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• The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.
The colony period
The First Permanent English Colony • In 1607 • Three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and
美国历史(早期 ).ppt1
• American Indians • Discovery of the New
World • The colonial period • The War of
Independence • The American Civil War
American Indians
They passed many laws such as the Quartering Act (驻军法)and the Stamp Act(印花税).
Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件
In 1773, British government passed a new law--the Tea Act.
• Developed the brilliant American civilizations of the Aztecs(阿兹特人 ), the Incas(印加人) and the Mayas(玛雅人).
The Discovery of America
In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean(加勒比海) islands.
• During the first 150 years, the British colonies in North America became a “melting pot”.
• By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.
“No taxation without representation”
December 16, 1773
A group of Americans threw 342 boxes of tea into Boston Harbour.
The War of Independence
• Lived there 30,000 or 40,000 years ago • Descendants(后代)of Asian people-
Mongoloid(蒙古人种的) • The name “Indians” was given by
Christopher Columbus.
• They lived there by hunting, fishing, gathering and farming.
Thanksgiving Day
• The 4th Thursday of November
• A purely American holiday
• Origin
– The Indians taught the Englishmen how to plant pumpkins, beans and corn.
Columbus's voyage was supported by the Spanish Queen.
Amerigo Vespucci(阿美利哥·伟斯普 奇)
• He first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.
landed by the side of a river--the James River. • The first English colony was founded at
Jamபைடு நூலகம்stown(詹姆斯敦), Virginia(维吉尼亚).
The Founding of the Thirteen Colonies
April 19, 1775
A shot was fired in the village of Lexington(列克 星敦) and thus the War of Independence began in May, 1775.
The Second Continental Congress (大陆会议) met in Philadelphia(费城) and began to take on the function of a national government.
The Mayflower
• Significance
• A symbol of early European colonization of America
• Background
– Oppressed(受压迫) by the Church of England – In 1620
– 201 people sailed in a ship named the “Mayflower”. – Landed in Plymouth(普利茅斯), Massachusetts (
– A celebration to thanks God.
The Conflict between Britain and the American Colonists
The British government started imposing new taxes on sugar, coffee and textiles(纺织品).
July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence was adopted.
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson,main author of the Declaration of Independence