
4、我要牢记:优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个方向,人们关注的习惯, 已经成为生活的一部分,如果我们及早开始。
Part II应用文写作2、请你写封信给市报社的Smith先生,主要内容如下:1 .你们居住地外围的工厂给你们的生活带来了影响;2.希望政府出面帮助改善你们的居住环境。
Dear Mr. SmithHello!Thank you very much for your busy schedule to read my letter ,if you help us to solve the problems mentioned in the letter ,we will be grateful .We have benefited from the rapid development of the city .sir, but the commercial activities in the periphery of our residence have brought s lot of negative effects to our lives .First of all ,these commercial activities frequently, cause we live around the place where traffic jams; business activities why increased employment opportunities, but the noise pollution of these commercial activities while increase .Let us live here for the elderly and children, especially those poor sleep be pestered beyond endurance ,and the students arepreparing for exam. I hope the government can help us to solve the two problems of these commercial activities, such us improving the traffic situation , strengthening infrastructure construction and increase the traffic police elderly and children living and learning environment.Meibao XuMay 31,2017Part III 写作2、学生在学习中总会遇到各种困难,请以"Dealing with Problems in Learning"为题,根据下列提纲写…篇短文,鼓励同学们努力学习。

华中师范大学网络教育学院《词汇学》练习测试题及答案本科I. Decide whether the statements are true or false and write T (true) or F (false) in the correspondingbrackets. (每题一分)( ) 1. “All national character” is the most important of all the five characteristics of the basic word stock. ( ) 2. By origin, English words can be classified as “native words” and “loan words”.( ) 3. The languages (Norwegian, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish) all belong toGermanic Family except Norwegian.( ) 4. Old English vocabulary is full of endings.( ) 5. Allomorphs are phonological variants which realize morphemes.( ) 6. Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts.( ) 7. The most productive means of word-formation is affixation.( ) 8. Acronyms are words of initial letters, which are pronounced letter by letter.( ) 9. Reference refers to the relationship between different languages.( ) 10. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of the word-meaning whichindicates grammatical concepts.( ) 11. In the process of “Radiation” the derived meanings of words are notdirectly related to the primary meaning.( ) 12. The diachronic approach to polysemy is to find how a word graduallyacquires its meanings in the process of development.( ) 13. When a word changes from a specific to a general meaning, it goesthrough extension of meaning.( ) 14. “meat” is an example of narrowing of meaning.( ) 15. “teacher” and “student” are converses.( ) 16. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym.( ) 17. Meaning is a relatively stable element in a language compared withspelling.( ) 18. The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguisticfactors.( ) 19. Extra-linguistic context refers to factors beyond language.( ) 20. Linguistic context provides clues for guessing meanings of new words.( ) 21. Idioms are phrases and short sentences the meanings of which are not easy to infer from the constituents in most cases.( ) 22. Idioms can be classified in different ways but the classification according to grammatical function is the most helpful way.( ) 23. Commonization involves proper nouns used as common words.( ) 24. In some pairs of antonyms, the marked terms cover the meaning of the unmarked.( ) 25. V ariations of idioms are the idioms whose forms are modified.( ) 26. Non-basic vocabulary includes terminology, Anglo-Saxon words, argot and neologisms.( ) 27. Aliens, semantic loans, translation-loans and denizens are all borrowings.( ) 28. The three sources of new words are creation, semantic change and borrowing.( ) 29. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.( ) 30. The minimal free form of a language is a morpheme.( ) 31. Derivational morphemes are used to form new words.( ) 32. Compounding involves the combination of affixes and bases.( ) 33. Partial conversion is a process of using adjectives as ordinary nouns.( ) 34. Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.( ) 35. Associative meaning consists of connotative meaning, stylistic meaning,affective meaning and emotive meaning.( ) 36. Polysemy is concerned with words of more than one meaning.( ) 37. The most important source of English synonyms is shortening.( ) 38. Associated transfer involves words used in their figurative sense.( ) 39. Objective meaning shows that the subject (or agent) is the one to beaffected by the action of the verb.( ) 40. Complementaries are antonyms characterized by “mutual exclusion” and “gradability”.( ) 41. The superordinate term covers the concept of the subordinate.( ) 42. Elevation is also known as amelioration.( ) 43. “villain” is an example of degradation.( ) 44. Linguistic context refers to the words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs andeven cultural background.( ) 45. Ambiguity is often caused by inadequate context.( ) 46. Idioms are generally informal in nature.( ) 47. Structurally, idioms can never be changed.( ) 48. The four major foreign contributors to the development of Englishvocabulary are Latin, Greek, French and Scandinavian.( ) 49. Relative synonyms may differ in denotation, connotation and application.( )50. The contemporary vocabulary expansion of English is mainly by borrowing and affixation. ( ) 51. Old English refers to the language used between 100 and 450.( ) 52. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly r elated to the primary meaning.( ) 53. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary.( ) 54. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym.( ) 55. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average.( ) 56. Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or culturalbackground.( ) 57. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side byside.( ) 58. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity.( ) 59. Compounding is the process of creating new words by combining affixes and bases.( )60. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word.( )61. In a natural language, most words are non-motivated.( )62. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers.( )63. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable.( )64. A form to which an affix of any kind can be added is called a stem.( )65. Contradictory terms are non-gradable.( )66. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as commonwords.( )67. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylisticfeatures of words and so on.( )68. What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes is a stem.( )69. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive ornegative.( )70. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which aregenerally found in the dictionary.( )71. Idioms are set phrases whose meaning is often difficult or impossible to infer from the constituent words.( )72. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changingmeanings of old words.( )73. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society.( )74. Homographs are words identical in form but different in pronunciation.( ) 75. Homonyms come mainly from borrowing—the most important source.( ) 76. Middle English lasted for more than four hundred years.( ) 77. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language.( ) 78. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character,denizens and productivity.( ) 79. The superordinate differs from the subordinate in that the former covers theconcept of the latter.( ) 80. Words of old English were full of endings.( ) 81. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see theirorigins as well as sense relatedness.( ) 82. Modern English is an analytic language.( ) 83. Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.( ) 84. Denizens are words which were borrowed from other languages but laterbecame assimilated into the English language.( ) 85. Lexical context refers to the words that appear only before the lexical itemin question.( ) 86. Generally speaking, native words have a higher frequency of use than loanwords.( ) 87. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and theobjective world.( ) 88. Free morphemes are morphemes which alone can be used as words.( ) 89. Context gives a polysemic word a definite meaning.( ) 90. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-convertedones still retain adjective features.( ) 91. Motivation explains why a particular word of a language has a particularmeaning.( ) 92. By origin English is more closely related to German than to French.( ) 93. Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate.( ) 94. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do.( ) 95. In the phrase “the tongues of fire”, the word fire is semantically motivated.( ) 96. The origins of words are a key factor that distinguishes homonyms from polysemants.( ) 97. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action.( ) 98. The meaning of a word which is etymologically motivated is closely related to its origin.( ) 99. The result of the human cognition of the objective world is called concept.( )100. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language.( )101. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the primary meaning.( )102. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary.( )103. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym.( )104. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average.( ) 105. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character,denizens and productivity.( ) 106. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side.( ) 107. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity.( ) 108. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as sense relatedness.( )109. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word.( )110. Aliens are words of the native element.( )111. Denizens are words which were borrowed from other languages but laterbecame assimilated into the English language.( )112. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers.( )113. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable.( )114. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and theobjective world.( )115. Contradictory terms are non-gradable.( )116. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as common words.( )117. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylistic features of words and so on.( )118. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-convertedones still retain adjective features.( )119. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive or negative.( )120. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary. ( )121. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do.( )122. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changing meanings of old words.( )123. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society.( )124. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the oneaffected by the action.一、答案1、T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T11. F 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. T21. T 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. T 26. T 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. F31. T 32. F 33. F 34. T 35. F 36. T 37. F 38. T 39. T 40. F41. T 42. T 43. T 44. F 45. T 46. T 47. F 48. T 49. T 50. F51. F 52. F 53. T 54. F 55. F 56. T 57. F 58. T 59. F 60. T61. T 62. T 63. F 64. T65. T 66. T 67. F 68. F 69. T 70. F71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. T 76. F 77. T 78. F 79. T 80. T81. T 82. T 83. T 84. T 85. F 86. T 87. T 88. T 89. T 90. F91. T 92. T 93. T 94. T 95. T 96. F 97. T 98. T 99. T 100. T101. F 102. T 103. F 104. F 105. F 106. F 107. T 108. T 109. T 110. F111. T 112. T 113. F 114. T 115. T 116. T 117. F 118. F119. T 120. F 121. T 122. F 123. F 124. TII. Analyze the following words and say how they are formed, and put your answers in the brackets:(每词0.5分)Example: disobey ( prefixation)headache (compounding ) newton ( commonization)expresident (prefixation ) book (v) (conversion )ID (acronymy ) brunch (blending )enthuse (backformation ) deadline (compounding )tick-tuck (duplication ) quake (clipping )kodak (commonization ) exwife (prefixation )elbow(v) (conversion ) laser (acronymy )autocide (blending ) laze (backformation ) historic (suffixation ) bow-wow (duplication ) bike (clipping )airline ( compounding ) changeable (affixation/suffixation)postwar (prefixation ) NA TO (acronymy )bike (clipping ) smog (blending )donate (backformation ) ampere (proper words )antinuclear (prefixation ) daydreaming (compounding ) lase (back-formation ) copter (clipping/front clipping) newly-weds (conversion ) cutthroat (compounding ) memorize (affixation/suffixation) botel (blendin ) tantalize (proper names ) VIP (acronymy ) quake (clipping ) defeather (affixation/prefixation)三、填空答案1.meaning; conventional 2. affixation; compounding; conversion 3. root4. prefixes; suffixes5. synonym; relative6. superordinate; subordinate7. context; linguistic; extra-linguistic/non-linguistic 8. minimal/smallest; meaning; syntactic9. Latin; Scandinavian10. stem 11. verbs; adjectives 12. stylistic 13. semantic; related14. elevation/ amelioration; transfer/transference 15. morphological 16. concept17.intrinsic/logical meaning arbitrary 18. Latin Greek Scandinavian19. morpheme prefixes 20. suffixes unmarked 21. marked extension/generalization22. Anglo-saxon 23、affixation compounding conversion (注:位置可以调换)24.Latin Greek French (注:位置可以调换)25. derivation affixes26. superordinate subordinate 27. stable/fixed functional higher28. intrinsic/logical meaning arbitrary 29. affix 30. extension/generalization31.. antonyms contrary 32. elevation narrowing/specialization 33. connotativeIII. Fill in the blanks according to the coursebook and write your answers on thecorresponding lines. (每空1分)1. The connection between sound and is arbitrary and .2. The three major means of word-formation are , and .3. The form which remains after all affixes are removed is called .4. generally do not change part of speech whereas do.5. The words which are fully identical in meaning are called absolute and all the others care calledsynonyms.6. In hyponymy the term which denotes something general is and the term which conveys a specificmeaning is .7. falls into two kinds, namely context and context.8. A word is the free form which has a give sound, andfunction.9. The major foreign elements which contribute greatly to English vocabulary are, Greek, French and .10. The form which remains after removing an inflectional affix is called .11. The words which are involved in conversion are nouns, and .12. The stylistic features of words form their meaning.13. field refers to a set of words which are semantically .14. The modes of semantic change in words include extension, narrowing,, degradation and .15. motivation refers to the words whose meanings are suggested by their morphological structure.16. is one of the three kinds of meaning which has nothing to do withlanguage.17. There is no ______ relationship between sound and ______ as the connecion between them is ______ andconventional.18. The three main foreign languages that have affected the English vocabulary most are ______, ______ and______.19. A minimal meaningful unit of a language is ______.20. Generally speaking, ______ do not change part of speech of the stems but their meaning, whereas ______do.21. Among pairs of antonyms, the ______ term covers the meaning of the ______ term.22. ______ is the change of meaning from specific to general.23. The major means of word-formation are ______, ______ and ______.24. The three main foreign languages that have affected the English vocabulary most are ______, ______ and______.25. Affixation, also called ______, is the formation of new words by adding ______ to stems.26. Hyponymy deals with the relation of semantic inclusion. The general term is ______ and the specific termsare ______.27. Content words are changing all the time whereas functional words are ______. ______ words enjoy a______ frequency in use than content words.28. There is no ______ relationship between sound and ______ as the connection between them is ______ andconventional.29. A morpheme attached to a stem or root is ______.30. ______ is the change of meaning from specific to general.31. Words which are opposite in meaning are called ______, among which ______ terms are gradable andallow intermediate members.32. When a word changes its meaning from negative to positive, it goes through the process ______ and theopposite process is called ______.33. The overtones and associations suggested by the conceptual meaning is ____ meaning.IV选择答案:1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A10.B 11. B12.C 13.C 14.D 15. A16. B 17. C 18.D 19.D 20.D 21. D 22. A 23. B24. D 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30.B 31.C 32. A 33. B 34. DIV. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (每题一分)( )1. Non-basic vocabulary includes __________.A. argot and jargonB. archaisms and neologismsC. technical termsD. all the above( )2. Functional words are ________________.A. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctionsB. adjectives, nouns, articlesC. articles, prepositions, conjunctionsD. verbs, pronouns, prepositions( )3. ___________ is not a characteristic of basic word stock.A. ColloquialismB. All national characterC. StabilityD. Polysemy( ) 4. Modern English began with the establishment of ________ in England.A. printingB. Bourgeois RevolutionC. Industrial RevolutionD. Renaissance Time( )5. Stylistic meaning refers to the features of __________of words.A. formalityB. affectivenessC. appropriatenessD. part of speech( ) 6. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word classwithout the addition of an affix, is called ____________.A. compoundingB. back-formationC. functional shiftD. derivation( )7. Grammatical meaning does not include ________.A. part of speechB. plural forms of nounsC. tensesD. appropriateness ( )8. English words can be motivated______.A. phonologicallyB. morphologicallyC. etymologicallyD. all the above ( )9. Stylistic meaning may be defined as the feature of ________ of words.A. formalityB. affectivenessC. appropriatenessD. part of speech ( )10. There are two main approaches to the study of English words namely ________.A. descriptive and prescriptiveB. synchronic and diachronicC . spoken and written D. competence and performance( )11. Which of the following is NOT studied in semantics?A. polysemyB. language familyC. ambiguityD. complementaries ( )12. The hyponyms of …vegetable‟ are ________.A. banana, pear, jamB. pear, apple, bananaC. cucumber, celery, peasD. tree, pine, elm( )13. The discrete units which realize morphemes are known as ________.A. allomorphsB. phonemesC. morphsD. lexis( )14. _________ is a word-formation process by which a word is changed from one word-class into another without the change of form.A. BlendingB. AffixationC. Back-formationD. Conversio( )15. The first monolingual English dictionary was compiled in ________.A. 1604B. 1066C. 1406D. 1046( )16. “The birds sing to welcome the smiling year.” Is an example of ________.A. euphemismB. synecdocheC. metonymyD. metaphor( )17. “child—parent” are _______ antonyms.A. rootB. derivativeC. relativeD. complementary( )18. Th e word “water” is _________ motivated.A. phoneticallyB. semanticallyC. morphologicallyD. non-( )19. “Give somebody an inch and he‟ll take a mile” is a _________.A. sentence idiomB. proverbC. clause idiom D .both A and B ( ) 20. Narrowing excludes ________.A. change from material nouns to common nounsB. change from common nouns to proper nounsC. words shortened from phrases to retain the meaning of the whole for economyD. change from specific meanings to general meanings( ) 21. According to the idiomaticity of idioms, idioms include ________.A. true idiomsB. semi-idiomsC. regular combinationsD. all the above( ) 22. Motel is a/an is ________.A. blendB. clipped wordC. initialismD. acronym ( ) 23. “sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called ________.A. HomophonesB. homographsC. perfect homonymsD. acronyms ( ) 24. “die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ i n ________.A. connotative meaningB. emotive meaningC. stylistic meaningD. all the above ( ) 25. He‟s nice, but he hasn‟t much brain. _________.A. SimileB. metaphorC. MetonymyD. synecdoche( ) 26. Which of the following is not associative meaning?A. collocative meaning B .stylistic meaning C. affective meaning D. primary meaning ( ) 27. One billion is ________ in British English.A. 1,000,000,000B. 1,000,000,000,000C. 1,000,000D. 1,000,000,000,000,000( ) 28. The morpheme “-s” in “desks” is ________ morpheme.A. derivationalB. freeC. inflectionalD. root( ) 29. ________ are contrary terms.A. dead / aliveB. parent / childC. single / marriedD. like / dislike ( ) 30. The first people known to inhabit the British Isles were ________. Their languages were dialects of still another branch of the In-do-European Language Family ________.A. German / GermanicB. Celts / CelticC. Italian / ItalicD. Sweden / Swedish ( ) 31. The modes of modem English vocabulary grow through three major channels: ________ , semantic change and __________.A. exchange/lendingB. derivation/borrowingC. creation/borrowingD. affixation/creation( ) 32. Conversion is a method of __________.A. turning words of one part of speech into those of a different part of speechB. converting words of one meaning into those of a different meaningC. deriving words by grammatical meansD. changing words in morphological structure( ) 33. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _________.A. prefixationB. suffixationC. acronymyD. conversion ( ) 34. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English._________ of them are still in use today.A. 85%B. 56%C. 72%D. 75%V.Match the words in the left column with the words in the right column. (右栏的词每词1分)(1)narrowing manuscriptdeerextension poisongovernorelevation vulgarbonfiredegradation journallustdiseasealibi(2)narrowing journalgirlextension villainmarshalelevation barnmilldegradation deerknightcriticizeliquor(3)narrowing picturemeatextension girlmarshalelevation cunningbonfiredegradation journalangel连线(3)答案Narrowing: meat, girl, bonfire Extension: picture, journalElevation: marshal, angel Degradation: cunning连线(4)答案Narrowing: wife, deer Extension: holiday, manuscriptElevation: minister, governor Degradation: criticize, villain(4)narrowing holidayvillainextension wifeministerelevation deergovernordegradation manuscriptcriticizeVI. Do the following according to instructions.A Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of theitalicized words, using such terms as definition, example, explanation, synonym, antonym, superordinate, subordinate, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets. (每题1分)1. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many ofthem still remembered the horrible slaughter not long ago. ( )2. I like fruit, but not avocado, which is too soft. ( )3.Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog inthe street and ate it. ( )4. Most dentists‟ offices are drab places, but Emilio‟s new office is bright, cheerful.( )5. After a day of hunting, John was ravenous. He ate two bowls of soup, salad, alarge chicken, and a piece of chocolate cake before he was finally satisfied. ( )6. A north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’wester usuallybrings rain. ()7. Some African tribes still practice polyandry, a marriage system which allows awoman to have more than one husband. ( )8. Modern technology is a kind of dehumanization of the human society. ( )A.答案 1. synonym/synonymy 2. subordinate/hyponym3. example/exemplification/superordinate4. antonym/antonymy5. relevant details6. antonym/antonymy7. explanation 8. word structureB Decide whether the words in italics are used in the subjective or objective sense and put your answersin the corresponding brackets. (每题1分)1. The policeman was suspicious of the suspicious proof given by the suspect to show that he had nothing todo with the robbery. ( ) ( )2. The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman in the neighborhood.( )3. The earthquake was so dreadful that many people would be afraid even to see themovie based on it. ( )4.Fearful TV programs are not suitable to pre-school children.( )5. It is very considerate of Mr Li to make that arrangement. ( )6. The excuse given by the United States of America is really doubtful.( )7. The children were fearful of the fearful picture of the monster.( ) ( )8. What a pitiful girl! She lost her parents when she was so small.( )9. The listeners were doubtful of the witness‟s testimony which sounded verydoubtful.( ) ( )10. What a boring man he is! ( )11. The doubtful teacher listened patiently to the doubtful story told by the student who was late for class.( ) ( )12. It is very considerable of you to make such arrangements. ( )13. The little match girl was really pitiful. She died from cold and hunger on the Christmas Eve.( )14. Learning a foreign language is a painful process. No one can expect to learn the language well withoutpains. ( )B. 答案1. subjective; objective 2. objective3. objective4. objective5. subjective6. objective7. subjective; objective 8. objective9. subjective; objective 10. objective11. subjective, objective 12. subjective13. objective 14. objectiveC. Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of the italicized words,using such terms as definition, example, synonym, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets.(每题1分)1.Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many of them still remember the horrible killing notlong ago. ( )2.Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog in the street and ateit. ( )3.The tribal community still practices polygamy, a custom in which someone can be married to more than one person at thesame time. ( )4.As fighting on all fronts reached its peak, the economy neared its nadir ( ).5. In spite of the fact that the fishermen were wearing sou’wester, the storm was so heavy that they were wet through.C. 答案1. synonym/synonymy 2. example/ exemplification3. definition/explanation4. antonym/antonymy5. relevant detailsVII. Match the rhetorical devices in Column A with the idioms in Column B and put the letters in the corresponding brackets. (每题1分)A B( ) 1. alliteration a. snake in the grass( ) 2. rhyme b. toss and turn( ) 3. reiteration c. powder one‟s nose( ) 4. repetition d. earn one‟s bread( ) 5. juxtaposition e. wear and tear( ) 6. metaphor f. up and down( ) 7. metonymy g. pick and choose( ) 8. synecdoche h. from cradle to grave( ) 9. personification i. Failure is the mother of success.( ) 10. euphemism j. hand in handVII连线答案:1. (b) 2. (e) 3. (g) 4. (j) 5. (f) 6. (a) 7. (h) 8. (d) 9. (i) 10. (c)VIII. Change each of the following into a word, paying attention to part of speech: (每题1分)1.break record (adj) ( record-breaking)2、fight with fists (adj) (ist-fighting)3. walk in one‟s sleep (n) (sleepwalking)4. a worm which glows (n) (glowworm)5. draw the bridge (n) (drawbridge)6. down to the earth (adj) (down-to-earth)7. sick for missing home (adj) ( homesick)8. the blood which causes the stain (n) (bloodstain)9. the part which is bitten by frost (n) (frostbite )10. shake hands (n) (handshake )IX. Define the following terms.(每题3分)1.notional words: Notional words are also called content words which denote clear notions. They includenouns, most verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.2.primary meaning: At the time when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. This first meaningis the primary meaning .3.context :In a narrow sense, context refers to the words, clauses, sentences, a paragraph, a whole chapterand even the entire book in which a word appears. In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation including the people, time, place and even the whole cultural background.4、marked terms:Many pairs of antonyms contain specific words and general words. In such a pair, thespecific word is included in meaning within the general word. The specific words are called marked terms.5、transfer :Words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else haveexperienced transfer.6、ambiguity: If there is more than one meaning for a word used in a context, ambiguity occurs. Ambiguity is mainly。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 课程名称【编号】:英语【0002】

请你以“Smog Crisis in China”为题,根据下列提纲写一篇短文。
Smog Crisis in ChinaRecently Xi’an has often seen the heavy smog weather, which has done great harm to our daily life. Due to the heavy smog many traffic accidents happened, and some people got injured and some even lost their lives. Besides, more and more people who are suffering symptoms related to smog have to go to see the doctor.Now that we have realized the great harm caused by the smog, we should take measures to reduce the smog. It is vital to make it by educating people especially factory owners to raise their awareness of protecting the environment. People should go to work by bus or by bike if possible instead of driving and plant more trees to absorb and clean the polluted air. Only in this way can we save ourselves from the smog.I sincerely hope all the citizens in Xi an can work together to do something to save the air we breathe every day.2、学生在学习中总会遇到各种困难,请以“Dealing with Problems in Learning”为题, 根据下列提纲写一篇短文,鼓励同学们努力学习。

华中师范大学网络教育学院《词汇学》练习测试题及答案 本科I. Decide whether the statements are true or false and write T (true) or F (false) in the correspondibrackets. (每题一分) ( ) 1. “All national character ” is the most important of all the five characteristics of the basic word stock. ( ) 2. By origin, English words can be classified as “native words ” and “loan words ”. ( ) 3. The languages (Norwegian, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish) all belong to Germanic Family excepNorwegian. ( ) 4. Old English vocabulary is full of endings. ( ) 5. Allomorphs are phonological variants which realize morphemes. ( ) 6. Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts. ( ) 7. The most productive means of word-formation is affixation. ( ) 8. Acronyms are words of initial letters, which are pronounced letter by letter. ( ) 9. Reference refers to the relationship between different languages. ( ) 10. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of the word-meaning which indicates grammatical concepts. ( ) 11. In the process of “Radiation Radiation”” the derived meanings of words are not directly related to the primarymeaning. ( ) 12. The diachronic approach to polysemy is to find how a word gradually acquires its meanings in process of development. ( ) 13. When a word changes from a specific to a general meaning, it goes through extension of meaning.( ) 14. “meat meat”” is an example of narrowing of meaning. ( ) 15. “teacher teacher”” and “student student”” are converses. ( ) 16. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( ) 17. Meaning is a relatively stable element in a language compared with spelling. ( ) 18. The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. ( ) 19. Extra-linguistic context refers to factors beyond language. ( ) 20. Linguistic context provides clues for guessing meanings of new words. ( ) ) 21. 21. 21. Idioms Idioms Idioms are are are phrases phrases phrases and and and short short short sentences sentences sentences the the the meanings meanings meanings of of of which which which are are are not not not easy easy easy to to to infer infer infer from from from the the constituents in most cases. ( ) 22. Idioms can be classified in different ways but the classification according to grammatical function the most helpful way. ( ) 23. Commonization involves proper nouns used as common words. ( ) 24. In some pairs of antonyms, the marked terms cover the meaning of the unmarked. ( ) 25. Variations of idioms are the idioms whose forms are modified. ( ) 26. Non-basic vocabulary includes terminology, Anglo-Saxon words, argot and neologisms. ( ) 27. Aliens, semantic loans, translation-loans and denizens are all borrowings. ( ) 28. The three sources of new words are creation, semantic change and borrowing. ( ) 29. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. ( ) 30. The minimal free form of a language is a morpheme. ( ) 31. Derivational morphemes are used to form new words. ( ) 32. Compounding involves the combination of affixes and bases. ( ) 33. Partial conversion is a process of using adjectives as ordinary nouns. ( ) 34. Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. ( ) ) 35. 35. 35. Associative Associative Associative meaning meaning meaning consists consists consists of of of connotative connotative connotative meaning, meaning, meaning, stylistic stylistic stylistic meaning, meaning, meaning, affective affective affective meaning meaning meaning and and emotive meaning. ( ) 36. Polysemy is concerned with words of more than one meaning. ( ) 37. The most important source of English synonyms is shortening. ( ) 38. Associated transfer involves words used in their figurative sense. ( ) 39. Objective meaning shows that the subject (or agent) is the one to be affected by the action overb. ( ) 40. Complementaries are antonyms characterized by “mutual exclusion ” and “gradability gradability””. ( ) 41. The superordinate term covers the concept of the subordinate. ( ) 42. Elevation is also known as amelioration. ( ) 43. “villain villain”” is an example of degradation. ( ) 44. Linguistic context refers to the words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and even cultural background. ( ) 45. Ambiguity is often caused by inadequate context. ( ) 46. Idioms are generally informal in nature. ( ) 47. Structurally, idioms can never be changed. ( ) ) 48. 48. 48. The The The four four four major major major foreign foreign foreign contributors contributors contributors to to to the the the development development development of of of English English English vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary are are are Latin, Latin, Latin, Greek, Greek, French and Scandinavian. ( ) 49. Relative synonyms may differ in denotation, connotation and application. ( )50. The contemporary vocabulary expansion of English is mainly by borrowing and affixation. ( ) 51. Old English refers to the language used between 100 and 450. ( ) 52. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the prim ary meaning. ( ) 53. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary. ( ) 54. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( ) 55. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average. ( ) 56. Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background. ( ) 57. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side. ( ) 58. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity. ( ) 59. Compounding is the process of creating new words by combining affixes and bases. ( )60. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word. ( )61. In a natural language, most words are non-motivated. ( )62. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers. ( )63. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable. ( )64. A form to which an affix of any kind can be added is called a stem. ( )65. Contradictory terms are non-gradable. ( )66. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as common words. ( )67. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylistic features of words and so on. ( )68. What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes is a stem. ( )69. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive or negative. ( )70. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary. ( )71. )71. Idioms Idioms Idioms are are are set set set phrases phrases phrases whose whose whose meaning meaning meaning is is is often often often difficult difficult difficult or or or impossible impossible impossible to to to infer infer infer from from from the the the constituent constituent words. ( )72. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changing meanings of old words. ( )73. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society. ( )74. Homographs are words identical in form but different in pronunciation. ( ) 75. Homonyms come mainly from borrowing —the most important source. ( ) 76. Middle English lasted for more than four hundred years. ( ) 77. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language. ( ) 78. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character, denizens and productivity. ( ) 79. The superordinate differs from the subordinate in that the former covers the concept of the latter. ( ) 80. Words of old English were full of endings. ( ) 81. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as sense relatedness. ( ) 82. Modern English is an analytic language. ( ) 83. Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. ( ) ) 84. 84. 84. Denizens Denizens Denizens are are are words words words which which which were were were borrowed borrowed borrowed from from from other other other languages languages languages but but but later later later became became became assimilated assimilated assimilated into into into the the the English English language. ( ) 85. Lexical context refers to the words that appear only before the lexical item in question. ( ) 86. Generally speaking, native words have a higher frequency of use than loan words. ( ) 87. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and the objective world. ( ) 88. Free morphemes are morphemes which alone can be used as words. ( ) 89. Context gives a polysemic word a definite meaning. ( ) 90. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-converted ones still retain adjective features. ( ) 91. Motivation explains why a particular word of a language has a particular meaning. ( ) 92. By origin English is more closely related to German than to French. ( ) 93. Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate. ( ) 94. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do. ( ) 95. In the phrase “the tongues of fire”, the word fire is semantically motivated. ( ) 96. The origins of words are a key factor that distinguishes homonyms from polysemants. ( ) 97. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action. ( ) 98. The meaning of a word which is etymologically motivated is closely related to its origin. ( ) 99. The result of the human cognition of the objective world is called concept. ( )100. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language. ( )101)101. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the prima . “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the primameaning. ( )102. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary. ( )103. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( )104. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average. ( ) 105. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character, denizens and productivity. ( ) 106. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side. ( ) 107. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity. ( ) 108. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as serelatedness. ( )109. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word. ( )110. Aliens are words of the native element. ( )111. Denizens are words which were borrowed from other languages but later became assimilated into the English language. ( )112. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers. ( )113. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable. ( )114. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and the objective world. ( )115. Contradictory terms are non-gradable. ( )116. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as common words. ( )117. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylistic features of words and so on.( )118. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-converted ones still retain adjectivefeatures. ( )119. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive or negative. ( )120. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary.( )121. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do. ( )122. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changing meanings of old words. ( )123. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society. ( )124. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action.一、答案1、 T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. T 21. T 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. T 26. T 26. T 27. T 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. F 31. T 32. F 33. F 34. T 35. F 36. T 37. F 38. T 39. T 40. F 41. T 42. T 43. T 44. F 45. T 46. T 47. F 48. T 49. T 50. F 51. F 52. F 53. T 54. F 55. F 56. T 57. F 58. T 59. F 60. T 61. T 62. T 63. F 64. T65. T 66. T 67. F 68. F 69. T 70. F 71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. T 76. F 77. T 78. F 79. T 80. T 81. T 82. T 83. T 84. T 85. F 86. T 87. T 88. T 89. T 90. F 91. T 92. T 93. T 94. T 95. T 96. F 97. T 98. T 99. T 100. T 101. F 102. T 103. F 104. F 105. F 106. F 107. T 108. T 109. T 110. F 111. T 112. T 113. F 114. T 115. T 116. T 117. F 118. F 119. T 120. F 121. T 122. F 123. F 124. T II. Analyze the following words and say how they are formed, and put your answers in the brackets:(每词0.5分)Example : disobey ( prefixation) headache (compounding ) newton ( commonization) expresident (prefixation ) book (v) (conversion ) ID (acronymy ) brunch (blending ) enthuse (backformation (backformation ) ) deadline (compounding ) tick-tuck (duplication ) quake (clipping ) kodak (commonization (commonization ) ) exwife (prefixation ) elbow(v) (conversion ) laser (acronymy ) autocide (blending ) laze (backformation ) historic (suffixation ) bow-wow (duplication ) bike (clipping ) airline ( compounding ) changeable changeable (affixation/suffixation) (affixation/suffixation) postwar (prefixation ) NA TO (acronymy ) bike (clipping ) smog (blending ) donate (backformation (backformation ) ampere ) ampere (proper words ) antinuclear (prefixation ) daydreaming (compounding ) lase (back-formation ) copter (clipping/front clipping) newly-weds (conversion ) cutthroat (compounding ) memorize (affixation/suffixation) botel (blendin ) tantalize (proper names ) VIP (acronymy ) quake (clipping ) defeather (affixation/prefixation) 三、填空答案三、填空答案 1. meaning; conventional 2. affixation; compounding; conversion affixation; compounding; conversion 3. 3. root 4. prefixes; suffixes 5. synonym; relative 6. superordinate; subordinate 7. context; linguistic; extra-linguistic/non-linguistic 8. minimal/smallest; meaning; syntactic 9. Latin; Scandinavian 10. stem 11. verbs; adjectives 12. stylistic 12. stylistic 13. semantic; related 13. semantic; related 14. elevation/ amelioration; transfer/transference 15. morphological 16. concept 17. intrinsic/logical meaning arbitrary 18. Latin Greek Scandinavian 19. morpheme prefixes 20. suffixes unmarked 21. marked extension/generalization 22. Anglo-saxon 23、affixation compounding conversion (注:位置可以调换) 24.Latin Greek French (注:位置可以调换)25. derivation affixes The connection between sound and is arbitrary and . The three major means of word-formation are , and . The form which remains after all affixes are removed is called . generally do not change part of speech whereas absolute In hyponymy the term which denotes something general is meaning is . falls into two kinds, namely context and A word is the free form which has a give sound, and are , , Greek, vocabulary are and . 10. The form which remains after removing an inflectional affix is called The form which remains after removing an inflectional affix is called . The words which are involved in conversion are nouns, and . 11. The words which are involved in conversion are nouns, The stylistic features of words form their 12. The stylistic features of words form their 13. field refers to a set of words which are semantically . The modes of semantic change in words include extension, narrowing, , degradation and . 14. The modes of semantic change in words include extension, narrowing, 15. 16. 32. 32. When a word changes its meaning from negative to positive, it goes through the process ______ and When a word changes its meaning from negative to positive, it goes through the process ______ and opposite process is called ______. 33. The overtones and associations suggested by the conceptual meaning is ____ meaning. IV 选择答案:1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A 10.B 11. B 12.C 13.C 14.D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18.D 19.D 20.D 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30.B 31.C 32. A 33. B 34. DIV . . Each Each Each of of of the the the statements statements statements below below below is is is followed followed followed by by by four four four alternative alternative alternative answers. answers. answers. Choose Choose Choose the the the one one one that that that would would would best best best complete complete complete the the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (每题一分)(每题一分)( )1. Non-basic vocabulary includes __________. A. argot and jargon B. archaisms and neologisms C. technical terms D. all the above ( )2. Functional words are ________________. A. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions B. adjectives, nouns, articles C. articles, prepositions, conjunctions D. verbs, pronouns, prepositions ( )3. ___________ is not a characteristic of basic word stock. A. Colloquialism B. All national character C. Stability D. Polysemy ( ) 4. Modern English began with the establishment of ________ in England. A. printing B. Bourgeois Revolution C. Industrial Revolution D. Renaissance Time ( )5. Stylistic meaning refers to the features of __________of words. A. formality B. affectiveness C. appropriateness D. part of speech ( ) 6. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix, is called ____________. A. compounding B. back-formation C. functional shift D. derivation ( )7. Grammatical meaning does not include ________. A. part of speech B. plural forms of nouns C. tenses D. appropriateness ( )8. English words can be motivated______. A. phonologically B. morphologically C. etymologically D. all the above ( )9. Stylistic meaning may be defined as the feature of ________ of words. A. formality B. affectiveness C. appropriateness D. part of speech ( )10. There are two main approaches to the study of English words namely ________. A. descriptive and prescriptive B. synchronic and diachronic C . spoken and written D. competence and performance ( )11. Which of the following is NOT studied in semantics? A. polysemy B. language family C. ambiguity D. complementaries ( )12. The hyponyms of …vegetable‟ are ________. ________. A. banana, pear, jam B. pear, apple, banana C. cucumber, celery, peas D. tree, pine, elm ( )13. The discrete units which realize morphemes are known as ________. A. allomorphs B. phonemes C. morphs D. lexis ( )14. )14. _________ _________ _________ is is is a a a word-formation word-formation word-formation process process process by by by which which which a a a word word word is is is changed changed changed from from from one one one word-class word-class word-class into into another without the change of form. A. Blending B. Affixation C. Back-formation D. Conversio ( )15. The first monolingual English dictionary was compiled in ________. A. 1604 B. 1066 C. 1406 D. 1046 ( )16)16. “The birds sing to welcome the smiling year.” Is an example of . “The birds sing to welcome the smiling year.” Is an example of ________. A. euphemism B. synecdoche C. metonymy D. metaphor ( )17)17. “child—parent” are . “child—parent” are _______ antonyms. _______ antonyms. A. root B. derivative C. relative D. complementary ( )18. The word “water” is _________ motivated. A. phonetically B. semantically C. morphologically D. non- ( )19)19. “Give somebody an inch and he‟ll take a mile” is a . “Give somebody an inch and he‟ll take a mile” is a _________. A. sentence idiom B. proverb C. clause idiom D .both A and B ( ) 20. Narrowing excludes ________. A. change from material nouns to common nouns B. change from common nouns to proper nouns C. words shortened from phrases to retain the meaning of the whole for economy D. change from specific meanings to general meanings ( ) 21. According to the idiomaticity of idioms, idioms include ________. A. true idioms B. semi-idioms C. regular combinations D. all the above ( ) 22. Motel is a/an is ________. A. blend B. clipped word C. initialism D. acronym ( ) 23. “sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called ________.“sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called ________.A. Homophones B. homographs C. perfect homonyms D. acronyms ( ) 24. “die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________.“die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________.A. connotative meaning B. emotive meaning C. stylistic meaning D. all the above ( ) 25. He‟s nice, but he hasn‟t much brai n. _________. A. Simile B. metaphor C. Metonymy D. synecdoche ( ) 26. Which of the following is not associative meaning? A. collocative meaning B .stylistic meaning C. affective meaning D. primary meaning ( ) 27. One billion is ________ in British English. A. 1,000,000,000 B. 1,000,000,000,000 C. 1,000,000 D. 1,000,000,000,000,000 ( ) 28. The morpheme “-s” in “desks” is ________ morpheme.A. derivational B. free C. inflectional D. root ( ) 29. ________ are contrary terms. A. dead / alive B. parent / child C. single / married D. like / dislike ( ) 30. The first people known to inhabit the British Isles were ________. Their languages were dialecof still another branch of the In-do-European Language Family ________. A. German / Germanic B. Celts / Celtic C. Italian / Italic D. Sweden / Swedish ( ) ) 31. 31. 31. The The The modes modes modes of of of modem modem modem English English English vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary grow grow grow through through through three three three major major major channels: channels: channels: ________ ________ ________ , , semantic change and __________. A. exchange/lending B. derivation/borrowing C. creation/borrowing D. affixation/creation ( ) 32. Conversion is a method of __________. A. turning words of one part of speech into those of a different part of speech B. converting words of one meaning into those of a different meaning C. deriving words by grammatical means D. changing words in morphological structure ( ) 33. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _________. A. prefixation B. suffixation C. acronymy D. conversion ( ) 34. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. _________ of them are still in use today. A. 85% B. 56% C. 72% D. 75% narrowing manuscript deer extension poison governor elevation vulgar bonfire degradation journal lust disease alibi narrowing journal girl extension villain marshal elevation barn mill degradation deer knight criticize liquor minister elevation deer governor degradation manuscript criticize VI. Do the following according to instructions.A Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of titalicized words, using such terms as definition, example, explanation, synonym, antonym, superordinate, subordinate, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets. and so on, and put your answers in the brackets. (每题1分)分)1. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many of them still remembered the horrible slaughter not long ago. ( ) 2. I like fruit, but not avocado , which is too soft. ( ) 3. Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog the street and ate it. ( ) 4. Most dentists ‟ offices are drab places, but Emilio ‟s new office is bright, cheerful. ( ) 5. After a day of hunting, John was ravenous . He ate two bowls of soup, salad, a large chicken, and a piece ochocolate cake before he was finally satisfied. ( ) 6. A north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou ’wester usually brings rain. ( )7. Some African tribes still practice polyandry , a marriage system which allows a woman to have more than one husband. ( ) 8. Modern technology is a kind of dehumanization of the human society. ( ) A .答案.答案 1. synonym/synonymy 2. subordinate/hyponym 3. example/exemplification/superordinate 4. antonym/antonymy 5. relevant details 6. antonym/antonymy 7. explanation 8. word structure B Decide whether the words in italics are used in the subjective oro bjective objective sense and put your answers in the corresponding brackets. (每题1分)1. The policeman was suspicious of the suspicious proof given by the suspect to show that he had nothing to proof given by the suspect to show that he had nothing to do with the robbery. ( ) ( ) 2. The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman in the neighborhood. ( ) 3. The earthquake was so dreadful that many people would be afraid even to see the movie based on it. ( ) 4. Fearful TV programs are not suitable to pre-school children. ( ) 5. It is very considerate of Mr Li to make that arrangement. ( ) 6. The excuse given by the United States of America is really doubtful . ( ) 7. The children were fearful of the fearful picture of the monster. ( ) ( ) 8. What a pitiful girl! She lost her parents when she was so small. girl! She lost her parents when she was so small. ( ) 9. The listeners were doubtful of the witness‟s testimony which sounded verydoubtful.( ) ( ) 10. What a boring man he is! ( ) 11. 11. The The doubtful teacher listened patiently to the doubtful story told by the student who was late for class. ( ) ( ) 12. 12. It is very It is very considerable of you to make such arrangements. ( ) 13. 13. The The little match girl was really pitiful . She died from cold and hunger on the Christmas Eve.( ) 14. Learning a foreign language is a painful process. No one can expect to learn the language well without pains. ( ) B. 答案1. 1. subjective; objective subjective; objective 2. objective 3. objective 4. objective 5. subjective 6. objective 7. 7. subjective; objective subjective; objective 8. objective 9. subjective; objective 10. 10. objective objective 11. subjective, objective 12. subjective 13. objective 14. objective C . Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of the italicized worusing such terms as definition, example, synonym, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets.(每题1分)1. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many of them still remember the horrible killing not long ago. ( ) 2. Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog in the street andit. ( ) 3. The tribal community still practices polygamy , a custom in which someone can be married to more than one person at thsame time. ( ) 4. As fighting on all fronts reached its peak, the economy neared its nadir ( ). 5. In spite of the fact that the fishermen were wearing sou’wester , the storm was so heavy that they were wet through.C. 答案答案 1. synonym/synonymy 2. example/ exemplification 3. definition/explanation 3. definition/explanation 4. antonym/antonymy 4. antonym/antonymy 5. relevant details VII . Match the rhetorical devices in Column A with the idioms in Column B and put the letters incorresponding brackets. (每题1分)A B( ) 1. alliteration a. snake in the grass ( ) 2. rhyme b. toss and turn ( ) 3. reiteration c. powder one ‟s nose ( ) 4. repetition d. earn one ‟s bread ( ) 5. juxtaposition e. wear and tear ( ) 6. metaphor f. up and down ( ) 7. metonymy g. pick and choose ( ) 8. synecdoche h. from cradle to grave ( ) 9. personification i. Failure is the mother of success. ( ) 10. euphemism j. hand in hand VII 连线答案:1. (b) 2. (e) 3. (g) 4. (j) 5. (f) 6. (a) 7. (h) 8. (d) 9. (i) 10. (c)VIII. Change each of the following into a word, paying attention to part of speech: (每题1分)。

英语词汇学——在线考试一、单选题1. _______ is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning2. _______ is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning3. _______ refers to the emotional association which a word suggests in one’s mind.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning4. _______ consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. grammatical meaningD. lexical meaning5. _______ is the central factor in a word describing what it is.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning6. What is the rhetoric style illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”?A. comparisonB. rhymeC. alliterationD. Repetition7. We can use “come of marriage age” for “come of age”. The kind of usage of the idiom is kno wn as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. Extension8. We can use “see too many trees, but not the forest” for “cannot see the wood for the trees”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. omissionC. abbreviationD. Extension9. We can use “pull an unhappy face” for “pull a long face”. The kind of usage of the idiom is kn own as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. Extension10. We can use “a silver lining” for “every cloud has a silver lining”. The kind of usage of the idi om is known as _______.A. separationB. additionC. abbreviationD. Extension11. When words are involved in the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexi cal items, such that the former is included in the latter, the words belong to the words of _______ _.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy12. ________ is the most common cause of homophones.A. semantic divergenceB. phonetic convergenceC. shorteningD. foreign influence13. When words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called ________ .A. homophonesB. homographsC. homoformsD. homogenes14. When many pairs or groups of words which are different in meaning are pronounced alike or spelled alike, or both, such words belong to the words of ________.A. antonymyB. synonymyC. homonymyD. polysemy15. When a word has a range of different meanings, it belongs to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. antonymyD. polysemy16. The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is the b asis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of heat and light” are call ed a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words17. The word “base” meaning “the thing or part on which something rests” and the word “base”meaning “having or showing little or no honour, courage or decency” are called a pair of ______ __.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words18. The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “lie”meaning “put oneself flat on a horizontal surface” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words19. The word “lead” meaning “guide or take, esp. by going in front, etc.” and the word “lead” m eaning “an easily melted metal of a dull bluish-grey color” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words20. The word “tear” meaning “the drop of salty water from the eye” and the word “tear” meaning “to pull sharply apart” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words21. Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language?A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Contemporary English22. The English language from 1500 AD to the present is called ________ .A. Ancient EnglishB. Old EnglishC. Middle EnglishD. Modern English23. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as _________.A. Ancient EnglishB. Primordial EnglishC. Contemporary EnglishD. Middle English24. French brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD25. The Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD26. The word “shrewd” used to mean “evil, bad, wi cked”, and now it refers to “clever or sharp in practical affairs”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation27. The word “starve” used to mean “to die”, and now it refers to “to die of hu nger”. This is an e xample of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation28. The word “salary” used to mean “a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt”, and now it refers to “fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to person do ing other than manual work”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation29. The word “holiday” used to mean “holy day, a day of religious significance”, and now it refe rs to “day of recreation, when no work is done”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation30. The word “wife” used to mean “woman”, now it means “married woman esp. in relation to h er husband”. The word has undergone a sort of semantic change called _____.A. elevationB. degenerationC. extensionD. restriction31.A _______ is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology.A.stemB.rootC.baseD.affix32.Any root or stem can be termed as a _______.A.stemB.rootC.baseD.affix33.Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed?A.stemB.rootC.baseD.affix34.Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational affixes have been removed?A.stemB.rootC.baseD.affix35.Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational and inflectional affixes have been removed?A.stemB.rootC.baseD.affix36.In the sentence “John was asked to leave after his three-day stay in the town”, “stay” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.poundingB.derivationC.conversionD.acronym37.In the sentence “John decided to nurse his sister himself”, “nurse” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.poundingB.derivationC.conversionD.acronym38.In the sentence “John was asked to get into the office after a two-hour wait”, “wait” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.poundingB.derivationC.conversionD.acronym39.In the sentence “John was doctored by Mr. Smith in the hospital”, “doctor” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.poundingB.derivationC.conversionD.acronym40.In the sentence “John was asked to spy the enemy”, “spy” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.poundingB.derivationC.conversionD.acronym41.Words motivated phonetically are called _________ words.A.onomatopoeicB.similarC.naturalD.symbolic42.From the point of view of ________, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be readily observed in a small group of words.A.nationalismB.anthropologyC.linguisticsD.motivation43.Most English words are _________ symbols.A.definiteB.arbitraryC.infiniteD.hereditary44.According to ______ , there is not a logical connection between sound and sense.A.naturalistsB.anthropologistsC.linguistsD.conventionalists45.According to ______, there is an intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.A.naturalistsB.anthropologistsC.linguistsD.conventionalists46.Which of the following forms does not contain an allomorph of the inflectional morpheme of plurality?A.booksB.pigsC.horsesD.expense47.Which of the following forms is not an allomorph of the morpheme “in-”?A.ig-B.ir-C.il-D.im-48.The word “decoding” has _______ morphemes.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four49.The word “nationalize” has _______ morphemes.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four50.The word “humorousness” has _______ morphemes.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four二、判断题51. Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of sim ilarity. ( )52. Conventionalists insist that there is a logical connection between sound and sense.53. Content words have independent lexical meaning and are used to name objects, actions, state s. ( )54. Most English words are arbitrary symbols. ( )55. A root is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology. ( )56. Proverb is a supposedly wise saying usually in simple language expressing a fact or a truth w hich deals with everyday experience. ( )57. Polysemy is a word has only one meaning. ( )58. Any root or stem can be termed as a base. ( )59. Homonymy is the relationship between words in the pairs which, though different in meanin g, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike or both. ( )60.Function words don’t have much lexical meaning, but they serve grammatically more than an ything else. ( )61.Polysemyisa word has got more than two meanings. ( )62.Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity. ( )63.Content wordsareshort words such as prepositions, conjunctions. ( )64.Function words have independent lexical meaning andareused to name objects, actions, states. ( )65.Proverb is a supposedly wise sayingusuallyin simple languageexpressing a fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience.( )三、阅读理解Aging happens to all of us, and is generally thought of as a natural part of life. It would seem silly to call such a thing a "disease."On the other hand, scientists are increasingly learning that aging and biological age are two different things, and that the former is a key risk factor for conditions such as heart disease, cancer and many more. In that light, aging itself might be seen as something treatable, the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin deficiency.Biophysicist Alex Zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease. He said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to develop treatments."It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical (制药的.industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects," he said."Right now, people think of aging as natural and something you can't control," he said. "In academic circles, people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions. The medical community also takes aging for granted, and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range."But if aging were recognized as a disease, he said, "It would attract funding and change the way we do health care. What matters is understanding that aging is curable.""It was always known that the body accumulates damage," he added. "The only way to cure aging is to find ways to repair that damage. I think of it as preventive medicine for age-related conditions."Leonard Hayflick, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, said the idea that aging can be cured implies the human lifespan can be increased, which some researchers suggest is possible. Hayflick is not among them."There're many people who recover from cancer, stroke, or heart disease. But they continue to age, because aging is separate from their disease," Hayflick said. "Even if those causes of death were eliminated, life expectancy would still not go much beyond 92 years."66. What do people generally believe about aging?A.It should cause no alarm whatsoever.B.They just cannot do anything about it.C.It should be regarded as a kind of disease.D.They can delay it with advances in science.67. How do many scientists view aging now?A.It might be prevented and treated.B.It can be as risky as heart disease.C.It results from a vitamin deficiency.D.It is an irreversible biological process.68. What does Alex Zhavoronkov think of "describing aging as a disease"?A.It will prompt people to take aging more seriously.B.It will greatly help reduce the side effects of aging.C.It will free pharmacists from the conventional beliefs about aging.D.It will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging.69. What do we learn about the medical community?A.They now have a strong interest in research on aging.B.They differ from the academic circles in their view on aging.C.They can contribute to people's health only to a limited extent.D.They have ways to intervene in people's aging process.70. What does professor Leonard Hayflick believe?A.The human lifespan cannot be prolonged.B.Aging is hardly separable from disease.C.Few people live up to the age of 92.D.Heart disease is the major cause of aging.For the past several decades, it seems there's been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America: Get a college education, find a reliable job, and buy your own home. But do Americans still believe in that path, and if they do, is it attainable?The most recent National Journal poll asked respondents about the American dream, what it takes to achieve their goals, and whether or not they felt a significant amount of control over their ability to be successful. Overwhelmingly, the results show that today, the idea of the American dream—and what it takes to achieve it—looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century. By and large, people felt that their actions and hard work—not outside forces—were the deciding factor in how their lives turned out. But respondents had decidedly mixed feelings about what actions make for a better life in the current economy.In the last seven years, Americans have grown more pessimistic about the power of education to lead to success. Even though they see going to college as a fairly achievable goal, a majority—52 percent—think that young people do not need a four-year college education in order to be successful.Miguel Maeda, 42, who has a master's degree and works in public health, was the first in his family to go to college, which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability his parents and grandparents never did.While some, like Maeda, emphasized the value of the degree rather than the education itself, others still see college as a way to gain new perspectives and life experiences. Sixty-year-old Will Fendley, who had a successful career in the military and never earned a college degree, thinks "personal drive" is far more important than just going to college. To Fendley, a sense of drive and purpose, as well as an effective high-school education, and basic life skills, like balancing a checkbook, are the necessary ingredients for a successful life in America.71. It used to be commonly acknowledged that to succeed in America, one had to have _____.A.an advanced academic degreeB.an ambition to get aheadC.a firm belief in their dreamD.a sense of drive and purpose72. What is the finding of the latest National Journal poll concerning the American dream?A.More and more Americans are finding it hard to realize.B.It remains alive among the majority of American people.C.Americans' idea of it has changed over the past few decades.D.An increasing number of young Americans are abandoning it.73. What do Americans now think of the role of college education in achieving success?A.It still remains open to debate.B.It has proved to be beyond doubt.C.It is no longer as important as it used to be.D.It is much better understood now than ever.74. How do some people view college education these days?A.It promotes gender equality.B.It needs to be strengthened.C.It adds to cultural diversity.D.It helps broaden their minds.75. What is one factor essential to success in America, according to Will Fendley?A.A desire to learn and to adapt.B.A strong sense of responsibility.C.A willingness to commit oneself.D.A clear aim and high motivation.Nobody really knows how big Lagos is. What's indisputable is that it's growing very quickly. Between now and 2050, the urban population of Africa could triple. Yet cities in sub-Saharan Africa are not getting richer the way cities in the rest of the world have. Most urban Africans live in slums (贫民窟); migrants are often not much better off than they were in the countryside. Why?The immediate problem is poverty. Most of Africa is urbanising at a lower level of income than other regions of the world did. That means there's little money around for investment that would make cities liveable and more productive. Without upgrades and new capacity, bridges, roads and power systems are unable to cope with expanding populations. With the exception of South Africa, the only light rail metro system in sub-Saharan Africa is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Traffic jam leads to expense and unpredictability, things that keep investors away.In other parts of the world, increasing agricultural productivity and industrialisation went together. More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities; in turn, that created a pool of labour for factories. But African cities are different. They are too often built around consuming natural resources. Government is concentrated in capitals, so is the money. Most urban Africans work for a small minority of the rich, who tend to be involved in either cronyish (有裙带关系的) businesses or politics. Since African agriculture is still broadly unproductive, food is imported, consuming a portion of revenue.So what can be done? Though African countries are poor, not all African cities are. In Lagos, foreign oil workers can pay as much as 65,000 dollars per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town. If that income were better taxed, it might provide the revenue for better infrastructure. If city leaders were more accountable to their residents, they might favour projects designed to help them more. Yet even as new roads are built, new people arrive. When a city's population grows by 5% a year, it is difficult to keep up.76. What do we learn from the passage about cities in sub-Saharan Africa?A.They have more slums than other cities in the world.B.They are growing fast without becoming richer.C.They are as modernised as many cities elsewhere.D.They attract migrants who want to be better off.77. What does the author imply about urbanisation in other parts of the world?A.It benefited from the contribution of immigrants.B.It started when people's income was relatively high.C.It benefited from the accelerated rise in productivity.D.It started with the improvement of peopled livelihood.78. Why is sub-Saharan Africa unappealing to investors?A.It lacks adequate transport facilities.B.The living expenses there are too high.C.It is on the whole too densely populated.D.The local governments are corrupted.79. In what way does the author say African cities are different?A.They have attracted huge numbers of farm labourers.B.They still rely heavily on agricultural productivity.C.They have developed at the expense of nature.D.They depend far more on foreign investment.80. What might be a solution to the problems facing African cities?A.Lowering of apartment rent.B.Better education for residents.C.More rational overall planning.D.A more responsible government.A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the Smithsonian Institution Archives (档案馆) by the FBI after being stolen twice."We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing," says Effie Kapsalis, head of the Smithsonian Insitution Archives. "It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern (实习生), from what the FBI is telling us. Word got out that it was missing when someone asked to see the letter for research purposes," and the intern put the letter back. "The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it."Decades passed. Finally, the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.C. Their art crime team recovered the letter but were unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian's property.The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park.The letter is in fairly good condition, in spite of being out of the care of trained museum staff for so long. "It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it. It has some glue on it that has colored it slightly, but nothing that will prevent us from using it. After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online. One of our goals is to get items of high research value or interest to the public online."It would now be difficult for an intern, visitor or a thief to steal a document like this. "Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s," says Kapsalis, "and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don't even have access to."81. What happened to Darwin's letter in the 1970s?A.It was recovered by the FBIB.It was stolen more than once.C.It was put in the archives for research purposes.D.It was purchased by the Smithsonian Archives.82. What did the FBI do after the recovery of the letter?A.They proved its authenticity.B.They kept it in a special safe.C.They arrested the suspect immediately.D.They pressed criminal charges in vain.83. What is Darwin's letter about?A.The evolution of Yellowstone National Park.B.His cooperation with an American geologist.C.Some geological evidence supporting his theory.D.His acknowledgement of help from a professional.84. What will the Smithsonian Institution Archives do with the letter according to Kapsalis?A.Reserve it for research purposes only.B.Turn it into an object of high interest.C.Keep it a permanent secret.D.Make it available online.85. What has the past half century witnessed according to Kapsalis?A.Growing interest in rare art objects.B.Radical changes in archiving practices.C.Recovery of various missing documents.D.Increases in the value of museum exhibits.A new batch of young women—members of the so-called Millennial (千禧的) generation—has been entering the workforce for the past decade. At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been—or than their young male counterparts are now. But when they look ahead, they see roadblocks to their success. They believe that women are paid less than men for doing the same job. They think it's easier for men to get top executive jobs than it is for them. And they assume that if and when they have children, it will be even harder for them to advance in their careers.While the public sees greater workplace equality between men and women now than it did 20-30 years ago, most believe more change is needed. Among Millennial women, 75% say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace, compared with 57% of Millennial men. Even so, relatively few young women (15%) say they have been discriminated against at work because of their gender.As Millennial women come of age they share many of the same views and values about work as their male counterparts. They want jobs that provide security and flexibility, and they place relatively little importance on high pay. At the same time, however, young working women are less likely than men to aim at top management jobs: 34% say they're not interested in becoming a boss or top manager; only 24% of young men say the same. The gender gap on this question is even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s, when many women face the trade-offs that go with work and motherhood.These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey of 2,002 adults, including 810 Millennials (ages 18-32), conducted Oct. 7-27, 2013. The survey finds that, in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades, young women view this as a man's world—just as middle-aged and older women do.86.What do we learn from the first paragraph about Millennial women starting their careers?A.They can get ahead only by striving harder.B.They expect to succeed just like Millennial men.C.They are generally quite optimistic about their future.D.They are better educated than their male counterparts.87.How do most Millennial women feel about their treatment in the workplace?A.They are the target of discrimination.B.They find it satisfactory on the whole.C.They think it needs further improving.D.They find their complaints ignored.88.What do Millennial women value most when coming of age?A.A sense of accomplishment.B.Job stability and flexibility.C.Rewards and promotions.D.Joy derived from work.89.What are women in their 30s and 40s concerned about?A.The welfare of their children.B.The narrowing of the gender gap.C.The fulfillment of their dreams in life.D.The balance between work and family.90.What conclusion can be drawn about Millennial women from the 2013 survey?A.They still view this world as one dominated by males.B.They account for half the workforce in the job market.C.They see the world differently from older generations.D.They do better in work than their male counterparts.In the classic marriage vow(誓约),couples promise to stay together in sickness and in health. But a new study finds that the risk of divorce among older couples rises when the wife—not the husband— becomes seriously ill."Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce," said researcher Amelia Karraker. Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992. At the time of the first interview, at least one of the partners was over the age of 50.The researchers examined how the onset(发生)of four serious physical illnesses affected marriages. They found that, overall, 31% of marriages ended in divorce over the period studied. The incidence of new chronic(慢性的)illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems. "We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness," Karraker said. "They're more likely to be widowed, and if they're the ones who become ill, they're more likely to get divorced."While the study didn't assess why divorce is more likely when wives but not husbands become seriously ill, Karraker offers a few possible reasons. "Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses," Karraker said. "And because of the imbalance in marriage markets, especially in older ages, divorced men have more choices among prospective partners than divorced women."Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce. "Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages," she said. "But it's also important to recognize that the pressure to divorce may be health-related and that sick ex-wives may need additional care and services to。

Liu Fan
Part III写作
Part I英译汉
我经常听到大人说,“我不能集There are a lot of other things waiting for me to do: banking, touring around the area, registering both with the university and the police and who knows what else.
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程代码: 0057 学年学季:20192单项选择题1、Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel ________ so the service is rather slow an. training. instructing. learning. teaching2、The earliest known native language of England is ________.. Celtic. Scottish. Saxon. Anglian3、Which of the following word is NOT a compound?(). darkroom. wet day. small talk. hot dog4、“ex-”in ex-husband reads ________ and means ________../Iks/, “former”. /eks/, “former”./Iks/, “out”./eks/, “out”5、Overjoyed to see his long-lost friend, Jimmy ________ a toast to the health of them all.. suggested. spoke. proposed. raised6、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of pejoration?(). nice. vulgar. picture7、When it comes to a family quarrel, Mr. Smith just ________.. bury his head in the earth. bury his head in the sand. bury his head in the water. bury his head in the garden8、They all thought that she and her boyfriend were ________.. birds of a kind. birds of a type. birds of a breed. birds of a feather9、We’ve all experienced unpleasant moments at which we have to _______.. chew the bullet. bite the bullet. bite bullets. munch the bullet10、It is in the ________ that English became regularized and standardized.. Late Modern English Period. Middle English Period. borrowing processes of Greek element. Early Modern English Period11、I waited for Tom for ages, but he didn’t _________.. turn in. turn up. turn on. turn out12、The antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.. faded. stale. stuffy13、Choked traffic has been a(n) ________ to urban transportation system.. archenemy. main enemy. major enemy. primary enemy14、American women were ________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard strug. refused. ignored. neglected. denied15、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of melioration? ______. manuscript. marshal. bread. cunning16、Flying in an airplane was once thought to be an impossible ________.. task. problem. promise. profession17、The scientists realized it would be too ________ to ship all people in one boat because. dangerous. risky. daring. bold18、I took the children to the zoo to ________ for the party they missed yesterday.. make away. make up. make it. make of19、Didn’t you hear? Old Tom just ________. Are you going to his funeral?. kicked a pail. kicked the bucket. kicked a bucket. kicked the pail20、John complained that there were several pages ________.. missing. leaking. losing. dropping判断题21、invest and gamble share the same conceptual meaning, but differ in affective meaning. A.√. B.×22、over has the same meaning in the two sentences “Sam lives over the hill” and “Sam tu. A.√. B.×23、In English vocabulary, there are no infixes at all.. A.√. B.×24、An idiom is structurally invariable, thus no changes can be made in its actual use.. A.√. B.×25、In AmE, the letter “t”in water, writing, meter are pronounced closer to /d/.. A.√. B.×26、With the aid of jargons, people of certain field can communicate effectively and economi. A.√. B.×27、Words in a language are loosely or arbitrarily organized without a structure.. B.×28、Words slim and skinny have similar denotations but different in connotations.. A.√. B.×29、There is no principled clear-cut between the lexicon of a language and its grammar.. A.√. B.×30、The synchronic approach to word meaning focuses on the semantic changes over time.. A.√. B.×31、The meaning of words can be equated with what they refer to in the real world.. A.√. B.×32、Words loved, cherished, fainted and swirled all share the same grammatical meaning. A.√. B.×33、In standard AmE, the letter r is pronounced wherever it appears as in bar, board, p. A.√. B.×34、Celtic is a branch of the Indo-European Language Family.. A.√. B.×35、Lexicology is focused exclusively on lexical words or contents words.. A.√. B.×36、Communal knowledge is the part of knowledge that is common to a community of people, exa. A.√. B.×37、The synchronic approach to word meaning is more important than the diachronic approach.. B.×38、Man is a word, a root, a stem and a free morpheme as well.. A.√. B.×39、According to the prototype theory, there exist no clear-cut boundaries between cognitive. A.√. B.×40、The prototype of a category is independent from context.. A.√. B.×主观题41、melioration参考答案:Melioration refers to the process whereby words with humble origins are graduall y used “a woman”, but now it is used to refer to the female ruler of a state.42、semantic loan参考答案:A semantic loan is a word or expression that has developed a new meaning or new meani English word “dream”, for instance, which originally meant joy, music, has taken it43、jargon参考答案:Jargon are languages peculiar to a trade, profession, or other group. For example, R44、morpheme参考答案:Morpheme is the minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function that cannot be furthe45、root参考答案:A root is the morpheme in a word functioning as the core of the meaning. For example, i “ed”crossed out, but “like”carries the meaning common to both “dislike”,46、polysemy参考答案:Polysemy refers to semantic phenomenon where a single word or phrase has several mean when used as a noun and it means quite differently when it is used as a verb.47、subjectification参考答案:Subjectification refers to the process by which the meaning of a given word changes from meant “true”or “real”, which are objective descriptive, such as , very knight mean evaluation. When I say “It is very hot”, the degree of “hotness”is out of my ow48、clipping参考答案:Clippings are forms abbreviated from larger words but share a common function with w “gymnasium” all have their clipped form “ad”, “exam”, “gym”.49、What is a compound and what is a free phrase? How can compound and free phrases be disti参考答案:Compounds refer to words formed by compounding or combining two or more stems. Free p idiomatic meaning. Compounds are similar to free phrases in structure, but compounds features, semantic features and grammatical features.1) Phonetic difference: Stress in compounds tends to fall on the initial element while t Compounds Free phrases'green house green 'house'blackboard black 'board'White House white 'houseThis rule of distinction is not always reliable.e.g. scholar 'activist, Mansion 'Avenue, May 'Flowers, silk 'tie.2) Semantic differences: A compound is a semantic gestalt/gəˈʃtɑ:lt/ that expresses ae.g. green house: a building with glass walls and roof for the cultivation and exhibi while the free phrase green house means a house in green color.The meanings of the constituents in compounds form an inseparable semantic whole. The considerable amount of compounds are transparent in meaning, that is, their meaning is th scarlet fever, etc.3) Grammatical difference: A compound is supposed to perform a single grammatical ro compounds,blackboard and White House cannot be modified by the adverb very, but50、Make an account of the mechanisms of semantic change.参考答案:There are altogether five mechanisms of meaning changes.1) Melioration, also known as amelioration or elevation of meaning, is the process whereby words we.g. knight: Anglo-Saxon origin, “a boy”, but through military and feudal associations, acquired the m2) pejoration or degradation is the process by which the meaning of words become negative or less f churl and hussy are good cases in point for the illustration of pejoration. These words have been conside3) Generalization of meaning, also called extension, widening or broadening, refers to the extension features in the history of words.e.g. noviceOriginally meant “a person admitted to a probationary membership in a religious community”, but to4) Specialization, also known as narrowing or restriction, the opposite of generalization, is the proce which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys only a specialThe word girl, for example, was used to refer to any young person in Middle English but is restricted observed in the word fowl, which is now usually restricted to “farmyard hen” with its old meaning of “bir5) Subjectification is the process by which the meaning of a given word changes from relatively objee.g. very, originally, French word vrai meaning “true” or “real”; the very knight: true knightNowadays if we say that “Lexicology is very interesting”, we use the word very in a much more subj51、A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.参考答案:政客们思考的是下一届竞选,政治家思考的是下一代人民。
【西南大学】[0057]《英语词汇学》试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,【单项选择题】In the 19th century, gold was first ________ in California.A.discoveredB.uncoveredC.recoveredD.incovered正确答案:A第2题,【单项选择题】“lose face” is a(n) _________.A.alienB.translation loanC.denizenD.semantic loan正确答案:B第3题,【单项选择题】The United Nations has appealed for help from the ________ community.A.intra-nationalB.in-nationalC.internationalD.within-national正确答案:C第4题,【单项选择题】Come on! Cheer up! Don’t just sit here as stiff as a ________.A.kingB.queenC.patientD.poker正确答案:D第5题,【单项选择题】You were not seriously injured. Don’t make a _________ out of a _________.A.mountain, molehillB.molehill, mountainC.hill, molehillD.mount, molehill正确答案:A第6题,【单项选择题】Which of the following words is INCORROCT in word formation?A.unhorseB.unmannedC.unfrostD.unhappy正确答案:C第7题,【单项选择题】The figure of speech employed in “My father is a sanitary engineer”is ________.A.hyperboleB.metonymyC.litotesD.euphemism正确答案:D第8题,【单项选择题】After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _________.A.billB.noteC.receiptD.menu正确答案:A第9题,【单项选择题】Words with such clusters as “ch”, “ph”, “pn”, “rh” as in chasm, phone, pneumatic and rhetoric are most probably of _________ origin.tinB.GreekC.ChineseD.German正确答案:A第10题,【单项选择题】If they _______ our offer, we will ________ their goods.A.reject, refuseB.refuse, rejectC.reject, rejectD.refuse, refuse正确答案:B第11题,【单项选择题】We eventually ran out of patience with his ________ behaviour.A.childB.childishC.childyD.childlike正确答案:B第12题,【单项选择题】He was ________ of having asked such a silly question.A.ashamedB.miserableC.sorryD.guilty正确答案:A第13题,【单项选择题】I took only a _________ of beans with me and left.A.handB.handyC.handedD.handful正确答案:D第14题,【单项选择题】The missiles missed their _________, so the research group did not reach its _________.A.target, targetB.goal, goalC.target, goalD.goal, target正确答案:C第15题,【单项选择题】Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a heaven for all forms of insect life.A.toB.withC.atD.for正确答案:A第16题,【单项选择题】No new ideas _______ from the meeting.A.submergedB.emergedC.mergedD.immerged正确答案:B第17题,【单项选择题】Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of subjectification?A.maidB.cornC.veryD.gossip正确答案:C第18题,【单项选择题】Having lost the match, the team went home in ________ spirits.A.darkB.deepC.lowD.empty正确答案:C第19题,【单项选择题】The Old English word stān means ________ in modern English.A.stoneB.stainC.staligD.stole正确答案:A第20题,【单项选择题】After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position.A.assumedB.presumedC.consumedD.resumed正确答案:D第21题,【单项选择题】In “Elizabeth could hear voices through the open door”, the word door means ________.A.the moveable barrier in the entrance to a building, room, cupboard, car, etc.B.the panel boardC.the channel to a certain placeD.None of the above正确答案:A第22题,【单项选择题】Among the synonymous group, old man, daddy, dad, father and male parent, ________ would most probably used by a lawyer in the court.A.dadB.old manC.fatherD.male parent正确答案:D第23题,【单项选择题】Which of the following usually appears in poems?A.horseB.steedC.gee-geeD.nag正确答案:D第24题,【单项选择题】The main characters in the novel seem so true to life, but actually, they are entirely ________.A.imaginaryB.imaginativeC.imaginedD.imaginable正确答案:A第25题,【单项选择题】Mrs. Smith is afraid that she and her husband don’t see ________ on New Year Resolutions.A.face to faceB.eye to eyeC.back to backD.heart to heart正确答案:B第26题,【判断题】Many words in English vocabulary are compositional.A.√B.×正确答案:√第27题,【判断题】In the Middle English period, English lost most of its inflections.A.√B.×正确答案:√第28题,【判断题】deer originally refers to a wild animal of any kind.A.√B.×正确答案:√第29题,【判断题】Latin element was first brought into English by Germanic tribes.A.√B.×正确答案:×第30题,【判断题】time and tide used to be synonymous to each other.A.√B.×正确答案:√第31题,【判断题】VIP is an acronym, formed by taking the first letters of a series of words and pronounced as a single word.A.√B.×正确答案:×第32题,【判断题】London dialect began to spread as Standard English in the Middle English period.A.√B.×正确答案:√第33题,【判断题】Among apple, Fuji apple, fruit and food, fruit is the basic level category and the rest are the subordinate categories.A.√B.×正确答案:×第34题,【判断题】Farewell is shortened from Fare thee well.A.√B.×正确答案:√第35题,【判断题】Comparatively speaking, ask is more formal than interrogate.A.√B.×正确答案:×第36题,【判断题】The meanings of a word form a network in which each meaning enjoys the same status.A.√B.×正确答案:×第37题,【判断题】house is the superordinate of wall, roof, floor, etc.A.√B.×正确答案:×第38题,【判断题】“Just a second!” is a case of litotes (understatement).A.√B.×正确答案:√第39题,【判断题】fall, meaning Autumn, is converted from the verb fall which means “drop or come down under the influence gravity”.A.√B.×正确答案:×第40题,【判断题】In the sentence, “I presume that you are Dr. Livingstone”, presume can be replaced by “suppose”.A.√B.×正确答案:√第41题,【判断题】air-conditioner is a word derived from adding –er to air-condition.A.√B.×正确答案:×第42题,【判断题】A word, car for example, may mean differently to different people.A.√B.×正确答案:√第43题,【判断题】Compared with horse, gee-gee is stylistically more formal.A.√B.×正确答案:×第44题,【判断题】Words with peculiar clusters, such as “ch”, “ph”, “pn”, “rh”,“ism”, “ize” etc. are most probably Greek in origin.A.√B.×正确答案:√第45题,【判断题】Conventionally, native element of English vocabulary refers to the words of Anglo-Saxon Origin.A.√B.×正确答案:√第46题,【解释题】alien正确答案:alien: Alien refer to a word borrowed from a foreign language without assimilation, i.e. no change of the foreign sound and spelling. For examples, “coup d’état”, “résumé”, “régime”, etc. are all Aliens of French borrowings.第47题,【解释题】stem正确答案:A stem refers to a word with all its inflectional suffixes have been removed. For example, in the word “disliked”, if the inflectional suffix “ed” is removed, we have its stem “dislike”.第48题,【解释题】meronymy正确答案:Meronymy refers to the part-whole sense relationship. For example, the word “body” and “head”, “arm”, “leg”, etc. have a part-whole relationship; technically, this relationship is called “meronymy”.第49题,【解释题】generalization正确答案:Generalization refers to the extension of the word range, or the widening of the semantic scope. For example, “manuscript”originally means “something handwritten”; presently, its semantic scope has been widened to be “a copy of a book, a piece of music, etc. before it has been printed”.第50题,【解释题】clipping正确答案:Clippings are forms abbreviated from larger words but share a common function with words they are clipped from. For example, “advertisement”, “examination”, “gymnasium” all have their clipped form “ad”, “exam”, “gym”.第51题,【问答题】What is antonymy and what are its different types?正确答案:Antonymy refers to the relationship between two or rarely more words of the same language, belonging to the same part of speech, identical in style and nearly identical in distribution, associated and used together so that their denotative meanings render contrary or contradictory notions. There are three types of antonymy1) Complementary antonymy refers to the relation between two words that the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other, and vice versa.e.g. male vs. Female; alive vs. dead; boy vs. girl; odd vs. evenThe relation between the members of the pair of complementary antonyms can be best represented in the following diagram: 2) Gradable antonymy refers to the relation between two words that the two words in question are the two extremes between which different degrees of grades can be distinguished. See more examples as the following:good vs. bad; fat vs. skinny; wide vs. narrow; fast vs. slowMany pairs of gradable antonyms contain one marked term and one unmarked, e.g. old/young, heavy/light, fast/slow where the second term is more restricted in distribution than the first. The relation between members of the pair of gradable antonymy can be represented in the following way: 3) Relational antonymy refers to the relation between the two items do not constitute a positive-negative opposition, and the existence of one of the pair presupposes the existence of the other, or one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other. See more examples as the following:e.g. predecessor vs. successor; parent vs. child; teacher vs. student lend vs. borrow; employer vs. employee; buy vs. sell第52题,【问答题】Make an account of the mechanisms of semantic change.正确答案:There are altogether five mechanisms of meaning changes.1) Melioration, also known as amelioration or elevation of meaning, is the process whereby words with humble origins are gradually used in positive, or at least neutral contexts.e.g. knight: Anglo-Saxon origin, “a boy”, but through military and feudal associations, acquired the meaning of title of rank.2) pejoration or degradation is the process by which the meaning of words become negative or less favorable. Previously mentioned words such as silly, idiot, moron, imbecile, villain, churl and hussy are good cases in point for the illustration of pejoration. These words have been considered so offensive that they are hardly used in daily speeches.3) Generalization of meaning, also called extension, widening or broadening, refers to the extension of the word range, or the widening the semantic scope of words. It is one of the most common features in the history of words.e.g. noviceOriginally meant “a person admitted to a probationary membership in a religious community”, but today it refers generally to “a beginner”4) Specialization, also known as narrowing or restriction, the opposite of generalization, is the process whereby a word of wide meaning acquires a narrow or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys only a special concept in present-day English.The word girl, for example, was used to refer to any young person in Middle English but is restricted to young females from the Early Modern Period on. Specialization of meaning can alsobe observed in the word fowl, which is now usually restricted to “farmyard hen” with its old meaning of “bird” only retains in a few expressions like the fowls of the air and wild fowl.5) Subjectification is the process by which the meaning of a given word changes from relatively objective to increasingly subjective.e.g. very, originally, French word vrai meaning “true” or “real”; the very knight: true knightNowadays if we say that “Lexicology is very interesting”, we use the word very in a much more subjective sense because someone else may disagree with our personal evaluation.第53题,【翻译题】He was brainwashed into believing money made defines the means. 正确答案:他被洗脑了,相信为了钱可以使用一切手段。

西南大学培训与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷学期:2020年秋季课程名称【编号】:英译汉【0077】 A卷考试类别:大作业满分:100分答案网叫福到(这四个字的拼音)(共需要完成4道题,下划线的2道题为必做题,另从非下划线题目中选做2道题。
)1. 请将以下段落翻译为汉语(25分)。
(选做题)To learn with success is not a difficult task if some fundamental principles are observed. Among these principles are diligence, devotion, constancy and punctuality.All things can be conquered by diligence. It makes the foolish wise, the poor rich, and humble noble. On learning it produces a wonderful effect. A diligent fool will accomplish more than a lazy wit. None can prove the function of diligence better than Benjamin Franklin, the greatest American statesman and philosopher.Devotion means to set our heart on one thing at a time. Never think of learning another subjet while you are studying one thing. Those who often change their studies will never succeed in the long run. In order to learn successfully, we have to devote ourselves to the study of one subject at a time.2. 请将以下段落翻译为汉语(25分)。
【西南●最新版】[0057]《英语词汇学》网上作业及课程考试复习资料(有答案)[0057]《英语词汇学》第一次作业[论述题]《英语词汇学》第一次作业DefinitionsDefine the following terms with illustrative examples.1. metonymy2. dialect3. translation loan4. oxymoron5. clipping6. conversion7. hyponymy 8. compounding9. doublets 10. specialization of meaning参考答案:《英语词汇学》第一次作业参考答案1. metonymy: Metonymy is one way of meaning transference whereby the name of one thingis changed for that of another, to which it is related by association of ideas.For example, when I say "I am reading Shakespeare (meaning Shakespeare's works),I am using metonymy.2. dialect: Dialect refers to a variety of a language peculiar to some districts andhaving no normalized literary form. For example, Shanghai dialect is spoken peculiarly in Shanghai but there's no literary work peculiarly written in Shanghai dialect.3. translation loans: Translation loans are words and expressions formed from thematerial already existing in the English language but according to patterns taken from another language by way of literal morpheme-for-morpheme translation.Examples are "land-reform”, "mutual-aid” team, "national bourgeoisie”, etc.4. oxymoron: Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two terms that are ordinarily contradictory are combined into one expression for effect, e.g. cruel kindness, a clever fool, etc.5. clipping: Clipping refers to the word forming process by which a word of two ormore syllables is shortened without a change in its function taking place. F or example, "advertisement”, "examination”, "gymnasium”all have their clipped form "ad”, "exam”, "gym”.6. conversion: Conversion is the word forming process whereby a word is changed fromone part of speech into another without the addition of an affix. For example, the verb "release” corresponds to a noun "release”.7. hyponymy: Hyponymy refers to the relationship which obtains between general andspecific lexical items (between the genus and the species). The latter is included in the former. The general lexical item is called the superordinate or the upper term, and the specific item the hyponym or the lower term. For example, a cat is a hyponym of the superordinate animal.8. compounding: Compounding is the word forming process by which two or even morewords are joined to form a new entity. F or example,"darkroom (meaning ‘a room used for photographic processing') is formed by joining "dark” and "room” intoa new word.9. doublets: Doublets are pairs of words (or group of three), which have arisen from the same original form but have in the course of linguistic development acquired different forms and meanings. E.g. coffee, café; name, noun, etc.10. specialization of meaning: Specialization of meaning is a process whereby a wordof wide meaning acquires a narrower sense, in which it is applicable only to some of the objects it had previously denoted, or a word of wide usage is restricted in its application and comes to be used only in a special sense. For example, "m eat” originally meant food and drink in general but it presently means flesh of animal used as food.第二次作业[判断题]《英语词汇学》第二次作业True or False DecisionDecide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false).1.Every word is a unity of sound and meaning, and it is these aspectsthat make communication possible.参考答案:正确/doc/c92972889.html,pared with "calculate”, "work out” is more formal in meaning.参考答案:错误[判断题]3.In the word "modify”, the root is "mod”, the stem is"modi” andthe suffix is "-fy”.参考答案:正确[判断题]4.There are more native words than borrowed words in the Englishvocabulary.参考答案:错误[判断题]5."Sept” in "September” means "nine”.参考答案:错误[判断题]6.Every word has two aspects: the outer aspect ― written form and theinner aspec t ― sound.参考答案:错误[判断题]7.The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but isconstantly changing.参考答案:正确8.Some affixes are free morphemes while some others are boundmorphemes.参考答案:错误[判断题]9.Absolute synonyms can be found in ordinary life, e.g. begin ―commence.参考答案:错误[判断题]10.If polysemy is viewed synchronically, it is understood as the growthand development.参考答案:错误[判断题]11.Simile, metaphor and personification are figures of speech basedon resemblances.参考答案:正确[判断题]12.The person saying "We are short of hands at harvest”, he is usingmetonymy.参考答案:错误[判断题]13.Phonologically, compounds can often be identified as having a mainstress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.。


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程名称:《英语词汇学》课程代码:0057 学年学季:20192单项选择题1、Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel ________ so the service is rather slow and inefficient.training【√】instructinglearningteaching2、The earliest known native language of England is ________.Celtic 【√】ScottishSaxonAnglian3、Which of the following word is NOT a compound()darkroomwet day【√】small talkhot dog4、“ex-”inex-husbandreads ________ and means ________./Iks/, “former”/eks/, “former”【√】/Iks/, “out”/eks/, “out”5、Overjoyed to see his long-lost friend, Jimmy ________ a toast to the health of them all.suggestedspokeproposed 【√】raised6、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of pejoration ()queennicevulgar【√】picture7、When it comes to a family quarrel, Mr. Smith just ________.bury his head in the earthbury his head in the sand【√】bury his head in the waterbury his head in the garden8、They all thought that she and her boyfriend were ________.birds of a kindbirds of a typebirds of a breedbirds of a feather【√】9、W e’ve all experienced unpleasant moments at which we have to _______. chew the bulletbite the bullet【√】bite bulletsmunch the bullet10、It is in the ________ that English became regularizedand standardized. Late Modern English Period【√】Middle English Periodborrowing processes of Greek elementEarly Modern English Period11、I waited for Tom for ages, but he didn’t _________.turn inturn up【√】turn onturn out12、T he antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.fadedstale【√】tiredstuffy13、Chokedtraffichasbeena(n) ________ to urban transportation system. archenemy【√】main enemymajor enemyprimary enemy。

《英语词汇学》课程习题集一、单选题1. The word “humorousness” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. The word “nationalize” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. The word “decoding” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four4. Which of the following forms is not an allomorph of the morpheme “in-”?A. ig-B. ir-C. il-D. im-5. Which of the following forms does not contain an allomorph of the inflectional morpheme of plurality?A. booksB. pigsC. horsesD. expense6. According to ______, there is an intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists7. According to ______ , there is not a logical connection between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists8. Most English words are _________ symbols.A. definiteB. arbitraryC. infiniteD. hereditary9. From the point of view of ________, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be readily observed in a small group of words.A. nationalismB. anthropologyC. linguisticsD. motivation10. Words motivated phonetically are called _________ words.A. onomatopoeicB. similarC. naturalD. symbolic11. In the sentence “John was asked to spy the enemy”, “spy” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym12. In the sentence “John was doctored by Mr. Smith in the hospital”, “doctor” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym13.In the sentence “John was asked to get into the office after a two-hour wait”, “wait”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym14. In the sentence “John decided to nurse his sister himself”, “nurse” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym15.In the sentence “John was asked to leave after his three-day stay in the town”, “stay”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym16. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational and inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix17. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix18. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix19. Any root or stem can be termed as a _______.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix20.A _______ is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix21. The wo rd “wife” used to mean “woman”, now it means “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. The word has undergone a sort of semantic change called _____.A. elevationB. degenerationC. extensionD. restriction22.The word “holiday” used to mean “holy day, a day of religious significance”, and now it refers to “day of recreation, when no work is done”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation23.The word “salary” used to mean “a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt”, and now it refers to “fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to person doing other than manual work”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation24.The word “starve” used to mean “to die”, and now it refers to “to die of hunger”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation25.The word “shrewd” used to mean “evil, bad, wicked”, and now it refers to “clever or sharp in practical affairs”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation26. The Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD27. French brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD28. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as _________.A. Ancient EnglishB. Primordial EnglishC. Contemporary EnglishD. Middle English29. The English language from 1500 AD to the present is called ________ .A. Ancient EnglishB. Old EnglishC. Middle EnglishD. Modern English30. Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language?A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Contemporary English31.The word “tear”meaning “the drop of salty water from the eye”and the word “tear”meaning “to pull sharply apart” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words32. The word “lead” meaning “guide or take, esp. by going in front, etc.” and the word “lead”meaning “an easily melted metal of a dull bluish-grey color” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words33. The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “lie”meaning “put oneself flat on a horizontal surface” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words34. The word “base” meaning “the thing or part on which something rests” and the word “base”meaning “having or showing little or no honour, courage or decency”are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words35. The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of heat and light” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words36. When a word has a range of different meanings, it belongs to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. antonymyD. polysemy37. When many pairs or groups of words which are different in meaning are pronounced alike or spelled alike, or both, such words belong to the words of ________.A. antonymyB. synonymyC. homonymyD. polysemy38.When words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called ________ .A. homophonesB. homographsC.homoformsD. homogenes39. ________ is the most common cause of homophones.A. semantic divergenceB. phonetic convergenceC. shorteningD. foreign influence40. When words are involved in the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter, the words belong to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy41.We can use “a silver lining” for “every cloud has a silver lining”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. additionC. abbreviationD. extension42.We can use “pull an unhappy face” for “pull a long face”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension43.We can use “see too many trees, but not the forest” for “cannot see the wood for the trees”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. omissionC. abbreviationD. extension44.We can use “come of marriage age” for “come of age”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension45. What is the rhetoric style illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”?A. comparisonB. rhymeC. alliterationD. repetition46. _______ is the central factor in a word describing what it is.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning47. _______ consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. grammatical meaningD. lexical meaning48. _______ refers to the emotional association which a word suggests in one’s mind.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning49._______ is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning50. _______ is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning二、名词解释题51. proverbabsolute synonym52. function wordsonomatopoeic words53. homonymydegradation54. metaphorprefixation55. polysemyelevation of meaning三、Word-building processes56. IOC VIP fire-proof ad auto plane CIA BBC ID record-breaking raindrop newscast brunch botel motel beautility champ dorm steamboat honeybee57. sit-in TB phone shoulder-high bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom gym taxi memo vet TEFL SALT dropout setback UN OPEC crystal-clear58.round-the-clock NATO sci-fi telex proof-reader schoolboy chute bus copter PE ASEAN NASA TOEFL air-conditioning lion’s share dozer plane airtel faction lunarnaut59.sea-green flowerbed VOA bike fridge medicare Motown hi-fi tec scope quake NBC EPA UNESCO H-bomb air-tight silkworm peace-loving slimnastics docudrama60.morning person ROM CD flu brunch travelog workaholic motel telex nark pop biz math VCR sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting ABC RAM四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. First VersionEven since I was a CHILD, I have wanted to go on the stage and be an ACTRESS, like my elder sister. She is less PRETTY than I am and I hoped that if I was LUCKY, I, too, would have the chance to PERFORM three or four times a week at our little local theatre.Second VersionEver since my ____, I have wanted to go on the stage and ____, like my elder sister. I am ____ than she is, and I hoped that with ____, I, too, would have the chance to give ____ three or four times a week at our little local theatre.62. First Version“You should be CONFIDENT. You are ABLE to do it,” she told me, “but you may not have the PATIENCE. It takes a lot of hard work to be SUCCEESSFUL. You can ACHIEVE anything if you stick to it.”Second Version“You should have _____ in yourself. You’ve got the _____ to do it,” she told me, “but you may be too ____. It takes a lot of hard work to ____. You can make any ____ if you stick to it.”63. First VersionThen she would DESCRIBE in DETAIL of her CONFUSION and embarrassment when the man who was DIRECTING the play told her that she spoke and MOVE too slowly in one scene. Second VersionThen she would give me a ____ ____ of how _____ and embarrassed she’d been when the ____ of the play told her that her speech and ____ were too slow in one scene.64. First VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after HESITATING for a moment, say “WELCOME!” to and old woman who was ENTERING from the other side. “But take CARE because the stage is SLIPPERY,” he said.Second VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after a moment’s ____, to ____ an old woman who was making her ____ from the other side. “But be ____ not to ____,” he said.65. First VersionThere was no DOUBT that the stage was very slippery, but she would PROBABL Y have reached the other side SAFEL Y if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was in FASHION that year, and tumbled right off the stage, to the ASTONISHMENT of the audience.Second VersionThe stage was ____ very slippery, but it’s ____ that she would have reached the other side in ____ if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was ____ that year, and tumbled right off the stage. The audience was ____.五、简答题(略)……答案一、单选题1. C2. C3. C4. A5. D6. A7. D8. B9. D10. A11. C12. C13. C14. C15. C16. A17. C18. B19. C20. B21. D22. A23. A24. B25. D26. B27. A28. D29. D30. D31. C32. C33. B34. B35. A36. D37. C38. A39. B40. A41. C42. B43. A44. D45. D46. A47. C48. B49. C50. D二、名词解释题51. proverb: it is a well-known, supposedly wise saying usually in simple language expressinga fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience.e.g. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. / The early bird catches the worm.absolute synonyms: two words that are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.e.g. word-formation and word-building or spirants and fricatives.52. function words: short words such as prepositions, conjunctions and so on. They don’t have much lexical meaning and serve grammatically more than anything else. They are in contrast to content words, which have independent lexical meaning and used to name objects, actions, states and so on. e.g. in, on and from.onomatopoeic words: They are the words imitating the sounds or sounding like natural sounds.e.g. cuckoo, tick, bang.53.homonymy: It is the relationship between words in the pairs which, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike or both.e.g. lead (to guide) / lead (a gray metal), tear (drop of salty water coming from the eye) / tear (pull sharply to pieces), bear / baredegradation: It means that words once respectable or neutral shift to a less respectable even degraded meaning.e.g. genteel, terrific, accident54. metaphor: It is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity.e.g. the teeth of a saw, a shower of stones, the tongue of a shoeprefixation: It is the word-formation process by the addition of a word element before an already existing word.e.g. multimedia, inconvenience, antiart55. polysemy: If a word has got more than two meanings, then it belongs to words of polysemy.e.g. rich, full, getelevation of meaning: Elevation is the process where words go uphill, shifting from words showing disrespectable meaning to better meaning. e.g. craftsman, shrewd三、Word-building processes56. compounding: fire-proof record-breaking raindrop steamboat honeybee acronymy: CIA IOC VIP BBC IDclipping: ad auto champ dorm planeblending: newscast brunch botel motel beautility57. compounding: sit-in dropout setback shoulder-high crystal-clearacronymy: TB UN OPEC TEFL SALTclipping: phone gym taxi memo vetblending: bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom58. compounding: round-the-clock air-conditioning proof-reader schoolboy lion’s share acronymy: NATO PE ASEAN NASA TOEFLclipping: chute bus copter dozer planeblending: sci-fi telex airtel faction lunarnaut59. compounding: sea-green flowerbed air-tight silkworm peace-lovingacronymy: VOA NBC EPA UNESCO H-bombclipping: bike fridge tec scope quakeblending: slimnastics docudrama medicare Motown hi-fi60. compounding: morning person sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting acronymy: ROM CD VCR ABC RAMclipping: flu nark pop biz mathblending: brunch travelog workaholic motel telex四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. 1. childhood 2. act 3. prettier 4. luck 5. performances62. 1. confidence 2. ability 3. impatient 4. succeed 5. achievement63. 1. detailed 2. description 3. confused 4. director 5. movement64. 1. hesitation 2. welcome 3. entrance 4. careful 5. slip65. 1. undoubtedly 2. probable 3. safety 4. fashionable 5. astonished五、简答题(略)……。

有些题目的答案并非是唯一的)Chapter 11. The three definitions agree that lexicology studies words. Y et, they have different focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions uses different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon.2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door.(2) Y ou boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o‘clock.(3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting.3. (1) when it follows ‗-t‘ and ‗-d‘, it is pronounced as [id];(2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t];(3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d].4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree‖.(2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly‖ and have a common meaning.(3)They belong to a lexical field of ‗telephone communication‘..(4)They are synonyms, related to human visual perception. Specifically, they denote variouskinds of ―looking‖.5. (a) ‗blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ‗blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ‗greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ‗White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0(b) black ‗board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ‗bird: any bird which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); grey ‗hound: any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ‗white ‗house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress).6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words.7. (a) The ‗bull‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal.(b) ‗Take the bull by the horn‘ is an idiom, meaning ‗(having the courage to) deal with someoneor something directly.(c) ‗Like a bull in a china shop‘is an idiom, meaning doing something with too muchenthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone.(d) A‗bull market‘is one where prices rise fast because there is a lot of buying of shares inanticipation of profits.8. cup, mug, glass, tumbler, tankard, goblet, bowl, beaker, wineglass, beer glass, sherry glass They can be organized in a number of ways, for example, by the drinks the vessel is used for.Non-alcoholic: glass, tumbler, cup, mug, beaker, bowlBeer: beer glass, tankardWine: wineglass, gobletSpirits: sherry glassChapter 21.Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, for example, sing as against sang,sung.Morpheme is the ultimate grammatical constituent, the smallest meaningful unit of language.For example, moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral+lize+er+s.Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph, such as cat, chair, -ing, -s, etc.Allomorphs are the alternate phonetic forms of the same morpheme, for example, [t], [d] and [id] are allomorphs of the past tense morpheme in English.2. quick-ly, down-stair-s, four-th, poison-ous, weak-en,world-wide, inter-nation-al-ly, in-ject, pro-trude3. island, surname, disclose, duckling, cranberry,reading, poets, flavourfulness, famous, subvert4.(a)[ ə](b)[ -ai]5. (1) –‗s, -s(2) -est, -s(3) –ing(4) –ed6. The connotations are as follows:(1) slang, carrying the connotation of reluctance, (2)informal, carrying the connotation that the speaker is speaking to a child, (3) beastie is used to a small animal in Scotland, carrying the connotation of disgust, (4) carrying the connotation of formalness, (5) carrying the connotation of light-heartedness.7. { -əm; ~- n; ~- n; ~-i: ~-s; ~-z; ~-iz}8. court: polysemy dart: polysemyfleet: homonymy jam: homonymypad: homonymy steep: homonymystem: homonymy stuff: polysemywatch: polysemy9. (1)—(f), (2)—(g), (3)—(c), (4)—(e), (5)—(a), (6)—(d), (7)—(b)10.(1) unpractical(2) break(3) impractical(4) rout(5) pedals(6) Route(7) razeChapter 31.The history of English can be divided into four periods: the Old, Middle, Early middle andModern English periods.In Old English period, there is a frequent use of coinages known as ‗kennings‘, which refers to vivid figurative descriptions often involving compounds. The absence of a wide-ranging vocabulary of loanwords force people to rely more on word-formation processes based on native elements. The latter period of Old English was characterized by the introduction of a number of ‗loan translations‘. Grammatical relationships in Old English were expressed by the use of inflectional endings. And Old English is believed to contain about 24,000 different lexical items.In Middle English period, English grammar and vocabulary changed greatly. In grammar, English changed from a highly inflected language to an analytic language. In vocabulary English was characterized by the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin.In Early Modern English period, English vocabulary grew very fast through extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. And there was a great many semantic changes, as old words acquire new meanings.Modern English is characterized with three main features of unprecedented growth of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known as ‗New Englishes‘.2.appeareth in (a) becomes appeared in (b), and dreame becomes dream. The passive weredeparted becomes the active had gone. With the change of word forms, (b) looks simple morphologically.3.barf: American slang kerchief: French mutton: Frenchcadaver: Latin goober: Kongo leviathan: Latinginseng: Chinese taffy: North American kimono: Japanesewhisky: Irish caddy: Malay sphere: Latinalgebra: Arabic giraffe: African4.t rain: meaning changed from the trailing part of a gown to a wide range of extendedmeanings.deer: meaning narrowed from ‗beast‘ or ‗animal‘ to ‗a particular kind of animal‘knight: meaning ameliorated from ‗boy, manservant’ to ‗a man in the UK who has been givenan honor of knighthood‘meat: meaning narrowed down from ‗food‘ to ‗the edible flesh of animals and the edible part of fruit‘.hose: meaning extended from ‗leg covering‘ to ‗a long tube for carrying water‘.5.sell: specialized hound: specializedstarve: specialized wife: specializedloaf: specialized6.American English British EnglishFall Autumncandy sweetcorn Maizesemester termapartment flatDresser Dressing tableStreet car Tram carChapter 41. read+-i+-ness dis-+courage+-ing kind+heart+-edun-+doubt+-ed+-ly stock+room+-s pre-+pack+-age+-ed2.book: books(n.); books(v.), booking, bookedforget: forgets, forgot, forgottenshort: shortter, shortestsnap: snaps, snapping, snappedtake: takes, taking, took, takengoose: geeseheavy: heavier, heaviest3.–ish: meaning ‗having the nature of , like‘de-: meaning ‗the opposite of‘-ify: meaning ‗make, become‘-dom: means ‗the state of ‘il-(im-/in-): meaning ‗the opposite of, not‘-able: meaning ‗that can or must be‘mis-: meaning ‗wrongly or badly‘-sion(-tion):meaning ‗the state/process of‘pre-: meaning ‗prior to‘-ment: meaning ‗the action of‘re-: meaning ‗again‘under-: meaning ‗not enough‘-al: meaning ‗the process or state of‘4. a. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N‖ structure, in which adjectivesare used to modify nouns ‗line, line, neck, room‘. Hotline means ‗a telephone number that people can call for information‘. Mainline means ‗an important railway line between two cities‘. Redneck means ‗a person from the southern US‘. Darkroom means ‗a room with very little in it, used for developing photographs‘.b. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N‘ structure. Bookshelf means ‗ashelf for keeping books‘. Breadbasket means ‗a container for serving bread‘. Mailbox means ‗a box for putting letters in when they delivered to a house‘. Wineglass means ‗a glass for drinking wine‘.c. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N‘ structure. Letterhead means ‗thehead of a letter (i.e. the name and address of an organization printed at the top of a letter)‘.Roadside means ‗the area at the side of a road‘. Keyhole means ‗the hole in a lock for putting the key in‘. Hilltop means ‗the top of a hill‘.d. They are exocentric compounds. Dropout means ‗a person who leaves school before theyhave finished their studies. Go-between means ‗a person who takes messages between people‘.Turnout means ‗the number of people who come to an event‘. Standby means ‗a person or thing that can always be used if needed‘.e. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N-ed‖structure, in whichadjectives are used to modify the N-ed.f. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + Adj‖ structure, meaning As Adj AsN.5.in-: not, the opposite ofen-: to put into the condition ofdis-: not, the opposite ofun-: not, the opposite ofinter-: between, amongmis-: wrongly or badlyover-: too muchre-: againpost-: after6. a. a young dog; pigletb. a female editor; hostessc. a place for booking tickets; refineryd. one who is kicked; traineee. the state of being put up; output7. unbelievable: un- (prefix), -able (suffix)inexhaustible: in- (prefix), -ible(suffix)multinational: multi (prefix)-, -al(suffix)teleshopping: tele- (prefix), -ing (suffix)8. a. initialismb. blendingc. compoundingd. conversion9. a. compounding, affixationb. compounding, affixationc. compounding, shorteningd. compounding, affixation10.a. consumable, comprehensible, exchangeable, permissibleb. absorbent, assistant, different, participantc. constructor, liar, beggar, editor, developerd. elementary, stationary, brewery, mockeryChapter 51. (a) connotation (b) formality(c) dialect (d) connotation2. waterrainwater, brine, tap water, mineral water, spring water, purified water, aerated water, ……..3. (a) keeping(b) feeling of admiration or respect4. (a) hyponymy(b) meronymy5. (a) light beer, strong beer(b) heavy coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee6. amateur—dabbler, funny—ridiculous, occupation—profession,small—little, famous—renowned, fiction—fable, smell—scent7. These words refer to different kinds of pictures or diagrams. Drawing: picture or diagram made with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Cartoon refers to ‗an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine‘. Diagram refers to a simple drawing using lines to explain where something is, how something works, etc. Illustration refers to a drawing or picture in a book, magazine etc. to explain something. Sketch refers to a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details.8.(a) gradable (b) non-gradable, reversive (c) gradable(d) non-gradable, reversive (e) gradable (f) non-gradable9.(a) antonym (b) hyponymy (c) antonym(d) synonymy (e) meronymyChapter 61. 1) literal expression 2) idiom3) literal expression 4) idiom5) idiom 6) literal expression2. 1) die2) something that makes a place less attractive3) suddenly realize or understand something4) make one‘s friends disappoint5) continue to argue something that has already been decided and is not important6) react quickly so as to get an advantage3. 1) gradually reduce the amount of time, money, etc.2) give support and encouragement to someone in a game, competition, etc3) give something to the person it belongs to4) annoy5) fail because a part is weak or incorrect6) try to find out the facts about something7) live under the rule of someone8) talk to someone in order to find out his opinions, ideas, feelings etc.9) give someone a warning or secret information about somethingChapter 71.General dictionaries include all of the elements of a lexicon, including meanings,pronunciations, usages, and histories of the words of their language. Specialized dictionaries are restricted to one variety or to one type of entryword.2.They are different in that different media are used. Print dictionaries do not use electric powerand can be used in all kinds of light. Electronic dictionaries are easy to carry. .3.Open to discussion.4.Open to discussion.5.(a) symbolise(b) symbol of sth is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality orsituation; symbol for sth is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics and music(a)/sim‘bɔlik/ and /sim‘ba:lik/(b)represent(c)2(d)Y es. We know that form the label [VN] and the examples.Chapter 81.vertically challenged—shortsanitation engineer—garbage collectorethnic cleansing--genocideladies‘ cloak room—women‘s toilet2.(1)They differ in connotation. Politician implies disapproval while statesman impliesapproval.(2)They differ in connotation. Inexpensive sounds indirect.(3) They differ in connotation. flatter implies disapproval, while praise implies approval.(4) They differ in connotation. pedant implies disapproval, scholar is neutral.3.(1) buttocks — buns (2) nonsense — bullshit(3) prison — can (4) cocaine — coke4.(a).Turn off the lights, please.(b) Would you please turn off the lights?5. Answers vary from person to person.6. (1) on a formal occasion.(2) when the speaker is seeing a friend off(3) when the speaker is angry and wants the addressee to leave(4) when the speaker is talking with a close friend.7. gateway, firewall, virus, bookmark, address, DOS, cyberspace, profiler, browser, login8. They differ in the terms they used, as they are different jargons.Chapter 91. knife: an object with a sharp blade for cutting thingsclothes: things we wear to keep our bodies warm;building: a structure made of a strong material, having roof, walls, windows, and doors2. She attacked every weak point in my argument.He withdrew his offensive remarks.I hit back at his criticism.She produced several illustrations to buttress her argument.I braced myself for the onslaught.3. The suffix–ee is typically attached to a verb meaning ‗one who is the object of the verb‘. This meaning is considered as the core meaning of the form. So, trainee means ‗one who is being trained‘. But the background knowledge associated with the verb may modulate the meaning of the suffix. Suffix –ee in standee moves away from the core meaning and is deprived of the ‗object‘meaning. So ‗standee‘ means ‗one who stands‘.4. In ‗good baby‘, ‗good‘means ‗well-behaved, not causing trouble‘; in ‗good parent‘, ‗good‘means ‗kind, generous, considerate, etc.‘5. (1) is used to show sad feelings while (2) is used as an apology.。

3. Old English was a highly inflected language .
4. In early Middle English period , English , Latin , and Celtic existed side by side . (
5. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of modern English period . (
五. Choose the standard word from the column on the right to match each of the slang words on the left.
a. tart
b. bloke
c. gat
d. swell
Swedish Spanish Prussian French Slovenian Danish Portuguese
二. Fill in the blanks according to the text :
The language used between 450 and ___________ is called _________ , which has a vocabulary of ___________ . Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to ____________ , followed by the ______________ period , subdivided as early modern English ( ______________ ) and late _____________ ( 1700- up to now )