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Necessary westward movement of development of Xi’an
西安南部、东部被群山包围,拓展空间与可达性 在这两个方向不佳。 泾渭新城、沣渭新城是实现老城跳出发展,开放 式多心结构的必然战略 西咸一体化是西安实现跨越渭河,向西打开充分 的发展潜力的战略举措
沣渭新城的战略意义 strategic location of Fengwei
河两岸,是西咸一体化的第一承接地。西起规划中的西咸 环线,东至西三环,规划面积约195平方公里,其中西安 辖区内125平方公里,咸阳辖区内70平方公里。
Make all the transportation choices become a integrated system, and complement to each other, in order to make well connection to wider region and smooth flow within this CBD area. This is the base to build up a economic-alive region.
final presentation 2010.5.22
西安在中国的历史地位 Role of Xi’an in the History
黄河文化带最重要的节点 著名的十三朝古都 八水绕长安:
渭、泾、沣、涝、潏、 滈、浐、灞八条河流,它们在西安城 四周穿流,均属黄河水系。
引擎启动——全能型副中心CBD Engine Starting - All-around Sub-center CBD
在中心区功能基础上,注入更多 “欢乐”要素,使中心区的功能更 好的服务旅游与休闲,成为城市的 乐土而不是混凝土的焦土!
工作 working 生活 living
聚会 leisure
—西咸一体化衔接带 —历史遗址文化带
适合发 展特色
发展驱动力总结 Summary of Development Drivers
作为区域发展关键的“西咸一体化战 略”树立政策驱动 Policy driver of Xi’an-Xianyang Integration 2 一号线、西成高铁等交通 资源带来的区位驱动 Location driver with Line 1, Xi’an-Chengdu Railway, etc.
—高速路网、城市快速路 —规划有轨道交通 —客运高铁、区域互动
—高速路网 —机场 —货运铁路
资源 禀赋
发展 劣势 核心竞 争力
—丰富的历史文化遗存 —临空港产业基础 —渭河、沣河的滨水岸线资源 —滨渭河、泾河 生活、产业、 —平坦充足的建设用地 —多个陵墓遗址 文化并重 —是承接西安咸阳的铰链 —与主城联系并不密切 —新区缺乏人气吸引点 —与主城隔离,距离远 —没有人气基础或生活 需要吸引力项 气氛 目 —机场对建设有限制 —空港枢纽门户区
How to integrate and improve the four key resources and drivers, to give Fengwei New Area uniqueness and competitiveness?
the history, Xi’an and Xianyang almost existed as one city. Xi’an and Xianyang are the two cities with the shortest distance, 17km, between them in China. The beltway of Xi’an already extends into Xianyang, and its airport has also been moved to Xianyang. On June 25, 2009, the State Council approved the Guangzhong – Tianshui Economic Region Development Plan, which takes ―integrating and building Xi’an and Xianyang into a modern international metropolitan‖ as a national strategy.
2D network
Eco-environment is becoming a more and more important issue. Goal of landscaping is not only pleasant view, but also to create place for people gathering, to make city environment healthy, to integrate separated blocks.
交通 条件
—货运铁路 —规划的窑村机场 —对外交通 —用地充裕平坦 —滨灞河景观与生态 —国际物流园区政策 —与主城割裂 —基本没有文化渊源、生 活气氛基础。 —作为西部门户之一的国 际物流园定位
—高速路网 —货运铁路 —规划有轨道交通 —国家级西安高新技 术开发区 —山林资源、汉遗址 —高品质物业 —可建设开发用地非 常有限 —西南产业区印象过 重,生活气氛缺失 —近主城区位优势 —国家级开发区
New Heart Creation
引擎启动——全能型副中心CBD Engine Starting - All-around Sub-center CBD
沣渭新区作为承东启西,成就西咸一体化的 连接区域,最关键的成败因素在于打造一个 强有力的副中心和城市发展动力传导轴。
Fengwei New Area, connecting the west and the east for integration of Xi’an and Xianyang. The key to success is forging a powerful sub-center and propellant shaft of urban development forces.
Start of the ancient Silk Road The most important node of the Huanghe River Cultural Belt Capital of 13 ancient dynasties The eight rivers refer to Wei, Jing, Feng, Lao, Shu, Xie, Chan and Ba. They run around Xi’an and belong to the Huanghe River System.
交通 transportation 教育 education
接待 tourism
Infilling the CBD with more “happy” elements. Rich variety of functions will make city’s tourism industry more prosperous. Hence, CBD will be a happy land instead of concrete land.
3D network
多种交通 public transportation
公交 Buses 轨道交通 Metro lines 快速巴士 BRT 出租车 Taxi 私人汽车 Cars 自行车பைடு நூலகம்Bicycles 步行 Pedestrian 水上巴士 Boats
多种交通系统各自成体系,并能相 互平顺对接,将使得一个中央区与 外围有效沟通,内部流通量大而不 乱,这是坚实的经济发展和人气聚 集基础。
Strategic Role of Xi’an to China
欧亚大陆桥在中国境内的重要枢纽 启动中部崛起的关中经济圈核心
An important hub of the Asia-Europe continental bridge Heart of the emerging Guangzhong Economic Ring in central China
New District, located to the south of the Wei River and long the Feng River at the junction of Xi'an city and Xianyang city, is the first project to be undertaken for the realization of Xi’an and Xianyang Integration. Fengwei New District starts from the planned Xi’an – Xianyang ring road in the west and ends at the third west ring road in the east. Total planning area of the district is about 195 square kilometers, of which 125 square kilometers are in Xi'an city and 70 square kilometers are in Xianyang city
塑造地标 create landmark
天际线 skylines 建筑肌理 街区与绿地
Figure ground
Block & Green
Savannah 萨瓦纳中心城 Beijing 北京
环境友好 friendly environment
现代的城市中心建设,生态和谐越 来越受到重视,绿地环境不仅仅是 为了美观,更是城市活动与魅力的 凝结点,各地块的黏合剂。
滨河岸线释放大量滨水用地 所产生的价值驱动 Value driver with abundant riverside lands 4 打造怎样 的副中心 How to create a sub-center
3 历史文化遗产集聚的文 脉驱动力 Cultural driver with concentrated cultural heritages
Integration of Xi’an and Xianyang
是中国地理距离最近的两个城市,两市相距17公里。同时 西安市的绕城高速公路已修至咸阳市境内,机场从原西安 桃园迁至咸阳。2009年6月25日,国务院批准实施《关中 ―天水经济区发展规划》,“实现西咸一体,建设国际化 大都市”西咸一体化成为国家战略。
The south & east of Xi’an is embraced by mountains, so the spaces for expansion and reachability in these two directions are limited. Development of the Jingwei New Town and the Fengwei New Town are a necessary strategy for expansion out of the existing city center, to form a structure with multiple centers. The integration of Xi’an and Xianyang is a strategic measure for Xi’an to expand westward across the Weihe River.