.Feel here means: to give or produce the stated sensation (给人以某种感觉)2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(同位语从句)Ask S to Check up the phrases you have found in the reading text with your partner. Language points:1. 情态动词+ have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等意。
高中英语_必修二第一单元Cultural relics 阅读教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Book 2 Unit1 Cultural relics教学设计1.教材分析:本单元话题为”文化遗产”。
2. 教学重点:从全篇角度梳理文章结构,提取、理解并整合文章信息,完成对琥珀屋本身以及它背后历史事件的总结。
3. 教学难点:通过了解琥珀屋的历史,了解世界文化遗产,特别是中华民族的文化遗产,增强文化遗产保护意识,从而增强民族自豪感和对国家、对社会、对全人类的热爱。
4.教学过程:Step 1 Warming-upT: What is a cultural relic ?Ss: Cultural relic is something...Step 2Pre-reading(1)Lead-inT: What comes to your mind when we refer to cultural relics?(这相当于一个头脑风暴的环节,让学生在短时间内尽可能多的说出他们知道的文化遗产) How about the Amber Room ? How much do you know about it?(引起学生的求知欲)I will show you a video clip about the Amber Room.(在阅读之前给学生提供与琥珀屋相关的背景知识,有助于后面的阅读)Do you want to know more about the Amber Room ? Let’s come to the passage In Search of the Amber Room .(2)PredictionT:What do you expect to know in the text? (让学生对文章内容进行预测,培养学生预测阅读内容的能力。

内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司第三中学高中英语Unit 1 CulturalRelics教学设计新人教版必修2【课程分析】本单元的主题为“文化遗产”(cultural relics)。
课文“寻找琥珀屋”(In search of The Amber Room)是本单元的第二课时reading部分,具有承上启下的感化。
Cultural relics教案

Cultural relics教案一、教学目标1、知识目标学生能够理解“cultural relics”的定义和范畴。
二、教学重难点1、教学重点重点词汇和短语:cultural relics, preserve, historic, valuable 等。
四、教学过程1、导入(5 分钟)展示一些著名文化遗产的图片,如长城、故宫等,提问学生是否知道这些是什么,引导学生进入文化遗产的主题。
2、词汇学习(10 分钟)呈现与文化遗产相关的新词汇,如“culturalrelics”“preserve”“historic”“valuable”等,通过讲解、举例和练习,帮助学生掌握这些词汇的用法。
3、阅读课文(15 分钟)让学生阅读一篇关于某种文化遗产的短文,理解其主要内容和细节。
4、小组讨论(15 分钟)分组讨论以下问题:“Why are cultural relics important?” “What canwe do to protect cultural relics?”每组选派代表进行发言,分享小组讨论的结果。
5、写作练习(15 分钟)要求学生根据讨论的内容,写一篇短文,阐述自己对文化遗产保护的看法和建议。

高中英语《CulturalRelics》教案设计1一、教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握与文化遗产相关的英语词汇和表达,如cultural relics、preserve、heritage 等。
2. 能力目标:学生能够理解文章内容,并能进行分析讨论;能够用英语表达自己对文化遗产的看法和观点。
3. 情感目标:培养学生保护文化遗产的意识,激发学生对传统文化的热爱和自豪感。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点(1)掌握与文化遗产相关的英语词汇和表达。
2. 教学难点(1)如何引导学生用英语表达自己对文化遗产的看法和观点。
三、教学方法1. 任务驱动法:通过布置任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习英语。
2. 小组合作法:组织学生进行小组讨论和竞赛,培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。
3. 案例分析法:通过分析实际案例,引导学生理解保护文化遗产的重要性。
四、教学过程1. 导入(5 分钟)(1)播放一段关于世界文化遗产的视频,如长城、金字塔等,让学生感受文化遗产的魅力。
(2)提问学生:“What are cultural relics? Can you name some cultural relics?”引导学生思考文化遗产的定义和例子。
2. 词汇学习(10 分钟)(1)展示一些与文化遗产相关的图片,如故宫、兵马俑等,让学生说出对应的英语词汇。
(2)讲解重点词汇和表达,如cultural relics、preserve、heritage 等,并让学生用这些词汇造句。
3. 课文朗读(10 分钟)(1)让学生先快速浏览课文,了解文章大意。
4. 问题思考(15 分钟)(1)提出一些问题,让学生思考并回答。
例如:“What are the characteristics of cultural relics? Why should we preserve cultural relics?”(2)组织学生进行小组讨论,每个小组选出一名代表进行发言。
高中英语_BOOK2 Unit1 Cultural Relics教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Teaching Design For Reading BOOK 2 Unit 1 cultural relicsThe Teaching Process学情分析本节课教学对象是高一年级普通班学生,普通班学生和尖子班学生英语能力有较大差距,相对来说这些学生英语基础比较薄弱,张不开嘴说英语,阅读速度相对较慢,词汇量少,不敢主动回答问题,更不敢主动到讲台上展示交流成果。
经历了高一上学期的学习,已经慢慢熟悉了高中英语阅读课的模式:Pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading,并慢慢适应了全英文授课方式。
特别对while-reading中第二自然段小组内设计问题,发问其他小组成员和post-reading中设计自己的电脑这两个环节,学生们表现出了极大的兴趣和主动性,而且学生的表现也很出乎我的意料,取得了令人满意的教学效果效果分析本单元的主题是cultural relics, 主要是通过reading部分的阅读课,让学生了解文化遗产的发展历史,并且掌握一定的阅读技巧—通过找寻topic sentence来总结段落大意,并用关键词来总结归纳;最后运用本节课所学的内容来拓展应用根据学生的课堂表现来看,学生能够熟练掌握本节课的知识目标,能够掌握一定的阅读能力目标,并且达到了拓展应用的功能目标,特别是拓展应用这个环节,学生的设计以及英语描述令我出乎意料。
人教版高中英语必修第二册 《Unit 1 Cultural Relics》教案

人教版高中英语必修第二册 《Unit 1 CulturalRelics》教案一、教学目标1.知识目标o学生能够掌握与文化遗产相关的重点词汇,如 “relic, rare, valuable, survive, dynasty” 等。
四、教学过程(一)导入(5 分钟)1.展示一些著名文化遗产的图片,如故宫、埃菲尔铁塔等。
2.提问学生:What are these? Do you know anything about them?(二)词汇学习(10 分钟)1.呈现本单元的重点词汇,结合图片和例句进行讲解。
(三)阅读前活动(5 分钟)1.让学生观察课文标题和图片,预测文章内容。
2.提出一些引导性问题,如:What do you think a cultural relic is?(四)课文阅读(15 分钟)1.学生快速阅读课文,回答一些概括性的问题,如:What is the main idea of the text?2.仔细阅读课文,完成细节理解的任务,如表格填写、句子填空等。
新课标必修2教案unit1 cultural relics[教学设计及教案]
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Q4: What happened to the Amber Room when Germany and Russia were at war? (Para. 4)
Q5: How is the new room made? (Para. 5)
b.句型:In return, the Czar gave the King of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.
In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.
This was a time when the two countries were at war.
What cultural relics can you think of?
(ppt.: shows the pictures of some cultural relics)
Step 2: Lead-in
T shows a picture of the Amber Room and says: Do you know what it is? It’s the Amber Room, a great gift from the King of Prussia to the Russian people. It had a strange history.
After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.
I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.
高二英语Cultural relics教案

高二英语Cultural relics教案一、教学目标1. 了解文化遗产的概念及其重要性,提升学生对中华文化的认识和骄傲感;2. 学习掌握有关文化遗产的专业词汇和表达方式,提高学生英语水平;3. 培养学生对文化遗产的保护意识和责任感,提高学生的文明素养。
二、教学重难点1. 文化遗产概念的理解和表达;2. 有关文化遗产的专业英语词汇和惯用表达方式的掌握。
三、教学过程1. 引入教师可以通过展示一些中华文化遗产的图片(如故宫、兵马俑等),为学生创造良好的学习氛围,并询问学生是否知道这些古迹的名称、历史背景等等相关问题。
2. 学习文化遗产概念教师可以通过讲解文化遗产的概念,引导学生了解文化遗产的重要性和保护意识。
3. 学习有关文化遗产的英语词汇和表达方式教师可以通过阅读相关的英文资料,让学生了解有关文化遗产的英语词汇和表达方式。
4. 文化遗产保护意识教育针对学生的成长期和特点,教师可以进行情感导入,引导学生思考文化遗产保护的重要性和责任。
5. 课后作业鼓励学生查找更多的有关文化遗产的信息,例如通过互联网查阅、考察当地的文化遗产、参加文化遗产保护活动等等,让学生更好的了解文化遗产。
四、教学方法1. 创设谈话环境,引导学生积极参与讨论;2. 借助多媒体手段展示旅游景点等相关图片,使学生多角度感受文化遗产的魅力;3. 设计听力、阅读训练,提高学生的英语听说读写能力。
高中英语_Cultural Relics教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Unit 1 Cultural relics习题一、单词拼写1. As is known, the Great wall is one of the w___________(奇迹)of the world.2. The f___________(家具)in your room looks new at the first sight.3. Enough e_________(证据)can help him a lot in the trial.4. I got a very friendly ____________ (接待)when I arrived there.5. I have some _________(怀疑)whether they will come here on time.6. He __________(移开)his trousers and I found the wound.7. Haven’t you seen through(识破)he had enough __________(财宝)by cheating?8. The __________(奇特的)style attracted a large number of people.9 C______(考虑)very carefully before doing it, just to make sure that you will not regret (后悔)someday.二、根据句子意思,从下表所给的词汇中选出合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空(其中有三个为多余项)design, explode, in return, in search of, sink, style, survive, take apart, think highly of, worth1.The ship, with more than 200 people on it, suddenly began to ______, which made the captain extremely worried.2.Fortunately, everyone ______ the accident, even though it was terrible.3.The architect(建筑师)spent half a year _______ that special building.4.I’m willing to share the food with him ______ for his help.5.The police are ______ the lost child in the forest.6.We all ______ her for her bravery in the face of danger.7. It’s not w________ buying another car since the one you have now is in good condition三、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空1.The man went into the house and ________ up a cigarette.(light)2.To my surprise, Jack and Lily were _________ married last week.(secret)3.I don’t want to go; ___________, I haven’t enough time at the moment.(beside)4.Some students hold the view that universities should be centers of ___________(culture).5.I have __________ seen such a beautiful present.(rare)6.Finally we got several ________ of his innocence(无罪)(prove)7.The price of the __________ beds is reasonable, I think. (wood)8 . Time is ______ to everyone, and it is a pity that many people still haven’t realized this.(value)9.A ______ relic is often a thing that reminds people of stories in history.(culture)10.It is _________ that she should have known the secret.(amaze)四、语法填空The vase that belongs ___1____ my family is ____2____, and few people can see it nowadays. When it was made still ___ 3____ a mystery to us all. I only know that it is related to a strange culture in Egypt, which has survived ___4___ the earliest times. Some days ago, I was so curious that I couldn’t help asking my grandfather about the vase, but he just talked with me some other things ___5___ return. ___6___my family is rich, we live a very ___7___ life and there is only a___8___ furniture in my home.五、定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空1. Do you know the place __________ he borrowed the book?2. He talked about the teachers and schools ________ he had visited.3. Some of the roads were flooded, ________ made our journey more difficult.4. The novel ________ you’re interested was written by Mark Twain.5. _________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.6. I walked in our garden, _______ Tom and Jim were trying a big sign onto one of the trees.参考答案:一、单词拼写1.wonders2. furniture3. evidence4. reception5. doubt6. Removed7. treasure8. fancy9. consider二、根据句子意思,从下表所给的词汇中选出合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空(其中有三个为多余项) search of6.thought highly of7.worth三、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空1. lit2. secretly3. besides4. culture5. rarely6. proofs7. wooden8. valuable 9 .cultural 10. amazing四、语法填空1. to2. rare3. remains4. from5. in6. Though7. simple8. little五、定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空1. where2. that3. which4. in which5. As6. where由于这节课的课型是高三一轮复习课,主要是对单元基础知识回顾复习,很多学生对有些内容感觉很陌生,因此要让他们重新认知,难度较大;另外,教学环节没有很完整地展示出来,课堂口语表达单一,上课时还有点紧张,不能放开去讲。

3. 给学生以感官上的刺 激,引起学生极大的兴 趣,然后提问,What is amber ? Have you everseen a piece of amber ?再给学生将讲 讲琥珀是怎样形成的, 之后再问Can you imagine a house made of amber ?从而引出 reading 部分。
(二)热身人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics ―教学设计教师行为(一)创设问题情境, 1. 教师用PowerPoint 分 别展示三幅图片以及有 关的介绍,并不需要学 生详细记录细宵,只是 了解图片是什么地方, 位于哪个国家等。
学生学习活动 激趣导入设计意图学生观察图片,说出自己的 利用多媒体课件创设情境激 想法。
发学生学习兴趣,给学生心 理上的支持,创设良好的学 习氛围。
2.展示各种各样令人惊叹提髙学生应答意识熟练掌握与此1.让学生解释文章的1title — In Search ofthe Amber Room(Maybe2. 说出本单元单词,尤其是修饰1.充分利用多媒体教师设定几个问题Good morning,class・This period w argoing to rad about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM Before our reading, I ' d like to know:1・Wh&t kind of old things ar cultural relics?2.Are all the old things cultural relics?(三)课前预习it ' s lost)2.为了让学生知道琥珀屋是什么样子,帮助理解文章,教师展示多张图片,琥珀屋的外观、以及里而摆设,光彩夺目,金碧辉煌的琥珀屋使学生大开眼界,叹为观止。
教案精选:高中英语《Cultural relics》教学设计

教案精选:高中英语《Cultural relics》教学设计Teaching goals教学目标1). Ability goals能力目标a. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.b. Improve the students’reading ability.c. Train the students’ability to grasp key information while listening.d. Enable the students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways to protect them.2). Learning ability goals学能目标Help the Ss to learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics.3)Emotion:情感目标Train the students’ability to cooperate with others.Enable the Ss to talk about the story of the Amber RoomTeaching important points教学重点1 ).The new words and expressions;2). Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room;3). Train the students’ability to cooperate with others;4). Train the students’speaking ability.Learn to discuss and act out the Ss’opinions about cultural relics.Teaching important points教学难点1)Words:ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror, wonder;2)Phrases:look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take apart, think highly of;3). Sentence patterns:(1) There is no doubt that…..(2) This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it.4). Improve the students’reading ability.Train the students’ability to grasp key information while listening.How to teach the students to speak out their opinions about cultural relics.Teaching methods教学方法1). Watch some videos about the cultural relics. (individuals)2). Have a discussion. (group work)3). Write an article about the discussion. (individuals)Teaching aids教学设备A computer, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式The first & second period (Vocabulary, Warming up and Pre-reading)Teaching goals:1. Target languageCultural, survive, remain, state, rare, dynasty, vase, belong to2. Learning ability goalsHelp the students learn how to talk about cultural relics and have the sense of protecting cultural relics.Teaching important pointsTalk about cultural relics and what should be done with them.Teaching difficult points:How to talk about cultural relics.Teaching methods:Group discussion and presentation.(cooperative learning)The first &second periodTeaching procedures:Step 1 New words teachingStep 2 Warming-upT: When talking about cultural relics, what comes to your mind?S1: The Great Wall.S2: The Pyramids in Egypt.S3: …T: Well done.Teacher asks the Ss to look at the three groups of pictures and discuss these questions.1. Do you know these places?2. If you know, what do you know about the places?3. Which one would you like to visit? Why?I: As is known to all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many of which are world famous. Now look at the pictures and guess what heritage they are.All these are cultural relics.Do you know any other cultural relics in the world?T shows the Ss some cultural relics abroad.Task 1: ask the Ss to make a dialogue by saying.Imagine you have a chance to travel these places. Which place would you like to go?Why?when are you starting off? How are you getting there? How long are you staying?Please make a dialogue with your partners.Then students answer the following questions:What is your favorite city? Why?What makes a city great and famous?(a long history; cultural relics; many great people; important events taking place there)T:Unfortunately, some of them are in danger because they are destroyed, and some of them were lost because someone stole them.Task 2: Now suppose that you work for the state office of cultural relics. You are sent to a small town where you find a relic that

Culturalrelics全单元教案(新人教版高中英语必修2unit1)Cultural relics全单元教案教案(新人教版高中英语必修2 unit 1)Teaching aims:1. TopicTalk about cultural relics2. Useful words and expressions:Cultural, survive, remain, state, rare, dynasty, vase, belong, gift, ton, stone, once, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, artist, reception, light, mirror, wonder, remove, furniture, secretly, wooden, doubt, trial, consider, opinion, evidence, prove, pretend, maid, castle, sailor, treasure, besidesLook into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war,take apart, think highly of3. Functional items:I think highly of…I don’t agree that…Besides…I must say that I agree with you.I must say that I don’t agree with you.As far as I’m concerned, I think…As I see it…Don’t you agree /think that…I can’t help thinking that…I would like to say…In my opinion/view…Personally, we should…Well, obviously we should…The point is ….4. StructuresThe attributive clause with that/ which /who /where/ whenA cultural relic is something that has survived…It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China.This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because…Later, Catherine II ha d the Amber Room … outside St Petersburg where…This was a time when the two countries were at war.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 (Reading)Step 1. Warming upThe warming-up exercise raises Ss’ awareness that there are some well-known cultural relics both at home and abroad. Ask the Ss to try their best to think of the cultural relics that they know.1. Ss say what they know about cultural relics.2. Teacher may summarize like this:Cultural relics are traces or features surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of them. They represent the culture of a place and some periods of history. Of course, some of them are in danger because they are being destroyed.3. Ask the Ss to give some examples of the cultural relics that are in the need of being protected.Step 2. Pre-reading1. Ss discuss and answer:How would you feel if a cultural relic got lost? Why?If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it?2. Ss look at the two pictures on page 1-2. Ask them if they know what it is called.Step 3. While-reading1. Ss read and find the answers to the following questions:1)Why is it called the Amber Room?2)What happened to the Amber Room?2. Second reading: Ss read again and finish comprehending.3. Listening: Ss listen to the passage and get the main idea of each paragraph.Main idea:Paragraph 1. We can know that the Amber Room has a strange history and know something about its design and building.Paragraph 2. We can know the history of the Amber room and its functions in Russia. Paragraph 3. It tells us that Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg.Paragraph 4. It tells us that the Nazi German army stole the Amber Room in September, 1941. After that the Amber Room remains a mystery.Paragraph 5. It tells us that the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace, following the old photos.Step 4. After-reading1. Ss discuss and answer: what they can do to protect our cultural relics.2. DebatingSs divided into two parts and debate.Topic: We should rebuild Yuan Mingyuan.We should not rebuild Yuan Mingyuan.Homework1. Recite the key sentences in the text.2. Retell the text.Period 2. (Language learning and grammar)Step 1. RevisionSs try to retell the text, using their own words.Step 2. Language points1. insist that2. 情态动词+ have done3. be made into4. be at war5. remain6. think highly ofStep 3 Discovering useful words and expressions1. Ss read the passage again and try to find word which means each of the meaning on page3, part 1.2. Teach the Ss how to use the dictionary to learn the usage of the phrase: belong to.Step 4. Grammar: The attributive clause1. Ss read the following sentences and try to find the rules.1)It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China.2) This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because…Ask the Ss themselves to find the difference between the two sentences.3. Tell Ss the differences between restrictive attributive clause and non- restrictive attributive clause.Step 5. PracticeSs finish exercises 2 and 3 on page 4.Homework1. Ss finish Wb exercise: using works and expressions.2. Ss finish Wb exercise: using structures.3. Ss collect some information of the cultural relics that are in danger.Period 3. SpeakingStep 1. Revision1. Check Ss’ homework.2. Ask the Ss to say something about what they have collect about the cultural relics that are in danger.Step 2. Lead-in1. Ss watch videos about the world cultural relics.2. Ss find some cultural relics that are in danger and discuss what they will do with them.Step 3. Speaking taskT: China has tens of thousands of cultural relics. Perhaps it is not possible or necessary to save all of them. For example, Bejing is famous for its lanes or traditional houses and yards. Some people say that only the best ones should be saved. Others disagree, and say they make the capital a special place. Now, let’s have a discussion about this in two sides:Do you think China should save all of its cultural relics?Step 4. WritingAsk the Ss to write an article of 100-200 words about the whole discussion and express your opinion at the same time.Homework1. Review the attributive clauses.2. Remember the sentences that express one’s idea.Period 4. ReadingStep 1. Pre-readingT: since cultural relics are important and useful, it’s necessary for everyone to protect them. After all, they belong tothe whole world. so today, we’ll read a passage that is about a common person who saves the cultural relics—Big Feng to the rescue. Read the passage for the first time and answer why Big Feng wants to save cultural relics.Step 2. Reading (P44)1. Ss read the passage again and answer the following questions:1). How does he save the cultural relics of his hometown?2). What does “a big heart” mean? In which ways does Feng Jicai show that he has a big heart?3). Why does he think it is more important to do this than to write his novels?4). It is very time-consuming and expensive for Feng Jicai to take care of cultural relics. Can you think of some other ways to help him with his projects?Step 3. Reading, listening and writing1. Ss read the passage on page 5.2. Play the tape. Ss listen to what three people say they know about the missing Amber Room. As they listen, pretend that they are judges.3. Ss listen again and take notes. Then fill in the forms on page 5. decide which of the three people they think gave the best evidence.Step 4. speaking and writing1. Discuss which person gave the vest evidence. Use the following expressions:Are you sure he/ she was telling the truth? How do you know that?How can you be sure he/ she was telling the truth?Why/why not?That can’t be true.I (don’t) believe …, because….I (don’t ) agree that…The truth is (not) easy to know.I can be proved.2. write down a short list of reasons for your choice.Period 5. ListeningStep 1. DictationT: we will have a dictation of the following sentences:1. Frederick William I, the king of Prussia could never nave imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian People would have such a strange history.2. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.3. It was made for the palace of Frederick.4. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great, as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian People.5. In return, the Czar gave the King of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.6. The Amber Room soon became part of the Czar’s Palace in St. Petersburg.7. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.8. This was a time when the two countries were at war.9. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.10. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.11. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.Step 2. Listening (P41)1. Listen to the tape for the first time to get the main idea.2. Ss listen again and talks about a temple in Egypt, and then answer the questions on page 41.Step 3. Listening task (P44)Ss listen to the tape three times. At first time, try to get the main idea. At second time, try to spell the missing words as you hear them. At the last time, make some notes about I M Pei’s life. After listening, work in pairs. Each pair writes a short dialogue according to the notes.Period 6. WritingStep 1. Pre-writing1. Ask the Ss to read Johann’s letter first.2. Ss choose their writing models.Step 2. While-writing1. Ss collect their ideas for the letter. Write them down in order.2. Ss begin to write their letters.3. Choose some letters to show in the class.Step 3. Writing task (P46-47)1. Ss choose one cultural relic in their hometown that they think is worth saving. Write a letter to all the students of their school to encourage them to help save the cultural relic. They can use the model on page 46 as a guide.2. Ss check the answers each other.3. T checks the answers in class.Step 4. Project (P47)Ss finish the project as the following steps:1. Get together with three of your classmates and share your letters from the writing task with one another. Read each letter aloud.2. Know take the best ideas from each letter and make an even better plan to protect a cultural relic in your hometown. Explain your reasons.3. Organize your plan step by step to get more and more students to join the project.4. Prepare a short speech and have one member of your group tell you r classmates so that we can protect it well.Period sevenTeachers can use this period freely.Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. T eachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself. It is very important to improve their learning.。

人教版高中英语Book2 Unit1 Cultural Relics reading授课方案I. Teaching contentsBook2 Unit1Cultural Relics ,这是一节高中阅读课,介绍了俄罗斯稀世珍宝“琥珀屋”的相关史实。
II.Teaching objectives1.Knowledge objective掌握文章中出现的重要单词及短语1.Ability objective经过阅读活动提高学生的阅读能力1.Affective objective让学生学习伟人身上的优秀质量从而陶冶自己的情操III. Teaching important points1. 学习下列单词和短语: local,entry,match, apart,prove,trial, eyewitness, evidence, informal, take apart, agree with, care about, rather than,think highly of2.提高学生的阅读理解能力IV. Teaching difficult points1.让学生学习与文化遗产描述和保护相关的词汇、短语、句型。
V.Teaching methods任务型授课法、略读法、扫读法、细读法VI. Teaching aids黑板、投影仪VII. Teaching proceduresStep I: New words learning授课活动:学生说出相应英语单词的中文意思,教师使用ppt 显现答案,并进行派生词授课。
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人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics--教学设计一、课程标准内容二、教学要求三、课时分配第一课时:阅读课Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading;第二课时: 阅读课和语言点学习 Reading; Learning about language;第三课时:语法课及阅读课复习 Grammar; Revision of Reading;第四课时: 复习课 Revision of Attributive clauses; Revision of Reading第五课时: 阅读课及复习课Using language—a fact or an opinion; Revision of attributive clauses第六课时: 读听课Reading—Big Feng to the Rescue P45; Listening of Learning English;第七课时: 练习巩固课Learning English; 校本练习;单词测试。
四、教学过程设计第一课时:阅读课Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading;(IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM)Aims:After the class, the Ss will be able to1. read and learn about cultural relics: definition, characteristics2. learn about the stories of the amber room by scanning, skimming and careful reading3. learn some words about cultural relics by classification4. retell the story of the amber room in the Ss’ own wordsI. Warming up1. Ask the Ss to enjoy 3 groups of pictures and talk about which place they want to visit most. The Ss should show their reasons.(列举3组文化遗产的画,让学生对学习本文产生兴趣,并逐渐与本课话题关联,并引出下面的话题)2.Ask the Ss to talk about the definition of a cultural relic.(让学生自己阐述文化遗产的概念,试探学生对文化遗产的理解,再是老师给出相关概念,让学生在对比中学习)3. Ask the Ss to name some other cultural relics at home and abroad.(这一步是对上面文化遗产认识的延伸和运用,查看学生是否已经对文化遗产有了大致了解) 4.Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions:How would you feel if it got lost? Why?If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it?(通过上述问题的讨论,培养学生对文化遗产的热爱)5.Ask the Ss to talk about: How should we treat cultural relics?(树立学生保护所剩文化遗产的意识)II Reading1. Pre-reading1). Ask the Ss to get familiar with amber and the amber room.2) Ask the Ss to answer the three questions with the help of the words list.(学生大致了解琥珀;借助词汇表,按要求回答问题,让学生接触课文所涉及词汇,扫除学生学习本文的词汇障碍,同时也避免学生学习课文时查阅生词表,从而浪费时间) 2.Fast reading1) Ask the Ss to talk about The characteristics of the passage.(本文是叙事性说明文,通过填词练习,让学生认识文体特点)2) Ask the Ss to finish Ex. 2 on P2 and then answer the questions to further learn about the passage.3) Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks to get the general idea for each paragraph.(上述2步是阅读技巧训练题,也是学生阅读中的难点和重点。
前一步为后一步服务,降低学生提取主旨大意的难度)3. Careful reading1) Ask the Ss to read the passage and finish Ex. 1 on P2(了解琥珀屋的历史是本文的重点和难点,借助书上练习,降低学生阅读难度,并为下一步深入阅读作铺垫。
)2)Ask the Ss to talk about what happened to the amber room with the help of the table. And try to retell it with the help of the years and key words mentioned in the table.(进一步了解琥珀屋的历史,并能告知同学。
)4. Post readingAsk the Ss to discuss the question of Ex 3 on P2.(本步骤是拓展性思维训练,是小组活动,希望学生运用老师提供的句型和短语,发表观点,培养学生能比较清楚地表达自己的观点,并就具体事物发表自己的看法。
)III HomeworkSection VEx. 1 P3第二课时: 阅读课和语言点学习 Reading; Learning about language;Aims:After the class, the Ss will be able to1. learn the languages of the passage;2. go over the main idea and some of the language points for the passage;I Ex. checkingCheck Section V with the Ss(阅读和完形训练,常规做法)II Language pointsRead through the passage with the Ss and point out the key words mentioned in the word list and useful phrases and sentences.Pay more attention to the following words and phrases:rare, valuable, survive, amaze(amazing), select, design, fancy, style, decorate, jewel, reception, doubt, former, worth.In search of, belong to, in return, at war(通过强调上述语言点及必要时给出例句,要求学生能掌握。
)III Passage revisionAsk the Ss to fill in the blanks about the summary of the passage.(进一步巩固和复习所学有关琥珀屋的故事和语言点,初步能运用所涉及的语言点)IV Preview work checkingCheck the preview work with the Ss.(讲解预习卷,强调语言点学习中疏漏的点。
)V Learning about languageAsk the Ss to finish the Ex on P3 and check the answers.(进一步巩固相关语言点)VI HomeworkWrite a summary for the passage and retell it.Learning English Part 1Find out all the attributive clauses from the passage.A dictation for the reading passage第三课时:语法课及阅读课复习 Grammar; Revision of Reading;Aims:After the class, the Ss will be able to1. retell the story of the amber room;2. go over the language points of the passage;3. compare the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses and learn to use them.I DictationGive the Ss a dictation for the reading passage.(通过听写,督促学生再次复习有关课文的语言点以及重点词汇,词组和重要语句)II Retelling the story of the amber roomAsk the Ss to retell the story of the amber room.(老师花10分钟左右时间让学生复述有关琥珀屋故事,注意学生在复述时应以时间为线索,并注意上下文衔接)Ⅲ: Discovering useful structures.1. Join the pairs of sentences using attributive clauses by blank filling.2. Compare restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses through an example.3. Underline all the sentences with attributive clauses in the text and tell thenon-restrictive attributive clauses from the restrictive attributive clauses.(Independent work and pair work)4. Join the pairs of sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses byExercise 2 on page 4. (Pair work)5. Complete the sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses byExercise 3 on page 4. (Group work)6. Make sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses to describethe pictures on the screen and let others guess what they are talking about.(Independent work and group work)(设计意图:1. 通过图片创设情境,全班一起复习已经学过的限制性定语从句。