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Part 1 定语及定语从句

强化练习 1


1.I don’t like lazy people.

2.The boy in worn-out clothes is clever.

3.The boy is standing under the tree.

4.I know the boy under the tree.

5.The student who is elected monitor is usually very capable.

6.I don’t know who was elected monitor.

强化练习 2


1.I will never forget the days which we spent together.

2.The boy who is sitting in the classroom needs a pen.

3. A dictionary is a tool which is of great importance in learning languages.

4.I know a place which is famous for its beautiful natural scenery.

5.The woman who I often visit is Tom’s mother.

强化练习 3


I’m talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, who make life worth living. I’ m talking about friends who you can share almost everything with.

A. 1个

B. 2个

C. 3个

D. 4个

Part 2 关系代词

强化练习 1


A. These are some questions which I want to ask you.

B. The man who I phoned spoke Spanish.

C. The factory that produces computers is far away from here.

D. The professor that you are waiting for has come.

E. The girl whom the teacher often praises is our monitor.

强化练习 2


1.I’d really like to find a friend ______ I can trust completely.

A. whom

B. whose

C. which

D. in whom

2.The silk ______ is made in Hangzhou sells well.

A. that

B. who

C. what

D. /

3.I like guys ______ aren’t too serious and have a good sense of humor.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. /

4.This is the place ______ he so often mentioned to me.

A. in which

B. where

C. that

D. who

5.These children sit in a schoolroom ______ windows are all broken.

A. who

B. which

C. whose

D. that

Part 3 拓展阅读


A Quiz. How much do you know about spiders? Circle true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below. Then check your answers at the bottom of the page.

1. Scientists know of over 35,000 spider species. T F

2. Spider web is stronger than steel. T F

3. Some spiders make webs up to five times a day. T F

4. All spiders make webs to catch food. T F

B Definitions. Match the words with their meanings.

1. material

2. combine

3. form (v)

4. solid

5. provide

6. confuse

7. realize 8. flexible

a. not a liquid or gas

b. to understand or come to know

c. to make someone uncertain about something

d. what something is made of

e. to make something in a particular shape

f. easily changed

g. to make or give

h. to make two things become one, to join


They weigh almost nothing, yet they are stronger than steel. In fact, some spiders’ webs are among the world’s strongest materials, but they stretch more than elastic(橡皮圈). They can also be any shape. Spider webs are amazing.


A spider’s silk-making organ has hundreds of small openings. Silk comes out of these air, it becomes thread-like. These tiny threads combine to form a single, solid thread.

The spider can make many different kinds of thread. The threads can be thick or thin, wet or dry, sticky or woolly. Each kind has a different purpose. Some webs create an egg case. Others provide hiding places. The most common purpose of a spider web, however, is to catch food.

