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图表的种类很多,一般把各种数字资料,按照一定的顺序,通过表格形式表现出来的叫表(table),利用点、线、图等把信息资料通过图像表现出来的叫图(graph或chart),常用的图形有柱形图(bar graph),曲线图(line graph),圆形图(circular graph),图解图(diagram),饼形或百分比图(pie or percentage graph),象形图(pictorial graph),流程图(flow chart)等等。


2.1. 读懂标题,然后根据主题进行分析。虽然文章的中心思想和细节是通过图表来表示的,但同一张图表,如果命题不同,作者观察、分析问题的角度就有所不同,写出的短文也可能完全不同。请看下面两个圆形图:

上面两张图如果命题为“The Similarities and Differences of the Two Marketing Concepts”,本文可以首先对两张图分别进行说明,对两种观念的异同进行比较,然后得出结论;如果命题为“The Development of Marketing Concept”,本文的重点则偏重于市场营销观念的变化及其变化的原因。写作时可首先指出两种观念的重点虽然明显不同,但后者显然脱胎于前者,然后再分析这种观念变化的原因。请比较下面两篇文章:


The Similarities and Differences of the Two Marketing Concepts

Let us take a look at the two circular graphs and compare the similarities and differences of the two marketing concepts.

The concepts illustrated in Fig.1and Fig.2 are roughly the same in their main business mentality and tactics.Both are new and advanced concepts in business administration.Moreover,

both lay stress on an orientation predominated by market demand.The latter,however,is also quite different from the former.First,the marketing focal point in Fig.1 is not the same as the in Fig.2.In the former,meeting consumers' needs and making a profit form the basis of business operations,while in the latter social long-term interests are also taken into account.Second,the former only considers two aspects of the problem in supplying products and services. But in contrast,the latter has to achieve a better balance between the three aspects—business profit,consumer demand and public social interests.Therefore,the latter is more advanced and more beneficial to social development.In addition,it has a more practical and revolutionary significance.


The Developm ent of Marketing Concept

Let us take a look at the two circular graphs and analyze the causes for the development of marketing concepts.

Fig.2 is quite different from Fig.1,but is obviously born out of Fig.1.The former refers to the concept predominated by market demand,whose stress is laid on the link between consumer demand and business profit,while the latter stands for the one led by society and market demand,which emphasizes the balance between social public interests,consumer demand and business profit.

Some reasons may account for the development of marketing concept.First,consumer demand is not always in agreement with social long-term interests.For example,when household appliances with great power consumption do not accord with the demands of economy on electricity,companies should consider improving on the product from social long-term interests.Second,meeting consumer demand on short-term basis is no longer business standard of conduct.A company,which can meet bothconsumers current demands and social long-term interests is more welcomed.Finally,in commodity production,companies should pay attention to environmental protection and ecological balance,because they are closely related to consumers and society.

It is just because of these that comes the development of marketing concept.

