
在美国这边,很流行新加坡数边都会用一套叫《Learning Maths》的练习册,它是新加坡顶级教辅出版集团SAP打造的。
回到推荐的这套SAP Learning Mathematics,为什么适合我们中国孩子用?
1. 学习新加坡数学的精髓--建模,建模能力对数学入门起着关键性作用。
2. 同一数学概念,用不同角度解释,孩子可以学到多种解题思路和技巧,更加灵活。
3. 注重 Word Problem 应用题,题目有量有难度,但不枯燥,做数学题同时练英语。
4. 配套在线学习,可以深入掌握数学知识点。

相信很多家长对于SAP出版社不陌生,他可是新加坡的专家级出版社,大家比较熟悉的Learning Mathematics新加坡数学就是出于SAP。
今天小猜君给大家总结归纳带来了SAP出版社的产品,都是大家比较熟悉的,Learning Mathematics新加坡数学、Enlish Grammar新加坡语法、Learning Vocabulary新加坡词汇、SAP出版社幼儿教材Rainbow、SAP Learning English 新加坡英语、101 Challenging Maths Word Problems新加坡数学应用10r这六个明星产品。
一、Learning Mathematics新加坡数学当然Learning Mathematics是新加坡一套非常出名的数学练习册,它来自新加坡主要的教育辅导出版社SAP(Singapore Asia Publishers),幼儿园到小学六年级都有。
“新加坡数学练习册九本”基础版,分为三个套装N-K2 三册适合幼儿园孩子(3-5岁左右)、L1-L3三册适合一年级-三年级孩子(6-8岁左右)、L4-L6 三册适合四年级-六年级孩子(9-11岁左右)。
1、K阶段(3册,对应幼儿园)3本练习册整体包含的知识点有:50以内的数数,20以内的加减,5以内的乘法以及基本的形状、颜色、时间、比较 ...这个阶段书籍最大的特点是:特别适合幼升小。
K 阶段的练习册包含3本:N(Nursey)、K1(Kindergarten)和K2(Kindergarten)。

新加坡三四年级数学竞赛与高才班选拔模拟练习题(英文版)刘然冰编写新加坡三四年级奥数与天才班选拔模拟练习题(中英双语版)Olympic Math Competition and GEP practice paper for Primary3or4in Singapore(Bilingual version)刘然冰编写源头上了解新加坡数学的模式和深度写在前面从西方学术和科研机构的反馈看,华人的数学水平一直比较高。
正如Jerome Bruner所说,学习数学,不是找到一两个窍门,走几个捷径,找到一个规律,记住一堆公式就算学好了。
Math In Focus 新加坡数学Grade 1练习册 官方原版高清PDFChapter1

birdssquirrelsmonkeylizards bear cubschipmunkslion cubs leavesChapter 1Numbers to 10Name: Date:A chair has 4 legs.An ant has 6 legs.Each ladybug has 10 spots.Lesson 1Counting to 10Chapter 1Numbers to 10two three four five zero two three four zero oneLesson 2Comparing NumbersAre there more than ?Are there fewer than ? Yes NoIs the number of and the same? YesAre there more than ? YesAre there fewer than ? Yes NoIs the number of and the same? Yes NoName: Date:Are there more than ? Yes NoAre there fewer than ? Yes NoIs the number of and the same? Yes NoAre there more than ? Yes NoAre there fewer than ? Yes NoIs the number of and the same? Yes NoChapter 1Numbers to 10Which is more?pots6Example pearsChapter 1Numbers to 10869658109Which number is less? 7316Write the numbers in the blanks.293is greater less than11.15.13.What is 1 more? 4321?6789?3456?749???791Write the missing numbers in the number patterns.458014 Chapter 1Numbers to 10Name: Date:965691062531Fill in the blanks.16. 1 more than 1 is .17. 1 more than 8 is .18. 1 more than 9 is .19. 1 less than 7 is .20. 1 less than 9 is .21. 1 less than 6 is .22. is 1 more than 3.23. is 1 more than 6.24. is 1 less than 4.25. is 1 less than 7.Chapter 1Numbers to 10Mother Hen’s eggs have numbers that are674829010Chapter 1Numbers to 10Daryl sees a pattern made with .He wants to continue the pattern but does not knowhow many to draw.Draw the next group of in the box below to continuein the next group.cups and saucers trees cars。

新加坡数学练习题(打印版)一、基础算术1. 计算下列各题:- 34 + 56- 89 - 27- 45 × 3- 72 ÷ 62. 填空题:- 一个数加上 42 等于 87,这个数是 ________。
- 一个数减去 29 等于 58,这个数是 ________。
3. 估算下列算式的值:- 49 × 6(估算为50 × 6)- 123 - 47(估算为 120 - 50)二、分数与小数1. 将下列分数转换为小数:- 3/4- 7/82. 将下列小数转换为分数:- 0.75- 0.1253. 计算下列分数的和:- 2/3 + 1/6- 5/8 + 3/4三、几何问题1. 如果一个正方形的边长是 4 厘米,它的周长是多少?- 周长 = ________2. 计算下列图形的面积:- 一个长方形,长 5 厘米,宽 3 厘米。
- 一个圆,半径 2 厘米。
四、应用题1. 小明买了 3 个苹果和 2 个橙子,苹果每个 2 元,橙子每个 3 元。
他一共花了多少钱?2. 一个班级有 40 名学生,如果每名学生需要 2 本笔记本,那么总共需要多少本笔记本?五、逻辑推理1. 如果今天是星期三,那么 5 天后是星期几?2. 小华比小李高 5 厘米,小李比小王矮 3 厘米,小王比小赵矮 2厘米。
如果小赵的身高是 160 厘米,那么小华的身高是多少?六、数据分析1. 一个班级的数学考试成绩如下:85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 76, 95, 82, 89, 80。
2. 根据上题的数据,计算这个班级的中位数。
七、代数问题1. 解方程:- 2x + 3 = 11- 5y - 7 = 182. 一个数的两倍加上 3 等于 19,求这个数。
八、附加题1. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是 5 厘米、4 厘米和 3 厘米,求它的体积。
2. 如果一个数的 3 倍加上 7 等于 35,求这个数。

新加坡AEIS小学三年级数学小测试数学小测试(一)Section A(20×2 mark)1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135.(1) 9567(2) 10(3) 5005(4) 4995 ( )2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones.(1) 446(2) 402(3) 482(4) 40 ( )3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones.(1) 4(2) 14(3) 40(4) 44 ( )4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ?(1) 9841(2) 9814(3) 9184(4) 9148 ( )5、250 less than 6200 is ?(1) 6450(2) 6000(3) 5950(4) 6500 ( )6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558What is the missing number in the bracket ?(1)6(2)7(3)8(4)9 ( )7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ?(1)11(2)51(3)125(4)130 ( )8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ?(1)227(2)277(3)494(4)495 ( )9、Which one of the following has the digit ‘3’in the hundreds and tens place.(1)9312(2)3310(3)8336(4)6303 ( )10、Which one of the following is arranged from biggest to smallest?(1)3699, 3619, 3669(2)5813, 5814, 5715(3)7717, 7677, 7617(4)7777, 8888, 9999 ( )11、Subtract 222 from the sum of 175 and 225. What is the answer?(1)397(2)447(3)400(4)178 ( )12、Which one of the following gives an odd number answer?(1)101 – 41(2)99 – 23(3)17 + 20(4)27+105 ( )13、6541 + 33 tens is ?(1)6574(2)6507(3)6211(4)6871 ( )14、Tom had 477 apples, Sam had 644 apples. How many more apples did Sam has than Tom.(1)167(2)177(3)267(4)1121 ( )15、In 8619, the digit ( ) is in the thousands place?(1)1(2)6(3)8(4)9 ()16、In 6925, the digit 9 stands for ?(1)9(2)90(3)900(4)9000 ( )17、( ) hundreds comes just after 900+90+9.(1)1(2)10(3)100(4)1000( )18、The number beween 28 tens 3 ones and 2 hundreds 85 ones is ?(1)27(2)83(3)84(4)284 ( )19、Jane has 245 bottle caps. She has 473 less bottle caps than Sue. Sue has( ) bottle caps?(1)228(2)473(3)618(4)718 ( )20、Kang has 3172 stamps. Maria has 1200 more stamps than Kang. How many stampsdo they have altogher?(1)1972(2)2972(3)4372(4)8544 ( )Section B (10×2 marks)21、Form the largest 4-digit even number using all the digits ‘4’‘7’‘6’‘9’22、The largest 5-digit number which has digit 5 in its hundreds and ones place23、Jane has 1245 stickers. She has 432 fewer stickers than Tom. How many stickersdoes Tom have24、Find the sum of 998 and 37725、The difference two numbers is 888.The smaller number is 1069.What is the other number26、Subtract 2157 from the sum of 1988 and 2763. What is the answer?27、In a school there are 2750 pupils. 600 of them are boys and the rest aregirls. How many more girls than boys are there?28、The sum of three number is 10000. If two of them are 1255 and 4960, whatis the third number?29、In a restaurant, there are 243 chairs and 272 tables. How many more chairsmust added to the reataurant so that every table would have 4 chairs to go with it?30、what is the missing number?6、10、18、34、、130Section C (5×4 marks)31、I am a 4-digit number. My digit in the thousands place is the largest even number. My digit in the hundres place is the sum of the digits in tens and ones place. My digit in the tens placeis one number larger than my digit in the ones place. What is the largest possible 4-digit number that I can be?32、Susan has $3400. Liming has $1250 more than Susan. Kangkang has $380 less than Liming. How much money they have altogether?33、Maria sold 1843 cakes on Friday. On Saturday, she sold 261 cakes more than Friday. On Sunday, she sold as many as she sold on both Friday and Saturday. How many cakes didi Maris sold altogether?34、Nich collected 2480 beads from January to April. He collected 288 more beads in January than in February. He collected 642 more beads in March than in February. If he collected 350 beads in April, how many beads did Nich collect in February?35、A pole is 4 m long. Part of its is buried in the ground. Bobby decides to paint the rest of the pole in red, yellow and blue. If each coloured part is 150 cm, how much of the pole is buried in the ground? Give yur answer in cm.。

他购买了以下物品:- 苹果:每公斤5美元- 香蕉:每公斤3美元- 橙子:每公斤4美元- 牛奶:每盒2美元小明买了2公斤苹果,3公斤香蕉,5公斤橙子和4盒牛奶。

Math In Focus 新加坡数学Grade 1练习册 官方原版高清PDFChapter18

198 Chapter 18 Getting Ready for Multiplication and Division
Practice 2 Sharing Equally
Look at the pack of fish crackers. Then fill in the blanks. 1.
There are
monkeys in all.
There are
There are
monkeys on each tree.
200 Chapter 18 Getting Ready for Multiplication and Division
Look at the pictures. Then fill in the blanks.
© Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited.
2 fives = 10
There are
© Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited.
There are
seahorses. 5
196 Chapter 18 Getting Ready for Multiplication and Division
3+3 = 6
2 threes = 6
5 twos =

新加坡小学数学练习题(打印版)### 新加坡小学数学练习题#### 一、基础算术1. 加法练习:- 37 + 45 = ?- 82 + 59 = ?- 63 + 77 = ?2. 减法练习:- 90 - 47 = ?- 76 - 29 = ?- 53 - 18 = ?3. 乘法练习:- 7 × 8 = ?- 9 × 6 = ?- 5 × 7 = ?4. 除法练习:- 81 ÷ 9 = ?- 64 ÷ 8 = ?- 49 ÷ 7 = ?#### 二、应用题1. 购物问题:- 小明去超市买了5个苹果和3个橙子,苹果每个3元,橙子每个5元,他一共花了多少钱?2. 时间计算:- 如果现在是下午3点,再过2小时30分钟是几点?3. 距离问题:- 小华从家到学校的距离是1.2公里,他每天往返学校需要走多少公里?#### 三、图形与空间1. 面积计算:- 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?2. 体积计算:- 一个立方体的边长是4厘米,它的体积是多少立方厘米?3. 角度问题:- 一个正方形有4个角,每个角的度数是多少?#### 四、数据与概率1. 数据排序:- 将下列数字从小到大排序:98, 67, 45, 34, 892. 概率问题:- 如果一个袋子里有5个红球和3个蓝球,随机抽取一个球,抽到红球的概率是多少?3. 平均数计算:- 一个班级有20个学生,他们的数学成绩分别是:85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 76, 81, 84, 95, 80, 87, 93, 79, 82, 83, 86, 91, 75, 77, 74。
P5 Maths (新加坡 小学5年级 数学 练习 英文版)

CHAPTER 1 WHOLE NUMBERS1.Round off 69 570 km to the nearest 1 000 km.2.3.Round off 7 534 089 to the neatest thousand.4.5. A school’6.The value of the digit 8 in 980 036 is ___________________________ .7.8.What is 100 tens less than 1 million9.What is 90 hundreds more than 1 million10.How many tens are there in 48 20011.There are ___________________ hundreds in 1 million.12.The value of the digit 8 in 487 543 is 8 x _________________________.13.14.15.Evaluate (Solve) 507 x 28.16.17.larger number.18.Find the value of 85 + 10 x (80 –60 ) ÷ 4.19.Find the value of 42 + (139 –19) ÷ 6 x 2.20.162 x 15 = 162 x 10 + (21.What is the remainder when 2020 is divided by 822.When Sarah opens a book, the sum of the facing page numbers is 273. What is the smallerpage number23.Roy and Lin had the same amount of money. When he spent four times as much as Lin, he had$22 left while she had $49 left. How much did Lin have at first24.There are ____________ tens in 1 million.25.The value of 9 in 129 300 is ___________________________.26.Write 1 489 311 in words:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 MONEY, MEASURES & MENSURATION1. A wooden block measures 10 cm by 8 cm by cm. If 4 such wooden blocks are packed exactlyinto a rectangular box, what is the capacity of the box2.The area of a floor covered in square tiles if 1250 cm2. The length of each square tile is 5cm. How many square tiles are there covering the floor3. A papaya is as heavy as two oranges of equal mass. If the mass of each orange is 160 g ,find the mass of 3 such papayas.CHAPTER 3 STATISTICSCHAPTER 4 GEOMETRYCHAPTER 5 FRACTIONS1.What is of 1h 8 min _______________________2.Express day in hours. _______________________3.There are 18 apples and 12 oranges in a basket. What fraction of the fruits are oranges___________________4.How many hours is of a day ________________________5.There are __________ sixths in .6.Mr. Tan bought some tables. of them were red. The remaining 33 tables werewhite. How many tables did he buy altogether Ans: ___________________________7.Carl had 8 ½ m of rope. He cut out 3 pieces of ropes measuring 1 ¼ m each. Find thelength of the rope left.8.Ans: ____________________________9. of a number is 36. What is of the number ________________________10. of the people at a concert were women and of them were children.If there were 300 men, how many women were there at the concert Ans:__________________________11.27 kg of rice are shared equally among 7 people. How much rice does each person get Leaveyour answer in its simplest form._______________________________________________________________________________( ) 12.Express 1 390 m as a fraction of 2 km._______________________________________________________________________________( ) 13.A piece of wire m long is cut into 6 equal pieces. Amy used 3 pieces to tiesome presents. What fraction of the wire did she use altogether_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 14.Find the value of 2 + 1 ._______________________________________________________________________________( ) 15.Ben was told to guess a number. He guessed the number to be 8. His guess is ¼ of theactual number. What is the actual number_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 16.10 girls received ¼ kg of strawberries each. What is the total weight of strawberries inkg (Express your answer in its simplest form)_______________________________________________________________________________( )17.Henry bought 60 m of ribbon. He gave away ¾ of the ribbon to Kelly. How many metres of theribbon did he give away_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 18.Bala gave of his stamps to his brother and of the remainderto his sister. He had 10 stamps left. How many stamps did he have at first_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 19.A rabbit weighs kg. A hamster is of the mass of the rabbit. What isthe total mass of the two animals (Express your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.)_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 20.A pair of jeans cost 3 times as much as a skirt. Brenda spent of her moneyon some skirts and half of her remaining money on a pair of jeans. How many skirts did she buy_______________________________________________________________________________( ) CHAPTER 6 DECIMALS1.Zafran paid $243 for 90 markers. If the price of each marker decreased by $, how many moremarkers could he buy with the money he had-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )2.Round off to 1 decimal place. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------( )3.Round off to 2 decimal place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------( )4.Round off to 2 decimal place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------( )5. 3 ones, 50 hundredths and 2 thousandths is __________________________.6.10 tens, 9 hundredths and 7 thousandths is __________________________ .7.Ray finished 2/3 of his Math homework. What percentage of his homework did he finish Giveyour answer rounded off to 2 decimal places.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )8.In every litre of honey water juice, there is 200 ml of honey syrup. The rest of the juiceis made up of water. How much water will there be in litres of honey water juice Leave your answer in litres.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )CHAPTER 7 AVERAGE, RATE & SPEED1.Joyce can write 28 words in 2 minutes. At this rate, how many words can she write in 8minutesCHAPTER 8 RATIO & PROPORTION1.( ) : 6 = 28 : 42. Fill in the missing number in the bracket.2.There are 30 buttons in a box. 10 buttons are black and the rest are white. What is theratio of the black buttons to the white buttons--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )3.Lina saves $53 a month. How much will she save in years ---------------------------------------( )4.There are 48 pens and 72 pencils in a container. What is the ratio of the number of pencilsto the number of pens--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )5.The marks May and Brenda scored in an Chinese test are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If May has 18marks less than Brenda, how many marks did May score--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )6.There are 800 men and women at a party. 300 of them are women. What is the ratio of thenumber of men to the number of women at the party--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )7.The ratio of the number of teachers to pupils at a school is 1 : 9. If there are 108 pupils,how many teachers are there--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )8. A piece of wire of 160 cm long was cut into 2 pieces in the ratio of 6 : 2. The shorterpiece was bent to form a square. What is the length of the square--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )9.The ratio of Tina’s mass to Joyce’s mass is 4 : 3. If Tina’s mass decreased by 6 kg andJoyce’s mass is increased by 1 kg, Tina will have the same mass as Joyce. What is Joyce’s original mass--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )10.Andy, Ben and Cavin have a total sum of $96. Andy and Ben have $80. What is the ratio ofCavin’s share to the total sum of money--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )11.3 chickens cost $36 and 8 fishes costs $72. How much does 6 chickens and 4 fishes costaltogether--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )12.A taxi can carry maximum of 4 passengers. What is the least number of taxis needed totransport 21 passengers--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )13.If Gary packed 40 apples in each crate, what was the minimum number of crates he needed topack 4860 apples--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )14.The ratio of Marcus’s age to Francis’s age is 5 : 6. Their total age is 77 years. How oldis Marcus15.The area of a rectangle is 72 cm2. Its length is 18 cm. What is the ratio of the length toits breadth--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )16.The number of chickens and ducks on a farm is in the ratio of 4 : 7. There are 21 moreducks than chickens. How many chickens and ducks are there altogether--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )17.Jill had 150 stamps. She kept half of them and shared the rest between Grace and Ahmad inthe ratio of 2 : 3. How many stamps did Ahmad receive--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )18.Charles could buy 8 plums and 5 mangoes with $. He could buy 16 such plums with the sameamount of money. If he decides to buy mangoes only, how many mangoes can he buy with $10019.Henry won $2 400 in a contest. He kept ¼ of it and gave the remainder to his wife, sisterand brother. His wife received 2/3 of the money, his sister received ¼ of it and hisbrother received the rest.a.How much did his wife receiveb.What is the ratio of his wife’s share to his brother’s share20.CHAPTER 9 PERCENTAGE1.Express 1 1/5 as a percentage.2.Raymund was given a 20% discount for a meal that cost $6. How much did he pay for the mealPercentage and Problem Sums Date: 18 July 20101.Express as a percentage.2.Express 28% as a fraction in its simplest form.3.Express ½ % as a fraction in its simplest form.4.Raymund was given a 20% discount for a meal that cost $6. How much did he pay for the meal5.During a sale, Alicia was given a 15% discount for a book that cost $12. How much would shesave if she buy the book during the sale6.David saved $9 every day. After a number of days, he used all the money that he had save tobuy a few7.8.storybooks that cost $21 each.9.(a)What was the least number of days that he needed to save in order to buy thestorybooks?(b)(c)How many storybooks did he buy10.There were some markers in a box. of the markers were black and the rest were red.of the black and of the red markers were taken out from the box and there were 111 markers left inthe box. How many markers were there in the box at first11.David had some durians. He sold of them in the afternoon and of theremainder in the evening. There12.13.were 30 fewer durians sold in the evening than in the afternoon.14.a.How many durians did he sell in all?b.c.If he sold the durians at $5, how much money did he collect altogether15.Danny spent 2 of his money on a bag and 1 of the reminder on some snacks.What percentage of his16. 5 317. money had he left18.140% of a number is 84. Find the number.19.40% of the erasers in a box are purple. The rest are blue and green erasers in the ratio of11:4. There are 4820.21.fewer purple erasers than blue erasers. How many erasers are there altogether22.Amy gave 35% of her marbles to Bala. What fraction of her marbles had she left23.Devi’s salary and Minah’s salary are in ratio of 4:5. If Devi’s salary is increased by30%, by what percentage must24.25.Minah’s salary be increased so that their salaries will be the same。

新加坡五年级数学练习题写出你的正确答案,并列出你的解题过程:1)多尔以 748 000 美元买了一套房子,他已经支付了29 800美元的定金,其余数额将按月分期支付30年,每月分期付款多少钱?2)下表显示了快餐店工人的每日工资,丽莎从5月1日(星期二)工作到5月28日。
她这个月能赚多少钱?星期一至星期五$25周六至周日$303)李太太有一些红色和绿色的珠子,7 / 11 的珠子是红色的,其余的是绿色的,送给别人105个红珠后,剩下的红珠数量是绿珠数量的一半,问她有多少个绿珠子?4)蔡徐坤在袋 A 有 189 个弹珠,在袋 B 有 279 个弹珠,他把一些弹珠从B袋转移到了B袋,直到每个袋子的弹珠数量相同,他从B袋转移到了B袋到B袋有多少弹珠?5)王琳今年是黄宏特年龄的 5 倍。
黄宏特现在9岁了,问多少年后,王琳的年龄会是黄宏特的两倍?答案:1) 748 000 - 29 800 = 718200 剩余金额支付30 年30 年 30 x 12 = 360718 200 / 360 = $1995每月分期付款将为 $19952) 第一周T W T F S S = 4 2第二周 M T W T F S S = 5 2第三周 M T W T F S S = 5 2第四周 M T W T F S S = 5 2第五周 M = 1周一到周五总共 = 20周六到周日总共 = 825 x 20 = 50030 x 8 = 240500 + 240 = $740她应该得到 $7403)第一:7/11 珠子=红绿= 1 - 7/11 + 4/11然后:拿走105红珠 = 7/11 - 105 = 绿珠的 1/2绿珠的1/2 = 4/11 /2 = 2/11因此:7/11 - 105 = 2/11并且:7/11 - 2/11 = 1055/11 = 1051/11 = 105/5 = 21绿珠 = 4/11 = 4x21 = 844)包 A = 189 弹珠袋 B = 279 弹珠279 = 189 = 468转移袋 B 到袋 A,直到每个袋子具有相同的弹珠468 / 2 = 234279 - 234 = 45弹珠他转移 45 大理石从袋 B 到包 A5)王琳 = 9 x 5 = 45王琳和黄宏特之间的差值 = 45 - 9 = 36 36 = 1 单位36 - 9 = 27 年时间。

一、选择题(每题5分,共25分)1. 下列哪个数是两位数?A. 1234B. 12C. 34D. 56782. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 正三角形B. 正五边形C. 正方形D. 正六边形3. 小明有15个苹果,他给了小红6个,那么小明还剩下多少个苹果?A. 9B. 12C. 15D. 214. 一辆汽车每小时行驶60千米,如果行驶了2小时,汽车行驶了多少千米?A. 120B. 180C. 240D. 3005. 小华的年龄是小明的3倍,如果小华现在12岁,那么小明现在几岁?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)6. 7 + 8 = ______7. 12 - 5 = ______8. 9 × 4 = ______9. 100 ÷ 5 = ______10. 3 × 7 = ______三、应用题(每题10分,共30分)11. 小明有30个糖果,他每天吃掉5个,连续吃了6天后,小明还剩下多少个糖果?12. 一家书店有50本书,第一天卖出了20本,第二天卖出了15本,第三天卖出了10本,书店还剩下多少本书?13. 小刚的自行车速度是每小时15千米,他骑车去学校,用了30分钟到达。
学校距离小刚家有多远?四、解答题(每题15分,共30分)14. 小华的数学成绩提高了20%,原来成绩是80分,现在成绩是多少分?15. 小明有3个苹果,小红有2个苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?如果小明再买2个苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?五、思考题(15分)16. 小明、小红和小丽三个人一起做作业,小明用了1小时,小红用了1.5小时,小丽用了2小时。
请比较一下,谁用的时间最长?为什么?六、附加题(20分)17. 小明在一条直线上放置了10个点,任意两点之间的距离都相等。
请问,这条直线上最多可以放置多少个这样的点?18. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是6厘米,请计算这个长方形的周长和面积。

新加坡小学数学练习题1. 班级里有35个学生,如果每个学生需要2本练习册,老师一共需要准备多少本练习册?2. 李明有45张邮票,他决定将一半的邮票送给朋友。
他将送出多少张邮票?3. 一个长方形的长是20厘米,宽是15厘米,求这个长方形的面积。
4. 一个篮子里有24个苹果,如果平均分给4个孩子,每个孩子能得到多少个苹果?5. 一个三角形的底边长是12厘米,高是8厘米,求这个三角形的面积。
6. 一辆公共汽车在早上7:00出发,如果它在每个站点停留2分钟,那么在第5个站点停了多长时间?7. 一个班级有24名学生,如果每4名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?8. 一个圆形的半径是7厘米,求这个圆的周长。
9. 一个正方形的边长是10厘米,求这个正方形的周长和面积。
10. 如果一个商店在一天内卖出了120个玩具,每个玩具的利润是5元,商店一天的总利润是多少?11. 一个长方形的长是18厘米,宽是9厘米,如果把这个长方形分成两个相同的小长方形,每个小长方形的面积是多少?12. 一个班级有50名学生,如果每5名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?13. 一个直角三角形的两条直角边分别是6厘米和8厘米,求这个三角形的斜边长度。
14. 一个班级有40名学生,如果每10名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?15. 一个长方形的长是25厘米,宽是15厘米,如果把这个长方形的长和宽都增加5厘米,新的长方形的面积是多少?16. 一个班级有30名学生,如果每6名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?17. 一个圆的直径是14厘米,求这个圆的面积。
18. 一个班级有36名学生,如果每9名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?19. 一个长方形的长是16厘米,宽是11厘米,如果把这个长方形的长和宽都减少2厘米,新的长方形的面积是多少?20. 一个班级有45名学生,如果每5名学生组成一个小组,可以组成多少个小组?21. 一个圆形的半径是5厘米,求这个圆的周长和面积。
Math In Focus 新加坡数学Grade 1练习册 官方原版高清PDFChapter14

Add mentally. First add the tens. Then add the tens to the ones.
13 + 10 = 23
3 10
9. 18 + 10 =
10. 11 + 20 =
11. 12 + 10 =
12. 14 + 20 =
13. 16 + 10 =
23. I have 24 stickers.
I want 5 more.
22. 8 + 9 =
How many stickers will Emily have?
Lesson 1 Mental Addition 101
© Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited.
You can use a telephone dial to find the value of a word. Example YES = 9 + 3 + 7 = 19
1. Name a three-letter word with a value of 14.
2. Find a word that has the same value as BOAT.
2 7 – 3 = 24
20 7
7. 28 – 4 = 9. 27 – 6 = 11. 38 – 8 =
8. 29 – 5 = 10. 37 – 2 = 12. 36 – 6 =
Lesson 2 Mental Subtraction 103
Subtract mentally. First subtract the tens. Then add the tens to the ones.

CHAPTER 1 WHOLE NUMBERS1.Round off 69 570 km to the nearest 1 000 km.2.Round off 7 534 089 to the neatest thousand.3. A school’4.The value of the digit 8 in 980 036 is ___________________________ .5.6.What is 100 tens less than 1 million?7.What is 90 hundreds more than 1 million?8.How many tens are there in 48 200?9.There are ___________________ hundreds in 1 million.10.The value of the digit 8 in 487 543 is 8 x _________________________.11.Write nine million, six hundred and seven thousand and eighty-four in figures.12.13.Evaluate (Solve) 507 x 28.14.15.number.16.Find the value of 85 + 10 x (80 – 60 ) ÷ 4.17.Find the value of 42 + (139 – 19) ÷ 6 x 2.18.162 x 15 = 162 x 10 + (19.What is the remainder when 2020 is divided by 8? number?21.$22 left while she had $49 left. How much did Lin have at first?22.There are ____________ tens in 1 million.23.The value of 9 in 129 300 is ___________________________.24.Write 1 489 311 in words: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 MONEY, MEASURES & MENSURATION1. A wooden block measures 10 cm by 8 cm by2.5 cm. If 4 such wooden blocks are packedexactly into a rectangular box, what is the capacity of the box?2.The area of a floor covered in square tiles if 1250 cm2. The length of each square tile is 5 cm.How many square tiles are there covering the floor?3. A papaya is as heavy as two oranges of equal mass. If the mass of each orange is 160 g , findthe mass of 3 such papayas.CHAPTER 3 STATISTICSCHAPTER 4 GEOMETRYCHAPTER 5 FRACTIONS1.What is of 1h 8 min? _______________________2.Express day in hours. _______________________3.There are 18 apples and 12 oranges in a basket. What fraction of the fruits are oranges?___________________4.How many hours is of a day? ________________________5.There are __________ sixths in .6.Mr. Tan bought some tables. of them were red. The remaining 33 tables were white.How many tables did he buy altogether? Ans: ___________________________7.Carl had 8 ½ m of rope. He cut out 3 pieces of ropes measuring 1 ¼ m each. Find the length ofthe rope left.Ans: ____________________________8. of a number is 36. What is of the number? ________________________9. of the people at a concert were women and of them were children. If therewere 300 men, how many women were there at the concert? Ans: __________________________10.27 kg of rice are shared equally among 7 people. How much rice does each person get? Leaveyour answer in its simplest form._______________________________________________________________________________( ) 11.Express 1 390 m as a fraction of 2 km._______________________________________________________________________________( )12.A piece of wire m long is cut into 6 equal pieces. Amy used 3 pieces to tie somepresents. What fraction of the wire did she use altogether?_______________________________________________________________________________( ) 13.Find the value of 2 + 1 ._______________________________________________________________________________( )14.Ben was told to guess a number. He guessed the number to be 8. His guess is ¼ of the actualnumber. What is the actual number?_______________________________________________________________________________( )15.10 girls received ¼ kg of strawberries each. What is the total weight of strawberries in kg?(Express your answer in its simplest form)_______________________________________________________________________________( )16.Henry bought 60 m of ribbon. He gave away ¾ of the ribbon to Kelly. How many metres of theribbon did he give away?_______________________________________________________________________________( )17.Bala gave of his stamps to his brother and of the remainder to his sister. Hehad 10 stamps left. How many stamps did he have at first?_______________________________________________________________________________( )18.A rabbit weighs kg. A hamster is of the mass of the rabbit. What is the total massof the two animals? (Express your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.)_______________________________________________________________________________( )19.A pair of jeans cost 3 times as much as a skirt. Brenda spent of her money on someskirts and half of her remaining money on a pair of jeans. How many skirts did she buy?_______________________________________________________________________________( ) CHAPTER 6 DECIMALS1.Zafran paid $243 for 90 markers. If the price of each marker decreased by $0.60, how many-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )2.Round off 9.837 to 1 decimal place. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------( )3.Round off 202.028 to 2 decimal place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------( )4.Round off 29.192 to 2 decimal place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------( )5. 3 ones, 50 hundredths and 2 thousandths is __________________________.6.10 tens, 9 hundredths and 7 thousandths is __________________________ .7.Ray finished 2/3 of his Math homework. What percentage of his homework did he finish? Giveyour answer rounded off to 2 decimal places.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )8.In every litre of honey water juice, there is 200 ml of honey syrup. The rest of the juice is madeup of water. How much water will there be in 3.5 litres of honey water juice? Leave your answer in litres.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )CHAPTER 7 AVERAGE, RATE & SPEED1.Joyce can write 28 words in 2 minutes. At this rate, how many words can she write in 8 minutes?CHAPTER 8 RATIO & PROPORTION1.( ) : 6 = 28 : 42. Fill in the missing number in the bracket.2.There are 30 buttons in a box. 10 buttons are black and the rest are white. What is the ratio ofthe black buttons to the white buttons?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )3.Lina saves $53 a month. How much will she save in 2.5 years? -------------------------------------4.There are 48 pens and 72 pencils in a container. What is the ratio of the number of pencils tothe number of pens?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )5.The marks May and Brenda scored in an Chinese test are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If May has 18marks less than Brenda, how many marks did May score?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )6.There are 800 men and women at a party. 300 of them are women. What is the ratio of thenumber of men to the number of women at the party?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )7.The ratio of the number of teachers to pupils at a school is 1 : 9. If there are 108 pupils, how--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )8. A piece of wire of 160 cm long was cut into 2 pieces in the ratio of 6 : 2. The shorter piece wasbent to form a square. What is the length of the square?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )9.The ratio of Tina’s mass to Joyce’s mass is 4 : 3. If Tina’s mass decreased by 6 kg and Joyce’s mass is increased by 1 kg, Tina will have the same mass as Joyce. What is Joyce’s original mass?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )10.Andy, Ben and Cavin have a total sum of $96. Andy and Ben have $80. What is the ratio ofCavin’s share to the total sum of money?11.3 chickens cost $36 and 8 fishes costs $72. How much does 6 chickens and 4 fishes costaltogether?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )12.A taxi can carry maximum of 4 passengers. What is the least number of taxis needed totransport 21 passengers?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )13.If Gary packed 40 apples in each crate, what was the minimum number of crates he needed topack 4860 apples?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )14.The ratio of Marcus’s age to Francis’s age is 5 : 6. Their total age is 77 years. How old isMarcus?15.The area of a rectangle is 72 cm2. Its length is 18 cm. What is the ratio of the length to itsbreadth?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )16.The number of chickens and ducks on a farm is in the ratio of 4 : 7. There are 21 more ducksthan chickens. How many chickens and ducks are there altogether?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )17.Jill had 150 stamps. She kept half of them and shared the rest between Grace and Ahmad inthe ratio of 2 : 3. How many stamps did Ahmad receive?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )18.Charles could buy 8 plums and 5 mangoes with $8.00. He could buy 16 such plums with thesame amount of money. If he decides to buy mangoes only, how many mangoes can he buy with $100?19.Henry won $2 400 in a contest. He kept ¼ of it and gave the remainder to his wife, sister andbrother. His wife received 2/3 of the money, his sister received ¼ of it and his brother received the rest.a.How much did his wife receive?b.What is the ratio of his wife’s share to his brother’s share?20.CHAPTER 9 PERCENTAGE1.Express 1 1/5 as a percentage.2.Raymund was given a 20% discount for a meal that cost $6. How much did he pay for the meal?Percentage and Problem Sums Date: 18 July 20101.Express as a percentage.2.Express 28% as a fraction in its simplest form.3.Express ½ % as a fraction in its simplest form.4.Raymund was given a 20% discount for a meal that cost $6. How much did he pay for the meal?5.During a sale, Alicia was given a 15% discount for a book that cost $12. How much would shesave if she buy the book during the sale?6.David saved $9 every day. After a number of days, he used all the money that he had save tobuy a fewstorybooks that cost $21 each.(a)What was the least number of days that he needed to save in order to buy the storybooks?(b)How many storybooks did he buy?7.There were some markers in a box. of the markers were black and the rest were red.of the black and of the red markers were taken out from the box and there were 111 markers left inthe box. How many markers were there in the box at first?8.David had some durians. He sold of them in the afternoon and of the remainder inthe evening. Therewere 30 fewer durians sold in the evening than in the afternoon.a.How many durians did he sell in all?b.If he sold the durians at $5, how much money did he collect altogether?9.Danny spent 2 of his money on a bag and 1 of the reminder on some snacks.What percentage of his5 3money had he left?10.140% of a number is 84. Find the number.11.40% of the erasers in a box are purple. The rest are blue and green erasers in the ratio of 11:4.There are 48fewer purple erasers than blue erasers. How many erasers are there altogether?12.Amy gave 35% of her marbles to Bala. What fraction of her marbles had she left?13.Devi’s salary and Minah’s salary are in ratio of 4:5. If Devi’s salary is increased by 30%, bywhat percentage mustMinah’s salary be increased so that their salaries will be the same?。
Math In Focus 新加坡数学Grade 1练习册 官方原版高清PDFChapter11

11 Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs
Practice 1 Simple Picture Graphs
Daniel draws a picture graph of his friends‘ birth months.
Look at the picture graph. Then fill in the blanks. This picture graph shows all the toys in Annie‘s toy box.
Toys in Annie‘s Toy Box
Toy Plane
Toy Car
© Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited.
18. How many coins does he save on Tuesday?
19. Barry saves 1 coin on Friday.
He saves
more coins on Saturday.
20. How many coins in all does he save from Thursday to
Barry‘s Savings
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
© Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited.
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Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolPart A一、Amy:Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK.Zhang Peng:Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China.Mike:Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.二、1连UK 2连China 3连Canada 4连USA三、hand bag cat四、读音规律:所有单词中的a都发【?】(大口“哀”)五、任画一面或几面国旗,并写上国家名Part B一、China连Zhang Peng Canada连MikeUSA连Miss White Australia连Sarah二、哈利波特:UK 海绵宝宝: USA神笔马良:China 邮递员特派叔叔:UK爱探险的朵拉:USA 飞哥与小佛:USA小羊肖恩:UK 开心超人:China小龟富兰克林:Canada三、C B D A四、1.上 2.上 3.上Part C一、China teacher boy Miss WhiteMr Jones Canada student girl二、×√×三、Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK.Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China.四、A A A A五、可选句型:I'm+姓名. I'm a +身份/职业/性别.I'm+ 年龄. I'm from +国家.Unit 2 My family Part A一、上:B 下:A二、A B A三、Who's that man? He's my father/ teacher.Who's that woman? She's my mother/ teacher.四、钢笔pen 红色red 十ten 腿leg五、规律:所有e都发【е】(哀)Part B一、上:A 中:C 下:B二、Hi! This is my family. This is my grandpa/ grandma/ father/ mother/ sister/ brother.三. 1连右5 2连右6 3连右34连右4 5连右 2 6连右 1四、anut mum dadgrandma brother sistergrandpaPart C一、×√√×√二、Ben Lucy Jack Ann Sam Linda三、leg ten pen red四、左上: C 右上:A左下:D 右下:BUnit 3 At the zoo Part A一、1连猪2连长颈鹿3连大象4 连猴子5连熊猫二、1.√√ 2.×× 3.√√ 4.××三、1. tall short 2.tall3. fat4.thin四、规律:所有i都发【?】(短a)五、Look at my +动物名. It's tall / thin/ fat/ ....Part B一、C A B二、参考例句:Look at the monkey. It's short. It has a long tail and a big head.Look at the rabbit. It's small. It has long ears and a short tail.三、1连鸵鸟2连刺猬3连猴子4连啄木鸟四、1.√√ 2.×× 3.×√ 4.√√Part C一、1.松鼠 2.大象 3.熊二、1.×× 2.√× 3.√√ 4.√×三、略四、略五、略六、pig fat six milkRecycle 1一、图1连UK 图2连USA 图3连China 图4连Canada 图5连Australia二、hand pen cat ten pig milk三、笑脸笑脸哭脸笑脸四、thin grandpa short man五、C A B D六、√ √ × √ √(第五题依个人意见也可为×)七、hand pen pig cat tail八、F A C E B DUnit 4 Where is my car Part A一、例:--Where is the cat? --It's under the book.--Where is the dog? --It's in the bag.二、B A B三、A A A B四、desk:5 chair:5 under:4 on:3 in:3五、dog连小狗box连盒子orange连橙子Part B一、1.例:A:Where is my bag?B: Maybe it's on the chair?Is it on the chair?A: No.2.例:--Where is my bag? --It's C the D.--Where is my H? --It's on the map.--Where is my car? --It's A the H.--Where is my I? --It's on the bag.--Where is the cat? --It's B the D.二、cap帽子ball球map地图car汽车boat船三、B B A A APart C一、dog小狗orange橙子bag书包milk牛奶box盒子hand手six六ten十cap帽子body身体pig猪pen钢笔二、car4 cap3 on2 in5 ball1三、desk桌子map地图car汽车box盒子cap帽子boat小船chair椅子bag书包ball球四、下上下上下五、√ × × × √Unit 5 Do you like pears? Part A一、(三人一组做调查)二、1.--Do you like milk? --Yes, I do.2.--Do you like juice? --No, I don't.3.--Do you like pears? --Yes, I do.4.--Do you like oranges? --No, I don't.三、Amy's list: milk pears srtawberriesMike's list: oranges juice watermelons四、4 3 2 3五、fun连图 2 mum连图4duck连图1 under连图 3Part B一、例:I like apples and pears. I don't like watermelons and bananas.二、B A三、略四、grapes葡萄banana香蕉apple苹果pear梨oranges橙子srtawberry草莓watermelon西瓜五、上下下上上3 5 14 2Part C一、cat猫desk桌子milk牛奶fox狐狸二、giraffe3 student5 water1brother5 apple4三、watermelon grapes applebanana pear strawberry oran四、apples grapes oranges五、(可根据自己的爱好选择,注意合理搭配营养均衡,同时要方便携带)六、规律:所有u都发【?】(短“阿”);所有o都发【?】(短“奥”)Unit 6 How many? Part A一、例: A:How many pears do you see?B: One, two, ...I see nine.二、例:I see ten erasers.三、fourteen14 eleven11 thirteen13fifteen15 twelve12四、3 2 1 4五、a e i o u六、a e e o uPart B一、例:A:How many pens do you have?B: I have thirteen二、例:I'd like the cat chair. It's sixteen.或I'd like chair sixteen. It's a cat.三、twelve 4 twenty 3fifteen 6 thirteen 5nineteen2 sixteen4四、 A DE CF G五、cat dog duck cap box leg milk desk Part C一、pen bag six duck orange二、pig hand cat desk三、12 20 1318 11 15四、1.×11 20 13 142.√15 16 18 193.×17 15 19 204.× 3 15 6 185.√13 15 19 20五、B C D A六、略Recycle 2orange body dogleg: elephant egg ten pen三、brother fifteen red thirteen bluetwenty black四、图中没有的:boat watermelon五、 D C A B C C六、左左左左右左左左七、可以从以下方面介绍:名字、性别、年龄、国籍、外貌、喜好(水果,动物,颜色等)、家庭...。