ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010
中图分类号中图分类号 TU111.19+5 文献标识码文献标识码 A 文章编号文章编号 1003-739X(2015)01-0036-07[摘 要][摘 要] 该文概述了建筑能耗在全球最终能源消费中的现状,分析了全球建筑能效标准发展现状及目标,分别介绍了中美两国建筑能效标准发展的历程。
[关键词][关键词] 建筑 能耗 能效标准 比较 [Abstract][Abstract] In the paper, we summarize the present status of building energy consumption in the global final energy consumption, the development situation and goals of the global building energy efficiency standards are analyzed. Respectively, we introduce the development of building energy efficiency standards in China and the United States. Based on the research of various national standards, the main content of involved building energy efficiency standards is summarized. Then we focus on building energy efficiency standards of the United States ASHRAE90.1-2010 and Chinese public building energy efficiency standards GB50189-2005, for example, by comparing the difference of framework, content and parameters between China and the U.S. energy ef fi ciency standards. We propose a few pieces of advice for the development of energy ef fi ciency standards of building.[Key words][Key words] Architecture, Energy consumption, Energy ef fi ciency standards, Compare闫埔华 Y an Puhua 唐 坚 T angJian中美建筑能效标准比较A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Building Energy Efficiency Standards建筑是世界各地能源的最大消费者。
冷源与热源 冷水机组能效限定值及能源效率等级
1. ASHRAE90.1-2010概述ASHRAE90.1-2010是由美国暖通空调与制冷工程师学会(ASHRAE)制定的标准,旨在规范建筑的能源效率。
2. ASHRAE90.1-2010的重要性ASHRAE90.1-2010的颁布对于建筑行业以及能源管理具有重要意义。
1) 提高建筑能源效率该标准针对建筑的各个方面制定了严格的能源利用要求,推动建筑行业向能源高效、环保方向发展,有利于减少能源消耗,降低能源成本。
2) 促进技术创新ASHRAE90.1-2010对建筑设备、系统和材料提出了一系列要求,推动了相关技术的创新和进步,促进了整个行业的发展。
3) 减少环境影响通过提高建筑能源效率,ASHRAE90.1-2010有助于降低建筑对能源的依赖,减少对环境的影响,有利于可持续发展。
3. ASHRAE90.1-2010标准内容了解ASHRAE90.1-2010的内容能够更好的理解标准的具体要求和应用范围。
1) 照明系统标准对建筑照明系统的设计、安装和运行提出了相关要求,包括照明效果、灯具选择、照明控制等方面。
2) 暖通空调系统标准规定了暖通空调系统的设计参数、节能措施、运行要求等,以提高系统的能效比和性能。
3) 建筑外壳ASHRAE90.1-2010对建筑外墙、屋顶、窗户等部分的保温隔热性能、透光系数等进行了规范,旨在减少能耗。
4. ASHRAE90.1-2010的应用范围了解标准的应用范围有助于建筑设计、施工和运营管理人员更好地遵守标准、提高建筑的能源效率。
1) 新建建筑标准适用于新建的建筑,规定了新建建筑在设计和施工过程中的能源利用要求。
2) 老建筑改造对于已存在的建筑改造和扩建项目,标准也对其进行了相应的能源利用要求,鼓励对老建筑的能效改造。
ashrae standard 55-2010
ASHRAE Standard 55-2010定义了热舒适的标准,主要关注人体对热环境的满意度。
在ASHRAE Standard 55-2010中,热舒适被定义为人体对热环境表示满意的意识状态。
以上内容仅供参考,如需获取更多关于ASHRAE Standard 55-2010的详细信息,可以咨询相关专业人士,或查阅相关论坛资料。
\<114天目里项目可持续设计技术要点解析\Sustainable Design Techniques of OoEli Project杜立明寿广张雪祁王文胜陈文卉吴政哲D u Liming, Shou Guang, Zhang Xueqir W ang Wenshengr Chen Wenhui, W u Zhengzhe作審:杜立明,g o a大象设计技术研发中心总建筑师;寿广,g o a大象设计技术研发中心总工程师;张雪祁,g o a大象设计技术研发中心资深设计经理:王文胜.g o a大象设计技术研发中心 资深设计经理:陈文卉,g o a大象设计技术硏发中心工程师;吴政哲.伉州南方品太建筑14技有限公司总经理L E E D W问AUTH O R: Du Liming, Chief Architect. Technology R&D Center. Group of Architects Co.. Ltd.; Shou Guang, Chief Engineer. Technology R&D Center. Group of Architects Co., Ltd.; Zhang Xueqi, Senior Design Manager, Technology R&D Center, Group of Architects Co., Ltd.; Wang Wensheng, Senior Design Manager, Techno ogy R&D Center, Group of Architects Co., Ltd.; Chen Wenhui, Engineer, Technology R&D Center of Group of Architects C o., Ltd.; Wu Zhengzhe, General Manager. South Pintle Architecture technology C o., Ltd, LEED Consultant可持续设计是天目里项目从方案设计阶段就一直秉承的基本理念,具体体现在节能减耗、提升空间的坏境品质、提高人体舒适性等方面该项目以 国际绿色建筑认证的环保标准为设计目标,除了考虑能耗、坏境品质等常规因素外,还研究了未来复合型工作场所的人群舒适度,旨在打造一个在曰常 使用中就可以被感知到的可持续园区。
中国建筑防水China Building Waterproofing 2019年第7期7月2019 No.7July关于隔气层建筑结构隔气层英语通常译成"air barrier"或 "air retarder",那么这两者有什么差别呢?2017年3月,NRCA 出版了《屋面结构隔气层 (air retarder )指南》,概述了能源规范中对隔气层的要 求、相关行业的研究以及对设计人员的建议。
术语在标准和能源规范中(包括一些建筑行业)使用 的隔气层(air barrier )多少有点不妥当。
对许多建筑 材料和结构的测试表明仍存在较低的透气值,决不是 如"air barrier"所意味的"零透气因此,NRCA 推荐 使用“air retarder''一词(特别引用规范用语时除外)。
NRCA 建议屋面行业其他地方也使用"air retarder"这 个更为确切的术语。
建筑行业也已经采取了类似的态 度,同样在指具有较低透汽值但不是“零透汽”的情况 下使用"vapor retarder"(隔汽层)一词。
文件概述《屋面结构隔气层(air retarder )指南》第一章概述 了适用于屋面结构隔气层的规范条款。
第一个提出建 筑物隔气层的标准是ASHRAE 90.1—2010《除低层 住宅建筑外建筑物的能源标准》。
《国际能源规范2012版(IECC 2012)>是第一个 要求在建筑围护结构中(包括屋面结构在内)使用隔 气层的规范。
IECC2012规范要求测试建筑材料(产 品)、建筑结构(屋面系统)或整个建筑物,使其符合规 定的最大允许透气要求。
IECC2012还包括一个“可认为合格”的方案,这个“可认为合格”方案允许喷涂 聚氨酯泡沫(SPF )、叠层卷材、聚合物改性卷材和粘 接单层卷材屋面系统作为隔气层使用,但其四周和穿 孔处均需密封。
Equipment Type
Size Category
Heating Section Type
Subcategory or Rating Condition
Electric resistance (or none)
Split system and single package
12.4 EER and 13.6 IEER
All other
Split system and single package
12.2 EER and 13.4 IEER
≥760,000 Btu/ha
Electric resistance (or none)
Split system and single package
12.2 EER and 13.5 IEER
All other
Split system and single package
12.0 EER and 13.3 IEER
aAir conditioners with size equal to or greater than 240,000 Btu/h are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1-2013.
Central Air Conditioners and Light Commercial Heating and Cooling Equipment
S 单系统机组 D 双系统机组
A 直接膨胀式风冷机组 W 直接膨胀式水冷机组
O 上送风机组 ( 前回风、下回风或背回风 ) U 下送风机组 ( 上回风 ) 35 标准工况下的名义制冷量
COOLBLADE 系列精密机房空调是由制冷系统 . 电加热或翅片式换 热器系统 . 加湿系统 . 除湿系统等功能部件组成。整机运行由微 处理器集中控制,充分实现高精度 , 低能耗的优质功效 . 是当代 节能环保的优秀产品 . 广泛应用于军事 . 医疗 . 金融 . 通讯及各 个领域的大型数据处理中心 , 是您的最佳选择。
本系列机组外表喷涂色为 RAL7016,钣金件采用镀锌钢板制成。 本公司先进的安装工艺使得即便在维修机组时,机组仍然能够正 常运行;同时该系列机组拥有优秀的静音性能,机组内侧盖板的 内表面均可配置双层隔音面板,隔音面板内衬是采用特殊材料制 成的隔音保温材料。
ASHRAEIESNA Standard 901-:ashraeiesna标准共139页
Mandatory provision (5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, and 10.4) Baseline building complies with Appendix G Building PRM 10% better than 90.1-2019 for new construction, 5%
revision © 2008 Trane
© 2008 Trane
Historical Timeline
90.1-1980 updated
90.1-2019 major rewrite
90.1-2019 minor revisions
90.1-1975 first issued
Contents Title, purpose, scope Aspects of building addressed by provisions
© 2008 Trane
ASHRAE Standard 90.12019
Brief history
• Milestones • Plan for reprints • Scope of 2019
ASHRAE is proposing code changes to increase stringency
© 2008 Trane
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 adoption by
U.S. Department of Defense
“2-1 MANDATORY ENERGY AND WATER CONSERVATION CRITERIA. Family housing (residential) shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest Energy Star standards, per other appropriate service-specific criteria and guidance. Other facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest edition of ASHRAE Standard 90.1.”
节能:3 x 30kW 水泵运行成本* – 基于转速轮值~ £26,672最佳效率轮值~ £17,133节省36%
*基于电费 £0.10/kWh – 12个月的运行 – 40%的设计扬程
% 冷站负荷
上海华力微电子,2010立式管道泵38台9台, 300x300x430/200kW(1050m3/h,45m)8台,350x350x380/132kW(1320m3/h,28m)3台,250x250x375/ 90kw(750m3/h,32m)8台,350x350x350/ 75kw(948m3/h,20m)3台,250x250x330/ 45kw(539m3/h,21m)7台,300x300x430/250kw(1200m3/h,50m)
DE智能变频技术优势 ——节省变频器配线安装支架
乐维顿 RF 快速选择和应用指南说明书
S E R V I C E A N D S U P P O RT D U R I N G E V E R Y S T E P O F T H E P R O C E S S . O n l y L e v i t o n h a s t h e s e r v i c e a n d s u p p o r t t o h e l p y o u c r e a t e a l i g h t i n g c o n t r o l s y s t e m t h a t d o e s e x a c t l y w h a t y o u w a n t i t t o d o w h i l e s a v i n g e l e c t r i c i t y , m e e t i n g c o d e s a n d s t a n d a r d s , a n de v e n g a r n e r i n g r e b a t e s .E X C L U S I V E W E A L T H OF R E S O U R C E S :D o l l a r s & S e n s o r s ® O n l i n eE n e r g y A u d i t T o o l — m a k e s e n e r g y a u d i t s e a s i e r t h a n e v e r — u s e y o u r s m a r t d e v i c e (A n d r o i d , A p p l e ,W i n d o w s o r B l a c k b e r r y ) t o e n t e r a u d i t i n f o r m a t i o n a n d y o u r d e s k t o p t o g e n e r a t e R O I r e p o r t s , a n a l y s e s , B i l l o f M a t e r i a l s , a n d a s u b m i t t a l p a c k a g e — g o t o w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /d o l l a r s a n d s e n s o r s • O c c u p a n c y S e n s o r L a y o u t S e r v i c e s — h a v e a t e a m o fe x p e r t s c r e a t e o c c u p a n c y s e n s o r l a y o u t s d i r e c t l y o n y o u r C A Dd r a w i n g s , c o m p le t e w i t h a L i s t of E q u i p m e n t a t n o c o s t —g o t o p o r t a l .l e v i t o n .c o m • L i g h t L o g g e r ® P r o g r a m — g e t a n a c c u r a t e e s t i m a t e o f y o u r e n e r g y -s a v i n g s p o t e n t i a l w i t h t h i s e x c l u s i v e p a y b a c k a n a l y s i st o o l — g o t o w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /l o g g e r• e z -L e a r n ™ — g e t L e v i t o n s m a r t f r o m t h e c o m f o r t o f y o u r h o m e o r o ffi c e w i t h t h i s e x c l u s i v e 24/7 o n l i n e t r a i n i n g —g o t o w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /e z l e a r n • A S A P L i g h t i n g D e s i g n S o f t w a r e — p o i n t -a n d -c l i c k s o f t w a r ea l l o w s y o u t o q u i c k l y a n d s i m p l y d e s i g n , s p e c i f y a n d e n t e ro r d e r s — g o t o w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /a s a p• F i n d m o r e e x c l u s i v e , n o -c o s t d e s i g n t o o l s a tw w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /l e s d e s i g n • L i g h t i n g c o n t r o l s p e c i a l i s t s a t y o u r d i s p o s a l • F i e l d s e r v i c e e n g i n e e r s f o r t o p -l e v e l s u p p o r t• F a c t o r y c o m m i s s i o n i n g s e r v i c e• D e d i c a t e d t e c h n i c a l s u p p o r t v i a p h o n e a t 1-800-959-6004L e v i t o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o ., I n c .L i g h t i n g & E n e r g y S o l u t i o n s201 N . S e r v i c e R d . M e l v i l l e , N Y 11747-3138T e c h L i n e : 1-800-824-3005 • F A X : 1-800-832-9538 • w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /l e sL e v i t o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g o f C a n a d a , L t d .165 H y m u s B o u l e v a r d , P o i n t e C l a i r e , Q u e b e c H 9R 1E 9 T e l e p h o n e : 1-800-469-7890 • F A X : 1-800-563-1853L e v i t o n S . d e R .L . d e C .V .L a g o T a n a 43, M e x i c o D F , M e x i c o C P 11290T e l . (+52) 55-5082-1040 • F A X : (+52) 5386-1797 • w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m .m xV i s i t o u r W e b s i t e a t : w w w .l e v i t o n .c o m /l e s© 2015 L e v i t o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o ., I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .G -8431C /E 15-a k R E V M A Y 2015HOW TO PUT IT ALL TOGETHERTIP: A good way to visualize your wireless system is to imagine that the “wires” connecting each device are invisible wires or “unique addresses.”BASIC LEVNET RF SOLUTIONS3-Way or Multi-Location SwitchingSTEP 1Determine what LOADS you want to control — lighting, HVAC, lamp, TV, etc.LevNet RF Self-Powered Wireless TransmittersSTEP 3Pick the appropriate Wireless Self-Powered RF TRANSMITTER (sensor or switch)One WayCommunication1-10V DimmingTransmitter Hybrid ControlEnergy Code Compliant Plug Load Control Motor Load Control STEP 2Pick the appropriate RF RECEIVER Receives One Way CommunicationLevNet RF Wireless/Wired-In ReceiversLevNet RF ™902 MHz Wireless Self-Powered Solutions Product GuideTHE FUTURE IS ON ™Dimming with Occupancy and Daylighting - Hybrid Area Control Dimming with Daylighting - Hybrid Individual Fixture Control Plug Load Control OptionsLEVNET RF 902 MHZ WIRELESS SELF-POWERED SOLUTIONSSELF-POWERED + RADIO FREQUENCY = TRUE WIRELESSSelf-powered LevNet RF transmitters operate indefinitely without external power or batteries. Transmitters communicate with LevNet RF receivers via radio frequency. Operating in the 902 MHz band provides minimal competing traffic, enhanced reliability and greater transmission range over other wireless technologies.GREEN SOLUTIONSEnergy Savings• Lowest power consumption on wireless receivers at less than one Watt per device• Place virtually anywhere and control any compatible wireless device within range• Self-powered and self-charging, uses zero external power consumption to operateMaterial Savings• Reduce materials and time spent on installation with no new wires to run• Reduce monthly testing and maintenance costs* Leviton is part of the EnOcean Alliance. LevNet RF Solutions are compatible withother EnOcean Alliance wireless devices.WIRED VS. WIRELESS COSTSSENSORSSWITCHES CONTROL EXTENDERWSC12-M9NWSWDR-H9WWSS0S-S9WSS0S-D9WSS0S-R9WWSTLT-9D0Wall Switch Receivers x x x x x x Relay Receivers x x x x x x RF Receptacles x x x x x x Dimming Controllersxxxxx—PRODUCTCOMPATIBILITY MATRIXX - Indicates compatibilityPOWER PACKLINE VOLTAGE POWER PACKWSP20Memory Stores up to 20 Transmitter IDsPower Supply Input100-277VAC, 50/60 HzMax Loads/ Contact Rating General Duty: 20ATungsten (Incandescent): 20A Fluorescent Ballast: 20AMotor Load: 1HPPower Up State: Selectable N.O. or N.C.Output Channels 1 FORM A Latching Relay, N.O. or N.C.Time Delay 15 minAdditional ListingsETL (U.S.) UL 60730, UL 2043 Plenum rating,ETL (Canada): CSA C22.2 #1405,CE (International): IEC 60730RECEIVERSWALL SWITCHADVANCED WALL SWITCH RECEIVERSwith Color Change Kit WSS20-N9N | WSS20-G9NUse for larger rooms with multiple loads. Pairing for rocker, momentary and toggle.Input Voltage 120-230-277VACPowerConsumption 120V < 1/2 Watt; 277V < 2/3 Watt Memory Stores up to 20 Transmitter IDs Button Pairing Modes Rocker, Momentary and ToggleVacancy Confirmation 30 seconds Mode Presentation/Viewing Time Delay2 min (test); 10, 20, 30 minLoad RatingGeneral Duty: 10A LED: 400W @ 120VIncandescent: 800W @ 120VFluorescent Ballasts: 1200VA @ 120V, 2700VA @ 277VMotor: 1/4 HP Load @ 120VFor non-neutral models: 25W minimum load requiredAdditional ListingsETL/cETL: UL508, CA Title 24 Compliant,CAN/CSA C22.2 #14All WSS20 models ship with a Color Change Kit which includes a White, Ivory and Light Almond faceplate.Gray and Ebony faceplates available in quantities of 25.1-10V DIMMING CONTROLLERS5A FIXTURE CONTROLLER WSD05-9D020A AREA CONTROLLER WSD20-9D0Memory Stores up to 20 Transmitter IDsPower Supply Input Rating 100-277VAC, 50/60 HzOutput Rating —10mA source Input Channels —1 - 1-10V input signal1 mA sourceOutput Channels 1 - latching FORM A relay,selectable N.O. or N.C. power up state1 - 1-10V output signal (sink 100mA, source 1mA)Load Rating5A20ARF RECEPTACLESPLITDUPLEX RECEIVERWSG15-S9WDUPLEX RECEIVER WSG15-D9WPower Supply 125VAC, 60Hz, 15APowerConsumption120VAC @ 10mA AC (320mW typical)Switched Side:Max Loads/Constant Ratings General Use/Resistive: 15A Incandescent: 1800W Inductive: 1800VA 1/2HP , 120VAC Controlled Single (Top)DualListingsCA Title 24 Compliant, ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2010Compliant, TR ReceptacleTRANSMITTERSRECEIVERSSENSORSCEILING MOUNT OCCUPANCY SENSORWSC12-M9NWALL MOUNT OCCUPANCY SENSORWSWDR-H9WCoverage 1,200 SF1600/2200 SFPowerConsumption Zero (Self-Powered)Transmission 60 seconds (+/- 10 sec)***************(5LUX);***************(10LUX);30 seconds @ 20FC (200 LUX)Minimum Light Required 5FC(50 LUX for auto-OFF only) 1.5FC (15 LUX)Minimum Charge Time to Begin Operation 1 minute @ 20FC (200 LUX)*************(15LUX);5 seconds @ 20FC (200 LUX)Maintain Charge Time 3 hours per 24 hours @ 20FC (200 LUX)Operating Life at Full Charge80 hours48 hoursAdditional Listings CA Title 24 Compliant, FCC Certified for Wireless Communication (U.S.), I.C. Certified (Canada)CONTROL EXTENDERCONTROL TRANSMITTERWSTLT-9D0Communicates with receivers that control virtually any ON/OFF devicePower Supply Input 100-277VAC, 50/60 Hz Addressing Factory set unique ID (1 of 4 billion)Additional ListingsUL 60730 (Safety), UL 2043 (Plenum),CSA C22.2#14-05 (Safety),CE-IEC 60730, CA Title 24 CompliantLevNet RF Self-Powered Wireless Solutions Frequency 902 MHzRange 50-150 feet (Design to 75 feet)Listings FCC Certified for Wireless Communication(U.S.), I.C. Certified (Canada)WarrantyLimited 5-yearPUTTING TOGETHER A LEVNET RF 902 MHZ SYSTEMWALL STATIONSSINGLE ROCKERDECORA ® WALL STATION WSS0S-S9xDUAL ROCKER DECORA WALL STATION*WSS0S-D9x HANDHELD 4-BUTTON REMOTE WSS0S-R9W Buttons 2 Buttons (1 Rocker)4 Buttons (2 Rockers)4 Buttons (2 Rockers)Output Channels Only limited by number of Receivers in rangeAddressingFactory set unique ID (1 of 4 billion)* Available in White (-W), Ivory (-I), Light Almond (-T), Gray (-G) and Ebony (-E).Note: Wall Stations are both switches and dimmers depending on the receiver they are paired to -see the Wall Station data sheet for details.1342Determine what LOADS you want to control - lighting, HVAC, lamp, TV, etc.Pick the appropriate RF RECEIVER mounting style Pick the appropriate wireless self-powered RF TRANSMITTER (sensor or switch)PAIRthe devices to communicate with each other DID YOU KNOW?LevNet RF wireless self-powered sensors and switchesuse zero power for zero utility cost.In standby power consumption alone, LevNet RF saves 70%over the competition month after month after the install. LevNet RFuses less than one Watt in standby mode to operate a receiver.LevNet RF offers a no-neutral design for ALL retrofit installations.You receive LEED points for wireless control AND no batterieswhen you install LevNet RF wireless self-powered sensors.。
ASHRAE STANDARD American Society of Heating, Refrigeratingand Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.1791 T ullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-RiseResidential BuildingsANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Addendum ad to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on February 3, 2005; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on February 10, 2005; and by the American National Standards Institute on March 11, 2005.This standard is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for which the Standards Committee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions,including procedures for timely, documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the stan-dard. The change submittal form, instructions, and deadlines may be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE Web site, , or in paper form from the Manager of Standards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305.E-mail:*****************.Fax:404-321-5478.Telephone:404-636-8400(worldwide),ortollfree1-800-527-4723 (for orders in U.S. and Canada).© Copyright 2005 ASHRAE, Inc.ISSN 1041-2336When addenda, interpretations, or errata to this standard have been approved, they can be downloaded free ofcharge from the ASHRAE Web site at .ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 90.1 Cognizant TC: TC 7.6, Systems Energy Utilization SPLS Liaisons: Hugh F. CrowtherASHRAE Staff Liaison: Mark WeberIESNA Liaison: Rita M. HarroldJerry W. White, Jr., Chair* James M. Calm, Vice-Chair* Karim Amrane*Wagdy A.Y. AnisAnthony M. ArboreWilliam P. Bahnfleth*Peter A. Baselici*Van D. Baxter*Denise M. BeachDonald L. Beaty*Valerie L. Block*Donald M. Brundage* Ernest A. ConradCharles C. Cottrell*Roy Crane*Joseph J. Deringer*Keith I. Emerson*Drake H. ErbeThomas A. Farkas*Alan Fraser*James A. Garrigus*Jason J. Glazer*S. Pekka Hakkarainen Katherine G. Hammack*Susanna S. HansonRichard V. Heinisch*Randall T. Higa*John F. Hogan*William G. Holy*Hyman M. Kaplan*Larry Kouma*Ronald D. Kurtz*Samantha H. LaFleurMichael D. Lane*Dean E. LewisRichard LordKenneth Luther*Ronald Majette*Itzhak H. Maor*Carol E. Marriott*R. Christopher Mathis*Merle F. McBrideMichael W. MehlHarry P. MisurielloLouis J. Molinini*John Montgomery*Frank T. MorrisonFrank Myers*Ronald G. Nickson*Jim A. Ranfone*Eric E. Richman*Michael I. Rosenberg*Steven RosenstockRobert D. Ross*David A. Schaaf, Jr.*Leonard C. Sciarra*Bipin Vadilal Shah*Stephen V. Skalko*Frank A. Stanonik*Joseph K. Ting*Cedric S. Trueman*Martha G. VanGeemCarl Wagus*McHenry Wallace, Jr.*Richard D. Watson*David Weitz*Robin Wilson*Michael W. WoodfordDonald R. Wulfinghoff*Stanley W. Zajac**Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publicationSPECIAL NOTEThis American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.”Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation.ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The Project Committee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, all must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees.The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,b. participation in the next review of the Standard,c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard,d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely voluntary.In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied, that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.DISCLAIMERASHR AE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted industry practices. However, ASHR AE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE’s Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 2004-2005Dean S. Borges, ChairRichard D. Hermans, Vice-Chair Donald B. Bivens Paul W. Cabot Hugh F . Crowther Brian P . Dougherty Hakim Elmahdy Matt R. Hargan Roger L. Hedrick John F . Hogan Frank E. JakobStephen D. KennedyDavid E. Knebel Merle F . McBride Mark P . Modera Cyrus H. Nasseri Davor Novosel George ReevesJohn SabelliStephen V . SantoroGideon Shavit David R. Tree James E. WoodsMichael F . Beda, BOD ExO William A. Harrison, COClaire B. Ramspeck, Manager of Standards(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. I t has not been pro-cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a stan-dard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)FOREWORDThe Cool Roof Rating Council is a not-for-profit organi-zation that was established for a number of purposes, one of which is to implement and communicate fair, accurate, and credible radiative energy performance rating systems for roof surfaces.In 2002 the Cool Roof Rating Council completed its task of initiating a roofing product rating program. The intent of the CRRC was to develop a program that was uniform for determining radiative properties of roofing products. The pro-gram allows manufacturers and sellers to have the opportu-nity to label their roofing products. The radiative properties (e.g., solar reflectance and thermal emittance) are determined and verified through both laboratory testing and a process of random testing.This addendum identifies the CRRC program as a way to establish a common and uniform evaluation to determine com-pliance with the standard. Verification of a roofing product is available through two means: (1) a “label” that may be placed directly on the product, on the wrapping or container, or on the manufacturer’s technical literature and (2) the Cool Roof Rating Council’s Web site directory ().This addendum also deletes two of the ASTM standard test methods. The basis for this is that the CRRC determined through its development of the product rating program that, although those two test methods (ASTM C835 and E1175) were recognized as opportunities for compliance, the avail-ability of these test methods (e.g., the number of testing labo-ratories open to the general public) is restricted.The new test method (ASTM C1549) recognizes a test procedure that is considered comparable to the ASTM solar reflectance test methods currently cited. Although CRRC-1 cites its own testing procedure, it is effectively identical to the ASTM test. The reason for two test standards is directly related to the date of publication for each document. The CRRC-1 document was produced prior to ASTM producing their document.Addendum ad to 90.1-2004 (I-P and SI editions) Revise the following exception as shown:Exception to For roofs where the exterior surface has a minimum total solar reflectance of 0.70 when tested in accordance with one of the solar reflectance test methods listed below, and has a minimum thermal emittance of 0.75 when tested in accordance with one of the thermal emittance test methods below, other than roofs with ventilated attics or roofs with semiheated spaces, the U-factor of the proposed roof shall be per-mitted to be adjusted using Equation 5-1 for demonstrat-ing compliance:. The values for solar reflectance and thermal emittance shall be determined by a laboratory accredited by a nationally recognized accreditation organization, such as the Cool Roof Rating CouncilCRRC-1 Product Rating Program, and shall be labeled and certified by the manufacturer.U roofadj = U roofproposed× Factor roofmultiplier(5-1) whereU roofadj=the adjusted roof U-factor for use indemonstrating compliance;U roofproposed=the U-factor of the proposed roof, asdesigned;Factor roofmultiplier=the roof U-factor multiplier from Table5.5.3.1.Solar Reflectance Test Methods: ASTM C1549, ASTM E903, ASTM E1175, or ASTM E1918.Thermal Emittance Test Methods: ASTM C835, ASTM C1371, or ASTM E408Revise the normative references in Section 12 as follows: 12.NORMATIVE REFERENCESAmerican Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 ASTM C835-95 (1999), Standard Test Method for Total hemispherical Emittance of Surfaces from 20o C to 1400o C.ASTM C1549-02, Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient Temperature Usinga Portable Solar Reflectometer.ASTM E1175-87 (1996), Standard Test Method for Deter-mining Solar or Photoic Reflectance, Transmittance, and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere.Revise the informative references in Appendix E as follows: Informative Appendix EInformative ReferencesCRRCCool Roof Rating Council1738 Excelsior AvenueOakland, CA 94602(T) 866-465-2523(T) 510-482-4420(F) 510-482-4421SubsectionNo.Reference Title/Source Exception to5.5.3.1CRRC-1-2002Cool Roof Rating Council ProductRating Program2Addendum ad to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA STANDARD 90.1-2004POLICY STATEMENT DEFINING ASHRAE’S CONCERNFOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ITS ACTIVITIESASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAE’s members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted standards and the practical state of the art.ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other responsible bodies.As an ongoing goal, ASHR AE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure, continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations.Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is systematically revised.ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and guidelines.The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system’s intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.ASHR AE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHR AE’s scope operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by its members.。
ASHRAEIESNA Standard 901-2019:ashraeiesna标准
/techinfo/ufc/ 081602_UFC3-400-01.pdf
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LEED NC 2009 : EAp2
Minimum energy performance
Option 1: performance compliance path
Mandatory provision (5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, and 10.4) Baseline building complies with Appendix G Building PRM 10% better than 90.1-2019 for new construction, 5%
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ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019
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Implementation Codes U.S. military requirements LEED® green building rating program
Contents Title, purpose, scope Aspects of building addressed by provisions
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ASHRAE Standard 90.12019
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• Milestones • Plan for reprints • Scope of 2019
自從「綠建築解說與評估手冊」(以下稱手冊)頒佈以後,空調系統冰水機性能係數標準 COP 一直有著困擾,手冊中表 3-4.4 係取自經濟部能源局,其依據為 CNS 12575,但是手冊中 COP 之數據卻是與 ASHRAE STANDARD 90.1 完全吻合,而 ASHRAE STANDARD 90.1 是根據 ARI STANDARD 550/590,現將 CNS-12575 與 ARI STANDARD 之標準差異列表如下:
有了公式,我們先要確認這公式的正確性,這驗証可將 ARI 550/590 的條件代入如果 Kadj=1 那就証明公式是正確的,為了消除 SI 制與 IP 制間換算的誤差所以我們用 IP 公式來驗算。 假設效率需求 0.576 kw/RT CEWT FLOW LWT 85℉ 3 gpm/ton 44℉
出口溫度 水流量 7℃±0.5℃ 10.0L/min/RT±0.5 0-0.000018 ㎡℃/W 6.7℃ 2.4gpm/RT 9.084L/min/RT 0.000018 ㎡℃/W 0.3℃ 0.916L/min/RT
問 題
CEWT = Full load condenser entering water temp ℃ CLWT = Full load leaving chilled water temp ℃
美国立维腾 照明节能解决方案
Spain Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela
英国breeam 新西兰GreenSTAR
这些组织提供了根据可持续标准开展建筑项目的指导方针。一般还采用 一个评分工具,用于评估建筑的环境性能,并确认其是否符合标准。
Rev. 1 ©Copyright 2008 Leviton Manufacturing.
All rights reserved.
推出了经典的Decora 系列墙座面板 (后来成为美国 历史上销量最大的开关面板,现成为美国标准的基准) 成立电信分部 (现在的网络产品部 NS) 成为最大的建筑物灯光控制系统生产厂家, 系统涵 盖建筑物如办公楼,剧院,舞台,家庭等等 成立家居智能网络分部 , 提供全系列家居智能化产 品包括灯控等
Slide 32
商业产品 商业产品
能源管理产品 建筑调光产品
原始设备制造 灯光管理产品
网络解决方案 家居解决方案
建筑电气产品、能源管理系统、灯光控制系统、 网络布线系统、智能家居系统
会议中心采用了美国立维腾提供的“日光采集”技术,它由传感器进行控制,该技术能 监测自然光的改变情况,根据需要自动调节电气照明以维持用户定义的亮度。
ASHREA Standard 90_1_2010 Applicability to Datacom
2ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 Applicability to Datacom
tion Code (IECC). Prior to 2010, all building construction except residential and process cooling applications (i.e., datacom, etc.) were required to comply with this standard. With the 2010 version of Standard 90.1, requirements will become mandatory for compliance on datacom projects as soon as the standard is adopted and enforced by various authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs). In addition, it is likely that Standard 90.1-2010 will be adopted by the ICC during the 2012 update cycle for the ICC codes. The ICC codes are then adopted by the various states. The current adoption cycle for the ICC codes in each state can be viewed online. Review of current energy code requirements in the relevant jurisdiction to determine whether Standard 90.1-2010 applies is highly recommended before beginning any new datacom project. (Note: Sometimes jurisdictions adopt slight variations to Standard 90.1 or have developed their own versions, which may vary from the original.) When Standard 90.1 is adopted, the AHJ will often require paperwork demonstrating compliance. This is usually documentation completed by the project licensed professional engineer indicating compliance with the various portions of Standard 90.1 that apply to the project, as well load calculations and modeling calculations if the performance path is used. The AHJ may then use this paperwork to issue the necessary project permits. The details of the permitting process and required paperwork vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so it’s important to obtain requirements early in the project either when building a new data center or renovating an existing data center with HVAC upgrades. The three main components of Standard 90.1-2010 compliance are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Mandatory provisions—applies to all projects Prescriptive (code minimum) or performance path (known as the Energy Cost Budget Method [ECB])—must comply with one or the other Appendix G—exceeding 90.1 prescriptive requirements (generally used for LEED® certification; however, LEED for data centers is not available as of the publication of this paper)
ASHRAEIESNA Standard 901-2019:ashraeiesna标准
© 2008 Trane
© 2019 American Standard All rights reserved
appendix B: building envelope
Climate Criteria
Groups climates into 8 zones
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Implementation Codes U.S. military requirements LEED® green building rating program
very hot
hot warm mixed cool
very subartic cold
Subcategorizes zones
by humidity level
Look up climate
zones by location …
dry marine
Miami, San Juan= 1A
Section 5: Building Envelope
Section 6: HVAC
Section 7: Service Water Heating
Section 8: Power
Section 9: Lighting
Section 10: Electric Motors
Carrier EnergyX 系列空调系统产品说明书
The high ventilation rates, long hours of occupied operation, and focus on reducing operating costs make the EnergyX system an ideal candidate for retail stores.
As a factory installed, packaged unit that uses the same roofcurb as the standard base rooftop unit, the EnergyX system is an ideal candidate for replacement and/or retrofit applications.
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Equipment Efficiency Changes
The following is a summary of updates to the equipment efficiencies required by 90.1-2010. Air conditioners and heat pumps. Efficiencies for air conditioners and heat pumps have been improved substantially in recent years. In fact, when compared to the 1989 standard, there is approximately a 17 percent Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) improvement in the larger sizes and 30 percent in the 5- to 20-ton category. For small, less than 5-ton, equipment the change is approximately 34 percent Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) improvement. Equipment schedules now incorporate a new term called Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER). This new metric was developed for unitary products to replace Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) and encourage designs that have better part-load performance. (Addendum S)
volume 39 –3
The 2010 version of ASHRAE Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, will be published this fall. Significantly, the goal of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 was to achieve 30 percent energy-cost savings compared to 90.1-2004 (aggregated across 16 building types in 17 climate zones). This newsletter provides an overview of the mechanical changes that pertain to heating, ventilation and air-conditioning.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 is simply 90.1-2007 , with the incorporation of more than 100 approved addenda, 52 of which affect mechanical systems and will be the focus of this article. Other significant changes were made to the scope, lighting, building envelope and modeling sections of the standard, which will affect load calculations and equipment sizing. The addenda that affect mechanical systems can be roughly grouped into the following areas: • • Equipment efficiency System design and control requirements – – – Waterside Outdoor air Airside
These changes are outlined in the following sections.
© 2010 Trane, a business of Ingersoll Rand. All ne VAV. As of January 1, 2012, unitary equipment 110,000 Btuh (9.2 tons) or larger serving a single zone must provide means to reduce fan speed to two-thirds or less at loads below 50 percent. This can be accomplished by two-speed or variable-speed fans. Chilled-water air-handling units have a similar requirement (effective January 2010); see “VAV requirements for chilled water air-handling units serving a single-zone, ” p. 7. The low-speed airflow can be the larger of the limit stated above or the ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation requirement for the zone. Outdoor air measurement or a compensating damper will be necessary for proper ventilation at reduced speed. Discharge air temperature sensors or multiple stages of compression may be necessary for proper control of the unit. (Addendum N) Water-cooled and evaporatively cooled air conditioners and heat pumps. New full-load efficiency requirements are 3 to 5 percent more stringent as of June 2011, with IEER increases of 5 to 13 percent. (Addendum CO) In addition, two-position valves are now required on water-cooled air conditioners as well as on water-loop heat pumps. See further discussion in “Waterside, ” p. 3. (Addendum AK) Packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps (PTAC/PTHP). As of October 2012, PTACs and PTHPs will be required to meet new, aggressive efficiency levels. (Addendum BW) The definition of non-standard size was also added so that standard-sized units in new construction must meet a different efficiency level than replacement units having to fit into existing wall sleeves. (Addendum T) Water-to-water heat pumps. The water-to-water heat pump as a heating or cooling device now falls within the scope of the standard. The required
efficiency levels vary by application (such as water source, ground water source, ground source) to correspond with the rating temperatures typical for those applications. (Addendum BG) Computer room air conditioners (CRAC). The scope of 90.1 has been expanded to include systems used in commercial process cooling applications. (Addendum AQ) As a result, there is a new class of covered product: computer room air conditioners, or CRAC units. ASHRAE 127 is the referenced test procedure. The ASHRAE test procedure has defined a term called Sensible Coefficient of Performance (SCOP). SCOP-127 calculates efficiency at conditions more reflective of the mostly sensible cooling that occurs in data centers and computer rooms. (Addendum BU) Variable-refrigerant-flow (VRF) multi-splits. While minisplits have been covered by 90.1 for many years and certified to AHRI 210/240, a similar class of equipment called a multi-split or VRF system was previously not covered. This type of split system has multiple indoor DX fan coils sharing a common compressor and condenser. The AHRI 1230 test procedure is now published and there are efficiency requirements for these systems. The IEER requirements get more stringent in July 2012. VRF systems can include heat recovery through a refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger. There is a special category in each size for VRF systems with heat recovery. (Addendum CP) Note: As we finalized this newsletter, AHRI was about to release a certification program for VRF multisplits. Chillers. Since January 2010, Addendum M has been in effect. The big change was the addition of an alternative compliance path for watercooled chillers. One path has a more stringent IPLV (part load) requirement, while the other has a more stringent