
2010 专八真题及答案【篇一:2010 英语专八真题及答案(word 完整版)】>test for english majors (2010)-grade eight- part isection a listening comprehension (35 min) mini-lecturein this section you will hear a mini-lecture. you will hear thelecture once only. while listening, take notes on the importantpoints. your notes will not be marked, but you will need themto complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. when thelecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check yournotes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling taskon answer sheet one. use the blank sheet for note-taking.complete the gap-filling task. some of the gaps below mayrequire a maximum of three words. make sure the word(s) youfill in is (are) both grammatically semantically acceptable. youmay refer to your notes.paralinguistic features of languagein face-to-face communication speakers often alter theirtomes of voice or change their physical postures in order toconvey messages. these means are called paralinguisticfeatures of language, which fall into two categories. firstcategory: vocal paralinguistic featuresa. (1)__________: to express attitude or intention(1)__________b. examples1. whispering:need for secrecy2.breathiness:deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality:anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacysecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresa. facial expressions1. (3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome2. less common expressions----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________b. gesturegestures are related to culture. 1. britishculture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________(5)__________----- scratching head: puzzlement2. other cultures----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________----- pointing at nose: secretc. proximity, posture and echoing1. proximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest(7)_________ proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________2. posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude3. echoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockery section b interviewin this section you will hear everything once only. listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. mark the correct answer to each question on answer sheet two.questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. at the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.now listen to the interview.1. according to dr johnson, diversity meansa. merging of different cultural identities.b. more emphasis on homogeneity.c. embracing of more ethnic differences.d. acceptance of more branches of christianity.2. according to the interview, which of the following statements in correct?a. some places are more diverse than others.b. towns are less diverse than large cities.c. diversity can be seen everywhere.d. american is a truly diverse country.3. according to dr johnson, which place will witness a radicalchange in its racial makeup by 2025?a. maineb. selinsgrovec.philadelphia d.california4. during the interview dr johnson indicates thata. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.b. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.c. age diversity could lead to pension problems.d. older populations are more racially diverse.5. according to the interview, religious diversitya. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.b. exists among muslim immigrants.c. is restricted to certain places in the us.d. is spreading to more parts of the country.section c news broadcastin this section you will hear everything once only. listencarefully and then answer the questions that follow. mark thecorrect answer to each question on your coloured answersheet.question 6 is based on the following news. at the end of thenews item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer thequestion.now listen to the news.6. what is the main idea of the news item?a. sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.b. japan will market its wallet phone abroad.c. the wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.d. reader devices are available at stores and stations.question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. at the end ofthe news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer thequestions.now listen to the news.7. which of the following is mentioned as the government ’s measure to control inflation?a. foreign investment.b. donorsupport.c. price control.d. bank prediction.8. according to kingdom bank, what is the current inflationrate in zimbabwe?a. 20 million percent.b. 2.2 million percent.c. 11.2million percent.d. over 11.2 million percent.question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. at the endof the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer thequestion.now listen to the news.9. which of the following is correct? a. a big fireerupted on the nile river.b. helicopters were used to evacuate people.c. five people were taken to hospital for burns.d. a big fire took place on two floors. 10. the likely cause of the bigfire isa. electrical short-cut.b. lack of fire-satefy measures.c. terrorism.d.not known.part ii reading comprehension (30 min)in this section there are four reading passages followed by atotal of 20 multiple-choice questions. read the passages andthen mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.text astill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (sodoes its name, officially changed in 2001 from calcutta tokolkata, which is closer to what the word sounds like in bengali. conversing in english, i never heard anyone call thecity anything but calcutta.) to westerners, the conveyancemost identified with kolkata is not its modern subway — afacility whose spacious stations have art on the walls andcricket matches on television monitors —but the hand-pulled rickshaw. stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cartwith high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks closeto needing the succor of mother teresa. for years the government has been talking about eliminating hand-pulledrickshaws on what it calls humanitarian grounds —principallyon the ground that, as the mayor of kolkata has often said, it isoffensive to see “one man sweating and straining to pullanother man. ”but these days politicians also lament theimpact of 6,000 hand- pulled rickshaws on a modern city ’straffic and, particularly, on its image. “w s e t r s y t e t o r n e rassociate beggars and these rickshaws with the calcuttalandscape, but this is not what calcutta stands for, ”the chiefminister of west bengal, buddhadeb bhattacharjee, said in apress conference in 2006. “our city stands for prosperity anddevel opment. ”the chief minister t h—eequivalent of a state governor —went on to announce thathand-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from the streetsof kolkata.from june to september kolkata can get torrential rains, and itsdrainage system doesn ’t need o t rrential rain to begin backingup. residents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that inkolkata “if a stray cat pees, there ’s a flood. ”during my stay itonce rained for about 48 hours. entire neighborhoods couldn ’tbe reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers ’waists. when it ’s raining, the normalcustomer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as doesthe price of a journey. a writer in kolkata told me, t “when irains, even the governor takes rickshaws. ”while i was in kolkata, a magazine called india today publishedits annual ranking of indian states, according to suchmeasurements as prosperity and infrastructure. among india ’s20 largest states, bihar finished dead last, as it has for four ofthe past five years. bihar, a couple hundred miles north ofkolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers comefrom. once in kolkata, they sleep on the street or in theirrickshaws or in a dera —a combination garage and repair shop and dormitory managed bysomeone called a sardar. for sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about$2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal untilyou’ve visited a dera. they gross between 100 and 150 rupees aday, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of therickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing astreet where rickshaws are prohibited. a 2003 study found that rickshawpullers are near the bottom of kolkata occupations in income,doing better than only the ragpickers and the beggars. forsomeone without land or education, that still beats trying tomake a living in bihar.there are people in kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sortof thing people of their station do or because they regard thehand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. ironically, someof those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws.the editor of the editorial pages of kolkata ’s telegraph—rudrangshu mukherjee, a former academic who still writeshistory books —told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side ofkeeping hand- pulled rickshaws on the road. “i refuse to be carried by another human being myself, ”he said, “but i question whether we have the right to take away theirlivelihood. ”rickshawsupporters point out that when it comesto demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly uniquein kolkata.when i asked one rickshaw puller if he thought thegovernment ’s plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on agenuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shakeof his head —a gesture i interpreted to mean, “if【篇二:2010 年英语专八真题及其答案】s (2010) -grade eight- listening comprehension (35 min)section a mini-lecturein this section you will hear a mini-lecture. you will hear thelecture once only. while listening, take notes on the importantpoints. your notes will not be marked, but you will need themto complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. when thelecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check yournotes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling taskon answer sheet one. use the blank sheet for note-taking.complete the gap-filling task. some of the gaps below mayrequire a maximum of three words. make sure the word(s) youfill in is (are) both grammatically semantically acceptable. youmay refer to your notes.。

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racialmakeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government’s measure to controlinflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AStill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (So does its name, officially changed in 2001 from Calcutta to Kolkata, which is closer to what the word sounds like in Bengali. Conversing in English, I never heard anyone call the city anything but Calcutta.) To Westerners, the conveyance most identified with Kolkata is not its modern subway—a facility whose spacious stations have art on the walls and cricket matches on television monitors—but the hand-pulled rickshaw. Stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa. For years the government has been talking about eliminating hand-pulled rickshaws on what it calls humanitarian grounds—principally on the ground that, as the mayor of Kolkata has often said, it is offensive to see “one man sweating and straining to pull another man.” But these days politicians also lament the impact of 6,000 hand-pulled rickshaws on a modern city’s traffic and, particularly, on its image. “Westerners try to associate beggars and these rickshaws with the Calcutta landscape, but this is not what Calcutta stands for,” the chief minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, said in a press conference in 2006. “Our city stands for prosperity and development.” The chief minister—the equivalent of a state governor—went on to announce that hand-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from the streets of Kolkata.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. (Actually, I saw almost no tourists in Kolkata, apart from the young backpackers on Sudder Street, in what used to be a red-light district and is now said to be the single place in the city where the services a rickshaw puller offers may include providing female company to a gentleman for the evening.) It’s the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws—not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimesinaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafés or corner stores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. (One morning I saw a rickshaw puller take on a load of live chickens—tied in pairs by the feet so they could be draped over the shafts and the folded back canopy and even the axle. By the time he trotted off, he was carrying about a hundred upside-down chickens.) The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are schoolchildren. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains, and its drainage system doesn’t need torrential rain to begin backing up. Residents who favor a touc h of hyperbole say that in Kolkata “if a stray cat pees, there’s a flood.” During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn’t be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled throug h water that was up to the pullers’ waists. When it’s raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, “When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws.”While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India’s 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a couple hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the ragpickers and the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata’s Telegraph—Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books—told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. “I refuse to be carried by another human being myself,” he said, “but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood.” Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government’s plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on a genuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with aquick shake of his head—a gesture I interpr eted to mean, “If you are so naive as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on.” Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered something in its p lace. As migrant workers, they don’t have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata’s sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything—or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. “The government was the government of the poor people,” one sardar told me. “Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people.”But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations—or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they’re supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, “has difficulty letting go.” One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated.“Which optio n has been chosen?” I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.“That hasn’t been decided,” he said.“When will it be decided?”“That hasn’t been decided,” he said.11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the followingEXCEPTA. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchasesD. carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers fromBihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That “For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make aliving in Bihar” (4 paragraph) means that even so,A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware peopleA. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions fro rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author’s sense of humor?A. “…not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.”(2paragraph)B. “…,.which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera.”(4paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, “ has difficulty letting go.” (7 paragraph).D.“…or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything butumbrellas.” (6 paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passageseems to suggestA. the uncertainty of the court’s decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers(people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing inCanada--get this--"we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. And billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to a station 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many U.S. lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, who don't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do--unhappily.For those of us in the latter group-- consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder --what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: "We wait. We are bored."17. What does the following sentence mean? “Once the most democratic ofinstitutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers…Poor suckers, mostly.” (2 paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America’s democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors andCongressmen)A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the caféof his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned. Bbylonian, a while palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the other building like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand llights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress( five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to the table in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such as the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were al there. It seemed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all,climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, whre an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, s sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: “ For one, sir? This way, please,” Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That “behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel” suggests thatA. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café..C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the café was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPTA. “…turned Babylonian”.B. “perhaps a new barbarism’.C. “acres of white napery”.D. “balanced to the last halfpenny”.23. In its context the statement that “ the place was built for him” means that the caféwas intended toA. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit gullible people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The café was both full of people and full of warmth.C. The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraphEXCEPT thatA. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author’s attitude to the café isA. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DI Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe’s last pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can’t do anything about. But the truth is, once you’re off the beat-en paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they’re all bad, so Iceland’s natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhab-itants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the “Mona Lisa.”When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter, those who had been dreaming of some-thing like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world’s richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the proj-ect’s advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country’s century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially had ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a sod hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegeta-tion and livestock, all spirit—a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one’s sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions—the remote and sparsely populated east—where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many indi-vidual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies, and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing every-thing they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. “Smelter or death.”The contract with Alcoa would infuse the re-gion with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself.“We have to live,” Halldór Ásgrímsson said in his sad, sonorous voice. Halldór, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region,was a driving force behind the project. “We have a right to live.”27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something ofA. environmental value.B. commercial value.C. potential value for tourism.D. great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland’s old-aged advocates’ feeling towards the Alcoa project?A. Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.B. The project would lower life expectancy.C. The project would cause environmental problems.D. The project symbolizes and end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPTA. fewer fishing companies.B. fewer jobs available.C. migration of young people.D. impostion of fishing quotas.30. The 4 paragraph in the passageA. sums up the main points of the passage.B. starts to discuss an entirely new point.C. elaborates on the last part of the 3 paragraph.D. continues to depict the bleak economic situation.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.31. Which of the following statements in INCORRECT?A. The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215.B. The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts.C. The British constitution includes decisions made by courts of law.D. The British constitution includes one single written constitution.32. The first city ever founded in Canada isA. Quebec.B. Vancouver.C. Toronto.D. Montreal.33. When did the Australian Federation officially come into being?。

2010年英语专业八级真题与参考答案PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.I. First category: vocal paralinguistic features(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________Examples1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacyII.Second category: physical paralinguistic featuresA.facial expressions(3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcomeless common expressions----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________B.gesturegestures are related to culture.British culture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________----- scratching head: puzzlementother cultures----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________----- pointing at nose: secretC.proximity, posture and echoing1.proximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________2.posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________ ----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude3.echoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockerySECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government’s measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AStill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (So does its name, officially changed in 2001 from Calcutta to Kolkata, which is closer to what the word sounds like in Bengali. Conversing in English, I never heard anyone call the city anything but Calcutta.) To Westerners, the conveyance most identified with Kolkata is not its modern subway—a facility whose spacious stations have art on the walls and cricket matches on television monitors—but the hand-pulled rickshaw. Stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa. For years the government has been talking about eliminating hand-pulled rickshaws on what it calls humanitarian grounds—principally on the ground that, as the mayor of Kolkata has often said, it is offensive to see “one man sweating and straining to pull another man.” But these days politicians also lament the impact of 6,000 hand-pulled rickshaws on a modern city’s traffic and, particularly, on its image. “Westerners try to associate beggars and these rickshaws with the Calcutta landscape, but this is not what Calcutta stands for,” the chief minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, said in a press conference in 2006. “Our city stands for prosperity and development.” The chief minister—the equivalent of a state governor—went on to announce that hand-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from the streets of Kolkata.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. (Actually, I saw almost no tourists in Kolkata, apart from the young backpackers on Sudder Street, in what used to be a red-light district and is now said to be the single place in the city where the services a rickshaw puller offers may include providing female company to a gentleman for the evening.) It’s the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws—not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimes inaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafés or corner stores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. (One morning I saw a rickshaw puller take on a load of live chickens—tied in pairs by the feet so they could be draped over the shafts and the folded back canopy and even the axle. By the time he trotted off, he was carrying about a hundred upside-down chickens.) The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are schoolchildren. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains, and its drainage system doesn’t needtorrential rain to begin backing up. Residents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that in Kolkata “if a stray cat pees, there’s a flood.” During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn’t be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers’ waists. When it’s raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, “When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws.”While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India’s 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a couple hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the ragpickers and the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata’s Telegraph—Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books—told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. “I refuse to be carried by another human being myself,” he said, “but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood.” Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government’s plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on a genuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head—a gesture I interpreted to mean, “If you are so naive as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on.” Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered something in its place. As migrant workers, they don’t have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata’s sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything—or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. “The government was the government of the poor people,” one sardar told me. “Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people.”But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations—or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they’re supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statementshave been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, “has difficulty letting go.” One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated.“Which option has been chosen?” I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.“That hasn’t been decided,” he said.“When will it be decided?”“That hasn’t been decided,” he said.11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following EXCEPTA. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchasesD. carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers from Bihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That “For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar” (4 paragraph) means that even so,A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware peopleA. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions fro rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author’s sense of humor?A. “…not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.” (2 paragraph)B. “…,.which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera.” (4 paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, “ has difficulty letting go.” (7 paragraph).D.“…or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas.” (6 paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggestA. the uncertainty of the court’s decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers(people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada--get this--"we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. And billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to a station 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many U.S. lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore notjust civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, who don't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do--unhappily.For those of us in the latter group-- consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder --what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: "We wait. We are bored."17. What does the following sentence mean? “Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers…Poor suckers, mostly.” (2 paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America’s democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors and Congressmen)A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the café of his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned. Bbylonian, a while palace with ten thousand lights. It toweredabove the other building like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand llights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress( five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to the table in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such as the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were al there. It seemed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, whre an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, s sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: “ For one, sir? This way, please,” Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That “behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel” suggests thatA. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café..C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the café was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPTA. “…turned Babylonian”.B. “perhaps a new barbarism’.C. “acres of white napery”.D. “balanced to the last halfpenny”.23. In its context the statement that “ the place was built for him” means that the caféwas intended toA. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit gullible people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The café was both full of people and full of warmth.C. The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT thatA. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author’s attitude to the café isA. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DI Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe’s last pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can’t do anything about. But the truth is, once you’re off the beat-en paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they’re all bad, so Iceland’s natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhab-itants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the “Mona Lisa.”When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter, those who had been dreaming of some-thing like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world’s richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the proj-ect’s advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country’s century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially had ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a sod hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegeta-tion and livestock, all spirit—a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one’s sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions—the remoteand sparsely populated east—where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many indi-vidual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies, and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing every-thing they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. “Smelter or death.”The contract with Alcoa would infuse the re-gion with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself.“We have to live,” Halldór Ásgrímsson said in his sad, sonorous voice. Halldór, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. “We have a right to live.”27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something ofA. environmental value.B. commercial value.C. potential value for tourism.D. great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland’s old-aged advocates’ feeling towards the Alcoa project?A. Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.B. The project would lower life expectancy.C. The project would cause environmental problems.D. The project symbolizes and end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPTA. fewer fishing companies.B. fewer jobs available.C. migration of young people.D. impostion of fishing quotas.30. The 4 paragraph in the passageA. sums up the main points of the passage.B. starts to discuss an entirely new point.C. elaborates on the last part of the 3 paragraph.D. continues to depict the bleak economic situation.PART IIIGENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.。

英语专业八级2010年试题答案及解析第一部分听力理解SECTION A MINI-LECTURE1. tones of voice【解析】细节题。
这篇讲座主要介绍辅助语言学,其特征分为两大类,第一类就是语言特征,文中提到“Vocal features are actually tones of voice...”。
2. huskiness【解析】细节题。
由“The third is huskiness, which is to show unimportance.”可以得知表达沙哑的语音特征就是“huskiness”。
3. universal expression/signal【解析】细节题。
肢体的辅助语言特征第一类是面部表情,作者举例时讲到“We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome”,同时,也列举了一些不常用的表情,即less common expression,与之相对应的也就是universal expression,所以答案是“universal expression/signal”。
4. thinking or uncertainty【解析】细节题。
在介绍面部表情时作者提到“…biting your lip, which indicates you are deep in thinking. or are uncertain about something,”。
5. lack of interest/indifference【解析】细节题。
在将英国人行为中,作者提到“In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attit ude of ‘I don't care’or‘ I don't know.’”。

语 言测试的真实性是过去 2 0年来测试界一直关注 的问题。 94 18 年的国际语言测试大会对此进行了专门的讨论。斯波斯基总结到: “( 言测试 的) 语 真实性标准 给测试领域提 出了语用和 伦理的 问题 。 测试材 料缺乏真实性对我 们根据测试成 绩所做出的推论也提 出 了疑 问。” ( ply 9 5 S o k ,18 )测试 界对语言测试 的真 实性看法不~ 。有 s 学者 认为语言测试 的真 实性就是努力把 实际生活中 的交 际活动复制 出来 。也有学者认 为应 该注重语言 的使 用者、语境和语篇 的相互关 系,应该让被试者完成特定的交际任务,以便于评价他们的语言能 力和交际能力。B cm n(9 1 ah a 19 )提出应该从情景真实性和交际真 实性两 个发面来定义测试 的真实性 。情 景真实性是指测试 方法 特征 与将来 某一特定 目的语使用 的情景特征 相关的程度 。交际真 实性指 的是考 生在完成某-N试 任务时 ,其语 言力的那些方面参 与了完成 - 该测试任 务的活动 ,参与 的程度如何 。与情 景真实性不 同,交 际真 实性强 调的是考生与测试任务之 间的交际关系 。 ( 刘润清 ,19 ) 较低 。 99 B cma ah n认为, 情景真实性和 交际真实性只是两个相对 的概念, ( )语 言任务 的真实性 。B cm n (90 二 ah a 19 )认为,语言 交际 我们只 能说某测试 的真实 性 “ ”或 “ ”,不能简单地 说它 “ 高 低 真 能 力 由语 言 能 力 ,策 略 能 力 和 心 理 生 理 机 制 三 个 部 分 组 成 。 实 ”或 “ 不真实 ”。一般来讲 ,提高测试 的情 景真实性要容 易些 , Miiet e n 1 u 作为英 语专业 八级测试的一个项 目 以测量考 生的语 言 .cr 应 而提高测试的交际真实性则要复杂些、难些。因为提高测试的交际 交际能力为 目的,充分考核考生语 言交际能力各要 素的参与程 度, 真 实性意 味着提 高考 生在 完成某 一 测试任 务 时其语 言能 力六要 素 提高测试的交际真实性。下面,笔者从任务类型,任务设置及任务 ( 即语 言组 织能力 、语用 能力及评估 、确定 目标、制定计划 、执行 要求三个方面对本项 目的真实性进行具体分析 。 计划 四种元认 知策略)的参与程度 ( 润清 ,19 )。 刘 99 1任务类型 。本项 目要求考 生边 听边记 ,这种任务类 型是 日常 . 二、英语专业八级 Miietr 听力测试题型的真实 生活中最常见的 、应用 范围最广 的语 言能力展现形式 。无 论是学习 n l ue -c 性研究 听课 ,还是会议记 录,或是语言翻译 ,人们都要运用听记 并行的能 八级考试 Mi.c r 是一个将 听力和 做笔记填空结合 的题 型。 力,因而,本项 目较真实 。 n1te ie u 该项 目是一个 90字左右 的讲座 ,考 生边听边做笔记 ,然后完 成填 0 2任务设置。 . 考生要完成 Mi. c r 测试项目, n 1te ie u 必须要尽可能 空任务 。具 体步骤如下 :考 生听录音 ,同时将 笔记作在统一 发放的 全面、充分地理解 、记录讲座 。笔者认 为本项 目做到 了对考 生语 言 空 白纸 上。录音结束后 ,监考 人员将填 空短 文发给考生 ,短文 类似 交际能力各要素 的评判 ,真实性较高 。 首先 ,考生必须运用其语法、 听力原文 的概 要。考生须按照 自己所作 的听 力笔记完成填 空任 务。 词汇 等语言能力 去理解 讲座 ,同时加 工、概括原文 ,选取 重点,正 用于填 空的词不一定非得 是录 音中 H现 的词 ,凡是在语义 上与原文 确记录;其 次,要在有限 的时 间内记 录大量信息 ,考 生要具备较强 J 致 且 语 法上 与填 空 短文 相 适 应 的单 词 均可 。下 面 ,笔 者 将 在 的策略能力 ,即如何又快又准地全面 记录,应该选取什么 技巧来完 B cma ah n的理论的基础上 ,从语 言材 料及语言任务两方面对 本测试 成 ( 运用缩 写、符 号、图表等 ) :另外,本项 目 考生的心理因素也 对 具有较强的挑战性 。测试 的过程 中,语 言的接收与输 出同时进行, 题型的真实性做 以研 究。 ( 一)语言材料的真实性。应用语言学家 Wi o sn认为语言 考 生必须要克服 自己的紧张心理 ,平静、沉稳地去完成 任务,让 自 d wo d 材料 的真 实性是指材料与学 习者之间 的关系特 性,与学 习者 的恰 当 己的语言能力得 以充分 发挥。 3任务要求 。本项 目要求考 生先 做笔记后填 空,符 合语言运用 . 反应有关,是语言学习中材料与学习者的交互真实性。换言之,学 习者在 课堂中接触到的语 言应该是在现 实生活中听到和看 到的语言 的实际状况 ,提 高 了本测试题 型的真实性 。笔者选 用两 个英语专业 每 5 两个班的学生在 同 学 习者在课 堂 中要完 成 的任务 就是 在现 实生 活中可 能要解 决 的 问 三年级的两个班做 了实证 研究 。 班人数 2 人 。

Mini-lecture 1Cultural UnderstandingLike learning a language,developing cultural understanding occurs step by step over time.Here are five stages of cultural understanding veduchina.Stage one:No understanding.一involves no awareness of the new culture:know nobody and few(1)Stage two:Sup erficial understanding.--awareness of (2) aspects of the foreign culture and stereotypes veduchina--stereotytres are(3)Stage three:Growing understanding and possible(4)--awareness of more subtle,less visible traits in foreign culture--unnecessarily bring acceptance veduchina.For anyone,the home culture is(5)Stage four:Greater(6)————understanding.一still(7) have little empathy veduchina一the(8) level is higherStage five:True empathy,and cultural (9)————.—to live in the foreign culture:the amount of time depends Oil(10)Mini-lecture 2 British Educational System1.Primary and secondary educationin Britain1)Children at the age of(1)________go to primary school.2)Students attend secondaryschool until age sixteen.3)Students enter higher education at age eighteen.2.Higher education in Britain1) In England and Wales:—Application for universities:through the UCCA;一Courses:“course”refers to a(2)_______ program,structured with a fixed program of classes;—Classes:a.classes are offered in the UK on a(3)________basis veduchina;b.more emphasi s i s placed on(4)________study;c.students write more essays and take fewer objective tests;d.classes often take the following forms:(5)______,tutorials,seminars.2) In Scotland:—A variety of tertiary level options are available:a.The colleges of further education provide vocational and (6)____education;b.Central institutions don’t directly validate degrees,but many have close ties to(7) .c.Teachers colleges veduchina;d.The standard university degree is a four—year(8)__________;parison between the US and the UK higher education1)Grading:一In the UK,(9)__________are the most common form of study assessment—The US professors grade less strictly than the UK professors veduchina2)Course levels:—Basic courses are not(10)____________at UK universities.Mini-lecture 3 Mass Media in AmericaMass media specifi cally refer to those publications and programs that attempt to serve most or all of the people in a given market.Three groups of mass media in America are briefly introduced.I. N ewspapersA.Reading newspaper is different from watching TV.—for one thing1.detailed(1)_______ of news items2.substantial treatment of news events3.interesting and stimulating opinions4.analysis over important events at home and abroac—for anotheras for the reading places, no(2)_______B.Newspapers are still a big business.—fact one: the large circulation of a number of important newspapers—fact two: the great (3)_______ of newspapers availableII. MagazinesA.great varietyB.wide range of topi csC.different target readers:the well-educated,well-informed,and(4)_____ peopleD.the top three:(5)_______ TV Guide and The Conde Nast SelectIII. Radio and TelevisionA.Radio:a first-class entertainment medium for most Americans一The future of the radio is still(6)___________B.Television--become popular after the invention of(7)_____ and videotape recorders—profound impact on society1.the socialization effect2.a(8)_________ a molder of new of new cultural trends and a molder of attitudes towards these new trends3.revolutionized the marketing of goods4.the enormous cultural impact of TV violent programs5.the impact of TV on(9)_______________To sum up,the mass media in Ameri ca has,to a great extent,changed and will still keep on changing Americans’(10)_________Mini-lecture 4 Government in Britain and the USThe focus of this lecture is different government systems in Britain and the US.Government in Britain:1. National government:the center of government in Britain iS Parliament.一Location of parliament:(1)__________.—Parliament includes the House of Common,the House of lords and the monarch.—the passage of bills:firstly brought to the House of Commons for discussion,then the house of Lords,finally(2)_________2. Local government in Britain,also known as(3)_________一make small laws,only applied in local area—got payment from(4)from national government--elected by people within each town,city or country areaGovernment in the US:1.The federal government—(5)________is the central law-making body in the US.1)the House of Representatives2)the Senate: the higher but less (6)________of the two houses of Congress.—The President has the power of (7)________a bill.—The Supreme Court: the final Court of Appeal in the US.2.The state government—Each state has its own written(8)________—The highest elected official of each state is the Governor.3.The local government—No law of local government can be(9)________with the United Constitution.To sum up,the government in each country is a (n) (10)________of its historicaland modern factors.参考答案:Mini-lecture1 (1)basi c facts (2)negative (3)offensive (4)conflict (5)much better(6)intellectual (7)emotionally (8)comfort (9)respect (10)the individualCulture understanding文化差异Today I will focus on the i ssue of culture understanding. With increasing globalization, the world becomes really small nowadays. As a member of the global, we get more chances to contact foreign cultures. And what if we want to understand foreign culture very well, what should we do? What kinds of process will we experience before we achieve that goal. The answer is not very difficult to imagine. Just like learning a language, developing culture understanding occurs steps by steps over time. Development of culture consciousness is a process that starts the stage no understanding and moves, in the best case, to the stage of true empathy移情作用,[心]神入and culture respect. So an order to make it a clearer explanation about the process, the five stages of culture understanding is presented here.Stage 1 no und erstanding This level involves no awareness of new culture. The point is quite easy to see. For a person who has few chances to get contact with other cultures, a new one sometimes might as well be like something from an unknown planet in outer space. The person does not know anyone from the culture, and has encountered few, if any, basi c facts about the culture; so naturally, the person certainly has no way to understand that culture at all.Stage 2 superficial understanding This level involves awareness of very superficial aspects of foreign culture, frequentl y negative aspects. At this stage of culture awareness, the person knows a few basic facts of new culture. These facts stand out and often serve as the basis of stereotypes 陈规,老套. However, the stereotypes are offensive because they imply that al l people from a certain culture have the same characteristi cs. At this stage of culture awareness, when stereotypes are keenly felt, the person is highly ethnocentric种族[民族]中心主义的,种族[民族, 集团]优越感的that means the person is just focused on his or her own culture as the norm of what is right and comparing the new culture with the better culture back home. Stage 3 growing und erstanding and possible conflict In this stage the learner begins to be aware of more subtle sometimes less visible traits in the foreign culture. I will give you an example here to illustrate this point. A student learned that a given culture focuses on family far more getting things accomplished. As a result, he or she begin to appreciate the huge importance of family value in this culture, so we can see thi s understanding helps the person to see why things operate the w ay they do. But such awareness doesn’t al ways bring acceptance. In this stage the person is still ethnocentri c home culture-oriented, comparing that culture that i s new to his/her old home culture and usually feel his/her home culture is much better. I think some of you, as English majors, may have the exactly same experiences when you come to be familiar with your foreign t eachers or friends. You do appreciate some of their cultures but you just can’t accept them from the bottom of your heart.Stage 4 great intellectual culture und erstanding At this stage the learner begins to comprehend intellectually the peopl e in the foreign culture yet they are still a little emotional empathy. The person can not feel what it is like to be a member of that culture, the learner thus starts to see things intellectually through the eye of culture bearers at the least part of the time, but they just can’t really feel the same way the members of foreign culture feel. The learner begins to shed ethnocentrism a little bi t and starts to understand new culture more deeply. The person knows why thing are done in the way they are done and accept these things with less irritation. So you can see now the learner obviously comprehend the briefs and actions of people in the culture, the comfort level is higher, and the person does not complain the extensively about the culture differences. That makes a big sense in the process of culture understanding.Stage 5 true empathy and culture resp ect This level is the highest one of culture awareness. To attain this level, the learner must actually live in the foreign culture for some time. As for how long the learner must live in such a culture so that they can reach stage five. The amount of time is variable, greatly depending on the individual. At the fifth stage, unlike the previous stages the learner does not just see things intellectually from the viewpoint of the culture some or most of the time, instead he/she actually feel the part of culture, respects the culture fully and emphasizes emotionally with those who have lived all their life in that culture. By doing so, the person, in real sense, achieves a true culture understanding.In summary, today’s lecture is centered on the stages and growth of culture consciousness. Altogether there are five. 1 no understanding means one does not know anyone from that culture knows few, if any, facts. 2 superficial understanding means one knows some superficial facts and stereotypes. 3 growing understanding and possible conflict means one is aware of moresubtle traits but may experience culture conflicts probably believes one’s own culture is superior. 4 great inte llectual culture understanding means one understands the culture intellectually but not emotionally. 5 true empathy and culture respect means one understands the culture both intellectually and emotionally, can feel what the people in the culture feel. Hope the lecture will be helpful in your nurturing of your culture awareness. Thanks for your patience.Mini-lecture2(1)five (2)degree (3)modular (4)independent/self-directed (5)lectures (6)technical(7)local businesses (8)Honors degree (9)written examinations (10) commonBritish Educational SystemToday I’ll talk about the British educational system, including the primary and secondary education and the higher education in Britain. Meanwhile, I’ll try to make a comparison between the US an d the UK higher education.First, I’ll briefly introduce the primary and secondary education in Britain. In England and Wales, students study in primary schools from age five until eleven. They attend secondary school until age sixteen. Before graduating, students usually take seven comprehensive exams, called the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. After passing the GCSE exams, students choose to study two to four subjects intensely for the GCE Advanced Level exams, called "A levels." At eighteen, they enter higher education to focus on a parti cular subject, called a "course."Now let’s move on to the higher education in Britain. First I’ll talk about the general practi ces in England and Wales, and then the general practices in Scotland.In England and Wales, prospective university students apply for places through the Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA). Students do not apply directly to the universities themselves. Successful candidates are admitted directly into a specific degree "course." A degree course normally takes three or four years to complete. At most universities students study only one major subject. Each course i s structured with a fixed program of classes for the entire three years. Increasingly, universities in the United Kingdom are offering classes on a modular(课程教学)以单元为基础的basis, whi ch allows students to broaden their studies creating a more interdisciplinary program. This modularization, however, has not replaced the traditional British degree course with the American concept of credit accumulation. In addition, there is generally a sharp distinction between the arts and sciences and there is seldom any cross-over between the two.At a British university, more emphasis i s placed on independent, self-directed study than in the United States. Required texts and definite reading assignments are less common. More typi cally, an extensive reading list covering all topi cs to be discussed is di stributed at the start of the course to be used for independent research. British students typically consult a large number of sources from the library rather than intensively studying a few books purchased by everyone taking a course. In addition, students are required to write more essays and take fewer objective tests than at U.S. institutions. Classes often take the following forms: lectures, which are sometimes completely optional; tutorials, in whi ch a small number of students meet with the lecturer; and seminars, larger discussion classes often based upon seminar essays. Unlike the U.S. system of regular testing in a course, British students sit for final examinations that cover the full year's work and determine the grades for the class. With the growth of modularization, however, there has al so been an increase in the number and variety of modules offered on a semester basi s.In Scotland, there are a variety of tertiary第三的,第三位的level options available for students, the most important of whi ch are the colleges of further education, the central institutions, teachers colleges and the universities. The colleges of further education provide vocational and technical education, and enroll more students than all other tertiary institutions combined. Central institutions provide courses leading to the Higher National Diploma (HND), bachelor's degrees and some specialized master's degrees. These institutions do not have the authority to directly validate degrees and tend to offer a narrower range of subjects than the universities. Many have close ties to local businesses, offering cooperative work experiences that provide students a period of practical training.Scottish universities are quite di stinct from their British counterparts. In fact, they more closely resemble European or American universities. The standard Scottish university degree is a four-year Honors degree (BA Hons). Students are rarelyadmitted directly to a degree "course." Usually they are admitted to a faculty or simply admitted to the university as a whole. Scottish university students begin with a broad-based program during the first year and choose a specialization专门[业]化after the second or even the third year. Students may also elect to complete a three-year Ordinary degree. This i s a broad-based degree that (unlike in England) does not represent a "failed" Honors degree.Next, let’s compare the US and the UK highe r education from two aspects,]namely, grading and course levels.First, about the Grading. In the UK, assessment methods vary by institution and tend to reflect the UK teaching method and style. Written examinations, whi ch are held at the end of a year or, in some cases, in the final undergraduate year only, are the most common form of study assessment. There i s no official method of equating British and American educational qualifications. The educational systems are very different and attempts to compare them must be done on a strictly provisional basis. Many U.S. institutions have already developed systems of assessing their study abroad students or equating British grades to U.S. grades.Professors at UK institutions grade more stri ctly than their counterparts in the United States. As a result, American students studying in the UK often perceive that they have performed poorly in their classes, when they have not. Grades are given as percentages rather than letter grades. Forty percent is the minimum passing grade and high percentages are rarely awarded. A grade of seventy percent or higher is considered "with distinction."In general, percentages increase from forty rather than decrease from 100 percent, as they do in the United States.Second, about the Course Levels. A typi cal British course load will vary from 3 to 6 modules or classes per term. Most students take 4 to 5 modules per term. The number of hours in class per week will vary by institution. Students should note that general education or basi c courses are not as common at UK universities because they have already been covered at the GCSE level. Many faculties assume that a student has a basi c understanding of the concepts that will be addressed in the course. For this reason, it is common for third-year American students to take first-year and second-year courses at a UK university.With thi s, we’re coming to the end of today’s lecture. Next time, we’ll talk about university degrees.Mini-lecture3 (1)coverage (2) limitation/confinement (3) variety(4)public—conscious(5) Reader’s Digest (6) promising/bright (7)portable cameras (8) transmitter (9) religion (10)lifeMass Media in America美国媒体Good morning, everyone,today my topic i s mass media in America. By media, we refer to the variety of means by which technology transmits information and entertainment to us. Thus, in its broadest sense, the term media includes newspaper, television, movies, radio, books, and magazines. Mass media specifi cally refer to those publications and programs that attempt to serve most or all of the people in a given market. Here I would like to introduce the mass media in America by dividing them into three groups: newspaper; magazines; radio and television.First, let’s have a look at newspapers. For a long time, newspapers have been the chief means by whi ch people get themselves informed. While television has replaced newspapers as the primary source of news for most Americans, and while computer network is increasingly becoming a faster and easier way of obtaining news for many Americans, newspapers still remain as one of the most powerful means of communications in the United States. For one thing, reading newspapers i s different from watching TV. It gives detailed coverage报道范围of news items, and tends to provide substantial treatment of news events. And, sometimes it offers interesting and stimulating opinions as well as analysis over important events at home and abroad. For another, unlike watching TV, reading newspapers does not require one to be confined to his sitting-room. He can do it virtually anywhere he likes: in his car, at the breakfast table, sitting in the sun, waiting at the subway station, and believe it or not, in the restroom. So, for these and many other reasons, newspapers in the United States are still a big bus iness. And, this is borne out by two facts: (1) the large circulation of a number of important newspapers such as USA Today《今日美国》and The Wall Street Journal《华尔街日报》; (2) the great variety of newspapers available in the United States, big and small, local and national, special and general, radical and conservative, and so on. The top 3 daily newspapers in the United States are: Wall Street Journal, USA Today and New York Times《纽约时报》.Second, we’ll move to magazines. According to a statisti cal record in 1990, there were over 12,205 magazines being published in the United States. More than 4,000 of them appear monthly, and over 1,300 are published each week. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to sports, from aviation航空学,飞机制造业and gardening to computers and book reviews, from fashion design and cooking to homemaking. Quite a few have international editors, are translated into other languages, or have “daughter” editions in foreign countries. Among the many internationals are National Geographic《国家地理》杂志, Reader’s Digest《读者文摘》杂志,Cosmopolitan《大都会》,Vogue《时尚》杂志,Time《时代》,Newsweek 《新闻周刊》, Scientific American and Psychology Today. The weekly newsmagazines —the best known are Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》—serve as a type of national press. Unlike newspapers, however, weekly newsmagazines tend to give extensive coverage and provide detailed, and sometimes in-depth, analysis. Also unlike newspapers, whi ch usually have the lowest common denominator in their appeal to the general reading public, weekly newsmagazines normally target at the well-educated, well-informed, and public-conscious people of the society. Many weekly newsmagazines also have considerable international impact, particularly Time and Newsweek. The top three magazines in America are: (1) Reader’s Digest; (2) TV Guide《电视导读》; (3) The Conde Nast Select.Third, I’ll say something about radio and television. In more than two generations, the two powerful mass media transformed much of American life.Radio, emerging at the same period when the Great Depression pervaded蔓延, 在…中盛行in America, provided free entertainment in the comforts of the home. Families that could no longer afford to go out for entertainment gathered together in their living rooms to escape reality by laughing, fantasizing梦想,幻想and dreaming of happier times. From then on, radio became a first-class entertainment medium for most Ameri cans. Up until now, in view of the popularity of radio programs in the United States, the future of radio as a form of medium continues to look bright.Then, with the rapid development of science and technology, TV came into being in 1920s. It primarily serves as a medium of entertainment, and then also has a big role to play as a news broadcasting agency. Networks began experimenting with news at locally owned stations as early as January 1940. But, early-day television news could not begin to compare with radio news. Only after the invention of portable cameras and videotape recorders had television been made a much more credible news medium because viewers saw pictures of the news events on the day they occurred. Consequently, access to news is made much easier, and the general public is getting better informed.Gradually, television’s impact on American society has been more and more profound. It has changed the life-styles of most Americans and become a major influence on American culture. It can be seen from 5 aspects.First and foremost is the socialization effect. Many studies have shown that TV’s dominance as household activi ty often reduces the level of communi cation among family members and, as a result, much of the culture being distributed to youngsters today in the United States comes from the tube rather than the family.Secondly, television programming has played an important role in shaping and reflecting for the masses the cultural changes that have been occurring in American Society. TV functions both as a transmitter传送[递]者of new cultural trends and as a molder造型者,模塑者of new attitudes towards these new trends.Thirdly, television has revolutionized the marketing of goods in the Ameri can economy. With TV marketing, people become vulnerable to the products, or in other words, to the commercials.Fourthly, the cultural impact of violent TV programs has been quite enormous. Needless to say, the question of violence on TV has been around nearly as long as the medium. Many critics claim that TV violence increases violence in American society.Fifthly, the impact of TV on religion has al so been an issue of great concern to many Americans. So far now, it is still an issue full of di sputes.To sum up, the mass media in Ameri ca includes so many different forms, and each of them plays a vital role in American people’s life not only in the past, but also at present and in the future. To know much about America, one must have a good knowledge about its mass media.Mini-lecture4 (1)Westminster (2)signed (3)Councils (4)local taxes (5)Congress (6)powerful(7)veto (8)Constitution (9)in di sagreement (10)embodimentGovernment in Britain and the US英美政府Today we will focus on the Government in Britain and the United States. Let’s have a look at them one after the other.Government in Britain can be divided into National government and Local government.The center of government in Britain is Parliament, which makes all the important laws for the country about crimes and punishment, taxation课税, etc. Parliament i s made up of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the monarch. The Houses of Parliament are in Westminster in London and sometimes “Westminster” itself i s used to mean Parliament.The House of commons, or the Commons, is the lower but more powerful of the two Houses. It has 650 elected members, called Members of Parliament or MPs, each representing people in a parti cular area or constituency(议员所代表的)(全体)选民;选(举)区. The House of Lords上议院, or the Lords, is the higher but less powerful of the two Houses. It has over 1,000 members, none of whom is elected. These members include: people who have titles like Lord or Viscount子爵whi ch have been passed down to them on the death of their father; people who are given titles as a reward for their long servi ce in public life, but whose children do not inherit their title; and some important leaders of the Church of England, such as Archbishops and Bishops.The government brings bills to the House of Commons下议院, whi ch are discussed by MPs. The bills then go to the House of Lords to be di scussed. The House of Lords can suggest changes to a bill, but does not have the power to reject it. When bills come back to the Commons, MPs vote on them and if they are passed they are signed by the monarch and become Acts of Parliament.At present England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are all governed by Parliament in Westminster. In Northern Ireland the political parties are different but their MPs still go to the House of Commons. In Scotland there is a lot of di scussion about whether Scotland should have some separate or partly separate form of government. The same is true in Wales. The Local government in Britain, also known as Councils, can make small laws, that i s bylaws, whi ch only apply in their area, but these are usually about small, local matters. For instance, they may be about fines that will be made for people who park in certain streets.Councils are paid for by local taxes and also by an amount of money given to them each year by the national government. Their main job is the organizing and providing of local services, e.g. hospitals, schools, libraries, public transport, street-cleaning, etc. They are also responsible for setting the amount of local tax that people must pay and for collecting thi s tax.Local councils are elected by people within each town, city, or county area. The people who are elected, known as councilors, usually represent one of the national political parties, but are often elected because of their policies on local issues rather than the national policies of their party.Now let’s move to the topi c of Government in the US. All levels of government in the US, including federal, state, and local, are elected by the people of the country.First, we’ll talk about the federal government. The constitution of the US specifi cally limits the power of the federal, or national, government mainly to defense, foreign affairs, printing money, controlling trade and relations between the states, and protecting human rights. The federal government is made up of the Congress , the President, and the Supreme Court. Congress, the central law-making body in the US, i s made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is the lower but more important of the two houses of Congress. It has 435 members, called Representatives or Congressmen. The number of Representatives for each state depends on the size of the population of the state, with each state having at least one Representative. The Senate i s the higher but less powerful of the two houses of Congress. It has 100 members, called Senators, elected by their state. Each state has two Senators. Congress decides whether a BILL becomes law. If the Senate and the House of Representatives both agree to a bill, the President i s asked to agree. The President can veto the bill, but Congress can still make it a law if 2/3 of the members of each house agree to it.Second, we’ll learn something about the state government. The state government has the greatest influence in people’s daily lives. Each state has its own written Constitution, and among the states there are sometimes great differences in law on matters such as property, crime, health and education. The highest elected official of each state is the Governor. Each state also has one。

今年的讲座名为“Paralinguistic Features of Languages”,主题是辅助语言学,对于英语专业的学生来说,这个话题或许没有专门学过,但并不陌生。
本次真题的听力原文如下,注意文章中标粗的部分,是记笔记的重点部分:Paralinguistic features of languagesGood morning, everyone. Today we'll continue our discussion on describing language. Last week we examined such features of language as grammar, vocabulary, the sounds of language, etc. In this lecture, we'll look at another important aspect of language. Perhaps some of you may wonder what is this important aspect of language. Let me tell you. It refers to features of communication that takes place without the use of grammar and vocabulary. They are called …paralinguistic features of language'. These features fall into two broad categories: those that involve voice and those that involve the body.Now, the first category, is what we call vocal paralinguistic features. V ocal features are actually tones of voice. While they are, perhaps, not central to meaning in communication in the same way as grammar or vocabulary, they may, nevertheless, convey attitude or intention in some way. Let me give you some examples. The first is whispering, which indicates the needs for secrecy. The second is breathiness. This is to show deep emotion. The third is huskiness, which is to show unimportants. The fourth is nasality. This is to indicate anxiety. The last is extra lip-rounding, which expresses greater intimacy, expecially with babies, for example. So we can see that there are a number of ways of altering our tone of voice. And when we do this consciously, we do it to create different effects in communication.Now, let's come to the second category, physical paralinguistic features, which involves the body. In addition to convey meanings with tone of voice, we can also express our intentions through the ways in which we use our bodies. You may ask: what are the ways, then? Let me sight some brief examples. The expression on ourface, the gestures we make and even proximity or way we sit, are some of the ways we send powerful messages. About how we feel, or what we mean. Let me explain some of these in more detail. First, facial expression. Facial expression is a powerful conveyer of meaning. We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome. But there are other facial expressions that may not be so common. For instance, raising eye-brows - suggest that you are surprised or interested in something. Other facial actions, such as biting your lip, which indicates that you are deep in thinking, or are uncertain about something; compressing the lips, which show that you are making decisions; and a visible clenching of the teeth, to show that you are angry, are all powerful conveyers of meaning, too. The second in this category is gesture. You see, we use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings. Though I have to emphasize that the actual gestures we use may be specific to particular cultures. That is to say different cultures have their own favorite gestures in conveying meaning. Here, a few examples may show you how powerful gestures can be. In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attit ude of …I don't care', or …I don't know'. Crossing your arms may indicate relaxation. But it can also powerfully show you are bored. Waving can mean welcome and farewell. While scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss. In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth. Pointing your finger at your nose means it's a secret. That's why we say that gestures are culture bound. The third is proximity, posture and echoing. Proximity refers to the physical distance between speakers. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent. Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers. But distance may show formality, or lack of interest. Once again, I'd like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style, and is often culture bound. So, what may seem normal to a speaker from one culture may appear unnecessarily close or distant to a speaker from another. And standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior. Next, posture. Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head, when standing, walking or sitting. A few examples. Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not. A lowered head when speaking to a superior, with or without eye contact can convey the appropriate relationship in some cultures. On the other hand, direct level eye contact, changes the nature of interaction, and can been seen as either open or challenging. Last, echoing. Now, what is echoing? Let me start with an example. Some of you may have noticed this phenomenon in your experience. When two people are keen to agree each other, they would likely, though unconsciously adopt the same posture, as if an imitation of each other. They sit or stand in the same manor. When used in this way, echoing appears to complement the verbal communication. Of course, when such imitation is carried out consciously, it often indicates that someone is marking at another speaker.Ok, in today's lecture, we looked at some paralinguistic features, such as tone of voice, gesture and posture. These features, together with linguistic features of language, like grammar, or vocabulary, are all part of the way we communicate with each other in face to face encounters. In our next lecture, we'll watch some video material, and see how people actually use paralinguistic means in communication to express their intention or desire or mood.整理一下,整篇文章的要点非常清晰:I. V ocal Paralinguistic Features1. whispering- the needs for secrecy2. breathiness- deep emotion3. huskiness- unimportants4. nasality- anxiety5. extra lip-rounding- greater intimacyII. physical paralinguistic features1. facial expression- powerful conveyer of meaning.--e.g.1 smiling: pleasure or welcome--e.g.2 raising eye-brows: surprised or interested in something--e.g.3 biting your lip:deep in thinking/ uncertain about something--e.g.4 compressing the lips: making decisions--e.g.5 clenching of the teeth: angry2. gesture- culture bound--e.g.1 shrugging shoulders: 'I don't care', or 'I don't know'--e.g.2 crossing your arms: relaxation/ bored--e.g.3 waving: welcome and farewell--e.g.4 scratching your head: at a loss--e.g.5 placing your hand upon your heart: telling the truth--e.g.6 pointing your finger at your nose: it's a secret3. proximity, posture and echoing1). proximity: personal style & culture bound--e.g.1 closeness: intimacy, threat--e.g.2 distance: fomality, lack of interest2). posture: the way in which someone holds his or her body--e.g.1 Hunched shoulders and a hanging head: happy or not--e.g.2 A lowered head, eye contact: the appropriate relationship--e.g.3 direct level eye contact: open or challenging3). echoing: to complement the verbal communication运用各种自己熟悉的笔记符号,将上述列表中的内容快速记下来,只可以更少,不能更多。

专八听力minilecture常 见问题解答
平时多听英语新闻、播客、电影、电 视剧等,提高对英语语音的敏感度和 熟悉度,以便在考试中更快地理解听 力内容。
保持冷静和专注,避免因紧张而影 响听力效果,可以通过深呼吸等方 式来放松自己。
在开始时集中注意力捕捉minilecture的主 题和结构,有助于理解整个内容的大纲。
注意听清并记录下关键的时间、数字、人 物、事件等信息,这些往往是答案的关键 。
在进行模拟题练习时,建议考生选择与真题难度相当的模拟题,以确保练习效果 。同时,要注重答题技巧的掌握,学会如何快速助考生了解minilecture的出题规律和趋 势,加深对题目的理解。通过对历年真题的解析,考生可以 掌握minilecture的解题思路和方法,提高答题的准确性和速 度。
听力考试涉及的词汇量较大,考 生应注重词汇的积累,尤其是学
听力考试中长难句较多,考生应 加强语法知识的学习,提高对复
听力考试涉及的学科知识较为广 泛,考生应注重相关学科知识的 积累,了解背景知识和专业术语。
minilecture是专八听力考试中分值 最大的一部分,占总分的30%。
考生在minilecture部分的得分情况, 对于整个听力部分的成绩有着决定性 的影响。

Test 1听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREHow Practice Can Damage Your EnglishGood morning, everyone. Today, I am going to talk about the negative role of practice in English learning.If you ask “How can I learn to speak English better?”, many people will tell you “Practice, practice, practice”. “Speak and write in English whenever you can”—they will say. All English classes are full of activities which involve speaking and writing which are supposed to help you with your English.We agree that practice can be very useful. It’s even necessary to learn English well. So what’s the problem? The problem is that for many learners, “speaking” or “writing” means “making a lot of mistakes”. Some people make a mistake in every sentence! If you don’t make many mistakes, then you can speak or write in English and it can only help. [1]But if you make many mistakes, then every time you write or speak, you reinforce your mistakes. As you write or speak, you repeat your mistakes constantly and your incorrect habits become stronger.Imagine this situation: You are writing an e-mail message in English. Your English is not perfect and you want to write the message quickly. You write incorrectly: “I want speak English.” When you write a sentence, you also read it. So the incorrect sentence goes into your head. The next time you write a message, you will be more likely to write “I want finish” or “I want be happy”. Why? Because “I want speak English” is fresh in your head—you’ve just used it! And when you write “I want do something” the second time, you’ve got a “bad habit”, or a reinforced mistake.Now do you see our point? You write—you make mistakes—those mistakes become your habit, they become your way of writing in English. [2]So, the more you write, the worse your English becomes. We have said that you need practice to learn English. We have also said that when you practice, you reinforce your mistakes.Michal suggests a simple solution to this paradox: Never make mistakes! According to what he says, it is close to the truth that you have never written an incorrect English sentence. You knew many grammatical structures and you used only those that you knew. Your sentences were similar to sentences which you knew to be correct. You followed good examples, so all your sentences were good. In the beginning, you could write only very simple sentences, but all the simple sentences were correct. [3]Then as you advanced, you added more and more complicated structures, and again all your sentences were correct. Because of this approach, you were never reinforcing bad habits. You never had any bad habits! From the beginning, you copied only correct sentences. With every sentence that you wrote, you reinforced your good habits.[4]On the other side, if you make many mistakes, speaking and writing is not the way to eliminate them! On the contrary, it reinforces them, as we have shown earlier.You have to realize that speaking does not improve your grammar or your vocabulary. It’s really very simple. Can you learn a new word from yourself? If you don’t know how to say “Good bye” in English, can you invent it by yourself? No, you can’t. You can only learn it by reading or listening to English. So what you should do if you can’t help but make mistakes in your Englishsentences? If you make mistakes, that means you don’t know how to say things in English. You need to learn how to say them. You won’t learn that by speaking or writing. [5]You must read and listen to correct English sentences. You can speak and write later—when you can already build correct English sentences and want to improve your fluency. Perhaps you can benefit from corrections if you get a few corrections per week. But when there are many mistakes, you become unable to concentrate on them. If a teacher returns your composition with 20 corrected mistakes, how many of these corrections can you keep in your mind? Besides, your teacher is not always there. What if you’re writing an e-mail message on your own or talking to someone else? Other people usually ignore your mistakes, and even your teacher does not point out all of them.[6]The conclusion would be that fighting your mistakes is not easy, so it’s better to avoid making mistakes altogether.First, try to be more careful by using the rules of error-free speaking. If you still make a lot of mistakes, or if you find that the rules are killing your motivation, you probably shouldn’t open your mouth just now. Instead, try to get more input by reading and listening in English. True, but believe us—you can learn English with almost no mistakes. How? [7]You can fill your brain with correct sentences and imitate them. You can simply follow good examples.Moreover, sometimes you can say or write something which you think is wrong. You can do it if you want to learn how to say something in English. [8]For example, if you are talking to a native speaker, you can do this: First, say “I’m not sure how to say this in English, but...” and then say your sentence which is probably wrong. And the other person can tell you how to say it in English correctly. From that you learn the correct way to say the sentence.[9]Notice that this technique is only safe if you know that you are saying something which may be wrong, or you are sure that the other person will correct you if you make a mistake. And [10]you use it only occasionally.In summary, it should be noted that practice can also serve as a negative factor in English learning. Hope all of you can find the solution to it from today’s lecture.SECTION B INTERVIEWM: It’s been nearly many years since Madonna first made headlines for trying to adopt a small child from the African nation of Malawi. And she’s since become a voice for the more than 1 million children or orphans in that country and now she’s behind the film on that subject. And tonight, we have Madonna here on our show. Welcome, Madonna.W: Thanks.M: Well... We watched your film I Am Because We Are last night... and it’s amazing. Why have you felt the commitment to help those children?W: [1]Something about their situation connected to me, and in a way I was going on my own journey and connecting to these children and wanting to in a way heal myself whilst helping them.M: And hearing about their suffering? Something opened to you?W: Yeah. [1]I grew up as a motherless child. I had a roof over my head and I had food and I had a school to go to. And I still thought that my world was going to collapse on me, so how could itbe for these children who, most of them, having lost both of their parents, having no roof over their head, no food to eat, how horrifying and frightening it must be for them!M: You know, I wonder how this revelation came to you, you know, this is going to be a thing, for you. [2]This is not how people see you.W: I think having children and having a family force you to think about people besides yourself, I mean you don’t really have a choice, I think I just got to a point in my life. I thought I have so much, and it’s a great tragedy if I don’t use what I have to make the world a better place. I know that sounds silly, or cheesy, or like a cliché, whatever... but it’s the truth. If I was challenging people to open up their minds and their hearts, then I had to be willing to stand at the front of the line. And... and I appreciate and understand how people could be cynical, that’s fine, I accept that.M: Why do you appreciate that people can be cynical?W: [3]Because I think we live in a society, that, where people are naturally suspicious of acts of altruism or generosity.M: Or maybe they might be suspicious because they might think, well, you know, Madonna changes all the time. Is this simply another fad, a trend, or just a new; is this something that is really core to Madonna.W: My re-inventions are part of my evolution and my growth as a person. They’re aspects of it that are full of lesson. They are aspects of it that are real. I don’t see how anybody who really understands how complicated it is to adopt a child could say that someone toasts to do that as a fad. It’s just too difficult... it’s too traumatic.M: It’s been hard then to adopt David.W: We have not even been granted the full adoption. It’s supposed to be happening in the next month. So for the last 18 months I have been a foster parent. [4]I have been visited every 6 weeks by social workers who come into the house and make sure that you are being a good parent, and David’s health is thriving, and asking you all kinds of invasive questions, and you have to put up with it and endure it and you know, I have been fingerprinted about 20 times, and[4]undergone psychological evaluations and I think everybody who goes through adoption hasto do this. I am not alone and, but you know, I’d do it again.M: You would?W: Yeah.M: Why?W: Because David is amazing, because he’s brought so much joy to our lives and more than about him. And so, it was worthy. I think most people will suffer for the things they love.M: And now at this point in your life, it seems you’re opening, to some part of you, it’s softening, something that is looking for wisdom, usefulness.W: Well, thank God.M: Em... what do you mean by that?W: Well, thank God I am searching for wisdom and usefulness. Em, one hopes that one gets to that point in their lives sooner or later.M: Do you wish that you could just be anonymous?W: No, no...M: No?W: I mean, yeah, I have moments of it, but I don’t wanna wish that I am not me, I don’t wish I were someone else.M: What is it that you want to feel about your life?W: [5]That my soul reached its true potential. And that I did everything that I was put on this Earth to do...M: Well, thank you, Madonna.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNEWS ITEM 1Stock markets in Europe and the United States have fallen sharply in response to further signs that the debt crisis in Greece is intensifying and could spread to other countries. Share prices in New York, London, Frankfurt and Paris fell by more than 2% after a major international credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded Greek debt to a level known informally as junk.[6]Standard & Poor’s downgraded its assessment of Greek bonds to the so-called junk status because of the growing danger that the bond holders will not be paid back in full. [7]Many big investment funds have rules that forbid them from holding junk bonds, says the move is likely to trigger a further round of selling. Share markets have taken fright, fearing that if Greece does default on its debts, it would hit many European banks which hold Greek bonds and could trigger a wider financial crisis. Already pressure is mounting on Portugal which has also seen its credit rating downgraded today, although it remains above junk status.NEWS ITEM 2Officials in the Philippines say at least a hundred people have died in floods and landslides in the north triggered by a week of heavy rain. This follows two storms in the past two weeks which have already left about 300 people dead. Reports said that even some evacuation centers had been flooded.[9]Officials say that 30 cities were hit by the landslide through the night where residents had taken to the rooftops of their houses for refuge. The northern Philippines have been pounded by heavy rain following the second typhoon in just over a week to hit the nation. Typhoon Parma has lingered in the north of the country turning into a tropical depression. It follows Typhoon Ketsana which killed more than 300 people when it hit on September 26.NEWS ITEM 3[10]The Supreme Court has upheld lethal injection as a method of execution. Justices rule 7 to 2 this morning rejecting a constitutional challenge brought by a case in Kentucky. [10]At issue was whether the most common method of capital punishment used by 35 states can cause excruciating pain for death row inmates, violating the constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The ruling will likely allow states to resume executions which had been on hold pending the Supreme Court decision. Virginia’s governor has already lifted his state’s moratorium on executions.Test 2听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREFive Main Literary Movements in American HistoryGood morning, everyone. Today’s lecture is the very first of a series of lectures on the main literary movements in United States history. In this class, we are going to cover five different movements in literature and discuss the origins and common beliefs of each movement. In this, our first class, I’d like to take some time to give you an overview of these five movements as a starting point. I’ll go over the period of time each movement covers, the place in the US where it got its start, the key figures in each movement, and the core beliefs of each.We won’t have time in the course to cover all literary movements, so we’re going to be focusing on the general time period of the 19th and 20th centuries. More specifically, this course will cover most of the important literary movements from 1830 to around 1940.The first literary movement we’ll be looking at in detail is called Transcendentalism. The reason we choose this as our starting point is that writers of this movement or period are the first to show a clear difference from British writers and British cultural tradition and heritage. Before this time, American writers and British writers shared similar views of the world and saw the world through the same lens. We sometimes refer to Transcendentalism as American Transcendentalism to differentiate it from an earlier philosophical movement in Europe. [1]American Transcendentalism was born in New England, the north-eastern part of the United States around the 1830s. [2]Writers in this movement believed, in very general terms, that nature, God, and the individual human were united, were the same, and that individuals did not need organized religion. American Transcendentalists also extolled individualism and encouraged individuals to be reliant on themselves and their development as human beings. Transcendentalists very often were active in social movements. Arguably the most important figure of this movement was Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose book called Nature, published in 1836, remains one of the movements most read works.The second movement we’re going to talk about is Romanticism, though it is more a series of movements in art, music and literature which lasted about 50 years and spread from Britain and Germany to other parts of the world. Basically, romanticism is centered on strong emotions and imagination rather than rational thought, [3]and there is an emphasis in American Romanticism to focus on the supernatural and on human psychology. Many works in this genre tell stories full of strong emotion, unexplained phenomenon, and unusual occurrences. [4]One of the most well known writers considered to be a Romantic writer is Edgar Allen Poe, who is known for his stories filled with mystery and who wrote many works we might now call psychological thrillers or horror stories. Poe thought that the human mind and imagination are factors in how we define reality.Our next movement is Realism, a movement which started in France in the mid 19th century before spreading to other areas, including the United States in the 1870s. This movement was, in many ways, a reaction to Romanticism in that it rejected strange and, indeed, romantic tales and aimed to show society and humanity as it was in real life. Realists focused on events that were ordinary, usual and typical rather than extraordinary or exotic. [5]Many writers of this movement were also involved with social change, and writing about real conditions of real people was seen asone way to educate the general public for the need for change. [6]One of this movement’s most easily recognizable names is Mark Twain, whose most famous stories were about everyday life in the American south, that is, the south eastern states of the US, and who worked throughout his life on a variety of social issues including ending slavery and giving workers more rights.Naturalism is an offshoot of Realism, and also had its roots in France. Both movements focused on the reality of everyday ordinary life, but Naturalism focused on how the outside world, that is, [7]a person’s environment, influences and, perhaps, determines that person’s behavior. Naturalism generally believes that a person has a destiny or fate, and that person can do little to change that destiny or fate. Many writers in this movement focused on problems in society, like poverty. [8]One of the movement’s most famous writers, Jack London, wrote books which compared animal behavior to human behavior, showing that human behavior is not all that different from animal behavior in extreme circumstances.The next movement we are going to look at is Modernism, which, of course, stretches beyond literature into music and art. The movement itself started in Europe in the late 19th century, as with many of the other movements, spread to America shortly after. The tumultuous period ending in World War I and World War II were seen by many as proof that the modern world was horrific and chaotic, and the end of World War II was seen as the start of a new era of humanity, either for good or for bad. Modernism reflects these thoughts, and writers in the Modernist era were looking, generally, to look beyond the old, the traditional, and were trying to find meaning in a new world.[9]If we have to choose one word to describe this movement, we would probably choose the word “progress”. Modernists were concerned with finding out what doesn’t work in the world and replacing it with what does. [10]One major figure of the American branch of Modernism was Ezra Pound, who, among other things, revolutionized poetry.OK. In today’s lecture, we’ve had a brief look at the origins and common beliefs of the five different movements in American literature. In our next lecture, we will discuss each movement in detail.SECTION B INTERVIEWW: Today I’d like to welcome Edward Fox, a seasoned real-estate agent, who is going to talk to us about buying a house. Hello, Edward, good to see you.M: Hello.W: Now Edward, I think for most people buying a house is a major life event, and probably the single most expensive item they are ever likely to buy. What precautions do they have to take before a real purchase? Can you give some suggestions?M: You are right in saying buying a house costs a lot. But as to me, the most important thing to consider before buying any property is the location.W: Location?M: Right. Because it is where you plan to spend a large part of your life. Or, indeed, the rest of your life in some circumstances. [1]Therefore, consider the type of life you enjoy leading. If you area very sociable person who enjoys nightclubs and discos, you may consider something close toa city. Anyway, a city is convenient for all types of nightlife.W: Then, for those who like to seek a quiet life, do you recommend a house in the countryside? M: Well, countryside is a tranquil place. [1]However, do remember that proximity to the place of work also counts. [2]Indeed, we spend most of our life at work, and you don’t want to have to spend two or more hours every day traveling to work, do you?W: Absolutely.M: Therefore, transport is of the utmost importance. [2]City suburbs, however, are often conveniently located for commuting to work, or for shopping, without being in the heart of a busy city.W: But houses in the suburbs are far more expensive than those in cities.M: [3]They seem to be, but actually houses located in cities can often exceed the price of suburban houses, so check out the prices. You may be surprised.W: Really? So we should consider our place of work and personality in choosing the location. Is that so?M: I’m afraid you have to take family into consideration as well. You may prefer a house that is away from a busy street or main road. And of course, remember that children have to attend school. If you have children, or you plan to have children, location is a very important factor.And of course, [1]remember that a family influences the size of the property.W: Oh, I see. How many types of houses can we choose?M: There are various types of houses. The first is called detached houses, which stand alone, and are not joined by another building. Then there are semi-detached houses, which are the most common. This is because they are, in fact, two houses joined together, and therefore take up less space. And there are town houses, too, which are many houses joined together to form a long row. But I don’t think that town houses are less expensive than semi-detached houses. They rarely are. [3]This is because they are usually built in cities where the price of the property is very expensive.W: Then what about old houses? They must be cheaper than new ones.M: Maybe they are. But if the house is too old, you may be faced with expensive repairs and renovation bills. [4]So have a house thoroughly checked by a professional surveyor before you decide to buy.W: I agree. It’s economical to buy old houses only when they are in good condition. By the way, a lot of property has a garden attached to it. Do you think it’s a good choice?M: It’s true that a lot of property has a garden. If you enjoy gardening, that’s fine. But if you don’t enjoy gardening then you may prefer a small garden, as opposed to a big one. But even if you do enjoy gardening it is important to remember that gardens take up a lot of your time. So keeping a garden in good order may be very difficult if you work long hours.W: You are quite right. Any other suggestions?M: [5]One final thing is the general feel of the place. Does it have a good atmosphere? And most important of all, would YOU feel comfortable living there?W: Edward, I never knew I had to consider so many things while buying a house. Thank you very much for talking with us.M: My pleasure.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNEWS ITEM 1Twenty-five miners are now known to have died and four are missing in an accident at a West Virginia coal mine. [6]The worst mine disaster in the US since 1984 was caused by an underground explosion at Upper Big Branch, about 30 miles south of Charleston. It happened at about 3 p.m. in a chamber 330m below ground, mine owner Massey Energy Company said. [7]The rescue operation has been suspended because rising methane gas levels have heightened the risk of another blast. The operation will resume as soon as conditions allow, Massey Energy said. There are plans to drill holes from the surface to monitor gas levels and attempt to ventilate the mine chamber. A mine safety official said rescue teams had reached one of the mine’s airtight chambers stocked with food, water and oxygen but found no-one there. US President Barack Obama offered his “deepest condolences” to the families and friends of those who had died.NEWS ITEM 2A landmark law which makes education a fundamental right for children has come into effect in India. It is now legally enforceable for every child to demand free and elementary education between the ages of 6 and 14 years. [8]Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said enough funds would be made available to ensure that children had access to education. An estimated eight million children aged between 6 and 14 do not currently attend school in India. Mr. Singh said that the government was committed “to ensuring that all children irrespective of gender and social category have access to education”. Recalling his own childhood, [8]Mr. Singh, a qualified economist, said: “I read under the dim light of a kerosene lamp. I am what I am totally because of education.” Mr. Singh added, “So I want that the light of education should reach to all.”NEWS ITEM 3Light exercise during pregnancy may improve the future health of a child by controlling weight in the womb, New Zealand and US researchers say. Overweight or obese mums are more likely to have larger babies which could be at higher risk of health problems later in life. [9]A study of 84 first-time mothers found exercise was associated with slightly lighter babies. UK guidelines recommend regular light exercise for pregnant women. The rising weight of the UK population over the years has led to a rise in the number of overweight mothers. There is increasing evidence that the future metabolism of a child may be influenced by its environment in the womb, [10]and that babies who are relatively heavy for their length may be more likely to be obese in future years. Official guidance in the UK tells doctors to encourage women not to overeat during pregnancy, and to, wherever possible, take light exercise on a regular basis.Test 3听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREAdvice for Students: How to Talk to ProfessorsGood afternoon. Today I’d like to give you advice on how to talk to professors. A while back, I recommended that students get to know their professors. I realize, though, that many students are intimidated or put off by their professors. This is especially so when students need something—a favor, special help with an assignment, or a second chance on a test.It doesn’t need to be that way. [1]Professors are people, just like everyone else, and if you approach your professors with the same basic respect and decency you offer everyone else you interact with, you’ll probably find that they react with the same.There are, though, a few things that you should keep in mind when you talk to your professors, especially if you’re going to ask for a particular favor:[2]The first thing you should remember to do is: call them by the right title. A “Doctor” is someone with a PhD; not all professors have a PhD. “Professor” is usually appropriate, unless you’ve been told otherwise. I prefer to be called by my first name, and I make that point clearly on the first day of class; if your professor hasn’t said anything about this, you’re better off not using their first name. If you’re totally unsure, a “Mr.” or “Ms.” is usually fine. Do not use “Mrs.” unless the professor herself uses it.Secondly, no matter under what situations, tell the truth. After the first couple of semesters of teaching, your average professor has much heard it all. It’s a sad fact, but true nonetheless, that we grow jaded and take all students’ excuses with a grain of salt. If a professor thinks he or she is being played, they’re not going to respond very well to whatever request you have to make, [3]so you might as well be honest. If you feel you absolutely must lie, at least make it a huge flaming whopper of a lie, so the professor can get a good laugh when they share it at the next faculty meeting.Thirdly, be prepared to do the work. If you’ve missed an assignment or a test or are falling behind in your reading, [4]and you are seeking help to get caught up or a special dispensation to make up the assignment, you’d better be prepared to do the work—and generally under more difficult circumstances. I get the impression that a lot of students imagine I might just say “don’t worry about it, I’ll give you the points anyway”, which, of course, is not going to happen.[5]Fourthly, be clear and concise. Unless you’re paying a “social call”, get to the point quickly: tell your professor what you need or want and be done with it. Don’t spend 30 minutes explaining your childhood and family arrangements and how hard it is getting a job with a few felony convictions on your record and blah blah blah for a 10-point assignment. Simply say “Professor, I missed an assignment, can I make it up? Can I do something else?”Lastly, remember to pay social calls. Your professor is probably required by school policy to be in his or her office and available to students for a set number of hours per week. On top of that, most professors like talking to students—it’s part of the reason we took the job. Pay your professor a visit or two, just to talk. Tell him or her about the work you’re interested in or about problems you’re having. [6]Build relationships with your professors—at the very least, they’ll remember you when you call up three years later asking for a reference letter.。

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after themini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic features(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________Examples1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresfacial expressions(3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcomeless common expressions----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________ gesturegestures are related to culture.British culture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________ ----- scratching head: puzzlementother cultures----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________ ----- pointing at nose: secretproximity, posture and echoingproximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitudeechoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockerySECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government’s measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT- TIME LIMIT: 195 MINSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.Observation BehaviourPeople do observation in daily life context for safety or for proper behaviour. However, there are differences in daily life observation and research observation.A. Differences---- daily life observation--casual--(1) ________--defendence on memory---- research observation-- (2) _________-- careful record keepingB. Ways to select samples in research---- time sampling-- systematic: e.g. fixed intervals every hour-- random: fixed intervals but (3) _______Systematic sampling and random sampling are often used in combination.---- (4) _______-- definition: selection of different locations-- reason: humans’or animals’behaviour (5) ______ across circumstances-- (6) ______: more objective observationsC. Ways to record behaviour (7) _______---- observation with intervention-- participant observation: researcher as observer and participant-- field experiment: research (8) ______ over conditions---- observation without intervention-- purpose: describing behaviour (9) ______-- (10) ______ : no intervention-- researcher: a passive recorderSECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the foliowing five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. Which of the following statements about creativity is INCORRECT?A. Creativity stems from human beings novel thinking.B. The duration of the creative process varies from person to person.C. Creative people focus on novel thinking rather than on solutions.D. The outcome of human creativity comes in varied forms.2. The interviewee cites the Bach family to show that creativityA. appears to be the result of the environment.B. seems to be attributable to genetic makeup.C. appears to be more associated with great people.D. comes from both environment and genetic makeup.3. How many types of the creative process does the interviewee describe?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. Which of the following features of a creative personality is NOT mentioned in the interview?A. Unconventional.B. Original.C. Resolute.D. Critical.5. The interviewees suggestion for a creativity workout supports the view thatA. brain exercising will not make people creative.B. most people have diversified interests and hobbies.C. the environment is significant in the creative process.D. creativity can only be found in great people.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. What is the news item mainly about?A. U.S. astronauts made three space walks.B. An international space station was set up.C. A problem in the cooling system was solved.D. A 350-kilogram ammonia pump was removed.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.7. In which country would parents often threaten to punish children by leaving them outside?A. India.B. The Philippines.C. Egypt.D. Not mentioned.8. What is the main purpose of the study?A. To reveal cultural differences and similarities.B. To expose cases of child abuse and punishment.C. To analyze child behaviour across countries.D. To investigate ways of physical punishment.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.9. According to the news item, Japans economic growth in the second quarter was ____ less than the first quarter.A. 0.6 percentB. 3.4 percentC. 4 percentD. 3 percent10. How many reasons does the news item cite for Japans slow economic growth?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2011)PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Now, listen to the mini-lecture.Classifications of CulturesAccording to Edward Hall, different cultures result in different ideas about the world. Hall is an anthropologist. He is interested in relations between cultures.I. High-context cultureA. feature- context: more important than the message- meaning: (1)__________i.e. more attention paid to (2) ___________ than to the message itselfB. examples- personal space- preference for (3)__________- less respect for privacy / personal space- attention to (4)___________- concept of time- belief in (5)____________ interpretation of time- no concern for punctuality- no control over timeII. Low-context cultureA. feature- message: separate from context- meaning: (6)___________B. examples- personal space- desire / respect for individuality / privacy- less attention to body language- more concern for (7)___________- attitude toward time- concept of time: (8)____________- dislike of (9)_____________- time seen as commodityIII. ConclusionAwareness of different cultural assumptions- relevance in work and lifee.g. business, negotiation, etc.- (10)_____________ in successful communicationSECTION B INTERVIEW/CONVERSATIONIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now, listen to the interview.1. According to Dr. Harley, what makes language learning more difficult after a certain age?A. Differences between two languages.B. Declining capacity to learn syntax.C. Lack of time available.D. Absence of motivation2. What does the example of Czech speakers show?A. It's natural for language learners to make errors.B. Differences between languages cause difficulty.C. There exist differences between English a nd Czech.D. Difficulty stems from either difference or similarity.3. Which of the following methods does NOT advocate speaking?A. The traditional method.B. The audiolingual method.C. The immersion method.D. The direct method.4. Which hypothesis deals with the role of language knowledge in the learning process?A. The acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.B. The comprehensible input hypothesis.C. The monitor hypothesis.D. The active filter hypothesis.5. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed during the interview?A. Causes of language learning difficulties.B. Differences between mother tongue and a second language.C. Theoretical conceptualization of second language learning.D. Pedagogical implementation of second language teaching.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the news.6. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. Greyhound is Britain's largest bus and train operator.B. Currently Greyhound routes in Britain are limited.C. The coach starts from London every hour.D. Passengers are offered a variety of services.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.7. What does the news item say about the fires in Greece?A. Fires only occurred near the Greek capital.B. Fires near the capital caused casualties.C. Fires near the capital were the biggest.D. Fires near the capital were soon under control8. According to the news, what measure did authorities take to fight the fires?A. Residents were asked to vacate their homes.B. Troops were brought in to help the firefighters.C. Air operations and water drops continued overnight.D. Another six fire engines joined the firefighting operation.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of the current decline in the Mexican economy?A. Fewer job opportunities in Mexico.B. Strong ties with the U.S. economy.C. Decline in tourism.D. Decline in tax revenues.10. Drop in remittances from abroad is mainly due to _________.A. declining oil productionB. the outbreak of the H1N1 fluC. the declining GDP in MexicoD. the economic downturn in the U.S.专业英语八级真题2013年PART ⅠLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION AIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture.What Do Active Learners Do?There are differences between active learning and passive learning. Characteristics of active learners:Ⅰ. reading with purposeA. before reading: setting goalsB. while reading: (1)Ⅱ. (2) and critical in thinkingi.e. information processing, e.g.-connections between the known and the new information-identification of (3) concepts-judgment on the value of (4)Ⅲ. active in listeningA. ways of note-taking: (5)B. before note-taking: listening and thinkingⅣ. being able to get assistanceA. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of (6)B. reason 2: being able to predict study difficultiesⅤ. being able to question informationA. question what they read or hearB. evaluate and (7)Ⅵ. last characteristicA. attitude toward responsibility-active learners: accept-passive learners: (8)B. attitude toward (9)-active learners: evaluate and change behaviour-passive learners: no change in approachRelationship between skill and will: will is more important in (10)Lack of will leads to difficulty in college learning.SECTION BIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.1、According to the interviewer, which of the following best indicates the relationship between choice and mobility?A. Better education →more choices →greater mobility.B. Better education →greater mobility →more choices.C. Greater mobility →better education →more choices.D. Greater mobility →more choices →better education.2、According to the interview, which of the following details about the first poll is INCORRECT?A. Job security came second according to the poll results.B. Chances for advancement might have been favoured by young people.C. High income failed to come on top for being most important.D. Shorter work hours was least chosen for being most important.3、According to the interviewee, which is the main difference between the first and the second poll?A. The type of respondents who were invited.B. The way in which the questions were designed.C. The content area of the questions.D. The number of poll questions.4、What can we learn from the respondents' answers to items 2, 4 and 7 in the second poll?A. Recognition from colleagues should be given less importance.B. Workers are always willing and ready to learn more new skills.C. Work will have to be made interesting to raise efficiency.D. Psychological reward is more important than material one.5、According to the interviewee, which of the following can offer both psychologicaland monetary benefits?A. Contact with many people.B. Appreciation from coworkers.C. Chances for advancement.D. Chances to learn newskills.SECTION CIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.6. According to the news item, "sleepboxes" are designed to solve the problems ofA.airports.B. passengers.C. architects.D. companies.7、Which of the following is NOT true with reference to the news?A. Renters can take a shower inside the box.B. Renters of normal height can stand up inside.C. Bedding can be automatically changed.D. Sleepboxes can be rented for different lengths of time.8、What is the news item mainly about?A. London's preparations for the Notting Hill Carnival.B. Main features of theNotting Hill Carnival.C. Police's preventive measures for the carnival.D. Police participation in thecarnival.9、The news item reports on a research finding aboutA. early malnutrition and heart health.B. the Dutch famine and the Dutch women.C. the causes of death during the famine.D. nutrition in childhood and adolescence.10、When did the research team carry out the study?A. At the end of World War Ⅱ.B. Between 1944 and 1945.C. In the 1950s.D. In 2007.参考答案20101 tones of voice ;2 huskiness;3 universal signal;4 thought or uncertainty;5indifference; 6 honesty ; 7 distance;8 situation; 9 mood; 10 unconsciously sameposture1. C2. A3.D4.A5. C6. B7.C8. D9.D 10. A。
听力minilecture 原文

6 Study in AmericaThis week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss something for students interested in higher education in the United States.Firstly, let’s learn about how to get the information you need. One place to go for advice and information about American colleges and universities is an Education USA center. More than four hundred of these educational advising centers are located around the world. The advisers at Education USA centers do not charge any money for their services.They help students find schools and get information about financial aid, admissions tests and visa requirements. The centers are supported by the State Department. You can find the nearest one on the State Department's Web site for international students.Another place to get information is at an educational fair.Representatives of American colleges and universities present information and answer questions from students and their parents.The Institute of International Education has been organizing United States Higher Education Fairs in Asia since 1982. Last year, more than fourteen thousand students attended these fairs in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. The next higher education fairs in Asia are in October.Secondly, we talk about applying to an American college or university. International admissions officers advise students to apply to at least three schools.You may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card, or by mail.You should study the Web sites of schools that interest you. You can find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available. And you can probably e-mail the admissions office with any questions.In most schools, the admissions Web site has an area where people can send questions to current international students.Wherever you apply, you should start the application process at least two years before you want to begin your studies. Completing the applications and any required admissions tests will take time.There are two competing admissions tests at the undergraduate level: the SAT and the ACT.The SAT involves mathematics and language and includes writing an essay.The ACT is designed to measure what a student learned in high school. There are questions in four skill areas: math, English, reading and science.Most American colleges and universities require applicants for a bachelor's degree to take one of the tests. Some students take both.The ACT is advertised as "America's most widely accepted college entrance exam." The SAT is advertised as the one "most widely taken" and, combined with high school grades, "the best predictor of college success."For graduate-level programs, applicants often have to take the Graduate Record Examinations, or GRE.The general test measures reasoning, thinking and writing skills.Non-native English speakers will most likely have to take the TOEFL, the Test of English as a Foreign Language, or IELTS, the International English Language Testing System.Most American colleges and universities accept one or both of the two major tests.The TOEFL is given in 180 countries. The competing IELTS is given in 121 countries.One million people each year take the TOEFL, says Tom Ewing, a spokesman for the Educational Testing Service. Same with the IELTS, says Beryl Meiron, the executive director of IELTS International.She says two thousand colleges and universities in the United States now recognize the IELTS.The IELTS is a paper test, while the TOEFL is given on paper only in places where a computer test is unavailable.The TOEFL paper test costs 150 dollars. It tests reading, listening and writing. A separate Test ofSpoken English costs 125 dollars.The computer version is called the TOEFL iBT, or Internet-based test. The price is different in each country, but generally falls between 150 and 200 dollars.The TOEFL iBT and the IELTS both measure all four language skills --- listening, reading, writing and speaking. But with the IELTS, the speaking test is done separately as a live interview. You speak with an examiner who is certified in ESOL - English for speakers of other languages.IELTS International says the test measures true-to-life ability to communicate in English for education, immigration and employment. Institutions in Britain and Australia jointly developed it.Thirdly, what’s the next step if you get accepted? Just getting accepted to an American college or university does not guarantee that you will get a visa. And getting a visa just lets you arrive in the United States. It does not guarantee that an immigration officer will permit you to enter the country.Travel documents come from the Department of State. But immigration is the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security.The State Department has a Web site with all the rules for getting a visa. The address is . Unitedstatesvisas is all one word.If you are requesting a visa for the first time, you will probably have to go to an American embassy. You will need to bring a government form sent to you by your American school that shows you have been accepted.You will also need banking and tax records that show you have enough money to pay for your education. And be prepared to provide evidence that you will return to your home country after your studies end.All of this is important in satisfying the requirements to get a visa.Foreign students must contact their local embassy to request an interview and to get other information. This includes directions about how and where to pay the visa application charge. The cost is 200 dollars.You should apply for the visa as soon as you have been accepted to a school in the United States. The government needs time to perform a background investigation.You cannot receive a visa more than 120 days before the start of your program. And if you are coming as a student for the first time, you cannot enter the country more than thirty days before classes begin.Once you come to the United States, you can stay for the length of your period of study. Your school is required to provide the Department of Homeland Security with reports on your status as a student.7 How to Conduct Research OnlineGood morning, everyone. In today’s lecture, I’ll talk about tips on how to do researc h online. Nowadays, online resources can be found easily, and they can be of very high quality. The best way to find high-quality journal articles is to get them through your online library, or to buy the articles through an article provider.However, there are good sources that are both accurate and of high quality on the Web, and they are often free and don’t need any password.Whether you are looking for journal articles, thesis, factual information, or high-quality resources, the same principles are always helpful. Narrow your topic, make sure your search terms are relevant and focused, make sure your articles and your topic are consistent, examine your sources for prejudice and distortion, and finally, make sure that your research provides enough support and background for your argument.Let's expand the steps and look at them again. It is useful to look at each of the stepsindividually.(1)Define your topic.Narrow it down, but don't constrain it too much. Develop a solid topic statement that gives you room to develop an argument. This is a great time to do brainstorming. Clusters, mind maps, concept maps, decision trees, and free-writing are all very useful.Determine what fields of study your research question will address.(2)Identifying the fields of study will help you determine which journals or databases tosearch.(3)Make a list of items that interest you about the topic.For example, you may be required to write an essay on an aspect of Hamlet in your English class. At first, you feel puzzled. Later, however, you think about the characters and situations that most interested you and you recall that Ophelia's speech and then her death were interesting to you. You wondered about the psychological state, and how she was thought by the others in the play. Does her situation show something essential about the human condition? You don't have any idea, but you'd like to explore it. So, you start by looking into what others have said about Ophelia in Hamlet. You find that her madness and death reflect and reinforce the overall themes of death, madness, murder, and betrayal. How does Ophelia's madness contrast with Hamlet's? (4) You start writing down ideas and key words. These will help you develop search terms and focus your search by going to the correct types of journals and materials.Narrow your topic.This requires another round of brainstorming, but this time you will be focusing on what others have written. List terms, ideas, and concepts that occur to you, and then focus on the subcategories that you find most interesting.Then, use the list to narrow your topic. (5)Avoid old-fashioned subjects and the ones that are too narrow or too broad.What have others said?As you conduct beginning research in the library, you will find books and articles on your topic. As you read the material, try to form an idea of what the major issues have been in the discussions about your topic.For example, if your topic is on how the study of pragmatics starts, you will need to have an idea of who started researching the topic first. You will also need to identify the sides of the argument. Who is for it? Who is against it? Why? What are the issues?(6) Once you have a sense of the main players, you can start to do searches based on author name as well as key words or topics.Evaluate your material.How do you determine if a source of information is of high quality? Even if you are getting your data from a library database such as Lexis-Nexis, (7) you should be aware that the articles contained in the newspapers they have in their database could be prejudiced.Anyone with access to a server can put material on the web; there are no controls on what people choose to write. As a result, web pages should be viewed with even more caution than most print materials. In particular you should look for:- who is responsible for the site ---is there a name and contact address?- what is the operating rule for the site ---is it supporting a particular viewpoint to prove other views to be wrong?- is there a list or bibliography of evidence?-(8) is there a date when the site was last updated ---how long ago did this happen?- does the site seem to be permanent or part of a permanent organization?Organize your sources, articles, and notes.After you have found your articles, be sure to organize them so that you have a sense of where they will go in your paper. Keep your original topic in mind and the points you are trying to make. You should support them with evidence and research findings from your articles.This is a good time to return to your outline and to start mapping out where you plan to use your sources and materials.Create a bibliography.(9)As you download and read your articles, you can keep track of them by creating an"electronic notebook" which would consist of a list of your sources. Create an entry for each source. Use the appropriate style. After you have completed that, be sure to write a one-sentence summary of the article and how it relates to your topic.Update your outline.Re-examine your thesis. Look at your argumentation structure. Does each paragraph help support your thesis? How does your research fit? Determine where you have gaps and redundancies.Fill in the gaps.Make a list of the places in your paper where you need additional support for your argument.(10)Then, after eliminating redundancies, map where you need to fill gaps, and where your argument needs additional support.8 Mass Media in AmericaGood morning, everyone, today my topic is mass media in America. By media, we refer to the variety of means by which technology transmits information and entertainment to us. Thus, in its broadest sense, the term media includes newspaper, television, movies, radio, books, and magazines. Mass media specifically refer to those publications and programs that attempt to serve most or all of the people in a given market. Here I would like to introduce the mass media in America by dividing them into three groups: newspaper; magazines; radio and television.First, let’s have a look at newspapers. For a long time, newspapers have been the chief means by which people get themselves informed. While television has replaced newspapers as the primary source of news for most Americans, and while computer network is increasingly becoming a faster and easier way of obtaining news for many Americans, newspapers still remain as one of the most powerful means of communications in the United States. For one thing, reading newspapers is different from watching TV. It gives detailed coverage of news items,and tends to provide substantial treatment of news events. And, sometimes it offers interesting and stimulating opinions as well as analysis over important events at home and abroad.For another, unlike watching TV, reading newspapers does not require one to be confined to his sitting-room. He can do it virtually anywhere he likes: in his car, at the breakfast table, sitting in the sun, waiting at the subway station, and believe it or not, in the restroom. So, for these and many other reasons, newspapers in the United States are still a big business. And, this is borne out by two facts: (1) the large circulation of a number of important newspapers such as USA Today and The Wall Street Journal; (2) the great variety of newspapers available in the United States, big and small, local and national, special and general, radical and conservative, and so on. The top 3 daily newspapers in the United States are: Wall Street Journal, USA Today and New York Times.Second, we’ll move to magazines. According to a statistical r ecord in 1990, there were over 12, 205 magazines being published in the United States. More than 4, 000 of them appear monthly, and over 1, 300 are published each week. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to sports, from aviation and gardening to computers and book reviews, from fashion design and cooking to homemaking. Quite a few have international editors, are translated into other languages,or have “daughter” editions in foreign countries. Among the many internationals are National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American and Psychology Today. The weekly newsmagazines --- the best known are Time, Newsweek, and U. S. News & World Report --- serve as a type of national press. Unlike newspapers, however, weekly newsmagazines tend to give extensive coverage and provide detailed, and sometimes in-depth, analysis. Also unlike newspapers, which usually have the lowest common denominator in their appeal to the general reading public, weekly newsmagazines normally target at the well-educated, well-informed, and public-conscious people of the society. Many weekly newsmagazines also have considerable international impact, particularly Time and Newsweek. The top three magazines in America are: (1) Reader’s Digest; (2) TV Guide; (3) The Conde Nast Select.Third, I’ll say something about radio and television. In more than two generations, the two powerful mass media transformed much of American life.Radio, emerging at the same period when the Great Depression pervaded in America, provided free entertainment in the comforts of the home. Families that could no longer afford to go out for entertainment gathered together in their living rooms to escape reality by laughing, fantasizing and dreaming of happier times. From then on, radio became a first-class entertainment medium for most Americans. Up until now, in view of the popularity of radio programs in the United States, the future of radio as a form of medium continues to look bright.Then, with the rapid development of science and technology, TV came into being in 1920s. It primarily serves as a medium of entertainment, and then also has a big role to play as a news broadcasting agency. Networks began experimenting with news at locally owned stations as early as January 1940. But, early-day television news could not begin to compare with radio news. Only after the invention of portable cameras and videotape recorders had television been made a much more credible news medium because viewers saw pictures of the news events on the day they occurred. Consequently, access to news is made much easier, and the general public is getting better informed.Gradually, television’s impact on American society has been more and more profound. It has changed the life-styles of most Americans and become a major influence on American culture. It can be seen from 5 aspects.First and foremost is the socialization effect. Many studies have shown that TV’s dominance as household activity often reduces the level of communication among family members and, as a result, much of the culture being distributed to youngsters today in the United States comes from the tube rather than the family.Secondly, television programming has played an important role in shaping and reflecting for the masses the cultural changes that have been occurring in American society. TV functions both as a transmitter of new cultural trends and as a molder of new attitudes towards these new trends.Thirdly, television has revolutionized the marketing of goods in the American economy. With TV marketing, people become vulnerable to the products, or in other words, to the commercials.Fourthly, the cultural impact of violent TV programs has been quite enormous. Needless to say, the question of violence on TV has been around nearly as long as the medium. Many critics claim that TV violence increases violence in American society.Fifthly, the impact of TV on religion has also been an issue of great concern to many Americans. So far now, it is still an issue full of disputes.To sum up, the mass media in America includes so many different forms, and each of them plays a vital role in American people’s life not only in the past, but also at present and in the future. To know much about America, one must have a good knowledge about its mass media.9 Problems for EFL LearnersEven though some EFL learners achieve high score in a certain standard English test such as IELTS or TOFEL, they still have some problems concerning the learning of English. Today I’d l ike to talk about some of the problems that students face when they follow a course of study through the medium of English - if English is not their mother tongue. The purpose is to show that we’re aware of students’ problems, and that by analyzing them perhaps it’ll be possible to suggest how some of them may be overcome.The problems can be divided into three broad categories: psychological, cultural and linguistic. Some of the common psychological problems really involve fear of the unknown: for example, whether one’s academic studies will be too difficult, whether one will fail the exams, and so on. All students share these apprehensions.It’s probably best for a student not to look too far ahead but to concentrate day-by-day on increasing his knowledge and developing his ability. The overseas student in Britain may also suffer from separation from his family and possible homesickness; enjoyment of his activities in Britain and the passage of time are the only real help here.Looking now at the cultural problems,we can see that some of them are of a very practical nature, for example, arranging satisfactory accommodation, getting used to British money (or the lack of it), British food and weather. Some of the cultural difficulties are less easy to define: they are bound up with the whole range of alien customs, habits and traditions --- in other words, the British way of life. Such difficulties include:settling into a strange environment and a new academic routine; learning a new set of social habits, ranging from the times of meals to the meanings of gestures; expressing appropriate greetings; understanding a different kind of humor; and learning how to make friends. Being open-minded and adaptable is the best approach to some of the difficulties listed here.The largest category is probably linguistic. Let’s look at this in some detail. Most students have learnt English at school, but they have had little everyday opportunity to practice using English. When foreign learners first have the opportunity to speak to an English-speaking person they may have a shock: they often have great difficulty in understanding! There are a number of reasons for this. I’ll just mention three of them.Firstly, it seems to students that English people speak very quickly. Secondly, they speak with a variety of accents. Thirdly, different styles of speech are used in different situations, for example, everyday spoken English, which is colloquial and idiomatic, is different from the English used for academic purposes. Don’t f orget, by the way, that if students have difficulty in understanding English-speaking people, these people may also have difficulty in understanding the students!What can a student do then to overcome these difficulties? Well, obviously, he can benefit from attending English classes and if a language laboratory is available use it as much as possible. He should also listen to programmes in English on the radio and TV. Perhaps the most important of all, he should take every available opportunity to meet and speak with native English-speaking people. He should be aware, however, that English people are, by temperament, often reserved and may be unwilling to start a conversation. Nevertheless, if he has the courage to take the initiative, however difficult it may seem to be, most English people will respond. He will need patience and perseverance.In addition to these problems regarding listening and understanding, the student probably has difficulty in speaking English fluently. He has the ideas, he knows wh at to say but he doesn’t know how to say it in English. The advice here will seem difficult to follow but it’s necessary. Firstly, he must simplify his language so that he can express himself reasonably clearly;for example, short sentences will be better than long ones. Secondly, he must try to think in English, not translate from his mother tongue. That’ll only begin to take place when his use of English becomes automatic;using a language laboratory and listening to as much English as possible will help. In general, he should practice speaking as much as possible. He should also notice the kind of English, and its structure, that educated people use, and try to imitate it.The problem with learning English as a foreign language is that all English learners want to speak English well; however, most learners don't want to spend time on learning English on their own. Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning tips, but if you don't start doing things, you will achieve nothing. The fact is, if you want to learn to speak English well, you must change your life.Thank you for your attention.10 Attending a College or University in the USAToday, I’m going to talk about how people from foreign countries can attend a college or university in the United States. Experts say you must plan early if you want to study in the United States. They say to begin at least two years before you want to start your studies.The first step is to visit an American educational advising center. There are more than 400 such offices around the world. You can find the one closest to your home by using a computer. Go to an Education Report on the Special English Web site and click on the link to the State Department Education Foreign Student Web page.Or ask the Public Affairs Office at the United States Embassy in your country to tell you where the nearest American educational advising center is. Educational advising centers have information about American colleges. They have computers so you can do a search to find the best school for you.Colleges and universities in the United States offer different kinds of degrees that require one or more years of study. For example, some schools offer certificate programs. These programs offer one year of training in subjects like office work, computer programming or car repair.You may also choose a two-year junior college or community college. Such programs lead to an associate degree. For example, some two-year programs prepare students for skilled jobs in electronics.Studying at a community college costs much less than at a four-year college. Many colleges and universities accept community college work as the first two years toward a four-year bachelor’s degree. To get a bachelor’s degree, you study general subjects lik e English, history, mathematics, and science during the first two years. During the last two years you take classes in your major area of study.If you already have a college degree, you may want to get an advanced degree at an American graduate school. A master’s degree usually takes two or three more years of full-time study in one subject. You must attend graduate school if you want to be a college professor, medical doctor or lawyer. These special degree programs require between three and six years of additional study.People attend a college or university to continue their education after high school. This prepares them for work. It also provides them with a greater understanding of the world and its past. And, it helps them value the arts and sciences. But what is the difference between a college and a university in the United States?Students usually attend a college for four years to complete a program of study. Those who are successful receive a bachelor’s degree. Colleges generally do not offer additional study programs or support research projects.Universities often are much larger than colleges. Universities carry out research. They also offer several programs in many areas of study. Universities offer bachelor’s degrees after four years of study. They also offer graduate degrees that require additional years of study.Modern universities developed from those of Europe’s Middle Ages. They took their name from the Latin word “universitas”. It meant a group of people organized for one purpose. Th e firstEuropean colleges were groups of students who came together because of the same interests. In England, colleges were formed to provide students with living places. Usually each group was studying the same thing, so the word “college” came to mean o ne area of study.Today, most American colleges offer an area of study called liberal arts. The liberal arts are subjects first developed and taught in ancient Greece. They trained a person’s mind. They were considered different from subjects that were us eful in life. The word “college” also means a part of a university that teaches one area of study. That is because the first American universities divided their studies into many areas and called each one a college. For example, the University of Texas at Austin has fourteen different colleges. It also has the most students of any single university in the country. This year, more than 52,000 men and women are studying there.One way to earn a degree at an American college or university is to stay at home and use a computer. American universities have been offering classes online for a number of years. Students who have taken online classes say they like them. One reason is because they do not have to travel to a building at a set time to listen to a professor. Professors say they have better communication with students through electronic mail notes than they do in many traditional classes.Some colleges offer academic degrees online. One is Jones International University in Englewood, Colorado. Its web site says it is the first fully online accredited university.It offers both bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees.The University of Phoenix in Arizona has been offering degrees online since 1989. University officials say they try to provide students with a social experience as well as an educational one. For example, in some programs, groups of the same six students progress through all their classes together. They communicate by computer.Another online school is Cardean University ,near Chicago, Illinois. It began operations two years ago. It is offering online classes leading to a Master’s of Business Administration degree. Cardean University uses a problem-solving method of teaching. Students attempt to solve real problems in their classes online instead of reading information.Anyone with a computer can find information on the Internet about these schools and others. You can use a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. Type “online education”, and choose from a list of schools. Each will provide information about its programs and costs.However, experts say you should not send money to any school that says you can get a college degree without doing any work. These are illegal operations. Experts also say that you should find out if such college degrees are recognized in your country before you decide to get an education online.Well, this is part of a series of talks about how people from foreign countries can attend a college or university in the United States. Next week, we’ll continue with the talk s.。
专八听力:mini lecture解答技巧

听力section1 Mini-lecture
1. 首先是Mini-lecture部分,这是个确实让人挠头的部分,刚开始练习的时候正确率比较低,所以大家一定要耐心,多做练习,反复听,其中做mini的小窍门就是:

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face to face communication speakers often alter their tones of voices or change their physical posture in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic features(1)_____: to express attitude or intention examples (1)_______1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_______: unimportance (2)_______4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresA. facial expressions(3)____________ (3)_______— smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome less common expressions— eyebrow raising: surprise or interest— lip biting: (4)_________________ (4)_______ B. gestureGestures are related to culture.British culture— shrugging shoulders: (5)_______ (5)_______ — scratching head: puzzlement other cultures— placing hand upon heart: (6)_______ (6)_______ — pointing at nose: secretC. proximity, posture and echoing1. proximity: physical distance between speakers— closeness: intimacy or threat—(7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_______ Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)_______ -specific. (8)_______2. posture— hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate (9)_______ (9)_______ — direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude3. echoing— definition: imitation of similar posture—(1)_______: aid in communication (10)_______ SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr. Johnson, diversity means _______.A. merging of different cultural identitiesB. more emphasis on homogeneityC. embracing of more ethnic differencesD. acceptance of more branches of Christianity2. According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. America is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr. Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. Maine.B. Selinsgrove.C. Philadelphia.D. California.4. During the interview Dr. Johnson indicates that _______.A. greater racial diversity exists among younger populationsB. both older and younger populations are racially diverseC. age diversity could lead to pension problemsD. older populations are more racially diverse5. According to the interview, religious diversity _______.A. was most evident between 1990 and 2000B. exists among Muslim immigrantsC. is restricted to certain places in the USD. is spreading to more parts of the countrySECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government's measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire is _______ .A. electrical short-circuitB. lack of fire-safety measuresC. terrorismD. not knownPART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AWe had been wanting to expand our children's horizons by taking them to a place that was unlike anything we'd been exposed to during our travels in Europe and the United States. In thinking about what was possible from Geneva, where we are based, we decided on a trip to Istanbul, a two-hour plane ride from Zurich.Among the great cities of the world, Kolkata (formerly spelt as Calcutta), the capital of India's West Bengal, and the home of nearly 15 million people, is often mentioned as the only one that still has a large fleet of hand-pulled rickshaws.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. It's the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws — not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimes inaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafes or corner stores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are school children. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains. During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn't be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers' waists. When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, "When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws."While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India's 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a few hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera — a combination of garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you've visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata's Telegraph —Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books — told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. "I refuse to be carried by another human being myself," he said, "but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood." Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government's plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on a genuineinterest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head — a gesture I interpreted to mean, "If you are so na?ve as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on." Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pinned their hopes on being offered something in its place. As migrant workers, they don't have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata's sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything —or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. "The government was the government of the poor people," one sardar told me. "Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people."But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations —or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they're supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, "has difficulty letting go." One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated."Which option has been chosen?" I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit."That hasn't been decided," he said."When will it be decided?""That hasn't been decided," he said.11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following purposes EXCEPT _______.A. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchases.D. carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers from Bihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That "For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar" (4th paragraph) means that even so, _______.A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware people _______.A. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions for rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author's sense of humour?A. "...— not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor." (2nd paragraph)B. "..., whic h sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera." (4th paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, "has difficulty letting go." (7th paragraph)D. "...or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas." (6th paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggest _______.A. the uncertainty of the court's decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to some customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers (people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jet-way.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada —get this — "We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. And billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to astation 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many U.S. lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, who don't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do — unhappily.For those of us in the latter group — consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder — what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: "We wait. We are bored."17. What does the following sentence mean? "Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers ... Poor suckers, mostly." (2nd paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America's democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors and Congressmen) _______.A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the café of his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian, a white palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the older buildings like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand lights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farthing, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress (five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen lift to the table in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such was the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were all there. It steamed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, where an orchestra led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls. The door was swung open for him by a page; there burst, like a sugary bomb, the clatter of cups, the shrill chatter of white-and-vermilion girls, and, cleaving the golden, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, a sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: "For one, sir? This way, please." Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That "behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel" suggests that _______.A. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café.C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the cafe was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPT _______.A. "... turned Babylonian".B. "perhaps a new barbarism".C. "acres of white napery".D. "balanced to the last halfpenny".23. In its context the statement that "the place was built for him" means that the café was intended to _______.A. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit gullible people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The café was both full of people and full of warmth.C. The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT that _______.A. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author's attitude to the café is _______.A. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DNow elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as Western Europe's last pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can't do anything about. But the truth is, once you're off the beaten paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they're all bad, so Iceland's natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhabitants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited — the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the "Mona Lisa."When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter (冶炼厂), those who had been dreaming of something like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world's richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the project's advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country's century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegetation and livestock, all spirit — a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one's sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions — the remote and sparsely populated east —where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many individual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing everything they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. "Smelter or death."The contract with Alcoa would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself."We have to live," Halldor Asgrimsson said. Halldor, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. "We have a right to live."27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something of _______.A. environmental value.B. commercial value.C. potential value for tourism.D. great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland’s old-aged advocates' feeling towards the Alcoa project?A. Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.B. The project would lower life expectancy.C. The project would cause environmental problems.D. The project symbolizes an end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPT _______.A. fewer fishing companies.B. fewer jobs available.C. migration of young people.D. imposition of fishing quotas.30. The 4th paragraph in the passage ________.A. sums up the main points of the passage.B. starts to discuss an entirely new point.C. elaborates on the last part of the 3rd paragraph.D. continues to depict the bleak economic situation.PART ⅢGENERAL KNOWLEDGE(10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answers to each question. Mark your answers on your colored answer sheet.31. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215.B. The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts.C. The British constitution includes decisions made by courts of law.D. The British constitution includes one single written constitution.32. The first city ever founded in Canada is _______.。

2010英语专八真题TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic featuresA.(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________B.Examples1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresA.facial expressions1.(3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome2.less common expressions----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________B.gesturegestures are related to culture.1.British culture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________----- scratching head: puzzlement2.other cultures----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________ ----- pointing at nose: secretC.proximity, posture and echoing1.proximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________2.posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude3.echoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockerySECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racialmakeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government’s measure to controlinflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN) In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AStill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (So does its name, officially changed in 2001 from Calcutta to Kolkata, which is closer to what the word sounds like in Bengali. Conversing in English, I never heard anyone call the city anything but Calcutta.) To Westerners, the conveyance most identified with Kolkata is not its modern subway—a facility whose spacious stations have art on the walls and cricket matches on television monitors—but the hand-pulled rickshaw. Stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa. For years the government has been talking about eliminating hand-pulled rickshaws on what it calls humanitarian grounds—principally on the ground that, as the mayor of Kolkata has often said, it is offensive to see “one man sweating and straining to pull another man.” But these days politicians also lament the impact of 6,000 hand-pulled rickshaws on a modern city’s traffic and, particularly, on its image. “Wes terners try to associate beggars and these rickshaws with the Calcutta landscape, but this is not what Calcutta stands for,” the chief minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, said in a press conference in 2006. “Our city stands for prosperity and development.” The chief minister—the equivalent of a state governor—went on to announce that hand-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from the streets of Kolkata.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists.(黄包车并不是在那招呼游客的No.11答案) (Actually, I saw almost no tourists in Kolkata, apart from the young backpackers on Sudder Street, in what used to be a red-light district and is now said to be the single place in the city where the services a rickshaw puller offers may include providing female company to a gentleman for the evening.) It’s the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws—not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimes inaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafés or corner stores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. (One morning I saw a rickshaw puller take on a load of live chickens—tied in pairs by the feet so they could be draped over the shafts and the folded back canopy and even the axle. By the time he trotted off, he was carrying about a hundred upside-down chickens.) The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are schoolchildren. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains, and its drainage system doesn’t need torrential rain to begin backing up. Re sidents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that in Kolkata “if a stray cat pees, there’s a flood.” During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn’t be reached bymotorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers’ waists. When it’s raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, “When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws.”While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India’s 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a couple hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar.(在加尔各答, 他们谁在街上、睡在他们的黄包车内或在”dera”内, 那是由某个酋长管理的由车库、修理店和宿舍的结合. 由此推出拉黄包车的人生活水平很低, 即No.12答案) For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the ragpickers and the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.(对于那些没有土地又没接受教育的人来说, 在Kolkata的生活总好过在Bihar那赚钱, 推出在Kolkata的收入更高, 即No.13答案)There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws.(因为他们抵触人拉人这样的做法, 又或者是因为这不是他们这种有地位的人该做的事情, 又有可能是因为他们认为拉黄包车的人是殖民主义的遗留物. 但讽刺的是, 他们中的一些人并不热心去反对黄包车, 由此推出这些人的态度是很复杂的, 即NO.14答案) The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata’s Telegraph—Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books—told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. “I refuse to be carried by another human being myself,” he said, “but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood.” Ric kshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government’s plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on a genuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head—a gesture I interpreted to mean, “If you are so naive as toask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on.” Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered something in its place. As migrant workers, they don’t have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata’s sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything—or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas.(又或者是, 就像我在2天的下雨天里, 能找到卖各种各样东西的人, 却找不到一个卖伞的, 表现作者幽默感.即NO.15答案) “The government was the government of the poor people,” one sardar told me. “Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people.”But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations—or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they’re supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, “has difficulty letting go.” One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated.“Which option has been chosen?”(哪个意见被采纳了?) I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.“That ha sn’t been decided,”(还没决定) he said.“When will it be decided?”(什么时候能决定下来?)“That hasn’t been decided,”(那也还没决定) he said.(由对话推出很难找到解决方法, 即NO.16答案)11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for thefollowing EXCEPTA. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchasesD. carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers fromBihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That “For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make aliving in Bihar” (4 paragraph) means that even so,A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware peopleA. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions fro rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author’s sense of humor?A. “…not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.”(2paragraph)B. “…,.which sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera.”(4paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, “ has difficulty letting go.” (7 paragraph).D.“…or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything butumbrellas.” (6 paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passageseems to suggestA. the uncertainty of the court’s decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers(people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.(在最民主的机构, 只有以受骗的人才会去排队, 这些人仍有信念, 并在队伍中慢慢等待. 多数的可怜的人啊. 根据上下文推出只有普通人才需要排队. 即NO.17答案)Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding(NO.18 C), and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line (NO.18 B). This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada--get this--"we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores (NO.18 D).Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people.(必然地, 一些半平民主义者的政治家发现了他们和平民百姓一齐排队的好处NO.19) This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. And billionaire New Y ork mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to a station 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act,which is why so many U.S. lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: V ery Important Persons, who don't wait, and V ery Impatient Persons, who do--unhappily.For those of us in the latter group-- consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder --what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: "We wait. We are bored."17. What does the following sentence mean? “Once the most democratic ofinstitutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers…Poor suckers, mostly.” (2 paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America’s democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors andCongressmen)A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the caféof his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned. Bbylonian, a while palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the other building like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel,(在薄薄的大理石板背后是水泥和钢筋. NO.21) just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand llights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress( five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to the table in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such as the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were al there. It seemed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station.(NO.25 A) The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery.(NO.25 D) Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, whre an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls,(NO.25 B) scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, s sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: “ For one,sir? This way, please,” Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That “behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel” suggests thatA. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance. (在华丽外表的背后是现实的商业主义)B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café..C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the café was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPTA. “…turned Babylonian”.B. “perhaps a new barbarism’.C. “acres of white napery”.D. “balanced to the last halfpenny”.23. In its context the statement that “ the place was built for him” means that the caféwas intended toA. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit(剥削) gullible(以受骗的) people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The café was both full of people and full of warmth.(没提有没人)C. The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraphEXCEPT thatA. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author’s attitude to the café isA. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DI Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe’s last pristine w ilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can’t do anything about.(NO.27) But the truth is, once you’re off the beat-en paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they’re all bad, so Iceland’s natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhab-itants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the “Mona Lisa.”When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter, those who had been dreaming of some-thing like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world’s richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the proj-ect’s advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country’s century upon century of wan t, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially had ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh.(NO. 28) For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a sod hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope,children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegeta-tion and livestock, all spirit—a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one’s sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions—the remote and sparsely populated east—where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed(29 D) in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many indi-vidual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies, and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands(29 B), and the people were seeing every-thing they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away(29 C). With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. “Smelter or death.”The contract with Alcoa would infuse the re-gion with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to。

2.3 概括总结题型
在理解讲座原话的基础上进行概括、总结;对逻辑 思维能力和通篇理解力是一种考验
III. Art as reflection of religious beliefs A……. B…….
C. Africa and the Pacific Islands: masks, headdress and costumes in special ceremonies
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Giving background information 交代背景
• • • • • • • • As we know As we have already seen As we have all read It’s clear that It goes without saying We all understand It is understood You’ll remember
通过分析推理,可以概括出三种答案:India, colonies, British colonies.
2008原文线索(续前页) “For example, it became a lingua franca in India, where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a wholecountry system/problematic. So, the imposition of English as the one language of administration helped maintain the colonizer's control and power.”

2010英语专八真题TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)MINI-LECTURESECTION AIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes onthe important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after themini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutesto complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure theword(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in orderto convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic featuresA.(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________B.Examples1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresC.facial expressionsa)(3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcomeless common expressionsb)----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________D.gesturegestures are related to culture.a)British culture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________----- scratching head: puzzlementb)other cultures----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________1 / 21----- pointing at nose: secretE.proximity, posture and echoinga)proximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________b)posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitudec)echoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockerySECTION BINTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answereach of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1.According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2.According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3.According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California2 / 214. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answerthe question.Now listen to the news.6.What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds toanswer the questions.Now listen to the news.7.Which of the following is mentioned as the government's measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8.According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?3 / 21A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds toanswer the question.Now listen to the news.9.Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read thepassages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AStill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (So does its name, officially changed in 2001 fromCalcutta to Kolkata, which is closer to what the word sounds like in Bengali. Conversing in English, I never heardanyone call the city anything but Calcutta.) To Westerners, the conveyance most identified with Kolkata is not itsmodern subway—a facility whose spacious stations have art on the walls and cricket matches on televisionmonitors—but the hand-pulled rickshaw. Stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cart with high woodenwheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa. For years the government hasbeen talking about eliminating hand-pulled rickshaws on what it calls humanitarian grounds—principally on theground that, as the mayor of Kolkata has often said, it is offensive to see “one man sweating and straining to pullanother man.”But these days politicians also lament the impact of 6,000 hand-pulled rickshaws on a modern city'straffic and, particularly, on its image. “Westerners try to associate beggars and these rickshaws with the Calcutta landscape, but this is not what Calcutta stands for,”the chief minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee,said in a press conference in 2006. “Our city stands for prosperity and development.”The chief minister—the4 / 21equivalent of a state governor—went on to announce that hand-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from thestreets of Kolkata.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. (Actually, I saw almost no tourists in Kolkata, apart from theyoung backpackers on Sudder Street, in what used to be a red-light district and is now said to be the single place inthe city where the services a rickshaw puller offers may include providing female company to a gentleman for theevening.) It's the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws—not the poor but people who are just anotch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimesinaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in arickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then betaken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafés or cornerstores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. (One morning I saw a rickshaw puller take on a load of livechickens—tied in pairs by the feet so they could be draped over the shafts and the folded back canopy and even theaxle. By the time he trotted off, he was carrying about a hundred upside-down chickens.) The rickshaw pullers toldme their steadiest customers are schoolchildren. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child toschool and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains, and its drainage system doesn't need torrential rainto begin backing up. Residents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that in Kolkata “if a stray cat pees, there's a flood.”During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn't be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers' waists. When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, “When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws.”While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states,according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India's 20 largest states, Bihar finisheddead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a couple hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in adera—a combination garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal untilyou've visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees forthe use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing astreet where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the ragpickers and the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in arickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they considerit not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of theeditorial pages of Kolkata's Telegraph—Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books—told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keepinghand-pulled rickshaws on the road. “I refuse to be carried by another human being myself,”he said, “but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood.”Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government's plan to rid the city of rickshaws was basedon a genuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head—a gesture I interpreted to mean, “If5 / 21you are so naive as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on.”Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered somethingin its place. As migrant workers, they don't have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata's sidewalk hawkers,who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks,selling absolutely everything—or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. “The government was the government of the poor people,”one sardar told me. “Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people.”But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods,out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations—or that they will beallowed to die out naturally as they're supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, afterall, is not the first high West Bengal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has beendelayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has beenpart of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, “has difficulty letting go.”One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated.“Which option has been chosen?”I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.“That hasn't been decided,”he said.“When will it be decided?”“That hasn't been decided,”he said.11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following EXCEPTA. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchasesD. carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers from Bihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That “For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar”(4 paragraph) means that even so,A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.6 / 21D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware peopleA. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions fro rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author's sense of humor?A. “…not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.”(2 paragraph)B. “…,.which sounds like a pretty good deal until you've visited a dera.”(4 paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, “has difficulty letting go.”(7 paragraph).D.“…or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas.”(6 paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggestA. the uncertainty of the court's decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democraticof institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers(people who still believe in andpractice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy élite security lines and priorityboarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul theJetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a$52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most majorAmerican theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important thanyou, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief,that when playing in Canada--get this--we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else.Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among theearly adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhonepurchasers offered to pay waiters or placeholders to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.7 / 21Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinarypeople. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an A T&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. Andbillionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he'sfirst driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to a station 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least theride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many U.S.lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. AlabamaSenator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants o cut in lineahead of millions of people.Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in frontof an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have toqueue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was somethingabout the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility duringthe Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 perflight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted A boarding pass when thatairline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line whenhe or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizenof the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyonewas queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, whodon't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do--unhappily.For those of us in the latter group-- consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay aplaceholder --what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: We wait. We arebored.17. What does the following sentence mean? “Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidlybecoming the exclusive province of suckers…Poor suckers, mostly.”(2 paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America's democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.8 / 2119. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors and Congressmen)A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering theblue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the caféof his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned. Bbylonian, a while palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the other building like a citadel, which indeedit was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marblefront were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced tothe last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand llights and acres of whitenapery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak,the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how manyunits of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress( fivefeet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to thetable in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such as the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conqueredhalf the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were al there. It seemed with humanity. Themarble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. Thegloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphereinside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis,once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favouritefloor, whre an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremoloeffects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, s sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: “For one, sir? This way, please,”Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That “behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel”suggests thatA. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.9 / 21B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café..C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the caféwas based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPTA. “…turned Babylonian”.B. “perhaps a new barbarism'.C. “acres of white napery”.D. “balanced to the last halfpenny”.23. In its context the statement that “the place was built for him”means that the caféwas intended toA. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit gullible people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The caféappealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The caféwas both full of people and full of warmth.C. The inside of the caféwas contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the caféowners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT thatA. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the caféis compared to warm countries.26. The author's attitude to the caféisA. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DI Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe's last10 / 21pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can't do anything about. But the truth is, once you're off the beat-en paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they're all bad, so Iceland's natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhab-itants. For them the land has always just been there, something that hadto be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the “Mona Lisa.”When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter, those who had been dreaming of some-thing like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world's richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the proj-ect's advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country's century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially had ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a sod hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegeta-tion and livestock, all spirit—a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one's sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions—the remote and sparsely populated east—where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many indi-vidual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies, and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing every-thing they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. “Smelter or death.”The contract with Alcoa would infuse the re-gion with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself.“We have to live,”Halldór Ásgrímsson said in his sad, sonorous voice. Halldór, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. “We have a right to live.”27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something ofA. environmental value.B. commercial value.C. potential value for tourism.D. great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland's old-aged advocates' feeling towards the Alcoa project?A. Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.B. The project would lower life expectancy.11 / 21C. The project would cause environmental problems.D. The project symbolizes and end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPTA. fewer fishing companies.B. fewer jobs available.C. migration of young people.D. impostion of fishing quotas.30. The 4 paragraph in the passage。

2010年专八真题听力参考答案Section A1 function/ purpose/intention/ aim / goal / objective2 huskiness3. Common expressions(s) / (som e) universal expression(s)/ universal signal(s) or sign(s)析(写symbol 不得分,必须同时写出2个词才能得分)4 thought / uncertainty / thinking/ deep in thinking or thought/ deep thinking / uncertain (being thinking) 得0.5分5 indifference / lack of knowledge (写indifferent 得0.5分)/ I don’t know/ I don’t care (写do not know, don’t care, not care, cont caring , not knowing 得0.5分6 honest/telling (the) truth/ truth-telling(telling the true得0.5分),只写truth得0分7 (far/ large distance, keeping a distance (写far away 得到0.5分)8 situation/context/occasion (写place, environment, circum stance 得0.5分,只写 condition 得0分)9 m ood/happy or mot /happy or unhappy (写happiness, unhappiness, bad nood, joy, delight, happy, unhappy 得0.5分)10 unconscious imitation (必须2个词都写,只写imitation 不得分)2010年专八真题改错参考答案1 be后插入as; OR as 改为like2 their改为its;3 There改为It;4 Whereas改为But / However5 further 改为far / much; OR: further 删除further6 com e改为bring;7 similar改为different;8 will改为would;9 as去掉as; OR: 改为so10 the part去掉the OR: the 改为a2010年专八真题汉译英参考答案Friends tend to becom e more intimated if they have the sam e interests and temper, they can get along well and keep contacting; otherwise t hey will separate and end the relationship. Friends who are m ore familiar and closer can not be too casual and show no respect. Otherwise the harm ony and balance will be broken, and the friendship will also be nonexistent any m ore. Everyone hopes to have his own private space, and if too casual am ong friends, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which will lead to the conflict, resulting in alienation. It m ay be a sm all matter to be rude to friends; however, it is likely to plant the devastating seeds. The best way to keep the close relationship between friends is to keep contacts with restraint, and do not bother each other.2010年专八真题英译汉参考答案我想那是五月的一个周日的早晨;那天是复活节,一个大清早上。

2010SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete agap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic features(1)__________: to express attitude orintention (1)__________Examples1. whispering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physical paralinguistic featuresfacial expressions(3)_______ (3)__________----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcomeless common expressions----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________ gesturegestures are related to culture.British culture----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________ ----- scratching head: puzzlementother cultures----- placing hand uponheart:(6)_______ (6)__________----- pointing at nose: secretproximity, posture and echoingproximity: physical distance between speakers----- closeness: intimacy or threat----- (7)_______: formality or absence ofinterest (7)_________Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________-specific. (8)_________posture----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate(9)_____ (9)________----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitudeechoing----- definition: imitation of similar posture----- (10)______: aid incommunication (10)___________----- conscious imitation: mockerySECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA. merging of different cultural identities.B. more emphasis on homogeneity.C. embracing of more ethnic differences.D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements in CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. American is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. MaineB. SelinsgroveC. PhiladelphiaD. California4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates thatA. greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.B. both older and younger populations are racially diverse.C. age diversity could lead to pension problems.D. older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversityA. was most evident between 1990 and 2000.B. exists among Muslim immigrants.C. is restricted to certain places in the US.D. is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Question 7 and 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government’s measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire isA. electrical short-cut.B. lack of fire-satefy measures.C. terrorism.D. not known.。
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今年的讲座名为“Paralinguistic Features of Languages”,主题是辅助语言学,对于英语专业的学生来说,这个话题或许没有专门学过,但并不陌生。
本次真题的听力原文如下,注意文章中标粗的部分,是记笔记的重点部分:Paralinguistic features of languagesGood morning, everyone. Today we'll continue our discussion on describing language. Last week we examined such features of language as grammar, vocabulary, the sounds of language, etc. In this lecture, we'll look at another important aspect of language. Perhaps some of you may wonder what is this important aspect of language. Let me tell you. It refers to features of communication that takes place without the use of grammar and vocabulary. They are called ‘paralinguistic features of language'. These features fall into two broad categories: those that involve voice and those that involve the body.Now, the first category, is what we call vocal paralinguistic features. Vocal features are actually tones of voice. While they are, perhaps, not central to meaning in communication in the same way as grammar or vocabulary, they may, nevertheless, convey attitude or intention in some way. Let me give you some examples. The first is whispering, which indicates the needs for secrecy. The second is breathiness. This is to show deep emotion. The third is huskiness, which is to show unimportants. The fourth is nasality. This is to indicate anxiety. The last is extra lip-rounding, which expresses greater intimacy, expecially with babies, for example. So we can see that there are a number of ways of altering our tone of voice. And when we do this consciously, we do it to create different effects in communication.Now, let's come to the second category, physical paralinguistic features, which involves the body. In addition to convey meanings with tone of voice, we can also express our intentions through the ways in which we use our bodies. You may ask: what are the ways, then? Let me sight some brief examples. The expression on our face, the gestures we make and even proximity or way we sit, are some of the ways we send powerful messages. About how we feel, or what we mean. Let me explain some of these in more detail. First,facial expression. Facial expression is a powerful conveyer of meaning. We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome. But there are other facial expressions that may not be so common. For instance, raising eye-brows- suggest that you are surprised or interested in something. Other facial actions, such as biting your lip, which indicates that you are deep in thinking, or are uncertain about something; compressing the lips, which show that you are making decisions; and a visible clenching of the teeth, to show that you are angry, are all powerful conveyers of meaning, too. The second in this category is gesture. You see, we use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings. Though I have to emphasize that the actual gestures we use may be specific to particular cultures. That is to say different cultures have their own favorite gestures in conveying meaning. Here, a few examples may show you how powerful gestures can be. In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of ‘I don't care', or ‘I don't know'. Crossing your arms may indicate relaxation. But it can also powerfully show you are bored. Waving can mean welcome and farewell. While scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss. In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth. Pointing your finger at your nose means it's a secret. That's why we say that gestures are culture bound. The third is proximity, posture and echoing. Proximity refers to the physical distance between speakers. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent.Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers. But distance may show formality, orlack of interest. Once again, I'd like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style, and is often culture bound. So, what may seem normal to a speaker from one culture may appear unnecessarily close or distant to a speaker from another. And standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior. Next, posture. Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head, when standing, walking or sitting. A few examples. Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not. A lowered head when speaking to a superior, with or without eye contact can convey the appropriate relationship in some cultures. On the other hand, direct level eye contact, changes the nature of interaction, and can been seen as either open or challenging. Last, echoing. Now, what is echoing? Let me start with an example. Some of you may have noticed this phenomenon in your experience. When two people are keen to agree each other, they would likely, though unconsciously adopt the same posture, as if an imitation of each other. They sit or stand in the same manor. When used in this way, echoing appears to complement the verbal communication. Of course, when such imitation is carried out consciously, it often indicates that someone is marking at another speaker.Ok, in today's lecture, we looked at some paralinguistic features, such as tone of voice, gesture and posture. These features, together with linguistic features of language, like grammar, or vocabulary, are all part of the way we communicate with each other in face to face encounters. In our next lecture, we'll watch some video material, and see how people actually use paralinguistic means in communication to express their intention or desire or mood.整理一下,整篇文章的要点非常清晰:I. Vocal Paralinguistic Features1. whispering- the needs for secrecy2. breathiness- deep emotion3. huskiness- unimportants4. nasality- anxiety5. extra lip-rounding- greater intimacyII. physical paralinguistic features1. facial expression- powerful conveyer of meaning.--e.g.1 smiling: pleasure or welcome--e.g.2 raising eye-brows: surprised or interested in something--e.g.3 biting your lip:deep in thinking/ uncertain about something--e.g.4 compressing the lips: making decisions--e.g.5 clenching of the teeth: angry2. gesture- culture bound--e.g.1 shrugging shoulders: 'I don't care', or 'I don't know'--e.g.2 crossing your arms: relaxation/ bored--e.g.3 waving: welcome and farewell--e.g.4 scratching your head: at a loss--e.g.5 placing your hand upon your heart: telling the truth--e.g.6 pointing your finger at your nose: it's a secret3. proximity, posture and echoing1). proximity: personal style & culture bound--e.g.1 closeness: intimacy, threat--e.g.2 distance: fomality, lack of interest2). posture: the way in which someone holds his or her body--e.g.1 Hunched shoulders and a hanging head: happy or not--e.g.2 A lowered head, eye contact: the appropriate relationship--e.g.3 direct level eye contact: open or challenging3). echoing: to complement the verbal communication运用各种自己熟悉的笔记符号,将上述列表中的内容快速记下来,只可以更少,不能更多。