How to reveal a country’s sense,over the years,of its own well-being 如何揭开一个国家多年来的主观幸福感Read its books.By computer利用计算机扫描其书刊Do a country’s inhabitants get happier as it gets richer?Most governments seem to believe so,given their relentless focus on increasing GDP year by year.Reliable,long-term evidence linking wealth and happiness is,however,lacking.And measuring well-being is itself fraught with problems,since it often relies on surveys that ask participants to assess their own levels of happiness subjectively.一个国家越富有,其人民就越幸福吗?鉴于大多数政府都坚持不懈地致力于逐年提高GDP,它们似乎是认同这一点的。
Daniel Sgroi of the University of Warwick and Eugenio Proto of the University of Glasgow,both in Britain,think,nevertheless,that they have an answer.尽管如此,英国华威大学的丹尼尔·斯格里和格拉斯哥大学的尤金尼奥·普罗托认为他们找到了答案。
Why an“Uber for tailors”is gaining ground in Lagos“裁缝优步”为何能在拉各斯发展起来?“Rich and poor,everyone has a tailor here,”says Olajire Omikunle,a couturier for Nigeria’s powerful.So great is the appeal of a well-cut outfit in Lagos,Nigeria’s commercial centre,that roadside stitchers rove the streets armed with their sewing machines and clicking their large scissors to drum up customers.尼日利亚颇具影响力的服装设计师奥拉吉尔·奥米昆勒说:“无论贫富,这里的每个人都有自己的裁缝。
David Peterside,a local entrepreneur,hopes to capitalise on this sartorial obsession with a new app that is being dubbed an“Uber for tailors”.Fashion Map allows natty Nigerians to find a suitmaker at the press of a button.当地企业家戴维·彼得赛德希望借着人们对服装的痴迷,开发一款名为“裁缝优步”的新应用。
It may be a perfect fit for Africa’s most populous country.Nigeria has a fast-growing base of smartphone users and“over100,000registered tailors”,says Otunba Wasiu Taiwo of the Nigeria Union of Tailors.“We are still counting.”该应用或许非常适合这个非洲人口最多的国家。
Neanderthals had a propensity for earache,nudging them to their doom易患耳疾将尼安德特人推向了灭亡A new analysis of their skulls points to an anatomical problem一项对头颅的新研究指出了一个生理构造缺陷The last neanderthals vanished from Earth about40,000years ago.Exactly what drove them to extinction,however,remains a mystery,with their disappearance variously attributed to anything from climate change to inferior cognitive abilities or even cannibalism.在大约4万年前,最后一批尼安德特人消失在地球上。
Anthony Pagano,a medical researcher at Seton Hall University in New Jersey,has a new explanation.He thinks Neanderthals might have been unusually prone to severe ear infections,which left them struggling to compete against their Homo sapiens cousins.新泽西州西顿霍尔大学的医学研究员安东尼·帕加诺给出了一个新的解释。
More Chinese children are being given their mother’s surname越来越多的中国孩子开始随母姓It’s not just about feminism这不仅仅是女权主义As China emerged from lockdown,a woman wrote a post on Weibo,a microblog,that has echoed through the long,hot summer.She was divorcing her husband,she said,because he would not allow her to change the surname of her child to her own.随着中国走出疫情,一女子在微博上发布的一条博文在漫长而又炎热的夏季引发了人们广泛的关注。
Details of the case were scant,but that did not stop it lighting up the internet,shining a new spotlight on the question of how far Chinese women have come.Phoenix Weekly,a magazine,launched an online poll that drew47,000respondents.Almost two-thirds said that a surname could come from either parent.有关这一事件的细节并不多,但该事件还是在网上引发了人们的热议,并使人们重新审视女性成长的步伐。
The legal cannabis market shrank in California last year去年,加州的合法大麻市场在萎缩Harbourside Cannabis in Oakland is a modern-day temple to the delights and possibilities of the botanical marvel that is the plant Cannabis sativa. Around the airy shop move a well-heeled clientele.They browse among offerings ranging from cannabis-infused chocolate to sparkling water and vape pens.奥克兰的哈伯赛德大麻公司是一座可供寻求快乐和见识到大麻种植奇观的现代庙宇。
California was the first state to allow sales of medical cannabis in1996, and Harbourside one of the first shops in America to sell pot legally.Since January last year,the firm has also been able to sell pot for purely recreational purposes.1996年,加州成为美国首个允许销售医用大麻的州,哈伯赛德也是美国首批合法销售大麻的商店之一。
Thanks to its large number of“medical”users,California’s is the largest legal cannabis market in the world.But since the legalisation of adult sales, that market has been shrinking.得益于大批的“医疗”用户,加州成为了全球最大的合法大麻市场。
Covid-19has made it hard for the Japanese to visit family graves新冠肺炎疫情致使日本人难以前去扫墓But they have found high-tech ways round the problem但他们利用高科技解决了这一问题Every august the spirits of fallen ancestors rise all across Japan.During obon,the living commemorate them with offerings of food at altars, gather for festivals,and perform collective dances known as bon odori.每年八月,日本各地逝者的灵魂便会回到人间。
Many stream back to their home towns to be with family and visit cemeteries to pay respects to their dead.“Graves are a place to talk,”says Yamazaki Masako of Zenyuseki,a tombstone carvers’trade association.许多人会返回家乡与家人团聚,并前去墓地悼念逝去的亲人。
”This year covid-19has upset the routine.Japan’s viral caseload is relatively small,with just1,148total deaths,roughly America’s daily average.But a recent rise in infections,especially in big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka,has spread the jitters.今年,新冠肺炎疫情的爆发打破了常规。
2019考研英语经济学人阅读1(英语学习)联合国严厉制裁朝鲜The European Union announced that it will provide700m ($760m) in aid to accommodate migrants incountries overwhelmed by the refugee crisis. Most ofthe money is expected to go to Greece. AngelaMerkel, Germany’s chancellor, scolded Austria andother countries for clamping down on refugeearrivals, and vowed not to abandon Greece.欧盟宣布将向深陷难民危机的国家提供7亿欧元(7.6亿美元)的难民安置援助。
德国总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)谴责奥地利等国家抵制难民入境的行为,并承诺不会放弃对希腊的援助。
The leader of Spain’s Socialist Party, Pedro Sánchez, failed in his first attempt to form aminority government with the upstart centrist Ciudadanos party. Both the centre-right PopularParty and the far-left Podemos party voted against the proposed coalition in parliament. If MrSánchez fails again in a second vote planned for March 4th, the caretaker government willprobably call new elections.西班牙工人社会党( Socialist Party)领导人彼得罗·桑切斯(Pedro Sánchez)与新兴中立公民党(Ciudadanos party)首次尝试组建少数党政府,但最终以失败告终。
Unpacking the rise of urban coyotes揭秘城市郊狼的崛起The attacker sprang from the tall grass in a lakefront park,leaving a five-year-old victim terrified,blood streaming from his head.After the boywas taken to hospital,a hunt ensued.Helicopters,police and specialist trackers fanned across the Chicago neighbourhood.从湖滨公园高出的草丛中扑出来的袭击者让一名5岁的受害者头破血流、惊恐万分。
A man brought himself to hospital saying he,too,had been bitten.Two nearby schools were locked down for a day.Eventually a suspect—a brindle coyote with puppy-dog eyes—was apprehended behind a theatre.随后又有一名男子自行来到医院,声称自己也被咬伤。
The incident excited much of Chicago.Although coyote attacks on humans are rare,the animals have become an increasingly common part of urban American life.Once mostly found west of the Mississippi,they have spread east.这一事件让许多芝加哥市民激愤不已。
Japan’s state-owned version of Tinder日本官方版TinderLocal authorities are setting up matchmaking websites to pair their residents with lonely-hearts in the cities政府当局创办相亲网站,为当地居民牵线搭桥Even after years of attending match-making parties,a professional in Tokyo explains,she has not found any suitable marriage prospects.“I’m tired of going to these events and not meeting anyone,”she gripes.东京一名职场人士表示,虽然参加了多年的相亲会,但她仍然没有找到合适的结婚对象。
”So she has decided to expand her pool of prospective partners by looking for love outside the capital.To that end she has filled out an online profile detailing her name,job,hobbies and even weight on a match-making site that pairs up single urbanites with people from rural areas.因此,她决定将她寻找伴侣的范围扩大到首都之外。
What a museum of disgusting food reveals about human nature一家展览恶心食物的博物馆所揭示的人之本性Visitors receive a sick bag in lieu of a ticket参观者将领到一个呕吐袋,而非一张门票It is a hands-on,tongues-out experience.At the Museum of Disgusting Food in Malmö,in Sweden,all the world’s great cuisines are represented. Each exhibit is considered a delicacy somewhere,but strikes many unaccustomed palates as revolting.Visitors are invited to handle a raw bull’s penis and sip liquor with dead mice in it.这是一次亲手体验、亲口品尝的经历。
Nordic cuisine is well represented.The meat of the Greenland shark has toxically high levels of urea.It will make you woozy unless first left to rot and then hung to dry.Icelanders eat small cubes of hakarl,as they call it, from toothpicks.北欧美食很具有代表性。
Why lesbian couples are more likely to divorce than gay ones为什么女同性恋者比男同性恋更容易离婚Sarah always wanted to get married.She grew up with“girly girly”dreams of a big ceremony.In2016,two years after the law changed to allow single-sex marriages,she walked down the aisle,wearing the big white dress she had longed for.“The wedding was perfect,”she says.“It was a shame about the marriage.”一直以来,萨拉都梦想能够结婚。
”She is one of a growing number of same-sex divorcees.By the end of2018, 900same-sex couples,of whom nearly three-quarters were female,had divorced.她是越来越多的同性恋离婚者之一。
More lesbians than gay men get married,but the discrepancy in divorce rates is much wider than that in marriage rates.Gay men account for44% of same-sex marriages in the latest data,but make up only26%of divorcees.相比男同性恋者,女同性恋者结婚的人数更多,但两者离婚率的差异却远大于结婚率的差异。
Fewer and fewer Japanese want to see the world想去看看世界的日本人越来越少了Only24%of them even have a passport—the lowest proportion among rich countries只有24%的日本人持有护照,这一比例在发达国家中是垫底的No fewer than191countries admit Japanese visitors without a visa.That is twice as many as wave through Kuwaitis,for example,and five times the number that let in Nepalese without hesitation.全球有超过191个国家对日本游客开放了免签入境。
By that measure,Japan’s chrysanthemum-decorated passport is the most welcomed in the world.Yet only24%of Japanese possess one—about half the proportion of Americans who have a passport.Why do so few Japanese take advantage of their freedom to wander the globe?以此来衡量的话,印有菊花纹章的日本护照应该是世界上最受欢迎的护照。
为什么日本人不利用这种便利去周游世界呢?On paper,Japanese are venturing abroad more often.They went on roughly20m overseas trips in2019,up from19m in2018.But that figure is inflated by people travelling for work and by frequent flyers.The share of people who hold a passport has been slowly falling,from27%in2005.从表面上来看,日本人出国变得更加频繁了。
Using artificial intelligence,agricultural robots are on the rise农业机器人正在借助于人工智能技术而崛起Slowly but surely,a spidery machine about the size of a golf cart swings an electrode over a tray of plants.Every few seconds there is a small puff of smoke as a weed keels over,having been zapped with a high voltage.一台高尔夫球车一般大小的蜘蛛机器人虽然缓慢但却很稳当地在一撮植物上摆弄着电极。
The device doing the zapping is a prototype weeding robot developed by the Small Robot Company,a new firm operating out of an old munitions depot near Salisbury,in south-west Britain.该除草设备是由小型机器人公司(一家开在英国西南部索尔兹伯里附近的一个废旧军火库里的公司)开发的原型除草机器人。
Weed control is essential for improving crop yields,but it is getting increasingly difficult.Some weeds are becoming resistant to herbicides, which face stricter regulation and in some cases are being banned.On top of that,many consumers want organic produce.想要提高农作物的产量,除掉杂草是关键,但这正在变得越来越困难。
A new idea for diagnosis一个关于疾病诊断的新想法A system based on AI will scan the retina for signs of Alzheimer’s一个基于人工智能的系统将通过眼部扫描来探寻痴呆症的患病迹象And,after that,of stroke susceptibility and heart disease此外,还包括中风和心脏病的诊断The different parts of a health-care system have different focuses.A hospital’s dementia unit keeps records of patients’mental abilities.The stroke unit monitors blood flow in the brain.The cardiac unit is interested in that same flow,but through and from the heart.医疗卫生体系的不同部门有着不同的关注点。
Each agglomeration of equipment and data is effective in its own domain, but for the most part has little relevance to other bits of the body and the conditions that plague them.每一组仪器及数据都能够有效用于各自疾病的诊断,但往往无法用于同样折磨着病人的其他部位疾病的诊断。
Thus,like the proverbial blind men feeling an elephant,modern health care offers many fragmented pictures of a patient,but rarely a useful cohesive one.因此,就如同成语盲人摸象一般,现代医疗为病人提供的是许多零碎的疾病画像,但却无法汇聚为一个有用的整体画像。
Congo’s enormous rainforest is getting smaller刚果幅员辽阔的雨林正在变小Jagged,charred tree stumps jut out of blackened earth in what was once part of the rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo.One man, Rafael,standing amid the devastation,reckons he has set fire to around 40sections of the forest near the city of Bandundu in the past two months.一个个锯齿状烧焦的树桩矗立在一片焦黑的土地上,这里曾经是刚果民主共和国热带雨林的一部分。
He bags the scorched wood and flogs it as charcoal in the capital, Kinshasa,some250km away.Most of the city’s12m residents,unable to afford gas or electric ovens,rely on charcoal for cooking.他把烧焦的木头打包好,然后运至250公里外的首都金沙萨并将其作为木炭进行售卖。
The Congo basin rainforest is the second biggest tropical forest in the world,after the Amazon.It stretches across six central African countries (though more than half its trees are in Congo).Its absorbent peatlands hold the equivalent of three years’worth of global carbon emissions,mitigating global warming.刚果盆地雨林是世界上仅次于亚马逊雨林的第二大热带雨林。
Poverty and privacy贫穷与隐私How digital financial services can prey upon the poor数字金融服务是如何对穷人进行掠夺的For those seeking to help the worst-off in poor countries,the mobile phone has been a magic wand.Mobile-money accounts have helped deliver“financial inclusion”—making financial services accessible to the tens of millions with a phone but no bank account.But they have downsides too.对于那些想要给予贫穷国家中最贫穷的人帮助的人来说,手机就像是一根魔术棒。
The most obvious way digital financial services harm poor people is by laying them more open to fraud.Research from2016cited in a new report by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor(CGAP),a consortium of donors affiliated to the World Bank,found that in the Philippines83%of people surveyed had been targets of mobile-phone scams,with17% losing money.In Tanzania,27%had been targeted and17%fleeced;in Ghana,56%and12%.数字金融服务对穷人造成伤害最显而易见的方式就是使他们更容易遭受诈骗。
Dung beetles prefer human faeces to those of wild animals相比野生动物的粪便,屎壳郎更喜欢人类的粪便Ecosystems arecomplex things,and monitoring their health is hard.To track every species would be impossible,so ecologists commonly focus on those that,like canaries in coal mines,are thought to indicate when the system as a whole is beginning to suffer.Dung beetles are one such group, and have been relied on heavily for years to monitor the effects of things like logging,grazing and road-building.生态系统是个复杂的东西,我们很难监测它的健康状况。
When there are lots of species of dung beetles around,and faeces vanish quickly,an ecosystem is assumed to be in good shape.When their diversity drops and faeces hang about unconsumed,it suggests something is wrong.如果一个地方周围有大量各种各样的屎壳郎,那么粪便很快就能被处理掉,生态系统也就处于良好的状态。
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Tencent Video battles iQiyi in China’s streaming wars腾讯视频与爱奇艺之中国流媒体大战But the two big Chinese streaming platform may onc day settle into a cosy duopoly但两大平台在未来某天或将实现双头垄断L aunched in2010,iQiyi has grown used to the foreign press calling it“the Netflix of China”.Not the worst nickname,given the videostreaming pioneer’s success.But Gong Yu,iQiyi’s founder and boss,insists that his firm is more accurately described as“Netflix plus”.A bold claim for a loss-making business worth one-fifteenth as much as America’s(cash-generating)entertainment powerhouse with a market value of$214bn.Still,Mr Gong has a point.创立于2010年的爱奇艺常常被外国媒体称为“中国版网飞”。
Like Netflix,iQiyi offers customers a deep catalogue of licensed and original content.Unlike Netflix,which relies almost entirely on subscription fees,iQiyi has multiple revenue streams.“Membership fees”,which start from19.8yuan ($2.87)a month,accounted for just over half of iQiyi’s7.4bn yuan in revenues in the second quarter.爱奇艺和网飞一样,也为客户提供海量版权及原创影视作品。
The rest came mainly from an online store(which sells“entertainment-related merchandise”),a nascent mobile-gaming arm,an e-book business and advertisements;iQiyi operates a“freemium”model which allows stingier users to stream some content free of charge provided they agree to watch ads.其余收入主要来自线上商店(销售“娱乐周边产品”)、新成立的移动游戏部门、电子书业务和广告;爱奇艺采用的是一种“免费增值”模式,不愿花钱的用户在观看一段广告后可以免费收看部分内容。
Conveniently for iQiyi,which does little business outside its home market, Netflix is blocked in China,under laws that ban a lot of foreign content.But that is not to say that China is free from the streaming wars of the sort that pits Netflix against rivals like Disney,HBO(owned by AT&T)and NBCUniversal (belonging to Comcast).Far from it.爱奇艺的业务主要集中在本土市场,而网飞在中国无法收看,这对爱奇艺来说无疑是有利的。
Mr Gong is battling Tencent Video,part of the eponymous technology conglomerate.It overtook iQiyi at the end of June with114m video subscribers to iQiyi’s105m.Mr Gong’s firm shed14m subscribers in the most recent quarter while Tencent Video,which also runs a freemium model and charges subscribers20yuan a month,added2m.龚宇正在与腾讯视频(腾讯科技集团所有)展开竞争。
IQiyi insists the setback was down to one-off factors,such as virus-induced disruption to film production,which temporarily emptied the content pipeline. Perhaps.But Tencent Video offers a richer selection of English-language content, including hit television series like“Chernobyl”and“Silicon Valley”.爱奇艺坚称,用户的流失是偶然因素所致,比如新冠疫情的爆发导致影片制作中断,致使暂无新片上线。
More important,the rivalry between Tencent Video and iQiyi is a proxy war between mighty Tencent and fading Baidu,a search firm that is iQiyi’s majority owner.Indeed,iQiyi seemed to concede as much in its latest annual report,writing that“competitors include well-capitalised companies that are capable of offering compensation packages more attractive to talents.”更重要的是,腾讯视频和爱奇艺之间的竞争是其背后日渐强大的腾讯和日渐衰落的搜索公司百度之间的较量。
”Still,as Westerners who pay for a few video subscriptions can attest,streaming is not a zero-sum game.Gigi Zhou of BOCOM International,a broker,reckons the Chinese market will soon be big enough to sustain both iQiyi and Tencent Video,which also has yet to make money.不过,正如那些愿意为视频订阅付费的西方人所证明的那样,流媒体市场并非零和游戏。
Ms Zhou expects400m Chinese to subscribe to video-streaming platforms by 2023,up from some300m in2019.So long as no new rival emerges,each firm could capture around150m,helping them spread costs over more subscribers and so turn a profit.周琪琪预计,到2023年,中国视频流媒体平台的会员用户量将达4亿,而2019年约为3亿。
Before streaming peace can break out,iQiyi faces another fight.On August 13th it said it was under investigation by America’s Securities and Exchange Commission after a short-seller accused it of inflating sales data,a charge it denies.If found guilty,it may have to delist from New York’s Nasdaq exchange. The firm’s stable share price implies investors’faith in battle-hardened Mr Gong is unshaken.在各大视频流媒体平台实现和平共赢之前,爱奇艺还面临着另一场战役。