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孔雀舞(peacock dance)是傣族(Dai ethnic group)最广泛流传的古代舞蹈之一,同时也是傣族最受喜爱的舞蹈。对傣族来说,孔雀象征着好运、幸福、美丽和诚实,所以跳孔雀舞是为了歌颂美好的生活,表达对幸福生活的美好的祝愿。孔雀舞主要在傣历的新年-泼水节(the Water-splashingFestival)、关门节(the Gate Closing Festival)、开门节(the Gate Opening Festival)和一些重要的宗教活动上表演。他们通过跳优雅的孔雀舞来祈求和平与幸福。


The peacock dance is one of the most wide-spreadancient dances and also the best-loved dance of theDai ethnic group.To the Dai people, the peacock is asymbol of good luck, happiness, beauty andhonesty.So to perform this dance is to present aeulogy of good life and express good wishes for a happy life.It is mostly performed on the NewYear (Water-splashing Festival) of the Dai calendar, at the Gate Closing Festival,the GateOpening Festival and some important religious events.They pray for peace and happiness withgraceful peacock dancing.

1.孔雀舞是傣族最广泛流传的古代舞蹈之一:“最广泛流传的”可用the most wide-spread 表示,spread意为“传播”,wide-spread意为“广泛传播的”;“傣族”可译为Daiethnic group。

2.对傣族来说,孔雀象征着好运、幸福、美丽和诚实:“对傣族族来说"可译为to the Dai people,因上文有“傣族”的全称,故此处可以简写,也可译为for the Dai people; “象征着”可以理解为“是…的象征”,故可以用bea symbol of:..来表示。





In China, qin is the most respectable of all Chinesemusical instruments,and it has a history of about5,000 years.As early as the age of Confucius in theWarring States Period, guqin has already been themust-play musical instrument for giftedscholars.Guqin is closely associated with life of gifted scholars for thousands of years.They playthis instrument to express their emotions and dreams.Guqin has even already surpassed thescope of music,and become the symbol of good personality.A large number of guqin masterpieces were left,which form the huge and valuable collection of Chinese music.

1.在中国,琴是所有中国乐器中最令人尊敬的,它大约有5000年的历史:“最令人尊敬的”可译为the mostrespectable,respectable表示“值得尊敬的”respectful意为“对人尊敬的”,respected表示“受人尊敬的”;“有...的历史”可译为have a history of。

2.早在战国的时期孔子时代,古琴已成为才子们必弹的乐器:“早在”可译为as early as。“必弹的”可译为复合词must-play,must强调其必须性。“战国时期”是专有名词’译为the Warring States Period。



中国结(Chinese knotting)是中国典型的本土艺术。它的特点是每一个结都是由—根绳索编成的,并由其特定的外形和意义来命名。中国结的传统源远流长。在古代,由于没有现在



Chinese knotting is a typical local art of China.It’s characteristic is that every knot is made with asingle rope and named by its specific form and meaning.The tradition of Chinese knotting enjoys along history.Without present-day accessories suchas buttons or zips, ancient people had to knot the clothing belt so as to tie their dresses.Overthe years, Chinese knot has now evolved to a kind of elegant and colorful artware from owningpractical use.Today, people are fond of Chinese knot for its characteristic form, colorfulnessand profound meaning.

1.它的特点是每一个结都是由一根绳索编成的,并由其特定的外形和意义来命名:主句为Its characteristic isthat…。从句中“由...编成”可译为be made with。“由...而命名”可译为be named by。

2.在古代,由于没有现在的配件,如纽扣或拉链,人们不得不把服装带打结,来绑住他们的衣服:“在古代,人们…”可以合并到一起,翻译为ancient people。“没有现在的配件”可用介词without引导的介词短语表示,即without present-day accessories,这部分状语可放在句子前面。“不得不把服装带打结”可译为had to knot the clothing belt,这里的knot 是动词。句中的“来"表示一种目的,可译为so as to,意为“以便,为了”,in order to也表示这个意思。

3.多年来,中国结从原来拥有实际用途演变成一种优雅的、丰富多彩的工艺品:“多年来”可译为over theyears。“实际用途”可译为practical use。“工艺品”可译为artware 或handiwork, artifact。



天安门广场(Tiananmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880米。总面积达44万平方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑(Monument to the People's Heroes)是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑。天安门广场与其周围的建筑,被称为中国的心脏,是举行重大庆典的神圣之地。天安门广场还是著名的旅游景点,每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观旅游。


1.第1句中的“位于北京市中心”可处理为地点状语,用过去分词短语located at the center trf Bering City来表达,将第2个分句处理为句子的主干,使译文主次分明。

2.第2句中,将“总面积达44万平方米”处理为主干it coversa total area of...。“整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880 米”表伴随状态,可译为分词短语measuring 880 metersnorth to south, said... east to west,动词measure表“距离/长度/宽度为……”,用在此处生动形象。

3.第3句的主干是“人民英雄纪念碑是第一座建筑”,而“矗立在广场中央的”则为修饰“人民英雄纪念碑”的定语。该句可按原语序结构,把“矗立在广场中央的”译为定语从句,整句译为Monument to the People's Heroesthat stands... is the first architecture...;或可将“矗立在广场中央的”译为伴随状语,standing in thecenter of...;也可将“是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑”处理为“人民英雄纪念碑”的同位语,表达为Monument to the People's Heroes, the first architecture built..., stands...。

