


在全球造纸、飞机维修、钢铁、电解铝、铝加工、汽车、机械加工、机械装配、变电站、仓储 物流、水泥、食品等诸多领域均取得骄人的业绩。
从1819年开始研发和生产物料搬运产品的部件。 在世界高端起重机领域提供高品质的产品,满足客户对产品的质量、可靠性和性能的严格的要求。 有超过650,000套的德马格品牌的起重机和部件正在世界各地使用。
Jun. 2009
© Demag Cranes & Components 2009
拥有190年历史的德国德马格起重机械有限公司,是全世界最大的起重机部件及整机制造商。 公司总部坐落在德国魏特市是世界上物料输送领域产品范围最广、技术最先进的企业,全球拥 有40多家子公司。
Double winch (pulley
DS-1 rope winch
winch) 1925-1936 N系列钢丝绳电动葫芦
1930-1960 K系列钢丝绳电动葫芦
1985-2007 DH 钢丝绳电动葫芦
since 12/2003 DR 钢丝绳电动葫芦
Jun. 2009
© Demag Cranes & Components 2009
Jun. 2009
© Demag Cranes & Components 2009
Jun. 2009







第八,虎霸QUY260型虎霸QUY260履带起重机,最大起重量260吨,主臂长度18-84米,起重臂变幅角度30-80,第七,三一集团- SCC11800型三一SCC11800型履带式起重机,最大起重量达到1180吨,相当于吊起6架波音747客机。


整机重达740吨,加上780吨压载配重,全重1520吨第六,马尼托瓦克- 31000型31000 型是马尼托瓦克设计和制造的起重能力最大的履带式起重机,它采用创新的自支撑配重。




第五,Lampson- LTL-2600B型履带式起重机LTL-2600B型履带式起重机,起重力矩高达8万吨米,主臂长65-146米,副臂长49-73米,最大起重量为2358.2吨。

第四,特雷克斯-德马格TEREX-DEMAG CC8800-1 TWIN2型CC8800-1 TWIN型履带式起重机,最大起重能力3200吨,工作半径8米,最大起重力矩44000吨米。



德马格200年,传承和创新--德马格起重机械(上海)有限公司总经理陈浩先生付海鑫【期刊名称】《《汽车制造业》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)013【总页数】4页(P6-8)【关键词】起重机械; 创新; 总经理; 上海; 物料搬运; 技术专家【作者】付海鑫【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH21百年沧桑,德马格不断坚持创新,引领行业发展,为用户提供了高效的物料搬运解决方案,并通过先进的技术研发与应用成为了物料搬运这一领域的全球技术专家。











【摘要】@@ 德国曼内斯曼(Mannesmann)集团所属德马泰克(Demetic)公司在生产电动葫芦及标准组件起重机方面是目前国际上技术力量雄厚的公司,自1873
1.在K2004展览会上的德马格(Demag)塑料集团 [J],
2.德马格200年,传承和创新--德马格起重机械(上海)有限公司总经理陈浩先生 [J], 付海鑫
3.德马格起重机械(上海)有限公司:标准起重机 [J],
4.SUCCESS WITH DEMAG与德马格共赢——记德马格(宁波)新工厂盛大开业庆典 [J],
5.德马格:把质量和信誉当成永远的理念——访德马格起重机械(上海)有限公司高级经理须雷 [J],



德马格技术说明1.起重机钢结构技术规格1.1.主梁采用焊接箱型梁结构,起重机桥架按照德国工业标准DIN15018 和中国国家起重机设计标准GB3811-83 设计,并遵守安全操作规程国标GB6067-85。

1.2.用语起重机主梁及各个钢结构的钢板,均采用喷丸预处理,达到Sa2 标准,起重机主梁焊接采用全自动CO保护焊。







2.起升机构技术规格(采用开放式卷扬机设计);2.1. 起升机构采用开放式卷扬机设计。

2.2. 吊钩均可手动旋转,带安全自锁。

2.3.卷扬机采用六级马达(6 pole motor)。

2.4. 卷筒采用双出绳设计,8/2 或4/2 绕绳法,在起升和下降过程中吊钩无偏移,完全垂直起升下降。

2.5. 钢丝绳最小破断强度大于等于1960 N/m㎡,不扭转设计。

2.6. 吊钩安全系数>5,材质为V class(i.e.34CrNiMo6)2.7. 钢丝绳采用德国 Casar Superplast。

2.8. 减速器采用油浴润滑。


减速器Demag-HGL2.9. 起升机构采用变频减速及双靴式电动液压式制动系统。

2.10. 起升电动机配置过热保护功能。









国机集团介入未来新能源车领域中能源工程集团氢能科技有限公司北京示范基地于近日在北京经济技术开发区落成,该基地致力于打造氢燃料电池、车用和无人机用系统集成及关键配件、氢气制造和加氢站 “一站式”氢能源全产业链产品和服务平台。







/ 2019年第4期。

日本多田野2.15亿美元收购德马格 特雷克斯德马格退出历史舞台

日本多田野2.15亿美元收购德马格 特雷克斯德马格退出历史舞台



交易中还包括德国Zweibrucken 的起重机制造工厂以及多个销售和服务地点。


“德马格起重机业务近二十年来一直是我们公司的一部分,我们一直在生产世界一流的产品,”特雷克斯公司董事长兼CEO 约翰·加里森说道。



多田野有限公司代表董事,总裁兼CEO Koichi Tadano 在评论该交易时说:“这项战略收购,为多田野提供了相当大的增长空间。





虽然我们正在退出日本多田野2.15亿美元收购德马格 特雷克斯德马格退出历史舞台本刊记者 孙刚移动起重机业务,但我们将继续生产和销售起重机零件,为那些正在使用我们的产品的人继续提供服务。




9科尼Konecranes (1910年,世界领先的起重设备制造商和服务供应商之一,十大起重机品牌,科尼起重机设备(上海)有限公司)






















德马格 demag 800t履带吊车CC5800技术演示

德马格 demag 800t履带吊车CC5800技术演示

Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG
2110 - Lattice boom cranes
Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG
2110 - Lattice boom cranes
Superlift System: new variable SL 超级提升系统:新型的可变超起
- 25%的驱动力增加选择 (允许带满负荷行走和转向,最大吊重1200吨)
- counterweight 250t and 100t central ballast - 250吨的配重和100吨的中心配重 - superlift counterweigth max. 400t at 21m radius - 带超级提升装置的配重在作业半径为21米时最大为400吨 - single line pull 230kN with 32mm rope diameter - 单绳拉力230千牛,配有直径为32毫米的钢绳 - new DEMAG IC-1 control system
2110 - Lattice boom cranes
Characteritics -源自comparison basic crane 基本车型特征比较
track width 履带宽度
pad width 履带板宽度
crawler drive 履带驱动
central ballast 中心配重
Superlift radii 超级提升的作业半径
12 m .. 21 m indefinitely variable 12米..21米,可无级调整
ballast 0 t .. 400 t 配重0吨..400吨



TEREX-DEMAG 1600t履带式起重机


最大吊装能力(SSL重型主臂超起工况)54m 10m 1600t 最长重型主臂(SSL重型主臂超起工况)108m 24m 612t 最长混合主臂(SSLLSL混合主臂超起工况)156m 18m 264t 最长臂塔式(SWSL超起塔式工况)108m 108m 42m 82t 专用圆柱体吊装(SFVL固定式重型短副臂超起工况)
108m 12m 20t 460t
54m 12m 14m 1026t 主臂无超起工况,相当于1000t级履带式起重机。



2010年11月,徐工集团在上海宝马展上推出 XGC28000型2000吨级履带式起重机。
特雷克斯-德马格TEREX-DEMAG CC8800-1 TWIN 型3200吨级履带式起重机。44000吨米的起重力矩。
湖南长沙中联重科推出世界最大的履带式起重机ZCC3200NP, 起重量达到3200吨最大起重力矩达到82000吨米。

所有部件都可实现大批量生产,再根据用 户的不同需求和具体物料搬运路线在短时 间内将各种部件组合搭配即成。这种起重 机组合性非常好,操作方便,能充分利用 空间,运行成本低。有手动、自动多种形 式,还能组成悬挂系统、单梁悬挂起重机、 双梁悬挂起重机、悬臂起重机、轻型门式 起重机及手动堆垛起重机,甚至能组成大 型自动化物料搬运系统。

操纵方式有地面手电门自行移动、手电门随 小车移动、手电门固定、无线遥控、司机室 固定、司机室随小车移动、司机室自行移动 等七种选择。大车及小车的供电有电缆小车 导电、DVS(网络视频服务器)系统两种方 式。如此多的选择项,通过不同的组合,可 搭配成百上千种起重机,充分满足用户不同 的需求。

这种起重机的另一最大优点是轻型化,自重轻、 轮压轻、外形尺寸高度小,可大大降低厂房建 筑物的建造成本,同时也可减小起重机的运行 功率和运行成本。与通用产品相比较,起重量 为10t,跨度22.5m,通用双梁桥式起重机自重 是24t,起重机轨面以上高度1876mm,起重机 宽度5980mm;德马格起重机的自重只有8.7t, 重量轻了176%,起重机轨面以上高度为920mm, 降低了104%,起重机宽度为2980mm,外形尺 寸减少了100%。
目前,世界上能够生产800吨级以上大型履 带起重机的厂家主要有: 德国利勃海尔(LIEBHERR) 美国特雷克斯-德马格(TEREX-DEMAG)、 马尼托瓦克(MANITOWC)

德 马 格 技 术 说 明

德 马 格 技 术 说 明

德马格技术说明1.起重机钢结构技术规格1.1.主梁采用焊接箱型梁结构,起重机桥架按照德国工业标准DIN15018 和中国国家起重机设计标准GB3811-83 设计,并遵守安全操作规程国标GB6067-85。

1.2.用语起重机主梁及各个钢结构的钢板,均采用喷丸预处理,达到Sa2 标准,起重机主梁焊接采用全自动CO保护焊。







2.起升机构技术规格(采用开放式卷扬机设计);2.1. 起升机构采用开放式卷扬机设计。

2.2. 吊钩均可手动旋转,带安全自锁。

2.3.卷扬机采用六级马达(6 pole motor)。

2.4. 卷筒采用双出绳设计,8/2 或4/2 绕绳法,在起升和下降过程中吊钩无偏移,完全垂直起升下降。

2.5. 钢丝绳最小破断强度大于等于1960 N/m㎡,不扭转设计。

2.6. 吊钩安全系数>5,材质为V class(i.e.34CrNiMo6)2.7. 钢丝绳采用德国 Casar Superplast。

2.8. 减速器采用油浴润滑。


减速器Demag-HGL2.9. 起升机构采用变频减速及双靴式电动液压式制动系统。

2.10. 起升电动机配置过热保护功能。



德玛格CC2800-1 NT吊车性能表

德玛格CC2800-1 NT吊车性能表

CC 2800-1NTNarrow-Track Crawler Crane600t capacity classDatasheet metric CC2800-1NTSPECIFICATIONSCC 2800-1NTDescriptionThe CC 2800-1 NT (Narrow-Track) is designed for traveling to the job site on narrow roads with a fully equipped boom system –e.g. in wind parks. The crane operates on outriggers.ComponentsThe CC 2800-1 NT is based on a conventional CC 2800-1 with Quadro crawler drive and quick connection for the superstructure.The standard car body (track width 8.4 m) is replaced by the Narrow-Track-Kit comprising the following:Car body (track width 3.8 m) with front and rear outriggers2 outrigger pads (5 m x 1.4 m) for front/rear outriggers2 sideways outriggers with outrigger pads (3 m x 2.4 m)Counterweight suspension frameControl system with remote control unit and additional graphical color display on the rear of the car bodyFeaturesLow center of gravity due to innovative outrigger design and suspended counterweight.Max. permissible sideways inclination of the crane during traveling is between 2° and 2.4° depending on boom length.Max. gradeability is 10°.The sideways outriggers can be folded upways hydraulically for traveling.The powerful T erex-Quadro crawler drive enables turning on spot.All outrigger pads remain on the outriggers during traveling on the job site.The jack-up cylinders have sufficient stroke (750 mm) to level the crane on terrains with a 2° slope in any direction.The front and rear outriggers with 2 jack-up cylinders provide an outrigger base for erecting and lowering of long boom systems (Patent Pending).Driving and mounting operations with remote control unit; systems diagnostics on graphical color display.2TECHNISCHE DATENCC 2800-1NTBeschreibungDer CC 2800-1 NT (Schmalspur) wurde konzipiert, um mit aufgebautem Ausleger auf schmalen Zugangswegen zu der Einsatzstellezu fahren – z.B. in Windparks. Der Kran wird auf Stützen betrieben.KomponentenDer CC 2800-1 NT basiert auf einem herkömmlichen CC 2800-1 mit Quadro-Raupenantrieb und Schnellverbindung für den Ober -wagen. Das Standard-Mittelstück (Spurweite 8,4 m) wird durch das Narrow-Track-Kit ersetzt, das aus folgenden Komponenten besteht: Mittelstück (Spurweite 3,8 m) mit vorderer und hinterer Stütze2 Stützplatten (5 m x 1,4 m) für vordere und hintere Stütze2 seitliche Stützen mit Stützplatten (3 m x 2,4 m)Distanzrahmen für GegengewichtSteuerungssystem mit Funkfernbedingung und graphischem Farbdisplay am Heck des MittelstücksEigenschaftenNiedriger Höhenschwerpunkt durch innovative Stützenanordnung und tiefer liegendes Gegengewicht.Maximale Seitenneigung des Kranes beim Fahren liegt zwischen 2° und 2,4° – abhängig von der Auslegerlänge.Maximale Steigfähigkeit ist 10°.Die seitlichen Stützen können zum Verfahren hydraulisch nach oben geklappt werden.Durch starken T erex-Quadro Raupenantrieb ist Drehen auf der Stelle möglich.Alle Stützplatten verbleiben während des Verfahrens an den Stützen.Die Stützzylinder haben ausreichend Hub (750 mm), um den Kran auf bis zu 2° geneigtem Gelände auszunivellieren.Die vordere und hintere Stütze verfügt über je 2 Stützzylinder. Dadurch ergibt sich eine vergrößerte Stützbasis zum Aufrichten undA blegen von langen Auslegersystemen (Patent angemeldet).Fahren und Montagevorgänge erfolgen mit der Funkfernsteuerung; das graphische Farbdisplay dient der Systemdiagnose.3CARACTÉRISTIQUESCC 2800-1NTDescriptionLa CC 2800-1 NT (Narrow-Track) est conçue pour effectuer les déplacements sur voies étroites jusqu’au chantier avec un système deflèche entière m ent équipé, comme dans des parcs éoliens par exemple. La grue fonctionne sur stabilisateurs.ComposantsLa CC 2800-1 NT est conçue à partir d’une CC 2800-1 traditionnelle avec un entraînement à chenilles quadro et une connexion rapide de la partie supérieure. La partie centrale standard (largeur de chenilles 8,4 m) est remplacée par le kit Narrow-Track qui comprend les éléments suivants :Partie centrale (largeur de chenilles 3,8 m) avec stabilisateurs avant et arrière2 patins de stabilisation (5 m x 1,4 m) pour les stabilisateurs avant et arrière2 stabilisateurs latéraux avec patins de stabilisation (3 m x 2,4 m)Cadre de suspension à contrepoidsSystème de contrôle à unité de télécommande et affichage graphique couleur à l’arrière de la partie centraleCaractéristiquesCentre de gravité peu élevé grâce à la conception innovante des stabilisateurs et du contrepoids suspendu.L’inclinaison latérale maximale de la grue en translation est de 2° à 2,4° – dépendent de la longueur flèche.Capacité maximale sur rampe est de 10°.Les stabilisateurs latéraux peuvent être repliés vers l’avant via un système hydraulique lors des déplacements.L’entraînement à chenille puissant permet un virage stationnaire.T ous les patins des stabilisateurs restent sur les stabilisateurs pendant le déplacement vers le chantier.Les vérins de levage ont une course suffisante (750 mm) pour niveler la grue dans toutes les directions sur des terrains d’unepente de 2°.Les stabilisateurs avant et arrière dotés de 2 vérins de levage fournissent une base de calage pour la montée et la dépose des ystèmes à flèche longue (brevet en cours).Opérations de conduite et de montage via l’unité de télécommande; diagnostic système sur affichage graphique couleur.4For notes to lifting capacities and symbol key please refer to pages 3 and 69 of the datasheet order nr. TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11. · Zu Anmerkungen zu den Traglasttabellen und der Zeichenerklärung siehe Seiten 3 und 69 desD atenblatts Best.-Nr. TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11. · Pour les notes relatives aux capacités de levage et à lal égende, reportez-vous aux pages 3 et 69 de la fiche technique n°TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11.Outrigger baseStützbasisBase de calage7CC 2800-1NT LIFTING CAPACITIES ·TRAGFÄHIGKEITEN ·CAPACITÉS DE LEVAGECC 2800-1NTEffective Date: May 2011.Product specifications and prices are subject to change without notice or obligation. The photographs and/or drawings in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual for i nstructions on the p roper use of this equipment. F ailure to follow the a ppropriate Operator’s Manual when using our equipment or to otherwise act i rresponsibly may result in s erious injury or death. The only w arranty applicable to our equipment is the standard written warranty a pplicable to the particular product and sale and T erex makes no other warranty, e xpress or i mplied. P roducts and servicesl isted may be trademarks, service marks or trade-names of T erex C orporation and/or its s ubsidiaries in the USA and other countries. All rights are reserved. T erex®is a registered trademark of T erex Corporation in the USA and many other c ountries.Gültig ab: Mai 2011.Produktbeschreibungen und Preise können jederzeit und ohne Verpflichtung zur Ankün d igung geändert werden. Die in diesem Dokument enthaltenen Fotos und/oder Zeichnungen dienen rein anschau l ichen Zwecken. Anweisungen zur ordnungsgemäßen Verwendung dieser Aus rüstung entnehmen Sie bitte dem z ugehörigen B etriebshandbuch. Nicht b efolgung des B etriebshandbuchs bei der Verwendung unserer Produkte oder anderweitig fahrlässiges Verhalten kann zu schwerwiegenden Verletzungen oder T od führen. Für d ieses Produkt wird ausschließlich die e ntsprechende, schriftlich niedergelegte Standardgarantie gewährt. T erex leistet keinerlei darüber hinaus gehende Garantie, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend. Die Bezeichnungen dera ufgeführten P rodukte und Leistungen sind gegebenenfalls Marken, Service m arken oder H an d els n amen der T erex Corporation und/oder ihrer T ochter-gesellschaften in den USA und anderen Ländern. Alle Rechte v orbehalten. …TEREX“ ist eine eingetragene Marke der T erex Corporation in den USA undv ielen anderen Ländern.Date d’effet : Mars 2011.Les spécifications et prix des produits sont sujets à modification sans avis ou obligation. Les photographies et/ou d essins contenus dans ce d ocuments sont uniquement pour illustration. V euillez vous référer à la notice d’utili s ation a ppropriée pour les instructions quant à l’utilisation correcte de cetéquipement. T out manquement au suivi de la notice d’utilisation appropriée lors de l’utilisation de notre équipement ou tout acte a utrement irresponsable peut résulter en blessure corporelle sérieuse ou mortelle La seule garantie applicable à notre équipement est la garantie s tandard écrite applicable à un produit et à une vente spécifique. T erex n’offre aucune autre garantie, expresse ou e xplicite. Les produis et services proposés peuvent être des marquesde fabrique, des m arques de service ou des a ppellations commerciales de T erex Corporation et/ou ses filiales aux Etats Unis et dans les a utres pays,et tous les droits sont réservés. «TEREX» est une marque déposée de T erex Corporation aux Etats Unis et dans de nombreux autres pays.Copyright 2011 T erex CorporationT erex Cranes, Global Marketing, Dinglerstraße 24, 66482 Zweibrücken, GermanyT el. +49 (0) 6332 830, Email: info.cranes@, Brochure Reference: TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1NT-05/11。














该机起重量达到3200吨级,最大起重力矩达到82000吨米;已经超过了美国特雷克斯-德马格CC8800-1 TWIN型(3200吨级)44000吨米的起重力矩。

特雷克斯-德马格 TEREX DEMAG 履带式起重机cc2800-1cn(600T)

特雷克斯-德马格 TEREX DEMAG 履带式起重机cc2800-1cn(600T)

Fixed fly jib · 固定副臂
Working ranges with SL, 13° · 13°时带超级提升的工作范围(SFVL / LFVL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Lifting capacities with SL · 带超级提升的起重能力 (SFVL / LFVL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Fixed fly jib · 固定副臂
Working ranges, 10° · 工作范围10° (SH + LF2, SH/LH + LF2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Lifting capacities · 起重能力 (SH + LF2, SH/LH + LF2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Working ranges with SL, 10° · 10°时带超级提升的工作范围 (SSL + LF2, SSL /LSL + LF2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Lifting capacities with SL · 带超级提升的起重能力 (SSL + LF2, SSL/LSL + LF2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

德马格EKDR-Bas 使用说明

德马格EKDR-Bas 使用说明

使用说明书德马格EKDR-Bas钢丝绳葫芦低净空单轨小车EKDR-Bas 3 - 5 - 10211111 zh CN211 201 44720 IS 813原始使用说明书在首次调试设备之前,请您首先完整填写以下表格。

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We Can Handle It.__ One of the world’s leading manufacturers of crane and port technology with its “Demag” and “Gottwald” brands __ Established in more than 60 countries__ World’s largest installed base: more than 650,000 cranes and electric hoists__ More than 850 Mobile Harbour Cranes in operation __ Comprehensive service and refurbishment programme __ Unrivalled technological leader with more than 1,000 registered patents__ Closely-knit global service and sales network__ Capital market orientated: listed on the stock exchange since 2006 and quoted on the MDAX ® share index of Deutsche BörseThe Demag Cranes Group at a GlanceWe Can Handle It.Table of Contents02 Products at a Glance08 Globalisation Winner10 Our Commitment to Technological Leadership12 Ground-Breaking Products and Servicesto Meet Tomorrow‘s Needs18 Trendsetters in Research and Development20 Attractive Employer25 Facts & Figures / Contact2Products At a Glance 1 _G lobal market leader in action: Mobile Harbour Cranes handlingcontainers and cargo in Porto Di Carrara, Italy.2 _O pening up new fields of application: Floating Craneshandling bulk cargo on the Mississippi, USA.3 3 _G round-breaking technology: fleet of ecologically compatibleAutomated Guided Vehicles in the Port of Hamburg, Germany.System solution plus software.4 _I nnovations for more efficiency:A utomated Stacking Cranes in the Port of Antwerp, Belgium.Here also: A system solution with software.45 _S peed and reliability in the mechanical engineering sector:Standard Cranes in the production of machine toolsat Deckel-Maho in Seebach, Germany.6 _P recision operations for high-tech products:Process Cranes are used for precisely positioningwing sections at Airbus in Broughton, United Kingdom.5 7 _F lexibility for production processes: Engines are assembled usingt he KBK crane construction kit at DEUTZ in Cologne, Germany.8 _D rive solutions tailored to meet individual requirements:Travel units are used to transport aluminium bars at Amag in Randshofen, Austria.VisionWe want to be the first choicein our markets. 6789Globalisation WinnerSpeaking of “global” trade: For many years now, global container handling has been growing by about nine percent a year. And economic forecasts do not see any slowdown in the medium term. Growing volume is presenting challenges to terminal operators as an increasing number of con- tainers need to be loaded and unloaded from ships and transported throughout the terminals. Demag Cranes offers worldwide-leading and innovative solutions.The role of our Services segment is growing in our business. More and more, our customers areoutsourcing maintenance and refurbishments services and spare parts management to us, the manu-facturer. Over 650,000 cranes and electric hoists bear the Demag logo worldwide, the result of our many years of serving the market. Currently, we provide services for about half of our installed base. There is still much to do.Currently, we earn more than 80 percent of our revenue through business abroad. Emerging markets in particular, in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will continue to play a major role for our growth in future. These emerging countries have been investing more than elsewhere in the development of their infrastructure. New industries are being established; roads, airports and terminals are being built.A huge volume of material needs to be moved, lifted and conveyed. We profit from this movement with our highly valued products around the globe.For us, good servICe starts WItH projeCt plannIng.We analyse the project goals together with our customers, produce aproposal for its solution and undertake its implementation. We alsomake sure that it operates smoothly. Our service employees are therefor our customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.10Being a trendsetter for research and development, however, does not mean going solo on techno-logical crusades without tangible benefits for the users. Our customers remain the focus of our activities, so we can determine their current and future needs. Our standardised and individual solutions enable us to achieve measurable added-value. That is why our products and services are distinguishable from those of our competitors, in particular thanks to low operating costs, environmental compatibility and safety. These distinctive features enable us to develop the necessary trust and establish long-term customer relationships from which all sides can benefit.No wonder Demag Cranes’ commitment is: “We Can Handle It.” On one hand, our commitment applies to maintaining and improving our capability of transporting loads reliably and safely from one place to another. On the other hand, refers, to Demag Cranes’ commitment to tackle new challenges and develop and implement efficient solutions.We are not just aiming to be the first choice among national and international customers.Demag Cranes is also pursuing this ambitious goal on the capital market. Our clear strategic aim of achieving sustained, profitable growth as well as our pursuit of realistic goals and a transparent infor-mation policy are crucial instruments for underlining the attractiveness of the Demag Cranes share as a long-term investment and for meeting the returns expectations of our shareholders.There are numerous reasons for our strong market position and worldwide repu-tation as a premium supplier. For example, with “Demag” and “Gottwald”, the Group has two brands with a long tradition that are among the most successful in their sectors. In addition we also have a clear vision: “We want to be the first choice in our markets.” This vision spurs us on to new and outstanding achievements time and again. The Demag Cranes Group has been the leader in its market sectors with regard to innovation and technology for some time now.Our Commitment to Technological LeadershipFuture trend For port automatIon – We supplysystem solutions from a single source. Automated Guided Vehiclesand related software increase the efficiency of logistics in theterminal for our customer CTA.111213Ground-Breaking Products and Services with a Future Industrial Cranes from demag CranesOur Standard Cranes and hoists can be used in large industrial companies and also in smaller busi-nesses. Our individually developed Process Cranes, which are integrated into complex production processes, fulfil our customers’ specific technical requirements. These cranes can lift and move loads of up to 540 tonnes. Thanks to the capability and the associated efficiency of our cranes, customers are most satisfied. The “Demag” brand has enjoyed international recognition for decades. With our highly flexible KBK crane construction kits, we have been world market leaders since the product was launched in 1963. The KBK crane construction kit has established itself in particular in industries with frequently changing demands on the production process, such as in the automotive industry, as an attractive alternative to traditional, more time-consuming solutions. In addition to cranes and crane construction kits, the product range of the Demag Cranes Industrial Cranes segment includes high-quality components such as rope and chain hoists as well as travel units and motors. Proximity to the customer is a major factor of our success. For this reason, we have a closely-knit global production network in this segment. Three central production plants in Wetter an der Ruhr (Germany), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Shanghai (China) manufacture the necessary components. In addition, we have 22 crane assembly facilities in industrialised countries. In the other regions, we cooperate with experienced and reliable partners. These alliances enable us to be established around the globe with our high-quality products and to profit from emerging markets at a very early stage. With the traditional brands “Demag” and “Gottwald”, the name Demag Cranes has been synonymous with industrial cranes and port technology, meeting the highest standards of quality and safety for decades. Thanks to our broad range of products and services, we develop and implement innovative field-tested solutions for material flow, logistics and drive applications.“one man per engIne” is an underlying principle of the production concept at the diesel engine assembly facility operated by our customer DEUTZ. As a global leader, our KBK crane construction kit has provided the flexibility required at workplaces all over the world for more than 40 years.14port technology from demag CranesAt present, about half of the Mobile Harbour Cranes sold annually are built by Demag Cranes.In this product sector, we are the undisputed world market leader. Of these Mobile Harbour Cranes,850 currently operate in some 300 national and international ports. No other manufacturer can boastsuch a broad base.This outstanding success is due, in no small part, to high customer satisfaction with our productportfolio. Our product portfolio ranges from Mobile Harbour Crane models for average-rate cargohandling to heavy-duty cranes for high-performance and continuous-duty container and bulkhandling. Particularly our new Generation 5 cranes with their higher lifting capacities, greaterhandling performance and shorter delivery lead-times are shaping the market for Mobile HarbourCranes. We have therefore set standards in a competitive environment.In the field of port automation, too, the Port Technology segment of Demag Cranes leads the waywith innovative and outstanding technological achievements. Currently, we are the world’s solesupplier of integrated systems that develops and produces Automated Stacking Cranes andAutomated Guided Vehicles and their related software. We can provide these components as asingle integrated system. We support these particularly complex and cost-intensive projects not onlyas planners and consultants. Demag Cranes also offers specialist software to provide realisticsimulation of the designated material flow in terminals.services from demag CranesToday, we have one of the largest networks for the maintenance and refurbishment of IndustrialCranes and hoists with more than 220 service centres and approximately 1,650 service employeesworldwide. In addition, we supply spare parts and provide full-service contracts. We welcome thenew trend of our customers who prefer to outsource maintenance and refurbishment services andspare parts management to us, the manufacturer.The high level of service competence we provide is also much appreciated by users of third-partyproducts. We are looking at further growth potential in the Services segment to supplement theDemag Cranes product portfolio. Currently, Demag Cranes services about 44 percent of its owninstalled base and the potential for growth remains high.doWntIme Costs money. According to their specific field ofapplication, our Mobile Harbour Cranes are in continuous operation.Excellent and fast service is essential. This is our main focus.We are also located close to our customers.1516Mission StatementWe ease the workload of our customers.We shape markets.We raise values.171819Demag Cranes works constantly to optimise the quality, reliability and performance of the existing product range. However, these developments are also aimed at reducing the complexity and thus the engineering-related production and process costs, thus providing benefits to our customers and our company equally.The resolve to be and remain an innovator is also reflected in the level of Demag Cranes’ investments in research and development. Compared to its international competitors, Demag Cranes invests twice as much, in relative terms, to further increase its lead in innovation. With resounding success: Demag Cranes is the undisputed technological leader for industrial cranes and port technology. Our company is the market leader in many significant key markets. More than 1,000 registered patents are further evidence of the exceptional innovative strength of Demag Cranes.Research and development is conducted exclusively in Germany. This is where the majority of our technologically-advanced components is manufactured despite the fact that wage costs at our headquarters are no longer competitive in global terms. The success of our commitment to Germany as a competitive location is self-evident. The productivity of workers in Germany is ranked higher than low-cost countries and most industrialised nations. Achieving quality and providing quality assurance continue to be the focus of our activities. We aim to continue to benefit these advantages and, at the same time, to contribute to securing jobs in Germany.Trendsetters in Research and DevelopmentAs a premium supplier aiming to further extend its market and technological leader-ship, we constantly set new standards through product innovations. Some of our recent innovations include, for example, the Generation 5 Mobile Harbour Cranes, the development of the first fully automated stacking crane as well as a new generation of rope and chain hoists.HIgH-teCH For HIgH-teCH – Precision and safety play a particu-larly important role in the aviation sector. This already begins at theproduction stage. Our Process Cranes are used to position sensitiveparts down to the millimetre, such as vertical tail planes here at Airbus.20We are well aware that we must foster and encourage our team time and again to maintain the high level of commitment and innovative strength. We give everyone responsibility and enable every individual to contribute to the success of Demag Cranes.A continuous training programme, designed to meet the special needs of our employees, guarantees above-average professional competence and helps our employees to develop. This applies both to senior management and to all other the members of our team.Demag Cranes seeks out qualified talent with potential at schools, colleges and universities. We wish to have the best graduates committed to our company as early as possible. Students are given the opportunity, for example, to do practical training or their thesis or dissertation on aspects of our company. As a manufacturing company, we rely on highly qualified specialists, as one would expect. This is why we invest significantly in our own training programmes. And with success: our apprentices are regularly recognised as some of the best in all of Germany. This is why Demag Cranes offers employment opportunities to our apprentices and trainees on completion of their programme.Attractive EmployerIt is ultimately our employees that contribute to the success of Demag Cranes. This is why we do our utmost to offer an attractive working environment. We provide the freedom and the opportunities for individual development. Committed recruits from school, college and university can profit from the multitude of challenging opportun-ities for an excellent start to their professional career within the Demag Cranes Group.CosmopolItan. We believe a highly skilled and global-thinkingteam essential for an internationally successful business. We promotecooperation between different cultures and beliefs and invest in thevocational and personal development of our employees. Potential forthe future.21Mission Statement We focus on sustained andprofitable growth.We are committed totechnological leadership.Harald j. joosCEO“As long as there is gravity,we’re in business.”25Britta HeynManager Corporate CommunicationsPhone: +49 (0) 211 7102-1020Fax: +49 (0) 211 7102-51020E-mail: britta.heyn@editor-in-chief: Nikolai Juchem, Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing Layout: IR-One AG & Co. KG, Hamburg, GermanyPhotography: Michael Dannenmann, Christoph Bünten, Düsseldorf, Germany ContactFacts & Figures 1 F inancial year 2007/2008 (ended as at 30 September 2008)2 E mployees as at the end of the financial year on 30 September 2008 excluding temporary employees, apprentices and trainees/including Holding__ revenue 1: EUR 1,225.8 million of which inside Germany: 20.7%of which outside Germany: 79.3%__ no. of employees 2: 6,093of which inside Germany: 3,008of which outside Germany: 3,085__ Headquarters: Düsseldorf, Germany __ Management Board: Harald J. Joos, Chairman Rainer Beaujean, Thomas H. HagenDemag Cranes AG Forststrasse 1640597 DüsseldorfGermanyPhone: +49 (0) 211 7102-1009 Fax: +49 (0) 211 7102-51009 。
