TOEFL 词以类记(打印版)



herbivore ['h ?:?:, 'h ?:b?.v?:]
cold-blooded ani mal
scave nger
carni vorous

spi nal cord/
digestive system
excretory system
reproductive system
circulatory system
respiratory system
pan creas\
jelly fish
n ettlefish
dolphi n/
praw n
antenna/ten tacle



parasitic animal

herbivore['hə:bi.vɔ:, 'hə:bə.vɔ:]
mammal homotherm
动物学 达尔文学说 自然选择 门 纲 目 亚目 科 属 种 无脊椎动物 脊椎动物 水生动物 爬行动物 两栖动物 原生动物 啮齿动物 反刍动物 寄生动物 灵长动物 浮游生物 软体动物 腔肠动物(如水母、海蜇、珊瑚等) 食草动物 哺乳动物 恒温动物
natural selection
aquatic life
amphibian / amphibious animal
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architecture architect construct wing design elevator skyscraper design element log structure Cabin Beam Prototype building technique new material metal-frame repair person planetarium aquarium archives office building cathedral mosque the statue of liberty the triumphal arch sphinx pyramid

托福 词以类记 word整理版

托福 词以类记 word整理版

食欲 生物 鳞 羽毛 甲 脊椎 消化系统 排泄系统 生殖系统 循环系统 呼吸系统 内分泌系统 消化管 食管 胃 小肠 大肠 肛门 消化腺 唾液腺 肝 胆
pancreas 水生动物 jellyfish nettlefish coral dolphin whale shrimp prawn lobster crab mussel clam oyster sponge starfish squid burro / octopus sole plaice 哺乳动物 squirrel
volcanic dust
volcanic ash
hot spring
earthquake / quake / tremor 地震
/ seism seismic seismology magnitude seismic intensity scale seismic wave transverse wave longitudinal wave epicenter epicentral distance aftershock cataclysm tsunami / tidal / force undersea landslide melt global warming aquifer swamp peat bog Great Canyon Nile River Colorado river crumples zones
建筑学 architecture architect construct wing design elevator skyscraper design element log structure Cabin Beam Prototype building technique new material metal-frame repair person planetarium aquarium archives office building cathedral




希望对各位有帮助!Unit One The AbductionAn adage says that adversity is transient. The following allegory is an example.Long, long ago there were two couples that had no children. They adopt ed a boy named Terry. They were affable to Terry and Terry adore d them very much. They lived an amicable life and amass ed affluent affection s.One day two bad men came to the village. They found Terry and accost ed him: “Are your parents at home?”“No, they went to drink in the tavern.” terry replied. “Good!” allege d one of them, “I’ve heard of an anecdote saying that, there’s a bulk of ablaze antique treasure hidden somewhere near the apex of the mountain. Do you wish to find it out with us?” Terr y was a boy with agility. He was allured and acclaim ed: “Wonderful! I’ll affiliate you.”Consequently, Terry’s parents did find him when they came back. “Maybe you have alienate d Terry. He finds you acrimonious and left. ” The mother said in anguish. “I do not doubt his allegiance; He may have been abduct ed.” replied the father.Just then they received a mail with an annex amalgamate d with the text. In the appendix there was an abridged letter: “Your son is in our hands. We’ve abate d his diet and annull ed his sleep. We want $10,000 for absolv ing him. If you are amenable to our advisable request, send the money to the allocate d aperture of the sewer at the north of the village within two days; if you adjourn, you’ll never see him again!” the letter admonish ed without any annotation. The letter was not abstruse, but the abhorrent allusion drove them into agony. Quickly they called the police.Several policemen were allot ted to the case. They were adroit and adept in their job. Soon they rescued Terry and treated him with antiseptic s. The couple felt abash ed: “Thanks to the police, their affinity to spec ops amaze d us. We’ll abstain drinking and accentuate the agrarian work.”The criminal and his accomplice were accuse d for abduction but were acquit ted although proof was against them, because the avaricious judge adopt ed their bribery.(April, 2th)Unit Two GreedThere were two archaic countries called Albania and Croatia long ago. Albania was arid and bleak while Croatia arable. The king of Albania was an autocrat with belligerent bent who begrudge d Croatia and belittle d her armament, and he decided to assail Croatia.Firstly, he sent an astute ambassador in bleach ed apparel to visit Croatia. The king of Croatia held a banquet and appoint ed him. He avow ed: “We Croatians are bestow ed by God the ardent aptitude s. We are ascetic as to have few asset s and bequest s. We’re also assiduous and keep austerity.” “Sure,” the messenger beguile d, “Your people have begotten(原形beget) great attainment s, and we want to barter with your country.”On hearing that, the Albania king said: “Good, nobody can balk us.” And he baste d Croatia with his army. They bereave d Croatia’s land and beset its capital. The Croatia king was astound ed and berate d: “You shit belie d your avid aspire for our land and blemish ed justice!” All Croatian officials were befuddle d and began to bicker with each other. Only one minister said: “Although situation is arduous, we shall not apprehend them. I’ve appraise d them and assert ed that their ardor won’t last long. Everything is auspicious and will get assuage d.”The Albania-forces’ general thought: “Our king is too bigoted. Ever since I passed his audition and became general, my allegiance has been bask ed in attrition. I’ve awe d him, but now filled with aversion. I’ll kill him and retire. I’m apt to study barometer.” So he asperse d: “Our king is avaricious and barbarous. We shouldn’t bend to his arrogance.” Then he sent an assassin and assassinate d the king.(April, 3th)Unit Three Prisoners of WarThousands of war prisoners were kept in captivity in the bulky camp. They lived in clutter and had to deal with chore s. They must show categorical obedience or else receive caustic chiding. The guarding officers censure them very often, as well as clamor carnal punishments. Some captive s got bruise and clot s all over. Male prisoners lost their collateral s and female ones failed to keep chaste.They wear burnish ed canvas, and rested in circumscrib ed room with small capacity and caliber. They chafe each other and brawl ed frequently. They were chary of moving and can hardly budge. Their situations captivate d lots of reporters, who castigate d the government with cogent proof. However, the government gave bombastic data and brag ged about the conditions in the camps.After the calamity of war cease d, large numbers of captives were longing for the boon of brisk and free life. According to a clandestine bond between the two canny governments, a process of exchanging captives will soon commence. This is considered as opening a cleft in the clog ged wall between the two countries.(April, 4th)Unit Four Laden’s EndAs Osama Ben Laden(奥萨马-本-拉登)’s forc es failed contend ing with the Northern Confederate, he had to abandon the commodious capital city of Kabul and conceal his trail inside the contour of large mountains and cavern s. His career comprise s confidential conspiracy, conspicuous terrorist assault s, Islamic fundamentalist creed and contemptible crimes. But now, most of Laden ’s subordinates contemplate d and become contrite, while castigat ing him with their conscience.Three months ago, some conciliatory connoisseur s of international affairs from UN came to Afghanistan(阿富汗) with cordial compassion to the catastrophe occurring there, and consort ed Laden. They deem it contingent to arrive at a congruity if Laden would concede. However, Laden was credulous in his counsel’s words that the constellation shows fortune to them. He was covetous and contemptuous of his enemy. Confound ed by conceit, he crave d for uniting the entire nation. Thus he contemn ed the UN commission’s ad vice and convene d his troops for counterstrike.Soon US corroborate d that Laden was the person who contrive d the new attack method of impacting skyscrapers with planes, and person who conspire d the concerted serial assaults in New York. Laden cower ed and constrict ed his mouth. He controvert that he was consecrat ing some food with condiment to the God in order to confine the contagious disease in Afghanistan, and had no time to organize the attack. But US ignored his construing. They said that Laden’s story was concoct ed and his credential was counterfeit ed. Then they confiscat ed it and attacked his troops with bombs that contaminate d the whole country.Laden confide d his congenial officer with composure: “They won’t connive our terrorism, any more than condone us. We must consolidate the forces, equip them with the counterpart weapons of US army’s, and put compulsive death to those infidels.” “You’re s o composed! Let’s conceive something optimistic.” The officer commend ed.(April, 5th)Unit Five Family betrayerMaria was a damsel in a noble family that had passed its culmination and fallen into decadence. She was little defective, for he knew decorum well and was deft at cuisineof dessert s. She followed her father’s decree and defer red marriage year after year, her best ages detain ed.One day, Maria’s father designate d her as a deputy to dispatch a deleterious man who denounce d her family and depict ed its defect s to others. After she saw the man, he declaim ed: “You’re delude d by your culpable father’s deceit. He’s a despicable person who despoil ed our property. He deride d us and denote d that we should work for him. I am the delegate of all deceive d people. We detest your father in cynical manners and demur to him before the deities. We live in dank cells and feel dazed frequently, but we’re dauntless. We’ll keep deprecat ing him until he deplore.”What the man delineate d struck Maria greatly. Her deference to father detract ed, she said in a deject ed mood: “I have despise d you poor people but now I’m deferential. You’re right in decry ing my father’s detriment to you all. He deform ed the truth and defraud ed me. I’ll curb my cursory task to put you into demise with this deterrent. Also, I’ll detach myself from my family.”After some curt compliment s, the man said: “Thanks, I’ll go around that declivity and dab the bell dangling on the ceiling as a signal for us to escape.”(April, 6th)Unit Six The Arrogant ScholarAlder is a scholar with many devout disciple s. He has been disseminat ing doctrine s that is said to be not having the most diminutive drawback. He economize s his own life and become emaciated. When he came to our city last year, our domineering boss discern ed him and invited him to give us a discourse.Alder was eloquent and began dilat ing with elation: “What I want to elucidate today is a problem which is long distain ed and has dismay ed many people. It distract s them all the time and makes them downcast. That is: How to effectuate the discretion in edify ing your disposition? ……” He devise d lots of dispensable sentences while eluding the important things, thus digress ed the topic and the lecture sounded devoid of sense. What’s more, his dialect s greatly disarray ed the audience and dwindle d away the effectiveness of his speech.It was getting dusky and began to drizzle. We all became drowsy and our boss’s patience ebb ed. He was discreet and didn’t want to disfigure himself by forcing Alder to stop, but he really disparage his speech very much and cannot dissemble any more. Eventually, he said in a devious way: “Your topic is discernible, but it’s so dingy now. Let’s disband the meeting and I’ll disburse your plane ticket back home with discount s.”Alder became dismal at once. He replied: “Do not dissimulate or disclaim your real purpose. You divulge d that your patience have dissipated. Well, if any of you candisprove the topic of my discourse, you can displace me and I’ll go home keep dormant. I’m so ductile.”“Stop effus ing your words filled with discord,” shouted the boss angrily, “I’ve dissect ed your topic and it embodies nothing. Diversify its content, or I’ll efface them. We diverge too much and I have to let you leave, otherwise you’re doing nothing but embezzling our money.”(April, 7th) Unit Seven Great Archaeological DiscoveryAn erratic instrument was exhume d from an excavation of ancient epoch. It looked like a pipe but was embroider ed exquisite pictures on it, and could still engender a euphonious sound. As nobody in the country can enunciate what it is, an archaeologist with special expertise skill was enlist ed from abroad.Following the envoy, the expert came to the expedient huts encompass ing the spot. During his expeditious esteeming, the expert was completely engross ed. He exclaim ed: “This is an exotic flute which is the oldest extant one, and all others have been exterminate d in ethnic migrations.” Then he gave an exemplary play with the pipe, followed by extemporaneous expounding to its structure. Eventually, he extoll ed the importance of this discovery, showing exorbitant etiquette.The enrapturing local official held a banquette on the archaeologist’s exodus. However, the instrument’s value entice d the expert and entail ed his greed. He emend ed his plan and wanted to encroach the flute. Thus he exerted his eloquence and equivocate d: “Sorry I’ve made a mistake maybe. According to an excerpt from a book enact ed by my teacher, this instrument is unworthy. Its value cannot emulate a common flute.”The official was exasperate d: “Nobody will endorse such nonsense excluding yourself. Your crime can be neither extenuate d nor exempt ed. Expedite your steps and eschew us, foolish exponent.”The archaeologist was enervate d and ran away as soon as possible.(April, 8th)Unit Eight The Fox and the ChickenThe frigid winter and scarce food supply famish many animals, including a ferocious fox. He is almost forlorn because he has garnered little food when the landwas fertile, and the flora is extraneous to his diet. He used to be fussy and extravagant with his food but now has to fetter his stomach and be frugal. “What a formidablewinter!” he gabble s.Just then his eyes flicker due to a fortuitous discovery. After ferret ing about the whole grassland fraught of snow for fishy objects, he finally found a small finch with fuzzy feather and fragrant smell. A chicken! “A ha, facile prey!” the fox was exultant, “Hmm…She looks so fatuous and feeble. But I shall not go forthright, because the feud between foxes and chickens will fluster or fret her, and foment her escape. I must make her believe her foe through fraud s.”After fitful garnish ing, the fox comes up to the fluffy fowl with a genial smile on his face. He feign ed that he is a gentry with genteel speaking genre: “Hey, my fraternal friend! I’m coming to extricate you from a disaster. It’s not facetious. Your nest is too flimsy and frail to be a fixture for living. It cannot foil great gale s coming soon. However, I can help building a new nest with many forte s for you, which can forestall waterexud ing. I just want to show my genuine feat and won’t extort money from you.”“Stop your futile fraudulent figment. It’s such gauche farce.” the chicken flout ed, “Look at the frowsy gash on your cheek. You’re the fickle figurehead of the fox clan who just failed in the factious fights.”The fox cannot gainsay the chicken’s word s and left in frenzy frustration.(April, 9th)Unit Nine Generation GapTed made a fortune and hiked back his idyllic home in illustrious guise s. He wore a grand hat, a pair of gilded glossy shoes and a girdle with glazed tip. All neighbors in the gorge welcomed Ted with homage instead of grudging, and he was gleeful as well as haughty.Yet, Ted’s father, who used to be humane, criticized him bitterly: “How hideous you are! We used to be hardy and hectic. We’re gregarious and never guileless. Now you made a haphazard fortune and lost our virtues. Hearsay says that you get your money by harry ing passengers and hew ing trees. Somebody even impart ed me that you’ve committed immense homicide. If you’ve done those illicit things, It’s surely ignominious idiosyncrasy, and you’ll lose your imminent heirship if you go on like that.” He humiliate d Ted.Ted imbibe d some tea, grope d his match and ignit ed a cigar. “You’re too hackneyed and grumpy,” he grumble d in a grouchy voice, “I cannot gratify your obsolete ideology. You old people used to live like ignoble cattle and illegible grasses. You glean grain from fields and heave them back in gratitude to the God. You gnawdirty food everyday, ignorance of hygiene. All my wealth hinge s on my gripping many chances and it’s unreasonable for you to gibe me like that.”The hubbub of haggling attracted many neighbors who were heedless at first. Some of them approved the son’s grievance while others took it as heresy. The quarrel’s gist was generation gap.(April, 10th)Unit Ten Diplomatic FrictionA newly inaugurated impervious US submarine with diesel impetus was taking an imperative task near an insular navy base in Japan. As it made its way across the intrinsic flows, an inconceivable fish boat suddenly emerged in front of them. The indolent captain was so imprudent and inert that he turned the steer too late. It was a big submarine with great inertia and the fish boat was in an inept position. It was stricken hard, and the influx of water into the boat’s interior space caused the boat to sink in impotence.The imposing accident incite d incisive diplomatic friction s after short interlude. Incense d local fishermen were indignant and impetuous. They incriminate d the US navy for insulting their nation. Some of them even instigate d local governors with inordinate incentive.A group was set up to inquire the accident. After some inquisitive inquiry, they impute d the matter to the fish boat and tried to act as the intermediary to intercede between the fishermen and the US navy. However, the local fishermen were insubordinate and intrepid. Although they’re indigent and make livings on indigenous products, they decided to indict the US navy. Their action gained impassioned support and incessant invocation from the mass people. They hoped the insolent US navy could pay the indemnity.The impassive governors, however, feared being implicate d in the trouble. They intimidate d the fishermen by instill ing that, the US navy had innate privileges, and insinuate d that their inflexible indictment was ineligible. But the fishermen were indomitable and inverte d the infusing. The lawsuit began eventually.All the crew of the submarine was interrogate d. Finally all the incredulity dissipated: the intrinsic fault lay in the captain’s incipient operation error. Although almost impeccable in the p ast, there’s no impunity for him. When the indented judgment text was announced, the fisherman improvise d an impromptu verse to mock the government’s improvident waste of time.(April, 11th)Unit Eleven Story on the LawnAt 40°latitude, 110°longitude there was a large area of luxuriant lawn. A river meander ed through the grassland, manuring it with fresh water. A liberal girl lived there, whose merits was her matchless beauty and irreproachable ken. Her hair was lithe and her eyes limpid. Every morning she would wear her laurel and lash her sheep onto the lawn. The mediocre life elapsed in lull for many, many years.One day an itinerant nobleman came to the lawn. He was authorized by an irrevocable legislation to levy the place. He had malady in his leg and had to limp all the time, and all people jeer ed at his jolt ing languid muscle when he came. Some children’s malicious mimicry to his walking manner greatly irritated him.As he saw the girl, his eyes were filled with luster and his lust arose: “A ha, a menial meek girl with fine malleable skin! She reminds me of my newly-marital life.”Full of malice, he kindled a cigar and accosted the girl: “You’re such a methodical girl with manifold talents. I’ve learned of a maxim saying that, phoenix canno t reside on a small tree, and I can liberate you from the leash of husbandry. You should lease your sheep to others and go with me to the maritime capital city whose prosperity is laud ed by all.”The girl was not at all irresolute. She replied in listle ss tone: “Look at the irreverent smile on your face and the ugly ledge on your leg. By meticulous observation, I loathe you. Your maneuver cannot jumble my mind and languish my alert.”“Maligning!” shouted the nobleman.After some liaison, many lusty malcontent s came to the girl and drove the nobleman away.(April, 12th)Unit Twelve The General ElectionThe quadrennial US president election is once again muddling the multitude. Parade s with partisan motif fill the streets and obstruct the traffic.Nocturnal TV programs are monotonous due to the noxious orations. Both parties have gained tremendous patronage from the opulence of large businesses. It’s no wonder the greatest ordeal to those politicians.The Democratic Party’s candidate, Gore, is an outspoken and overbearing man with obstinate thoughts nurtured in a needy family. He gives an offhand comment that the Republic Party’s candidate, Bush, is a moron with morbid brain. He outwitted thepublic that, if he wins, he would modulate the policies, popularize obligatory education and mollify the current economic depression.Bush, although overdue for the election, is a munificent person with nimble style in his outfits. He obscure s his own flaws and evade s Gore’s onsets. Instead, he frequently me ntioned the former president Clinton’s obscene history. “I’m not the panacea for all problems, but I can be palatable small dish for you to nibble. Oust Gore from your tickets and support me please. Our serious security conditions can be mitigate d.” Bush paraphrase s his ideas.As Gore overlook s many chances and fails to mold his aspect successfully, his negligence finally causes Bush’s victory. According to the pact between them, Bush sets up his government and begins to nominate his minister s.(April, 13th)Unit Thirteen Mahatma GandhiGandhi was the peerless precursor of India national independence movement as well as a provident politician with prodigious probity. Grown up in penury, he was a pious posterity of the Indian people and had no prodigal penchant s.Fighting for the perennial independence of India, Gandhi is propp ed by many followers. He told them to keep placid and proscribed violence which may pervert people, for he knew profoundly, if that prevails, their prestige would be profane d and the movement would fall in plight. As a result, he kept placating his followers by plotting petitions with percussion s and plead ed with the British colonists with propriety to accept their plausible proposal s. Local governors profess ed his process permissible, and his minions proliferate d.As Gandhi’s propensity to become independent protrude d and his profuse methods of struggle protracted, the colonists were prod ded and pensive. They fear that the poise would be broken and fights would pervade. So they prosecute d Gandhi for pilferage of poultries and plunge d the plaintiff into the penal jail. The jail keeper was prone to sympathy and made special food provision for Gandhi by peck ing the jail wall. Their precious proximity was not perpetuated. Soon the keeper was preclude d from touching Gandhi and Gandhi lost his preference.A prolific playwright wrote a play about Gandhi with pertinent topic recently. In the prelude of the play he premise d that Gandhi was still alive. When the play was on, it precipitate d and the perspective of the city’s profile became picturesque.(April, 14th)Unit Fourteen The Lord and the HermitOnce upon a time there was a rapacious lord. He was relentless to his tenants and quell ed them by placing quotas to their living condition. Soon he collected quantitatively great revenue and lived in a radiate palace. He was also renowned for his queer clothes.One day the lord’s disease relapse d, so he rallied his subordinates for help. One of them said: “I’ve heard of a recluse who knows regimen well residing nearby. Why not visit his residence for help?” Another retort ed: “Be prudent, maybe it is only a rumor.” But the rash lord was filled with rapture and ratified the visiting plan.On the next Sunday, the lord purged himself, held a quaint rite and started for the hermit’s home. They passed rugged rustic passages full of paddle s and the lord almost recoil ed. Finally they arrived. The lord felt disappointed at the recluse’s reception, but he wouldn’t relinquish the chance and talked to the hermit with reverence.The hermit ruminate d and revert ed to the main topic in a pungent voice: “I’ve heard lots of your ravenous deeds. You retract the land you’ve distributed to the farmers and order them to redeem their land. You must redress your guilt and rehabilitate their freedom. Reimburse their respective debts and build refuge for them. You can retain the residue of your property.”The lord was reluctant to renounce his wealth and be rent from his palace. He rebuke d: “Your advice is too reckless. I’m resolute not to accept it.”“Why so repulsive? You cannot repudiate my words.” The hermit reiterate d his suggestion and its resonance echoed. “Remit their taxes with rebate s, or a riot is imminent.”The lord again refute d. At last he went back in remorse.(April, 15th) Unit Fifteen Watching the ExecutionIt is reported that two seer criminals were to be executed in the town center today, and spontaneous spectators have gathered around the sedate square in sporadic groups fore fear of solitude. They skimmed the sardonic slogans pasted on the walls about those social slag s. The air was solemn and sensuous.Soon several policemen came from the stall as speculate d, shoving two criminals saddle d by shackle s. As they walked around the sloppy slope, people shun ned them because they’re thought to be sinister. Then the executioner began to scrutinize thecriminals that had been kept in seclusion for days, his face steadfast and his rifleshine d with splendor.The first criminal was a murderer who had smother ed a boy. The police was not sluggish at all and pushed him forward without scruple. As the executioner drew his sword and it slump ed, the criminal’s neck snapp ed, and his head was sever ed from the body. Blood spouted from the gush and spray ed onto the ground. Some watchers’ clothes were smear ed and spew ed at the terrible scene. The executioner sheath ed his sword and shouted: “Next one.”The second was a sly cheater who obtained $100,000 through one solitary method. He solicit ed: “I fear the savor of sword. Kill me with a rifle, please.” “No, it squander s bullets.” Replied the executioner with sarcasm. “You’re too skimpy,” said the criminal in a satirical tone, “please satiate my last will.” After some squabbling he was satisfied.The executioner fired at the criminal’s spleen. Blood spurt ed out, like sprout ing flower. The criminal was still sober and felt sear ed. The bullet sing ed his body and killed him without much snag.The police then gave the spectators lots of sermon but nobody listened. I collected a bullet shell and scoop ed some blood sediment up from the ground as a souvenir, then returned home without sojourn.(April, 16th) Unit Sixteen Misery of the Negro Slaves400 years ago, many European colonists with supple hair went to Africa and subvert ed the aboriginal empires. After the subjection, local residents succumb ed to the colonists. The conquerors found them stocky and submissive. They surmise d that those tangible traits made them suitable for strenuous work. So they shipped those Negroes to America in order to supersede animal labor.During the 1600s, from African plains to the summit s, millions of Negroes tally ing the requirements were tied together with strap. Their noses were transfix ed and their faces tint ed. Then they were jammed into stout ships teeming slaves thrust by sails and shipped to America. While in the ship, they fed on tepid tenuous porridge and stodgy corn. Stripp ed of all things, their head thump ed the deck and their noses tingle d while the ship waved. Such bad conditions were not tentative, so they became torpid and tranquil as well as susceptible.Surplus people were thrown into the sea and were submerge d by water. As the slavers kept tantaliz ing them, Even the most temperate man became sullen. Their touchy temperament caused much strife and many ships stray ed.After they finally surmount ed all the difficulties stunt ing them and subsist ed until they reached America, they found themselves suffusing the slaver’s farms to which they were subsidiary. Their stingy superintendent s stipulate d with them that, their job was temporal and would soon be supplant ed by more succinct work. It’s their tact however. Everyday they ate their sustenance when the bell toll ed. It was tacit in the synopsis of the contact that they can never be free. Their thrift and torment transcend ed all that in human history.When their deeds transpire d, the colonists’ reputation got tarnish ed. International organizations sublimate d the topic of fighting against slavery and began to tackle the problem.(April, 17th)Unit Seventeen The Perilous JournalCommon tourists virtually never go upstream the Amazon River too far. I’ve been venerating those valiant adventurers as well as wistful and longing to become one, until last year, I joined a group of archaeologists who were trying to unearth archaic vestige s, such as wares polished with varnish, from a site deep in the rainforests.Several trotting mules tugged our boat. Our leader, Jimmy, was an upright, witty man with unshaken will. He wield ed the steer warily and kept vigilant. The water trickling underneath our boat formed trifling waves. The uncanny scenes and unruly animals on the banks aroused our whim s.It was dawn and everything around was vague. Suddenly the boat was wag ged sharply and we woke up in turmoil. There was a huge whirlpool ahead, which generated vehement vibration. As we waddled toward Jimmy, he veer ed the boat with not a whit of hurry until we escaped the turbulent area.Still in trepidation, we got onto the bank and launched a campfire with twig s. We took off the wet clothes and wrung them out, then dried them on the fire through ventilation. I made a wry smile because I was wearing an unbecoming coat in vogue. We then composed a verse to praise Jimmy’s wit and valor.As the incident vex ed us, our faith waver ed and our courage wan ed. Somebody tried to wheedle Jimmy into aborting the adventure, but Jimmy veto ed the suggestion. “Unless unanimity, I won’t agree with such unseemly advice.” He vindicate d his decision.(April, 18th)。



模拟真实的考试环境,进行词汇测试,提高应对 能力。
在实际应用中,如写作、阅读等,运用所学的词 汇,提高词汇的运用能力。
根据模拟测试和实战演练的结果,及时反馈并调 整复习策略,提高复习效果。
02 词汇学习方法
通过学习词根,可以理解单词的构造和演变过程,从而更好地记忆和理解单词。 例如,通过学习“bio(生物)”这个词根,可以更容易地记忆“biology(生 物学)”这个词。
将单词放入实际的语境中,通过上下文来理解单词的含义和用法。这种方法可以帮助记忆更长久,并且更好地理 解单词的实际应用。例如,通过阅读句子“The cat sat on the mat.(猫坐在垫子上。)”可以更生动地理解 “mat(垫子)”这个词。
词汇适用于各种生活场景,如购物、旅行、家庭生活等,有助于 提高口语表达能力。
对于想要出国留学或旅行的人来说,这本书可以帮助他们更好地 理解和融入当地文化。
书中的词汇适用于各种职场环境,如商务会议、项目 报告、邮件沟通等。
这类词汇比较常见,是人们在日常生活中交流的基础。在TOEFL考试中,生活词汇的考查 通常出现在阅读、听力、写作和口语部分,要求考生能够运用这些词汇进行日常交流和表 达。

TOEFL21天词汇打印 Word文档自己整理

TOEFL21天词汇打印 Word文档自己整理

abandon artifact brick clingabhor artisan brief clip abnormal ascend brilliance clueabroad asphalt brim clumsyabrupt aspiring brittle cluster absent assemble broadcast coach absorb assert bronze coarse abstract assess bubble coatabsurd assign buckle cohesive abundant assume bugle coilabuse asteroid bulb coincide academy astonishing bulk collaboration accelerate astronomy bumblebee collectiveaccess astute bunch collideaccident atheist burden colony acclaim attach burgeon comedyaccommodate attain burial cometaccompany attribute burrow commerce accomplish auditory burst commission accord auger bust commodity account for authentic butterfly commonsense accumulate autobiography cabinet commute accuse automated cable compactacid autonomy calcium comparative acoustic(al) avant-garde calendar compass acquaint avenue calorie compile acquire avid camel complementacre aware camouflage complexacronym awkward camp complicated acute axe campaign component adapt axis campus compose address baboon can comprehensive adjacent backbone can compress adjunct background canal comprise administrate backward candidate conceal admire bacteria canoe conceiveadmission balance canopy concerning admit balcony canyon conclusiveadobe ballet capable concrete adolescent barb capture condense adorn bare carbon condor advent barge career conduct adverse bark cargo cone advocate barn carnivore confederacy aesthetic(al) barrel carpenter conferaffair barren carriage configuration agent barrier cart confine aggregate barter cartoon confirm aggressive basement carve conflict agitation basic cast conform akin basin caste confront alarm battery casual congestion algae battle casualty congress alien bay category conjunction alkali beacon cater connoisseur alligator beak caterpillar conquer alloy beam cathedral consecutive allude beast cautious consequence alter beaver cavity conservation Alternate behave cease conservative Altitude belief cedar consist Aluminum belong ceiling consistent Amateur belt celebrated constant Amazing bend celestial constituent Ambition beneficial cellar constitute Amendment besiege cellular constitution Ample bias cellulose consume Analogy bind Celsius contact Analyze biography census contemporary Ancestor biologist ceramics content Angle bipedal ceremony context Anonymous bison challenge continual Antagonize bite chamber continuous Antarctica bizarre chance continuum Anthropology blade channel contribute Antibiotic blast chaos controversy Anticipate blazing chapel convection Antiquate bleak charcoal convention Anxiety blend chest converge Ape blossom chief converse Apprentice blow chill convertapproach boast chimpanzee convey appropriate bodily chip convictapprove boil chisel convince approximately bond chlorophyll coordinate aquatic boom chord cope arbitrary boost choreograph copper arch border chorus coral archaeology botanical chunk cord architecture boulder circuit core arctic bounce circular correlate arid boundary circumstance correspond arise bow cite corridor armor boycott civic corrosion array brass civilian cosmicarrest breach classify costumeartery breakdown claw cotton article breathe clay counterpart articulate breed clerk crabbreeze cliff craftcranial divergent exhilarating gallery crater diverse exocrine galloncredit divert exotic gammacrisscross doctrine expertise gapcritic dogged explicit garbagecritical domain explode gearcrouch domestic exploit generalization crow dominate exponent generate crowd dot expose generous crucial down expressive genetic crude draft extend geniuscrust drain extent genre crystal drama external gentlecube dramatic extinct genuinecue drift extol genus culminate drip extract geographiccure droplet extraordinary geologiccurious drought exuberant geomagnetic curriculum dull fabric geometric curtain dumb façade giantcurve dwarf Fahrenheit gibbon cylinder dwell faint gifteddairy dye fair gigantic dam dynamic fairly glacial damp eager faith gland daring earnest falcon glaredawn earthenware fame glassy dazzling eccentric fantasy glaze dealer echo fascinate glimpse debate eclipse fashion global debris ecology fatal glowdecay edge fatigue glue deceive edible feasible gradient declare eject feat grain decline elaborate federal grand decompose electron felt granite decorate elegance fertile grasp dedicate elevate fiber grasshopperdefeat elicit fiction gravitydefend eligible fidelity graze deficient eliminate figure guarantee definite elliptic(al)filter gulf degrade eloquent fine habitat deity elusive finish hail deliberate emanate fir hall delicate embellish fist hallmark delta embody flake hallway democrat embrace flame halt demolish embryo flap hammer dense emerge flash handcrafted depict emit flat handednessdeposit emphasize flattering handful depress enclose flavor handledeprive encompass flaw hang derive encounter flax harbor descend endangered flee harden deserve endeavor fleeting hardness designate endow flexible hardship desirable endure float hardware destructive energetic flock harm detect engage flood harmonious deter engrave flour harness deteriorate enhance flourish harsh determine enormous fluctuate hatch devastate enroll fluid haul devoid entail focus haunt devour enterprise fog hazard dictate enthusiasm foliage heal differentiate entity folk heed diffuse entrance forage height dilemma entrepreneur foremost helium dilute entry forge hemisphere dim enzyme formation hence dime episode formidable herald dimension epoch formulate herb dinosaur equator fossil herddioxide equilibrium foster heritage disaster equip fountain hesitate discard equivalent fraction hexagon discern era fracture hibernate discharge erect fragile hide discipline erode fragment hierarchy discriminate escape frame highlight dismay essence freight hinge disperse estimate frequent hinterland disposal etch friction hive dispute ethic frigid hollow disrepute evaporate frontier hominid disseminate evenly frost homogeneous dissolve evoke frustrate honor distant evolve fuel hook distinct exaggerate functional horizon distinguish excavate fundamental hormone distort exclusive fungus horsepower distract execute funnel hostile distribute exemplify fur household district exempt furnace hover disturb exert furnish humanity ditch exhaustion furniture humidity dive exhibit fuse humoroushunger intrinsic lust muralhurl intruder luxury mushroom hydrogen invade lyric mutual hypersensitive invariable magical myriad hypothesis invertebrate magma mystery iceberg investigate magnesium myth ichthyosaur inviting magnetic nailideal involve magnify naked identical involved maintenance narration identify ion maize narrow ideology irony majestic nationwide ignorant irresistible makeup navigate ignore irreverent mammalian nebula illuminate irreversible mammoth necessity illusion irrigate mandate neck illustrate isolate maneuver nectar imagine issue manifestation needlework imitate jar manipulate needy immediate jaw mansion negate immigrant jelly manual neglect immobilize jewel marble negotiate immortal join margin neighbor immune jolt maritime neoclassicalimpact journal marrow netimpair juice marvelous neutralimpart jumble mason niche impediment Jupiter massive nickel imperative jurisdiction masterpiece nickname impervious jury match nitrogenimplement keen maternal nomadicimplicit kernel mature nonetheless imply kerosene maximum nonsense impose kettle meager normal improvise kettle meander nostalgia impulse kiln mechanism nostrilin spite of kinetic medicine notablein terms of kingdom medieval notice inability kitchen medium notion inanimate label melancholy notwithstanding incentive laboratory melody nourishing incessant lace memorable noveltyinclination lamp mental noxious incongruous landmark mention nuclear incorporate larva merchant numerical incredible lash merciless nurse incubate lathe mercury nutrition indispensable latitude mere objective induce latter Mesozoic oblige inevitable launch metabolism obscure infant lava meteorite observatory infect lavish meteorologist obsess infest lawn methane obstacle inflation layout meticulously obvious influx lean metropolis occasion ingenious lease microbe occupy ingredient leather microscopic occurrence inhabit ledge midair odd inherent legal migrate odor inherit legend mild offensive inhibit legislation military officialinitial leisure mill offshoreinitiate lengthen millennium offspring inject lens millimeter olfactory injury levy mimic onset inland liberty mineral ooze inner librarian miniature opera innocent lichen ministry operate innovation lighthouse mint opinion innumerable limb minuscule opportunity insert limestone minutely oppose insight limitation mission optical inspect limner mobility optimal inspire linear mock oral install linguistic mode orbit instant lip modem orchestra instinct lipid moderate orchid institute listless modest orderly institution literally modify ore instruct lithosphere modulate organic instrument litter moisture orientation insulate livelihood mold origin insult lizard molecular ornament intact load moment outbreakintegral locality monetary outermost integrate locomotion monochrome outgoing intense lodge monotonous outgrow intent log monster outline interact logical monument outlying interfere lone mood output interior longing moral outstanding interpret loom morphology outward interrupt loosely mosaic outweigh interstellar loyal moss oven interval lubrication moth overall intervene lucrative motif overcome intestine lumber motivation overlap intimate luminous mud overturn intoxication lump multiple overwhelm intricate lung mundane oxygen intriguing lure municipal oysterpace porpoise pyramid repelpack portable quadrilateral repertoire paddle portion qualify repertory painstaking portrait quantity repetitive pale portray quarry replenish pamphlet positive quarter replicate pancreas possess quartz representation panel postage quilt reproduce paradox potash quotation reptile parallel potassium race republic paramount potent radar reputation paraphrase potter radiate request parasite poverty radiation requirement parrot powder radical resemble partially practical radius reserve participate practitioner raft reservoir particle prairie rage reshape passage praise ragged reside passion preach rail residue pasture precarious rainfall resinpatch precede rally resist patent precious ranch resolution patience precipitate random resonance patriot precise rank resort patron precursor rare respect payment predator rat respond peak predict ratify responsible pearl predominant ration restore pebble pregnant rational restrict peculiar prejudice rattle resume pedagogy preponderance raven retailpeer prerequisite raw retain penalty presence react retire penchant preservation ready retract pendulum prestige realism retreat penetrate presumably realize retrieve penicillin pretension realm revere peninsula prevail reap reverseper capita prevent rear review perceive previous rearrange revise percentage prey rebel revival percussion pride rebuild revolutionary performance primal recall rewardperiodic primary recede rhetoric peripheral primate receiver rhinoceros perishable primitive recent rhythm permanent principal receptacle ribbon perpetuate prior reception rid perplexing prison recognition ridge persist private recommendation rifle personality probe recording rift perspective procedure recover rigid pervasive proceed recreation ring petal proclaim recruit risk petroleum prodigious rectangular ritual phase produce recycle rival phenomenon productive reddish roam philosopher profession reduction roar photograph proficiency reef rocky photosynthesis profit reel rod phrase profound refer rodent physician progress refine roll physicist prolific reflection romance pianist prominent reform roof pigeon promise refreshing rope pigment promote refrigerate rotate pile prompt refurbish rotepilot pronounced refuse rough pine propel regard rounded pinhead propensity regenerate routinepitch proper regime rowpivot proponent regional rub plague proportion regular rule plain propose regulate rumor planetary proposition rehabilitate runoff plank prose reheating rural plantation prospect reign rush plasma prosper reinforce rust plaster protagonist reject saber plastic protection relax sack plateau protein release saddle plaza protest relevant sail plentiful prototype reliable saleplot province relief salinity plow provision relieve sanctuarypluck provoke religion sandy plummet pry rely sanitation plunge psychologist remainder satellite poet publication remark satire poison publicize remind satisfy polar puddle remnant saturated pole pueblo remote save polished pull renaissance scarpoll pulse render scarce pollen pump renew scatter pollutant purchase renounce scavenger polygon pure rent scene popularity purification rental scent populous pursue repair schedule pore puzzle repeat schemesophisticated stylized terrain tundrasort subdivide terrestrial tunesoul subjugation terrible turbulent soup submerge territory turnpike spacious submit testify turtlespan subsequent textile twigspare subsidize texture twinespark subsist theater twistsparse subspecies theme typical spatial substantial therapy tyrannicalspawn substitute thereafter ultimatespecialty subterranean thereby ultraviolet species subtle thermodynamics unaided specify subtractive thickness undergo specimen suburb thin undergraduate spectacle subway thorny underlie spectrum succeed thoroughly underminespeculation succinct thought underscoresphere suffer thousandfold understand spider sufficient thread undertake spiky sugar threat uniformspin suit thresh unionspine sulfur thrive uniquespiral sum throw unityspirit summit thrust universal splendid sunlit thumb unlesssplit superb thunder unlikely spoil superficial thwart unprecedented sponge superheat ticket unravel sponsor superintendent tight urban spontaneous superior tile urgespoon supernatural till usher sprawl supervise timber utensil springboard supplant tin utilitarian sprout supplement tip utilityspur suppose tire utilizesquarely supreme tissue utter squash surge title vacant squat surgeon toad vaccinate squeak surpass tobacco vacuum squeeze surplus toe vague squirrel survey tolerance valid stabilize survival tomato vanish staff suspect tongue vantage stagecoach suspend toothed vapor stagnant sustain topic variable staircase sustenance topography variety stake swallow tornado various stalk swamp totality varnishstamp swarm touch varystaple sweat tough vast startling sweep tow vault starve swift towel vegetation stately swing tower velocity stationary switch toxic vent statistics symbiosis tract venturestature symbol traditional versatilestatus symmetrical traffic verse steady sympathy tragedy version steal symphony trail vertebrate steam symptom trait verticalsteep synchronous tranquil vesselsteer synonymous transaction vestige stem synthesis transcend veteranstereotype systematic transfer via sterile tactics transformation viable stew tail transit vibrantstick tailor translation vibratestiff tale translucent vigorous stimulus talent transmission vinegar sting tame transparent violate stipulate tan transplant violent stir tank trap virtually stitch tap travel virtuestock tape treasure virusstomach target treat vision stony tariff tremendous visual storage taste trench vital storm tavern trend vivid stout tax trial vocal stove team triangle vocation straight tear tribe volatilestrain technical tributary volcanostrand tectonics trick volt strategy tedious trigger volume streamline teens trillion vulnerable strength telegraph trip wagestress telescope triumph wagonstretch televise trivial wander strict temperate trolley wane strikingly temple troop ward stringent temporarily tropic warestrip tenant trouble warfarestrive tendency trough warp stroke tenement troupe warrant stroll tension trumpet wary structural tentacle trunk wax struggle term truth waystub terminal tube wear studio terrace tumble wearyweatherweaveweedweirdwelfarewellwhalewheatwhereaswhittlewholesalewidespreadwidowwillowwindswept wipe wispywit withdraw withstand witness wonder wool worm wrap wreck wren wrought yarn yearn yield youngster zigzag zinczone。

Wvqdcy托福词汇 TOEFL词汇精选17天巧记打印版(A4-11)

Wvqdcy托福词汇 TOEFL词汇精选17天巧记打印版(A4-11)






希望对各位有帮助!Unit One The AbductionAn adage says that adversity is transient. The following allegory is an example.Long, long ago there were two couples that had no children. They adopt ed a boy named Terry. They were affable to Terry and Terry adore d them very much. They lived an amicable life and amass ed affluent affection s.One day two bad men came to the village. They found Terry and accost ed him: “Are your parents at home?” “No, they went to drink in the tavern.” terry replied. “Good!” allege d one of them, “I’ve heard of an anecdote saying that, there’s a bulk of ablaze antique treasure hidden somewhere near the apex of the mountain. Do you w ish to find it out with us?” Terry was a boy with agility. He was allured and acclaim ed: “Wonderful! I’ll affiliate you.”Consequently, Terry’s parents did find him when they came back. “Maybe you have alienate d Terry. He finds you acrimonious and left. ” The mother said in anguish. “I do not doubt his allegiance; He may have been abduct ed.” replied the father.Just then they received a mail with an annex amalgamate d with the text. In the appendix there was an abridged letter: “Your son is in our hands. We’ve abate d his diet and annull ed his sleep. We want $10,000 for absolv ing him. If you are amenable to our advisable request, send the money to the allocate d aperture of the sewer at the north of the village within two days; if you adjourn, you’ll never see him again!” the letter admonish ed without any annotation. The letter was not abstruse, but the abhorrent allusion drove them into agony. Quickly they called the police.Several policemen were allot ted to the case. They were adroit and adept in their job. Soon they rescued Terry and treated him with antiseptic s. The couple felt abash ed: “Thanks to thepolice, their affinity to spec ops amaze d us. We’ll abstain drinking and accentuate the agrarian work.”The criminal and his accomplice were accuse d for abduction but were acquit ted although proof was against them, because the avaricious judge adopt ed their bribery.(April, 2th)Unit Two GreedThere were two archaic countries called Albania and Croatia long ago. Albania was arid and bleak while Croatia arable. The king of Albania was an autocrat with belligerent bent who begrudge d Croatia and belittle d her armament, and he decided to assail Croatia.Firstly, he sent an astute ambassador in bleach ed apparel to visit Croatia. The king of Croatia held a banquet and appoint ed him. He avow ed: “We Croatians are bestow ed by God the ardent aptitude s. We are ascetic as to have few asset s and bequest s. We’re also assiduous and keep austerity.” “Sure,” the messenger beguile d, “Your people have begotten(原形beget) great attainment s, and we want to barter with your country.”On hearing that, the Albania king said: “Good, nobody can balk us.” And he baste d Croatia with his army. They bereave d Croatia’s land and beset its capital. The Croatia king was astound ed and berate d: “You shit belie d your avid aspire for our land and blemish ed justice!” All Croatian officials were befuddle d and began to bicker with each other. Only one minister said: “Although situation is arduous, we shall not apprehend them. I’ve appraise d them and assert ed that their ardor won’t last long. Everything is auspicious and will get assuage d.”The Albania-forces’ general thought: “Our king is too bigoted. Ever since I passed his audition and became general, my allegiance has been bask ed in attrition. I’ve awe d him, but now filled with aversion. I’ll kill him and retire. I’m apt to study barometer.” So he asperse d: “Our king is avaricious and barbarous. We shouldn’t bend to his arrogance.” Then he sent an assassin and assassinate d the king.(April, 3th)Unit Three Prisoners of WarThousands of war prisoners were kept in captivity in the bulky camp. They lived in clutter and had to deal with chore s. They must show categorical obedience or else receive caustic chiding. The guarding officers censure them very often, as well as clamor carnal punishments. Some captive s got bruise and clot s all over. Male prisoners lost their collateral s and female ones failedto keep chaste.They wear burnish ed canvas, and rested in circumscrib ed room with small capacity and caliber. They chafe each other and brawl ed frequently. They were chary of moving and can hardly budge. Their situations captivate d lots of reporters, who castigate d the government with cogent proof. However, the government gave bombastic data and brag ged about the conditions in the camps.After the calamity of war cease d, large numbers of captives were longing for the boon of brisk and free life. According to a clandestine bond between the two canny governments, a process of exchanging captives will soon commence. This is considered as opening a cleft in the clog ged wall between the two countries.(April, 4th)Unit Four Laden’s EndAs Osama Ben Laden(奥萨马-本-拉登)’s forc es failed contend ing with the Northern Confederate, he had to abandon the commodious capital city of Kabul and conceal his trail inside the contour of large mountains and cavern s. His career comprise s confidential conspiracy, conspicuous terrorist assault s, Islamic fundamentalist creed and contemptible crimes. But now, most of Laden ’s subordinates contemplate d and become contrite, while castigat ing him with their conscience.Three months ago, some conciliatory connoisseur s of international affairs from UN came to Afghanistan(阿富汗) with cordial compassion to the catastrophe occurring there, and consort ed Laden. They deem it contingent to arrive at a congruity if Laden would concede. However, Laden was credulous in his counsel’s words that the constellation shows fortune to them. He was covetous and contemptuous of his enemy. Confound ed by conceit, he crave d for uniting the entire nation. Thus he contemn ed the UN commission’s ad vice and convene d his troops for counterstrike.Soon US corroborate d that Laden was the person who contrive d the new attack method of impacting skyscrapers with planes, and person who conspire d the concerted serial assaults in New York. Laden cower ed and constrict ed his mouth. He controvert that he was consecrat ing some food with condiment to the God in order to confine the contagious disease in Afghanistan, and had no time to organize the attack. But US ignored his construing. They said that Laden’s story was concoct ed and his credential was counterfeit ed. Then they confiscat ed it and attacked his troops with bombs that contaminate d the whole country.Laden confide d his congenial officer with composure: “They won’t connive our terrorism, any more than condone us. We must consolidate the forces, equip them with the counterpart weapons of US army’s, and put compulsive death to those infidels.” “You’re s o composed! Let’s conceive something optimistic.” The officer commend ed.(April, 5th)Unit Five Family betrayerMaria was a damsel in a noble family that had passed its culmination and fallen into decadence. She was little defective, for he knew decorum well and was deft at cuisine of dessert s. She followed her father’s decree and defer red marriage year after year, her best ages detain ed.One day, Maria’s father designate d her as a deputy to dispatch a deleterious man who denounce d her family and depict ed its defect s to others. After she saw the man, he declaim ed: “You’re delude d by your culpable father’s deceit. He’s a despicable person who despoil ed our property. He deride d us and denote d that we should work for him. I am the delegate of all deceive d people. We detest your father in cynical manners and demur to him before the deities. We live in dank cells and feel dazed frequently, but we’re dauntless. We’ll keep deprecat ing him until he deplore.”What the man delineate d struck Maria greatly. Her deference to father detract ed, she said in a deject ed mood: “I have despise d you poor people but now I’m deferential. You’re right in decry ing my father’s detriment to you all. He deform ed the truth and defraud ed me. I’ll curb my cursory task to put you into demise with this deterrent. Also, I’ll detach myself from my family.”After some curt compliment s, the man said: “Thanks, I’ll go around that declivity and dab the bell dangling on the ceiling as a signal for us to escape.”(April, 6th)Unit Six The Arrogant ScholarAlder is a scholar with many devout disciple s. He has been disseminat ing doctrine s that is said to be not having the most diminutive drawback. He economize s his own life and become emaciated. When he came to our city last year, our domineering boss discern ed him and invited him to give us a discourse.Alder was eloquent and began dilat ing with elation: “What I want to elucidate today is a problem which is long distain ed and has dismay ed many people. It distract s them all the time and makes them downcast. That is: How to effectuate the discretion in edify ing yourdisposition? ……” He devise d lots of dispensable sentences while eluding the important things, thus digress ed the topic and the lecture sounded devoid of sense. What’s more, his dialect s greatly disarray ed the audience and dwindle d away the effectiveness of his speech.It was getting dusky and began to drizzle. We all became drowsy and our boss’s patience ebb ed. He was discreet and didn’t want to disfigure himself by forcing Alder to stop, but he really disparage his speech very much and cannot dissemble any more. Eventually, he said in a devious way: “Your topic is discernible, but it’s so dingy now. Let’s disband the meeting and I’ll disburse your plane ticket back home with discount s.”Alder became dismal at once. He replied: “Do not dissimulate or disclaim your real purpose. You divulge d that your patience have dissipated. Well, if any of you can disprove the topic of my discourse, you can displace me and I’ll go home keep dormant. I’m so ductile.”“Stop effus ing your words filled with discord,” shouted the boss angrily, “I’ve dissect ed your topic and it embodies nothing. Diversify its content, or I’ll efface them. We diverge too much and I have to let you leave, otherwise you’re doing nothing but embezzling our money.”(April, 7th) Unit Seven Great Archaeological DiscoveryAn erratic instrument was exhume d from an excavation of ancient epoch. It looked like a pipe but was embroider ed exquisite pictures on it, and could still engender a euphonious sound. As nobody in the country can enunciate what it is, an archaeologist with special expertise skill was enlist ed from abroad.Following the envoy, the expert came to the expedient huts encompass ing the spot. During his expeditious esteeming, the expert was completely engross ed. He exclaim ed: “This is an exotic flute which is the oldest extant one, and all others have been exterminate d in ethnic migrations.” Then he gave an exemplary play with the pipe, followed by extemporaneous expounding to its structure. Eventually, he extoll ed the importance of this discovery, showing exorbitant etiquette.The enrapturing local official held a banquette on the archaeologist’s exodus. However, the instrument’s value entice d the expert and entail ed his greed. He emend ed his plan and wanted to encroach the flute. Thus he exerted his eloquence and equivocate d: “Sorry I’ve made a mistake maybe. According to an excerpt from a book enact ed by my teacher, this instrument is unworthy. Its value cannot emulate a common flute.”The official was exasperate d: “Nobody will endorse such nonsense excluding yourself. Your crime can be neither extenuate d nor exempt ed. Expedite your steps and eschew us, foolish exponent.”The archaeologist was enervate d and ran away as soon as possible.(April, 8th)Unit Eight The Fox and the ChickenThe frigid winter and scarce food supply famish many animals, including a ferocious fox. He is almost forlorn because he has garnered little food when the land was fertile, and the flora is extraneous to his diet. He used to be fussy and extravagant with his food but now has to fetter his stomach and be frugal. “What a formidable winter!” he gabble s.Just then his eyes flicker due to a fortuitous discovery. After ferret ing about the whole grassland fraught of snow for fishy objects, he finally found a small finch with fuzzy feather and fragrant smell. A chicken! “Aha, facile prey!” the fox was exultant, “Hmm…She looks so fatuous and feeble. But I shall not go forthright, because the feud between foxes and chickens will fluster or fret her, and foment her escape. I must make her believe her foe through fraud s.”After fitful garnish ing, the fox comes up to the fluffy fowl with a genial smile on his face.He feign ed that he is a gentry with genteel speaking genre: “Hey, my fraternal friend! I’m coming to extricate you from a disaster. It’s not facetious. Your nest is too flimsy and frail to be a fixture for living. It cannot foil great gale s coming soon. However, I can help building a new nest with many forte s for you, which can forestall water exud ing. I just want to show my genuine feat and won’t extort money from you.”“Stop your futile fraudulent figment. It’s such gauche farce.” the chicken flout ed, “Look at the frowsy gash on your cheek. You’re the fickle figurehead of the fox clan who just failed in the factious fights.”The fox cannot gainsay the chicken’s word s and left in frenzy frustration.(April, 9th)Unit Nine Generation GapTed made a fortune and hiked back his idyllic home in illustrious guise s. He wore a grand hat, a pair of gilded glossy shoes and a girdle with glazed tip. All neighbors in the gorge welcomed Ted with homage instead of grudging, and he was gleeful as well as haughty.Yet, Ted’s father, who used to be humane, criticized him bitterly: “How hideous you are! We used to be hardy and hectic. We’re gregarious and never guileless. Now you made a haphazard fortune and lost our virtues. Hearsay says that you get your money by harry ing passengers and hew ing trees. Somebody even impart ed me that you’ve committed immense homicide. If you’ve done those illicit things, It’s surely ignominious idiosyncrasy, and you’ll lose your imminent heirship if you go on like that.” He humiliate d Ted.Ted imbibe d some tea, grope d his match and ignit ed a cigar. “You’re too hackneyed and grumpy,” he grumble d in a grouchy voice, “I cannot gratify your obsolete ideology. You old people used to live like ignoble cattle and illegible grasses. You glean grain from fields and heave them back in gratitude to the God. You gnaw dirty food everyday, ignorance of hygiene. All my wealth hinge s on my gripping many chances and it’s unreasonable for you to gibe me like that.”The hubbub of haggling attracted many neighbors who were heedless at first. Some of them approved the son’s grievance while others took it as heresy. The quarrel’s gist was generation gap.(April, 10th)Unit Ten Diplomatic FrictionA newly inaugurated impervious US submarine with diesel impetus was taking an imperative task near an insular navy base in Japan. As it made its way across the intrinsic flows, an inconceivable fish boat suddenly emerged in front of them. The indolent captain was so imprudent and inert that he turned the steer too late. It was a big submarine with great inertia and the fish boat was in an inept position. It was stricken hard, and the influx of water into the boat’s interior space caused the boat to sink in impotence.The imposing accident incite d incisive diplomatic friction s after short interlude. Incense d local fishermen were indignant and impetuous. They incriminate d the US navy for insulting their nation. Some of them even instigate d local governors with inordinate incentive.A group was set up to inquire the accident. After some inquisitive inquiry, they impute d the matter to the fish boat and tried to act as the intermediary to intercede between the fishermen and the US navy. However, the local fishermen were insubordinate and intrepid. Although they’re indigent and make livings on indigenous products, they decided to indict the US navy. Their action gained impassioned support and incessant invocation from the mass people. They hoped the insolent US navy could pay the indemnity.The impassive governors, however, feared being implicate d in the trouble. They intimidate d the fishermen by instill ing that, the US navy had innate privileges, and insinuate d that their inflexible indictment was ineligible. But the fishermen were indomitable and inverte d the infusing. The lawsuit began eventually.All the crew of the submarine was interrogate d. Finally all the incredulity dissipated: the intrinsic fault lay in the captain’s incipient operation error. Although almost impeccable in thep ast, there’s no impunity for him. When the indented judgment text was announced, the fisherman improvise d an impromptu verse to mock the government’s improvident waste of time.(April, 11th)Unit Eleven Story on the LawnAt 40°latitude, 110°longitude there was a large area of luxuriant lawn. A river meander ed through the grassland, manuring it with fresh water. A liberal girl lived there, whose merits was her matchless beauty and irreproachable ken. Her hair was lithe and her eyes limpid. Every morning she would wear her laurel and lash her sheep onto the lawn. The mediocre life elapsed in lull for many, many years.One day an itinerant nobleman came to the lawn. He was authorized by an irrevocable legislation to levy the place. He had malady in his leg and had to limp all the time, and all people jeer ed at his jolt ing languid muscle when he came. Some children’s malicious mimicry to his walking manner greatly irritated him.As he saw the girl, his eyes were filled with luster and his lust arose: “A ha, a menial meek girl with fine malleable skin! She reminds me of my newly-marital life.”Full of malice, he kindled a cigar and accosted the girl: “You’re such a methodical girl with manifold talents. I’ve learned of a maxim saying that, phoenix canno t reside on a small tree, and I can liberate you from the leash of husbandry. You should lease your sheep to others and go with me to the maritime capital city whose prosperity is laud ed by all.”The girl was not at all irresolute. She replied in listle ss tone: “Look at the irreverent smile on your face and the ugly ledge on your leg. By meticulous observation, I loathe you. Your maneuver cannot jumble my mind and languish my alert.”“Maligning!” shouted the nobleman.After some liaison, many lusty malcontent s came to the girl and drove the nobleman away.(April, 12th)Unit Twelve The General ElectionThe quadrennial US president election is once again muddling the multitude. Parade s with partisan motif fill the streets and obstruct the traffic.Nocturnal TV programs are monotonous due to the noxious orations. Both parties have gained tremendous patronage from the opulence of large businesses. It’s no wonder the greatest ordeal to those politicians.The Democratic Party’s candidate, Gore, is an outspoken and overbearing man with obstinate thoughts nurtured in a needy family. He gives an offhand comment that the Republic Party’s candidate, Bush, is a moron with morbid brain. He outwitted the public that, if he wins, he would modulate the policies, popularize obligatory education and mollify the current economic depression.Bush, although overdue for the election, is a munificent person with nimble style in his outfits. He obscure s his own flaws and evade s Gore’s onsets. Instead, he frequently me ntioned the former president Clinton’s obscene history. “I’m not the panacea for all problems, but I can be palatable small dish for you to nibble. Oust Gore from your tickets and support me please. Our serious security conditions can be mitigate d.” Bush paraphrase s his ideas.As Gore overlook s many chances and fails to mold his aspect successfully, his negligence finally causes Bush’s victory. According to the pact between them, Bush sets up his government and begins to nominate his minister s.(April, 13th)Unit Thirteen Mahatma GandhiGandhi was the peerless precursor of India national independence movement as well as a provident politician with prodigious probity. Grown up in penury, he was a pious posterity of the Indian people and had no prodigal penchant s.Fighting for the perennial independence of India, Gandhi is propp ed by many followers. He told them to keep placid and proscribed violence which may pervert people, for he knew profoundly, if that prevails, their prestige would be profane d and the movement would fall in plight. As a result, he kept placating his followers by plotting petitions with percussion s and plead ed with the British colonists with propriety to accept their plausible proposal s. Local governors profess ed his process permissible, and his minions proliferate d.As Gandhi’s propensity to become independent protrude d and his profuse methods of struggle protracted, the colonists were prod ded and pensive. They fear that the poise would be broken and fights would pervade. So they prosecute d Gandhi for pilferage of poultries and plunge d the plaintiff into the penal jail. The jail keeper was prone to sympathy and made special food provision for Gandhi by peck ing the jail wall. Their precious proximity was not perpetuated. Soon the keeper was preclude d from touching Gandhi and Gandhi lost his preference.A prolific playwright wrote a play about Gandhi with pertinent topic recently. In the prelude of the play he premise d that Gandhi was still alive. When the play was on, it precipitate d and the perspective of the city’s profile became picturesque.(April, 14th) Unit Fourteen The Lord and the HermitOnce upon a time there was a rapacious lord. He was relentless to his tenants and quell ed them by placing quotas to their living condition. Soon he collected quantitatively great revenue and lived in a radiate palace. He was also renowned for his queer clothes.One day the lord’s disease relapse d, so he rallied his subordinates for help. One of them said: “I’ve heard of a recluse who knows regimen well residing nearby. Why not visit his residence for help?” Another retort ed: “Be prudent, maybe it is only a rumor.” But the rash lord was filled with rapture and ratified the visiting plan.On the next Sunday, the lord purged himself, held a quaint rite and started for the hermit’s home. They passed rugged rustic passages full of paddle s and the lord almost recoil ed. Finally they arrived. The lord felt disappointed at the recluse’s reception, but he wouldn’t relinquish the chance and talked to the hermit with reverence.The hermit ruminate d and revert ed to the main topic in a pungent voice: “I’ve heard lots of your ravenous deeds. You retract the land you’ve distributed to the farmers and order them to redeem their land. You must redress your guilt and rehabilitate their freedom. Reimburse their respective debts and build refuge for them. You can retain the residue of your property.”The lord was reluctant to renounce his wealth and be rent from his palace. He rebuke d: “Your advice is too reckless. I’m resolute not to accept it.”“Why so repulsive? You cannot repudiate my words.” The hermit reiterate d his suggestion and its resonance echoed. “Remit their taxes with rebate s, or a riot is imminent.”The lord again refute d. At last he went back in remorse.(April, 15th)Unit Fifteen Watching the ExecutionIt is reported that two seer criminals were to be executed in the town center today, and spontaneous spectators have gathered around the sedate square in sporadic groups fore fear of solitude. They skimmed the sardonic slogans pasted on the walls about those social slag s. The air was solemn and sensuous.Soon several policemen came from the stall as speculate d, shoving two criminals saddle d by shackle s. As they walked around the sloppy slope, people shun ned them because they’re thought to be sinister. Then the executioner began to scrutinize the criminals that had been kept in seclusion for days, his face steadfast and his rifle shine d with splendor.The first criminal was a murderer who had smother ed a boy. The police was not sluggish at all and pushed him forward without scruple. As the executioner drew his sword and it slump ed, the criminal’s neck snapp ed, and his head was sever ed from the body. Blood spouted from the gush and spray ed onto the ground. Some watchers’ clothes were smear ed and spew ed at the terrible scene. The executioner sheath ed his sword and shouted: “Next one.”The second was a sly cheater who obtained $100,000 through one solitary method. He solicit ed: “I fear the savor of sword. Kill me with a rifle, please.” “No, it squander s bullets.” Replied the executioner with sarcasm. “You’re too skimpy,” said the criminal in a satirical tone, “please satiate my last will.” After some squabbling he was satisfied.The executioner fired at the criminal’s spleen. Blood spurt ed out, like sprout ing flower. The criminal was still sober and felt sear ed. The bullet sing ed his body and killed him without much snag.The police then gave the spectators lots of sermon but nobody listened. I collected a bullet shell and scoop ed some blood sediment up from the ground as a souvenir, then returned home without sojourn.(April, 16th) Unit Sixteen Misery of the Negro Slaves400 years ago, many European colonists with supple hair went to Africa and subvert ed the aboriginal empires. After the subjection, local residents succumb ed to the colonists. The conquerors found them stocky and submissive. They surmise d that those tangible traits made them suitable for strenuous work. So they shipped those Negroes to America in order to supersede animal labor.During the 1600s, from African plains to the summit s, millions of Negroes tally ing the requirements were tied together with strap. Their noses were transfix ed and their faces tint ed. Then they were jammed into stout ships teeming slaves thrust by sails and shipped to America. While in the ship, they fed on tepid tenuous porridge and stodgy corn. Stripp ed of all things, their head thump ed the deck and their noses tingle d while the ship waved. Such bad conditions were not tentative, so they became torpid and tranquil as well as susceptible.Surplus people were thrown into the sea and were submerge d by water. As the slavers kept tantaliz ing them, Even the most temperate man became sullen. Their touchy temperament caused much strife and many ships stray ed.After they finally surmount ed all the difficulties stunt ing them and subsist ed until they reached America, they found themselves suffusing the slaver’s farms to which they were subsidiary. Their stingy superintendent s stipulate d with them that, their job was temporal and would soon be supplant ed by more succinct work. It’s their tact however. Everyday they ate their sustenance when the bell toll ed. It was tacit in the synopsis of the contact that they can never be free. Their thrift and torment transcend ed all that in human history.When their deeds transpire d, the colonists’ reputation got tarnish ed. International organizations sublimate d the topic of fighting against slavery and began to tackle the problem.(April, 17th)Unit Seventeen The Perilous JournalCommon tourists virtually never go upstream the Amazon River too far. I’ve been venerating those valiant adventurers as well as wistful and longing to become one, until last year, I joined a group of archaeologists who were trying to unearth archaic vestige s, such as wares polished withvarnish, from a site deep in the rainforests.Several trotting mules tugged our boat. Our leader, Jimmy, was an upright, witty man with unshaken will. He wield ed the steer warily and kept vigilant. The water trickling underneath our boat formed trifling waves. The uncanny scenes and unruly animals on the banks aroused our whim s.It was dawn and everything around was vague. Suddenly the boat was wag ged sharply and we woke up in turmoil. There was a huge whirlpool ahead, which generated vehement vibration. As we waddled toward Jimmy, he veer ed the boat with not a whit of hurry until we escaped the turbulent area.。



56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
《张红岩-词以类记-托福(TOEFL)iBT 词汇》PowrPoint文件(精选)
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左



word list 1 accomplishment acronymacuteadhere aggressionartistic awarenessbalancebrochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convincecouncilcrevicecrossing curriculum/course debatedeficiency devotion dischargedisputediversedoctrineendlessenforce essentially expirefareflatforwardfoulglowgymhonestimproveinterest investigatejuvenile/rejuvenationloadlogmanagemaritimematobstructoverchargepartlypollenpredominantprevalentprotagonistradiationrehabilitaterenovatesapphire /emerald/ rubyscattersensualshellfishshuttle/ planesodiumsolo/alonespicestretch/extendstrivestylisticsurplussweepsyllabletemporarytendencytermtow /pulltrialunearthvarnishwipeword list 2abilityaccordadditiveaffectionalikealternatelybehaviorismbiologistbudgetcalendercoil /soilcolleaguecomposercompositiondairy/diary/dry/draindeadlinedeal…with…/due … to …deceivedistantdramaticerosionexplosiveforestallfumeigneousimmutableimpetusindicateindustyintelligenceinterpretintriguingjustifylegislativelegitimateliteracylocomotionlongitude/latitude/altitudelower1marked modulate monarch mottomutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet plausible plot precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retirerodsalonscar shipwright sloth solitary specialize specimen spectator spillstatestemstring sturdy substantial towering versus worthwrapword list 3accentadmitalkaliasymmetricalauthoritybargainbonybriefbuddycatastropheclassiccoarsecommunicatecomparecompelcomprehendconcentrateconsentconsiderationcontrast/comparecoordinatecopious/lots ofcountcrusade/ten~cushion/matcustomdetectable/perceivedrawedificeemphasizeengineenvelop/wrapepisode/plotequationexternal/internalfadefellowshipfierceflintforefrontfreeze/frozongrindgroom/ preenheadinghordeinactiveinfestinterior/exteriorjog/runLatinmammalmelanin 黑色素nomadic/ranchnotorious/fumeparameterpathologyphenomenaplasterpolicyquenchrenewripenroost/inhabitat/homesalmonscriptsheerspiralstaffsteady/sturdystrata/layer of earthsuperiorsurrendersuspensiontherapy/curetile/roofunadornedunprecedentedutilizevigorous/energyword list 42adventureanalogy/similarapplyappraisal/valueartifactassureattire/clothbiochemicalcatalystcohesioncombustible/fire complaincounterpart/similar/copy datadecade/tendimensionaldiplomaticdisposaldocumentationductile/extendengageenrich/fertileepidemic/illevaporation/disappear expertiseexplorationexploreextensionfigurativeforage/grasshaunthomogeneoushurricaneimplyintoxicationlabellocate/sitelogicalmaintenancemanifest/proof materialmathematicsmaximummemomold/fungi/fungusneoclassicaloriginalornamentoutlineoysterpaddleperceptionperceptivepretentious 炫耀的,proceedpuncture 刺穿rebelrecallrelevance 相关的remainsresistant 反抗的ruralrusticsculptselectiveshrinksledding 滑雪的,雪橇spontaneousstickysuperficialsynthetic 综合的throwtradeundergraduatevanish 消失不见的venom 蛇的毒液venturevetovibrationvicinity 附近,周围地区word list 5ailmentassimilateaudioaxiscablechubbycommitteecommuteconsultconversecorrosivecourageouscousincredential 证书definedenotedetergent 清洁剂devicedominantestimateexcavation 挖掘facilitatefellowforemostfrenzyfrictionhardwareimprint 印记,牢记induceinertinfectionintenseintuitiveisolatedjellyjolt 颠簸,摇晃laboratorylamentleftover3lithosphere manufactureopposed 反对的overhaulovertimepackpayperfect photodissociation pigeonpoetryprincipleprofoundpromoteprompt 立即的,迅速的proposereactorrealizationrecessionreliableremarkablereplenish 补充responserevolutionscurrysensiblesimulatesluggishsoftsquashstucksubsequent substantiatesuburbsupremetracevaguevastvirusvisual watercourseword list 6agreeableallegiancealleviateangularannoyedarchitectascending/risebouncecabincarp/fishcelestial/skyceremonycolonialcomparablecomplementary/ replenishcongressionalcornerstonecrewcrowdepartmentdeservedesiredigressiondirectordisadvantagedistinguisheccentriceligiblefileflagellum 鞭子foldfoolishfungi/moldglacial/icegrab/catchgrasp/holdimprovise/immediatelyprepareinconspicuous/cannot seeinstitutejournallandmarklooselost-and—foundlushmentalmoistnationlismnomineenonsensenotationotherwisepalatephysicalpostcardpresidentquiltrancherrarerawreddishrefreshingrescueresignruptureschedulescholarsealsheath 护套shelterspacecraftsphericalstablesympathetictally 记账,标签tenementtissuevacant4versewastezealousword list 7accountingacidityactingAdapt/adept/adoption alarmalternate/alternatively angiosperm 被子植物gymnosperm 裸子植物aquiferarboreal 树木的aurora 极光availableawesomebaconbalconyblushbreakbucklecardiaccentennialchagrinclog/obstruct collaboratorcollide/conflictcometcontentconvergecostcostume/attirecurl/warpdesolatedetesteconomyemerald/sapphire/ruby emotionethnology exceedexpectexpressivefeministfinancialforerunnerhikehurryidentityimpendinginaccessibleindicativeinventory/warehousekeenlandmasslatent/lamentlayermanner/habitmethod/wayminimizemonumentalneutron/atom/protonorchidpatientpenmanship/writepermission/permitplowpreponderanceprimal 主要的,原始的projectpropelquotation “”ranchrashremodelrender lead to /providesacrificialscoresiliconsimplyspheretranscendtriangletypicalviral / virusword list 8administeralongamountannualapologizeastutebindblockbudcanalchampionchill/coldconstructconsumptioncreativitycuneiform 楔形文字currentdemocratdetectdeterminedisseminate/spreadEasterElegant/graceengagingenormous/bigenrollment/admissionextendextremefastenfilmfitnessflamboyant/ pretentiousfolkloregeneration5genetichatchincessantly instructionjuicelacklarva/lavaleasemagnificent melodie meteorologist musiciannormallynutritionomitorientationporeportraitprefer prerequisite prolificpunctual/puncture regardless relative representative reschedulerustsaturate/fill screenselection skyscrapesledslumber/sleep smoothlystereostrand 线summarizesuspect/skeptical swantend toleratetuitionunderscore/emphasisviablevolcanowarehouseword list 9accessaccreditadvancedadverseaffordannoyingappreciationassembly 装配,集合benefitcaptivity 囚禁,被关championshipchilledcluecolumncommemoratecomponentcosmos/cometcriticdehydratedespoil 掠夺,宠坏dictiondimelaborateengulfeternal 永恒的fairfairlyfeudal 封建的functiongradualheedhibernation/slumber 冬眠hollowhorizonilluminateimplementincenseinsistlaunchlinguistlongevitymanagenentmedalmedieval 中世纪meteorologymicroscopemocknourishmentnumerousobscure/dimphenomenonpitplumageporcelainportionpostponepresidencyproductivityproponentproteinrecognizesalamanderseep/ooze/penetrate 渗漏senatesessionshortageskipsliceslipstatusstrainstridesubway6surgeterminusterritory therebytopsoiltransit unpredictable word list 10 abortacidicadequateadornapproveatomic/neutron bacteria breathingbubblebulbcluster/ strand consumedebrisdestined distribute dolphindrill elementary engraving/carve entitle/accredit expansion exposurefarceflexiblefulfillgendergeniusgospelhamperhygieneideology inconvenient infraredinvasionjunctionlaureateliterarymammoth猛犸象mania/crazymanualmelodymoralmuggy 闷热的naivenarratenotionofferoutbreakoverloadpartialpopulate居住prevailingprohibitively 过高的,过分的,禁止的proofreadprotestquotarampant 猖獗的ratiorecitalrecklessrestorationrodentscholarshipscubasedimentarysewerage 污水showersilt 淤泥stripesupposesymptomtensiontreadmilltributary 支流,进贡国undertakingunparalleledverticalvigilance 警觉的vocalwane 衰退word list 11absorbacknowledgeambitiousamenityapplaudavalanchebaldbarrierbolstercargocarveceramic/porcelaincommitmentconcludeconfercrawldeceptiondestructivedictatedivisioneditorialelectrodeemitenactmenterectexcursionexhaustfavorfavoredferment7fertilefertilizerforecast/predictable genesis/healinginactivateinsultinvertebratelatterlistlessmaturemechanist merchandiseminorityorbitpackedparkingpavepersonalpreliminary psychology receptaclerehearserelieverresistrevoltrhythmribbonsegregate significantskepticalsolutionsopranotenorspunsterilesubtlesurveyswallowthorn/puncture thrivetrashtroupetwineutmostvacancyvalidvaporverbalvoyageyieldword list 12additionaddressadhesiveadvisablealchemistannounceauctioncellistcerealcheckchequecommitcomplacencecompresscomputeconstructioncorpsdepicteminentfantasyfascinatingfashionablefluglossygranitegraphiteguaranteehazardheraldhockeyhumididentifyillustrationincongruityinnerintrepidintricate/complexlocalityluster/glossymagnesiummodifymonotonous /tediousmotivatemythologynavigationooze/seeporganicoutfitoutspokenoverduepastelpersistpleasingportableprevailproclaimrefurbishreligionremindreportresonanceresumereunionsemestersewagesparksquid 鱿鱼stratigraphy8strip/ribbonstun /surprise stunt /skill suffragist technological tedium/monotonous threatenthwart/obstruct underlying/latent vary/change vegetative/plant wagon/cargo witherword list 13 addictiveagencyairbornealienanxious atmosphere attractive audiencebarkbeverageboldcarecommentcommoncomplycomprise/compose concealconduct/action contour等高线crabcrumpledepotdeserted diagnosedilate diversfication doteffectiveexpresslyfacilityfieldfinchfrigidfurnace 熔炉gasolinegeneralizegivenhayhemispherehieratic 僧吕的imitation/simulateimmatureimpressiveinheritanceinteractivelacelatitude/altitude/longitudelaylegislaturemarchmarvelmetricmetropolitanmodelingmonitormultiplymythicaloffspringpamphlet/brochurepausepetitionpetroleum/ gasolinepharmacypreserveprioritypuzzlerecognitionrecurringrefraction/reflectretreatrevealsanctuarysketchstanzasubstantivetargetunityunravel/clearveil/ concealword list 14abrasionabsenteeismacclaimastronomyboundarybrasscandidatecoincidecolonycomiccomprehensiveconcavecooperationcuriousdecodedemandingdesignatediversitydoggeddonationdormitorydraindrowsy/slumber/ hibernationedgeefficiency9elevationelongateemployeruptextinctfraction/partgalaxygracehithertoidleinanityingredientinsulininterfereinvitationinvitinginvolveitemkeyboardlettucemagneticmagnet/magnatemason/tilemeantimemerchantmetallicmilitarymodemonasterynarrativenourishoptimisticornithologyoverrightpalepenetrate/ooze/puncture /seepprominentproposalqualify realmrug/matsac液囊satiric/ironyseparateshedsmotherso-calledsoresuspendsustainswarm/group/herbsweatthroughtranslucent /opacityuntamedX—rayword list 15awakecode/decodecommercialcompliment/extolconcertconveydeadlydecline/dropdevise/differentiate/varydilutedismal/lamentdisplaydonate/givedubious/skepticaldurabledye/hueelmemotionalentranceenvironmentalexteriorextremityfaintformationgenre/typegravelhardyhempimposeincinerateincompatibleinevitablyinherentinhibit/habitat=homeintentionallyjusticekennellibrarianlodge/homemast 桅杆,柱mercymodestnavalneedynoxious/intoxicateopponentoptionalore/pore/lorepantspart—timepermitphotographypopularpositpreciseprovisionquantifyreceiverrechargerenditionreproduce10rubsacredscenesecretesedentaryseemsettlementshattersignificancesourstaplestartling/surprisingstellarsuccessivetantalizingtectonicstorportriggerword list 16absorptionaccomplishadjunct 附属物appointmentapproximatearchaeologyattribute 属性,把。

TOEFL词汇词根 联想记忆法_乱序版电子版Wordlist1_24

TOEFL词汇词根 联想记忆法_乱序版电子版Wordlist1_24
n. 假面目,伪装物,假装 vt. 假装,假扮,掩饰
n. 心理学
v. 修饰, 装饰, 润色
adj. 怪异的,离奇的 n.命运;预言者
v. 分歧
adj. 狂怒的 v. 激怒
n. 矛(正负电子对撞机) vt 用矛刺
v. 抑制,压制,阻止
vt. 征服, 战胜, 克服 vi. 得胜
n. 推力,刺,力推 vt.& vi. 插入,推挤,刺
n. 变故,伤亡者,伤亡人数
Word list 6
vt. 使(某人)牵挂,惦念, 着迷或困扰 vi. 牵挂, 惦念, 着迷或困扰
n. 真菌, 霉菌 (复数为funguses或fungi)
n. 弹力, 弹性
n. 潮湿,湿气
n. 地心引力,重力,严重,庄重,严肃
n. 烈啤酒 adj. 强壮的, 稳重的, 肥胖的
n. 同意,赞成 vi. 赞成
n. 降落伞,翼膜,缓降物 vi. &vt. 跳伞
n. 岸,滨,国家,陆地,斜撑柱 vt. (up)支撑,支持
n. 小礼拜堂, 礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会,殡仪馆
v. 给...授粉 vt. 授以花粉



执行时间 _________________ 执行人___________ 重要程度★★★★★第一天第二天第三天第四天地理地质气象动物学军事地理地质气象动物学军事法律医学化学环境教育天文地理地质气象动物学军事法律医学化学环境教育天文经济农业考古学人物法律医学化学环境教育天文经济农业考古学人物人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐地理地质气象动物学军事经济农业考古学人物人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐第五天第六天第七天第八天语言学政治植物学自然宗教法律医学化学环境教育天文人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐语言学政治植物学自然宗教品质经济农业考古学人物语言学政治植物学自然宗教品质事务人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐品质事务现实1地理地质气象动物学军事语言学政治植物学自然宗教事务现实1第九天第十天第十一天第十二天现实2 心理法律医学化学环境教育天文品质现实1现实2 心理行为1经济农业考古学人物事务现实2 心理行为1行为2人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐现实1行为1行为2语言属性1语言学政治植物学自然宗教现实2 心理行为2语言属性1第十三天第十四天第十五天第十六天属性2品质行为1 语言属性1 属性2状态事务行为2属性2状态地理地质气象动物学军事现实1语言属性1状态法律医学化学环境教育天文现实2 心理属性2第十七天第十八天第十九天第二十天经济农业考古学人物行为1状态人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐行为2语言学政治植物学自然宗教语言属性1品质属性2第二十一天第二十二天第二十三天第二十四天事务状态现实1 现实2 心理行为1第二十五天第二十六天第二十七天第二十八天行为2语言属性1属性2状态第二十九天第三十天第三十一天第三十二天地理地质气象动物学军事现实1法律医学化学环境教育天文现实2 心理经济农业考古学人物行为1人类学生物学社会学数学物理艺术音乐行为2第三十三天第三十四天第三十五天第三十六天语言学政治植物学自然宗教语言属性1品质属性2事务状态现实1第三十七天第三十八天第三十九天第四十天现实2 心理行为1 行为2 语言属性1 第四十一天第四十二天属性2 状态。



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affluence sophisticated
存活,生活 刚够养家糊口的工资 收支平衡的生活水平 亲属关系,血缘关系 商品 支票;收据;账单 银行贷款 利息 从银行账户中提款 承兑
挤兑 大萧条 消费主义(认为高消费对个人 和社会有利的看法);保护消费 者权益主义 富裕,富足 世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖 端的
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Animalcamouflage: 隐藏,伪装den:兽穴,洞穴sustains:支撑,撑住,维持,持续hibernate:冬眠innovation:革新,改革,创新skinny:极瘦的,皮包骨的toothpick:牙签inspector:检查员,视察员infrared:红外线的;红外线whereas:然而,反之,鉴于,尽管,但是mollusk:软体动物oyster:牡蛎,耗squid:乌贼,鱿鱼,章鱼octopuses:章鱼,鱿鱼grab:攫取,抓取rhino:1.(俚语)钞票,钱2.犀牛trophy:奖品,奖杯shrink: vt&vi.收缩,压缩;退缩,畏惧n.心理学家,精神病专家target:目标,靶子poacher:煮锅,浅碟,偷猎者smuggling:走私lizard:蜥蜴iguana:鬣鳞蜥antler: 1.鹿角2.角枝bladder: 囊,膀胱endorse: vt.1.(商业)在背面签字2.赞同,认可,支持3.写评论,批注4.在驾驶证上记录违规操作5.在广告上使用并且赞同某商品lucrative: 获利多的diversity: 多样化的;分歧Weatherprecipitation:仓促region:区域,地域dense:密集,稠密,厚重,愚钝的condense:(气体)凝结,冷凝,节略,缩写,使压缩disastrous:灾难性的insurance:保险,保证,保障impact: n.冲击力,影响力vt.压紧,对……施压grapevine:葡萄藤,传播谣言snowflakes: 雪花meteorologist: 气象学家satellite:人造卫星tornado:龙卷风column:圆柱,柱状物,专栏,纵队summertime:夏季moist:潮湿的,潮湿SportsStunt: 危险或困难的举动,特技表演Mental:精神的,心理的Diagnose:诊断疾病Sciencelaser:激光sector: 部门,界,扇形,扇形面spectrum: 光谱,波长intense: 强烈的,热情的optic: 眼睛的,视觉的digital: 手指的,脚趾的,数字显示的,数字的synonym: 同义词fireflies: 萤火虫precise: 精确的,准备的,恰好的crystal: n.水晶,结晶,水晶玻璃,晶体adj.水晶的,透明的,清澈的coral: 珊瑚,珊瑚色;珊瑚的,像珊瑚的moth: 蛾,飞虫mite: (使人怜悯的)孩子;(食物中出现的)小虫子beetle: n.甲虫adj.突出的,凸出的forensic: adj.公开辩论的,法庭的n.辩论术fingerprint: 指纹,手印shoeprint:鞋印poison: n.毒药;败坏道德的事情vt.毒杀,污染,败坏,使中毒Musicstring: 弦bow: 弓cello: 大提琴mainstream music: 主流音乐alternative music: 非主流音乐conductor: 指挥chorus( unison): 合唱,合唱队duet: 二重唱trio:三重唱audition:参加试听,面试best-selling single: 最佳畅销单曲blend: n.混合物vt.调和,融合;混合,掺杂;配合,调制cherish: 珍爱,怀抱orchestra: 交响乐队incidental: adj.偶发的,临时的;不重要的,附带发生的n.附带发生的事情;临时费用tuba: 大号Historymiserable: 痛苦的,可怜的;使不愉快的;极差的,极小的The New Deal: 新政(The New Deal was designed by President Roosevelt in the 1930s)the Great Depression: 大萧条reliable: 可靠的,确实的deposit: n.储蓄;定金,押金;沉淀;vt.放下,置下;存放,储蓄,寄存;沉淀Amerigo Vespicci(Amerigo Vespicci was the first European who asserted that this land was not India.)legacy: 遗迹,遗产Geographybirthplace: 发源地stratigraphy: 地层学continental crust: 大陆地壳geologic survey: 地址勘察tunnel: n.地道,隧道,坑道;vt.挖隧道limestone: 石灰石chamber: n.寝室,立法机关,(身体或器官内的)腔,室treasure: 财宝;宝贝儿Astronomygravity: 重力orbit: 轨道galaxy: 银河系,群星mission: 特使团;使命,任务;计划或执行任务的办公室;传道区;天职solar system: 太阳系incredible: 难以置信的,不可思议的,非常的,未必的reddish: 微红色的oxide: 氧化物canyon: 峡谷crater: (火山的)喷火口,弹坑,装箱工人nebula: 星云black holes: 黑洞squeeze: 压,榨,挤,捏molecule: 分子universe: 宇宙telescope: 天文望远镜encircle: 环绕,包围spun: vt.旋转adj.纺成的flatten: vt.使变平,打倒vi.变平Filmstardom: 演员的身份,群星plantation: 大农场,种植园,林场(介绍Gone With The Wind 时出现的词汇)tease: vt.取笑,嘲弄,梳理n.爱嘲弄别人的人,取笑,嘲弄Indies:独立电影refresh: 消除疲劳,恢复精神perspective: 1.透视画法2.判断事物的方法,眼力3.前景Physicsatom: 原子microscope: 显微镜proton: 质子neutron:中子electron:电子cohesion:附着,结合,凝聚力mechanics: 力学precipitate: 向下投掷magnifier: 放大镜Literaturetragedy: 悲剧,惨案catharsis: (精神或心理)宣泄,疏泄;艺术的作用;药物的作用emotion:情感relief:(焦虑,痛苦,或迟钝等的)减轻genre: 体裁,风格satire:讽刺文学implicit:含蓄的Biologycell:细胞structural:结构上的,构造的organ:器官muscle:肌肉stem cell:干细胞mutant:变异hereditary:世袭的,遗传的tumor:肿块,肿瘤replicate:复制occur:发生,出现blueprint:蓝图(DNA is a molecule that contains the blueprint for life. It controls how the body develops as it grows.)trait: 显著的特征,特征contaminate:污染internal clock:生物钟colony:蚁穴,蚁巢termite:白蚁nymph:若虫(A termite queen can lay thousands of eggs each day. Its body can grow up to ten centimeters with eggs. The egg grow into young termites called nymph.)jaw:下颚individual:个体的The Opossum:负鼠marsupial:有袋动物;有袋动物的immune:免疫的adaptable:适应能力强的rabies:狂犬病posterity:后代propagate: vt.繁殖,传播subsist: vi.生存Agriculturescarcity: 稀缺rotation: 轮转,选转crop rotation:庄稼轮作(Crop rotation was a great advance for society during the Middle Ages.)nutrient: adj.营养的,滋养的n.营养物,营养品manure: n.粪肥vt.施肥organic farming:有机农业fertilizer:肥料pesticide: 农药,杀虫剂(Organic farming usually needs a lot of human labor to do the job of chemicals. This is one reason that organic food costs more. But when we think about the health of the earth, its plants, and its animals, perhaps it is worth it. In the end, a healthy planet means that we will healthy, too.)Cultureadvance: 先进vehicle:车辆storage: 存储,保管military: 军事ascend:追溯到originate: 发源于remnant:残余,残迹exhume:挖掘橙色封面阅读书里竟然出现了阅读加试时经常考的苏美尔文明!就一个小段落、还不错打一遍~正好可以记忆一下Sumerian CivilizationThe Sumerian made many advances. They first improved agriculture. They later established which was essential for storing crops. Then it was used for grinding grain. Last, it was then used for farm and military vehicles. Sumerian were the first to use writing and math, even systems were used to keep track of food storage and trade. The military used it to keep track of men, weapons, and supplies. They were the first to study the stars and sun in a serious way. It helped them tell time so they could decide when to plant crops. A way of reading the stars also helped them plan when to attack their enemies. They believed that the stars could speak of their success or failure.。



Word list 1:innocent adj.无罪的,不懂事的,无知的,无辜的constrain vt.强迫;强使;限制;约束engage v.答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚patriarch n.创办人,豕长,兀老,主教seep v.渗出,渗漏n.渗漏,小泉,水(油)坑identity n.身份,一致,特征tolerate v.忍受,容忍,容许,宽恕vt.容忍,忍受,容许deadline n.(鉴于边上的)警戒线,最后期限,截止时间verbal adj.动词的,口头的,用言辞的,用文子的n.动名词kernel n.核心,中心,精髓[计算机]核心accent n.重音,口音,强调vt.重读,强调receptacle n.容器influx n.流入,河口,辐辏涌进;汇集[C][S1] an influx of customers顾客的蜂拥而来feeble adj.虚弱的,无力的president n.(国家)总统,(公司)总裁,总经理社长(日本)reef n.暗礁,收缩帆部份progressive adj.前进的,渐进的n.进步人士electricity n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪facilitate vt.帮助,使…容易,促进aria n.抒情调,独唱曲Word list 2sunset n.日落,衰落时期(尤指人的晚年)respond vi. &vt.回复仮应,响应,应答n.拱柱extinct adj.灭绝的,熄灭的n.消灭,熄灭sting n.朿9痛;讽刺,刺激;刺毛vt.朿9;驱使;使••苦恼使••疼痛vi.刺痛;被刺痛;感到剧eternal adj.永久的,永恒的n.永恒的事accumulate vt.积聚,累加堆积vi.累积conflict n.冲突;战斗;相互干扰;矛盾vi.抵触;争斗;战斗;冲突pesticide n.杀虫剂stake n.木桩,赌注,股份vt.打赌,下赌注;用桩支撑digression n.离题,扯到枝节上,脱轨cell n.细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室,手机silversmith n.银器匠bacon n.咸肉,熏肉absenteeism n.旷课,旷工diagonal adj.对角线的,斜的,斜纹的n.对角线,斜线,斜列convention n.会议;全体与会者;国际公约;惯例,习俗,规矩gigantic adj.巨大的detest v.厌恶assimilation n.同化,同化作用,消化starch n.淀粉vt.给…上浆Word list 3deposit vt.存放,堆积,使沉淀vi.沉淀n.存款,定金,堆积物reunion n.再团圆,重聚,再联合lay lie的过去式vt.放置;铺放;涂,敷;产卵adj.世俗的;外行的;没有经验的n.叙事诗occupy vt.占领沾,住进envelop v.包封,遮盖,包围storage n.储存体,储藏,仓库,保管费proactive adj.先发制人的,〈心理〉前摄的;〈自控〉有前瞻性的,先行一步的fantasy n.幻想v.幻想posit V.假定,认为,建议v.安置disguise n.假面目,伪装物假装vt.假装假扮,掩饰psychology n.心理学embellish v.修饰,装饰,润色weird adj.怪异的,离奇的n.命运;预言者diverge v.分歧infuriate adj.狂怒的v.激怒spear n.矛(正负电子对撞机)vt用矛刺repress v.抑制,压制,阻止conquer vt.征服,战胜,克服vi.得胜thrust n.推力,刺,力推vt.& vi.插入推挤,刺casualty n.变故,伤亡者,伤亡人数Word list 4expertise n.专豕的意见,专门技术blend vt. &vi.混合n.混合物fungus n.真菌,霉菌(复数为funguses或fungi)elasticity n.弹力,弹性moisture n.潮湿,湿气gravity n•地心引力,重力,严重,庄重,严肃stout n.烈啤酒adj.强壮的,稳重的,肥胖的assent n.同意,赞成vi.赞成bizarre adj.奇异的,怪诞的n.奇异花conceit n.自负,自大,个人观点,幻想,巧妙的构思v.幻想husbandry n.农事,耕作,农牧业,节约(资源)n.abysmal adj.深不可测的,无底的,糟透了的scorn n.轻蔑,被叱责的人v.轻蔑,不屑做tranquil adj.安静的,宁静的,稳定的,不变的swoop n.俯冲,攫取v.抓取,突然袭击punch n.打洞器,钻孔机,殴打n.酒、水、糖等制成的鸡尾酒vt.以拳重击,开洞,剪票,按(键)mingle vt.混合vi.联合,交际interim adj.中间的,暂时的,临时的n.中间时期,过渡时期,暂定laudable adj.值得称赞的incur v.招致濛受遭遇Word list 5deposit vt.存放,堆积,使沉淀vi.沉淀n.存款,定金,堆积物reunion n.再团圆,重聚,再联合lay lie的过去式vt.放置;铺放;涂,敷;产卵adj.世俗的;外行的;没有经验的n.叙事诗occupy vt.占领沾,住进envelop v.包封,遮盖,包围storage n.储存体,储藏,仓库,保管费proactive adj.先发制人的,〈心理〉前摄的;〈自控〉有前瞻性的,先行一步的fantasy n.幻想v.幻想posit v.假定,认为,建议v.安置disguise n.假面目,伪装物假装vt.假装假扮,掩饰psychology n.心理学embellish v.修饰,装饰,润色weird adj.怪异的,离奇的n.命运;预言者diverge v.分歧infuriate adj.狂怒的v.激怒spear n.矛(正负电子对撞机)vt用矛刺repress v.抑制,压制,阻止conquer vt.征服,战胜,克服vi.得胜thrust n.推力,刺,力推vt.& vi.插入推挤,刺casualty n.变故,伤亡者,伤亡人数Word list 6obsess vt.使(某人)牵挂,惦念,着迷或困扰v i.牵挂,惦念,着迷或困扰atomic adj.原子的,原子能的senior n.年长者,上司,毕业班学生adj.年长的,高级的资深的finalize vt.使结束,使完结utter adj.全然的,绝对,完全vt. &vi.发出作声,发表outrageous adj.暴虐的,极无礼的,可恶的惊人的,肆无忌惮的,毫无节制的---outragerously adv.肆无忌惮mammal n.哺乳动物bare adj.赤裸的,显露的,极少的,仅仅的vt.使赤裸,露出sticky adj.粘的,闷热的,困难的,令人不满意的personnel n•全体员工;(与复数动词连用)人员,员工;人事部门inclination n.倾向,意愿,倾斜度particle n.微粒质点,极小量notify v.通知,通告,报告survey n.调查;纵览,视祭,测量vt.审视,视祭,通盘考虑,调查;勘测vi.测量,勘测abortive adj.早产的,失败的,落空的,[生]发育不全的offset n.抵销,支派,平版印刷,弯管vt.弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi.形成分支stable adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的n.马厩;牛棚vi.被关在马厩vt.赶入马房ambiguity n.不明确,含糊,暧昧,模棱两可retrospective adj.回顾的,向后看的,怀旧的n.作品回顾展出overt adj.公开的,明显的,公然的Word list 7rhinoceros n.犀牛n.(对受攻击、批评、侮辱等)麻木不仁herald n.使者,传令官,前锋,预兆vt.预报,宣布,传达affirm vt.证实,断言,肯定vi.断言冲明modem调制解调器compensate vt. &vi.偿还,补偿,付报酬wax n.蜡,蜡状物,震怒vi.变大,增大,月亮满vt.用蜡涂psychoanalysis n.心理分析least adj.最少的,最小的n.&adv.最少,最小differentiate vt.识别,使差异,求导数,区分,区别对待vi.区别,变异cardinal n.红衣凤头鸟(北美红雀),红衣主教,鲜红色,基数adj.主要的,深红色的organism n.生物体,有机体refund n•偿还vt•付还偿还借款,换回新公债herb n.药草,香草federal adj.联邦的n.同盟盟友conceal vt.隐藏,掩盖otherwise adv.否则,不冋地,在不冋方面pron.其他adj.不冋的steadyadj.稳定的,稳固的,沉稳的adv.平稳地,稳固地n.固定的事物vi. &vt.(使)稳固,(使)稳定ignore vt.不顾,不理忽视originate vt.发起vi.开始[计算机]起始aerial adj.空气的;航空的,空中的;空想的n.[电讯]天线Word list 8communal 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------ ----------------------- --- ---- ------- adj.公有的fragile adj.易碎的,脆的,精细的agile adj.(动作)敏捷的,灵活的,(头脑)机灵的competence n.能力,管辖权,技能lettuce n.[园艺]生菜;萬苣;(美)纸币vacant adj.空的,空虚的,木然的apportion v.分配,分摊,分派emotional adj.感情的,情绪的juvenile adj.年轻的,青少年的,幼稚的n.青少年,青少年读物,幼雏,扮演少年的演员status n.地位,身份,情形,状况promote vt.促进,提升,升迁;发起;促销academic n.教学人员,学术人员adj.学院的,理论的,学术性的rigor1n.严格,严酷,严密,严厉,[医]寒战,僵直,强直Word list 9oversleep v.(使)睡过头terrific adj.极好的,非常的,极度的motif n.主题,意念,动机parachute n.降落伞,翼膜緩降物vi. &vt.跳伞shore n.岸,滨,国家,陆地,斜撑柱vt. (up)支撑,支持chapel n.小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会,殡仪馆pollinate v.给…授粉vt.授以花粉depict vt.描述描绘courageous adj.勇敢的twig n.小枝,嫩枝v.理解,领悟blaze n.火焰,烈火vi.燃烧,发光vt.燃烧,宣布,在树皮上刻痕,领导,开拓vacate v.空出址出explosion n.爆炸爆发,激增virtue n.美德优点;贞操course n.课程,讲座,过程,路线,一道(菜)feudal adj.封建的,封地的sustenance n.维持生计,食物tend vt.照料,照顾;护理;照管,管理vi.倾向(于),趋向(于);伺侯,招待;关心;注charcoal n.木炭,炭笔varied adj.各种各样的动词vary的过去式和过去分词Word list 10glue n.胶,粘性之物vt. 粘,紧附于…inflate v.使膨胀,使得意,使通货膨胀[计算机]使膨胀certificate n.证(明)书,执照vt.批准,认可,发证书给…summit n.顶点;最高阶层vi.参加最高级会议,爬到最高点nucleus n.核,核心,细胞核,原子核attribute n.属性,特征;标志,象征vt.归于,属于planetary adj.行星的,有轨道的lashn.鞭子,鞭打,睫毛,讽刺vt.鞭打,摆动,扎捆,猛烈打击,抨击vi.迅速甩动,猛击,抽打,严厉谴责delicate adj.细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的adj.淡色的,淡味的adj.娇弱的,纤细的proficient adj.熟练的,精通的n.能手,专家repertory n.仓库(积贮,全部剧目)enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的unify v.统一,使成一体relief n.宽慰,安心;免除,减轻;救援物资;代班人deceptive adj.迷惑的,虚伪的,诈欺的miracle n.奇迹simultaneous adj.同时发生的,同步的paradigm n.例子,模范,词形变化表foliage n•叶子(总称),簇叶spontaneous adj.自发的,自然产生的Word list 11cowhand n. &It;美>(牧场的)牧牛工spacecraft n.宇宙飞船disgust n.厌恶嫌恶vt. &vi.令人厌恶lore n.学冋,知识n.(鸟等的)眼端meticulous adj. 一丝不苟的,精确的dawn n.破晓,开端vi.破晓,逐渐明白bruise n.瘀青,擦伤,挫伤vi.受伤,擦伤vt.使挫伤abut v.邻接,毗连condiment n.调味品discourage vt.使气馁,阻碍glitter n.灿烂,闪烁,辉耀v.灿烂,闪烁,辉耀indignant adj.愤慨的,愤愤不平的amalgamation n.汞齐化,融合,合并tortuous adj.弯曲的,曲折的,转弯抹角的noteworthy adj.值得注意的dateline n.日期变更线,日期栏,新闻电头vt.在...上注明日期refute vt.驳斥,驳倒;否认真实性antecede vt.在...之前,居...之先conductive adj.传导性的,有传导力的deem v.认为,相信Word list 12yeast n.酵母wreck n.失事,残骸,破坏,健康受损的人vt.破坏,造成…失事vi.失事,营救失事物incinerate v.焚化,毁弃vi.把…烧成灰,烧弃vt.焚化(废物),火化scope n.能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地vt.仔细研究intrude V.闯入,侵入,打扰bronze adj.青铜色的n.青铜,青铜色,青铜制品,铜牌(第三名)vt.使成青铜色topsoil n.表层土vt.去掉表土acquaint vt.使…熟知bake vt.烘焙,烤vi.烘焙,烤,变得炎热n.烘焙,烤submerge vt.使浸没,潜入水中,覆盖vi.浸没emblem n.象徵,徽章breed n.品种,族类vt.养育,繁殖,引起vi.繁殖tributary adj.纳贡的,从属的,补助的n.纳贡者,属国,支流sound vt.听(诊);测量,测…深;使发声;试探;宣告n.声音,语音;噪音;海峡;吵闹;听力探条adj.健全的,健康的;合理的;可靠的;有效彻底的adv.彻底地,充分地vi.听起来;回响;测深malicious adj.怀恶意的,恶毒的equal adj.相等的,平等的,胜任的n.对手,匹敌,同辈vt.等于,比得上inevitably adv.不可避免地Pulp n.果肉,纸浆v.化成纸浆,除去…果肉,制成纸浆naked adj.裸体的,无掩饰的,明白的,手无寸铁的refrain n.重复,叠句,副歌v.节制,避免,克制Word list 13systematic adj.有系统的,分类的,体系的client n.顾客;当事人;诉讼委托人;[计算机]客户端dye n.染料,染色vt.染vi.染色turtle n.海龟finance n.财政,资金vt.给…提供资金,负担经费supervise vt.监督,管理,指导tariff n.关税,价目表vt.交关税copious adj.丰富的,大量的,(指作家)多产的exposure n.面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光substance n.物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产neoclassical adj.新古典主义的array n.数组,(陈)排列,大批,一系列vt.排列,布署,打扮counselor n.顾问,参事,法律顾问sanction n.核准,处罚,约束力v.制定制裁规则,认许,核准enhance vt.提高,加强増加overact vi.做的过火,演得过火vt.把(角色)表演得过火append v.附加,添加,悬挂n.[计算机]DOS命令建立数据文件的子目录搜索路经chilly adj.寒冷的,冷淡的,恐怖的retrospect n.回顾,回想vt.&vi.回顾;追溯havoc n.大破坏,混乱vt.破坏Word list 14myriad adj.无数的n.极大数量apportionment n.分配,分摊,分派increment n.增加(增加物,增量,余差)stiffen V.使…坚硬,变为浓粘,变为猛烈protrude V.使突出,伸出,突出audition n.听,听力,试听vi.试演,试唱,试音vt.对(某人)面试;让(某人)试演(或试唱、sexism n.性别歧视graze v.放牧,(牛、羊等)吃早,v.轻擦,蹭n.放牧n.擦伤transient adj.短暂的n.短期居留者,瞬间的变化anguish n.苦闷,痛苦v.使…极苦闷,使…极痛苦emancipate vt.释放,解放squander v.浪费,使…散开implore V.恳求,哀求sage n.圣人;智者;贤人;鼠尾草(可用作调料)adj.贤明的;明智的ambiguous adj.模棱两可的quell v.压制,平息,镇定vocalize v.发声corollary n.推论vulgar adj.通俗的,粗俗的swirl n.漩涡,涡状形v.使成漩涡,头晕Word list 15cooperation n.合作,协作ledge n.架状突出物,壁架,暗礁,矿脉,岩脊analyze v.分析,分解vt.分析sufficient adj.足够的,充分的nest n.巢,窝vt.嵌入vi.筑巢revenue n.总收入;财政收入,税收n.税务局demobilize vt.使复员,使退伍,遣散statesman n.政治家,国务活动家accustom v.使…习惯contour n.轮廓(等咼线周线,电路,概要)vt.画轮廓(画等咼线)adj.显示轮廓的labyrinth n.迷宫,难解的事件irregular n.不合规格之物adj.不规则的,不整齐的,不合法的therapy n.疗法,治疗artesian adj.喷水井的,自流井的gear n.齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具vt. &vi.使适应于,以齿轮连起,配搭活动,调整physician n.内科医牛conductivity n.[物]传导性,传导率dual adj.双重的,成双的n.双数paleolithic adj. 旧石器时代的dupe n.受骗的人,上当者vt.欺骗,愚弄Word list 16adolescence n.冃春期snowflake n.雪花,雪片audit n.查帐,审计vt.审计,旁听grading n.等级,分阶段,坡度缓和动词grade的现在分词exception n.除外,例外shell n.贝壳,壳,外形vt. &vi.去壳,脱落,炮击抬贝壳n.[计算机]DOS命令:安装备用的COMM A 件,并改变环境尺寸inhibit vt. &vi.禁止,抑制[计算机]禁止argue vt.争论,辩论,争吵,劝说,表明vi.提出理由,争论,辩论municipal adj.市的,市政的n.政府证券lawn n.草地,草坪,上等细麻布radical n.激进份子,原子团,激进派adj.急进的,根本的,激进的,基本的,彻底的wither vt.使凋谢,使衰退,(用眼神气势等)使畏缩vi.枯萎,衰退,消亡seashore n.海岸,海滨interest n.兴趣,嗜好,利息;股份vt.使…感兴趣fantastic adj.极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的championship n.锦标赛,冠军,拥护implication n.暗示,含意extend v.扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展meager adj.贫乏的,不足的,瘦的dump n.垃圾场,堆放处vt.丢弃,抛售,导出vi.骤降,扔垃圾Word list 17prevalent adj.流行的,普遍的miserable adj.悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的exclude vt.除外,排除拒绝[计算机]排除algebra n.代数学destructive adj.破坏性的,有害的projector n.放映机(探照灯,发射装置,设计者,制图投射线)circumstance n.环境,(复数)境况,事件,详情efficient adj.效率咼的,有能力的replicate vt. &vi.折叠,复制,模写n.同样的样品adj.转折的hazel n.榛木,淡褐色adj.淡褐色的,榛木的reward n.报酬,报答,赏金vt.给…报酬,奖赏sewerage n.排水设备,污水even adj.平坦的,偶数的,相等的adv.甚至,恰好,正当v.使平坦,相等intense adj.非常的,强烈的,紧张的,热情的beam n.光线,电波,横梁,容光焕发vt.发出(光、电、热、信号);为••…土梁vi.微笑;发光crossing n.人行横道,交叉口,横渡动词cross的现在分词dedication n.奉献,献词,献堂礼rim n.边,轮缘,框vt.镶边,为…镶边vi.形成边缘jelly n.果冻,冻状物,纠结vi.结冻,做果冻vt.使像果冻一样contain vt.包含,容纳,克制,抑制vi.自制Word list 18amble n.缓行,漫步vi.缓行,溜蹄sharpen v.使…尖锐,变为锐利,加剧(苦痛等)dormancy n.休眠,冬眠,潜伏urge n.冲动vt.驱策,鼓励,力陈催促vi.极力主张viable adj.能生存的,可行的,能居住的的bland adj.之味的;温和的;冷漠的vt.使••变得淡而无味;除掉••的特性vi.变得平淡无奇;丧失contribute vt.捐助投稿vi.投稿质献,是原因之一trilogy n.三部曲embed vt.栽种,使嵌入,使深留脑中auction n.拍卖vt.拍卖feedback n.反馈咸果chronicle n.编年史,年代记;记录vt.记录;把••载入编年史sober adj.冷静的,清醒的;未醉的vt.使严肃;使醒酒,使清醒taboo n.禁忌,禁止接近,禁止使用adj.禁忌的vt.禁忌,禁制,禁止prioritize vt.把…区分优先次序impel v.驱使,逼迫delinquency n.(少年)犯罪,失职,过失n.逾期债款entourage n.随行人员,周围的事物concur v.意见相同,一致,互助ridicule n.嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄v.嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄Word list 19innovate v.改革,创新reliever n.救济者,接替者extremity n.极端,末端,极点,困境,非常手段,四肢,手足load n.负荷,重担,装载量v.装载,装填,担负,给(枪)装子弹[计算机]装入narrative n.叙述,故事adj.叙述的,叙事的,故事体的prosperity n.繁荣,兴旺reapply vi.再次申请,重新申请,再应用succumb v.屈从,死monogamous adj. 一夫一妻的;[动]单配的hypocritical adj.伪善的,伪善者的grid n.格子,非实质的;地图上的坐标方格;(输电线路、天然气管道等的)系统网络Hypertext n.超文本indecipherable adj.辨读不出的,无法破译的,无法解释的optimize V.使…完美,乐观,使…完善V优化perceptual adj.感性的,知觉的alienable adj.可让与的quantum n.分配量,额,量retrieval n.取回,恢复,修补virtual adj.虚拟的;有效的;实质上的,事实上的sequential adj.连续的(序贯的)Word list 20episode n.插曲,插话,(作品的一段)情节,有趣的事件caribou n.北美驯鹿promptadj.迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的vt.激起,促进,推动;提示vi.提示n.提示;提示的内容n, 限source n.来源campaign n.战役;运动,活动vt.参加竞赛vi.(从事,组织)活动musical adj.音乐的n.音乐片emphasize v.强调,着重vt.强调cater vi.备办食物,迎合vt.为(宴会等)提供餐饮服务fuse n.保险丝,引线,导火线vt.熔化,融合,装导线,装引信于vi.熔化,融合resonance n.共鸣,共振,洪亮involve vt.包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉brew n.酿造酒,蕴酿v.酿造,蕴酿cast n.演员阵容,投掷v.投,掷,抛surrender vt. &vi.投降,让与,屈服n.投降,屈服,放弃foremost adj.最初的adv.在最前面drill n.训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机vi.钻孔;训练vt.钻孔;训练;条播n. (Drill)人名;(德、confront vt.面临,对抗,遭遇era n.纪元,时代,年代glamorous adj.富有魅力的,迷人的amiable adj.和蔼的,亲切的Word list 21hoard v.&n.贮藏,秘藏vt.贮藏parallel adj.平行的,相同的,类似的拼联的adv.平行地n.平行线(面),相似物,对比vt.相比相应,与litter n.垃圾,杂乱,一窝(幼仔),褥草,轿子v.舌L丢垃圾,弄乱,产(幼仔),用草等给动物铺窝underlying adj.在下面的,基本的,隐含的symbol n.符号,标志,象征futile adj.无效的,无用的diet n.日常饮食,规定饮食vt.照规定饮食adj.低卡路里的significant adj.有意义的,意味深长的;相当数量的;重要的,重大的n.(复)有意义的事物;标志positive adj.肯定的,积极的,绝对的adj.正面的,正数的,阳性的lumber n.木材,木料v.伐木vi.缓慢地移动vt.拖累roam vi.漫游,闲逛,徜徉fervor n.热诚,热心=fervour(英)affection n.慈爱,爱,感情作用,影响upheaval n.剧变,动乱simplify v.简化,使单纯vt.简化dozen n.(一)打汁二个adj. —打的,十二个的realtor n.房地产经纪人,房屋中介bacteria n.(复数)细菌aerobics n.有氧运动法filament n.细丝,细线,单纤维Word list 22account n.账,账目;存款;记述,报告;理由vi.解释;导致;报账vt.认为;把••视作cease n.停止vt. &vi.停止,终了turkey n. (Turkey)土耳其,火鸡,笨蛋,失败之作impulse n.冲动,驱动力,倾向,心血来潮vt.推动normally adv.正常地,通常地property n.财产;性质;道具absolute adj.绝对的,完全的,无限制的,独立的,专制的n.绝对的事物switchn.开关,电门,闸,转换器,vt. &vi.鞭打,转轨,交换,突然转变,摆动,接通或切断…电流intelligent adj.聪明的,智能的depart vt.离开vi.离开,死亡,脱轨expand vt.增加,详述扩展,使…膨胀vi.扩展,增加,详述rite n.仪式,典礼curriculum n.课程,全部课程manifest n.载货单,运货单,旅客名单adj.显然的,明白的vt.显示,证实,出示strategic adj.战略的,重要的,基本的inject v.注射puzzle n.难题谜惑vt.使困惑,解决vi.迷惑,苦思stickvt.& vi.粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入vt.容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍primordial adj.原始的,自原始时代的,最初的raft n.筏,救生艇,大量v.乘筏,制成筏Word list 23radioactive adj.放射性的incapacitate v.使不能,使不适于vt.使不能potassium n.钾incorporate vt.组成公司;包含;使混合;使具体化vi.包含;吸收;合并;混合crippling adj.造成严重后果的slip vi.滑,滑脱;犯过失,出错;(时间)不知不觉地过去;(健康状况等)变差vt.使顺利脱;放松,松开n.跌倒,失足;纸条;失误,口误;事故adj.滑动的;可拆卸的;打impending adj.逼迫的,迫切的,即将发生的动词impend的现在分词decline n.衰微,跌落;晚年v.降低,婉谢pepper n.胡椒粉vt.加胡椒粉于bison n.野牛gist n.要点,要旨hypothetical adj.假设的,假定的,爱猜想的illustrative adj.说明的,解说的,做例证的perspicuous adj.明晰的,易懂的intern n.实习生,拘留犯vt.扣留vi.作实习生rigorous adj.严厉的,严酷的,严格的,细致的podium n.讲台,矮墙,腰墙,突出的座席n.[生]管足subordinate n.属下,附属物adj.下级的,次要的,附属的vt.使居下位,使服从,把…放在次要swap n.交换vt. &vi.交换,用…作交易transcribe vt.(用不冋的录音手段)转录;抄写,誊写;改编(乐曲)(以适应他种乐器或声部)Word list 24depot n.停车场,车站,贮藏所romantic adj.浪漫的n.浪漫的人tycoon n.企业界的大亨,(日本幕府的)将军justice n.正义;公正;法律制裁;审判员,法官panel n.镶板;面;(门、墙等上面的)嵌板;控制板vt.选定(陪审团);把••分格;在••上置镶入框架内guilty adj.有罪的,内疚的decipher vt.译解cushion n.垫子,橡皮软垫,缓冲vt.加垫褥,放在垫子上,保护,减缓,为…装垫子microorganism n.微生物awful adj.可怕的,畏惧的,充满敬畏的,艰难的adv.极其surgery n.外科,外科手术,诊所impact n.冲击(力),冲突,影响(力)vt.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…发生影响crustacean n.甲壳类动物adj.甲壳纲的obtain vt.获得,得到vi.通用,流行,存在respondent n.回答者;[法](特指离婚诉讼的)被告;[生]反应,反射adj.应答的;有反应的;[法particular n.个别项目,详细说明adj.特别的,独有的;挑剔的;详细的newsprint n.新闻用纸adj.群居的,爱社交的n.擦伤,气恼v.摩擦,擦痛,激怒 n.蜥蜴,蜥蜴皮gregarious chafelizard遇到失意伤心事,多想有一个懂你的人来指点迷津,因他懂你,会以我心,换你心,站在你的位置上思虑,为你排优解难。


2. 1620年五月花(May Flower)号 载着一船被排挤的清教徒 (Puritans)来到美洲大陆,他 们算是美国人的祖先 (ancestors/ predecessors), 正是这些人当年的境遇使得后 来的美国以追求“自由、民主、 平等”为己任。
First successful English colony: 1607, Jamestown



地质 vein pit borehole pit quartz marble gem fieldstone emerald weskit
lead limestone lava ruby bonanza mineral ore fossil petrify geology aluminum core crater diamond glacial glacier iceberg plate tremor earthquake seism seismic seismology magnitude cataclysm stratum mantle nitrogenous lithosphere layer crust fault crust fault magma
loan refund utility selection option economics output goods opportunity benefit contract lottery transaction budget patronage choose choice barter purchase deposit commission ransom toll charge bond custom bonus interest means debt fund revenue
basin navigation ranges salinity sediment elevation formation geothermy terrain topography tropical tropics temperate
squirt erupt outburst eruption volcanic


TOEFL iBT 词汇机密 TOEFL iBT Vocabulary Classified
主讲人: 张红岩
《词以类记-TOEFL iBT词汇》
现任:信息产业部电子教育与考试中心全国IT职业英语水平考试项目组组长 北京东方汇智科技发展有限公司董事长
Cosmos/universe/ Galaxy/ 恒星/planet/satellite
Star Solar system 太阳系
Mercury 水星(墨丘利神,即商业旅行守护神) Venus 金星(维纳斯,即爱和美的神) Earth 地球(土神) Mars 火星(战神) Jupiter 木星(统治诸神主宰一切的主神) Saturn 土星(农业之神) Uranus 天王星(最早的至上的神) Neptune 海王星(海神) Pluto 冥王星(地府之神)
天文学 Astronomy
intergalactic 星系间的
The Sun 从外向内可分为以下多层:
chromo sphere
convection zone 对流区
按捕食关系: Prey 被捕食者 Predator 捕食者
按婚姻状况分: Monogamous Polygamous polyandrous
Birds primate mammal Plankton 浮游生物
beaver sloth Bees deer
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part 1. 天文类1 astronomy 天文astronomy 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope 空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergalactic 星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosphere 色球photosphere 色球层convection zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪2 geography 地理geography 地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度temperate latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean ( underground)地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermal)地热terrestrial magnetism(geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石3 geology 地质学geologist 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum, 复数strata) 地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split) 断裂disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogenous 岩成的lithosphere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby 红宝石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的glacial epoch ( age, period)冰川期glacial drift 冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash 火山灰earthquake ( quake; tremor;seism) 地震seismic 地震的seismology 地震学magnitude 震级seismic wave 地震波cataclysm 灾变4 anthropologist 人类学家paleoanthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家psychological anthropologist心理人类学家origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的5 ecology 生态学ecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere)臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射pollution 污染pollution control 污染控制air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染noise pollution 噪音污染soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic) 有毒的fumes (有毒)废气waste 废物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝6 meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水breeze 微风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风funnel 漏斗,漏斗云disaster (calamity,catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾7 chemistry 化学chemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composition( makeup ) 化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatus 化学器械substance (matter; material)物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦carbon 碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物derivative 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleum (oil) 石油petroleum products 石油产品crude oil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubility 可溶性cohesive 聚合力adhesive 粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelerator 粒子加速器catalysis (复数catalyses )催化作用catalyst 催化剂artificial 人造的synthetic 合成的synthetic fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymerization 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetics 化妆品8 .physics 物理physics 物理mechanics 力学thermodynamics 热力学acoustics 声学electromagnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度acceleration 加速度equilibrium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitation 引力relativity 相对gravity 地心引力vibration 震动medium (media) 媒质frequency 频率wavelength 波长pitch 音高intensity 强度echo 回声resonance 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrasonics 超声学electricity 电static electricity 静电magnetism 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electromagnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电alternating current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric appliance 电器conductor 导体insulator 绝缘体semiconductor 半导体battery (cell) 电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electronics 电子学electronic 电子的electronic component (part)电子零件integrated circuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transistor 晶体管amplification ( 名词) 放大amplify (动词)放大amplifier 放大器,扬声器oscillation 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜magnifier 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultraviolet 紫外线X rays X 射线Gamma rays γ 射线infrared rays 红外线microwaves 微波dispersion 色散transparent 透明translucent 半透明opaque 不透明的9 mathematicsmathematics 数学mathematician 数学家arithmetic 算术calculation 计算calculator 计算器abacus 算盘numeral 数字sum 和total (sum total) 总和,总数aggregate 总计fraction 分数,小数decimal 十进位,(十进)小数digit 数字,数位percentage 百分比addition 加法plus 加上subtraction 减法minus 减去multiplication 乘法multiplication table 乘法表multiply 乘以times 乘以power 乘方square 平方division 除法divide 除以algebra 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometric 几何的dimension 维parallel adj. 平行的n. 平行线quadrilateral 四边形square 正方形area 面积rectangle 长方形,矩形polygon 多边形cube 立方形volume 体积sphere 球形circle 圆形ellipse (oval) 椭圆形cone 圆锥形circumference 圆周diameter 直径radius 半径triangle 三角形angle 角degree ( 角) 度calculus 微积分differential calculus 微分学integral calculus 积分学function 函数probability 概率statistics 统计quantitative 量的,数量的qualitative 质的,质量的deduction (inference) 推论,演绎induction 归纳10 agriculture 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch )小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel ( 平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide) 杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats 燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse,hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animalhusbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖11 animal 动物Darvinism 达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian (amphibiousanimal) 两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna ( 复数antennae)触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp ( 鸟,虫的叫声) 唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes ( 昆虫等) 群swarms ( 昆虫等) 群flock (鸟,羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamous 一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使… 受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed ( 名词) 品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce )繁殖hatch 孵spawn ( 鱼、虾、蛙等) 孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂事的12 plant 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette ( 叶的) 丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell ( 硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养13 politics 政治constitution 宪法legislation 立法Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党Amendment 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchism 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制municipal 市的,市政的metropolitan 大都市的centralized 中央集权的ideology 意识形态maneuver 擦略tariff 关税immigrant 移民institutionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeholding 任职veto 否决American Revolution 美国革命/ 独立战争Independence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的, 根本的overturning 颠覆性的independent 独立的breathtaking 激动人心的military 军事的colonize 拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspiracy 阴谋imprisonment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusation 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronage 资助,赞助unionization 联合,结合14 education 教育educator 教育家higher education 高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科,管理learn by rote 死记硬背15 music 音乐musical instrument 乐器orchestra 乐队string 弦乐wind 管乐shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓pound drum 击鼓footbeat 点脚,跺脚percussion 震荡,打击乐器note 音符score 乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music 乡村音乐folk music 民间音乐pop music 流行音乐classical music 古典音乐Jazz 爵士乐16 psychology 心理mental 心理的physical 身体的,物质的,物理的spiritual 心灵的conformity 从众majority 多数人minority 少数人threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断subject 受实验对象17 people 人物artist 艺术家choreographer 舞蹈编排家critic 批评家satirist 讽刺作家inventor 发明家biographer 自传作家sculptor 雕塑家feminist 女权主义者humanitarian 人道主义者imagist 意象派诗人philanthropist 慈善家proprietor 业主mortal 犯人precursor 先驱figurehead 名誉领袖disciple 学徒apprentice 学徒mechanic 机械工minimalist 简单抽象派艺术avant-garde 前卫派territory 领域genre 风格,体裁eccentric 古怪的odd 怪诞的,奇数的erratic 奇怪的weird 怪异的,不可思议的unique 独一无二的romantic 浪漫的innocent 天真的,无罪的lovelorn 相思病苦的emotional 情绪的,情感的sentimental 感伤的,多愁善感的cheerless 无精打采的,无生命力的patriarchal 家长的,族长的rigid 僵化的spare 简朴的clumsy 笨拙的nervous 紧张的zigzag 曲折的contemporary 当代的acclaimed 受欢迎的preeminent 杰出的outstanding 杰出的versatile ( 人) 多才多艺的,(物体)多功能的household 家庭的,家喻户晓的genuine 真正的authentic 逼真的symbolic 象征性的immortal 不朽的,神nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡emotive 感人的prodigious 巨大的classic 经典的posthumous 死后的。
