1.与长江中下游地区相比,奈曼沙漠种植水稻的有利条件是A. 热量充足B. 地形平坦C. 光照充足D. 土壤肥沃2.该地种植水稻的主要水源来自于A. 地下水B. 河流水C. 大气降水D. 冰雪融水3.该地稻田地下铺设特制的衬膜的主要目的是A. 增加肥力B. 减少蒸发C. 阻隔沙尘D. 防止渗漏干热岩是指内部不存在或仅存在少量流体、温度高于180℃的异常高温岩体,可用于发电和取暖。
初步估算中国埋深3~10 km范围内的干热岩资源量相当于860万亿吨标准煤,按2%的可开采资源量计算,相当于中国2010年能源消耗总量的5200倍。
4.目前限制我国大规模开发干热岩资源的主要因素是A. 资源B. 政策C. 技术D. 市场5.西安市大力开发利用干热岩资源,有利于A. 缓解沉降B. 改善大气C. 减少地震D. 减少能耗地下水位是指地下水水面的海拔高度,浅层地下水水位的起伏形势通常与当地地表一致且催生地下径流,而地下水“埋深”则是指其相对于地表的埋藏深度。
6.苏州市地势A. 西南高东北低B. 东南高西北低C. 西北高东南低D. 东北高西南低7.甲、乙、丙、丁四个地点中浅层地下水流速最大的是A. 甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 丁8.图中丁地的海拔约为A. 5.2mB. 2.8mC. 4mD. 1.2m扎鲁比诺港(42︒40'N ,131︒07'E)位于俄罗斯滨海边疆区特罗伊察湾,海湾水质优良,海洋生物丰富。
广东省惠州市2019届高三第一次调研考试化学试题及答案一、选择题:7.C 8. C 9. B 10.B 11.C 12. D 22.AB 23.AC填空题:(答案合理即可以给分;方程式中化学式错误的不给分,未配平和未标明条件的共扣1分)30.(16分)(1)C 7H 6O 3 (1分) , 羟基、羧基 (2分) , 取代 (1分)。
(2) CH 2=CHCH 2Br+NaOH △CH 2=CHCH 2OH+NaBr (3分)(3)COOHO 2CH -CH n 2CH (2分)(4) A (3分)(5)C 22CH =CHCH O OO C3CH 3CH (2分)(6)HO O H OC CHO OHHO CHO OHHO (2分,任写一种) 31.(16分) (1)BC (4分,答1个对的得2分,全对得4分,见错0分)(2)- 41.2(3分,没有“-”扣1分,数据算错得0分,全对得3分)(3)CH 3OH-6e -+ H 2O CO 2+6H +(2分) (4)○1 < (2分); ○2K=9/25或0.36(3分) ;○3 不变 (2分)32.(16分) (1)加热、充分搅拌、适当增加盐酸浓度等(写一种) (2分)。
SrCO s +2H += Sr 2+ +CO 2↑+H 2O (2分)(2)2Fe 2++ H 2O 2 +2H +=2Fe 3++ 2H 2O (3分)(3)B (3分);(4)Fe(OH)3、BaSO 4 (2分)(5)蒸发浓缩 、冷却结晶(2分) (6)A (2分)33.(16分)(1) Fe (1分,写名称不给分)(2)4FeCl 2+ 4H 2O+ O 22Fe 2O 3 + 4HCl (3分) (或 FeCl 2+ 2H 2O Fe(OH)2+ 2HCl ;4Fe(OH)2+O 2+2H 2O = 4Fe(OH)3;2Fe(OH)3Fe2O3+ 3H2O,每式1分,共3分。
I paid a visit to a special student named Matthew.He had muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩症) and the doctors said he would not live long. He wanted to 1 _me because I was a gold-medal power lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles and going for my dreams.I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he 2 or ask, “Why me?” He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. 3 , he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was4 . He just talked about his hopes for the5 , and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me.When we had finished talking, I took out my first gold medal and put it around his neck.I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about 6 and overcoming obstacles thanI ever would. He looked at it 7 ,then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion. You 8 that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and ___9___my own medal, I will show it to you.”Last summer I received a 10 , which was written a few days before he passed away. Dear Dick,My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for your 11 . I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I don’t have long to live any more, bu t I still 12 as much as I can.I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I will 13 get to do that. However, I know I’m a(n) 14 , and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my 15 and when you get there,I will show it to you.Thank you for loving me.Your friend, Matthew 1. A. meet B. fight C. thank D. beat2. A. hate B. complain C. cry D. puzzle3. A. Luckily B. Surprisingly C. Strangely D. Obviously4. A. ill B. funny C. different D. naughty5. A. doctor B. future C. school D. competition6. A. sport B. failure C. life D. success7. A. coldly B. happily C. carefully D. quickly8. A. earned B. bought C. cheated D. mistook9. A. share B. give C. win D. make10. A. call B. letter C. message D. note11. A. care B. help C. favor D. visit12. A. smile B. work C. study D. train13. A. later B. surely C. never D. probably14. A. champion B. student C. patient D. athlete15. A. prize B. award C. present D. medal第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16~25的相应位置上。
二、选择题:1. 下列说法正确的是A. 伽利略的理想斜面实验说明了“力是维持物体运动的原因”B. 采用比值定义法定义的物理量有:电场强度,电容C,加速度aC. 库仑通过实验得出了库仑定律,并用扭秤实验最早测量出了元电荷e的数值D. 放射性元素发生一次β衰变,新核原子序数比原来原子核序数增加1【答案】D【解析】伽利略的理想斜面实验推翻了亚里士多德的“力是维持物体运动的原因”,证明了力是改变物体运动状态的原因,选项A错误;采用比值定义法定义的物理量有:电场强度,电容C,但是加速度a不是比值定义法,选项B错误;库仑通过实验得出了库仑定律,并用扭秤实验测量出了静电常数k的数值,选项C错误;放射性元素发生一次β衰变,新核原子序数比原来原子核序数增加1,选项D正确;故选D.2. 跳伞运动员从高空悬停的直升机跳下,运动员沿竖直方向运动,其v-t图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是A. 运动员在0-10s内的平均速度大小等于10m/sB. 从15s末开始运动员处于静止状态C. 10s末运动员的速度方向改变D. 10s-15s内运动员做加速度逐渐减小的减速运动【答案】D...... ...点睛:本题考查理解速度时间图像的能力.关键根据图线的斜率等于加速度、“面积”大小等于位移来分析运动员的运动情况.3. 如图所示,质量为m的光滑小球,在细线和墙壁的作用下处于静止状态,重力加速度为g,细线与竖直墙壁的夹角为300,则细线对小球的拉力大小为A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】对小球受力分析,由力的平衡知识可知,细线对小球的拉力大小为,故选A.4. 如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为,a、b两点间的电压为,R 为可变电阻,P为用铅锑合金制成的保险丝,其电阻可忽略不计,熔断电流为2A。
1. 惠州市2019届高三第一次调研考试理科数学
![1. 惠州市2019届高三第一次调研考试理科数学](
6.“牟合方盖”是我国古代数学家刘徽在研究球的体积 的过程中构造的一个和谐优美的几何体.它由完全相同的 四个曲面构成,相对的两个曲面在同一个圆柱的侧面上, 好似两个扣合(牟合)在一起的方形伞(方盖).其直观 图如下左图,图中四边形是为体现其直观性所作的辅助 线.其实际直观图中四边形不存在,当其正视图和侧视图
2.已知集合M x x2 1 , N x ax 1,若N M ,则
实数a的取值集合为( D )
A. {1}
B. {1,1}
C. {1, 0}
D. {1,1, 0}
注意到a 0时, N ,也满足N M,故选D
3. 函数f ( x) 2cos2 x sin2 x+2的最小正周期为 , 则
S S (a ai )2
i i 1 一部分计算见如图所示的 算法流程图(其中a是这8
否 i≥8?
个数据的平均数), 则输 出的S的值是( )
S S/8
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
8.对一个作直线运动的质点的运动过程观测了8次,得到 如下表所示的数据.
观测次数i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
设g(m) m 4 2 ln m,
由于g(e2 ) e2 4 2 ln e2 0,
g(e3 ) e3 4 2 ln e3 0, 故e2 m e3 ,
所以切线斜率k=f (m)=2 ln m,
又k Z ,所以kmax 4
12. 设抛物线y2 4x的焦点为F , 过点(2, 0)的直线交抛物
A、C1、E的平面交棱BB1于点F , B1F 2BF .
(1) 求证:平面AC1E 平面BCC1B1;
(2) 求二面角E AC1 C的平面角的余弦值.
〕13.如下图,AO、BO、CO三根绳子抗拉程度完全一样,如果CO绳子吊着重物的重力逐渐加大,当超过一定量时,那么最先断的绳子是:A、AO绳子B、BO绳子C、CO绳子D、三根绳子同时断14.假设地球卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,其实际绕行速率A、一定等于7.9KM/SB、一定小于7.9KM/SC、一定大于7.9KM/SD、介于7.9-11.2KM/S之间答案:B解析:地球卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,其最大速率为7.9KM/S,选项B 正确。
16、如下图,在X≤0的区域内存在匀强磁场,磁场的方向垂直于纸面向里、矩形线框ABCD从T=0时刻起由静止开始沿X轴正方向做匀加速运动,那么线框中的感应电流I 〔取逆时针方向的电流为正〕随时间T的变化图线是答案:D解析:由静止开始沿X轴正方向做匀加速运动,速度随时间逐渐增大,产生的感应电动势逐渐增大,感应电流逐渐增大。
广东省惠州市2019届高三第一次调研测试英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________一、阅读理解1. Artificial intelligence,or AI,has been applied in a wide range of fields to perform specific tasks,including education, finance, heavy industry, transportation, and so on.EducationThere are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children ranging from biology to computer science,though such tools have not become widespread yet.Advancements in natural language processing,combined with machine learning,have also enabled automatic grading of assignments.AI has also led to an explosion in popularity of MOOCs,or Massive Open Online Courses,which allows students from around the world to take classes online.FinanceUse of AI in banking can be tracked back to 1987.Banks use artificial intelligence systems to organize operations,maintain book-keeping,invest in stocks,and manage properties.Also,systems are being developed,like Atria,to translate complex data into simple and personable language.There are also wallets,like Wallet AI,which monitor an individual’s spending habits and provides ways to improve them.Heavy industryRobots have become common in many industries and are often given jobs thatare considered dangerous to humans.Robots have proven effective in jobs that are very repetitive which may lead to mistakes or accidents due to failure in concentration and other jobs which humans may find degrading.TransportationToday’S cars can have AI-based driver assist features such as self-parking and advanced cruise controls.AI in transportation is expected to provide safe,efficient,and reliable transportation while minimizing the impact on theenvironment and communities.Toys and gamesCompanies like Mattel have been creating AI-enabled toys for kids as young as age three.Using proprietary AI engines and speech recognition tools,they are able to understand conversations,give intelligent responses and learn quickly.AI has also been applied to video games,for example video game bots,which are designed to stand in as opponents where humans aren’t available or desired.1. Which is true about AI and education?A. Robots have been widely used to teach children.B. AI has been used to grade students’homework.C. AI has enabled more students to receive education at school.D. Education was the first field where A1 was used.2. Which can be inferred from the passage?A. Atria can help people understand complex data.B. Wallet AI can help people make more money.C. Robots’jobs are considered dangerous to humans.D. Robots can help people concentrate.3. From the last two paragraphs we can know that_______________.A. Today’s drivers needn’t learn to park their carsB. AI ensures safe, efficient, and reliable transportationC. AI-enabled toys is designed to improve kids’intelligenceD. Video game bots can fight against you in video games4. What is the passage mainly about?A. The latest progress in AI.B. AI is of great use.C. Some applications of AI.D. AI is used in all fields.2. When 1 was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it.When winter arrived,thick,heavy snow would fall,and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a dayof fun.I remember watching them with envy because 1 was still too small to go sledding.Finally,one winter 1 was considered big enough and joined mybrothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ridedown it.The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers and had the time of my life.It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled.Near the end of the day 1 was overjoyedtoo when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself.I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach.Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside.1 was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course,straight towards one of those big oak trees.My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming.At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree.I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling,“You have to steer(操控)!You have to steer!”Sadly,that wasn’t the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life.Many times problems,troubles,and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger, frustration, and despair.I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding.I am still learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love, back to kindness, back to goodness, and back to God.Life is a trip,but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.Steer straight.Steer your soul towards the light and the love we areall meant for.1. What do we know about the author when he was very young?A. He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.B. He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.C. He longed to go sledding with his brothers.D. He carried his brothers’sleds as they went sledding.2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word“exhilarating”in Paragraph 2?A. delightfulB. TerrifyingC. ordinaryD. violent3. Why did the author fall off his sled?A. Because his sled crashed in an oak tree.B. Because he lost control of his sled.C. Because his brother pushed it so hard.D. Because the hillside was snowy.4. What does the author mean to tell us?A. Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.B. Courage and determination can change one’s life.C. Life can be controlled by one himselfD. Life is a mystery full of coincidences.3. The popular TV program Readers has prompted more people in China to practice reading aloud in booths(亭)set up in big cities across the country.As the latest TV show to help people’s love for literature recover,CCTV program Readers invites people from all walks of life to read aloud their favorite poems,essays and books,or even personal letters they wrote to their loved ones.Just as the weekly show has been well-received,its reading booths,equipped with professional recording devices and cameras,have become instant hits.A crowd of more than 200 people were pictured lining up outside the Shanghai Library at 11 am on March 4 -- the first day of the booth’s opening to the public in Shanghai.The deadline for registrations was brought forward to 2 pm instead of the scheduled 5:30 pm,as the number of waiting readers continuedto grow.Some waited more than nine hours for a try-out in the booth,according to library management.“There is an old photo in the late 1970s capturing people lining up outside the Shanghai Library before it opens.If that was a spring of reading in Shanghai,now I think another spring has arrived again,”library manager Zhou Deming,told the Shanghai-based The Paper.The reading booth is the only one of its kind in the city of economic centerat the moment,but more are expected to be put into use in the coming months,according to the library’s website.The Readers program has also led to booths in other cities including Beijing,Hangzhou,Guangzhou and Xi’an to appeal to more people to read and sharetheir life stories.With the recent boom of culture-themed TV shows such as Readers and Chinese Poetry Competition,some are optimistic that this will help the country love literature and reading again in general.1. CCTV program Readers aims to_______________.A. teach people what to readB. attract p eople’s attention to CCTVC. invite people to read aloud in the boothD. arouse people’s flesh enthusiasm for reading2. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that_______________.A. Some people waited for a long time to read in the boothB. March 4 was the first day of the opening of Shanghai LibraryC. On March 4,200 people read in the boothD. The time for registrations was lengthened for three and a half hours3. The passage mainly tells US that_______________.A. Many people line up to read aloud in reading boothsB. More reading booths will be set up in the futureC. Readers has become popular all over ChinaD. Readers has inspired more people to read aloud in reading booths4. Following the crowd may not always be in a person’s best interest.But new research suggests that teens who go along with their friends may end up healthier as adults.Scientists have known that close friendships help boost health.That’s true for both teens and adults.The finding inspired Joseph Allen,a psychologistat the University of Virginia,and his team to study whether experiencesduring teen years would influence adult health.So they followed 171 teens,starting when the kids were just 13.They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens’closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25,26 and 27.This time,the questions surveyed each person’s overall health.When the researchers analyzed the data they found a strong connection between a teen’s behavior and adult health.Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults.Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to a close friends also influenced later health.Those who held back were more likely to be sick as adults.The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family income and drug use were all examined.So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression.And in these people,such other factors didnot explain adult health as well as teen friendships did.Going along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also drawbacks.Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work.And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior,such as smoking,drinking or using drugs.Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges.“Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldn’t lose heart for not finding this easy.”And,he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”1. Where can you probably read this passage?A. Science fictionB. Health columnC. Fashion magazineD. Entertainment newspaper2. We can learn from Allen’s study that _______________.A. many other factors have a greater influence on adult health than teen friendshipsB. mental health issues have nothing to do with adult healthC. the same 171 teens were interviewed each year from 13 to 27D. the t eens who couldn’t express themselves grew up to be unhealthier3. According to what Allen said,we can know that _______________.A. in order to do better at school,teens should not follow the crowdB. though it’s challenging for teens to deal with pee r pressure,they should not give upC. teens will engage in smoking,drinking or using drugs when facing peer pressureD. parents should understand their teens and stop them going with friends4. What can be inferred from the passage?A. There is nothing bad for teens to follow the crowd.B. Close friendships are the most important for people’s health.C. Teen friendships may turn out healthier adults.D. Adult health is only influenced by teen friendships.二、七选五5. My father used to be an amateur wrestler ( 业余摔跤者 ) and national champion. He was forced by his father to give up the sport in order to obtain gainful employment, which meant he wouldn’t be able to win a medal for our country. Therefore, he made a vow that his unborn son would. 1.He was about to give up hope when one day, my younger sister Babita and I beat up two boys accidentally in response to critical comments. My dad found our potential to become wrestlers and began coaching us. 2. We were required to do physical training early in the morning and have a short haircuts to avoid lice.3. We would complain about him all the time. Gradually, I realized that he wanted us to have a good future and not grow up to be ordinary housewives. Motivated, we willingly participated in his coaching.With great efforts, he made us competitive wrestlers and I won the junior and senior championships, providing me with a chance to gain training in a National Sports Academy, where pride and pain fulfilled my mind. 4. As a result, I found myself losing every match at the international level. After that, I tearfully made peace with papa and turned to him for help. Then he coached me patiently.Despite difficulty, I finally became the first Indian female wrestler to qualify for the Olympics, inspiring dozens of Indian women to take to wrestling. Even now, papa’s words are still in my mind “Geeta, think aboutall the girls who are thought to be inferior to boys, girls who are forced to do chores, girls who are married and have children. Not only will you compete with other countries, but also with those who look down upon women!”. I will never forget our father’s instruction. 5. .A. But his methods were cruel.B. I almost gave up what papa had taught me.C. Disappointingly, my mother gave birth to all girls.D. My sister and I tried to escape.E. I will always owe all success to him.F. At first, my sister and I did not understand our father.G. However, my mother didn’t agree with him.三、完形填空6. My mother was a giver. The occasion never ______ – Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries or no occasion at all.She was always thinking about who might ______ what. Creativity and ______ went into the gifts she gave, and she ______ a thank you note. Once she sent out a note to her own children and grandchildren who had not acknowledged gifts, ______ that they were now on her “Fecal Roster(黑名单)” and would not be removed____ she had received a proper thank you.Even if you didn’t ______ a thank you, she’d give you another gift the next ______ she had. She figured____ manners were your problem, not hers.Every time Mom and Dad ______ to visit, all of us would gather in the driveway as they unloaded luggage. There was always something for the kids,______ a couple of little toys or a big ______ of homemade cookies. They weren’t gifts for particular occasion. They were ______ “Isn’t life great?” gifts.One spring when they came to visit, she handed me a ______ bag. Inside was a painting that ______ : “A Special Daughter. You’ve ______ laughter and joy to our lives and so much love to our hearts. The most precious things we can ______ for you are the things you have given us… ______ and Love.”Mom was a ______ gift giver, but the best gifts we will always remember her for were her lover for ______ and her love for us.1. A. mattered B. occurred C. varied D. arose2. A. wonder B. praise C. enjoy D. approve3. A. thoughtfulness B. sympathy C. justice D. authority4. A. ignored B. appreciated C. promised D. resisted5. A. assuming B. abusing C. stating D. correcting6. A. once B. after C. when D. until7. A. send B. purchase C. conduct D. obtain8. A. time B. chance C. festival D. holiday9. A. mistaken B. bad C. silly D. ridiculous10. A. walked by B. wandered around C. drove over D. rode away11. A. often B. always C. never D. seldom12. A. tank B. cage C. container D. holder13. A. fairly B. apparently C. especially D. simply14. A. cookie B. toy C. hand D. gift15. A. read B. told C. wrote D. appeared16. A. showed B. awarded C. devoted D. brought17. A. apply B. wish C. recommend D. ask18. A. Assistance B. Privilege C. Happiness D. Satisfaction19. A. extreme B. serious C. grand D. great20. A. life B. kids C. families D. gifts四、短文填空7. Recent months have seen a return of bike across China. With an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of 1. (drive) to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing programs has brought the trend to a new level.The bikes 2. (equip) with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide 3. effective solution in places 4. it’s dif ficult to change from one kind of transport to another. Bike-sharing is a 5. (green) method of transportation and 6. (provide) a more friendly experienceHowever, the programs have also led to problems such as 7. (legal) parking, deliberate (蓄意的) damaging and theft. To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people8. (return) the bikes to stations 9. rewarding free time for their next rides. Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems,too. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with 10. (point) taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan.五、短文改错8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
惠州市2019届高三第一次调研考试数 学(文科)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分。
1.已知集合{}0,1,2,3M =,{}21N x x ==,则M N =I ( )A .{}1B .{}1,1-C .{}1,0D .{}1,1,0- 2.复数52i -的共轭复数是( ) A .2i +B .2i --C .2i -+D .2i -3.已知双曲线C 的中心在原点,焦点在x 轴上,其中一条渐近线的倾斜角为3π, 则双曲线C 的离心率为( ) A .2或3 B .2或233 C .233D .2 4.下列有关命题的说法错误的是( )A .若“p q ∨”为假命题,则p 与q 均为假命题;B .“1x =”是“1x ≥”的充分不必要条件;C .若命题200R 0p x x ∃∈≥:,,则命题2R 0p x x ⌝∀∈<:,;D .“1sin 2x =”的必要不充分条件是“6x π=”. 5.已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且23a =,7a =4,则5S =( )A .28B .25C .20D .186.已知数据1x ,2x ,L ,10x ,2的平均值为2,方差为1,则数据1x ,2x ,L ,10x 相 对于原数据( )A .一样稳定B .变得比较稳定C .变得比较不稳定D .稳定性不可以判断 7.如图所示,黑色部分和白色部分图形是由曲线1y x=, 1y x=-,y x =,y x =-及圆构成的.在圆内随机取一点,则此点取自黑色部分的概率是( ) A .14 B .18 C .4π D .8π8.若实数x ,y 满足的约束条件101010x y x y y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪+≥⎩,则函数2z x y =+的最大值是( )A .2B .3C .1D .5- 9.函数()cos f xx x =-在[0,)+∞内 ( )A .没有零点B .有且仅有一个零点C .有且仅有两个零点D .有无穷多个零点 10.“牟合方盖”是我国古代数学家刘徽在研究球的体积的过程中构造的 一个和谐优美的几何体。
2.作答选择题时,选出每个小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案信息点涂黑。
一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.1.已知集合,,则( ){}0,1,2,3M ={}21N x x ==M N = (A) (B) (C) (D) {}1{}1,1-{}1,0{}1,1,0-2.复数的共轭复数是( )52i -(A)(B)(C)(D)2i +2i --2i-+2i-3.已知双曲线的中心在原点,焦点在轴上,其中一条渐近线的倾斜角为,C x 3π则双曲线的离心率为( )C(A) (B) 或(D) 2224.下列有关命题的说法错误的是( )(A)若“”为假命题,则与均为假命题;p q ∨p q (B)“”是“”的充分不必要条件;1x =1x ≥(C)若命题,则命题;200R 0p x x ∃∈≥:,2R0p x x ⌝∀∈<:,(D)“”的必要不充分条件是“”.1sin 2x =6x π=5.已知等差数列的前项和为,且,,则( ){}n a n n S 23a =7a =45S =(A)(B)(C)(D)282520186.已知数据,,,,的平均值为2,方差为1,则数据,,,1x 2x 10x 21x 2x 相10x 对于原数据( )(A) 一样稳定(B) 变得比较稳定 (C) 变得比较不稳定(D) 稳定性不可以判断7.如图所示,黑色部分和白色部分图形是由曲线,1y x=,,及圆构成的.在圆内随机1y x=-y x =y x =-取一点,则此点取自黑色部分的概率是( )(A)(B)(C)(D)14184π8π8.若实数x ,y 满足的约束条件,则函数的最大值是(101010x y x y y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪+≥⎩2z x y =+)(A) (B)(C)(D) 2315-9.函数在内()()cos f x x x =-[0,)+∞(A )没有零点(B )有且仅有一个零点(C )有且仅有两个零点 (D )有无穷多个零点10.“牟合方盖”是我国古代数学家刘徽在研究球的体积的过程中构造的一个和谐优美的几何体。
惠州市 2019 届高三第一次调研考试数 学(文科)一、选择题:本大题共12 小题,每小题 5 分。
1.已知集合 M0,1,2,3 , Nx x 21 ,则 M I N ()A . 1B .1,1C . 1,0D .1,1,02.复数 5 的共轭复数是()i 2A . 2 iB . 2 iC . 2 iD . 2 i3.已知双曲线 C 的中心在原点,焦点在x 轴上,其中一条渐近线的倾斜角为,3则双曲线 C 的离心率为()A . 2 或 3B . 2 或 2 3C .2 3 D . 2334.下列有关命题的说法错误的是()A .若 “”为假命题,则p 与 q 均为假命题;p qx1x 1”的充分不必要条件;B .“ ”是 “C .若命题 p : x 0 R , x 02 0 ,则命题 p : xR ,x 2 0 ;D . “sin x 1“x”.”的必要不充分条件是26.已知等差数列 a 的前 n 项和为 S n ,且 a 2 3 , a 4 7 ,则 S 5 ()5 nA . 28B . 25C . 20D . 186.已知数据 x 1 , x 2 , L , x 10 , 2 的平均值为 2,方差为 1,则数据 x 1 , x 2 , L , x 10 相对于原数据( )A .一样稳定B .变得比较稳定C .变得比较不稳定D .稳定性不可以判断7.如图所示 ,黑色部分和白色部分图形是由曲线y1,1xy, yx , y x 及圆构成的 .在圆内随机x取一点 ,则此点取自黑色部分的概率是( )1 1 A .B .C .D .484 8x y 1 08x y满足的约束条件x y 1 0 ,则函数z 2x y 的最大值是().若实数,y 1 0A . 2B . 3C . 1D . 5 .函数 f ( x) x cos x 在[0,) 内()9A .没有零点B .有且仅有一个零点C .有且仅有两个零点D .有无穷多个零点10. “牟合方盖 ”是我国古代数学家刘徽在研究球的体积的过程中构造的一个和谐优美的几何体。
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1.与长江中下游地区相比,奈曼沙漠种植水稻的有利条件是A. 热量充足B. 地形平坦C. 光照充足D. 土壤肥沃2.该地种植水稻的主要水源来自于A. 地下水B. 河流水C. 大气降水D. 冰雪融水3.该地稻田地下铺设特制的衬膜的主要目的是A. 增加肥力B. 减少蒸发C. 阻隔沙尘D. 防止渗漏干热岩是指内部不存在或仅存在少量流体、温度高于180℃的异常高温岩体,可用于发电和取暖。
初步估算中国埋深3~10 km范围内的干热岩资源量相当于860万亿吨标准煤,按2%的可开采资源量计算,相当于中国2010年能源消耗总量的5200倍。
4.目前限制我国大规模开发干热岩资源的主要因素是A. 资源B. 政策C. 技术D. 市场5.西安市大力开发利用干热岩资源,有利于A. 缓解沉降B. 改善大气C. 减少地震D. 减少能耗地下水位是指地下水水面的海拔高度,浅层地下水水位的起伏形势通常与当地地表一致且催生地下径流,而地下水“埋深”则是指其相对于地表的埋藏深度。
6.苏州市地势A. 西南高东北低B. 东南高西北低C. 西北高东南低D. 东北高西南低7.甲、乙、丙、丁四个地点中浅层地下水流速最大的是A. 甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 丁8.图中丁地的海拔约为A. 5.2mB. 2.8mC. 4mD. 1.2m扎鲁比诺港(42︒40'N ,131︒07'E)位于俄罗斯滨海边疆区特罗伊察湾,海湾水质优良,海洋生物丰富。
9.特罗伊察湾水质优良,主要因为A. 海洋生物丰富,利于水体净化B. 风浪大,污染物易扩散C. 经济发达,居民环保意识强D. 海湾人口少,开发程度低10.扎鲁比诺港不封冻的原因是A. 纬度低,水温高B. 纬度高,日照时间长C. 暖流流经,水域增温D. 西风控制,气候温和11.扎鲁比诺港扩建后,外运量将显著增加的农产品可能是A. 玉米B. 牛肉C. 苹果D. 茶叶第II卷(非选择题)二、综合题12.阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。
目前,该科技城一期已完成园区道路、光纤电缆、供水供电等设施的建设, IBM、谷歌、微软、英特尔等公司均有意进驻。