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口语交际和“陷阱题”专项训练本文作者: Teens高考研究小组

1. – Could you please turn down the music? – ______. Is it disturbing you?

A. Take it easy

B. I’m sorry

C. Not a bit

D. It depends 2. – Sorry, Miss Chen. I forgot to send the l etter for you. – ______. Jim helped me do it.

A. All right

B. Don’t mention it

C. I’ve no idea

D. That’s all right

3. – You won’t believe it, Sam. I was chosen for an exchange program in Canada. – Wow, ______

A. congratulations!

B. who cares?

C. cheers.

D. no wonder.

4. – I hope that you and Susan can stop fighting and become good friends. – ______. If only Susan had the same idea.

A. My pleasure

B. It’s a pleasure

C. By no means

D. By all means 5. – Mary has been training har d for the last two years.

– ______ she did so well at the track and field meet yesterday. A. No doubt B. No question C. No wonder D. No problem 6. – Alex got fired.

– ______? He is devoted to his work. That’s unfair!

A. What’s up

B. How is it going

C. Then what

D. How come 7. – Make sure you turn off the air co nditioners before going out. – ______.

A. Heard it

B. Made it

C. Forgot it

D. Got it

8. –I’m terribly sorry I kept you waiting for so long. – _______.

A. Never mind

B. That’s right

C. You are welcome

D. Don’t mention it

9. – Bob, can you spare a few minutes right now? I have to ask you some questions. – _______. A. It’s a pleasure B. Ask, please C. Help yourself D. Yes, go ahead 10. – So you missed the meeting. – _______. I got there five minutes before it finished. A. Not entirely B. Not true C. Not a little D . Not at all

11. – Sarah said she would be too busy to come to our party. How disappointing! – _______. She might change her mind.

A. Forget it

B. You have no idea

C. Whatever you say

D. You never know 12. – Uh, I’d like a ham burger, large fries and a small pepsi. – ______?

A. Are you ready to order

B. For here or to go

C. What dressing would you like on the salad

D. W ould you like something to drink with that

13. – Do you think those two will get along with each other? – Yeah, ______.

A. I’m not sure

B. best wishes

C. it depends

D. you can count on it 14. – My brother John had a he art attack last night.

– Oh really? ______

A. What a pity!

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. Is it all right?

D. What a shame!

15. – Mrs Cooper, thanks for everything you did for us. You really made us feel right at home. – _ _____.

A. It’s all right

B. It’s my pleasure

C. With pleasure

D. Please don’t say so 16. – Dad, you’ve been driving for three hours. Why don’t we switch?

– ______. Driving on this old highway is difficult and you just got your license last month. A. I’m not sure B. Good idea C. No problem D. Couldn’t be better. 17. – We have been over this a hun dred times! We are not getting a pet! – ______. I just want a cute little puppy or a kitty!

A. I think so

B. It’s up to you

C. Come on

D. Easier said than done

18. – Hi, boss. You got a call. She said she had an important thing to tell you. – Okay. ______.

A. Put her through

B. Hold on
