云南师范大学商学院《大学英语2》期末考试 A卷及答案

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试卷A 卷

座 号 学院(系) 专业 年级班级 学号 姓名 题号

I II III IV V VI 总分 累分人 复核人 得分 考试说明: 1、本试卷共 4 页,考试时间为 120 分钟; 2、考试方式:闭卷; 3、全部试题均答在试卷上。 I. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the

form where necessary. (本大题共20题,每小题1分,


sketch grateful assemble well-being symptom irritate defend challenge trial overall disorder slide illustrate decent mentality weep tap vital informed sensation

1、He quickly the view from the window.

2、I am extremely to all the teachers for their help.

3、This kind of bookcase can easily be using a screwdriver.

4、Let me give an example to the point.

5、The majority of residents here are _________ citizens.

6、I do not understand the ______________ of these teenagers.

7、He always has the_________________ of the masses at heart.

8、The affair is a ______________ of a global ecnomic crisis.

9、It really______________ me when he does not help around the house.

10、Several glasses________________ off the tray and crashed to the floor.

11、He ______________ bitterly when it was time for us to leave.

12、Listen ! Someone is_____________ on the window.

得分 评卷人 装


13、We shall_____________ our city , whatever the cost may be.

14、I like the _____________ of learning new things.

15、The defendant claimed that he had not had a fair __________.

16、Richard played a _____________ role in the team’s success.

17、Please keep me fully ____________ of any developments.

18、The scandal about the mayor caused a _____________.

19、The _______________ length of the new bridge is 2000 meters.

20、He is suffering from a severe mental _______________.


II. Study the models and complete the following sentences with

the useful expression by translating the Chinese into English. (本

大题共10题,每小题2 分,共20分)

Model 1: (如果你的计划失败了),what then ?

→what if your plan fails, what then ?

21、Keep calm, .



she influences his decisions.

23、They tried to frustrate us with failures,

. (没想到却坚定了我们的决心)

24、He stopped smoking (为他的健康


25、They will stand by you (即


26、_____________________________________________________ (尽管我们已经采取

了很多措施),this region is still affected by crime.

27、_________________________________________________ (谈到天气对木材的影

响),humidity is the key player.

28、_____________________________ (在监狱时),she wrote her first novel.

29、Hurry up ! ____________________________________ (公共汽车来了) !

30、He suggests __________________________________________ (推迟运动会).


III. Translation (本大题共6题,31-35每题2 分,36题5分,共15分)

Translate the following sentences into English





35、乒乓外交使中美两国间中断了20 多年的外交关系得到恢复。

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese

36、He will live for many years afterward and give many concerts.His music will

breathe joy. His music will speak of hope and love and spring and summer ,of

children and home and peace------of all the good and joyful things in this old and

tired world.
