15 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 2 0 1 0
0 0
11 位数据值 电流输出数据格式
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 电压输出数据格式 2 0 1 0
0 0
பைடு நூலகம்
12 位数据值
任务一: 任务一: PLC模拟量控制及应用 模拟量控制及应用
任务一: 任务一: PLC模拟量控制及应用 模拟量控制及应用
4.模拟量输入/输出举例 .模拟量输入 输出举例
例2 从 模拟 量 输出 通 道AQWO 输出10V 电压, EM232的输出电压范围是-10V~10V,其数据范 围 为 -32000 ~ 32000 , 相 应 的 数 据 值 -2000 ~ 2000。
1.模拟量输入 .
电流发送器 电压发送器 未用端子
开 关
配置开关 增益
没有使用 24VDC电源和公共端
图7-1 EM231模拟量输入模块端子及DIP开关示意图
任务一: 任务一: PLC模拟量控制及应用 模拟量控制及应用
1.模拟量输入 .
电流发送器 电压发送器 未用端子
开 关
配置开关 增益
没有使用 24VDC电源和公共端
图7-1 EM231模拟量输入模块端子及DIP开关示意图
任务一: 任务一: PLC模拟量控制及应用 模拟量控制及应用
1.模拟量输入 .
电流变送器 电压变送器 空闲端子
目前,PID控制及其控制器或智能PID控制器(仪表)已经很多,产品已在工程实际中得到了广泛的应用,有各种各样的PID控制器产品,各大公司均开发了具有PID参数自整定功能的智能调节器(intellig ent regulator),其中PID控制器参数的自动调整是通过智能化调整或自校正、自适应算法来实现。
可编程控制器(PLC)是利用其闭环控制模块来实现PID控制,而可编程控制器(PLC)可以直接与Cont rolNet相连,如Rockwell的PLC-5等。
还有可以实现PID控制功能的控制器,如Rockwell的Logix产品系列,它可以直接与Contro lNet相连,利用网络来实现其远程控制功能。
1、开环控制系统开环控制系统(open-loop control system)是指被控对象的输出(被控制量)对控制器(controller)的输出没有影响。
2、闭环控制系统闭环控制系统(closed-loop control system)的特点是系统被控对象的输出(被控制量)会反送回来影响控制器的输出,形成一个或多个闭环。
二、实验设备1.THPLC-D型(挂箱式)实验装置一台2.FM-26温度控制挂箱一个(包含Pt100热电偶一个)3.计算机一台(或与FX0N系列PLC相配套的手持编程器一个)4.PC/PLC编程数据线一根5.实验导线若干三、接线“Pt100输入”接电热偶(注意补偿端的连线);“加热指示”和“冷却风扇”接PLC 主机24V电源;“控制输入”接模拟量模块(FXon-3A)的IOUT和COM;“信号输出”接模拟量模块(FXon-3A)的VIN1和COM1。
[S3]+ 24 无效
Bit2: 输出变化量(增方) 超出
Bit3: 输出变化量(减方) 超出
PID 指令可以同时多次使用,但是用于运算的[S3]、[D]的数据寄存器元件号 不能重复。
PID 指令可以在定时中断、子程序、步进指令和转移指令内使用,但是应将 [S3]+7 清零(采用脉冲执行的 MOV 指令)之后才能使用。
以上公式中:△MV 是本次和上一次采样时 PID 输出量的差值,MVn 是本次的 PID 输出量;EVn 和 EVn-1 分别是本次和上一次采样时的误差,SV 为设定值;PVn 是本次采样的反馈值,PVnf、PVnf-1 和 PVnf-2 分别是本次、前一次和前两次滤 波后的反馈值,L 是惯性数字滤波的系数;Dn 和 Dn-l 分别是本次和上一次采样 时的微分部分;K p 是比例增益,T S 是采样周期,T I 和 T D 分别是积分时间 和微分时间,αD 是不完全微分的滤波时间常数与微分时间 TD 的比值。
在工业控制中,PID 控制(比例-积分-微分控制)得到了广泛的应用,这是 因为 PID 控制具有以下优点:
1)不需要知道被控对象的数学模型。实际上大多数工业对象准确的数学模 型是无法获得的,对于这一类系统,使用 PID 控制可以得到比较满意的效果。据 日本统计,目前 PID 及变型 PID 约占总控制回路数的 90%左右。
积分作用与当前误差的大小和误差的历史情况都有关系,只要误差不为零, 控制器的输出就会因积分作用而不断变化,一直要到误差消失,系统处于稳定状 态时,积分部分才不再变化。因此,积分部分可以消除稳态误差,提高控制精度, 但是积分作用的动作缓慢,可能给系统的动态稳定性带来不良影响。积分时间常 数 T I 增大时,积分作用减弱,系统的动态性能(稳定性)可能有所改善,但是 消除稳态误差的速度减慢。
Programming ManualMitsubishi Programmable Logic ControllerQCPU(Q Mode)/QnACPU(PID Control Instructions)• SAFETY CAUTIONS •(You must read these cautions before using the product)In connection with the use of this product, in addition to carefully reading both this manual and the related manuals indicated in this manual, it is also essential to pay due attention to safety and handle the product correctly.The safety cautions given here apply to this product in isolation. For information on the safety of the PC system as a whole, refer to the CPU module User's Manual.Store this manual carefully in a place where it is accessible for reference whenever necessary, and forward a copy of the manual to the end user.REVISIONS* The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.Print Date* Manual Number RevisionDec., 1999SH (NA) 080040-A First editionJun., 2001SH (NA) 080040-B Partial additionAbout Manuals, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Section 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3.1,4.2.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.5, Chapter 5, Section5.1, 5.2, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,Section 8.1, 8.2Japanese Manual Version SH-080022-BThis manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights whichmay occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.1999 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATIONINTRODUCTIONThank you for choosing the Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q/QnA Series of General Purpose Programmable Controllers. Please read this manual carefully so that the equipment is used to its optimum. A copy of this manual should be forwarded to the end User.CONTENTS1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 – 1 to 1 - 21.1 PID Processing Method...........................................................................................................................1 - 22. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR PID CONTROL 2 - 1 to 2 - 22.1 Applicable PLC CPU................................................................................................................................2 - 13. PID CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 1 to 3 - 63.1 Performance Specifications.....................................................................................................................3 - 1 3.2 Operation Expressions.............................................................................................................................3 - 1 3.3 PID Control Instruction List......................................................................................................................3 - 23.3.1 How to read the instruction list..........................................................................................................3 - 33.3.2 PID operation instruction list.............................................................................................................3 - 54. PID CONTROL 4 - 1 to 4 - 124.1 Outline of PID Control..............................................................................................................................4 - 1 4.2 PID Control...............................................................................................................................................4 - 24.2.1 Operation method..............................................................................................................................4 - 24.2.2 Normal operation and reverse operation..........................................................................................4 - 24.2.3 Proportionate operation (P operation)..............................................................................................4 - 44.2.4 Integrating operation (I operation)....................................................................................................4 - 54.2.5 Differentiating operation (D operation).............................................................................................4 - 64.2.6 PID operation.....................................................................................................................................4 - 7 4.3 PID Control Functions..............................................................................................................................4 - 74.3.1 Bumpless changeover function.........................................................................................................4 - 74.3.2 MV higher/lower limit control function...............................................................................................4 - 84.3.3 Monitorning PID control with the AD57(S1) (QnACPU only)...........................................................4 - 94.3.4 Function for transfer to the SV storage device for the PV in manual mode..................................4 - 104.3.5 Changing PID Control Data or input/output Data Setting Range(High Performance model QCPU Only).........................................................................................4 - 11 5. PID CONTROL PROCEDURE 5 - 1 to 5 - 105.1 PID Control Data......................................................................................................................................5 - 35.1.1 Number of loops to be used and the number of loops to be executed in a single scan.................5 - 65.1.2 Sampling cycle..................................................................................................................................5 - 7 5.2 Input/Output Data.....................................................................................................................................5 - 86. PID CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS 6 - 1 to 6 - 27. HOW TO READ EXPLANATIONS FOR INSTRUCTIONS7 - 1 to 7 - 28. PID CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS8 - 1 to 8 - 108.1 PID Control Data Settings.........................................PIDINIT,PIDINITP................................................8 - 2 8.2 PID Control ...............................................................PIDCONT,PIDCONTP.........................................8 - 3 8.3 Monitoring PID Control Status (QnACPU only).......PID57,PID57P......................................................8 - 5 8.4 Operation Stop/Start of Designated Loop No..........PIDSTOP,PIDSTOPP,PIDRUN,PIDRUNP.........8 - 8 8.5 Parameter Change at Designated Loop...................PIDPRMW,PIDPRMWP......................................8 - 99. PID CONTROL PROGRAM EXAMPLES9 - 1 to 9 - 109.1 System Configuration for Program Examples.........................................................................................9 - 1 9.2 Program Example for Automatic Mode PID Control...............................................................................9 - 2 9.3 Program Example for Changing the PID Control Mode between Automatic and Manual....................9 - 6APPENDIX APP - 1APPENDIX 1 PROCESSING TIME LIST................................................................................................APP – 1About ManualsThe following manuals are also related to this product.In necessary, order them by quoting the details in the tables below. Related ManualsManual Name Manual Number (Model Code)High Performance model QCPU (Q mode) User's Manual(Function Explanation/Program Fundamentals)Describes the functions, programming procedures, devices, parameter types and program types necessary in program creation using QCPU (Q mode).(Option)SH-080038 (13JL98)QnACPU Programming Manual (Fundamentals)Describes how to create programs, the names of devices, parameters, and types of program.(Option)IB-66614 (13JF46)QCPU (Q mode) /QnACPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions)Describes how to use sequence instructions, basic instructions, and application instructions.(Option)SH-080039 (13JF58)QnACPU Programming Manual (Special Function)Describes the dedicated instructions for special function modules available when using theQ2ACPU(S1), Q3ACPU, and Q4ACPU.(Option)SH-4013 (13JF56)QnACPU Programming Manual (AD57 Instructions)Describes the dedicated instructions for controlling an AD57(S1) type CRT controller module available when using the Q2ACPU(S1), Q3ACPU, or Q4ACPU.(Option)IB-66617 (13JF49)QCPU (Q mode) / QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC)Describes the system components, performance specifications, and functions, protramming, debugging and error codes of MELSAP-3(Option)SH-080041 (13JF60)Q4ARCPU Programming Manual (Application PID Edition)Describes the programming procedures and device name necessary in program creation to control Applied PID using process control instructions.(Option)IB-66695 (13JF52)Before reading this manual, refer to High Performance model QCPU (Q mode) User'sManual (Function Explanation/Programming Fundamentals) and QnACPUProgramming Manual (Fundamentals) in order to confirm the programs, I/Oprocessing, and devices used with High Performance model QCPU(Q mode)/QnACPU.Describes the instructionsused for Applied PIDcontrol.Generic Names:High Performance model QCPU...Generic names for Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU QnACPU ........................................Generic names for Q2ASCPU, Q2ASCPU-S1, Q2ASHCPU, Q2ASHCPU-S1, Q2ACPU, Q3ACPU, Q4ACPU, Q4ARCPUCPU module....................................Generic names for QnACPU, High Performance model QCPU1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION1 This manual describes the sequence program instructions used to execute PID controlwith the High Performance model QCPU/QnACPU.The High Performance model QCPU /QnACPU has the capability to use instructionsfor PID control as a standard feature, so PID control can be executed by loading anA/D conversion module and a D/A conversion module.In addition, the PID control status can be monitored with an AD57(S1).POINTThe Basic model QCPUs (Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, Q01CPU) are not compatible withthe PID control instructions.Use the High Performance model QCPU to use the PID control instructions.REMARKThe High Performance model QCPU is the generic term of the Q02CPU, Q02HCPU,Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU and Q25HCPU.Any of them is abbreviated to the High Performance model QCPU in this manual.1.1 PID Processing MethodThis section describes the processing method for PID control using PID controlinstructions. (For details on PID operations, see Chapter 4.)Execute PID control with PID control instructions by loading an A/D conversion moduleand a D/A conversion module, as shown in Figure 1.1.As shown in Figure 1.1, using the previously set SV (set value) and the digital PV(process value), which is read from the A/D conversion module, PID operation isexecuted to obtain the MV (manipulated value).The calculated MV (manipulated value) is output to the D/A conversion module.The sampling cycle is measured, and the PID operation is performed, when thePIDCONT instruction is executed in the sequence program, as illustrated below.PID operation in accordance with the PIDCONT instruction is executed in presetsampling cycles.MELSEC-Q/QnA2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR PID CONTROL22. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR PID CONTROLThis section describes the system configuration for PID control using PID control instructions.(For details on the units and modules that can be used when configuring the system, refer to the manual for the CPU module used.)CRTOperation panelD/A conversion moduleA/D conversion moduleMain base unitExtension cableExtension base unitPV (process value) inputFor MV (manipulated value) outputFor PID control monitoring (Only QnACPU)CRT control module AD57 or AD57-S1 onlyQnACPUQCPU High Performance modelPOINT(1) For QnACPU, the reference range for SV, PV, and MV values used in PID operations is 0 to 2000. If the resolution of the A/D conversion module or D/Aconversion module used for input/output in PID control is not 0 to 2000, convert the digital values to 0 to 2000.(2) For High Performance model QCPU, a setting is selectable from fixed values as described in (1) or any appropriate values for the unit used. See Section 4.3.5for details.2.1 Applicable PLC CPUComponent ModuleHigh Performance model QCPU Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPUQnACPUQ2ASCPU, Q2ASCPU-S1, Q2ASHCPU, Q2ASHCPU-S1Q2ACPU, Q3ACPU, Q4ACPU, Q4ARCPU2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR PID CONTROLMELSEC-Q/QnA MEMO33. PID CONTROL SPECIFICATIONSThis section gives the specifications PID control using PID control instructions.3.1 Performance SpecificationsThe performance specifications for PID control are tabled below.SpecificationQnACPUItemWith PID Limits for HighPerformance modelQCPU Without PID Limits forHigh Performance modelQCPUNumber of PID control loops—32 loops (maximum)Sampling cycle T S 0.01 to 60.00 sPID operation method—Process value differentiation (normal operation/reverse operation)Proportionate constant K P 0.01 to 100.00Integration constant T I 0.1 to 3000.0 s PID constant setting rangeDifferential constantT D 0.00 to 300.00 sSV (set value) setting range SV 0 to +2000-32768 to +32767PV (process value) setting range PV MV (manipulated value) output range MV-50 to +2050-32768 to +327673.2 Operation ExpressionsThe operation expressions for PID control using PID control instructions are indicated below.NameOperation ExpressionsMeanings of SymbolsNormal operationEV n =PV nf *-SVMV n = MV MV=K p {(EV n -EV n-1)+ EV n - (2PV nf-1-PV nf -PV nf-2)}T S T I T DT SProcess valuedifferentiationReverse operationEV n =SV-PV nf *MV n = MVMV=K p {(EV n -EV n-1)+ EV n + (2PV nf-1-PV nf-PV nf-2)}T ST I T D T S EV n : Deviation in the present sampling cycle EV n-1: Deviation in the preceding sampling cycleSV : Set valuePV nf : Process value of the present sampling cycle (after filtering)PV nf-1: Process value of the preceding samplingcycle (after filtering)PV nf-2: Process value of the sampling cycle two cycles before (after filtering)MV : Output change amount MV n : Present manipulation amount K P : Proportionate constant T S: Sampling cycle T I : Integration constantT D: Differential constant POINT(1) *:PV nf is calculated using the following expression.Therefore, it is the same as the PV (process value) of the input data as long as the filter coefficient is not set for the input data.Process Value after Filtering PV nf = PV n + (PV nf -1-PV n )PV n : Process value of the present sampling: Filter coefficientPV nf-1: Process value of the preceding sampling cycle (after filtering)(2) PV nf is stored in the I/O data area. (See Section 5.2)3.3 PID Control Instruction ListA list of the instructions used to execute PID control is given below.CPU Instruction Name Processing DetailsQ QnAPIDINIT Sets the reference data for PID operation.*1PIDCONT Executes PID operation with the SV (set value) and the PV (process value).*1PID57Used to monitor the results of PID operation at an AD57(S1).×PIDSTOP PIDRUN Stops or starts PID operation for the set loop No.PIDPRMWChanges the operation parameters for the designated loop number to PID control data.*1: For High Performance model QCPU, PID limits can be set to ON or OFF. SeeSections 5.1 and 5.2 for the setting range used in each mode.3.3.1 How to read the instruction listThe instruction list in Section 3.3.2 has the format indicated below:Table 3.1 How to Read the Instruction ListExplanation(1) Classification of instructions according to their application.(2) Instruction names written in a sequence program.(3) Symbols used in the ladder diagram.(4) Processing for each instruction.(5) The execution condition for each instruction. Details are given below.(6) Number of instruction stepsFor details on the number of steps, refer to the QCPU (Q mode) /QnACPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions).(7) A circle indicates that subset processing is possible.For details on subset processing, refer to the QCPU (Q mode) /QnACPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions).(8) Indicates the page number in this manual where a detailed description for theinstruction can be found.3.3.2 PID operation instruction list4.2 PID ControlThe operation methods for PID control with the PID control instructions are the speedmethod and process value differentiation method. The following describes the controlexecuted for both of these methods:4.2.1 Operation method(1) Speed method operationThe speed method operation calculates amounts of changes in the MVs(manipulated values) during PID operation.The actual MV is the accumulatedamount of change of the MV calculated for each sampling cycle.(2) Process value differentiation method operationThe process value differentiation method operation executes PID operations bydifferentiating the PV (process value).Because the deviation is not subject to differentiation, sudden changes in theoutput due to differentiation of the changes in the deviation generated bychanging the set value can be reduced.Either forward operation or reverse operation can be selected to designate thedirection of PID control.4.2.2 Normal operation and reverse operation(1) In normal operation, the MV (manipulated value) increases as the PV (processvalue) increases beyond the SV (set value).(2) In reverse operation, the MV (manipulated value) increases as the PV (processvalue) decreases below the SV (set value).(3) In normal operation and reverse operation, the MV (manipulated value) becomeslarger as the difference between the SV (set value) and the PV (process value)increases.(4) The figure below shows the relationships among normal operation and reverseoperation and the MV (manipulated value), the PV (process value), and the SV(set value):(5) The figure below shows examples of process control with normal operation andreverse operation:4.2.3 Proportionate operation (P operation)The control method for proportionate operation is described below.(1) In proportionate operation, an MV (manipulated value) proportional to thedeviation (the difference between the set value and process value) is obtained.(2) The relationship between E (deviation) and the MV (manipulated value) isexpressed by the following formula:MV=Kp • EKp is a proportional constant and is called the "proportional gain".(3) The proportionate operation in step response with a constant E (deviation) isillustrated in Fig. 4.2.(4) The MV (manipulated value) changes within the range from -50 to 2050 or theuser-defined range (for High Performance model QCPU only).The MV (manipulated value) in response to the same deviation becomes largeras Kp becomes larger, thus the compensating motion is greater.(5) The proportionate operation is always associated with an offset (offset error).4.2.4 Integrating operation (I operation)The control method for integrating operation is described below.(1) In the integrating operation, the MV (manipulated value) changes continuously tozero deviation when it occurs.This operation can eliminate the offset that is unavoidable in proportionateoperation.(2) The time required for the MV in integrating operation to reach the MV forproportionate operation after the generation of deviation is called the integratingtime. Integrating time is expressed as T I.The smaller the setting for T I, the more effective the integrating operation will be.(3) The integrating operation in step response with a constant E (deviation) isillustrated in Fig. 4.3.(4) Integrating operation is always used in combination with proportionate operation(PI operation) or with proportionate and differentiating operations (PID operation).Integrating operation cannot be used independently.4.2.5 Differentiating operation (D operation)The control method for differentiating operation is described below.(1) In differentiating operation, an MV (manipulated value) proportional to thedeviation change rate is added to the system value to zero deviation when itoccurs.This operation prevents significant fluctuation at the control objective due toexternal disturbances.(2) The time required for the MV in the differentiating operation to reach the MV forthe proportionate operation after the generation of deviation is called thedifferentiating time. Differentiating time is expressed as T D.The smaller the setting for T D, the more effective the differentiating operation willbe.(3) The differentiating operation in step response with a constant E (deviation) isillustrated in Fig. 4.4.(4) Differentiating operation is always used in combination with proportionateoperation (PD operation) or with proportionate and integrating operations (PIDoperation).Differentiating operation cannot be used independently.4.2.6 PID operationThe control method when proportionate operation (P operation), integrating operation (Ioperation), and differentiating operation (D operation) are used in combination isdescribed below.(1) During PID operation, the system is controlled by the MV (manipulated value)calculated in the (P + I + D) operation.(2) PID operation in step response with a constant E (deviation) is illustrated in Fig. PID Control FunctionsDuring PID control using the PID control instructions, MV upper/lower limit control isautomatically executed by the bumpless changeover function explained below.4.3.1 Bumpless changeover functionThis function controls the MV (manipulated value) continuously when the control modeis changed between manual and automatic.When the control mode is changed between manual and automatic, data is transmittedbetween the MV area for automatic mode and the MV area for manual mode.The control mode is changed in the input/output data area (see Section 5.2).(1) Changing from the manual ...........mode to the automatic mode The MV in the manual mode is transmitted to the MV area for the automatic mode.(2) Changing from the automatic .......mode to the manual mode The MV in the automatic mode is transmitted to the MV area for the manual mode.POINT(1) Manual and automatic modes of PID control:1) Automatic modePID operation is executed with a PID control instruction.The control object is controlled according to the calculated MV.2) Manual modePID operation is not executed. The MV is calculated by the user and thecontrol object is controlled according to the user-calculated MV.(2) The loop set in the manual mode stores the PV (process value) in the set valuearea every sampling cycle.4.3.2 MV higher/lower limit control functionThe MV higher/lower limit control function controls the higher or lower limit of the MVcalculated in the PID operation. This function is only effective in the automatic mode. Itcannot be executed in the manual mode.By setting the MV higher limit (MVHL) and the MV lower limit (MVLL), the MVcalculated in the PID operation can be controlled within the range between the limits.When the MV higher/lower limit control function is used, the MV is controlled asillustrated above.A MVHL (manipulated value higher limit) and MVLL (manipulated value lower limit)takes on a value between -50 and 2050 or a user-defined value (for High Performancemodel QCPU only).The following are the default settings:• Higher limit................2000 (Or user-defined value)• Lower limit................0 (Or user-defined value)The value set for the higher limit must not be smaller than the value set for the lowerlimit.An error will occur if it is.4.3.3 Monitoring PID control with the AD57(S1) (QnACPU only)The PID control operation results can be monitored in a bar graph with an AD57(S1)CRT controller unit.(1) The monitor screen displays the monitored information of eight loops beginningwith the designated loop number.POINTThe SV, PV, and MV present value are displayed as percentages of 2000.1) SV percentage display...............SV2000100 (%)2) PV percentage display...............PV2000100 (%)3) MV percentage display...............MV2000100 (%)(2) Use the PID57 instruction to execute monitoring with an AD57(S1).See Section 8.3 for details on the PID57 instruction.4.3.4 Function for transfer to the SV storage device for the PV in manual modeThe PIDCONT instruction is also executed in manual mode.In the manual mode, it ispossible to select whether or not the PV input from the A/D conversion module onexecution of the PIDCONT instruction is transferred to the SV storage device or not inaccordance with the ON/OFF status of the PID bumpless processing flag (SM774).• When SM774 is OFF : When the PIDCONT instruction is executed, the PV istransferred to the SV storage device.On switching from the manual mode to the automaticmode, the MV output is continued from the value in themanual mode.After switching to the automatic mode, control can beswitched from the MV that was being output to the SV bychanging the SV.• When SM774 is ON : When the PIDCONT instruction is executed, the PV is nottransferred to the SV storage device.On switching from the manual mode to the automaticmode, control can be switched from the MV output in themanual mode to the SV.Before switching to the automatic mode, store a SV in theSV storage device.POINTWhen SM774 is ON or OFF, switching from the manual mode to the automaticmode may cause different control effects as follows.• When SM774 is OFF, the PV is transferred to the SV storage device.When the manual mode is switched to the automatic mode, no difference iscaused between the PV and the SV and the MV does not change rapidly, exceptthat the SV differs from a target value defined in the automatic mode.Use the sequence program to make step-by-step adjustments to the SV so thatthe SV approaches closer to the target value.See sample programs in Section 9.3.• When SM774 is ON, the PV is not transferred to the SV storage device. This maycause a difference between the PV and the SV when the manual mode isswitched to the automatic mode.A greater difference may cause the MV to change rapidly. So this procedure isused for systems in which the manual mode can be switched to the automaticmode only when the PV approaches closer tothe SV.The automatic mode can be effected without using the sequence program tomake step-by-step adjustments to the SV.REMARKThe SV and PV are stored in the devices in the I/O data area designated by thePIDCONT instruction.4.3.5 Changing the PID Control Data or Input/Output Data Setting Range (HighPerformance model QCPU Only)For High Performance model QCPU, setting ranges can be selectable for PID controldata (see Section 5.1) and input/output data (see Section 5.2). To effect the user-defined setting range, designate the loops for which PID limit settings (SD774 and SD775) are defined, and then set these loops' bits to ON before executing the PIDCONTand PIDINT instructions.SD774SD7750 : PID Limit ON (default setting)1 : PID Limit OFF (user-defined setting)A "PID Limit OFF" setting does not effect the limit control over internal data. To effectthe limit control, execute the processing by operating from the user's application side.。
三菱系列变频器PID控制参数设置及校正三菱变频器PID控制图三菱FR-F700系列变频器PID控制参数调节及校正对象:FR-F740 + 远程压力表(0-1.6MPa)+控制电机控制方式:从PU板输入目标数值,通过压力表输入实时压力测量值,变频器自动调节输出频率一、硬件设置1 短接RT和SD端子,使X14端子为ON ,。
2 短接AU和SD端子,3 将拨码开关置1,出厂时默认设置为0。
该信号置于OFF 时,不进行PID动作,而为通常的变频器运行。
)·在变频器的端子2-5间或者Pr.133 中输入目标值,在变频器的端子4-5间输入测量值信号。
此时,Pr.128 请设定为“20或者21”。
此时,Pr.128 请设定为“10或者11”。
1 调整步骤2 详细校正过程(1)按变频器PU板上的MODE键,调至参数选择界面,如图:,然后旋转旋钮使界面到Pr.C参数设置界面,如图:,再按SET键进入参数号选择界面,如图:,此时字母C后的光标闪烁。
三菱变频器PID控制图三菱FR-F700系列变频器PID控制参数调节及校正对象:FR-F740 + 远程压力表(0-1.6MPa)+控制电机控制方式:从PU板输入目标数值,通过压力表输入实时压力测量值,变频器自动调节输出频率一、硬件设置1 短接RT和SD端子,使X14端子为ON ,。
2 短接AU和SD端子,3二、三、X14信号置于··11”。
1 调整步骤2 详细校正过程(1)按变频器PU板上的MODE键,调至参数选择界面,如图:,然后旋转旋钮使界面到Pr.C参数设置界面,如图:,再按SET键进入参数号选择界面,如图:,此时字母C后的光标闪烁。
(2)将压力表值调节到0MPa并保持,然后旋转旋钮,当字母C后面数字为6时停止旋值为字母100,通过C6 (Pr.904)进行校正。
4.通过C7 (Pr.905)进行校正。
五、说明1 以上参数设置完成,参数校正成功后,变频器断电再次启动后,无需重新设置和校正参数。
2 校正参数前,须保证AU端子和SD端子短接,拨码开关置1(X14置ON).3 Pr.c6设置值对应4号端子输入的测量值的最小值,Pr.c7设置值对应4号端子输入的测量值的最大值,建议分别设置为0和100.4 Pr.128参数值设定PID为负作用还是正作用,当在(目标值-测量值)为正时增加执行量(输出频率),为负时减小执行量时为负作用,Pr.128设定为20;当(目标值-测量值)为负时增加执行量,为正时减小执行量,选择正作用,Pr.128设置为21.5 Pr.133中设定值为当前测量值占最大测量值的百分数。
三菱系列变频器PID控制参数设置及校正三菱变频器PID控制图三菱FR-F700系列变频器PID控制参数调节及校正对象:FR-F740 + 远程压力表(0-1.6MPa)+控制电机控制方式:从PU板输入目标数值,通过压力表输入实时压力测量值,变频器自动调节输出频率一、硬件设置1 短接RT和SD端子,使X14端子为ON ,。
2 短接AU和SD端子,3 将拨码开关置1,出厂时默认设置为0。
该信号置于OFF 时,不进行PID动作,而为通常的变频器运行。
)·在变频器的端子2-5间或者Pr.133 中输入目标值,在变频器的端子4-5间输入测量值信号。
此时,Pr.128 请设定为“20或者21”。
此时,Pr.128 请设定为“10或者11”。
1 调整步骤2 详细校正过程(1)按变频器PU板上的MODE键,调至参数选择界面,如图:,然后旋转旋钮使界面到Pr.C参数设置界面,如图:,再按SET键进入参数号选择界面,如图:,此时字母C后的光标闪烁。
关键词:PLC FX2N-4AD FX2N-2DA 模拟量引言:在电气控制中,存在大量的开关量,用PLC的基本单元就可以直接控制,但也常常要对一些模拟量(如压力、温度、速度等)进行控制。
数据缓冲寄存器内容,可以通过PLC的FROM 和TO指令来读、写。
又比如:我们用PWM的占空比控制加热棒输出功率时,周期定为1000(单位:ms),那么S3+22就设置成1000,如果设的大了,PWM 指令反而就不执行了。
三菱FX2n 可编程控制器PID参数整定
三菱FX2n 可编程控制器PID参数整定
采用PID 算法的控制系统往往能收到比较好的控制效果,例如在方便米生产线烘干部分,我们采用了整定的PID参数就收到比较好的效果。
删去无关程序,形成“三菱FX2n 可编程控制器PID参数整定”梯形图文件。
附件里的这段程序是从主程序里剪切出来的,我在D3000~ 和D2502~ 和D449~都设置了初始值。CPU类型是Q01的,我在办公室里试过,没有报错,更改一下PLC类型,可以传到Q00j里试看看。
三菱QCPU(Q系列) QnACPU编程手册(PID控制指令篇)
© 1999 三菱电机
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之迟辟智美创作一.控制的要求:(1)有两台水泵,按设计要求一台运行,一台备用,自动运行时泵运行累计100H轮换一次,手动时不切换;(2)两台水泵分别由M1、M2电念头拖动,电念头同步转速为3000转/min,由KM1、KM2控制;(3)切换后起动和停电后起动须5s报警,运行异常可自动切换到备用泵,并报警;(4)采纳PLC的PID调节指令(5)变频器(使用三菱FR-A540)采纳PLC的特殊功能单位FX0N-3A的模拟输出,调节电念头的转速;(6)水压在0~10kg可调,通过触摸屏(使用三菱F940)输入调节;(7)触摸屏可以显示设定水压、实际水压、水泵的运行时间、转速、报警信号等;(8)变频器的其余参数自行设定.的设计:1.I/O分配(1)触摸屏输入,M500:自动起动;M100:手动1号泵;M101:手动2号泵;M102:停止;M103:运行时间复位;M104:清除报警;D300:水压设定.(2)触摸屏输出,Y0:1号泵运行指示;Y1:2号泵运行指示,T20:1号泵故障;T21:2号泵故障;D101:以后水压;D502:泵累计运行的时间;D102:电念头的转速. (3)PLC输入,X1:1号泵水流开关;X2:2号泵水流开关;X3:过压呵护.(4)PLC输出,Y1:KM1;Y2:KM2;Y4:报警器;10:变频器STF.2.触摸屏画面设:根据控制要求及I/O分配,按下图1-1制作触摸屏画面.(三菱F940触摸屏的画面制作图1-1)3.PLC的法式:(1).根据控制要求,PLC法式如下图2-1,3-1所示.(PLCFX2N-48MR的法式梯形图图2-1)(PLCFX2N-48MR的法式梯形图图3-1)(2).PLC的关键性法式结构简述:PLC得电后,通过法式把模块中的摸拟量压力信号转化成压力数字量(D160),将压力的数据寄存器D160的值除以25以校正压力的实际值(由特殊功能模拟模块FX0N-3A的资料可知:因0—10kg对应的是数值是0—250,所以压力与数值的关系是1:25).在该系统中我们规定了电念头同步转速为3000转/min,所以同步转速的设定低于3000转/min对机电的呵护是有好处的,这里我们把转速设定为不能超越1250转/min,则数值与通过PID法式运算的MV(输出)值D150(即电念头转速量)的关系为1:5(由特殊功能模拟模块FX0N-3A的资料可知: 因数值是0—250对应的是0—1250转/min,则数值与转速的关系是1:5),所以电念头的转速实际值校正数D102=D150×5÷10(其中除以10是因为所有实数介入PID的SV<设定值>D500,PV<以后值>D160,运算都是以1000%加入的.所以要获得MV<输出值>D150的实际数值需要除以10).因该系统中机电的转速是与压力成正比的,转速加年夜;压力也加年夜!(这里要注意:举措方向【S3】+1,以后值PV,D500<设定值SV,D160;即bit=1,选择逆举措)所以将压力数字量寄存器D160用于PID法式的PV(以后)数字量做为时刻检查管内的以后压力状况.4.变频器设置:(1)上限频率Pr1=50Hz;(2)下限频率Pr2=30Hz;(3)基底频率Pr3=50Hz;(4)加速时间Pr7=3s;(5)减速时间Pr8=3s;(6)电子过电流呵护Pr9=电念头的额定电流;(7)起动频率Pr13=10Hz;(8)DU面板的第三监视功能为变频繁器的输出功率Pr5=14;(9)智能模式选择为节能模式Pr60=4;(10)设定端子2~5间的频率设定为电压信号0~10V Pr73=0;(11)允许所有参数的读/写Pr160=0;(12)把持模式选择(外部运行)Pr79=2;(13)其他设置为默认值.三、系统接线:根据控制要求及I/O分配,其系统接线图如图4-1所示.(PLCFX2N-48MR系统接线图如图4-1)四、系统调试:(1)将触摸屏RS232接口与计算机连接,将触摸屏RS422接口与PLC编程接口连接,编写好FX0N-3A偏移/增益调整法式,连接好FX0N-3A I/O电路,通过GAIN和OFFSET 调整偏移/增益.(2)按图1-1设计好触摸屏画面,并设置好各控件的属性,按图2-1,3-1所示编写好PLC法式,并传送到触摸屏和PLC.(3)将PLC运行开关坚持OFF,法式设定为监视状态,按触摸屏上的按钮,观察法式触点举措情况,如举措不正确,检查触摸屏属性设置和法式是否对应.(4)系统时间应正确显示.(5)改变触摸屏输入寄存器值,观察法式对应寄存器的值变动.(6)按(图4-1)连接好PLC的I/O线路和变频器的控制电路及主电路.(7)将PLC运行开关坚持ON,设定水压调整为3kg.(8)按手动起动,设备应正常起动,观察各设备运行是否正常,变频器输出频率是否相对平稳,实际水压与设定的偏差.(9)如果水压在设定值上下有剧烈的颤动,则应该调节PID指令的微分参数,将值设定小一些,同时适当增加积分参数值.如果调整过于缓慢,水压的上下偏差很年夜,则系统比例常数太年夜,应适当减小.(10)测试其他功能,是否跟控制要求相符.。
软件设计:1.fx2n-48mrplc 的i/o分配:根据控制要求及i/o分配,其系统接线图如图所示.plc输入,x1:1号泵水流开关;x2:2号泵水流开关;x3:过压保护。
3. plc的程序:根据控制要求,画出fx2n-48mr的程序梯形图、plc程序如下图所示。
此主题相关图片如下,点击图片看大图:plc的程序简述:plc得电后,通过程序把模块中的摸拟量压力信号转化成压力数字量(d160),将压力的数据寄存器d160的值除以25以校正压力的实际值(由特殊功能模拟模块fx0n-3a的资料可知:因0—10kg 对应的是数值是0—250,所以压力与数值的关系是1:25)。