运作一个月后,仅提交三项建议且经 建议和推行委员会的目标有偏离。 高层审核后认为无一项是可以采纳的。 组织调查组(工会主席+人力资源+技 列出了生产委员会未能取得效果的五 术部门)研究及提交报告,列出原因。 个原因。
生产组织委员会运行效果不佳的原因 员工和部门的管理者普遍有一种担心, 害怕生产促进委员会的活动会使人们失 去工作 基层管理者缺乏召开生产促进委员会会 议的经验。 分析 缺乏群体沟通,应由高层主持沟通,明 确公司方向和推行生产促进委员会的目 的。 进行基础培训来令他们掌握会议管理的 基本原则,步骤和方法,理解会议管理 的沟通策略和技巧,让他们更好的在基 层生产促进委员会中发挥正面积极作用, 真正的找到工作流程中得瓶颈并总结出 改善方法。 缺乏足够的沟通,员工并不真正清楚高 层的意图。
日本全面质量管理 (TQM)
全国企业纷纷研究和学习全面质量管理。推行全面质量管理,取得的显著 的成效。
某著名集团公司下属的一家工厂也在面临着生产成本居高不下,工作效率 不佳,工人士气低落邓问题, 寻找解决办法: 决定参照日本的全面质量管理小组的办法,借助生产促进委员会得模式让 员工参与工厂的质量管理活动,以提高生产效率。
资源的日益紧缺,通货膨胀,劳动力成本的增加,以及原材料的涨价还有 客户的要求的提高及企业运作成本的增加 ,导致企业的竞争日益激烈.在追 求利益最大化的同时,企业要生存就必须在立足高质量的产品并且在成本 上下功夫,通过持续改进减少或杜绝资源的浪费和损失,使成本降到尽可 能低的水平。由此来提升企业的竞争力,及使得企业可持续发展。
全面质量管理是指为了能够在最经济的水平上及充分满足客户要求的条件下 进行市场研究,设计,制造和售后服务,把企业内部的研究质量,维持质量 和提高质量的活动构成一个整体的一种有效的体系。 成本控制是指企业根据一定时期预先建立的成本管理目标,由成本控制主体 在其职权范围内,在生产耗费发生以前和成本控制过程中,对各种影响成本 的因素和条件采取的一系列预防和调节措施,以保证成本管理目标实现的管理行为
Case study2
• Example 3 ( Para. 6 line 19) • At no time was a greeting or any conversation exchanged between the Gumma coach and the members of the Nagano club.
• Feminism
Stress on competition among colleagues and performance.
• Example 4 • If one person considered himself a better skier than someone else, he felt free to give
1.teachers are expected to take all the initiatives in class.
large power distance
2.teachers are gurus who transfer personal wisdom
Power Distance
Eg2 Para.5 Line 11 • The instructor was again out in front ,while his pupils lined up in formation opposite him,each individual skiing down a short distance on command and then listening at the bottom to criticism of his performance.
• Feminism
体验商务英语综合教程2 unit2 Case study
Our advertising budget is 300,000 – at least!
Share costs on a 70%/30% basis (70% Lifetime Holidays ) Media: include radio advertising. Investment and profits 50%/50%basis. We suggest that your company manages the project because of your greater experience and knowledge of selling online.
We reach an agreement on a joint venture!
We need a four-year contract. Our destinations is offer all the holidays in both companies’. Our customers aim at all age groups. We can provide car hire and insurance services as they are very profitable for your company. Our advertising budget is 250,000 pounds. Share costs on 50/50 basis. Media :Mail shots and press adverting. Investment and profits 50%/50% basis. We decided that we manages the project together.
Case Study: Tesla MotorsContinue Creating Self-driving cars or not?Sayidana Brannan-Douglas | Hamza Mahmood | Bowen ZhengHigh Level Overview of the ProblemMain Sources of concern, % of respondents* * Based on responses by car buyers in China, Germany, Japan and S. Korea (n = 3500)●Increased humans trust and relianceon new systems.●Adaptive cruise control often fails tostop in the case of stationary objects.● 3 out of 6 fatal accidents linked toautopilot feature were associated withTesla’s car.●Tesla’s in-house technology is not thesafest compared to its competitorsSub-Problems of Problems To Address●Safety●Socio-Ethical●FinancialSafetyChallengesLack of LiDAR systemFlaw in Sensor LayoutSub-optimal Performance of Car ComputerLack of Sensor: LiDAR●Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)scanning is the state-of-the-art insurveying technology.●More advanced than the sonar andradar.●Instead of using sound or radio wavesto scan its environment, LiDAR utilizes laser light pulses.Lack of Sensor: LiDAR●Competing companies are usingLiDAR, even LiDAR matrix for moreaccurate mapping and ranging. Except Tesla…●Major Disadvantages:○Super expensive ($75k per unit)○Redesign and re-write theprogram of Autopilot software.Blind zones Increase the potentialpossibility of crash due to not detect or detect too late.Flaw of sensors: LayoutShort of Car computer: under-performance●Currently using:○Nvidia Drive PX2 Platform○8000 Gflops○200 Watts●Only 1 front camera is workingnow.●PX2 does not have enoughcomputation power to handle allthe cameras and sensors.●More powerful chip is available.Kman Auto on YouTube Solutions●Put LiDAR on Tesla●Change the layout●Find a better Car ComputerJudging criterias●Cost : cost increase per car●Time of completion : month(s)●Effectiveness : “little to none”, “good”, and “perfect”.●No design change. Supply chain change cost will be even out with the lower priceper chipset.●Similar architecture, similar hardware.●Make more sensors active, but they are still just sonar and camera.Decision Analysis LiDAR Rearrange sensors Better ECUCost (per car)Time ofdevelopment Effectiveness 75000+100036 months Perfect ●LiDAR is very expensive●Tesla does not have program experience with LiDAR before, estimate progressmight be slow●Given the other companies using LiDAR now, the result is pretty good.150024 months Little to none 024 monthsGood●Even-swap method. Target: $cost●Average per car per month cost = $6277.42●“little to none” = -$10000; “Good” = -$30000; “Perfect” = -$50000.Decision AnalysisLiDAR Better ECUCost (per car)251987.12120658.08●The car computer alternative is our team’s choice to furtherimprove the Autopilot safety.Socio-EthicalChallenges Self-driving cars are not 100% safe given there havebeen a total of 38 dangerous incidents so farTesting results are not made public knowledge. Thiscauses trust issues between people and the companyRobots and self-driving machines are going to drivepeople out of employment.Trolley Problem A Big Challenge for ethicists in thefield of robotics and AIHit 4 TeenagersHit a Nobel Prizewinner Decision??Socio-Ethical Goals●Prioritize Safety of human life●Establish trust of consumers by pushing for full transparency of essential data betweencompanies and potential car buyers.●Create new opportunities for blue-collar workers (specifically taxi/truck drivers)Solution 1: Introduce Safe Shutdown Mode●To address the trolley problem, we recommend adding a safe shutdownmode in the critical, life threatening situations.●No loss of life or damage involved●Hard problem!Such cases are unpredictable and hard to anticipate.Requires sophisticated Machine Learning algorithms.●Progress so far: Tesla’s Model 3Stoppage50 MPH28 MPH NowSolution 2: Share Knowledge with Community●Dealing with the transparency and trust problem. People who areinterested in purchasing cars are unaware about the black-boxsurrounding the self-driving car.●IIHS and New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) published Tesla’s reportof successfully passing the exam, earning 5 star rating for safety.●This builds the necessary trust to potentially buy the car.●Idea: Tesla can provide glimpse inside the ‘Autopilot’ feature to achieveacceptance. (Classified detail, so tricky business)Solution 3: Create Opportunities for Drivers●Drivers run the risk of unemployment due to technological advancement ●Automation is causing drivers to accept low wage jobs●Social reforms required to keep blue-collared workers in the workforce●Raise awareness and teach softskills to people so they can at least do clerical work3.5M Truck Drivers 340K Taxi Drivers 660K Bus DriversJobs Gained!Mckinsey’s latest report estimatesthat robots in the workplace couldcreate nearly double the jobs.The World Economic Forum generated a range ofestimates for job creation in the period up to 2022.“133 million new roles may emerge that aremore adapted to the new division of laborbetween humans, machines, and Algorithms.”SMARTER Method Using ROC Weights Rank of WeightRank Order CentroidWeightsPolicy Alternative 161.1Raise Awareness227.8Share results to public 311.1Safe ShutdownPolicy Goals Cost Associated ($/yr) Safe Shutdown Mode$15,000/carEstablishing Trust$800,000Create New Opportunities$2,500,000WeightsPrioritize Safety Establish Trust New Opportunities Raise Awareness 61.1324Share results to public 27.8451Safe Shutdown 11.1513Aggregate Score 100 4.11 2.72 3.06SMARTER MethodUsing ROC WeightsFinancialChallenges Lack of time against diligent competitors who are alsotrying to be the first to release autonomous carsBudget constraints for continuously investing in such anexpensive endeavor with extremely high estimates forthe cost of hardware and software car packageNegatively impacting the financial revenue of AmericancitiesChallenge 1: Lack of time against diligent competitors●Diligent competitors also trying to be the first to release autonomous cars many ofwhom do not also manage distributing standard cars on a regular basis.●Heavy money investment for tools and personnel required to remain at the top of thecompetition●Time constraints often means hiring additional people or paying existing personnel moremoney to solve the problem fasterChallenge 2: Budget Constraints●Continuously investing in such an expensive endeavor with extremely high estimates forthe cost of hardware and software car package●Tesla’s Market Cap is $41.7-66.1 Billion●Current estimates for a self-driving hardware and software car package: $70,000 to$150,000●Tesla’s Quarter 2 2018 earnings report revealed a loss of over $717.5 million but Quarter3 earnings released on October 24th reports a $311.5 million profitChallenge 3: Negatively impacting the financial revenue of American cities●For many American cities, 15-50% of their revenue comes from cars,○Gas taxes, vehicle registration fees, traffic tickets, and parking revenue●Driverless car’s software will ensure its is not parked in an illegal spot or has expiredregistration●It would be in Tesla’s interest to create driverless cars that will aid city residents whilealso not causing tremendous city revenue deficits.Criteria and goals used to judge the solutionsvery large financial investment -as a business profit has to be asignificant concern -weighed heaviest International high profile company with popular CEO -significantpart of appeal -weighed second heaviest Ensures that all the options are possible to implement -weighedthird heaviest 3. FEASIBILITY1. COST2. IMAGEProposed Solutions●Delay production until their revenue increases again○Trending in the Right direction: Quarter 3 earnings: $311.5 million profit○Postponing means necessary money for manufacture main cars, autonomous cars, and any unexpected occurrences.○Cost: positive; Image: neutral; Feasibility: positive●Seek additional financial investment○Current investors top 10 investors are entrepreneurs and investment companies invest billions○Cost: positive; Image: positive; Feasibility: neutral●Halt production completely○No longer in the race to becoming the first to release the self-driving car○Significantly decreases financial burden○Cost: neutral; Image: negative; Feasibility: neutralGoal Alternative MatrixEven SwapsDelay production until their revenue increases again Seek additional financial investmentsHalt production completely Cost Image FeasibilityScore +/+++//-/150162.5Swap ratio:Cost: “+” = 100“/” = 50 “-” = 0Image:“+” = 50“/” = 25“-” = 0Feasibility:“+” = 25“/” = 12.5“-” = 010025251005012.550012.5Recommendations●Seek a more efficient Car computer chipset●Prioritize safety with full transparency of essential data betweencompanies and potential car buyers●Seek additional financial investment a specific autonomous carfrom those at a similar status of their current investorsThank You Questions?。
• 样本量:n= z 2 0.05×pq/d 2
= 58500(人)
Formulas for Numerical data
t2 s 2 d2
4s2 d2
t:显著性水平为(0.05 0.01) 的t 值(1.96、2.58)
• (2) 了解慢性疾病的患病及急性传染性疾 病的疫情分布。
• (3) 了解当地居民健康水平。
• (4) 了解人体各类生理生化指标的正常值 范围。如青少年身高、体重的测量调查。 31
3.普查 优缺点
• 普查的优点: • (1) 调查对象为全体目标人群,不存在抽样误差; • (2) 调查目标人群中多种疾病或健康状况的分布情况; • (3) 实现二级预防的同时,全面地描述疾病的分布与特征,为病因分析研究提供线索。
• 欲调查肝硬化患者的血红蛋白含量,设定:α=0.05,则
t 0.05=1.96。正常人群的血红蛋白标准差s=3.0g/100ml,调查
• 已知: t 0.05=1.96, s=3.0g/100ml, d=0.2g/100ml
1、通过回顾性调查,提取和利用相关机构的日常工 作的记录、登记、各类日常报告、统计表格、疾 病记录档案等历史资料,进一步开展统计分析, 最终获得研究结果。
2Unit 2 Case Study
Case Study
Case 5 (Cultural differences)
Tips: Chinese people tend to accept an offer at a second or a third time in order to be polite.
North American rules set that you do not push alcoholic beverages on anyone.
7. Did you buy her a rose? b: I bought her a flower. (I didn’t buy her a rose)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
2. Good morning. Do you have anything to treat complete loss of voice?
f:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you today? (We don’t have anything to treat complete loss of voice)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
5. Would you like a cocktail? It’s my invention. i:Well, mmm uh it’s not that we don’t drink.
(I’m a bit dubious about drinking that cocktail)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
6. Are you going to Steve’s barbecue? h: It’s an outdoor party . (I’m not going to it)
评价理论 case study
作为大选获胜成功连任的总 统,奥巴马在演讲一开始使用情感 词“thank”、“love”、“happy”、 “grateful”和鉴赏词“best”感谢民 众和支持者,赞叹搭档的努力和成 就,提及家人对他的肯定与支持, 诚恳的态度、情感真挚的流露不能 不让人为之动容,瞬间缩短与听众 的距离。
• And tonight, despite all the hardship we‟ve been through, despite all the frustrations of Washington, I' ve never been more hopeful about our future. • 重复使用表达对立的“despite”体现奥巴马对 当前形势的客观判断,鼓励民众和政府一起面对 困难、迎接挑战,展示自信、坚韧以及乐观的态 度,通过对立资源把信念和期待投射到受众身上, 与受众建立一致关系。
It' s not always a straight line. It' s not always a smooth path. 演讲中所出现的否定鉴赏如 “not straight”、“not smooth„‟表 明奥巴马对形势的清晰认识,对美 国目前状况的准确判断,他有信心 领导美国人民走向更好的未来。
I just spoke with Governor Romney and I congratulated him...We may have battled fiercely, but it's only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about its future...And that is a legacy that we honor and applaud tonight...I also look forward to sitting down with Governor Romney... 奥 巴 马 运 用 表 达 情 感 的 “ congratulated” 、 “battled fiercely“、 “love this country deeply”、 "care so strongly'‟ 和 表 达 判 断 的 “ honor and applaud" 对竞选伙伴罗姆尼为国家所做出的贡献 和努力给予高度赞扬和评价 ,运用表达情感的 “look forward to”体现总统的胸襟和风度,展现 自身强大的人格魅力,从侧面肯定自己、提升形 象。
Design Space
Control Strategy
Batch Release
© ICH, November 2010
slide 7
ICH Quality Implementation Working Group - Integrated Implementation Training Workshop
• QTPP: A prospective summary of the quality characteristics of a drug
product that ideally will be achieved to ensure the desired quality, taking into account safety and efficacy of the drug product. (ICH Q8 (R2))
slide 8
ICH Quality Implementation Working Group - Integrated Implementation Training Workshop
Case Study
Quality Target Product Profile
defines the objectives for development
Translation into Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP)
Identity, Assay and Uniformity Appearance, elegance, size, unit integrity and other characteristics Acceptable hydrolysis degradate levels at release, appropriate manufacturing environment controls Acceptable API PSD Dissolution
IKEA坦然承认中国战略的首要任务是:“最大的 采购国和最重要的物流出口国”。 2004年,宜家将亚太区的采购中心从新加坡搬到 上海,实现本土采购,这成为宜家能降价的重要 保障。现在宜家在上海、哈尔滨、厦门、蛇口等 地建立了7个采购中心,产品的本土采购量占到 70%。 目前中国已是宜家的采购大国,23%的全球商品 来自中国,而中国采购商品的2%在国内销售,其 余98%则出口到世界各地的宜家商店。 为在中国降价打下基础
目录册的制造过程依旧是宜家风格,由宜家人亲 身打造。专业的家居设计师、摄影师根据不同国 家及地区的地域特色的文化背景,设计出不同的 样板间.
品牌战略的核心:让消费者成为品牌的传 播者 ---将产品与公益事业进行联姻 ---将生产产品给环境带来的负面影响降 低到最低,要以对社会负责任的方式生产产 品。
宜家(IKEA)这一名字就是创始人名字的首写 字母(IK)和他所在的农场艾姆赫特(Elmtaryd) 以及村庄阿根纳瑞德(Agunnaryd)的第一个 字母组合而成的。
成本控制 低价
宜 家 全 球 战 略
顾客自助购物 ----利用样品间陈列产品 模块化的家具设计 ----自己设计低成本、组合式、可自行组 装的家具
一体化品牌策略使宜家实现了制造商品牌 和零售商品牌的完美融合 宜家一直坚持由自己亲自设计所有产品并 拥有其专利,每年有100多名设计师在夜以 继日地疯狂工作以保证“全部的产品、全 部的专利”。 对于宜家而言,绝不会存在所谓的“上游 制造商”的压力,也没有任何一家制造商 能对它进行所谓的“分销链管理”。
第八章 案例研究方法
案例研究(case study)发展
• 管理学中的案例研究法源自欧洲,特别是法国在19世纪 时在医学、法学领域中运用,20世纪初,美国芝加哥大 学将这种方法用于社会科学研究。 • 20世纪30年代,在倡导科学方法的哥伦比亚大学与倡导 案例研究的芝加哥大学之间,对研究方法展开了一场辩 论,案例研究的科学性受到质疑,在研究方法 (methodology)中战局的地位开始下降。 • 60年代, Strauss and Glaser 提出扎根理论后,案例研 究的热潮再次兴起。此后案例研究在管理学领域发展迅 速。今天,无论在战略管理或组织管理,还是管理会计、 市场营销、生产运作管理、信息技术管理领域,都可以 看到丰硕的案例研究成果。
• 仅凭一两个案例,研究人员很难揭示客 观世界的总体情况。案例研究法经常遭 遇的批评是其研究结果缺乏一般意义。 但 Yin在1989年的文章中却指出,案例 研究法能否获得一般性的结论更多的取 决于案例的选取和分析技术的运用。 • 按研究的任务分有探索性、描述性、解 释性案例研究。
• 在前述研究中,研究者收集资料的方法 包括: • 訪談(對象包括個案公司高階經理、系 統開發人員、EIS系統推動者)、直接觀 察(實際參觀EIS系統運作情形)以及相 關文件(公司年報、作業文件、雜誌報 導等)。
• 为提高研究的信度与效度,在研究开始前先编 制案例研究计划书(case-study protocol)是一 种很好的办法。研究计划书包括以下内容: • 项目概况(背景、目的和预期的结果) • 实地研究过程( 如何同被研究方接触、时间进 程、访谈对象、收集资料的途径等) • 收集资料的准则与方针 • 调研工具(问卷、结构化访谈提纲等) • 研究报告的架构、格式。
词语翻译-case study
• SHANGHAI- ZenithOptimedia today kicked off its 2011 Digital Media ROI Seminar at the Roosevelt Club in Shanghai. • The Future of Digital Marketing, Always-On Media for the Always-On Generation was the theme of the seminar. The participants in this year’s event, which again included experienced advertisers, the mainstream media, and ZenithOptimedia management personnel, delved deeply into a range of topical issues concerning the prospects for digital media, the latest insights of consumers in the digital era, and strategies for the achievement of maximum returns on investment in digital media marketing.
• Statistics from ZenithOptimedia show that the number of Internet users and that of mobile Internet users globally will achieve 5 billion and 10 billion respectively up to the year of 2020. Internet will be no longer a tool to save time, but, in the eyes of the “Ever Online Consumers”, a social communication platform and an extension of their roles in the society. The “Ever Online Consumers” are highly interactive and are willing to create opportunities to express themselves. Consequently, their consuming philosophy, behaviors and media habits will conduct profound and long-term impact on the whole marketing sector. A keen insight of the “Ever Online Consumers” with the booming of digital media has urged ZenithOptimedia to make a systematic and in-depth analysis into the new phenomenon, as of which ZenithOptimedia again provides important reference and basis for advertisers to accurately provide access to consumers in digital communications and marketing and to design effective digital communications program based on consumers’ insight.
• of these establishments, two are privately owned and operated 在这些扩建产业中,有两间是私人经营的
• was awarded a Michelin Star for the excellence of the food 因烹饪食物的高超技艺曾被授予米其林一星级奖项
• two are company units 另外两间属于公司旗下
• two national Motorway Services operators have lodged local planning consent applications, which, may effectively double the available bed spaces 2家 全国高速公路服务店运营商已递交了当地业务计划的申 请书,很可能使得床位数量翻倍
• Three Assessment Tasks • Based on ONE Case Study (keep the copy) • You are allowed to bring 1 × A4 page of original notes
(200 - 250 words) into the assessment area • Only ONE page of notes will be allowable
Oded Ezer with his students
typography ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱlass, year 2
Can letters dance?
Can letters swim?
值得一提的是,可口可乐公司于2003年针对大陆市场启用了新的中文 logo,这个标志由香港著名的设计师陈幼坚设计。
I wanted to communicate power, elegance and innovation, while giving tribute to Colt’s 180-plus years of history. The selection of the black letter as a typographical solution came naturally as I intended to give homage to the Colt’s name English origins. My biggest challenge was to integrate the symbol and the logotype. I spent weeks sketching different possibilities and trying different solutions. At some point I was ready to scrap the symbol; however, with the help of my instructor and student peers, I was able to come upon a solution that we thought was a well-integrated mark that embodied the spirit of Sam Colt.
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Navigate to Administration-Application> Responsibilities ,click the Query button to query the responsibilities you have created . And then click the Add button at the View Applet under the Responsibility Applet to add the views which are meet requirements. At the same time you should associate user with views .
Log in the applications with users you have created to test your work.
Created TSP Organization , Sales Region , Catalog and Access Groups
●TSP Telesales Representative ●TSP Channel Partner Manager ●Partner Manager ●Partner Sales Representative
Navigate to Administration-User>Employees to create four users:
Import product and product lines.
Navigate to Administration-Group > Organizations .Click new button add a new organization named TSP . Then locale the Internal Divisions to create divisions for the TSP organization . You also need add position to the divisions . After that ,create three Access Groups
●WONG (Evelyn Wong) ●BLAKE (Walter Blake) ●SUZUKI (Ken Suzuki) ●SKYE (Val Skye)
Open PLSQL Developer and execute SQL Script as follows : create user Wong identified by Username; grant sse_role to Username.
Double click PLSQL Developer on the desktop then log in .At the top of the interface menu , select Tools>Text Importer . Add the EIM_PROD_LN.csv file for importing . Then run the EIM job to complicate the data import . Afterwards , log in the Siebel Call center Application to inspect whether the data you have imported successfully.
Create TSP User with different responsibilities Associate views for different responsibilities
Navigate to Administration Application>Responsibilities to create four Responsibilities:
Name : Zhou Xiao Wu
User Interface Requirements Data Organization Integration of TSP Legacy Data Additional Configuration Business Process Automation
Do the same operation as above to import the product data EIM_PROD_INT.csv file. Then update the table with SQL clause to add the required field.
Make data Mapping for Accounts and Contacts data ,then write correct ifb files for them to make sure data be imported successful.
Navigate to Administration-Server Management >Job create a new job which is named Enterprise Integration Mgr and add some parameters with it . Afterward run this job and Wait until it run successful.