常规检验项目中英文对照表1 经纬密度 Threads per unit length 结构分析2 针圈密度 Stitch density3 线密度(纱支) Yarn counts4 克重量(质量) Fabric weight5 捻度 Yarn twist6 F 数 Number of filaments7 幅宽 Fabric width8 纬斜Distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics 9 纤维细度Fiber fineness 10 纱线长度Length of thread 11 纤维含量(一组分) fiber composition(1 fiber)纤维配比12 纤维含量(二组分) fiber composition(2 component blend)13 每增加一种成分Each Additional fiber 14 羊毛羊绒Wool and cashmere 15 麻棉含量Linen or ramie and cotton 16 纤维鉴别(二种以上) fiber identification17 耐干摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking(dry) 色牢度18 耐湿摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking(wet) 19 耐皂洗色牢度Colour fastness to washing 20 耐酸汗渍色牢度Colour fastness to perspiration(acid) 21 耐碱汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(alkaline) 22 耐水色牢度 Colour fastness to water 23 耐热压色牢度 Colour fastness to hot pressing 24 耐干热色牢度Colour fastness to dry heat 25 耐干洗色牢度 Colour fastness to drycleaning26 耐唾液色牢度Colour fastness to saliva and perspiration 27 实际洗涤色牢度(一次) Colour fastness to actual laundering 28 每增加一次EachAdditional wash cycle 29 耐光色牢度(4级) Colour fastness to light(4class) 30 每增加一级Each Additional one grade31 耐光汗、复合色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration&light32 耐次氯酸盐漂白色牢度Colour fastness to bleaching(Hypochlorite) 33 耐海水色牢度Colour fastness to sea-water34 耐氯化水色牢度(游泳池水) Colour fastness to chlorinated water(swimming-pool water) 35 拼接互染程度 Colour fastness to patchwork 36 耐酸斑色牢度 Colour fastness to acid spotting 37 耐碱斑色牢度 Colour fastness to alkaline spotting 38 耐水斑色牢度Colour fastness to water spotting 39 耐刷洗色牢度 colour fastness to wet scrubbing 40 pH 值 pH valueGB18401全套41 甲醛含量Formaldehyde content 42 可分解致癌芳香胺染料 AZO dyes 43 异味 Peculiar smell44 耐水色牢度 Colour fastness to water45 耐酸汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(acid) 46 耐碱汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(alkaline) 47 耐干摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking/rubbing 48耐唾液色牢度Colour fastness to saliva and perspiration49 起毛起球-圆轨迹 Pilling resistance(circular locus) 品质测试50 起毛起球-马丁代尔 Pilling resistance(martindale)51 起毛起球-滚箱式(7200转)Pilling resistance(I.C.I pilling box)(7200)52 起毛起球-滚箱式(14400转) Pilling resistance(I.C.I pilling box)(14400) 53 起毛起球-乱翻式Pilling resistance(random tumbler) 54 沾水性 Spray test55 静水压 Hydrostatic pressure 56 透气率 Air Permeability 57 拒油性能 Oil repellency 58 燃烧性能 Flammability59 耐磨性能Abrasion resistance(≤20000 cycles) 60 每增加10000次Each Additional 10000 cycles 61 吸水率Water absorption rate 62 滴水扩散时间 Drip diffusion time 63 蒸发速率Evaporation rate 64 芯吸高度Wicking height 65 透湿量Vapour transmission 66 防污性能(涂层) Soil release 67 免烫性能 No-iron performance68 水洗尺寸变化率 Dimensional Stability to washing 尺寸稳定性及相关测试69 干洗尺寸变化率Dimensional Stability to dry-cleaning 70 汽蒸尺寸变化率 Dimensional Stability to free steam 71 水洗后外观(一次) Appearance after laundering 72 干洗后外观(一次) Appearance after dry-cleaning 73 洗后扭曲/歪斜(一次) Spirality/skewing of fabric & garment 74 每增加一次Each Additional wash cycle 75 断裂强力 Tensile Strength 强力指标76 撕破强力 Tearing Strength 77 接缝滑移 Seam slippage 78 接缝强力 Seam Strength79 弹子顶破强力Bursting strength(Steel ball) 80 单纱强力Single thread Strength 81 含油率 Oil content 其他相关82 回潮率Moisture regain83 重金属含量(每种) Determination of heavy metal content 84 含绒量 Down content 85 清洁度 Degree of cleaning 86 蓬松度 Fill power 87 微生物 Microorganism 88 耗氧指数 Oxygen index89 充绒量Net weight of filling materia 90 标志标识Instructions for garment 91 色差Color difference 92 病疵分析Defect analysis 93 洗唛测试care labelling94规格、外观、缝制Sizes 、visually inspecting 、Sewing备注1、英文及中英文报告不附加费用; 2、更改报告:50元/份; 3、增加报告原件:15元/份; 4.部分为外包项目。
V_C 船检规范 中英文 对照
![V_C 船检规范 中英文 对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/825c940f910ef12d2bf9e7d5.png)
Section C构造安全证书和检验项目表SAFECON Certificate and Checklists序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesC1货船构造安全检验应签发/签署的文件Documents issued/endorsed after Survey for Cargo Ship Safety Construction1C2安全构造证书CSCSAFECON Certificate CSC1C3安全构造初次/换证检验项目表SCcChecklists for SAFECON Initial/ Renewal Survey5C4 安全构造年度/中间检验项目表SCacChecklists for SAFECON Annual/ Intermediate Survey4C5 固体散装货物检验证书CSC和报告BCcCertificate of compliance for the carriage of solid bulk cargoes CSC andchecklists BCc31.1货船构造安全检验后证书和报告的签发各种检验后签发的文件及证书的签署:**仅适用于单独进行构造安全检验时签发,如与船级同时进行检验时不必签发。
1.2货船构造安全证书1.2.1当船舶完成了初次检验、换证检验或换旗检验后,各执行检验单位应根据本分册Section A3的有关规定签发货船构造安全证书。
可在现有证书上按照公约的规定,作完成检验的签署, 具体的规定请见本须知V-A部分。
2.货船构造安全证书的填写2.1一般要求.1船名、呼号、船籍港、总吨位的填写要求参照本须知第四分册Section A2部分。
两个字母表示不适用(Not applicable)。
船舶安全检查项目表1上海福建國航遠洋船舶管理有限公司SHANGHAI FU JIAN GUOHANG OCEAN SHIPMANAGEMENT CO.,LTD. 船舶安全检查项目表Safety Checklist for Ship-on Board2006年11月1日2船舶安全自查项目SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR SHIP-ON BOARD文件 DOCUMENTATION 01证书 CERTIFICATES 依据 Item No1.1 入级证书 BV Rules Classification Certificates1.2 法定证书 Statutory certificates1.2.1 国际载重线证书 ILLCInternational Load Line Certificate1.2.2 货船安全结构证书 SOLAS I/12Cargo Safety Construction Certificate1.2.3 货船安全设备证书 SOLAS I/12Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate1.2.4 货船安全无线电证书 SOLAS I/12Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate1.2.5 安全管理证书(SMC) SOLAS IX/4Safety Management Certificate1.2.6 符合证明 (DOC副本) SOLAS IX/4Document of Compliance1.2.7 免除证书 SOLAS I/12Exemption Certificate(s)1.2.8 国际防止油污染证书 MARPOL I/5Inrernational Oil Pollution Prevention(IOPP)Certificate1.2.9 国际防止生活污水污染证书 MARPOL IVInternational Sewage PollutionPrevention(ISPP)Certificate(provisional)1.2.10 国际吨位丈量证书 TonnageInternational Tonnage Mesurement Certificate1.3 其他法定证书 Other statutory certificates1.3.1 船舶运输危险货物特殊要求符合证明(据船旗国港口当局要求) SOLAS II-2/54.3Document of Compliance with the Special Requirements for Ships CarryingDangerous Goods1.4 配员证书 Manning Certificates1.4.1 安全配员证书 STCWSafe Manning Document1.4.2 船长、大副、值班驾驶员证书和等级证书 STCWCertificates for Master,Chief Match officers and Ratings1.4.3 救生挺筏熟练等级证书 STCWRating Certificates of proficiency in survival crafts1.4.4 轮机长、大管轮和值班轮机员证书 STCWCertificates for Chief Engineer,Second Engineer and Watch Engineer OfficersGMDSS操作员适认证书 STCW 1.4.5 GMDSS Operators certificates of competency1.4.6 所有船员的健康检查证书 ILO 73Medical examination certificate for all crews31.5 其他证书 Other certificates1.5.1 登记(国籍)证书 FAL Certificate of Registry1.5.2 船舶电台许可证ITU Ship’s radio sta tion license除鼠证书 1.5.3 FAL Deratting Certificate船员舱室符合证明 1.5.4 ILO92,133 Document of Compliance for crew accommodations油污损害民事责任保险或其他财务保险证书(据船旗国或港口当局要求)1.5.5 Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Civil Liability CLC 69 VII for Oil Pollution Damage 苏伊士运河特殊吨位证书(据船旗国或港口当局要求) 1.5.6 Suez Canal Regulations Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate巴拿马运河吨位证书(据船旗国或港口当局要求) 1.5.7 Panama Canal Regulations Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate苏伊士运河符合证明(据船旗国或港口当局要求) 1.5.8 Egyptian Regulations Document of Compliance Suez Canal巴拿马运河符合证明(据船旗国或港口当局要求) Panama Canal Regulations 1.5.9 Document of Compliance Panama Canal手册 MANUAKS 依据 Item NoSOLASII-1/22,II-1/25.8; 装载和完整性手册 MARPOL1/13A,13B;BCH2.2.1;1.6.1 Loading and intact stability information bookletIBC2.2.5;GC2.2.3;IGC2.2.5 操纵手册和操纵资料 SOLAS II-1/28 1.6.2 Manoeuvring booklet and manoeuving information救生设备训练手册 1.6.3 SOLAS III/51 Lifesaving appliances training manual船上救生设备保养须知 1.6.4 SOLAS III/52 Instructions for on-board maintenance of saving appliances货物系固手册 1.6.5 IMO DCS circl Cargo seuring manuals船舶油污应急计划 1.6.6 MARPOL I/26l Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan安全管理手册 1.6.7 ISM Code SOLAS Ch. XI Safety Management Manual 废弃物管理手册 1.6.8 ISM Code SOLAS Ch. XI Waste Management Plan 有关的安全文件 SAFETY DOCUMENTATION 依据 Item No破损控制图和手册 1.7.1 SOLAS II-1/23,25.8 Damage control plans and booklets防火控制图 1.7.2 SOLAS II-2/20 Fire control plans4应变须知及应急部署表 1.7.3 SOLAS III/8,III/53 Emergency instructions and Muster lists应急舵机转换程序须知 1.7.4 SOLAS V/19-2 Emergency instructions of steering changeover procedures航海日志和轮机日志 SOLAS II-1/15.9.4,II-1/15.10.2 1.7.5 Dedk and Engine Room Log Book II-1/15.25.2; II-/25-9.4; III/18.5无线电日志 1.7.6 SOLAS IV/17 Radio log book油类记录簿第一部分机器处所操作 1.7.7 MARPOL I/20 Oil Record Bood Part -I Machinery spaces opertion航海出版物 1.7.8 SOLAS V/20 Nautical publications国际信号规则 SOLAS V/21 1.7.9 International Code of SignalsSOLAS XI/2,MARPOL 1/13GI 检验报告档案和加强检验报告 1.7.10ACSZ.10.1,Z.10.2 Surver report file and enhanced survey supporting documents装有无线电报设备船舶应有的出版物 1.7.11 ITU Convention Publications for ships fitted with radiotelephone installations装有无线电报设备船舶应有的出版物 1.7.12 ITU Convention Publications for ships fitted with radiotelephone installations装有GMDSS装置船舶应有的出版物 1.7.13 ITU Convention Publicationsfor ships fitten with GMDSS installations02 演习于训练 TESTS AND DRILLS周期附加情况检测/训练的性质依据 Item No2.1 离港离港前12小时内检验舵机装置和转换程序 SOLAS V/19.225,的船员未参加上月弃船和2.2 离港消防演习,则应在船驶离后24弃船演习和消防演习 SOLAS III/18小时内进行该两项演习外观检查所有救生艇、救助艇及降2.3 每周检查测试 SOLAS III/19.6 落装置,确保随时可用救生艇和救助艇艇机正倒车试车2.4 每周检查测试 SOLAS III/19.6 (至少3分钟)2.5 每周检查测试测试通用紧急报警 SOLAS III/19.6每月训练和检按应急部署表进行实操 2.6 SOLAS III/18.3 测 (弃船训练) 每月训练和检按应急部署表进行实操 2.7 SOLAS III/18.3 测 (消防训练) 每月训练和检救生设备和救生艇装置检查 2.8 SOLAS III/19.7 测2.9 每三月训练应急舵试验 SOLAS III/19.22.10 每三月训练救生艇(自由降落救生艇除外) 下降每一救生艇和救助艇SOLAS III/18.3 2.11 每六月训练适用于自由降落救生艇自由降落救生艇至水面SOLAS III/18.3.7 2.12 其他操作要求船员上船不迟于2星期船上救生设备的使用训练 SOLAS III/18.4 2.13 其他操作要求间隔期不超过4个月救生筏施放的使用训练 SOLAS III/18.4503,船员居住舱室、安全和健康 CREW ACCOMMODATIONS, SAFETY AND HEALTH 居住舱室 ACCOMMODATIONS周期名称要求 Item No检查船员房间及餐厅是否保持清洁和害虫出没,无污船员房间和餐厅 3.1.1 每周染,无损坏地面。
V_J 船检规范 中英文 对照
![V_J 船检规范 中英文 对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72085d077c1cfad6185fa7d7.png)
Section J MARPOL73/78公约规定的检验Survey required by MARPOL 73/78序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesJ1一般要求General Requirement1J2防止油类污染证书(COP/CMP)的填写说明Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate1J3 结构和设备记录(格式A和B)的填写Record of Construction and Equipment (Form A & B )7J4 检验报告(格式Opc1、Opc2)的填写Check List for Survey Under Annex I of MARPOL 73/78(Form Opc1, Opc2 )7J5 防止有毒液体物质污染证书CNL或适装证书的填写Nioxious Substance Pollution Prevention Certificate1J6 防止有毒液体物质污染检验报告(NLc)的填写Check List for Survey Under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78( Form NLc )2J7 防止船舶生活污水染证书(CSW)的填写Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate2J8 防止船舶垃圾造成污染检验证明CGP的填写Statement of Garbage Pollution Prevention1J9 防止空气污染证书(CAP)的填写Air Pollution Prevention Certificate1J10 防止空气污染证书附件(格式AIR)的填写Record of Construction and Equipment ( Form AIR )2J11 防止空气污染检验报告(APC)的填写Check List for Survey Under Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78( Form APc )11.1.防污染检验应签发/签署的文件注:+表示检验项目表只存档,并在初次或换证检验时寄总部,而不发船东。
目录一.名词部分(一)船舶1.船舶与海上设施的种类………………………………………… P.4-72.数据、资料及术语……………………………………………… P.7-113.舱室处所………………………………………………………… P.11-154.高级船员和船员………………………………………………… P.15-165.船级……………………………………………………………… P.16(二)船体1.船体结构………………………………………………………. P.16-272.舾装……………………………………………………………. P.27-293.甲板机械………………………………………………………. P.29-31 (三)轮机1.操舵装置………………………………………………………. P.31-322.锅炉与受压容器………………………………………………. P.32-343.汽轮机和燃气轮机……………………………………………. P.34-354.柴油机…………………………………………………………. P.35-395.轴、轴承以及螺旋桨…………………………………………. P.39-416.泵、阀、柜、管和舱底附件…………………………………. P.42-467.齿轮箱及其它装置……………………………………………. P.46-50 (四)电气1.电力推进装置及配套设备和辅助电气设备………………….. P.50-522.无线电设备……………………………………………………. P.52-533.发电机与电动机………………………………………………. P.54-554.配电系统………………………………………………………. P.55-585.变流机、变压器等装置以及开关等………………………….. P.58-636.电缆与照明系统……………………………………………….. P.63-697.报警系统和信号设备………………………………………….. P.69-71 (五)消防………………………………………………………………P.71-73 (六)救生设备…………………………………………………………P.73-76 (七)焊接………………………………………………………………P.76-77 (八)集装箱……………………………………………………………P.77-79二.动词部分(一)船舶处于或遭遇的状态或情况………………………………….P.79-91 (二)缺陷与损坏的类别与原因…………………………………… P.91-109 (三)修理方法………………………………………………………. P.109-114 (四)检验、检查与试验……………………………………………. P.114-119三.短语句子部分(一)短语(1-133)……………………………………………….. P.119-129 (二)句子(134-443)1.有关船舶以及证书报告等方面的叙述…………………… P.129-1322.有关各种原因、目的、条件等的叙述…………………… P.132-1443.有关船舶及船、机、电等状况的叙述…………………… P.144-1574.有关检查、试验与修理等情况的叙述…………………… P.157-166 一.名词部分(一)船舶1.船舶与海上设施的类型Type of Ships and Offshore Installations货船Cargo Ship杂货船General cargo ship干货船Dry cargo ship散货船Bulk carrier矿沙船Ore carrier运煤船Coal carrier集装箱船Container ship滚装货船Ro/Ro ship冷藏船Refrigerated ship运畜船Cattle carrier运木船Timber carrier近海供应船Offshore supply ship散装矿砂船Bulk Ore carrier混装船Combination carrier载驳母船Barge Carrier汽车运输船Car carrier液货船Liquid Cargo Carrier油船Oil tanker化学品液货船Chemical tanker液化气体船Liquefied gas carrier液化天然气运输船Liquefied natural gas carrier油矿两用船Oil/ore carrier油散两用船Oil/bulk carrier油散矿三用船Oil/bulk/ore carrier客船Passenger Ship客船Passenger ship豪华旅游客船Cruise ship旅游船Tourist ship高速客船High speed passenger craft双体客船Passenger catamaran客货船Passenger-cargo ship客箱船Passenger container ship客滚船Ro/Ro Passenger Ship高速船High Speed Craft全垫升气垫船Air-cushion Vehicle水面效应船Surface Effect Ship双体气垫船Air-cushion Catamaran侧壁气垫船Side-wall Hovercraft高速双体船High Speed Catamaran高速单体船High Speed Monohull Craft地效翼船Wing-in Ground Craft水翼船Hydrofoil Craft动力支承船Dynamically Supported Craft两栖船Amphibious Craft小水面单体船Small Waterplane Area Single Hull Ship 小水面双体船Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship 驳船Barge客驳Passenger Barge货驳Cargo Barge敞口驳Open Barge甲板驳Deck Barge集装箱驳Container Barge分节驳Integrated Barge开底驳Hopper Barge油驳Oil Barge趸船(箱形驳)Pontoon拖船Tug港作拖船Harbour Tug打捞拖船Salvage Tug顶推船Pusher近海供应拖船Offshore tug/supply ship工程船Engineering Ship挖泥船Dredger耙吸式挖泥船Trailing suction dredger绞吸式挖泥船Cutter suction dredger链斗式挖泥船Bucket dredger抓斗式挖泥船Grab dredger铲斗式挖泥船Dipper dredger吹泥船Reclamation craft开底泥驳Hopper Barge对开泥驳Split Hopper Barge起重船Floating Crane浮船坞Floating Dock打桩船Floating Pile Driver布缆船Cable Layer潜水工作船Diving Boat港区工作船Harbour Operating Ship破冰船Ice breaker消防船Fire Boat救护船/救助船Rescue Ship引水船Pilot Vessel海关船Customs Boat巡逻船Patrol Boat布标船Buoy Layer灯标船Beacon Boat交通艇Traffic Boat垃圾船Garbage Boat浮油回收船Oil Recovery Ship污水处理船Sewage Disposal Vessel海水淡化船Distilling Ship渡船Ferry乘客渡船Passenger Ferry火车渡船Train Ferry车客渡船Vehicle Passenger Ferry海峡渡船Channel Ferry渔船Fishing Vessel渔品加工船Fish-Factory Ship拖网渔船Trawler围网渔船Netter捕鲸船Whaling Ship活鱼运输船Live Fish Carrier其他船舶科学调查船Research Ship训练船Training Ship特殊用途船Special-purpose Ship内河船Inland Waterways Ship工作船Work Boat抛石船Stone Dumper海上设施Offshore Installations海上移动平台Mobile Offshore Unit海上移动钻井平台Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit水面式平台Surface Unit船式平台Ship-type Unit驳船平台Barge-type Unit自升式平台Self-elevating Unit柱稳式平台Column-stabilized Unit半潜式平台Semi-submersible Unit坐底式平台Submersible Unit采油平台Production Unit储油平台Storage Unit生活平台Accommodation Unit修理平台Repair Unit海上固定平台Fixed Offshore Platform海底管道Submarine Pipeline潜水系统和潜水器Diving System and Submersible单点系泊Single Point Mooring (SPM)浮式生产与储油装置Floating Production and Storage Unit(FSUs)浮式生产、储存及卸载系统Floating Production, Storage andOffloading System (FPSOs)2.数据、资料及术语Data, Information & Technical Terms数据Data总长Length overall(L OA)垂线间长Length bet. perpendiculars (L BP)首、尾垂线Forward and after perpendiculars型宽Moulded breadth型深Moulded depth建造日期Date of build签订建造合同日期Date of building contract龙骨安放日期Date of keel laid交船日期Date of delivery下水日期Launching date重大改建Major conversion安放龙骨或船舶处于相似建造阶段的日期Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction 签订改建合同日期Date of conversion contract改建完工日期Date of completion of conversion船舶所有人Owner经营人Operator承租人Charterer船舶编号或呼号Distinctive number or letters航行区域Navigation area/Service area/Trade area 曾用过的船名Former Name姐妹船Sister Ship总吨位Gross tonnage净吨位Net tonnage排水量Displacement载货量Cargo (dead)weight载重量Deadweight空船重量Light(-ship) weight吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)稳性Stability完整稳性Intact stability破舱稳性Damaged stability分舱(抗沉性)Subdivision初稳性高度Metacentric height衡准数Criterion numeral剖面模数Section modulus惯性矩Moment of inertia纵总强度Longitudinal strength局部强度Local strength方形系数Block coefficient静水弯矩Still water bending moment重心垂直高度Vertical height of centre of gravity屈服应力Yield stress标准舷弧Standard sheer防火分隔Fire division航区限制Navigation area restriction海况限制Sea state restriction天气限制Weather restriction最大抗风暴能力Max. weatherliness储备浮力Reserve buoyancy续航力Endurance渗透率Permeability盲区Blind area共振区域Resonance region容许载荷Permissible load核定载客数Number of persons certified to carry干舷:Freeboard热带干舷Tropical freeboard夏季干舷Summer freeboard冬季干舷Winter freeboard北大西洋冬季干舷Winter North Atlantic freeboard热带木材干舷Timber tropical夏季木材干舷Timber summer冬季木材干舷Timber winter北大西洋冬季木材干舷Timber winter North Atlantic freeboard淡水宽限Allowance for fresh water减少干舷的B型船舶Type B with reduced freeboard增加干舷的B型船舶Type B with increased freeboard载重线:Load line载重线标志Loadline marks资料Information防火控制图Fire control plans海图( up-to-date最新) Charts航路指南Sailing direction航程计划Passage planning航行警告Navigational warnings灯塔表Lists of lights航行通告Notices to mariners潮汐表Tide tables航海出版物Nautical publications应变部署表Muster list国际信号规则International Code of Signals航海日志Deck log book机舱日志Engine room log book无线电日志Radio log book线型图Lines稳性资料Stability information装载手册Loading manual干舷计算书Freeboard calculations配载图Stowage plan操作说明书Operation instructions维修计划Maintenance plan训练手册Training manual船上维修保养指南Instructions for on-board maintenance 弃船训练演习手册Abandon ship training and drill manual术语Technical Terms特性Characteristic特征、特点Feature功能Function程序、方法Procedure过程、工序Process工艺Workmanship动态平衡Dynamical balance静态平衡Static balance扭矩Torque拉力Tensile应力Stress屈服点Yield point比重Specific gravity粘度Viscosity速度Velocity硬度Hardness额定功率Rated output额定转速Rated speed额定转数Rated revolution灰份Ash content水份Water content有机物含量organic matter content流量Flow内径Internal diameter外径External diameter孔(内)径Bore半径Radius甩档,曲轴臂挠曲Crankshaft deflection蒸发量Evaporation rate受热面积Heating surface换热面积Cooling surface点火ignition炉膛风压失Furnace draught loss炉膛熄Furnace flame extinguishing介质压力Medium pressure介质工作位置Working level of medium二冲程; 四冲程Two-stroke; four-stroke上死点; 下死点Top dead centre; bottom dead centre 曲柄弯程Crank throw下沉量Wear-down对中Alignment顶举系数Jack factor偏移Sag曲折Gap扭转振动Torsional vibration单节;双节Single node; Two node共振Resonance转速禁区范围Restricted speed range扭转振动许用应力Allowable vibration stress瞬时许用应力Allowable transient vibration stress 螺距Pitch旋向Direction of rotating推进器与推进器轴的配合Fitting of propeller to screwshaft 螺旋桨液压装配Hydraulic fitting of propeller压入行程Pull-up distance压入压力Pressing pressure径向压力radial pressure轴向压力axial pressure啮合engagement灵敏度Sensitivity振谐Resonance电压V oltage电压降V oltage drop电流Current满载电流Full load current起动电流Starting current频率Frequency绝缘电阻Insulation resistance电容Capacity电极Polarity电枢Armature电位、电势(差)Potential (difference)负荷Load突加负荷suddenly applied load突卸负荷suddenly removed load阻抗Impedance机械应力Mechanical effect热效应Thermal effect冲击强度impact strength抗折强度folding strength抗压强度compressing strength附着力adhesive strength爆破压力explosive pressure公称压力nominal pressure公称内径nominal bore工作半径working radius起升高度lifting height回转速度speed on turning质量mass密度density细度fineness外观appearance颜色color遮盖力covering power柔韧性flexibility延伸率elongation膨胀率expansion rate憎水率hydr ophobic rate不燃性non-combustion加热线收缩率heating linear shrinkage ratio浮力损失buoyancy loss松紧度elasticity充气inflation成型forming3. 舱室处所Compartments or Spaces舱室Compartments工作和设备舱室:驾驶室wheel house海图室chart room报务室radio room雷达室radar room声纳室sonar room主机舱main engine room主机操纵室main engine control room 辅机舱auxiliary engine room锅炉舱boiler room机炉舱engine and boiler room减速器舱reduction gear room舵机舱steering gear room通风机室fan room变流机室commutator room空调室air-conditioner room应急发电机室emergency generator room 冷冻机室refrigerator room灭火装置室fire control room蓄电池室battery room陀螺罗经室gyro-compass room方位水平仪室azimuth level room计程仪舱log room导弹舱missile room弹药舱magazine深弹舱depth charge room弹药转运舱ammunition lobby声纳舱sonacelle, sonar nacelle机修间workshop电工间electrician’s store木工间carpenter’s store锚链舱chain locker桅屋mast house洗消室decontamination room居住舱室:居住舱室Accommodation, living accommodation 客舱Cabin船员舱室crew’s cabin墙壁wall天花板top ceiling侧壁板side ceiling里子板lining装饰decoration家具furniture书桌desk衣橱wardrobe梳妆台dressing table书柜bureaux餐具柜dresser椅子chair沙发sofa桌子table帷幔drapery窗帘curtain地毯carpet货舱:货舱cargo hold(详见船体部分的货舱)货油舱cargo oil tank, cargo tank集装箱舱container hold冷藏货舱refrigerated cargo hold液化天燃气舱liquefied natural gas tank邮件舱mail room行李舱luggage room汽车舱vehicle hold液舱liquid tank燃油舱fuel oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank压载水舱ballast tank淡水舱fresh water tank污水舱bilge tank储藏室store, store room帆缆间hawser store油漆间paint room粮食库provision store冷藏库refrigerating chamber其他:首尖舱fore peak tank尾尖舱aft peak tank顶边舱:topside tank甲板强横梁deck transversevertical side plating ( in line with hatch) 舱口垂向列板(与舱口一直线的垂直边板)船壳板shell plating斜板sloping plating底边舱:hopper tank斜板sloping plating双层底舱double bottom tank翼舱wing tank边舱side tank平衡舱heeling tank深舱deep tank残油舱sludge/oil residue tank隔离舱cofferdam空舱void tank处所Spaces货物处所:Cargo spaces货舱Cargo hold货油舱Cargo tank液货舱Liquid cargo tank围壁通道Trunk起居处所:Accommodation spaces公共处所Public space走廊Corridor盥洗室Lavatory住所Cabin办公室Office医务室Hospital放映室Cinema游戏室Game room娱乐室Hobby room文娱室Recreation room理发室Barber shop配膳室(无烹调设备) Pantry(containing no cooking appliances)公共处所:Public spaces:大厅Hall餐室Dining room餐厅Mess room休息室Lounge类似的固定围闭处所Similar permanently enclosed spaces服务处所:Service spaces:厨房Galley配膳室(设有烹调设备的) Pantry (containing cooking appliances)储物间Locker邮件舱Mail room贵重物品室Specie room储藏室Store room工作间Workshop围壁通道Trunk特种处所:Special category spaces:舱壁甲板以上或以下围闭的车辆处所Enclosed vehicle spaces above and below the bulkhead deck机器处所:Machinery spaces:A类机器处所Machinery space of category A装有下列机械的处所推进机械;锅炉;燃油装置;蒸汽机和内燃机;发电机和主要电动机;加油站;冷藏机;防摇装置;通风机;空气调节机械。
12.4.8 焚烧炉每个燃烧室、泵和过滤器下的承滴盘的安装正确
第十四部分 拖船的特殊设备
14.1 拖船的稳性特殊规定的确认
14.2 拖索证书的检查和破断负荷的确认
14.3 拖曳设备,包括绞车/绞盘、拖钩、拖缆机、应急释放装置、防磨 NZHCX
14.4 拖曳设备,包括绞车/绞盘、拖钩、拖缆机、应急释放装置、防磨 HCX
第十六部分 消防船 16.1 稳性特殊规定的确认 16.2 操作手册的检查 16.3 主消防水系统 16.4 水炮、水枪的数量、性能和排出率的确认,消防水带的配备 16.5 消防泵的数量和总容量的确认 16.6 主消防水管路的密性试验 16.7 主消防水系统的一般性检查和效用试验 16.8 固定式泡沫炮系统 16.9 泡沫炮的数量、位置和排出率的确认, 16.10 系统管路的密性试验 16.11 泡沫柜的容积和泡沫有效期的确认 16.12 系统的外观检验和效用试验 16.13 水雾系统(自我保护装置) 16.14 喷嘴的数量、布置和排出率的确认, 16.15 系统管路的密性试验 16.16 泵的排量和系统分区设置功能的确认 16.17 甲板泄水口的数量和面积的确认 16.18 系统的外观检验和效用试验 16.19 消防员装备的配备
第十五部分 浮船坞 15.1 在工作状态下测量坞体结构的应力 15.2 挠度仪 15.3 报警装置的试验和自动停止泵水装置的连锁试验 15.4 效用试验 15.5 挠度仪一般性检验,校核测量精度 15.6 测量浮箱甲板的纵向变形 15.7 横倾、纵倾的监测装置 15.8 一般性检验,询问使用情况,校核测量精度 15.9 沉浮试验 15.10 坞体结构的测厚(包括压载舱和海底阀箱) 15.11 浮箱及边坞墙液舱的内部检查与水压试验 15.12 起重机 15.13 导轨、支座及锁定装置的安装 15.14 起重机的安装检查 15.15 起重机和导轨、支座及锁定装置的外观检验 15.16 坞壁车 15.17 坞壁车导轨、支座的安装 15.18 坞壁车的安装
第二部分 舾装设备
系泊绞车、缆桩、导缆 孔、导缆钳、导 向滚轮及缆绳等 系泊设
第四部分 救生设备
ZC 船舶检验项目表
船检登记号:1976Q3100028 检验项目
水线以上船壳板、强力 甲板、内底板、 水密舱壁、上层 建筑、
压载水舱、装货处所、 艏、艉尖舱、双 层底舱、锚链舱 及其他
干舷甲板以下的船体外 板上的舷窗及其 关闭设施外观检 验和关
货舱舱口围板、舱盖及 其关闭装置和风 雨密关闭设施外 观检验
舷墙、栏杆、排水舷口 、通道、扶梯、 安全绳及其附属 装置的
III_D 船检规范 中英文 对照
![III_D 船检规范 中英文 对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe7ac811910ef12d2bf9e7ed.png)
Section DSOLAS 规定的设备安全检验Safety Equipment Survey Requirements bySOLAS序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesD1一般规定General1D2初次检验Initial Survey32D3 年度检验Annual Survey10D4 定期检验和换证检验Periodical and Renewal Survey3D5 危险品适装检验Survey to Fit for Carriage of Dangerous Goods61 一般规定1.1安全设备检验是SOLAS公约所要求的,包括救生设备、航行设备、导航设备、灭火设备、惰性气体系统、引航员设备,还包括避碰规则要求的号灯、号型和声响信号设备等各项检验。
换证检验的间隔期为不超过5年,但应根据本须知第五分册Section A3确定换证检验的期限。
船舶检验项目表建造检验中报验项目的基本要求(船级部分)I 船体及设备部分1 船体1.1 板及型钢(1) 施工前检查材料质保书(等级、规格、炉批号、数量)。
(2) 核对钢印或检验标志。
(3) 外观检查(随机抽查)。
(4) 钢板标示(随机抽查)(5) 进行材料试验(需要时)1.2 焊接材料(1) 查阅焊接材料质保书。
(2) 检查焊接材料保管情况(随机抽查) 1.3 船体铸件、锻件(1) 查阅船用产品证书。
(2) 查阅材料证件。
(需要时,检查材料试验)(3) 审查修理工艺(如修理时)。
(4) 检查焊接质量。
(5) 查阅无损探伤报告。
(6) 钢印转移。
1.4 船体分段(1) 检查各完工分段的装配精度、结构尺寸、焊缝质量。
(2) 查核焊缝射线透视底片(需要时) 1.5 安放龙骨确认安放龙骨日期1.6 船体合拢焊缝(1) 检查焊接前接缝坡口、间隙、构件对接偏差(必要时)。
(2) 焊缝清根检查(必要时)(3) 焊后焊接质量、构件装配精度检查。
(4) 结构完整性检查。
(5) 查核无损检测结果。
1.7 船体密性试验及强度试验(1) 按照批准的密性试验图,检查焊缝及结构的密性以及代表的舱室的整体结构的强度。
1.8 风雨密门、窗及其关闭设施(1) 外部检查。
(2) 密性试验。
(3) 效用试验。
1.9 钢质舱口盖、升降舱口平台、首、尾门、滚装船跳板(1) 查阅材质证件。
(2) 检查装配精度、结构尺寸及焊缝质量。
(3) 查核焊缝射线透视底片。
(4) 效用试验。
(5) 结构强度试验(对滚装船跳板)。
(6) 密性试验。
(7) 打钢印。
1.10 船体完整性及主尺度(1) 检查主尺度的测量。
(2) 检查船体、舵、螺旋桨、侧推装置、防摇鳍安装完整性。
(3) 检查船体防腐蚀装置的安装情况 1.11 下水前检查(1) 下水前检查水下开口关闭设施的关闭情况。
(2) 检查舵杆、螺旋桨轴固定的可靠性。
中英文 船舶修理和质量验收规定 模板范文
![中英文 船舶修理和质量验收规定 模板范文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/80475682650e52ea551898a1.png)
2修船的准备工作Preparation For Ship Repairing
2.1修理单的编写与确定The compilation and finalization of repairing lists
编写修理单的依据Reference of compilation
公司的船舶年度维护计划Ship’s maintenance annual plan
生效日期Valid FR:2011-09-10
日期Date:10THSEP, 2011
日期Date:10THSEP, 2011
编写修理单的要求Criteria for compilation of repairing lists
一、船头bit 系缆桩bollard 系缆桩bow 船首bow fender 艏护垫bow flare 艏部外飘bow thruster艏侧推器bow anchor 艏锚bow frame 舟包部肋骨bow chock艏导缆口bow stopper制链器break water 挡浪板bulbous bow球鼻艏bulb stem 球式艏柱cable stopper制链器chain locker 锚链舱chain pipe锚链管chain stopper止链器chock 导缆器clamp plate夹板垫木cleat羊角系绳铁栓防滑条capstan绞盘capstan绞盘筒collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁forecastle首楼forecastle deck 首楼甲板fore peak tank首尖舱foundation 底座ground tackle 锚泊索具gypsy绞筒(锚机绞车上的)hawse pipe锚链筒hawse hole锚链孔hawser大缆hawser clamp锚链挚hawse buckler/flap锚链孔盖mooring post 系缆柱mooring hole导缆孔astern post尾柱warping chocks滚轮导缆钳winch-head 绞车卷筒windlass起锚机wire clip钢缆夹wire reel 卷缆车钢丝滚筒flush deck 平甲板gunwale圆弧过渡舷边adapting连接管管接头air hole空气管air pipe通风管air funnel货舱通风筒air and sounding pipe amidships船中部appendages船体附属体(包括舵机和螺旋桨等)base line基线Batten板条压条batten cleat舱口契耳batten down封舱batten seat板条坐架压条架batten wedge封舱契batten ceiling(货舱内)护舱条护板batten bar舱围压条beam bracket/knee 梁肘板bevel斜角斜面bevel angle斜角坡口角度bevel board斜角板bevel edge斜边bevel face斜面bevel frame斜边肋骨bilge舟比部bilge bracket舟比肘板bilge knee舟比肘板bilge keel(chock piece)舟比龙骨bilge line 污水管道bilge pipe 污水管bilge pump污水泵bilge well/sump污水井bilge alarm system污水警报系统bilge tank污水舱bilge discharging pipe 污水排放管boom吊杆bilge inlet 污水收集口bilge keelson舟比龙骨bilge plug 污水塞bilge sounding pipe污水测深管bottom frame 底部肋骨bottom longitudinal底部纵桁bottom plating 舱底板bridge驾驶台cat walk bridge 纵向天桥,步桥catwalk catway纵向天桥,步桥bridge fittings桥式连接器(集装箱桥锁)bridge wing 驾驶台两翼bridge space 驾驶台bulkhead 舱壁bulkhead plating 舱壁板bulkhead stiffener舱壁扶强板bulwark舷墙bulwark brace舷墙斜撑bulwark plating 舷墙板bulwark stay舷墙扶强材bulwark freeing port舷墙排水口camber of a ship中拱hogging 中拱sagging中垂camber of beam拱梁cant frame斜梁cant bracket 斜角板cant frame斜肋cantilever悬臂梁cantilever beam悬梁cargo batten 货舱护板cargo block吊货滑车cargo port装货舷门centerline中心线center girder center strake中央内底板chafing plate防擦板chafing ring 防擦环collar plate封板corrugated bulkhead槽型舱壁corrugation槽型的crossing deck structure交叉甲板结构crossing strength member 交叉强力结构cofferdam隔离舱cutout 开口davit吊艇架deck 甲板deck beam甲板横梁deckhouse甲板屋deck line甲板线deck longitudinal甲板纵桁deck plate甲板边板deck tank 甲板上的舱derrick吊杆designed waterline length 设计水线长designed waterline breadth设计水线宽doubling plate 双层焊合板drain hole排水孔duct keel箱型龙骨dunnage 垫舱dunnage wood 垫木dynamic load动载荷diaphragm plate 隔板expansion trunk(油船)膨胀深井extension bracket 延伸肘板extreme breadth最大宽度face plate 表层板fender靠垫fender bar护舷条flame screen防焰罩flange折边flange bracket折边肘板flat keel平板龙骨floor肋板folding door折门flame space肋(骨间)距flame number肋骨号freeing port甲板排水孔gasket 垫圈垫料handrail 舷墙扶手goose neck 鹅颈头吊杠弯头gunwale舷缘舷边gunwale angle舷边角钢gunwale bar舷边角材gunwale railing 舷边栏杆gunwale tank舷侧水柜gusset 角板扣板gutter(甲板)水沟槽沟gutter angle waterway angle(舷侧)排水沟角钢hanging rudder 密封条hatchway 舱口槽hatch opening 舱口hatch bar封舱压条hatch batten舱口边压条hatch beam(web)舱口大梁hatch booby活动舱口盖hatch coaming舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch end beam舱口端梁hatch side girder hatch tarpaulin舱口帆布盖hatch trunk舱口围井hand nut蝴蝶螺母hinged cover(door)铰链盖hold货舱hold beam舱口横梁hold frame舱内肋骨hold ladder 货舱梯hold stanchion(pillar)舱内支柱Hopper hopper tankHopper tank sloping plating horizontal girderhorizontal margin plate 水平内底板horizontal stiffener水平扶强材hull船体hull construction船体结构hull plating 船体板hull strength船体强度inner bottom 内底板inner bottom plating内底板insert plate嵌板衬板intersection交点交叉横断面jack 千斤顶jack ladder绳梯rJacob’s ladder软梯绳梯joggled joint折接弯合joggled machine折曲机keel龙骨keelblock龙骨墩keel line龙骨线keel plate 龙骨板keel rail(救生艇)艇底把手keelson龙骨板kingpost起重柱将军柱knee肘板knee of the deck甲板梁肘板knee pipe 弯管knee plate肘板knukle折角线lighting hole减轻孔local strength局部强度local stress局部应力longitudinal bulkhead纵舱壁longitudinal纵骨longitudinal bending纵向弯曲longitudinal frame system纵骨架式longitudinal strength总纵强度lug耳板main deck 主甲板main frame主肋骨manhole 人孔manhole door人孔门man hole coaming 人孔围板margin plate内底边板molded breadth型宽molded depth型深non-watertight bulkhead非防水舱壁notch切口oscillating load震动负荷parallel middle body平行舯体panel stiffener板格扶强材panting arrangement防桡震结构panting beam防桡震梁panting stringer防桡震纵材pillar 支柱/墩plane bulkhead舱壁板plane keel 龙骨板pump room泵间horizontal margin plate水平内底边板 out bottom platingplatform 平台plating外板racking(船体)横向扭变rail栏杆register length(breadth depth) rise of floor(dead rise)船底斜高rolling横摇round of beam拱梁rung(梯子)踏步,横挡scallop 扇形开口scantling构件尺寸scantling of the structure结构尺寸scarf/scarph嵌接处scarf joint斜(嵌)接scarf weld(斜面)焊接scarf bracket铅接肘板scupper排水孔scupper pipe排水管section剖面section modulus剖面模数shedder plate斜板,泄板sheer舷弧forward(after)perpendicular首尾舷弧 sheer line舷弧线sheer strake 舷顶列板shell船壳shell plating船壳板shelter deck遮蔽甲板shifting beam移动舱口梁shifting board(plank)止移板side longitudinal边纵桁single bottom 单层底side plating边板skid护舷木slanting plate斜板sloping plate斜板sloping plate longitudinal 油水舱纵向板slot槽,开缝sluice水(密)门,水闸sluice valve闸阀sniped end消斜端soft toe软趾solid floor实肋板sounding pipe 测深管stabilizer stabilizing tankstaging 架构,台架,手脚架stanchion支柱,栏杆柱stay 支柱,撑条,支索stay bar撑杆stay plate 撑板strength deck加强甲板stringer plate甲板边板structure member构件structure strength结构强度strumbox(舱底水)过滤箱strut 撑材stuffing box填料箱tarpaulin 帆布tieplate带板,牵板,连接板topside tank顶边水舱torsion 扭转torsion strength扭转强度vertical ballast trunk 竖向压载通道transverse横梁,横材transverse bulkhead横向舱壁transverse frame横梁transverse framing system横骨架式transverse ring 横梁令环transverse strength横向强度tripping bracket防倾肘板tween deck二层甲板tween deck frame二层甲板肋骨twisting distortion扭转变形upper deck上甲板upper(lower)shelf plate上(下)支架板upper(lower)stool 上(下)托架ventilator通风管wash bulkhead制荡舱壁plimsoll line载重线watertight bulkhead 水密舱壁watertight door 水密门web frame 加强肋骨web plate复板wedge 契子winch起货机wing tank 翼舱,翼柜ballasting pump system 压载水泵系统aft draft 尾吃水ballast压载水ballast line压载线ballast pump压载泵draft figures 吃水尺度even keel平吃水,平载floodable length 可浸长度fresh water loadline淡水载重线fresh water timber load line 淡水木材载重线length between perpendicular首尾间柱长ballast tank压载舱length overall 总长loadline mark载重线标识freeboard mark 载重线标识freeboard assignment干舷划定freeboard deck 干舷甲板freeboard depth 干舷深度freeboard zone 干舷区plimsoll mark载重线标记plimsoll disc/loadline disc载重线标圈load waterline length满载水线长moment of inertia惯性矩static load 静负荷strength calculation强度计算summer loadline夏季载重线summer fresh water loadlin夏季淡水载重线e tropical fresh water loadline热带淡水载重线tropical loadline热带载重线twisting moment 扭矩winter load line冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line北大西洋冬季载重线bunker tank 燃油舱bushing 衬套butt 端接butt joint /seam平接缝but riveting 对接铆butt welding对接焊butterfly clip 蝴蝶夹bypass valve旁通阀sheer strake列板gunwale船舷上缘main frame主肋骨side longitudinal边纵tweendeck frame二层甲板肋骨intermediate frame内中肋骨web frame强肋骨hatch coaming/hatch side coaming舱口围板side shell longitudinal 船壳纵向边板side shell plating船壳边板fire hydrant消防水龙hose 软管nozzle喷头fire extinguisher灭火器portable foam applicator unit移动泡沫枪单元quick closing valve 速闭阀remote control shut off遥控关闭funnel skylight 烟囱天窗shutter ventilator通风管道关闭器fire damper防火盖properly closed 正常关闭reset重起ventilator通风管duct 管道high pressure fuel pump高压燃油泵fuel injector 油泵喷口jacked pipe管路套high pressure fuel deliver line输送管道external外部的outside diameter外径flange法兰washer垫圈boats 螺栓nuts螺母dimension 尺寸gasket垫片fixed gas fire-extinguishing system.固定灭火系统fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system固定高效泡沫灭火系统fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system固定高压水雾灭火系统storage room储藏间fire extinguishing medium灭火介质protected area 保护区域water/ spray nozzle水/雾两用喷头monitor泡沫炮pressure gauge压力表fixed detection and fire alarm固定灭火探测警报automatic sprinkler 自动喷淋Spare parts备件sample extraction smoke detection system烟雾探头manually operated call points人工操纵报警点smoke detector/thermal detector烟雾/热能探头audible and visual alarm音响和视觉警报operational readiness操作说明maintenance plan保养计划training manual训练手册fire safety operational booklet(fob)消防手册emergency fire pump 应急消防泵portable emergency fire pump移动应急消防泵diesel engine柴油机vacuum pump真空泵containment of fire functional requirements要求功能method 1C 1C形式control station集中控制站corridor 走廊stair way楼梯low risk service space 低风险服务区blower鼓scrubber 洗涤塔deck seal甲板水封inert gas deck main惰性气体甲板主管oxygen氧气nitrogen氮气inert gas generator惰性气体发生器manually operated valve人工操纵发7 no-return valve 止回阀wing tank翼舱center tank 中间舱slop tank污油水舱main panel 主面板sub panel幅面板sea chest/valve 海水箱/阀hydrocarbon gas碳氢化合物pressure/vacuum breake压力/真空保护装置accommodation space 住宿区“A” class division“A”级隔离central control station 中央控制台fire door防火门fire safety system code防火安全程序代码fire test procedure code 防火试验程序代码machinery space 机器处所main vertical zone主竖区oil fuel unit 燃油单位public space公共区service space服务区machinery space of category AA级机器处所other machinery space其他机器处所cargo space货物间high risk service space高风险作业区open deck开敞甲板weather deck风雨密甲板ro-ro and vehicle space滚装船车辆处所openings开口fire resisting division 防火分隔coming围板fire integrity of bulkheads separating横舱壁分隔防火完整性adjacent spaces附近区域fire integrity of decks separating甲板分隔防火完整性文- 汉语汉字编辑词条文,wen,从玄从爻。
SECTION D 管系和机械设备的检验Survey to Piping and Machinery Equipment序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesD 1 一般规定 1GeneralD2 管系焊接和内场制作 1 Piping Welding and Workshop WorkingD3 管系的船上安装及密性试验 2 Piping Installation on Board and Tightness TestD4 独立管系的系统检验 3 System Survey of Independent PipingD5 机械设备的内场加工与预装检验 4 Survey to Machinery Equipment at workshop and Pre-installationD6 机械设备在船台/坞内、下水后的安装检验12 Survey to Machinery Equipment at Shipway/ Drydockand Installation Inspection after LaunchingD7 机械设备的系泊试验 6 Mooring Trial of Machinery Equipment一般规定CCS Confidential Rev.3.0 99101.1船舶管系和机械设备检验的主要目的是根据审批的图纸对管系材料、焊接、安装及机械设备(如主机、锅炉等)的安装进行检验和试验,使之符合本社规范关于入级的要求。
船舶英语报验表Pipes fitting in the tanksBW tanksFPT 艏尖舱NO.1 B.S.W.B TK (P) 1号底边压载水舱(左)NO.1 B.S.W.B TK (S) 1号底边压载水舱(右)NO.2 B.S.W.B TK (P) 2号底边压载水舱(左)NO.2 B.S.W.B TK (S) 2号底边压载水舱(右)NO.3 B.S.W.B TK (P) 3号底边压载水舱(左)NO.3 B.S.W.B TK (S) 3号底边压载水舱(右)NO.4 B.S.W.B TK (P) 4号底边压载水舱(左)NO.4 B.S.W.B TK (S) 4 号底边压载水舱(右)NO.5 B.S.W.B TK (P) 5号底边压载水舱(左)NO.5 B.S.W.B TK (S) 5号底边压载水舱(右)NO.1 T.S.W.B TK (P) 1号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.1 T.S.W.B TK (S) 1号顶边压载水舱(右)NO.2 T.S.W.B TK (P) 2号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.2 T.S.W.B TK (S) 2号顶边压载水舱(右)NO.3 T.S.W.B TK (P) 3号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.3 T.S.W.B TK (S) 3号顶边压载水舱(右)NO.3 C.H/W.B TK 3号货仓/压载水舱APT 艉尖舱HFO tanksNO.1 HFO TK(P) 1号燃油舱(左)NO.1 HFO TK(S) 1号燃油舱(右)NO.2 HFO TK(P) 2号燃油舱(左)NO.2 HFO TK(S) 2号燃油舱(右)NO.3 HFO TK(P) 3号燃油舱(左)NO.3 HFO TK(S) 3号燃油舱(右)NO.1 HFO SERV TK 1号燃油日用舱NO.2 HFO SERV TK 2号燃油日用舱NO.1 HFO SETT TK 1号燃油沉清舱NO.2 HFO SETT TK 2号燃油沉清舱MDO tanksNO.1 MDO TK 1号柴油舱NO.2 MDO TK 2号柴油舱NO.3 MDO TK 3号柴油舱NO.1 MDO SERV TK 1号柴油日用舱NO.2 MDO SERV TK 2号柴油日用舱EG MDO D TK 应发柴油日用柜MDO TK FOR INCINERATOR 焚烧炉柴油柜CO tanksNO.1 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 1号汽缸油储存舱NO.2 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 2号汽缸油储存舱NO.1 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 1号汽缸油测量柜NO.2 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 2号汽缸油测量柜LO tanksM/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 主机滑油储存舱M/E LO SETT. TK 主机滑油沉清舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油储存舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油沉清舱M/E LO SUMP TK 主机滑油循环舱FW tanksFW TK (P) 淡水舱(左)FW TK(S) 淡水舱(右)DISTILLED/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 蒸馏水舱Other tanks and sea chests/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 艉管冷却水舱F.W. WASHING TK 洗舱水舱SLOPE/SEWAGE WASHING TK 洗舱污水/生活污水舱SLUDGE TK 油渣舱BILGE HOLD TK 舱底水存放舱F.O OVERF. TK 燃油溢流舱F.O DRAIN TK 燃油泄放舱WASTE OIL TK 废油舱S/T LO. DRAIN TK 艉管滑油泄放舱SEWAGE TK 生活污水舱CHAIN LOCKER TK ( P) 锚链舱(左)CHAIN LOCKER TK ( S) 锚链舱(右)STERN TUBE LO GRAITY TK 艉管滑油重力油柜STEERING GRAR STORAGE OIL Tk 舵机储油箱M/E SCAVENGE BOX DRAIN TK 主机扫气箱泄放柜CHEMECAL CLEANING TK ME 主机化学清洗柜ALARM DEVICE BOX 报警装置箱M/E JACKET FW.EXPANSION TK 主机缸套水膨胀水箱LT FRESH WATER EXPANSION TK 低温水膨胀水箱Low Sea Chest 低位海底门High Sea Chest 高位海底门Emer. Sea Chest 应急海底门Tanks tightness testBW tanksFPT 艏尖舱NO.1 B.S.W.B TK (P) 1号底边压载水舱(左)NO.1 B.S.W.B TK (S) 1号底边压载水舱(右)NO.2 B.S.W.B TK (P) 2号底边压载水舱(左)NO.2 B.S.W.B TK (S) 2号底边压载水舱(右)NO.3 B.S.W.B TK (P) 3号底边压载水舱(左)NO.3 B.S.W.B TK (S) 3号底边压载水舱(右)NO.4 B.S.W.B TK (P) 4号底边压载水舱(左)NO.4 B.S.W.B TK (S) 4 号底边压载水舱(右)NO.5 B.S.W.B TK (P) 5号底边压载水舱(左)NO.5 B.S.W.B TK (S) 5号底边压载水舱(右)NO.1 T.S.W.B TK (P) 1号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.1 T.S.W.B TK (S) 1号顶边压载水舱(右)NO.2 T.S.W.B TK (P) 2号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.2 T.S.W.B TK (S) 2号顶边压载水舱(右)NO.3 T.S.W.B TK (P) 3号顶边压载水舱(左)NO.3 T.S.W.B TK (S) 3号顶边压载水舱(右)APT 艉尖舱HFO tanksNO.1 HFO TK(P) 1号燃油舱(左)NO.1 HFO TK(S) 1号燃油舱(右)NO.2 HFO TK(P) 2号燃油舱(左)NO.2 HFO TK(S) 2号燃油舱(右)NO.3 HFO TK(P) 3号燃油舱(左)NO.3 HFO TK(S) 3号燃油舱(右)NO.1 HFO SERV TK 1号燃油日用舱NO.2 HFO SERV TK 2号燃油日用舱NO.1 HFO SETT TK 1号燃油沉清舱NO.2 HFO SETT TK 2号燃油沉清舱MDO tanksNO.1 MDO TK 1号柴油舱NO.2 MDO TK 2号柴油舱NO.3 MDO TK 3号柴油舱NO.1 MDO SERV TK 1号柴油日用舱NO.2 MDO SERV TK 2号柴油日用舱EG MDO D TK 应发柴油日用柜MDO TK FOR INCINERATOR 焚烧炉柴油柜CO tanksNO.1 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 1号汽缸油储存舱NO.2 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 2号汽缸油储存舱NO.1 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 1号汽缸油测量柜NO.2 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 2号汽缸油测量柜LO tanksM/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 主机滑油储存舱M/E LO SETT. TK 主机滑油沉清舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油储存舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油沉清舱M/E LO SUMP TK 主机滑油循环舱FW tanksFW TK (P) 淡水舱(左)FW TK(S) 淡水舱(右)DISTILLED/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 蒸馏水舱Other tanks and sea chests/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 艉管冷却水舱F.W. WASHING TK 洗舱水舱SLOPE/SEWAGE WASHING TK 洗舱污水/生活污水舱SLUDGE TK 油渣舱BILGE HOLD TK 舱底水存放舱F.O OVERF. TK 燃油溢流舱F.O DRAIN TK 燃油泄放舱WASTE OIL TK 废油舱S/T LO. DRAIN TK 艉管滑油泄放舱SEWAGE TK 生活污水舱CHAIN LOCKER TK ( P) 锚链舱(左)CHAIN LOCKER TK ( S) 锚链舱(右)STERN TUBE LO GRAITY TK 艉管滑油重力油柜STEERING GRAR STORAGE OIL Tk 舵机储油箱DE-AERATING TK 高温淡水除气筒M/E SCAVENGE BOX DRAIN TK 主机扫气箱泄放柜CHEMECAL CLEANING TK ME 主机化学清洗柜M/E JACKET FW.EXPANSION TK 主机缸套水膨胀水箱LT FRESH WATER EXPANSION TK 低温水膨胀水箱Low Sea Chest 低位海底门High Sea Chest 高位海底门Emer. Sea Chest 应急海底门Tightness before launchingoverboard discharge valves 排舷外阀ICCP 外加电流阴极保护Speed log and echo sounder 计程仪和测深仪Installlation of systems and electrical equipmentPiping systems installation & tightnessMDO systemMDO transfer pipe system in ER 机舱柴油驳运管系"MDO daily system of ME, AE ,EG, steam boiler 柴油日用管系" MDO separating system 柴油净化管系Overflow pipes of MDO TKS and MDO TK FOR INCINERATOR 柴油沉清舱及焚烧炉柴油柜的溢流管系HFO systemHFO transfer system in ER 机舱燃油驳运管系HFO transfer system Fr 35 Fore 货仓燃油驳运管系"HFO daily system of ME, AE, steam boiler 燃油日用管系"HFO separating system 燃油净化管系Overflow pipes of HFO SETT TKS and NO.3 HFO TK 燃油沉清舱及3#燃油舱的溢流管系LO systemLO deck filling systems of ME and AE 主辅机甲板滑油注入管系LO daily circulating system of ME 主机滑油日用管系LO separating system of ME and AE 主辅机滑油净化管系LO service system of sterntube 艉管滑油日用管系CO systemCO deck filling system 甲板汽缸油注入管系CO system of ME 主机汽缸油管系FO and LO drainage systemFO drainage system 燃柴油泄放系统LO drainage system 滑油泄放系统Hydr oil systemfree fall boat hydr oil system 抛落艇液压管系steer gear hydr oil system (only check installation) 舵机液压管系(只看安装)windlass hydro.system in forecastle 首部锚绞机液压油管.winch hydro.system in aft. 尾部绞机液压油管.hydro. Oil system for H/C hydro. Power pack1 ?hydro. Oil system for H/C hydro. Power pack2 ?hydro. Oil filling pipes for four deck cranes ?hydro. Oil pipes for all H/C cylinders ?Cooling water sytemMain sea water pipe 主海水管系Sea water cooling system 海水冷却管系Sea water piping system of fresh water generator 造水机的海水管系ME HT cooling water system 主机高温冷却水管系ME/AE LT cooling water system 主辅机低温冷却水管系Compressed air systemsStarting air system of ME 主机启动空气Starting air system of AE 辅机启动空气Control air system in ER 机舱控制空气Air system of air horn 汽笛空气管系Working air system in ER including air reducing station pipes 机舱杂用空气及减压阀组管系Working air system on superstructure 上建杂用空气管系Fr 35 Fore working air system 货仓杂用空气管系quick closing valves system 快关阀空气管系deck washing and Fire-fighting piping systemsSuperstructure 上建ER 机舱Fr 35 Fore 货仓主甲板mist water fire figthing system in ER 机舱水雾喷淋CO2 piping systemCO2 release system in ER 机舱CO2 释放管系CO2 release system Fr 35 Fore 货仓CO2 释放管系CO2 control pipes CO2 控制管CO2 release pipes for galley 厨房CO2 释放管系CO2 release pipes for painting store room 油漆间CO2 释放管系Water supply system ( cold/hot water)ER 机舱Superstructure 上建Ballast & bilge piping systemER 机舱区域Fr 35 Fore 货舱区域steam and central heating systemsboiler feed water 锅炉给水系统steam and condensate system in ER 机舱蒸汽冷凝系统steam and condensate system in pipe tunnel 管弄蒸汽冷凝系统steam heat tracing system 蒸汽伴行管Heating coil pipesNO.1 HFO TK(P) 1号燃油舱(左)NO.1 HFO TK(S) 1号燃油舱(右)NO.2 HFO TK(P) 2号燃油舱(左)NO.2 HFO TK(S) 2号燃油舱(右)NO.3 HFO TK(P) 3号燃油舱(左)NO.3 HFO TK(S) 3号燃油舱(右)NO.1 HFO SERV TK 1号燃油日用舱NO.2 HFO SERV TK 2号燃油日用舱NO.1 HFO SETT TK 1号燃油沉清舱NO.2 HFO SETT TK 2号燃油沉清舱SLUDGE TK 油渣舱ME LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 主机滑油沉清舱AE LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油沉清舱ME LO SUMP TK 主机滑油循环舱F.O OVERFLOW TK 燃油溢流舱BILGE HOLD TK 舱底水存放舱WASTE OIL TK 废油舱F.O DRAIN TK 燃油泄放舱CHEMICAL CLEANING TK 化学清洗柜ME SCAVENG DRAIN TK 主机扫气箱泄放柜bilge water separator pipes and sludge dischargebilge water separator pipes 舱底油水分离器管系sludge discharge pipes 油渣排舷外管系O2 and C2H2 pipes to workshopO2 and C2H2 pipes to workshop 氧气乙炔去机修间管系Black water & gray water pipesSuperstructure 上建区域ER 机舱区域Cleaning system of main engine scav. Air coolerchemical cleaning system of MEAC and cold store refrigerating systemsAC refrigerating copper pipes cleaning 空调制冷铜管清洁AC refrigerating installation and pressure test 空调制冷铜管安装及密性AC refrigerating vacuum test 空调制冷铜管抽真空Cold store refrigerating copper pipes cleaning 冷库制冷铜管清洁Cold store refrigerating installation and pressure test 冷库制冷铜管安装及密性Cold store refrigerating vacuum test 冷库制冷铜管抽真空A/C duct and mechanical ventilation systemA / C spiral ducts and mechanical vent pipes insuperstructurecabines 上建各房间空调螺旋通风管和机械通风管安装"mechanical vent ducts in ER, CO2 room,steering gear room, purifier room, workshop etc. 机舱,CO2室等房间机械通风管安装"remote control pipes(two core tube) of remote control valves remote control pipes(two core tube) of remote control valves 遥控阀多芯管Exhaust pipesInstallation of exhaust pipesAE 发电机EG 应发steam boiler 蒸汽锅炉ME 主机Water drain pipes"superstructure, main deck and forecastle 上建,主甲板,艏部"ER 机舱ER oil & water tanks vent pipesER oil & water tanks vent pipes 机舱各油&水舱透气管安装及密性Electrical systems and equipment installationCable trays"Forecastle boatswain's store room, deck store room,carpenter room,paint room etc. 艏部水手长储藏室,甲板储藏室,木工间,油漆间等"main deck hatchcoaming PS and SB 主甲板舱口围左右舷Inside of all cargo hold transverse walkways 货仓内梯道Pipe tunnel 管弄A deck to compass deck A甲板到罗经甲板Engine room 机舱Cables layout"Forecastle boatswain's store room, deck store room,carpenter room,paint room etc. 艏部水手长储藏室,甲板储藏室,木工间,油漆间等"main deck hatchcoaming PS and SB 主甲板舱口围左右舷Inside of all cargo hold transverse walkways 货仓内梯道Pipe tunnel 管弄A deck to compass deck A甲板到罗经甲板Engine room 机舱Cables penetration"Forecastle boatswain's store room, deck store room,carpenter room,paint room etc. 艏部水手长储藏室,甲板储藏室,木工间,油漆间等"main deck hatchcoaming PS and SB 主甲板舱口围左右舷Inside of all cargo hold transverse walkways 货仓内梯道Pipe tunnel 管弄A deck to compass deck A甲板到罗经甲板Engine room 机舱Cables glandsForecastle deck 艏楼甲板main deck hatch coaming PS and SB 主甲板舱口围左右舷Outside superstructure 上建室外Engine room 机舱Pipe tunnel 管弄Inside cargo hold 货仓内部Main electrical equipment installation and cleanessMain switchboard 主配电板Emergency switchboard 应急配电板Engine control console 集控台Wheel house console 驾控台Flushing/Blowing of systems and cleaness of tanksSystems flushing/blowing/cleaningMDO/HFO"HFO&MDO daily system of ME, AE , steam boiler 燃柴油日用系统 "HFO&MDO separating system 燃柴油净化管系LOLO deck filling systems of ME and AE 主辅机甲板滑油注入管系LO daily circulating system of ME 主机滑油日用管系LO separating system of ME and AE 主辅机滑油净化管系LO service system of sterntube 艉管滑油日用管系Hydr oilfree fall boat hydr oil system 抛落艇液压管系steer gear hydr oil system 舵机液压管系windlass hydro.system in forecastle 首部锚绞机液压油管.winch hydro.system in aft. 尾部绞机液压油管.hydro. Oil system for H/C hydro. Power pack1 ?hydro. Oil system for H/C hydro. Power pack2 ?hydro. Oil filling pipes for four deck cranes ?hydro. Oil pipes for all H/C cylinders ?CO systemCO deck filling system 甲板汽缸油注入管系CO system of ME 主机汽缸油管系Cooling waterHT cooling water system 高温冷却水管系LT cooling water system 低温冷却水管系HT cooling water sample analyze after chemical added 高温冷却水加药后取样LT cooling water sample analyze after chemical added 低温冷却水加药后取样Air systemsStarting air system of ME 主机启动空气Starting air system of AE 发电机启动空气CO2CO2 release system in ER 机舱CO2释放管系CO2 release system Fr.35 Fore 货仓CO2释放管系"Steam, feed water and central heating"boiler feed water system including hotwell 锅炉给水管系及热井boiler feed water sample analyze after chemical added 锅炉给水加药后取样steam and condensate system 蒸汽冷凝管系O2 and C2H2 pipes to workshopO2 and C2H2 pipes to workshop 氧乙炔管系Tanks cleanness and blind free inspection before closing manholesHFO tanks cleanness and blind free inspectionNO.1 HFO TK(P) 1号燃油舱(左)NO.1 HFO TK(S) 1号燃油舱(右)NO.2 HFO TK(P) 2号燃油舱(左)NO.2 HFO TK(S) 2号燃油舱(右)NO.3 HFO TK(P) 3号燃油舱(左)NO.3 HFO TK(S) 3号燃油舱(右)NO.1 HFO SERV TK 1号燃油日用舱NO.2 HFO SERV TK 2号燃油日用舱NO.1 HFO SETT TK 1号燃油沉清舱NO.2 HFO SETT TK 2号燃油沉清舱MDO tanks cleanness and blind free inspectionNO.1 MDO TK 1号柴油舱NO.2 MDO TK 2号柴油舱NO.3 MDO TK 3号柴油舱NO.1 MDO SERV TK 1号柴油日用舱NO.2 MDO SERV TK 2号柴油日用舱EG MDO D TK 应发柴油日用柜MDO TK FOR INCINERATOR 焚烧炉柴油柜LO tanks cleanness blind free inspectionM/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 主机滑油储存舱M/E LO SETT. TK 主机滑油沉清舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油储存舱G/E LO /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 辅机滑油沉清舱M/E LO SUMP TK 主机滑油循环舱CO tanks cleanness blind free inspectionNO.1 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 1号汽缸油储存舱NO.2 CYL.OIL /doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 2号汽缸油储存舱NO.1 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 1号汽缸油测量柜NO.2 CLY.OIL MEASURING TK 2号汽缸油测量柜FW tanks cleanness blind free inspectionFW TK (P) 淡水舱(左)FW TK(S) 淡水舱(右)DISTILLED/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 蒸馏水舱Other tanks cleanness blind free inspection/doc/230f76d45022aaea998f0fc2.html 艉管冷却水舱F.W. WASHING TK 洗舱水舱SLOPE/SEWAGE WASHING TK 洗舱污水/生活污水舱SLUDGE TK 油渣舱BILGE HOLD TK 舱底水存放舱F.O OVERF. TK 燃油溢流舱F.O DRAIN TK 燃油泄放舱WASTE OIL TK 废油舱S/T LO. DRAIN TK 艉管滑油泄放舱SEWAGE TK 生活污水舱CHAIN LOCKER TK ( P) 锚链舱(左)CHAIN LOCKER TK ( S) 锚链舱(右)STERN TUBE LO GRAITY TK 艉管滑油重力油柜STEERING GRAR STORAGE OIL Tk 舵机储油箱M/E SCAVENGE BOX DRAIN TK 主机扫气箱泄放柜CHEMECAL CLEANING TK ME 主机化学清洗柜M/E JACKET FW.EXPANSION TK 主机缸套水膨胀水箱LT FRESH WATER EXPANSION TK 低温水膨胀水箱Main Propulsion and Rudder installationPropeller shaft and rudder center line alignmentER area construction Fr.35 after and under main deck are finishedME foundation are prealignedME foundation are weldedPropeller shaft and rudder center line alignment by steel wire ME foundation all through bolt holes drilled"Stern tube, propeller shaft , blades installation "Cleaning stern tube before fixing stern tube outsideRudder system installationbearing sleeves 2 pcs rudder stock workshop"ME shifting, superstructure shifting and reaming shaft coupling/ ME fly wheel fitting bolts holes "flat bars to be welded inside ME foundation for chockfast"ME alignment, installations , shaft jack up test , shaft earth device etc."dynamic measurement before shaft alignmentAE/EG installationAE 1 chock fitting and foundation bolts tighten 1#发电机垫块安装及螺栓扳紧AE 2 chock fitting and foundation bolts tighten 2#发电机垫块安装及螺栓扳紧AE 3 chock fitting and foundation bolts tighten 3#发电机垫块安装及螺栓扳紧EG chock fitting and foundation bolts tighten 应急发电机垫块安装及螺栓扳紧Deck equipment installationWindlass foundation pouring chockfast and bolts tighten 锚机底座浇环氧及螺栓扳紧Winches foundation pouring chockfast and bolts tighten 绞车底座浇环氧及螺栓扳紧"Trial, Alarms and Other Tests"EG function testalarm points of EG 应发报警点load test 应发负荷AE function test"alarm points of AE1, AE2, AE3 1#,2#,3# 发电机报警点"load test of Aes 1#,2#,3# 发电机负荷parallel run test of main generators 主发并车"MSB, ESB and shore connection box"protection devices and equipment of MSB 主配电板保护protection devices and equipment of ESB 应急配电板保护protection of shore connection box 岸电保护24 V auto battery charge/discharge panelalarm points 报警点charge and discharge test 充电和放电试验Steam boilerSteam boiler boiling out(cleaning chamber) 蒸汽锅炉煮炉(清洁炉室)Steam boiler alarm points 蒸汽锅炉报警点boiler feed water pumps 锅炉给水泵dosing pump for steam boiler 锅炉加药泵Steam boiler functon test on MDO 锅炉烧柴油试验Steam boiler functon test on HFO 锅炉烧重油试验Engine room equipments/pumps teststeering gear 舵机"HFO, LO separators 燃油滑油分油机"incinerator 焚烧炉engine room fans 机舱风机"main air compressors , service air compressor, emergency air compressor;main air reservoir,contrlo air reservoir,service air reservoir,emerg.air reservoir 主空压机,甲板日用空压机,应急空压机;主空气瓶,控制空气瓶,甲板日用空气瓶,应急空气瓶"control air dehydrator 控制空气干燥器air reducing station 减压阀组SW cooling pumps 海水冷却水泵LT CW main and harbour pumps 低温冷却水泵及停港冷却水泵M/E jacket F.W cooling pumps 主机缸套水冷却水泵"FW hydrophor, FW pumps , UV lamp 淡水压力柜,淡水压力泵紫外线消毒器""TW hydrophor , TW pump 技术水压力柜技术水泵 ""calorifier, hot water circulating pumps 热水柜,热水循环泵"LO transfer pump 滑油输送泵stern tube LO pump 艉管滑油泵CYC. Oil transfer pump 汽缸油输送泵sludge pump including dry running protection 油渣泵包括防干磨保护oily water separator 油水分离器sewage treatment plant including sewage discharge pump 污水处理装置包括污水排放泵ER crane function and load test 机舱行车效用及负荷试验cold store refrigerating plant function test including cooling effective test 冷库制冷单元效用及冷库制冷试验"emergency stop test for FO, LO pumps and fans 风油切断"FW generator test and F.W mineralizing unit (sea trial) 造水机及矿化滤器ME air cooler chemical cleaning pump 主机空冷器化学清洗泵electrical test panel 电工实验板Workshops equipment testsgas welding 气焊elec. Welding 电焊grinding machine 砂轮机drilling machine 钻床lathe machine 车床grinding machine for exh.valve 排气阀研磨机M/E fuel valve test device 主机喷油器试验装置Systems of whole vessel function testspiping system with pump function testsbilge water system for whole vessel including pumps and ejectors 全船舱底水效用包括泵浦及喷射泵ballast system including pumps and stripping ejectors 压载水效用包括泵浦及扫舱喷射泵fire fighting system for whole vessel including pumps 全船消防效用及泵浦water mist fire extinguishing system in ER including pump unit 机舱水雾喷淋效用及泵浦单元steam heating system for ER tanks 机舱舱室蒸汽加热系统steam heating system for HFO storage tanks 货仓燃油储存舱蒸汽加热系统steam heat tracing system 蒸汽伴行系统效用HFO and MDO transfering system test including pumps 燃、柴油驳运效用及泵浦FW hot / cold and TW supply system in superstructure 上建供水FW hot / cold and TW supply system in ER 机舱供水"drain pipes in superstructure ,main deck,forecastle deck 上建,主甲板,首部疏排水系统""drain pipes of FO drain ,LO drain and water drain in ER 机舱燃油,滑油水泄放""air supply system for ER, main deck and forecastle 全船杂用空气效用"remote control valves system 遥控阀系统remote level measuring system + manual sounding 液位遥测系统+ 手动测深quick closing valve systems function test 快关阀系统效用"CO2 system for whole vessel(ER, CH,galley,painting store) 全船CO2效用"cargo hold smoke detection 货仓烟雾探测bridge windows washing system including wipers 驾驶室雨刮器效用sea chests P/S function test of the valves 左右海底门遥控阀效用Ventilation systems in whole vessel incl fans"ER and ER other spaces ventilation including fans, flaps etc机舱及机舱内其他区域通风包括风机,风闸""superstructure ventilation including fans, flaps etc 上建通风包括风机风闸""cargo hold ventilation including fans, flaps etc 货仓通风包括风机,风闸"AC system in accomodationAC plant test 中央空调AC system in accomodation effective test 上建风量测试air condition system for galley 厨房空调air condition system for ECR 集控室空调Level alarms and temperature alarmsHFO and MDO tanksHFO tks (Tk01-03)high level 燃油舱1-3#舱液位高MDO tanks high level (TK01-03) 柴油舱1-3#液位高FO overflow tank level high(ER) 燃油溢流舱液位高NO.1 HFO SETT TK level high 1#燃油沉清舱液位高NO.2 HFO SETT TK level high 2#燃油沉清舱液位高NO.1 HFO SERV TK level low 1#燃油日用舱液位低NO.2 HFO SERV TK level low 2#燃油日用舱液位低NO.1 MDO SERV TK level low 1#柴油日用舱液位低NO.2 MDO SERV TK level low 2#柴油日用舱液位低HFO tanks (TK01-03) temperature high 燃油舱1-3# 温度高NO.1 HFO SETT TK temperature high 1#燃油沉清舱温度高NO.2 HFO SETT TK temperature high 2#燃油沉清舱温度高NO.1 HFO SERV TK temperature high 1#燃油日用舱温度高NO.2 HFO SERV TK temperature high 2#燃油日用舱温度高MDO SERV tank for emergency generator level low 应发柴油柜液位低INCIN. M.D.O. TK. Low level 焚烧炉柴油柜液位低LO and CO tanksLO sump Tank ME level low 主机滑油循环舱液位低LO stern tube head tank level low 艉管滑油重力柜液位低LO stern tube forward seal tank level low 艉管艏密封柜液位低LO stern tube forward seal tank level high 艉管艏密封柜液位高LO stern tube after seal tank level low 艉管艉密封柜液位低LO stern tube after seal tank level high 艉管艉密封柜液位高LO stern tube DRAIN TK.level low 艉管滑油泄放舱液位低No.1 M/E CYL. OIL MEASUR. TK. Level low 1#主机汽缸油测量柜液位低No.2 M/E CYL. OIL MEASUR. TK. Level low 2#主机汽缸油测量柜液位低Bilge wellsBilge well in cargo hold 5 SB level high No.5货舱污水井液位高(右)Bilge well in cargo hold 5 PS level high No.5货舱污水井液位高(左)Bilge well in cargo hold 4 AFT. SB level high No.4货舱污水井液位(后右)Bilge well in cargo hold 4 AFT. PS level high No.4货舱污水井液位(后左)Bilge well in cargo hold 4 FWD. SB level high No.4货舱污水井液位(前右)Bilge well in cargo hold 4 FWD. PS level high No.4货舱污水井液位(前左)Bilge well in cargo hold 3 SB level high No.3货舱污水井液位高(右)Bilge well in cargo hold 3 PS level high No.3货舱污水井液位高(左) Bilge well in cargo hold 2 AFT.SB level high No.2货舱污水井液位高(后右) Bilge well in cargo hold 2 AFT.PS level high No.2货舱污水井液位高(后左) Bilge well in cargo hold 2 FWD.SB level highNo.2货舱污水井液位高(前右) Bilge well in cargo hold 2 FWD.PS level high No.2货舱污水井液位高(前左) Bilge well in cargo hold 1 SB level high No.1货舱污水井液位高(右)Bilge well in cargo hold 1 PS level high No.1货舱污水井液位高(左)Bilge well in boatswain store SB level high 水手长储藏室污水井液位高(右)Bilge well in boatswain store PS level high 水手长储藏室污水井液位高(左)Bilge well in windlass control room level high 锚机控制室液位高Bilge well in carpenter room level high 木工间液位高Bilge well in painting room level high 油漆间液位高Bilge well in FORE. VOID SB level high 首空仓液位高(右)Bilge well in FORE. VOID PS level high 首空仓液位高(左)Bilge well in LOG&SOUND room level high 计程仪测深仪室液位高Bilge water in pipe tunnel level high 管弄舱底水液位高Bilge water level in emergency fire pump room level high 应急消防泵舱舱底水液位高Bilge well in engine room FWD. PS level high 机舱前污水井左舷液位高Bilge well in engine room FWD. SB level high 机舱前污水井右舷液位高Bilge well in engine room AFT. Level high 机舱尾部污水井液位高Bilge well beneath M/E level high 主机座下污水井液位高ER tanksM/E J.F W. EXP. TK. Level low 主机缸套水膨胀水箱液位低LT FCW expansion tank level low 低温冷却水膨胀水箱液位低M/E H.T.F.W. AL.device box level low 主机缸套水报警装置液位低waste oil tank level high 废油舱液位高sludge oil tank level high 油渣舱液位高FO. Drain TK level high 燃油泄放舱液位高FRESH W. TK. Level low (P) 淡水舱左舷液位低INCIN. WASTE TK. Level high 焚烧炉废油柜液位高BILGE HOLD. TK.level high 舱底水存放舱液位高SEWAGE TK. (BLACK W.) level high 生活污水舱液位高ballast water tanksmanual sounding pipes function test for all ballast water tanks 所有压载舱手动测试效用Main propulsion system mooring testME alarm points 主机报警点ME pre-heating unit 主机预热单元ME turning gear 主机盘车机ME FO booster unit 供油单元ME LO auto. Filter 主机滑油自清滤器ME LO sump 主机滑油泵shaft earthing device 轴接地装置ME mooring test 主机系泊试验ME turbocharger cleaning system (sea trials) 主机涡轮增压器清洗Accomodation equipment testgalley equipment 厨房设备laundry equipment 洗衣间设备Deck equipment and outfittings testsbunker hose crane 油管吊Anchor abandoning test 弃锚试验deck cranes function and load test 甲板克令吊效用及负荷试验provision crane function and load test 杂物吊效用及负荷试验accommodation ladders function and load test 舷梯效用及负荷试验Pilot ladder 引水员软梯rescue boat davit 救助艇架rescue boat 救助艇free fall boat 抛落艇free fall boat davit 抛落艇架mooring winches 系泊绞车anchor windlasses 锚机H/C hydro. Power pack1 舱盖液压单元"doors, windows and small hatchcovers"operating test 开关试验host test 冲水试验dead weight measurement 空船称重Electrical systemselectrical space heaters for whole vesselelectrical space heater in sanitary units 卫生单元电加热器electrical space heater in store rooms 甲板储藏室电加热器Lightingsnormal and emergency lightingsuperstructure open deck 上建室外superstructure accomodation 上建室内ER and service spaces 机舱及机舱其他服务场所"main deck and forecastle including deck cranes, power pack rooms, store room, etc 主甲板,艏部包括克令吊,液压单元室,甲板储藏室等等"cargo holds 货仓pipe tunnel 管弄nautical lightingnavigation and signal lights 航行灯和信号灯suez searching light 苏伊士搜救灯Suez Canal light socket 苏伊士运河灯插座daytime signal searching light 白昼信号搜索灯panama Canal steering light 巴拿马运河操舵灯anti-fouling and cathodic protection systems 防海生物及外加电流阴极保护"Communication, indication, signalling equipment & alarm systems"fire/smoke detection system alarm 火警及烟雾探测bunker station alarm / telephone 加油站报警、电话water ingress alarm sysytem 货仓进水报警系统cold store room call 冷库误锁hospital call 病房呼叫general alarm system 通用报警E/R telegraph 机舱车种automatic telephone 自动电话sound power telephone 声力电话E/R column alarms 机舱灯柱报警talk back system 对讲public address system 广播Community antenna device 天线共用器master clock test 子母钟open/close indicators for WT doors and small covers. 水密门及小舱盖开闭指示fog horn 雾笛nautical radio & communication equipmentEcho-sounder 回声测深仪speed log 计程仪Gyro-compass 电罗经automatic pilot 自动操舵仪Radar &responder 雷达及雷达应答器D-GPS D-GPS 导航仪VHF radiophone VHF 无线电话VDR 航行数据记录仪SATCOM C / SATCOM F 卫星通讯系统C站,F站DSC 数字选呼电话设备EPIRB 应急无线电示位标SSAS 防海盗系统Network systems and computersLoading computer 装载计算机Ships network system 船舶网络系统AIS-system 船舶状态识别系统Seatrials。
船检业务用英语1、船体56分段完工后结构完整性与焊缝检查Inspection structure integrity and welding seam on completing No.56 block.上层建筑完后结构完整性检查Inspection structure integrity after completing the superstructure.No.8 与No9分段合拢后大接头装配精确性与结构完整性检查Checking the joint accuracy and structure integrity between No.8 and No.9 block after closed.上层建筑合拢后结构完整性检查Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after closed.货舱口围板船上安装精度检查Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on berth.货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding.No1压载水舱(No.15分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查Inspection air pressure test(with water head) for No1. ballast water tank(No15 block). 上甲板冲水试验检查Inspection hosing test for upper deck.下水前测量船体主尺度、总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度Measuring hull’s main dimensions:length overall(LOA.),length between perpendiculars(LPP.),breath molded(B. mld.),depth molded and deflection before launching.划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out.吃水标志(载重线标志)安装后精确性检查Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loadline mark).载重线标志划线后检查尺度Inspection dimension of loadline after marking out.舵叶完工后检查Checking rudder after completing(finished).货舱舱口盖焊缝与尺度检查Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover.2、轮机内场螺旋桨轴(中间轴)机加工尺寸检查Inspection machining dimension of propeller shaft(intermediate shaft or counter shaft).检查螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨锥度接触面Check for surface contact area(metallic contact) between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers.舵杆机加工尺寸检查Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock.上舵承组装后检查Inspection rudder carrier after assembly.舵销机加工尺寸检查Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle.舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查Inspecting alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle.锚投掷试验与拉力试验Lowering test and tension test of anchor.轴系连接螺栓与孔尺寸测量Measuring dimension of coupling bolts and reamer hole.3、轮机外场安装(钳工)防蚀板布置正确性检查Inspection arrangement correctness of aluminium Anodes.船名牌(烟囱标志)安装正确性检查Inspection installation correctness of ship’s name plate(funnel mark).水密小舱口盖(水密门、窗)启闭灵活性检查Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover(water tight door andwindow).货舱舱口盖密性试验(启闭试验、应急启闭试验)Tightness test(opening and closing test,emergency opening and closing test)for cargo hatch cover.弃锚装置检查Inspecting anchor throwing away appliance.轴、舵系镗孔前中心线定位检查Inspecting centerline positioning for shaft system and rudder system before boring.轴系镗孔后光学校中检查Optical aligned check for shaft system after boring.艉轴管滑油液压试验Hydraulic test for L.O. pipe for stern tube.艉轴管前、后轴承与衬套直径测量Measuring diameter of fore and aft stern tube bearing and bushes.艉轴管前、后衬套压入检查Inspection push-up load for fore and aft stern tube bushes.螺旋桨轴与轴承间隙测量Measuring clearance between propeller shaft & bearing.螺旋桨压入检查Inspection wet fitting the propeller.艉轴密性装置的安装与密性试验Fitting and tightness testing of propeller shaft before launching(after sea trial).艉轴管滑油系统的投油清洗Flushing L.O.system of stern tube.舵叶0位检查Inspecting zero(datum) position of rudder blade.舵装置完整性与轻便性检查Inspecting integrity and flexibility of rudder appliance.舵止跳块的间隙测量Measuring clearance of rudder jumping stopper.操舵装置完整性检查Inspecting integrity of steering gear.舵轴承安装间隙测量Measuring installation clearance of rudder bearing.舵机管路系统的投油清洗Flushing of piping system for steering gear.舵机系泊试验Mooring test of steering gear.舵机航行中操舵试验Manoeuving test of steering gear during sea trial.舵机应急操舵试验Emergency manoeuving test of steering gear.锚机管路系统的投油清洗Flushing of piping system for windlass.锚机安装与校中检查Installation and alignment inspection of windlass.锚机系泊试验Mooring test of windlass.锚机航行中抛起锚试验Anchoring and weighting test of windlass on sea trial.绞缆机完整性检查Inspection integrity of mooring winch.绞缆机管路系统的投油清洗Flushing of piping system for mooring winch.绞缆机系泊试验Mooring test of mooring winch.舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass、mooring winch).4吨食物吊运转试验与吊重试验Running test and hoisting test for 4t provision crane.救生艇收放试验Lowering and hoisting test for life boat.救生艇航行试验Sea trial for life boat.舷梯(引水员梯)压重试验Loading test of accommodation ladder(pilot ladder).舷梯(引水员梯)与绞车收放试验Lowering and hoisting test of accommodation ladder(pilot ladder).货舱舱口盖启闭试验Opening and closing test for cargo hatch cover.货舱舱口盖应急启闭试验Emergency opening and closing test for cargo hatch cover.水密小舱口盖(水密门、窗)启闭灵活性检查与冲水试验Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover(water tight door and window).主机垫片检查Checking liner of main engine(M.E.).主机贯穿螺栓紧固度检查Tightening inspection for through bolts of main engine(M.E.).下水后主机曲轴与中间轴连接后校中Aligning main engine’s crank shaft and intermediate shaft after launching.下水后中间轴与螺旋桨连接后校中Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching.主机动车前(航行试验后)曲轴甩档测量Measuring deflection of crank shaft of M.E. before starting up(after sea trial).主机滑油(燃油)管路投油清洗Flushing lubrication oil(fuel oil) system of M/E.轴带发电机及齿轮箱安装检查Alignment inspection installation of shaft generator and gear box.主机报警与安全装置试验Alarm testing and safety device testing of M/E.主机系泊(航行)试验并检查其附属泵与管路Mooring test(sea trial) of M.E.and inspection attached pumps and piping system.轴带发电机运转试验及主机与轴带发电机之间的离合器的效用试验Running test of shaft generator and clutching test between M.E. and shaft generator. 航行试验中轴带发电机与柴油发电机之间的换车试验Change over test between shaft generator and diesel generator on sea trial.主机航行试验后的拆检Overhauling main engine after sea trial.主柴油发电机组安装检查Installation inspection of main diesel generator.主柴油发电机动车前(系泊试验后)曲轴甩档测量Measuring deflection of crank shaft of main diesel generator before running test(after sea trial).主柴油发电机的报警与安全装置试验Alarm and safety device testing of main diesel generator.主柴油发电机运转试验Running test of main diesel generator.应急柴油发电机运转试验Running test of emergency main diesel generator.应急柴油发电机的安全装置试验Safety device testing for emergency diesel generator.主(辅)空气压缩机的充气试验、安全阀与自动装置的调整Charging test and safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main compressor(auxiliary compressor).应急空气压缩机的运转试验、安全阀与安全装置的调整Running test and safety valve and safety device adjusting for emergency compressor.主空气瓶(操纵空气瓶、汽笛空气瓶)装船后气密试验与安全阀的调整Air tightness test and safety valve adjusting for main air receiver (control air receiver, air horn receiver)on board.辅锅炉(废气锅炉)装船后气密试验Air tightness test for auxiliary boiler (economize boiler) on board.辅锅炉安全阀检验及蓄压试验Safety valve adjusting and accumulating test for auxiliary boiler.辅锅炉自动操纵装置试验Automatic controller test for auxiliary boiler.废气锅炉效用试验Function test for economizer.压载泵效用试验与自动操纵装置试验Function test and automatic controller test for ballast pump.舱底水油水分离器(污水处理装置、制淡装置、焚烧炉)效用试验Function test of bilge oily water separator (sewage treatment plant, fresh water generator, incinerator).机舱行车吊重试验Hoisting test of engine room crane.机修间设备运转试验Running test of machines in repair room.无线电话radio telephone电视机与收音机TV and radio set电视机与收音机天线共用器antenna multi coupler of TV and radio set 电罗经gyro compass磁罗经magnetic compass电脉冲electrical impulse应急电站emergency power station扬声器loud speak继电器relay contact配电板switch board配电箱distribution box变压器transformer保险丝fuse蜂鸣器buzzer敷板前驾驶室检查主干电缆安装Inspection main cable installation for wheel house before paneling decoration.总配电板(应急配电板)绝缘电阻测量与保护装置可靠性试验Measuring insulation resistance and reliability test protection device for main switchboard(emergency switchboard).主发电机(应急发电机)负荷及特性试验Load and performance test for main generator (emergency generator).主发电机(应急发电机)电压、频率自动调节试验Automatic governing test of voltage and frequency for main generator (emergency generator).主发电机并联运行试验Parallel-running test for main generator.柴油发电机电压特性试验Diesel generator voltage characteristic test.柴油发电机调速特性试验Diesel generator governor sensitivity test.突加负荷试验Test for taking on a full load suddenly.逆功率脱扣试验Reverse power relay trip test.过电流脱扣试验Over-current relay test.低压脱扣试验Under voltage tripping test.联锁试验Interlocking reliability test.二台主发电机负荷转移试验Testing load charge-over between two main generator.轴带发电机负荷试验与航行时效用试验Load test for shaft generator and its function test on sea trial.应急发电机自动供电试验Automatic supply test of emergency generator.舵角指示器校准Calibrating tudder angle indicator.舵角电动机遥控起动与报警试验Remote starting and alarm test for steering gear motor.自动舵效用试验Function test automatic pilot.锚机(舵机)电动机运转试验Running test of motor for windless (steering gear).辅机与泵的电动机程序起动与自动转换Sequence starting and automatic exchange of motors for auxiliary machine and pump. 蓄电池与充电装置的充放电试验Charge and discharge operation test for battery and charge equipment.机舱风、油(舱底泵)应急切断装置操作试验Operation test of emergency switching-off device for oil pump and ventilator (bilge pump) in engine room.消防泵、应急消防泵遥控装置操作试验Operation test of remote control device for fire pump and emergency fire pump.雾笛效用试验Function test of fog horn.测深仪的换能器船台安装与水密性检查Inspection installation and water tight transducer of echo sounder on berth.测深仪效用试验Function test of echo sounder.计程仪水下部分船台安装与水密性检查Inspection installation and water tight for log’s underwater parts on berth.航行试验中计程仪效用试验及误差调整Function test and adjust error for log on sea trial.测向仪环状天线船台安装检查Inspection installation for loop antenna of direction finder on berth.航行试验中测向仪效用试验及自差曲线校正Function test and calibration self-heterodyne curve for direction finder on sea trial.组装报务台天线安装检查与绝缘测量Inspection installation for antenna of radio console and measuring its insulation resistance.发讯机调谐表制表Scheduling tuning chart of transmitter.航行试验中组装报务台效用试验Function test of radio console on sea trial.航行试验中电罗经固定误差校正与效用试验Calibration constant error and function for gyro compass on sea trial.航行试验(系泊试验)中雷达效用试验Function test of radar on sea trial (mooring test).传感器报警设定值模拟试验Simulating alarm test for fire detector.火警检测器自动报警试验Automatic alarming test for fire detector.下列项目按系泊试验大纲进行系泊试验The items are tested according to mooring test program as following as:轮机员呼叫装置试验Function test of engineer calling device.病室呼叫装置试验Function test of calling device in hospital.超短波对讲机Function test of ultra-short wave radio telephone.主机遥控系统性能试验Function test of remote control system of main engine.无人机舱作4~6小时航行试验UMS(unattended machinery space) sea trial continue 4~6 hours.电路绝缘电阻测量Measuring installation resistance for circular.气象传真机效用试验Function test for weather facsimile receive.6.内装驾驶甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of W/H Deck.A甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of A- Deck.B甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of B- Deck.C甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of C- Deck.D甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of D-Deck.主甲板空调、机械风管结构A/C duct and vent duct structure of Main Deck.救生(助)艇吊架结构与压重试验Inspection the structure and loading test of the lifeboat (Rescue boat) davit. 冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验Ref.Freon piping to be done air-tightness test.冷藏氟利昂管系真空试验Ref.Freon piping to be done vacuum test.冷藏机组保护装置试验及打冷试验Ref.Plant to be done protection divice test and cooling-down test.机舱风管结构交验E/R vent duct structure to be inspected.房舱空调氟利昂管系密性试验Accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done air-tightness test.房舱空调氟利昂管系真空试验Accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done vacuum test.房舱风量调整试验Accommodation to be done air-flow adjustment test.房舱空调机组保护装置试验及冷/热效用试验Accommodation A-C plant to be done protection device test.集控室单位式空调效用试验E/C RM.Package A-C to be done function test.机舱空气干燥器效用试验及报警试验E/R air drier to be done function test and alarm test.救生(助)艇收放试验Lifeboat (rescue boat) to be done lowering and hoisting test.上层建筑水密门窗冲水试验Superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done hosing test.房舱风机效用试验Cabin supply fan to be done function test.上层建筑救生、消防设备交验Superstructure life-saving and fire fighting equopment to be done inspection. 厨房、洗衣间设备交验Galley and laundry equopment to be done function.下甲板逃口――水密门冲水试验Low deck escape-water-tightness doors to be hose test.上层建筑风雨密门窗安装后检查Inspection water-tightness doors and windows of superstructure after fitting.上层建筑通风门门片安装后检查Inspection air outlet grilles of superstructure after fitting.通道门操作与密性试验Lobby doors to be done operation test and tightness test.冰箱效用试验Refrigerator to be done function test.救助艇航行试验Rescue boat to be done sea trial test.救助艇架结构完整性交验Structure completeness of rescue boat davit to be inspected.救助艇架(救生筏吊架)静负荷试验Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done static loading test.救助艇架(救生筏吊架)动负荷试验Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done dynamic test.艏部舱室(舵机房)风管结构交验Vent duct structure of bow cabin (steering gear RM.) to be inspection.菌形风头手动启闭试验Mushroom outlet closing and opening by hand to be inspected.7、内装(铜工)上层建筑压缩空气管系密性试验Superstructure compressed air piping to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑操纵空气管系密性试验Superstructure compressed control air piping to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑供水管系密性试验Superstructure water supply piping to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑消防管系(包含应急消防管系)密性试验Superstructure fire fighting piping (including emergency fire fighting piping) to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑烟雾报警管系密性试验Superstructure smoke detection piping to be done air-tightness test. 厨房CO2管系密性试验Galley CO2 piping to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑疏排水管系密性试验Superstructure drainage air piping to be done air-tightness test.房舱凝水、落水管系畅通试验Cabin condense piping to be done free-flowing test.房舱蒸汽管系密性试验Cabin steam piping system to be done air-tightness test.甲板冲洗管系密性试验Deck flushing piping system to be done air-tightness test.油漆间消防管系密性试验Painting RM. Fire fighting pipe to be done air-tightness test.驾驶室喷淋管系效用试验W/H jetting pipe to be done function test.8、内装(木工)集控室浮动地板Floating floor of E/C RM.集控室绝缘Insulation of E/C RM.冷库地板绝缘Insulation of Ref. RM. floor.冷库围壁绝缘Insulation of Ref. RM. wall.冷库平顶绝缘Insulation of Ref. RM. ceiling.冷库隔墙及顶大梁处绝缘Insulation of separate wall and beam in Ref. RM.驾驶室浮动地板Floating floor of W/H.主甲板浮动地板Floating floor of main deck.驾驶室绝缘Insulation of W/H.A甲板绝缘(包含A甲板A60绝缘)Insulation of A-deck (including A60 insulation).B甲板绝缘(包含B甲板A60绝缘)Insulation of B-deck (including A60 insulation).C甲板绝缘(包含C甲板A60绝缘)Insulation of C-deck (including A60 insulation).D甲板绝缘(包含D甲板A60绝缘)Insulation of D-deck (including A60 insulation).主甲板绝缘Insulation of main deck (including A60 insulation).应急发电机室绝缘(包含应急发电机室A60绝缘)Insulation of emergency generator room (including A60 insulation).CO2室绝缘Insulation of CO2 room.机舱逃口绝缘(包含机舱逃口A60绝缘)Insulation of escape in E/R. (including A60 insulation).F11#舱壁绝缘(包含F11#舱壁A60绝缘)Insulation of F11# bulkhead in E/R.(including A60 insulation).应急消防泵室绝缘(包含应急消防泵室A60绝缘)Insulation of emergency fire fighting pump RM. (including A60 insulation). 舵机房绝缘Insulation of steering gear RM.A甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of A-deck.B甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of B-deck.C甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of C-deck.D甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of D-deck.主甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of main deck.驾驶甲板流平层敷料Something deck covering of W/H deck.……舱室-围壁绝缘One wall insulation of……全船储藏室完整性提交Completeness of all locker to be inspection.全船房舱完整性提交Completeness of all cabin to be inspection.船长室、轮机长室(电机员室)敷板前检查隔热安装Inspection insulation installation for master room, Chief engineer room(electrical engineer room) before panel.船长室(轮机长室)舱室完整性(木工与内部装饰)提交Completeness delivery of accommodation (joiner work and interior decoration of accommodation) for master room(chief engineer room).。
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Tightness test for hull
During testing 下水前 Before Launching 试验时
√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
During testing
焊前 焊后 Before welding After welding 除锈后 交船前(或下 水前) After derusting Before delivery(or launching)
‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ √
√ √ √ √ √
As per tightness test plan 清舱报检 下水前最终检验 15 Cleanness Final check before launching checking 测定船舶艏.舯.艉 吃水,重量.重心.载 称重试验(从2#起) 重线 Draught of ship fore,mid,stern.Me 16 asuring of lightship Lightweight(sister vessels) weight,center of gravity deadweight a.焊前坡口准备及 预热 尾柱铸钢件焊接 b.无损检测 UT/MT/PT a.Edge 17 preparation and preheating before welding Stern frame welding b.Nondestructive exarninationUT/MT /PT 除锈
per block arrangement plan)
11ndestructive exarninationUT/MT /RT 龙骨挠度测量报告 龙骨挠度测量 Keel erection on Keel erection on shipway shipway measurement measurement report a.划线尺寸检查 载重线及水尺标志 b.安装精度检查 c.焊接质量检查 a.check for marking accuracy b.check for Loading line marks& installation draftmarks accuracy c.check for welding quality 总长.垂线间长.型 船体完工后主尺度测量 宽.型深 Overrall length.length Measuring of principal between dimensions after completion perpendiculars. molded of hull construction breadth.molded depth 船名标记.IMO标志.港口注册标 安装正确性与完整 性 记 Installation Ship name marks.IMO marks correctness and and port register marks integrity 安装正确性与完整 舷外标记(下水前检验标志) 性 Installation Outboard marks(Before correctness and launching surveymarks) integrity 安装正确性与完整 放泄螺栓 性及密性试验 Installation correctness and Bottom drain plug integrity.tightne ss test 根据密性试验图要 船体密性试验 求
1.船体建造及涂装交验项目 1.INSPECTIONS AND TESTS FOR HULL CONSTRUCTURE AND PAINTING 序 号 NO. 检验项目 Subject 船体钢板及型钢 Hull(incl. Mast,cargo hatch cover,rudder plate)steel plates and sections 主要铸锻件(包括尾柱,艉轴桨, 舵承) Major casting (stern,stern frame,shaft brackets rudder carrier) 船体主要焊接材料 Hull welding meterial
提供船检证书 Class spd certificate to check be provided √ √ √ √ 抽检 √ √ spd check √ √ √ 提供船检证书 Class certificate to be provided 提供船检证书 Class certificate to be provided
√ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
After marking 焊接完成后 施工后
a.Structural integrity&visual Hull erection on shipway(As quality of seam
After welding After completiong 下水前 Before Launching 标志划线后 安装后焊接 焊接完成后 After marking After fixing and Before After welding 下水前
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 提供检测报告
Before launching
Report provided
完工后 After completion 完工后 After completion 焊前和完工 后 Before welding and After completion 试验时
Meterial quality Before report &visual processing examination 材质报告 施工前 Meterial quality Before report &visual processing examination a.结构装配 焊接前 b.结构完整性及焊 缝表面质量 完工后 c.无损检测 Before a.Structure assernbly welding b.Structural integrity & After visual quality of seam completion c.Nondestructive exarnination 结构完整性,表面平 整度及焊缝表面质 完工后 量 Structural integrity & After flatness check & completion visual quality of seam 划线准确性 划线后 Marks accuracy a.完整性和焊缝表 面质量 b.无损检测 UT/MT/RT
分段制作(按分段划分图)包括舷 顶列板板与上甲板全焊透角焊缝 Block fabrication(As per block arrangement plan)incl.sheer-strake joint with upper deck fully penetration fillet welding block gouging inspection before welding 上建中组及船台安装 5 Superstrcuture preassembing and assembing on shipway 船台划线 6 Marking on shipway 船台大合拢(按分段划分图)
内容 Contents 材质报告 Meterial quality report &visual examination 材质报告
备注 Remarks
RI Time stage Surveyo Owner r 施工前 √ 抽检 Before processing 施工前 √ √ √ √ √ ‐ √ √ ‐
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二次除锈及涂装 18 Secondary derusting and painting
最后一层面漆 Derusting Finish coating