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山西财经大学硕士学位论文中小企业会计信息化研究姓名:邢菁申请学位级别:硕士专业:会计学指导教师:李端生 2009-03-01 摘要信息技术在会计工作中的全面应用,引发了新一轮的会计变革。会计信息化成为会计发展的大趋势,成为推动社会经济发展和变革的重要力量。随着我国企业信息化进程的纵深发展,会计信息化水平有了明显的提高,为我国快速推进工业化提供了良好的信息保障和先进的管理手段,有力地促进了国民经济健康有序发展。但在实践中,企业特别是中小企业的会计信息化进程,普遍存在资金不足、人才缺少、管理水平落后等问题。本文正是在这种情况下,选择中小企业会计信息化作为研究对象,试图为如何推进中小企业会计信息化水平探索路径。本文主要包含五部分内容,第一部分交代了选题背景和研究的理论和实践意义;第二部分结合当前世界及我国对中小企业的划分标准,对研究对象——中小企业进行了界定,并围绕研究主题,对中小企业实施会计信息化的必要性和紧迫性进行了分析,为后续论述做了铺垫;第三部分通过对当前我国中小企业会计信息化工作的现状分析,从中发现制约中小企业会计信息化工作的主要问题,揭示了目前中小企业会计信息化在观念认识、内外部环境以及软件等方面存在的不足;第四部分作为本文的重点,针对第三部分揭示的我国中小企业会计信息化方面的问题,按照会计信息化的发展趋势并在充分考


3 Abstract The general application of information technology in accountancy has caused a newaccountancy revolution. Accountancy informationalization will be the tendency of accountancy andan important force in promoting economic and social development and revolution. With theprofound development of enterprise informationalization in China accountancyinformationalization has been greatly promoted which provides a favorable information guar teenand modern administrative method for the speedy informationalization and the stable developmentof the national economy .On the other hard there are some difficulties in enterprise accountancyinformationalization.Especially in small and medium- sized enterprises they have problems likelack of investment lack of talents and backward

administration and so on. The dissertation willtake the accountancy informationalization in small and medium-sized enterprise as the target andexplore the way for promoting the accountancy informationalization in those enterprises. The paper is composed of 5 parts the first part introduces the research background and thetheoretical and practical significance. In the second part the author defines small and

medium-sizedenterprises on the basis of worldwide marking system of small and medium- sized enterprises andanalyzes the necessity and urgency of applying accountancy informationalization in thoseenterprises. The third part states the research question. In this part the author analyzes the currentstate of accountancy informationalization in domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to findout the main problems that restrict the development of accountancy informationalization .Throughthe study the author found some insufficiency in concept internal and external environment andsoftware in that enterprises. The fourth part is the main body of the paper. In this part the questionis solved. Some strategies which may
