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#device PIC18F2520
#include "C:\Dev\PICC\PCW Projects\Dontronics LCD\gfxlcd.h"
#include "math.h" // include complex math routines
#ORG 0x1E00,0x1FFF{} // reserve rom spce to protect bootloader program
#fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT // set pic fuses
#use delay(clock=20000000) // set Clock speed for time calculations 20Mghz
#use rs232(baud=115200, xmit=PIN_C1, rcv=PIN_C0) // set up IO for LCD

/* 下面是定义了图像在LCD中的显示的中心位置,12843的可以改为64,32,30 */
#define OFFSETX 64 // offset for screen wont change unless
#define OFFSETY 64 // i use different screen! so its kinda fixed
#define OFFSETZ 30

void cube (void); // define the subroutines this one is the actual cube routine
void clearscreen (void); // clear the LCD screen
void lcdline (); // draw a line on the LCD
void initlcd (void); // initialise the LCD
void proginit (void); // setup other program stuff
void shutdown (void); // shutdown the LCD

// use const as they are in rom, saving ram

/* 以下部分定义了一个立方体 */
const signed int aa[8]={10,-10,-10,10, 10,-10,-10,10}; // x data for shape vertex
const signed int bb[8]={10,10,-10,-10, 10,10,-10,-10}; // y data for shape vertex
const signed int cc[8]={-10,-10,-10,-10, 10,10,10,10}; // z data for shape vertex
const int ff[12]={1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,3,4}; // start vertex for lines
const int gg[12]={2,3,4,1, 6,7,8,5, 5,6,7,8}; // end vertex for lines

int sx,sy,ex,ey; // define global vars for calling graphics subroutines

void main() // begin main program
initlcd(); // set autobaud and clearscreen
proginit(); // call program inits
cube(); // call main cube drawing routine
delay_ms(9999); // wait for ages while we look at the pretty picture
clearscreen(); // clear the screen
shutdown(); // turn off LCD ready for power Down
while(1); // wait forever as program is done.

void cube() // routine to draw and calc 3d cube
int newx[8]; // translated screen x co-ordinates for vertex
int newy[8]; // translated screen y co-ordinates for vertex
int i,loop; // temp variable for loops
float xt,yt,zt,x,y,z,sinax,cosax,sinay,cosay,sinaz,cosaz,vertex; // lots of work variables
float xpos=0; // position for object in 3d space, in x
float ypos=0; // y
float zpos=0; // and z values
float rotx=0; // starting amount of x rotation
float roty=0; // starting amount of y rotation
float rotz=0; // starting amount of z rotation

for (loop=0; loop<=100; loop++) // rotate the cube 100 times
/* 修改下

面的参数可以该面显示的位置 */
xpos=xpos+0.0; // move the object
ypos=ypos+0.0; // it would wander off screen
zpos=zpos+0.0; // really quick, so leave it centered
/* 下面参数定义每次旋转多少 */
rotx=rotx+0.5; // rotate the cube on X axis
roty=roty+0.5; // and on its y axis
rotz=rotz+0.0; // dont bother with z or it gets confusing

sinax=sin(rotx); // precalculate the sin and cos values
cosax=cos(rotx); // for the rotation as this saves a

sinay=sin(roty); // little time when running as we
cosay=cos(roty); // call sin and cos less often

sinaz=sin(rotz); // they are slow routines
cosaz=cos(rotz); // and we dont want slow!

for (i=0; i<8; i++) // translate 3d vertex position to 2d screen position
x=aa[i]; // get x for vertex i
y=bb[i]; // get y for vertex i
z=cc[i]; // get z for vertex i

yt = y * cosax - z * sinax; // rotate around the x axis
zt = y * sinax + z * cosax; // using the Y and Z for the rotation
y = yt;
z = zt;

xt = x * cosay - z * sinay; // rotate around the Y axis
zt = x * sinay + z * cosay; // using X and Z
x = xt;
z = zt;

xt = X * cosaz - y * sinaz; // finaly rotate around the Z axis
yt = X * sinaz + y * cosaz; // using X and Y
x = xt;
y = yt;

x=x+xpos; // add the object position offset
y=y+ypos; // for both x and y
z=z+OFFSETZ-zpos; // as well as Z

newx[i]=(x*64/z)+OFFSETX; // translate 3d to 2d coordinates for screen
newy[i]=(y*64/z)+OFFSETY; // drawing so we can see the cube
/* 下面是清屏,实际效果闪烁比较厉害。可以改成数据写在缓存里后,直接在覆盖显示效果比较好 */
delay_ms(20); // delay for a while to allow looking at the cube
clearscreen(); // clear the screen to remove old cube
/* 为了提高显示速度,可以只清除上一帧显示到的区域 */
for (i=0; i<12; i++) // draw the lines that make up the object
vertex=ff[i]-1; // temp = start vertex for this line
sx=newx[vertex]; // set line start x to vertex[i] x position
sy=newy[vertex]; // set line start y to vertex[i] y position
vertex=gg[i]-1; // temp = end vertex for this line
ex=newx[vertex]; // set line end x to vertex[i+1] x position
ey=newy[vertex]; // set line end y to vertex[i+1] y position
lcdline(); // draw the line between these 2 vertex

void lcdline() // subroutine for drawing line
delay_ms(18); // wait for LCD to be ready just in case
putc(76); // send comm

and for line
putc(sx); // send topleft X coord
putc(sy); // send topleft Y coord
putc(ex); // send bottomright x coord
putc(ey); // send bottomright y coord
putc(0); // send high byte of colour
putc(255); // send low byte of colour

void clearscreen() // subroutine to clear screen
delay_ms(20); // wait for LCD to be ready just in case
putc(69); // send clearscreen command

void initlcd() // routine to initialise LCD
delay_ms(5000); // wait for LCD to power up if it was off
putc(85); // send U for auto-baud
delay_ms(20); // wait for LCD to be ready
putc(89); // send command byte
putc(3); // with Startup command High byte
putc(1); // and low byte.
delay_ms(5000); // wait for LCD to power up if it was shutdown
clearscreen(); // clearscreen

void shutdown() // routine to shutdown the LCD for poweroff
delay_ms(20); // wait for LCD to be ready
putc(89); // send command byte
putc(3); // with Shutdown command High byte
putc(0); // and low byte.

void proginit(void)
setup_wdt(WDT_OFF); // turn off watchdog timer, low volt reset, internal clock and spi


/* 图片中立方体加文字的定义数据 */
const signed int aa[23]={8,-8,-8,8,8,-8,-8,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,4,-4,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8}; // x data for shape vertex
const signed int bb[23]={8,8,-8,-8,8,8,-8,-8,0,-4,4,-2,2,8,8,8,4,4,4,-4,-4,-4,0}; // y data for shape vertex
const signed int cc[23]={-8,-8,-8,-8,8,8,8,8,6,-6,-6,0,0,-6,6,6,-6,0,6,6,0,-6,0}; // z data for shape vertex

const int ff[22]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,9,9,12,14,14,17,19,20,21,22}; // start vertex for lines
const int gg[22]={2,3,4,1,6,7,8,5,5,6,7,8,10,11,13,15,16,19,20,21,18,23}; // end vertex for lines
