

“来,注视着人类恶念的魔鬼们!解除我的女性的柔弱,用最凶恶的残忍自顶至踵贯注在我的全身;凝结我的血液,不要让怜悯钻进我的心头,不要让天性中的恻隐摇动我的狠毒的决意!来,你们这些杀人的助手,你们无形的躯体散满在空间,到处找寻为非作恶的机会,进入我的妇人的胸中,把我的乳水当作胆汁吧!来,阴沉的黑夜,用最昏暗的地狱中的浓烟罩住你自己,让我的锐利的刀瞧不见它自己切开的伤口,让青天不能从黑暗的重衾里探出头来,高喊‘住手,住手!’” (第一幕,第五场)在决定是否谋杀邓肯之前,麦克白夫妇形成了鲜明的对比。

麦克 白夫人和耶洗 别分别为莎 土 比亚笔下 的悲剧 人物和 圣 经中描述的著名女性角色。作 为这两部文学 巨著 中的反面人 物 ,作者对 麦克 白夫 人和耶洗别 的描述都含有 很大 的贬义意 味 ,两个女性角色作 为千古罪人存在 于批评 界。在莎士 比亚戏 剧 中 ,麦克 白夫人或许是最残忍 、最可怕的女性形象之一。在许 多批评家看 来 ,正像剧本 中马尔康王 子所说 的那样 ,她是一位 “魔鬼 一样 的皇后 ”,而德 国诗人海涅 干脆认为 ,麦克 白夫人毫 无 人性 ,简直 “是一 匹极其 凶猛 的野兽 ”。而耶洗别 是圣经 《旧 约》中为数不多 的几个女性 角色之 一 ,由于她罪恶深重 ,在西方 社 会 已 成 为 “狠 毒 邪 恶 ”的 代 表 。无 独 有 偶 ,这 两 个 罪 恶 的女 性 角 色 之 间 有 着 很 多 的 共 同 点
2013 qc9月
总第 292期
文 化教 育
反 面女性 角色的两性 化人格
— — 麦克 白夫人 与耶洗别人 物 比较分析 范 璐
(西安交通大学外 国语学院 ,陕西 西安 710000)
摘 要 :《圣经 ·旧约》里《列王记上 》中的耶洗别和 莎士 比 亚四大悲剧之 一《麦克 白》中的麦克 白夫人 ,这两个女性 角色以 阴 险毒 辣 闻 名 于 文 学批 评 界 。 本 文从 另 一 个 角度 ,即 两 个 女 性 角 色的两性 化人 格方面对比分析这两个独特的 角色,说 明麦克 白夫人 和耶洗别这两个反 面女性角 色既有刚烈的 男性化 一面 , 也 有柔弱的女性 化一面。


麦克白英文分析第一篇:麦克白英文分析The tragedy of MacbethIt’s well known that William Shakespeare is a famous and great dramatist who has wrote many splendid dramas.If someone ask us what his four tragic dramas are,we may blurt out Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth without hesitation.All of the works could show Shakespeare’s great achievement in writing.I’m sure that most people are familiar with the classic sentence “T o be or not to be, that’s a question” from Hamlet.The tragedy of Macbeth was the last tragic drama of four, which was wrote in 1606.It represented the tragedy of destiny and man’s character.The story was happened in Scotland and England.The leading character was named Macbeth who was regarded as a hero of Scotland by people after beating King Norway’s army for defending Scotland, and King Lear wanted to give him rich awards and great honor.But it was sad that in the meantime Macbeth came across three ugly witches in the wild who attempted wickedly to tempt Macbeth to commit.They told Macbeth he would be The Thane of Cawdor soon and the king of Scotland eventually, but the bad thing was it was his friend Banquo’s sons, not his sons, who would be the king of Scotland after Macbeth.At the beginning, Macbeth thought this was unbelievable and felt really confused.Before long King Duncan sent his nobleman Angus and Lennox to transmit his order that Macbeth was to be ennobled as The Thane of Cawdor soon.Obviously,Macbeth was so surprised and excited that he1 held the foolish view that the three witches’ prediction was true.Hence he wrote a letter to tell his wife what the three uglywitches had said to him and they premeditated to kill King Duncan to displace him.Perhaps it was a wrong coincidence that King Duncan and his servants went to Macbeth’s castle for a rest one night.Therefore,Macbeth got a good chance to rebel.The couple inebriated the two gatekeepers in King Duncan’s room and killed King Duncan noiselessly with their swords in the midnight.When the morning awaked the people in the castle,everything surely been known in a little time.Macduff, the nobleman of Scotland, was the first who found King Duncan being killed.To conceal the truth, Macbeth made people mistakenly think that King Duncan was killed by the two gatekeepers and killed them immediately without asking others.Soon after Macbeth been the king of Scotland successfully, but he also worried about what the three witches had told him.So he must kill his friend Banquo and Banquo’s sons to guarantee his sons would be the king after him.One night his conspiracy succeeded again, Banquo was killed by Macbeth’s flunky.But as an old saying goes“What is done by night appears by day.”Some people including Macduff gradually doubted that Macbeth was the rebel who killed King Duncan to usurp the power.As a loyal nobleman of King Duncan, he absconded to England secretly to find Prince Malcolm, King Duncan’s son.While Macbeth known it, hewas so angry that killed Macduff ’s son and wife cruelly.Macduff arrived in England successfully and found the prince, because of their great effort, they smoothly got the help from England kingdom and organized a strong army back to Scotland to defeat Macbeth.But at this emergency moment, Macbeth still firmly believed what the three ugly witches had said to him“Macbeth shall never be vanquished until Great Birnamwoods move to high Dunsinane hill.Shall come against him.”“Be bloody, bold, and resolute, laugh to scorn the power of man,for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.”So as we can imagine where the miserable thing would go to next.With a strong hatred, Malcolm and Macduff decided to launch an attack against Macbeth near Birnam woods finally.In order to mistake the enemy, Malcolm commanded the soldiers to cut down the tree branches to hide themselves.Just as the three witches had said before,the Birnam woods moved by soldiers’ hands.What’s worse,Macduff said he was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped(it means Macduff wascaesarian rather than born normally by his mother)Until now, Macbeth known his serious fault, what a cruel, greedy, foolish man he was and deeply regretted his former actions.As we can expected,Macbeth been killed by Macduff finally and Malcolm as his father King Duncan became the king of Scotland.As far as I am concerned, the tragedy of Macbeth mostly causes byhis wild careerism.No matter how the three cunning witches bewitch his mind,how mightily his wife encourages him to rebel.If he contents with what he has got from the King Lear and has a thankful heart to keep conscience, everything will be much different.It is normal for us to pursue power, but what we should remember in our hearts is never be excessive.Macbeth has to make mistakes one after another to make up for what he does before.Therefore,he gradually kills more and more people, actually he is often afraid of what he has done.Maybe after Adam and Eve eating the fruits on the tree of good and evil, human can’t avoid making mistakes.From the drama we can see William Shakespeare character Macbeth in humanisticperspective.Macbeth is a full man not only should not be simply identified as a bad person, but also somewhat an innocent man who can arouse our sympathy.Although he kills many people,at least, for a long time he have grilled his conscience.In the end,due to his wild careerism keeps going on, what waits for him is finally finding being cheated by the three witches and lose his precious life sadly.第二篇:麦克白英文读后感The great writer Maxim Gorky once said: “the book is the ladder of h uman progress.” indeed reading can cultivate sentiments, reading can broaden our horizons, the book from the ocean for drip sentiment, hone their own, improve oneself, one of Shakespeare's four tragedies“ Mike white” rich life philosophy, I see Mike White's tragedy, also discusses the social tragedy.In sixteenth Century in England, all kinds of social contradictions increasingly apparent, the war with France, Scotland and Spain strained relations, chaotic, and relaxation, financial constraints, the price expensive, particularly troublesome is the sharp religious sect conflict, from the physiocracy to mercantilism market economy transition and because the enclosure movement caused serious the refugee problem in social environment, extreme individualistic malign expand, and the author for the “ good” the harmony between person and person, love, peace, human nature and moral responsibilities of the ideal life is completely draw further apart, in Mike White's era, society is not peaceful, although he and Norway did not openly joint, but his treason felony is his own confession, and have proved, that he ruined.Mike white superego attempts and self-indulgent, magnifying self realization value, and finally to torture yourself, self-reflection sin means to achieveself salvation of soul and self purification.Right desire driving force the binding is often greater than the superego, Mike white and lose all standing and reputation, but bring trouble to oneself, not to accept the influence of witch.But she is a bad fall into a wrong path, murder is Mike white, who was the victim of Duncan became Mike white killings direct accomplice, direct reasons, forced Mike to white Dutch act other than, but Duncan himself.If Duncan is not on the issue of succession to Mike white with a desperate fight Gong Yan, not before leaving their action for Mike white manufacturing attack conditions, Mike white and the witch is incapable of action, and Mike white lady represents the most arrogant character in Mike white, the hardest part of it, she can do to kill their sons and daughters, so cruel extreme means to confirm Mike white the murder was determined, Mike White's tragic fate already cannot avoid.In to help her husband to usurp the throne in the process, she showed a strong will, strong personality, calm mind, extraordinary talent and courage, in lust with love, she would love to return for the desire for power, showing how she cruel and inhuman.Many reasons lead to the Mike White's murder, step by step toward the abyof evil, witch, ghosts and gods, dark fantasy, Mike White gave himself up completely at the mercy of supernatural inextricably bogged down in, show Strong fatalism, man's fate seemed entirely in the hands of the nether world, but also by the desire for power completely devoid of human ambition.The tragedy of the entirety is not limited to personal destiny, but the feudal ruling clainner palace struggle, the common law court contradiction, the author reveals the desire to destroy the power at the same time, the profound description of the tyrant, the tyranny of the destruction, to the society, the people have brought disaster, it shows thepeople of disaster, the ill-fated, through bold revealed miserable, Horror Picture of society and social atmosphere to reflect the essence of the times, the author exposes extreme individualism and the life path of anti-humanity, anti human essence, also criticized the existing in the real world of lust, affirmed the humanist principle of beneficence, affirmed the conscience, revealing ambition and love be irreconcilable opposed to, the feudal autocratic monarchy, strongly condemned the tyranny of the autocrat and traitor to the people, people have the right to overthrow the tyranny of affirmative, have the right to destroy thetyrant, the authors advocate the principle of beneficence, call and affirmed the “ conscience”, points out that ambition with benevolence be irreconcilable opposed to, love is human nature, cruel against humanity, he once for the ideal fight, just because the ideal ambition to become metamorphic for most evil murderer, with Mike white as a representative of the feudal ruling clain the pursuit of power The extinction of human brutality careerist.His tragedy reflects the personal ambition infinite development inevitable result, the social attributes of the decision.In between man and nature, people are afraid of the mystery of nature and immense power, only to follow nature 's mercy, to jump out the nature of the palm.Desire is terrible, if not restrained, it will make a person become the villain, which leads to the small self destruction, will harm the country and the people.So we college students to do some meaningful things by their example of discrimination, to better improve themselves, not on the basis of previous more corrupt.We are influenced by the higher education.From various points of view, we are soberly aware.In the era of the development of our speciality, for nationalconstruction makes contribution.Promote positive advanced thought, in twenty-first Century, the real college students style let the world praise.第三篇:麦克白英文简介和读后感Abstract And Reviews of MacbethAbstract:Macbeth begins as the heroic warrior who, together with Banquet, fights loyally in support of his king against rebels.Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquet encounter the three witches, who prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquet’s children will succeed him on the throne.As Macbeth knows nothing of Cawdor’s part in the rebellion, the prophecies a re incredible to him.However, with the first prophesy immediately confirmed be emissaries from Duncan, king of Scotland, Macbeth’s blood-thirsty ambition has been greatly stirred up by the witches’ miraculous prophesy.And when Duncan is on a visit to his castle, Macbeth, who is spurred on by Lady Macbeth, takes the chance to have the King murdered.But Macbeth soon finds that one crime is not enough to keep the crown for him.To keep his crown, he abandons reason to mindless savagery and plunges from covert to open slaughter.He murders Banquet and kills Mac duff’s wife and children and others.Thus, Macbeth has degenerated into a tyrant and mass murderer.While Macbeth flails about him, killing suspected as well as herself, in her sleep, hag-ridden by horror and remorse.Finally she commit herself suicide.Macbeth also experiences a kind of mental disturbance, haunted by the involved all the people of Scotland who are groaning under his yoke and longing for liberation.When the opposing forces march forward, the people eagerly join them infighting against the tyranny.In the closing scene, Macbeth’s isolation becomes complete.As his castle is surrounded, Macbeth is reduced to a trapped animal and meets his final doom.Malcolm wins the kingship.Reviews:After learning this drama during this semester, I learn a lot.And here I have some points to talk about.The first one is that I am very impressed by the wittiness of Duncan’s two sons, Malcolm and Dona Bain.When their father is murdered, the situation is a chaos.They don’t know who the murderer is and what their intentions are.They realize that they may be also in danger, as Dona Bain says to Malcolm: “What should be spoken here, where our fate, hid in an auger-hole, may rush, and seize us? Let’s away;our tears are not yet brew’s.” So when Macbeth suggests all meet in the hall together, Malcolm says that”let’s not consort with them” and he goes to England and Dona Bain to Ireland.As we can see, if they don’t flee, they may become the next persons to die, especially Malcolm, who is named by the king the Prince of Cumberland and will inherit the kingship after his father.As the old saying goes, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold(君子报仇,十年不晚).The fact also proves that they make the right decision.Several years later, Malcolm comes back, fights with Macbeth and gains the kingship.What I want to say is not that we should revenge our enemies, but that we should keep in reason, keep calm.Think twice before you jump, especially in emergencies and disorders.Anot her point I’d like to talk about is the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.At the very beginning, we can see that they have a very good relationship.Before he comes back home, Macbeth has already send a letter home to Lady Macbeth to tell her the success of the war and the three witches’ prophesy.WhenMacbeth hesitate if murder Duncan or not, Lady Macbeth scolds him as coward.All these indicate that they are in a good relationship.After Duncan is killed, in order to clear the way to become the king, Macbeth plans to kill Banquet and his son.But he doesn’t tell his wife.Their relation is going badly.We can infer that Macbeth doesn’t tell Lady Macbeth his plan to kill Mac duff’s wife and children either.Because in Act Ⅴ Scene Ⅰ, when Lady Macbeth is sleep walking, she says: “The Thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?”And finally when his wife is dead, he is very cold, just saying: “she could have died hereafter;there would have been a time for such a word.” How comes a loving couple of the old d ays becomes strangers!It’s the blood-thirsty ambition that counts.From this, I learn that sometimes ambition is not a good thing.And if you have a proper ambition, such as becoming a champion in a competition or getting the highest score in an exam, you should get it through proper means, such as practicing a lot and study hard but not through cheating.Also, I learn that wife is an important role in a family.She should always lead the husband to go the right way to get the right thing.Otherwise, she could be the one who is hurt mostly.第四篇:麦克白读《麦克白》有感女巫甲:万福,麦克白!祝福你,葛莱密斯爵士!女巫乙:万福,麦克白!祝福你,考特爵士!女巫丙:万福,麦克白,未来的君王!祸从口出,悲剧就在这预言中开始了。


1.麦克白夫人的辩护——丈夫和妻子在麦克白中的真正关系 [J], 简洁
2.邪恶的帮凶--试析《麦克白》中的麦克白夫人及班柯 [J], 郝滢
3.两朵“恶之花”:王熙凤和麦克白夫人的形象比较——兼谈中西传统女性形象塑造 [J], 李祝亚;
4.谁是《麦克白》中的悲剧主角?——解析麦克白夫人的性别编码 [J], 杨鸿雁;吴晓芸
5.麦克白夫人悲剧形象分析 [J], 张林


剧中至关重要的人物 怂恿教唆其丈夫走上不归路的恶妇 阴谋者中的“佼佼者” 毒妇 “第四位女巫” “超级女巫 Nhomakorabea——歌德
“双性同体”开始应用于文学批评 ——伍尔芙 “在我们之中每个人都有两个力量支配一切, 一个 男性的力量, 一个女性的力量。……最正常、最适 意的境况就是在这两个力量一起和谐地生活、精诚合 作的时候。”——伍尔芙《一间自己的屋子》 麦克白夫人也是具有“雌雄同体”的特点。
麦克白夫人时刻都在同女性本能上的脆弱 作斗争。随着时间的推移,罪孽在她良心 上的负荷越来越重。 她的疯狂是女人脆弱的集中表现。
麦克白出征后, 她失去了精神支柱而崩溃 ,在疯狂中死去。
她没有能像当初她祈祷的那样:让魔鬼们解 除她的女性的柔弱, 相反地,因为她是一 个女人, 她也被理解在一般的女性名称“ 脆弱”的涵义里。
麦克白夫人比丈夫更加凶狠和恶毒, 她是自觉而主动地走上犯 罪道路的, 不象麦克白那样犹豫。开始她就担心丈夫的慈悲 心肠太多, 以致在关键时刻下不了决心。
1. 好妻子,贤内助——丈夫至上
麦克白夫人实际上是有很强的父权意识的。麦克白夫人 的父权意识主要体现在他对丈夫的极端重视。 尽管麦克白夫人是一个恶人,但她首先是一个女人。
参考 《麦克白夫人的女性主义批评解读》张敏贵州教育学院学报2009年2月
“愿你所生育的全是男孩子 ,因为你的无畏精神只应该铸 造一些刚强的男性。”(第一 幕第七场) “ 是 一 匹 极 其 凶 猛 的 野 兽 ”——海涅
3. 强烈的权力欲望与政治野心 有比麦克白更强烈、胃口更大的 野心 野心的冲动到了无法抑制的程 度。 善于激发麦克白内心深处的欲望

下面就通过麦克白夫人的形象来看莎士比亚戏剧《麦克白》当中的理性精神. 一、麦克白弑君夺位的幕后推动者麦克白在战场上获得了巨大的荣誉,被国王封为考特爵士,这应验了女巫的预言,他内心的欲望便不断的膨胀,他满脑子里面都是“未来的国王",他迫不及待第将这一消息告诉他的妻子。
【推荐】试论对麦克白夫人形象的再分析-word范文模板 (6页)

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浅析《 麦克 白》 夫人形 象
杜 蓉 马 驰
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文章编号: 6 2 7 9 (0 9)6 2 9 0 17 — 842 0 2 - 3- 1
西安 ( 西安 文理 学院外语 系 陕西 ・
中图分类号 : 0 16 1 文献标识码 : A
为了爱人献祭 自己。
充满 了太多的人情的乳臭 , 是你不敢采 取最近的捷径 ; 你希望做一 个伟大的人物 , 不是没有野心 , 你 可是你却缺少和那种野心相联属 的奸恶 ; 的欲望很大 , 又希望 只用正 当的手段 , 你 但 一方面不愿玩 弄机诈 , 方面却又要作非 分的攫夺 ; 大的 爵士 , 一 伟 你想要 的那东 西正在喊:你要到手 , ‘ 就得这样子 !’ 你也不是不肯这样干 , 而是怕 干” 麦克 白夫人立刻决定抓住这上天赐予的良机 , , 竭尽权利助夫君 臂之力 ,让我把我的精神力量倾注在你的耳 中; “ 命运和玄奇的力
法 摆脱 。I " 1
全剧 以女巫前后两次预 言为贯穿情节发展的线索 。当麦 克自 从女巫处得到预言, 并实现了其一 , 成为考特爵士开始 , 麦克 白心中
的权欲便蠢蠢 欲动 , 且逐渐膨胀。 在他给夫人的信中我们可以看到:
“ 我想我应该把这样的消息告诉你 , 的最亲爱的有福 同享的伴侣, 我 好让你不至于对于你所将要得 到的富贵一无所知 , 而失去你所应该 享有的欢欣。把它放在你的心头。 再会 。” 这就引出了麦克 自夫人的出场,可是我却 为你 的天性忧虑 : “ 它
尽管整部《 麦克白》 笼罩在强大的政治野心悲剧之下 , 白夫 麦克 人 的悲剧则可看作是女性 的悲剧 , 爱的悲剧 。睡梦中她还天真地安 慰 丈夫 :睡去 , “ 睡去, 有人在大门。来 , , , 来 来 让我搀着你 。事情已 经干了就算 了……” 夫人最后 的崩溃也许就有替 丈夫赎罪的意味 ,

29240毕业论文关键词:麦克白夫人;原型;人格面具;阴影Abstract As regards Lady Macbeth, many critics see her in her appalling words and commitment to evil as one with an insatiable desire for power. On the basis of the theory of Jungian analytical psychology, the thesis explores the psychological state of Lady Macbeth behind her horrible speeches thus demonstrates that instead of being an aggressive woman of strong will, Lady Macbeth is in fact husband-oriented. The motivation for her sayings and doings is the burning love towards her husband. From the analysis of LadyMacbeth, we can draw to the conclusion that women should strive to be independent. Even in modern times, the tragedy of Lady Macbeth has a general implication to women as a whole.Key words: Lady Macbeth; archetype; persona; shadowAn Analysis of Lady MacbethContents摘要 iAbstract iiⅠ. Introduction 1Ⅱ. A Comparison Between Medea and Lady Macbeth 42.1 The Blindness of Love 42.2 Sacrifice Everything for Love 6Ⅲ. The Conflicts Between Persona and Shadow 83.1 The Persona in Lady Macbeth 83.2 The Shadow in Lady Macbeth 103.3 The Confrontation Between the Persona and the Shadow 12Ⅳ. The Implication of Lady Macbeth’s Tragedy 13 Ⅴ. Conclusion 14Bibliography 17Acknowledgements 18Ⅰ. IntroductionWilliam Shakespeare, a master hand for play-writing, shows great talent in characterization, as Goethe says of Shakespeare: “His characters are like watches inward mechanism also is all visible.” (Yang 135) During his literary career that spanned more than two decades, Shakespeare has brought to the world 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. Shakespeare is skilled in displaying the psychological movements of the characters and his characters usually bear manifold qualities. The truth is that there is such a miraculous power in his work that the readers are prone to empathize with the person in literature: think as the figures would think and make judgments in their places. Undoubtedly, the readers can take a lesson from the plot, and better yet, through the exposure to the greatest thoughts and ideas, one can get baptized spiritually. His inspiration comes from many channels like chronicles, legends or romances by his contemporaries, but no matter what settings may be, Shakespeare write about his own people and for his owntime.Macbeth, written in 1605, tells the story of Macbeth, a Scottish general, brave and loyalty at the beginning of the play, yet consumed by ambition, degenerate eventually into a monster of depravity.Macbeth is the shortest of the Four Tragedies and is considered as the darkest one. For centuries, Macbeth with its vehement plot and vivid description of psychological evolution has made it a favor on stages, adapted and performed both at home and abroad, and has also attracted critics to interpret it from various angels.Lady Macbeth, perhaps one of the most noticeable female characters of Shakespeare’s plays, has long been regarded as a cruel and cold-blooded woman who incites her husband to commit the regicide. She is a “fiend queen” for Malcolm and a super witch in the eyes of Goethe. Critics who hold the similar view see her as a wicked woman of strong will who is at the very start intrepid, proud and forward-“ a Machiavellian adventurer who is in possession of enormous subversive power” (Yang, Sun 126). :But since the middle of 20th century, with the feminist literary criticism and psychoanalysis criticism being applied into the analysis of the female characters, the evil image of Lady Macbeth is challenged and the comments on Lady Macbeth becomes more objective and persified. Researchers have tried to redefine the image of Lady Macbeth from multitude views and reevaluate the role of Macbeth plays.Under the viewpoint of feminist criticism, Lady Macbeth is a common woman indulged in patriarchal ideology, doing everything for her husband but loses everything in the end.As a tragic protagonist, Lady Macbeth is in fact the victim of patriarchy and a scapegoat of Macbeth’s political ambition. The tragedy of Lady Macbeth results from her gender role-being a wife-who spares no efforts to help her husband (Yang, Wu).Lady Macbeth is a brave woman who is courageous enough to compete with the oppressing views about woman and successfully wins equal power of discourse to that of men. Though she loses her discourse power eventually and pursues that power in a wrong way, she is stillpraiseworthy in trying to be independent (Wang).From the review of some critics’ comments, it is clear that more objective approaches have been adopted in interpreting the image of Lady Macbeth, taking into account of such social factors as context, women’ s status, ideology, but little focus is put on the psychological analysis of this character. This thesis attempts to study Lady Macbeth from the perspective of Carl G. Jung’s analytical psychology.Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), one of the most influential psychologists of the age, is the founder of analytical psychology. His theory has not only gained much attention in the field of psychology, but also influenced some related humanistic disciplines such as biology, literature, linguistics and etc.While Freud maintains that “the unconscious mind is entirely personal and peculiar to the inpidual”(Stevens 22), Jung insists that beneath the personal unconscious, there is a deeper and more essential level which he called the collective unconscious.。


夫人自认为成为女王,却变成了精神错乱; 在众人面前,麦克白夫人表现出悲痛的忏悔情感,但背后邪恶的却猖獗不断。

Brief synopsis of the play
the first prophecy made by the three witches. 他不会被人打败,除非有一天勃南的树 林会冲着他向邓西嫩高山移动. The war started. Macbeth and Macduff Macbeth said:
Character analysis — Lady Macbeth These crafty women use female methods of achieving power—that is, manipulation(操纵)—to further their male ambitions. Women, the play implies, can be as ambitious and cruel as men, yet social constraints deny them the means to pursue these ambitions on their own.
Three witches
The messenger : king Duncan dubbed him Knight of Cort
Brief synopsis of the play
King Duncan Lady Macbeth servants Macduff
Character analysis — Lady Macbeth This theme of the relationship between gender and power is key to Lady Macbeth’s character: her husband implies that she is a masculine soul inhabiting a female body, which seems to link masculinity to ambition and violence…

Character‟s words(Duke)
“It‟s no go,old girl .I‟m afraid. It was a good try.”-he was passive. “What you accusse us of is ture .I am to blame. I was driving the car and killed the little girl.”“Better let him finish ,old girl.”-he was ready to compromise. “That „s interesting.”“I don‟t understand.”-he was dull. “What can I possible say?you know what happened.”-he was despairing.
Croydon sank back into her chair. Clasping her hands to conceal their trembling.(surrender)
He made an attempt to square his shoulders which did not succeed.(lose confidence)
“A dialogue”-comparison
探长 公爵 夫人
Like I said ,I come to hear your side of it .
I don‟t understand.
I understand,you want money,don‟t you .
“A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie.”“he took out a fresh cigar and bit off the end.”(arrogance,rude )
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Analysis of lady Macbeth's character image
Macbeth is the last of Shakespeare's "four tragedies". The vivid world in the book and its tragedy are given different interpretations, which have exerted profound influence on later generations.
Lady Macbeth is the wife of the hero in the book, and she is often characterized as a cruel and vicious woman. She is ambitious and power-hungry, and she was the original instigator of Macbeth's brutal plan to assume the throne. In the eyes of most people, she is the direct cause and culprit of Macbeth's tragedy.
However, behind her ruthlessness there are always women's tenderness, kindness, vulnerability and the love for her husband.
Her deep love for her husband made her determined to contribute to his brilliant career at all costs. Even though her nature was good, but in order to achieve her husband's ambition and be the spiritual pillar of her husband, she has to arm herself with cruelty and coldness, and she must say and do something against her nature.
She knew too much of her husband's hesitation and weakness, so she tried to give him a moral boost by trying to shed her femininity. She tried to summon the indomitable will and firm character of the men, and achieve her husband's dream and her own ambition by being ruthless.
She had said, "come and look at the evil thoughts of men, demons! Lift my feminine frailty, and fill my whole body with the fiercest cruelty from top to heel; Clot my blood, let not pity come into my heart, nor nature's commiseration shake my cruel resolution! Come, you murderous assistants, your invisible bodies are scattered about the space, seeking every opportunity to enter the breast of my woman, and make my breast the gall!"。