Skype for Business部署解决方案
Skype for Business 说明书

Phone set-up pin:Skype for BusinessSecurity reasons:Click on: on:Sign InSign in:Click on:Sign InCreate Pin:The unique pin created will now secure yourphone. Please use this unique pin to sign-into your phone.How To GuideSupport Links:Skype for Business Client your Computer (Optional) Windows• Set Uphttps:///en-us/article/set-up-skype-for-business-c0b4ef28-d281-4bb6-ba4d-50495d2ae24c?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Chatshttps:///en-us/article/chat-in-skype-for-business-133b5587-105f-444c-b4a1-721c22416d02?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Share and Schedulehttps:///en-us/article/share-and-schedule-in-skype-for-business-5c60902b-b08c-4d72-b823-9ecc250cca8c?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Set up Mobile Apphttps:///en-us/article/set-up-your-mobile-apps-985ab72b-47ed-4e0b-9ee5-7376263553ca?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Add a Contacts:https:///en-us/article/Add-a-contact-in-Skype-for-Business-89338023-2adf-4f5c-90b6-f8b6f72fadd1?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Presence, and Instant Messaging:https:///en-us/article/Send-an-IM-in-Skype-for-Business-48c07e01-c833-4c63-8505-0fda906ef33b?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Making Callshttps:///en-us/article/make-and-receive-a-video-call-using-skype-for-business-abf62493-670f-4b0d-b2cf-fe03b49caf42?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Meetingshttps:///en-us/article/Join-a-Skype-for-Business-meeting-3862be6d-758a-4064-a016-67c0febf3cd5• Set up a Meeting in Outlookhttps:///en-us/article/Join-a-Skype-for-Business-meeting-3862be6d-758a-4064-a016-67c0febf3cd5• Video Calls and Conferencinghttps:///en-us/article/Join-a-Skype-for-Business-meeting-3862be6d-758a-4064-a016-67c0febf3cd5Mac iOSPlease note: Basic functionalities available for Mac Users:Click on link below for more information:https:///en-us/skypeforbusiness/plan-your-deployment/clients-and-devices/desktop-feature-comparison• Set up Skype for Businesshttps:///en-us/article/set-up-skype-for-business-on-mac-d3af2dd4-04ff-48e7-8e68-25269f6a6e09• Chatshttps:///en-us/article/chat-in-skype-for-business-on-mac-303b6e02-8640-45aa-b811-f59d61f99b4c?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Share and Schedulehttps:///en-us/article/share-and-schedule-in-skype-for-business-on-mac-2cd3ef2a-6646-4175-bdc4-8d3a931931ae?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US• Set up Mobile appshttps:///en-us/article/set-up-your-mobile-apps-6c342690-1b50-4e28-a7ab-89acb1763c94?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US Online training Videohttps:///Touring the Platform:Step 2:Under the heading Self Service click on online learning platform You will be re-directed to the platformLogin: U FS e-mail address(**************.za ) Password: UFS PasswordStep 1:Access the UFS Staff Intranet Page 3:Type in:Skype for BusinessClick on: “Skype for Business Essential Training”Step 4:Watch the training videosTutorial Videos:https:///Skype-tutorials/Up-Running-Skype-Business-2015/397959-2.html https:///Skype-tutorials/Skype-Business-Essential-Training/574675-2.htmliPhone / iPad, Windows Phone and or Android device, download Skype for Business on your app store.This device can operate as an office phone – allowing you to make and receive call, together with Instant Messaging (IM) and participate in video calls.Official calls and Private calls• No Telephone pin code required when calling Official.• Dial 999 in front of the number if it is for private use.Please note: Billing will remain unchanged for private callsSetup of mobile devices:NB: Please connect to Wireless 1 as data charges apply on downloading the app and making, and receiving video / voice calls. This applies to IM as well. Skype for Business Mobile AppAndroid Phone:• Go to play store (Android) and download skype for business• Download App (35.84 MB)• Open skype for business (shortcut will be added)• Accept terms of use• Click arrow• Organizational sign-in address is your UFS email address• Click arrow• Type UFS email password• Click arrow• Tick box next to Always trust this certificate• Click continue• Add cellphone number• Click arrow• Go to next page, next page and then click arrow• To receive office calls on your cellphone, skype for business on your phone must be open and be on Apple Phone:• Go to app store (IOS) and download skype for business• Download App (140 MB)• Open skype for business• To receive office calls on your cellphone, skype for business on your phone must be open and UFS Wireless1.Support enquiries:******************.zaContact details:X2000Log an usMigration Feedback:(Please note, this is only for feedback purposes, no response to anysupporting enquiries will be handled here)*********************.za。

内外网统一威胁管理解决方案随着网络及信息技术的飞速发展,企业运营对网络的依赖日益加深,用户的网络及信息安全也正日益面临越来越多的风险: 蠕虫、木马、间谍软件、恶意网页、垃圾邮件, 融合多种渗透和破坏技术的复合式攻击, 针对网络基础设施发起的拒绝服务攻击(DoS/DDoS), 给企业的经营造成了巨大的破坏。
同时新问题仍在不断涌现,网络安全威胁逐渐由网络层向应用层发展,由早期针对TCP/IP协议漏洞的攻击,转到利用TCP/IP数据包内容对操作系统和应用漏洞的攻击,给识别和控制这些威胁带来了新的困难;外部的入侵和攻击固然危险,内部安全问题同样突出,网络不断发展的同时,使用网络的人员的安全意识和防范技术却相对落后;构成网络的各种网络设备/应用软件/操作系统漏洞频出,而针对系统弱点的漏洞利用出现越来越快, 留给用户的响应时间越来越短;利用SQL 数据库漏洞进行攻击的SQL Slammer蠕虫每8.5 秒感染范围就扩展一倍,在10分钟内感染了全球90%有漏洞的机器,调查表明,90%以上的PC感染了间谍软件。
如何避免以往信息安全体系建设中普遍存在的“马其诺防线”现象?安氏领信推出了业界领先的“IDEAL”(inner defense external aegis link )安全方案,从网络边界和终端计算环境两个最主要的防御领域入手,做到内部防御与外部阻止相连接,旨在为用户构建一个立体的、主动的、深层防御的理想信息安全保障体系领信“IDEAL” 方案主要由两部分组成:1、领信统一威胁管理系统-Linktrust UTM2、领信终端安全管理系统-Linktrust IntraSecLinktrust UTM和Linktrust IntraSec除自身具有强大的功能外,还能够紧密耦合,协同工作,为企业提供全方位立体防护。
Skype for Business在办公中的应用

Skype for Business在办公中的应用随着信息技术的快速发展,现代办公室的工作方式也越来越多地倾向于实现数字化、智能化、高效化处理。
其中,Skype forBusiness作为一款基于互联网的软件,在企业协作、沟通、会议等方面成为一大助手。
一、Skype for Business的概述Skype for Business,前称Lync,是由微软公司推出的一款企业级实时通讯和视频会议软件,主要功能有企业内部通信、视频、语音、实时屏幕共享、网上会议、远程培训等方面。
其主要功能及特点如下:1.实时通信:Skype for Business可以在快速、可靠的企业内部网络上轻松实现即时聊天、在线状态、文件共享、通知提醒等功能。
2.实时视频:Skype for Business提供了高清晰度的视频会议功能,轻松实现同城、异地、不同时区等任意地点的实时交流。
3.简易会议:Skype for Business可以轻松处理企业内部的高质量视频、语音会议,并支持与供应商、客户、合作方的视频会议。
4.无缝协作:Skype for Business可以通过实时屏幕共享、白板、共享文件等功能实现远程协作,有效提高沟通效率。
二、Skype for Business在办公中的应用1.提高响应速度Skype for Business主页中可以看到联系人的实时状态,包括在线、忙碌、离线等,可以轻松实现沟通的时效性。
2.远程协作Skype for Business可以轻松实现远程协作,如语音/视频会议、在线共享ppt、文件、实时屏幕共享等,让不在同一地点或时区的团队成员分享相关资讯,轻松完成项目交流,类似的功能可令会议室由物质的一桌与几把椅子,转化为一个虚拟、达到协作的平台。
3.提高工作效率Skype for Business可支持广泛的互联网语音/视频电话会议,可依据调度特征与需求创建在线会议,且与其它微软Office应用程序无缝连接,轻松分享PowerPoint文稿,可针对需求开展远程培训、技术交流、项目竞标等,提高工作效率。

该解决方案整合了微软的通信和协作工具,包括Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Exchange Server等,为企业提供了全面的沟通和协作功能。
二、解决方案的主要特点1. 统一平台:微软统一沟通解决方案将企业内部的通信工具整合在一个平台上,使得员工可以通过一个应用程序进行即时通信、音视频会议、电子邮件等多种沟通方式,简化了沟通流程,提高了工作效率。
2. 即时通信:通过Microsoft Teams和Skype for Business,员工可以实时发送消息、进行语音通话和视频会议,实现快速、高效的沟通和协作。
3. 音视频会议:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了强大的音视频会议功能,可以支持多人同时参预的会议,无论是内部员工还是外部合作火伴,都可以通过应用程序参预会议,实现远程协作和沟通。
4. 电子邮件:通过集成的Exchange Server,员工可以使用企业邮箱进行电子邮件的收发和管理。
5. 挪移办公:微软统一沟通解决方案支持挪移设备的使用,员工可以通过手机、平板电脑等挪移设备随时随地进行沟通和协作。
6. 安全性和可靠性:微软统一沟通解决方案采用了先进的安全技术和加密算法,保护企业的通信和数据安全。
以下是几个常见的应用场景:1. 团队协作:微软统一沟通解决方案可以匡助团队成员之间进行实时的沟通和协作。
Office 365 在山东省立医院的应用

山东省立医院借助微软云端协作平台和统一通信系统为患者提供智慧的医疗服务概览地区: 中国 行业: 医疗客户简介山东省立医院始建于1897年,是山东省卫生系统龙头单位和山东省规模最大的综合性医院。
业务状况⏹ 众多的医疗业务平台需要整合 ⏹ 传统的电话沟通方式缺乏效率 ⏹ 希望建立统一的协作平台提升医疗效率解决方案⏹ 以Office 365整合多个医疗信息平台 ⏹ 用Skype for Business 实现医疗统一通讯 ⏹ 跨平台部署客户端,覆盖现有智能终端 ⏹ 为远程医疗提供可靠的平台保障主要优势⏹ 充分利用数据提升医疗机构服务与决策效率 ⏹ 一站式满足医疗机构的沟通与协作需求 ⏹ 为医务工作者提供随时随地的沟通体验未来计划⏹ 利用Office 365 进一步扩展医疗协作平台 ⏹ 将服务延伸至患者,提升医疗满意度“微软的Skype for Business 医疗统一通讯解决方案可以帮助我们实现人员、信息与数据的整合与协作。
医务人员可以随时随地通过PC 、智能手机、平板电脑进行医疗信息沟通、音频与视频通话,显著提升沟通效率。
借助数据中心的患者 360 度诊疗信息视图,医生可以快速浏览全部的患者信息,有利于提高工作效率,进一步释放医院的诊疗潜力,提升服务水平。
”包国峰, 信息网络中心主任山东省立医院山东省立医院始建于1897年,是山东省卫生系统龙头单位和山东省规模最大的综合性医院。

该解决方案整合了微软的通信和协作产品,包括Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Exchange Server和SharePoint等,为企业提供全面的沟通和协作功能。
二、功能特点1. 即时通信:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了强大的即时通信功能,包括文字聊天、语音通话和视频会议等。
用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business与团队成员进行实时沟通,无论是在办公室还是远程工作,都能够快速高效地交流。
2. 会议和协作:该解决方案支持多人语音和视频会议,用户可以随时创建会议,并邀请参与者进行协作讨论。
3. 邮件和日历:微软统一沟通解决方案集成了Exchange Server,为用户提供了强大的邮件和日历功能。
4. 文档管理和共享:该解决方案集成了SharePoint,为用户提供了文档管理和共享功能。
5. 移动办公:微软统一沟通解决方案支持移动设备,用户可以通过手机或平板电脑访问和使用各种通信和协作工具。
以下是几种常见的部署方式:1. 本地部署:企业可以选择在自己的服务器上部署Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Exchange Server和SharePoint等组件,以实现对整个解决方案的完全控制和管理。

统一通信平台 重点特征Yealink UME 是亿联发布的最新企业统一通信服务平台,集成即时消息、文件传输、企业通讯录、视频会议服务、语音通话、白板协作、WebRTC、SIP 中继、录播、直播等服务,与亿联视频会议终端、桌面话机、UME 客户端深度集成,涵盖企业移动办公、远程沟通和在线协作等多种办公场景,助力企业信息化建设,提升企业办公协作效率。
灵活部署,互联互通• 支持自动化部署和升级,图形化设置引导界面,简化管理和运维成本。
• 多模块合于一体,功能强大,安全可靠。
• 支持通过服务器叠加,实现快速扩容,降低扩容成本,满足企业未来的发展需求。
• 内置企业语音电话和SIP中继模块,与标准SIP语音网关互联互通,支持市话接入。
• 内置H323 GK,支持与微软 Skype for Business (Lync)客户端进行音视频和辅流的互联互通。
强大功能,高效沟通• 支持企业组织结构通讯录,支持 Microsoft/IBM LDAP 同步,满足企业对通讯录统一管理的需求。
• 文字、文件、图片、语音、会议日程、通话记录等全类型数据云端同步。
• 统一分机号,支持点对点、语音会议及企业外线等,企业语音方案全融合。
• 千方级别的广播互动型大容量会议。
• 视频支持全编全解, 1080P高清端口适配。
• 超强网络适应性, 30%丢包视频清晰流畅, 70%丢包声音清晰流畅。
• 支持标准API,H5方式接入企业内部系统,实现单点登录、通知对接,统一应用入口。
安全可靠,高效管理• 支持企业私有化部署,数据存储在内网。
• 系统服务器支持主备制,可以实现自动切换。
• 支持黑名单、白名单和智能安全策略、服务器诊断及多种先进的加密技术 TLS,SRTP, HTTPS, SSH, AES-256,保障安全。
• 采用最先进的ICE 穿透技术,支持在公共的DMZ 中部署会议节点,实现跨网骑墙穿透。
Intrado E911 解决方案说明书

Compatible with the widestrange of VoIP equipment vendors for seamless E911 integrationStreamlined service, quality control and reliable network infrastructureComplex environment support, such as multiple UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted, or in hybrid environments1,000+Trusted to safeguard over 1,000 organizations60MOver 60M VoIP records under managementEmergency Routing ServiceEmergency Routing Service (ERS) provides organizations with E911 call routing and enhanced location delivery to over 6,000 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the United States. Using a singleredundant SIP or PSTN connection, ERS delivers your 911 call to the right PSAP with the caller’s location information.Key Features and Benefits:Emergency Routing Service ComponentsERS PortalThe ERS Portal is a web-based dashboard that provides administrators with access to the ERS account for configuration, record provisioning and reporting.ERS APIThe ERS API enables enterprises to automatically add, modify and delete provisioned locations and users, through integration with enterprise subscriber management tools.Provisioning ServerThe Provisioning Server geocodes and validates locations for insertion into the National ALI Database.National ALI DatabaseThe National ALI Database contains user location records that can be retrieved via the Regional ALI Databases for display at the PSAP. 911 Call ServerThe 911 Call Server receives 911 calls and determines the appropriate routing actions based on the location of the caller and relevant call routing configurations. 911 Call Routing NetworkThe 911 Call Routing Network serves as an interface between ERS and the 911 infrastructure throughout the U.S.ECRCEmergency Call Response Center (ECRC) handles unprovisioned and failover 911 calls. The U.S.-based ECRC is staffed by APCO-trained dispatchers, who orally confirm the caller’s location and transfer the call via the selective router network to theappropriate PSAP.Emergency Routing Service Architecture Data and Call Flow1.The enterprise validates user and locationrecords in the ERS Provisioning Server using the ERS Portal or ERS API. These records are thenstored in the ERS National ALI Database.2. A user makes a 911 call. The call is routed fromthe enterprise’s IP-PBX or UC system via SIP or PSTN to the ERS 911 Call Server.3.The 911 Call Server retrieves the location of thecaller from the National ALI Database androutes the call to the 911 Call Routing Network.4.The 911 Call Routing Network directs the call tothe appropriate selective router, which thendelivers the call to the local PSAP.5.The PSAP retrieves the user’s location recordfrom the ERS National ALI Database using aconnection through the Regional ALI Database.6.In a failover/unprovisioned call scenario, the 911Call Server directs the call to the ECRC forlocation verification and routing.SpecificationsData CentersActive-Active load-balanced call serversSIP and PSTN connectivitySIP UDP/TCP protocolsConfigurable dial plans for emergency and test callsIntrado Emergency GatewayCertified with Skype for BusinessCertified with Avaya Aura Communication and SessionManagersU.S. and Canada 911 coverageU.S.-based and operated by Intrado24/7/365 operationsSupport for unprovisioned calls and remote workers;back-up answering point for contingency routingTest CallsPlayback of call details including address and 911coverageEmail confirmation of every test call with results911 Call NotificationSMS-formatted alertsConference security personnel for real-time callmonitoringConfigurable one-way or two-way audioOptional capabilityLocation Manager Client: Windows 10, Windows 7,MacOSOn-site tracking with automated location updates andEmergency Response Location (ERL) network maps(subnets, wireless)Dynamic RoutingConfigurable ERL network maps (subnets) Address Validation andProvisioning Link with geo-coordinates for address mappingSecure portal for service administrationBatch files for bulk provisioningIndividual sub-accounts for separating access torecords and reportsPortal branding for service providersProvisioning ERS APIReal-time provisioning of recordsCustomer Lab for API developmentDocumentationERS Network Interface GuideMonthly subscriptionCompliant with current state E911 legislationNENA i2 (08-001)RFC: RTSP 2326, RTP 1889, SOAP 3902, PIDF-LO 5139Customer support and troubleshooting included withthe serviceEmail and web support portalSolution ApplicabilitySmall and medium businessesVoIP Service ProvidersSIP Trunk ProvidersAbout IntradoIntrado, formerly West, is an innovative, cloud-based, global technology partner to clients around the world. Intrado Life & Safety connects people and organizations at the right time and in the right ways to the nearest emergency assistance, and provides thousands of public safety agencies and first responders with critical data points to coordinate the best emergency response. Our end-to-end 911 solutions help enterprises keep their users safe and meet 911 regulations.For more information, please call 1-877-862-2835,email ******************, or visit /life-safety© 2020 Intrado Corporation. All rights reserved.。
ArubaOS 8 控制器操作系统说明书

ArubaOS 8 控制器操作系统这个更为智能化的操作系统专为当今移动化的办公场所打造。
概述移动设备、物联网(IoT )和关键业务应用程序使移动工作人员能够提高生产力和效率,但这同时提高了他们对网络的需求。
ArubaOS 是所有Aruba 移动控制器、虚拟移动控制器、Mobility Master 和控制器管理的无线接入点的操作系统。
凭借广泛的集成技术和功能,ArubaOS 8提供统一的有线和无线接入、无缝漫游、企业级安全、以及始终在线的网络,交付所需的性能、用户体验和可靠性,以支持高密度环境。
Mobility Master 是Aruba 架构的一个新组件,使客户能够利用要求集中协调的高级功能,以及因移动和IoT 设备需求增加而扩展的网络。
它还可以替代主控制器的先前功能,并且可以部署为VM 或x86硬件设备。
Mobility Master 自动优化RF ,并在不太可能发生的控制器宕机故障中实现无中断故障转移。
Aruba 当前的移动控制器客户可以从ArubaOS 版本6升级到版本8,并立即受益于一些新特性和功能。
对于更高级的功能(例如第三方集成),客户需要在部署中添加Mobility Master 。
有关ArubaOS 8上详细功能的说明,请参阅此处提供的列表说明。
简化操作与在包含全局和本地配置的平面配置模型上操作的ArubaOS6相反,ArubaOS 8新的UI界面使用集中式多层体系结构,清晰地分离了管理、控制和转发功能。
Mobility Master和受管设备的所有配置都在一个集中的地点进行——这能够带来更好的可见性和监控能力,并能够简化配置流程,并最大程度避免重复作业。
ArubaOS 8中的新UI界面具有现代化的外观,采用快速化的工作流程,使用起来更为简单。
ArubaOS 8中的以下功能简化了网络操作:带池的集中许可:IT团队可通过来自Mobility Master或主控制器的集中式许可,在一个集中式位置管理所有许可证。

二、微软统一沟通解决方案的组成部分1. Microsoft Teams:Microsoft Teams是一款集成了聊天、音视频通话、在线会议、文件共享等功能的团队协作工具。
Microsoft Teams还支持与外部合作伙伴进行安全的沟通和协作。
2. Exchange Online:Exchange Online是微软的企业级电子邮件和日历服务。
3. SharePoint Online:SharePoint Online是一款企业级的文档管理和协作平台。
4. Skype for Business:Skype for Business是一款企业级的即时通讯和在线会议工具。
5. OneDrive for Business:OneDrive for Business是微软的企业级云存储服务。
三、微软统一沟通解决方案的功能特点1. 统一平台:微软统一沟通解决方案将各个组件集成在一个平台上,用户可以在同一个界面上完成不同的沟通和协作任务,避免了频繁切换工具的麻烦。
2. 实时沟通:Microsoft Teams和Skype for Business提供了实时的聊天、音视频通话和在线会议功能,用户可以随时随地与团队成员进行沟通,无论是文字还是语音、视频。
Skype For Business 学生使用手册

Skype For Business 安装使用手册(学生版)前言:请大家提早准备面试使用通讯工具。
手机端用户下载并安装Skype For Busines 客户端,电脑端用户下载并安装插件,调试好电脑音频及视频功能,熟悉下文中会议加入流程及使用方法,建议使用耳麦,以便于面试顺利进行,避免因操作故障影响面试质量与你们的面试心态Skype For Business客户端下载1)电脑端:Windows和Mac系统:无需安装客户端,点击下载并安装插件即可。
Windows插件(点击下载)Mac插件(点击下载)2)手机端:a) IOS版本:前往App Store中搜索并下载“Skype for Business”b) Android版本:点击下载(勿从其他途径下载软件)二维码下载(使用浏览器扫描)电脑端Skype使用方法1)加入会议a)点击邮件中的链接,进入页面(建议浏览器:IE或chrome)b)点击“使用Skype For Business Web应用加入”c)点击“Skype会议应用插件”,下载并安装插件(已安装过插件,忽略此步骤)d)插件安装成功后,点击“加入会议”e)输入您的姓名(面试者名字,帮助面试官识别面试者),点击“加入”进入会议。
2) 开启音频和视频进入会议后,面试者默认处于静音状态。

二、解决方案概述微软统一沟通解决方案是基于微软的Office 365平台开发的,集成了多种沟通工具和功能,包括即时通讯、视频会议、电子邮件、日程安排等,为企业提供了一站式的沟通和协作平台。
1. 即时通讯微软统一沟通解决方案中的即时通讯工具包括Microsoft Teams和Skype for Business。
2. 视频会议微软统一沟通解决方案提供了高质量的视频会议功能,使得远程会议变得更加便捷。
用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business发起视频会议,与团队成员进行面对面的沟通。
3. 电子邮件微软统一沟通解决方案中的电子邮件功能基于Exchange Online,提供了安全、可靠的邮件服务。
4. 日程安排微软统一沟通解决方案中的日程安排功能基于Exchange Online和Microsoft Outlook,帮助用户管理个人和团队的日程安排。
三、解决方案优势微软统一沟通解决方案具有以下优势:1. 统一平台:微软统一沟通解决方案集成了多种沟通工具和功能,用户可以在同一个平台上完成多种沟通任务,提高工作效率。

该解决方案整合了微软的各类沟通工具,包括Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Outlook等,为企业提供了统一的沟通平台和工具。
二、解决方案的主要功能和特点1. 统一沟通平台:微软统一沟通解决方案整合了多种沟通工具和平台,使得企业内部沟通更加便捷。
2. 即时通讯:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了强大的即时通讯功能,用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business与团队成员进行实时交流。
3. 在线会议:解决方案中的Microsoft Teams和Skype for Business提供了强大的在线会议功能。
4. 邮件管理:微软统一沟通解决方案整合了Outlook邮件客户端,为用户提供了便捷的邮件收发和管理功能。
5. 移动端支持:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了移动端应用程序,支持iOS和Android系统。
6. 安全性和可靠性:微软统一沟通解决方案采用了先进的安全技术和加密机制,确保用户的通讯数据和信息安全。
三、解决方案的应用场景微软统一沟通解决方案适用于各类企业和组织,特别是对于需要频繁沟通和协作的团队和部门,具有以下应用场景:1. 跨地域团队协作:对于分布在不同地域的团队,微软统一沟通解决方案提供了便捷的远程协作方式。

2 混合视频云整体解决方案
1. 吉利内网部署skype转码服务器,实现Skype与MCU的视频沟通
2. 转码服务器作为媒体转换网关,只作为转码处理,不对外输出媒体流,确保安全性
3. 海外渠道合作伙伴使用鹏云视讯服务,接入鹏云海外节点
4. 国内渠道合作伙伴使用国内鹏云视讯多链路接入服务,保障服务质量
Lync 客户端
SIP trunk
SIP/H.323 trunk
,两台作放为眼计全算球资,源,经一济台危作机为之备后用,计为算了资源有效削 。 减运营成本,越来越多的企业开始用视
频会议取代原来频繁的商务出差,2015 年,全球视频会议市场规模约达到27亿 美元,是2010年12亿美元的两倍多。
4 混合视频云解决方案
方案优势: •多地部署数据中心,保证平台稳定可靠 •海外渠道直接注册鹏云视讯平台,通过海 底直连光缆保障国际互联效果 •国内渠道直接注册鹏云视讯平台,使用智 能DNS技术,就近接入鹏云视讯数据中心相 应网络节点,保障最有通信质量 •军方级加密协议,保证通信安全可靠 •呼叫策略设置,保证数据流安全
5. 海外渠道使用鹏云视讯海外光纤保障国际通信质量
6. 支持吉利内部设备呼叫云平台,但是云平台不允许呼叫内部,增加安全性


该解决方案整合了微软的各种通信和协作工具,包括Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Exchange Server等,提供了统一的沟通平台,使得用户可以通过多种方式进行沟通和协作,从而提高工作效率和团队协作能力。
功能特点:1. 实时沟通:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了实时的即时通信功能,用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business进行即时消息、音频和视频通话。
2. 会议协作:该解决方案还提供了强大的会议协作功能,用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business发起和参与在线会议。
3. 邮件和日历管理:微软统一沟通解决方案整合了Exchange Server,提供了强大的邮件和日历管理功能。
4. 文件共享和协作:该解决方案还提供了OneDrive和SharePoint集成,支持用户在团队内部和跨团队之间进行文件共享和协作。
用户可以在Microsoft Teams或SharePoint上创建和共享文件夹,多人同时编辑和评论文件,实现协同工作和版本控制。
5. 移动办公:微软统一沟通解决方案支持移动办公,用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Outlook移动应用程序在任何时间、任何地点进行沟通和协作。
实施步骤:1. 系统评估:在实施微软统一沟通解决方案之前,需要进行系统评估,了解企业的沟通和协作需求,确定所需的功能和规模。

该解决方案集成了微软的多个产品和服务,包括Microsoft Teams、Skype for Business、Exchange Server等,为用户提供了统一的沟通平台,使得团队成员能够更加高效地进行沟通、协作和共享信息。
二、功能特点1. 实时消息和语音通话:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了实时的消息和语音通话功能,用户可以通过Microsoft Teams或Skype for Business进行即时沟通,无论是文字消息还是语音通话,都能够实现高质量的沟通体验。
2. 视频会议和屏幕共享:通过微软统一沟通解决方案,用户可以进行高清视频会议,并且支持多人参与。
3. 统一的通讯录和日历:微软统一沟通解决方案集成了Exchange Server,用户可以方便地访问统一的通讯录和日历,实现快速查找联系人和安排会议等功能。
4. 文件共享和协作:微软统一沟通解决方案支持用户在Microsoft Teams中进行文件共享和协作,团队成员可以方便地共享文件、编辑文档,并进行实时的协同编辑。
5. 第三方应用集成:微软统一沟通解决方案支持第三方应用的集成,用户可以将其他常用的工具和应用程序集成到Microsoft Teams中,提高工作效率和便利性。
三、应用场景微软统一沟通解决方案适用于各种不同的应用场景,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 企业内部沟通和协作:微软统一沟通解决方案可以帮助企业内部的员工进行高效的沟通和协作,无论是在同一办公室还是分布在不同地点的团队成员,都能够方便地进行实时的沟通和协作。
2. 远程办公和团队协作:微软统一沟通解决方案提供了强大的远程办公和团队协作功能,用户可以通过视频会议、屏幕共享等方式进行远程协作,提高团队的工作效率和协同能力。

Skype Manager™User GuideVersion 1.1Copyright © Skype Limited 2010About this guideSkype Manager™ is a web-based management tool that lets you set up, manage and report on the usage of Skype within your business, all in one place.This guide has been written for administrators of Skype Manager who are responsible for overseeing their company's usage of Skype. It provides administrators with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to set up and use Skype Manager. Finding more informationIf you're new to Skype Manager and need to get up to speed fast, you may be interested in the Skype Manager Quick Start Guide. This guide is available on the Skype Support site.This site contains comprehensive information on how to get the most out of Skype, including troubleshooters, FAQs, user guides, technical guides and quick start guides.For information on all Skype for Business products, visit the Skype for Business area of the Skype website:/businessContacting SkypeSkype customers can contact Skype Customer Service by submitting a form on the Skype Support website. To do so, visit the Skype Support site and in the Related menu on the right side of the screen, click Get more help.ImportantEmergency callingAccess to a broadband internet connection is required. Skype is not a replacement for traditional telephone services and cannot be used for emergency calling. Skype for SIP is meant to complement existing traditional telephone services used with a corporate SIP-enabled PBX, not as a stand-alone solution. Skype for SIP users need to ensure all calls to emergency services are terminated through traditional fixed line telephone services, connected to the local exchange, or through other emergency calling capable telephone services.Online NumbersOnline Numbers are provided ‘as is’ and their ongoing availability to you is subject to applicable local residency rules and regulatory practices. The terms related to Online Numbers may change accordingly, such changes may include the imposition or amendment of local residency requirements and/or require you to provide further user information for continued access to defined Online Numbers. Such changes may impact on your ability to use, purchase and allocate Online Numbers in the future. The terms that relate to Online Numbers are clearly displayed within the Online Number purchase flow and you need to agree to these prior to proceeding to purchase Online Numbers.Contents1.0 Introducing Skype Manager : Page 51.1 Where do I start? : Page 51.2 What next? : Page 82.0 Members : Page 92.1 Adding members : Page 92.2 Can members update their details? : Page 112.3 The Members list : Page 122.4 Managing your members : Page 132.5 Inviting members with personal accounts: Page 153.0 Skype Credit : Page 183.1 What is my balance? : Page 183.2 Buying Skype Credit : Page 183.3 Verifying your company : Page 193.4 Changing your currency : Page 193.5 Payment methods : Page 203.6 Auto-recharge : Page 203.7 Stored payment details : Page 213.8 Low balance alerts : Page 214.0 Features : Page 224.1 Credit allocations : Page 224.2 Subscriptions : Page 254.3 Voicemail : Page 264.4 Online Numbers : Page 274.5 Call forwarding : Page 294.6 Skype for SIP : Page 305.0 Reports : Page 325.1 Summary : Page 325.2 Purchases : Page 325.3 Allocations : Page 335.4 Usage : Page 335.5 Downloading reports and invoices : Page 346.0 Account details : Page 356.1 Company details : Page 356.2 Skype Manager settings : Page 356.3 Payment settings : Page 366.4 Redeem voucher : Page 367.0 Deleting your Skype Manager : Page 37 Appendix : Page 381.0 Introducing Skype Manager Skype Manager is a web-based management tool that lets you set up, manage and report on the usage of Skype within your business, all in one place.With Skype Manager, you can manage your Skype business communications in the way that works best for you. You can create business accounts for your colleagues, allocate them Skype Credit, assign them features, and track their spending. In short, Skype Manager provides you with administrator-level control of Skype usage in your business.Business accounts created in Skype Manager are owned and controlled by your company – not the individual employee. You can allocate Skype Credit, change passwords and control access to features. And if an employee leaves, you retain control of the business account, and any remaining Skype Credit and features.The administrator of the Skype Manager can buy Skype Credit centrally and then allocate it to each employee's business account or SIP Profile. Skype Credit within your Skype Manager can also be used to purchase and assign features like calling subscriptions and Online Numbers to employees’ business accounts.Skype Manager also helps you keep your calling costs under control. Expenditure and usage reports can be generated at a company, departmental or employee level. 1.1 Where do I start?The first thing you'll need to do is set up your own Skype Manager. To do so, visit the Skype for Business website and click Skype Manager./businessFollow the instructions to specify the personal account you want to use to set up Skype Manager. You can either use your existing personal account or create a new one specifically for your Skype Manager. (Once created, you can update your Skype account details at any time. You can do this by clicking your Skype Name in the top right-hand corner of the Skype Manager screen.)We recommend that you create a new Skype account to manage your Skype Manager, and use the account exclusively for this purpose. You may, therefore, find it useful to give this account a Skype Name that reflects its purpose: if your company is called "Architects", then your new personal account could be "architects.admin", for example.Once you have created your new Skype account for Skype Manager, you willbe automatically signed into Skype Manager. The first thing you will see is the dashboard. (You can sign out of Skype Manager at any time by clicking Sign out in the top right-hand corner of the screen.)1.1.1 The dashboardThe dashboard is displayed when you sign in to Skype Manager, and provides a useful overview of your company's usage of Skype.The first time you sign in to Skype Manager, a Getting Started Video that provides an overview of Skype Manager will be displayed. Links to the three most common tasks you will need to perform are also listed. Click Close to hide this content and display the dashboard itself.The dashboard provides the following information:˚Reports - the amount of Skype Credit you have allocated per month (click a specific month to view a reports summary for that month).˚Your account˚Current balance - the amount of Skype Credit in your Skype Manager.˚Upcoming payments - the total amount of payments due to bededucted from your Skype Credit in the next 30 days.˚Account status - the status of your payment settings. Can be: All OK, Attention Required, or Problem. Further details will be displayed in thisarea if there is a problem or attention is required, for example, if youhave insufficient Skype Credit to cover payments.˚Your features - all features assigned to members.˚Your members - member count, changes since you last signed in, outstanding invites.˚News - latest Skype Manager news.1.1.2 Finding your way aroundThe toolbar enables you to move between the different areas of Skype Manager.The Skype Manager toolbar contains links to the following areas:DashboardFor an overview of your Skype Manager.MembersFor adding members and managing their details.FeaturesFor managing the features assigned to your members.ReportsFor keeping track of Skype Credit purchases and allocations, features and the Skype usage of your members.The toolbar also contains:˚Your current Skype Credit balance.˚Buy Skype Credit button - for buying additional Skype Credit.˚Search members - enter a member's name and select a match from the dropdown list to view that member's details.1.1.3 VerificationWhen you sign up for Skype Manager, you are given a purchase limit that determines the maximum amount of Skype Credit you can purchase in one go. The rangeof payment methods available to you is also limited. To access a wider range of payment methods, or to increase your purchase limit, you will need to get your company verified. Refer to "3.3 Verifying your company" on page 19 for details. 1.2 What next?Once you have created your Skype Manager and signed in, you can start to manage your company's Skype usage.The most important things you need to do now are:1. Add membersCreate business accounts in Skype Manager for your colleagues. Refer to"2.0 Members" on page 9 for more details.2. Buy Skype CreditEssential to allow your members to take advantage of products and features like Voicemail, subscriptions, Online Numbers, Caller ID and Skype for SIP.Refer to "3.0 Skype Credit" on page 18 for more details.3. Allocate Skype Credit and assign featuresProvide your members with the products and features they need. Refer to"4.0 Features" on page 22 for more details.4. Keep track of your company's usage of SkypeThe Reports area of Skype Manager provides a useful way of analyzing yourcompany's usage of Skype. Use these reports to monitor the Skype Credityour company has purchased, allocated, and used. Refer to "5.0 Reports" onpage 32 for more details.2.0 MembersWith Skype Manager, it's easy to monitor and control the usage of Skype of your colleagues. Simply add them as members of your Skype Manager and you can allocate them Skype Credit, assign them features, and track their spending, all in one place.There are two types of Skype account - personal and business. Personal accounts belong to the individual using that account, whereas business accounts are created in Skype Manager and belong to the Skype Manager that created them.If your Skype Manager was created on or after June 3, 2010, and your company’s registered address is in the United States, you cannot invite members with personal accounts into your Skype Manager.If your company’s registered address is not in the United States, or if it is in the United States and was created on or before June 3, 2010, you can add members to your Skype Manager with either personal or business accounts.To retain control of your company's usage of Skype, we recommend that you only add members with business accounts. For more information on the limitations of personal accounts, and why you should only add members with business accounts, please refer to the "Appendix" on page 38.2.1 Adding membersWhen you click Members in the toolbar, a list of all members is displayed.To add members:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Add members.2. Select how you want to add your colleagues to your Skype Manager:˚Create business accounts for them.˚Invite them with their personal accounts.Business accounts are the best option to use for your employees. For more information on the limitations of adding members with personal accounts, and why you should only add members with business accounts, please refer to the "Appendix" on page 38.In the following example, we will create a new business account.3. Enter the email addresses of each of the members you wish to add and clickNext.Alternatively, you can import member data by using a CSV file generated from your existing directory. Refer to "2.1.1 Adding members from a CSV file"on page 11 for details.4. Check you are happy with the details for each member.A Skype Name is suggested for each email address you enter. Click on asuggested Skype Name to edit it. You can also add the member's first name or last name, or set a password for the member. (The password needs to be at least 6 characters long and contain at least 1 number.) If you edit a member's details, be sure to click Save and close.If you don't set a password, the member will be sent an email requesting them to set their own password. The member will need to set their password before they can start using Skype.5. Add the member to a relevant group.Do this by selecting a group from the Add members to a group after theiraccount is created drop-down box.Groups are a great way to manage members of your Skype Manager. If youhave not already done so, you should create the groups that will enable youto manage your members most effectively. For more information, refer to"2.4.3 Adding a member to a group" on page 14.6. Click Create accounts.The members are added to your Skype Manager, and will appear in theMember's list. For more information on the Member's list, please refer to "2.2Can members update their details?" on page 11.New business accounts have no Skype Credit, subscriptions or Online Numbers assigned to them. Refer to "3.0 Skype Credit" on page 18 and "4.0 Features" on page 22 for details on how to allocate Skype Credit and assign features.2.1.1 Adding members from a CSV fileYou can import member data by using a CSV file generated from your existing directory. The required columns are First name, Last name and Email address. You can also add a column for Password. To add members from a CSV file, follow the steps outlined above, and instead of entering the email addresses of each member, specify instead the CSV file you wish to import from.Setting a password is optional. If left blank, the new member will be invited by email to create their own password to activate their account. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and contain at least 1 number.2.2 Can members update their details?Once you have added a member with a business account, an email is sent to the member, explaining that an account has been created for them in Skype Manager. The member is provided with a link to the Skype Manager Settings page for their account. Here they can view their account details and update their personal information such as first name, last name and job title. Members can also create a password for their account if one was not set when the account was created.If you have created a password for the member you will need to communicate this to the member to enable them to sign in to the Skype Manager Settings page (and use Skype itself).Members can view and update their Skype Manager details at any time. They can do this as follows.1. Sign in to Skype.2. From the Skype menu bar, select Account...3. Under Settings and extras, next to Skype Manager, click View details.4. Re-enter Skype password and click Sign me in.2.3 The Members listThere’s an easy way for members to add colleagues to their Skype Contacts list. It’s called the Members list and any member of your Skype Manager can use it.For members to view the list and add a contact:1. Sign in to Skype and select Account from the Skype menu bar.2. Under Settings and extras, next to Skype Manager, click View details.3. Click Members list to view a list of all the members of your Skype Manager.4. From the list of members, click Add contact next to the colleague to add. The colleague must agree to the contact request before they are added to the Contacts list.Note that members with personal accounts must have agreed to be listed in the Member's list. If they have not, their details will not be listed.You can prevent members from accessing the Member's list by updating your Skype Manager account settings. Refer to "6.2 Skype Manager settings" on page 35 for details.2.4 Managing your membersWith Skype Manager it's easy to manage your members. You can allocate them Skype Credit, and if they are members with business accounts, assign them features and manage their details.To view or modify a member's details, use the Search members tool in the topright-hand corner of Skype Manager. Simply enter the member's name and a list of matching members will appear. Click the member you are looking for to view that member's details on the Member details page.It's also possible to use the Filter this list tool to find particular members. To do so, click Members in the toolbar to display a list of all members. Then click Filter this list to display filter options. You can filter by group, on the date on which members joined Skype Manager, or by the type of member. Only members matching this filter criteria will be listed.On the Member details page, for members with business accounts you can:˚Modify the member's personal details.˚Make the member an administrator of your Skype Manager.˚Add the member to a group.˚Change the member's password.˚Delete the member's account.These actions are described in the following sections.You can also assign or unassign features for the specified member. To do so, in the Members menu on the left, click Features. A list of available features, as well as the allocated Skype Credit, is displayed. For more information on assigning features, please refer to "4.0 Features" on page 22.To view reports on the member's Skype Credit allocations and usage, in the Members menu on the left, click Reports. Refer to "5.0 Reports" on page 32 for more details. 2.4.1 Modifying a member's personal detailsOn the Member details page you can modify a member's first name, last name, job title, email address, and the group they belong to. The member's Skype Name cannot be changed, and for members with personal accounts their password and email address also cannot be changed.For members with personal accounts, the above details are the ones used within Skype Manager and displayed in the Member's list. They are not the details associated with the member's personal account. Because it is a personal account, only the personal account holder can modify these details.2.4.2 Making a member an administratorTo make a member an administrator of your Skype Manager, on the Member details page, tick Make this member a Skype Manager administrator.2.4.3 Adding a member to a groupGroups are a great way to manage members of your Skype Manager. You can easily allocate Skype Credit, assign features and monitor Skype usage for individual groups. For example, you may want to categorise your members according to the department they belong to within your company: Marketing, Human Resources, Engineering, etc. To create a group:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Members overview.2. Click Create a group.3. Enter the group name and click Create.To add one or more members to a group:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Members overview.2. Select the members you wish to add to the group.3. In the Move selected members to a group drop-down box, select the groupyou wish to add the members to.4. Click Move.2.4.4 Changing a member's passwordYou can change the password of members with business accounts on the Member's details page. Click Change password and enter the new password (twice). Notethat the password needs to be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least 1 number. Then click Save changes to change the member's password.Once you have changed a member's password you will need to notify the member of the password update.2.4.5 Deleting membersThere are two ways to delete members:˚Delete a member by viewing their details and on the Member's details page clicking Delete this account.˚Delete one or more (or all) members by selecting the members to delete on the Members overview page and clicking Delete members.Deleting a personal account will only remove it from your Skype Manager. The account itself will retain any Skype Credit allocated to it. Any subscriptions or Voicemail assigned to the account will be cancelled when the expiry period is reached.If deleted, a business account will be permanently deleted, and all data associated with the deleted account will be lost. You should therefore keep a record of any account information you require before deleting the account.Any Skype Credit, or Online Numbers previously assigned to the business account will be returned to your Skype Manager. Any remaining subscriptions or Voicemail allowances will be lost.2.5 Inviting members with personal accountsYou can add colleagues to your Skype Manager either by creating business accounts for them or by inviting members with their personal accounts. Although business accounts are the best option to use for your colleagues, in certain situations you may wish to invite colleagues with their personal accounts, for example, if you are working with independent consultants on a project-by-project basis who use their personal accounts rather than business accounts.In this situation, independent partners can join your Skype Manager with their existing personal accounts, keeping their Skype Name and contact list. They can also manage additional products (like subscriptions or Voicemail) themselves from their personal account.If your Skype Manager account was created on or after June 3, 2010, and your company’s registered address is in the United States, you cannot add memberswith personal accounts to your Skype Manager. Instead, you can add members with business accounts, enabling you to retain control of your company’s usage of Skype. Note that members with personal accounts can only belong to one Skype Manager at a time.2.5.1 Sending an inviteInvites are automatically sent out by email to colleagues when you invite members with personal accounts by email or Skype Name.To invite members with personal accounts by email or Skype Name:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Add Members.2. Select how you want to invite your members with personal accounts:˚By email˚By Skype Name3. Enter the email addresses of each of the members you wish to add and clickNext.4. Add the member to a relevant group by selecting a group from the Addmembers to a group when they accept the invite drop-down box.Groups are a great way to manage members of your Skype Manager. If youhave not already done so, you should create the groups that will enable youto manage your members most effectively. For more information, refer to"2.4.3 Adding a member to a group" on page 14.5. To view the text of the email invitation that will be sent to the member, clickSee invite text.6. Click Send invites.2.5.2 Viewing the status of invitesTo view the status of all invites you have sent:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Manage invites.2. A list of all the invites you have sent is displayed. The email that the invitehas been sent to is displayed, as is the date on which it was sent.The Status column indicates the invite's status. This can be:˚Pending - the invite has been sent, but no response received.˚Declined - the member has declined the invite.˚Expired - no response received for over 30 days.˚Sign in required - since the invite was sent, the member has createda new Skype account but has not yet signed into Skype. This must bedone to activate the new account.2.5.3 Resending and deleting invitesTo resend an invite, or to delete an invite that has already been sent:1. In the Members menu on the left, click Manage invites.A list of all invites you have sent is displayed.2. Select the invites that you want to resend or delete and click Resend invitesor Delete invites.3.0 Skype CreditIt’s easy to centrally purchase Skype Credit from Skype Manager. You can pay for Skype Credit using a credit card, PayPal and lots of other ways. Once you have purchased some Skype Credit you can allocate it to your members. Then they can use great Skype features that are not free.You need to allocate Skype Credit to your members before they can use it. This makes it easy for you to keep track of and control all Skype Credit usage in your company.3.1 What is my balance?Your Skype Credit balance is displayed on the toolbar of your Skype Manager.3.2 Buying Skype CreditTo purchase Skype Credit:1. Click the Buy Skype Credit button on the toolbar.2. Select your payment method and click Next.For a list of the payment methods available to you, please refer to:/prices/paymentmethodsTo access a wide range of payment methods, and to increase your purchase limit, you will need to get your company verified. Refer to "3.3 Verifying yourcompany" on page 19 for more information.3. Select the amount of Skype Credit you wish to purchase.4. Enable or disable Auto-recharge.With Auto-recharge you can recharge your account automatically when yourSkype Credit balance falls below a certain amount. Do this by checking orunchecking the Save time in the future with Auto-Recharge box. Refer to"3.6 Auto-recharge" on page 20 for more details.5. Agree to the Terms of Service by checking the box and clicking Buy now.Confirmation of your purchase will be displayed.You can view the payment details of your last purchase. Refer to "3.7 Stored payment details" on page 21 for details.3.3 Verifying your companyWhen you sign up for Skype Manager, you are given a purchase limit that determines the maximum amount of Skype Credit you can purchase in one go. The range of payment methods available to you is also limited.To access a wider range of payment methods, or to increase your purchase limit, you will need to get your company verified. It's easy to do so:1. In the top right-hand corner of Skype Manager, click Account details.2. Click Payment settings.3. Under Purchase limits, click Get verified now.4. Enter your company details in the form and click Submit.Once you have submitted the form, Skype will check your company details and contact you to confirm your request. Once you have confirmed the request, the credit card payment option will be enabled on your Skype Manager and payment limits will be increased. This process is usually completed within 3 days but may take up to 2 weeks.Verification is available for many but not all countries. Please contact Skype Customer Service for details. Refer to "Contacting Skype" on page 2 for our contact details. 3.4 Changing your currencyYou specify the currency in which your Skype Credit balance is calculated when you create your Skype Manager. To change this to another currency:1. In the top right-hand corner of Skype Manager, click Account details.2. Click Skype Manager settings.3. Under currency, select your desired currency from the dropdown list andclick Save.Note: If your Skype Manager account was created on or after June 3, 2010, andyour company’s registered address is in the United States, you cannot change your currency from US dollars.Skype uses an exchange rate similar to major credit cards and this may involve a small fee. To avoid this fee, first spend your existing Skype Credit and then change your currency before buying more.To avoid exchange rate fees for Skype Credit allocations, you should ensure your chosen currency in Skype Manager is the same as that used by as many of your members as possible.3.5 Payment methodsFor details of the payment methods available to you, and any purchase limits in place on your account:1. In the top right-hand corner of Skype Manager, click Account details.2. Click Payment settings.3. Under Purchase limits, click Show limits.The availability and purchase limits on different payment methods is displayed. Also displayed is a summary of purchases made that month for each payment method. The availability of payment methods varies and not all of these methods may be available for you. Under Purchase limits, click View payment methods available in your country for more details.When you sign up for Skype Manager, you are given a purchase limit that determines the maximum amount of Skype Credit you can purchase in one go. The range of payment methods available to you is also limited. To access a wider range of payment methods, or to increase your purchase limit, you will need to get your company verified. Refer to "3.3 Verifying your company" on page 19 for more information. 3.6 Auto-rechargeAuto-recharge works by adding credit to your Skype Credit balance when it falls below a certain amount. For example, you can configure Auto-recharge to purchase an additional €200 of Skype Credit whenever your balance falls below €25.Auto-recharge is available with PayPal or credit card payments. Note that if you have not verified your company, these payment methods may be unavailable to you. Refer to "3.3 Verifying your company" on page 19 for more information.When you purchase Skype Credit with PayPal or credit card, the Auto-recharge option will be displayed. Simply tick the Auto-recharge box to enable Auto-recharge. By default, Auto-recharge is configured to add credit to your Skype Credit balance when it falls below €2. You are free to cancel the Auto-recharge feature at any time.Once you have enabled Auto-recharge, you can configure the amount that is added, and the amount at which it is added (known as the trigger amount):1. In the top right-hand corner of Skype Manager, click Account details.2. Click Payment settings.3. Enter the amount to add when the trigger amount is reached.。

二、解决方案概述微软统一沟通解决方案是基于微软的Office 365平台构建的,集成了多种沟通工具和服务,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 邮件和日历:通过Outlook提供强大的邮件和日历功能,支持企业内外邮件的发送、接收和管理,以及日程安排和会议管理等功能。
2. 即时通讯:通过Teams提供实时的即时通讯功能,支持文字、语音和视频通话,以及屏幕共享和文件传输等功能,方便员工之间的快速沟通和协作。
3. 文件共享和协作:通过SharePoint和OneDrive提供强大的文件共享和协作功能,支持多人同时编辑和版本控制,以及在线预览和评论等功能,方便团队成员之间的文件共享和协作。
4. 会议和在线协作:通过Teams和Skype for Business提供全面的会议和在线协作功能,支持多人语音和视频会议,以及实时的屏幕共享和白板功能,方便远程团队之间的协作和沟通。
5. 移动办公:通过Office Mobile和Teams提供便捷的移动办公功能,支持在移动设备上查看和编辑邮件、日历和文件,以及进行即时通讯和会议等操作,方便员工在任何时间、任何地点进行工作。
三、解决方案优势微软统一沟通解决方案具有以下几个优势:1. 统一平台:通过集成多种沟通工具和服务,提供了一个统一的平台,方便员工在一个界面上进行邮件、即时通讯、文件共享和会议等操作,提高了工作效率和协作效果。
2. 安全性:微软的Office 365平台具有高度的安全性,采用了多层次的安全措施,包括数据加密、身份验证和访问控制等,保护企业的沟通和协作数据不受未经授权的访问和泄露。
3. 可扩展性:微软统一沟通解决方案具有良好的可扩展性,可以根据企业的需求进行定制和扩展,满足不同规模和行业的企业的沟通和协作需求。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Skype for Business音视频带宽计算
P2P或单视图 (EnableMultiViewJoin = FALSE假) 带宽 最小值 不错的质量 好的质量 100 kbps** 250 kbps 1,500 kbps 分辨率 160x90 424x240 1280x720 5个多视图视频 (EnableMultiViewJoin = TRUE真) 带宽 420 kbps 1,000 kbps 2,500 kbps 4,000 kbps 高达8,000 Mbps* 分辨率 90x90 240x240 360x360
1002 AD Skype for Business服务器
手机呼叫Skype for Business客户 端
Skype for Business客户端 呼叫模拟电话
Hale Waihona Puke 2003Skype for Business系统
Skype for Business Server部署概述
4,000 kbps*
540x540或两倍 1080x1080
Skype for Business带宽占用估算
Sfb带宽消耗占用Kbps数值 媒体类型 语音 视频 带宽需求 45 Kbps 250 Kbps 720P N/A 1500Kbps 1080P N/A 4000Kbps
10~45 Kbps
10 Kbps
网络带宽需要根据并发用户数来计划,也就是在同一个时间连接Sfb服务器的用户数量。通常在5%-10%之间,部分企业<10 %,极少数企业>20%。
会议应用程序共 享 <0.5%
编号 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 名称 WinSvrStd 2016 SNGL OLP NL 2Proc SfBSvr 2015 SNGL OLP NL SQL Server 2016Std SNGL OLP NL Office Online Server 2016 SfBSvrStdCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL SfBSVrEnCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL SfBSVrPLUSCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL 数量 10 6 3 1 100 100 100 总计: 三台前端、两台边缘、一台群聊 三台后端 一台OWA 单价 合计 备注
注意:根据客户实际的用户数以及对Sfb高可用要求,部 署架构会不同
项目一期—Skype for Business与视频系统的互通
Skype for Business客户 端
Skype for Business客户 端
Skype for Business服务 器
Skype for Business客户 端
Skype for Business系统
项目二期—Skype for Business与VOIP语音的互通
Skype for Business客户端 呼叫手机 在PBX之前增加语音网关, 不需要PBX 做任何改动。 在不会改变PBX用户的使 用习惯的基础上可以实现 Skype for Business系统和 PBX的互通
解决方案—Skype for Business Server统一沟通平台
在企业内部的数据中心部署的Skype for Business Server,可以与企业内 部原有的Cisco 视频系统、VOIP语音 系统等进行集成,让Skype用户、会 议室电话、桌面话机以及视频会议终 端跨平台的互融互通……
Skype Server部署的先决条件—服务端
企业内部部署Skype for Business Server 2015服务器
• •
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• •
• •
Skype Server部署的先决条件—客户端
Skype for Business Server客户端要求
Skype for Business Server部署解决方案
部署Skype for Business Server
Skype Server与传统Cisco视频集成 Skype Server与VOIP语音系统互通 企业原有的视频、音频设备的利旧使用
编号 1 2 3 4 5 名称 WinSvrStd 2016 SNGL OLP NL 2Proc SfBSvr 2015 SNGL OLP NL SfBSvrStdCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL SfBSVrEnCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL SfBSVrPLUSCAL 2015 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL 数量 2 2 100 100 100 总计: 单价 合计 备注 一边前端服务器、一台边缘服务器 一边前端服务器、一台边缘服务器
部署多台Skype for Business Server 2015企业版前端服务器,提供基础沟通平台(根据实际高可用要求)
部署多台Skype for Business Server 2015企业版后端服务器(根据实际高可用要求)
前端与后端分别实现高可用架构,提供高安全、高扩展性 部署一台Office Online Server服务器,实现PPT共享功能(可选角色) 部署一台持久聊天服务器,实现“群聊”功能(可选角色) 部署两台边缘服务器,实现高可用架构,供联盟、外部用户访问(根据实际高可用要求) 与现有的思科BE6000视频会议系统整合,实现Skype客户端与思考SX20终端的视频互通 总部各分公司员工通过移动设备、PC客户端等方式参与语音、视频沟通