又一部精彩的韩国电影 老千3
她这辈子从粮食局退休以后,就明白自己的人生从未真正的活过,就像惠特曼的诗歌说的:I wanted to live deepand suck out all the marrow of life,and not when I had come to die,discover that I had not lived.直到开始跳舞。
|| Never Make Somebody Your Everything, cause when they're gone, you've got nothing。
How wonderful life is,Now you're in the world
How wonderful life is,Now you're in the world两年前,一位朋友携我同看电影《红磨坊》(THE MOULIN ROUGE),此友英文很好,常向我灌输一些日常用语。
影毕,自然要交流些观后感,我的朋友对这部音乐剧中的一句歌词大加赞赏:“How wonderful life is,Now you're in the world(因为有了你,世界变得美丽).”他认为在英文里这是一句非常美的语言,只有面对一生最珍爱的人才可以讲出来,并希望我能记住它,以便今后有机会应用。
暗自衬度,这样辛酸肉麻的话怎么能在现实中为交流所用?已会察颜观色的朋友见我是不肯学这句了,便又隆重推出了片中的另一句经典:“Diamonds are a girl's best friend(钻石是女人唯一的朋友)!”伴着开怀大笑,我即刻点头把这句铭记于心。
再次读到那位朋友曾教我念的两句英文,我问了自己当时为什么会有这样的选择,是因这句“How wonderful life is,Now you're in the world”太美而吓倒了我吗?曾经处在痛苦之中的我,生活是向内发展的,才会对周围的事物漠不关心,进一步变成了自私、没有责任心。
la califfa 歌曲的中文
一、la califfa 歌曲的背景介绍la califfa(意为“哈里发的妻子”)是意大利著名音乐家恩尼奥·莫里科内的代表作之一。
la califfa的美妙旋律和动人歌词使其成为了意大利音乐史上的经典之作。
二、la califfa 歌曲的中文翻译及歌词解读la califfa这首歌曲的中文翻译为《卡里法》,歌曲的中文歌词流畅优美,表达了对爱情的深情眷恋和对美好生活的向往。
三、la califfa 歌曲的艺术价值作为恩尼奥·莫里科内的代表作之一,la califfa在音乐上融合了古典和流行的元素,旋律优美动人,让人回味无穷。
在歌词上, la califfa 表达了对爱情和生活的追求,歌曲中的情感让人感受到激动和心动。
四、la califfa 歌曲的影响和传播la califfa 作为意大利音乐史上的经典之作,深受广大音乐爱好者的喜爱。
尤其是在我国,la califfa 通过各种形式的表演和演唱,深受广大观众的欢迎和喜爱,被誉为最具有东方韵味的西方音乐作品之一。
五、la califfa 歌曲的美学观赏价值la califfa 的美学观赏价值主要体现在其音乐、歌词和意境上。
从音乐上来看,la califfa 的旋律优美动人,和弗朗哥·弗朗切斯科利高亢悦耳的男高音相得益彰,成为真正的经典之作。
从歌词上来看,la califfa表达了对爱情和生活的追求,字里行间洋溢着浓浓的浪漫情感。
从意境上来看,la califfa 带给人一种如诗如画的意境,让人置身其中流连忘返。
好 莱坞 电影
【 摘
曲做 一 些 分 析 和 探 索
红 磨 坊》 中 的 歌 曲 分析
要 】 《红磨坊 》 是 一 部成 功 的 电 影
也 是 一部 具 有 自 己 特色 的歌舞 电 影
尤其是歌 曲 的 选用
很有 风 格
本 文就是 围 绕着 电影 中 的歌
【 关 键 词 】 《红磨坊 》 ; 歌 曲特征 ; 文 化 意 义 [ 作者 简介 ] 宋 红 柳 ( 1 9 了2 ) 女 新疆石 河 子大学文学 艺 术 学 院
, ,
研究 方 向
音 乐 学 音 乐 教育 声 乐 教育
鲁赫 曼 执 导 的 美 国 好 莱 坞 n 尺o u g e 》 《红 》 《 M o 电 ( ) 作 为一 部歌 舞 电 歌舞 影 磨坊 l u i 乐 和 曲 己 色 它 不像 一 般的 音 乐 影 其 中的 音 歌 有 自 独特 的特 电影 或歌舞 电 影 原 创歌 曲较 多 而 是 大 量 选 用 7 0 8 0 9 0 到 现 在 的流行 歌 曲 而 且 选 用 的风 格 的多样 化 以 摇 滚 为 主 还 有 一 般风 格 歌 曲 爵 士 甚 至 印 度歌 曲 免色 的歌 曲 主要 由 女 主免妮 可 基德 曼 和 男 主 免 伊 万 麦 戈雷 格 自 己 演绎 一 电 影歌 曲 的 选 用 与 分析 ( 一 ! 老 歌 拼贴 《 红 磨 坊 》 先 后 二 十 多处 出现 各 类 演 唱 曲 目 采 用 了 大 量 老歌进 行 翻 唱 曲风 多样 化 在 编 曲 配 器 方 面 做 了许 多精 彩 的 翻 新 和 创意 ; 并 且 本 着 渲 染 故 事情 节 及刻 画 人 物 的原 则 做 了 组 合 和 剪辑 在 电影 中恰 当穿插 在 《 红磨 坊 》 中 这 类 改编 拼 贴 随处 可见 是 主要 的音 乐 形 式 许多歌 曲 在 电影 中 焕 发 出完全 不 同 的 艺 术 魅 力 又 一 次 推上 流 行榜 单 获得 各 种奖
电影红磨坊歌曲歌词Your songmy gift is my song and this one is for you 我的礼物就是我的歌这一首歌是献给你的you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌it may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许歌词,旋律很简单但是我已将它写完了i hope you don't mind 我希望你不要介意i hope you don't mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来how wonderful life is while you're in the world 世上有了你生活多么美好I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss 我坐在屋顶,脚踢着青苔Well a few of the verses well 脑海中浮现出一些韵律they've got me quite cross 令我不太高兴But the sun's been kind 但是阳光和熙while I wrote this song 在我写下这首歌的时候It's some people like you that keep it turn to 只有像你这样的人才能令这首歌动听So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do 原谅我的遗忘但是我现在要做的事情You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue你看我已忘记了你的眼睛是绿色还是蓝色的了Anyway the thing is what I really mean 不管怎样我的意思是Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen 你的眼睛是我见过的最美的眼睛and you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌it may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许很简单但是我已将它写完了I hope you don't mind 我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来how wonderful life is while you're in the world 世上有了你生活多么美好Come What May 天荒地老男:Never knew I could feel like this 从未幻想能有这种感觉Like I've never seen thesky before 就像从未仰看蔚蓝的天空I want to vanish inside your kiss 我想就此融化在你的热吻Every day i'm loving you more than this 而对你的爱意与日俱增Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings 聆听我的心跳它在歌唱Telling me to give you everything 告诉我你愿为我赴汤蹈海\Seasons may change winter to spring 四季交替从冬天到春天But I love you until the end of time 但我对你的爱直至天荒地老Come what may 沧海桑田星移斗转Come what may 沧海桑田星移斗转I will love you until my dying day永远爱你直至生命消逝女:Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place 突然间世界蜕变得这般完美合:Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste 突然间我的生命不再虚度女:It all revolves around you 这些变化全因你而起合:And there's no mountain too high 山川不再高耸No river too wide 河流不再宽广Sing out this song I'll be there by your side 高唱此歌我将陪伴你左右Storm clouds may gather 即使狂风暴雨即至And stars may collide 恒星相撞But I love you until the end of time 我对你的爱还是直至天荒地老Oh, come what may, come what may 哦来吧不管发生什么I will love you, I will love you 我的爱也不会变我的爱不会改变I will love you until my dying day 永远爱你,直至生命消逝Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place 突然间,世界蜕变得这般完美The Pitch (Spectacular Spectacular) [Original Film Version] Lyrics Spectacular SpectacularSpectacular, spectacularNo words in the vernacularCan describe this great eventYou'll be dumb with wondermentReturns are fixed at ten percentYou must agree, that's excellentAnd on top of your fee...You'll be involved artistically.So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Elephants! Arabians!Indians! And courtesans!Acrobats! and juggling bears!Exotic girls! Fire eaters!Muscle Men! Contortionists!Intrigue, danger, and romance!Electric lights, Machinery,Powered with electricity!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Spectacular, spectacularNo words in the vernacularCan describe this great eventYou'll be dumb with wondermentThe hills are alive, with the sound of music...So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Duke:Yes, but what happens in the end?The courtesan and sitar manAre pulled apart by an evil plan...But in the end she hears his song...And their love is just too strong.It's a little bit funny,This feeling inside...So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years--!Sitar player's secret song,helps them flee the evil one...Though the tyrant rants and rails,it is all to no avail!Zidler: I am the evil maharajah! You will not escape! Satine: Oh Harold, no one could play him like you could! Zidler: No one's going to!So exciting, we'll make them laughwe'll make them cry!So delighting --!Duke: And in the end should someone die?So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!Duke: Generally, I like it...!Nicole Kidman - One Day I'll Fly AwayI follow the nightCan't stand the lightWhen will I beginTo live again?One day I'll fly awayLeave all this to yesterdayWhat more couldYour love do for me?When will love beThrough with me?Why live life fromDream to dreamAnd dread the dayWhen dreaming ends?One day I'll fly awayLeave all this to yesterdayWhy live life fromDream to dreamAnd dread the dayWhen dreaming ends?One day I'll fly awayFly, fly awayElephant Love Medley 屋顶对唱Ewan:Love is a many splendored thing, love Lift us up where we belongAll you need is loveNicole: Please, don't start that againEwan: All you need is loveNicole: A girl has got to eatEwan: All you need is loveNicole: Or she'll end up on the streetsEwan: All you need is loveNicole: Love is just a gameEwan: I was made for lovin' you babyYou were made for lovin' meNicole: The only way of lovin' me babyIs to pay a lovely feeEwan: Just one night Just one nightNicole: There's no way'Cause you can't payEwan: In the name of loveOne night in the name of loveNicole: You crazy foolI won't give it to youEwan: Don't, leave me this wayI can't surviveWithout your sweet loveOh baby, don't leave me this wayNicole: You'd think that peopleWould have had enough of silly love songs Ewan: I look around meAnd I see it isn't so, oh noNicole: Some people wanna fillThe world with silly love songs Ewan: Well, what's wrong with that?I'd like to know'Cause, here I go again!Where eagles fly on a mountain high Nicole: Love makes us act like we are fools Throw our lives awayFor one happy dayEwan: We could be heroesJust for one dayNicole: You, you will leave meEwan: No, I won'tNicole: And I, I'll drink all the time Ewan: We should be loversNicole: We can't do thatEwan: We should be loversAnd that's a factNicole: No, nothing will keep us together Ewan: We could steal timeJust for one dayBoth: We could be heroesForever and everWe could be heroesForever and everWe could be heroesEwan: Just because I will always love you Nicole: I can't help itHow wonderful life isBoth: Now, you're in the world。
我是歌手邓紫棋所有歌曲歌词Imagine 幻想—邓紫棋Imagine there's no heaven 试想如果世界没有天堂It's easy if you try 这不过是举手之劳No hell below us 在我们的下面没有地狱Above us only sky 上面只有天空Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Living for today... 为了今天而活Imagine there's no countries 试想世界如果没有国界It isn't hard to do 这不难办到Nothing to kill or die for 没有杀戮或死亡And no religion too 也没有宗教信仰Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Living life in peace... 在和平中活着Imagine no possessions 试想如果世界没有独占I wonder if you can 我想你办得到No need for greed or hunger 再没有贪婪再没有饥荒A brotherhood of man 人人情同手足Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Sharing all the world... 分享着这世界You may say I'm a dreamer 你也许会说我只是在幻想But I'm not the only one但不只是我这样I hope someday you'll join us 我希望某天你会加入我们And the world will be as one. 那样这世界就会融为一体Falling—邓紫棋我对你情难自拔有时我爱你有时你让我忧郁有时我感觉良好有时感觉被你利用爱上你亲爱的让我苦恼对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人我从未有这种感觉你怎能给我这么多快乐又让我如此痛苦我想着与你厮守是如此愚蠢却又总是对你重燃爱火对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人我对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人。
《红磨坊》引领歌舞片的风潮[摘要] 歌舞片是好莱坞类型电影特有的一种形式,它兴起于20世纪30年代,到50年代发展到了全盛时期。
[关键词] 《红磨坊》;影视歌舞反映人物性格;音乐;旗帜?ジ栉杵?是好莱坞类型电影特有的一种形式,它兴起于20世纪30年代,到50年代发展到了全盛时期。
改编成中文的英文歌Please Don't Leave Me这首英文歌被改编成中文歌谢谢你的爱,刘德华演唱。
下面是店铺给音乐爱好者带来改编成中文好听的英文歌,供大家参阅!改编成中文的英文歌Please Don't Leave Me鉴赏P!nk,原名艾蕾莎·贝丝·摩儿(Alecia Beth Moore),1979年9月8日出生于宾夕法尼亚州,美国歌手、创作人、舞者。
2000年4月4日,P!nk发行首张录音室专辑《Can‘t Take Me Home》。
2001年9月7日,P!nk和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉等凭借《Lady Marmalade》获得第18届美国MTV音乐录像带大奖授予的年度最佳录像带、最佳电影录像带两项奖项及两项提名;11月20日,P!nk发行第二张录音室专辑《Missundaztood》。
2002年2月27日,P!nk和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉等凭借《Lady Marmalade》获得第44奖格莱美最佳流行合唱奖。
改编成中文的英文歌Please Don't Leave Me歌手介绍1995年,P!nk被淘汰加入Basic Instinct组合后,又加入了R&B 女组合Choice,她们寄了许多样本唱片带给各大唱片公司,最终被LaFace唱片公司签约。
1999年,P!nk与Babyface等创作人共同创作,为戴瑞西蒙的歌曲《Just To Be Loving You》谱写了副歌。
在几个月之内,Pink创作完成了《Can’t Take Me Home》中的一部分歌曲,并与EMI签下创作合约。
Christina Aguilera
从8岁起Christina就就参加了一系列的歌唱比赛,10岁时,Christina已为匹兹堡市的Steelers and Pirates俱乐部演唱美国国歌。
Christina Aguilera这个如今响当当的名字,曾经差点被唱片公司篡改。
公司找到当时在米老鼠俱乐部演唱水平最佳的Christina Aguilera,Christina在经理人的面前清唱了自己最喜欢的歌唱出了高音“E”音阶(比高音"C"还要高)。
[A22] A dear John letter 给约翰的一封信*—Skeeter Davis 史琪特戴维丝[A14] A horse with no name 没有名字的马—America 亚美利加合唱团[A54] A new day has come 新的一天开始—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[A48] A shoulder to cry on 可以靠著哭泣的肩膀—Tommy Page 汤米佩吉[A57] A song for mama 给妈妈的歌#—Boyz II Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[A12] A spaceman came traveling 外星人来访—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[A05] A time for us 我俩的时光*from电影“殉情记“—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[A46] A whiter shade of pale 更浅的苍白阴影—Procol Harum 普洛可哈伦合唱团[A31] A whole new world 崭新的世界from动画“阿拉丁“—Peabo Bryson & Regina 比柏布莱森 & 芮姬娜[A06] A winter’s tale 冬天的故事—David Essex 大卫艾塞克斯[A50] About a girl 关於女孩—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[A42] Abracadabra 咒语—The Steve Miller Band 史提夫米勒乐团[A47] Across the universe 飞越宇宙—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A30] Africa 非洲—Toto 托托合唱团[A16] Against all odds(Take a look at me now) 完全不可能(再看我一眼)*from电影“再看我一眼“—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A32] Ain’t no mountain high enough 爱比山高from电影“亲亲小妈“—Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell 马文盖 & 黛米泰瑞尔[A11] Alasca 阿拉斯加*—Topas 黄玉合唱团[A52] All about loving you 全心爱你—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A07] All by myself 独自一人*—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[A53] All for the love of a girl 全是为了一个女孩的爱—Johnny Horton 强尼荷顿[A19] All I have to do is dream 只有寻梦去—Glen Campbell & Robbie Gentry 葛伦坎伯 & 罗比珍崔[A21] All kinds of everything 万事万物—Dana 唐娜[A51] All my life 一生一世—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛 & 艾伦纳维尔[A29] All my loving 我所有的爱—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A55] All night long 彻夜狂欢—Lionel Richie 莱诺李奇[A02] All out of love 与爱绝缘—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[A41] All those years ago 多年以前*—George Harrison 乔治哈里森[A34] Almost over you 几乎忘了你—Sheena Easton 席娜伊斯顿[A43] Almost paradise 如在天堂from电影“浑身是劲“—Mike Reno & Ann Wilson 麦可利诺 & 安威尔森[A10] Alone 孤单—Heart 红心合唱团[A35] Always 永远—Atlantic Stars 大西洋之星合唱团[A36] Always 永远—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A17] Always on my mind 永在我心中*—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A26] Always somewhere 总在某处—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[A49] Am I that easy to forget? 忘记我有那麼容易吗?—Jim Reeves 吉姆瑞夫斯[A09] Amanda 阿嫚达—Boston 波士顿合唱团[A45] Amazing 太神奇了—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A01] Amazing grace 奇异恩典*—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[A27-1] American pie 美国派歌词完全解说版请看这里!—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A27] American pie 美国派*—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A28] And I love her 我爱她—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A13] And I love you so 我是如此爱你—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A44] And so it goes 就这麼走了—Billy Joel 比利乔[A18] Angel 天使*from电影“X情人“—Sarah McLachlan 莎拉麦克劳兰[A40] Angel 天使—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A38] Angel queen 天使女王*from日本动画“千年女王“—Dara Sedaka 达拉西达卡[A23] Angie 安琪—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A04] Annie’s song 安妮之歌*—John Denver 约翰丹佛[A25] Another brick in the wall 墙上的另一块砖*—Pink Floyd 平克佛洛依德合唱团[A03] Another day in paradise 天堂的另一日—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A15] Another town another train 另一城镇另一班车—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[A33] Anywhere is 四处皆然—Enya 恩雅[A56] Are you happy now ? 你快乐吗 ?—Michelle Branch 蜜雪儿[A24] Are you lonesome tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗?—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A37] Arthur’s theme (the best you can do) 亚瑟之歌from电影“二八佳人花公子“—Christopher Cross 克利斯多佛克罗斯[A39] As long as you love me 只要你爱著我—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[A20] As tears go by 泪水流逝—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A08] Aubrey 奥布芮—Bread 面包合唱团2楼[B08] Babe 宝贝*—Styx 冥河合唱团[B33] Back at one 回到原点—Brian McKnight 布莱恩麦肯奈特[B05] Back for good 永远停留—Take That 接招合唱团[B25] Bad medicine 劣药—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B30] Band on the run 逃亡乐队—Paul McCartney & Wings 保罗麦卡尼& 翅膀合唱团[B20] Beat it 走开—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B17] Beautiful boy 美丽的孩子*from电影"春风化雨1996"—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[B12] Beautiful Sunday 美丽的星期天—Daniel Boone 丹尼尔潘[B15] Beauty and the beast 美女与野兽from动画"美女与野兽"—Peabo Bryson & Celion Dion 比柏布莱森& 席琳狄翁[B06] Because I love you 因为我爱你—Shaking Steven 薛金史蒂芬[B13] Because you loved me 因为你爱过我*from电影"因为你爱过我"—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[B31] Bed of roses 玫瑰花床—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B29] Before the next teardrop falls 下一滴眼泪落下以前—Freddie Fender 佛瑞迪芬德[B19] Ben 班from电影"金鼠王"—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B18] Better man 更好的人—Robbie Williams 罗比威廉斯[B14] Betty Davis‘s eyes 贝蒂黛维丝的眼睛—Kim Carnes 金卡伦斯[B16] Big, big world 广大的世界—Emilia 艾蜜莉亚[B28] Biggest part of me 我最珍贵的部分—Ambrosia 安伯路西亚[B11] Bird on a wire 电线上的鸟*—Leonard Cohen 李欧纳柯罕[B32] Bloody Sunday 染血的星期天*—U2 U2合唱团[B04] Blowing in the wind 飘在风中*—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[B26] Blue balloon 蓝色汽球from电影"初恋的故事"—Jeremy 杰若米[B27] Blue bayou 蓝色港湾—Linda Rondstadt 琳达朗丝黛[B21] Blue eyes 蓝眼睛—Elton John 艾尔顿强[B23] Blue moon 蓝色月亮—The Marcels 波浪发型合唱团[B24] Blue velvet 蓝丝绒—Bobby Vinton 巴比温顿[B10] Bohemian rhapsody 波西米亚人狂想曲—Queen 皇后合唱团[B07] Borderline 边界—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[B01] Both sides now 正反两面—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[B22] Breathe 呼吸—Faith Hill 费丝希尔[B02] Bridge over troubled water 恶水上的大桥—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[B03] Bright eyes 明亮双眼*—Art Garfunkel 亚特葛芬柯[B09] Broken wings 残破的羽翼—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫3楼[C20] C‘set la vie 这就是人生—Emerson, Lake & Palmer 爱默生、雷克& 帕玛合唱团[C02] California dreaming 加州之梦—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[C07] Call me 打电话给我—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[C26] Can you feel the love tonight 今晚你感受到爱了吗?from动画"狮子王"—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C31] Can‘t fight the moonlight 无法抗拒这月光*from电影"女狼俱乐部"—LeAnn Rimes 黎安莱姆丝[C13] Can‘t fight this feeling 无法克制这份感情—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[C19] Can‘t help falling in love 无法自拔陷入爱河—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[C18] Can‘t take my eyes off you 无法将视线从你身上移开*from电影"绝命大反击"—Frankie Valli 法兰琪瓦利[C27] Can‘t we try ? 我们不能再试试看吗?—Dan Hill & V onda Sheppard 丹希尔& 芳达雪柏[C04] Candle in the wind 风中之烛*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C04-1] Candle in the wind 1997 风中之烛*纪念黛安娜王妃—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C28] Captain of her heart 她心中的船长—Double 双重合唱团[C08] Careless whisper 无心的耳语—Wham Wham合唱团[C17] Carrie 凯莉—Europe 欧洲合唱团[C06] Casablanca 卡萨布兰加*—Bertie Higgins 柏帝希金斯[C33] Castles in the air 空中城堡—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C01] Cats in the cradle 摇篮里的猫*—Harry Chapin 哈利却宾[C30] Changes 改变—Black Sabbath 黑色安息日合唱团[C38] Changes 改变—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[C24] Changing partners 交换舞伴—Patti Page 佩蒂佩姬[C05] Cherish 珍惜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[C35] Child 孩子—Freddie Aguilar 佛瑞迪艾格勒[C16] Child in time 时代的小孩—Deep Purple 深紫色合唱团[C12] Children of the universe 宇宙的孩子*—Barclay James Harvest B.J.H.合唱团[C10] Chiquitita 奇琪堤塔—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[C32] Circles in the sand 沙滩上的圈圈—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[C21] Close to you 靠近你—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[C11] Colors of the wind 风的颜色from动画"风中奇缘"—Vanessa Williams 凡妮莎威廉丝[C44] Come as you are 还你本色—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[C15] Come what may 不论未来如何*—Lani Hall & Herb Alpert 蕾妮霍尔& 赫柏艾伯特[C34] Come what may 哪怕受尽风霜from电影"红磨坊"—Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor 妮可基嫚& 伊旺麦奎格[C39] Constant craving 永恒的渴望—K. D. Lang 凯蒂莲[C14] Cotton field 棉花田—C.C.R. 清水复兴合唱团[C40] Could‘ve been 曾经可以—Tiffany 提芬妮[C22] Count on me 依靠我from电影"等待梦醒时分"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[C25] Coward of the county 郡里的懦夫—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[C29] Crazy for you 为你疯狂from电影"夺标27秒"—Madonna 玛丹娜[C43] Crazy love 疯狂的爱—Dick Glasser 狄克葛拉瑟[C41] Creep 怪物—Radiohead 电台司令合唱团[C36] Crocodile rock 鳄鱼摇滚—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C23] Cruel war 残酷的战争—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[C37] Cruising 漫游—Gwyneth Paltrow & Huey Lewis 葛妮丝派特洛& 修路易士[C42] Cry 哭泣—Godley & Creme 葛利& 克里姆二重唱[C09] Crying 哭泣—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C03] Crying in the rain 在雨中哭泣—A-Ha 啊哈合唱团4楼[D15] Dancing queen 舞后—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[D16] Danny boy 丹尼少年—英国民谣英国民谣[D07] Danny‘s song 丹尼之歌*—Anne Murray 安玛莉[D43] Daydream believer 白日梦信徒—Monkees 猴子合唱团[D04] Days of summer 夏日时光—Topas 黄玉合唱团[D23] Dear heart 亲爱的—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[D32] Delilah 狄莱拉—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[D11] Desert moon 沙漠之月*—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[D33] Desert rose 沙漠玫瑰—Sting 史汀[D26] Desperado 亡命之徒—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[D29] Devoted to you 深爱著你—The Everly Brothers 艾维利兄弟[D06] Diamond and rust 钻石与铁锈*—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D28] Diana 黛安娜*—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[D35] Diary 日记—Bread 面包合唱团[D22] Didn‘t we almost have it all 我们几乎拥有了一切—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[D40] Do I have to cry for you 要我为你而哭吗?—Nich Carter 尼克卡特[D05] Do that to me one more time 再为我做一次—Captain & Tennille 船长& 坦妮尔[D21] Do they know it‘s Christmas ? 他们知道现在是圣诞节吗?*—Band Aid 援非联合乐团[D19] Do you know where you‘re going to? 你可知何去何从?—Diana Ross 黛安娜罗丝[D34] Do you love me ? 你爱我吗?—The Kiss 吻合唱团[D09] Do you remember ? 你是否记得—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[D41] Doctor Jones 琼斯博士—Aqua 水叮当合唱团[D18] Don‘t answer me 别回答我—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[D31] Don‘t be cruel 别太冷酷—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[D36] Don‘t cry 别哭*—Guns N‘Roses 枪与玫瑰合唱团[D17] Don‘t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,别为我哭泣*from电影"阿根廷,别为我哭泣"—Madonna 玛丹娜[D20] Don‘t cry out loud 别大声哭泣—Melissa Manchester 玛丽莎曼彻斯特[D14] Don‘t cry, Joni 琼妮,别哭—Conway Twitty & Joni Lee 康威崔提& 琼妮李[D30] Don‘t dream it‘s over 别再作梦,结束了—Crowded House 挤屋合唱团[D10] Don‘t know much 知道的不多—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛& 艾伦纳维尔[D39] Don‘t know why 不知为何*—Norah Jones 诺拉琼丝[D13] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Styx 冥河合唱团[D24] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Yngwie Malmsteen 殷维玛姆斯汀[D42] Don‘t let the sun go down on me 别让太阳落在我身上—Elton John 艾尔顿强[D37] Don‘t speak 别说*—No Doubt 不要怀疑合唱团[D27] Don‘t you want me ? 你不要我了吗?—Human League 人类联盟合唱团[D01] Donna, Donna 多娜,多娜—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D25] Dream a little dream 做个小小的梦from电影"情定巴黎"—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[D12] Dream on 梦想*—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[D08] Dreams 梦—Cranberries 小红莓合唱团[D03] Drive 开车—Cars 汽车合唱团[D02] Dust in the wind 风中之尘—Kansas 堪萨斯合唱团5楼[E03] (Everything I do) I do it for you 一切都是为了你from电影"罗宾汉侠盗王子"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[E23] 18 and life 十八岁和人生—Skidrow 史奇洛合唱团[E18] Eagle 鹰—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[E07] Earthbound 回归大地from日剧"失乐园"—Conner Reeves 康纳瑞夫斯[E24] Eat the rich 大吃大喝—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[E14] Ebony and ivory 黑檀木与白象牙*—Paul MaCartney & Stevie Wonder 保罗麦卡尼& 史提夫汪达[E19] Edelweiss 小白花from电影"真善美"—[E11] El condor pasa 老鹰之歌*—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[E22] Empty garden 空寂花园*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[E25] Endless Christmas 永恒的耶诞节—3T 3T合唱团[E12] Endless love 无尽的爱from电影"无尽的爱"—Lionel Richie & Diana Ross 莱纳李奇& 黛安娜罗丝[E04] Especially for you 特别献给你—Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan 凯莉米洛& 杰生唐纳文[E05] Eternal flame 永恒的火焰—Bangles 手镯合唱团[E15] Even the nights are better 连夜晚也变得更美—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E13] Evergreen tree 常青树—Cliff Richard 克里夫李察[E17] Every beat of my heart 我的每一次心跳—Rod Steward 洛史都华[E02] Every breath you take 你的每一次呼吸—The Police 警察合唱团[E09] Every rose has its thorn 每朵玫瑰都有刺—Poison 毒药合唱团[E10] Every woman in the world 世上的每一个女子—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E21] Everybody hurts 每个人都受了伤—R.E.M. R.E.M.合唱团[E16] Everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界—Tears for Fears 惊惧之泪合唱团[E26] Everybody‘s somebody‘s fool 每个人都认为其他人是傻瓜—[E06] Everything I own 我拥有的一切—Bread 面包合唱团[E08] Everytime you go away 每一次你离去—Paul Young 保罗杨[E01] Eye in the sky 天空之眼*—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[E20] Eyes on me 注视著我from电玩"太空战士8"—Faye Wang 王菲?6楼[F09] 04:55 四点五十五分*爱你一万年原曲—Wynners 温拿五虎合唱团[F19] 50 ways to leave your lovers 离开爱人的五十种方法—Paul Simon 保罗赛门[F08] 500 miles 离家五百哩—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[F25] Fading like a flower 如花朵般凋谢—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[F11] Faithfully 坚定不移—Journey 旅程合唱团[F17] Fallen flowers 落花辞枝—Steve McDonald 史提夫麦当劳[F20] Falling 迷恋*—Alicia Keys 艾莉西亚凯斯[F22] Famous blue raincoat 著名的蓝雨衣*—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[F10] Fast car 快车—Tracy Chapman 崔西查普曼[F05] Feelings 感觉—Morris Albert 莫立斯艾伯特[F04] Fernando 费南多—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[F12] First of May 五月初from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[F24] Flag Day 义卖日—Housemartins 笼中鸟合唱团[F15] Flashdance-what a feeling 闪舞-多棒的感觉from电影"闪舞"—Irene Cara 艾琳卡拉[F02] Fly away 远走高飞—John Denver & Olivia Newton John 约翰丹佛& 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[F21] Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球—Frank Sinatra 法兰克辛纳屈[F26] Fly without wings 展翅高飞—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[F01] Follow me 跟随我—John Denver 约翰丹佛[F16] For the first time 从第一次开始from电影"一日锺情"—Kenny Loggins 肯尼罗根斯[F27] Forever 永远—Stratovarious 腾云合唱团[F06] Forever young 永远年轻—Alphaville 阿尔法村合唱团[F07] Four seasons in one day 一日四季—Crowded house 挤屋合唱团[F23] Fragile 脆弱—Sting 史汀[F18] Free bird 自由鸟—Lynyrd Skynyrd 林纳史基纳合唱团[F03] From a distance 从远方…—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[F13] From me to you 从我到你—Beatles 披头四合唱团[F14] Future world 未来世界—Helloween 万圣节合唱团?7楼[G08] Girl 女孩—Beatles 披头四合唱团[G16] Girl of my dream 梦中情人—Moffatts 新好同学合唱团[G17] Girls just wanna have fun 女孩们只想玩乐—Cyndi Lauper 辛蒂露波[G14] Glory of love 爱的荣耀from电影"小子难缠"—Peter Cetera 彼得塞特拉[G06] Go away, little girl 走开,小女孩—[G03] Go your own way 你走你的路*—Fleetwood Mac 佛利伍麦克合唱团[G10] God helps the outcasts 上帝帮助被遗弃者from动画"钟楼怪人"—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[G02] Goodbye 再见—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[G01] Goodbye girl 再见女孩*from电影"再见女郎"—David Gates 大卫盖兹[G09] Goodbye yellow brick road 再见黄砖路*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[G15] Goodbye, Jimmy goodbye 再见!吉米,再见—Kathy Linden 凯西琳登[G04] Greatest love of all 最伟大的爱*—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[G12] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G12-1] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园另一种翻译的版本—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G13] Greenfields 绿野—Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团[G07] Greensleeves 绿袖子*—英国民谣英国民谣[G11] Grow old with you 陪你到老from电影"婚礼歌手"—Adam Sandler 亚当山德勒[G05] Gypsies, tramps & thieves 吉普赛,流浪汉与小偷*—Cher 雪儿8楼[H36] Half-breed 混血儿—Mary Deand and Al Capps 玛丽迪恩& 艾尔凯普斯[H47] Halfway around the world 环游半个世界—A-Teens A-Teens合唱团[H45] Happy Christmas (War is over) 圣诞节快乐(战争结束了)—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[H08] Happy new year 新年快乐*—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H11] Hard to say I‘m sorry 难以启口说抱歉—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[H32] Harden my heart 狠下心肠—Quarterflash 四分之一闪光合唱团[H21] Have I told you lately? 我最近是否告诉过你?—Van Morrison 范莫里森[H39] Have you ever really loved a woman? 你真的爱过一个女人吗?from电影"这个男人有点色"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H07] Have you never been mellow? 你不曾快乐过?—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[H01] He ain‘t heavy, he‘s my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟—Hollies 哈里斯合唱团[H18] Heal the world 治愈这世界—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[H43] Heart is like a wheel 驿动的心—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[H02] Heart of gold 金心—Neil Young 尼尔杨[H29] Heartbreaker 伤心人—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[H42] Heartlight 心灯*—Neil Diamond 尼尔戴门[H03] Hearts 心—Marty Balin 马提贝林[H10] Heaven 天堂—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H40] Heaven is a place on earth 天堂就在人间—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[H35] Heaven knows 上天知道—Rick Price 瑞克普莱斯[H14] Hello 哈罗—Lionel Richie 莱纳李奇[H23] Hello and goodbye 哈罗与再见—Topas 黄玉合唱团[H22] Hello, I love you 哈罗,我爱你—The Doors 门户合唱团[H20] Help me make it through the night 助我度过漫漫长夜—Sammi Smith 山米史蜜斯[H44] Her town too 也是她的城镇—James Taylor with J.D. Souther 詹姆士泰勒& 杰迪邵勒[H25] Here comes the sun 太阳出来了—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H31] Here I am 我在这里—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[H12] Here is your paradise 这儿是你的天堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[H13] Hero 英雄—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[H37] Hero 英雄—Iglesias Enrique 安立奎[H27] Hey, Jude 嘿!朱德*—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H26] High enough 天高地远—Damn Yankees 死北方佬合唱团[H28] Hold me 拥抱我—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[H46] Hold on 坚持*—Good Charlotte 狂野夏洛特合唱团[H19] Holiday 假日—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[H09] Honesty 真诚—Billy Joel 比利乔[H17] Honey comes back 甜心,回来吧!—Glenn Campbell 葛伦坎伯[H30] Honey, honey 甜心,甜心—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H05] Hotel California 加州旅馆*—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H05-1] Hotel California 加州旅馆*另一种翻译的版本—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H24] House of rising sun 日升之屋—The Animals 动物合唱团[H38] How am I supposed to live without you? 失去你,我怎麼活下去?—Michael Bolton 麦可伯特恩[H06] How can I tell her 我该如何告诉她—Lobo 灰狼罗伯[H33] How can you mend a broken heart 你如何修补一颗破碎的心?—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H04] How deep is your love 你的爱有多深—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H16] How do I live 我怎麼活下去*from电影"空中监狱"—Trisha Yearwood 崔夏宜尔伍[H41] Hungry eyes 饥渴的眼神from电影"热舞十七"—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[H15] Hungry heart 饥渴的心—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[H34] Hunting high and low 四处寻猎—Stratovarius 腾云合唱团?9楼[I48] (I just) Died in your arms 死在你怀里—Cutting Crew 切割大队合唱团[I80] (I‘ve had) The time of my life (我拥有)生命中的时光from电影"热舞十七"—Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes 比尔梅德利& 珍妮佛华恩斯[I43] I am a rock 我是一块岩石—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[I27] I am in love with the world 我和世界谈恋爱*献给黛安娜王妃—Chicken Shed 鸡舍合唱团[I84] I am woman 我是女人—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I58] I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞—R. Kelly R.凯利[I75] I can‘t give you anything but love 除了爱,我无以回报—Louis Armstrong 路易士阿姆斯壮[I49] I can‘t make you love me 我无法强迫你爱我—Bonnie Raitt 邦妮芮特[I71] I can‘t stop loving you 我不能停止爱你—Ray Charles 雷查尔斯[I06] I can‘t tell you why 我无法告诉你为什麼—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[I02] I don‘t know how to love him 我不知道如何爱他*from电影"万世巨星"—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I29] I don‘t like to sleep alone 孤枕难眠—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[I40] I don‘t want to miss a thing 我不愿错过这一切*from电影"世界末日"—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[I21] I don‘t want to talk about it 我不想谈这件事—Rod Steward 洛史都华[I88] I drove all night 我开整夜的车—Roy Orbison 洛依欧比森[I46] I got a name 我有个名字—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I53] I guess the Lord must be in New York city 我想上帝一定在纽约市*from电影"电子情书"—Nilsson 尼尔森[I62] I hate myself for loving you 我恨自己爱上了你—Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 琼洁特& 黑心人合唱团[I11] I have a dream 我有一个梦—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[I76] I honestly love you 我真心的爱著你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I16] I just called to say I love you 我在电话中说我爱你*from电影"红衣女郎"—Stevie Wonder 史提夫汪德[I54] I knew I loved you 我知道我已爱上你—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[I22] I know a heartache when I see one 看见了总使我心痛—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[I15] I know him so well 我如此了解他*—Elaine Page & Babara Dickson 伊莲佩姬& 芭芭拉迪克森[I44] I like Chopin 我爱萧邦—Gazebo 贾芝柏[I77] I love you 我爱你—Celine Dion 席琳狄翁[I78] I love you 我爱你—Climax Blues Band 克莱马克斯蓝调乐团[I79] I need to be in love 我应该恋爱—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[I65] I need you 我需要你—America 亚美利加合唱团[I86] I need you to turn to 我要你回心转意—Elton John 艾尔顿强[I74] I ran (so far away) 我奔跑—A Flock of Seagulls 一群海鸥合唱团[I93] I really don‘t want to know 我真的不想知道—[I56] I remember 我记得—Emil Chou & Mandy Gaines 周华健& 嫚蒂甘尼丝[I23] I say a little prayer 我做了小小的祈祷*from电影"新娘不是我"—Mary Black 玛丽布蕾克[I70] I should have known better 我早该明白—Jim Diamond 吉姆戴门[I64] I started a joke 我开了个玩笑—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I36] I still believe 我依然相信—Brenda k. Starr 布兰达史达[I51] I still haven‘t found what I‘m looking for 我仍未找到我所追寻的—U2 U2合唱团?10楼[I45] I swear 我发誓—All 4 one 合而为一合唱团[I90] I try 试试看—Macy Gray 梅西葛蕾[I26] I understand 我明白—[I41] I want it that way 我就是要那样—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[I55] I want to hold your hand 我想牵你的手—Beatles 披头四合唱团[I28] I want to know what love is 我想知道爱是什麼—Foreigner 外国人合唱团[I20] I will always love you 我会永远爱你*from电影"终极保镳"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[I01] I will follow him 我愿跟随他*from电影"修女也疯狂"—[I67] I will survive 我会活下去from电影"女狼俱乐部&十全大补男—Gloria Gaynor 葛洛莉亚盖诺[I39] I won‘t hold you back 我不会将你挽回—Toto 托托合唱团[I72] I write the songs 我写了一些歌—Barry Manilow 巴瑞曼尼洛[I25] I‘d love you to want me 但愿你需要我—Lobo 灰狼[I08] I‘d really love to see you tonight 今晚我真的很想见你—England Dan & John Ford Coley 英格兰丹& 约翰福特柯里二重唱[I59] I‘ll be loving you (forever) 我会永远爱你—New Kids on the Block 街头顽童合唱团[I10] I‘ll be over you 我会忘了你—Toto 托托合唱团[I17] I‘ll be there 我会在你身旁*—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[I38] I‘ll be there for you 为了你,我一定到—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I18] I‘ll have to say I love you in a song 我必须藉歌声说我爱你—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I73] I‘ll make love to you 我要和你做爱—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I66] I‘ll never fall in love again 我绝不再谈恋爱了—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[I94] I‘m alive 我还活著—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[I81] I‘m easy 我很随和*from电影"纳许维尔"—Keith Carradine 凯斯卡拉定[I82] I‘m not in love 我没有坠入爱河—10 C.C. 10 C.C.合唱团[I85] I‘m on fire 我已欲火焚身—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[I04] I‘ve never been to me 从不曾属於自己*2002.06.28修订版本—Cherlene 夏琳[I03] If 如果*—Bread 面包合唱团[I96] If everyday could be Christmas 假如每天都是圣诞节—98 Degrees 98度合唱团[I92] If I let you go 如果我让你走—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[I35] If not for you 若不是因为你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I61] If you don‘t know me by now 如果你现在还不了解我—Simply Red 就是红合唱团[I34] If you leave 如果你离去—O.M.D. 黑夜行列乐团[I33] If you leave me now 如果你现在离开我—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[I32] If you love me 如果你爱我—Brenda Lee 布兰达李[I31] Imagine 幻想*—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[I57] Immortality 不朽—Celion Dion & Bee Gees 席琳狄翁& 比吉斯合唱团[I24] In a country churchyard 在一所乡间的教堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[I87] In a lifetime 在一生中—Clannad & Bono 克兰纳德合唱团& 波诺[I13] In my dream 在我梦中—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[I91] In my place 我这里—Coldplay 酷玩乐团[I42] In the air tonight 今晚在空中—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[I19] In the morning 清晨中from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I95] In the pines 在松林里—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[I52] In too deep 陷得太深from电影"蒙娜丽莎"—Genesis 创世纪合唱团[I12] Indian reservation 印地安人保留区*—The Raiders 突击者合唱团[I60] Inside of my guitar 在我的吉他里—Tracy 黄莺莺[I30] Into the night 进入夜晚—Benny Mardones 班尼麦唐纳[I37] Islands in the stream 溪流中的岛屿—Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton 肯尼罗杰斯& 桃莉芭顿[I05] It might be you 应该是你*from电影"窈窕淑男"—Stephen Bishop 史蒂芬毕夏[I07] It must have been love 那一定是爱*from电影"麻雀变凤凰"—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[I09] It never rains in southern California 南加州从来不下雨—Albert Hammond 亚伯特哈蒙[I68] It‘s a heartache 那是心痛—Bonnie Tyler 邦妮泰勒[I63] It‘s a long road 那是条漫长的路from电影"第一滴血"—Dan Hill 丹希尔[I50] It‘s my life 这是我的人生—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I83] It‘s only a paper moon 那只是个纸月亮—Nat King Cole 纳京高[I47] It‘s so easy 如此容易—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[I14] It‘s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday 难以向昨日说再见—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I89] It‘s the heart that matters most 真心最可贵—Charlotte Church 夏绿蒂[I69] It‘s too late 太迟了—Carole King 卡洛金?11楼[J02] Jackaroe 杰克罗—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[J01] Jealous guy 嫉妒的家伙*—Roxy Music 罗西音乐合唱团[J07] Joanna 琼安娜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[J05] Just once 仅此一次—James Ingram 詹姆斯英格兰[J06] Just the two of us 就只有我俩—Bill Withers 比尔惠勒斯[J04] Just the way you are 就是你现在的样子—Billy Joel 比利乔[J03] Just when I needed you most 在我最需要你的时候—Randy Vanwarmer 蓝迪范沃玛?12楼[K01] Keep on loving you 继续爱你—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[K03] Keeping the love alive 让爱继续—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[K02] Killing me softly with his song 情歌迷死人*—Roberta Flack 萝贝塔佛蕾克[K04] Kiss and say goodbye 吻别—The Manhattans 曼哈顿合唱团[K06] Kiss from a rose 玫瑰之吻from电影"蝙蝠侠3"—Seal 席尔[K05] Kiss me goodbye 吻别—[K07] Knife 刀—Rockwell 洛克威尔[K09] Knocking on heaven‘s door 敲打天国之门—Bob Dylan 巴布迪伦[K08] Kokomo 可可摩from电影"鸡尾酒"—The Beach Boys 海滩少年合唱团?13楼[L28] Lady 女士—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[L44] Lady 女士—Styx 冥河合唱团[L43] Lady, lady, lady 女士啊!女士from电影"闪舞"—Joe Esposito 乔艾斯波席托[L12] Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节—Wham Wham合唱团[L50] Last train to London 到伦敦的末班车—Electric Light Orchestra 电光乐团[L45] Laughter in the rain 雨中欢笑—Neil Sedaka 尼尔西达卡[L22] Lay all your love on me 把全部的爱给我—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[L34] Layla 蕾拉*—Derek & Dominoes 德瑞克& 骨牌合唱团[L53] Le Papillon 蝴蝶from电影"蝴蝶"—[L37] Lead me on 指引我—Maxine Nightingale 麦西夜莺[L13] Leader of the band 乐队指挥*—Dan Fogelberg 丹佛格柏。
Moulin Rouge!《红磨坊(2001)》完整中英文对照剧本
红磨坊巴黎一九零零年从前有个男孩There was a boy.一个怪异的着了魔的男孩A very strange enchanted boy.他们说他穿越大♥陆♥和海洋They say he wandered very far,流浪到很远的very far,很远的地方over land and sea.不要上当恶魔Don't be fooled! Evil!有些害羞A little shy,回头吧远离这个充满罪恶的村庄Turn away from this village of sin!蒙马特眼神又有些忧郁and sad of eye.但是他却But very wise很聪明was he.后来有一天And then one day,神奇的一天A magic day.我们相遇了He passed my way.于是我们说了很多事情And while we spoke of many things.关于蠢人和王公贵族的事Fools and kings.他对我说的这些事情中This he said to me,你将学习到的the greatest thing最美好的事情you'll ever learn就是去爱is just to love以及被爱and be loved作为回报in return.红磨坊The Moulin Rouge.那是一间夜♥总♥会♥A nightclub...也是舞厅和妓院a dance hall and a bordello...哈罗德·西德勒掌管那里ruled over by Harold Zidler.那是夜幕降临后的快乐王国A kingdom of nighttime pleasures...有钱有权的人在那里where the rich and powerful played with...玩弄那些社会底层年轻漂亮的女人the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld.而我爱过The most beautiful of all these...那些女人中最漂亮的一位was the woman who I loved.萨婷Satine.高级妓♥女♥ 她把她的爱情卖♥♥给男人A courtesan, she sold her love to men.他们叫她闪亮的钻石They called her the "Sparkling Diamond".她是And she was the star...红磨坊的明星of the Moulin Rouge.这个我爱过的女人已经The woman I loved is...离开了人世dead.一年前I first came to Paris...我第一次来到巴黎one year ago.那是一八♥九♥九年充满爱的夏天lt was 1♥8♥9♥9, the Summer of Love.我对红磨坊I knew nothing of the Moulin Rouge,哈罗德·西德勒和萨婷一无所知Harold Zidler or Satine.波西米亚革命已经横扫世界The world had been swept up in a Bohemian revolution,我从伦敦回来参与其中and l had travelled from London to be a part of it.蒙马特尔村庄在巴黎近郊On the hill near Paris was the village of Montmartre.它不像我父亲说过的那样It was not, as my father said,是个充满罪恶的村庄"A village of sin."那里是波西米亚人的世界but the center of the Bohemian world.音乐家画家作家Musicians, painters, writers.他们作为革命之子而被大家知晓They were known as the children of the revolution.是的我贫穷的生活在这里Yes. I had come to live a penniless existence.我来这儿书写♥真♥理美好自♥由♥I had come to write about truth, beauty, freedom书写我所最坚信的事情那就是爱and that which l believed in above all things: love.你总是荒唐的痴迷于爱中Always this ridiculous obsession with love!但是有一个问题There was only one problem.我从来没有和谁相爱过I'd never been in love.幸运的是正在那时Luckily, right at that moment,一个失去意识的阿根廷人从楼上掉下来了an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof.很快就有一个穿得像修女的矮个子人来找他He was quikly joined by a dwarf dressed as a nun.你好How do you do?我叫亨利·马瑞·雷蒙德·图卢兹·劳特雷克·蒙特法My name is Henri Marie Raymond Toulouse-Lautrec-Montfa.非常对不起我们正在楼上排练一部剧I'm terribly sorry. We were upstairs rehearsing a play.什么一部现代剧What? A play.名字叫壮美的景色Something very modern called "Spectacular Spectacular".这个故事发生在瑞士And it's set in Switzerland.不幸的是他那个失去意识的阿根廷朋友Unfortunately, he unconscious Argentinean嗜眠症开始发作suffered from narcolepsy.前一秒还表现完美下一刻就失去意识了Perfectly fine one moment, then suddenly unconscious the next. 他怎么样了How is he?太棒了得失眠症的阿根廷人失去意识了Wonderful. The narcoleptic Argentinean is unconscious.这样明天戏剧脚本就不能完成Therefore the scenario will not也就无法给赞助者看了be finished to present to the financier tomorrow.图卢兹他是对的He's right, Toulouse.我还是要写完音乐I still have to finish the music.我们只需要找个人来读这部分We just find someone to read the part.我们去哪里Where in heaven's name are找一个人来读这个we going to find someone to read the role...年轻感情丰富的瑞士牧羊诗人的角色呢of the young, sensitive Swiss poet goat herder?在我还没察觉到时我就已经在楼上了Before I knew it, I was upstairs,代替那个失去意识的阿根廷人standing in for the unconscious Argentinean.高山充满生机The hills animate悦耳的交响乐回荡其中with the euphonious symphonies of descant.停不要再制♥造♥令人难以忍♥受的声音了Oh, stop! Stop that insufferable droning!它都淹没我的台词了It's drowning out my words!我们难道不能只用钢琴曲作背景音乐吗Can we please just stick to a little decorative piano?奥德丽的词和萨蒂的曲There seemed to be artistic differences over风格迥然不同Audrey's lyrics to Satie's song.我不认为一个修女会那样去形容一座山I don't think a nun would say that about a hill.他如果唱山峦是高音部的吟诵曲怎么样What if he sings, "The hills are vital intoning the descant"?高山在颤抖"The hills quake and shake..."不不高山是No, no, no. "The hills..."高山是交响乐旋律的化身"The hills are incarnate with symphonic melodies"!-不高山是 -高山是- No. "The hills..." - "The hills..."-高山是 -高山是- "The hills..." - "The hills..."高山啊The hills因为are alive音乐飘荡其中with the sound of而变得生动music高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中而变得生动"The hills are alive with the sound of music."我喜欢这句I love it!高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive with the sound....而变得生动of music.这句实在太完美了It fits perfectly!他们所唱的歌♥曲With songs they have sung千年以来一直传唱for a thousand years.太棒了Incandiferous!奥德丽你们应该一起写完这部剧Audrey, you should write the show together.你说什么I beg your pardon?但是奥德丽并不喜欢But Toulouse's suggestion that Audrey and I write together... 图卢兹让我和他一起写剧本的建议was not what Audrey wanted to hear.再见Goodbye!这会是你在巴黎的第一份工作Here's to your first job in Paris.图卢兹西德勒是不会同意的Toulouse, Zidler will never agree.无意冒犯但是你以前写过这样的剧本吗No offense, but have you ever written anything like this before? -没有 -这个男孩太有才华了- No. - Ah! The boy has talent!我喜欢他I like him.没别的意思我只是欣赏你的才华Nothing funny. I just like talent.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中而变得生动"The hills are alive with the sound of music."让克里斯丁来写我们就能With Christian, we can write...得到我们梦想中的真正的波西米亚革命戏剧the truly Bohemian revolutionary show we always dreamt of. 可是我们怎么说服西德勒How will we convince Zidler?图卢兹有个计划Toulouse had a plan.萨婷Satine.他们给我穿上阿根廷人最好的西服They would dress me in the Argentinian's best suit...让我装成英国有名的作家and pass me off as a famous English writer.一旦萨婷听到我作的诗Once Satine heard my poetry,她会惊讶于我的才华然后就会让西德勒she'd be astounded and insist to Zidler that...同意由我来写壮美的景色I write "Spectacular Spectacular".唯一困扰我的事情就是我总是听见父亲的声音The only problem was I kept hearing my father's voice: 你和红磨坊跳康康舞的舞♥女♥在一起You'll end up wasting your这是浪费你的生命life at the Moulin Rouge with a cancan dancer!我不能为红磨坊写剧本I can't write the show for the Moulin Rouge!为什么不能Why not?我连自己是不是波西米亚革命者都不确定I don't even know if I am a true Bohemian revolutionary. -你相信美好吗 -相信- Do you believe in beauty? - Yes.-相信自♥由♥吗 -相信当然相信- Freedom? - Yes, of course.-那真理呢 -也相信- Truth? - Yes.那爱呢Love?爱爱啊Love? Love?在这些事情中我最相信爱情Above all things, I believe in love.爱就像氧气爱是许多美好的事情Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing.爱让我们远离世俗爱就是一切Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!你愚弄不了我们See, you can't fool us.你就是革命之子的代表人You're the voice of the children of the revolution.我们是不会上当的We can't be fooled!让我们敬这位新作者Let's drink to the new writer他将是波西米亚革命戏剧的第一位作者of the world's first Bohemian revolutionary show!那是一个完美的计划It was the perfect plan.我要去让萨婷给我面试I was to audition for Satine我将喝到我人生中第一杯苦艾酒and I would taste my first glass of absinthe.从前有个男孩There was a boy.我是绿精灵I am the green fairy.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive而变得生动with the sound of music.自♥由♥ 美好Freedom, beauty,真理爱情truth and love.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive而变得生动with the sound of music.我们要去红磨坊了We were off to the Moulin Rouge.而我将为萨婷朗诵我的诗And I was to perform my poetry for Satine.红磨坊The Moulin Rouge.有哈罗德·西德勒和他那些声名狼藉的舞♥女♥Harold Zidler and his infamous girls.人们称他们为钻石狗They called them his "Diamond Dogs."今晚你会和我睡觉吗Voulez-vous coucher avec moi Ce soir?姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ Hey, sister, go, sister,黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ soul sister, go, sister.如果生活很无趣If life's an awful bore,那么活着也只是被琐事困扰and living's just a chore.而你这样活着也仅仅是因为死亡也很无趣That you do 'cause death's not much fun.我就是你的解药I've just the antidote.尽管我不应该幸灾乐祸的观看And though I mustn't gloat.在红磨坊你将拥有快乐At the Moulin Rouge you'll have fun.挠一挠那些琐事So scratch that little niggle.让身体不断地摇摆Give a little wiggle.你知道你能行You know that you can.因为我们Because we可以跳康康舞can cancan.不要说你不能Don't say you can't can't can't.你知道你可以跳康康舞的You know you can cancan.不要说你不能因为你能的Don't say you can't because you can.现在我们在这里Here we are now.愉悦我们自己Entertain us.我们感觉很愚蠢We feel stupid.我们被感染了And contagious.拥有邪恶的想法Got some dark desire .爱上玩火的感觉Love to play with fire.既然生活这样琐碎为什么不彻底放纵Why not let it rip? Live a little bit.我们跳康康舞We can cancan.不要说你不能Don't say you can't can't can't.你知道你可以跳康康舞的You know you can cancan.你能跳康康舞You can cancan.外面也许会风雨交加Outside, it may be raining.但是在这里我们要愉悦自己But in here it's entertaining!如果你要爱就自♥由♥的去爱If you love love love to be free free free.红磨坊就是这样的地方The Moulin Rouge is the place to be.因为我们能跳康康舞Because we can cancan.是的我们跳康康舞Yes, we can cancan!我们在这里Here we are now.愉悦自己Entertain us.外面的世界让你感到悲伤Outside, things may be tragic.但是在这里所有的事情都很神奇But in here we feel it's magic.康康舞The cancan.因为我们跳康康舞Because we can cancan.去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ 黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ Go, sister, soul sister,姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ hey, sister, go, sister.黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ Soul sister, go, sister.因为我们跳康康舞Because we can cancan是的我们能跳康康舞Yes, we can cancan克利奥尔人玛尼雷德女士Creole Lady Marmalade因为我们能跳康康舞Because we can cancan.因为它让你思维活跃'Cause it's good for your mind.克里斯丁Christian.任务完成了我们已经说服了西德勒Mission accomplished. We've successfully evaded Zidler.是她闪亮的钻石It's her. The Sparkling Diamond.法国人愿意The French are glad to为爱牺牲die for love.他们为能决斗They delight而感到高兴in fighting duels.但是那天晚上还有另一个人看见了萨婷But someone else was to meet Satine that night.但是我更喜欢But I prefer活生生的人a man who lives.西德勒的投资者Zidler's investor.并且他能给我名贵的And gives expensive珠宝Jewels.公爵先生The Duke.吻手礼很欧化A kiss on the hand may be quite continental.但是只有钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.亲吻是很美好A kiss may be grand.但是它支付不了你那狭小房♥子的租金But it won't pay the rental on your humble flat.也不能帮你喂养你的猫Or help you feed your pussycat.男人会越来越冷漠就像女人会越来越老Men grow cold as girls grow old.到最后我们都会失去魅力And we all lose our charms in the end.但是正方形或者圆润梨花型切割的钻石永远不会变形But square cut or pear-shaped these rocks don't lose their shape. 钻石是女人最好的朋友Diamonds are a girl's best friend.我什么时候才能见到她When am l going to meet the girl?蒂凡尼的珠宝Tiffany's.她唱完歌♥以后我会安排一个特别的见面After her number, I've arranged a special meeting,只有你和萨婷小姐just you and Mademoiselle Satine.就你们俩人Totally alone.卡地亚手表Cartier.她唱完歌♥以后我安排了一个私人见面After her number, I've arranged a private meeting.就只有你和萨婷小姐只有你们两人Just you and Mademoiselle Satine. Totally alone.两个人吗Alone?是的就你俩Yes, totally alone.因为我们生活在一个物质的世界中'Cause we are living in a material world.而我就是一个拜金女And I am a material girl.过来找我吧男孩们Come and get me, boys.失陪一下Excuse me.黑钻石罗斯柯Black Star. Roscor.哈里·西德勒和我说话吧告诉我这些事情Talk to me, Harry Zidler. Tell me all about it!也许有的时候女孩需要律师There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer.但是钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.也许有时冷酷的上司会认为There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer thinks 你实在好的过分you're awful nice Oh!不用担心我把所有的事情都安排好了Don't worry. I'll sally forth and tee things up!公爵来了吗Is the Duke here?亲爱的老爹让你失望过吗Liebchen, would Daddy let you down?非常对不起Terribly sorry.他在哪Where is he?图卢兹对着摇手帕的那个人He's the one Toulouse is shaking a hanky at.打扰一下克里斯丁这个借我Excuse me, Christian. May I borrow?-你确定吗 -让我再看一下- Are you sure? - Let me peek.非常对不起真是太尴尬了I'm ever so sorry! How embarrassing!就是那个人That's the one.我希望他别被那个小个子蠢货给吓走I hope that demonic little loon doesn't frighten him off. 你自己擦吧你这个资产阶级的猪Clean yourself up, you bourgeois pig!对不起Sorry.-他会投资吗 -傻瓜- Will he invest? - Pigeon!在和你共度一晚后After spending the night with you,他怎么还能忍♥心拒绝how could he refuse?他喜欢什么风格调萎的小花What's his type? Wilting flower?朝气蓬勃的或者是妩媚妖娆的Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?妩媚妖娆的吧I'd say smoldering temptress.我们就指望你了小美妞We're all relying on you, gosling.记着站在真实的舞台上Remember, a real show in a real theater,面对现场的观众with a real audience那你就是and you'll be一个名符其实的演员a real actress.因为那是那些卑鄙的家伙'Cause that's when those louses回到他们配偶身边的时刻go back to their spouses.钻石Diamonds我有振奋人心的消息I have exciting news!是女孩的are a girl's最好的best朋友我想你正在等我I believe you were expecting me.是的Yes. Yes.这就是我的选择I'm afraid it's lady's choice.你见过我的这位英国朋友了I see you've met my English friend...我会关照他的I'll take care of it.跳起来吧Let's dance.跟她吟诵你最新的诗Hit her with your most modern poem!感受夜晚跳动的旋律Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night.跳舞到天亮Dance until the morning light.忘掉心中的烦恼Forget the worries on your mind.把它们统统忘到脑后You can leave them all behind.感受夜晚跳动的旋律Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night.跳舞到天亮Dance until the morning light.-进展得很顺利嘛 -真是不可思议- That went well. - Incredible.他对女人很有一套He has a gift with the women.我跟你说过了他是个天才I told you. He's a genius.那位公爵对跳舞得心应手That Duke certainly can dance.你能对我们的小舞台剧感兴趣真是太棒了How wonderful of you to take an interest in our little show. 听起来振奋人心我很高兴能参与其中It sounds very exciting. I'd be delighted to be involved.-真的吗 -看起来你很喜欢我的所为- Really? - Assuming you like what I do.I'm sure l will.图卢兹觉得我们应该Toulouse thought we might be able to私下谈谈do it in private.-是吗 -是的一次私人的- Did he? - Yes, you know, a private诗歌♥朗诵poetry reading.一次诗歌♥朗诵A poetry reading.我喜欢在晚饭后来点诗歌♥调味I love a little "Poetry" after supper.大家准备好了Hang on to your hat!钻石Diamonds,不管是垂直切割square cut还是圆润梨花型or pear-shaped.这些岩石These rocks都不会改变其形won't lose their shape.钻石Diamonds是女孩们的are a girl's最爱best...萨婷萨婷Satine! Satine! Satine!我不知道公爵今晚是不是能赚得回本钱I don't know the Duke's gonna get his money's worth tonight. 别那么无情妮妮Don't be unkind, Nini.你们把她吓跑了You've frightened her away.但是我看到一些孤独的红磨坊舞者But I can see some lonely Moulin Rouge dancers正在寻找一两个舞伴looking for a partner or two!如果你们振臂欢呼So if you can hunk hunk,你们就可以和她们跳舞you can Hunkadola with them!别挡我路Out of my way!玛丽Oh, Marie.这些奇装异服看上去好傻Oh, these silly costumes.只是晕过去了一会Just a fainting spell.女孩们回到台前去All right, girls. Back out继续让这些绅士们流口水没问题吧front and make those gents thirsty. Problems?你不用担心Nothing for you to be worrying about.那就别围在这里了Don't stand around, then.走出花♥园♥ 宝贝Come out of the garden, baby年轻女孩们你们会在雾中得重感冒的You'll catch your death in the fog, young girls她们是钻石的拥护者They call them the Diamond Dogs.去找西德勒那女孩正等着我呢Find Zidler. The girl's waiting for me.那位脚趾闪光的公爵正拿着诱饵等你呢That twinkle-toes Duke has really taken the bait, girl. 像他那样的赞助人With a patron like him,会使你成为第二个you could be the next莎拉·伯恩哈特Sarah Bernhardt.你真的觉得我会成为莎拉那样的人吗Do you really think I could be like the great Sarah?为什么不会呢你很有天赋Why not? You got the talent.你钓上那位公爵You hook that Duke and you'll你就会照亮欧洲最棒的舞台be lighting up the great stages of Europe.我会成为一名真正的演员I'm gonna be a real actress,玛丽一个真正的演员Marie. A great actress.我会远走高飞我会走得很远很远I'm gonna fly away from here. I'm gonna fly, fly away.小宝贝你没事吧Duckling, is everything all right?我当然没事哈罗德Yes. Of course, Harold.谢天谢地Thank goodness.你在舞台上和公爵You certainly weaved your magic真是大放光彩with the Duke on the dance floor.我看起来怎么样How do I look?很妩媚妖娆吧A smoldering temptress?我的小草莓My little strawberry,他怎么能不拜倒在你的石榴裙下how could he possibly resist gobbling you up?事情进展得何其顺利Everything's going so well!我将与你在红色屋内相见I'll meet you in the red room真不敢相信直接进房♥间了Unbelievable. Straight to the elephant.这是个诵诗的绝佳地点你觉得呢This is a wonderful place for a poetry reading. Don't you think? -够诗意了吗 -是的- Poetic enough for you? - Yes.吃点晚餐吗喝点香槟吧A little supper? Maybe some champagne?我只是想I'd rather just尽快完事get it over and done with.很好Very well.那么为什么你不Then why don't you到这里来呢come down here?让我们速战速决Let's get it over and done with.我更愿意站着I prefer to do it standing.你不必站起来You don't have to stand.有时候它会Sometimes it's.... It's比较长我希望你能感觉舒服quite long and I'd like you to be comfortable.它非常现代开始也许会有点奇怪It's quite modern, what I do. And it may feel a little strange 但如果你能放开心怀你会享受其中的at first, but if you're open, you might enjoy it.我相信我会的I'm sure l will.不好意思Excuse me.那天空The sky那天空那蓝色的知更鸟The sky.... The bluebirds...别紧张别紧张Come on. Come on.我想I think也许会颤抖there might be some shaking.-有什么问题吗 -我有一点紧张- Um, is everything all right? - I'm a little nervous.有时候需要一点时间来Sometimes it takes a while for让灵感迸发inspiration to come.是的是的Oh, yes, yes.让我来帮助你Let mummy help.这样做有没有激起你的灵感Does that inspire you?-让我们亲热吧 -亲热吗- Let's make love. - Make love?-你很想的不是吗 -我是来- You want to, don't you? - Well, l came to... 说实话你感觉不到诗意吗Tell the truth. Can't you feel the poetry?来吧感受它吧Come on! Feel it.发威吧Free the tiger!真大Big boy!他有巨大的才华He's got a huge talent!-我现在就需要听你吟诗 -好吧- I need your poetry now! - All right!这有一点可笑It's a little bit funny我不是那种容易隐藏This feeling inside内心感情的人I'm not one of those who can easily hide. 这诗怎么样这是你想要的吗Is this okay? Is this what you want?诗歌♥ 是的Oh, poetry. Yes. Yes.这正是我想要的下流的语句Yes. This is what I want, naughty words.下流的语句Oh! Naughty!我没多少钱但是如果我有I don't have much money, but, if I did, I'd buy我就会买♥♥一所我们都能住大房♥子a big house where we both could live这真不幸It's so bad!如果我是雕刻家当然我不是If I were a sculptor then again, no.你这个小魔鬼You devil.或者巡回演出中的魔法师Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show.不要停Don't, don't, don't!不要停Don't stop!-我知道这并不真实 -再来- I know it's not much - Give me more!这是我所能尽力给予的It's the best I can do.下流的语句不要停Naughty! Don't stop!我的礼物就是我的歌♥曲My gift is my song.这只为你而唱And this one's for you.你可以告诉每个人And you can tell everybody.这是首为你而唱的歌♥That this is your song.它也许很简单It may be quite simple, but但是它确已写成now that it's done我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind.我用文字记下That I put down in words.现在有你在世间How wonderful life is生活多么美好now you're in the world.我坐在屋顶I sat on the roof.我踢掉苔藓And l kicked off the moss.一些诗歌♥Well, some of these verses让我痛苦Well, they got me quite cross. 但是当我写下这首歌♥时But the sun's been kind阳光温暖和煦while I wrote this song.这是为你而作的歌♥It's for people like you that让人兴奋keep it turned on.原谅我忘记了So excuse me forgetting.但这些是我所做的事情But these things I do.我忘了You see, I've forgotten它们是绿色的还是蓝色的if they're green or they're blue. 不管怎样事实是Anyway, the thing is我真正想说的是What I really mean你拥有一双yours are the sweetest eyes我见过的最漂亮的美目I've ever seen.你可以告诉每个人And you can tell everybody.这是你的歌♥This is your song.它也许很简单It may be quite simple, but但是它确已写成Now that it's done.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind 我在文字中写下That I put down in words.现在有你在世间How wonderful life is生活多么美好now you're in the world.看起来他得到这份工作了Looks like he got the job!真不敢相信I can't believe it.我恋爱了I'm in love.我爱上一位年轻的I'm in love with a young英俊的有才华的公爵handsome, talented duke.公爵吗Duke?当然称谓并不重要Not that the title's important, of course.我不是公爵I'm not a duke.不是公爵啊Not a duke?我是一个作家I'm a writer.作家吗A writer?是的一个作家Yes, a writer.图卢兹图卢兹Toulouse... Toulouse.噢不你不是图卢兹嘴中的Oh, no. You're not another of Toulouse's那个有才华的迷人的波希米亚人oh-so-talented charmingly Bohemian,穷困的领导者吧impoverished protagonist?你可以那么说You might say that.I'm going to kill him.有个小意外I think there might be a small hitch.-公爵怎么样了 -我亲爱的公爵- What about the Duke? - My dear Duke...-是那个公爵 -公爵吗- The Duke! - The Duke?藏起来到后面去Hide! Out back!亲爱的你在为公爵的到来而精心打扮吗My dear, are you decent for the Duke?你去哪了Where were you?我正在等I.... I was waiting.最最亲爱的公爵Dearest Duke, allow me to introduce允许我介绍萨婷小姐Mademoiselle Satine!先生您能抽出百忙之时来Monsieur, how wonderful of you来这里拜访真是好极了to take time out of your busy schedule to visit.我感到万分荣幸亲爱的The pleasure, I fear, will be entirely mine, my dear.我让你们两只小松鼠单独相处一会回见I'll leave you two squirrels to get better acquainted. Ta-ta. 吻手礼很欧化A kiss on the hand may be quite continental.但是钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.经过一晚上在舞台上的折腾After tonight's pretty exertions on the stage你肯定需要吃点水果you must be in need of refreshment.不要你难道Don't! Don't you不喜欢那演出吗just love the view?很迷人我突然很想跳舞I feel like dancing.我想喝一杯香槟I should like a glass of champagne.-这有点可笑 -关于什么- It's a little bit funny. - What is?这种感觉This... feeling.内心的感觉...feeling... inside.内心的...inside.我不是那种容易I'm not one of those who can easily隐藏的人hide.我没有多少钱I don't have much money但是如果我有钱我就会买♥♥一所but if I did, I'd buy a big house我们都可以居住的大房♥子where we both could live.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind.我写下这些话语That I put down in words.生活How wonderful多么美妙life is现在有你在now you're in世间the world.真是动听极了That's very beautiful.这是壮美的景色里的歌♥曲It's from Spectacular Spectacular.你突然出现在这里Suddenly, with you here让我终于明白这话语真正的含义I finally understood the true meaning of the words. 有你在世间生活多么美妙"How wonderful life is now you're in the world." 那是什么意思亲爱的And what meaning is that, my dear?公爵Duke!你在玩弄我的感情Don't you toy with my emotions.你一定知道你让女人上钩后的后果You must know the effect you have on women.我们亲热吧Let's make love!你想亲热不是吗You want to make love, don't you?亲热Make love?我就知道你也是这么想的I knew you felt the same way!噢公爵Oh, Duke!你是对的我们应该等到首场演出之夜You're right. We should wait until opening night. 等着吗等等吗Wait? Wait?你有一种能量吓到了我There's a power in you that scares me.-你得走了 -我刚来啊- You should go. - I just got here.排练的时候我们每天都会见面的We'll see each other every day during rehearsal.我们必须要等等到首场演出之夜We must wait. We must wait until opening night. 出去Get out.你知道不知道如果我们被发现了Do you have any idea what would have happened 会有什么后果吗if you were found?萨婷Satine?我们来偷♥窥♥吧Let's have a little peekaboo.刚好能看到Right on target.我忘了我的帽子I forgot my hat...偷鸡摸狗Foul play?公爵啊Oh, Duke.这就是你所谓的难以隐藏内心的情感吗It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside!说得真好公爵Beautifully spoken, Duke.允许我给您介绍这位是作家Let me introduce you. The writer.-作家吗 -是的- The writer? - Yes.是啊我们正在排练Oh, yes. We were rehearsing.你是想告诉我大半夜的You expect me to believe that scantily clad...在房♥间里衣不蔽体的...in the arms of another man,躺在另一个男人in the middle of the night, inside an elephant...-的怀里排练吗 -排练的怎么样了- ...you were rehearsing? - How's the rehearsal going? 我们能不能重头在来一次呢Shall we take it from the top?希望钢琴调好音了的I hope the piano's in tune.不好意思来晚了Sorry, got held up.您要喝点什么吗Can I offer you a drink?天哪Oh, my goodness!。
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Y our songmy gift is my song and this one is for you 我的礼物就是我的歌这一首歌是献给你的you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌it may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许歌词,旋律很简单但是我已将它写完了i hope you don't mind 我希望你不要介意i hope you don't mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来how wonderful life is while you're in the world 世上有了你生活多么美好I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss 我坐在屋顶,脚踢着青苔Well a few of the verses well 脑海中浮现出一些韵律they've got me quite cross 令我不太高兴But the sun's been kind 但是阳光和熙while I wrote this song 在我写下这首歌的时候It's some people like you that keep it turn to 只有像你这样的人才能令这首歌动听So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do 原谅我的遗忘但是我现在要做的事情Y ou see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue你看我已忘记了你的眼睛是绿色还是蓝色的了Anyway the thing is what I really mean 不管怎样我的意思是Y ours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen 你的眼睛是我见过的最美的眼睛and you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌it may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许很简单但是我已将它写完了I hope you don't mind 我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来how wonderful life is while you're in the world 世上有了你生活多么美好Come What May 天荒地老男:Never knew I could feel like this 从未幻想能有这种感觉Like I've never seen thesky before 就像从未仰看蔚蓝的天空I want to vanish inside your kiss 我想就此融化在你的热吻Every day i'm loving you more than this 而对你的爱意与日俱增Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings 聆听我的心跳它在歌唱Telling me to give you everything 告诉我你愿为我赴汤蹈海\Seasons may change winter to spring 四季交替从冬天到春天But I love you until the end of time 但我对你的爱直至天荒地老Come what may 沧海桑田星移斗转Come what may 沧海桑田星移斗转I will love you until my dying day永远爱你直至生命消逝女:Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place 突然间世界蜕变得这般完美Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace 突然间世界的转动这般优雅合:Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste 突然间我的生命不再虚度女:It all revolves around you 这些变化全因你而起合:And there's no mountain too high 山川不再高耸No river too wide 河流不再宽广Sing out this song I'll be there by your side 高唱此歌我将陪伴你左右Storm clouds may gather 即使狂风暴雨即至And stars may collide 恒星相撞But I love you until the end of time 我对你的爱还是直至天荒地老Oh, come what may, come what may 哦来吧不管发生什么I will love you, I will love you 我的爱也不会变我的爱不会改变I will love you until my dying day 永远爱你,直至生命消逝Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place 突然间,世界蜕变得这般完美The Pitch (Spectacular Spectacular) [Original Film V ersion] Lyrics Spectacular SpectacularSpectacular, spectacularNo words in the vernacularCan describe this great eventY ou'll be dumb with wondermentReturns are fixed at ten percentY ou must agree, that's excellentAnd on top of your fee...Y ou'll be involved artistically.So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Elephants! Arabians!Indians! And courtesans!Acrobats! and juggling bears!Exotic girls! Fire eaters!Muscle Men! Contortionists!Intrigue, danger, and romance!Electric lights, Machinery,Powered with electricity!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Spectacular, spectacularNo words in the vernacularCan describe this great eventY ou'll be dumb with wondermentThe hills are alive, with the sound of music...So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years!Duke:Y es, but what happens in the end?The courtesan and sitar manAre pulled apart by an evil plan...But in the end she hears his song...And their love is just too strong.It's a little bit funny,This feeling inside...So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer!So delighting, it will run for 50 years--!Sitar player's secret song,helps them flee the evil one...Though the tyrant rants and rails,it is all to no avail!Zidler: I am the evil maharajah! Y ou will not escape! Satine: Oh Harold, no one could play him like you could! Zidler: No one's going to!So exciting, we'll make them laughwe'll make them cry!So delighting --!Duke: And in the end should someone die?So exciting, the audience will stomp and cheer! So delighting it will run for 50 years...! Duke: Generally, I like it...!Nicole Kidman - One Day I'll Fly AwayI follow the nightCan't stand the lightWhen will I beginTo live again?One day I'll fly awayLeave all this to yesterdayWhat more couldY our love do for me?When will love beThrough with me?Why live life fromDream to dreamAnd dread the dayWhen dreaming ends?One day I'll fly awayLeave all this to yesterdayWhy live life fromDream to dreamAnd dread the dayWhen dreaming ends?One day I'll fly awayFly, fly awayElephant Love Medley 屋顶对唱Ewan:Love is a many splendored thing, love Lift us up where we belongAll you need is loveNicole: Please, don't start that againEwan: All you need is loveNicole: A girl has got to eatEwan: All you need is loveNicole: Or she'll end up on the streetsEwan: All you need is loveNicole: Love is just a gameEwan: I was made for lovin' you babyY ou were made for lovin' meNicole: The only way of lovin' me babyIs to pay a lovely feeEwan: Just one night Just one nightNicole: There's no way'Cause you can't payEwan: In the name of loveOne night in the name of loveNicole: Y ou crazy foolI won't give it to youEwan: Don't, leave me this wayI can't surviveWithout your sweet loveOh baby, don't leave me this wayNicole: Y ou'd think that peopleWould have had enough of silly love songs Ewan: I look around meAnd I see it isn't so, oh noNicole: Some people wanna fillThe world with silly love songs Ewan: Well, what's wrong with that?I'd like to know'Cause, here I go again!Love lift us up where we belongWhere eagles fly on a mountain high Nicole: Love makes us act like we are fools Throw our lives awayFor one happy dayEwan: We could be heroesJust for one dayNicole: Y ou, you will leave meEwan: No, I won'tNicole: And I, I'll drink all the time Ewan: We should be loversNicole: We can't do thatEwan: We should be loversAnd that's a factNicole: No, nothing will keep us together Ewan: We could steal timeJust for one dayBoth: We could be heroesForever and everWe could be heroesForever and everWe could be heroesEwan: Just because I will always love you Nicole: I can't help itHow wonderful life isBoth: Now, you're in the world。