sir roger at church2




英国文学史及选读作者及作品一、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期The Anglo-Saxon Period※《贝奥武甫》“The Song of Beowulf”《浪游者》“Widsith”or “The Traveller’s Song”《航海家》“Seafarer”二、盎格鲁-诺曼时期The Anglo-Norman Period※《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ”杰弗里《史记》Geoffrey’s “History”莱亚门《布鲁特》Laysmon’s “Brust”《罗兰之歌》“Chanson de Roland”三、乔叟时期Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)※《坎特伯雷故事集》“The Canterbury Tales”《玫瑰传奇》“Romance of the Rose”《好女人的故事》“The Legend of Good Women”《声誉殿堂》“The House of Fame”《百鸟会议》“The Parliament of Fowls”《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》“Troilus and Gressie”大众民谣Popular Ballads※《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》“Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale””※《起来,去关门》“Get Up and Bar the Door”※《派屈克·斯宾塞爵士》“Sir Patrick Spens”托马斯·帕西《英诗辑古》Bishop Thomas Percy ”Reliques of Anciet English Poetry”兰格论《农夫皮尔期》“The Vision of Piers, the Plowman”四、文艺复兴时期The Renaissance1.威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)1590《亨利六世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”《亨利六世》第三部The Third Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1591《亨利六世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1592《理查三世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅲ”《错误的喜剧》“The Comedy of Errors”1593《泰特斯·安德鲁尼克斯》”Titus Andronicus”《驯悍记》“The Taming of the Shrew”1594《维洛那两绅士》“The Two Gentlemen of Verona”《爱的徒劳》“Love’s Labour’s Lost”《罗密欧与朱丽叶》“Romeo and Juliet”1595《理查二世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅱ”《仲夏夜之梦》“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”1596《约翰王》“The Life and Death of King John”※《威尼斯商人》“The Merchant of Venice”1597《亨利四世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”《亨利四世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”1598《无事生非》“Much Ado About Nothing”《温莎的风流娘儿们》”The Merry Wives of Windsor”《亨利五世》”The Life of King Henry Ⅴ”1599《尤利乌斯·凯撒》“The Life and Death of Julius Caesar”《皆大欢喜》”As You Like It”1600《第十二夜》“Twelfth Night ,or, What You Will”※1601《哈姆雷特》“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”1602《特洛伊洛斯与克瑞西达》“Troilus and Cressida”《终成眷属》“All’s Well That Ends Well”1604《一报还一报》“Measure for Measure”《奥塞罗》“Othello, the Moore of Venice”1605《李尔王》”King Lear”《麦克白》“The Tragedy of Macbeth”1606《安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉》“Antony and Cleopatra”1607《科里奥拉鲁斯》”The Tragedy of Coriolanus”《雅典的泰门》“Timon of Athens”1608《佩里克利斯》“Pericles, Prince of Tyre”1609《辛白林》“Cymbeline, King of Britain”1610《冬天的故事》“The Winter’s Tale”《暴风雨》“The Tempest”《亨利八世》“The Life of King Henry Ⅷ”Poems《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》“Venus and Adonis”《露克丽丝受辱记》“Lucrece”※《十四行诗》“Sonnets”2。

英国文学 整理

英国文学 整理

Term Definition:Alliteration(押头韵): Alliteration is the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby words. The term is usually applied only to consonants, and only when the recurrent sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word.Arthurian legend(亚瑟王传奇): It is a group of tales (in several languages) that developed in the Middle Ages concerning Arthur L, semi-historical king of the Britons and his knights. The legend is a complex weaving of ancient Celtic mythology with later traditions around a core of possible historical authenticity.Sonnet(十四行诗): A lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. There are two major patterns of rhyme in sonnets written in the English language:( 1) The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet (named after the fourteenth century Italian poet Petrarch) falls into two main parts: an octave(eight lines) rhyming abbaabba followed by a sestet (six lines) rhyming cdecde or some variant, such as cdccdc .(2) the English sonnet, or else the Shakespearean sonnet. This sonnet falls into three quatrains and a concluding couplet: abab cdcd efef gg. There was one notable variant, the Spenserian sonnet, in which Edmund Spenser linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee.Conceit(夸张): From the Italian concetto (meaning idea or concept), it refers to an unusually far-fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between two apparently dissimilar things or feelings. Poetic conceits are prominent in Elizabethan love sonnets and metaphysical poetry. Conceits often employ the devices of hyperbole, paradox and oxymoron.Neoclassicism(新古典主义): A style of Western literature that flourished from the mid-seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth century and the rise of Romanticism. The neoclassicists looked to the great classical writers for inspiration and guidance. They believed that literature should both instruct and delight, and the proper subject of art was humanity. Neoclassicism stressed rules, reason, harmony, balance, restraint, decorum, order, serenity, realism, and form—above all, an appeal to the intellect rather than emotion. The Restoration in 1660 marked the beginning of the Neoclassical Period in England, whose writers included John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson, etc.Romance(传奇小说): It is a literary genre popular in the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century), dealing, in verse or prose, with legendary, supernatural, or amorous subjects and characters. Popular subjects for romances included the Macedonian King Alexander the Great, King Arthur of Britain and the Knights of the Round Table, and the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne.Renaissance(文艺复兴): Renaissance ("rebirth") is the name commonly applied to the period of European history following the Middle Ages. The development came late to England in thesixteenth century, and did not have its flowering until the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods. It also has been described as the birth of the modem world out of the ashes of the Dark Ages. Soliloquy(独白): Soliloquy is the act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud. In drama it denotes the convention by which a character, alone on the stage, utters his or her thoughts aloud.Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌): A term that can be applied to any poetry that deals with philosophical or spiritual matters but that is generally limited to works written by a specific group of 17th century poets who wrote in the manner of the poet John Donne. The metaphysical poets are linked by style and modes of poetic organization. Common elements include the following: (1) an analytical approach to subject matter; (2) colloquial language; (3) rhythmic patterns that are often rough or irregular, and (4) the metaphysical conceit, a figurative device used to capture thought and emotion as accurately as possible.Graveyard school of poetry(墓园派诗歌): It refers to a group of 18 century English poets who emphasized subjectivity, mystery, and melancholy. Death, mortality (immortality), and gloom were frequent subjects or elements of their meditative poems, which were often actually set in graveyards. Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" is the most famous example.In the year 1066, the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the battle of HastingsIn the 14th century, the two most important writers are Chaucer and Langland.Today Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English Poetry” but also as “the father of English fiction”. His masterpiece is The Canterbury TalesThe fifteenth century has been described as the barren age in English literature. But it is the spring tide of English balladsIn the 15th century, there is only one important prose writer whose name is Thomas Malory He wrote an important work called Morte D’Arthur.“the Canterbury Tales” contain in fact a general Prologue and only 24 tales, of which two are left unfinished.The Prologue provides a framewor k for the tales in “the Canterbury Tales” , and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.“the Canterbury Tales” is Chaucer’s greatest work and written for the greater part in heroic couplets.the name of the “jolly innkeeper” in “ the Canterbury Tales” is Harry Baily, who proposes that each pilgrim of the 32 should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back.“the Canterbury Tales” opens with a general Prologue where we are told of a company of polgrims that gathered at Tabard Inn in Southwark, a suburb of London.The Pilgrims in “the Canterbury Tales” are on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket at a place named Canterbury.Chaucer’s work “The Canterbury Tales” gives us a picture of th e condition of English life of his day, such as its work and play, its deeds and dreams , its fun and sympathy.The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundations of capitalism.Thom as More wrote his famous prose work “Utopia”.In Elizabeth Period, Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which made him one of the best essayists in English literature.Edmund Spencer is often referred to as “the poet’s poet”.Spencer is generally regarded as the greatest nondramatic poet of the Elizabethan Age. His fame is chiefly based on his masterpiece “The Faerie Queene”.“When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes” is the beginning line of a sonnet written by William Shakespeare.In the Elizabethan Age, William Shakespeare the greatest playwright of England.In Elizabethan Period, Francis Bacon wrote many excellent essays, such as “Of Studies”. Edmund Spencer wrote the masterpiece “The Faerie Queene”.“Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, and “Macbeth”are generally regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies.Christopher Marlowe was the most gifted of the university wits. He Produced in all six plays and several poems.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is one of William Shakespeare’s best known sonnets.“The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus” is one of Christopher Marlowe’s best plays.“Of Youth and Age” is one of the essays written by Francis Bacon.In 1642, civil war broke out in England, the royalists were defeated by the parliament army led by Oliver Cromwell. In 1649, Charles I was sentenced to death, and England was declared to be a commonwealth.The revolution period is also called the Puritan age, because the English revolution was carried out under a religious cloak.The Revolution Period produced one of the most important poets in English literature, whose name is John Milton.John Milton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century, and one of the giants of English literature.In Revolution Period John Milton towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and as Chaucer towers over the Medieval period.During the civil war and the commonwealth, there were two leaders in England, Cromwell , the man of action, and John Milton, the man of thought.In 1637 Milton wrote the finest pastoral elegy in English, Lycidas, to memorize the tragic death of a Cambridge friend.Milton wrote his masterpiece Paradise Lost during his blindness.In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age,John Bunyan occupied the most important place.The Pilgrim’s Progress has been one of the most popular pieces of Christian writing produced during the Puritan Age.John Bunyan wrote his masterpiece The Pilgrim’s P rogress during his second imprisonment.The Pilgrim’s Progress gives a vivid and satirical description of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration.Dryden wrote many works on literary criticism, and has been regarded as the earliest literary critic of real importance in the history of English literature. The famous piece is “An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”. He has been called Father of English prose.“All for Love” is Dryden’s tragedy based on the story of Antony and Cleopatra under the influence of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Antony and Cleopatra”.The literature of the middle and later periods of the 17th century cultimated in the poetry of John Milton and in the prose writing of John Bunyan , and also in the plays and literary criticism of John Dryden.。



他们在树林里集中火力They're taking fire from the woods.他们在等坦克支援They're waiting for the tanks.敌火力在我右翼Enemy fire from our right flank,.重复在我右翼I say again, our right flank.公主R6呼叫C组Princess Red 6 for Culture.坚持住兄弟们现在的情况危急完毕Hold fast. This is the worst of it, boys. Over.汉弗莱中士赶来了Sergeant Humphrey just showed up.右翼有消息吗Have you any information on the right flank?C组没有Culture, that's a negative.前进Move.A2呼叫教堂里有88重型坦克炮This is Able 2. The 88 is in that church.我们经过时他们朝我们开火了They threw one at us when we drove by.二战期间的美军坦克远比德军坦克薄弱美军坦克部队因此在对敌作战中损失惨重不行全完蛋了Negative. It's all over!狂怒收到吗收到吗Come in, come in.能听见吗能听见吗Do you read me? Do you read me?一九四五年四月盟军深入纳粹德国的心脏地区遭遇其负隅顽抗绝望中希♥特♥勒♥宣布发动全面战争甚至将女人和孩子也送上战场妈的Son of a bitch!你把那个混♥蛋♥解决了吗Did you get that fucker?干掉了Knocked him off.戈多放手吧让他休息会Gordo, stop. Leave him rest.不Uh-uh.戈多他已经死了Gordo, he's dead.他死了让他体面的走吧He's dead! Show some respect.让他安息吧Leave him alone.都是你的错He's your fault!你♥他♥妈♥的有完没完God damn it. Ain't you done yet?你没资格骂我别骑在我头上作威作福You got no right to be fucking sore with me.Quit fucking riding me. 我没骑你要是我那么做了你会没感觉I ain't riding you. If I was riding you, you'd know it.哪来的回哪去More where he came from.去你♥妈♥的♥ 唐我们困在这儿都是你的错Hey, fuck you, Don! It's your fucking fault we here.你俩吵完没我们赶紧离开这Are you still talking? Let's get out of here.啊该死的踢我♥干♥嘛Aah! Fuck! What the fuck you do that for?-我这不在修吗 -你知道我♥干♥嘛踢你-I'm trying to fix it! -You know why.你♥他♥妈♥想跟我叫板吗You want to fucking whup me?跟我叫板也没用啊It ain't gonna fucking help anything!呼叫F6 能听到吗Probate, Fox 6.我说你干嘛总跟我叫板I say, why you always whupping on me?你就是个低等动物像条狗'Cause you're an animal, a dog.你只知道用武力All you understand is the fist and boot.唐我可告你啊你别那样说我Don, I'm telling you right now, don't fucking call me that. 我不是该死的低等动物也不是条狗I ain't a fucking animal. I ain't a fucking dog.快点兄弟们你要是想说你那墨西哥鸟语Hey, you want to talk Mexican,就滚到墨西哥坦克去join another tank, a Mexican tank.我们这里是美国坦克说美国话This is an American tank, we talk American.那你呢老大跟个点唱机似的Who put the fucking nickel in you, top?你还说德国话呢You talk Kraut!你都说德语我为什么不能说西班牙语You talk German! I can't talk Spanish?-圣徒我们现在在哪个国家 -德国-Bible, what country we in? -Germany.在德国就得说德语Germany, they speak German.你能跟他讲一下德语是战争的工具吗Could you explain to him it's a tool of war?德语是战争的工具戈多It's a tool of war, Gordo.我的家伙才是我战争必备工具Here's my tool of war.老爹Top.你在打仗之前就会说德语了You knew German before we got in this fucking war!别以为我不知道Don't play stupid with me.我希望你们都能振作起来I expect all of you to pull your shit together.你也别向每个人发火I wish you'd stop ragging on everyone.雷德又不是你杀的是德国人干的You didn't kill Red, Germans did.确实是德国人杀的但是我也没救他That is true, but I didn't save him, either.他劫数难逃了就这么简单His number came up, that's all.目前为止我们一直都很幸运We've been lucky till now.我们很幸运吗We've been lucky?是的长官Yes, sir.我们都还活着我们都在这We're all alive. We're in here.上帝的恩惠吗God's grace?炮弹要来了Rain's coming.浣熊亲爱的还要多长时间能修好Coon-Ass, anytime, sweetheart.现在我又成亲爱的了I'm your sweetheart, right?好了戈多发动吧Okay. Gordo, crank her up.点不着火太冷了Choke her up. She's cold.火花塞凝住了There's condensation on the plugs.妈的Fuckers!好了出发吧带大家离开这儿All right, move out. Get us out of here. 圣徒炮口向前Bible, gun front.收到Roger.快走挪开Come on, move it!把这些东西拿走Get those cases out of here!我还以为你死了I thought you were dead.魔鬼还顾不上我呢宾考斯基Devil watches over his own. Binkowski. 很高兴看见你Good to see you.唐能活着回来真好Don, glad you made it back.你们的人都在吗内特呢林德伯格呢Crew still together? Nate? Lindburgh?都好Doing well.那就好Good.-抓住胳膊 -接住了-Grab his arm . -Here you go.好Okay.轻轻放下去轻点Lay him down. Lay him down.向前走Move.温柔点放下去Set him down soft.中士Sergeant.中士Sergeant.抬起来Lift.三排的其他人呢Where's the rest of Third Platoon?都在这了We're it.嗨博伊德Hey, Boyd?博伊德他们...他们会送他的遗体回家吧会吗Hey, Boyd, they... They gonna send him home, right?我不知道格雷迪I don't know that, Grady.现在大家都有点为雷德的死难过但是我们还有任务Red's got us all a little sad right now, but we got a job to do.格雷迪补充弹♥药♥和补给戈多加水加油Grady, restock ammo and rations. Gordo, water and gas.博伊德吃点东西然后尽力解决下机械故障Boyd, get some chow and do what you can about the mechanical issues.我们搞不了机械故障你去哪儿啊We can't do shit about mechanical issues. Where you going? 你是科利尔军士长吗First Sergeant Collier?可能是吧你♥他♥妈♥是谁Maybe. What the fuck are you?我是二等兵埃里森Private Ellison.有人让我向你报道我是你坦克的新副驾I was told to report to you. I'm your new assistant driver.不你才不是No, you are not.-我是我真是 -真见鬼-Yes, yes, I am. -God damn it.谁说让你来找我的Who told you this?那边拿着笔记板的军士长Master Sergeant with the clipboard.-胡扯 -就在那边他...-Bullshit! -Right there. He's...你叫什么What's your name?诺曼Norman.参军多长时间了How long you been in the Army?两个月Eight weeks.那辆坦克就是你的家了That's home.按我说的做Do as you're told.别跟任何人套近乎Don't get too close to anyone.远处山岭上On a hill far away矗立着古旧十字架Stood an old rugged cross那是痛苦与耻辱的象征The emblem of suffering and shame我爱旧十字架I love the old cross那是亲爱的Where the dearest...我要一生背负这老旧十字架I will cling to the old rugged cross你们好我是诺曼Hi. Hi. I'm Norman.哪个哪个方向是前线啊Which... Which way is the front?"哪个方向是前线""Which way is the front?"呃Hmm.到处都是前线小子我们这是在德国All around us, kid, 'cause this is Germany. 被德国佬包围了We're surrounded by Krauts.我说的没错吧格雷迪Ain't that right, Grady?说的没错That's right.能把我的书还给我吗Can I please have my book back?你的烟呢Where are the cigarettes?我不抽烟I don't smoke.你个新兵蛋子You're a bastard.进过坦克学校吗You go to tank school?坦克学校没有Tank school? No.我连坦克里面什么样都从来没见过I've never even seen the inside of a tank. 我是个打字员I'm a clerk typist.我正在去第五团团部的路上Was heading to Fifth Corps HQ,他们把我从卡车上拖下来they pulled me off the truck.然后就把我扔这儿了They sent me here.他们肯定是弄错了It's got to be a mistake.错了Mistake?军队不会有错Army don't make mistakes.这就他们的行事风格It wouldn't do.你是密苏里人吗You from Missouri?不是No.芝加哥人吗Are you from Chicago?你从阿肯色州来的吗You from Arkansas, ain't you?-不我是匹茨堡来的 -嘿闭嘴吧-No, I'm from Pittsburgh... -Hey, hush up, man. 没人关心你从哪儿来的Nobody gives a fuck where you from.你信教吗Are you a praying man?我去教堂的I go to church.你是哪个教派的Which denomination are you?圣公会吗Episcopalian?你是圣公会的你随大流是吧Yeah, you are. You're a Mainliner, ain't you? 是的我是Yeah. I am.你得到救赎了吗Are you saved?我受洗了I'm baptised.我问的不是这个意思That ain't what I asked you.他问的不是这个意思That ain't what he asked you.-戈多告诉他我问的啥 -听好了你得认真听-Gordo, what'd I ask him? -See, you got to listen.-再说一遍 -你得到救赎了吗-Say it again. -Are you saved?等你看见了就会知道了Wait until you see it.看见什么See what?一个人可以有多残忍♥What a man can do to another man.追寻耶稣这事儿先放放Before you find Jesus,过来看看你的座位why don't you come take a look at your seat?你就坐那儿了That's where you're gonna be.去厨房♥打桶热水把那些东西擦干净Get a bucket of hot water from the kitchen. Get that shit clean. 噢我的天Oh, fuck.真恶心Fuck.按理说不该再有虎式坦克了吧唐Weren't supposed to be no more Tigers, Don.你去跟我牺牲的三排兄弟说去Tell my platoon that.你们派了五辆谢尔曼出去You send five tanks out.最后只回来一辆One comes back.很难相信我们正在赢得这场战争It's hard to believe we're winning the war.别老想打过的仗了Stop talking about yesterday's fight.我们还有仗要打Think about today's.直着走Straighten out!这个纳粹党卫军在这儿干嘛Hey! What's an SS doing here?嘿你为什么带着他从这儿过Hey, why are you bringing him through here?怎么还没毙了他Why isn't he sleeping?总部要找个犯人来审问G2 wants a prisoner to question.噢我来审问他Oh, I'll question him.你最喜欢什么颜色What's your favourite colour?你跳舞怎么样Are you a good dancer?你喜欢胖姑娘吗Do you like fat girls?-退后 -揍死他-Get back! -Beat his ass!别打了别打了Stop! Stop it!-混♥蛋♥ -唐干♥死♥他-Fucker! -Fuck him up, Don!混♥蛋♥Motherfucker!别打了回来Get the fuck... Get back!滚该死的坦克兵Go! Fucking tankers.是我是我It's me, it's me.四周都是宪兵你别乱来You got MPs everywhere. You got to stop now.-别打了 -咖啡都洒了-Just stop. -I spilled my fucking coffee.混♥蛋♥玩意走吧格雷迪Cocksuckers. Come on, Grady.该死的纳粹Fucking SS.老爹你还好吧You good, top?竟敢带着个党卫军从我们营地经过Bring him through this camp...你看见没You see that?那是个党卫军He's an SS.这种货色你见一个杀一个他们真的是人♥渣♥ You kill every last one you can. They're real assholes.见一个杀一个战争就是他们挑起的Fuck every last one. They started it.-就由我们来结束好了 -就这么定了-We finishing it. -That's it.你杀过很多人吗Done much killing?没有No.马上就能杀人了You will.-兄弟们教他用那把枪 -收到-Boys, take him through that gun. -Roger.我我用这枪干嘛Wh-What do I do with this?我我我个屁闭嘴吧"Wh-What..." Shut up.看看这枪Take a look at it.-看见那个盖儿没 -嗯-See that cover? -Yeah.打开Open it.这样就能杀人了And now you killing.再合上Close it up.就杀不了了Now you ain't.主力正向东行进Main unit's punching east.我们往北行进担任侧翼掩护任务We are going north on a flank guard mission.接下来跟41区过来的B连汇合We'll tie up with Baker Company from the 41st.科利尔中士现在编入我们排了Sergeant Collier's with us now.担任副排长He'll be acting platoon sergeant.没问题Fine by me.唐很高兴和你一起Good to have you, Don.我们在这儿跟B连会合We're meeting Baker Company here.然后一起拿下这个镇子Then, together we'll take this town.之后我们就听瓦格纳上尉指挥了After that, we're working for Captain Waggoner. 有什么问题吗Any questions?我有个问题I got one question.彼得森什么问题Peterson?我是宾考斯基长官I'm Binkowski, sir.呃Uh...你毛长齐了吗You start shaving your face?一排集♥合♥First Platoon, mount up!出发Move out!仗是打不完的长官War's not going anywhere, sir.大家都听到了集♥合♥You heard him. Mount up!嘿Hey!该死的混♥蛋♥ 战争老爹Go fuck yourself, Wardaddy!咖啡太烫了Coffee's too hot.你还欠我40块钱呢Still owe me 40 bucks!说什么What'd he say?集♥合♥ 出发了先生们Mount up! Let's go, gents.前进Move front!傻蛋Motherfucker.你已进入敌国务必保持警惕第二装甲师友情提醒好的枪炮装填完毕Okay, guns ready.好运先生们Good luck, gentlemen!全体都听好了现在危机四伏All right, there might be a wolf hiding in the sheep.伙计们提高警惕盯死他们Kid, you're up. Cast an eyeball on them.看到任何动静就开火别给他们机会Anything that makes a move, you cut them right in half. 别管路上的平民People are in the way, that's their problem.做好你该干的就行听见吗You do what you got to do, copy?-收到 -你呢-Copy. -You copy?收到I copy.戈多再教教他怎么用机♥枪♥ Gordo, talk him through that gun again.明白Roger.机♥枪♥已经上膛你扣扳机就行Hey, gun's ready. Just pull the trigger.每五发子弹都有一发曳光弹Every five rounds is a tracer这样你能看见你要往哪打so you can see what you're hitting.记住短点射And remember, short bursts.这样每发子弹才能击中更多敌人That way you harvest more meat per bullet.我们的人在那边The Americans are over there.继续往前走Keep moving.举起手来Keep your hands up.给她一块巧克力棒她就会跟你睡She'll let you fuck her for a chocolate bar.不可能That's not true.不可能吗It's not true?不可能No.好吧那就不可能吧Okay. It's not true.这他妈的就是事实It's completely fucking true.给她烟他就会让你上Or just give her some smokes.给她烟他也会让你上都不用给她整包的You ain't got to fuck around and give her a whole pack, neither. 诺曼别理他 4根就能搞定Norman, ignore him. Fucking four will do it.现在你要相信主Don't disappoint Christ, now.别让这帮子人带坏了Don't let them lead you astray.听着我们可以杀了他们但是不可以上她们You see, we can kill them, but we can't fuck them,因为圣经里这么说的'cause it says so in the Bible.别说了好吗Stop, all right?我放弃感化你们这群野蛮人了I'm done trying to convert you heathens.你介意我继续入侵德国吗You mind if I continue invading Germany?博伊德你觉得上帝爱希♥特♥勒♥吗Boyd, do you think Jesus loves Hitler?我认为上帝爱不爱希♥特♥勒♥Do I think Jesus loves Hitler?我觉得他爱I'd assume so.如果希♥特♥勒♥内心接受耶稣If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart受洗他会得到救赎的and got baptised, he'd be saved.但是他难逃人类正义的审判It ain't gonna save him from man's justice.那一般的党卫军士兵呢What about your regular-issue Nazi line trooper?-我不想和你说这些了 -他们死后也会上天堂吗-No, I'm not gonna do this with you. -Is he going to Heaven?过去三年里我们聊这些玩意聊得够多了We've been talking about the same dumb shit for three years.你知道我的立场你想激怒我You know how I stand on it. You trying to rile me up now.嘿那我呢你觉得你能救赎我吗Hey, what about me, huh? You think you could save me?给我唱首圣歌♥吧Sing me a hymn?-好啊 -唱古旧十字架就行-Yeah, sure. -Sing Old Rugged Cross.我喜欢你唱歌♥时候嘴动的样子I like the way your mouth moves when you sing.-别闹 -我喜欢-Don't. -I like it.你不碰我我就唱I'll sing it if you don't do that.让我摸摸你的小胡子Let me just touch your moustache.-该死的别碰我 -就想摸摸你的小胡子-Don't touch me. Stop! -I just wanna touch your moustache.我就摸摸你胡子有什么了Why does that bother you so much when I touch your moustache? -我发誓我会崩了你 -好了别闹了-I'll shoot you, I swear! -All right, knock it off.别搞了Knock off the horseplay.博伊德你觉得希♥特♥勒♥会为了一块巧克力棒Boyd, do you think Hitler'd fuck one of us跟我们其中一个睡觉吗for a chocolate bar?估计会吧I hope so.有埋伏右侧Ambush! Right!右侧有埋伏Right side, ambush!见鬼格雷迪Fuck! Grady!你盯紧树丛我们很容易中埋伏You watch that tree line! We're ripe for an ambush! 格雷迪掩护右翼Grady, cover right!上帝啊Father!看见什么了吗博伊德What'd you see, Boyd?出去干掉这些德国崽子Just go out and blast them little fuckers!看见什么了What'd you see?什么也没看见I didn't see nothing.诺曼Norman!你个混♥蛋♥ 你干嘛不开枪You cocksucker. Why didn't you take the shot?-他只是个孩子 -对不起-He was just a kid. -I'm sorry.真的很抱歉中士I'm really sorry, Sergeant.那你就看看一个孩子干了些啥You see what a kid can do?睁大你的狗眼Look!都是你干的好事That's your fault.都是你的错That's your fucking fault.下次再看见拿着武器的德国人Next German you see with a weapon,就把他打成筛子you rake the dog shit out of him.我才不管他是个一手拿着餐刀I don't care if it's a baby with a butter knife in one hand 还趴在妈妈身上吃奶的婴儿and mama's titty in the other.-你给我往死里打 -听见了长官-You chop him up! -Yes, Sergeant!-圣徒 -嗯-Bible? -Yeah?全体都听好了我是战争老爹All tanks, Wardaddy.现在我管事儿了Looks like I'm it.我带头车全队跟我向目标前进I'll lead the column. Let's get us where we're going.我们得建立防线援军在路上We have this thing setup and on the way.我派了一队人来过来接应I sent over a couple men to keep contact,上头刚通报过and the officers have been briefed.戈多在这儿停下Stop right here, Gordo.-是B连吗 -是的长官-Baker Company? -Yes, sir!我不是长官I'm not a sir.我也不是Me, neither.-你们的长官呢 -死了-Where's your boss? -Dead.那现在谁管事Who's in charge of this column?我I am.好那我就找你了Good. I'm talking to the right man.坦克停那边头儿等你们呢Park it over there. Old Man's waiting.好的谢谢长官Yes, thank you, sir,不要告诉我说伤亡还能持续Don't tell me how long my casualties can last.除非你想自己去那儿Unless you want to come down here,站在齐膝的内脏堆里发号♥施令stand knee-deep in their guts and form an opinion. B6 撤了Baker 6 out.操蛋的文官你还好吗Pencil-pushing motherfucker. How you doing?把我的伤亡士兵装到卡车上Load the casualties into a truck.我们自己把他们送回基地去We're gonna drive them back to base ourselves.好好照料我们自己人你跟我过来Take care of our own. Come with me.你别睡了Hey, wake up!好我们现在有多少辆坦克All right, how many tanks we got?4辆Four.4辆你开什么玩笑Four? You're shitting me.我要了10辆I asked for 10.迈尔斯迈尔斯中士Miles! Sergeant Miles!是上尉什么事Yes, sir?让一排准备好Get First Platoon ready.你编入他们排You're working for him now.只要是能站起来的都得上If they can stand, they're in play.是Roger.看是这样All right, here's the deal.我的一个排被机♥枪♥I got a platoon trapped in this beet field困在这个甜菜地里by machine guns.我让我的人去救I sent my tracks in.德国人把他们干掉了Jerry took them out.反坦克炮在这里这里可能这里也有我也不知道So, anti-tank guns there, there, possibly there, I don't know. 我需要你们把他们救出来I need you to rescue my guys.把机♥枪♥端掉Take the guns out.没问题I can do that.那样到镇上的道路就清干净了你们继续推进到镇上All right, that clears this road into town, you push forward. 我会在那里和你们汇合我们一起清理I'll join you there. We'll clear it up.他们可能会投降也许会反击谁知道呢Maybe they'll surrender. Or maybe they'll fight.这片高地你有没有哨兵This high ground, you got any eyes on it?我在这边的哨兵没了这边的也没了I had eyes there, gone. There, gone.瞎打吧就剩你我了We're flying blind. It's you and me.德军在这条路上肯定有警戒哨Krauts got sights on this road.我不想露出侧翼I don't want to show my flank.从这个方向走可以吗Any objection if I come in here?你就是坐飞毯去我都不管你You can arrive on a fucking magic carpet, for all I care.我了解你我知道你清楚自己在干什么I know who you are. I know you know what you're doing. 帮我把他们干的稀里哗啦就行了You just paste them hard for me.他们今天在那里杀了我们一些好兄弟They murdered some good boys out there today.他们为啥不干脆投降呢Why don't they just quit?换你你会吗Would you?一个排的人被机♥枪♥困在这个菜地We got a platoon pinned down in this field by MGs.德国佬的反坦克炮火力能覆盖这个地方Krauts got anti-tank covering the field.我们一旦穿过篱笆And once we cross this hedgerow,就到了他们的射程之内他们也能看见我们we will be in range and in their line of sight,所以都要保持警惕so be alert.有任何动静都射击Hit anything that fucking moves.好除非他们先开炮Yeah, unless they pound us first.如果他们先开炮那正好暴露了他们If they do, we'll know exactly where they are.我们一起把伙计们救出来把机♥枪♥端掉Let's get these boys out of there and smash those guns.然后我们就能占领小镇在镇子里过夜明白了吗Then we'll capture the town, stop for the night. Clear?我们干嘛要救这群小仔子干嘛不直接开到柏林去Why are we rescuing kittens instead of just driving down into Berlin? -你怎么这么混♥蛋♥ -说的好-Why are you such an asshole? -That's a great question.开进顺序狂怒老菲利斯露西苏杀人工厂March order. Fury, Old Phyllis, Lucy Sue, Murder Inc.出发吧Let's go.好了兄弟们All right, fuck sticks.出发编队Mount up! By squad!好了赶紧上车All right, mount up!全体都听好了通讯检查All tanks, comm check.L14 登车完毕1-4's up.L13收到Love 1-3 copies.-好了兄弟们 -大家都坐稳了-That's right, man. -Need you to hold tight!全体都有我是战争老爹All tanks, Wardaddy.到达开阔地带后在我后面成纵队When we hit open ground, line up on me.保持距离别扎堆Keep your spacing, don't bunch up.看我信♥号♥♥ 我们把他们揉成面团On my signal, we'll drop the doughs端掉机♥枪♥and roll up that 75.明白了吗Everyone copy?L15 收到没问题Love 1-5 copies. Wilco.-L12收到 -L13 收到-Copy. -Love 1-3 copies.戈多停下Gordo, halt.全体都有在这停下All tanks hall. All tanks halt.让兄弟们下车All right, let's get the boys off.让他们都下去给我留一个人Get them off. Give me last man.-快点女士们大家都听见了 -开舱门-All right, ladies, you heard the man. -Button up.全体下车Everybody off!快下车Move out! Move! Everybody off!关舱门Close your hatch.全体都有开始行动右打死右打死All tanks, move out. Hard right. Hard right.-前进 -右打死右打死-Move them out. -Hard right. Hard right.跟着狂怒号♥Fury's going. Let's go.前进快快快Move, move, move, move, move.前进右一点Let's move now. A hard stick right.大家稳住吉格斯稳住Everybody hold yourself. Jiggs, hold on.保持队列保持队列Form in. Form in.跟上狂怒号♥Catch up with the Fury.右转Stick right.跟上Now, catch up.跟着我的队形伙计们跟上队形On my line, guys, on my line.加油往前冲加进来More gas. More gas. Mix it up.-低姿前进 -保持队形-Keep them low! -Hold your line.我们有点偏了We're already drifting.宾考斯基警惕右边高地Binkowski, keep an eyeball on that high ground. Right. L15 收到没问题Love 1-5 copies. Wilco.注意那边的树丛Watch that tree line right there.减速减速Hold that, hold that.继续前进跟紧Ride on, ride on. Hold tight.我们要把这里炸翻天We're gonna bust through this shit.好了走吧All right, here we go, men.左转左转怎么回事Left stick, left stick. What the fuck?看来没问题提姆没事吧It looks perfect, Tim. Good?继续前进继续前进Straight on, straight on.地上都是兵地上都是兵Doughs on the ground, doughs on the ground. 小心警惕Keep an eye out.前进前进那边Straight, straight. Over here!戈多减速减速减速Gordo, slow, slow, slow.地上有人We got bodies.转向我的左侧注意地下Stick left of me. Eyes on the floor.快起来Get up.过来过来Fall in! Fall in!向前进Straighten it out.该死的注意距离Watch your fucking spacing.你现在得左转You gotta left stick now.减速All right, let's hold up.如果我说后退那就后退后退If I say hold back, hold back. Hold back.左转左转怎么回事儿啊过来Left stick. Left stick. What the fuck? Come on! 右侧没人了Company, clear on the right.来来走了安全了Let's go, let's go, let's go! Clear it up and book it. 稍微快一点Speed up just a little bit.L13 右转右转Love 1-3, right stick! Right stick!你掩护地面部队You got troops on the ground.妈的右转右转该死Fuck, right stick! Right stick, God damn it! 你脑子里有屎吗Get your head out of your ass!他们根本就没注意They weren't fucking paying attention.提高警惕继续前进Get in tight. Go!趴下趴下趴下Down! Stay down! Down!那该死的什么玩意哇哦What the fuck is that? Whoa!圣徒打掉那挺机♥枪♥ Bible, hit that machine gun.炮塔左转距离800Traverse left, 800!稳住Steady!-装填完毕 -开炮-On. -Fire!发射On the way!干得漂亮给我打打Good! Hit them! Hit them!看前面看观测镜Look forward! Look at your periscope! -圣徒转回来 -看观测镜-Bible, traverse back. -On. Periscope!-装填完毕 -开炮-Clear! -Fire!发射On the way!停火目标已摧毁Cease fire. Target destroyed,.收到埃斯泰没问题Roger, Ester, Wilco.开炮Fire!见鬼反坦克炮高爆弹左转Fuck! Anti-tank! H.E.! Traverse left.快点左转向Let's go. Traverse left.炮塔左转Traverse left!跳弹我们没事Just a ricochet. We're okay.放屁那是德国佬的高速炮我能听到飞啸声Bullshit! That's a Kraut high-velocity gun. I can hear it whistling. 反坦克炮左前方左前方Anti-tank! Left front, left front!看到了下降15度Got it! Down 15.装填完毕准备好了Clear! Ready!-开炮 -发射-Fire! -On the way!距离600码600.开炮Fire!-装填完毕 -发射-Clear! -On the way!好停火目标被摧毁Okay, cease fire, cease fire. Target destroyed.开炮Fire!还有一架机♥枪♥ 谁看见在哪儿了There's another gun! Who's got eyes on it?有谁看见了吗Does anyone see it?都把眼睛睁大点儿开炮Eyes up, everybody. Fire!我啥也没看见I don't see shit.该死的你在哪Where the fuck are you at?反坦克炮高爆弹Anti-tank, H.E.收到反坦克炮高爆弹炮塔右转Got it! Anti-tank, H.E. Traverse right!反坦克炮左前方左前 600码Anti-tank. Left front, left front. 600.右转右转Right stick, right stick.瞄准开炮On! Fire!发射On the way!轰掉他们给我打打Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em.开炮Fire!全体都有对准那排树轰All tanks, start squirting that tree line.轰碎这群混♥蛋♥党卫军Let's light them up. Let's go.一起轰那边的树丛把它们清干净Everybody squirt the fucking tree line. Let's clean it up.嘿嘿开始射击Hey! Hey! Start shooting!那个我打哪儿啊Well, what do I shoot at?打纳粹啊你个傻冒The Nazis, dumb fuck!就这么打让他们抬不起头来That's it. Keep their fucking heads down.你要重新装弹啊You got to reload!铁拳嘿干掉他Panzerfaust! Hey! Get him!-我在装弹在装呢 -打他-I'm loading the gun. I'm loading the gun. -Hit him!打中了Got him.好好干♥你♥的活做好你该做的事Do your job! Do what you're here for!我在装弹呢I was loading the gun!机♥枪♥ 十二点钟方向戈多碾死这群杂碎Machine gun, twelve o'clock! Gordo, run those bastards over! 全体都有停All tanks, hold here, hold here.让兄弟们下去战斗Get your boys in the fight!下车攻击前进Fall out! Marching fire!快点Come on!嘿看见左边那堆党卫军没Hey, squirt those Krauts on the left.你看见没有Do you see them?情况很危险注意火力太猛Will Actual, come in. This is Vicious.德国佬都躲在树林里在你...Krauts in the woods to your...只有一堆尸体All I see are dead bodies.你怎么知道他们死了你是医生吗How do you know they're dead? Are you a doctor?-射死他们 -可他们已经死了-Hit them! -But they're dead!我为什么要射死人Why would I shoot them if they're already dead?要确保他们不会站起来从后面干掉我们So they don't stand up and shoot us in the ass!该死拿下他们Fuck! Get them!该死Fuck!我他妈再也呆不下去了I can't fucking be here any-fucking-more!再这样大吼大叫先把你那该死的无线电关了Turn your goddamn intercom off if you're gonna bawl like that. 遵命老爹I got it, top.我他妈的不干了我他妈的放弃了I fucking give up. I fucking give up.在这儿一分钟也呆不下去了I can't be here any more.这本来就不是什么美差This ain't pretty, you know.可我们就是干这个的。



• Part One (1): presenting an introduction, and a background, to the subject that is to be tackled. • Part Two (2-5): describing Roger’s particularities at church, and a lot of details being given to vivify the description. • Part Three (6-8): form a comparison and a conclusion discussing the relation between the landlord and the country church.
3. his writing style

As Samuel Johnson wrote, “Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious华美的, must give his days and nights to the study of Addison.”
• Addison and Steele were born in the same year, attended the same school and later studied at the same university. • In 1709 Steele started a literary periodical named • “The Tatler”. In 1711, Addison collaborated with • Steele to create a literary periodical called “The Spectator”, in which Addison wrote 236 essays.

Joseph Addison

Joseph Addison

Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week, not only as it refreshes in their minds the notions of religion, but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the eye of the village. / A country-fellow distinguishes himself as much in the Church-yard, as a citizen does upon the Change, the whole parish-politics being generally discussed in that place either after sermon or before the bell rings.
I am always very well pleased with a country Sunday, and think, if keeping holy the seventh day were only a human institution, it would be the best method that could have been thought of for the polishing and civilizing of mankind. / It is certain the country people would soon degenerate into a kind of savages and barbarians, were there not such frequent returns of a stated time, in which the whole village meet together with their best faces, and in their cleanliest habits, to converse with one another upon indifferent subjects, hear their duties explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Supreme Being.



Chapter 7. The Eighteenth Century[The Age of Reason (1688——1798)]I. Historical backgroundAfter the Glorious Revolution, Whig and Tory were established. The former one represented the interests of the moneyed class, while the latter one represented the royalists.England fought many wars with France, Spain, etc. In those wars England rose as a victor making it the strongest country in navy and economy and considerably stretching its occupied land oversees extending from the west of Canada to the east of India.II. The special features of the cultural life at the timea. Political writings: the rise of the political parties led to the appearance of pamphlet wars of political writings attracting many writers to work for either of the parties or both alternatively.b. The rise of newspapers and magazines: the reason for the rise: ·Both parties had their respective ones to express their opinions. ·The rise of the middle class demanded entertainment and education and they need to express their views too.c. Coffeehouses:where people gathered to exchange ideas and thus they help to determine the literary trend of the timed. The new morality:·The emphasis on reason·The development of tolerance of different opinions in politics and religione. The influence of science and technology:·Principia Mathematica in 1687 by Newton (1642——1727) ·The new epistemology of John Locke (1632——1704)f. French influence——Augustanism——neoclassicism stressing to learn from the classicals*What is classicism?The characteristics in Greek and Roman classical works. They are clarity, logic, form, proportion, balance with each other, parallelism, restraint.III. The characteristics of neoclassicism1.Reason rather than emotion and form rather than content were emphasized.2.Most of the writings at the time were didactic and satirical.3.The closed couplet was the only possible verse form for serious work for elegance, correctness, appropriateness and restraint were preferred.4.It is exclusively a “town”poetry, catering to the interests of the“society”in great cities. The humbler aspect of life are neglected and it showed in most part no love of nature, landscape, or country things and peoplecking romantic elements and being hostile to medieval literature6.An age of prose, especially the latter part the centuryIV. Representative authors of the time1. Daniel Defoe2. Jonathan Swift3. Joseph Addison4. Alexander Pope5. Samuel Johnson6. Henry Fieldding7. Thomas Gray8. Thobias George Smollet9. Richard Brinsley Sheridan10. Robert Burns11. William Blake1.Daniel Defoe(1661—1731)a pioneer novelist of England and also a prolific writer of books and pamphlets on a great variety of subjects.1)his life story:a.from a dissenter’s family: Presbyterian butcherb.having a questionable character in politics, but strong belief in religious freedom2)his literary achievements:·fiction:Robinson , Crusoe , Moll Flanders·contribution to journalism & regulating English trade methods and principles3) characteristics of his fiction:a.Robinson Crusoe:(1)based on real experience of a Scottish sailor but combinedwith his own imagination, it is still a fictional work.(2)using the picaresque frame with a story in the shape of a journal and having strong sense of journalistic truth; containing serious wisdom of life(3)The importance of the hero:i. typical of the rising English bourgeois class, practical and diligent with a restless curiosity to know more about the world and a desire to prove individual power in the face of social and natural challengesIi. a real hero of middle class different from the hero of knights orepic hero(4)moral teaching: sing praise of labour, presenting it as the source of human pride and happiness as well as a means to change man’s living conditions from desperation to prosperity(5)limitations:i. praise colonization overseas through the relationship with Friday ii. his attitude to woman is open to criticismiii. Praise slaveryb. Moll Flanders:(1) its story(2)the significance, one is for the first a woman being the protagonist; artistically more mature than Robinson: better structure and better plot; so it is written in an autobiographical form called a memoir2. Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)a churchman and also a university graduate who viewed human society with contempt and has been called a cynic and even a misanthrope.1)his life story:His father died before he was born, and he had to accept the aid of his relatives and finished his study at Dublin University.2)his literary achievements:a.satirical essays:The Battle of Books(1696-1698), A Tale of the Tub(1696-1698)b.Writings in pamphlets:The Draiper’s Letters, A Modest Proposac.fiction:Gulliver’s Travel(1726)3)characteristics of his pamphlets:·Gulliver’s Travela. criticizing the oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the absentee landlords and the English government.b. using bitter satire·The battle of Booksa debate happening 18th century. Some people modern people ·The Tale of the Tuba satire on various religious sects: Catholic, Anglican and dissenters’churches: changes done by different churches to the Christian doctrines·The Draiper’s Lettersrevealing the corruption and license, debased·A Modest Proposala satire on the English government’s heavy exploitation4)A Modest Proposala.It is a bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people.b.Swift in this article suggested to the Irish people that the best way to end their misery was to produce children and sell them at market as a delicious dish for the rich.3. Joseph Addison(1672-1719)and Richard Steele(1672-1729)1) their life stories: they were born in the same year, attended the same school and later studied at the same university.they had the same political trend——whig2) their literary achievements:Joseph Addison & Richard Steele·Joseph Addisonstarted the periodical essays that were the most characteristic genre of 18thcentury literature.·Richard Steelecontribution to the periodicals:The Tatler, The Spectator, The Guardian3)characteristics of their periodical essays:a.Methods:d, indirect, was admirably adapted to their purpose.2. were full of wit, humor, and satire.b. Themes:dealt with1)light topics-fashions, head-dresses, practical jokes,2)polite conversations, discussed art, philosophy, drama, and poetry, and sought in so doing not only to interest the general reader in such subjects, but also to guide and develop their tastes.3) deeper topics such immoralityOne other characteristic: draw some images of some typical middle class people:C. Style: simple language familiar to the middle men; graceful, poised, well balanced, familiar words and expressions to the readers,4)Aims of their educate the newly risen middle bridge the gap between the small circle of London elegance and wit,and the large, serious, rather Puritan middle class.5)two selected pieces written by Addisona. The Royal Exchangeb. Sir Roger at Church4.Alexander Pope(1688-1744)1) his life story:·he was self-educated.·he worked hard against poor health and unfavorable conditions and gained a profound knowledge of both the classics and the craft of writing.2)his literary achievements:·An Essay on Criticism, The Rape of the Lock, An Essay on Man ·Contribution to poetry in heroic couplets3)characteristics of his poems:a. succeeded Chaucer and Dryden in bringing metrical form to its perfection.b. contained a great number of quotable lines that have passed into everyday speech as popular sayings, such as :“To err is human, to forgive divine”, and “For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”c. limitation: Pope is never profound in thought, so the poems lack original ideas5.Samuel Johnson(1709-1784)the greatest English man of letters between Pope and Wordsworth. 1) his life story:·he was born in a book seller’s family.·he was conservative in his world outlook and was against any kind of reform or innovation.·he upheld tradition and authority. Uphold conventions authority2)his literary achievements:·A Dictionary of the English Language·Contribution to a periodical, The Rambler,·Known for essay; his Preface to his edition of Shakespeare and The Lives of the Poets3)characteristics of his writing:Emphasizing the specification of language6. Henry Fielding(1707-1754)playwright, novelist and district law magistrate, came from an aristocratic background1) his life story:·was born to an upper-class family·began writing plays while at university and took it as his profession after leaving school.2)his literary achievements:novels:The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,The History of Tom Jones3)characteristics of his novels:a. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrew( 1) its story and significance(2)in his preface to this novel Fielding proudly announced that he had created a new genre called comic epics in prose and discussed its characteristic feature.(3)the novel turned from a novel of seduction into one of the first exemplars of the great English panoramic tradition, which was to reach new heights later in Thackeray and Dickens.b. The History of Tom Jones(1) its story(2) Its significance:a. the understanding of allegory in the storyb. to Fielding, the countryside represents the basic goodness of human race, whereas the city stands for evil and sin.Tobias George SmollettA general introductionTobias George Smollett (19 March 1721 –17 September 1771) was a Scottish poet and author.He was best known for his picaresque novels, such as·The Adventures of Roderick Random (1748),·The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (1751), which influenced later novelists such as Charles Dickens.·His last novel, the best novel is The Expedition of Humphry Clinker(1771), published in the year of his death.7. Thomas Gray(1716-1771)one of the representative poets at the time1) his life story:was born in London and educated at Eton and Cambridge, where he, after a grand tour on the continent, spent the rest of his life.2)characteristics of his poems:·more natural and spontaneous in thought·emphasizing emotions and sentiments3)The Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard8. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)1) his life story:was born in Dublin, of Irish origin, and was educated at Harrow.2)his literary achievements:drama: The Rivals, A Trip to Sarborough, The School for Scandal3)The School for Scandala. its story and significanceb. it is written in the tradition of Comedy of Manners, and exposes the immorality, hypocrisy, money-hunting, and scandal-mongering of the idle classes in 18th century England.9. Robert Burns(1759-1796)1) his life story:was born in Scotland in a poor peasant family and educated himself through selfstudy.2)his literary achievements:poems and songs3)characteristics of his poems and songsa.written in the Scottish dialect and in the tradition of Scottish folk songs.b.besides love lyrics, most of his poems and songs are about patriotic and political themes.10. William Blake (1757-1827)a poet as well as an engraver.1)his life story:was born in a hosier’s family in London and drew pictures and engraved to illustrate his works and the works of others.2)his literary achievements:·poems:Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence,Songs of Experience, Prophetic Books·broke with the neo-classical tradition both in form and in content3)characteristics of his poemsa. Songs of Innocence(1) expressed the poet’s delight in life,even in the face of sorrow and suffering.(2)the world is seen through the eyes of a child’s imagination which can be attained by adults if they cast away the follies and deceits of the hostile world and seek a visionary world through their imagination.b. Songs of Experience(1) the atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy, and evil is found everywhere in this world.(2) through the loss of imagination, man has become a slave to the falsehood and hypocrisy of religion and society, and thus has lost the Heaven of Innocence and gained the Hell of Experience.c. the contradiction of these two poem collections。

Spectator Papers by Addison and Steel

Spectator Papers by Addison and Steel

The Characters of the Spectator Papers(1711-1712) Papers(1711• One of the principal conceits (奇想、幻想) of The Spectator is its fictional(虚构的)narrator, Mr. Spectator. The first number is dedicated to his life story. Mr. Spectator speaks very little, communicating mainly through facial gestures. His unassuming(不爱出风头的 ) profile(面部的侧影 )enables him to circulate周旋 widely throughout society and fulfill his position as “spectator”. He comments on the habits, foibles坏习惯 and social faux pas(失礼) of his fellow citizens. He also notes the irony of his volubility口若悬河 in prose compared to his taciturnity沉默寡言 in daily life.
The Characters of the Spectator Papers(1711-1712) Papers(1711• The second number of The Spectator introduces the members of the ‘Spectator Club’, Mr. Spectator‘s close friends. This forms a cast of secondary characters which ’The Spectator‘ can draw on in its stories and examples of social conduct. In order to foster (培养)an inclusive ethos道德观 , they are drawn from many different walks of life. The best known of these characters is Sir Roger de Coverley, an English squire of Queen Anne's reign. He exemplified the values of an old country gentleman, and was portrayed as lovable but somewhat ridiculous, making his Tory politics seem harmless but silly. • Eg. Sir Roger at Church 乡村礼拜日And Sir Roger at the Assizes (法庭上的罗杰乡绅)by Joseph Addison • What is the writing style of the Autobiography by Franklin?



英国文学史及选读作者及作品一、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期The Anglo-Saxon Period※《贝奥武甫》“The Song of Beowulf”《浪游者》“Widsith”or “The Traveller’s Song”《航海家》“Seafarer”二、盎格鲁-诺曼时期The Anglo-Norman Period※《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ”杰弗里《史记》Geoffrey’s “History”莱亚门《布鲁特》Laysmon’s “Brust”《罗兰之歌》“Chanson de Roland”三、乔叟时期Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)※《坎特伯雷故事集》“The Canterbury Tales”《玫瑰传奇》“Romance of the Rose”《好女人的故事》“The Legend of Good Women”《声誉殿堂》“The House of Fame”《百鸟会议》“The Parliament of Fowls”《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》“Troilus and Gressie”大众民谣Popular Ballads※《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》“Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale””※《起来,去关门》“Get Up and Bar the Door”※《派屈克·斯宾塞爵士》“Sir Patrick Spens”托马斯·帕西《英诗辑古》Bishop Thomas Percy ”Reliques of Anciet English Poetry”兰格论《农夫皮尔期》“The Vision of Piers, the Plowman”四、文艺复兴时期The Renaissance1.威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)1590《亨利六世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”《亨利六世》第三部The Third Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1591《亨利六世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1592《理查三世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅲ”《错误的喜剧》“The Comedy of Errors”1593《泰特斯·安德鲁尼克斯》”Titus Andronicus”《驯悍记》“The Taming of the Shrew”1594《维洛那两绅士》“The Two Gentlemen of Verona”《爱的徒劳》“Love’s Labour’s Lost”《罗密欧与朱丽叶》“Romeo and Juliet”1595《理查二世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅱ”《仲夏夜之梦》“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”1596《约翰王》“The Life and Death of King John”※《威尼斯商人》“The Merchant of Venice”1597《亨利四世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”《亨利四世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”1598《无事生非》“Much Ado About Nothing”《温莎的风流娘儿们》”The Merry Wives of Windsor”《亨利五世》”The Life of King Henry Ⅴ”1599《尤利乌斯·凯撒》“The Life and Death of Julius Caesar”《皆大欢喜》”As You Like It”1600《第十二夜》“Twelfth Night ,or, What You Will”※1601《哈姆雷特》“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”1602《特洛伊洛斯与克瑞西达》“Troilus and Cressida”《终成眷属》“All’s Well That Ends Well”1604《一报还一报》“Measure for Measure”《奥塞罗》“Othello, the Moore of Venice”1605《李尔王》”King Lear”《麦克白》“The Tragedy of Macbeth”1606《安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉》“Antony and Cleopatra”1607《科里奥拉鲁斯》”The Tragedy of Coriolanus”《雅典的泰门》“Timon of Athens”1608《佩里克利斯》“Pericles, Prince of Tyre”1609《辛白林》“Cymbeline, King of Britain”1610《冬天的故事》“The Winter’s Tale”《暴风雨》“The Tempest”《亨利八世》“The Life of King Henry Ⅷ”Poems《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》“Venus and Adonis”《露克丽丝受辱记》“Lucrece”※《十四行诗》“Sonnets”2。

Joseph Addison

Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison
Ⅰ. Life Ⅱ. The Tatler & The Spectator Ⅲ. Literal Career Ⅳ. Major Works
Ⅰ. Life
• Addison was an English essayist, poet, playwright and politician. • He was the eldest son of reverend Lancelot Addison. • His name is usually remembered alongside that of his long-standing friend, Richard Steele, with whom he founded The Tatler 《闲话者》and The Spectator《旁观者》 magazines.
Ⅰ. Life
●1704, The campaign leads to political office. ●1708, Went to Ireland. When he was back, he was given a government position with a good salary and plenty of leisure. Not long afterwards he became a member of Parliament and later was sent to Ireland as Secretary of State. While there he met Jonathan Swift(乔纳森 斯威夫特) and remained there for one year.

week7The Eighteenth Century English Literature--18世纪英国文学

week7The Eighteenth Century English Literature--18世纪英国文学

The Eighteenth Century English LiteratureI. Historical and social BackgroundThe 18th century is a period of comparatively peaceful development in England. After the Glorious Revolution, England entered the Golden Age. The state power passed from the king gradually to the Parliament and the cabinet ministers; therefore, system was established in England. A vast abroad of British colonies in Asia, Africa and North America and Acts of at home caused the Industrial Revolution.So, towards the middle of the 19th century, England had become the first powerful capitalist country, the work-shop of the world, flooding the markets both at home and abroad with its manufactured goods.Popular again and again hit Ireland; in Scotland people were threatening of independence from the British government; and the American people started their War of Independence in 1776 and finally broke away from the British government. As the Industrial Revolution went on in its full swing, more and more people joined the rank of the middle class or the propertied class through much hard work. Morally, they stressed the virtues of self-discipline, thrift and hard work. People divided into the liberal Whigs, who were determined to safeguard popular liberty, and the conservative Tories, with tender memories of kingcraft. On the extreme of Toryism were Jacobites. And almost all writers of theage were servants of Whigs or Tories during their competition.Ⅱ. Cultural Background1. EnlightenmentThe was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century. It was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They thought the chief means for bettering the society was "enlightenment" or "education" for the people. The English enlighteners were bourgeois democratic thinkers. They set no revolutionary aim before them and what they strove for was to bring it to an end by clearing away the feudal ideas with the bourgeois ideology.Enlighteners fell into two groups-the group and the radical group. Moderate enlighteners supported the principles of the existing social order and considered that partial reforms would be sufficient. In this group may be included chiefly Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson. They tried to work out a standard of moral conduct, which could be more suitable to the existing social conditions. Radical enlighteners struggled for more resolute democratization in the management of the government, and defended the interests of the exploited masses, the peasants and the working people in the cities. The representative writers of this group areJonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollett, Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan. They stressed the discrepancy between what they called “the proper, moral standards”and the bourgeois-aristocratic society of their age.2. The influence of EnlightenmentInspired by the spirit of the Enlightenment, people were encouraged to cultivate a sound sense of rationality and a witty intellectuality. More schools were set up. The Copyright Act of 1709 made, for the first time in English history, literary creation an honorable and independent profession.Besides the popular forms of poetry, novel and drama, the period also saw the appearance of such popular press as pamphlets and newspapers and periodicals. And there was also the flourish of coffee houses and all kinds of social clubs, (about 2000 in London.) which greatly helped the cultivation and promotion of the new English culture.However, in the later part of the century, people began to feel discontented with the rigidity of rationality. A demand for a release of one's spontaneous feeling, a relaxation from the cold and rigid logic of rationality and an escape from, the inhuman Industrial Revolution gradually took shape in the form of sentimental and pre-romantic novel and poetry.Ⅲ. Characteristics of the LiteratureThe main literary stream of the 18th century was . What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life. Literature included book, newspaper, magazine, and pamphlets. Prose had a rapid development in this age, so the 18th century was an age of prose.Novel writing made a big advance in this century. Along with the economic independence, the eighteenth-century writers enjoyed greater freedom in their creative activities and were now able to devote themselves to whatever interested them and to give utterance to whatever they thought right or proper. For the first time too, the literary tendency of the age was moving-away from the conventional romance stories about the life of the rich and noble people of the aristocratic class and turning to works that would give accounts of the common life of the ordinary folk.In this age was much used in writing. It refers to any writing, in poetry or prose, with the purpose to ridicule, censure(责难) and correct the vices, follies, stupidities and corruptions of the society, and to satirize their enemies.The development of the literature in this period can be summarized as: the predominance of neoclassical poetry and prose in the early decades of the 18th century; the rise and flourish of modern realistic novel in the middle years of the 18th century; and the appearance ofgothic novel and the sentimental and pre-romantic poetry and fiction in the last few decades of the 18th century.1. Neo-Classicism in English LiteratureIn early 18th century, writers of the neo-classical school were Addison, Steele and Pope. In the middle decades of the century, Samuel Johnson became the leader of the classical school in English poetry and prose.The classicists found their artistic models in the classical literature of the ancient Greek and Roman writers, and tried to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from their works. In writing plays they used rimed instead of blank verse. They observed the three unities-the unities of time, place and action. They thought poetry should follow the ancient divisions, falling into lyric, epic, didactic, satiric or dramatic and each group should be guided by some peculiar principles. Prose should be precise, direct and flexible. They put the stress on the classical ideals of order, logic, restrained emotion, accuracy, good taste and decorum. Their works, mostly refined and perfect, are conscientious craftsmanship and often highly didactic. Neoclassical poetry reached its stylistic perfection during the period.A. Alexander Pope (1688-1744)a. A brief introduction of PopePope was the representative writer of the neo-classical school. He was a master in satire and heroic couplet and epigram. He popularized the neo-classical literary tradition. He was one of the early representatives of the Enlightenment, who introduced into English culture the spirit of rationalism and greater interest in the human world. He represented the highest glory and authority in matters of literary art and made great contributions to the theory and practice of prosody(诗学).b. Pope's Major Works:An Essay on Criticism《批评论》(1711), written in heroic couplet, was a manifesto of English neo-classicism. It sums up the art of poetry of old Greek and Roman.The Rape of the Lock《卷发遇劫记》(1714). A fop at the court forcibly cut off a lock of curls of a pretty maid of honor. In this poem the poet describes how a quarrel between two aristocratic families arose.It is a satire of the court life of that time.Essay on Man《人论》, written in her oic couplet, indicates the poet’s political and philosophical viewpoint. It deals with man’s relation to the universe, to society, to himself, and to happiness.The Dunciad《愚人志》is Pope’s famous satirical poem. It is full of bitter personal attacks on the poet’s personal enemies, and it also gives a broad satirical picture of the whole literary life in the early 18th century England.c. Pope’s epigram“Hills peep over hills, and Alps on Alps arise!”山外有山,天外有天。























Once again, New York cop John McClane is in the wrong place at the wrong time - th is time he’’s waiting for his wife’’s plane to arrive at Washington’’s Dulles Airport when he uncovers a plot to sabotage the airport’’s landing system. The criminals wish to free a drug baron being extradited to America for trial by holding the airport to ransom until they all safely escape on another plane. However, if they’’d known that Holly McClane was on a flight home to the very airport they were hijacking, they would have picked another day.影片片段:General: Freedom!John: Not yet! You’’re supposed to stay in your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent-flier mileage for you.General: Who are youJohn: A cop.General: A copJohn: Yeah, one of the good guys. You see you’’re one of the bad guys. Now I’’ve got your sorry ass, I’’m gonna trade it with my wife.John: Sit down!Soldiers: Go in!Soldier1: Where did he goGeneral: In there.General: I don’’t believe this. Two months of planning, and you can’’t anticipate one pendejo of a cop.Soldier1: Come on, General.General: Where the hell is Colonel StuartSoldier2: General!General: I’’m all right! He said he was a policeman. I thought you had this place secured.Soldier1: He went in the cockpit (驾驶员座舱).Colonel Stuart: He’’s going to hell! McClane! I assume it’’s you, McClane! You’’re quite a little soldier. You can consider this a military funeral!Colonel Stuart: How many GREnades (手榴弹) we gotSoldier1: Three each!Colonel Stuart: Use them!John: Oh, ****!Colonel Stuart: Go!John: Aaagh! Oh, shit!Colonel: You lucky ****!Soldier1: Fire trucks, sir!Colonel Stuart: Fall back to the church. Now!Key Words and Expressions:1.frequent-flier mileage 飞机里数优惠券一种飞行积分计划。



文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧dramaOrigin 起源:Christianity 基督教→bible 圣经Myth 神话The Romance of king Arthur and his knights 亚瑟王与他的骑士(笔记)I The Middle Age 中世纪一、The Anglo-Saxon period 安格鲁—撒克逊时期(449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》unknown scribe 无名氏著beginning of the 10th century 写于世纪初National heroes 民族英雄national epic 民族史诗采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子: of man was the mildest and most beloved, To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350) Canto 诗章1.Geoffrey’s The History of the Kings of Britain 杰弗里的英国王的历史Arthur 亚瑟王The native Celtic legends 本土凯尔特传说2、romance 传奇文学3、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士与绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵(Alliteration)的长诗 (poetry)三、Geoffrey Chaucer (Ca1343-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事The beginning of the English literature history4、大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, r epresentatives of various walks of life and social groups. each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manne r, thus revealing his own views and character.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层与社会团体。



新世纪⼤学英语视听说第⼆册 unit 5⽂本Unit 5 Unsolved MysteriesListening and SpeakingAudio Track 2-5-1In the picture on the left, a criminal is breaking a law; he is committing a crime.In the picture on the right, the detective is catching and arresting the criminal.In the picture in the center, the detective is questioning the criminal but he is not making a confession.Audio Track 2-5-2/Audio Track 2-5-3The greatest detectiveSherlock Holmes is probably the greatest detective ever known — well, at least he’s one of the most famous. But he never actually existed … he’s an imaginary detective who appears in sixty stories created by the Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Doyle was not always a writer. He started his career as a doctor. Fortunately for us, he did not have many patients. He needed money and so he started to write stories.The first Sherlock Holmes story was published in 1887, and was called A Study in Scarlet. Later, a magazine published The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and readers loved it!What makes Sherlock Holmes so special? Well, he was very intelligent and successful. He always arrested the criminal —every single time — with the help of his partner, Dr. Watson.In the stories, Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street in London, England. Thousands of people visit that address every year. There’s also a Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.Audio Track 2-5-4/Audio Track 2-5-5/Audio Track 2-5-6Mike: … So, we can look forward to warmer temperatures. It’ll be a good weekend for the beach. Over to you, Alexa.Alexa: Thank you for that weather report, Mike. And finally, this story just in. … We have a report that a local man, Nick Brown, saw some strange lights. He was driving home at about 10 p.m. He said the lights were bright and they moved across the sky. He stopped at a gas station and talked to a police officer about the lights. The police officer had seen the lights, too.Mike: Hmm … that’s a strange story. What happened next?Alexa: Well, Mr. Brown took some pictures, but there was no film in his camera. Finally, he called his wife on his cell phone. But by that time, the lights were gone.Mike: Well, I know that there is a legend around here about mysterious lights … a lot of local people have seen the lights. It’s starting to seem like those lights really exist. What do you think, Alexa?Alexa: I don’t believe it. I think it’s some kind of hoax!Audio Track 2-5-7/Audio Track 2-5-8It was raining heavily. I couldn’t see clearly. I drove slowly. Suddenly, I saw a young girl. She was dressed neatly and standing in the middle of the road. I was surprised! Somehow, I stopped the car quickly.“What are you doing?” I asked. She looked at me strangely but didn’t answer. “Are you OK?” I asked. “I’m fine,” she answered. Then she smiled happily and walked away quietly. Nervously, I drove to my hotel and checked in. I told the clerkabout the little girl. “Do you know her?” I asked. “Oh yes,” he said calmly.“That’s Mary Anne. She died five years ago on that road. It was a car accident during a rainstorm.”Audio Track 2-5-9The Tunguska MysteryIt was early morning. June 30, 1908, in eastern Russia. Suddenly, a terrible explosion rocked the forest in Tunguska. People fell to the ground, and all the trees for 2000 square kilometers were knocked down. People heard the explosion 800 kilometers away, and the fire burned for many weeks.Audio Track 2-5-10/Audio Track 2-5-11What caused this terrible explosion? A century later, scientists are still trying to find the answer. Here are some possible explanations.1. An asteroid: Asteroids are very large pieces of rock that go around in space and sometimes hit the planet. They can cause lots of damage. Some of them weigh as much as 100,000 tons. If an asteroid hit the earth, it would cause a huge explosion.2. A comet: Comets are giant balls of gas, ice, and rock with long tails. They travel through space in a regular pattern. Encke’s Comet was near Earth in 1908, and it’s possible that a part of it broke off and hit the earth.3. A UFO accident: Some people believe that a spaceship crashed into the ground in Siberia and its engine exploded.4. An extraterrestrial attack: Another idea is that extraterrestrials, that is, people from other planets, attacked the earth. Extraterrestrials might have wanted to destroy the earth, so they aimed their weapons at Earth and set fire to the forest.5. A scientific experiment: Another idea is that scientists made a mistake during an experiment with electricity. A man named Nikola Tesla tried to build a “supergun” that used electricity. Maybe it was a test of his gun and it didn’t work correctly. Audio Track 2-5-12/Audio Track 2-5-13Q: Where is Marfa and what exactly is it famous for?A: Marfa is a small town in west Texas in the United States. It’s famous for the “Marfa mystery lights.”Q: What are the mystery lights exactly?A: No one knows for sure. There are many different ideas about that.Q: Can you describe them?A: That’s a difficult question. Different people see different lights. They are not always the same. I can say that they appear after sunset in the sky. They dance mysteriously in air and vanish. Then they suddenly reappear.Q: Some people say they are car headlights. Do you think so?A: No, I don’t. A man first saw the mystery lights over 100 years ago. The man was Robert Ellison and the year was 1883. Of course we didn’t have cars in 1883.Q: What do you think causes the lights?A: There are many theories. The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth. Some people think uranium gas causes the lights. Other people suggest that ball lightning does it. Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of circle. It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q: What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?A: Well, some people call them “ghost lights.” They think ghosts do it. That’s the strangest idea. Some say they are UFOs. I don’t think so.Q: What do the experts say?A: They can’t figure it out. Some engineers even came from Japan one time. They studied the lights, but couldn’t solve the mystery.Q: Are the local people scared?A: No, actually, they aren’t. They like the lights. And every year in early September there’s a big town festival to celebrate the mystery lights.Audio Track 2-5-14Q: What do you think causes the lights?A: There are many theories. The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth. Some people think uranium gas causes the lights. Other people suggest that ball lightning does it. Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of circle. It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q: What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?A: Well, some people call them “ghost lights.” They think ghosts do it. That’s the strangest idea. Some say they are UFOs. I don’t think so.Q: What do the experts say?A: They can’t figure it out. Some engineers even came from Japan one time. They studied the lights, but couldn’t solve the mystery.Q: Are the local people scared?A: No, actually, they aren’t. They like the lights. And every year in early September there’s a big town festival to celebrate the mystery lights.Audio Track 2-5-151. That man seems angry.2. She speaks French.3. Your sister looks tired.4. He practices the piano every day.5. My aunt always watches the news.6. My friend knows the answer.Audio Track 2-5-16/Audio Track 2-5-17Stye: Do you know the Dodd Diamond?Frye: Of course! The museum owns it.Stye: Not anymore! Someone stole it last night!Frye: Really? How did it happen?Stye: Well, it’s unlikely the criminal walked into the room. There’s an alarm on the floor.Frye: But there’s no alarm for the skylight.Stye: You’re right! I bet the criminal climbed down a rope. Then he took the diamond without touching the floor!Audio Track 2-5-18A: I love chocolate.B: There's a good chance that's true. I know you like sweets. You probably like chocolate, too.A: My family has moved house six times.B: It doesn't seem possible.A: Why do you say that?B: I've known you since we were kids.Audio Track 2-5-19A: Do you believe that Bruno Hauptmann was the real kidnapper?B: I doubt that he was. Nobody's likely to be so silly to leave all the evidence there for people to find. Besides, he never made a confession, did he?A: If it wasn’t him … it could have been Betty Gow. What do you think?B: Well, it’s unlikely that she did it. She loved the baby. She even fainted at the trial.A: That’s true. Then it could have been Ernie Brinkert.B: Why do you think it could be him?A: Well, he’s Violet Sharpe’s boyfriend. He knew about the Lindberghs. It’s quite possible that he made a secret plan with his girlfriend to kidnap the baby for money.B: That’s nonsense. His girlfriend had an alibi. She wasn’t in the house on the day the baby was kidnapped.A: Maybe that was part of the secret plan. Perhaps she was purposefully out of the house.B: Well, possibly. But Ernie’s handwriting didn’t match the kidnapper’s note. How can you explain that?A: I dare say that was also part of the plan. He could have deliberately written the note in a handwriting that is different to normal.B: It doesn’t seem possible. He couldn’t possibly have fooled the court.Video CourseVideo Track 2-5-1Agnes: When I was visiting my grandfather in his village I witnessed a very strange event. It wasn’t raining and the women of the village went to a special place to make the rain fall. And that night it rained.Dave: There’s a strange tale in Mexico about La Llorona who is a woman who wanders the streets weeping for her dead sons. When there is a strong wind they say you can hear La Llorona .Catherine: In New Jersey there’s a thing or a monster called the “Jersey Devil.” They say it’s very big and hairy but also very sneaky and that it moves from tree to tree.Lourdes: My favorite mysteries are about UFOs, which means Unidentified Flying Objects. I’m not sure if the UFOs are real or if they are a hoax, but I would like to think that they are real.Alejandra: One of the mysteries that I find interesting and has not been solved yet is the one of the Pyramids. How they made them. How they brought in those very heavy pieces of stone to build the Pyramids.Calum: My advisor and my teacher told us that the dorm that we lived in was haunted, and one time late at night all the lightsturned off suddenly and it was very strange and quite scary.Video Track 2-5-2Agnes: When I was visiting my grandfather in his village I witnessed a very strange event. It wasn’t raining and the women of the village went to a special place to make the rain fall. And that night it rained.Calum: My advisor and my teacher told us that the dorm that we lived in was haunted, and one time late at night all the lights turned off suddenly and it was very strange and quite scary.Video Track 2-5-3Roberto: Does anybody know why Tara asked us to come here today?Takeshi: She said something about solving a crime and arresting a criminal.Claudia: Arresting a criminal?Tara: Yes, a criminal.Takeshi: Hey, Tara. Nice hat!Tara: Someone in this room has committed a crime.All: What? Come on. What are you talking about?Tara: A theft. Someone ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Sun-hee: Well, my yogurt is missing. But it’s OK. It’s only yogurt.Tara: It starts with yogurt. Next time it’s your cookies, your ice cream … who knows where it will end?Sun-hee: OK ... OK. Go on.Tara: It’s very likely one of you did it because you all have a key to this apartment.Takeshi: I only use my key for emergencies. And besides, you live here, you have a key … maybe you took it …Tara: I’m the detective, I didn’t do it. Now. The thief worked calmly, quietly, and very neatly. Note the weapon. (holds up spoon) Clean and dry.Roberto: I didn’t do it. I have an alibi. I was out of town last week … just got home last night.Tara: I know you didn’t do it, Roberto. I asked you to come here today because you are a friend of the thief — Claudia! Claudia: What?Tara: Confess! You’re always too busy to go shopping! You didn’t have any yogurt. You were hungry. It was late! You waited until everyone went to bed and then you slowly entered the kitchen, you made sure no one was there, then you carefully took this spoon and — very quietly — opened the refrigerator door and ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Claudia: (jokingly) No! No! It’s not true!Mike: (enters apartment using key) Hey, everyone! (to Tara while taking spoon and walking towards fridge) Thanks. Nice hat! (to all while eating yogurt) What’s up?Video Track 2-5-4Roberto: Does anybody know why Tara asked us to come here today?Takeshi: She said something about solving a crime and arresting a criminal.Claudia: Arresting a criminal?Tara: Yes, a criminal.Takeshi: Hey, Tara. Nice hat!Tara: Someone in this room has committed a crime.All: What? Come on. What are you talking about?Tara: A theft. Someone ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Sun-hee: Well, my yogurt is missing. But it’s OK. It’s only yogurt.Tara: It starts with yogurt. Next time it’s your cookies, your ice cream … who knows where it will end?Sun-hee: OK … OK. Go on.Video Track 2-5-5Tara: It’s very likely one of you did it because you all have a key to this apartment.Takeshi: I only use my key for emergencies. And besides, you live here, you have a key … maybe you took it …Tara: I’m the detective, I didn’t do it. Now. The thief worked calmly, quietly, and very neatly. Note the weapon. (holds up spoon) Clean and dry.Roberto: I didn’t do it. I have an alibi. I was out of town last week … just got home last night.Tara: I know you didn’t do it, Roberto. I asked you to come here today because you are a friend of the thief — Claudia!Video Track 2-5-6Claudia: What?Tara: Confess! You’re always too busy to go shopping! You didn’t have any yogurt. You were hungry. It was late! You waited until everyone went to bed and then you slowly entered the kitchen, you made sure no one was there, then you carefully took this spoon and — very quietly — opened the refrigerator door and ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Claudia: (jokingly) No! No! It’s not true!Mike: (enters apartment using key) Hey, everyone! (to Tara while taking spoon and walking towards fridge) Thanks. Nice hat! (to all while eating yogurt) What’s up?Audio Track 2-5-20One day, Tara found that someone had eaten Sun-hee’s yogurt without notice. So, she asked everyone to help her solve this “crime.” She thought that it was very likely that one of her friends stole Sun-hee’s yogurt because they all had a key to the apartment. While Sun-hee the owner was quite calm and generous about the missing yogurt, Tara got serious about the matter. She warned everyone that a misdemeanor might gradually become a real crime if it were not checked at the start. She seemed to be determined to solve the crime, though in a humorous way. She accused Takeshi first, but he denied it. While Tara was showing everyone the “weapon” — a clean, dry spoon — Roberto said that he had an alibi and hadn’t done it. Tara said she knew he hadn’t done it and that Claudia had done it! Just as Claudia was protesting that it wasn’t true, Mike suddenly walked in. He calmly went to the refrigerator, took out some yogurt, and ate it! Finally everyone came to know who the “thief” really was.。



英国文学上BeowulfThe Canterbury TalesThe Three RavensSir Patrick SpensRobin Hood and the Three Squires [skwaɪə]The Faerie Queene ['feɪərɪ]The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusRomeo and JulietThe Merchant of VeniceJulius CaesarHamletThe King James Bible of 1611Of Great PlaceOf StudiesSongThe Canonization [,kænənə'zeʃən]A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning[,vælɪ'dɪkʃən] VirtueSong to CeliaTo Mr. Cyriack Skinner Upon His Blindness Paradise LostThe Pilgrim’s Progress 贝奥武甫坎特伯雷故事集三只乌鸦帕特里克·斯本士爵士罗宾汉和三个乡绅仙后浮士德博士的悲剧罗密欧与朱丽叶威尼斯商人尤里乌斯·凯撒哈姆雷特钦定圣经谈高位谈读书歌封为圣者别离辞:节哀美德致西莉亚关于自己的失明致西莉雅克·斯凯纳失乐园天路历程An Essay of Dramatic PoesyMoll FlandersA Modest ProposalThe Royal ExchangeSir Roger at ChurchAn Essay on ManLetter to the Right Honourable The Earl of Chester fieldThe Preface to ShakespeareThe History of Tom Jones, A FoundlingThe Expedition of Humphry ClinkerElegy Written in a Country Churchyard['elɪdʒɪ] The School for ScandalIs There for Honest PovertyScots, Wha HaeAuld Lang SyneA Red, Red RoseFrom Songs of InnocenceThe LambHoly ThursdayFrom Songs of ExperienceThe Chimney SweeperThe TygerLondon 论戏剧诗摩尔·弗兰德斯一个谦卑的建议皇家交易所罗吉先生在教堂人论致吉斯特非尔德爵爷书《莎士比亚集》序弃儿汤姆·琼斯的故事汉弗莱·克林克出征记墓畔哀歌造谣学校穷得有志气苏格兰人拥有往昔时光我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰天真之歌羔羊耶稣升天节经验之歌扫烟囱的孩子虎伦敦英国文学下Lyrical BalladsComposed upon Westerminster Bridge The Solitary ReaperI Wandered Lonely as a CloudTintern AbbeyKubla KhamThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerChilde Harold’s PilgrimageDon JuanWhen We Two PartedShe Walks in BeautySong to the Men of EnglandOde to the West WindOn First Looking into Chapman’s Homer Ode to a NightingaleTo AutumnOld ChinaOn the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth IvanhoeDombey and SonBleak HouseVanity Fair 抒情歌谣集写于威斯敏斯特桥上孤独的割麦女我好似一片孤的流云丁登寺忽必烈汗古舟子咏恰尔德•哈罗尔德游记唐璜记当时我俩分手她身披美丽而行致英国人之歌西风颂初读查普曼译荷马史诗夜莺颂秋颂古旧的瓷器《论<麦克白>剧中的敲门声》艾文赫董贝父子荒凉山庄名利场Break, Break, BreakUlyssesIn MemoriamMy Last DuchessMeeting at NightParting at MorningDover BeachWuthering HeightsPast and PresentTess of the D’UrbervillesIn Time of “The Breaking of Nations”AfterwardsHeart of DarknessMajor BarbaraThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The Landscape near an Aerodrome Spain 1937Look Back in AngerWaiting for GodotA Severed HeadLord of the FliesIn a Free StateMoney: a Suicide Note 拍岸曲尤利西斯悼念我的前公爵夫人深夜幽会清晨离别多佛海滩呼啸山庄过去和现在德伯家的苔丝国家分裂时身后黑暗的心脏巴巴拉少校普鲁弗洛克的情歌机场附近的景色西班牙1937愤怒的回顾等待戈多割裂的头脑蝇王在一个自由的国度钱:绝命书Death of a NaturalistPunishmentPride and PrejudiceJane Eyre美国文学Poor Richard’s AlmanacThe AutobiographyTales of the Grotesque and Arabesque TalesThe Fall of the House of UsherThe Masque of the Red DeathLigeiaThe Black CatThe Cask of AmontilladoMurders in the Rue MorgueThe Purloined LetterThe Gold BugThe Philosophy of CompositionThe Poetic PrincipleNatureSelf-RelianceThe American ScholarThe Divinity School Address [dɪ'vɪnɪtɪ]博物学家之死惩罚傲慢与偏见简爱格言历书自传述异集故事集厄舍大厦的倒塌红色死亡假面舞会莉盖亚黑猫阿芒提拉多的酒桶莫格街谋杀案被窃的信件金甲虫创作哲学诗歌原理论自然论自助论美国学者神学院致辞Representative MenEssaysEnglish TraitsThe Conduct of LifePoemsMay-DayTwice-told TalesMosses from an Old Manse The Scarlet LetterThe House of the Seven Gables The Blithedale RomanceThe Marble FaunTypeeOmooMardiRedburnWhite JacketMoby DickThe Confidence ManBattle PiecesJohn Marr and other Sailors TimoleonBilly Budd 人类代表论文集英国特征人生的行为诗集五月节故事重述古宅青苔红字带有七个尖角阁的房子福谷传奇玉石雕像泰比欧穆玛地雷得本白外衣白鲸骗子的化装表演战事集约翰•玛尔和其他水手梯摩里昂毕利•伯德On the Duty of Civil DisobedienceWaldenA Week on the Concord and Merrimack River Voices of the NightBallads and Other PoemsEvangelineThe Song of Hiawatha [,haiə'wɔθə]I Shot an Arrow…A Psalm of LifeAnnabel LeeThe RavenSonnet-To ScienceTo HelenLeaves of GrassOne’s Self I SingO Captain! My Captain!To Make a Prairie…Success is Counted SweetestI’m Nobody!The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County The Innocents AbroadThe Gilded AgeThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer 论公民的不服从沃尔登《在康科德与梅里马克河上一周》《夜吟》歌谣及其他伊凡杰林海华沙之歌我射出一支箭…生命颂安娜贝尔•李乌鸦十四行诗——致科学致海伦草叶集我歌唱自我噢,船长!我的船长!要描绘一片草原……最美妙的胜利感觉我是无名之辈卡拉维拉县驰名的跳蛙傻瓜出国记镀金时代汤姆索亚历险记Life on the MississippiThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnA Connecticut Y ankee in King Arhur’s Court The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead WilsonThe Man That Corrupted HadleyburgA Passionate PilgrimThe AmericanThe Portrait of a LadyThe BostoniansThe Turn of the ScrewThe Wings of the DoveThe AmbassadorsThe Golden BowlThe Art of FictionDaisy MillerThe Awkward AgeThe Spoils of PoyntonThe Princess of CasamassimaThe Jolly CornerMaggie:A Girl of the StreetsThe Red Badge of CourageThe Open BoatThe Bride Comes to Yellow Sky 密西西比河上哈克贝里•费恩历险记亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格洲美国佬《傻瓜威尔逊》败坏了哈德莱堡的人热衷游历的人一个美国人一个女士的画像波士顿人螺丝在拧紧鸽翼专使金碗小说的艺术黛西•密勒未成熟的少年时代波音敦的珍藏品卡萨玛西玛公主快乐的一角街头女郎麦姬红色英勇勋章海上扁舟新娘来到黄天镇The Blue HotelWindy Mcpherson’s Son Winesburg, OhioMarching MenPoor WhiteThe Triumph of the EggHorses and MenMany MarriagesDark LaughterBeyond DesireDeath in the WoodsThe Flowering JudasPale Horse, Pale RiderThe Leaning TowerThe Old OrderOld MortalityA Ship of FoolsThe Jilting of Granny Weatherall This Side of ParadiseThe Beauty and the Damned Flappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz AgeThe Great Gatsby 蓝色旅店饶舌的麦克佛逊的儿子俄亥俄州的温斯堡镇前进的人们穷白人鸡蛋的胜利马与人多种婚姻阴沉的笑声超越欲望林中之死开花的紫荆树灰色骑士灰色马斜塔旧秩序修墓老人愚人船被背弃的老祖母人间天堂漂亮的冤家姑娘们与哲学家们爵士乐时代的故事了不起的盖茨比Tender is the NightThe Crack-upSoldiers' PayMosquitoesThe Sound and the Fury ['fjʊərɪ] As I Lay DyingLight in AugustAbsalom, Absalom! ['æbsələm] SartorisThe HamletThe TownThe MansionBarn Burning [bɑːn]The Marble FaunGo Down, MosesThe Sun Also RisesA Farewell to ArmsThe Old Man and the SeaFor Whom the Bell TollsThe Garden of EdenIn Our TimeWinner Take NothingTo Have and Have Not 夜色温柔崩溃士兵的报酬蚊群喧哗与骚动我弥留之际八月之光押沙龙,押沙龙!沙多里斯村子小镇大宅烧牲口棚大理石牧神去吧,摩西太阳照常升起永别了,武器老人与海丧钟为谁而鸣伊甸园在我们的时代里胜利者一无所获有钱人与没钱人ExultationsPersondeCathayCantosIn a Station of the MetroAnecdote of the JarCollected Later PoemsCollected Early PoemsPatersonThe Red WheelbarrowA Boy’s WillNorth of BostonCollected PoemsA Further RangeA Witness TreeNew HamphshireFire and IceStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening The Road Not TakenThe Dream KeeperShakespeare in HarlemFine Clothes to the JewThe Weary Blues 狂喜人物中国诗章在一个地铁车站坛子的轶事近期诗集早期诗集佩特森红色手推车一个男孩的意愿波士顿的北部诗集又一片牧场标记树新罕布什尔火与冰雪夜林边驻脚未选择的路梦乡人哈莱姆的莎士比亚抵押给犹太人的好衣服萎靡的布鲁斯Me and the MuleBorder LineThe Poet of EarthThe Happy Marriage ConquistadorArs PoeticaIn the ZoneThe Long Voyage Home Bound East for CardiffThe Moon of the Caribees Emperor JonesThe Hairy ApeDesire under the Elms Mourning Becomes Electra Strange InterludeThe Iceman ComethThe Great God BrownA Touch of the PoetLong Day’s Journey into Night More Stately MansionsThe Moon for the Misbegotten HughieOne Man’s Meat 我与骡子分界线大地诗人幸福的婚姻征服者诗艺在这一带漫长的返航东航加的夫加勒比的月亮琼斯皇帝毛猿榆树下的欲望悲悼奇异的插曲送冰的人来了大神布朗诗人的气质长日终入夜更庄严的大厦月照不幸人休依一个人的见解The Points of My Compass Stuart LittleCharlotte’s WebThe Glass MenagerieCat on a Hot Tin Roof Summer and SmokeThe Rose TattooA Streetcar Named Desire Invisible ManShadow and ActGoing to the Territory Life StudiesThe DolphinNorth and SouthIn the Waiting RoomThe WakingHowlBook of the DuchessThe Parliament of Fowles The ColossusArielWinter TreesThe Bell Jar 我罗盘上的方位斯图亚特•利特尔夏洛特的网玻璃动物园热铁皮屋顶上的猫夏日烟云玫瑰纹身欲望号街车看不见的人影子与行动走向领域人生的写照海豚北方与南方候诊室里苏醒嚎叫公爵夫人之书百鸟议会巨人小精灵冬天的树钟状的罐子Point ShirleyStill I RiseAll My SonsDeath of a SalesmanThe CrucibleA View from the BridgeAfter the FallThe Archbishop’s CeilingThe MisfitsDangling ManThe Adventure of Augie March Seize the DayThe VictimCatch-22Something HappenedWe Bombed In New Haven Song of SolomonJazzBelovedThe Bluest EyeLove MedicineTracksShadow Tag 雪莉角我仍将奋起全是我的儿子推销员之死炼狱桥头眺望堕落之后大主教的天花板不合时宜的人晃来晃去的人奥吉·玛琪历险记只争朝夕受害者第二十二条军规出了毛病我们轰炸了纽黑文所罗门之歌爵士乐宠儿最蓝的眼睛爱药痕迹影子标签The Antelope Wife The Beet Queen The Bingo Place The Plague of Doves 羚羊妻甜菜女王宾果宫鸽灾。

sir roger at church译文

sir roger at church译文

“Sir Roger at Church” 是英国作家约瑟夫·爱德华·艾迪生所著《世界文学名著英译本》系列中的作品之一。

这篇散文描述了一个古老的乡村教堂,以及该地区的主要人物之一——苏格兰贵族Sir Roger和他在教堂中的行为举止。

让我们来了解一下“Sir Roger at Church”的内涵和主题。

这篇散文主要描写了Sir Roger在教堂中的各种行为,例如他参加礼拜时的态度、对教堂内部的装饰的评价、与其他教友的交往等等。

通过对这一主题的深入探讨,可以使我们更好地理解Sir Roger这一角色在教堂中的表现和其所代表的价值观。

接下来,让我们从故事的起点开始,逐步深入探讨Sir Roger在教堂中的行为。

Sir Roger在教堂中的行为举止体现了他对宗教活动的虔诚态度和尊重,这为我们塑造了一个善良、谦逊的形象。

散文中对教堂内部的描绘也体现了Sir Roger对传统价值观的尊重和珍视。

通过对Sir Roger与其他教友的交往的描述,我们可以感受到他对人际关系的重视和善良的品格。

在文章的总结部分,我想强调的是,通过对“Sir Roger at Church”的深入分析,我们不仅可以了解这一散文作品的内涵和主题,更重要的是,我们可以从中汲取对宗教、传统价值观和人际关系的启示和教益。


让我们一起回顾这篇文章,重新体味其中蕴含的深刻内涵,感受Sir Roger在教堂中所展现的品格和价值观,并思考如何将这些品质融入我们的日常生活中。

愿我们都能像Sir Roger一样,在宗教、传统和人际关系中展现出优秀的品格和价值观。

在这篇文章中,我从深度和广度的角度全面评估了“Sir Roger at Church”,并据此撰写了一篇有价值的文章。


Artistic devices in Sir Roger at Church

Artistic devices in Sir Roger at Church

• 5,Contrast:para4 This John Matthews,it seems, is remarkable for being an idle fellow,and at that time was kicking his heels for his diversion. It is opposite of Sir Roger. Para6 The fair understanging between Sir Roger and his chaplain….is more remarkable because the very next village is famous for the differences and contentions that rise between the parson and the squire • 6,Indirect description:para5 As soon as the sermon is finished,nobody presumes to stir till Sir Roger is gone out of the church.
artistic devices in sir roger at church artisticdevices essay1,paving technique:the first paragraph provides some important background information readers,ratherthan depict sir roger directly 2,exaggeration:eg,para3 when he hisdevotion, he pronounces"amen" three fourtimes sameprayer…… 3,parallelism:eg,para3 sometimes,he lengtheningout…;sometimes,when he sometimesstands up when… 4,direct description:para2 my friend sir roger,being goodcn pleased answerswell,…. johnmatthews,it seems, idlefellow,and kickinghis heels hisdiversion. sirroger. para6 fairunderstanging between sir roger hischaplain….is more remarkable because verynext village risebetween 6,indirectdescription:para5 finished,nobodypresumes stirtill sir roger goneout jnchaoger0206 分享于 2013-01-21 03:14:7.8 暂无简介 文档格式: .ppt 文档页数: 2页 文档大小: 513.5k 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: 艺术手法



哈尔滨师范大学外国语学院英语系专业考试试卷Test Paper on English Literature 3 (II)年级:___________________课程:_英国文学(II)学期:___________________时间:___________________I. Complete each of the followingstatements with a proper word or phrase(10%)1.Walter Scot is the founder and master of the ____________.2.Charles Dickens is the greatest representative of the English_________. And _________ is another representative of this school.4. Three main trends of literature are worth our attention. They are Modernism, __________, and __________.6. _________ is regarded as Fielding’s masterpiece, with the fame of being the best constructed novel in English literature.7. In the 18th century writing became an independent job, and many writers became hack writers, or _________ who took writing as a profession.8. Thomas Hardy was born in Dorsetshire, a place is rich in its legend, fork customs and superstitious--- all these would play their roles in his _________ novels.9. The subtitle of Vanity Fair William M. Thackeray is _________.10. Charles Lamb was important in English literature for his contribution to _________, a type of essay which was later developed by Addison and Steele.choices (20%)1. Essays of Elia is a collection of essays by______________a. Charles Lambb. Mary Lambc. William Hazlittd. Thomas De Quincey2. The Lay of the Last Minstrel was written by _____________a. Lambb. Scottc. Hazlitt'd. Coleridge3. The greatest Victorian poet is ___________who was poetlaureatea. Thomas Cooperb. Thomas Hoodc. Robert Browningd. Alfred Tennyson4. The greatest English realist of the 19th century was____________a. Jane Austenb. George Eliotc. Charles Dickensd. Emily Bronte5. One of the famous novels Dickens wrote during the first periodof his literary career was ____________________a. The Old Curiosity Shopb. Dombey and Sonc. Hard Timesd.Bleak House6. Of Dickens' novels____________ is the most autobiographicalof all.a. Oliver Twistb. Great Expectationc. David Copperfieldd. Our Mutual Friends7. Thackeray's masterpiece is ____________a. Sense and Sensibilityb. Vanity Fairc. Silas Marnerd. Pride and Prejudice8. Jude the Obscure is a famous novel written by _____________a. Gaskellb. Emily Brontec. George Eliotd. Hardy9. "The Waste Land" is written by the same writer of the poem_____________.a. "Murder in the Cathedral"b. "Shirley"c. "Mansfield Park"d. "Ruth"10. One of the famous novels by James Joyce is ___________a. "Grandford"b. "Silas Marner"c. "Senses of Critical Life"d. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man "11. Ilia is the pen name of the essayist ____________a. Anne Bronteb. Elizabeth Cloghorn Gaskellc. Lambd. Thomas De Quincey12. Among the women novelists of the 19th century,____________was regarded by many critics as the most gifted.a. Emily Bronteb. Charlotte Brontec. Anne Bronted. Mrs. Browning13. "Heroes and Hero-Worship" is a famous prose work by__________a. John Ruskinb. Walter Scottc. Thomas Carlyled. Mathew Arnold14. The writer of Past and Present also wrote ____________a. "The Mill on the Floss"b. "Wuthering Heights"c. "The Stones of Venice"d. "Sartor Resartus"15. Pygmalion is a play by _____________a. Thomas Carlyleb. Bernard Shawc. Mathew Arnoldd. George Eliot16. Gulliver's Travels is the masterpiece of ______________a. Thomas Babington Macaulayb. Alfred Tennysonc. Jonathan Swiftd. John Ruskin17. "Sir Roger at Church" is written by ___________a. Robert Browningb. Thomas Carlylec. John Ruskind. Joseph Addison18. Life's Poor Play is a poem by ________a. G.G Rossettib. Alexander Popec. Edward Fitzgeraldd. Algernon Charles Swinburne19. The writer of Tom Jones also wrote ________________a. A Dream of John Ballb. Erewhonc. The Novel and the Peopled. Amelia20 The School for Scandal is written by ___________a. John Galsworthb. Henry Jamesc. Richard Sheridand.Arnold Bennett.Ⅲ. Match the names of writers with the title of works. (10%) Column A Column B a. Thomas Carlyle 1. The Waste Landb. Sammel Beckett 2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Manc. James Joyce 3. Tess of the D'Urbgervillesd. Oscar Wilde 4. The Picture of Dorian Graye. T. S. Eliot 5. Look Back in Angerf. George Bernard Shaw 6. The Pilgrim's progressg. Thomas Hardy 7. History of the French Revolution h. Denial Defore 8. Waiting Godot i. John Bunyan 9. Moll Flandersj. John Osborne 10. Mrs Warren’s ProfessionIV. Explain the following terms: (15%)1. Song of Experience2. Realism3. Ode4. Stream of Consciousness5. Neo-ClassicismV. Identification:( 10%)1. Now fades the glimmering landscape on lthe sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds.Title: ________________ Author: ________________ 2. Behold the child, by Nature ’s kindly law,Pleas ’d with a rattle, tickled with a straw._______________ _______________3. The gray sea and the long black land;And the yellow half-moon large and low.__________________________________4.The sea is calm tonight.The tide is full, the moon lies fair____________________________________5.Drive my dead thoughts over the universeLike withered leaves to quicken a new bith!____________________________________VI. Make comment on two of the Array following topics with more than 250words each. 25%1. The significance of Preface to Lyrical Ballads2. The comment features of Victorian novels3. Tess of the D’Urbervilles4. Ulysses by James JoyceKeys to Test Paper of English Literature 1 (II)I. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or phrase (10%)1. historical novels2. Critical Realism3. William M. Thackeray4. The Angry Young Men5. The Theatre of the Absurd6. The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling7. Grub Street writers8. Wessex9. A Novel without a Hero10. The Familiar EssayII. Choose the best answer from the given choices (20%) BBDCA CBADCCACDB CDBDCⅢ. Match the names of writers with the title of works. (10%) 78241 103965IV. Explain the following terms: 15% (3 points each)1. It is a collection of poems and songs in which theatmosphere is sad and gloomy.2.It condemned the ugly modern capitalist civilization,glorified the dignity of labour and clamoured for a society inwhich an individual worker could fully express himself.3.It is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, oftenaddressed to a person or celebrating an event.4.It refers to the technique which seeks to depict themultitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.5.It emphasizes reason rather than emotion, form rather thancontent. It stresses elegance, correctness, appropriatenessand restraint.V. Identification: 10% (2 points each )1. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard/Thomas Gray2. Life’s Poor Play/Alexander Pope3. Meeting at Night/Tennyson4. Dover Beach/Arnold5. Ode to the West Wind/ShelleyVI. Make comment on two of the following topics with more than 250 words each. 25%Criteria:1. Background (2)2. Plot (2)3. Theme (3)4. Skills (3)5. Significance (3)。

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spoil the beauty of;stain ;
hassock convey indirectly; hint
sharp rebuke
Losing the qualities that are proper to its kind incumbent
• “凡欲掌握随意而不粗俗 典雅而不矫饰 凡欲掌握随意而不粗俗,典雅而不矫饰 凡欲掌握随意而不粗俗 的英语风格者,必须日日夜夜苦苦攻读 的英语风格者,必须日日夜夜苦苦攻读 艾迪生的作品。” 艾迪生的作品。
• • • •
familiar but not coarse 随意而不粗俗 elegant but not ostentatious 典雅而不矫饰
Long sentences
• Addison's sentences are long, • about 40 words in one sentence.
• not difficult to understand . • basic sentence pattern is loose sentence • some parallel constructions. • Elegant and easy to read.
Part two
• Paragraphs 2 to 5 • It describes Roger’s particularities at church, and a lot of details.
Part three
• Paragraphs 6 to 8 • It is a comparison and a conclusion discussing the relation between the landlord and the country church.
An English
Southwestern England
Essayist Poetry Playwright Politician
His Life
Richard Steele 1672---1729
Literary Periodical (期刊)
“The Tatler”(闲谈者) (闲谈者) 1709
礼拜也就是人们对上帝的敬拜,钦佩,崇敬。 礼拜也就是人们对上帝的敬拜,钦佩,崇敬。
1、Barbarian : an uncultured or brutish person, a lout 、 未开化的人,野蛮人,粗人 [bɑ:′beəri:ən] 2、hassock :
3、Blemish :spoil the beauty or perfection of;stain 、 [′blemɪʃ] v. 有损…的完美,玷污
Structure Long sentences analysis Test Analysis The character of Sir Roger
The writing style of the test
Part one
• • • • Paragraph 1 It presents an introduction and a background.
• 按这类纠纷在乡村非属数见不鲜,但纠于 按这类纠纷在乡村非属数见不鲜, 一般人即长期眩于金钱权势, 一般人即长期眩于金钱权势,故凡事尊重 财主之间,而不知道尊重学者之间。 财主之间,而不知道尊重学者之间。
What is the theme?
Character of Sir Roger 1. Generous
life of England in the 18th century.
------- the
English essay established itself as a literary genre [‘ʒɑnrə] 类型,流派 类型, ɑ
Go to Church(做礼拜) The Christian religion
• Feuds of this nature, though too frequent in the country, are very fatal to the ordinary people, • who are so used to be dazzled with riches that they pay as much deference to the • understanding of a man of an estate as of a man of learning.
Long sentence
• It is certain the country people would soon degenerate into a kind of savages and barbarians were there not such frequent returns of a stated time, in which the whole village meet together with their best faces, and in their cleanliest habits, to converse with one another upon indifferent subjects, hear their duties explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Supreme Being.
4.Pleasant Event: • encourage the young to make themselves perfect • Cooperate with the chaplain to keep his congregation in good order.
Sir roger his chaplain(牧师)
[inˈ ʌmbənt] n. 教会中的任职者 ,教区牧师 k
6、tithe-stealers : 、 Men who defraud the clergyman of
the tithe (or tenth part) due to him from the produce of the land.偷税分子
His reputation was blemished by that article.
4、Reprimand: 、
an official or sharp rebuke (for a fault etc.) 正式或尖锐的申诉,谴责
5、incumbent : holder of the office (of clerk) 、
“The Spectator”(旁观者 旁观者) 旁观者
Country Commerce Army and the townsfolk
The Significance of Their Essays
a new code of social morality
7、Insinuate: 7、Insinuate: [ɪn`sɪnju:,eɪt] v.
convey indirectly or obliquely; hint 拐弯抹角地表达,暗示
Insinuated that she was lying 暗示她在撒谎 8、degenerate Losing the qualities that are proper to its
hassock Itinerant singing master
• Sir Roger was
3.Humorous Event: • After the sermon, the one he does not see at the church will be understood as a secret reprimand(谴责).
Addison's writing style.
Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the study of Addison.” ” • --- Samuel Johnson
kind; falling from former excellence
[di′ • • • • • •
Barbarian野蛮人,粗人 hassock跪垫 Blemish有损…的完美,玷污 Reprimand谴责 incumbent教区牧师 tithe-stealers偷税分子 Insinuate暗示 Degenerate堕落,变坏
About Sir Roger at church
the style of this article. • simple concise prose Long sentences elegant relax feeling
• never speak loudly. • use some right words.
Sir Roger at Church
Sunday in a Country
(乡村礼拜日) 乡村礼拜日)
——by Joseph Addison
1. Background Information
2. New words
3. Test analysis