– Won - Best Picture – Won - Best Director — Clint Eastwood – Won - Best Actress in a Leading Role — Hilary Swank – Won - Best Actor in a Supporting Role — Morgan Freeman – Nominated - Actor in a Leading Role — Clint Eastwood – Nominated - Best Film Editing – Nominated - Best Adapted Screenplay
77th Academy Awards (Oscars)
The Golden Globe
SAG Reward
The film was also nominated for and won a number of Golden Globes, SAG Awards, and the Directors Guild Award.
people with disabilities do not have a life worth living. They are selfcondemned to misery and self-loathing. Their time on earth cannot possibly be productive, fulfilling or meaningful in any way.
Margaret Fitzgerald , a waitress from a Missouri town, shows up in the Hit Pit, Maggie asks Dunn to train her, but he angrily responds that he "doesn't train girls."
精神分裂是一种很难治愈的疾病,但纳什却在爱 的力量下奇迹的康复了。
艾丽莎的爱是纳什与现实接触的桥梁,她帮助他重 新找回现实感。而纳什对艾丽莎的爱令他的理智战胜 了幻觉,使他的自我强大起来,并控制了非理性的幻 觉。
纳什诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼上道 出了他的肺腑之言:
外文名:A Beautiful Mind
导演:朗·霍华德 Ron Howard
主演:罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe
詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly
类型:剧情 / 悬疑 / 传记
片长:135 min
据医生分析,纳什可能在读研究生的时候已经在幻想 中构建了一个室友查尔斯。查尔斯个性中的许多方面正是 被纳什否定了的内容。他是纳什的阴影。
每一个人都希望自己成功。帕切尔令纳什感到自己是 一个英雄,因为他们的“项目” 关系到国家的安危。参与 这样的一项工作是纳什心灵深处的理想和欲望。
The niece of Charles Herman,at last John find the truth because of her.
“A Beautiful Mind” is a true genius on a very human drama. The prototype is the story of mathematician John Forbes - Nash (Jr.John Forbes Nash),the Nobel Laureate(Economics) mathematician.The film was directed by Ron Howard and written by Akiva Goldsman. It was inspired by a bestselling,Pulitzer Prize-nominated 1998 book of the same name by Sylvia Nasar.
美丽心灵(A Beautiful Mind)是一部关于一个真 实天才的极富人性的剧情片。影片讲述一位患有精 神分裂症但却在博弈论和微分几何学领域潜心研究,
最终获得诺贝尔经济学奖的数学家约翰·福布斯·纳 什。同名传记由西尔维雅·娜萨儿撰写,于1998年 出版,电影则于2001年上映
Handsome and highly eccentric Nash made a startling mathematical discovery at an early age , began to enjoy international reputation. But Nash’s superior intuition plagued by schizophrenia, made him march to the highest level academically brilliant course has undergone tremendous change. The face of this has destroyed many people's challenges, Nash's wife, Alicia, in love with him to help solve the problem, the no fear, stubborn resistance. After decades of arduous efforts, he finally overcame the unfortunate, and in 1994 received the Nobel Prize. This is a true story of the legendary story Today, Nash continued his hard work in the field.
Weinberger和Murray提出精神发育障碍假说:在胚 胎期大脑发育过程出现紊乱,导致心理整合功能改变, 主要是新皮质形成期神经细胞从大脑深部向皮质迁移 过程中出现了紊乱,导致心理整合功能异常。即刻效 应不显著,进入青春期或成年早期,在外界环境因素 不良刺激下会出现精神分裂症的症状。
• 而到了1700年,拜美国《独立宣言》的签署者之 一、外科医生本杰明·纳什所赐,新大陆的美国人 也开始使用放血疗法。这位纳什大夫认为,血管 中的压力是百病之源,1793年费城黄热病流行之 时,他便广泛采用放血疗法。他偏爱每次放一点, 连续放上几天,据他说通过放血疗法,他的黄热 病很快便康复了。 • 直到20世纪,放血疗法依然拥有不少的拥趸。 2004年,芝加哥大学的研究人员发现,有些细菌 依赖于血液中的铁而生存,由此看来,放点儿血 有时候不见得离谱。
(1)尸解发现颞叶、额叶及边缘系统(海马、杏 仁核及海马旁回)存在脑组织萎缩。尾状核增大。
(2)CT及MRI发现非进展性脑室扩大及沟回增宽。 PET研究表明精神分裂症患者存在额叶功能低下。
精神分裂症存在认知功能缺陷,反映遗传易感性及 神经发育缺陷。 精神分裂症患者童年期学会行走、说话均晚于正 常儿童,同时有更多言语问题和较差的运动协调能力。 与同伴相比智商低,更愿意独处,回避与其他儿童交 往。有研究发现,母孕期曾患病毒感染或产科并发症 的新生儿,成年患精神分裂症的比例高于对照组。国 内调查发现,高热惊厥、婴幼儿期患严重躯体疾病可 能增加精神分裂症的易感性。
心理学电影赏析第 四课——美丽心灵
心理活动 “三联现象”
精神分裂症 (schizophrenia)来
Not a single one of us = no one ,nobody
Give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡的对待某人 treat sb/be treated in a deliberately unfriendly way
Second choice 第二选择
the choice after best choice e.g. She was our second choice for the job
Block each other 勾心斗角 intrigue against each other intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people. 阴谋 If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, means it interests you and you want to know more about it. 激起…的好奇心
2.When people who are studying do revision, they read things again and make notes in order to prepare for an examination. 复习
Go for 追求;主张;拥护 V-T/V-I If someone go for someone that they are attracted to, or chases after them, they try hard to persuade them to have a sexual relationship with them. 追求 (异性)
A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵)2001经典电影英文影评
A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵)2001Earnest thriller-cum-weepie starring Russell Crowe as a maths genius whose life is wracked by schizophrenia. Stamped all over with 'Hollywood prestige project' and showered with awardsRussell Crowe gets the chance to act his heart out in Ron Howard's A Beautiful Mind. Not only does he portray a maths genius (based on real life Nobel Prize-winner John Forbes Nash Jr), he portrays a maths genius crippled by schizophrenia. And he ages 47 years! He turns in a chunky, twitchy performance which, though not on a par with his more subtle turn in The Insider, is admirable. He is complemented by a less flashy, underwritten turn from Jennifer Connelly.Princeton, 1947. Awkward but arrogant John Nash arrives on a maths scholarship, determined to come up with an original idea. Not bothering with classes, he obsessively writes theorem (plotting the movements of pigeons, for example). His only friend is raffish roommate Charles (Bettany), a rich source of wisecracks - "Officer, I saw the driver who hit me - his name was Johnny Walker" - and moral support. Eventually Nash comes up with a revolutionary paper that wins him a position at MIT. It's here that his eccentricities give way to madness. Although he marries beautiful student Alicia (Connelly), the top-secret code-breaking work he is apparently doing for the government -represented by Ed Harris' mysterious agent - pushes him to breaking point. Full-blown paranoid schizophrenia erupts and Nash is hospitalised, his reality a mess of mania and imagination. Three decades of struggle ensue. Although the film leaves out the seedier elements of the real Nash's life (divorce, cottaging), it fashions a loose biopic that is by turns funny, exciting, sad and downright corny. The script, by Akiva Goldsman, (who also wrote the inexcusable Batman & Robin), is riddled with pithy, but occasionally clichéd, utterances that capture these shifting tones: there's Nash's description of himself: "I'm quite well balanced - I have a chip on both shoulders" - or the description his doctor, Rosen (Plummer), later uses to describes his disease to his wife: "The nightmare of schizophrenia is not knowing what's true."Although it dallies with Cold War thriller elements, A Beautiful Mind is ultimately a formulaic tale of human perseverance, and merits comparisons with other, similar award-showered tales: notably Shine. As such, it's an above-average weepie, a Hollywood prestige film that pre-packages the sufferings of one highly intelligent man and the woman who loves him to manipulate the emotions. Although the film itself is not as smart as it imagines itself to be, it's certainly artful, with fine camera work by Roger Deakins (who shot the Coens' stylish The Man Who Wasn't There), and solid, thanks to Howard's even-tempered direction.VerdictA typical Oscars movie. Solid, middle-brow and worthy.1。
E.Bleuler将精神分裂症的症状归纳为基础症状和附加 症状。
基础症状包括:联想障碍、情感障碍、矛盾症状和内 向症,有4A之称(association,affect,ambivalence,autism)
※在成年人口中的终生患病率在1%左右。 ※发病高峰男性15-24岁,女性25-29岁;而且女性更 年期前后还有发病的小高峰。 ※女性患病率总体上高于男性,且35岁以上年龄组明 显,男女比例为1:1.6。 ※我国资料显示,城市患病率高于农村;无论城乡, 精神分裂症的患病率均与家庭经济水平呈负相关。
• 1898年,我国的第一所精神病院创办于广州。
美国 本杰明· 纳什(Benjamin Rush)
放血疗法最早流行于亚洲和中 东地带,而一开始也主要用于 给那些据说鬼魂附身的人驱邪。 后来希腊人则通过放血疗法来 帮助病人恢复体内液体的平衡, 再后来,直到中世纪甚至文艺 复兴时期的欧洲,放血疗法成 为缓解炎症的重要手段——那时 候,炎症被认为是一切疾病的 根源。
(1)与脑器质性、躯体疾病或精神活性物质所致精神障碍 的鉴别 (2)与心境障碍的鉴别
1.在无意识障碍及智能缺损背景下出现以思维障碍为 主的一系列精神活动紊乱。
如失眠、紧张性头痛、敏感、孤僻、回避社交、 胆怯、情绪不好、生活习惯改变、对抗性强、 执拗等。
注意力开始由现实世 界向内心世界转移
美丽心灵英文评价 ppt课件
A Beautiful Mind
Alicia Nash
John Nash's wife and student.She is a very attractive woman.She always encourage and support Nash. Even in the most difficult times, have not given up.
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
Parcher A government officials.A very mysterious role.John Nash work for him.
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
Who is John Forbe Nash ?
Nash and his wife Alicia
John Nash
John Nash is a great mathematician and Economist. He invented the "game theory".At the same time, he was also troubled by the split personality.But in the end, he chose to ignore the things that affect him and Won the Nobel Prize for Economics
A Beautiful Mind is an brilliant biographical (传记类) drama film based on the life of John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics. The film was directed by Ron Howard in 2001, and it comes from a famoAlicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee and Parcher exist only in his imaginatio.
Second choice
the choice after best choice e.g. She was our second choice for the job
第十四页,编辑于星期五:九点 十五分。
英 [ɪnˈsʌlt] 美 [ɪnˈsʌlt] vt.辱骂;侮辱,凌辱;损害 n.侮辱,凌辱;损害;无礼 1.VERB 侮辱;辱骂 If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or
第十七页,编辑于星期五:九点 十五分。
英 [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 美 [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] adj.自以为是的,专横的,冒失的 adv.自以为是地,专横地,冒失地 n.自以为是,专横,冒失
If you describe someone or their behaviour as presumptuous, you disapprove of them because they are doing something that they have no right or authority to do. e.g. It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be.
第十八mæ gnɪtju:d] 美 [ˈmæ gnɪtu:d] n.量级;巨大,广大;重大,重要;(地震)级数 1.N-UNCOUNT 巨大;庞大;重要(性) If you talk about the magnitude of
Go for 追求;主张;拥护 V-T/V-I If someone go for someone that they are attracted to, or chases after them, they try hard to persuade them to have a sexual relationship with them. 追求 (异性)
Not a single one of us = no one ,nobody
Give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡的对待某人 treat sb/be treated in a deliberately unfriendly way
Second choice 第二选择 the choice after best choice e.g. She was our second choice for the job 她是我们这个工作的第二选择人。
Block each other 勾心斗角 intrigue against each other intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people. 阴谋 If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, means it interests you and you want to know more about it. 激起…的好奇心
1.=you,只被用于口语. So what do ya wanna do today? 你今天想做些什么?
2.=yes ---will you come? ---ya,I'd 能满足…的需要;符合…的利益 2. V. 为…服务;为…效力;为…效忠 3. V. (尤指在部队)服役;(在政府部门)任职 4. V. 用作;可当…使用;充作
美丽心灵英文评论作文英文:Beautiful Mind is a movie that has touched the hearts of many people. It tells the story of John Nash, abrilliant mathematician who struggles with schizophrenia. The movie shows the audience the struggles that Nash goes through and how he overcomes them.One of the things that I love about this movie is the portrayal of mental illness. It is not often that Hollywood accurately depicts mental illness, but Beautiful Mind does a great job of showing the audience what it is like to live with schizophrenia. The movie shows the audience the hallucinations and delusions that Nash experiences, which helps to create empathy and understanding for those who suffer from mental illness.Another thing that I love about this movie is the message of hope. Nash's journey is not an easy one, but heis able to overcome his illness and continue to live a fulfilling life. This message is important because it shows that mental illness does not have to define a person's life. With the right support and treatment, people with mental illness can lead happy and productive lives.Overall, Beautiful Mind is a powerful movie thatteaches us about mental illness and the importance of hope. It is a must-watch for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of what it is like to live with schizophrenia.中文:《美丽心灵》是一部感人至深的电影,讲述了一个天才数学家约翰·纳什如何与精神分裂症作斗争的故事。
美丽心灵观后感英语"A Beautiful Mind" is truly a heart-warming tale that left me in awe. It's not just a movie about a genius mathematician, but a journey through the challenges of mental illness. The film captures the struggle between John Nash's brilliant mind and the voices in his head. You can feel his pain, his confusion, and ultimately, his triumph.The portrayal of Nash's relationships with his wife and friends is so real. You see how his illness affects notjust him, but those closest to him. Yet, through all the hardship, there's a sense of hope and love that shines through. His wife's unwavering support and their love story are simply beautiful.The acting is top-notch. Russell Crowe does an amazing job of bringing Nash's complex character to life. You can see the gears turning in his head, the struggle within him, and his gradual acceptance of his illness. It's a performance that deserves all the praise it gets.Visually, the movie is stunning. The cinematography captures the beauty of Princeton's campus and the intricate mathematical equations that Nash so loves. The contrast between the simplicity of his life and the complexity of his mind is striking.Overall, "A Beautiful Mind" is a must-watch. It's a movie that makes you think, feel, and appreciate the beauty in life, even in its toughest moments. It's a reminder that we all have challenges, but with love and support, we can overcome anything."。
美丽心灵观后感英语Reflections on "A Beautiful Mind""A Beautiful Mind," directed by Ron Howard and adapted from Sylvia Nasar's biography of Nobel Prize-winning economist John Nash, is a profound exploration of the complexities of the human mind and the resilience of the human spirit. The film tells the remarkable story of Nash, a brilliant yet tortured genius who, despite his personal challenges, revolutionized the field of mathematics with his groundbreaking work in game theory and Nobel Prize-winning contributions to the field of economics.What struck me most about this film is its unflinching portrayal of mental illness. Nash's struggle with schizophrenia is not glossed over or simplified, but is presented as a real and devastating condition that requires courage and perseverance to overcome. The hallucinations and paranoia that Nash experiences are disturbing to watch, yet they are presented with such honesty and authenticitythat they are impossible to ignore.Despite the dark subject matter, the film is ultimately hopeful and inspiring. Nash's journey is one of resilience and recovery, as he slowly comes to accept and manage his condition, while never giving up on his quest for knowledge and understanding. His love for his wife, Alicia, and their shared journey through his illness, adds a layer of warmth and humanity to the film that makes it even more compelling.The performances in "A Beautiful Mind" are outstanding. Russell Crowe perfectly captures the intensity and vulnerability of Nash, while Ed Harris and Adam Goldbergare equally impressive as his supportive yet frustrated colleagues. Jennifer Connelly, as Nash's wife, Alicia, is particularly noteworthy, delivering a heartfelt and nuanced performance that captures the love, frustration, and unwavering support she feels for her husband.The film's cinematography and music also contribute to its emotional impact. The camerawork is both serene and intense, reflecting the emotional and intellectual heightsand depths that Nash experiences. The score, composed by James Horner, is both haunting and hopeful, enhancing the film's emotional resonance."A Beautiful Mind" is not just a film about mental illness; it is a film about the human potential for greatness, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It reminds us that the mind is a powerful and complex tool that, when nurtured and supported, can achieve remarkable things. Nash's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love and perseverance.In conclusion, "A Beautiful Mind" is a film that deserves to be seen and remembered. It is a powerful and emotional journey that explores the complexities of the human mind and the resilience of the human spirit. It reminds us that, even in the face of adversity, we have the power to overcome and achieve remarkable things.。
If you are able to read this message, you have just received a double blessing…
one, someone is thinking about you…
two, you are not one of those 2000,000,000 people who are illiterate!
Being a good student, I quickly answered all the questions… all, but the last: “What is the baptism name of the maid of our institute?
身为一个好学生,除了最后一道,我 很快就答完所有的试题。那题目是“ 学校里做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名叫什么 ?”
To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver – a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night.
If you have money in your bank account and your wallet and some loose change in some little box, you are one of the world’s 8% well-to-do population. 如果您银行里有存款、钱包里有现 金、还有零钱,那您是这世界上占 总人口8%的比较富裕的人之一。
原型 是集体无意识的主要内容。原型模式多种多样,几乎包括人类所
Powerpoint Templates
Page 2
在纳什没有写出得到认可的论文时,他感到深深的挫败感,一头撞向写满复杂公式的玻璃窗上,痛苦地说:"我只能想到这么多了。 《美丽心灵》这是一部关于一个真实天才的极富人性的剧情片。 纳什在酒吧中由于不尊重女性的感情而遭受了对方的一个耳光的片断表现出纳什缺乏女性经验,并且没有对女性情感给予应有的重视 。 之后,他接受了电击治疗。 被纳什忽视了的这些无意识通过幻想表现出来之后,纳什的人格就被逐渐分裂了。 他需要更多的成就感来缓解他潜意识中害怕失败的焦虑。 与当时纳什拘谨的表情形成鲜明的对比。 纳什在酒吧中由于不尊重女性的感情而遭受了对方的一个耳光的片断表现出纳什缺乏女性经验,并且没有对女性情感给予应有的重视 。
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1.2 三种非理性情感 • 失败的恐惧 • 孤独的无奈 • 爱情的迷惘
Powerpoint Templates
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竞争对手汉森向他挑战下棋比赛。汉森说:"怕 了吧?"纳什充满自信地说:"怕了,非常害怕,但怕 的人是你。"然而当纳什输了棋之后,他愣住了,不 能接受事实,并说:"你本不该赢的,我先走的棋, 天衣无缝,这棋肯定有缺陷。"纳什紧张地站起来, 慌乱中把棋盘也打翻了。
《美丽心灵》 ——主人公的人格分析
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love and the family.
The Introduction of
A Beautiful Mind
John Forbes Nash (born June 13, 1928) is an American mathematician(数学家) and economist(经济学家). Serving as a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University during the later part of his life, he shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.
Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee and Parcher exist only in his imaginatio.
The theme of this movie is about the discriminations against mental illness. This is developed greatly by the main character and the theme also adds suspense to the film.You constantly feel confused since neither the main character nor the audience knows what is real and what is fantasy. Mental illness still remains misunderstood in all places, even though it affects so many people. Watching this film, it helps people sympathize .
Who is
John Forbe Nash ?
Nash and his wife Alicia
John Nash
John Nash is a great mathematician and Economist. He invented the "game theory".At the same time, he was also troubled by the split personality.But in the end, he chose to ignore the things that affect him and Won the Nobel Prize for Economics
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
John Nash's college roommate.He is very like drinking.
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
Charles's niece
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
Parcher A government officials.A very mysterious role.John Nash work for him.
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
The Introduction of
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is a love story occurs in Princeton University. John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics,and he finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes,
A Beautiful Mind is an brilliant biographical (传记类) drama film based on the life of John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics. The film was dimes from a famous screenplay.
which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot.Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today. Alicia never
The main characters of
A Beautiful Mind
Alicia Nash
John Nash's wife and student.She is a very attractive woman.She always encourage and support Nash. Even in the most difficult times, have not given up.