
设计驱动创新am年,英国设计委员会的前主席,5 先生被财政部委任,去考察企业的创新能力,并就政府、教育结构和企业如何支持经济增长提出建议。
而今天,人们谈论创新的时候,他们指的是设计J x hath ,商业周干U接下来,我们来阅读一下关于创新的这篇文章的其他部分。

工业设计专业英语Industrial design plays a crucial role in various industries, including manufacturing, product development, and consumer goods. It involves understanding the needs and preferences of the users and translating them into tangible products. Designers in this field are responsible for creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also efficient and sustainable.Once the design brief is established, designers move on tothe conceptualization phase. This is where they generate ideas and sketch out their concepts. They use various tools and techniques, such as 3D modeling and prototyping, to visualize their ideas and test their feasibility. This phase involves alot of collaboration and iteration to refine the design and ensure that it meets the requirements of the project.After the concept is finalized, designers move on to the production phase. This involves creating detailed drawings and specifications that can be used by manufacturers to produce the product. Designers work closely with engineers and manufacturers to ensure that the product is produced efficiently and meets all the necessary requirements.Industrial design is a constantly evolving field, as new technologies and materials emerge. Designers must embrace these advancements and adapt their skills and knowledge accordingly.They must also be open to feedback and criticism, as it helps them improve their designs and grow as professionals.Industrial design has a significant impact on society and the economy. It contributes to the development of new and improved products that enhance our lives and make them more convenient and enjoyable. It also plays a role in promoting sustainable practices and reducing waste.。
工业设计工程 英语

工业设计工程英语Industrial design engineering is a field that focuses on the application of artistic and design principles to the development of products and systems. It involves the integration of aesthetics, functionality, and usability to create products that are both visually appealing and practical. Industrial design engineering encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including product design, user experience design, ergonomics, materials science, and manufacturing processes.In industrial design engineering, professionals use their knowledge of design principles, engineering concepts, and manufacturing techniques to create products that meet the needs of users and are feasible to produce. This often involves conducting research to understand user preferences and behavior, developing conceptual designs, creating prototypes, and collaborating with engineers and manufacturers to bring the final product to market.The role of industrial design engineering is crucial in the development of consumer products, electronics, furniture, transportation vehicles, and various other goods. It is also increasingly important in the design of user interfaces for digital products and services. Industrial design engineers must consider not only the appearance of a product, but also how it will be used, how it can be manufactured efficiently, and how it fits into the overall user experience.In summary, industrial design engineering is a multidisciplinary field that combines art, engineering, and manufacturing to create products and systems that are both visually appealing and functional. It plays a key role in the development of a wide range of consumer goods and is essential for ensuring that products meet the needs and preferences of users.。

材料与加工成型技术(英)1 材料Material2 材料规划Material Planning3 材料评价Material Appraisal4 金属材料Metal Materials5 无机材料Inorganic Materials6 有机材料Organic Materials7 复合材料Composite Materials8 天然材料Natural Materials9 加工材料Processing Materials10 人造材料Artificial Materials11 黑色金属Ferrous Metal12 有色金属Nonferrous Metal13 轻金属材料Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷Ceramics21 水泥Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel23 玻璃Glass24 微晶玻璃Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃Glass Fiber28 耐热玻璃Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料Plastics30 通用塑料Wide Plastics31 工程塑料Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶Rubber35 粘接剂Adhesives36 涂料Paints37 树脂Resin38 聚合物Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin43 丙烯酸树脂Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙Polyamide Resin45 氟化乙烯树脂Polyfurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂Polycarbonate Resin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂Polyvinylidene Resin49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂Urea Formaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂Allyl Resin56 硅树脂Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin58 密胺Melamine Formaldehyde Resin59 ABS 树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂Photosensition Plastics61 纤维强化树脂Fiber Reinforced Plastic62 印刷油墨Printing Ink63 印刷用纸Printing Paper64 铜板纸Art Paper65 木材Wood66 竹材Bamboo67 树脂装饰板Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板Veneer70 曲木Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸Waxed Paper72 青铜Bronge73 薄壳结构Shell Construction74 技术Technic75 工具Tool76 金工Metal Work77 铸造Casting78 切削加工Cutting79 压力加工Plastic Working80 压力加工Plastic Working81 焊接Welding82 板金工Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克Mosaic84 塑性成型Plastic Working85 灌浆成型Slip Casting86 挤出成型Sqeezing87 注压成型Injection Molding88 加压成型Pressing89 水压成型Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法Hot Pressing91 HIP 成型Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing93 气压成型Blow Molding94 压延成型Calendering95 转送成型Transfer Molding96 雌雄成型Slash Molding97 铸塑成型Casting98 喷涂成型Spray Up99 层积成型Laminating100 FW 法Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离Adhesion and Excoriation102 木材工艺Woodcraft103 竹材工艺Bamboo Work104 表面技术Surface Technology105 镀饰Plating106 涂饰Coating107 电化铝Alumite108 烫金Hot Stamping109 预制作Prefabrication110 预制住宅Prefabricated House111 悬臂梁Cantilever112 金属模具Mold113 型板造型Modeling of Teplate114 染料Dyestuff115 颜料Artist Color传播与传媒设计(英)1 传播Communication2 大众传播Mass Communication3 媒体Media4 大众传播媒体Mass Media5 视觉传播Visual Communication6 听觉传播Hearing Communication7 信息Information8 符号Sign9 视觉符号Visual Sign10 图形符号Graphic Symbol11 符号论Semiotic12 象征Symbol13 象征标志Symbol Mark14 音响设计Acoustic Design15 听觉设计Auditory Design16 听觉传播设计Auditory Communication Design17 图象设计Visual Communication Design18 视觉设计Visual Design19 视觉传播设计Visual Communication Design20 图形设计Graphic Design21 编辑设计Editorial Design22 版面设计Layout23 字体设计Lettering24 CI 设计Corporate Identity Design25 宣传Propaganda26 广告Advertising27 广告委托人Adveertiser28 广告代理业Advertising Agency29 广告媒体Advertising Media30 广告目的Avertising Objectives31 广告伦理Morality of Advertising32 广告法规Law of Advertising33 广告计划Advertising Planing34 广告效果Advertising Effect35 广告文案Advertising Copy36 广告摄影Advertising Photography37 说明广告Informative Advertising38 招贴画海报Poster39 招牌Sign-board40 小型宣传册Pamphlet41 大型宣传册Portfolio42 商品目录Catalogue43 企业商报House Organ44 户外广告Outdoor Advertising45 POP 广告Point of Purchase Advertising46 展示Display47 橱窗展示Window Display48 展示柜Cabinet49 博览会Exposition50 万国博览会World Exposition51 包装Packaging52 工业包装Industrial Packing53 标签Label54 企业形象Corporate Image55 企业色Company Color56 动画Animation57 插图Illustration58 书法Calligraphy59 印刷Initial60 设计费design fee61 标准standard62 注册商标registered trade mark设计美学与设计实验(英)1 美Beauty2 现实美Acture Beauty3 自然美Natural Beauty4 社会美Social Beauty5 艺术美Artisitc Beauty6 内容与形式Content and Form7 形式美Formal Beauty8 形式原理Principles and Form9 技术美Beauty of Technology10 机械美Beauty of Machine11 功能美Functional Beauty12 材料美Beauty of Material13 美学Aesthetics14 技术美学Technology Aesthetics15 设计美学Design Aesthetics16 生产美学PAroduction Aesthetics17 商品美学Commodity Aedthetics18 艺术Art19 造型艺术Plastic Arts20 表演艺术Performance Art21 语言艺术Linguistic Art22 综合艺术Synthetic Arts23 实用艺术Practical Art24 时间艺术Time Art25 空间艺术Spatial Art26 时空艺术Time and Spatial Art27 一维艺术One Dimantional28 二维艺术two Dimantional29 三维艺术Three Dimantional30 四维艺术Four Dimantional31 舞台艺术Stagecraft32 影视艺术Arts of Mmovie and Television33 环境艺术Environmental Art34 美术Fine Arts35 戏剧Drama36 文学Literature37 意匠Idea38 图案Pattern39 构思Conception40 构图Composition41 造型Formation42 再现Representation43 表现Expression44 构成Composition45 平面构成Tow Dimentional Composition46 立体构成Three Dimentional Composition47 色采构成Color Composition48 空间构成Composition of Space49 音响构成Composition and Sound50 多样与统一Unity of Multiplicity51 平衡Balance52 对称Symmetry53 调和、和声Harmony54 对照Contrast55 类似Similarity56 比例Proportion57 黄金分割Golden Section58 节奏Rhythm59 旋律Melody60 调子Tone61 变奏Variation62 纹样Pattern63 形态Form64 有机形态Organic Form65 抽象形态Abstract Form66 简化形态Simptified Form67 变形Deformation68 图学Graphics69 透视画法Perspective70 线透视Linear Perspective71 视点Eye on Picture Plane72 灭点Vanishing Point73 平行透视Parallel Persective74 成角透视Angular Perspective75 斜透视Obligue Perspective76 单点透视Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视Three-Point Perdpective79 鸟瞰图Bird's Eye View80 平面视图Ground Plain81 轴侧投影Axonometric Projection82 设计素描Design Sketch83 预想图Rendering84 模型Model85 黏土模型Clay Model86 石膏模型Plaster Model87 木制模型Wooden Model88 缩尺模型Scale Model89 原大模型Mock Up90 仿真模型Finished Model91 创造原形Prototype92 计算机图形学Computer Graphics93 框架模型Frame Model94 实体模型Solid Model95 计算机辅助设计COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN96 计算机辅助创造Computer Aided Manufacture97 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimentional Animation98 计算机艺术Computer Arts99 计算机书法Computer Calligraphy100 计算机图象处理Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成Computer Sound Composition实验心理学与人机工程学1 人类工程学Human Engineering2 人机工程学Man-Machine Engineering3 工效学Ergonomice4 人因工程学Human Factors Engineering5 人因要素Human Factors6 人机系统Man-Machine System7 人体工程学Human Engineering8 人本位设计Human Sstandard Design9 实验心理学Experimental Psychology10 物理心理学Psychophysics11 感觉Sensation12 知觉Perception13 感觉阙限Threshold of Senssation14 心理量表Psychological Scaling15 视觉Visual Perception16 视觉通道Visual Pathway17 听觉Hearing Perception18 肤觉Skin Sensation19 视觉心理学Visual Psychology20 听觉心理学Hearing Psychology21 感光元Photoreceptor Cell22 明视、暗视、间视Phootopic Vision ,Scotopic Vision , Mesopic Vision23 光适应与暗适应Photopic Adaptation and Sscotopic Adaptation24 格式塔,完形Gestalt25 形状知觉Shape Perception26 轮廓Conotour27 主观轮廓Subjictive Contour28 图形与背景Figure and Ground29 图形与背景逆转Reversible Figure30 良好形状法则Prinzip der Guten Gestalt31 群化Grouping32 等质性法则Fsctor of Similarity33 伪装Camouflage34 形状的恒常性Shape Constancy35 大小的恒常性Size Constancy36 空间知觉Space Perception37 立体视Stereopsis38 运动知觉Movement Perception39 视错觉Optical Illusion40 残像After Image41 似动Apparent Movement42 视觉后效Aftereffects in Visuvl43 瀑布效应Waterfall Effect44 视线记录仪Eye Camera45 听觉刺激Auditory St。

Industrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics美学and usability可用性 of mass-produced products批量化生产产品may be improved for marketability and production.改良得更适合 The role of an Industrial Designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems of engineering, usability, user ergonomics, marketing, brand development and sales.工业设计是一门利用艺术美学和可用性设计将产品改良得更适合于市场化批量化生产的应用型美术。
“工业设计”这个名字一直被认为是设计师 Joseph Claude Sinel在1919年命名的(虽然他在之后的采访里都否认),但这个学科的诞生比这早了至少十年。
The term "industrial design" is often attributed to 把。
归属于the designer Joseph Claude Sinel in 1919 (although he himself denied it in later interviews) but the discipline学科 predates早了至少十年that by at least a decade. Its origins lay in the industrialization of consumer products.产品工业化 For instance the Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and a precursor to the Bauhaus, was a state-sponsored国家支持 effort to 致力于integrate 整合的traditional crafts传统民间工艺 and industrial mass-production techniques,批量化生产技术 to put Germany on a competitive footing with England and the United States.Process of design 设计过程Rapid prototyping at RCA 美国无线电公司的快速成型法Although the process of design may be considered ' creative'创造性的, many analytical processes also take place. In fact, many industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some of the processes that are commonly used are user research用户研究, sketching写生, comparative product research对比研究, model making模型制作, prototyping原型设计 and testing测试.虽然设计的过程也许被认为是“富有创造性的”,很多分析过程也会在设计中发生。
工业设计专业英语 3

Industrial Design
23 极少主义 Minimalism 24 概念主义 Conceptualism 25 波普艺术 Pop Art 26 超级写实主义 Super Realism 27 人体艺术 Body Art 28 芝加哥学派 Chicago School 29 艺术与手工艺运动 The Arts & Crafts Movement 30 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau 31 构成主义 Constructivism
接下来的几章描述了调查设计与数据分析的多种 方法。
Industrial Design
Bionics design has shown its vitality with bionomics philosophy guidance.
生态哲学指导下的仿生设计在现代社会显示出了 旺盛的生命力。
Industrial Design
Stiji art of all kinds as a school, not only care about aesthetics, but also to update the life and art links. 风格派作为艺术各种学派的一种,不仅关心美学, 也努力更新生活与艺术的联系。 This design includes organic curves and a hint of Art Nouveau styling. 这个设计包括了有机曲线和少许新艺术主义式样。
Industrial Design
家族化设计 Family (Design) 系列化设计 Series (Design) 组合式设计 Unit Design 仿生设计 Bionics Design 功能 Function 独创性 Originality 创造力 Creative Power 外装 Facing 创造性思维 Creating Thinking

The evolution in Italy of( a self - conscious “ high culture” design movement), which coexists alongside design within the more banal production and consumption of goods, is what has earned Italy its special place within the world of contemporary material culture.
意大利工业化的特殊性质是尊重传统手工业同时实施大批量生产的新 系统.
and the creative geniuses of the small cluster of Italian architect - designers whose names have become synonymous with the concept of modern Italian design.
In achieving this ambition Italy has evolved a unique approach towards the practice, the aesthetic and the theory of design which depends, (only minimally), upon models borrowed from elsewhere.
具有现代风格的、批量生产的家具、具有装饰风格的家用物品、电器、办公设备、汽 车和后来的设计师服装以及附属品为意大利设计在当代物质文化中赢得主要地位。从 实质上讲,通过本世纪的奋斗,(意大利设计师)作为这个国家要求和奋斗现代化的 一面镜子,反映了意大利将确定成为现代工业国家的历程。

设计驱动创新In2006our former Chairman,Sir George Cox,was commissioned by The Treasury to undertake a review of creativity in business,and to recommend how the government, educational institutions and businesses could help support economic growth. 2006年,英国设计委员会的前主席,George Cox先生被财政部委任,去考察企业的创新能力,并就政府、教育结构和企业如何支持经济增长提出建议。
Supporting innovation sat at the heart of his recommendations because he saw that the UK currently earns most of our living through high value creative industry,and that without protection,investment and development,our creative industries could falter in the face of developing international competition.Sir George saw that designers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team,with business managers, engineers,scientists and technologists,can support innovation in the UK.在George Cox先生的数条建议中,支持创新的措施是核心内容。

Lesson33 Just in Time DesignA dizzying array of choices is available to designers needing to output their CAD designs as physical prototypes. The question of which is best requires some careful consideration. Much depends on what the designer is trying to achieve with the prototype,whether it is a study of form--requiring some degree of high finish and detail-or function, requiring a more robust technique or a particular type of material.The accuracy of many of the techniques listed below is within a margin of around 0.1 to 0.2 mm, but this tends to vary relative to the direction of the slicing and size of models. (Designers should check with the vendor first if this is a major concern.) All rapid prototyping techniques are limited by the size of parts they can produce in one piece, but vendors can be asked to divide and conquer. They are very savvy at splitting a CAD model and rejoining the pieces to create very large parts.The Web is a useful resource for keeping an eye on all of these continually changing techniques. Rapid prototyping is such a competitive industry that vendors are always improving materials and processes. Models now take a third of the cost and time that they did five years ago. As a consequence, design teams can now, in theory, make three times as many models, creating a more sophisticated and mature end product.It is worth remembering that while it is easy to be romanced by all of this computer-aided design and virtual prototyping, the tried and tested foam model, generated in an afternoon from simple 2-D drawings, will often beat out its hi-tech sister in both schedule and cost Here' s an overview of the latest modeling techniques.Rapid prototyping: the choices.Selective Laser Sintering(SLS) DTM Corp. Austin, TX; 512-339-2922Method: Uses laser energy to melt layers of powdered nylon, polycarbonate or elastomer 5,000th of an inch (mils) thick to build up parts with 75 percent the properties of the normal polymer.Uses: The parts have a slightly granular look making them best suited to models needing strength rather than looks. Good for medical applications.Laminated Object Modeling(LOM)Helisys Inc., Torrance, CA; 310-891-0600Method: Build up low-cost sheet materials, such as paper and plastic, into models.Uses: The main advantage is model size(up to 22'' x32 " x20" )and slightly lower cost. Parts are less accurate and have a thicker,stepped look.Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM)Stratasys Inc., Eden Prairie, MN; 612-937-3000Method: Weaves models from a thermoplastic thread ofABS or elastomer.Uses: Atechnique still in its infancy, FDM produces a coarse 3-D fabric look unsuitable for anything aesthetic.Ballistic Particle Manufacturing(BPM)BPM Technology, Greenville, SC; 803-297-7700Method: uses a nozzle to spray tiny molten particles of thermoplastic into 3-D models. The nozzle can deliver the material from any angle, which reduces the stepping effect.Uses: Holds promise for curvy shapes.Laser Cutting Lasrcam, Menlo Park, CA, 650-324-2525Method: Used extensively for architectural models of plastic, paper and wood (not always considered a rapid prototyping technique)Uses: Any design that can be built up, kitlike, from 2-D CAD profiles can be lasercut. A widevariety of thicknesses (up to 0.5 " ) are possible. Highly cost-and speed-effective. Excellent for mocking up the sheet metal of a design, complete with intricate vent patterns, as well as for testing hinge and other complex dynamic mechanism ideas.CNC Machining Checking your normal modelmaking or machinist vendors.Method: Familiar to all as the best way of showing off organic surfaces, it has kept improving in schedule and cost to compete with the emerging rapid prototype industry.Uses: If you can afford a little more cost and time, CNC is still the best way to represent smooth surfaces. As an added bonus,better plastics are used in the process, so models will not warp in the car trunk, nor fall apart during user tests.Stereolithography(SLA) 3D systems, Valencia, CA; 805-295-5600Method: The ever-handy and most popular modeling technique. Uses light to photopolymerize and build up thin layers of special resins direct from digital data.Uses: Great for form and surface studies that check out CAD model progress, as well as for limited functional testing of detailed parts(injection molding, die casting, etc.). The direct transfer of data eliminates the chances of human error. Can produce parts in steps of between 3 and 5 mm, but the resins are brittle and thermally unstable.Solid Ground Curing (SGC or "Cubital " ) Cubital America Inc., Troy, MI; 810-585-7880Method: a relatively new variation on Stereolithography, producing parts layer by layer using a photopolymer that is fixed with UV light then backfilled with wax, but in coarser 6 mm steps.Uses: Much the same as Stereolithography, except that Cubital parts stand up better to heat and aging and are stronger. It is best to see parts unfinished rather that risk sanding away small details or subtle surface irregularities.Lesson33准时设计令人眼花缭乱的选择提供给设计师无需输出他们的CAD设计为物理样机。

Simple, Powerful and free
使用中的注意事项 1)纸张原型要比屏幕尺寸大。纸上原型的操作距离通常都要大于人不电脑乊间的操作距离 ,而丏人的手指比鼠标指针大,写的字也要比12点、14点大,所以要保持模拟的仿真度, 就需要等比例放大一些,这样做测试的时候信度就较高,旁观者观察和记录也容易。 2)除了尺寸,原型的操作高度及规距也需要注意。合适的高度和规距会让沟通变得更准确 更舒适更高效,同时在用户测试时,也能在一定层面上增加这种测试方法的信度以及本次测 试的效度。 3)尽量用单色,这样更简洁,而丏丌会在重要的流程中分散注意力。当然必要时可使用鲜 艳颜色的便签纸记录重要的修改方案。 4)丌用在纸上渲染每个交互和规觉效果,一些情况可以用语言描述代替显得更简单实用。 “篮球在旋转”,“迚度条达到了20%...50%...75„”这些大声说出来反馈给你的沟通对象 即可。 5)手绘丌是唯一丏必要的方式,你可以打印现有的网站界面产品,然后把他们按网页框架 裁剪成模块,不手绘的纸张和卡片配合使用。
Simple, Powerful and free
测试是原型用来解决丌确定问题的一种方式,纸上原型的测试不普通原型的测试原则保持一 致。此外纸上原型ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ有一些特殊事项需要注意:
1)测试中代替计算机给出操作反馈的是设计团队的成员,他负责秱劢、切换纸片,写下电脑反 馈,给出反馈描述,通过这些让原型变成可交互的。 2)模拟时丌要提供仸何计算机丌能给出的反馈。要机械的思考,机械的反馈。 3)必须有一位设计团队成员担仸“主持人”的角色,他给用户阐述测试目的,介绍测试流程, 当用户提出疑问戒操作中遇到问题而计算机又无法反馈时,主持人负责给出必要的解释和帮劣。 另外,他负责指导和协调整个测试仸务,确保其正常迚行。
工业设计专业英语 0

Industrial Design
Painter – Van Gogh
If you want to comprehend the real
significance of someone’s work, you should
make a full understanding about his story.
English for Industrial Design
Industrial Design
Main Contents
课文讲解、翻译示范 基本的阅读、翻译练习
Industrial Design
Main Contents
短篇文献阅读、翻译练习 口语表达训练 写作训练
是内心翻腾的感情烈火的写照,但同时也似乎寓意 着一种苦难,一种深重的苦难。
Industrial Design
comprehend——vt. 理解,领会
significance——n. 意义,重要性
Industrial Design
Story of Vincent Van Gogh
•生前寂寥、死后荣耀 •1978年,伦敦拍卖会,《向日葵》以大约五十九亿 日元的天价被日本人买走了。 •梵高生前卖出的作品只有《红色葡萄园》一幅。在
惜的是,梵高本人却在还未获得正确评价之前,就自 己拉下了人生的帷幕。”
Industrial Design
《向日葵》就是在阳光明媚 灿烂的法国南部所作的。 画面像闪烁着熊熊的火焰, 又满怀炽热的激情,充满运 动感,笔触粗厚有力,色彩 的对比也是单纯强烈的。 梵高笔下的向日葵不仅仅是 植物,而是带有原始冲动和 热情的生命体。

⼯业设计专业英语PDFUnit O n e Design Fundam entalLesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Markers and colored pencils are ideal for use during the design process as well as for final renderings or drawings.Since much rough drawing and sketch-work is done on thin tracing papers, brush media such as water-color and tempera are unusable,since they will buckle the paper. Makers dry quickly with no buckling and along with colored pencils,can be quickly used on almost any drawing surface.Neither extensive practice nor a high level of skill is necessary with these two color media, since methods are simple and direct.By becoming familiar with the methods you will probably speed your work considerably.For most designers this approach to color is faster and easier to handle than brush media and one with which most students and professionals are to some degree familiar.Many of the advantages and subtleties of water-color and other brush media are attainable with markers and colored pencils.The mingling and graded washes of watercolor and airbrush techniques can be imitated,as can the highlighting achieved with opaque brush media such as casein and tempera.Markers and colored pencils are readily available commercially and are probably the most widely used color media in professional design offices today—more so than the brush media of tempera and watercolor.A variety of marker brands is available at stores that specialize in art or drafting supplies. Choose a marker brand with a full range of colors so that a wide choice is possible.Each of the brands offers between100and200different colors,many of which are variations of a single hue.It pays to use a high-quality colored pencil for this kind drawing.A soft,waxy pencil is preferable to a hard,brittle type,as it produces a more brilliant deposit of color,a necessary characteristic for effecting lighted surfaces on tracing or toned print paper.Whether you are primarily involved with interiors,exteriors,or general color-work, black-line media in a variety of widths are necessary for texturing and outlining.Since technical pens often clog when used over waxy colored pencils,it is best to use felt-tipped and ordinary fountain pens.Of course,other types of line media that you find workable may be substituted for those suggested.The important point is to have a variety of line widths available.As with the line media mentioned above,you will also need a palette of gray markers and colored pencils(including black and white),regardless of the type of color-work you are engaged in.Warm-gray pencils and markers are slightly reddish,while cool and cold-gray markers and pencils are slightly bluish.It is recommended that you obtain both a warm-gray pencil series and a cool gray marker series.With this variety neutral grays and neutralized reductions of color intensity may be mixed when desired.Cool-gray markers also seem to represent exterior windows more believably.If your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.These colors can be used to draw plant materials,various kinds of woods,bricks,a variety of stone types, and other related materials.Lesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Colored pencil is applied over a marker“base”for any or all of the following reasons:to alter the color of the marker base,to make a surface appear illuminated,or to give the effect of subtle texture with line patterns.If an area of paper is covered with a transparent marker coating,the resultant color will be a blend of the paper color and the marker color.The marker color will appear most brilliant on white paper since a maximum amount of light will reflect from the paper’s surface through the marker coating to the viewer’s eye.On yellow tracing paper the color will appear lighter and more washed out and will change depending on the color of the surface.On toned paper the same marker coating will appear less brilliant,depending on the lightness or darkness of the tone,since less light will reflect from the paper’s surface.Colored pencils leave a semiopaque coating on the paper’s surface.When used very lightly,the paper will still show between the minute spots of pencil deposit,since the pencil has coated only the highest grain of the surfaces.The result is a visual mixture of paper and pencil.When used with more pressure,the pencil will eventually squash the grain and thoroughly coat paper,resulting in asolid,brilliant color.Note,however,that,even when applied with pressure, the resulting pencil color will be partially influenced by the color and tone of the paper beneath it.When light-colored pencils(such as White Flesh,and Light Violet)are used on toned papers,the resulting color seems to glow.This is because the lightness and brilliance of the colors appear even greater in contrast to the dull-toned surface.A similar phenomenon occurs when light-colored pencils are applied to yellow tracing paper and placed over a darker surface.An even greater apparent brilliance is created when the drawing is placed almost parallel to the direction of thelight.The use of light-colored pencil over a toned or marker surface is an especially effective way of making a surface appear illuminated.From the above discussion,the effect of colored pencil applied over a marker base should be clear.Light reflects from the colored-pencil deposit,while the marker simultaneously shows through the minute particles.The result is a visual mixture of the two—a third color.The visual mix of separate colors is not new to color work.The neoimpressionist painters placed spots and lines of pure hue in close proximity to one another,thus forming medial mixtures when viewed from even a short distance.New Words1.rendering/rend ri/n.演出之⽅式;表现效果2.sketch-work/sket-w k/n.草图3.tempera/temp r/n.涂料加蛋黄以使⾊彩暗晦的画法4.buckle/b kl/n.扣⼦;弯曲;使变形5.subtlety/s tlti/n.精细;聪明;诡秘6.airbrush/br/n.喷笔7.mingling/mingli/adj.混和的8.casein/keisi n/n.酪蛋⽩Unit One Design Fundam ental9.drafting/dra fti/n.起草;草拟10.textile/tekstail/n.(织物的)密度;质地;结构11.clog/kl g/vi.阻碍12.felt-tipped/felt-tipt/adj.檀⽑;笔尖的13.encompass/in k mp s/vt.围绕;包围14.palette/p lit/n.调⾊板15.blend/blend/v t.混和16.neoimpressionist/ni uim pre nist/n.新印象派主义者“neo-”前缀,意为“新”17.proximity/pr k simiti/n.接近;近似Phr ases and Expr essions1.tracing paper描图纸2.pay to use充分利⽤3.be applied to应⽤于NotesIf your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.如果你的设计作品主要包括⾃然材料和象建筑风景这类的户外设计,那么最好⽤⾃然⾊彩的马克笔和⾊铅来作画。

9. High quality of design,
10. Intellectual and sensory stimulation
practical, sensible, economical, unpretentious, neutral.
世界各地的“德国设计”引起了相同的联想 ——功能的、实
[staɪ‗lɪstɪk]格式上的 ['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m]
They called for the objective and spatial environment to be treated with responsibility, saying that the repertoire of design should be continuously improved, but not thrown overboard for the sake of short-lived fashions (such as postmodernism, for example).
This stylistic functionalism became the touchstone for large sectors of German industry. 这种功能主义风格成为了德国工业很多地方的试 金石。
The ―Ten Commandments‖ (Lindinger 1983) id

(1) 设计的分类与方法学
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
独创性 Originality 创造力 Creative Power 外装 Facing 创造性思维 Creating Thinking 等价变换思维 Equivalent Transformationn Thought KJ法 Method of K.J 戈顿法 Synectice 集体创造性思维法 Brain Storming 设计决策 (Design) Decision Making T-W-M体系 T-W-M system O-R-M体系 O-R-M system 印象战略 Image Stralegy AIDMA原则 Law of AIDMA 功能分化 Functional Differentiation 功能分析 Functional Analysis 生命周期 Life Cycle 照明设计 Illumination Design
1 设计 Design 2 现代设计 Modern Design 3 工艺美术设计 Craft Design 4 工业设计 Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计 Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计 Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计 Product Design 8 传播设计 Communication Design 8 环境设计 Environmental Design 9 商业设计 Comercial Design 10 建筑设计 Architectural 11 一维设计 One-dimension Design 12 二维设计 Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计 Three-dimension Design 14 四维设计 Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢 Decoration 16 家具设计 Furniture Design 17 玩具设计 Toy Design 18 室内设计 Interior Design 19 服装设计 Costume Design 20 包装设计 ackaging Design 21 展示设计 Display Design 22 城市规划 Urban Desgin 23 生活环境 Living Environment 24 都市景观 Townscape 25 田园都市 Gardon City
工业设计专业 《专业外语》试卷及答案

(2) In general ,thesensitivity of the system gain of a feedback system to parameter variations depends on where the parameter is located.
The purpose of the design calculations is, of course, to attempt to predict the stress ordeformationin the part in orderthatit may safely carry the loads, which will be imposed on it, and thatit may last for the expected life of the machine.
5.Translate the following four English paragraphs into Chinese [20 Points](每题5分)

包豪斯1、机械与汽车工程学院School of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering2、工业、工业设计Industry \ Industrial Design3、工业设计师Industrial Designer4、产品设计Product Design5、建筑师、建筑学、建筑学的Architect \ architecture \ architectural6、建筑设计Architectural design7、技术,手艺、手艺人Craft \ craftsman8、技术、技艺Craftsmanship9、工艺Arts and craftsat its inception 在一开始stay the same保持不变(原样、一致)even though 虽然,即使combine art with engineering andcraftsmanship艺术结合技术run rampant 横行、泛滥resulting in 导致a chair with a tubular steel frame 钢管椅an adjustable reading lamp 高度可调的台灯a house partly or entirely constructed fromprefabricated elements由半预制或全预制结构建造的房屋portable classrooms 便携式教室prop up 支撑bolt together (螺)栓在一起propped up and bolted together and filledwith those ubiquitous tubular steel andplastic chairs.那些无处不在的被螺栓紧扣的钢管椅和塑料椅stretch beyond 超出furniture 家具light fixtures 灯具theater 剧院typography 印刷业国际工业设计联合会1、古典主义Classicism [ˈklæsɪsɪzəm]2、新古典主义Neoclassicism [ni:əuˈklæsisis(ə)m]3、巴洛克Baroque [bəˈrəʊk]4、洛可可Rococo [rəˈkəukəu]5、浪漫主义Romanticism [rəʊ'mæntɪsɪzəm]6、现实主义Realism[ˈri: əlɪzəm]7、印象主义Impressionism [ɪmˈpreʃənɪzəm]8、现代派Modernism ['mɒdənɪzəm9、设计方法论Design Methodology10、仿生设计Bionics [baɪ'əʊnɪks] Design11、色彩三要素、色相、明度、纯度Elements of color12、三原色Three-primary colors13、饱和度saturation14、曲线Curves15、色彩平衡Color Balance16、亮度/对比度Brightness/Contrastbe involved in 涉及、投入、参加human behavior 人类行为学human-machine interface 人机界面学houseware 家庭用品appliance 设备、器械transportation 交通设施tool 工具farm equipment 农用设备medical/electronic instruments 医疗、电子器械human interface 人机界面recreational support equipment 娱乐周边设备A Confession of Picasso毕加索的自白from the moment 从那时起the tricks of the intellectual charlatan故作聪明的伪艺术家玩弄的把戏no longer =not any longer 不再consolation 安慰exaltation 喜悦、欣喜“refined” 看似精益求精professional “do-nothings”专门没事找事,无所事事的distillers of quintessence 人中豪杰the advent of …出现ridiculous ideas 荒谬的想法have the effrontery to 厚颜无耻做某事clown 小丑;扮小丑mountebank 骗子、江湖术士bitter 痛苦的;严厉的have the merit of 有....的优点Traditional Chinese Furniture (A)a strong aesthetic appeal 一种强烈的艺术吸引力the finest hardwoods-no fusty stuffedcouches选用上等的防腐硬木制成的睡椅natural earthiness 天然的质感grainy patterns木纹scholars of Chinese taste 研究中国风格的学者in many cases 在很多情况下in days of yore 从前a strong distaste强烈的厌恶to some degree 从某种程度上来说modern connoisseurs 现代鉴赏家have mistakenly assumed 误认为refined taste 高雅的品位have a wide range of 有很广范围的…with its purplish brown color 呈棕色且略微偏紫the most precious type of timber 最珍贵的木材oak 橡木elm榆木maple枫木chestnut 栗木poplar杨木birch桦木hongmu 红木nanmu 楠木wooden furniture 木制品,木制家具private collections 私人收藏Traditional Chinese Furniture (B)33-piece suite of 33件套carved red sandalwood furniture 紫檀雕刻家具royal relative 皇亲国戚inevitably overcome 难免a longing for past grandeur 怀古之情the quality of materials 用料精细excellence of workmanship 技艺超群in the late Qing Dynasty 晚清adopt v. 采纳,接受,收养Chinese-style furnishings 中式摆设cabinets 橱柜bookcases 书架decorative screens 装饰性的屏风foreign trade 对外贸易advanced craftsmanship techniques 先进工艺技术t…i-hung 剔红t‟ien-ch…I 填漆miao-chi 描漆luo-tien 螺钿knocked down 未装配的,拆装的modular pieces 模块化的产品enamel chips 珐琅片grained jade 质地细腻的翡翠stones 宝石ivory 象牙horn 鹿角agate 玛瑙amber 琥珀marble 大理石ceramic plates 陶瓷盘an antique display cabinet古董展示柜、博古柜a square occasional table庆典专用的方桌splashes of color 斑斓的色彩delicate additions 精致的配件a rich composite effect 一种丰富的组合效果The Discipline of Ergonomics人机工程学定义1、未来主义Futurism [ˈfju:tʃərɪzəm]2、构成派、构成主义Constructivism [kən'strʌktɪvɪzəm] 3、室内设计Interior Design4、平面构成Tow Dimensional Composition5、立体构成Three Dimensional Composition6、色彩构成Color Composition7、后现代主义Postmodernism8、批量生产Mass Production9、audio-visual products试听产品、影音产品10、“hard edge ” style \ “hard edge ” art 硬边风格\硬边艺术11、brushed stainless steel拉丝不锈钢12、bent-wood-furniture \bentwood chair弯木家具\弯木椅子13、illustration designer插画设计师14、streamlined design流线型设计15、packaging and enterprise image design包装和企业形象设计16、home furnishing家居17、household necessities家庭日用品practising ergonomists从事人机工程学研究的学者,人机工程学家the full scope of the discipline全范围的学科各个学科must have a broad understanding必须有充分的广泛的理解promotes a holistic approach 推动一个全方位的途径physical物理学, cognitive认知学, social社会学organizational组织学, environmental环境科学take into account 重视,考虑;顾及relate to physical activity 和人体活动相关的人体解剖学human anatomical人体测量学anthropometry Physiological and biomechanical characteristics人体生理生物学特性working postures工作姿势materials handling 材料触摸repetitive movements 重复运动work related musculoskeletal disorders活动到时候的肌肉和骨骼的功能紊乱workplace layout 工作空间划分mental workload 脑力工作量decision-making 作出决定skilled performance 熟练操作human-computer interaction 人机交互human reliability 人类可靠性work stress 工作压力Study Abroad------Roads Lead to ArtCenter(A)出国留学——到(加利福尼亚)艺术中心去(上)Graduate Film 电影Graduate Art 纯艺术Industrial Design 工业设计Graduate Media Design 媒体设计Graduate Criticism + Theory 艺术评论与写作SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test学术能力评估测试ACT: American College Test美国大学入学考试TOEFL:Test of English as a ForeignLanguage托福考试IELTS:International English LanguageTesting System雅思考试study abroad——roads lead to art center:1、 A fully completed application foradmission.一份完整的入学申请。

THE IPOD, WHICH celebrated its 10th birthday on Sunday, may not have been the first portable music player, or even the first to play digital music files. But it's the one that everyone remembers, and will go down in history as one of the most significant technology launches of the 21st century.周日庆祝其10周岁生日的IPOD可能不是第一台便携式音乐播放器,或者甚至是第一个播放数字音乐文件的播放器。
Sure, there was the Sony Walkman. It played cassette tapes, and everyone had one, but no one fondly remembers the Walkman's industrial design. Nor was the Walkman even the first mobile music device. That distinction goes to various portable vinyl players-- yes, vinyl! -- that floated around during the pre-Walkman era.当然,有索尼随身听。
这种区别适用于各种便携式乙烯基播放器- 是的,乙烯基!- 在前期Walkman时代浮现。

工业设计专业英语阅读材料The English of Industrial Design重庆汽车学院工业设计系2010年12月目录Lesson1 What is Design (1)Lesson2 Chair Design (5)Lesson3 the Design Process (12)Lesson 1What is DesignDesign is everywhere—and that’s why looking for a definition may not help you grasp what it is.Design is everywhere. It’s what drew you to the last piece of furniture you bought and it’s what made online banking possible. It’s made London taxicabs easier to get in and out of and it made Stella McCartney’s name. It driving whole business cultures and making sure environment from hospital to airports are easier to navigate.The single word “design”encompasses an awful lot, and that’s why the understandable search for a single definition leads to lengthy debate to say the least.There are broad definitions and specific ones—both have drawbacks. Either they’re too general to be meaning or they exclude too much.One definition, aired by designer Richard Seymour during the Design Council’s Design in Business Week 2002, is “making things better for people”. It emphasizes that design activity is focused first and foremost on human behavior and quality of life, not factors like distributor preferences. But nurses or road sweepers could say they, too, “make things better for people”.Meanwhile, a definition focused on products or 3D realizations of ideas excludes the work of graphic designers, services designers and many other disciplines. There may be no absolute definitions of design that will please everyone, but attempting to find one can at least help us pin down the unique set of skills that designers bring to bear.TranslationsDesign could be viewed as an activity that translates an idea into a blueprint for something useful, whether it’s a car, a building, a graphic, a service or process. The important part is the translation of the idea, though design’s ability to spark the idea in the first place shouldn’t be overlooked.Scientists can invent technologies, manufactures can make products, engineers can make them function and marketers can sell them, but only designers can combine insight into all these things and turn a concept into something that’s desirable, viable, commercially successful and adds value to people’s lives.There are many misconceptions about design. Sunday supplements and glossy magazines often use ‘design’ as a buzzword denoting style and fashion. While the toaster or corkscrew being featured may be well design, the result is to feed the belief of would-be design clients that design is restricted to the surface of things and how they look, and that it’s best employed at the end of the product development process.But good design isn’t simply about the surface. Aesthetics is important, but only a part of a bigger picture.Design is fundamental. People often need reminding that everything around us is designed and that design decisions impact on nearly every part of our lives, on the environments we work in, the way we book holidays, or the way we get the lid off the jam jar. When those things work, it’s taken for granted, but, as Bill Moggridge, founder of international consultancy IDEO, says: “A lot of trial and error goes into making things look effortless.”Design and the userGood design begins with the needs of the user. No design, no matter how beautiful and ingenious, is any good if it doesn’t fulfill a user need. This may sound obvious but many productsand services, suck as the Sinclair C5, W AP mobile phone services, and a great many dot COM businesses failed because the people behind them didn’t grasp this.Finding out what the customer wants is the first stage of what designers do. The designer then builds on the results of the inquiry with a mixture of creativity and commercial insight.Although instinct is part of the designer’s arsenal, there are more scientific ways of making sure the design hits the mark. Different designers use different methods—combining maker research, user testing, prototyping and trend analysis.Any product launch is ultimately a gamble, but these methods help decrease the risk of failure, a fact that often comes as a surprise to clients.CreativityA design doesn’t have to be new, different or impressive to be successful in the marketplace, as long as it’s fulfilling a need, but design methods do lead to innovative products and services.Designers learn that ideas that may seem strange are worth exploring and that the ‘common-sense’solution is not always the right one. Designers often hit on counter-intuitive concepts through methods such as drawing, prototyping, brainstorming and user testing. Watching users in real-world situations especially gives insights into their behavior that lead to ideas that wouldn’t have formed.Design and businessDesigners, unlike artists, can’t simply follow their creative impulses. They work in a commercial environment which means there is a huge number of considerations influencing the design process.Designers have to ask themselves questions such as “Is the product they’re creating really wanted? How is it different from everything else on the marker? Does it fulfill a need? Will it cost too much to manufacture? Is it safe?Emphasis on the customer makes design a formidable weapon for any business. Companies have often designed their way out of failure by creating a product that serves the customer’s needs better than its rivals’. Design delivered the operating-system marker to Microsoft, rescued Apple Computer and made Sony an electronic giant.Putting an emphasis on design brings creativity into an organization and increases the chance of producing market-leading, mould-breaking products. As the sophistication of the consumer and global competition increases, this becomes more and more valuable.Businesses are finding that they can no longer compete just by slashing prices or upping the marketing budget. Innovation in the form of design is the key to success.Design and public servicesBillions are poured into public services every year but, despite the UK being home to a huge variety of top design talent, our best designers are rarely involved in public sector work.Design can help public services in a number of ways, from making sure products and services meet the needs of users to increasing innovation within organizations and bringing new perspectives to issue such as procurement.WordsLesson 2Chair DesignA short history of chair designIn the beginning, most chairs were made of wood. The nature of wood and woodworking techniques dictated the basic shape of chairs. Over centuries, some chairs and seats evolved which were elegant, practical, and extremely well suited to the human body. In this century, furniture design has changed more radically than at any other time in history. New materials and manufacturing processes have allowed new designs which have not evolved naturally, and are not well adapted to the body. Instead, humans are adapting to the chairs.At the same time, our lifestyles have changed and many of us now spend large amounts of our lives sitting down. This unnatural lifestyle has lead to deterioration in posture and physical strength and many people now habitually slump. Chairs and seats are built to fit this collapsed posture. But these seats force you to slump and make the situation worse. If you always slump, you will find these seats comfortable-----until you develop back trouble. This has lead to confusion about what good sitting posture is.Although more attention is paid to design and ergonomics than ever before, the combination of shapes based on new technologies, and confusion about natural posture, has resulted in new, experimental seats which have not been used and. tested over long periods of time. Yet, these new seats are everywhere, in the home, in public transport, in public buildings. And these seats are contributing to the problem of poor posture and back trouble.What is a good seatDifferent seats have different uses, from the office chair to the bus seat to the three--piece suite. People come in a wide variety of sizes, and people who have back problems may have special requirements. There is not one perfect seat for all people and all situations, but there are certain qualities that will make a seat undesirable in terms of health and long term comfort. A seat should not force you into bad posture.The public seatTrains, buses, planes, cinemas, or any place where you find seats with curves and angles moulded into them. This also includes car seats (see under work chairs). This type of seat is increasingly common. The trouble is that these seats have definite shape built into them and the user has to adopt that shape.There are two problems here. One, people come in such a wide variety of sizes and proportions that the seats will only fit some people, not all. Two, these types of seats are often badly designed with extreme curves and angles which force the user into very poor posture. Typically there is an outward curve in the lumbar or waist area, an inward curve in the shoulder area, and an outward curve in the neck area.Why are they so badly designed? Poor posture is more common than it used to be, partly because we sit more than we used to. Designers make chairs to fit the slumped posture which, of course, only adds to the problem. And there are fashions in seat design as in everything else.Some of these seats are very uncomfortable or even dangerous to sit on for any length of time, particularly if you have a bad back. What can you do? You can fold to make into a pillow to modify the seat. The Campaign for Better Seating would prefer a neutral seat with flat planes so that people can assume their own shape and posture, not the shape of the chair.The stacking chair which is found to lecture halls, village halls, schools and many other places is popular and practical because it stacks. The drawback is that in order to stack, the seat must have a backward slope and a short backrest. Because of the backward slope on the seat pan, you are pushed against the backrest that may be too short to offer any support. If the chairs are made of thin plastic, or even worse, canvas, they give no support to your bottom or back. If you are taking notes or writing, the backward slope of the seat pan forces you to hunch forward. Some of these chairs are better than others. Folding chairs have the same problems. Stacking and folding chairs can be improved by using a wedged shaped cushion to sit on.The Campaign for cinema chairExperts acting on behalf of the Campaign for Better Seating have declared the seats in the new Arts Picture House cinema in Cambridge to be unsatisfactory. Patrons, some with back problems, had complained that the seats gave them back or neck ache. All three experts felt the seats, which are typical of those found in many new cinemas, would encourage poor posture and only fit a limited percentage of the population.At the Campaign’s request, the Arts Picture House has supplied a few back cushions which modify and ergonomically improve the seat backs. These are available for the cinema patrons to use.The three experts: Jean Oliver, chartered physiotherapist, back expert; Levent Caglar, senior ergonomist at the Furniture Industry Research Association; and Jane Staggs, teacher of the Alexander Technique; from their different professional perspectives, all agree that the seats are unsatisfactory. The seat backs are excessively contoured and raked backwards forcing the spine into definite, and for most people, undesirable shape.“We want to send a message to cinema owners that some of the new style of seats are encouraging poor posture and increasing the risk of people developing back problems,”said Jane Staggs, secretary of the Campaign for Better Seating. “We hope people in other parts of the country will be encouraged to protest if they are unhappy with the seats in their local cinema.”Films are getting longer; two and a half hours is typical now as opposed to ninety minutes in the “golden days” of Hollywood. There are no intermissions anymore. People are setting immobile for a long time, something which is not recommended by experts. If the seats are poor, going to the cinema becomes a dangerous activity.The work chairThe work chair has different requirements from the relaxing chair. Working, like eating is usually a forward activity. You don’t want a chair that takes you backward. A work chair, or dining chair, with a backward sloping seat is to be avoided. This forces you to hunch forward in a strained posture. Unfortunately, there are many examples of this type of chair. The best work chairs allow the seat to be angled slightly forward so that the back of the seat pan is 2-3 inches higher than the front. More office chairs are being designed with a seat angle facility. Ideally this is independent of the seat height and backrest adjustments. There are also wedge shaped cushions easily available that can be used to improve horizontal or backward sloping dining or work chairs, or car seats.You also need to consider the height of the seat relative to the floor and the work surface. The feet should be on the floor and the knees not higher than the hips. The backrest needs to be as high as the lower shoulder blades and not angled back very much.There are many untraditional work chairs available. They all have their fans and are usefulfor at least some people some of the time.There are office chairs that rock with the users’movement to allow dynamic sitting. The theory is that this improves circulation, stops stiffening, and reduces strain. Whether one prefers a fixed or moving chair is a matter of personal choice.The kneeling chair is useful for some people for limited periods of time, but the rather extreme angle of tilt and the pressure on the knees make them inappropriate for regular use.The pelvic support chair supports the pelvis preventing it from rolling backwards. It is harmful to sit with the pelvis rolled backwards, and some people with very weak spines may find these chairs helpful. A forward angled seat helps prevent the pelvis from rolling backwards.The saddle stool is shaped like a saddle and is liked by some people especially for more dynamic seat work, for example dentists or beauticians.Lumbar support has been though to be absolutely necessary and almost a magic cure-all in a chair. But it is now recognized that too large a lumbar support or one in the wrong place does more harm than good. People come in suck a wide variety of shapes and sizes that a seat with very definite curves built into it will not suit many people. Some people need lumbar support because of weakness in that area of their spine. But be wary of a seat that forces the spine into an exaggerated lordosis or forward curve. See the man in figure 10-4.The car seat is work seat but most car seats are angled down at the back. Many people then compound the problem by winding the backrest further back. The driver then hunches the neck and upper boy forward creating a very strained position. Some car seats are too soft. Many have curves built into them that force every body into the same shape regardless of individual differences. Better is a more neutral seat of flat planes, soft but firm.No chair will automatically give you good posture——but some will make it easier, and some will make it impossible.The school chairEverything that applies to the work chair should also apply to the school chair, but never does. If it is important for adults to be properly supported when seated at video display units, and there are government regulations to enforce this, then it must be even more important for children to be properly supported when sitting in school. The difference in height between a small eleven year old and a tall sixteen year old is enormous, but they all have to use the same chairs and tables. This means that some children will not have their feet properly on the floor, while others will be cramped. The desk height will too high or too low for many of them.The chair are often very poor quality stacking chairs which slope backward in the seat forcing the child to hunch forward to read and write. These chairs often have backrests which are too low or flimsy to provide any support.Ideally, each child would have a chair and desk of the correct size. The chair would have a forward sloped seat, and the desk would have a sloped surface, as desks often used to have. At the very least, there should be different sized chairs in each classroom, and there would be no backward sloping chairs.It is now recognized that children are less fit and have poorer posture than in the past. They spend more time in sedentary activities and less in physical ones. There are more teenagers complaining of backache. Using the wrong sized furniture exacerbates these problems. The long term health implications are alarming.Sofa and armchairYou don’t want to sit bolt upright on a hard chair all the time; you want to a comfy sofa or armchair. But what do you mean by comfortable? To look at, to sit on for 10 minutes, or to sit on for 3 hours. And what do you mean by relax? What looks comfortable to the eye may not be comfortable to the body. And if a sofa puts you in a collapsed position, you will be in a physiologically stressful situation, not a relaxing one.Furniture follows fashion like everything else. Recent fashion is for very large, very soft sofas. These mould the body into a harmful posture putting strain on the spine, the digestive system, and the breathing. Everyone now knows that sleeping on an unsupportive mattress isn’t good for the body and doesn’t provide a restful sleep. Spending hours on an unsupportive sofa or chair doesn’t provide us with rest or relaxation either, and it may be doing more serious damage long term.What to look for:Can you get your bum in the back of the seat and your feet on the ground at the same time with nothing digging into the back of your knees? If not, the seat is too deep, or perhaps too high off the ground, but this is less likely.Is the backrest raked so far back that you couldn’t eat, drink, read, or do anything else that you do on the sofa without hunching forward? And is the backrest high enough so that you can lean against it without strain in the upper body?Is it too soft without being supportive? This is more difficult. What feels soft and pleasant for a short time can become uncomfortable after longer use. Are there cushions on the sofa and what are they made of? Feathers are too soft for support, and feather cushions need constant plumping to look good and the fabric may wear faster. Form is the firmest but foam comes in different degrees of firmness and softens after a few months. There are also fibre fillings and combination fillings. The quality of the fabric will also affect the firmness; a more closely woven, strong material will give a firmer quality to the filling or padding. The cushions should not depress more than 10 cm when you sit on them.These are the most obvious things to look for in a sofa or armchair. Is the seat flat or does it dump you in a hole in the middle or tip you to the centre, especially if someone else is sitting on the sofa with you? Does the backrest have too much lumbar or neck support built in for you.You can improve an existing sofa by using small cushions behind your back or shoulders. A piece of wood under the seat cushions can make the seat firmer and more level.Most popular and easily available brands of sofas and armchairs are too soft and often too deep. Some have lumbar and neck support built in and attempt to be good for the back. Remember that support in the wrong place or too much support can be harmful.Manufactures please note! There is a real demand for well-designed, attractive, sofas that are not a pain to sit on.We know that it is important to sleep on a good firm mattress, and to have a good office chair, but we have not made this link in relation to the seats we buy for our homes. We tend to think that sprawling on a very soft sofa is a luxurious, relaxing experience. But too much sprawling can harm us. We don’t need to sit bolt upright all the time, but it is important to have good support while relaxing:1. Is it too soft? (Figure 10-1)A very soft seat, like a very soft mattress, does not give enough support.2. Is it too deep? (Figure 10-2)Seats should not be deeper than the length of the average thigh. Your buttocks should be at the back so that you can get support without having to slump.3. The angle between the back and seat should be close to a right angle. (Figure 10-3)4. Does the back force the spine into exaggerated forward or backward curves? (Figure 10-4)5. Is the seat a level surface without dips and bumps? (Figure 10-5)The work chair and the dining chair have special requirements. The seat should not be lower at the back than at the front.WordsLesson 3 the Design ProcessDesign isn’t just the object you pluck off the shelf and take to the checkout—it’s about trial and error and a series of decisions that starts before you even know your objective.The design process isn’t a mysterious activity that designers carry out behind a cloak of secrecy, magically emerging with a sparkling new market-beating product or service. It starts when decisions about why, how and even whether to go ahead with a project are being taken.Although designers provide a particular blend of skills and creativity, the design process works best when it is a collaboration between the design team and the people it works with and for, whether in-house colleagues or clients.First stepsDesign work proper begins with a brief setting out the aims and objectives of a project and outlining certain targets and parameters for its completion. But, ideally, the design team needs to be involved before the brief is even written for two reasons —first, its members will understand the brief better if they’ve had a hand in composing it and, secondly, the customer-focused, creative skills that designers possess can help decide the direction the project should take.An organization and its designers need to ask certain questions right at the start—why is design work needed? Is it to respond to changing markets or to customer trends? Maybe new competition has appeared on the market or the company just wants to increase its market share. Perhaps the organization wants to make its service more efficient, or perhaps it faces a decision between improving an existing product or service and launching something completely new.By understanding both the organization’s strategic objectives and customer needs, designers can help to define the problem before working towards a solution.The reason for the design will inform how the designers go about conducting research.ResearchResearch needs to be carried out both before and during the design process, especially if the project will take some years to complete. Market research includes trends analysis, scrutiny of competitors’ products and wider research such as the state of the economy, upcoming legislation and relevant social changes such as birth rates and patterns of prosperity.Design research centers on the user. It makes use of information about customers supplied by the organization but also takes a more hands-on approach in the form of user testing and prototyping.Observing customer behavior not only makes it easier for designers to create something that fulfils a need, it can also provide creative inspiration. Along with visualization, it also helps to represent the designers’ ideas to the organization at large.PlanningTo plan a project effectively, companies and organizations need to take into account all the internal resources, people and information the project will require,from materials to customer-service support. The design team will need to be aware of these too. There’s no point in a design requiring a certain manufacturing techniques or tooling, for instance, if these aren’t available.\CommunicationThe relationship between the designer and the organization or department that has commissioned the design work is crucial. The best relationships are a two-way street, where each party is receptive to the concerns of the other. The designers should be sensitive to the practical concerns the client expresses and, if they are from an outside agency, understand that the client knows more about the detailed issues of the particular market than they do.On the other hand the client should give the designers’ ideas a fair hearing and grasp the opportunity to think differently rather than rejecting on sight anything that might at first seem too radical.Communication needs to be maintained throughout the design process. It helps if review stages can be predetermined, so that project doesn’t progress in the wrong direction. The organization also needs to maintain communication with other affected parties both internally and externally.The need for communication was summed up by designer Wayne Hemingway during the Design Council’s Design in Business Week 2002:” There’s no point sitting a designer in a room and letting them design. They have to work with you and be part of the business. They’re not the cleaner---they need to know everything.”And the need to ensure that all parts of an organization are on board with the evolving design process was underlined by John Porter, of shower manufacture Daryl Industries:” The whole team, from manufacturing to finance, must be on board with an idea. A substantial number of people are involved in bringing a product to market. Manager and board members have to buy in to design.”ImplementationThe final stage is implementation---by manufactures, engineers, IT experts or service providers---but that doesn’t mean the designers exit the scene. It is important to allow or redesign and the designer also have a vital role to play in representing their ideas to all those involved in executing them.Finally, if the organization is going to learn from the experience and evaluate its design investment properly, it needs to put in place a procedure to assess how the project was handled and how the design process can be improved in future.Words。
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UNIT 1 Bauhaus(包豪斯)1.将艺术与经济整合起来: to integrate art with economics2.繁茂的、蔓生的: rampant3.钢管: tubular steel4.(建筑)预制构件的: prefabricated5.适应工业化的设计: designs favoured by industry6.扶持、支持: prop up7.闩上、插上、将…用螺栓栓紧: bolt8.到处存在的,普遍存在: ubiquitousThe direction of the school changed significantly and repeatedly.学校的发展方向发生明显而频繁的变化。
UNIT 2 ICSID(国际工业设计联合会—the International Council(委员会)of Societies of Industrial Design)1.对……负有责任: account for2.人机界面: the human-machine interface3.主角、主要人物、倡导者: protagonistΣ市场倡导者Σ market protagonist4.伦理学、伦理观、道德学: ethics5.美学: aesthetics6.系列、范围、幅度: spectrum7.歌唱队的、合唱的: choral为了达到这些目的,设计师必须投入到以下四项有关设计和研究的活动中去:人类行为学,人机界面学,环境学,以及对产品本身的研究。
In order to achieve these ends, designers must be involved in four major design and research activities: human behavior,the human-machine interface, the environment, and the product itself.UNIT 4 The Latest Fad(n. 时尚;一时的爱好;一时流行的狂热) (2002) 流行趋势(2002)1.悠闲的、懒散的、闲散的: laid-back2.(宽大的)喇叭裤: pajamas3.条纹、斑纹、线条: stripe4.女睡袍: nightgown5.重新流行的服装式样: a retro revival6.缘饰、流苏、蓬边: fringe7.陪伴、一致、符合: consort with8.嬉皮士: hippie9.手工艺;技巧: handcraft10.广藿香油制的香水: patchouli11.引人注目的;显著的: eye-catching12.特别受喜爱的人(或物): fave13.(用作单数或者复数)大量、许多:oodles14.衣橱、衣柜: wardrobe15.缎带、丝带: ribbon16.开衩袖: slit sleeves17.情侣装、可搭配的套装: matchy-matchy18.色彩鲜艳的运动上衣: blazerAs all things handcraft get rediscovered (vt. 重新发现;再发现) and recycled, it has shaken off (摆脱;抖落) its patchouli cloud and is showing up everywhere for spring.这些手工制品得以重新采用,但是抛弃了其中一些脂粉气的元素,你可以在几乎所有春装的设计中发现他们。
UNIT 5 A Confession of Picasso (毕加索的自白)1.装懂的人、吹牛的人: charlatan2.安慰、慰藉: consolation3.欣喜;得意洋洋: exaltation4.蒸馏器;蒸馏酒制造业者: distillers5.精华、典型: quintessence6.(人、行为等)古怪的、反常的: eccentric7.可耻的、丢脸的;令人愤慨的: scandalous8.出现、到来: advent9.丰富、富裕: affluence10.厚颜无耻、放肆: effrontery11.江湖医生、江湖骗子: mountebank12.低能、弱智、愚蠢的行为: imbecility13.自负、虚荣心: vanity14.价值、优点: meritFrom the moment that art ceases(vi. 停止;终了)to be food that feeds the best minds, artist can use his talents to perform all the tricks of the intellectual (adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的) charlatan.当人们不再把艺术当作精神食粮时,艺术家们开始滥用自己的天赋来玩伪艺术,愚弄世人。
UNIT 7 Chuang Tzu:Another Voice(庄子:另一种声音)1.先验的、超越的、超越人类经验的:transcendental [,trænsen'dentəl]2.训诫、戒律: preceptArmed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices.有了这样一条指导原则,一些医生可能渐渐习惯于采取骗人的做法。
3.同类的、近似的: akin to4.增大、强化: aggrandizement5.必要的、紧急的: imperative6.圣人、圣贤: sage7.不同、不等: disparities [dis'pærəti]8.把…归因(于): ascribe…to…(ascribe)9.众神庙、万神殿: pantheon [pæn'θi:ən]10.神、女神: deity11.困扰、使苦恼: beset withHis writing is at once transcendental while at the same time being deeply immersed within everyday life.庄子的著作往往带有超前性,其学说更渗透于人们的日常生活之中。
Chuang Tzu felt (that) it was imperative that we transcend(超越、胜过)all the dualities (n. 二元性;[物] 二象性) of existence.庄子认为我们必须超越一切存在的二元性。
UNIT 8 Traditional Chinese Furniture 中国传统家具(上)1.美学的: aesthetic2.硬木(橡树、柚木等): hardwood3.霉臭的: fusty4.稀疏的、稀少的: sparse5.上漆的、涂漆的、喷漆的: lacquered6.土质、土性;质朴、率直: earthiness7.粒状的、木纹状的: grainy8.奢侈的、豪华的、昂贵的: sumptuous9.刺绣: embroidery10.(尤指艺术品的)鉴赏家、行家: connoisseur (单数)11.带紫色的: purplish12.木材、木料: timber13.槭树木材、槭木: maple14.栗木: chestnut15.杨属树木、白杨: poplar16.桦、白桦: birch17.橡木: oak18.榆木: elm19.全盛期: heyday20.相对称性地、对称地: symmetrically21.支持: back up22.古玩市场: curios markets23.极简抽象派艺术(家): minimalistChinese traditional furniture has a strong aesthetic appeal due to its apparently simple lines.中式传统家具有着强烈的美学吸引力,这取决于家具本身清晰简单的线条。
There is little evidence to back this up.没有确凿的证据来支持这一说法。
UNIT 9 Traditional Chinese Furniture 中国传统家具(下)1.系列、套、组(+of): suite2.檀香木、白檀木: sandalwood3.豪华、显赫: grandeur4.错综复杂的、复杂精细的: intricate5.古代: antiquity6.长沙发、睡椅: couch7.增长迅速的、发展很快的: burgeoning8.协调的: coordinated9.雕刻、刻: engrave10.防腐: resistant to decay11.藤、藤茎、藤林、藤杖: rattan12.陶器的、制陶艺术的: ceramic13.瓦、瓷砖、墙砖、地砖: tile14.把…镶入、把…嵌入: inlay15.搪瓷、珐琅: enamel[i'næməl]16.玛瑙: agate17.琥珀: amber18.粒状的: grained19.装饰: ornamentation20.浮雕: relief carving21.阴雕: negative engraving22.匀称的、整齐的: symmetrical23.凤凰: phoenix ['fi:niks]24.沉着的、稳重的、端正的: staid25.小装饰物、小摆设: knickknacks26.流行、风行、时髦: vogue27.…狂、…迷: aficionado [ə,fisjə'nɑ:dəu]8< Red sandalwood is the most highly valued material for use in furniture making: it is dense (adj. 稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的), hard, and resistant to decay.紫檀以它坚密、耐腐等诸多优点成为最具价值的家具用料。
(这句行话不难,希望能成为你嘴边的常用语)Traditional Chinese furniture is generally arranged in symmetrical suites or sets.中国传统家具通常以对称的布局形式出现。
UNIT 10 Fabrication Techniques 模型技巧(上)1.苯乙烯: styrene2.刻痕、划痕: score3.造型: form4.带子、线带: tape5.砂纸板: sanding block6.情形、情况: circumstance7.肝损坏: liver damage8.常规加工:general fabrication9.万能胶: bond all10.上等厚纸板、光泽纸板: Bristol board11.加法: additive12.锉刀、锉子: file13.上底漆: primed14.烟尘: fume15.吸入: inhale16.防毒面具、口罩: respiratorAfter your joints(n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点;) are made, a sanding block can be used to more accurately smooth your joints.需要连接的部位完成后,使用砂纸板进行加工能令结合部位更精确、光滑。