PLM 系统介绍

1.PTC WindChill:PTC凭借其CAD软件的强大市场份额。
近几年,随着Java技术的成熟,PTC PLM产品无论在功能上还是在界面上都有了长足进步。
PTC Windchill的界面大量使用Java Applet技术。
通常,Windchill 实施的成功率在60%左右。
但是WindChill 也有一个其他PLM无法企及的功能:可以和PRO/E无缝集成。
2.达索PLM Smarteam:达索当然也是凭借其强大的CAD工具CATIA一直在高端独占鳌头。
由于其CAD工具CATIA在飞机及汽车领域的霸主地位,其PLM Smarteam产品在这一市场也无人撼动。
达索PLM Smarteam从其PDM产品Enovia发展而来。
本人没有使用过期PLM Smarteam产品。
如果没记错的话,IBM 是达索所有产品的唯一实施伙伴。
Oracle Agile 产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件的进程计算机辅助合规性筛选的用户指南,版本

Oracle® Agile Product Lifecycle Management for ProcessComputer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide Release 6.1E17147-02January 2012Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide, Release 6.1E17147-02Copyright © 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.ContentsPreface (v)Audience (v)Variability of Installations (v)Documentation Accessibility (v)Related Documents (vi)Conventions (vi)1Introducing CACSOverview.................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Touch Points with Other Applications................................................................................................. 1-1 Global Specification Management................................................................................................... 1-1 Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance Screening...................................................... 1-2 Accessing CACS................................................................................................................................. 1-2 2Using Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningCreating a New Compliance Screen..................................................................................................... 2-1 Computer Aided Compliance Screening Page.............................................................................. 2-2 Summary Tab.............................................................................................................................. 2-2 Summary Information Section........................................................................................... 2-2 CACS Constraints Tab............................................................................................................... 2-3 Compliance Constraints Section........................................................................................ 2-4Usage Approval Constraints Section................................................................................ 2-5Nutrient Constraints Section.............................................................................................. 2-5Extended Attribute Constraints Section........................................................................... 2-5Lower Level Screens Section.............................................................................................. 2-6 Related Screens Tab.................................................................................................................... 2-7 Copying a Compliance Screen............................................................................................................... 2-7 Running Screens Against Specifications............................................................................................. 2-7 CACS Review Parameters................................................................................................................. 2-7 Screen Results and Details................................................................................................................ 2-9iiiivPreface The Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningUser Guide contains instructions for administering Oracle Agile Product LifecycleManagement (PLM) for Process.This preface contains these topics:■Audience■Variability of Installations■Documentation Accessibility■Related Documents■ConventionsAudienceThis guide is intended for end users who are responsible for creating and managinginformation in Agile PLM for Process. Information about administering the systemresides in the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.Variability of InstallationsDescriptions and illustrations of the Agile PLM for Process user interface included inthis manual may not match your installation. The user interface of Agile PLM forProcess applications and the features included can vary greatly depending on suchvariables as:■Which applications your organization has purchased and installed■Configuration settings that may turn features off or on■Customization specific to your organization■Security settings as they apply to the system and your user accountDocumentation AccessibilityOur goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentationaccessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, ourdocumentation includes features that make information available to users of assistivetechnology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup tofacilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue toevolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leadingvtechnology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can beaccessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle AccessibilityProgram Web site at /accessibility/.Accessibility of Code Examples in DocumentationScreen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. Theconventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on anotherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of textthat consists solely of a bracket or brace.Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in DocumentationThis documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies ororganizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makesany representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.TTY Access to Oracle Support ServicesTo reach AT&T Customer Assistants, dial 711 or 1.800.855.2880. An AT&T CustomerAssistant will relay information between the customer and Oracle Support Services at1.800.223.1711. Complete instructions for using the AT&T relay services are available at/relay/tty/standard2.html. After theAT&T Customer Assistant contacts Oracle Support Services, an Oracle SupportServices engineer will handle technical issues and provide customer support accordingto the Oracle service request process.Related DocumentsFor more information, see the following documents in the Agile PLM for ProcessRelease 6.1 documentation set:■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Global Specification Management User Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Release Notes. Up-to-date ReleaseNotes and other documentation are posted on Oracle Technology Network (OTN)at this location:/technetwork/documentation/agile-085940.html ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:Convention Meaningboldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.vi1Introducing CACS This chapter presents an overview of the Computer Aided Compliance Screeningapplication and describes a few basic features. Topics in this chapter include:■Overview■Touch Points with Other Applications■Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningOverviewComputer Aided Compliance Screening (CACS) is a configurable solution in whichyou can inspect specifications for compliance against any number of user-definedscreens. These screens can include several types of constraints and can be nested toenable more complex screening scenarios. You design constraints around compliancestandards, usage approval, nutritional attributes, and user-defined data that iscaptured using extended attributes.CACS screens are applied at three levels: raw materials, intermediate materials, andtop level materials. The screens are available during the product developmentlifecycle. This availability helps you achieve early detection of compliance issues.When running a compliance screen, you obtain feedback on compliance issuesthrough a red/green color code. You can then examine the results to search for the rootcauses of compliance deviations.Touch Points with Other ApplicationsCACS is integrated with several types of specifications in Global SpecificationManagement (GSM).Global Specification ManagementYou can run compliance screens against the following specification types in GlobalSpecification Management (GSM):■Trade specifications■Menu Item specifications■Product specifications■Material specifications■Formulation specificationsIntroducing CACS1-1Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance Screening■Packaging material specifications■Printed packaging specificationsFor more information, refer to "Running Screens Against Specifications" on page2-7,or refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Global SpecificationManagement User Guide.Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningAccessing CACSTo access the CACS application, select CACS from the left navigation panel, or selectCACS from the Applications top menu bar.For general information on using Agile PLM for Process software, see the Agile ProductLifecycle Management for Process Getting Started Guide.1-2Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide2Using Computer Aided Compliance Screening 2-1Using Computer Aided ComplianceScreeningThis chapter describes the capabilities and applied uses of the Computer Aided Compliance Screening product. It includes the following topics:■Creating a New Compliance Screen ■Copying a Compliance Screen ■Running Screens Against SpecificationsCreating a New Compliance ScreenUse the Computer Aided Compliance Screening (CACS) application to create and manage compliance screens. To create a new screen, click Create Newon the Computer Aided Compliance Search page.Figure 2–1Computer Aided Compliance Screening Search pageCreating a New Compliance Screen2-2Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide Computer Aided Compliance Screening PageScreens contain three tabs: Summary, CACS Constraints, and Related Screens, shown in Figure 2–2.Figure 2–2New pageSummary TabThe Summary tab of a CACS screen provides additional information that helps to uniquely identify the screen when you are searching using the search form. The tab also identifies where the screen is available to be used for compliance checking in other applications.Summary Information SectionThe Summary Information section consists of the following fields:Title — The user-defined title of the screenScreen # — A system-defined number associated with this screenDescription — The user-defined description of the screenAvailable In — The types of objects that are able to use the screenWhen you create a new screen, Title is the only field required to save the screen. When you click the search icon for the Available In field, a dialog box displays specifications and nutrient profiles that are able to use the screen, as shown in Figure 2–3.Creating a New Compliance ScreenFigure 2–3Objects available for screeningUse the add and remove selected data item icons () and () to select objects for screening, and then click Done . When multiple objects are added, the list ofconstraints available are based on the object with the fewest available constraints. For example, if you add packaging specifications, you only have Extended Attribute and Business Unit constraints to define since packaging specifications do not have nutrient or compliance constraints. See "CACS Constraints Tab" on page 2-3 for more information.Once you complete the Summary tab, click the CACS Constraints tab.CACS Constraints TabUse the CACS Constraints tab, shown in Figure 2–4, to provide the parameters, or rules, that a specification must comply with in order to pass the screening process.Build constraints around the following parameters:■Presence and/or concentration of allergens, additives, and sensitivities (intolerances)■Country of origin■General compliance (i.e. kosher, non-GM, organic, vegan, etc.)■Nutrient levels■Known usage restrictions (i.e. business unit, country, etc.)■Custom attributes (using extended attributes)Note:If the Available In data is not provided, the screen beingcreated is not available to run against specifications in GSM.Creating a New Compliance ScreenFigure 2–4CACS Constraints tabTo add a new constraint, identify which type of constraint needs to be added and thenclick Add New under the desired section. Each constraint category has a uniqueconfiguration.Compliance Constraints SectionFor each compliance constraint, do the following:1.Select a compliance attribute from the CACS Attributes dropdown list.2.Click the add data icon () to add the value for the attribute in the Value field.3.Set the constraint on the value in the Constraints field.4.Once you complete the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon ()to save the new constraint.For example, you might want to ensure there is no peanut or peanut oil in yourspecification. To set up a constraint verifying this, create a screen and add thefollowing constraint:■CACS Attribute—KTC Allergen (Known to Contain Allergen)■Value—Peanut / Peanut Oil■Constraint = 0Creating a New Compliance Screen When a specification is investigated with this screen, if there is any value defined on the specification for Peanut / Peanut Oil other than 0, the constraint will fail.Usage Approval Constraints SectionFor usage approval constraints, you will add a compliance attribute, define some combination of business unit, country, and concept and finally, set the constraint on the value. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon () to save the new constraint.For example, you might want to make sure that all the specifications in a formulation are approved for use in Canada. To make sure that is the case, create a screen and add the following constraint:■CACS Attribute—AFUI Country (Approved for Use in Country)■Country—Canada■Constraint = 100When a specification is investigated with this screen, if there is any specification in the formula that is not approved for use in Canada, the constraint will fail.Nutrient Constraints SectionFor nutrient constraints, add a nutrient item and set the constraint on the nutrient. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, select the apply changes icon () to save the new constraint.For example, you might want to make sure there is at least 10g of Vitamin C in a formula. To make sure that is the case, create a screen and add the following constraint:■Nutrient—Vitamin C■Constraint >= 10gWhen a specification is investigated with this screen, if the formula has a Vitamin C content that is less than 10g/100g, the constraint will fail.Extended Attribute Constraints SectionFor extended attribute constraints, add an extended attribute type and set the value on the extended attribute. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon () to save the new constraint. The constraint varies based on the type of attribute you are using, but the results are returned similarly to all other constraints.You can add multiple constraints to any given screen.Note:The extended attributes that are available for screens are thosethat are marked as distinct and any of the following type: Boolean,Qualitative, Qualitative Lookup, Date, Numeric, Calculated Numeric,Quantitative Range, and Quantitative Tolerance. For moreinformation, refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for ProcessAdministrator User Guide.Creating a New Compliance ScreenLower Level Screens SectionCACS screens are nested within a given screen to enable you to create complexscreening scenarios in a modular way. To link a screen to the screen that you arecreating, click Add New and use the search page to select the screens that you want tonest.Note:When the screen is investigating a specification, it will returnthe results for all nested screens at the same time.Figure2–5 represents what the CACS Constraints tab would look like given thescenarios above.Figure 2–5Constraints tabRunning Screens Against SpecificationsRelated Screens TabThe Related Screens tab shows parent screens based on the relationship established inthe Lower Level Screens section. When a screen is added as a lower level screen, itdisplays the specification that it was added to as a parent screen.Copying a Compliance ScreenClick Create Copy from the action menu to create a copy of the compliance screen. Anew screen number is assigned and displayed in the Screen # field. All other fields arecopied from the original screen.Note:The role [SCREEN_CREATOR] is required to use the copyfeature.Running Screens Against SpecificationsIn order to investigate a specification using a compliance screen, you must first selectthe GSM specification to investigate. Once you access the specification, click Tools >CACS from the action menu. This action opens a dialog box that you use to set up thereview parameters for screening.CACS Review ParametersCACS review parameters define the rules of investigation for the system. You mustselect the scope of the investigation and the screens to use. Figure2–6 shows the CACSReview Parameters section.The scope is the level of the hierarchy that you want to run the screens against. Thefollowing levels are available:■Top Level — Interrogates the specification that you are currently on.■Intermediate Processes — Interrogates any specifications that are used within the current specification. Available for formulation specifications only.■Raw Materials — Interrogates the raw materials level of the hierarchy. Available for formulation specifications only.Figure 2–6CACS Review Parameters sectionRunning Screens Against SpecificationsThe screens are the previously defined rules that you want to use to determine whether the specifications are in line with the compliance rules. You can add screens to this list by clicking the search icon () in the CACS Screensfield. The search page is displayed, shown in Figure 2–7.Figure 2–7Search pageEnter search criteria, then click Search . The Search Results section lists screens that match the defined criteria. Click anywhere in a row to include the screen in the compliance check. Selected screens display in the Selected Items section. Once you have selected all the screens to be run, click Done to return to the screening page. To begin the investigation, click Review . The results of the screening are displayed in the CACS Results section, as Figure 2–8 showsNote:When running nutritional screens on specifications, CACS willonly screen the nutrient information on the nutrient profile attached tothe top level specification. It is not possible to screen nutritionalinformation on a specification below the top level.Running Screens Against SpecificationsFigure 2–8CACS Results sectionScreen Results and DetailsWhen CACS finishes its review, it returns the results with immediate feedback on compliance issues using a red/green color code. If a constraint passes, it displays in green. If the constraint fails, it displays in red. In order to see the details of the constraint results, click the view details icon (). When you click the icon, a dialog box displays containing the constraint details, asFigure 2–9 shows.Figure 2–9CACS Details dialog boxThe details contain the specification being screened along with the attribute, value, and levels that were found during investigation of the constraint. This view will help you quickly determine and remedy the root cause of any compliance deviations.Click here to view detailsRunning Screens Against Specifications。

1.Product Collaboration 功能图
Product Collaboration
Part / BOM
玻璃总成 玻璃成品 包边 附件 原片 油墨 材料 设备 工装 …
Documentation 文档
【文件】 项目文件
FMEA 操作手册 客户资料 技术文件 报告 外来文件
1.Product Collaboration PC模块
Product Collaboration (产品数据协同管理) ,帮 助企业管理研发设计过程中的产品数据与协同作业。 所管理的产品记录包含材料清单、属性、配置、规范、 图纸、工作指令,版本变更及其它相关过程数据。
– 物料管理(产品分类、属性、版本、变更历史记录、图纸数据) – BOM管理(BOM的变更、版本控制) – 变更管理(设计审核、设计变更、工程变更) – 文档管理 (存储、查询、版本控制、发放和过程跟踪) – 制造商管理 (定义、共享、管理及审批合格制造商) – 与ERP集成 (把物料、BOM数据传递给ERP)
“制造企业应该提高 PLM 的优先级别, 因为 PLM 能通过更好地利用产品知 识, 财务和人力资源, 帮助企业从他们的产品投资上获得更大的生命周期管理(PLM),包括产品与管理,其中产品包括:产品相关数据资料(Data)、技 术(Technology)、方法(Method)、工具(Tools);而管理即是管理活动所牵涉到的人员 (People)、工作(Task)。
Your Company
设计 开发 样品 / 试产 批量/验证

立一个产品模型,其中定义了所有体系 错误并确保整个供应链在通用内容的基
结构性、功能性、逻辑、接口、连接和 础上工作。您可以生成必要的接口控制
端口对象,并自动填入系统定义和所有 文档 (ICD) 或国际标准组织 (ISO) 文档,
变型条件,这样就可以加速进度并降低 以满足合同或法规符合性要求。
系统分析和验证。在使用行业标准的图 表制作、数学建模、系统计算和分析工 具生成实际原型之前,您可以对关键系 统 性 能 和 子 系 统 交 互 进 行 建 模、 仿 真、 分析和优化。
Teamcenter 提供了可配置的工作流程和
地发起、审查 / 批准和执行工程更改。
在单一环境中利用 Teamcenter 管理完整 的物料清单 (BOM),从简单的结构到复 杂的产品定义。
产品 BOM 创作和分析。建立单一的完整 产品定义,其中反映所有产品零部件并 直观地向用户呈现此信息,包括对所配 置的产品进行可视化。审核和分析功能 通过可视化反馈提供良好的清晰度。
借助 Teamcenter 产品组合管理功能,您 计划和项目管理。您可以根据团队日程、
可以使产品组合与自己的战略保持一致, 工作任务、依赖条件、里程碑、基线和约
并通过选择合适的产品组合来最大限度地 束对您的计划进行安排,然后按照这些可
提高产品投资回报 (ROI)。
产品组合管理。利用加权的战略目标、计 分模式和绩效准则,您可以制定产品组合 战略。产品组合分析功能允许您快速评估 和比较项目备选方案,并选择与您的意图 相符的产品组合。

物联网技术的应用:实现产品全生命周期的实时监控和管理 人工智能技术的应用:提高产品设计和制造的智能化水平提高生产 效率
大数据:提高数据分析和决策支持 能力
人工智能:提高自动化和智能化水 平
优化生产流程:通过PLM系统企 业可以优化生产流程提高生产效 率。
降低生产成本:PLM系统可以帮 助企业降低生产成本提高生产效 率。
提高产品质量:PLM系统可以帮 助企业提高产品质量减少不良品 率从而提高生产效率。
提高生产灵活性:PLM系统可以 帮助企业提高生产灵活性适应市 场需求的变化从而提高生产效率。
提高创新能力: 通过数字化技术 实现生产过程的 创新提高企业的 创新能力。
集成ERP系统:实现产品生命周期与生产、销售等环节的协同管理 集成CRM系统:提高客户满意度增强市场竞争力 集成SCM系统:优化供应链管理提高生产效率 集成MES系统:实现生产过程的实时监控和优化提高产品质量和生产效率
产品数据管 理:管理产 品生命周期 内的所有数
协同设计: 支持多部门、 多角色协同
流程管理: 实现产品开 发流程的规 范化和自动
质量管理: 对产品质量 进行监控和
成本管理: 对产品成本 进行预测和
知识管理: 积累和共享 企业知识提 高创新能力
电子行业:用于电子产品设 计、生产、管理等环节

甲骨 文 合作 伙 伴 汇聚 全 球 OP 论坛 N
近 曰,在 2 1 0 0年 甲骨 文 全球 技 术和 应 用大 会 上 ,rce合 作 伙 伴 网 Oa l (P) O N论坛 活动 揭开 了本 次 大会特 地 为 O a l 作伙 伴举 办 的 “ rce合 合作 伙 伴 计 划和 网络交流 会 ” 的序幕 。在 为期 一周 的活动 中 , 共有 2 0 名来 自全球 各 0 0余 地 的合作伙 伴 出席 了本次 O N论坛 ,大家 汇聚 一堂 了解更 多专项 计 划 的资 P 讯 、 的 O N资源和 计划 。 新 P 甲骨文 公 司全球 联盟 与渠道 和 嵌入 式 销售 高 级 副总 裁 J do lhf u sn At o f 现 场 启 动 了活 动 周 , 感 谢 合作 伙 伴 的连 年佳 绩 , 赞 扬 了全 球 对 O N专 他 并 P 项 计 划的 快速 认 可 , 20 自 0 9年 推 出 O N专项 计 h 以来 , P l J 该计 划 已 提 供 了超
的 业 务挑 战 。If r还 上 传 了 上 百个 no
短 小 的 If r E pe s实施 教 程 网络 n o x rs 视 频 ,这些 短 片方便 用户 安排 自己的
新 的产 品和 解决 方案 ,包括 :CX AA电子 图板 2 1 ( 械版 、工 艺版 ) AA 0 机 1 、CX

PLM系统原理及应用PLM系统,即产品生命周期管理系统(Product Lifecycle Management System),是指一种集成了各种产品设计、制造和管理的软件系统。
agile plm (3)

Agile PLM1. IntroductionAgile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a comprehensive software solution that helps organizations effectively manage their product development and manufacturing processes. By implementing Agile PLM, businesses can streamline their operations, improve collaboration between teams, and ultimately bring high-quality products to market faster.In this document, we will explore the various features and benefits of Agile PLM, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use this powerful tool.2. FeaturesAgile PLM offers a wide range of features aimed at enhancing product development and management. Some of the key features include:2.1. Product Data ManagementAgile PLM allows users to efficiently manage product data throughout its lifecycle. This includes creating product specifications, storing and organizing CAD files, and tracking revisions and changes. With Agile PLM, teams can ensure that the most up-to-date product information is accessible to everyone involved in the development process.2.2. Collaboration ToolsOne of the core benefits of Agile PLM is its ability to facilitate collaboration between teams. Users can easily share product information, assign tasks, and track progress. This promotes better communication and ensures that everyone is on the same page throughout the product development lifecycle.2.3. Change ManagementAgile PLM provides robust change management capabilities, enabling organizations to effectively handle product changes and updates. Users can create change orders, track their status, and manage associated workflows. This helps streamline the change management process and ensures that all necessary approvals are obtained before implementing any modifications.2.4. Quality ManagementQuality is paramount in product development, and Agile PLM offers features to support effective quality management. Users can create quality controls, define inspection criteria, and track non-conformances. These features help organizations maintain high-quality standards and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve product quality.3. BenefitsImplementing Agile PLM can bring numerous benefits to organizations. Some of the key advantages include:3.1. Improved Collaboration and CommunicationBy centralizing product data and providing collaboration tools, Agile PLM enhances communication and collaboration between teams. This leads to improved efficiency and faster decision-making, as well as reduced errors and miscommunication.3.2. Accelerated Time-to-MarketWith Agile PLM, organizations can streamline their product development processes, reducing time wasted on manual tasks and administrative overhead. This results in faster product introductions and increased competitiveness in the market.3.3. Enhanced Product QualityThe quality management features of Agile PLM help organizations maintain high-quality standards and address any issues promptly. By capturing and analyzing quality data, organizations can identify trends and make data-driven improvements to their products.3.4. Regulatory ComplianceAgile PLM allows organizations to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. By providing a structured approach to managing product data and change requests, organizations can demonstrate adherence to regulations and minimize compliance risks.4. Implementation guideTo set up and use Agile PLM effectively in your organization, follow the steps below:4.1. Define Objectives and RequirementsStart by clearly defining your organization’s objectives and requirements for implementing Agile PLM. This includes understanding the specific challenges you want to address and the goals you want to achieve with the tool.4.2. Plan and Design the SolutionBased on your objectives, design a solution architecture that aligns with your organization’s internal processes and workflows. Identify the necessary modules and features of Agile PLM that will best support your requirements.4.3. Configure and CustomizeConfigure Agile PLM to match y our organization’s specific needs. This includes setting up user roles and permissions, customizing data fields and workflows, and integrating Agile PLM with other software tools used in your organization.4.4. Populate DataMigrate existing product data into Agile PLM and ensure its accuracy and completeness. This may involve importing data from spreadsheets or other legacy systems, and performing data cleansing and validation.4.5. Train UsersProvide comprehensive training to all users on how to effectively use Agile PLM. This includes explaining the various features and functionalities, demonstrating best practices, and addressing any user questions or concerns.4.6. Test and ValidateThoroughly test the configured Agile PLM solution to ensure it functio ns as intended and meets your organization’s requirements. Validate data accuracy and perform end-to-end testing of critical workflows and processes.4.7. Go Live and Continuously ImproveOnce testing is complete, launch Agile PLM in your production environment. Monitor its performance, gather user feedback, and continuously improve the system based on user and business needs.ConclusionAgile PLM is a powerful tool that can revolutionize product development and management within organizations. By implementing Agile PLM, businesses can streamline their operations, improve collaboration, and bring higher-quality products to market faster. Follow the implementation guide provided in this document to successfully set up and leverage the capabilities of Agile PLM in your organization.。
Oracle Agile PLM技术架构方案

Oracle Agile PLM技术架构方案目录1项目需求理解 (3)1.1.项目背景 (3)1.2.项目目标及项目范围 (4)2技术解决方案 (5)2.1.A GILE系统架构 (5)2.1.1系统体系架构 (5)2.1.2系统部署架构 (6)2.1.3系统配置要求 (7) 软件要求 (7) 硬件要求 (9) Oracle数据库服务器 (10) 客户端要求 (11) 网络带宽要求 (11)2.1.4数据备份与防灾 (11) 数据库备份 (12) 物理文件的备份 (14) Agile软件及程序代码的备份 (14)2.1.5安全性 (14)2.1.6方案优势与效益说明 (16)1项目需求理解1.1.项目背景公司是一家集专业产品、研发、生产、销售于一体的高新技术企业,作为首批国家高新技术企业, 公司专业从事宽带接入终端、无线通信设备、光通信设备等产品的研发、生产、销售和服务。

• 零部件分类管理 • 创建零部件时,根据企业编码规则自动生成零部件编码 • 根据录入的属性项,按规则自动生成物料描述 • 根据规则自动生成自制零部件的图号 • 具有零部件克隆功能,快速实现零部件创建 • 零组件申请创建流程 • 更改前与更改后对比查询,每次更改均有相应的版本标识 • 通过流程控制零部件状态 • 管理BOM中的工艺零组件
工作习惯的改变,对新系统的抵触 6/25
物料N编ing码xia解Me决dic方al 案
2.5 工程变更管理介绍
• 工程变更时会产生许多相关资料,如变更原因,变更内容,每个审核者的意见 、时间,变更的产品批号,客户意见等。这些都会在流程中完整的记录下来, 以便将来追踪。审核者也可随时查阅他人的审核意见,以供参考;查找每一个 机型的某段时间的所有变更
★ 核心功能(例如数据仓库、文档和本内页容面管摘理自、百工度作百

–仪表板 (Dashboard)-相关项目总体运行概况。 –项目执行(Program Execution)
✓ 项目创建(定义、项目计划编制,任务分配) ✓ 跟踪执行 ✓ 交付物(Deliverables)管理(任务的成果审核) –资源(Resource)管理 -人力资源和费用管理 –项目分析(Program Analytics)
我们也可以自己来配置(事业部、项目类型、客户、 年份、等级)仪表板,来分类了解项目状态:进度、 成本、质量、异常。
Agile Enterprise Visualization 实现跨越企业及其延伸业务链的文档 协同可视化以驱动创新。
功能 全面的产品记录可视化
Office, 图形, CAD, 3D, ECAD
基于web的全功能文档访问 单一视图和反馈捕获机制 数字化样机与虚拟原型
▪ PPM是基于“阶段-节点”的管理方式,对产品 开发项目计划、执行、产出物、费用和资源进行 统一集中管理,及时跟踪项目和分析项目。
▪ EV是企业可视化工具,在产品设计开发过程对相 关图文档进行浏览、批注、对比、分析。
组织结构及变更对Agile PLM的影响
❖在Agile PLM中没有组织的概念,主要通过定 义角色和用户组(一般对应研发部门或小组) 来限定人员对数据和功能的使用。
Agile PLM 项目管理介绍_PDM-PLM_产品创新数字化(PLM)_437

Agile PLM 项目管理介绍_PDM-PLM_产品创新数字化(PLM)_437Agile PLM 项目管理介绍_PDM/PLM_产品创新数字化(PLM)在Oracle Agile PLM系统中,有一个模块称为产品组合管理(Product Portfolio Management,简称PPM),是一个用来做项目管理的模块。
项目管理在Agile PLM系统中是一个非常重要的管理内容。
具体来说包括以下几个方面的管理:一项目结构管理Agile PLM系统默认的将整个项目划分为项目(Program)、项目阶段(Phase)、项目任务(Task)。
当然,秉承Agile PLM系统的特性,Agile PLM系统允许使用者自定义项目内容。
所以和MS Project一样,Agile PLM系统将整个项目组成一个树形结构来管理。
在Agile PLM系统中,项目计划管理,不但可以定义项目的预计起始和结束时间,更将这种时间观划分成三个概念,分别是:1. 项目计划的时间(Schedule):项目计划时间为项目在开始前的计划2. 项目预估时间(Estimated):项目预估时间是项目在开始后根据遇到的时间状况对计划时间的一个修正时间。
3. 项目实际时间(Actual):项目时间是项目开始后实际开始和结束该项目的时间。
不但如此,Agile PLM系统还能自动计算项目用时和项目延期或提前的天数。

系统先天不足 合作伙伴能力不足
工作习惯的改变,对新系统的抵触 5/25
1 PLM系统总体介绍 2 各模块介绍
2.1 图文档管理介绍
• 管理产品生命周期中文档的产生、审批和作废的全过程,并且能够在系统中对 文档进行快速浏览
• 支持Word, Excel,PPT,PDF,HTML、二维CAD、三维CAD、Coredraw、 FreeHand、Photoshop 、Protel文件、分析数据、源程序代码、工程分析及测试 等格式的存放
• 创建文档时根据企业编码规则自动生成文档编码 • 可以在自定义的关键里程碑(比如整机BOM发布时)进行自动的文档齐套审查,
2.3 BOM管理介绍
• 支持多种BOM类型:如设计BOM,生产BOM, 销售BOM,备件BOM等 • 产品结构树可以图形直接浏览,并可设定展开的层次,可将组件作为指定层的
展开,并显示出其相关资料及图文件。产品结构可以多阶正展开也可以多阶逆 展开 • 显示和产品结构相关联的文档/图纸 • 可比较相同或不同产品所使用的零部件的差异之处 • 可以反向查询零部件的使用位置
• 零部件分类管理 • 创建零部件时,根据企业编码规则自动生成零部件编码 • 根据录入的属性项,按规则自动生成物料描述 • 根据规则自动生成自制零部件的图号 • 具有零部件克隆功能,快速实现零部件创建 • 零组件申请创建流程 • 更改前与更改后对比查询,每次更改均有相应的版本标识 • 通过流程控制零部件状态 • 管理BOM中的工艺零组件

Agile 物件
初始 Preliminary
原型 Prototype
Base Class基 础类别
Items 物件
试产 Pilot
生产 Production
失效 Inactive
废除 Obsolete
Class 类别
Page 2第二
▪ 部件属性: 部件的某个特征值。比如电阻值是电阻的一个属性。
▪ 属性值: 属性的一个具体描述。比如1000欧姆是电阻阻值属性的具体描述。
▪ 文件(Document): 与产品相关的文件,但是不是产品的组成部分,主要用于描述产品的结构,使用方法,文件主要 供公司内部使用和参考。比如通常的CAD图档等。
PC(产品协同管理) 模块管理范畴
物件 Item
变更 Change
合格制造商列表 AML
物料(Part)/ 物料清单(BOM)
文件 (Document)
(Change Request) (Change Order) (Manufacturer)(Manufacturer Parts)
变更中工作流程 的状态及其变化
通过图形化的方式非常具体的反映 工程变更状态的变化,同时在同一 界面可以看到所有签核者意见及签 核动作
变更签核者的签核 意见及其签核记录
▪ 创建 ▪ 编辑 ▪ 添加变更内容(即”受影响物件”) ▪ 修改变更内容(即修改物件版本、生命周期阶段或者Redline BOM 、制造商、附件等) ▪ 添加签核者 ▪ 删除签核者 ▪ 提交变更 ▪ 拒绝变更 ▪ 取消变更 ▪ 暂停(或称挂起)变更 ▪ 删除变更
Oracle Agile 产品生命周期管理(PLM)的过程级别计算机辅助合规筛选用户指南(Relea

Oracle® Agile Product Lifecycle Management for ProcessComputer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide Release 6.2.2E79139-01May 2017Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide, Release 6.2.2E79139-01Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.ContentsPreface (v)Audience (v)Variability of Installations (v)Documentation Accessibility (v)Software Availability (vi)Related Documents (vi)Conventions (vi)1Introducing CACSOverview.................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Touch Points with Other Applications................................................................................................. 1-1 Global Specification Management................................................................................................... 1-1 Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance Screening...................................................... 1-2 Accessing CACS................................................................................................................................. 1-2 2Using Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningCreating a New Compliance Screen..................................................................................................... 2-1 Computer Aided Compliance Screening Page.............................................................................. 2-2 Summary Tab.............................................................................................................................. 2-2 Summary Information Section........................................................................................... 2-2 CACS Constraints Tab............................................................................................................... 2-3 Compliance Constraints Section........................................................................................ 2-4Usage Approval Constraints Section................................................................................ 2-5Nutrient Constraints Section.............................................................................................. 2-5Extended Attribute Constraints Section........................................................................... 2-5Lower Level Screens Section.............................................................................................. 2-6 Related Screens Tab.................................................................................................................... 2-7 Copying a Compliance Screen............................................................................................................... 2-7 Running Screens Against Specifications............................................................................................. 2-7 CACS Review Parameters................................................................................................................. 2-7 Screen Results and Details................................................................................................................ 2-9iiiivPreface The Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningUser Guide explains how to use the Computer Aided Compliance Screening (CACS)application to inspect specifications for compliance against any number ofuser-defined screens.This preface contains these topics:■Audience■Variability of Installations■Documentation Accessibility■Software Availability■Related Documents■ConventionsAudienceThis guide is intended for end users who are responsible for creating and managinginformation in Agile PLM for Process. Information about administering the systemresides in the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.Variability of InstallationsDescriptions and illustrations of the Agile PLM for Process user interface included inthis manual may not match your installation. The user interface of Agile PLM forProcess applications and the features included can vary greatly depending on suchvariables as:■Which applications your organization has purchased and installed■Configuration settings that may turn features off or on■Customization specific to your organization■Security settings as they apply to the system and your user accountDocumentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.vAccess to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info orvisit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearingimpaired.Software AvailabilityOracle Software Delivery Cloud (OSDC) provides the latest copy of the core software.Note the core software does not include all patches and hot fixes. Access OSDC at:.Related DocumentsFor more information, see the following documents in the Agile PLM for Processdocumentation set:■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Getting Started Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process User Group Management User Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Global Specification Management User Guide■Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Release Notes. Up-to-date ReleaseNotes and other documentation are posted on Oracle Technology Network (OTN)at this location:/technetwork/documentation/agile-085940.html#plmprocessConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:Convention Meaningboldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.vi1Introducing CACS This chapter presents an overview of the Computer Aided Compliance Screeningapplication and describes a few basic features. Topics in this chapter include:■Overview■Touch Points with Other Applications■Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningOverviewComputer Aided Compliance Screening (CACS) is a configurable solution in whichyou can inspect specifications for compliance against any number of user-definedscreens. These screens can include several types of constraints and can be nested toenable more complex screening scenarios. You design constraints around compliancestandards, usage approval, nutritional attributes, and user-defined data that iscaptured using extended attributes.CACS screens are applied at three levels: raw materials, intermediate materials, andtop-level materials. The screens are available during the product developmentlifecycle. This availability helps you achieve early detection of compliance issues.When running a compliance screen, you obtain feedback on compliance issuesthrough a red/green color code. You can then examine the results to search for the rootcauses of compliance deviations.Touch Points with Other ApplicationsCACS is integrated with several types of specifications in Global SpecificationManagement (GSM).Global Specification ManagementYou can run compliance screens against the following specification types in GlobalSpecification Management (GSM):■Trade specifications■Menu item specifications■Product specifications■Material specificationsIntroducing CACS1-1Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance Screening■Formulation specifications■Packaging material specificationsFor more information, refer to "Running Screens Against Specifications" on page2-7,or refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Global SpecificationManagement User Guide.Getting Started with Computer Aided Compliance ScreeningAccessing CACSTo access the CACS application, select CACS from the left navigation panel, or selectCACS from the Applications top menu bar.For general information on using Agile PLM for Process software, see the Agile ProductLifecycle Management for Process Getting Started Guide.1-2Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide2Using Computer Aided Compliance Screening 2-1Using Computer Aided ComplianceScreeningThis chapter describes the capabilities and applied uses of the Computer Aided Compliance Screening product. It includes the following topics:■Creating a New Compliance Screen ■Copying a Compliance Screen ■Running Screens Against SpecificationsCreating a New Compliance ScreenUse the Computer Aided Compliance Screening (CACS) application to create and manage compliance screens. To create a new screen, click Create Newon the Computer Aided Compliance Search page.Figure 2–1Computer Aided Compliance Screening Search pageCreating a New Compliance Screen2-2Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Computer Aided Compliance Screening User Guide Computer Aided Compliance Screening PageScreens contain three tabs: Summary, CACS Constraints, and Related Screens, shown in Figure 2–2.Figure 2–2New pageSummary TabThe Summary tab of a CACS screen provides additional information that helps to uniquely identify the screen when you are searching using the search form. The tab also identifies where the screen is available to be used for compliance checking in other applications.Summary Information SectionThe Summary Information section consists of the following fields:Title —The user-defined title of the screenScreen #—A system-defined number associated with this screenDescription —The user-defined description of the screenAvailable In —The types of objects that are able to use the screenWhen you create a new screen, Title is the only field required to save the screen. When you click the search icon for the Available In field, a dialog box displays specifications and nutrient profiles that are able to use the screen, as shown in Figure 2–3.Creating a New Compliance ScreenFigure 2–3Objects available for screeningUse the add and remove selected data item icons to select objects for screening, and then click Done . When multiple objects are added, the list of constraints available are based on the object with the fewest available constraints. For example, if you add packaging specifications, you only have Extended Attribute and Business Unitconstraints to define since packaging specifications do not have nutrient or compliance constraints. See "CACS Constraints Tab" on page 2-3 for more information.Once you complete the Summary tab, click the CACS Constraints tab.CACS Constraints TabUse the CACS Constraints tab, shown in Figure 2–4, to provide the parameters, or rules, that a specification must comply with in order to pass the screening process.Build constraints around the following parameters:■Presence and/or concentration of allergens, additives, and sensitivities (intolerances)■Country of origin■General compliance (i.e. kosher, non-GM, organic, vegan, etc.)■Nutrient levels■Known usage restrictions (i.e. business unit, country, etc.)■Custom attributes (using extended attributes)Note:If the Available In data is not provided, the screen beingcreated is not available to run against specifications in GSM.Creating a New Compliance ScreenFigure 2–4CACS Constraints tabTo add a new constraint, identify which type of constraint needs to be added and thenclick Add New under the desired section. Each constraint category has a uniqueconfiguration.Compliance Constraints SectionFor each compliance constraint, do the following:1.Select a compliance attribute from the CACS Attributes dropdown list.2.Click the add data icon to add the value for the attribute in the Value field.3.Set the constraint on the value in the Constraints field.4.Once you complete the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon tosave the new constraint.For example, you might want to ensure there is no peanut or peanut oil in yourspecification. To set up a constraint verifying this, create a screen and add thefollowing constraint:■CACS Attribute—KTC Allergen (Known to Contain Allergen)■Value—Peanut / Peanut Oil■Constraint = 0Creating a New Compliance Screen When a specification is investigated with this screen, if there is any value defined on the specification for Peanut / Peanut Oil other than 0, the constraint will fail.Usage Approval Constraints SectionFor usage approval constraints, you will add a compliance attribute, define some combination of business unit, country, segment, and concept, and finally, set the constraint on the value. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon to save the new constraint.For example, you might want to make sure that all the specifications in a formulation are approved for use in Canada. To make sure that is the case, create a screen and add the following constraint:■CACS Attribute—AFUI Country (Approved for Use in Country)■Country—Canada■Constraint = 100When a specification is investigated with this screen, if there is any specification in the formula that is not approved for use in Canada, the constraint will fail.Nutrient Constraints SectionFor nutrient constraints, add a nutrient item and set the constraint on the nutrient. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, select the apply changes icon to save the new constraint.For example, you might want to make sure there is equal or less than 10g of Vitamin C in a formula. To make sure that is the case, create a screen and add the following constraint:■Nutrient—Vitamin C■Constraint <=10gWhen a specification is investigated with this screen, if the formula has a Vitamin C content that is more than 10g/100g, the constraint will fail.Extended Attribute Constraints SectionFor extended attribute constraints, add an extended attribute type and set the value on the extended attribute. Once you have completed the setup for the constraint, click the apply changes icon to save the new constraint. The constraint varies based on the type of attribute you are using, but the results are returned similarly to all other constraints. You can add multiple constraints to any given screen.Note:The extended attributes that are available for screens are thosethat are marked as distinct and any of the following type: Boolean,Qualitative, Qualitative Lookup, Date, Numeric, Calculated Boolean,Calculated Numeric, Calculated Text, Quantitative Range, andQuantitative Tolerance. For more information, refer to the AgileProduct Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.Creating a New Compliance ScreenLower Level Screens SectionCACS screens are nested within a given screen to enable you to create complexscreening scenarios in a modular way. To link a screen to the screen that you arecreating, click Add New and use the search page to select the screens that you want tonest.Note:When the screen is investigating a specification, it will returnthe results for all nested screens at the same time.Figure2–5 represents what the CACS Constraints tab would look like given thescenarios above.Figure 2–5Constraints tabRunning Screens Against SpecificationsRelated Screens TabThe Related Screens tab shows parent screens based on the relationship established in the Lower Level Screens section. When a screen is added as a lower level screen, it displays the specification that it was added to as a parent screen.Copying a Compliance ScreenClick Create Copy from the action menu to create a copy of the compliance screen. A new screen number is assigned and displayed in the Screen # field. All other fields are copied from the original screen.Running Screens Against SpecificationsIn order to investigate a specification using a compliance screen, you must first select the GSM specification to investigate. Once you access the specification, click Tools > CACS from the action menu. This action opens a dialog box that you use to set up the review parameters for screening.CACS Review ParametersCACS review parameters define the rules of investigation for the system. You must select the scope of the investigation and the screens to use. Figure 2–6 shows the CACS Review Parameters section.The scope is the level of the hierarchy that you want to run the screens against. The following levels are available:■Top Level —Interrogates the specification that you are currently on.■Intermediate Processes —Interrogates any specifications that are used within the current specification. Available for formulation and menu item specifications only.■Raw Materials —Interrogates the raw materials level of the hierarchy. Available for formulation and menu item specifications only.Note:The role [SCREEN_CREATOR] is required to use the copy feature.Running Screens Against SpecificationsFigure 2–6CACS Review Parameters sectionNote:When running nutritional screens on specifications, CACS willonly screen the nutrient information on the nutrient profile attached tothe top-level specification. It is not possible to screen nutritionalinformation on a specification below the top level.The screens are the previously defined rules that you want to use to determinewhether the specifications are in line with the compliance rules. You can add screens tothis list by clicking the search icon in the CACS Screens field. The search page isdisplayed, shown in Figure2–7.Figure 2–7Search pageRunning Screens Against Specifications Enter search criteria, then click Search. The Search Results section lists screens thatmatch the defined criteria. Click anywhere in a row to include the screen in thecompliance check. Selected screens display in the Selected Items section. Once youhave selected all the screens to be run, click Done to return to the screening page.To begin the investigation, click Review. The results of the screening are displayed inthe CACS Results section, as Figure2–8 shows.Figure 2–8CACS Results sectionClick here to view detailsScreen Results and DetailsWhen CACS finishes its review, it returns the results with immediate feedback oncompliance issues using a red/green color code. If a constraint passes, it displays ingreen. If the constraint fails, it displays in red. In order to see the details of theconstraint results, click the view details icon. When you click the icon, a dialog boxdisplays containing the constraint details, as Figure2–9 shows.Running Screens Against SpecificationsFigure 2–9CACS Details dialog boxThe details contain the specification being screened along with the attribute, value,and levels that were found during investigation of the constraint. This view will helpyou quickly determine and remedy the root cause of any compliance deviations.。
Agile PLM

Agile PLM 套件功能介绍在今天由于全球化竞争、提升客户满意度以及业务脚步的快速提升都市足以强迫任一单位必须将产品快速的导入市场–也就是挤压产品的利润周期。
在这种高度竞争的市场环境下,企业的成功要素就包含了:● 快速推出产品● 更积极有效的管理产品与流程● 提交最高质量与最高效用的产品● 在更形复杂的全球供应链有效的进行沟通与协同作业Agile PLM解决方案就是针对上述的挑战的解决方案并提供各个产业在现今竞争激烈的环境拔得头筹。
同时Agile PLM解决方案也可使企业完整管理从产品设计、询价、制造、销售与售后服务的整个环节。
在这每一个解决方案的主要核心就是产品纪录(Product Record)–也就是在产品利润周期内各阶段的必要数据。
Agile PLM解决方案由下列商业就绪(Business Ready)的解决方案所组成:● Product Collaboration(产品协同)● Product Cost Management(产品管理)● Product Service & Improvement(产品服务及改善)● Product Portfolio Management(产品组合管理)● Product Governance & Compliance(产品管理与法令)● Engineering Collaboration(工程协同)每一个解决方案都提供企业体在供应炼各方面的高度透明度,强化客户与供货商降低成本、提升效率并更快制造出更好、更具利润产品的能力。
所有Agile解决方案都是构筑在Agile PLM Platform上。
agile plm

Agile PLM1. Introduction to Agile PLMAgile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a comprehensive software solution that helps organizations manage their product development processes, from ideation to commercialization. It enables companies to streamline their product development, reduce time-to-market, and improve collaboration between various stakeholders. Agile PLM provides a platform that integrates product data, processes, and people, supporting the entire product lifecycle.2. Key Features of Agile PLMAgile PLM offers a wide range of features and functionalities that facilitate efficient product development. Some of the key features include:2.1 Product Data Management (PDM)Agile PLM provides robust product data management capabilities, allowing organizations to centralize and manage all product-related data. It enables teams to store and organize data such as bills of materials (BOMs), CAD files, specifications, and documents. The PDM functionality ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date and accurate product information.Change management is a critical aspect of product development, and Agile PLM offers extensive change management capabilities. It enables teams to track and manage changes throughout the product development process, ensuring that all changes are documented, reviewed, and implemented effectively. Change management in Agile PLM includes features such as change orders, approval workflows, and audit trails.2.3 Project ManagementAgile PLM provides project management features that help organizations plan, track, and execute product development projects efficiently. It allows teams to define project timelines, allocate resources, track milestones, and monitor project progress. The project management functionality in Agile PLM facilitates collaboration and coordination among team members, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.2.4 Supplier CollaborationAgile PLM enables organizations to collaborate effectively with suppliers throughout the product development process. It provides tools and functionalities that allow for easy communication, document sharing, and collaboration with suppliers. This helps streamline the supplier evaluation, selection, and qualification processes, ensuring efficient supply chain management.Quality management is crucial in ensuring that products meet customer expectations and comply with industry standards. Agile PLM offers quality management features that enable organizations to define and enforce quality control processes. It provides tools for tracking product quality issues, implementing corrective actions, and monitoring product quality metrics.3. Benefits of Agile PLMThe adoption of Agile PLM can bring several benefits to organizations, including:3.1 Improved Efficiency and ProductivityAgile PLM enables organizations to streamline their product development processes, eliminating manual and inefficient processes. It helps reduce errors, rework, and duplication of efforts, thereby improving overall efficiency and productivity. With Agile PLM, teams can collaborate more effectively, share information seamlessly, and make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date data.3.2 Faster Time-to-MarketAgile PLM helps organizations accelerate time-to-market by providing a structured and streamlined product development process. It enables teams to manage product data effectively, automate workflows, and track changes efficiently. This results in faster product development cycles, enabling organizationsto bring new products to market more quickly and gain a competitive edge.3.3 Enhanced CollaborationCollaboration is a key driver of successful product development, and Agile PLM facilitates collaboration among various stakeholders. It provides a centralized platform where teams can collaborate, share information, and communicate effectively. This improves cross-functional coordination and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal, ultimately leading to better product outcomes.3.4 Improved Visibility and ControlAgile PLM provides organizations with better visibility into their product development processes and greater control over product data. It allows teams to track and monitor project progress, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive measures to address issues. This enhanced visibility and control enable organizations to make data-driven decisions, mitigate risks, and optimize resource allocation.4. ConclusionAgile PLM is a comprehensive software solution that empowers organizations to effectively manage their product development processes. It offers a range of features and functionalities that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and control throughout the product lifecycle. By leveraging Agile PLM, organizations can reduce time-to-market, improve product quality, and gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced and dynamic market environment.。
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实施的Agile PLM模块 Agile-PLM模块
Product Collaboration (PC)
Product Portfolio
Management (PPM)
Enterprise Visualization (EV)
整合上述概念,即可发现,产品生命周期管理(PLM)即是利用信息科技进行企业产 品开发到销售服务的完整经营活动的管理。
而从这个角度也不难发现,为何产品生命周期管理(PLM)和CRM(客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)、SCM(供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)、ERP(企业 资源规划, Enterprise Resource Planning)并列为企业信息管理的四根支柱。
1.Product Collaboration PC模块
2. Product Portfolio Management (产品项目管理)
PPM模块基于“阶段-任务-节点”的管理模型,集 成项目和产品数据,主要功能是实现对产品相关项目的 计划、执行、产出、资源、成本和整合的综合管理。
选择该文件的审核 者
3. Enterprise Visualization(企业可视化)
❖ 图文档在线浏览、批注功能 ❖ 2D/3D设计模型测量和分析 ❖ 实时在线讨论 ❖ 设计比较
节点 设计与样机
样机生产计划 节点
确定 审核人
审核人1 批准
审核人X 批准
审核意见 会整
处理措施 已审核
产品记录 10
2. Product Portfolio Management (产品项目管理)
1.Product Collaboration PC模块
Product Collaboration (产品数据协同管理) ,帮 助企业管理研发设计过程中的产品数据与协同作业。 所管理的产品记录包含材料清单、属性、配置、规范、 图纸、工作指令,版本变更及其它相关过程数据。
– 物料管理(产品分类、属性、版本、变更历史记录、图纸数据) – BOM管理(BOM的变更、版本控制) – 变更管理(设计审核、设计变更、工程变更) – 文档管理 (存储、查询、版本控制、发放和过程跟踪) – 制造商管理 (定义、共享、管理及审批合格制造商) – 与ERP集成 (把物料、BOM数据传递给ERP)
Your Company
设计 开发 样品 / 试产 批量/验证
New Product Development & Introduction (NPDI)
服务 / 退市
“更好的产品生命周期管理能为美国制造商创造 $105B 新的利润空间.”
项目 决策
项目 计划
项目 执行
项目定义 (范围, 阶段, 时 间,成本, 资源)
项目整合 分析与评估
项目排程 成本预算 人员配置
定制的项目状 态或分析报表
计划变更及影 响性分析
项目状态看板 (进度,成本,资源)
计划 分解与合并
计划下达 (任务分派)
“制造企业应该提高 PLM 的优先级别, 因为 PLM 能通过更好地利用产品知 识, 财务和人力资源, 帮助企业从他们的产品投资上获得更大的价值.”
产品生命周期管理(PLM),包括产品与管理,其中产品包括:产品相关数据资料(Data)、技 术(Technology)、方法(Method)、工具(Tools);而管理即是管理活动所牵涉到的人员 (People)、工作(Task)。
–仪表板 (Dashboard)-相关项目总体运行概况。 –项目执行(Program Execution)
✓ 项目创建(定义、项目计划编制,任务分配) ✓ 跟踪执行 ✓ 交付物(Deliverables)管理(任务的成果审核) –资源(Resource)管理 -人力资源和费用管理 –项目分析(Program Analytics)
项目 数据
产品C研制项目 产品B研制项目 产品A研制项目
型号研制 项目群
2.Product Portfolio Management (产品项目管理) 管理层对所有项目的总体概览及异常处置
2. Product Portfolio Management (产品项目管理) 计划层项目计划及执行状态跟踪
2. Product Portfolio Management (产品项目管理) 执行层流程执行和产出提交
1.Product Collaboration 功能图
Product Collaboration
Part / BOM
玻璃总成 玻璃成品 包边 附件 原片 油墨 材料 设备 工装 …
Documentation 文档
【文件】 项目文件
FMEA 操作手册 客户资料 技术文件 报告 外来文件
【工程图】 2D/3D 图档 规格图 设备图
ECR 申请流程
工程变更流程 委托转产流程 新产品立项审 批流程 材料消耗清单 流程 图纸发放流程 等等
ECN 审核流程
报告审批单 文档审批流程 工艺文件审批流 程 工艺评审
制造商 合格制造商
制造商资料 制造商料号 料件承认 取替代料来源 制造商质量管理