
Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Overcoming Obstacles: How Your Biggest Failure Can Lead to Your Success There’s been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to success. In a world where ___31___ is given for people’s accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success.Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success is ___32___ not on talent but on learning from your mistakes.About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area --- be it creative or social skill --- is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something --- say painting or speaking foreign languages --- but this ability can be improved through ___33___ practice or training.It’s almost impossible to think rationally (理性地) while shouting at yourself, “I’m a failure”. But when you ___34___ your thinking, you will probably see what you can control --- your behavior, your planning, your reactions --- and change them.The primary ___35___ between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster approaching you, take another look.Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it --- a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win ___36___, and with considerable effort, is fun. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to ___37___. So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to ___38___ your objectives and how much you want them.There is a way to distinguish whether a failure ___39___ you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what you’re doing is costing you too much time and energy or it’s not bringing you joy,you should give a second thought to the ___40___ of your goal and even set a new one.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The NileThe ancient Greek writer Herodotus once described Egypt-with some envy-as‘the gift of the Nile’. The Egyptians depend on the river for food, for water and for life. The Ancient Egyptians were able to control and use the Nile, creating the earliest irrigation systems and developing a prosperous ___31___.Snaking through the deserts, the Nile would flood almost ___32___ each year in June. Once the water subsided, a rich deposit of sand was left behind, making an excellent topsoil. Seeds were sown, yielding wheat, barley, beans, lentils and leeks. Drought could spell disaster for the Egyptians, so during the dry seasons, they dug basins and channels to deliver water to their land. They also devised simple channels to transfer water at the peak of the flood.An early system of ___33___ a Nilometer, was used to determine the size of the floods. Later, during the New Kingdom, a lifting system called a shaduf was used to raise water from the river--___34___ to the way in which a well is used today.The Egyptians took up some of the earliest trading missions. Without a(n) ___35___ system they exchanged goods, bringing back timber, precious stones, pottery, spices and animals. Their efforts in medicine were also ___36___ advanced: surgeons performed operations to remove cysts(囊肿). Mummification gave them great understanding of the human body-yet they also relied heavily on various medicines to prevent disease, and discoveries were often confused with superstition(迷信). And while a great deal of time was dedicated to ___37___ the Egyptians thought the stars were gods.By the 16th century Egypt was under the Ottoman Empire until Britain seized control in 1882. What is now mostly Arabic Egypt only won ___38___ from Britain after World War II. The SuezCanal, opened in 1869, __________the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1971 ___40___ the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million-the largest in the Arab world.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Workforce of the FutureThe workplace is changing rapidly. Rather than the standard working day of nine to five, employees are working more flexibly to meet their busy home lives. Advances in technology are ___31___ the very nature of the tasks and skills required in the workplace.To gain a full perspective of how the workplace is set to change over the next decade, employee benefits provider Unum UK ___32___ with The Future Laboratory to survey 3,000 workers across several industries. They also interviewed industry experts and business leaders on topics from artificial intelligence and robotics to the increase of flexible working and an ageing workforce.The resulting outlines some of the employment changes that businesses can expect to see over the next decade and predicts the ___33___ of two worker cultures which will dominate the workforce. They are the obligated and the self-fulfilled worker.“O bligated workers” refer to people with dependents and the sandwich generation, ___34___ raising children with caring for elderly parents. Therefore, they value a career ___35___ to life stages and events and financial security. Joel Defries, 33, father of one kid and partner at London Vodka said, “A flexible employer will allow me to have a long paternity leave(陪产假) and to value my family j ust as much as I value my job.”Self-fulfilled workers are committed to life-long learning and acquiring new skills rather than ___36___ to an employer. They actively look for personal development and want employee benefits that help them ___37___ both their personal and professional ambitions. They treat personal commitments and pursuits as ___38___ to professional commitments. Elly Kemp, 31, ___39___ a full-time employee, now working part-time in a cafe and also assisting with her grandmother’s care said, “My approach to work allows me the freedom to ___40___ my career at my own pace. I want my work to be fluid so I can change it when I want and to whatever makes me happy at the time.”Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Aurora(极光):wonders or disturbancesCanada,February 2017: I stood in the snow on a frozen lake, watching as the sky twisted in front of me. Green bands of light ____31____ out in the darkness. Slowly the colors twisted and broke and reappeared elsewhere until, suddenly, a whole band flowed and pulsed across the sky, ____32____ with delicate yellow. pinks and purples. It was as dramatic as thunderstorm, yet calm.Gentle,yet ____33____, Most of all,it was a gift.This was my fifth aurora trip and the first time I had seen fast movements and bright colors.The calm green auroral displays that many people see are driven by a(n)_____34_____ stream of particles(微粒) from called the solar wind. But when the sun throws us extra hot fast particles, this process goes overdrive-we get much more movement and colour, It is glorious! Aurora-spotters long for it.But for some, the wild movements of the heavens can have serious ____35____ Satellites’electronics are affected or damaged by incoming fast particles, ____36____ industries that rely on them. Flights may need to change course to avoid radio ____37____ around the poles, or to protectaircrew from enhanced radiation exposure. During a solar storm, aircrew may receive their annual radiation limit over a single flight.Stormy space weather affects us on the ground, too. A larger storm in 1989 caused a 10-hour electrical blackout over Canada's Quebec Province, costing the economy a(n) ____38____ C$10 billion. Disturbance of the atmosphere causes problems with radio broadcast and GPS. In September 2017,a huge solar fame ______39_____ just as Hurricane Fran hit the Caribbean. The resultant HF radio blackout held up the emergency response, Meanwhile, beautiful aurora displays were seen in England. Place its beauty aside, then, and the auroral ___40___is nothing other than a giant planetary disturbance, more of a worry than a wonder for some people. Yet seldom do such disturbances have such fascinating side effects as that of the aurora dancing across our Arctic skies.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, especially when the person is engaged in vigorous activity. Heat (31) _______ usually occur when large amounts of water and/or salt are lost through oversweating following exhausting exercise. When the body becomes overheated and cannot (32) _______ this overheatedness, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are possible.Heat exhaustion is generally (33) _______ by sweaty skin, tiredness, sickness, dizziness, plentiful sweating, and sometimes fainting, resulting from a(n) (34) _______ intake of water and the loss of fluids. First aid treatment for this condition includes having the victim lie down, (35) _______ the feet 8 to 12 inches, applying cool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the victim sips of salt water (1 teaspoon per glass, half a glass every 15 minutes) over a 1-hour period.Heat stroke is much more serious; it is a(n) (36) _______ life-threatening situation. The characteristics of heat stroke are a high body temperature (which may reach 106° F or more); arapid pulse; hot, dry skin; and a blocked sweating (37) _______. Victims of this condition may be unconscious, and first-aid measures should be (38) _______ at quickly cooling the body. The victim should be placed in a tub of cold water or (39) _______ sponged with cool water until his or her temperature is sufficiently lowered. Fans or air conditioners will also help with the cooling (40) _______. Care should be taken, however, not to over-chill the victim once the temperature is below 102° F.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.They’re till kids, and although there’s a lot that the experts don’t yet know about them, one thing they do agree on is that what the kids use and expect from their world has changed rapidly. And it’s all because of technology.To the psychologists, sociologists, and media experts who study them, their digital devices set this new group ___31___ , even from their Millennial(千禧年的) elders, who are quite familiar with technology. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older brothers and sisters don’t quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they ___32___ the appearance of a new generation.The ___33___ between Millennial elders and this younger group was so evident to psychologist Larry Rosen that he has ___34___the birth of a new generation in a new book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month. Rosen says the technically ___35___ life experience of those born since the early 1990s is so different from the Millennial elders he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me, MySpace and I: Parenting the Net Generation, that they distinguish themselves as a new generation, which he has given them the nickname of “ingeneration”.Rosen says portability is key. They are ___36___ from their wireless devices, which allowthem to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected-even in class, where cell phones are ___37___ banned.Many researchers are trying to determine whether technology somehow causes the brains of young people to be wired differently. “They should be distracted and should perform more poorly than they do,” Rosen says. “But findings show teens ___38___ distractions much better than we would predict by their age and their brain development.”Because these kids are more devoted to technology at younger ages, Rosen says, the educational system has to change ___39___."The growth on the use of technology with children is rapid, and we run the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how they think, we have to give them options because they want their world ___40___.” Rosen says.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Welcome to Windsor CastleWindsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of the Queen of Britain. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been ___31___ continuously, and altered and redecorated by monarchs(君主)one after the other. Some were great builders, strengthening the Castle against ___32___ and rebellion; others, living in more peaceful times, created a grand Royal residence. William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground. It was a day’s march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the western ___33___ to the capital. The outer walls of today’s structure are in the same position as those of the ___34___ castle built by William the Conqueror in the 1070s.The Queen uses the Castle both as a private home, where she usually spends theweekend, and as a Royal residence at which she undertakes certain formal duties. Windsor Castle is ___35___ used by the Queen to host State Visits from overseas monarchs and presidents. Every year the Queen takes up official residence in Windsor Castle for a month over Easter (March-April).The Castle is huge, so people tend to head for the most ___36___ bits---the State Apartments, St. George’s Chapel, the Gallery and the delightful Queen Mary’s Dolls House. Works of art, antique furniture, curiosities and impressive architecture reflect the tastes of many different royal generations. The State Apartments are ___37___ decorated formal rooms still used for state and official functions.The magnificent and beautiful St. George’s Chapel was started in 1475 by Edward IV and was completed 50 years later by Henry VIII. It ___38___ among the finest examples of late medieval architecture in the UK.The Drawings Gallery ___39___ the exhibition “The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years”. The exhibition presents portraits of the Queen ___40___ in brief moments on both official occasions and at relaxed family gatherings.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Artificial skin is a substitute for human skin produced in the laboratory, typically used to treat burns. Different types of artificial skin differ in their complexity, but all are designed to ___31___ at least some of the skin's basic functions, which include protecting against wetness and infection and regulating body heat.Skin is primarily made of two layers: the uppermost layer, the epidermis, which serves as a protection against the environment; and the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. The dermis also contains substances, which help to make the skin ___32___ and maintain its biological functions.Artificial skins close wounds, which prevents bacterial infection and water loss and in result the wounded skin can ___33___. For example, one commonly used artificial skin, Integra. functions as a support between cells that helps regulate cell behavior and causes a new dermis to form by promoting cell growth and collagen(股原质) ___34___. The Integra “dermis” is also biodegradable(可生物降解的). It is gradually absorbed and replaced by the new dermis.Aside from its uses in the clinical35, artificial skin may also be used to model human skin for research. For example, artificial skin is used as an alternative in animal testing. Such testing may cause ___36___ pain and discomfort to the animals and it does not ___37___ predict the response of human skin. Some companies like L’óreal have already used ar tificial skin to test many ___38___ ingredients and products. Other research applications include how skin is affected by UV exposure and how certain substances in sunscreen and medicines are transported through skin.Today new technology has been developed by growing ___39 ___ of skin taken from the patient or other humans. One major source is the foreskins of newborns. Such cells often do not stimulate the body’s immune system-a mechanism that allows babies to develop within their mother’s body-and hence are much less likely to be ___40___ by the patient's body.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Scientists at Cornell University in New York studied the eating habits of 139 people enjoying an Italian buffet (自助餐) in a restaurant. The price of the food was set by the ___33___ at either $4 or $8 for the all-you-can-eat meal. Customers were askedto ___34___ how good the food tasted, the quality of the restaurant and to leave their names.The experiment ___35___ that the people who paid $8 for the food enjoyed their meal 11 percent more than those who ate the “cheaper” buffet. Interestingly those that paid for the $4 buffet said they felt guiltier about loading up their plates and felt that they ___36___ . However, the scientists said that both groups ate around the same quantity of food in total, according to the study ___37___ at the Experimental Biology meeting this week.Brian Wansink, a professor of ___38___ behaviour at the university, said: “We were fascinated to find that pricing has little impact on how much one eats, but a huge impact on how you ___39___ the experience.” He thinks that people enjoyed their food more as they associated cost with quality and that small changes to a restaurant can change how tasty people find their meals.Ina(n) ___40___ study, scientists from the university showed that people who eat in dim lighting consume 175 less calories (卡路里) than people who eat in brightly lit areas.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The Father of JD PrintingAbout twenty years ago, the surgeons at the Wilford Hull medical center working to separate a pair of conjoined(连体的) twins thought that only one would be able to walk after the operation. After a model of the girls’ bone structure was ____31____ using 3D printing, however, they found a shared upper leg bone to be bigger than expected and split it successfully, ____32_____ in both twins being able to walk. Now eighty and still working as chief technology officer of 3D Systems.Chuck Hull is enjoying some minor ____33____ 31 years after he first printed a small black eye-wash cup using a new method of manufacturing known as 3D printing.At the time, he was working for a company that used UV light to put thin layers of plastic coats on tabletops and ____34____. He had an idea that if he could place thousands of thin layers of plastic on top of each other and then cut their shape using light, he would be able to form three dimensional objects. After a year, he ____35____ a system where light was shone into a bottle of photopolymer – a material which changes from liquid to plastic-like solid when light shines on it –and traces the shape of one level of the object. Subsequent layers are then printed until it is ____36_____.After patenting the invention, he set up 3D Systems, ____37____ getting $6m (£3.5m) from a Canadian investor. The first ____38____ product came out in 1988 and proved a hit among car manufacturers, in the aerospace sector and for companies designing medical equipment. The possibilities appear endless – from home-printed food and medicine to ____39____ that pictures of objects be able to be taken in shops and then recreated using plans downloaded from the Internet Although deliberate in his responses, there is one moment when the ____40____ spoken Chuck Hull tells of his surprise about what exactly his creation was capable of achieving.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Want to figure out if someone is a psychopath (精神变态者)? Ask them what their favourite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber’s What Do You Mean? were more likely to ___31___ highly on the psychopathy scale than people who were into Dire Straits.Over the past few years, Spotify has been enhancing its data analytic ___32___ in an attempt to help marketers ___33___ consumers with adverts tailored to the mood they’re in. They inferthis from the sort of music you’re listening to, ___34___with where and when you’re listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.Now, to be clear, there’s nothing particularly ___35___ about what Spotify is doing with your data. I certainly don’t think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads promoting a culture war while you’re listening to the songs that ___36___ you might be in a casually racist mood. Nevertheless, I find it ___37___ that our personal private moments with music are increasingly being turned into data points and sold to advertisers.You can see where this could go, can’t you? As ad targeting gets ever more complicated, marketers will have the ability to target our emotions in ___38___ exploitative ways. According to one study, titled Misery Is Not Miserly, you are more likely to spend more on a ___39___ if you’re feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. A nd on that note, I’m feeling a little down about all this. I’ll ___40___ off to treat myself to something expensive.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The ability of the herd mentality(从众心理) to increase people’s chances of liking or believing something may help explain a wide variety of phenomena. Aral (A managerial economist at the Massachusetts institute of technology) says, from housing ____31____ to gold prices and from political polls to restaurant reviews, the ____32____ that other people like something has a powerful ability to make people like it themselves.The new study ____33____ how simple it would be for companies to control reviews of their products by simply adding a few positive ____34____ of their own early reviews in the process, Aral adds.It found that effects were strongest when stories were about politics, business and culturesthan for fun or lifestyle pieces. In situations where there are more ____35____ news reviews, you have to be a little more cautious about interpreting likes and dislikes.“Think twice before you trust, how many likes something has,” he adds. “That’s something you have to ____36____ with a grain of salt (持怀疑态度).” And it’s a situation many online users ____37____ on a daily basis.Aral recently went on Yelp website to review a restaurant with a plan to give it three out of five stars, but when he got to the ____38____, he was shown how other people describe the same place and those reviews include someone with five stars. Seeing those positive reviews made him think twice about his own ____39____ average opinion.“A woman ____40____ how great it is, how great her great prices are and how the lemon sauce is so great,” he says. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to say some rating right before you make your own.”Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Dealing with Difficult RelationshipsEveryone has at least one awkward or ____31____ relationship. It may be with somebody who will ____32____ your energy whenever you are with them. Or worse, it could be someone who always cuts you down. This person may be a family member or even a friend. No matter who it is, it’s necessary that you learn to set boundaries for yourself. Otherwise this kind of relationship can chip away at your self-esteem.Setting boundaries for difficult relationships starts by ____33____ how you are affected by the relationship. Do they b ring you closer to your goals or pull you farther away? For example, it’s time to study for tomorrow’s test. But your friend wants to take you to a party. Here, setting boundaries will help protect your ____34____ goals.Next, decide how much time you shou ld spend with these people. It’s easy to overcommit yourself. But it’s difficult to help others if you forget to protect your own ____35____.How do you know if a relationship is unhealthy, and it’s time to set boundaries? Here are a few practical questions to ask yourself.1. How does this relationship affect me?Every ____36____ can affect you positively or negatively. For example, someone whopressures you to something you’re not comfortable doing will ____37____ you out. But a friend who considers how you feel will respect your ____38____ to try something new.2. Why am I in this relationship in the first place?People may try to keep you in an unhealthy relationship. By ____39____ you it’s your obligation or duty, you forget about your own needs. Sadly, by remaining ____40____ to these people, you forget who you are. You allow them to take advantage of you or even belittle you.Settling boundaries requires taking a long, honest look at yourself. By saying “no” to harmful patterns in relationships, you say “yes” to a healthier you.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Is climate change consuming your favorite foods?Coffee: Whether or not you try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day, the effects of climate change on the world’s coffee-growing regions may leave you little choice. Coffee plantations in South America, Africa, Asia and Hawaii are all being threatened by rising air temperatures and unstable rainfall patterns, which invite disease and ____32____ species to live on the coffee plant and ripening beans. The result? Significant cuts in coffee yield and less coffee in your cup. It is estimated that, if current climate patterns continue, half of the areas ____33____ suitable for coffee production won't be by the year 2050.Tea: When it comes to tea, warmer climates and erratic precipitation aren’t only ____34____ the world’s tea-growing regions, they’re also messing with its distinct flavor. For example, in India, researchers have already discovered that the Indian Monsoon has brought more intense rainfall, making tea flavor weaker. Recent research coming out of the University of Southampton suggests that tea-producing areas in some places, ____35____ East Africa, could decline by as much as 55 percent by 2050 as precipitation and temperatures change. Tea pickers are also feeling the ____36____ of climate change. During harvest season, increased air temperatures are creating an increased risk of heatstroke for field workers.Seafood: Climate change is affecting the world's aquaculture as much as its agriculture. As air temperatures rise, oceans and waterways absorb some of the heat and ____37____ warming of their own. The result is a decline in fish population, including in lobsters (who are cold-blooded creatures), and salmon (whose eggs find it hard to survive in higher water temps). Warmer waters also _____38_____ toxic marine bacteria, like Vibrio, to grow and cause illness in humans whenever ingested with raw seafood, like oysters or sashimi.And that ____39_____ “crack” you get when eating crab and lobster? It could be silenced as shellfish struggle to build their calcium(碳) carbonate shells, a result of ocean acidification (absorb carbon dioxide from the air). According to a study, scientists predicted that if over-fishing and rising temperature trends continued at their present rate, the world's seafood ____40___ would run out by the year 2050.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Getting help with parenting makes a difference -- at any age New Oxford University study finds that parenting interventions(育儿干预) for helping children with behavior problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children.。

I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a kindergarten. B. In a hospital. C. At a police station. D. In a library.2. A. A journalist. B. A tailor. C. An electrician. D. An operator.3. A. Her glasses are broken. B. She can’t see the time on the sign.C. She loses her glasses.D. The museum is out of sight.4. A. The kids will enjoy the movie.B. The movie will be quite boring.C. The kids will be surprised at the movie.D. The movie will not be suitable for kids to see.5. A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Neutral. D. Unclear.6. A. He isn’t an experienced skier.B. He has never been to Central Mountains.C. He doesn’t plan to go skiing during spring break.D. He doesn’t recommend going to Central Mountains.7. A. The bad weather stopped him. B. His shoes were worn out.C. He didn’t like hiking trip.D. He was too exhausted to continue.8. A. The woman is afraid of the potential noise.B. The woman doesn’t like living in the suburbs.C. The woman has sleeping problems.D. The woman will sign the rental contract.9. A. Make up for the inconvenience. B. Arrange accommodation for him.C. Explain the cause of the cancellation.D. Allow him to take another flight that night.10. A. All work requires high speed.B. Working too fast may lead to undesirable outcomes.C. The result may not be as bad as the man has expected.D. You can never lay too much emphasis on the fast speed.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It can work automatically. B. Its battery can run all night.C. It can clean the office windows.D. It cleans as fast as human cleaners.12. A. To start a robot cleaning company.B. To develop a better model for the market.C. To increase the profit of the robotic business.D. To develop a long-lasting battery for the current model.13. A. Its work efficiency. B. Its appearance.C. Its sense of direction.D. Its robotic arm.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Encouraging physical activity. B. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle.C. Reducing the risk of bone weakening.D. Protecting them from fatal diseases.15. A. Women’s change in a day. B. The damage of depression.C. The proper use of certain chemicals.D. The healthiest place in the office.16. A. Whether it is a useful item. B. Whether it is to receivers’ taste.C. Whether it is a general gift.D. Whether it is at a reasonable price. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Fill in an application form.B. Send in an application letter.C. Make an appointment for an interview.D. Make a brief self-introduction on the phone.18. A. Someone having a college degree in advertising.B. Someone experienced in business management.C. Someone ready to take on more responsibilities.D. Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.19. A. Travel opportunities. B. Decent pay.C. Prospects for promotion.D. Flexible working hours.20. A. It is to be negotiated.B. It is about 500 pounds a week.C. It depends on the working hours.D. It will be set by the Human Resources.Keys: 1-5 ACBDC 6-10 DDABB 11-13 ABA 14-16 CDB 17-20 BDAA听力录音稿I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. M:Miss Jessica, my daughter didn’t sleep well last night. Will you please give her some extra attention today?W: Just relax yourself, Mr. Simon. All the kids will be taken good care of here.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?2. W: Hello, this is Mrs. Anderson. There is a power cut in my house. Could you please come over and fix it?M:Don’t worry, madam. I’l l be there in a minute.Q:What’s the probable occupation of the man?3. M: Does the sign say the museum is open every day from 10 to 8?W:Sorry, I haven’t got my glasses.Q: What does the woman mean?4. M: Caroline, could you take the kids to the movie The Predator?W:Yeah…but don’t you think the movie is too violent for them?Q: What does the woman mean?5. M: What do you think of the study tours? They are so popular these days.W:On the one hand, they do broaden students’ horizons. On the other hand, they always overcharge students.Q:What is the woman’s attitude towards study tours?6. W:I’m thinking about spending my spring break skiing at Central Mountains. You were there last year, how was it?M: To be completely honest, it left a lot to be desired.Q: What does the man imply?7. W: I heard you took part in a marathon last weekend.M: Yes, I really wore myself out, so I stopped halfway.Q: Why did the man give up the marathon halfway?8. M: Mrs. Williams, are you satisfied with this apartment? We can sign the apartment rentalcontract at your earliest convenience.W:I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you have to look for another one. This one is too near the airport and I am worried about my sleep quality.Q: What does the woman mean?9. W: I am terribly sorry, but your flight has been cancelled.M: What! In that case I hope you will put me up somewhere tonight.Q: What does the man expect the woman to do for him?10. M: It took me only half an hour to finish the exam. But the result was terrible.W:You should know that “More haste, less speed.”Q: What does the woman mean?Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear aquestion, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.An office cleaning robot is being put through its paces by Dussmann, one of German’s largest cleaning companies. Their goal is to get it to work alongside human cleaners in large offices, emptying bins and sweeping floors.The robot was developed by roboticist Richard Borman and his colleagues. It is designed to do two tasks -- clean the floors and empty wastepaper baskets automatically. It can recognize dirt on the floor and identify wastepaper baskets before its robotic arm grabs and then empties each dustbin.However, it cleans too slowly. “Humans can do about 450 to 500 square meters an hour,” said Borman. “The robot can only do 100 to 120 square meters an hour.”Borman is applying for a fund to work with Dussmann and develop a commercial model that should be much quicker. It also needs a longer-lasting battery: the current model has only four hours of power, but a commercial one would need to run all night.Only big offices are suitable for this kind of robot. Humans would have to move it between small offices, which affects the profits. Other cleaning robots do exist, but they have only one function and can’t navi gate a building automatically.(Now listen again, please.)Questions:11. Which of the following best describes the new office cleaning robot?12. What is Borman and Dussmann’s long term plan?13. Which aspect of the cleaning robot needs to be further improved?Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.Good evening. I’m Mary Smith with the news from medical science.Enjoying life may pay off in an unexpected way. European researchers collected data from more than 2,000 women and followed up after ten years. Women who found life less satisfying experienced 52 percent more bone weakening in their later years than those who found life more satisfying; the results were independent of lifestyle, diseases, physical activities, and other health factors. Though the exact relationship is still unclear, experts say promoting good spirits in theelderly people is just as important as promoting a healthy lifestyle.The healthiest place to sit in the office is near a window. Brazilian researchers assessed 20 women in a workspace for a week. Half worked by a window, while the other half did not. By 10 p.m., the women sitting far away from a window had higher levels of the chemical linked with depression symptoms.Consider a gift card for your friend’s birthday this year? New research presented at a Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference shows that when individuals are given a choice between giving and receiving a general or specific gift, givers pride themselves on tailoring gifts to their loved ones. However, receivers prefer more general gifts, like gift cards. But don’t necessarily choose cash as gifts: related research has found that when people get cash, they feel obliged to spend it on “useful” items rather than treating themselves.(Now listen again, please.)Questions:14. What good does enjoying life do to elderly people according to European researchers?15. What does the second piece of news mainly talk about?16. What do givers think more important while choosing a gift?Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.M:I’m phoning up about this job you’ve advertised in this paper, t his uh, young sales manager. W: Oh, yes.M:I’d like to apply for it. Would you send me an application form?W: No, you simply send in a written application, a letter.M: Can you tell me a bit more about the job?W: Well, we are really looking for someone who isn’t too concerned about working fairly long hours.M: What do you mean by long hours?W: This is a job which does as the advertisement says have travel possibilities and very often one would be away at weekends, for instance.M: Oh, I thought you meant working in evenings and working overtime.W: Well, it could also mean working in the evenings, but for a managerial post we don’t pay for overtime. That’s for other grades.M: Oh, what kind of money are you paying then?W: Well, this is to be negotiated. Oh. It depends partly on your experience and education. Perhaps you can tell me briefly what that is.M:I’ve just left school and got A-level in geography.W: Oh, I see.M:And it’s the travel that appeals to me. That’s why I’m inquiring about the job.W: Yes, I see. What sort of salary were you thinking in terms of?M: Starting off, I thought it would be something of 500 pounds a week.W:Well, send in your application letter, and then we’ll consider your case along with all the other applicants.M: All right, many thanks. Good bye.W: Bye.(Now listen again, please.)Questions:17. What does the woman say the applicant should do first to apply for the job?18. What kind of person is the company looking for?19. What does the man like most about the job?20. What does the woman say about the salary if the man is accepted by the company?I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Waiter and guest. B. Trainer and trainee.C. Policeman and driver.D. Teacher and student.2. A. At Susan Baker’s. B. At the computer company.C. In his own office.D. In a restaurant.3. A. Line 1. B. Line 2. C. No. 952. D. No. 925.4. A. He acted in the drama at the last minute. B. He finall y decided to quit the drama.C. He hesitated to play a role in the drama.D. He made up his mind to see the drama.5. A. She isn’t sure whether Jessica will come. B. She can’t speak to Jessica now.C. Jessica is always late for activities.D. She can’t bear Jessica’s being late.6. A. Frank moved to the suburbs recently.B. John bought a new house in the suburbs.C. Frank is a friend of the Wilsons’.D. The Wilsons bought a new house at a good price.7. A. The exam was easier than Jane had expecteB. It’s easy for Jane to do better in the next exam.C. Jane failed to do well in the last exam.D. Jane has just forgot about the exam.8. A. Buy some new furniture. B. Complain to the landlord.C.Hunt for a new apartment.D. Change the content of a rent contract.9. A. She didn’t feel like going. B. She didn’t think it would be fun.C. She hadn’t been inviteD. She wasn’t feeling well last night.10. A. Invest in the old model. B. Have the old washing machine fixed.C. Buy a new washing machine.D. Design a new style model.Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It is only famous for being America’s backyard.B. Quebec is its largest province, which is eight times larger than UK.C. The area of Ontario is larger than that of Spain and France combined.D. All of the Canadians will speak French while they are in Ottawa.12. A. Enjoy the Pacific Ocean on the western coast of Canada.B. Breathe fresh air in the beautiful mountains.C. Experience incredible hiking and limitless wildlife.D. Visit the city of Vancouver on Vancouver Island.13. A. Niagara Falls is the oldest natural wonders of the world.B. Rainbows can be easily seen above the mists from miles away.C. Visitors can appreciate breathtaking views of the Falls from different angles.D. Newly married couples visit the Falls after the wedding.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To prepare the students for the next reading assignment.B. To provide background information for a class discussion.C. To review material from a previous lesson.D. To prepare for a quiz on chapter six.15. A. Insurance companies. B. Sailors.C. Manufacturers.D. Merchants.16. A. They include features similar to earlier policies.B. They are totally different from the ones in the Middle Ages.C. They contain only four earlier policies in chapter six.D. They don’t provide shipping protection any more.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. He just has no time to buy one. B. He grew up after it became common.C. He thinks a good one costs too much.D. He doesn’t think it does good to life.18. A. A computer. B. A video camera. C. An FM radio. D. A fax machine.19. A. He thought telephone bills might be a burden.B. He was disappointed at the telephones on each street corner.C. He believed he simply didn’t need it for anything.D. He would contact his friends with the help of his computer.20. A. He gets great enjoyment when he goes on the Internet.B. He regards the jet plane as the only modern form of media.C. He links up with people from foreign countries by the Internet.D. He thinks the international communication won’t develop without the jet planeKeys: 1-5 CDCBA 6-10 DCCAC 11-13 CDC 14-16 BDA 17-20 DCCB听力录音稿I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. M: Madam, why didn’t you wear your seat belt?W: I’m sorry, sir. Will I have to pa y a fine?Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?2. W: Good morning. This is Susan Baker at Sunshine Computer Company. Is Michael Smith there?M: Sorry, he is out for lunch. May I take a message?Q: Where is Michael Smith most probably now?3. M: Could you tell me the best way to get to Shanghai Grand Theater?W: Yes. You can go there by subway, Line 1 or 2. You can also take Bus No. 952.Q: Which bus gets to Shanghai Grand Theater?4. W: Wasn’t Steve supposed to take part in this new drama?M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.Q: What do we learn about Steve?5. M: Jessica is already 40 minutes late. Do you think she changed her mind about coming to join us?W: Actually, I can’t say for sure.Q: What does the woman imply?6. W: Frank, did you hear about the house that the Wilsons bought in the suburbs?M: Yes, their friend John said that they got a very good deal on it.Q: What can we learn from this conversation?7. M: Listen to me, Jane, the exam is already a thing of the past. Just forget about it.W: That’s easier said than done.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?8. W: Have you got a chance to talk to your landlord about your rent contract yet?M: No t yet. Don’t you think he will let me go away?Q: What will the man most probably do next?9. M: Why didn’t you show up at Sandy’s party last night? We missed you a lot.W: I just didn’t think I was in a party mood.Q: Why didn’t the woman attend the par ty?10. W: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it wouldn’t work last night.M: I don’t think it worth repairing. So it might be time to invest in a new model.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.Canada is not just America’s backyard, but a world of all its own as well. This land of unspoiled nature and European-style cities is a country that warms tourists’ souls with its many beautiful treasures.Quebec is Canada’s largest province. Seven times the size of the UK, it offers beautiful scenery and modern cities with European charm. Ontario is Canada’s second largest province. It’s larger than Spain and France combined. The Ontario landscape varies greatly, and it offers many outdoor activities for travelers. Ottawa is Canada’s capital. You’ll hear a lot of Canadian F rench spoken here. People enjoy natural lifestyles and seem happy to jog or cycle to work.British Columbia shoulders the Pacific Ocean on the western coast of Canada. This province offers fresh air, beautiful mountains, incredible hiking and limitless wildlife and whale adventures. British Columbia’s capital city, Victoria, is at the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Despite its name, the city of Vancouver is not on Vancouver Island, but on the Canadian mainland.As one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, Niagara Falls has attracted visitors fromaround the world for hundreds of years. On sunny days, rain bows rise just above the mists. The loud noise of the Falls can be heard from miles away and visitors can board a boat, a cable car, or a helicopter for more breathtaking views of the Falls. Among the 12 million annual tourists to Niagara Falls are some 50,000 honeymooning couples. It is something of a tradition in the northeastern United States and Canada for newly married couples to visit the Falls.11. Which of the following is TRUE about Canada?12. What are you not likely to do in British Columbia province?13. Why is Niagara Falls so attractive?Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.I hope you’ve all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance—so that you are prepared for our discussion today. But, before we start, I’d like to mention a few things your text doesn’t go into.It’s interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time. T he earliest insurance policies provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C.In general, the contracts were often no more than oral agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn’t have to be repaid. Interest on the loans varied according to how risky it was to transport the goods. During periods of heavy robbery at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably.So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances when they had this kind of protection available.Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four points that were marked then and remain important in all polices today. These were outlined in chapter six and will serve as the b asis for the rest of today’s discussion. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be?14. Why does the speaker give such a talk?15. Who were the first insurance contracts designed to protect?16. What does the speaker say about current insurance policies?Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.W: Robert, I know you have special feelings about the media.M: I do. I’ve never had a television in my life. I grew up before television was really common and I just don’t have time for it. I think you have to look at the trade-off for whatever you do.W: What do you mean by trade-off?M: What it costs, not only in money, but in terms of whether it does good to your life. I have no real machines in my apartment. Well, I do have an FM radio.W: Yeah, what do you listen to?M: Oh, weather reports, good music. And I have a telephone now, but I lived for eight years without one.W: Eight years without a telephone?M: Well, I discovered there were telephones on every street corner and I really didn’t need one for anything.W: Do you have a computer?M: I do not own a computer. Because when I go on the Internet, I’m always disappointed. You see, I think modern technology destroys all the beauty and meaning in life. That’s not the way I want to live my life.W: Aren’t there any good things that the modern media brings us?M: Well, the only modern form of media I really like is the jet plane. I mean, I know it’s not “the media,” but I really consider it to be a form of communication. It h as allowed me to travel all over the world. I get great enjoyment out of traveling. I link up with people from foreign countries, I meet them, I talk to them, and so in that way, the jet plane has improved international communication, much more than fax or email will ever do.W: What an interesting idea! Thank you, Robert.17. Why has Robert never had a television in his life?18. Which type of modern machine does Robert have now in his apartment?19. According to Robert, why didn’t he have a telephone for eight years?20. Which of the statements is TRUE about Robert according to the conversation?I. Listening ComprehensionSection A (10分)Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Blue. B. Green. C. Yellow. D. Purple.2. A. 7:15. B. 7:45. C. 8:00. D. 8:15.3. A. In a restaurant. B. At the man’s house.C. In a supermarket.D. In the hospital.4. A. The CEO won’t be free at that time.B. The lecture hall isn’t big enough.C. The equipment in the lecture hall is out of order.D. The lecture hall is not reserved early enough.5. A. An athlete. B. A fitness instructor.C. A mechanic.D. A medical doctor.6. A. Take a deep breath. B. Take some aspirin.C. See a doctor.D. Drive to the hospital.7. A. The man shouldn’t order food in such awful weather.B. The delay of the delivery is caused by the awful weather.C. There is a problem with the policy of food delivery.D. The man should have his delivery fee returned.8. A. Having an outing. B. Ordering various drinks.C. Preparing for a party.D. Choosing suitable drinks.9. A. Thoughtful. B. Terrified. C. Apologetic. D. Annoyed.10. A. He followed his grandmother’s steps of cooking.B. He has a great talent for cooking.C. He is a green hand in cooking.D. He improved the dish of his grandmother.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the question will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following lecture.11. A. Literature. B. Business. C. Cooking. D. History.12. A. Christopher Columbus. B. People in Mexico.C. Hernando Cortez.D. Daniel Peter.13. A. The development of chocolate. B. The introduction of Cortez.C. The contributions of Columbus.D. The usage of cocoa beans.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Les Misréables. B. Red.C. My Week with Marilyn.D. The Theory of Everything.15. A. He rose to fame overnight.B. He has been a household name.C. He was recommended by Prince Harry.D. He first appeared in a stage play in 2004.16. A. His small brown spots on the face.B. His graduation from famous schools.C. His remarkable gift for performing on stage.D. His involvement in various styles of performance.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. A chef tends to work at entry level jobs.B. A chef works in a non-professional setting.C. A chef has the ability to create the recipe.。

III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Migrant workersIn the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some newly independent countries have 41 most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the 42 in the Middle East, where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to 43 outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oil-workers from the USA and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.In view of the 44 living and working conditions in the Middle East, surprising it is not that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a 45 attraction. An allied (联合的) benefit is the low 46 or a complete lack of it. This 47 the amount of pay received by visiting workers and is very popular with them.Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating (补偿的) advantage. 48 , the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other for safety and comfort. 49 , many migrant workers can save large sum of money partly because of the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents greater 50 to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do 51 work in their home country.One major problem which affects migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are52 ones. They are nearly always on contract, so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be 53 since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any case, migrant workers accept this 54 , along with others, because of the 55 financial benefits which they receive.41. A. presented B. devoted C. adapted D. restricted42. A. style B. evidence C. case D. hint43. A. call in B. bring up C. turn down D. help out44. A. excellent B. difficult C. fair D. stable45. A. casual B. familiar C. major D. final46. A. consumption B. pressure C. competition D. taxation47. A. occupies B. increases C. blocks D. protects48. A. For example B. In particular C. By comparison D. In other words49. A. Therefore B. Likewise C. Consequently D. However50. A. agreement B. outcome C. prediction D. challenge51. A. skillful B. vivid C. routine D. potential52. A. temporary B. ordinary C. voluntary D. revolutionary53. A. claimed B. criticized C. considered D. expected54. A. sacrifice B. reminder C. disadvantage D. appreciation55. A. limited B. considerable C. reasonable D. potentialIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Could Buying Paintings Make You Rich?Is investing in paintings a good way to get rich fast? And how should you invest in art?“With extreme41 ” is the advice of Patrick Connolly, a financial adviser. “We don’t42 our customers to invest in art because the downsides are greater than the upsides. It doesn't produce income or earnings. What you 43 is exclusively based on supply and demand, and there are big movements upwards or downwards if there are changes in the economic environment,” he said.To invest in art as a true investment, you need a starting fund of at le ast $5,000. But it’s not just about having enough 44 to buy the painting in the first place. Expensive works of art are often stored in protective boxes complete with detectors to monitor humidity and temperature levels, and to protect them from sun damage or other 45 such as a spilled cup of coffee. And if you do put it on your wall, then your insurance costs are likely to be high. If word gets out that you have expensive art hanging on your wall, then you're likely to be a 46 for thieves.Art is also not a regulated investment so when things go wrong – for example, an artwork turns out to be a fraud (赝品)– then investors cannot fall back on 47 for any repayment.Of course given the current environment of low interest rates, that's still a(n) 48 return than many savings accounts will give you. As art has no association to the stock market, it means paintings can 49 in value even when the market crashes, making it a good option for investment 50 .It is reported that after a decrease in the global art market throughout 2016, auction(拍卖)sales 51 in the first six months of 2017. Yet you don't necessarily have to be super-wealthy to invest in art. There are a growing number of art fairs and online marketplaces aimed at buyers with a more 52 budget. Most art industry experts suggest that you buy a piece of art because you like it, not because you want to get rich. The most 53 approach is probably to buy41. A. accuracy B. carefulness C. enthusiasm D. generosity42. A. beg B. control C. forbid D. recommend43. A. get back B. look into C. take out D. turn to44. A. desire B. energy C. money D. time45. A. accidents B. appliances C. measures D. drinks46. A. partner B. spectator C. target D. therapy47. A. initiative B. regulation C. strategy D. tradition48. A. better B. earlier C. healthier D. lower49. A. fall apart B. fall down C. go ahead D. go up50. A. funds B. levels C. selections D. rates51. A. ceased B. proceeded C. recovered D. shrank52. A. fixed B. limited C. massive D. modest53. A. creative B. direct C. flexible D. sensible54. A. afford B. preserve C. transfer D. undertake55. A. added B. maximum C. obvious D. socialⅢ. Reading comprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.When I was a child of seven years old, my friends, on a holiday, filled my pocket with coppers. I went at once to a shop where they sold toys for children. Being 41 with the sound of a whistle that I had seen by the way, in the hands of another boy, I handed over all my money for one. I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but 42 all the family. My brothers and sisters and cousins, when I told of the43 I had made, said I had given four times as much as the whistle was worth. They put me in mind of what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money, and laughed at me so much for my folly that I cried with vexation( 烦恼). Thinking about the matter gave me more44 than the whistle gave me pleasure.45 , this was afterwards of use to me, for the impression continued on my mind, so that often, when I was 46 to buy something I did not need, I said to myself, “Don’t give too much for the whistle, ”and I saved my money. As I grew up, came into the world, and 47 the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who “gave too much for the whistle.”If I knew a miser(守财奴)who 48 every kind of comfortable living, all the pleasure of doing good to others, all the esteem of his fellow citizens and the joys of friendship, 49 gathering and keeping wealth--- “Poor man,” said I, “ you pay too dear for your whistle.” When I met a man of pleasure, who did not try to improve his mind or his fortune but _____50 devoted himself to having a good time, perhaps neglecting his health, “ Mistaken man, you are providing51 for yourself, instead of pleasure; you are paying too dear for your whistle.” If I saw someone fond of 52 who has fine clothes, fine houses, fine furniture, fine earrings, all above his 53 , and for which he had run into debt, and ends his career in a prison. “Alas,”said I, “he has paid dear, very dear, for his whistle.”54 , the miseries of mankind are largely due to their puffing a(n) 55 value on things --- to giving “too much for their whistle.”41. A. faced B. charmed C. sympathized D. provided42. A. disturbing B. attracting C. entertaining D. confusing43. A. trouble B. attempt C. choice D. bargain44. A. satisfaction B. relief C. annoyance D. stress45. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Indeed46. A. tempted B. determined C. forced D. persuaded47. A. took B. observed C. admired D. followed48. A. turned against B. gave up C. cared about D. relied on49. A. in case of B. instead of C. for the sake of D. in terms of50. A. merely B. similarly C. strangely D. positively51. A. inconvenience B. burden C. frustration D. pain52. A. appearance B. wealth C. comforts D. necessities53. A. demand B. fortune C. standard D. value54. A. As a result B. By contrast C. On average D. In short55. A. unexpected B. great C. false D. extraIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A Study of Point of View and ArgumentEveryday life is an interaction of view. Sometimes these interactions pass by virtually___41___ , like when you find yourself forced to by the newest cell phone but suddenly stop and ask yourself, “ D o I even need this thing?” and then realize that the latest ad campaign has ____42____you of something without you really knowing it. Sometimes these interactions with others are obvious and deeply felt, like when an emotional argument____43____over why your father won’t quit smoking even though his health is____44____ ---you only see your desire for him to be OK, he only sees his independence. then there are those times when those sorts of____45____ feel delighted---like when you voice your opinion, as you do every year at the thanksgiving table, about some political issues, and finally---after years of trying---see the ____46____of “hmm, you may be right’ on your uncle’s face.Advertising, media, novels and even the people you love often aim to____47____your opinion. We see the usual practice of close reading not just as a method of doing the academic work of looking closely at text evidence, word and structure, but as an opportunity to bring those practices together, to____48___our students to see the subtle messages in texts and in their lives o help them be strong and ____49___consumers of ideas and reflective, caring members of society.One large, multi-year study suggested that many students graduated without being able to distinguish____50____ from the influence of carefully designed opinions and public relations. We believe educators can help ____51____ this. we want our students to be able to recognize the points of view and arguments in texts and in life----to see when they are happening and to ____52____engage them. We want our students to listen to those points of view and argument with an open mind ---to truly listen to what other people believe and respectfully ____53____or question what they are saying. we also want our students to live with the confidence of ____54____themselves to make sound____55____, to make sense of the world, and to take risks. reading closely In this way can give our students a healthy skepticism(质疑态度)while also helping them to have a more open mind.41. A. unbelievable B. unnoticed C. mistaken D. available42. A. convinced B. informed C. reminded D. expected43. A. takes up B. takes in C. works out D. breaks out44. A. recovering B. improving C. failing D. rejecting45. A. interactions B. functions C. messages D. issues46. A. phrase B. expectation C. reflection D. look47. A. accept B. influence C. misunderstand D. reject48. A. engage B. understand C. enable D. recognize49. A. affordable B. capable C. agreeable D. noticeable50. A. facts B. conclusions C. conflicts D. arguments51. A. mistake B. question C. change D. discover52. A. flexibly B. powerfully C. respectfully D. actively53. A. look out B. take in C. carry out D. give away54. A. exposing B. engaging C. trusting D. adapting55. A. improvements B. appointments C. decisions D. judgmentsIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Eating fast food makes people impatient even when they are not short of time, a new study claims. Students in the study became __(41)__ even when shown the logo of burger chain McDonald’s so quickly on screen that they could not __(42)__ it.Researchers say that daily exposure to fast food brands could have a subliminal(潜意识的) effect on __(43)__, making people hurry regardless of whether they are pushed for time. They conclude: “Our experiments suggest that the __(44)__ goal of saving time embedded in fast food may have the unexpected consequence of caus ing hurriedness and impatience.”Thinking about fast food increases __(45)__ for time-saving products. “More __(46)__, we found that the mere exposure to fast food symbols reduced people’s willingness to sav e and led them to prefer immediate __(47)__ over greater future return, finally harming their economic interest.”Student volunteers were quickly shown six logos from fast-food chains —McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Wendy’s and Taco Bell. They coul d not consciously see what they were but the subliminal effect was __(48)__. Their reading speed was measured before and after seeing the logos and it was significantly faster afterwards. Participants also preferred time-saving products like three-in-one skincare treatments rather than __(49)__ versions after seeing the logos. When asked whether they would accept a small sum of money immediately or a larger amount in a week’s time, they again chose __(50)__ reward after being exposed to the brands.Researcher Chen-Bo Zhong, assistant professor of organiz ational behaviour at Canada’s Toronto University, said: “Fast food represents a culture of time efficiency and immediate __(51)__.” The problem is that the goal of saving time gets activated upon exposure to fast food __(52)__ whether time is a relevant factor in the context. “__(53)__, walking faster is time-efficient when one is trying to make a meeting, but it’s a sign of impatience when one is taking a walk in the park.”“We’re finding that the mere exposure to fast food is __(54)__ a general sense of hurriedness and impatience. When I sit in a fast food restaurant, I find myself gobbling(狼吞虎咽) my Big Mac down at this incredible speed even though there is no __(55)__ at al l.”41. A. hungry B. stressful C. anxious D. timid42. A. recognize B. investigate C. diagnose D. recall43. A. motivation B. appearance C. emotion D. behaviour44. A. common B. unconscious C. primary D. temporary45. A. preferences B. implications C. ingredients D. intentions46. A. naturally B. strikingly C. fortunately D. personally47. A. gain B. proof C. respond D. attention48. A. concealed B. imposed C. edited D. marked49. A. separate B. special C. expensive D. original50. A. potential B. constant C. intense D. instant51. A. cultivation B. resistance C. satisfaction D. awareness52. A. in terms of B. on account of C. regardless of D. with respect to53. A. In other words B. On the contrary C. For example D. In addition54. A. promoting B. assuming C. insulting D. assessing55. A. chance B. sense C. rush D. harmⅢ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Your boss tells you that you did a bad job. Your coworker criticizes you in front of your whole team. Ouch! It's not easy to take criticism, no matter who it comes from. But, it is easy to _41 _ the blow when you offer criticism to someone in English. Merely by altering your wording and your attitude, you can help someone grow instead of making them feel 42 .Phrases like "You’re wrong! ” and “Your presentation was terrible!" have no place i n effective 43 . In fact, it's best to leave the word "you" out, if at all possible. 44 attacks make people feel defective, and then they won't really listen to anything you have to say.Before starting with the criticism, warm the person up with 45 .If you are discussing their work, find several things you truly like about what they have done. For example, "I enjoyed your presentation today. You presented a lot of good and helpful information in it, and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I appreciate your hard work." This will lower their 46 and make them feel appreciated.However, a short 47 complimen ts followed by "but" such as “It was a helpful talk, but you really need to improve your presentation skills" won't do much to help the process. After you’ve shared your compliments, allow them time to be 48 . As a matter of fact, 49 following your compliment with a “,but” will destroy all you've tried to accomplish by making your 50 seem false and insincere.Remember that the goal of constructive criticism isn’t to make the person feel terrible: it's to help them grow. Instead of directly 51 the person, try to get the message through to them in the form of light-hearted advice. Phrases like. "Next time you might want to…” or “I find it helpful to " can 52 the blame while still leaving an impact: "Next time you might want to give a little more attention to the audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while I am speaking"People can't change overnight, especially if they don’t get detailed 53 . As you might have known, 54 saying “you need to work on your presentation skills “won’t help a soul!Be detailed in your advice! Show moderation when you criticize anyone and keep in your mind that over-criticism can easily 55 people. Remember, you want them to keep trying and improving. Don't leave them feeling defeated'41. A. suffer B. accept C. soft D. ignore42. A defeated B encouraged C. motivated D. disturbed43. A. discussion B. argument C. explanation D. criticism44. A. Immediate B. Personal C. Accurate D. Continuous45. A. interactions B. impressions C. personalities D. compliments46. A. defense B spirit C. moral D. position47. A. decisive B. serious C. vague D. concrete48. A. corrected B. challenged C. debated D. absorbed49. A. carefully B. reluctantly C. immediately D. occasionally50. A. praise B. attitude C. assistance D. achievement51. A. helping B. accusing C. praising D. dismissing52. A. make up B. focus on C. lead to D. take away53. A. command B. comment C. instruction D. information54. A. sincerely B. simply C. politely D. unwillingly55. A. overload B promote C. inspire D simulate\III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or; phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Artists have long claimed alcohol and other drugs as inspiration for their creativity. But is there really a(n) 41 between intoxication(醉酒)and inspiration? A recent study published in Consciousness and Cognition explored the effects of moderate drunkenness on people’s creativity. The authors suggest that alcohol’s well-known effect in 42 executive function may be helpful for these types of creation problems.” Sometimes a reduced ability to 43 one’s attention can have positive implications for select cognitive tasks.” they write.The findings raise the question of whether drugs that 44 attention and focus, in particular, stimulants(兴奋剂), would have the opposite effect on creative thinking 45 , very little research has been done on the issue, and what results exist so far have been mixed. The outcomes may well vary according to individual 46 to the drugs. 47 , some research has found that while stimulants can 48 test performance for those who are less intelligent, for the smartest folks, the drugs can have the opposite effect.If less executive function is linked to more creativity, this may also explain why artists, writers and musicians appear to be more 49 to have an addiction. Perhaps creative people are more likely than others to be 50 to drugs in the first place, as a possible source of inspiration. And then, if reduced executive function is 51 in part for their initial talent, this, too, could make them more easily influenced by 52 once they start using. Having less executive control before you even take drugs means you’ll have less ability to stop once you start.Whatever the real relationship between drunkenness, addiction and art, the authors 53 that their study findings don’t give people 54 to get drunk to “inspire the muse(冥想)” Co-author Jennifer Wiley, associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest.”We tested what happens when people are slightly drunk-not when people drank to 55 . There could be no argument from these findings that drinking excessively would have the same effects.”A glass of wine or two, however, may occasionally help.41. A.attraction B.reservation C.connection D.decoration42. A.strengthening B.damaging C.maintaining D.assessing43. A.block B.reduce C.disturb D.control44. A.remain B.drop C.shift D.increase45. A.However B.Moreover C.Instead D.Therefore46. A.additions B.responses C.oppositions D.contrasts47. A.For example B.On the contrary C.As a result D.On the other hand48. A.conceal B.executive C.improve D.delete49. A.vital B.likely C.ideal D.difficult50. A.attracted B.contributed C.responded D.with drawn51. A.responsible B.illegal C.natural D.impossible52. A.confusion B.ambition C.addiction D.exhaustion53. A.lower B.monitor C.function D.caution54. A.sacrifice B.privacy C.appreciation D.license55. A.priorities B.extremes C.bottom D.AffectionIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The sights, sounds, and smells of the modern marketplace are rarely accidental. More likely, they are tools of an evolving strategy of psychological marketing called “sensory marketing” to create an emotional association to a(n) ___41___ product or brand.By relating to people in a far more ___42___way through everyone’s own senses, senso ry marketing is able to affect people in a way that traditional mass marketing cannot.Traditional marketing believes that consumers will systematically consider___43___ product factors like price, features, and utility. Sensory marketing, by contrast, seeks to resort to the consumer's life experiences and feelings. Sensory marketing believes that people, as consumers, will act according to their emotional urge more than to their ___44___ reasoning. In this way, an effective sensory marketing effort can result in consumers choosing to buy a lovely but expensive product, rather than a plain but cheap ___45___.In the past, communications with customers were mainly monologues —companies just ‘talked at’ consumers. Then they evolved into dialogues, with cust omers providing ___46___. Now they’re becoming multidimensional conversations, with products finding their own voices and consumers responding ___47___ to them.Based on the implied messages received through five senses, consumers, without noticing it, tend to apply human-like personalities to brands, leading to intimate relationship and, hopefully for the brands, persistent ___48___. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to foster in customers rather than instant trend or profits. Most brands are considered to have either "sincere" or "exciting" personalities."Sincere" brands like IBM and Boeing tend to be regarded as conservative and reliable while "exciting" brands like Apple, and Ferrari are as imaginative and ___49___. In general, consumers tend to form ___50___ relationships with sincere brands than with exciting ones. This explains the relatively enduring history of the “Sincere Brands”Certainly, with the eyes containing two-thirds of all the ___51___cells in a person's body,sight is considered the most important of all human senses. Sensory marketing uses sight to create a memorable "sight experience" of the product for consumers which extends to packaging, store interiors, and printed advertising to form a(n) ___52___ image for the brand.In other words, no aspect of a product design is left to ___53___ anymore, especially color. Brand acceptance is linked closely with the appropriateness of the colors on the brand—does the color ___54___ the product at all? If not, customers, though not realizing it themselves, will ___55___ the brands in all possible ways--sales, reputation, etc. Therefore, brands, isn’t it time now to study the new field of marketing?41. A. specific B. qualified C. average D. adequate42. A. economic B. personal C. artificial D. mechanic43. A. obvious B. potential C. accessible D. concrete44. A. imaginable B. objective C. psychological D. gradual45. A. alternative B. reward C. sample D. exhibit46. A. compliment B. fund C. prospect D. feedback47. A. temporarily B. subconsciously C. occasionally D. attentively48. A. loyalty B. philosophy C. endurance D. regulation49. A. mild B. daring C. steady D. classic50. A. far-fetched B. hard-won C. long-lasting D. easy-going51. A. individual B. sensory C. present D. general52. A. overall B. ambitious C. dramatic D. additional53. A. chance B. maintenance C. progress D. leadership54. A. accept B. overlook C. fit D. treat55. A. shape B. punish C. signify D. exploitIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Stay out of the Sun to Look YoungForget drinking countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun. A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun’s rays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are.However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion (肤色), from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to 41 the hands of time. Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn’t possible, made a 42 , the American Academy of Dermatology’s annual conference will hear today.The interesting 43 comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-lovers. When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US –commissioned by skincare firm Olay – guessed how old the women were, they found those who 44 in the sun tended to have aged more slowly. A lucky four had so few wrinkles and 45 spots, and such a fresh complexion, that they appeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology (皮肤医学), said the 46 advice that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is actually a myth (谬见), and the body is ‘pretty good’ at judging how much we need.Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a 47 conclusion. Experts there said: ‘Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.’It isn’t clear why the women who 48 well didn’t have younger-looking skin. But it may be that the question they were asked was too 49 and didn’t take into account their long-term sleep patterns.A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is more ageing than 50 , intense exposure. Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women’s skin helped understand the 51 done by the sun. A gene called CDKN2A was more。

Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Overcoming Obstacles: How Your Biggest Failure Can Lead to Your Success There’s been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to success. In a world where ___31___ is given for people’s accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success.Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success is ___32___ not on talent but on learning from your mistakes.About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area --- be it creative or social skill --- is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something --- say painting or speaking foreign languages --- but this ability can be improved through ___33___ practice or training.It’s almost impossible to think rationally (理性地) while shouting at yourself, “I’m a failure”. But when you ___34___ your thinking, you will probably see what you can control --- your behavior, your planning, your reactions --- and change them.The primary ___35___ between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster approaching you, take another look.Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it --- a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win ___36___, and with considerable effort, is fun. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to ___37___. So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to ___38___ your objectives and how much you want them.There is a way to distinguish whether a failure ___39___ you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what you’re doing is costing you too much time and energy or it’s not bringing you joy,you should give a second thought to the ___40___ of your goal and even set a new one.Keys: 31-35 DEAHB 36-40 FCIJGSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The NileThe ancient Greek writer Herodotus once described Egypt-with some envy-as‘the gift of the Nile’. The Egyptians depend on the river for food, for water and for life. The Ancient Egyptians were able to control and use the Nile, creating the earliest irrigation systems and developing a prosperous ___31___.Snaking through the deserts, the Nile would flood almost ___32___ each year in June. Once the water subsided, a rich deposit of sand was left behind, making an excellent topsoil. Seeds were sown, yielding wheat, barley, beans, lentils and leeks. Drought could spell disaster for the Egyptians, so during the dry seasons, they dug basins and channels to deliver water to their land. They also devised simple channels to transfer water at the peak of the flood.An early system of ___33___ a Nilometer, was used to determine the size of the floods. Later, during the New Kingdom, a lifting system called a shaduf was used to raise water from the river--___34___ to the way in which a well is used today.The Egyptians took up some of the earliest trading missions. Without a(n) ___35___ system they exchanged goods, bringing back timber, precious stones, pottery, spices and animals. Their efforts in medicine were also ___36___ advanced: surgeons performed operations to remove cysts(囊肿). Mummification gave them great understanding of the human body-yet they also relied heavily on various medicines to prevent disease, and discoveries were often confused with superstition(迷信). And while a great deal of time was dedicated to ___37___ the Egyptians thought the stars were gods.By the 16th century Egypt was under the Ottoman Empire until Britain seized control in 1882. What is now mostly Arabic Egypt only won ___38___ from Britain after World War II. The Suez Canal, opened in 1869, __________the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1971 ___40___ the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million-the largest in the Arab world.Keys: 31-35 GJABD 36-40 CEIHFSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Workforce of the FutureThe workplace is changing rapidly. Rather than the standard working day of nine to five, employees are working more flexibly to meet their busy home lives. Advances in technology are ___31___ the very nature of the tasks and skills required in the workplace.To gain a full perspective of how the workplace is set to change over the next decade, employee benefits provider Unum UK ___32___ with The Future Laboratory to survey 3,000 workers across several industries. They also interviewed industry experts and business leaders on topics from artificial intelligence and robotics to the increase of flexible working and an ageing workforce.The resulting outlines some of the employment changes that businesses can expect to see over the next decade and predicts the ___33___ of two worker cultures which will dominate the workforce. They are the obligated and the self-fulfilled worker.“O bligated workers” refer to people with dependents and the sandwich generation, ___34___ raising children with caring for elderly parents. Therefore, they value a career ___35___ to lifestages and events and financial security. Joel Defries, 33, father of one kid and partner at London Vodka said, “A flexible employer will allow me to have a long paternity leave(陪产假) and to value my family just as much as I value my job.”Self-fulfilled workers are committed to life-long learning and acquiring new skills rather than ___36___ to an employer. They actively look for personal development and want employee benefits that help them ___37___ both their personal and professional ambitions. They treat personal commitments and pursuits as ___38___ to professional commitments. Elly Kemp, 31, ___39___ a full-time employee, now working part-time in a cafe and also assisting with her grandmother’s care said, “My approach to work allows me the freedom to ___40___ my career at my own pace. I want my work to be fluid so I can change it when I want and to whatever makes me happy at the time.”Keys: 31-35 GABIE 36-40 KFJCDSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Aurora(极光):wonders or disturbancesCanada,February 2017: I stood in the snow on a frozen lake, watching as the sky twisted in front of me. Green bands of light ____31____ out in the darkness. Slowly the colors twisted and broke and reappeared elsewhere until, suddenly, a whole band flowed and pulsed across the sky, ____32____ with delicate yellow. pinks and purples. It was as dramatic as thunderstorm, yet calm.Gentle,yet ____33____, Most of all,it was a gift.This was my fifth aurora trip and the first time I had seen fast movements and bright colors.The calm green auroral displays that many people see are driven by a(n)_____34_____ stream of particles(微粒) from called the solar wind. But when the sun throws us extra hot fast particles, thisprocess goes overdrive-we get much more movement and colour, It is glorious! Aurora-spotters long for it.But for some, the wild movements of the heavens can have serious ____35____ Satellites’electronics are affected or damaged by incoming fast particles, ____36____ industries that rely on them. Flights may need to change course to avoid radio ____37____ around the poles, or to protect aircrew from enhanced radiation exposure. During a solar storm, aircrew may receive their annual radiation limit over a single flight.Stormy space weather affects us on the ground, too. A larger storm in 1989 caused a 10-hour electrical blackout over Canada's Quebec Province, costing the economy a(n) ____38____ C$10 billion. Disturbance of the atmosphere causes problems with radio broadcast and GPS. In September 2017,a huge solar fame ______39_____ just as Hurricane Fran hit the Caribbean. The resultant HF radio blackout held up the emergency response, Meanwhile, beautiful aurora displays were seen in England. Place its beauty aside, then, and the auroral ___40___is nothing other than a giant planetary disturbance, more of a worry than a wonder for some people. Yet seldom do such disturbances have such fascinating side effects as that of the aurora dancing across our Arctic skies.Keys: 31-35 JBAED 36-40 KCFGISection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, especially when the person is engaged in vigorous activity. Heat (31) _______ usually occur when large amounts of water and/or salt are lost through oversweating following exhausting exercise. When the body becomes overheated and cannot (32) _______ this overheatedness, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are possible.Heat exhaustion is generally (33) _______ by sweaty skin, tiredness, sickness, dizziness, plentiful sweating, and sometimes fainting, resulting from a(n) (34) _______ intake of water and the loss of fluids. First aid treatment for this condition includes having the victim lie down, (35) _______ the feet 8 to 12 inches, applying cool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the victim sips of salt water (1 teaspoon per glass, half a glass every 15 minutes) over a 1-hour period.Heat stroke is much more serious; it is a(n) (36) _______ life-threatening situation. The characteristics of heat stroke are a high body temperature (which may reach 106° F or more); a rapid pulse; hot, dry skin; and a blocked sweating (37) _______. Victims of this condition may be unconscious, and first-aid measures should be (38) _______ at quickly cooling the body. The victim should be placed in a tub of cold water or (39) _______ sponged with cool water until his or her temperature is sufficiently lowered. Fans or air conditioners will also help with the cooling (40) _______. Care should be taken, however, not to over-chill the victim once the temperature is below 102° F.Keys: 31-35 FHIAG 36-40 JKEBCSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.They’re till kids, and although there’s a lot that the experts don’t yet know about them, one thing they do agree on is that what the kids use and expect from their world has changed rapidly. And it’s all because of technology.To the psychologists, sociologists, and media experts who study them, their digital devices set this new group ___31___ , even from their Millennial(千禧年的) elders, who are quite familiar with technology. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older brothers and sisters don’t quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they ___32___ the appearance of a new generation.The ___33___ between Millennial elders and this younger group was so evident to psychologist Larry Rosen that he has ___34___the birth of a new generation in a new book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month. Rosen says the technically ___35___ life experience of those born since the early 1990s is so different from the Millennial elders he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me, MySpace and I: Parenting the Net Generation, that they distinguish themselves as a new generation, which he has given them the nickname of “ingeneration”.Rosen says portability is key. They are ___36___ from their wireless devices, which allow them to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected-even in class, where cell phones are ___37___ banned.Many researchers are trying to determine whether technology somehow causes the brains of young people to be wired differently. “They should be distracted and should perform more poorly than they do,” Rosen says. “But findings show teens ___38___ distractions much better than we would predict by their age and their brain development.”Because these kids are more devoted to technology at younger ages, Rosen says, the educational system has to change ___39___."The growth on the use of technology with children is rapid, and we run the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how they think, we have to give them options because they want their world ___40___.” Rosen says.Keys: 31-35 JEHAG 36-40 KIBFCSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Welcome to Windsor CastleWindsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of the Queen of Britain. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been ___31___ continuously, and altered and redecorated by monarchs(君主)one after the other. Some were great builders, strengthening the Castle against ___32___ and rebellion; others, living in more peaceful times, created a grand Royal residence. William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground. It was a day’s march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the western ___33___ to the capital. The outer walls of today’s structure are in the same position as those of the ___34___ castle built by William the Conqueror in the 1070s.The Queen uses the Castle both as a private home, where she usually spends the weekend, and as a Royal residence at which she undertakes certain formal duties. Windsor Castle is ___35___ used by the Queen to host State Visits from overseas monarchs and presidents. Every year the Queen takes up official residence in Windsor Castle for a month over Easter (March-April).The Castle is huge, so people tend to head for the most ___36___ bits---the State Apartments, St. George’s Chapel, the Gallery and the delightful Queen Mary’s Dolls House. Works of art, antique furniture, curiosities and impressive architecture reflect the tastes of many different royal generations. The State Apartments are ___37___ decorated formal rooms still used for state and official functions.The magnificent and beautiful St. George’s Chapel was started in 1475 by Edward IV and was completed 50 years later by Henry VIII. It ___38___ among the finest examples of late medieval architecture in the UK.The Drawings Gallery ___39___ the exhibition “The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years”. The exhibition presents portraits of the Queen ___40___ in brief moments on both official occasions and at relaxed family gatherings.Keys: 31-35 IAHBC 36-40 DFKEGSection BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Artificial skin is a substitute for human skin produced in the laboratory, typically used to treat burns. Different types of artificial skin differ in their complexity, but all are designed to ___31___ at least some of the skin's basic functions, which include protecting against wetness and infection and regulating body heat.Skin is primarily made of two layers: the uppermost layer, the epidermis, which serves as a protection against the environment; and the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. The dermis also contains substances, which help to make the skin ___32___ and maintain its biological functions.Artificial skins close wounds, which prevents bacterial infection and water loss and in result the wounded skin can ___33___. For example, one commonly used artificial skin, Integra. functions as a support between cells that helps regulate cell behavior and causes a new dermis to form by promoting cell growth and collagen(股原质) ___34___. The Integra “dermis” is also biodegradable(可生物降解的). It is gradually absorbed and replaced by the new dermis.Aside from its uses in the clinical35, artificial skin may also be used to model human skin for research. For example, artificial skin is used as an alternative in animal testing. Such testing may cause ___36___ pain and discomfort to the animals and it does not ___37___ predict the response of human skin. Some companies like L’óreal have already used artificial skin to test many ___38___ ingredients and products. Other research applications include how skin is affected by UV exposure and how certain substances in sunscreen and medicines are transported through skin.Today new technology has been developed by growing ___39 ___ of skin taken from the patient or other humans. One major source is the foreskins of newborns. Such cells often do not stimulate the body’s immune system-a mechanism that allows babies to develop within their mother’s body-and hence are much less likely to be ___40___ by the patient's body.Keys: 31-35 FCEAI 36-40 KJGBDSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only beused once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Keys: 31-35 IEDCJ 36-40 AGKHFSection BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The Father of JD PrintingAbout twenty years ago, the surgeons at the Wilford Hull medical center working to separate a pair of conjoined(连体的) twins thought that only one would be able to walk after the operation. After a model of the girls’ bone structure was ____31____ using 3D printing, however, they found a shared upper leg bone to be bigger than expected and split it successfully, ____32_____ in both twins being able to walk. Now eighty and still working as chief technology officer of 3D Systems. Chuck Hull is enjoying some minor ____33____ 31 years after he first printed a small black eye-wash cup using a new method of manufacturing known as 3D printing.At the time, he was working for a company that used UV light to put thin layers of plastic coats on tabletops and ____34____. He had an idea that if he could place thousands of thin layers of plastic on top of each other and then cut their shape using light, he would be able to form three dimensional objects. After a year, he ____35____ a system where light was shone into a bottle of photopolymer – a material which changes from liquid to plastic-like solid when light shines on it –and traces the shape of one level of the object. Subsequent layers are then printed until it is ____36_____.After patenting the invention, he set up 3D Systems, ____37____ getting $6m (£3.5m) from a Canadian investor. The first ____38____ product came out in 1988 and proved a hit among car manufacturers, in the aerospace sector and for companies designing medical equipment. The possibilities appear endless – from home-printed food and medicine to ____39____ that pictures of objects be able to be taken in shops and then recreated using plans downloaded from the Internet Although deliberate in his responses, there is one moment when the ____40____ spoken Chuck Hull tells of his surprise about what exactly his creation was capable of achieving.Keys: 31-35 ADCBF 36-40 HGJEKSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Want to figure out if someone is a psychopath (精神变态者)? Ask them what their favourite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber’s What Do You Mean? were more likely to ___31___ highly on the psychopathy scale than people who were into Dire Straits.Over the past few years, Spotify has been enhancing its data analytic ___32___ in an attempt to help marketers ___33___ consumers with adverts tailored to the mood they’re in. They infer this from the sort of music you’re listening to, ___34___with where and when you’re listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.Now, to be clear, there’s nothi ng particularly ___35___ about what Spotify is doing with your data. I certainly don’t think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads promoting a culture war while you’re listening to the songs that ___36___ you might be in a casually racist mood. Nevertheless, I find it ___37___ that our personal private moments with music are increasingly being turned into data points and sold to advertisers.You can see where this could go, can’t you? As ad targeting gets ever more complicated, marketers will have the ability to target our emotions in ___38___ exploitative ways. According to one study, titled Misery Is Not Miserly, you are more likely to spend more on a ___39___ if you’re feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take a dvantage of that. And on that note, I’m feeling a little down about all this. I’ll ___40___ off to treat myself to something expensive.Keys: 31-35 IHFAK 36-40 GDJECSection BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The ability of the herd mentality(从众心理) to increase people’s chances of liking or believing something may help explain a wide variety of phenomena. Aral (A managerial economist at the Massachusetts institute of technology) says, from housing ____31____ to gold prices and from political polls to restaurant reviews, the ____32____ that other people like something has a powerful ability to make people like it themselves.The new study ____33____ how simple it would be for companies to control reviews of their products by simply adding a few positive ____34____ of their own early reviews in the process, Aral adds.It found that effects were strongest when stories were about politics, business and cultures than for fun or lifestyle pieces. In situations where there are more ____35____ news reviews, you have to be a little more cautious about interpreting likes and dislikes.“Think twice before you trust, how many likes something has,” he adds. “That’s something you have to ____36____ with a grain of salt (持怀疑态度).” And it’s a situation many online users ____37____ on a daily basis.Aral recently went on Yelp website to review a restaurant with a plan to give it three out of five stars, but when he got to the ____38____, he was shown how other people describe the same place and those reviews include someone with five stars. Seeing those positive reviews made him think twice about his own ____39____ average opinion.“A woman ____40____ how great it is, how great her great prices are and how the lemon sauce is so great,” he says. “Maybe it’s not such a goo d idea to say some rating right before you make your own.”Keys: 31-35 GFIDC 36-40 ABKEJSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Dealing with Difficult RelationshipsEveryone has at least one awkward or ____31____ relationship. It may be with somebody who will ____32____ your energy whenever you are with them. Or worse, it could be someone who always cuts you down. This person may be a family member or even a friend. No matter who it is, it’s nece ssary that you learn to set boundaries for yourself. Otherwise this kind of relationship can chip away at your self-esteem.Setting boundaries for difficult relationships starts by ____33____ how you are affected by the relationship. Do they bring you clos er to your goals or pull you farther away? For example, it’s time to study for tomorrow’s test. But your friend wants to take you to a party. Here, setting boundaries will help protect your ____34____ goals.Next, decide how much time you should spend with these people. It’s easy to overcommit yourself. But it’s difficult to help others if you forget to protect your own ____35____.How do you know if a relationship is unhealthy, and it’s time to set boundaries? Here are a few practical questions to ask yourself.1. How does this relationship affect me?Every ____36____ can affect you positively or negatively. For example, someone whopressures you to something you’re not comfortable doing will ____37____ you out. But a friend who considers how you feel will respect your ____38____ to try something new.2. Why am I in this relationship in the first place?People may try to keep you in an unhealthy relationship. By ____39____ you it’s your obligation or duty, you forget about your own needs. Sadly, by remaining ____40____ to these people, you forget who you are. You allow them to take advantage of you or even belittle you.Settling boundaries requires taking a long, honest look at yourself. By saying “no” to harmful patterns in relationships, you say “yes” to a healthier you.Keys: 31-35 JHEGC 36-40 FIAKBSection BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Is climate change consuming your favorite foods?Coffee: Whether or not you try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day, the effects of climate change on the world’s coffee-growing regions may leave you little choice. Coffee plantations in South America, Africa, Asia and Hawaii are all being threatened by rising air temperatures and unstable rainfall patterns, which invite disease and ____32____ species to live on the coffee plant and ripening beans. The result? Significant cuts in coffee yield and less coffee in your cup. It is estimated that, if current climate patterns continue, half of the areas ____33____ suitable for coffee production won't be by the year 2050.Tea: When it comes to tea, warmer climates and erratic precipitation aren’t only ____34____ the world’s tea-growing regions, they’re also messing with its distinct flavor. For example, in India, researchers have already discovered that the Indian Monsoon has brought more intense rainfall, making tea flavor weaker. Recent research coming out of the University of Southampton suggests that tea-producing areas in some places, ____35____ East Africa, could decline by as much as 55 percent by 2050 as precipitation and temperatures change. Tea pickers are also feeling the ____36____ of climate change. During harvest season, increased air temperatures are creating an increased risk of heatstroke for field workers.Seafood: Climate change is affecting the world's aquaculture as much as its agriculture. As air temperatures rise, oceans and waterways absorb some of the heat and ____37____ warming of their own. The result is a decline in fish population, including in lobsters (who are cold-blooded creatures), and salmon (whose eggs find it hard to survive in higher water temps). Warmer waters also _____38_____ toxic marine bacteria, like Vibrio, to grow and cause illness in humans whenever ingested with raw seafood, like oysters or sashimi.And that ____39_____ “crack” you get when eating crab and lobster? It could be silenced as shellfish struggle to build their calcium(碳) carbonate shells, a result of ocean acidification(absorb carbon dioxide from the air). According to a study, scientists predicted that if over-fishing and rising temperature trends continued at their present rate, the world's seafood ____40___ would run out by the year 2050.Keys: 31-35 DJCAI 36-40 KBGEHSection BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Getting help with parenting makes a difference -- at any age New Oxford University study finds that parenting interventions(育儿干预) for helping children with behavior problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children.There is a dominant view among scientists and policy-makers. They believes, for the greatest effect, interventions need to be ___31___ early in life, when children’s brain function and behavior are thought to be more flexible. However, according to the new research, it’s time to stop focusing on when we intervene with parenting, and just continue helping children in need of all ages.Just published in Child Development, the study is one of the first to ___32___ this age assumption. Parenting interventions are a common and effective tool for reducing child behavior problems, but studies of age effects have produced different results until now.A team led by Professor Frances Fardner ___33___ data from over 15,000 families from all over the world, and found no evidence that earlier is better. Older children benefited just as much as younger ones from parenting interventions for reducing behavior problems. There was no evidence that earlier interventions are more powerful. This was based on ___34___ data from more than 150 different experiments.What’s more, their economic analysis found that interventions with older children were。

2020届宝山区高三英语二模Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper to an online group that discussed cryptography(密码使用法). That paper described a process that would use cryptography to create a secure electronic cash system, now known as a cryptocurrency (加密货币). Person to person payments could be made online using a shared network of computers instead of a bank or other financial institution. Each deal could happen very quickly. The shared network of computers would also serve as the means to prove those deals safely. Getting rid of the need for a centralized banking system would open up the possibility for anyone to become part of the digital economy.Today, there are well over a thousand different cryptocurrencies. Most are still trying to be feasible global payment systems like Bitcoin. They are held back by problems affecting the entire cryptocurrency industry.One issue is weak security on cryptocurrency websites where users either store their electronic cash in virtual "wallets "or exchange one kind of electronic cash for another. In recent years, clever thieves have broken into many of these websites and stolen electronic cash. The websites are struggling to protect their users from such thefts.Another problem is the large number of fake cryptocurrencies that are advertised on the internet. The advertisements invite internet users to visit websites offering new cryptocurrencies. Many visitors are persuaded by the websites to buy their cryptocurrencies using actual money. Later, the websites disappear along with the victims' money. In response to this problem, companies like Facebook and Google are limiting cryptocurrency advertising on their websites.56. What does the article explain about Satoshi Nakamoto?A. Satoshi's background in international banking and investmentB. Satoshi's grave doubts about the true value of cryptocurrenclesC. Satoshi's close partnership with suspicious financial institutionsD. Satoshi's contribution to the development of the digital economy57. According to this article, what is true about numerous cryptocurrency websites?A. They and their users have been robbed.B. They've revealed the identities of their users.C. They reward their users with cool prizes.D. They arrange recreational events for users.58. What does the article indicate about the cryptocurrency industry?A. It's had to lay off lots of workers.B. It's celebrating a profitable year.C. It's facing some serious challenges.D. It's set a very high moral standard.59. According to this article, why are Facebook and Google limiting cryptocurrency advertising?A. Few cryptocurrencies need to be marketed.B. They've created their own cryptocurrency.C. They don't listen to cryptocurrency fans.D. Too many cryptocurrencies aren't real.参考答案:56-59 DACD2020届崇明区高三英语二模(A)A growing number of American states are requiring schools to teach students “media literacy” skills. California is the latest state to pass such a requirement. Media literacy, also known as news literacy, is the ability to use critical thinking skills to recognize differences between real and “fake” news.The new law requires California’s Department of Education to provide materials related to media literacy on its website. Its goal is to give students a set of effective tools to “enable them to make informed decisions”.The media literacy efforts were based on a Stanford University study from 2016. It found that 80 percent of U.S. middle school students failed to recognize an advertisement that looked like a real news story. The researchers also found that high school students had trouble telling the difference between a real and a fake news website.The study called for more efforts to help students recognize false information on the internet. It said that young people also need the skills to find out where news stories come from, and to be able to judge the trustworthiness of sources and writers.Carolyn Edy is a professor of communication at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. She said she has seen a clear change in her students’ abilities to judge news sources. Edy said that when students used to read printed newspapers, it was easier for them to recognize fact from opinion. Now, it’s necessary to teach students how to fully examine websites.One of Edy’s goals is to teach students how to research the news organizations responsible for the stories they are reading. One way to do this is for students to ask a series of questions. One example is, “What is the overall mission of the organization?”Edy said young people also need to judge whether news organizations identify any possibleconflicts of interest. Another question to ask is, “What do they do when they get a story wrong?” Responsible and trustworthy news organizations issue corrections if something is falsely reported, she said.Edy added that one good thing to come out of the rise of misinformation and fake news is that it has made many people seek out good reporting.56.The new law passed in California mainly aims at __________.A. helping students identify fake newsB. improving students’ critical thinking skillsC. offering students real informationD. enabling students to make quick decisions57.Why does the author mention the Stanford University study?A. To present the details of the law.B. To provide a set of tools for the law.C. To show the reason behind the law.D. To indicate the efforts based on the law.58.Which is a way suggested by Carolyn Edy for students to judge the trustworthiness of a news organization?A. Identifying the conflicts of interest in it.B. Correcting its falsely reported news stories.C. Learning about its background information.D. Asking a series of questions about its news.59.The passage mainly tells us that media literacy ____________.A. can contribute to the rise of good news reportingB.is becoming much more important with the law passedC. can improve American students’ understanding of newsD.is increasingly recognized as essential for students in the US参考答案:56. A57. C58. C59. D2020届奉贤区高三英语二模(A)One spring day, once the flowers have begun to open, a bee will hover (盘旋) and zip through your yard and dive-bomb your picnic table. While you're thinking about avoiding an attack, that bee is focused on something else entirely: me.A honeybee has about six weeks to live. Today, like most days, her task is to fly as many as three miles from home, stick her long, straw-like tongue into a hundred or so flowers. When the beehas had her fill, she’ll fly home. There the bee will deposit what she has got into the mouth of one of her co-workers, who will relay it to another, and so on for about 20 minutes, until the mixture is ready to be placed into the comb. Then she and her 50,000 or so mates will hover in the dark all night every night, flapping their wings to create hot, breezy conditions to remove the water from the mixture. Several sunrises later, they will seal me off in a golden cell of beeswax. In her lifetime, our bee may visit 4,000 flowers, and yet will produce only one-twelfth of a tea spoon of me.The average American consumes nearly a pound and a half of me every year, in tea, on toast, and beyond. If I do say so myself, I am a timeless treasure. Literally--I never go bad.Unfortunately, my good health is not guaranteed. The problem lies in the growth of industrial agriculture and the use of pest control chemicals, as well as changes in weather patterns, all of which reduce the number of flowers bees have to visit. I'd appreciate your letting your own garden grow just a little wild. My future depends on all of us fostering spring and summers wild flowers, thus helping the bees, who give so much--to you, to me--without ever asking for anything in return.56. What does “me” refer to in the passage?A. The flower.B. The bee.C. Water.D. Honey.57. What is the 2nd paragraph mainly about?A. Bees' special talent.B. Bees' hard work.C. Bees' living environment.D. Bees' social behavior.58. Which one of the following is true according to the passage?A. A bee will always prioritize attacking picnic lovers.B. Before “me” is sealed off in beeswax, the drying process can take a few nights.C. The lifework of a bee satisfies the average demand of an American consumer annually.D. Bees are more likely to visit those deliberately pest-controlled gardens.59. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To appeal for help for honeybees.B. To talk about the history of a treasure.C. To put forward techniques for gardeners.D. To argue against the control of chemicals.参考答案:56-59DBBA2020届虹口区高三英语二模Section BDirections: Read the following three passage. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)We’ve all heard the stories of an actor’s struggles before a career breakthrough: living a hardlife, working part time, being a couch potato before getting that major role. Shelby, the star of “ADog’s Way Home,” has a hard-luck tale that could top them all. Before her big break, she was living in a landfill, rooting through garbage for her next meal.Shelby’s big break came in April 2017, when animal-control officer Megan Buhler was driving in Cheatham County. Tennessee. Out on an unrelated call, Buhler spotted and approached what she recalled was a noticeably scared puppy emerging from the dump. “I knelt down and just said, ‘Oh, come here, baby,’” said Buhler. “She was so scared, but she came right up to me, and I was able to put her in my truck.” The pair headed to the county animal shelter, where the staff began calling the new resident Baby Girl.Buhler and others didn’t know that 3,200 kilometers away, Hollywood was looking for a dog to play Bella in a film written by Cathryn Michon. The find-a-Bella job went to freelance trainer Teresa Ann Miler. Her mission was to search shelters nationwide for a dog that could play Bella. One day, Miller spotted Baby Girl’s adoption photo. “Honestly, it was a really good picture, and she was flat - out smiling,” Miller said. Then she met Baby Girl, and assessed her on personality and the ability to respond to simple commands. After assessment, she adopted Baby Girl from the shelter, renamed her Shelby and took her to California for training. Miller and Shelby trained for just over three months before filming began. Then they were together each day on the set.Most of the film’s reviews have praised Shelby’s performance. Variety made the comments “an amazing dog, perfect performance!”Shelby has come a long way from the dump. But Buhler said she saw Shelby recently had needed only a second to compare the movie star with the dog she found from piles of trash. “She’s exactly the same,” Buhler said.56. Why does the author mention an actor’s struggle before a career breakthrough at the very beginning?A. To make a sharp contrast between an actor’s struggle and a dog’s struggle.B. To introduce a dog’s similar but even more striking experiences.C. To attract reader’s attention by giving dramatic examples.D. To clearly point out the main idea of the passage.57. What finally helped Baby Girl get the big role in the film?A. Her adoption picture.B. Her flat-out smiling.C. her personality and ability.D. Her miserable experiences.58. By saying “She is exactly the same” in the last paragraph, Buhler probably means __________.A. the dog returned to the piles of trash where she found itB. it took quite a lot of trouble for the dog to change her own fate.C. she’s really excited to see the dog she helped live such a happy lifeD. the dramatic change of the dog’s life hasn’t changed her inner quality59. What do you think may serve as the best title of the passage?A. The Success of “A Dog’s Way Home”.B. From a Landfill Puppy to a Movie Star.C. The Trainer and Her Star Dog.D. Shelby’s Hard-luck Story.参考答案:56 - 59 BCDB2020届黄浦区高三英语二模(A)Katherine Jonson,winner of the presidential medial of freedom,refused to be limited by society5 expectations of her gender and race while expanding the borders of humanity’s reach--President Barack Obama,2015Using little more than a pencil,a slide rule and one of the finest mathematical minds in the country,Mrs.Johnson, who died at 101,calculated the precise path that would let Apollo 11 land on the moon in 1969 and,after Neil Armstrong's history-making moonwalk,let it return to Earth Wet throughout Mrs.Johnson's 33 years in NASAN& Flight Research Division and for decades afterward,almost no one knew her name.She was just one of those unheralded women who,well before the modem feminist(女权)movement,worked as NASA mathematicians.But it was not only her gender that kept her long marginalized and long unsung Katherine Johnson,a West Virginia native,was also African-American.But over time,the work of Mrs.Johnson and her colleagues--countless calculations done mainly by hand,using slide rules,chart paper and inefficient desktop calculating machines--won them a level of acceptance that for the most competitive race.“NASA was a very professional organization,"Mrs.Johnson told The Observer of Fayetteville,N.C.,in 2010. "They didn't have time to be concerned about what color I was."Nor,she said,did she.“I don't have a feeling of inferiority,"Mrs.Johnson said onat least one occasion.“Never had.I m as good as anybody,but no better."To the end of her life,Mrs.Johnson refused praise for her role in sending astronauts into space,keeping them on course and bringing them safely home."I was just doing my job,"Mrs.Johnson repeatedly said so.But what a job it was--done,no less,by a woman born at a time when the odds were more likely that she would die before age 35 than even finish high school.56. The underlined word “unheralded”most probably means______.A. not adequately paidB. not previously mentionedC. not officially rewarded.D. not fast promoted57. It was ___________ put together that made Mrs. Johnson a miracle.A. her skin color, her gender and the facilitiesB. her gender, her intelligence and the facilitiesC. her skin color, her gender and her intelligenceD. her intelligence, her skin color and the facilities58. From Mrs. Johnson's comments on NASA and her own job. we can conclude that ____________.A. she was confident and modestB. NASA shows no interest in staff's racesC. She was superior to most women in her ageD. NASA is professionally organized and supportive59. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Woman Made CalculationsB. NASA Marginalized MathematiciansC. Gender Divided OrganizationsD. Mathematician Broke Barriers参考答案:56-59: BCAD2020届金山区高三英语二模Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)EU members’ states have agreed to ban a toxic substance widely found in clothing because it poses an “acceptable risk” to the environment. Countries voted in favor of extending existing restrictions on nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) to imports of clothing and other textile products.The measure is intended to protect species in water. Use of NPE in textile manufacture in Europe was banned over 10 years ago but the substance is still released into the water environment through imported textiles being washed.NPE degrades in the environment into substances including nonylphenol (NP), which accumulates in the bodies of fish and disturbs their hormones, harming fertility, growth and sexual development.NPE is used in textile manufacture as a cleaning and dyeing agent. The EU decision notes that several studies have found NPE to be present in textile items.A 2011 study by Greenpeace found NPE in two-thirds of clothes tested, including items sold by big-name brands such as Adidas, H&M, Lacoste, and Ralph Lauren. The NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) argued that although concentrations of NPE found in the clothes were low, the chemical’s existence in the environment posed a risk.The new ban on textiles containing NPE in concentrations equal to or greater than 0.01% will enter into force five years after it is adopted by the European Commission, which is likely to happen in September.In comments submitted to ECHA (European Chemicals Agency), clothing and textile firms have warned that obeying the restriction will be difficult because NPE is ubiquitous in the supply chain and has numerous uses.The new restriction will not apply to second-hand goods or recycled textiles because it is assumed that these will already have been washed several times so they contain negligible (微不足道的) amounts of NPE.EU countries must eliminate pollution of water bodies by NP as it is a priority substance under the Water Framework Directive. A 2013 study by the UK environment agency warned that emissions from textiles could prevent progress towards this objective. It found 29% of imported cotton underwear contained NPE, which was released during the first two washes by the consumer.56.The 2011 study by Greenpeace found ____________________.A.29% of imported cotton underwear contained NPEB. NPE had limited effects on aquatic speciesC. NPE was widely present in textile productsD. clothes of good quality had no concentrations of NPE57. What’s the possible meaning of the underlined part “is ubiquitous” in Paragraph 7?A. is legally protectedB. is not easy to be foundC. seems to be everywhereD. is uncommon58. What can we learn from the text?A. The original ban on use of NPE was very effective.B. Recycled textiles contain less NPE.C. The new ban on imports of textiles has come into force.D. The UK environment agency is optimistic about the new ban.59. Which section of the website does the text come from?A. Lifestyle.B. Technology.C. Business.D. Environment.参考答案:56-59: CCBD2020届闵行区高三英语二模(A)Brooke Martin’s golden retriever(金毛猎犬) Kayla hated being left alone or separated. She would howl, pace, and chew on things. Brooke learned that other people had the same problem with their pets. She wondered: ―What if you could talk to your dog if you were gone?Working with her father in their garage, the 16-year-old came up with several ideas.Finally, she invented a device that allowed pet owners to video chat with their pets! She calls the device iCPooch. ―The dog doesn’t have to answer the call,explains Brooke. ―It comes up immediately on the screen on their end. It’s a two-way audio and video—you can see and hear each other.With a click of a button you can even send the dog a treat!Her invention has earned her a spot competing against nine other finalists in a young scientist competition for middle-school students. These finalists, selected based on their short video presentations, are working with mentors over the summer before heading to the final competition in St. Paul, Minn.After Martin’s video put her among the 10 finalists in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge, she was paired with Delony Langer-Anderson, a product development scientist in 3M’s consumer health care division. ―I just lead her down the product development path,Langer-Anderson told Live Science. This path includes guidance on how to test the potential product, which combines a video chat device that answers immediately on the dog’s end with a dog treat device the owner can remotely activate.‘One thing I have thought about a lot is, what happens if while the device is on the floor, what if your dog knocks it over, or scratches the screen? ’Martin said. She and Langer-Anderson discussed this, and Martin is now testing materials at a local dog shelterby taping them to the dog house floors to see how well they withstand sharp teeth and claws.The finalists create models they can test, with the guidance from a mentor. Their projects include a fuel cell that transforms cut grass into electricity and an app that rewards drivers for not texting or calling. Langer-Anderson tries to help the students work through the scientific method, testing their hypothesis, in a determined way, ―so the kids don’t get buried in data. she said.56.Which of the following would be the best title of thepassage?A.“iCPooch” wins in a young scientist competition.B.A 16-year-old girl invents a device for dog hunger.C.A man-made device lets people chat with their pets.D.A kid-invented device calm dogs’ separation anxiety.57.“iCPooch” calms pet dogs by .A. allowing video chatB. making dogs sleepC. answering the callD. giving them food58.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “mentor”A. competitorsB. assistantsC. instructorsD. companions59.What do the inventions of the finalists have in common?A.They are all new inventions dealing with pets.B.They are possible solutions to everyday problems.C.They cope with the problems related to computers.D.They are all accomplished through individual work.参考答案:56. D57. A58. C59. B2020届浦东新区高三英语二模Section BDirections: Read the following three passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(A) To Be a Deaf DJI was born in England with perfect hearing. In 1990, when I was five, my family moved to the United States. I started getting ear infections every three months or so. We didn’t have health insurance at the time, and when I got a third infection, my parents couldn’t afford the treatment. I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 50 percent hearing in my left. Over time, my remaining hearing dropped to 20 percent, where it is today. My doctors predicted that I would be thoroughly deaf by now, so I think I’m doing pretty well.There was always music on in my house in my childhood. I loved listening to Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson. My dad was a DJ, so he played disco, folk, rock, and music from other countries. For my 18th birthday, my dad asked me to deejay at the restaurant be owned. After doing that for a few weeks, I was hooded. I desired to learn more. I e-mailed DJ Shiftee, a distinguished New York City DJ, when I was 25: “I know you like a challenge. How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?” He wrote back the next day; “Challenge accepted.” He tutored me twice a week for two years, helping me develop correct technique. I practiced four hours a day.Now when I’m performing, muscle memory takes over. When I started, I wouldn’t tell the club managers that I was deaf. I would just show up, introduce myself, and start playing music. At the end of the night, someone would say, “Oh, here’s the check.” And I’d say, “What? Oh, I can’t hear.” They were always so astonished. Sometimes I would bring doctor’s notes because they wouldn’t believe me. It was reassurance that they were giving me opportunities to perform because I was brilliant, no out of sympathy. Eventually people started calling me “that deaf DJ,” and the name stuck.What fascinates me about deejaying is the creativity. I use software that turns the music into lines of color on a computer screen. I’m visually hearing the music. The next time you go dancing, cover your ears, and you’ll start seeing that you’re able to hear the music in a different way. Music is not all about hearing. I pay all sorts of get-togethers now, from college parties to corporate events.I also go to elementary schools for the deaf and talk to the students about motivation and believing in themselves. I’m big on talking to the parents. I tell them, “My advice to you is let your kids chase their dreams. I’m a deaf DJ, so why not?”56. Which of the following might result in the author’s hearing loss?A. Monthly ear infection.B. Moving to the U. S.C. Family financial hardshipD. The doctors’ prediction.57. How did DJ Shiftee help the author during his youth?A. He taught him correct skills.B. He discovered his talent for DJ.C. He played at the restaurant for him.D. He cultivated his taste for foreign music.58. The underlined expression in Paragraph 3 “the name stuck” probably means that _________.A. the author was in low spiritsB. the author impressed people deeplyC. the audience felt disappointed by the playerD. the audience looked down upon the player59. We can conclude from the passage that the author loves deejaying because _________.A. working as a DJ involves innovationB. music helps him to see the world virtuallyC. he motivates the kids to realize their dreamD. he desires to challenge something impossible参考答案:56-59CABA2020届松江区高三英语二模(A)Have you ever heard of Nollywood? Nollywood is the name of the Nigerian (尼日利亚的) film industry: Nigeria is one of the largest film industries in the world based on the quantity of films produced. placing them right below India's Bollywood and above USA's Hollwood!Born in around 1992. Nollywood is the youngest compared with the other two “woods”, and uses new forms of financing and production, Now it's in adulthood. and bigger productions have become more regular. However. this was not always the case. Although movie theaters were rare in Nigeria during earlier period. original stories were not. Despite lack of funds and experience. self-made directors began to use commercial video cameras to shoot their movies and sold them for home viewing. Even though thisresulted in movies with low production value, the original stories instantly made them a hit. Today, the film industry is the largest employer after agriculture and makes up 5% of Nigeria's GDP.Nigeria is a big player in the industry and it is constantly improving its craft, taking on new challenges. Nollywood is known mainly for its comedies and dramas. but we are increasingly seeing horror movies and musicals.Although sometimes heavily criticized for low production values. Nollywood continues to grow fans worldwide. Nigerian movies now make up 11% of Nigeria's non-oil exports! The average movie is produced in 7-10 days on a budget between £7,000-12,000 (Hollywood's average is around £60 million per movie with one year production time).This is changing. however, as more filmmakers are receiving proper training and are aiming to make films up to the international standard.56. What is the advantage of Nollywood?A. Commercial support.B. Original stories.C. Dominant comedies.D. Fast production.57. Which of the following statements about “woods” is NOT true according to the passage?A. Bollywood produces more films than the other two “woods”.B. Nollywood is known as the youngest among the three “woods”.C. Hollywood' s budget for an average movie is much less than Nollywood's.D. It takes much less time to produce a Nollywood film than a Hollywood one.58. We can infer from the passage that _________.。

IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Curiosity Is an Increasingly Rare VirtueMost of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints (打火石) for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in common: They are the result of curiosity. But the journalist Ian Leslie, in his newly-published book Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, insists that curiosity is a much overlooked human virtue, crucial to our success, and we are losing it.Leslie presents considerable evidence for the claim that the society as a whole is growing less curious. In the U.S. and Europe, for example, the rise of the Internet, among other social and technological changes, has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the rea der’s borders. Indeed, Google, for which Leslie expresses admiration, is also his frequent whipping boy (替罪羊): we seek only the information we want. But not everything is to be blamed on technology. The decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by Leslie.Why is this a problem? Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship(企业家精神). Worse still, that lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.Fortunately, some strategies can be employed to develop curiosity: If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the ‘holy curiosity’. Of course, one effective way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? Why is it made that way? Who invented it? How does it work? ...And if you see learning as a burden, there’s no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. But if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Sport TourismTourism is the world’s largest industry and is predicted to grow well into the years to come. Increasingly, the economic importance of tourism has been recognized by governments around the world. At the same time, the tourism industry has become more complicated in its development and marketing new forms of tourism. One of the fastest growing parts of the tourism industry is travel related to sport and physical activity. A recent survey found that while the traditional beach and sight-seeing vacations continue to predominate, 22% of those surveyed reported that opportunities to participate in sports were important when selecting a vacation.The term sport tourism has been adopted in recent years to describe sport-related leisure travel. It is generally recognized that three are three broad categories of sport tourism. The first category. Watching sporting events or Sports Event Tourism includes hallmark events such as FIFA World Cup Football Championships, and the Olympic games. Tournament sponsored by the Professional Golf Association or the World Tennis Association are also part of the spectator-centered sector of sport tourism.The second type of sport tourism, celebrity and nostalgia sport tourism involves visiting famous sports-related attractions. Visits of the sports halls of fame fall into this category. Another form of celebrity and nostalgia sport tourism that has emerged in recent years is meeting famous sports personalities. The cruise industry has been experienced in this area. Sports theme cruise such as “the NBA basketball cruise” arrange for passengers to meet personalities from sports while on board.Active participation is the third category of sports tourism. This is composed of individuals who travel to participate in golf, skiing, and tennis in particular, although other sports such as fishing, and scuba diving are popular in the US.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Online Pharmacy (药店): A Foreseeable TrendOnline pharmacies may replace corner drugstores in the future, which would be of benefit to all of us. Sadly, current Federal Drug Administration (FDA) restrictions prevent many Americans from gaining access to the medicines they require online. Fortunately, online pharmacies offer these drugs and provide patients with more treatment options at lower prices. Those calling for the restrictions are wrong. Online pharmacies are crucial to numerous people.While some drugs sold online aren’t FDA-approved, customers shouldn’t be prevented from buying them. Many of the herbal remedy (草药) online pharmacies offer have been used for hundreds of years, especially in Asian countries, and they have strong safety records. Other medicines may come from foreign countries, but they aren’t harming the peopl e who use them in their own countries. Take depression pills as an example. It has been used safely for many years in France and other European countries, yet it’s just now being tested in the U.S.Nowadays, just getting in to see a doctor seems to take forever, not to mention the time and money to get tests done and await the results. Thanks to the Internet, customers now know more about available medicines than ever before and are therefore able to take them without having to consult a doctor. The Internet, after all, is filled with information about all kinds of drugs. Much of it has even been written by doctors and pharmaceutical companies themselves.Another issue to consider is money. Health care costs in America are rising every year, and pharmaceutical companies are making billions. Online pharmacies typically sell their drugs atlower prices than hospital pharmacies and corner drugstores. Consumers shouldn’t be blamed for seeking cheaper alternatives and refusing to line the pockets of already wealthy companies and stores.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Take care of your spine (脊柱)The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spinal cord, a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain. Since your spine is so central to your health, it’s important to look after it.Maintaining good posture (姿势) is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you’re asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions. Staying still for too long—even if your posture is good—can be hard on your back. Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it’s important to get up and stretch periodically.Exercise is also an important factor in the health of your spine. Stretch can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better arrangement. Strength exercises like pushups can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don’t overdo the exercise, as repeated motions can stain the muscles around your spine.Finally, your diet affects the health of your spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids help keep nerves healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement. Another important factor is vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones. Vitamin D can come from some foods, but it’s also absorbed from sunlight, so it may help to do some of those back exercises outside.Many of the actions necessary to keep your spine healthy are identical to those used to preserve your health in other ways. So protect our back, and the rest of body will benefit.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.What started as a race to space between the United States and Russia has turned out to be a technological revolution that has greatly improved the quality of daily life throughout the world. Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have invented new technology to make space flights doable. The same technology, when applied on Earth, has produced thousands of products in the areas of health and sports that have significant impacts on our lives.Many of these improvements are in the fields of health and medicine. NASA-inspired technology fueled the great advances in the early detection of deadly diseases. For instance, computer chips designed for the Hubble telescope are used in digital imaging devices that help medical professionals detect cancer at very early stages. Eye doctors can now diagnose vision problems in very young children by using ocular screening. Ultrasound scanners, portable x-ray devices, and bone analyzers are among the medical devices developed with the help of spacetechnology.Fogless ski goggles and special sportswear are among the hundreds of items of sports equipment inspired by NASA technology. Space technology has been applied to sports too. The running shoes that athletes use today have midsoles that act like shock absorbers and keep the runners steady while in motion. These shoes utilize the technology NASA used to design the moon boot. In golf, athletes use a new ball that employs NASA research on how to make the flight of the ball from the tee to the green faster and more accurate. In swimming, athletes can swim faster because of NASA-developed riblets in the fabric of their swimsuits.Almost all aspects of daily life continue to improve because NASA scientists are still at work. Transportation, methods of preparing food, and work environments are other ways in which NASA technology has made significant changes.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.As is known to all, many things can be measured in terms of data. Sometimes data can indeed tell the truth. With the help of data we can easily know the price of a can of Coke in the supermarket or the result of a football match or the temperature of a certain day. Obviously, data can make our life easier and more comfortable. What is more important, data seem to be fairer than words or statements. If the data are true, we don’t have to worry about being cheated. Nowadays, as lies exist in the world, data are expected to tell the truth. Therefore, many of us would rather believe data.On the other hand, if we judge things only by data from the so-called specific research, aren’twe a little too narrow-minded? Many people often treat the so-called specific data unwisely just to make sure that they are making the right decisions. But sometimes we may find that data aren’t everything. For example, how can you tell that somebody isn’t a good student just because he or she doe sn’t get high marks in the final examination?There are many things in our life which cannot be measured by data. For example, the degree of your feeling happy in your life, the depth of love between you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. We can only feel them in our hearts but can never express them in data.There is no doubt that analyzing the exact data is important to assessment of an actual event. But data should be dealt with wisely. We often get wrong data which mislead us. We should try our best to be wise thinkers. Remember, data have no feeling but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the abilities to analyze the data with the knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false.Data are data after all. Life is much more colorful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and we’ll find that the world is far more wonderful than the pale data can describe.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.A remarkable variety of insects live in this planet. More species of insects exist than all other animal species together. Insects have survived on earth for more than 300 million years, and may possess the ability to survive for millions more. Insects can be found almost everywhere -- on the highest mountains and on the bottom of rushing streams, in the cold South Pole and in bubbling hot springs. They dig through the ground, jump and sing in the trees, and run and dance in the air.They come in many different colours and various shapes.There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their amazing ability to adapt permits them to live in extreme ranges of temperatures and environments. The one place where they have not yet been found to any major extent is in the open oceans. Insects can survive on a wide range of natural and artificial foods -- paint, pepper, glue, books, grain, cotton, other insects, plants and animals. Because they are small they can hide in tiny spaces.Also, insects have an enormous reproductive capacity: An African ant queen can lay as many as 43,000 eggs a day.Another reason for their success is the strategy of protective colour. An insect may be right before our eyes, but nearly invisible because it is cleverly disguised(伪装) like a green leaf, lump of brown soil, gray lichen(青苔), a seed or some other natural object. Some insects use bright, bold colours to send warning signals that they taste bad, sting or are poison. Others have wing patterns that look like the eyes of a huge predator, bitter-tasting insects; hungry enemies are fooled into avoiding them.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.So, when you picked up a few things in a supermarket, a guy ran his cart over your toe with no apology. By the time when a fellow motorist had cut you off in traffic, with a rude hand gesture or two, wasn't it a relief to get to the office?The answer is a definite yes. It is found that most American people today think public rudeness is on the rise, and most see that as a "major problem." Moreover, it's getting worse. Lastyear, people reported encountering an average of 6.2 instances per week of evil behavior. This year, the number had shot up to 10.6.The exception, it seems, is the Workshops. More than 90% of us see companies offices as what is immune(免疫)to social bad manners. Workplaces are getting more civil in many people's eyes. The reported cases of office incivility this year declined to 0.29%---markedly lower than cases of running into rudeness online (39%), or while driving (also 39%).Of course, less-than-polite driving or letting loose with an online conduct code is, after all, unlikely to cost anyone his next raise or promotion. However, being on one's best behavior in any professional field is generally a common-sense career awareness for anyone seeking job development.But there’s more to it. Trends in how companies operate seem to have the welcome effect of encouraging coworkers to play nice. CEOS, and managers at all levels, are now keen on cooperation. They are trying to build a ‘Best Places to Work’ culture, to attract the best available talents. This emphasis on co-working atmosphere really requires civil interactions between people.Nonetheless,a significant number of employees believe there’s more to be done. Asked what changes they’d like to see, 62%hope that “civility training will be continued”, looking for bigger progress in the workplace manners.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Take Care of Your Spine (脊柱)The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support.It also contains your spinal cord, a massive collection of nerves that sends electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain. Therefore, it’s important to take care of it.Maintaining your good posture is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you’re asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions. Having a comfortable bed is also very important as sleeping in a position that isn’t comfortable can leave your back feeling sore the next day.Exercise is also an important factor in the health of your spine. Staying still for too long—even if your posture is good—can be hard on your back. Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it’s important to get up and stretch periodically. Stretches can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better positions. Strength exercises with light weights or bodyweight exercises like pushups can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don’t overdo the exercise, as repeated motions can hurt the muscles around your spine.Your diet also affects the health of your spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, B vitamins help keep nerves healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement (补充物). Another important factor is vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones, but it’s also absorb ed from sunlight, so it may help to do some of those back exercises outside.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.All Must Have DegreesIn a classroom in Seoul a group of teenagers sit over their desks in total silence. Study begins at eight in the morning and ends at half past four in the afternoon. And some even go back home at midnight. Like thousands of South Koreans, they are preparing for the important exam, which will largely determine whether they go to a good university or not. Degrees have become useful. Seventy percent of students who graduate from the country’s secondary schools now go straight to universities.Many more countries have seen a big rise in the share of young people with degrees, but South Korea is an extreme case. As technological reforms require workers to do many difficult and demanding jobs that they would not have done before, there seems to be reasonable to insist that more workers receive a good education than before. And a degree is an obvious way for bright youngsters From poor families to prove their abilities. People tend to earn more if they have degrees.Employers do not have to pay for higher education and they are increasingly able to demand degrees to screen out the least motivated or capable. A recent study by Joseph Fuller and Manjari Raman of Harvard Business School shows that companies routinely require applicants to have degrees, even though only a minority of those already working in the role have them.The Economist’s analysis found that between 1970 and 2015, the proportion of 256 workers aged 25-64 with at least a bachelor’s degree increased. Some of them are highly intellectually demanding jobs, such as aviation engineers. Others are non-graduate jobs such as waiting tables. Sixteen percent of waiters now have degrees, because probably in most cases they could not find jobs and live poorly. Today, having a degree is usually an entry requirement.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Gossip“Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday?” Lindsey whispers to Tori.With her eyes shining, Tori brags, “You bet I did, Sean told me two days ago.”Lindsey and Tori aren’t very different from most students here at Linton High School, including me. Many of our conversations are gossip and I have noticed the effects of gossip.An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about. Usually, gossip spreads information about a topic—breakups, trouble at home—that a person would rather keep secret. The more embarrassing the secret is, the juicier the gossip it makes. Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie. People often think of gossipers as harmless, but cruel lies can cause pain.If we know that gossip can be harmful, then why do so many of us do it? The answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us. Sharing the latest rumor can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don’t. Similarly, hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the “in group”. In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority.Gossip also can have a third effect: it strengthens unwritten rules about how people should act. Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group. For instance, if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said, then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention. The do’s and don’ts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.The effects of gossip vary depending on the situation. The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news, think about why you want to gossip and what effects your “juicy story” might have.IV. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The drug store was closing for the night and Alfred Higgins was about to go home when his new boss approached him.“Empty your pockets please, Alfred,” Sam Carr demanded in a firm voice.Alfred pretended to be shocked but he knew he’d been caught. From his coat he withdrew a make-up kit, a lipstick and two tubes of toothpaste.“I’m disappointed in you, Alfred!” said the little gray-haired man.“Sorry, Sir. Please forgive me. I’ve never done such a thing before.” Alfred lied, hoping to gain the old man’s sympathy.Mr Carr’s brow furrowed (皱眉) as he reached for the phone, “Do you take me for a fool? Let’s see what the police have to say. But first I’ll call your mother and let her know her son is heading to jail.”“Do whatever you want,” Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a child. He imagined his mother rushing in, eyes burning with anger, maybe in tears. Yet he wanted her to come quickly before Mr. Carr called the police.Mr. Carr was surprised when Mrs Higgins finally arrived. She was very calm, quiet and friendly. “Is Alfred in trouble?” she asked.“He’s been stealing from the store,” the old man coolly replied.Mrs. Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr’s arm with great g entleness as if she knew just how he felt. She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. “What do you want to do, Mr. Carr?”The woman’s calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner. “I was going to get a cop. But I don’t want to be cruel. Tell your son not to come back here again, and I’ll let itgo.” Then he warmly shook Mrs. Higgins’s hand.Mrs. Higgins thanked the old man for his kindness, then mother and son left. They walked along the street in silence. When they arrive d home his mother simply said, “Go to bed, you fool.”In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. He felt no shame, only pride in his mother’s actions. “She was smooth!” he thought. He went to the kitchen to tell her how great she was, but was shocked by what he saw.His mother’s face looked frightened, broken. Not the cool, bright face he saw earlier. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. There were tears in her eyes.This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth ending. He saw all the troubles he brought her and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. He seemed to have never really seen his mother like that.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.When we wake up feeling sleepy and with dark circles under eyes, many of us often think:” I’m going to go to bed earlier tomorrow!” But however determined we are, chances are that we don’t stick to our promise. This behavior is called “bedtime procrastinat ion(拖延症)”.According to a study carried out by a group of health psychologists at Utrecht University in the Netherlands in 2014, bedtime procrastination is a common problem. In their study, 53 percent of the 2,400 participants said they didn’t follow their sleep schedule, delaying it at least twice a week.It’s found that they delayed bedtime not because they liked to stay up late, but they couldn’tstop doing other unimportant things, which were keeping them up in the first place.“People who generally hav e trouble resisting temptations and sticking to their intentions are more likely to delay going to bed.” Floor Kroese, a psychologist at Utrecht University, further explained to HuffPost.Yet, according to scientists, lack of self-control is not the only thing to blame. Our body clock also plays an important role when it comes to bed time. In order to check the influence of the body clock on sleep, psychologists at Ulm University in Germany studied the sleep patterns of 108 people in February. It was found that those who get up late are more likely to postpone their bedtime than those who wake early every morning.“The intention to go to bed earlier is not enough,” Jane Kuhnel, a psychologist at Ulm University, concluded in Popular Science. “Biological processes need to support this intention.”People always think that bedtime procrastination isn’t a big problem, but as Kroese told Popular Science, “the choices we make that affect out sleep could turn out to be pretty important for our health.”IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.To Friend or UnfriendSocial networking makes it very easy to have friends –lots and lots friends. Hundreds or millions of people have joined QQ, Wechat, and other sites so that they can communicate with friends online. However, the meaning of the word “friend” seems changed. In the past, a friend was someone you had a close personal relationship with. Now, anyone in the world can be yourfriend online! Some people have thousands of cyber friends, but what do you do if you don’t want to have so many friends?Easy! You can dump an unwanted friend with just one click of your mouse. In recent years, it has become so common to get rid of friends in this way that there is a new word to describe it – to “unfriend”. The new Oxford American Dictionary named it word of the Year in 2009 and defined it like this: “to remove someone as a ‘friend’ from social networking site”. But why would you want to do such a thing as unfriending someone?The most common reason for unfriending someone is to eliminate annoying people from your social life. For example, some friends post messages much too frequently, especially those messages found to be extremely boring. They endlessly post status updates which say something like “I’m cooking dinner” or “I’m doing homework”. Another reason for unfriending someone is disagreement about world issues. A third reason is to get rid of people who write dirty things on social websites.Although dumping friends is not just an Internet phenomenon, far more online friendships end suddenly than off-line ones. Even in this computer age, it remains true that many people prefer spending time together face-to face. After all, that’s what friends ar e for!IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Take care of your spine (脊柱)The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spinal cord, a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from。

2019届上海市上海中学高三上学期第一次模拟英 语 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
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第I 卷(选择题)一、完形填空Directions: Foreach blank in the following passage are four words or phrases marked A . B . CandD . Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Research hasshown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken up not with discussion ofthe cultural orpolitical problems of the day, not heated debates about filmswe've just watched or books we've just finished reading,but plain and simple___1__.Language isour greatest treasure as a species, and what do we ___2___ do with it? Wegossip. About others'behaviour and private lives, such as who's doing whatwith whom, who's in and who's out ——and why; how to dealwith difficult____3__ situations involving children, lovers, and colleagues.So why are wekeen on gossiping? Are we just natural _4_____, of both time and words? Or do wetalk a lotabout nothing in particular simply to avoid facing up to the reallyimportant issues of life? It's not the case accordingto Professor RobinDunbar. In fact, in his latest book, Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution ofLanguage, thepsychologist says gossip is one of these really__5____issues.Dunbar __6____the traditional view that language was developed by the men at the early stageof socialdevelopment in order to organize their manly hunting activities moreeffectively, or even to promote the exchangeof poetic stories about theirorigins and the supernatural. Instead he suggests that language evolved amongwomen.We don't spend two-thirds of our time gossiping just because we cantalk, argues Dunbar —____7__, he goes on tosay, languageevolved specifically to allow us to gossip.Dunbararrived at his cheery theory by studying the __8____ of the higher primates likemonkeys. By means of grooming ——cleaning the fur by brushing it,monkeys form groups with other individuals on whom they can rely for support inthe event of some kind of conflict within the group or___9___ from outside it. As we humanbeings evolve from a particular branch of the primate family, Dunbar __10____that at one time in our history we did much the same. Grouping together madesense because the bigger the group, the greater the ___11___ it provided; on theother hand, the bigger the group, the greater the stresses of living close toothers. Grooming helped to ___12___ the pressure and calm everybody down. But as thegroups got bigger and bigger, the amount of time spent in grooming activitiesalso had to be ____13__ to maintain its effectiveness. Clearly, a more __14____kind of grooming was needed, and thus language evolved as a kind of vocalgrooming which allowed humans to develop relationship with ever-larger groupsby exchanging information over a wider network of individuals than would bepossible by one-to-one ___15___ contact. 1.A . claim B . description C . gossip D . language 2.A . occasionally B . habitually C . independently D . originally 3.A . social B . political C . historical D . cultural 4.A . admirers B . masters C . users D . wasters 5.A . vital B . sensitive C . ideal D . difficult 6.A . confirms B . rejects C . outlines D . broadens 7.A . for instance B . in addition C . on the contrary D . as a result 8.A . motivation B . appearance C . emotion D . behavior 9.A . attack B . contact C . inspection D . assistance 10.A . recalls B . denies C . concludes D . confesses 11.A . prospect B . responsibility C . leadership D . protection 12.A . measure B . show C . maintain D . ease 13.A . saved B . extended C . consumed D . gained 14.A . common B . efficient C . scientific D . thoughtful 15.A . indirect B . daily C . physical D . secret 二、阅读理解 The teacherwho did the most to encourage me was, as it happens, my aunt.She was Myrtle C . Manigault, the wife of my mother's brother Bill. She taught me in second gradeat all-black Summer School in Camden, New Jersey.此卷只装订不密封班级姓名准考证号考场号座位号During my childhood and youth, Aunt Myrtle encouragedme to develop every aspect of my potential, without regard for what wasconsidered practical or possible for black females.I liked to sing; shelistened to my voice and pronounced it good.I couldn't dance; she taught me thebasic dancing steps.She took me to the theatre-not just children's theatre butadult comedies and dramas-and her faiththat I could appreciate adult plays was not disappointed.My aunt also took down books from her extensivelibrary and shared them with me.I had books at home, but they were all serious classics.Even as a child I had a strongliking for humour, and I'll never forget the joy of discovering Don Marquis's Archy & Mehitabel throughher.Most important, perhaps, Aunt Myrtle provided myfirst opportunity to write for publication.A writer herself for one of the black newspapers, she suggested my name to theeditor as a "youth columnist". My column, begun when I was fourteen,was supposed to cover teenage social activities-and it did-but it also gave methe freedom to write on many other subjects as well as the habit of gatheringmaterial, the discipline of meeting deadlines, and, after graduation fromcollege six years later, a solid collection of published material that carriedmy name and was my passport to a series of writing jobs.Today Aunt Myrtle is still an enthusiastic supporter of her "favouriteniece". Like a diamond, she has reflected a bright, multifaceted (多面的) image of possibilities to every pupilwho has crossed her path.16.Which of the following did Aunt Myrtle do to the author during her childhoodand youth?A.She lent her some serious classics.B.She cultivated her taste for music.C.She discovered her talent for dancing.D.She introduced her to adult plays.17.What does Archy & Mehitabel in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?A.A book of great fun.B.A writer of high fame.C.A serious masterpiece.D.A heartbreaking play.18.Aunt Myrtle recommended the author to a newspaper editor mainly to ________.A.develop her capabilities for writingB.give her a chance to collect materialC.involve her in teenage social activitiesD.offer her a series of writing jobs19.We can conclude from the passage that Aunt Myrtle was a teacher who________.A.trained pupils to be diligent and well-disciplinedB.gave pupils confidence in exploiting their potentialC.emphasized what was practical or possible for pupilsD.helped pupils overcome difficulties in learningHumpback WhalesHumpback whales are sometimes calledperformers of the ocean.This is because they can make impressive movements whenthey dive.The name“humpback”, which isthe common name for this whale, refers to the typical curve shape the whale'sback forms as it dives.Sometimes the humpback will dive with a fantasticmovement known as a breach.During breaching the whale uses its powerful tailflukes to lift nearly two-thirds of its body out of the water in a giant leap.A breach might also include a sideways twist with fins stretched out likewings, as the whale reaches the height of the breach.A humpback whale breathes air at the surface of thewater through two blowholes which are located near the top of the head.It blowsa double stream of water that can rise up to 4 metres above the water.The humpback has a small dorsal fin located towardsthe tail flukes about two-thirds of the way down its back.Other distinguishingfeatures include large pectoral fins, which may be up to a third of the bodylength, and unique black and white spots on the underside of the tailflukes.These markings are like finger prints: no two are the same.Humpback whales live in large groups.They communicatewith each other through complex “songs”.20.According to Quick Facts, ahumpback whale _____.A.cannot survive in waters near the shoreB.doesn't live in the same waters all the timeC.lives mainly on underwater plantsD.prefers to work alone when hunting food21.To make a breach, a humpback whale must _____.A.use its tail flukes to leap out of the waterB.twist its body sideways to jump highC.blow two streams of waterD.communicate with a group of humpbacks22.From the passage we can learn that a humpback whale _____.A.has its unique markings on its tail flukesB.has black and white fingerprintsC.gets its name from the way it huntsD.is a great performer due to its songsIf you could be anybody in the world, who would it be? Your neighbouror a super star? A few people have experienced what it might be like to stepinto the skin of another person, thanks to an unusual virtual reality device.Rikke Wahl, an actress, model and artist, was one of the participants in a bodyswapping experiment at the Be Another lab, a project developed by a group ofartists based in Barcelona. She swapped with her partner, an actor, using amachine called The Machine to Be Another and temporarily became a man. "AsI looked down, I saw my whole body as a man, dressed in my partner'spants," she said. "That's the picture I remember best."The set-up is relatively simple.Both users wear a virtual reality headset with a camera on the top. The videofrom each camera is sent to the other person, so what you see is the exact viewof your partner. If she moves her arm, you see it. If you move your arm, shesees it.To get used to seeing anotherperson's body without actually having control of it, participants start byraising their arms and legs very slowly, so that the other can follow along.Eventually, this kind of slow synchronised(同步的)movement becomes comfortable, and participants reallystart to feel as though they are living in another person's body.Using such technology promises toalter people's behaviour afterwards-potentially for the better. Studies haveshown that virtual reality can be effective in fighting racism-the bias thathumans have against those who don't look or sound like them. Researchers at theUniversity of Barcelona gave people a questionnaire called the ImplicitAssociation Test, which measures the strength of people's associations between,for instance, black people and adjectives such as good, bad, athletic orawkward. Then they asked them to control the body of a dark skinned digitalcharacter using virtual reality glasses, before taking the test again. Thistime, the participants' bias scores were lowe r. The idea is that once you've"put yourself in another’s shoes" you're less likely to think ill ofthem, because your brain has internalised the feeling of being that person.The creators of The Machine to BeAnother hope to achieve a similar result. "At the end of body swapping,people feel like holding each other in their arms," says Arthur Pointeau,a programmer with the project. "It's a really nice way to have this kindof experience. I would really, really recommend it to everyone."23.The word "swapping" (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to______.A.buildingB.exchangingC.controllingD.transplanting24.We can infer from the experimentat the Be Another lab that______.A.our feelings are related to our bodily experienceB.we can learn to take control of other people's bodiesC.participants will live more passionately after the experimentD.The Machine to Be Another can help people change their sexes25.In the Implicit Association Test,before the participants used virtual reality glasses to control a dark skinneddigital character, ______.A.they fought strongly against racismB.they scored lower on the test for racismC.they changed their behaviour dramaticallyD.they were more biased against those unlike them26.It can be concluded from the passage that______.A.technology helps people realize their dreamsB.our biases could be eliminated through experimentsC.virtual reality helps promote understanding among peopleD.our points of view about others need changing constantly第II卷(非选择题)三、语法填空Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passagecoherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill ineach blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, useone word that best fits each blank.Today theStatue of Liberty is a beloved landmark. It 27.(tower) above of theharbor of New York and is lovingly cared for by the National Park Service. Manythousands of visitors who visit Liberty Island each year might never suspectthat getting the statue 28.(build) was a long slow struggle. More than acentury ago, it 29.(be) the celebration of freedom and the commemorationof the friendship between America and France that inspired sculptor AugusteBartholdi and finally he went forward with designing the potential statue andpromoting the idea of building it. However, money was so big a problem 30.was haunting the two governments from the beginning to the end.Donations forthe building of the statue first began coming in throughout France in 1875.Numerous people gave donations. A copper company donated the copper sheets thatwould be used to fashion the skin of the statue. Various donations werehelpful, 31.the cost of the statue kept riding. 32.(face) with ashortfall of money, the French-American Union held a lottery. Merchants inParis donated prizes, and tickets were sold. The lottery was a success, butmore money was still needed. The sculptor Bartholdi eventually sold miniatureversions of the statue, 33.the name of the buyer engraved on them.Finally, in July 1880 the French-American Union announced that enough money hadbeen raised to complete the building of the statue.While theFrench had announced that the funds for the statues were in place in 1880, bylate 1882 the American donations, which would be needed to build the pedestal,were sadly lagging. The sculptor Bartholdi had travelled to America in 1871 topromote the idea of the statue. Despite Bartholdi’s efforts, the idea of thestatue was difficult 34.(sell). some newspapers, most notably the New YorkTimes, often criticized the statue as folly, and vehementlyopposed 35.(spend) any money on it. The newspaper publisher JosephPulitzer, who had purchased a New York City daily, The World, in the early1880s, took us the cause of the statue’s pede stal. He mounted an energetic funddrive, promising to print the name of each donor, 36.small the donation,Pulitzer’s audacious plan worked, and millions of people around the countrybegan donating whatever they could.In August1885, that final $100,000 for the statue;s pedestal had been raised.Construction work on the stone structure continued, and the next year theStatue of Liberty, which had arrived from France packed in crated, was erectedon top.四、信息匹配Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can beused only once.Note that there is one word more than you need.Let's sayyou've decided you want to eat more healthfully. However, you don't have timeto carefully plan menus for meals or read food 37.at the supermarket. Sinceyou really38.yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a little help would come inhandy, wouldn't it? This is where a "choice architect" canhelp39.some of the burden of doing it all yourself. Choice architects arepeople who organize the contexts in which customers make decisions. Forexample, the person who decides the layout of your local supermarket——including which shelf the peanut buttergoes on, and how the oranges are piled up——is a choice architect.Governmentsdon't have to40.healthier lifestyles through laws for example, smoking bans.Rather, if given an environment created by a choice architect——one that encourages us to choose what isbest——we will do the right things. In otherwords, there will be designs that gently push customers toward making healthierchoices, without removing freedom of choice. This idea combines freedom tochoose with41.hints from choice architects, who aim to help people livelonger, healthier, and happier lives.The Britishand Swedish governments have introduced a so-called "traffic lightsystem" to 42.foods as healthy or unhealthy. This means that customerscan see at a glance how much fat, sugar, and salt each product contains43.bylooking at the lights on the package. A green light 44.that the amounts ofthe three nutrients are healthy; yellow indicates that the customer shouldbe45.; and red means that the food is high in at least one of the threenutrients and should be eaten in 46.. The customer is given important healthinformation, but is still free to decide what to choose.Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has notled to measurable improvements in learning. Between 1980 and 2008, staff andteachers at U.S. public schools grew roughly twice as fast as students.47.Universities show similar trends ofincreased administration personnel and costs without greater learning, asdocumented in Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa's recent book Academically Adrift:Limited Learning on College Campuses.A survey shows that 63% ofemployers say that recent college graduates don't have the skills they need tosucceed and 25% of employers say that entry-level writing skills are lacking.Some simplistically attribute thedecline in our public education system to the drain of skilled students byprivate schools, but far more significant events were at work.Public schools worked well untilabout the 1970s.48.It was the underperforming students who werethrown out of public schools and went to private ones.A prominent reason public schoolsdid well was that many highly qualified women had few options for workingoutside the house other than being teachers or nurses. 49.Having such a large supply oftalented women teachers meant that society could pay less for their services.Women’s liberation opened up new professional opportunities fo r women, and,over time, some of the best left teaching as a career option, bringing about agradual decline in the quality of schooling.50.Large educationbureaucracies and unions came to dominate the landscape, confusing activitywith achievement. Bureaucrats regularly rewrite curriculums, talk nonsenseabout theories of education, and require ever more administrators. The endresult has been that, after all the spending, students have worse math andreading skills than both their foreign peers and earlier generations spendingfar less on education ---- as all the accumulating evidence has now documented.A.They accepted relatively low pay, difficult working conditions, and gave their very best.B.In fact, until that time, public schools provided far better education than private ones.C. Achievement tests have failed to truly reflect the quality of teaching.D. The heavy teaching loads left them little time and energy for family life.E.Also around that time, regulations, government, and unions came to dictate pay, prevent adjustments.F.Yet students showed no additional learning in achievement tests.五、读写任务51.SummaryWritingSociologists have long recognized that organization of less than 200individuals can operate through the free flow of information among the members.Once their size goes beyond this figure, the organizations are getting lessflexible. So it seems necessary to prevent total disorder resulting fromfailures of communication.One solution to this problem would, of course, be tostructure large organizations into smaller units of a size that can act as agroup. By allowing these groups to build reliance on each other, largerorganizations can be built up. However, merely having groups of, say, 150 willnever of itself be a complete solution to the problems of the organization.Something else is needed: the people involved must be able to build directpersonal relationships. To allow free flow of information, they have to be ableto communicate with each other in a casual way. Maintaining too formal astructure of relationships inevitably prevents the way a system works.The importance of this was drawn to my attention twoyears ago by the case of a TV station. Whether by chance or by design, it sohappened that there were almost exactly 150 people in the station. The wholeprocess worked very smoothly as an organization for many years until they weremoved into purpose-built accommodation. Then, for no apparent reason, the workseemed to be more difficult to do, not to say less satisfying.It was some time before they work out what the problemwas. It turn out that, when the architects were designing the new building,they decided that the coffee room where everyone ate their sandwiches at lunchtimes was an unnecessary luxury and so did away with it. And with that, theyaccidentally destroyed the close social networks that strengthened the wholeorganization. What had apparently been happening was that, as people gatheredinformally over their sandwiches in the coffee room, useful information wascasually being exchanged. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________六、根据所给汉语意思完成句子Translation52.他和他的同学都不喜欢放学后补课。

2019届上海市各⾼中名校⾼三英语题型分类专题汇编--阅读理解A篇--学⽣版(已校对珍藏版)III. Reading ComprehensionSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AI’ve become increasingly concerned about the linguistic sloppiness of the average worker, and not those who have learned English as a second language but native English speakers, regardless of income level, schooling or other determining factors.The number of people who read seems to be decreasing. The digital world has become the preferred baby sitter for children and the most effective way for adults to comfort themselves after a day’s work. Teachers, overworked and underpaid, seem to be fighting a losing battle – or are some prolonging it?These days I see glaring grammatical errors on résumés and cover letters, websites, signs, emails regardless of management skills or income level. Job hunters write asking me for “advise”. People who are in the job market, hoping to be invited in for an interview, write some of these, and the paperwork is full of punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Were they careless? Or do they not know? Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe the hiring authority doesn’t kno w the difference either.The other day I saw the back of a company shirt that said: “providing quality service since 10 years.” A company shirt? How many were printed and are worn by employees who walk around advertising that their company has someone in an upper-level management position who didn’t catch the error or, worse yet, didn’t know the difference?Last week a senior level manager emailed me. He confused “its” and “it’s” in three different places. Here’s another example: I do product testing for a research panel. The product came with a slip of paper that said: “This commitment covers not discussing this product or it’s usage with others outside your home.”Here’s what really bugs me: a rule that seems to have come into effect – if in doubt, add an apostrophe. So what has happened is that people all over America have lost the understanding of the difference between plural and possessive. Your résumés and your cover letter are not just a summary of your background. They are not just an introduction of you when you hope to be considered for an interview. First and foremost, it is a brochure, and it is selling a product, and the product is you. If you wouldn’t go to an interview in blue jeans, don’t send your cover letter and résumés with mistakes to a p rospective employer.Don’t rely on Microsoft Word’s ABC/grammar checker. It isn’t able to detect if a word is spelled correctly but used out of context. The grammar checker won’t help you unless you have a fundamental understanding of grammar to begin with. In fact, if you defer to the grammar checker’s advice, you’ll probably increase your number of mistakes.An excellent reference book to keep on hand is The Elements of Grammar by Margaret Shertzer. In “Words Often Confused”, it clarifies the differences between pairs of words such as “well/good” and “less/fewer”.Don’t tell yourself it doesn’t matter. Above all, don’t tell yourself that everyone speaks poorly these days, and the hiring authority won’t know or care. The ability to communicate, written and spoken, is of utmost importance – certainly in business. And it only becomes more valuable as fewer people are able to demonstrate it.56. The examples cited in paragraphs 4 and 5 are intended to illustrate ______.A. the employees are proud of their companyB. to err is humanC. holding senior positions doesn’t guarantee correct usage of languageD. managers are so busy as to be careless with their language57. According to the author, when American people are not sure whether to use “it’s” or “its”, they are likely to ______.A. use the formerB. use the latterC. ask the author for adviceD. turn to Microsoft Word58. The underlined word “defer” can be best replaced by ______.A. consultB. followC. objectD. yield59. Which of the following statements will the author probably agree with?A. Going to a job interview in smart jeans is better than sending résumés with mistakes to a prospective employer.B. Microsoft Word’s spelling checker cannot always spot a mistake because it has a li mitedvocabulary.C. Some teachers are themselves using language incorrectly.D. The hiring authorities care about linguistic correctness and act as role models.III. Reading ComprehensionSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.The summer I turned 16, my father gave me his ‘69 Chevy Malibu convertible(敞篷车)’. Beautifully repainted with V-8 engine —it was a gift wasted on me at that age. What did I know about classic cars? The important thing was that Hannah and I could drive around Tucson with the top down.Hannah was my best friend, a year younger but much taller, almost five foot ten. “Hannah’s going to be something,” my mother always said. And sure enough, that summer she signed with a modeling agency. She was already doing catalog and runway work.A month after my birthday, Hannah and I went to the movies. On the way home, we stopped at the McDonald’s drive-through, putting the fries on the seat between us to share.“Let’s ride around awhile,” I said. It was a clear night, oven-warm, full moon cast low over the desert. Taking a curve too fast, I hit a patch of dirt and slid from side to side. I then cut through a neighbor’s landscape wall and drove into a full-grown palm. The front wheels came to rest halfway up the tree trunk.French fries on the floor, the dash, and my lap. An impossible amount of blood on Hannah’s face, pieces of skin hanging into her eyes. They took us in separate ambulances. In the emergency room, my parents spoke quietly: Best plastic surgeon in the city. End of her modeling career.We’d been wearing lap belts, but the car didn’t have shoulder bands. I’d damaged my cheekbone on the wheel; Hannah’s forehead had split wide open on the dash. What would I say to her?When her mother, Sharon, came into my hospital room, I started to cry, bracing myself for her anger. She sat beside me and took my hand. “I hit my best friend’s car in the rear when I was your age,” she said. “I wrecked her car and mine.”“I’m so sorry,” I said.“You’re both alive,” she said. “The rest is window dressing.” I started to protest, and Sharon stopped me. “I forgive you. Hannah will too.”Sharon’s forgiveness allowed Hannah and me to get back in the car together that summer, to stay friends throughout high school and college, to be in each other’s weddings, and to watch my four teenagers fawn over her three younger children. I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I’m tempted to blame someone for something recognized as wrong. And whenever I see Hannah. The scars are so faded that no one else would notice, but in the sunlight I can still see the faint shimmer(微光) just below her hairline—for me, an sign of grace.56. Which of the following about Hannah is TRUE according to the passage?A. She was not as badly injured as the author.B. She never really forgave me though her mother did.C. She learned the gift of forgiveness through the accident.D. She could have been a model if she hadn’t experienced the accident.57. In paragraph 4, “window dressing” is closest in meaning to “_______”.A. insignificantB. colorfulC. undeterminedD. hopeful58. According to the passage, Sharon comforted the author by _______.A. showing her own scarB. mentioning her own storyC. visiting the author in personD. teaching the author a personal lesson59. Which of the following might be the best title of the article?A. A Graceful FriendB. A Lasting FriendshipC. A Lucky Car AccidentD. The Gift of ForgivenessIII. Reading ComprehensionSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or。
2019 年上海高三英语一模考试 阅读理解题汇编(pdf含答案).pdf

Section BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)There aren’t many actors around the world who have enough selfconfidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg.Maybe thatwas why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice.She said she’d be happyto be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur.Of coursehe turned her down and it was probably a good thing.It’s difficult toimagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth.However,herdecision doesn’t seem to have done her career any harm.She hasgone on to make a string of hits,including The Unbearable Lightness of Being ,The English Patient (for which she won an Oscar)and Chocolat.Success in the United States has not been so easy for otherforeign stars.Gerald Depardieu is a good example.Since his firstfilm in 1967,his filmography (影片集锦)lists 172acting credits.But he has struggled on the other side of the pond.While some ofhis films have been popular in the US,they have usually beenFrench films that travelled.One possible exception was Green Card ,directed by Peter Weir,where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States.This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts (分配同一类型角色)its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes.While some reviewers were kind,others shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance.While Monsieur Depardieu hasn’t received the recognition he would have liked in the United States,one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success.Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in 2000and a year later in Y tu mama tambien .Since then he has appeared with hometown hero,Brad Pitt in Babel and,under the direction of top producer and director,Jim Jarmusch,he starred in Limits of Control .Hehasn’t pickedup an Oscar yet,but he备战20202019 年上海高三英语一模考试 阅读理解题汇编was nominated for a BAFTA(英国电影电视艺术学院奖)in2005for his performance as the South American hero revolutionary Che Guevara,in Motorcycle Diaries.In the same year he played American music icon Elvis Presley in The King.56.It can be inferred from the passage that Juliette Binoche______.A.very much wanted to be in Jurassic ParkB.didn’t want to be in Jurassic ParkC.really wanted to play a dinosaur in Jurassic ParkD.was hesitant whether she could play a dinosaur well57.According to the writer,Gerald Depardieu’s most popular films______.A.have been made in HollywoodB.have only been seen in EuropeC.have been made in France,but seen in other countries,tooD.have been made in Hollywood,but well received in France58.The last sentence in Para2“o thers shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance”means others thought Depardieu’s performance and the film were______.plexB.interestingC.terribleD.impressive59.The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to suggest that______.A.Foreign actors generally do well in the United StatesB.American actors are able to earn more money than foreign actorsC.Foreign actors are playing an irreplaceable role in the United StatesD.a successful career in Europe or Latin America doesn’t guarantee success in the USAKeys:56-59BCCDSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them.There are four choices marked A,B,C and D.choose the one that fits best according to the Information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Despite an advertisement campaign suggesting wall-to-wall special effects,“Bridge of Terabithia”is grounded in reality far more than in fantasy.Adapting Katherine Paterson’s award-winning novel,the screenwriters David Paterson and Jeff Stockwell have produced a thoughtful and extremely affecting story of a transformative friendship between two unusually gifted children.The result is a movie whose emotional depth could appeal more to adults than to their children.Jess Aarons(Josh Hutcherson)is a sixth grader with four sisters,financially tensed parents and a talent for drawing.An introverted(内向的)kid who is regularly picked on by the school buses,Jess forms a bond with a new student named Leslie(Anna Sophia Robb),a free spirit whose parents,both writers,are fondly neglectful.An attraction between outsiders,their friendship feeds on her words and his pictures;together they create an imaginary kingdom in the woods behind their homes,a world they can control and where their minds can wander free.Beautifully capturing a time when a bully in school can occur as large as a monster in a nightmare and the encouragement of a teacher can alter the course of a life,“Bridge to Terabithia”keeps the fantasy in the background to find magic in the everyday.Gabor Csupo directs this,his first feature,like someone close to the pain of being different,fascinated in tiny,perfect details.With strong performances from all the leads,“Bridge to Terabithia”is able to handle adult topics with sensitivity.As the emotional landscape darkens,those who haven’t read the book may be surprised at the sorrow the filmmakers cause without ever resorting to horror or terror.In other words,your children may cry,but they won’t be traumatized so badly.Consistently smart and delicate as a spider web,“Bridge to Terabithia”is the kind of children’s movie rarely seen nowadays.At a time when many public schools are being forced to cut music and art from the curriculum,the story’s insistence on the healing power of a cultivated imagination is both welcome and essential.56.The second paragraph indicates that Jess and Leslie________.A.lost their control over the imaginary kingdomB.looked down on their individual realitiesC.formed a good friendship despite their different talentsD.wrote a book about a magical land called Terabithia57.Which of the following words is most likely to replace“traumatized”(paragraph4)?A.criticizedB.ignoredC.delightedD.shocked58.The two children most likely________.A.skipped school to play in the woods behind their campusB.created an imaginary world as an escape from realityC.disappointed their parents with their over-active imaginationsD.won against the bullies at school with strong performances59.Which of the following statements will the author most probably agree with?A.The fantasy components of the movie were too over-done.B.The movie is motional but not much too dramatic.C.“Bridge to Terabithia”has a negative impact on public school education.D.Children shouldn’t watch the film as they are too young to understand the topics.Keys:56-59CDBBSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One recent night,while I was leafing through its pages of an old journal,my eyes met a quote by the British writer Graham Greene that I had marked.“A prejudice had something in common with an ideal.”In other words,ideals---general descriptions of people’s expectations of themselves and others---can often lead us to unreasonable ideas.It got me thinking about how we often allow ourselves to generalize about groups of people.We like to stereotype people by the color of their skin,the year of their birth or any other related factors.I grew up in a multi-racial corner of America.The different groups were often subject to narrow stereotypes:Jewish people were“greedy,”Mexicans were“poorly educated,”and Asians were“good at math.”These labels were taught to us from a young age.They wormed their wayinto our belief systems,harming how we came to see others.It made me sad growing up to see people repeat these stereotypes as if they were true.The rush-to-judgment of people breeds a culture of discrimination(歧视).You can also see these over-generalized description being made against today’s Chinese people.Whether it be a lack of interest or worry among millennials(千禧一代)being described as “monkish,”or“dad-fashion(复古作风)”which has given the“greasy middle-aged men”tag, stereotypes always seem to gain a foothold in the consciousness of our society.But these generalizations do real harm as these myths may become part of the wider population.It’s about time that we,as a society,walked away from generalizations and stereotypes.I leave you with the words of Martin Luther King Jr.from his famous“I Have a Dream”speech:“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin,but by the content of their character.”By reserving judgment and really getting to know the individual,you might just find your irrational ideas have no foundation.56.According to the passage,how do people tend to judge others?A.By describing people’s personalities.B.By truly getting to know those around.C.By observing their noticeable features.D.By following Martin Luther King’s speech57.According to the author,a culture of discrimination appears because__________.A.people live in places of various racesB.people are born with unreasonable ideasC.prejudices slightly influence people’s belief systemD.people usually make judgments without thinking twice58.Examples of“millennials”and“dad-fashion”are mentioned in Paragraph3to reveal_______.A.generalizations have unfavourable position in societyB.generalizations have a negative influence on our societyC.generalizations are found peculiar to the middle-aged ChineseD.generalizations make today’s Chinese people lack interest or worry59.The passage is mainly concerned with________.A.the common prejudiceB.people’s expectation of themselvesC.the groundless worriesD.the famous speech of Martin Luther KingKeys:56-59CDBASection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(A)What to endure before publication?It takes a lot to write a novel.Even those who haven’t tried would say,“Well,duh!”to this. But it’s not much the mind space or the considerable time it takes to write a novel that is as discouraging as how many times any writer must go back to the drawing board for yet another draft.To really ready a novel for publication,a writer must spend time with his or her book.Like any promising relationship,you,the writer,must date your novel,take it out to dinner,meet its parents,and see it through its most trying and desperate times.As a writer,you have to stay up all night with your novel crying and talking and sometimes even pulling your hair out before that perfect moment of inspiration can truly help you cross the finish line.For many published authors I know,myself included,a completed novel takes them about10, that’s right,10drafts,and at least a year of real editing.Will you be spending every single second editing your novel?No,of course not.Just as drafts need some real time on the surgery table,they also need rest in the recovery room.You don’t nurse a relationship by spending every waking second them until you can’t stand the sight of each other,and you can’t produce a novel by breathing down its literary neck.However,a novel should undergo many drafts---and different kinds of drafts—before declaring it ready for an agent or editor to see.Everyone has their own way to write a novel,and not all craft advice(or even craft“rules”) should all be followed by everyone,but when it comes to the many drafts of a novel,there are specific things a writer should focus on during each revision to help create a smooth transition from the initial idea to final products.56.People are discouraged from writing a novel mainly because it requires_____.A.a good publisherB.too much thinkingC.tons of working timeD.frequent revisions57.What do writers do in the course of creating a novel?A.They spend every minute with the novel.B.They treat the novel as a lover.C.They go out with some readers for dinner.D.They hurt themselves to stay awake.58.By“breathing down its literary neck”in Paragraph2,the author most probably means _____.A.writing casually thus failing to take readers’breath awayB.letting go a single mistake thus annoying the readersC.X-raying the work thus finding each literary mistakeD.sticking too close to the work thus causing anxiety59.Which of the following is most likely to come after the last paragraph?A.The importance of using proper transitional words in writing.B.The writing experience shared by famous successful write.C.Tips on how to make ten drafts to complete a good novel.Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The lives of the Ancient Greeks revolved(运转)around Eris,a concept by which they defined the universe.They believed that the world existed in a condition of opposites.If there was good, then there was evil;if there was love,then there was hatred;joy,then sorrow;war,then peace;and so on.The Greeks believed that good Eris occurred when one held a balanced outlook on life andcoped with problems as they arose.It was a kind of ease of living that came from trying to bring together the great opposing forces in nature.Bad Eris was evident in the violent conditions that ruled men’s lives.Although these things were found in nature and sometimes could not be controlled,it was believed that bad Eris occurred when one ignored a problem,letting it grow larger until it destroyed not only that person,but his family as well.The Ancient Greeks saw Eris as a goddess:Eris,the Goddess of Discord,better known as Trouble.One myth that expresses this concept of bad Eris deals with the marriage of King Peleus and the river goddess Thetis.Zeus,the supreme ruler,learns that Thetis would bear a child strong enough to destroy its father.Not wanting to father his own ruin,Zeus convinces Thetis to marry a human,a mortal(凡人)whose child could never challenge the gods.He promises her,among other things,the greatest wedding in all of Heaven and Earth and allows the couple to invite whomever they please.This is one of the first mixed marriages of Greek Mythology and the lesson learned from it still applies today.They do invite everyone...except Eris,the Goddess of Discord.In other words,instead of facing the problems brought on by a mixed marriage,they turn their backs on them.They refused to deal directly with their problems and the result is tragic.In her fury(狂怒),Eris arrives,ruins the wedding,causes a jealous argument between the three major goddesses over a golden apple,and sets in place the conditions that lead to the Trojan War.The war would take place20years in the future,but it would result in the death of the only child of the bride and groom,Achilles.Eris would destroy the parents’hopes for their future,leaving the couple with no legal heirs(继承人)to the throne.Hence,when we are told,“If you don’t invite trouble,trouble comes,”it means that if we don’t deal with our problems,our problems will deal with us...with a revenge!It is easy to see why the Greeks considered many of their myths learning myths,for this one teaches us the best way to defeat that which can destroy us.56.Bad Eris is defined in the passage as_______.A.the violent conditions of life.B.the problems man encounters.C.the evil goddess who has a golden apple.D.the murderer of generations.57.Zeus married Thetis off because_______.A.he needed to buy the loyalty of a great king of mankind.B.he feared the gods would create bad Eris by competing over her.C.he feared the Trojan War would be fought over her.D.he feared being a father of a boy who would kill him in the future.58.Zeus did not fear a child of King Peleus because_______.A.he knew that the child could not climb Mt.Olympus and manage to kill a god.B.he knew that the child would be killed in the Trojan War which would happen in20years.C.he knew that no matter how strong a mortal child was,he couldn’t overthrow an immortal god.D.he knew that Thetis would always love him above everyone else.59.What does the myth in the passage want to tell us?A.Do not consider a mixed marriage.B.Do not anger the gods.C.Do not ignore the problems that arise in life.D.Do not take myths seriously.Keys:56-59ADCCis followed by several questions ormarked A.B.C and D.Choose theyou have just read.Once again DC Comics and Warner Bros.have divided fans and critics over their latest superhero film.There had been worrying news about Justice League in the months before its release,with a lot of reshoots of scenes,a new director being brought in to finish the film after original director Zack Snyder’s tragic loss of his daughter and,of course,a lot of talk about Ben Affleck’s future in the role of Batman.Some people are saying that Justice League is another big disappointment,that it could have been incredible and instead fails to really entertain.Others say that Warner Bros,have finally gotit right and that the future for the League looks bright.My opinion lies somewhere in the middle. The film was by no means a disappointment:it was exciting,funny and a lot of fun to watch. There’s something special about watching the heroes from your childhood brought to life on the big screen and maybe that is affecting my opinion.However,I will say that a lot of work needs to be done if the producer wants to make a great success.Although the film was good,it was obvious which scenes had been reshot and how the characters had been changed.I also have to mention the several scenes in which the special effects were very badly done;there are the kinds of problems that you don’t expect to see in a film with such a big budget.Another point to add is that it is good to see the producer making Superman slightly a brighter character and adding some jokes to the plot to keep things fun.But the producer must be careful not to make the mistake that another film producer---here,not mentioning the name---is coming very close to doing:turning all of the films into bright and colorful shows and losing a lot of seriously good stories.In the end,Justice League is not a perfect film but it is definitely not a terrible one.A lot of work is still to be done but I hope that DC does not completely lose its darker side.56.Before the release of Justice League,many people showed their________.A.pity for the director,Zack SnyderB.concern about the film’s qualityC.higher expectation of the new directorD.support for the actor,Ben Affleck57.According to the author,what’s special about Justice League?A.It advocates social justice.B.It brings lots of fun to the audience.C.It has some brave heroes.D.It brings back childhood memories.58.In Paragraph5the author mainly wants to express his_________.A.views on the film’s weaknessB.advice to the film’s directorC.love for the filmD.expectation of the film’s sequels59.The author mentioned another film producer to________.A.stress the importance of fun in a filmB.show Justice League’s lack of a serious plotC.serve as a warning to the producer of Justice LeagueD.set an example for the producer of Justice LeagueKeys:56-59BDBCSection BDirections:Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I’m a student in my fourth year of a biomedical science degree at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen,but I also work38hours a week at Sainsbury’s to make ends meet.I do three night shifts a week,plus overtime if I can get it.Monday is the most occupied day for me--I work from 10pm until8am on Saturday and Sunday nights,earning just over£100a night,and then I have to be at my first lecture at9am on Monday.By the time I finish lectures,at2pm,I’m exhausted, but I know I have to be back at work by10pm.I constantly have to force myself to stay awake,and to be alert,whatever it takes.A packet of Skittles and a Red Bull usually helps.The work I do at Sainsbury’s is very physical like stacking shelves.I’m lucky because I’m an active person and the amount I lift at work is nothing compared with the weights I lift in the gym.I know I have the strength to bear it.I’m originally from Nigeria.I came here when I was seven,growing up in Croydon,south London.Money was tight.My parents gave me everything I needed,but there was no money to spend on luxuries.I worked hard at school though and,with the help of GT Scholars,I got some of the best A-level grades in my class.Unfortunately,though I had applied for“settled”British residential status when very young, the Home Office waited until I was in sixth form to approve my application.That meant I wasn’t eligible for a student loan.The only way I could afford to go to university was that if I got a job that would pay for all my living costs and my parents,who work in market research,paid for my tuition fees.In Scotland,that’s about£7,000a year.I don’t have much time to socialize because of my job.Ideally,I would also like to have more time to study so I can excel at my course.Yes,I have a lot on my plate,but working hardisn’t new to me.Growing up,my parents and my mentors in the church and at GT Scholars cultivated in me the importance of working hard for what I want in life.My dream is to do an MA in physiotherapy next year and then get a job working for the NHS. But right now,I’m just focused on trying to get the best grades I can.Whenever I find life hard,I tell myself this is about my future.I don’t need much,but I would like to worry less about money and have more free time.That is what I look forward to the most.56.Why does the author work long hours and sometimes overtime every week?A.To help his parents pay off the debts.B.To pay for his tuition fees.C.To prove his ability to earn money.D.To pay for his own living expenses.57.The underlined word“eligible”in the passage can be replaced by________.A.responsibleB.qualifiedC.feasibleD.anxious58.According to the passage,which of the following words can NOT be used to describe the author?A.Sociable.B.Diligent.C.Ambitious.D.Persistent.59.Which of the following proverbs can best summarize the passage?A.A penny saved is a penny earned.B.Actions speak louder than words.is life,there is hope.Section BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I boarded a small plane together with my sister and42other passengers.While flying over the mountains,the plane encountered violent airflow.Losing control suddenly,it hit an unknown mountain peak.The impact of the crash claimed the lives of a few passengers immediately,leaving many injured including my sister.Adding a slight chance of being found out,we waited in the open,as opposed to waiting in the plane,even though it was freezing cold.At night,we slept side by side to keep ourselves warm and melted snow into water.We knew our food couldn’t last us long,sticking to the hope that we would be rescued soon.We knew from radio that the outside world was trying to look for the missing aircraft. However,the aircraft was white and blended in with the snow,making it impossible to be seen from the ter,our hope was dead when we found out via our radio that the rescue effort ended.Now climbing over the mountains ourselves to search for help seemed to be our only chance of survival.Although the crash site was an awful place,with urine(尿)everywhere and smelling of death,I still wished to stay there.But my sister would give in to her injuries soon if we were not rescued.Thus,together with two other people,Canessa and Vizintin,I decided to walk through the icy wilderness for help.Carrying some food and water,the three climbers started our journey. If we had known anything about climbing,we would have realized that we were already finished. The mountain we were about to challenge was one with slopes so steep that it would scare away a team of expert climbers.Our ignorance provided our only chance.We endured exhaustion and starvation and we had reached the top.To our horror,we found nothing.Disappointed,we were about to give up hope when I spotted a valley at the base of the mountain and again we started making our way down the mountain.Eventually,at the bottom of the mountain we were helped by a local farmer who called the police for help.I then guided the rescue team via a helicopter to the crash site.Finally,after we had endured nineteen cruel days,the world found out that there were16survivors who had cheated death despite the odds.56.Why did they stay outside the plane?A.Because they didn’t want to stay with dead people inside.B.Because it’s easier to obtain melted snow for water.C.Because they hoped to be seen by the rescue people.D.Because other passengers were against staying inside.57.Why did the author leave the crash site despite his wish to stay?A.Because he could get help from two experienced climbers.B.Because his sister might die without timely medical help.C.Because the crash site was too terrible for him to stay in.D.Because he would like to be tested by the steep mountain slopes.58.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Rescue people didn’t notice the aircraft because of its color at the beginning.B.The public knew where the plane crashed from the radio.C.The author gave up the climb halfway due to disappointment.D.More than half of the plane passengers were finally rescued.59.The underlined sentence had cheated death despite the odds is closest in meaning to ________.A.had told lies about death in spite of realityB.had avoided death in spite of huge difficultiesC.had treated death with positive attitudeD.had almost died in spite of strange expectationDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Flu is killing us.The usual response to the annual flu is not enough to fight against the risks we currently face,let alone prepare us for an even deadlier widespread flu that most experts agree will come in the future.Yes,we have an annual vaccine(疫苗),and everyone qualified should get it without question.The reality,however,is that less than half Americans get the flu vaccines.Andthe flu vaccines we have are only60%effective in the best years and10%effective in the worst years.We urgently need a much more effective flu vaccine.In the U.S.alone,seasonal flu can cause up to36million infections,three-quarters of a million hospitalizations and56,000deaths.We are not investing the resources needed to protect ourselves,our loved ones and our communities.Why not?We haven’t been hit by a truly destructive widespread disease in a long time.So as individuals,we let down our guard as our leaders quietly defund and destaff the services we need to protect us.The risk of continued foot dragging is huge.In a severe widespread disease,the U.S.health care system could be defeated in just lions of people would be infected by the virus, and would die in the weeks and months following the initial outbreak.The cost of preventing epidemics(流行病)is roughly a tenth of what it costs to cope with them when they hit.In2012,a call was issued for an annual billion-dollar mitment to the development of a universal flu vaccine.Six years later,the search for a universal vaccine remains seriously underfunded.The simple reason lies in our collective satisfaction.As soon as headlines about the flu are gone,hospitals are emptied of flu patients,and school and workplace absence rates decline,we go back to business as usual.Leading scientists and public health officials have the capability to keep us much safer from flu.They need your quick and decisive support to succeed.Your action today may be a matter of life and death for you and your loved ones.56.The problem of the current flu vaccines is that_____.A.they are not available every yearB.most Americans are not allowed to get themC.not everyone is qualified for themD.many people still catch flu after getting them57.What does the author mean by“continued foot dragging”in Paragraph4?A.Hospitals cannot meet the needs of patients during flu outbreaks.B.The leaders continue to drag the feet of the patients infected with flu.C.Individuals aren’t alert enough to the underinvestment in flu prevention.D.Flu will certainly become a severe widespread disease in the near future.58.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Science is currently not so developed as to keep us safer from flu.。

III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.This article is for all of the teenagers out there. Even though ___41___ you are years from being fully grown, society regularly expects you to adult. Yes, you are ___42___ in many ways: many of you drive and do so quite safely, and you handle schedules that would ___43___ many adults. But you probably cannot process caffeine(咖啡因) as constantly as your parents can because of your still-growing bodies and brains.I understand it feels grown-up to be drinking a cup of Starbucks. But all of this caffeine may worsen your anxiety, affect tonight’s sleep and tomorrow’s school performance, ___44___ nutrient absorption and even cause real trouble when mixed with alcohol. The following four aspects may well ___45___ the theme of this article.The power of caffeineCaffeine is widely considered a drug that is socially acceptable, universally used, even cool, but it still causes ___46___ symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and a lack of attention when removed from coffee-addicts’ diets.How much is healthy?Caffeine is by no means a nutrient; you do not need it to be healthy. ___47___, it is a substance that can leave you lacking nutrients because it has been shown to reduce calcium (钙). Caffeine probably causes the body to release water. And the more caffeinated drinks you consume, the less likely you are to drink water. So experts say that adolescents should consume ___48___ amounts of caffeine a day (≤100 mg).Caffeine’s ___49___According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 65 percent of middle and higher schoolers are ___50___ to insufficient sleep on school nights. Some of their sleep problems can be mainly attributed to (归因于) caffeine, which can remain in the body for seven hours after ___51___, thus causing teens’ worse performance the next day. It is widely assumed that adequate sleep ___52___ proper growth and brain development. During childhood and adolescence, thebrain goes through a period called synaptic pruning(突触修剪) when unnecessary connections are promoted.Caffeine labellingCaffeine is not listed on the Nutrition Facts column on food labels because it is not a ___53___. It may be listed as an ingredient, but the amount is not required. Caffeine is now added to foods such as gum, candy and water, along with makeup and beauty products that ___54___ to reduce swelling (肿块).Taste preferences and eating habits are often cultivated in childhood and adolescence, so teens, when you consume sweet, caffeinated drinks every time you feel sluggish (无精打采的), you are creating a pattern that may be hard to break as an adult. It is advisable to come up with other ___55___ ways to boost energy so that you can master adulting better than many adults.41. A. potentially B. necessarily C. developmentally D. materially42. A. mature B. experienced C. productive D. disciplined43. A. delight B. frustrate C. liberate D. exclude44. A. promote B. assist C. intensify D. discourage45. A. call for B. account for C. turn to D. appeal to46. A. withdrawal B. addiction C. nutrition D. infection47. A. Therefore B. Instead C. Moreover D. Otherwise48. A. initial B. sufficient C. moderate D. stable49. A. reputations B. confirmations C. implications D. disadvantages50. A. subjected B. alerted C. reduced D. opposed51. A. stimulation B. concentration C. excitement D. consumption52. A. results from B. contributes to C. benefits from D. attends to53. A. therapy B. material C. nutrient D. substitute54. A. fail B. appear C. promise D. happen55. A. instructive B. comprehensive C. extensive D. alternativeKeys: 41-45 CABDB 46-50 ABCDA 51-55 DBCCDⅢ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Keeping The Taps Running in Thirsty CitiesWater covers 71% of Earth’s surface yet only 2% of it is accessible as a source of fresh water. ___41___ on this limited resources is rising, a trend likely to continue.It is important to recognize that it is not just city residents who ___42___ water. Agriculture, industry and tourism often require more water than the municipal water supply. Globally, 70% of fresh water is ___43___ for agriculture, but locally in heavily irrigated(灌溉) areas this can increase to 90%. A healthy environment also requires fresh water, and the quality of available water is as important as its ___44___.Water stress is not always caused by physical shortages in dry areas. ___45___ for water resources between different users within river catchments or basins can also be a cause.Every thirsty city operates within its own context, ___46___ to the challenge of providing adequate water supplies. Cape Town, ___47___, has faced three years of drought during which winter rains failed to materialize. At the end of the 2017 rainy season the city faced the ___48___ of its dams running dry during 2018. The dams were only 37% full—in the same week four years before they were full to the top. In January 2018, it was ___49___ that Cape Town would reach Day Zero, when it would be forced to turn off the taps, in April. This was despite the city reducing its water use by more than half, from 1.2 billion litres a day in 2015 to fewer than 600 million litres, and working ___50___ with industry and agriculture to reduce demand.On February 1, the authorities put in place a strict limit of 50 litres of water per person per day. ___51___, in Britain this is considered enough for a five-minute shower of half a washing machine cycle on full load.In addition, a ban was placed on using ___52___ water for gardens, water management devices were installed at household with a high water use and the water pressure was reduced to cut demand and leaks. At the same, the city launched a media ___53___ to change habits and introduced higher duties. This is not without its costs; agriculture and tourism, both significant areas of employment, have ___54___. It is a classic example of the problem of watereconomics-the cost of water is low but the cost of a lack of water is very high.Crises such as the Cape Town drought are in danger of becoming the new norm. The ___55___ of Day Zero must serve as a wake-up call for cities across the world to develop cost-effective water management strategies to cope with an uncertain future.41. A. Impact B. Pressure C. Impression D. Observation42. A. recycle B. waste C. consume D. apply43. A. restored B. abstracted C. separated D. preserved44. A. change B. source C. origin D. volume45. A. Competition B. Protection C. Construction D. Regulation46. A. contributing B. regarding C. responding D. referring47. A. in addition B. for example C. on the contrary D. as a result48. A. prospect B. illustration C. symptom D. security49. A. reported B. presented C. predicted D. explained50. A. respectively B. increasingly C. restrictively D. extensively51. A. By comparison B. In other words C. To our surprise D. What’s more52. A. feasible B. drinkable C. inevitable D. influential53. A. campaign B. statement C. presentation D. advertisement54. A. invaded B. liberated C. suffered D. proceeded55. A. change B. theory C. record D. threatKeys: 41-45 BCBDA 46-50 CBACD 51-55 ABACDⅢ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Early decision-you apply to one school, and admission is binding(有法律约束力的)---seems like a great choice for nervous applicants. Schools ___41___ a higher percentage of early-decisionapplicants, which arguably means that you have a better chance of being enrolled. And if you do, you’re done with the whole painful process by December. But most students and parents don’t realize that schools have hidden ___42___ for offering early decision.Early decision, since it’s binding, allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students; it allows ___43___ committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come. It also gives schools a higher yield rate(优秀学生率), which is often used as one of the ways to ___44___ college selectivity and popularity.The problem is that this process effectively ___45___ the window of time students have to make one of the most important decisions of their lives up to that point. Under ___46___ admissions, seniors have until May 1 to choose which school to attend; early decision effectively steals six months from them, months that could be used to visit more schools, do more research, speak to current students and alumni (校友) and arguably make a more ___47___ decision.There are, frankly, an astonishing number of exceptional colleges in America, and for any given student, there are a number of schools that are a great ___48___. When students become too fixated (专注) on a particular school early in the admissions process, that fixation can lead to ___49___severe disappointment if they don't get in or, if they do, the possibility that they are now bound to go to a school that, given time for further ___50___, may not actually be right for them.Early decision offers a genuine admissions edge, that advantage goes largely to students who already have ___51___ advantages. The students who use early decision tend to be those who have received higher-quality college guidance, usually a result of coming from a more privileged background. ___52___, there’s an argument against early decision, as students from lower-income families are far less likely to have the admissions know-how(招生诀窍) to ___53___ figure out the often confusing early deadlines.Students who have done their research and are confident that there's one school they would be thrilled to get into should, under the current system, probably ___54___ under early decision. But for students who haven't yet done enough research, or who are still constantly changing their minds on favorite schools, the early-decision system needlessly and prematurely ___55____ the field of possibility just at a time when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options.41. A. let in B. turn down C. make up D. give away42. A. dangers B. costs C. assumptions D. purposes43. A. admissions B. joint C. inquiry D. investigative44. A. detail B. measure C. achieve D. represent45. A. neglects B. provides C. shortens D. marks46. A. future B. regular C. random D. compulsory47. A. informed B. honoured C. imposed D. complicated48. A. fit B. aid C. hit D. net49. A. therefore B. otherwise C. however D. furthermore50. A. comment B. enhancement C. implication D. reflection51. A. mutual B. favourite C. numerous D. temporary52. A. In other words B. In this regard C. In particular D. In brief53. A. hesitantly B. relatively C. deliberately D. efficiently54. A. consult B. volunteer C. adjust D. apply55. A. occupies B. encloses C. narrows D. exploresKeys: 41-45 ADABC 46-50 BAABD 51-55 CBDDCIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Marmoset monkeys exist on a branch of the evolutionary tree that is distinct from the one that led to mans. But they constantly astonish researchers with ___41___ behavior that seems pretty highly evolved. Their social organization and ___42___ practices could have been the model for the phrase “It takes a village.” A dominant male and female breed, and their babies are carefully looked after by extended family members who then aren't free to breed themselves.A new study further ___43___ the marmoset’s reputation for admirable community values. Researchers report that these caregivers share their food more generously with little ones ___44___ than when they’re surrounded by the watchful eyes of other community members. In complex societies where individuals band together for ___45___ protection, researchers have come up with a few widely accepted explanations for selfless behavior. But specific acts, like sharing a delicious cricket(蟋蟀) with a begging baby marmoset, seem to need more ___ 46___ explanationOne possibility is that an individual practices ___ 47___ as a means of enhancing his status among peers. By ___ 48___ that he is so well gifted with material goods that he can give some away, this do-gooder enhances his power within the group. That, in turn, may ___49___ prospective mates. The other explanation for charitable behavior ___50___ that kindnesses extended to others are simply the fees of group membership, which offers some future promise of a chance to mate. Failure to share would result in exclusion from the group and a loss of ___51___ partners. Scientists call this the “pay to stay” model. Importantly, for both of these models to work, acts of kindness must have a(n) ___52___. That suggests you would see more sharing in group settings; away from judging eyes, a caregiver might be more likely to keep food for himself or herself. And yet, in 2,581 tests conducted with 31 adult and 14 baby marmosets, the ___53___ appeared to be trueAnthropologists (人类学家) from the University of Zurich carefully documented how often, in groups and in conditions that found caregiver and baby separated from the crowd, an adult would share his or her cricket. When alone with a baby begging for a taste, adult marmosets shared their cricket 85% of the time. When in a group, caregivers offered up their cricket 67% of the time.” Our results show that he lping in common marmosets is not driven by reputation management or ___54___ avoidance, “ the study authors reported Rather, it is driven by a deep-down motivation to help that is more ___55___ expressed when individuals are alone with young.”41.A. animal B. careful C. social D. individual42.A. evolving B communicating C organizing D. parenting43.A shines B damages C. affects D protests44.A. at play B in private C. on schedule D by accident45.A. adequate B effective C. continual D. mutual46.A. creative B complex C specific D. official47.A. generosity B wisdom C independence D governance48.A. promising B demonstrating C. pretending D. explaining49.A. count on B. go after C. appeal to D. benefit from50. A. assumes B. confirms C. enhances D. concludes51. A. regular B. dominant C. potential D. previous52. A. atmosphere B. audience C. feedback D. judge53. A. statistics B. expectation C. argument D. opposite54. A. responsibility B. punishment C. arrangement D. difficulty55. A. strongly B. causally C. delicately D. fearlesslyKeys: 41 -45 CDABD 36-50 CABCA 51-55 CBDBAIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.For centuries, time was measured by the position of the sun with the use of sundials. Noon was recognized when the sun was the highest in the sky, and cities would set their clock by this apparent ___41___ time, even though some cities would often be on a slightly different time. Daylight Saving Time (DST), sometimes called summer time, was ___42___ to make better use of daylight. Thus, clocks are set forward one hour in the spring to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening and then set back one hour in the fall to return to ___43___ daylight.Benjamin Franklin first conceived the idea of daylight saving during his term as an American delegate in Paris in 1784 and wrote about it ___44___ in his essay, “An Economical Project.” It is said that Franklin awoke early one morning and was surprised to see the sunlight at such an hour. Always the ___45___, Franklin believed the practice of moving the time could save on the use of candlelight, as candles were expensive at the time.In England, builder William Willett (1857–1915) became a strong supporter for Daylight Saving Time upon noticing blinds(百叶窗) of many houses were ___46___ on an early sunny morning. Willet believed everyone, including himself, would appreciate longer hours of light in the evenings. In 1909, Sir Robert Pearce ___47___ a bill in the House of Commons to make it obligatory(义务) to ___48___ the clocks. A bill was drafted and introduced into Parliament several times but met with great opposition, mostly from farmers. ___49___, in 1925, it was decided that summer time should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April and close after the first Saturday in October.The U.S. Congress passed the Standard Time Act of 1918 to establish standard time and ___50___ and set Daylight Saving Time across the continent. This act also devised(制定) five time ___51___ throughout the United States: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, and Alaska. The first time zone was set on “the mean astronomical time of the seventy-fifth degree of longitude west from Greenwich” (England). In 1919, this act was abandoned.President Roosevelt established year-round Daylight Saving Time (also called War Time) from 1942–1945. However, after this period, each state ___52___ its own DST, which proved to be ___53___ to television and radio broadcasting and transportation. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson created the Department of Transportation and signed the Uniform Time Act. As a result, the Department of Transportation was given the responsibility for the time laws. During the oil embargo(禁运) and energy crisis of the 1970s, President Richard Nixon ___54___ DST through the Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 to conserve energy further. This law was ___55___ in 1986, and Daylight Saving Time was reset to begin on the first Sunday in April (to spring ahead) and end on the last Sunday in October (to fall back).41.A. popular B. solar C. particular D. singular42.A. employed B. evaluated C. distributed D. contributed43.A. fruitful B. full C. beautiful D. normal44.A. negatively B. alternatively C. extensively D. aggressively45.A. journalist B. physicist C. chemist D. economist46.A. closed B. opened C. fixed D. installed47.A. introduced B. restricted C. donated D. deleted48.A. stop B. adjust C. wind D. mend49.A. Permanently B. Eventually C. Unfortunately D. Theoretically50.A. reserve B. persevere C. preserve D. observe51.A. places B. districts C. zones D. territories52.A. interrupted B. tempted C. imported D. adopted53.A. pleasing B. confusing C. convincing D. comforting54.A. extended B. afforded C. abandoned D. defended55.A. assembled B. combined C. abused D. modifiedKeys: 41-45 BADCD 46-50 AABBC 51-55 CDBADⅢ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.After my public lectures on evolution, someone in the audience asks, “Are we still evolving?”People want to know if humans are getting taller, smarter, better looking or more athletic. My answer is truthful but ___41___: We’re almost certainly evolving, but don’t know in what ___42___ or how fast.We’ve seen some evolution in our species over the past few millennia, but it was detected by reconstructing history from DNA sequences. For example, we know that during the past 10,000 years, several populations of humans — those keeping sheep, cows or goats for milk— gained the ability to digest dairy products. This quality was ___43___ useless in our earlier ancestors who, after babyhood, never encountered milk. And in the past 3,000 years, Tibetans have acquired ___44___ genetic adaptations that allowed them to develop well in their high-altitude, low-oxygen home. But these well-documented changes are limited to particular populations, so the ___45___ evidence for recent evolution of our entire species, remains not much.The authors of “Evolving Ourselves” ___46___ disagree. Not only, they claim, are we evolving faster than ever, but we’re doing it to ourselves. Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans argue that humans have ___47___ controlled evolution — not just in our own species but virtually in allspecies: “For better or worse, we are increasingly in charge. We are the primary drivers of ___48___ change. We will directly and indirectly determine what lives, what dies, where, and when. We are in a different phase of evolution: the future of life is now ___49___ in our hands.”According to the authors, we’ve replaced natural selection with what they call “___50___unnatural selection.” Overfishing, for example, has reduced the average size of many fish species, for taking the biggest fish is ___51___ those smaller fishes.Yet while there’s no doubt that we’re changing the planet, the claim that we’re completely changing evolution on the planet ___52___does not follow. Let’s take those fish that are evolving to reproduce smaller and younger for example. This ___53___phenomenon has been documented in many species that we eat, but this is just a minuscule fraction(极小的一部分) of the 30,000 known species of fish.The authors speak with ___54___unwarranted assurance about how our species is evolving in response to nearly everything. When they claim, for example, our ingestion(摄取) of drugs and exposure to chemicals mean that “our children’ s brains are evolving fast,” they are abusing(滥用) the word “___55___evolution.” Out children’s brains may be changing fast in response to the new pharmacological(药理学的)environment, but change alone is not evolution.41. A. instructive B. disappointing C. decisive D. conflicting42. A. direction B. region C. frequency D. condition43. A. beneficial B. adaptable C. unique D. useless44. A. unproved B. changeable C. genetic D. mysterious45. A. study B. evidence C. interest D. implication46. A. disagree B. support C. follow D. approve47. A. delayed B. overdone C. neglected D. controlled48. A. unbalance B. disaster C. change D. disturbance49. A. in our hands B. out of order C. in peace D. out of control50. A. destructive B. unnatural C. adventurous D. emotional51. A. by means of B. at the cost of C. in favor of D. for the protection of52. A. makes no sense B. makes great impressionC. calls attentionD. comes to an end53. A. problem B. mistake C. phenomenon D. obstacle54. A. strong B. baseless C. sensitive D. persuasive55. A. environment B. technology C. exposure D. evolutionKeys: 41-45 BADCB 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 CACBDIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or; phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.“Nature and Nurture”People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviour are formed. However, it is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is ___41___.Social scientists are of course ___42___ interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviour. There are no clear answers yet, but two ___43___ schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from each other, and there is a great deal of debate between ___44___ of each theory. The controversy(争论) is often conveniently referred to as “nature and nurture”.Those who ___45___ the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behaviour patterns are ___46___ determined by biological factors. That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behaviour is ___47___ to this theory. Taken to an extreme, this theory states that our behaviour is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our ___48___.Supporter s of the “nurture” theory, or, as they are often called, ___49___, claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist, B. F. Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behaviour is almost completely ___50___ by their surroundings. The behaviorists’ view of the human being is quite mechanistic. They state that, like machines, humans respond to ___51___ stimuli(刺激) as the basis of their behaviour.Socially and politically, the consequences of these two theories are ___52___ . In the US, for example, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some “nature” supporters to conclude that blacks are genetically lower in status t han whites are. Behaviorists, ___53___, say that the differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often robbed of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy, and that, as a result, they do not develop the same ___54___ that whites do.Neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behaviour. As a matter of fact, it is quite ___55___ that the key to our behaviour lies somewhere between these two extremes and that the controversy will continue for a long time is certain.41. A. sensitive B. productive C. competitive D. aggressive42. A. moderately B. extremely C. reluctantly D. scarcely43. A. distinct B. reliable C. relevant D. equal44. A. objectors B. operators C. opponents D. advocates45. A. claim B. support C. resolve D. inherit46. A. completely B. largely C. thoroughly D. merely47. A. sensitive B. open C. central D. subject48. A. abilities B. capacities C. personalities D. instincts49. A. experts B. scientists C. environmentalists D. behaviorists50. A. shaped B. dominated C. oppressed D. restricted51. A. environmental B. biological C. genetic D. psychological52. A. temporary B. slight C. fatal D. far-reaching53. A. on the contrary B. as a whole C. after all D. for instance54. A. habits B. responses C. characteristics D. advantages55. A. necessary B. impossible C. unreasonable D. likelyKeys: 41-45 CBADB 46-50 BCDDA 51-55 ADABDIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.You’ve been painting for a few years, and maybe you have even sold a painting or two. Are you ready to ___41___ the title of an amateur artist?Distinguishing green hand from professional artists is ___42___ task. It is not just a matter of your ability to create nice paintings. It’s not only about painting techniques. And for most cases, it doesn’t happen ___43___. Very few artists become overnight success without years of struggle and suffering.To turn professional, people find it critical to develop a personal style. What makes your paintings ___44___ among other paintings out there? Are your paintings standing out unmistakably directed to you as the creator? A personal style comes along with technique, painting medium, and subject and it tends to develop gradually over time. You ___45___ it through unconscious and constant exploring and self-shaping. Style does not mean that you are painting the same subject or using the same painting medium. Salvador Dali used to use many artistic media, but they all have a ___46___ Dali style. Style refers to the emotions and thoughts delivered by your paintings, which people can identify with. Their ___47___ of the painter is then a sure thing.Artists talk about their ___48___ all of the time. What gets you out of bed every morning to paint? How do you find the energy to have all your time devoted to painting? ___49___, we all love to do what we do and we get a satisfaction out of creating. For the professional artist, it goes beyond that. Some artists wish to convey a deep message concerning life, society or even politics. Others simply seek ___50___ returns to cover k ids’ tuition fees or pay family bills. Yet, all professional artists know that they have to keep working to achieve the goals.Many amateur artists passively wait for ___51___ to come. If they are not in the mood, they do not bother wasting the time. They sometimes allow themselves to be occupied by events like parties. Professionals are never easily ___52___ or torn away from their art work in progress. Focused on their work so much, some even regard spending time outside their ___53___ as crime ___54___ is their secret to high productivity.Besides, professional artists are constantly prepared to grab new ideas for the next painting, which they believe is sure to be better than the previous one. The belief that there is always room。

V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 他刚要关闭电脑,就在这时手机响了。
(when)73. 他将代表全班同学在新年晚会上向老师们表示真诚的感谢。
(on behalf of)74. 我们付出的每一次努力未必都能成功,但是但凡值得我们做的事情都值得做好。
(worth)75. 不只是一个人的日常言谈举止,就连他目前正在读的那本书都清楚地向我们表明了他是一个怎样的人。
(as well as)Keys:1. He was about to turn off / shut down the computer when the / his cell / mobile phone rang.2. On behalf of the whole class / all his classmates, he will express / show / extend sincere gratitude / thanks to the teachers at the New Year / Year’s Party.3. Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is not necessarily successful. … / Every effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, …4. The book (that / which) a person is reading at present as well as his daily words and deeds / actions clearly indicates / shows / suggests what kind of person he is.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。

2019上海高三英语一模摘要:一、引言1.介绍2019 年上海高三英语一模考试2.考试的重要性二、考试内容概述1.听力部分2.阅读理解部分3.语法填空部分4.写作部分三、考试难度分析1.听力部分难度2.阅读理解部分难度3.语法填空部分难度4.写作部分难度四、备考策略1.提高听说读写能力2.积累词汇和语法知识3.增强阅读理解能力4.多做模拟试题五、结论1.总结2019 年上海高三英语一模考试2.对备考学生的建议正文:2019 年上海高三英语一模考试作为高考前的重要热身,对考生们来说具有很高的参考价值。
一、引言2019 年上海高三英语一模考试于年初举行,旨在帮助学生熟悉高考题型,了解自身英语水平。

(完整版)2019年上海⾼三英语⼀模考试作⽂题汇编(word包含答案)备战2020上海⾼考2019 年上海⾼三英语⼀模考试作⽂题汇编⼀、2019届崇明区⾼三⼀模作⽂76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.中华中学为了进⼀步规范学校的社团建设,提⾼社团活动的品质,向⼴⼤师⽣征求意见。
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Lin,In order to enrich students' campus cultural life, increase students' knowledge and cultivate students' ability, the senior high school of our school has carried out club activities as scheduled at the beginning of the new semester.Inheriting the tide of The Times and creating the historical precedent, the association activities combine "science and technology, academically, entertainment and novelty" into one. The associations are divided into four types: professional in science and technology, artistic in literature, academic in practice and literary in shape. I think there are too many associations, which have affected students' main courses. The reason that causes this kind of situation is that the student hobby is extensive, and the league committee of the school also is to satisfy the demand of the student as far as possible, ignoring the problem of other respect consequently.I suggest the establishment of quality clubs, the central China institute of learning has always insisted on serving the healthy development of student clubs, comprehensive development of depth, connotation, taste, value, meaningful club activities, constantly enrich the campus cultural life.Your student⼆、2019届徐汇区⾼考英语⼀模VI. Guided Writing76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.学校将组织⼀次“我⼼⽬中的英雄”主题班会活动,请你以Heroes in My Heart为题,写⼀篇演讲稿。

1宝山区(A)Many people experience problems with their spine(脊椎) as they age. The tissue that protects the joints in the spine gradually breaks down. As a consequence, the bones, in the spine begin to rub against each other. This further harms that issue as well as the bones. The result is pain in the joints and, sometimes, in nerves near the spine.This painful problem is actually a disease called osteoporosis. Some people are more at risk of osteoporosis because of genes that they inherited from their ancestors. Extremely heavy people are also more likely to suffer from this disease because their extra weight puts much pressure on their joints. Fortunately, there are steps that people can take to help prevent osteoporosis from developing in their spine.The most important step is exercise. Stretches can help the muscles around the spine relax and allow bones to shift into better alignment(排列), Strength exercises with light weights or bodyweight exercises like pushups can also help by strengthening the muscles around the spine. However, people should not overdo these exercises as repeated motions can strain the muscles around the spine. Trying to lift heavy weights with poor technique can have the same effect.Another important factor is diet. It affects the health of spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. These include B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which helps keep nerves healthy. People can get more B vitamin and omega 3 fatty acids by taking supplements sold by stores. Another important factor is vitamin D. which is essential for strong bones. All of these vitamins and acids can be obtained from food. Thus people can help themselves by including them in their daily diets.56 What does this article mainly explain?A. Various aspects of a medical condition.B. The actions of viruses that cause illnesses.C. Drugs often used to solve the physical issue.D. The location of organs in the human body.57. How does the writer begin this article?A. By predicting improvement.B. By analyzing a series of data.C. By introducing minor injuries.D. By describing a gradual process58. What can readers find in this article?A. A warning about working out too hard.B. A method for improving sleep quality.C. A slogan used to promote health classes.D. A big criticism often aimed at doctors.59. What does the article imply about supplement?A. They are mainly for youngsters.B. They are commercial products.C. They are now being researched.D. They are seldom truly effective56—59 ADAB 60—62 CBD 63—66 BCCD2崇明( A )Flu is killing us. The usual response to the annual flu is not enough to fight against the risks we currently face, let alone prepare us for an even deadlier widespread flu that most experts agree will come in the future. Yes, we have an annual vaccine(疫苗), and everyone qualified should get it without question. The reality , however, is that less than half Americans get the flu vaccines. And the flu vaccines we have are only 60% effective in the best years and 10% effective in the worst years. We urgently need a much more effective flu vaccine.In the U.S alone, seasonal flu can cause up to 36 million infections, three-quarters of a million hospitalizations and 56,000 deaths. We are not investing the resources needed to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities.Why not? We haven’t been hit by a truly destructive widespread disease in a long time. So as individuals, we let down our guard as our leaders quietly defund and distaff the services we need to protect us.The risk of continued foot dragging is huge. In a severe widespread disease, the U.S health care system could be defeated in just weeks. Millions of people would be infected by the virus, and would die in the weeks and months following the initial outbreak.The cost of preventing epidemics(流行病) is roughly a tenth of what it costs to cope with them when they hit. In 2012, a call was issued for an annual billion-dollar U.S. commitment to the development of a universal flu vaccine. Six years later, the search for a universal vaccine remained seriously underfunded.The simple reason lies in our collective satisfaction. As soon as headlines about the flu are going hospitals are emptied of flu patients, and school and workplace absence rates declines, we go back to business as usual.Leading scientists and public health officials have the capability to keep us much safer from flu. They need your quick and decisive support to succeed. Your action today may be a matter of life and death for you and your loved ones.56. The problem of the current flu vaccines is that __________.A. they are not available every yearB. most Americans are not allowed to get themC. not everyone is qualified for themD. many people still catch flu after getting them57. What does the author mean by “continued foot dragging” in Paragraph 4?A. Hospitals cannot meet the needs of patients during flu outbreaks.B. The leaders continue to drag the feet of the patients infected with fluC. Individuals aren’t aler t enough to the underinvestment in flu prevention.D. Flu will certainly become a severe widespread disease in near future.58. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Science is currently not so developed as to keep us safer from flu.B. The death from flu is much higher than that from other diseases.C. The general public is partially to blame for the neglect of flu prevention.D. Developing a universal flu vaccine will cost more than dealing with flu.59. The author wrote the passage mainly to _______-.A. teach people more effective ways to fight against fluB. call on people to take flu outbreaks far more seriouslyC. encourage medical scientists to develop more flu vaccinesD. urge the government to publicize the risks of widespread flu.56. D 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. D61. C 62. A 63. A 64. A 65. B 66. B3普陀(A)Last summer, bird-watchers confirmed the discovery of a new species of bird in Cambodia was not an event of particular biological significance, but it was striking for one reason in part. This species of bird was discovered not in an unspoiled rain forest but within the limits Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh – a city the size of Philadelphia.What the researchers found was surprising in cities. The medium-sized city in the state about 110 species of birds, over 95 percent of which would have been growing there urbanization. Ecologically speaking, cities are different, concrete buildings. Rather, each unique bio-profile – a kind of ecological fingerprint – that is against the idea of an environment dead zone.Of course, it’s also true that in the world of birds and plants, as in human society, there is such a thing as worldwide—the city-inhabitants who feel equally at home in San Francisco, Milan and Beijing. Four birds occur in more than 80 percent of the cities studied, and 11 plants occurred in more than 90 percent of the cities. On the plant side, those are seemingly spread by European settlement. In the air, it’s the usual suspects: the rock pigeon and many other birds.“T hey have become completely adapted to urban life,”K atti says.“That’s not much of surprise. But they don’t actually dominate as much as we think they do.”T hose species—occurring in the cities across the globe—represent only a small part of a city’s natural varieties.Not all c ities are equal protectors of native animals and plants, though. One of the biggest predictors for a city’s biodiversity is its urban design. Territory as varied as backyards and street trees can lay important roles in greening a city. In fact, the amouht of green space is a stronger predictor of the density of biodiversity than a city’s size. A metropolis with a sizable network of parks can contain more species per square mile than a much smaller city.In a world where architecture, food, language, fashion and commerce are increasingly globalized, a city’s native animals and plants can be a kind of identity. There may be neighborhoods in London and Paris that resemble Singapore or Hong Kong. Cities are becoming similar, but their natural environments stand completely apart.56. According to the passage, what do you think of Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital?A. It is full of various rare plants and animals.B. Its birds’ population is larger than that of San Francisco.C. It’s as big as Philadelphia in term s of area.D. It is on an equal footing with Beijing and Milan.57. Which of the following statements is NOT the same as the author’s idea?A. From a biological point new changes happen every day.B. From an environmental point the daily changes aren’t obvious enough.C. Each city has different characteristics in terms of ecological development.D. Different species of creatures are born in different cities.58. Some plants are found in many cities in the world, which seems to be a result of ____.A. natural selectionB. globalizationC. urban developmentD. colonization59. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. What Surprising Cities! The Medium-sized City Has Various Species of Birds!B. The Power of Plants and Animals! The Charm of All the Cities!C. The Cities Are Concrete Jungles! Never Think about Them the Same Way Again!D. More Species Per Square Mile! The Amount of Green Space Is a Stronger Predictor!56-59 C B D C 60-62 D C B 63-66 B B A C4青浦(A)Jack London, one of America’s major writers of adventure tales, was born in California in 1876. During his life, London worked at many jobs. His broad life experiences would become the background for his writing.London loved to read. As a teenager, he spent many hours educating himself at the Oakland, California, public library. He attended college at the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed for only six months. He thought Berkeley was “not lively enough” and wanted to do something more exciting.London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had making a living. He knew their problems first hand. He worked as a sailor, farmer, factory employee, railroad worker, and gold prospector, to name just a few of his many jobs.London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland. He loved the water. When he was fifteen years old, he bought a small sailboat called a sloop. Later he sailed to Japan on a schooner, which is a much larger sailing boat. Like many people of the time, Londo n caught the Klondike Gold Rush Fever. In 1897, he headed for Alaska. He didn’t find gold, but he discovered something even more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up with his vivid imagination. London entertained the miners with story after story. Later, using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories.London resolved to live a full, exciting life. He once said, “I would rather be a superb meteor(流星), every atom of me in magnifice nt glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.” Each day, he pushed himself. Once London determined that he was going to be a writer, nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at least one thousand words every day. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, the writer published fifty-one books and hundreds of articles. He was the best-selling and highest-paid author of his day. Many people also considered him to be the best writer. White Fang and The Call of the Wild are his most famous stories and are about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness. Readers can enjoy Jack London’s energy and his talent for telling wonderful stories each time they open one of his novels.56. Why was Jack London able to write on many topics?A. He pushed himself to reach goals.B. He had a variety of experiences and jobs.C. He was drawn to the Klondike Gold Rush.D. He was the best-selling and highest-paid author.57. What prevented Jack London from finishing college?A. That he was hired to sail to Japan.B. That he traveled to Alaska in 1897.C. That he spent much of his time writing.D. That he was not interested in college life enough.58. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph indicates that Jack London ________.A. is expert at universeB. aims high and strives to succeedC. is excited about life in the wildnessD. faces a choice between life and death59. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A. To support the statement that London was the “best writer”.B. To describe life during the Klondike Gold Rush.C. To provide information on Jack London’s life.D. To identify books written by Jack London.56-59 BDBC 60-62 DBA 63-66 BACD5松江区(A)Who would win in a fight, a lion or a tiger? Well, if size has anything to do with the matter, the tiger would win. That’s because tigers are the largest of all cat species. Tigers are not only large, they are also fast. They can sprint as fast as 40 miles per hour for short distances and leap as far as 30 feet horizontally. You might not think that such large, fast, and fierce creatures need help to survive, but they do.It is estimated that at the start of the 20th century, there were over 100,000 tigers living in the wild. By the turn of the century, the number of tigers outside of captivity dwindled to just over 3,000. Interestingly, the most serious threats that tigers face come from a much smaller species, one with an average weight of around 140 lbs. That species is Homo sapiens, better known as humans. Humans threaten tigers in primarily two ways: hunting and destroying habitat.Tigers are hunted for many reasons. People have long valued the famous striped skins. Though trading tiger skins is now illegal in most parts of the world, tiger pelts are worth around $10,000 on the black market. Though the fur would be incentive enough for most poachers, other parts of the tiger can also fetch a pretty penny. Some people in China and other Asian cultures believe that various tiger parts have healing properties. Traditional Chinese medicine calls for the use of tiger bones, amongst other parts, in some prescriptions.Tigers have also been hunted as game. In other words, people hunted tigers solely for the thrill and achievement of killing them. Such killings took place in large scale during the 19th and early 20th centuries, when an English hunter might claim to kill over a hundred tigers in their hunting career. Though this practice is much less popular today than it was in the past, it has not ceased entirely.Humans have done consider able damage to the world’s tiger population through hunting, but perhaps more damage has been caused through the destruction of habitat. Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, all the way from Turkey to the eastern coast of Russia. But over the past 100 years, tigers have lost 93% of their historic range. Instead of spanning all the way across Asia, the tiger population is now isolated in small pockets in southern and southeastern Asia. This is because humans have drastically changed the environments. Humans have built towns and cities. Road and transit systems were created to connect these towns and cities. To feed the people living in these areas, forests and fields have been cleared to create farmland.A major obstacle to preserving tigers is the enormous amount of territory that each tiger requires. Each wild tiger demands between 200 and 300 square miles. Tigers are also both territorial and solitary animals. This means that they are protective of the areas that they claim and they generally do not share with other tigers. Because tigers need so much territory, it is really difficult for conservationists to acquire enough land to support a large population of tigers.56. Which of the following is NOT a reason in the article explaining why tigers are hunted?A. Because tiger skins are worth a lot of money.B. Because tiger parts are used as medicines in some cultures.C. Because some tigers attack local villages.D. Because tigers are hunted for enjoyment by some people.57. The underlined word “incentive” in the third paragraph probably means ________.A. attractiveB. innovativeC. alternativeD. respective58. Which best explains why tigers have lost so much of their habitat according to the text?A. Because tigers are under threat from other animals.B. Because tiger skins are extremely valuable.C. Because the environment has been changed.D. Because tigers need so much space to survive.59. Which of the following best describes the author’s main purpose in writing this article?A. To provide readers with interesting information about the lifestyles of tigers.B. To persuade readers to help the world’s tiger population and to offer ways to help.C. To entertain readers with stories about how tigers hunt and are hunted.D. To explain to readers w hy the world’s tiger population is endangered.(A) 56----59 CACD (B) 60----62 CBD (C) 63----66 ACBD6徐汇AThe lives of the Ancient Greeks revolved(运转)around Eris, a concept by which they defined the universe. They believed that the world existed in a condition of opposites. If there was good, then there was evil;if there was love, then there was hatred; joy, then sorrow; war, then peace; and so on. The Greeks believed that good Eris occurred when one held a balanced outlook on life and coped with problems as they arose. It was a kind of ease of living that came from trying to bring together the great opposing forces in nature. Bad Eris was evident in the violent conditions that ruled men’s lives. Although these things were found in nature and sometimes could not be controlled, it was believed that bad Eris occurred when one ignored a problem, letting it grow larger until it destroyed not only that person, but his family as well. The Ancient Greeks saw Eris as a goddess: Eris, the Goddess of Discord, better known as Trouble.One myth that expresses this concept of bad Eris deals with the marriage of King Peleus and the river goddess Thetis. Zeus, the supreme ruler, learns that Thetis would bear a child strong enough to destroy its father. Not wanting to father his own ruin, Zeus convinces Thetis to marry a human, a mortal(凡人)whose child could never challenge the gods. He promises her, among other things, the greatest wedding in all of Heaven and Earth and allows the couple to invite whomever they please. This is one of the first mixed marriages of Greek Mythology and the lesson learned from it still applies today. They do invite everyone . . . except Eris, the Goddess of Discord. In other words, instead of facing the problems brought on by a mixed marriage, they turn their backs on them. They refused to deal directly with their problems and the result is tragic. In her fury(狂怒), Eris arrives, ruins the wedding, causes a jealous argument between the three major goddesses over a golden apple, and sets in place the conditions that lead to the Trojan War. The war would take place 20 years in the future, but it would result in the death of the only child of the bride and groom, Achilles. Eris would destroy the parents’ hopes for their future, leaving the couple with no legal heirs (继承人) to the throne.Hence, when we are told, “If you don’t invite trouble, trouble comes,” it means that if we don’t deal with our problems, our problems will deal with us . . . with a revenge! It is easy to see why the Greeks considered many of their myths learning myths, for this one teaches us the best way to defeat that which can destroy us.41.Bad Eris is defined in the passage as _______A. the violent conditions of life.B. the problems man encounters.C. the evil goddess who has a golden apple.D. the murderer of generations.42.Zeus married Thetis off because _______A. he needed to buy the loyalty of a great king of mankind.B. he feared the gods would create bad Eris by competing over her.C. he feared the Trojan War would be fought over her.D. he feared being a father of a boy who would kill him in the future.43.Zeus did not fear a child of King Peleus because _______A. he knew that the child could not climb Mt. Olympus and manage to kill a god.B. he knew that the child would be killed in the Trojan War which would happen in 20 years.C. he knew that no matter how strong a mortal child was, he couldn’t overthrow an immortal god.D. he knew that Thetis would always love him above everyone else.44.What does the myth in the passage want to tell us?A. Do not consider a mixed marriage.B. Do not anger the gods.C. Do not ignore the problems that arise in life.D. Do not take myths seriously.56-59 ADCC 60-62 BAB 63-66 DABC7杨浦(A)"Don't tell anyone". We hear these words when someone tells a secret to us. But it can be hard to keep a secret. We're often tempted to "spill the beans", even if we regret it later.According to Asim Shah, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, US, keeping a secret may well "become a burden". This is because people often have an "obsessive(无法摆脱的)and anxious urge to share it with someone".An earlier study, led by Anita E. Kelly, a scientist at the University of Notre Dame, US, suggested that keeping a secret could cause stress. People entrusted with secrets can suffer from depression, anxiety, and body aches, reported the Daily Mail.But with secrets so often getting out, why do people share them at all? Shah explained that people often feel that it will help them keep a person as a friend. Another reason people share secrets is guilt over keeping it from someone close to them. A sense of distrust can develop when people who are close do not share it with each other. "Keeping or sharing secrets often puts people in a position of either gaining or losing the trust of someone," according to Shah.He added that talkative people could let secrets slip out. But this doesn't mean that it is a good idea only to share secrets with quiet people. A quiet person may be someone who keeps everything inside. To tell such a person a secret may cause them stress, and make them talk about the secret.Shah said that to judge whether to tell someone a secret, you'd better put yourself in their position. Think about how you would feel to be told that you mustn't give the information away. Shah also recommended that if you accidentally give up someone's secret you should come clean about it. Let the person know that their secret isn't so secret anymore.56. The underlined phrase "spill the bean" is closest in meaning to _____.A. let out a secretB. tell the truthC. eat our wordsD. take gossip57. A person who is entrusted with a secret ______.A. is often obsessed with a certain threatB. often would rather not have been told about itC. usually has a strong desire to keep it until deathD. may suffer from physical or psychological problems58. What can we learn from the passage?A. Quiet people are more likely to keep the secrets to themselves.B. Sharing secrets helps establish friendship or get over the sense of guilt.C. It’s better to inform others of the chances of your leaking secrets beforehand.D. Putting yourself in others’ shoes helps realize the difficulty of keeping secrets.59. What's the best title for the passage?A. Walls have ears.B. Still tongues make wise heads.C. A word spoken is past recalling.D. Every wall has a crack.56-59 A D D D 60-62 D C B 63-66 A C D B8长宁(A)What to endure before publication?It takes a lot to write a novel. Even those who haven’t tried would say, “Well, duh!” to this. But it’s not much the mind space or the considerable time it takes to write a novel that is as discouraging as how many times any writer must go back to the drawing board for yet another draft. To really ready a novel for publication, a writer must spend time with his or her book. Like any promising relationship, you, the writer , must date your novel, take it out to dinner, meet its parents, and see it through its most trying and desperate times. As a writer, you have to stay up all night with your novel crying and talking and sometimes even pulling your hair out before that perfect moment of inspiration can truly help you cross the finish line.For many published authors I know, myself included, a completed novel takes them about 10, that’s right, 10 drafts, and at least a year of real editing. Will you be spending every single second editing your novel? No, of course not. Just as drafts need some real time on the surgery table, they also need rest in the recovery room. You don’t nurse a relationship by spending every waking second with them until you can’t stand the sight of each other, and you can’t produce a novel by breathing down its literary neck. However, a novel should undergo many drafts---and different kinds of drafts—before declaring it ready for an agent or editor to see.Everyone has their own way to write a novel, and not all craft advice (or even craft “rules”) should all be followed by everyone, but when it comes to the many drafts of a novel, there are specific things a writer should focus on during each revision to help create a smooth transition from the initial idea to final products.56. People are discouraged from writing a novel mainly because it requires _____.A. a good publisherB. too much thinkingC. tons of working timeD. frequent revisions57. What do writers do in the course of creating a novel?A. They spend every minute with the novel.B. They treat the novel as a lover.C. They go out with some readers for dinner.D. They hurt themselves to stay awake.58. By “breathing down its literary neck” in Paragraph 2, the author most probably means _____.A. writing casually thus failing to ta ke readers’ breath awayB. letting go a single mistake thus annoying the readersC. X-raying the work thus finding each literary mistakeD. sticking too close to the work thus causing anxiety59. Which of the following is most likely to come after the last paragraph?A. The importance of using proper transitional words in writing.B. The writing experience shared by famous successful write.C. Tips on how to make ten drafts to complete a good novel.D. Setbacks writers may suffer if ignoring the craft advice.56-59 DBDC 60-62 ABC 63-66 CBDB9虹口(A)There aren't many actors around the world who have enough self-confidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe that was why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said she'd be happy to be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur. Of course he turned her down and it was probably a good thing. It's difficult to imagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, her decision doesn't seem to have done her career. She has gone on to make a string of hits including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The English Patient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat.Success in the United States has not been so easy for other foreign stars. Gerald Depardieu isa good example. Since his first film in 1967, his, filmography(影片集锦)lists 172 acting credits. But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. While some of his films have been popular in the US, they have usually been French films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card, directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts(分配同一类型角色)its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While some reviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieu's performance.While Monsieur Depardieu hasn't received the recognition he would have liked in the United States, one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in。
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One【2019届上海市虹口区高三英语一模试题】Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)There aren’t many actors around the world who have enough selfconfidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe thatwas why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said she’d be happyto be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur. Of coursehe turned her down and it was probably a good thing. It’s difficult toimagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, herdecision doesn’t seem to have done her career any harm. She hasgone on to make a string of hits, including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The EnglishPatient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat.Success in the United States has not been so easy for otherforeign stars. Gerald Depardieu is a good example. Since his firstfilm in 1967, his filmography(影片集锦) lists 172 acting credits.But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. While some ofhis films have been popular in the US, they have usually beenFrench films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card,directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding inorder to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedywhich typecasts (分配同一类型角色) its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While somereviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance.While Monsieur Depardieu has n’t received the recognition he would have liked in the UnitedStates, one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gainedrecognition in Amores Perros in 2000 and a year later in Y tu mama tambien. Since then he hasappeared with hometown hero, Brad Pitt in Babel and, under the direction of top producer anddirector, Jim Jarmusch, he starred in Limits of Control. He hasn’t picked up an Oscar yet, but hewas nominated for a BAFTA(英国电影电视艺术学院奖) in 2005 for his performance as theSouth American hero revolutionary Che Guevara, in Motorcycle Diaries. In the same year heplayed American music icon Elvis Presley in The King.56. It can be inferred from the passage that Juliette Binoche ______.A. very much wanted to be in Jurassic ParkJurassic ParkB. didn’t want to be inC. really wanted to play a dinosaur in Jurassic ParkD. was hesitant whether she could play a dinosaur well57. According to the writer, Gerald Depardieu’s most popular films ______.A. have been made in HollywoodB. have only been seen in EuropeC. have been made in France, but seen in other countries, tooD. have been made in Hollywood, but well received in France”58. The last sentence in Para 2 “others shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance means others thought Depardieu’s performance and the film were ______.A. complexB. interestingC. terribleD. impressive59. The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to suggest that ______.A. Foreign actors generally do well in the United StatesB. American actors are able to earn more money than foreign actorsC. Foreign actors are playing an irreplaceable role in the United StatesD. a successful career in Europe or Latin America doesn’t guarantee success in the USA Keys: 56-59 BCCDTwo【2019届上海市黄浦区高三英语一模试题】Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them. There are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose theone that fits best according to the Information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Despite an advertisement campaign suggesting wall-to-wall special effects, “Bridge ofis grounded in reality far more than in fantasy. Adapting Katherine Paterson’sTerabithia” award-winning novel, the screenwriters David Paterson and Jeff Stockwell have produced athoughtful and extremely affecting story of a transformative friendship between two unusuallygifted children. The result is a movie whose emotional depth could appeal more to adults than totheir children.Jess Aarons (Josh Hutcherson) is a sixth grader with four sisters, financially tensed parentsand a talent for drawing. An introverted(内向的) kid who is regularly picked on by the schoolbuses, Jess forms a bond with a new student named Leslie (Anna Sophia Robb), a free spiritwhose parents, both writers, are fondly neglectful. An attraction between outsiders, theirfriendship feeds on her words and his pictures; together they create an imaginary kingdom in thewoods behind their homes, a world they can control and where their minds can wander free.Beautifully capturing a time when a bully in school can occur as large as a monster in anightmare and the encouragement of a teacher can alter the course of a life, “Bridge to Tera keeps the fantasy in the background to find magic in the everyday. Gabor Csupo directs this, hisfirst feature, like someone close to the pain of being different, fascinated in tiny, perfect details.With strong performances from all the leads, “Bridge to Terabithia” is able to handle adulttopics with sensitivity. As the emotional landscape darkens, those who haven’t read the book be surprised at the sorrow the filmmakers cause without ever resorting to horror or terror. In othertraumatized so badly.words, your children may cry, but they won’t beis the kind of Consistently smart and delicate as a spider web, “Bridge t o Terabithia” children’s movie rarely seen nowadays. At a time when many public schools are being forced tocut music and a rt from the curriculum, the story’s insistence on the healing power of a cultivated imagination is both welcome and essential.56. The second paragraph indicates that Jess and Leslie ________.A. lost their control over the imaginary kingdomB. looked down on their individual realitiesC. formed a good friendship despite their different talentsD. wrote a book about a magical land called Terabithia57. Which of the following words is most likely to replace “traumatized” (paragraph 4)?A. criticizedB. ignoredC. delightedD. shocked58. The two children most likely ________.A. skipped school to play in the woods behind their campusB. created an imaginary world as an escape from realityC. disappointed their parents with their over-active imaginationsD. won against the bullies at school with strong performances59. Which of the following statements will the author most probably agree with?A. The fantasy components of the movie were too over-done.B. The movie is motional but not much too dramatic.C. “Bridge to Terabithia” has a negative impact on public school education.D. Children shouldn’t watch the film as they are too young to understand the topics.Keys: 56-59 CDBBThree【2019届上海市浦东新区高三英语一模试题】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One recent night, while I was leafing through its pages of an old journal, my eyes met a quoteby the British writer Graham Greene that I had marked. “A prejudice had something in commonexpectations of themselves---general descriptions of people’swith an ideal.” In other words, idealsand others---can often lead us to unreasonable ideas. It got me thinking about how we often allowourselves to generalize about groups of people. We like to stereotype people by the color of theirskin, the year of their birth or any other related factors.I grew up in a multi-racial corner of America. The different groups were often subject tonarrow stereotypes: Jewish people were “greedy,” Mexicans were “poorly educated,” and At to us from a young age. They wormed their waywere “good at math.” These labels were taugh。