How I Met Your Mother老爸老妈浪漫史寻妈记剧本中英文台词对照S01E10
但有一个故事我是不记得的 But there's one story I don't remember.
Marshall 叔叔一直 Uncle Marshall still refers to
把它称为菠萝事件 it as "the pineapple incident."
我是说, 我希望一切安定下来 I mean,I'm looking to ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱettle down,
她希望的是... she's looking for...
什么?你说完了? 太好了 wha...? You done? Great.
看那边 4 号桌 Check out table number four.
半个乳房也是 it happened with half boob,
这些事会一直发生 直到…… and it's gonna keep on happening until you power down
你用酒医治你的神经妄想症 that bucket of neuroses inebriation-style.
啊 那管用吗? Ah. That worked?
我恨这个世界 I hate the world.
Ted, 你的问题是每次 做什么都是考虑, 考虑, 考虑 Ted,your problem is all you do is think,think,think.
我在教你怎么 实践, 实践, 实践 I'm teaching you how to do,do,do.
是为第三世界的饥民办的 And it's for third world hunger.
The holder of an unknown position at Goliath National Bank and Ted's "bro". Due to his father leaving him as a young child, Barney has abandonment issues and clings to his friends. He is a serial playboy, using his relative wealth and an array of outrageous strategies to seduce women for sex with no intention of engaging in a relationship. He falls for Robin and the pair become engaged. They marry at the end of Season 9 and divorce after 3 years. In 2020, he has a daughter named Ellie.
a news anchor and Ted‘s ex-girlfriend. Robin is from Canada. She smokes cigars and drinks scotch, causing Barney to fall for her. They later embark on a relationship that eventually sees them married. She was a pop . Her full name, Robin Charles Sherbatsky, Jr. is explained by the fact that her father was disappointed that he did not have a son. She and Barney get engaged and later marry at the end of season 9, but a flash-forward scene shows them divorcing 3 years later.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 老爸老妈浪漫史 第1季第6集 英文剧本
Lily: Oh, on the off chance that that could happen, maybe we should stop calling her the Slutty Pumpkin.
(Marshall, Barney, and Ted mumble in agreement)
Marshall: Hey, Ted, you'll never guess what happened?
Ted: Your costumes came.
Marshall: Our costumes...yes, that is why we're best friends.
Robin: Hey, Ted, what are you doing for Halloween?
Lily: Come on, Robin, trot our your new fella. Let us judge and evaluate him behind your back. It'll be fun.
(Marshall looks over to see Ted approaching)
Barney: You know, Ted, it's been four years. She could be engaged or married or, God forbid, fat.
Ted: I don't know, I got a feeling. This could be the year. Halloween is a night of wonder and magic.
Ted: Guys! Something went terribly wrong.
How I Met Your Mother 老爸老妈浪漫史1——8每集集名
S01E01Pilot S02E01Where Were We?S03E01 S01E02Purple Giraffe S02E02The Scorpion and the Toad S03E02 S01E03Sweet Taste of Liberty S02E03Brunch S03E03 S01E04Return of the Shirt S02E04Ted Mosby: Architect S03E04 S01E05Okay Awesome S02E05World's Greatest Couple S03E05 S01E06Slutty Pumpkin S02E06Aldrin Justice S03E06 S01E07Matchmaker S02E07Swarley S03E07 S01E08The Duel S02E08Atlantic City S03E08 S01E09Belly Full of Turkey S02E09Slap Bet S03E09 S01E10The Pineapple Incident S02E10Single Stamina S03E10 S01E11The Limo S02E11How Lily Stole Christmas S03E11 S01E12The Wedding S02E12First Time in New York S03E12 S01E13Drumroll, Please S02E13Columns S03E13 S01E14Zip, Zip, Zip S02E14Monday Night Football S03E14 S01E15Game Night S02E15Lucky Penny S03E15 S01E16Cupcake S02E16Stuff S03E16 S01E17Life Among the Gorillas S02E17Arrivederci, Fiero S03E17S02E18Moving Day S03E18 S01E18Nothing Good Happens After 2S01E19Mary the Paralegal S02E19Bachelor Party S03E19 S01E20Best Prom Ever S02E20Showdown S03E20 S01E21Milk S02E21Something BorrowedS01E22Come On S02E22Something BlueS04E01Do I Know You?S05E01Definitions S06E01 S04E02The Best Burger in New YorkS05E02Double Date S06E02 S04E03I Heart NJ S05E03Robin 101S06E03 S04E04Intervention S05E04The Sexless Innkeeper S06E04 S04E05Shelter Island S05E05Duel Citizenship S06E05 S04E06Happily Ever After S05E06Bagpipes S06E06 S04E07Not a Father's Day S05E07The Rough Patch S06E07 S04E08Woooo!S05E08The Playbook S06E08 S04E09The Naked Man S05E09Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of S06E09 S04E10The Fight S05E10The Window S06E10 S04E11Little Minnesota S05E11Last Cigarette Ever S06E11 S04E12Benefits S05E12Girls Versus Suits S06E12 S04E13Three Days of Snow S05E13Jenkins S06E13 S04E14The Possimpible S05E14Perfect Week S06E14 S04E15The Stinsons S05E15Rabbit or Duck S06E15 S04E16Sorry, Bro S05E16Hooked S06E16 S04E17The Front Porch S05E17Of Course S06E17 S04E18Old King Clancy S05E18Say Cheese S06E18 S04E19Murtaugh S05E19Zoo or False S06E19 S04E20Mosbius Designs S05E20Home Wreckers S06E20 S04E21The Three Days Rule S05E21Twin Beds S06E21 S04E22Right Place, Right Time S05E22Robots Versus Wrestlers S06E22 S04E23As Fast as She Can S05E23The Wedding Bride S06E23 S04E24The Leap S05E24Doppelgangers S06E24S07E01The Best Man S08E01Farhampton S09E01 S07E02The Naked Truth S08E02The Pre-Nup S09E02 S07E03Ducky Tie S08E03Nannies S09E03 S07E04The Stinson Missile Crisis S08E04Who Wants to Be a Godparen S09E04 S07E05Field Trip S08E05The Autumn of Break-Ups S09E05 S07E06Mystery vs. History S08E06Splitsville S09E06 S07E07Noretta S08E07The Stamp Tramp S09E07 S07E08The Slutty Pumpkin Returns S08E08Twelve Horny Women S09E08 S07E09Disaster Averted S08E09Lobster Crawl S09E09 S07E10Tick, Tick, Tick...S08E10The Over-Correction S09E10 S07E11The Rebound Girl S08E11The Final Page S09E11 S07E12Symphony of Illumination S08E12The Final Page S09E12 S07E13Tailgate S08E13Band or DJ?S09E13 S07E1446 Minutes S08E14Ring Up!S09E14 S07E15The Burning Beekeeper S08E15P.S. I Love You S09E15 S07E16The Drunk Train S08E16Bad Crazy S09E16 S07E17No Pressure S08E17The Ashtray S09E17 S07E18Karma S08E18Weekend at Barney's S09E18 S07E19The Broath S08E19The Fortress S09E19 S07E20Trilogy Time S08E20The Time Travelers S09E20 S07E21Now We're Even S08E21Romeward Bound S09E21 S07E22Good Crazy S08E22The Bro Mitzvah S09E22 S07E23The Magician's Code S08E23Something Old S09E23 S07E24The Magician's Code S08E24Something New S09E24Wait for ItWe're Not from HereThird WheelLittle BoysHow I Met Everyone ElseI'm Not That Guy DowisetreplaSpoiler AlertSlapsgivingThe YipsThe Platinum RuleNo TomorrowTen SessionsThe BracketThe Chain of Screaming Sandcastles in the Sand The GoatRebound BroEverything Must Go MiraclesBig DaysCleaning HouseUnfinishedSubway WarsArchitect of Destruction Baby TalkCanning RandyNatural HistoryGlitterBlitzgivingThe Mermaid TheoryFalse PositiveBad NewsLast WordsOh HoneyDesperation DayGarbage IslandA Change of Heart LegendaddyThe Exploding Meatball Sub HopelessThe Perfect Cocktail LandmarksChallenge Accepted。
老爸老妈浪漫史英文字幕【中英文版】Title: How I Met Your Mother English SubtitlesIn the whimsical world of "How I Met Your Mother" (HIMYM), viewers are treated to a delightful narrative intertwined with laughter and love.The show has captured the hearts of many, and a significant part of its charm lies in the witty dialogue and humorous situations.For English learners, having subtitles can be a tremendous aid in understanding the nuances of language and the cultural references sprinkled throughout the series.《老爸老妈浪漫史》(HIMYM)这个充满奇思妙想的电视剧世界里,观众们享受着一个充满笑声与爱的精彩故事。
Each episode of HIMYM is a treasure trove of idiomatic expressions and slang, making it an excellent resource for those seeking to improve their command of colloquial English.With English subtitles, learners can follow along with the rapid-fire dialogue and pick up on the subtle jokes that might otherwise be missed.It"s a fun and engaging way to learn a new language.《老爸老妈浪漫史》的每一集都充满了习惯用语和俚语,成为那些想要提高口语水平的学习者们的宝贵资源。
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER1X06 - SLUTTY PUMPKINORIGINAL AIRDATE (CBS): 24-OCT-2005WRITTEN BY BRENDA HSUEHDIRECTED BY GLORIA CALDERON KELLETTYEAR 2030INT. LIVING ROOM(Daughter and Son sitting on couch)Future Ted: You know how Aunt Robin's a big fan of Halloween, always dressing up incrazy costumes? Well, she wasn't always that way. Back in 2005, she thought she wastoo cool for Halloween, unlike Aunt Lily.INT. BAR(Present day, Marshall, Barney and Robin sit at booth; Lily enters bar and heads over to them)Lily: Guess what came in the mail today?(Lily sits down next to Marshall)Marshall: Our costumes? Do they rule?Lily: They rule. And yours is 100% wool so you won't get hypothermia like last year.Marshall: Tarzan nipple blue.Barney: You know what I love about Halloween? It's the one night of the year chicksuse to unleash their inner ho-bag. If a girl dresses up as she a witch, she's a slutty witch. If she's a cat, she's a slutty cat. If she's a nurse...Lily (interrupting): Wow, we get it.Barney: She's a slutty nurse.Marshall: Robin, what are you doing for Halloween?Robin: Oh, I don't know. Probably hanging out with Mike, this guy I've been seeing.Lily: Mike? There's a Mike? You have a boyfriend? You haven't told us?Robin: No, I mean, he's not my boyfriend. He's just this guy I've been seeing fora couple of weeks.Lily (in a sing-song voice): Boyfriend.Marshall: So why haven't we met him?Robin: We're not really ready to go public yet.Barney (in a sing-song voice): Married.Lily: How about we go about a Halloween double-date?Robin: I don't know, we were kinda thinking about staying at home and dressing up as naked people.Lily: Come on, Robin, trot our your new fella. Let us judge and evaluate him behind your back. It'll be fun.(Marshall looks over to see Ted approaching)Marshall: Hey, Ted, you'll never guess what happened?Ted: Your costumes came.Marshall: Our costumes...yes, that is why we're best friends.Robin: Hey, Ted, what are you doing for Halloween?Ted: Well.Marshall, Lily, Barney: Awww.Robin: What?Lily: Every Halloween Ted waits for the Slutty Pumpkin.Ted: That's right.Robin: What's the Slutty Pumpkin?Ted: You mean, who is the Slutty Pumpkin? It was four years ago.EXT. ROOFTOP(Ted at Halloween party 4 years ago)Ted: I was at this Halloween party up on the roof of our building. I'm about to call it an early night when out of nowhere appeared this girl in the sexiest pumpkin costume.INT. BARRobin: Wait, how can a pumpkin costume be sexy?Ted: It was carved in strategic places.Ted: So, uh, we're at the bar and I see her mix kahlua...Lily: Kahlua and root beerMarshall: A cocktail she invented herself.Ted: And she...Barney: And she called it the Tootsie Roll.Lily, Marshall, Barney: Because it tastes like an alcoholic Tootsie Roll.Ted: Hey, can I please tell this story? So we had this instant connection. She gaveme her number, but then something...Marshall, Lily, Barney: Something went terribly wrong.Ted: Guys! Something went terribly wrong.INT. APARTMENT(Halloween four years ago, Lily, dressed up as Sonny, is passing out candy at front door)Lily: Happy Halloween.(Ted walks in through front door)Ted: Sonny, where's Cher?Lily: Cher?(Marshall walks in from his bedroom dressed up as a woman)Marshall: Right here, babe.Ted: I just met the perfect woman. She's funny. She's beautiful. She loves Star Wars.Marshall: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. What's her take on Ewoks?Ted: Loves them.Marshall: Oh good. I don't know why people are so cynical about Ewoks. The Rebellion would have failed without the Ewoks.Ted: Get this, she's a marine biologist. She spent a year in Antarctica studyingpenguins.Marshall: Oh, penguins are cool, kinda like black and white Ewoks. I approve.Ted: Hey, where's my, uh, Kit Kat? I put it right here on this table.Lily: I don't know, but we have plenty of chocolate here.Ted: No no no, you don't understand. I need that Kit Kat. She wrote her number onthat wrapper. Where is it?Lily: Uh-oh.(Ted runs out front door and chases down kid dressed up as Dracula)Ted: Hey, Dracula. Come on. Give me your candy. Gimme!(Ted grabs kid's candy and dumps it on the floor)Ted: Where's the Kit Kat? Where's the Kit Kat!INT. BARTed: Never found her number, never saw her again. But every year they have a Halloween party up on the roof so that's where I'll be.Barney: You know, Ted, it's been four years. She could be engaged or married or, God forbid, fat.Ted: I don't know, I got a feeling. This could be the year. Halloween is a night ofwonder and magic.(Lily, Marshall, and Barney groan)Ted: OK, bring the mockery. Fine, I can take it. Come o n, wouldn't it be the coolest story ever if the Slutty Pumpkin turned out to be my future wife?Lily: Oh, on the off chance that that could happen, maybe we should stop calling her the Slutty Pumpkin.(Marshall, Barney, and Ted mumble in agreement)INT. APARTMENT(Ted sitting on couch alone with laptop)Lily (from bedroom): Ted, is your world ready to be rocked? (echo) rocked-rocked-rocked.Ted: Can't wait.(Marshall and Lily walk out in their pirate and parrot costumes)Marshall: So, what do you think?Lily: (repeats like a parrot) So, what do you think? (squawks)Ted: Wow! Marshall, you wearing eye liner?Marshall: Oh, yeah. Weirdly hot, right?Lily: We are so gonna win the costume contest this year.Marshall: First prize, $50 gift certificate at the bar.Ted: And how much did you pay for your costumes?Marshall: $100Lily: (like parrot) Each.Ted: Well, I think you guys look great.(Ted gets up from couch and leaves laptop on couch)Lily: What are you going as? Oh, like I even have to ask.Ted: Hey, I want the Slutty Pumpkin to recognize me and she knows me as a hangingchad.(Ted puts on his costume as a ballot with a hanging chad)Ted: What? She thought it was hilarious.Lily: Yeah, four years ago, but nobody remembers what the hell a hanging chad is.Marshall: What a sad commentary on our national attention span that we could forget such a turbulent time in our political history.Lily (like parrot): Sad commentary. (squawks)Lily: All right, Polly gotta pee.Marshall: Again?(Lily and Marshall walk toward bathroom)Ted: Where are you going?Marshall: It's an elaborate costume.(Ted goes over to couch to shut laptop, Ted hears music coming from direction of door, Ted opens door to find Barney dressed in flight suit with "Danger Zone" playing behind him, Barney walks in a few steps, takes off his sunglasses and shakes his head around)Barney: No, no, not again. Not this year. You're going as my wingman. Flight suitup!(Barney throws a costume to Ted)Ted: No thanks. I'm sticking with the hanging chad.Barney: Oh you're dangerous, Maverick. Your ego's writing check your body can't cash. OK. Here's the plan, and I crap you not. I'm getting us into the Victoria's SecretHalloween party. Trust me, by the end of the night, your chad will not be hanging.Ted: We can get rejected by supermodels any night of the year. Tonight, I'm goingup to the roof, I'm gonna have a few beers, I'm gonna wait for the Slutty Pumpkin.That's just what I do.Barney: Hm, (putting up left hand) Victoria's Secret models prancing around in bras and panties, or (putting up right hand) Yale preppies reuniting their stupid a capella group. What's that left hand? Right hand sucks? Word.Ted: I'm heading up to the roof.Barney: Well, boys, looks like it's just the three of us. What's that? Self-five?Nice. (high fives himself) We out.(Robin comes in front door)Robin: Hey, Chad, how's it hanging?Ted: Hey, word play. Funny.(Ted and Barney walk out front door)Robin: (to Barney as he walks by her out the door) Whoo.Robin: (to Lily) Nice outfit.Lily: I'm a parrot.Robin: You sure are.(Robin closes door)Lily: Where's Mike?Robin: He's meeting me h ere. I ran late covering the Halloween parade in the Village. There are like a zillion gay pirates this year.(Marshall walks into living room from bathroom)Marshall: Seriously, does my eye liner look OK?Lily: Yes, it's weirdly hot.Lily (to Robin): So, where's your costume?(knock at door)Robin: Uh, you know, Mike and I joked about doing something together but we decidednot to dress up.(Robin opens door and Mike is standing there dressed as Hansel)Robin: Oh, geez.Mike: Hi.Robin: Ah, everyone, this is Michael. Th-that is not his real hair.Mike: Where's your costume, Gretel?Robin: You thought I was...Oh, I was just kidding. I gotta stop making jokes in e-mails. It's so hard to convey tone.Marshall (aside to Lily): I think we got them beat.(Marshall gives Lily five)EXT. ROOFTOP(Barney and Ted walk through Halloween party)Barney: I can't believe you talked me into this.Ted: I didn't. You followed me up here.Barney: This party sucks. There are seven chicks here.(guy in dress takes off blonde wig)Barney: There are six chicks here.Ted: Relax, the night is young. It's gonna get better.King Costume Guy: Ladies and gentlemen, as on-pitch as they were at Spring Fling '95, it's my pleasure to welcome back the Shagarats.(People applaud)Shagarats: (singing) My bonnie lies over the ocean. My bonnie lies over the sea. Mybonnie lives over the ocean. Oh bring back my bonnie to me...(Barney walks over to bar and drinks from large bottle)INT. BAR(Lily, Marshall, Robin and Mike at booth)Barney (talking like pirate): What be a pirate's favorite kind of sweater?Lily: Arr-gyle.Barney (talking like a pirate): And what be a pirate's favorite fast food restaurant?Lily: Arrr-by'sBarney (talking like a pirate): Would think it would be Arby's, (talking normal) but actually it's Long John Silver's.Robin: Actually I kinda need this hand to eat.Mike: Oh.(waiter brings food over)Lily, Robin: Oh yeah. Oh, thank youMarshall (like pirate): Starrr-vingLily: It's so nice to meet you, Mike. You guys are really cute together.Mike: Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time together. We're even getting to thatpoint where we finish each other's (stops talking, waiting for Robin to finishsentence)Robin: This cheeseburger is so...Mike: Good. See.Lily: I think you won the dish-off tonight, baby. This steak totally bitch-slappedmy pork chop.Marshall: That might be true but your rice pilaf kicked my spinach in the crotch sohard it threw up a little bit.(Lily feeds Marshall some food)Mike: (holding a fork of food out) Robin, you have to try this chicken.Robin: Oh, well, that's good. I'm OK, thanks.Mike: Really tasty.Robin: I'm just really feeling this cheeseburger.Mike: Come on, just try a little bite.Robin: Dude, I'm kind of in the zone here.Lily: Oh for God's sake. (Lily grabs Mike's hand and eats food from his fork)Lily: Really tasty.EXT. ROOFTOP(Shagarats finish singing, Barney approaches girl in hula outfit at bar area)Barney: Hey.Hula Girl: Hey.Barney: So, what does a fella have to do to get lei'd around here? Yeah.Hula Girl: Right, cuz I'm wearing a lei.(Hula Girl walks away)Barney: It isn't funny if you explain the joke.(Ted walks over to Barney)Barney: Let's bail.Ted: Oh, Barney, come on, I'm having fun. It's really great seeing these guys again. Barney: Name one person you know at this party.Ted: Well, there's ninja, back of horse. Where's front of horse? That guys a riot.Where is he?Barney: OK, I'm leaving, but just know that this Victoria's Secret party is on a yacht. And what will be sticking to that yacht? The Barnacle. (points to self)Ted: Really? That's the nickname now?Barney: Yeah, the Barnacle.Ted: The Barnacle.Barney: That's it. Barnacle out. (Barney walks away)Ted: Have fun, Barnacle.INT. LADIES ROOM(Robin and Lily walk in towards sink area)Robin: So, do you like Mike?Lily: Do you like Mike?Robin: Of course I do. Why?Lily: It just doesn't seem l ike it. You won't share your food. You won't wear a costume. Robin: Ah, Lily, you know me, I'm just not into all that couple-y stuff.Lily: OK, I know that stuff looks dumb from the outside, but it's kinda the greatest thing in the world when you're a part of it. If you just give it a chance, you might like it.Robin: Are you trying to get me to join a cult?Lily: Robin, Mike likes you. If you don't start meeting him halfway, you're gonnalose him.Robin: What?Lily: Look, it's Halloween. Just put on the girlfriend costume for the night.Robin: OK, what am I supposed to do? Buy him a giant teddy bear or something?Lily: How about you start by sharing dessert.Robin: I can share dessert. He better want the brownie sundae, but yeah, yeah, I can totally share.(Robin and Lily walk out of the ladies room)EXT. ROOFTOP(Ted notices Barney at party wearing devil costume)Ted: Barney. What, you're back?Barney: That's right.Ted: In a totally new costume.Barney: Every Halloween, I bring a spare costume in case I strike out with the hottest girl at the party. That way I have a second chance to make a first impression.Barney: What's with the face?Ted: It's half you're pathetic, half I have to pee.Barney: So go to the bathroom.Ted: No, there's a huge line. I don't want to miss the Slutty Pumpkin.Barney: So pee off the roof. Ooh, Ted, pee off the roof.(Barney gets behind Ted's right shoulder, guy in angel costume comes up to Ted's left shoulder)Angel Guy: Whoa, I wouldn't do that if I were you. There's people walking down there.Barney: Come o n, Ted, who are you going to listen to? Me o r Mr. Goody-goody over there.Angel Guy: Yeah, whatever. You guys got some weed?INT. BAR(Robin is trying to take Marshall and Lily's picture so that it looks like Lily asa parrot is sitting on Marshall's shoulder)Robin: A little to the left, Marshall. Lily, squat down.Marshall: This is gonna be a slaughter. None of these other costumes even come close to ours.Lily: Take the damn picture. (squawks)Robin: Got it.Marshall: I still think we should have won as Sonny and Cher. Maybe if I had wornthat red dress. Ha! If I could turn back time.(Marshall, Mike, Lily and Robin sit back down at booth)Robin: Wow, this sundae looks so good I could eat the whole thing.(Lily taps Robin on arm)Robin: But, um, I would much r ather share this small, one-scoop sundae with you, Mike.Marshall: Apple tart, excellent choice, Lilypad.Lily: Thanks, Marshmallow.Robin: Well, let's dig in, Mi... Mi... Microwave Oven.EXT. ROOFTOP(Barney approaches Hula Girl)Barney: Let me guess. Every guy has used the lei'd line on you tonight.Hula Girl: You wouldn't believe.Barney: I apologize for my gender. Let me make it up to you. Make you a drink.Hula Girl: You certainly are a charming devil.Barney: I'm also a horny devil. (pointing to horns on top of head) Yeah.Hula Girl: No.(Hula Girl walks away, Barney turn around to see Angel guy smirking at him)Barney (to Angel Guy): Oh, go to hell.INT. BAR(Robin and Mike, Lily and Marshall share desserts)Mike: You know, if you guys like tiramisu we found this little Italian place...Robin: No, you found it. I came with you. Go on.Mike: I'm just saying we love tiramisu.Robin: I cannot get enough of it.Mike: We're crazy for this stuff.Robin: I'm crazy and you're crazy for tiramisu.Mike: We love tiramisu. Am I wrong in saying that. ?Robin: No, no, no, I mean it just sounds a little bit weird, doesn't it? We love tiramisu. Is it really a group activity, loving tiramisu? Right?Marshall: So this Italian place? How's their cannoli?Robin: See there, hungry.(Robin grabs dessert from Mike)Mike: Yeah, looks like we're both hungry.(Mike reaches over for dessert)Robin: Hey, is that Gary Oldman? (pointing behind Mike and Marshall)Mike: Wait, where?(Mike and Marshall turn around to look, Robin tries to scarf down the sundae)Mike: I don't see...(Mike turns back around to see Robin trying to eat the sundae as fast as she can, Robin looks up to see everyone looking at her)Robin: Brain freeze.EXT. ROOFTOP(Barney and Ted talking)Barney: OK Victoria's Secret party right now.Ted: Nope.Barney: Come on, I can't stand to watching my d elusional friend waste another precious Halloween. The Slutty Pumpkin is not coming.Ted: She might.Barney: Oy.Ted: Come o n, Barney, this is not about the odds, this is about believing. This girl, she represents something to me, I don't know, hope.Barney: Wow. I did not understand a word you just said. Lingerie models on a boat!Ted: (shrugs) See ya.Barney: No, see ya. (evil laughs, sparks something in his hands) Ow.INT. BARRobin: Wanna drink the melty part?Mike: You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm gonna take off.(Mike gets up to leave, Robin follows)Robin: Hey, I thought we were gonna follow those bread crumbs back to my place, HanselMike: Robin, I don't get the sense you like being with me.Robin: I like being with you.Mike: Not as much as you like being alone. You like eating your own food, sleepingin your own bed, doing your own crosswords.Robin: Well, who uses ink? Sorry. OK, I'm a bit set in my ways. That doesn't meanthat this won't work.Mike: Actually, it kinda does.Robin: Wait, are we breaking up?Mike: We aren't breaking up. I'm breaking up with you.(Mike walks away)EXT. ROOFTOP(Ted standing alone)Future Ted VO: And then just when I was about to lose hope.(Ted notices someone in a penguin costume)(flashback to 4 years ago when Ted was telling Marshall and Lily about meeting theSlutty Pumpkin)Ted: She spent a year in Antarctica studying penguins.(Penguin pours kahlua and root beer into cup)Future Ted VO: Kahlua, root beer, could this penguin be the Slutty Pumpkin?(Ted walks over to Penguin)Ted: Uh, excuse me, this is gonna sound crazy, but I met someone up on this roof four years ago and they mixed that cocktail and they loved penguins. By any chance, wasthat you? It's you. I was crazy but I can't ...(Penguin removes head to reveal Barney)Barney: You are such a loser. Come on, I came back for you, Ted. I penguin-suitedup to show you the error of your ways. And to score hula girl's number. Check andcheck.Ted: Unbelievable.Barney: Yes, it is.(Hula Girl walks over and notices Barney in penguin costume)Hula Girl: Wait a minute. You're that lame army guy.Barney: What? No no, that's some other guy and he was a kick-ass fighter pilotHula Girl: I cannot believe I gave you my numberBarney: Yeah, well, you did, thanks.Hula girl: Well, give it back.Barney: Uh, I don't think so. I earned it fair and square. I'm calling you.Hula Girl: But I'm never gonna go out with you.Barney: But how will you know it's me? I'm a master of disguise. Yeah.(Hula Girl sighs and walks away)Ted: Nice.Barney: Come on, Ted, Victoria's Secret party now. Let's go.Ted: I'm staying.Barney: Fine. Fine. (puts his flipper up towards Ted)Ted: What are you doing?Barney: I'm flippering you off.INT. BAR(Lily, Marshall and Robin sitting at booth)Lily: Sweetie, I'm so sorry.Robin: Seriously it's not a big deal. He wanted to be a 'we,' and I wanted to be an'I'. Dudes are such chicks. You guys, I'm fine.Carl: Ladies and gentlemen, the results are in. And the winners of this year's costume contest are Lily Aldrin as a parrot and Marshall Eriksen as a gay pirate.Marshall: Oh yeah!(Marshall and Lily get up from booth)Marshall: Wait. What did he say?Lily: Oh, who cares, Marshall? We won!Marshall: Gay pirate, where are you getting that from?Carl: Dude, you're wearing eye liner.Marshall: OK, I just want everybody here to know that I'm not a gay pirate. I havesex with my parrot all the time. That came out wrong. Oh yeah, it doesn't matter!We won!Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.Marshall: I love you too, Lilypad.(Lily and Marshall kiss)Robin: You guys, let me get a picture.(Robin takes picture)EXT. ROOFTOP(Ted sitting as people leave Halloween party, Robin walks in)Robin: I had a feeling I'd find you here.Ted: Hey. If you're here for the Shagarats, you just missed the fourth encore.Robin: I never played any team sportsTed: Are we playing 'I never' cuz there's nothing left but peach schnapps.Robin: I played tennis in high school. You know why? Because it was just me o ut there.I couldn't even stand playing doubles. I just got dumped.Ted: Man, that sucks.Robin: Yeah, it's OK. I wasn't that into him. Story of my life. Everyone else is allfalling in love and acting stupid and goofy and sweet and insane, but not me. Whydon't I want that more? I want to want that. Am I wired wrong or something?Ted: No. Look, you didn't want to be with me so clearly you have abysmal taste inmen.(Robin laughs)Ted: But you're wired just fine.Robin: Well, what if I'm just a cold person? Tonight, Mike was willing to look likea complete idiot for me, but I couldn't be Gretel. Why can't I be Gretel?Ted: Because you just haven't met the right Hansel yet. One day you're gonna meeta guy who's gonna make you want to look like a complete idiot.Robin: Really?Ted: Yeah, he's out there somewhere, just like the Slutty Pumpkin. (echoes) pumpkin-pumpkin...Robin: How do you do this, Ted? How do you sit out here all night on the roof in thecold and still have faith your pumpkin's gonna show up.Ted: Well, I'm pretty drunk. Look, I know that odds are the love of my life isn'tgoing to magically walk through that door in a pumpkin costume at 2:43 in the morning but it seems as nice a spot as any to just, you know, sit and wait.(Robin sits down by Ted and shares blanket)Robin: Scoot.END OF EPISODE。
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 老爸老妈浪漫史 第1季第7集 剧本
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER1X07 - MATCHMAKERORIGINAL AIRDATE (CBS): 07-NOV-2005WRITTEN BY CHRIS MARCIL & SAM JOHNSONDIRECTED BY PAMELA FRYMANYEAR 2030INT. LIVING ROOM(Daughter and Son sitting on couch)Future Ted: Kids, before I met your mother, when I was still out there searching, I learned something valuable, that love is not a science.Daughter: Wow, that was a great story, Dad.Son: We're gonna go watch TV.(Daughter and Son get up and leave)Future Ted: You see, sometimes in life, you just have to accept that certain things can't be explained. And that's kinda scary.(Daughter and Son return to sit on couch)INT. BAR(year 2005; Ted, Barney and Robin sitting around table; Lily and Marshall run in)Marshall: Oh my God.Lily: I know, I'm still shaking.(Lily grabs Barney's drink and drinks from it)Barney: What the? Haha, joke's on you, I have a cold.Robin: Are you guys OK? Marshall (yelling over to bartender): Another round and back it up for me and Lily.Ted: What happened?Marshall: We saw something, up in the apartment.Lily: Something bad.(flashback to Lily and Marshall entering apartment while kissing)Marshall: I don't know what it is, but margaritas make me sexy.Lily: Oh, mucho sexy. You quiero Marshall.(Marshall and Lily hug and kiss, Lily looks over and sees something and looks scared)Lily: Oh my God.(Lily and Marshall scream and run out of the apartment)(cut back to present scene in bar)Ted: What was it?Marshall: Only the craziest, meanest looking mouse you've ever seen.Lily: Mouse? Sweetie, that wasn't a mouse. That was a huge cockroach.Marshall: Baby, it was a mouse. It had a whiskers.Lily: But those things coming out of his head, those were antennaeBarney: Marshall ran away from a cockroach.Marshall: It, it was a mouse.Barney: Oh, yeah, sorry, my bad. You're a man.Robin: Ooh, my story's on. Ted, pay attention. Carl, turn it up.(newscast on TV)Robin: I'm here with Ellen Pierce, New York's premiere matchmaker. Ellen, your company, Love Solutions boasts a 100% success rate. What's your secret?Ellen: Science. Everything in life can be broken down to ones and zeros, even love.All I have to do is input the variables, run the algorithm, and presto manifesto, you have a soulmate, and it works. Just ask all of my happy couples. And these are just the attractive ones, I have more photos in the bathroom.Robin: Love Solution's Ellen Pierce, a beacon of hope for New York city's lovelorn. Robin Scherbatsky...INT. BARBarney: Was that chick at the end really a client?Robin: Yes.Barney: We're signing up.Ted: What?Barney: Ted, these chicks are desperate and hot. That's a perfect cocktail. Shake well, then sleep with.Ted: I'm not going to a matchmaker. That's like giving up. It's the man version of getting a cat.Marshall: No, it wasn't a cockroach. It had fur and only mammals have fur.Lily: It was a cockroach.Marshall: Come on, Lily, the only way that that was a cockroach was if it was wearing the skin of a mouse it just killed.Lily: Oh my God.(Lily grabs Barney's drink as he's about to take a drink from it and drinks it herself)Barney: Come on.INT. APARTMENT(Ted sitting on couch reading magazine, Ted hears squeaking and tiny footstep noises, Barney barges into the apartment_Barney: Ted, hurry, you gotta help me. My boat is sinking.Ted: What?Barney: My boat is sinking.Ted: You have a boat?Yes, I bought a boat last year at a police auction. I just got a call from a guy down at the marina that it's leaning starboard at a 45 degree angle. If I don't get there right now, it's gonna capsize. Now, come on!(Ted and Barney run out of the apartment)INT. OFFICE(Ted and Barney are filling out applications for Love Solutions)Ted: Your boat is sinking. That was good.Barney: Come on, Ted, this is an incredible opportunity. We'll meet our soulmates, nail 'em and never call them again. (chuckles)(Ellen enters the office)Ellen: All finished, gentlemen? Congratulations, you have just taken your very first step.Barney: Gosh, thanks, Ellen. I sure hope this works. I'm so done with the single life, all the games, the meaningless sex.Ellen: You deserve more.Barney: That is so true, Ellen. I really think I'm ready to stop being a me and start being a we.Hey, is there anyway I can let it be known that I love cuddling?(Ellen, Ted and Barney sit around desk)Ellen: Oh, of course you can. That is so...Barney: It's kinda hard to talk about with Ted here, but I just want someone who's not afraid to hold me at night when the tears come. Ellen, can you help me find her?Ellen: Get out.Barney: What?Ellen: I get 15 guys like you every week. Jerks who just want to meet vulnerable women, nail 'em and never call them again.Barney: Oh my God, people do that.Ellen: You wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?Barney: What's the hard way? Security roughs me up and tosses me out?Ellen: That's the easy way. The hard way is that I stomp the crap out of you myself.(Barney looks like he doesn't believe her, Ellen stands up quickly, Barney stands up to run away)Barney: OK, Ted, let's go.(Ted gets up to leave)Ellen: Not you, you stay.(Ted and Ellen sit back down)Ellen: You're cute. You're an architect. Good career and you didn't use an obvious alias on your application like your friend, Jack Package.Barney (through office door): It's pronounced 'Pa-kojj.'Ellen: Get outta here!(Barney runs away)Ellen: You I can work with. You give me three days and I will find the woman you will marry.Ted: Ah, no thanks. I don't need an algorithm to meet women. It's New York City. You know, plenty of fish in the sea.Ellen: Plenty of fish in the sea. Yes, there's 9 million people in New York, 4.5 million women. Of course you wanna meet someone roughly your own age, let's say, plus minus 5 years. So if we take into account the most recent census data, that leaves us with 482,000. But, uh, wait48% of those are already in relationships and then you have to eliminate half for intelligence, sense of humor and compatibility and then you have to take out the ex-girlfriends and the relatives and oh, we can't forget those lesbians and then that leaves us with 8 women.Ted: That can't be right. Eight? Really, eight?Ellen: There are 8 fish in that big, blue ocean, Ted. And if you feel confident that you can reel one into your boat without me, there's the door.Ted: Do you take credit cards?INT. BAR(Barney and Robin sitting at booth; Marshall and Lily walk in)Lily: OK, it's back and this time we got a good look.(Lily sits by Barney and takes his drink away from him and drinks it)Barney: Hey, seriously, you have to stop doing that.Marshall: It's bigger now. It's been feeding.Lily: We were just upstairs watching TV.(flashback to Lily and Marshall sitting in apartment on couch in front of TV)Marshall: Ah gosh.(Marshall and Lily see something on ground)Lily: OK, let's do this.(Lily grabs aerosol spray can, Marshall grabs large phone book, Lily sprays and Marshall throws phone book on it, Lily screams and Marshall holds her)Marshall: Shh, shh, it's OK, it's over.(phone book starts moving towards kitchen, Marshall and Lily run out of apartment)(back to scene at bar)Barney: So did you get a good look at it?Lily: Yeah. It has six legs, a hard exoskeleton like a roach...Marshall: But it has mouse-like characteristics. Grey-brown tufts of fur, a tail.Robin: So which is it, a cockroach or a mouse?Lily: It's a cockamouse.Robin: What?Lily: It's some sort of mutant combination of the two. It's as if a cockroach and a mouse...you know...Barney: Hit the horizontal ten-legged interspecies cha-cha?Robin: That's impossible. That simply can't happen.Lily: Oh, but it can.Marshall: And it hasLily: And it's pissed.(Lily and Marshall down shots)(Ted walks into the bar)Ted: Dude, is everything OK? You left the front door open.Marshall: There was no time.Robin: So Love Solutions, did you meet the love of your life?Ted: She said it'd take three days. It's been five days. Should I be worried?Lily: Oh, just play it cool. Don't Ted out about it.Ted: Did you just use my name as a verb?Barney: Oh, yeah, we do that behind your back. Ted-out: to overthink. Also see Ted-up. Ted-up: to overthink something with disastrous results. Sample sentence: Billy Tedded up whenTed: OK, I get it. Don't worry, I'm not gonna ted anything up or out. I'll just give it a few more days.INT. LOVE SOLUTIONS OFFICE(subtitled '20 minutes later,' Ted enters Ellen's office)Ted: Hi, Ellen. Remember me? I'm Ted.Ellen: Ted, hi. I meant to call you. The computer is still crunching the numbers. Busy as a bee, that little computer.Ted: You said it was gonna be three days.Ellen: Did I?Ted: Hm.Ellen: Three days? Really?Ted: Yeah. When someone says you're gonna meet the perfect woman in three days, you gotta put that in your datebook, so...Ellen: How do I say this? This is gonna be really hard. Ted, there are absolutely no women out there for you. Phew, actually I got through that OK.(return from commercial break)Ted: There are no women for me out there? I thought you said there were 8.Ellen: I know. There are supposed to be. I don't know where they are.Ted: But, I'm an architect. And you said I'm cute. I'm a cute architect.Ellen: How do you think I feel? I have a 100% success rate. It's my hook. I could probably find somebody for you if you were gay.Ted: Well, I'm not.Ellen: A little bi maybe?Ted: No. You're messing with me, right?Ellen: Come see for yourself.(Ellen brings Ted over to her computer)Ellen: I cannot set you up unless you have a compatibility rating of 7.0 or higher, and look, 5.4, 4.8, 5.6...Ted: There's a 9.6 right there.(Ted points to something on computer monitor)Ellen: Don't touch the computer. Yes, Sarah O'Brien. I fixed her up six months ago. She would have been absolutely perfect for you.Ted: What about the guy you set her up with? Is he a 9.6 compatibility rating?Ellen: 8.5.Ted: So he sucks.Ellen: No, 8.5 is an extremely good match-up quotient.Ted: Oh, sure, it's good. It's solid. But a 9.6?Ellen: Yes, 9.6 is off the charts, but Sarah is matched up. Ted, look,I have a lunch. Please. I promise we will find you somebody. Don't lose hope. There are new women turning 18 every day.(Ted and Ellen leave office, Ted sneaks back into office and goes to computer and takes printouts, hides them in his jacket and runs back out of office)INT. BAR(Lily and Marshall giving presentation at bar, Marshall is drawing something on a little chalkboard)Lily: He's a whole new species. The cockamouse.Marshall: And it's the size of a potato.(Marshall shows everyone his drawing of the cockamous)Robin: So, what, now it's a cockapotatomouse?Marshall: Don't make it sound ridiculous. It's a cockamouse.(Barney and Ted are sitting at booth with Ted looking at printouts he took from Love Solutions)Ted: My God, this is incredible. We're like the same person. Sarah O'Brien loves brunch.She wants to have two children. Her guilty pleasure song is Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft.Barney: Wow, Ted, sounds like you're her perfect woman.Marshall: And like the majestic seahorse it's hermaphroditic.Lily: Obviously the whole thing is shrouded in mystery.Marshall: For as much as we know about the cockamousse, there are still so much we don't know.Robin: Well, we know that there's no such thing as a cockamouse. What we don't know is what you guys have been smoking.Marshall: So you really don't believe in the cockamouse?Robin: Well, I believe that you saw something perfectly normal but you've exaggerated it in your mind, you know, um, like the Loch Ness Monster.Marshall: If by 'like the Loch Ness Monster,' you mean, totally exists and is awesome, then yeah, it's like the Loch Ness monster.(Robin walks over to Ted and Barney)Marshall: It's diet is not unlike our own, grains, cereals and it's awfully fond of cheese...Ted: OK, this is getting weird, the similarities go on and on. She hates phonies. I totally hate phonies too. She's a dermatologist. I have skin.Barney: You wanna be her boyfriend. She already has a boyfriend. It's uncanny.Ted: All right, but it wouldn't hurt to check her out, right? See what my 9.6 looks like in person, as, you know, a frame of reference. And if she thinks she can do 11.45% better, who am I to deny her that?Future Ted VO: That's right, I did the math.INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE(Ted waiting in examination room, doctor walks in)Ted: Hi.Sarah: Hi, I'm Dr. O'Brien.Ted: I'm Architect Mosby. Sorry I just wanted to say my job too.(Sarah laughs)Ted: Hi, I'm Ted.Sarah: So, what are we doing today?Ted: I have a kind of mole on my back. It's probably nothing but I'm a cautious guy.Sarah: I'm exactly the same.Ted (singing): Summer breeze makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.Sarah (joining in singing): Blowing through the jasmine in my mind.Ted: Sorry about that, Summer Breeze is my guilty pleasure song.Ted: Oh, it's been stuck in my head ever since I heard it this weekend at brunch.Sarah: I love brunch.Ted: It's the best, as long as I don't have to spend it with a bunch of phonies.Sarah: I like the way you think, Architect Mosby.Ted: Hey, this may sound weird but it'll definitely sound more weird once my shirt's off so I'm gonna ask you now. Do you wanna have dinner with me Saturday night?Sarah: Oh, that's very sweet, but I'm actually getting married on Saturday.Ted: Friday night?(return from commercial break)Ted: Wow, you're getting married. Congratulations.Sarah: Thank you.Ted: I'm really sorry I asked you out. If just felt like there might be this weird connection between us. How crazy am I coming off here?Sarah: Only a little.Ted: Well, by some million to one shot, and I'm not rooting for this, you wind up not getting married this weekend, give me a call.Sarah: OK, but it's not likely. I look damn good in my dress.Ted: I'm sure you do.INT. APARTMENT(Lily and Marshall working on contraption in living room area, Robin walks in from kitchen)Robin: Wow, that's a pretty sophisticated trap. You think the road runner's gonna fall for it?Lily: OK, we get it. You're skeptical. But Marshall and I, we're believers. We believe.Marshall: Yeah, look around. The universe is mysterious and awesome. You got the Bermuda triangle, ghosts, Big Foot.Robin: Bad maps. Creaky houses. Hillbilly in a gorilla suit.Marshall: Aliens.(Robin shakes her head)Marshall: Oh, come one, you gotta give me aliens. Stonehenge. Area 51. There's alien crap all over the place.Robin: You can't be serious.Marshall: My friend, you just poked the bear.(Marshall walks toward his bedroom, Ted and Barney walk in through front door)Ted: So, my 9.6, beautiful, charming, intelligent, engaged.Robin: Oh.Lily: Oh, Ted, I'm so sorry.Ted: Yeah, it was a long shot. I told her to call me anyway if she changes her mine, but I don't know...Lily: Whoa whoa whoa, let's not skip over this. Raise your hand if earlier today you hit on an engaged woman.(Ted and Barney both raise their hands)Barney: Come on, Lily, don't hate the player, hate the game.(Marshall walks in from his bedroom reading from a book)Marshall: On the night of July 2nd, 1947, conditions were clear over Roswell, New Mexico.Robin: Oh geez.Marshall: Oh, hey, Ted, there's a message on the machine for you. Dr. O'Brien.Ted: What?Marshall: When suddenly, an array of(Ted jumps over to machine and shushes Marshall to listen to message)Sarah (on answering machine): Ted, hi, this is Dr. O'Brien. About today, listen, I really need to talk to you. Call me, I'll be at the office all day.Barney: The doctor will see you now.(return from commercial break)Ted: What should I do? I should totally go down there, right?Lily: Don't interfere. Some guy is expecting to marry this woman on Saturday.Ted: Yeah, an 8.5 guy. Look, if I was marrying the wrong person and the right person was out there and knew it, I'd want that person to come down to my dermatology office and tell me so.In that scenario, I'm not interfering, I'm a happy ending.Barney: (chuckles) Happy ending.Ted: Look, I have to go down there. I don't know what's gonna happen when I get there but I have to give it a shot.(Ted leaves apartment)Barney: All right, see you later. Happy hunting.(Barney and Robin get up to leave)Lily: Wait, where are you guys going? Don't you want to stay and see the cockamouse.Barney: Yeah, we're gonna make some crop circles.(pot falls down from contraption)Marshall: Oh my God!Lily: Holy crap. We got it! What do we do with it?Marshall: Calm down, I have a plan. I told my friend, Sudeep, about it. He wants to show it to the Columbia biology department. But it has to be alive.Lily: Wait, no no. They'll do lab experiments on it. That's so mean. Shouldn't we just beat it to death with a bat?INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE(Ted enters Dr. O'Brien's office)Ted: Hello again.Sarah: I'm glad you came down. I would prefer to say this to you in person.Ted: Go ahead, Sarah, you can tell me anything.Sarah: You have a basal cell carcinoma.Ted: Anything else?Sarah: Your mole. The biopsy came back. It's not life-threatening, but we should excise the rest of it.Ted: Wait, then you're still getting married.Sarah: Of course I'm still getting married.Ted: But we're a 9.6.Sarah: Excuse me.Ted: OK, I, I went to Love Solutions and I saw on Ellen Pierce's computer that you and I are a 9.6. Your fiance's only an 8.5.Sarah: You looked at my file.Ted: I had to. You're my only match. Aren't you even a little curious? The woman who set you up with your fianc¨¦ thinks we're a better match.Sarah: I am getting married on Saturday.Ted (singing): Summer breeze...Sarah: Ted.Ted: Look, don't you think you're being a little impulsive marrying a guy you just met a few months ago?Sarah: Don't you think it's a little impulsive for you to proposition an engaged woman you don't even know?Ted: See, we're both impulsive. We're perfect for each other.Sarah: Ted, just calm down.Ted: Calm down! You're my only match! There was a computer and there were 8 fish in the sea full of lesbians.Sarah: Ted, Ted, do you honestly believe deep down that there is no one else out there for you just because some computer says so.Ted: Didn't used to. There was math, I got confused.Sarah: Love isn't a science. You can't calculate a feeling. When you fall in love with someone, 8.5 equals a perfect 10.Ted: You're right.INT. LAB(Marshall bring Sudeep cockamouse in pot)Sudeep: If this thing is what you say it is, it could be huge for my career.Marshall: Brace yourself, dude. This is gonna blow your mind hold.(Sudeep moves cover to peek into pot)Sudeep: You bastard, I actually got excited about this.Marshall: What?Sudeep: It's empty.(Sudeep removes cover of pot completely and Marshall looks in)Marshall: Wait, but if it's not here, that means...Lily.INT. APARTMENT(Robin sits on couch, Lily walks into living room area but backs away and hides)Lily: Robin.Robin: What?(Robin walks over to Lily and sees what she sees)Robin: Oh my God. It's real.Lily: Oh, is it? Do something.(Robin throws drink at it)Lily: What the hell was that? You trying to get it drunk?Robin: It was the only think I could think of.(Marshall runs into apartment)Marshall: Lily thank God.(Lily points over to cockamouse)Marshall: Lily, I love you.(Marshall grabs cockamouse and run towards window)Marshall: Robin, open the window!(Lily, Marshall and Robin run over to window and Robin tries to open window, Marshall throws cockamouse out the window)Robin: It can fly.Lily, Marshall: Wow.Marshall: Be free, mutant beast. I'll miss this private war of ours.I grew to admire your tenacious...Oh my God, it's headed this way.(Marshall slams window shut and animal flies into it)INT. LOVE SOLUTIONS OFFICE(Ellen sits alone in the dark, Ted enters office)Ted: Hi Ellen. I think I want my money back.Ellen: I'm a failure. I'm all washed up. I tried everything, Ted. I widened the search parameters. I tweaked the program. Last night, I stood out on the street for five hours showing your photo to random pedestrians, no takers. Although this transvestite hooker said he/she would do you for half price because you kinda look like John Cusack and his/her favorite movie was Say Anything.Ted: Come on, Ellen, I mean, a pint of ice cream isn't that a bit clich¨¦?Ellen: It's for the bourbon.Ted: This isn't hopeless. You're gonna find someone for me.Ellen: No, I won't. You're gonna die alone.Ted: I'm not gonna die alone. Look at me. I'm bright, I'm attractive. You just have to get back out there and keep looking.Ellen: No, you're never gonna find anybody. And every year, you're just getting older and it's getting harder and harder.Ted: You're being ridiculous. I'm gonna be up on that wall one of these days.Ellen: No you won't.Ted: Yes I willEllen: How do you know? Ted: I don't know, but I believe. Hell, if a cockroach and a mouse can find love in this crazy city, then, dammit, so can I.Ellen: You're losing me.Ted: Point is, something good is going to happen to me. Maybe your computer will help, maybe it won't, but it'll happen.Ellen: So I should keep looking?Ted: Of course you should. And now you're gonna do it for free. END OF EPISODE。
sharbasky long and difficult-to-spell household name
classic grown-up things
she uglies in the ugly
what is the hell happened to these two
火锅 chafing pot/dish fondu溶化奶酪
blazer n.
i see what it's about
sth from the old movie
get second base with me二垒
术语:Second base
vomit-free since 93
you move on, i move on
i am not ready for a commitment
cliche is acliche for a reason
seriously, men are working on that
what is your most exciting memory
i never thought i can have my story told
my soul throws up a little bit
老爸老妈浪漫史 HIMYM 3X18
Barney: No offence Randy, but there is a long list of candidats for this slot. This slot is for vice president of awesome. And you are like assistant under secretary of only ok.
Pitt: Hey ! I haven't been calling you, it has been a while.
பைடு நூலகம்
Barney: Yeah. Yeah. So, listen you should meet me in McLaren's tonight.
Pitt: You never gonna believe this. I'm at the hospital. Just had a baby daughter.
[Barney's Office - Barney/Randy]
Randy: Hey Barney, new sky mall come in. So worldaround blog's fear is you are looking for a new wingman. I wanna let you know, I'm available. Just the say the word, or don't even say the word. Just do something with you eyebrow. Was that it ?
The night you met, your first date,
other first things.
Sorry, we thought you were asleep.
-I'm not wearing a suit.
-Lesson two, get a suit.
Suits are cool, exhibitive.
Lesson 3, don't even think about getting married till you're 30.
I'm calling up your uncle Barney.
Hey, see, you know, however, I thought I had a thing for half Asian girls?
Yeah, nothing hotter than a guy planning out his imaginary wedding.
Actually I think it's cute.
Pilot [1.01] Edit[First see ne of the series, i n 2030]Future Ted: Kids, I'm going to tell you an in credible story, the story of how I met your mother.Ted's Son: Are we being puni shed or someth ing?Future Ted: No.Ted's Daughter: Dad, is this gonna take a while?Future Ted: Y es. Twe nty-five years ago, before I wasDad, I had this whole other life …[Ted just saw Robi n]Future Ted: It was like something from an old movie, where the sailor sees the girl across the crowded dance floor, tur ns to his buddy and says, "See that girl?I'm gonna marry her someday."Ted : Hey Barney, see that girl?Barney : Oh yeeeahh, you just KNOW she likes it dirty.Go say 'Hi'.Purple Giraffe [1.02] EditLily: Hey. I'm just sitt ing here. Weari ng my ring. My beautiful ring. Ki nda makes weari ng other stuff seemwrong. Like... my shirt. Kinda don't wanna wear myshirt anymore. Or my un derwear. Oh, that's right, I'mnot weari ng any.Marshall: [stops worki ng and looks at Lily] Noun derwear?Lily: Not eve n slightly.Ted: Guys... [camera pans to reveal he is in the roomwith them] BOUNDARIES![Robi n discovers why Ted threw three straight parties inas many ni ghts]Ted : Robin, look I didn ' t invite you to this party to setyou up with Carlos. Or the one before that. Or the onebefore that. [Rob in smiles] I threw these partiesbecause I wan ted to see you.Robi n: Well, here I am.Ted: There ' s someth ing here, look, uni ess I ' m crazy. Robin : You ' re not crazy. I —I don ' t know, Ted, I mean we barely know each other and you ' re looking at mewith that look and it ' s like ——Ted: Like what?Robin: Like —let ' s fall in love, and get married andhave kids and drive them to soccer practice.Ted : I ' m not gonna force sports on them uni ess they ' i in terested.Robin: [laughs] It ' s a great look. But you ' re looking atthe wrong girl.Ted : No, I ' m not.Robin : Yes, you are. I don ' t wanna get married rightnow, maybe ever and if we got together I ' d feel like I either have to marry you or break your heart and —Ijust couldn ' t do either of those things. Just like you can ' t turn off the way you feel.Ted: [reaches in jacket] Click. Off. Let ' s make out.Robin: [laughs] What?Ted: What? That was the off switch! And I turned it off.I mea n sure yes, I wanna fall in love get married blah, blah, blah, but —on the other hand - you, me, the roof. Robin : There ' s no off switch.Ted : There is an off switch … and it ' s off.Robin: [smiling] no, it ' s not.Ted: [silenee] yes, it is. [draws closer to Ted]Robin : No …it nots —re Ted: Yes ——it is [Io ng kiss with Rob in] No it ' s not. You right,there ' s no off switch. God I wish there was an off switch!Sweet Taste of Liberty [1.03] EditTed : The truth is: My friend, he does this thing where he goes toairports with fake luggage to pick up girls and we followed some here to Philadelphia. That's it, that's all this is!Airport Security Guard: Nobody's that lame.Ted: Y es, he's that lame. [to Barn ey] Tell him you're that lame.Barney : ...we are intern ati onal bus in essme n!Barney: [at a party] Do you ever go behind the rope and touch it ?Employee at Liberty Bell Site: Only all the time.Barn ey: Do you ever like, stick your head in side it?Employee: Yeah.Barn ey: Have you ever licked it?Employee: Nope.. .I have n ever licked it.Barn ey: I bet n obody in history has ever licked theLiberty Bell. If some one were to pull that off, I daresay it would be -what's the word?Ted: I'm leav ing.Barn ey: Lege ndary!Return of the Shirt [1.04] EditBarney : Booger.Ted : Yes, hello Barney.Robin : Barney's offering me 50 bucks to say some stupid word on alive news report.Barn ey: Not some stupid word. Booger.Robin: But I am not doing it. I am a jour nalist.Barney: What? Journalist? You do the little fluff pieces at the end of the n ews. Old people, babies, mon keys.That's no t jour nalism. That's just things in a diaper.Robi n: For your in formatio n, my boss is about to bump me up to... the City Hall beat.Lily : City Hall! Miss Thang!Robin: So, I'm not going to jeopardize my promoti on by say ing"booger" for 50 bucks.Barn ey: Of course not. Because now you're say ing "n ipple", and it's a hun dred. [motio ns with fin ger]Stepinto my web.[Ted just told Natalie that he wan ts to break up with her...aga in] Natalie: [after throwing a handful of spaghetti at him] I'm NOT THE ONE FOR YOU!?Ted: I-I'm sorry. I thought that was the mature thi ng to do, I... Natalie: It's my birthday!Ted: Yes, I know it's just...Natalie: It's my birthday, and you're telli ng me I'm not the one for you? Ted: It's no big deal. It's not like you lost the lottery--Natalie: Oh, so dating you's like winning the lottery? [Ted stammers] So what's the problem? Ted: I can't expla in.Natalie: Try!Ted: Well, it's just in effable.Natalie: Oh, so rm n ot 'F-able'?Ted: No, no, n o, i neffable means it can't be expla ined.Natalie: So I'm stupid?Ted: What's going on?Natalie: What's going on is, you broke my heart over my an sweri ng mach ine on my birthday. Waited three years for me to get over you, tracked me dow n, begged me to go out with you aga in, only so youcould dump me three years later, aga in on my birthday!Ted: No n o, it's not like that…it's just…it's just-Natalie: WHAT!?Ted: I'm just like super busy right now.Future Ted: Remember whe n Natalie said...Natalie: [in flashback, at the bar] I got a Krav Maga class in about half an hour.Future Ted: It turns out that Krav Maga is not a form of yoga. It's a form of guerrilla street fighting developed by the Israeli Army .[Natalie proceeds to beat up Ted]Okay Awesome [1.05] EditBarney : Ted, get your coat, we're leaving.Ted : What happened to that, uh, cutlet you were grinding with?Barn ey: That was my cous in Leslie!Ted: What!? [begins to laugh]Barn ey: No, no, no. We are not laugh ing about this, Ted.This is not gonna be some funny story that we're gonna be telli ng in a couple of mon ths. It's not gonna be like "Remember that time whe nyou were grinding with-" NO. And do you know why? Because, italics,[Bar neyholds his hands up and sla nts them to an an gle] thisni ght did not happe n.Lily : Hey.Robin : Hey.Lily: Marshall just ditched out on our own party. Could you get me inthere? I kinda n eed to kill him.Robin: Actually I can't eve n get myself in. I was such a dork. I getrecog ni zed one time and I start thinking I'm Julia Roberts . I'm no VIP, I'm not even an IP; I'm just a Ionely little P sitting out here in the gutter.Lily: You know someth in g, I'd take a P in the gutter over Julia Roberts any day.Slutty Pumpkin [1.06] EditLily : Nobody remembers what the hell a hanging chad is.Marshall : What a sad commentary on our national atte nti on spa n,that we could forget such a turbule nt time in our political history .Lily: [As parrot] Sad commentary! Rrrawk! All right, Polly gotta pee!Marshall: Agai n?[Marshall follows Lily to the bathroom]Ted: Where are you going?Marshall: It's... an elaborate costume.Robin : How do you do this Ted? How do you sit out here all ni ght, i n the cold, and still have faith that your pumpk in's going to show up?Ted : Well, I'm pretty drunk. Look I know the odds are, the love of mylife isn't going to magically walk through that door in a pumpkin costume at 2:43 in the morning. But it just seems as nice a spot as any to just,you know, sit and wait.Matchmaker [1.07] EditLily : Just play cool, don't Ted-out about it.Ted : Did you just use my name as a verb?Barney : Oh, yeah, we do that behind your back."Ted-out": to overthink. Also see "Ted-up". "Ted-up": to overth ink with disastrous results. Sample senten ce: "Billy Tedded-up whe n he tried-"Ted: Okay... I get it!Robin : So what was it, a cockroach or a mouse?Lily: It was a cockamouse!Rob in: What?Lily: It's some sort of muta nt comb in atio n of the two.It's as if a cockroach and a mouse, you kno w...Barn ey: Did the horiz on tal, ten-legged, i nterspecies cha-cha?The Duel [1.08] Edit[Flashback]Marshall : So when Lily and I get married... who's gonna get theapartme nt?Ted : Wow... that's a tough one. Y'know who I thinkcould han dle a problem like that?Marshall: Who?Ted: Future Ted & Future Marshall.Marshall: Totally. Let's let those guys han dle it.[Prese nt Day]Ted: Dammit, Past Ted![Lily confronts Ted and Marshall at the hospital over their sword fight]Lily : On Mon day I'm gonna have to tell mykin dergarte n class, who I teach not to run with scissors, that my fiance ran me through with a freak in' broadsword!Marshall: Well, just to be fair, it did n't go all the way through.Lily: rm sorry, is this a discussion about the degree to which youstabbed me?Belly Full of Turkey [1.09] EditRobin : I'm Canadian, remember? We celebrateThan ksgiv ing in October.Ted : Oh right I forgot. You guys are weird and you pronounce the word 'out', 'oot'.Robin: You guys are the world's leader in hand gun viole nee; yourhealth care system is ban krupt and your country is deeply divided onalmost every importa ntissue.Ted: [beat] ...your cops are called 'mounties'.Ted: Barn ey.Barney : Yeah, what's up?Ted: You have a time sheet? No one else does.Barney: Yeah, so? [Ted steals paper] Hey! That's my private pers onal bus in ess!Ted: "Court Man dated Commu nity Service"??Robin: Oh my God, you're on probati on? What did you do?Barn ey: That's my private pers onal bus in ess![flashback to Barney running away after pee ing on a wall.]Barn ey: I was un fairly puni shed because the wallbel on ged to the judge's church!Ted: You peed on a church?Barn ey: I peed in an alley which happe ned to have achurch which I did not see because I was drunk!Ted: You are evil!Robin: All is right with the world again.The Pin eapple In cide nt [1.10] EditMarshall : You okay?Ted : Sure. Why?Marshall: Ah... I don't know. Girl of your dreams...dat ing a billio naire.Ted: Okay, first of all, hun dred-millio naire. And sec ond, she's not the girl of my dreams, we're just frien ds. Look, it would not be smart if we got together. I. .I mea n, I'm looking to settle down, she's looking fora.... [Barneystarts snoring]Barney : Wha...? You done? Great. Check out table number four. See that little hottie on the end? She's short, but has an ample bosom. I love it! She's like half boob. [whispers to Ted] Let's go.Ted: Yeah, and say what? What's our big ope ning line?Barn ey: It was, uh... 'Daddy's home.'Ted: Daddy's home?Barn ey: Yeah!Ted: Okay, you... you want us to go over there, right now, and say to those girls, 'Daddy's home.' Really think about that, Barn ey.Barn ey: Hmm... yeah, I think it's pretty solid.Ted: Why do they call it karaoke an yhow? Was it inven ted by a woma n n amed Karey Okee? These are the kind of things I think about.The Limo [1.11] EditMarshall : Look at us, riding around in a limo, eating hot dogs... It's like we're the preside nt.Ted : You're not... Moby, are you?Not Moby/Erik: Who?Robin : The recording artist, Moby.Not Moby/Erik: Oh, no.Barn ey: Then why, whe n we said "Hey, Moby" did you come overhere?Not Moby/Erick: Oh, I thought you said Tony.Ted: So your n ame's Tony?Not Moby/Erick: No.The Wedding [1.12] Edit[Marshall and Lily argue about their pla ns for an ideal wedd ing]Marshall : Ok, I'm just saying that it's my wedding too and I should havea say in it.Lily : But I'm the bride. So, I win.Marshall: But I thought marriage is about two equalpart ners, shari ng a life together.Lily: Right, but I'm the bride. So, I win.[Lily takes Barney aside at MacLare n's after she sees him trying toseduce Claudia, who just called off the wedd ing with Stuart]Lily: Claudia is getting married tomorrow and so help me God if I catch you eve n so much as breath ing the same air as her, I will take thosepea nuts you're trying to pass off as testicles and I will squeeze them so hard your eyes pop out and the n r II feed them to you like grapes!Barn ey: Wait, my eyes or my testicles?Lily: [thinks about it] One of each!Drumroll, Please [1.13] EditLily : [to Ted as he walks out of his bedroom] Hey, where the hell didyou disappear to last ni ght?Ted : I had the most... amazing night ever.Marshall : Tell me about it! That cake. Best cake I ever had. Seriously, my stomach was like "Hey bro, I don't know what you're eati ng cause I don't have any eyes but it's basically awesome so keep sending it dow nGullet Alley."Lily: Yeah, I know, my stomach was like "Girlfrie nd, we don't alwaysget along but that cake ..."Victoria: Why don't we just... dan ce. And have a great time. And whenit's over, never see each other again. Ted: Uni ess-Victoria: No. No uni ess. No e-mails, no phone nu mbers, not eve n n ames. Toni ght, we'll make a memory that will never be tarnished. Then, when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this mome nt... and it'll be perfect.Ted: Wow... Okay I'm in.Victoria: [en thusiastically] Okay!Ted: I guess, uh, what, we'll n eed fake n ames?Victoria: Um... you can call me Buttercup. [Ted and "Buttercup" shake han ds]Ted: Pleased to meet you, Buttercup. I'm... LandoCalrissian . [Victoria laughs] Wow, this is kind of excit ing. Our n ames will forever be shrouded in-Barney : [with bridesmaid on his arm] Hey Ted, Ted,Ted, look! I got a bridesmaid! Ted Ted look, Ted! The sec ond hottest bridesmaid! Ted, look! See you Ted.Ted: [to Victoria] So I'm Ted.Victoria: Victoria.Zip, Zip, Zip [1.14] EditBarney : Ted, the on ly reas on to wait a mon th for sex isif the girl is seve ntee n years, eleve n mon ths old.Barney: [in the laser tag arena] Don't be a hero,Scherbatsky!Robin : See you on the other side.Both: [Charging] Yaahhhhh![Both got shot]Barn ey: Damn!…You wanna get a soft pretzel?Rob in: Yeah.Game Night [1.15] EditVictoria: r ve only had two boyfrie nds before Ted.Robin : Prude alert!Victoria: We ll, two serious ones. I ' ve dated others inbetwee n.Robi n: Slut alert!Victoria: I will tell you my most humiliating story.Marshall : Yeah, Victoria! Way to step up.Victoria: OK, it in volves a game of "Truth or Dare", a squeeze bottle ofmarshmallow ice cream topp ing, and the hot tub at my gran dpare nts'retireme nt com mun ity.Future Ted: Kids, I tell you a lot of in appropriate stories, but there's no way in hell rm telli ng you this one. Don't worry, it was n't that great.Marshall: [stari ng goggle-eyed at Victoria] That... is the greatest story...ever!Lily: Oh my God!Cupcake [1.16] EditLily : [Trying on wedding dresses] Oh, this dress is totally going to get me laid on my wedd ing ni ght.Ted : Long distanee is a lie teenagers tell each other to get laid thesummer before college.Life Among the Gorillas [1.17] EditBils on: Nice tie! Steak sauce!Blauma n: Ohhhhhhh, steakkk sauce![Marshall looks for a sta in on his tie]Barney : Marshall, sidebar. Your tie is steak sauce. A1 Get it? Try tokeep up.s 2am and its Bilson : Ok, Eriksen, let's get to work. It 'raining outside, ding dong what? The Doorbell? Oh, hello, Jessica Albain a trenchcoat and nothing else, but wait, knock knock , somebody isat the back door. Marshall : I don ' t have a back door.Bils on: Oh my gosh, Jessica Simps on , what a surprise. Two Jessicas, you gotta pick one, what do you do? Go! Marshall : Right, well, I 'm engaged.Blauma n: Fia ncee is out of tow n, what do you do? Go!Marshall : We ' re still engaged.Bils on: Ok, fianc e is dead, hit by a bus, what do you do, GO!Marshall: I want to give you the package.Lily : The package? You ' ve already given me the package. You ' vegot a great package, Marshall. I love your package.Marshall: Lily, you are the most in credible woma n Iknow. You deserve a big package.Lily: Your package has always bee n big eno ugh. Youmay not realize this Marshall Erikse n, but you huge package!ve got a [Marshall tur ns around to see a hot girl n earby eye ing him and smilingfiendishly]Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M. [1.18] EditLittle girl: Do you have a fianc ? eLily : Marshall was here yesterday, they just learnedthe word fianc . eRobin : Oh no, I don ' t have a fianc e.Little girl: Then who do you live with?Rob in : Well, actually, I ' ve got five dogs.Little girl : Don ' t you get Ionely?Robin : No, I ' veivjotdogs.Little girl: My gran dma has five cats and she getsIon ely.Robin : Well, yeah, that ' s cats, I ' m not some pathetic catlady, not that your gran dmother is some pathetic cat lady -does anybodyelse have questions?Little boy: Are you a lesbia n?Robi n: NO, ARE Y OU? Jeez. [mumbles] Every woma nthat lives alone is not a lesbia n.Sandy Rivers: [to Robin] We should have sex.Robi n: What?Rivers : Why not? We ' re both available, we and even if you ' re not, don ' t worry. I ' II have a good time either way. Robin: Well, moving past the horrifying image of yourhair helmet cla nging aga inst the headboard, I don in volved with people I work with.Rivers: Get in volved? Who said get in volved? rm just say ing we should have sex. Having sex is fun! [he gives her his card and their n ews show starts] Phone nu mber, call me any time. [reads teleprompter] A lot of teams inacti on toni ght...Mary the Paralegal [1.19] EditBarney : [To Ted] Do you have some puritanical hang up on prostitution? Dude, it' s the world ' s oldestprofessi on.Marshall : Do you really think that ' s true?Barn ey: Oh yeah, I bet eve n Cro-Mag nons used to givecave hookers an extra fish for putting out.Marshall: Ah ha, so the oldest professi on would be fishermen. Kaboom! You ' ve been lawyered! re bothattractive, were both good at it. At least I m good a t getMary: You know that scene in Empire when they lower the helmet ontoDarth Vader's head? Do you thi nk that's how Sandy gets his hair on in the morning?Best Prom Ever [1.20] Edit[Lily is freak ing out because a New Jersey high school that has The 88for a prom band would n't let them in.She thinks Barney's ideas of sneaking in may the onlyway to see the ban d.]Ted : You're getting on board with Barney's idea. Man, you really have sn apped!Lily : It's nine weeks 'til the wedding. I'd say "yes" tojust about anything.Barney : [saunters to Lily] Well...Lily: No, Barney.Robin : [She and Lily come out in fancy dresses] All right, what do youthink?Barney: [Looks up] Horrible.Lily: You're gonna make such a great dad.Barn ey: You look so classy and ni ce, you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb. Have you see n how the kids are dressing these days, with theAshlee and the Lindsay and the Paris ? They all dress like strippers. It's, "Go ho or go home."Milk [1.21] EditWendy the Waitress: Be careful, the plate is very hot!Ted : Oh go on, touch it.s a hot Lily : [touches the plate] Ahh! Sweet damn, that ' plate![Lily admits to Ted about the arts program and how it could derail her and Marshall's wedd ing]Lily: There are certa in things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it is a mistake is to make that mistake and look back and say, "Y up, that was a mistake". So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because the n you'll go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And damn it, I made no mistakes. I've done allof this: my life, my relati on ship, my career mistakes-free. Does any ofthis make sense to you?Ted: I don't know, you said 'mistake' a lot.Come On [1.22] Edit[Ted and Barney are in a library trying to recruitBarn ey's friend Pen elope for a rain dan ce]Pen elope: Why the hell should I help you?Barney : Come on, I know it did n't work out betwee n us, but we did havea relati on ship.Pen elope: We had sex in your car twice and the n you dumped me. How is that a relati on ship?Barn ey: Twice!Pen elope: [loudly] Barn ey, there is no way I'm- [stude nt shushes her]Barn ey: Seriously, come on.Ted : Pen elope, I really n eed to make it rain this weeke nd.Pen elope: Why?Ted: There's this girlPen elope: Oh, there's this girl! You know the traditi onal rain dance is a sacred prayer to n ature. Idon't think the great spirit looks too kindly on white dudes who co-opt it to get laid.Ted: But this is the girl I love! If it does n't rain this weeke nd, she's gonna end up with the wrong guy! Pen elope: This wrong guy. Is he a huge jackass? Ted: Absolutely.Pen elope: Kinda like Barn ey?Ted: Kin da.Barn ey: Hey!Pen elope: You hit on my mom!Barn ey: We were n't exclusive!Pen elope: [To Ted] rm in.[Ted goes to Rob in's apartme nt after the rai ns beg in]Ted: Robi n! Hey! Robi n! Oh, tha nk God you're here!Robin : My camping trip got rained out!Ted: I know, I'm sorry.Robin: It's not your fault?Ted: Yeah, it is. Come dow n here.Robin: It's pouri ng! You come up!Ted: No, you have to come dow n here!Robi n: Why?Ted: Why? Because I MADE IT RAIN! That's what I did today! And that'seno ugh! I.. I've done my part, now get down here!Robin: rm not dressed, Ted! Now come up!Ted: I'm not coming up there, Robi n. I'm not.You have to come dow n here![Rob in con templates going outside, looks at the blueFrench horn Ted gave her, and decides to go outside. She ope ns her door to find Ted.]Robin: I was gonn a...Ted: I know. [Ted and Robin kiss]。
Ted's best friend. Marshall is married to Lily, with whom he has been in love since his freshman year of college, and they serve as an inspiration for Ted to find his true love. Marshall, like Ted, was born outside of New York, but considers the city his home.
We spend so much effort trying to keep parts of our lives hidden, even from our closest friends. But those scare times when we do open up, it's amazing how minor those secrets all end up seeming. 我们费尽心机想要守住的一些生活的小秘密,甚至是对最好的朋友。但在 那个奇妙的时刻,当我们揭开各自的秘密,才惊异的发现它们其实是那么 微不足道。
How I Meet Your Mother
The series revolves around Ted narrating the story of how he met his wife to his children.
While living in New York City and working as an architect, the narrative deals with his best friends, including the long-lasting couple Marshall Eriksen and Lily Aldrin; the eccentric, womanizer-playboy Barney
《老爸老妈浪漫史》DVD版不一样的结局(英语学习)《老爸老妈浪漫史》DVD版不一样的结局Fans who really wanted “How I Met Your Mother” to end a different way will get their wish on the show’s series DVD set.不满意《老爸老妈浪漫史》结局的粉丝们,现在又有一个新机会在《老爸老妈浪漫史》的DVD版本感受一个完全不同的结局了。
”If you didn’t like the finale, I guess that happens,” creator Carter Bays writes. “We tried something and it didn’t connect with you. I hope we’re still friends.”“如果你们不喜欢这个结局,我想可能还能补救,”制片人Carter Bays在Twitter上说。
”In late March, Bays writes, he and Thomas sat in an editing room “trying to decide between two very different endings.”在3月底,Bays曾经在Twitter上说,当时他和另一个制片人Thomas坐在编辑室里“想要在两个完全不同的结局中做出抉择”。
”We only shot one script, but through edit room magic we had two possible outcomes for the series. We chose the ending we chose and we stand by it. But we loved the other version too,” he says, so it’s going on the DVD box set (which, incidentally, is packaged to look like Barney’s Playbook).“我们只拍了其中的一个版本,不过通过神奇的剪辑,我们为这部剧做出了两个不同版本的结局。
HowIMetYourMother老爸老妈浪漫史1——8每集集名S01E01Pilot S02E01Where Were We?S03E01 S01E02Purple Giraffe S02E02The Scorpion and the Toad S03E02 S01E03Sweet Taste of Liberty S02E03Brunch S03E03 S01E04Return of the Shirt S02E04Ted Mosby: Architect S03E04 S01E05Okay Awesome S02E05World's Greatest Couple S03E05 S01E06Slutty Pumpkin S02E06Aldrin Justice S03E06 S01E07Matchmaker S02E07Swarley S03E07 S01E08The Duel S02E08Atlantic City S03E08 S01E09Belly Full of Turkey S02E09Slap Bet S03E09 S01E10The Pineapple Incident S02E10Single Stamina S03E10 S01E11The Limo S02E11How Lily Stole Christmas S03E11 S01E12The Wedding S02E12First Time in New York S03E12 S01E13Drumroll, Please S02E13Columns S03E13 S01E14Zip, Zip, Zip S02E14Monday Night Football S03E14 S01E15Game Night S02E15Lucky Penny S03E15 S01E16Cupcake S02E16Stuff S03E16 S01E17Life Among the Gorillas S02E17Arrivederci, Fiero S03E17S02E18Moving Day S03E18 S01E18Nothing Good Happens After 2S01E19Mary the Paralegal S02E19Bachelor Party S03E19 S01E20Best Prom Ever S02E20Showdown S03E20 S01E21Milk S02E21Something BorrowedS01E22Come On S02E22Something BlueS04E01Do I Know You?S05E01Definitions S06E01 S04E02The Best Burger in New YorkS05E02Double Date S06E02 S04E03I Heart NJ S05E03Robin 101S06E03 S04E04Intervention S05E04The Sexless Innkeeper S06E04 S04E05Shelter Island S05E05Duel Citizenship S06E05 S04E06Happily Ever After S05E06Bagpipes S06E06 S04E07Not a Father's Day S05E07The Rough Patch S06E07 S04E08Woooo!S05E08The Playbook S06E08S04E09The Naked Man S05E09Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of S06E09 S04E10The Fight S05E10The Window S06E10 S04E11Little Minnesota S05E11Last Cigarette Ever S06E11 S04E12Benefits S05E12Girls Versus Suits S06E12 S04E13Three Days of Snow S05E13Jenkins S06E13 S04E14The Possimpible S05E14Perfect Week S06E14 S04E15The Stinsons S05E15Rabbit or Duck S06E15 S04E16Sorry, Bro S05E16Hooked S06E16 S04E17The Front Porch S05E17Of Course S06E17 S04E18Old King Clancy S05E18Say Cheese S06E18 S04E19Murtaugh S05E19Zoo or False S06E19 S04E20Mosbius Designs S05E20Home Wreckers S06E20 S04E21The Three Days Rule S05E21Twin Beds S06E21 S04E22Right Place, Right Time S05E22Robots Versus Wrestlers S06E22 S04E23As Fast as She Can S05E23The Wedding Bride S06E23 S04E24The Leap S05E24Doppelgangers S06E24 S07E01The Best Man S08E01Farhampton S09E01 S07E02The Naked Truth S08E02The Pre-Nup S09E02 S07E03Ducky Tie S08E03Nannies S09E03 S07E04The Stinson Missile Crisis S08E04Who Wants to Be a Godparen S09E04 S07E05Field Trip S08E05The Autumn of Break-Ups S09E05 S07E06Mystery vs. History S08E06Splitsville S09E06 S07E07Noretta S08E07The Stamp Tramp S09E07 S07E08The Slutty Pumpkin Returns S08E08Twelve Horny Women S09E08 S07E09Disaster Averted S08E09Lobster Crawl S09E09 S07E10Tick, Tick, Tick...S08E10The Over-Correction S09E10 S07E11The Rebound Girl S08E11The Final Page S09E11 S07E12Symphony of Illumination S08E12The Final Page S09E12 S07E13Tailgate S08E13Band or DJ?S09E13 S07E1446 Minutes S08E14Ring Up!S09E14 S07E15The Burning Beekeeper S08E15P.S. I Love You S09E15 S07E16The Drunk Train S08E16Bad Crazy S09E16 S07E17No Pressure S08E17The Ashtray S09E17 S07E18Karma S08E18Weekend at Barney's S09E18S07E19The Broath S08E19The Fortress S09E19 S07E20Trilogy Time S08E20The Time Travelers S09E20 S07E21Now We're Even S08E21Romeward Bound S09E21 S07E22Good Crazy S08E22The Bro Mitzvah S09E22 S07E23The Magician's Code S08E23Something Old S09E23 S07E24The Magician's Code S08E24Something New S09E24Wait for ItWe're Not from HereThird WheelLittle BoysHow I Met Everyone ElseI'm Not That Guy DowisetreplaSpoiler AlertSlapsgivingThe YipsThe Platinum RuleNo TomorrowTen SessionsThe BracketThe Chain of Screaming Sandcastles in the Sand The GoatRebound BroEverything Must Go MiraclesBig DaysCleaning HouseUnfinishedSubway WarsArchitect of Destruction Baby TalkCanning RandyNatural HistoryGlitterBlitzgivingThe Mermaid TheoryFalse PositiveBad NewsLast WordsOh HoneyDesperation DayGarbage IslandA Change of Heart LegendaddyThe Exploding Meatball Sub Hopeless The Perfect Cocktail Landmarks Challenge Accepted。
HIMYM S02E16孩子们维持良好关系关键是要懂得交流Kids,the key to a good relationship is communication.-你得懂得去说-去咪咪饭店吃饭怎么样?-You need to talk.-How about Mimi's?我不太想去那吃Nah,I don't really feel like Mimi's.我饿了我们找个地方去吃点东西Well,I'm hungry.Let's just pick a place and go.去森雅斯怎么样?Oh,you know where we should go?Cynthia's.你很喜欢那里记得我们在那里度过的美好时光?You love that place--remember what a great time we had上一次在那里的时候the last time we were there?我们?-是啊-We did?-Yeah,yeah.有个有趣的服务生不停的说"你们两个应该结婚"We had that crazy waiter who kept going,"You two should get married!"你们两个应该结婚"You two should get married!"知道什么时候应该闭嘴也很重要It's also important to know when to stop talking.想起了吗?然后我们就走到了外面外面正在下雨Come on.Then we stepped outside.It was raining.很浪漫?It was so romantic?你怎么能够把这些忘了?How can you not remember this?因为和你一起去的那个人不是我Because it wasn't me.对...对...Oh,right!那个人是...It was...我妹妹my sister.你们知道20多岁最难忘的就是You see,by the time you've hit your late20s,和好多人曾经约会过you've dated a few people,但是当你正在和一个人谈恋爱时but when you're in a relationship,it's common courtesy to pretend最好装作你毫无恋爱经验that you haven't.在播范海辛Oh,my God,Van Helsing is on.记得我们一起看过这部片子?Remember when we went to see it?我们是坐在后排看的We sat in the back row.我从来没有看过范海辛I've never seen Van Helsing.想起来了是和我妹妹一起去看的That's right.I saw it with my sister.我老板刚刚从毛伊岛回来My boss just got back from Maui.他说那里很浪漫He said it was really romantic.那里是不错Oh,it's so romantic.你什么时候去过毛伊岛?When were you in Maui?-我是和...我妹妹一起的-和我妹妹-I...went...with my sister.-With my sister.你为什么总是说和你妹妹一起?Why do you always say that?我们都是成年人了和别人约会过是很正常的事情Look,we're not16.We've both dated other people.你为什么总要装作没有过?It's silly to try to act like we didn't.你说得对You're right.我不应该撒谎We should just be honest.完全不应该!Totally.看见坐在那里的女孩了?See that girl over there?三年前我曾经追过她Three years ago,I totally made out with her.我不想听这个I don't want to hear that.-什么?你说过...-你这个人毫不知趣-What?You said...-God,that is so insensitive.-你说过要诚实-你这个混蛋-Remember honesty...?-You're a jerk!你...Well,you're...真让人捉摸不透confusing.如果你不得不和某人上床Okay,so you have to have sex with one.你是选择人脸鱼身的古典美人鱼Either classic mermaid;bottom half fish,top half human,还是鱼脸人身的美人鱼?or inverted mermaid,top half fish,bottom half human.快说Go!我不知道她胖吗?I don't know.Is she fat?美人鱼毕竟是鱼当然丰满了Yeah,but it's a fish,so it's the good kind of fat.最新消息Hot off the presses!我不要广告宣传单I-I don't take flyers.你只要一会就走到那里了You took one two seconds before you walked in here.那不一样我去看脱衣服走得通常很快That's different.It was for a strip club.如同装了一对翅膀Two bucks off wings.你宣传单上的演出有那么吸引我?How much is your flyer going to save me on wings?这是关于我演出的宣传单Fine.It's a flyer from my play.莉莉我很想去但是我们已经不是学生时代了Oh,Lily,I'd love to,but we're not in college我不会和你上床的and I'm not trying to sleep with you.-所以无论如何这条美人鱼...-莉莉的朋友邀请她参加演出-So anyway,this mermaid...-Hey,Lily's friend asked her演出会很精彩to be in this play,and it's gonna be really good.莉莉我很仰慕你但是我们都过了这个年龄了Lily,I love you,but we're too old for this.让别人去看你的演出Asking someone to come see your play就如同让别人开车送你去机场is like asking someone for a ride to the airport或是让他抱你到沙发上或让他帮你搬家or to crash on your couch or to help you move.叫个司机订个房间雇些搬运工跟着我说Call a cab,book a room,再雇些搬运工跟在我后面不停的说hire some movers and repeat after me:"朋友不会强迫他朋友去看糟糕表演的"Friends don't let friends come see their crappy play.首先我会考虑选择鱼面人身美人鱼Okay,first of all,I've thought about it and top half fish.第二需要你们帮我和罗宾决定一件事情Second of all,we need you guys to decide something for us.是的你们应该分手Yes,you should break up.今晚发生了件事情So,earlier tonight...我看我们应该去酒吧了Mm,we should get down to the bar.我知道I know we should,但你穿着我的红色运动服好性感but you just look so sexy in my red sweatshirt.干吗说这个?Oh,God,why is this part of the story?故事还没有完We're getting to it.该死的我的脸好干这里有润肤露?Damn,my face is so dry.Is there any moisturizer around here?卫生间里应该有Yeah,there's some in the bathroom.去拿润肤露Got to moisturize!让那俊俏的小脸更加滋润Got to keep that pretty face moist.不...不...不!Oh,no,no,no,no,no,no!-她怎么了?-她讨厌那个词-What's wrong with her?-She hates that word.-哪个词?'湿润'?-快给我闭嘴!-What word,"moist"?-No!Seriously,stop!然后泰德去卫生间里给我拿...So,anyway,Ted goes into the bathroom to get the moist...润肤露...face lotion...这东西不错Wow,this is great stuff.我知道你皮肤好的秘诀了Now I know the secret to your great complexion.你在说什么?这润肤露是你的What are you talking about?It's yours.不不是我的No,it's not.那可能是莉莉的Oh,well...then I guess it's Lily's.也不是我的No,it's not.润肤露究竟是谁的?Whose moisturizer is this,Ted?是我妹妹的...Um,my sister's.换句话说它是和你约会的某个女生的So,in other words,some girl you went out with.啊...我爱你亲爱的Um...I love you.真恶心!你竟然让我用你前任女友的润肤露Disgusting.You let me put on the same moisturizer as one of your exes?可能是卡尔的她的皮肤很糟糕It was probably Carla's.Her face was a train wreck.泰德又不是和她的脸约会I'm don't think Ted was dating her for her face.多谢马修Thank you,Marshall.十分感谢Thank you so much.为什么它还在你的屋子里?Why is that still in your apartment?我不知道啊可能是我从来没有把它扔掉I don't know.I just never threw it out.为什么不扔掉?你对她还念念不忘?Well,why not?Do you still have feelings for this girl?是的我疯狂的爱着她Yeah.I'm madly in love with her,而且我唯一可以做的and the only way I can deal with it就是寄情于一只3美元的润肤露is by holding onto a three-dollar tube of lotion.美元!怎么不说是14美元!Not three dollars!Try14.你干吗这么生气?Why is this such a big deal?因为我不想用妓女的润肤露!Because I don't want to use some whore's moisturizer!她不是妓女Whoa,she wasn't a whore.如果一个女人用过的润肤露满城都能找到Well,she's leaving expensive lotions all over town.对于我来说她就是妓女It sounds like a whore to me.你还留着前任女友的其他什么东西?What else do you have from old girlfriends just lying around?没有了就这个Nothing.That's it.除了那个电话亭Well,except for the phone booth.桌子旁边的灯And the lamp by the desk...还有...and the...不...No.不...不...不!泰德No!No!Oh,Ted!还是个老问题Ah,the age-old question:一旦你和某人分手你该如何处理那些东西after you break up with someone,what do you do with the stuff?问题?那不应该是问题Question?Ain't no question,girl.很显然他应该把那些都扔了Obviously,he's got to get rid of it.那显然很疯狂而且我显然不会那么做Which is obviously crazy and obviously,I'm not gonna do it.所以我们同意让你们帮我们拿主意So we agreed that we would let you guys decide.就像我们处理马修的裤子那样Yeah,like we did with Marshall's pants.年轰动的案例莉莉对决乔伊·布塔弗科裤子Ah,the2005landmark case of Lily v.The Joey Buttafuoco Pants.不错是吧?Nice,right?我觉得不怎么好I'm gonna have to say no.我可不会让一个16岁的女孩爱上你I don't want some16-year-old girl falling in love with you让莉莉伤心and then shooting Lily in the face.太好了Yes!我认为那女生会和他在一起I vote they can stay.因为穿着迷彩服去结账是很少见的"Check out the jackass in the parachute pants"is a good icebreaker.泰德T ed.泰德泰德你说说看Ted?Ted?不好意思我也觉得不行Sorry,buddy,it's a"no"for me,too.顺便说一下贝尔声称Oh,and by the way,Bel Biv Devoe called.他们也不会如此打扮了Even they don't want those pants back.它们穿起来很舒服They were insanely comfortable!就像可以穿出门的睡衣They were like pajamas you could wear outside.这些都过去了Marshall,it's over.我们甚至还帮你瞧了瞧配上军靴还是不好看We even gave you an appeal and they didn't look any better with combat boots.外面听听他们的争论泰德你先说All right,well,let's hear the arguments.Ted,you go first.我还留着前任女友的东西不值得大惊小怪Okay.The fact that I still have things from ex-girlfriends is no big deal.我的意思是说当我看到钢琴上的电话亭时I mean,when I see the phone booth on the piano,我并没有想到吉莉I don't think of Jeannie Radford,想到的是在欧洲旅游时候的快乐时光I think of the good times I had backpacking through Europe.当我看到台灯时我没有想到爱丽舍And when I see the lamp,I don't think of Allison Moses.我想到大学毕业后我穷困潦倒的时候I remember when I was broke,just out of college,我需要一盏台灯and I really needed a lamp.当我看到抱枕时我没有想到劳恩And when I see that throw pillow,I don't think of Lauren Stein.我想到的是上面那桔红色污点以及是如何弄上去的I think of that weird orange-brown stain and how it got there.都是些意外之财Creamsicle and turkey gravy,不同时候的意外之财not at the same time.不错那些是很可爱Well,that's adorable,但是从现在起当我走进公寓我看到的是...but from now on,when I walk into the apartment,here is what I will see.我是泰德的大学女友他曾经给我做了12盘混音磁带I'm Ted's college girlfriend.He made me12mix tapes.他给你做过多少?How many has he made you?他叫你'甜心派'?He calls you"sweetie pie"?他就是这么叫我的He called me"sweetie pie."我不聪明但是我的胸部比你大I'm stupid,but my rack is bigger than yours.真的?你不能这么下结论Really?You can't look at a pillow仅仅看到一个抱枕而没有看到真人那只是抱枕!without seeing my ex-girlfriend--a pillow!事实是那个抱枕很恶心!Yes,Ted,the fact that you still have that pillow is creepy and gross.-你才恶心!-你妈才恶心!-You're creepy and gross.-Your mom's creepy and gross.肃静!肃静!Order!Order!我站在罗宾这边I got to side with Robin.她现在是你的女友她觉得不爽的东西你就应该扔了She's your girlfriend,and if the stuff upsets her,you got to get rid of it.我支持泰德I've got to side with Ted.留着前任女友的东西Just'cause you still have something an ex-girlfriend gave you并不意味着你还想着她doesn't mean you're holding onto her.好了巴尼All right,Barney.该你说了It all comes down to you.-我支持罗宾-什么?-I side with Robin.-What?你那地方太乱了Ted,your place is too cluttered.和住在本尼根餐厅差不了多少It's like you're living in a Bennigan's.或者在丹比店里Or a Danby's.什么?美国没有丹比吗?What,they don't have Danby's in the US?真的?Really?那你们吃过掌印冰淇淋三明治吗?Well,then were do you get Grizzly Paw ice cream sandwiches?别说了亲爱的Just stop,sweetie.我别无他法So I had no choice.只得把我前任女友的所有东西打包I packed up everything I had gotten from ex-girlfriends.万分痛苦It was painful,但那晚更痛苦but not as painful as what I had to endure later that night.纽约以戏剧而出名New York is famous for its theater,但是戏剧水平也是分档次的but there's many different levels.那里有百老汇级别的There's Broadway,稍次于百老汇的off-Broadway,比百老汇差多了的off-off-Broadway,无家可归的人在公园里尖叫homeless people screaming in the park,紧接着就轮到莉莉的表演and then below that,the play Aunt Lily was in.八楼Eight flights,of stairs.什么剧院会建在八楼?Who puts a theater up eight flights of stairs?这是个什么建筑?What kind of building is this?闻这味道估计以前是个工厂From the smell of it,I'm guessing a urine factory.我们该坐哪?Where do you guys want to sit?我知道我不想坐哪I know where I don't want to sit.这里有四个连一起的位置Guys,four together!我带了个口袋以防看得会吐了I brought a bag in case anyone needs to puke.快点我看没那么糟吧Come on.It's not gonna be that bad.没那么糟?好吧就当我没说No?Okay.我..是...愤怒I...am...Rage!我...是...贪婪I...am Greed.我是愤怒...不是嫉妒I am Rage...Envy!我想走了I am outta here.不行你得留下来No,you're not.You have to stay.这是物欲的嘴脸This is the face of Consumerism!泰德也成戏中的角色了Oh,my God.Ted's part of the play.你们好贪婪愤怒...Hello,Greed,Rage...嫉妒...Envy...还有物欲and Consumerism.我..是你们的父亲...I...am your father...美国!America!亲爱的你演得太棒了Oh,baby,that was wonderful!我完全没有料到贪婪是凶手Totally,I had no idea Greed was the killer.当我参加表演And when it became a play within a play,我会像这样'现在我们都醉了'I was,like,"Now we are really cookin'!"你们演得太差劲了!Wow,Lily,that sucked!巴尼!Barney!怎么了?是很糟糕啊What?It was terrible.我的意思是...伙计们你们都同意我说的是吗?I mean,come on.You guys agree,right?不好意思我一向很坦白'因为我们是朋友'Hey,sorry,I'm just being honest'cause,you know,we're friends.朋友应该让别人开心No,friends make each other feel good.他们站在背后支持着朋友They build each other up and support them.这才是朋友该做的!That's what being a good friend is about.如果你是蓝精灵我会那么做Yeah,if you're a Smurf.如果你表演我会一直坐在那里看You know if you did a play,I would sit through the whole thing而且看完也不会抱怨什么and I would compliment you on it afterwards.真的吗?你真的会那样?Oh,really?You would?当然Yes.真是让人感动Bad move,Aldrin,bad move.五分钟后将在这里进行导演观众见面会We'll be starting our Q&A with the director--你们真诚的...yours truly--in five minutes right here.你能想像刚才巴尼说的那些话Can you believe Barney said that about Lily's play?那家伙说话不经大脑思考I know.He can be really insensitive.他说的那话很糟糕It was pretty bad,though.是的糟糕透了Oh,my God,it was so bad.你家遭打劫了?Oh,my God,you've been robbed!不是!Nope.你把前任女友送的东西都丢了?All that stuff was from old girlfriends?你都不帮自己买东西的?Don't you buy anything for yourself?该怎么说呢...What can I say?那些东西都是可有可无的Papa gets swag.这个故事本该结束了但是第二天...And that should've been the end of it.But the next day...刚扔掉我的那些东西时我很伤心...You know,at first I was really bummed about getting rid of all my stuff.但是看到你很开心我就觉得很值But seeing how happy it makes you--totally worth it.我明白你的感受Mm,that's kind of how I feel when I begrudgingly have sex with you就像我很累却要勉强做爱时的那样when I'm really tired.完全正确有时候为了大家应该要妥协Exactly.Sometimes you gotta take one for the team.坐下坐下Well,sit.Sit,yeah.你有你前任男友留下的东西?So you never keep anything your ex-boyfriends gave you?没有N ope.除了我的小狗Well,except for my dogs.我丢弃了所有以前女友送我的东西So I had to get rid of everything from my past relationships是因为你没有那些东西because you don't keep things from your past relationships这5只小狗是从哪里来的?except,uh,where are your five dogs from?Oh,that's right:是你前男友们送的your past relationships.泰德你究竟想说什么?What's your point,Ted?你说你到我公寓来Well,you know how you said you come over to my apartment,不管看到什么都如同看到我前任女友...and all you can see are my ex-girlfriends?你的意思就是说看见我的小狗就如同看到了我前任男友? What,so when you look at my dogs,all you see is my ex-boyfriends?现在的确如此I do now.真是荒谬That's ridiculous.我记得你说过你丢了前任男友送你的所有东西!I thought you said you got rid of everything your ex-boyfriends gave you.是的除了小狗Well,yeah,but not my dogs.你说的是所有东西You said everything.生物除外But not living things.但是我把别人送的仙人掌也扔掉了Well,tell that to the rare Bolivian cactus I threw away.那是植物没有心脏的不包括在内Things with a heartbeat can stay.你很开心是吧?Enjoying this?皮卡去捡你的球Pickles,go get your ball.快去Go get your ball.认了吧你有点自私Just admit it.It was a little hypocritical of you让我扔掉那些东西to make me get rid of all my stuff.好吧你想让我怎么做?扔掉我的小狗?Well,what do you want me to do,Ted?Get rid of my dogs?我们的位子是不可取代的Guess what position we did it in.是的我想让你扔了这些狗Yes.Yes,I want you to get rid of your dogs.不Um,no.当真?如果让大伙来决定的话Really?Well,I say we take it to the group,我觉得他们不会站在你这边的but I don't like your chances.她不能扔了她的狗She's not getting rid of the dogs.你怎么了?What's the matter with you?-换成我也不会扔-的确是这样-Even I wouldn't do that.-Yes!你可以要求别人扔了蜥蜴如果它们爬进你头发里You can ask somebody to get rid of their iguana after it poops in your hair,但不能要求扔了他们的狗but not their dog.我开始想念占比第恩了I miss Jebediah.我差点忘了Oh,I almost forgot.我演出的广告宣传单Flyers for my new play.真有趣Very funny.我不是开玩笑Oh,it's not a joke.这是我个人表演的首场演出It's my one-man show premiering tomorrow night.虽然演出很烂而且时间会很长And even though it's terrible and excruciatingly long,我们是好朋友我希望你们都去I expect you all to be there since we're such good friends.我们会去的Oh,we'll be there.除非你们承认不是...Unless,of course,you just want to admit that you were wrong...不会的太好了-Never.-Good.就这样我去彩排了Okay,I gotta go rehearse.忘了提醒你们要带雨衣Oh,I almost forgot.Bring a poncho;坐在前三排会被淋湿的the first three rows get wet.我很抱歉没有告诉你狗是哪里来的I'm sorry I didn't tell you where the dogs came from.我很抱歉让你把它们扔了I'm sorry I asked you to get rid of them.有点不可思议That was ridiculous.这么说我们扯平了So we're-we're okay?是的扯平了Yeah,we're great.尽管我那么认为And I thought we were,但是如同莉莉戏里第七幕演的那样but just as it did in the seventh act of Aunt Lily's play,我还是满怀妒忌Jealousy reared its ugly head.真舒服Oh,yeah,that's the spot.让开我要撒尿Dude,I gotta pee.我走了I gotta go.他真的不喜欢那些狗是吗?Oh,he's really having trouble dealing with this,huh?他真的很不喜欢Yeah,he really is.或许我应该把它们扔了It's got me thinking,maybe I should get rid of my dogs.或许把它们送到农场去Might be time to send them to the farm.-你打算宰了它们?-不是不是-You're gonna kill your dogs?!-No!No,no,no,我阿姨有个农场there really is a farm.在郊区My aunt has a farm upstate.谢天谢地Oh,thank God.你知道的如果我是那5只狗Aw,you know,if I were five dogs,我宁可住在农场而不是市区的公寓里I'd rather live on a farm than in an apartment in Brooklyn.我可以周末去看它们Yeah.I could visit them on weekends.我阿姨孤孤单单住在农场而且她很喜欢狗My aunt is awfully lonely up there.It's just her and her lover,Betty.那太好了他们喜欢小狗Oh,that's perfect.They love dogs.他们?你'他们'是什么意思?"They"?What do you mean by"they"?嗯...嗯...郊区的人...Uh...uh....uh...People upstate.演出开始了Oh,look,it's starting.Shh!你肯定你还好?Are you sure you're gonna be okay?我的意思是你知道演出会...I mean,you know that this is gonna be...但是我会坚持看下去的I know,but I'm gonna sit through the whole thing,而且我打算表演结束后说些好听的and I'm gonna say something nice about it afterwards.你知道为什么?You know why?因为这是朋友应该做的Because that's what friends do.潮湿Moist.潮湿M oist.潮湿Moist.潮湿Moist.演出前40分钟都是在说这词That was the first40minutes of Barney's show.潮湿Moist.然后我们忍受了20分钟的这个And then we endured about20minutes of this.我得去加水了I have to go refill.一会就回来I'll be back in a moment.表演还没有结束Play's not over.从来没有选过我参与演出I never get picked for audience participation.它变得更加诡异And then it just got weird.感受Feelings.内心的感受Inside.哦不Oh,no!当那个不奏效时And when that didn't work...停下!Okay!Stop!你赢了行吧You win.Fine.很抱歉让你去看我的表演Barney,I'm sorry I made you come to my show.谢谢莉莉Thank you,Lily.关于我的演出你还想说点什么?Is there anything you'd like to say about my show?无话可说No.对于你的表演我没有什么好话可说的No,I have nothing nice to say about your show.你是对的巴尼You were right,Barney.我们去酒吧Let's go to the bar.太棒了我赢了Yes!I win!我喜欢胜利I love winning!哦莉莉哦莉莉莉莉Oh,Lily.Oh,Lily,Lily,Lily.伙计们我刚才只是热身I was just getting warmed up,man!如果你们对演出第二部分有任何意见...If you had any idea what was coming up in act two...oh!我猜那会很糟的我们走Well,I imagine it was pretty awful,so let's go.很糟?很糟?糟糕的事情才刚刚开始Pretty awful?Pretty awful?!It was a masterpiece of awful.只有天才才能演得这么糟!我希望你们继续看下去It's genius how bad it is.I kind of wish you guys could see it.无论如何你说的都是对的Yeah,well,anyway.第二部分我弄伤了我的腿Act two is where I really hit my stride.扰流器改变了方向:机器人坠入爱河Spoiler alert:the robot falls in love.你看这样如何?我呆在这里How about this,Barney?How about we stay看完你剩下的演出?and-and watch the rest of your show?你会很痛苦的It's your funeral.五六一二Five,six,one,two.所以我们又被折磨了一个半小时So we stayed and let Barney torture us for another hour and a half,之所以会这样很显然因为我们是朋友'cause that's what friends do,apparently.你去哪儿了?我刚才打电话给你了Hey.Where've you been?I called you earlier.我把狗送到我阿姨那里去了I gave my dogs away to my aunt.什么?You what?前段时间是磨合期但是...Yeah.Just for a few months as a test run,but...我认为还是把它们送走为好I think it's for the best.啊!Wow.真是想不到亲爱的Oh,man.我们进屋吧?Can we go inside?啊不!我们还是去酒吧好了Uh,no.Uh,let's go to the bar.怎么了?里面发生什么了?Why?What's going on inside?-地板没了-什么?-Um,the floors are gone.-What?我把它们送去修了Yeah.I-I sent them out to get,um,fixed.我撒了谎我放弃This is a terrible lie.I'm just going to bail.我不知道你把狗送走了!I didn't know you were getting rid of the dogs!你说过你把那些东西都扔了的!You said you threw all that stuff away!这是我和罗宾经历的最糟糕的事情Kids,this was the worst fight Robin and I ever had.也是能够持续数小时的战争之一It was one of those fights that last for hours我们头脑发晕到后来甚至不知道两个人在吵什么and you start to get woozy and lose track of what you're fighting about.我们吵了很久窗外的季节都变了We fought for so long,seasons changed outside the window.日历不停翻页真是疯狂Pages of the calendar blew off.It was crazy.但是最后我不得不告诉你我的生活如何But,ultimately,and I couldn't tell you how for the life of me,以及为什么会变成这样but somehow we got to here.我们真要这么做吗?We're really doing this?是的Yeah.-我们搬到一块住了-我们搬到一块住了-We're moving in together!-We're moving in together!机器人觅得了爱情The robot found love系统识别错误Confusing my circuitry我的系统出现故障My software's been hacked吐司烘箱Toaster oven是为我准备的You're the one for me二三四Two,three,four.解决问题That's two.。
老爸老妈浪漫史英文字幕English:"Mom and dad's romantic history dates back to their college days, where they first met during a summer internship abroad. Their initial attraction blossomed into a deep and enduring love that has withstood the test of time. From handwritten love letters to surprise weekend getaways, they have always made an effort to keep the romance alive in their relationship. Despite the challenges and responsibilities of raising a family, they have continued to prioritize their bond and make time for each other. Their unwavering commitment to each other serves as a powerful example for their children and grandchildren, demonstrating the true meaning of love and partnership."中文翻译:"爸爸和妈妈的浪漫故事可以追溯到他们大学时代,当时他们在海外的一个暑期实习中第一次相遇。
“我是如何遇见你妈的”百度网盘搜索/《老爸老妈浪漫史》的英文剧名How I Met Your Mother,直译过来是“我是如何遇见你妈的”―听着有点像一句骂人话。
单词速记第58课 英语爸妈的恋爱史(下)
Holy Bible圣经
中世纪(Middle Ages)/(黑暗时代)Dark Ages
【父亲】希腊语拉丁语 【母亲】盎格鲁撒克逊语
我一直力求最大程度,同时简单,轻松地还原复杂的英语历 史,及每一个单词的来源。从而让大家能够更好地理解英语, 理解单词,理解西方文化。未严格遵照学术研究的地方请见 谅!谢谢每一位同学的支持,让我能把这份美好事业继续下 去!
1066年,诺曼征服(Norman Conquest)
north man
民族:日耳曼人 语言:法语(拉丁语希腊语的儿子)
1066年,诺曼征服(Norman Conquest)
north man
第二次约会 相知
盎格鲁撒克逊现语代英语 希腊语和拉丁语
A英国主体民族盎格鲁撒克逊人 入侵英国,并把自己的语言带到 英国
A一群说着法语的日 耳曼人入侵英国,把 法语(拉丁语希腊语 的儿子)带到英国
A复兴古希腊罗马文 化,从而大量希腊拉 丁词汇涌入英语中
B拉丁语希腊语和盎格鲁撒克逊 语发生一定程度的融合,不过与 我们现发生进 一步的,深度的融合
• Kids, I'm going to tell you an incredible story. • incredible = vegood, and then uncle Marshal went to screw the whole thing up. • screw up = make a mess of sth. • 把(某事)弄糟、搞砸
• Here Uncle Marshall was taking the biggest step of his life. • 马修叔叔正跨出他人生中最大的一步(向Lily 求婚)。
• Marshal was in the second year of law school, so he was pretty good at thinking on his feet. • thinking on one’s feet = have answers ready and can express them quickly and clearly • 思考和决断敏捷,随机应变
How I met your mother
S01 E01
• • • • • • • • screw up think on one's feet freak out settle down pansy = gay chicken out psycho signal • • • • • • • • 把事情搞砸、弄糟 思维敏捷 害怕 安定下来(如结婚、定居等) 娘娘腔、同性恋男子 因胆小而退缩 神经病 暗号、暗示
• Why am I freaking out all of a sudden. This is crazy. I'm not ready to get settled down.
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This is their proposal
• Barney works in a large company , and his work is very mysterious,. He believes that having a long relationship with a woman is extremely disgusting, so he never get in a long relationship and he has as many as more than 200 playmates. He met TED in the pub
• 马修 Marshall Eriksen
• 莉莉 Lily Aldrin
杰森· 席格尔/Jason Segel)
艾丽森· 汉尼根/Alyson Hannigan) Nhomakorabea•
The story begins in 2005, Ted is a 27 -year old and single architect, lived with two friends in the University; Marshall is a lawschool student, Lily is a kindergarten teacher, they fall in love for 9 years. Marshall asked lily to marry him, and their engagement made ted want to find his soul mate.
• •
Although they have different ideas, they start dating at the end of the first season.And then broke up at the end of the second season. At the same time, Lily decided to go to San Francisco for her painting dream, and her relationship with marshall came to an end.
• But after a lot of things,lily came back ,and they found they still love eachother and want to get married.
At the same time, Barney fell in love with Robin, they started dating in season4, then broke up in season5, and date again in the season6 and get marriage. Ted still love with Robin,but he chose to move on because Banney is his best friend
• At the wedding of Barney and Robin, Ted met his soul mate, who had same strange hobby, like kids,.They are perfect for each other, then they got married and lived a happy life
How I met you mother!
• It is an American comedy .It tells the story of 5 young people. The show uses a new way to tell the story. let TED,the hero, tells his two children how he met their mother .
• In addition to love, this drama also tells the dream, Ted is an architect, his dream is to build a building in New York his own, he tried a lot. He failed many times, but he never gave up. In the end, he succeeded. It makes me feel very touched .We should be passionate about our dreams as he is
• Ted stole the trumpet for the first time
• I think this ending is reasonable because just like he said in season1 “I don’t want perfect ,I want robin.”
• This is a very long story, it tells not only love, but also dream, and friendship.This is my favorite TV drama , If there is a chance, I hope you can watch it ,too
New way
• 泰德 Ted Mosby
• 罗宾 Robin Scherbatsky Smulders • 巴尼 Barney Stinson Patrick Harris) 乔什· 拉德诺/Josh Radnor 寇碧· 史莫德斯/Cobie 尼尔· 帕特里克· 哈里斯/Neil
Ted began to find his solemate.Then he met Robin, a young reporter from Canada, and fell in love quickly, but the first day of they met ,he said to Robin that "I love you" and it scared Robin. Because Unlike Ted, Robin doesn't want to get marrige and doesn’t like kids , the ideas of two people have many differences, so they decided to be friends. Robin is not the mother of the children, he called Robin " Aunt Robin" in front of his children. It shows the end.
•Thank you for watching
• Many people hope the story ends here, but Barney and Robin finally divorced , Ted’s solemate died of illness, The director didn't mention her name in the whole story. Ted and Robin was fall in love again at the age of 50, he stole the same trumpet for her as he did when he first met her.