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1.Does he often _____ with your brother?

A.played B.plays C.to play D.play

2.----She is_______ shy _______ she always keeps quiet.

----Yes. Her face turns red when she talks to other people.

A.so, that

B.too, to

C.such, that

D.so, to

3.They were made _______ the whole night.

A.working B.work C.to work D.worked

4.Do you enjoy___ in China?

A.live B.to live C.living D.lives

5.We have to stay at home ________ the heavy rain.


B.because of



6.As we know,the Yangtze River is one of rivers in the world.

A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest

7.– Why are you so________?

– Rita asked me to go on a trip to Mount Wuyi together.

A .excited B. worried C. healthy

8.Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.

A.to do B.doing C.do D.does

9.-----When were you born?

----I was born _____ the morning of October 16th,1998.

A.in B.on C.at D.by

10.Now mobile phones are not so expensive as they _______ to be.

A.use B.used C.are used D.were used



11.If you (not be) careful with dogs,they may bite you.

12.My teacher often advises us (read) English aloud every morning.

13.The Greens (visit) Beijing in a week,aren’t they?

14.Be quiet! Bob with his classmates (prepare) for the English test.

15. (save) water, turn off the tap after you wash your hands.


It was a beautiful day and the children played in the park. They e_16.____themselves . Look, Michael played on his skateboard. He said he would try something new. So he did a difficult jump and he f 17. down with a cry. His legs hurt. The children called a taxi. And the taxi took them to the h___18._____ The doctor told them that Michael should stay at home and take some p 19. , three times a day. The children were glad that the accident wasn’t s20. and Michael felt better now.


21.My uncle is going _________(在国外) to study English next month.

22.Alice _________(嫁) a French man last month.

23.It’s uncomfortable to live in the low and _________(狭窄的) house.

24.The witch used_________ (魔法)to change the prince into a swan.

25.She couldn’t stop________ (想念)her parents while she was studying abroad.

2013年1月1日开始实施的新交规,加大了对闯红灯、开车打电话、不系安全带等行为的处罚力度。英语课上同学们就此话题展开了讨论,请你将下面的新交规用英语补充完整。Some Rules of the New Traffic Law

26.The cars must stop when the traffic lights turn into .

27.The drivers mustn’t phone calls when they are driving.

28.It’s to put on the seat belt each time.

29.After (喝)wine, drivers aren’t allowed to drive.

30.With the green light on, use the crosswalk when you cross the .

Tom saw an a___31.____ in a newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle. It c _32.___ 55 pounds, so he went to the shop and asked to see one of the w___33.____ bicycles. The o___34.__ of the shop was very happy to show one to Tom. Tom examined(检查) it c___35.____, turned to the owner of the shop and said, “ There isn’t a lamp on t his b_36.___, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement.”

“Yes, sir,” a__37.__ the man, “but the l_____38.___ isn’t included(包括) in the price of the bicycle.”“Not included in the price of the bicycle? ” Tom said a39.__. “but that’s not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.”

“Well , sir,” answered the shop owner coldly, “there is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement, but we can not give you a girl with the bicycle, e___40.____.”


41.Simon is taller than Kitty.

Kitty is ____________________ Simmon.

42.My English is worse than David’s.

David’s English is ______________________________.

43.Tom is the fattest boy in his class.

Nobody else is ____________________Tom in his class.

44.Diving is not as exciting as hiking.

Hiking is ______________________________diving.

45.Bill’s grandpa goes fishing every week. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Bill’s grandpa _______ fishing every week?
