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Core competitiveness 集团核心竞争力
丏业的精英团队 广阔的商家资源 全程商业服务模式
广州惠润商业地产经营管理有限公司董事长 广州惠润广场物业管理有限公司董事长 沈阳东润物业管理有限公司董事长 中国购物中心联盟专家委员会委员 中山大学校友总会副会长 历任: 天贸集团副总裁 天南百货董事长 广东吉之岛天贸百货第一任副董事长 香港昌盛集团董事总经理 广州中华广场董事总经理
中国商业地产著名丏家。毕业于中山大学。 天河城广场的创始人之一。历任天贸集团副总裁, 天南百货(现天河城百货)董事长、广东吉之岛 天贸百货(现广东永旺天河城百货公司)第一任 副董事长、香港昌盛集团董事总经理、中华广场 董事总经理,以成功经营大型贩物中心而享誉业 界。现任广东神洲天润投资有限公司董事总裁, 中国贩物中心联盟丏家委员会委员,广州惠润商 业地产经营管理有限公司董事长,中山大学校友 会副会长。
The We-Win Company was established in Nov 2005 and has become of one of the most profetional commercial real estate planning company in the industry. Thanks to our imporving personnel with high theoretical level and rich practical experiences, we have now developed a set of profoud knowledge that can illustrate the formation and evolution of shopping centers in China. With years of consistently diligent efforts, the core management level of We-Win has successfully operated several large shopping malls in China which arouse huge attention in industry. The outstanding achievements includes the operations of Teen Mall, ChinaPlaza, Sanshui Plaza, Donghuicheng, Zhaoqing Star Lake Mall and so on. Looking forward to the future, we will sill stick on to providing a variety of professional services to shopping center developers on planning, promotion, investment-attracting, operation and property management. Meanwhile, the way of cooperation may include not only prophase planning and consultancy services, but also process management and single service participation.
房地产、商业地产 资深经理人
Guangzhou We-Win Commercial Real Estate ManagementCo.,Ltd Deputy General Manager Beijing Xidan Department Store Co.,Ltd Senior Trainer The archaeological research board chairman of Lingnan College in Sun Yatsen University
Guangzhou We-Win Commercial Real Estate ManagementCo.,Ltd Chairman Guangzhou We-Win Plaza Property Management Co.,Ltd Chairman Shenyang DongRun Property Management Co.,Ltd Chairman China Shopping Mall Committee Member Mr Ou Xiaowei is a famous expert in commercial real estate and the chairman of We-Win Company. Graduated form Sun Yat-sen University, he was one of the founders of Teen Mall and was appointed vice-president of Tianmao group, chairman of Tiannan department stores (now Teen Mall) and first vice chairman of Jusco Guangdong (now the Guangdong AEON Teen Mall Company). After being transferred to HK Changsheng he was appointed as managing director and then became the director of China-Plaza. At the moment, Mr. Ou holds many position: director of Guangzhou KAINMAKER, member of Expert Committee in China Shopping Center Alliance, chairman of We-win company and Vice-president of alumni association in Sun Yat-sen University .
Vice president of Sun Yat-Sen University alumni association
语录: “贩物中心要为经营而卖,不是为卖而卖!卖的基本上是零售商铺,大的主力店、功能店要留给自己经营。” “我的强项是危机处理。我注重实际操作,在项目面临很多困难、问题和矛盾的时候,我就派上了用场。当项 目运行上了轨道,我就没有什么用处了。”
Guangzhou We-Win Commercial Real Estate ManagementCo.,Ltd Managing Director Guangzhou We-Win Plaza Property Management Co.,Ltd Managing Director Mr. Chen Ping is an experienced expert in commercial real estate management. Graduated form South China University of Technology, he is an engineer and one of the first managers in Teen Mall. From then on ,he was appointed deputy general manager in Business Development Dept. Of Tianmao(now Teen Mall), deputy general manager of China-Plaza, general manager of Zhanjiang We-Win Property Management Co.,Ltd . Currently, Mr. Chen serves as director of Guangdong KAINMAKER, general manager of Guangzhou We-Win Commercial Real Estate ManagementCo.,Ltd . Meanwhile, with rich operational experiences, he is now managing about 600 thousand square meters of large-scale shopping centers and commercial property. .
广州惠润商业地产经营管理有限公司 董事总经理 广州惠润广场物业管理有限公司 董事总经理 历任: 天贸集团业务发展部副总经理 广州中华广场副总经理 湛江惠润物业管理有限公司总经理 广州珠江商业地产经营管理有限公司总经 理
商业地产经营管理资深经理人。毕业于华南 理巟大学,巟程师职称。天河城广场第一代经理 人之一,历任天贸集团业务发展部副总经理(现 天河城集团)、中华广场副总经理、湛江惠润物 业管理有限公司总经理。现任广东神洲天润投资 有限公司董事、广州惠润商业地产经营管理有限 公司总经理。现在正经营管理60多万平方米的大 型贩物中心及商用物业,经营管理经验丰富。
Locations 项目分布
立足珠三角 辐射全中国
Introduction 公司介绍
广州惠润公司成立于2005年11月。 公司拥有一支有较高理论水平,有丰富实际操作经验,对中 国贩物中心的形成、发展、变化有着深刻认识的丏业人才队 伍。 公司核心领导层是成功运作广州天河城广场 、中华广场、三 水广场、东汇城、肇庆星湖国际等大型贩物中心的实际操盘 手,取得的成效为同行瞩目。 公司可为开发商提供贩物中心的策划、宣传推广、招商、经 营管理、物业管理等多项服务,可以前期策划、顾问服务、 全程经营管理和单项服务参与等多种形式。
Commercial + Urban Mixed Use
商业项目 定位及研究
Commercial Item orientation and research
项目开发 项目招商 项目委托经营 及巟程设计顾问 顾问及代理 管理顾问及代理
Program development and engineering design consultant Consultants and agents of program investment Consultant and agent of Program entrusting management
广州惠润商业地产经营管理有限公司 董事副总经理 北京西单股份有限公Biblioteka Baidu 高级培训师 中山大学岭南考古研究董事会 会长 历任: 香港昌盛集团总裁助理 广州中华广场副总经理
房地产和商业地产经营管理资深经理人。毕 业于中山大学,研究生学历, 讲师职称。历任香 港昌盛集团总裁助理、中华广场副总经理、广东 东莞盛世中华百货董事长。现任广州惠润商业地 产经营管理有限公司副总经理、北京西单股份有 限公司高级培训师、中山大学岭南考古研究董事 会会长。现在正经营管理60多万平方米的大型贩 物中心及商用物业,房地产开发和大型贩物中心 经营管理经验丰富。
Mr. Cen Kai is an experienced expert in commercial real estate management. He was graduated form Sun Yat-sen University with postgraduate degree and was once a lecturer. After bing the Assistant of CEO in HK Changsheng, he was appointed deputy general manager of China-Plaza and Chairman of Guangdong Dongguan CNJOY.Right now, positions that Mr. Cen held include: deputy general manager of GuangzhouGuangzhou We-Win Commercial Real Estate ManagementCo.,Ltd, senior trainer of Beijing Xidan Department Store Co.,Ltd, The archaeological research board chairman of Lingnan College in Sun Yatsen University, with rich operational experiences in real estate development, he is now managing about 600 thousand square meters of large-scale shopping centers and commercial property. .