1. 宝洁中国投资历程
1988年8月18日:宝洁公司于与广州肥皂厂、香港 和记黄埔(中国)有限公司及广州经济技术开发 区建设进出口贸易公司在中国广州组建成立的第 一家合资企业——广州宝洁有限公司,借此成功 登陆中国市场。
1994年:北京日化二厂与美国宝洁合资成立北京 熊猫宝洁洗涤用品有限公司,宝洁以65%的股份 控股合资公司,支付给“熊猫”品牌50年的使用 费1.4亿元人民币。
发 中
中 华
中 国
地区 ….
组织 结构
超事业部制 (执行部制)
监事会 财务部
在组织最高管理层 和各个事业部之间 增加了一级管理机 构,负责管辖和协 调所属各个事业部 的活动,使领导方 式在分权的基础上 又适当的集中。
跨国公司 组织结构
背景介绍 组织结构 发展战略
背景 介绍
宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上 最大的日用品消费公司之一。
2009年财政年度,公司全年销售额 近796亿美元,利润134亿美元
在全球70多个国家设有工厂及分公 司,经营300多个品牌产品。
背景 介绍
之后,宝洁公司先后建立合资公司,在取得成功 之后逐渐开始其独资化的进程。
1998年12月:广州浪奇实业股份有限公司将其所 持有的宝洁洗涤用品有限公司12%的股权和全部 债权都转让给宝洁和记黄埔有限公司。
2000年9月10日,北京日化二厂正式向外 界宣布已与宝洁达成协议,提前终止“熊 猫”的使用合同,收回使用长达6年的“ 熊猫”品牌,拿到了4000万元的品牌使用 费,自此,宝洁公司控股的合资企业变成 了独资企业。
1. 宝洁公司简介宝洁公司成立于1837年,总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市。
2. 品牌介绍2.1. 洁而亮洁而亮是宝洁公司旗下的洗衣品牌,成立于1968年。
2.2. 飘柔飘柔是宝洁公司旗下的护发品牌,成立于1987年。
2.3. 舒肤佳舒肤佳是宝洁公司旗下的个人护理品牌,成立于1953年。
2.4. 护舒宝护舒宝是宝洁公司旗下的卫生巾品牌,成立于1982年。
3. 品牌特点3.1. 创新科技宝洁公司注重科技创新,在产品研发和生产过程中应用先进的技术。
3.2. 品质保证宝洁公司对产品质量有严格的控制和监管体系,确保产品的安全和有效性。
3.3. 环保意识宝洁公司致力于可持续发展,积极推动环保意识。
4. 市场表现宝洁公司旗下的品牌在全球范围内取得了巨大的市场成功。
(shining your career, shining your life!)招聘职位:(ppt标题处或者右上角可写:“Welcome to Join CBD”.)客户关系发展部(CBD)MT1、who we are?2、what we do?3、what you can harvest in CBD?4、Why P&G? Why CBD?1、【About “who we are?”】Customer Business DevelopmentCompany’s Vision:Serve more Chinese consumersIn more part of ChinaMore competingCBD在这其中起着至关重要的作用The first moment of truth(在宝洁,我们认为成功开始于我们的顾客在进行品牌挑选时就开始了,我们将其称之为the first moment of truth)CBD 通过与顾客建立共同价值后,在顾客挑选品牌即the first moment of truth 时,便可以在很大程度上赢得竞争优势。
销售是什么?并非传统意义上的销售,销售分为两个部分:1、Delivery —包括区域,地区的推广,着重于店内的销售和品牌形象的推广2、Design —品牌的定位,目标客户的选择,销售计划的制定,与媒体的沟通,形象代言人的选择2、【About “what we do”】Our goalWin wherever shops. Being No.1 in Customer Service.How can we realize this?1、get the superior shopping experience of customers.2、Extend quality coverage.Position:3、【What you can harvest in CBD?】❉Career Development:1、You will lead a 200 people organization2、You will work with Top Customer GM3、You will be A sales Master in the Industry.●Over 30% P&G GMs Grew from CBD●Over 90% Top Managements are from Chinese talents.❉Wonderful team:⏹Always have the “ Can be done” attitude⏹Always Seek for the Best⏹Always Enjoy work, Enjoy life.4、【Why P&G? Why CBD?】●China ——No.2 great market of P&G global wide●P&G have 23 brands in China, most have the leading position●P&G have already invested $1.5billion in China, and plans to add $1billion in nest 5years.。
宝洁公司资料整合一、公司背景(一)公司简介宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),简称P&G,是一家美国消费日用品生产商,也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一。
2008年06月04日The J. M. Smucker Company和宝洁,双方签署了一项最终协议,宝洁股东将以免税换股并购方式取得Smucker 约53.5%的股权。
宝洁概况宝洁概况成立时间1837年总部美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市销售额近765亿美元(2007财政年度)分公司分布超过80个国家产品种类美容美发、居家护理、家庭健康用品、健康护理、食品及饮料等品牌约300个员工数约127,000位董事长麦睿博(Robert A. McDonald)总裁兼首席执行官麦睿博(Robert A. McDonald)全球技术中心28个十亿美元品牌数23个(二)愿景与使命:1、愿景——长期环境可持续性2、使命——我们生产和提供世界一流的产品 以美化消费者的生活。
我们实行从内部发展的组织制度, 选拔、提升和奖励表现突出的员工而不受任何与工作表现无关的因素影响。
通; 4,宝洁业务生意增长点挖掘(协同TP);
潘婷、Aussie(宝洁店 +Aussie店)
薇初FΒιβλιοθήκη C+AC FC雒雒 Andy
Central Team
品牌方 AE
组织框架——宝洁Central Team 主要职责: 1,对接天猫市场部,宝洁天猫VVIP、超级品牌日等大型Campaign对 接沟通;
3,平台大促互动城,阿里妈妈All in等接洽。宝洁全店媒体费用; 4,宝洁店、宝洁集团大型Campaign PM;
Central Team
①宝洁AE&品牌>>进货量(GIV)目标; ②宝洁AE&网创>>销售额(GMV)目标;
①货:RBU(供货方)>>263(进货方)>>AE(卖货) >>263(发货) ②钱:RBU负责媒体费&品牌推广费&种草;AE&263负
宝洁1、设计部DesignVision:Design will be a catalyst that propels P&G into delivering extraordinary experiences that improve the lives of people today and in the future.Mission:Drive P&G's continued growth by attracting the best and brightest external Design talent.Be our core firms' best client so they want to work with us and develop a strategic partnership. Match project / brand needs with design firms' core skillsValue Statement"Fusing pleasure and meaning with function to build irresistible brands that delight consumers".2、信息与决策解决方案部information and decision solutionOur Vision:Leaders in business transformation through information and decision solutions.Key Capabilities:Project Management, Business Process Transformation, Business Analysis, Service Management, Application Management, Enterprise Architecture, etc.A P&G IDS career offers an exciting and fast paced environment to build Business, Technical and Leadership skills. You will apply these skills to deliver a competitive advantage and significant business resul ts within one of the world’s top companies. IDS is a strategic capabilit y for key P&G operations (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Product Supply, Finance, etc.). P&G IDS is also a global organization so you will have the opportunity to work closely with both IDS and business experts from all over the world, and to work in a wide variety of assignments.Professional career development opportunities in IDSSystems Analyst / Systems ManagerBe responsible for IDS solutions in certain business area (e.g. Customer Team, Plant, Brand Team and Service Line). Innovate, implement and leverage high impact IDS solutions for thebusiness’s development.Section ManagerLead the IDS function within a business unit (e.g. Top Retailer Channel, Skin Care Category, Market and Service Line). Be responsible for IDS portfolio management, master plan and deliver business operation critical solutions and service, and developing the IDS organization. Associate Director / DirectorLead the IDS function for a large business unit/ function / service line (Sales, Supply Network Solution), establish IDS Strategy, Investment, Project Portfolio, and Organization Design direction. Work closely with senior P&G business leaders and global GBS/IDS leaders, as well as senior customers and suppliers at the regional and global level.A P&G Greater China IDS careerA P&G Greater China IDS career provides opportunities for you to become a professional business leader with multiple skills of systemically understanding of the business and end-to-end business processes, cutting edge information technologies, and competency of project management, business process transformation, business analysis and service management. You have opportunities to work in business solutions of Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resources Planning and Knowledge Management, etc.3、产品供应部product supplyAs the largest functional organization in P&G, Product Supply has almost 50% P&G employees, and 140+ plants in 40 countries. There are 5 disciplines in Product Supply: Customer Service & Logistics, Engineering, Manufacturing, Purchases, Quality Assurance. From AMR Research survey in 2007, we are awarded as the top 3 best leadership in supply chain management in the world and top one among FMCG Industry.What you can expect upon Product Supply:1. Global Leading Supply Chain2. Work and Think Globally3. The best place to build your management skill and technical mastery4. And we have the Broadest Work Location Opportunities:China, we managed 8 P&G plants at Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan;And 8 Distribution centers located at Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shanghai,Changsha and Guangzhou.You also have many opportunities to work with P&G global and work at other countries.What’s 5 PS Disciplines:Customer Service & Logistics: Delivers supply chain integration through to our customers’ shelves to win the first moment of truth, which enables superior retail presence and improved customer and consumer value. Our mantra is “Always There, Always Preferred, Always Affordable.”Engineering: Deliver a competitive advantage by innovating, providing and protecting supply network technologies, systems and facilities in a safe and healthful environment to maximize consumer value and increase project Net Present Value and shareholder return. Manufacturing: Use different technologies, human resources and capital assets to manage the making, packing, and assembly systems to produce the right products at the right time with quality, consistency and total delivered cost reduction.Purchases: Use our understanding of global, regional and local market as well as industry trends. Build supplier relationships to achieve the best overall value for the Company when acquiring or contracting for goods, services, property and equipment.Quality Assurance: Develop and establish a Company-wide vision, strategy and quality policy that ensures the delivery of design and execution excellence within legal and regulatory compliance.Build the business by leveraging quality to win at the First and Second Moments of Truth while delivering consumer satisfaction.Welcome to join Global Leading Supply Chain – P&G Product Supply4、研究开发部R&DInnovation is the cornerstone of P&G's success. P&G is the first and foremost a Research and Development Company and Research & Development (R&D) are the lifeblood of the business. Our Technical Center in Beijing (BJTC) is responsible for the development of consumer products for Greater China, Asia, and the rest of the world, especially in the fields of Household Care, Oral Care, Beauty Care, Feminine Care and Baby Care. Whilst still growing, BJTC is currently rankedamongst the company’s leading world class technical centers and has about 400 employees as well as excellent research facilities and experts from many different countries. Our goal is to understand the consumer better than anyone else and to develop technologies, products,packages and devices that best meet the needs of the consumers in Greater China, the Asia n region and globally. To do so R&D is divided into several main capabilities including ormula Design, Technology, Process Design, Product Research, Analytical, Clinical and Packaging & Device Development. All working together as a team towards one common goal:Improving the lives of the world`s consumers.Professional career development opportunities in R&DAs soon as you begin working, you are assigned with a project of great responsibility, while being taught technical and managerial skills through on-the-job-and regular training to become more successful. For delivering your projects, you will interact with both regional and global colleagues from many functions and nationalities. Given the regional and global character of R&Dinternational assignments happen frequently for our top performing people.5、人力资源部HRMissionPartner with our business leaders to:∙Create and sustain business growth and competitive advantage with people, organizations, systems and culture∙Preserve a value-driven, principle-based core∙Leverage the strengths of “Build from within” systemRoles of HRStrategic Partner: We work with business leaders to develop and deploy business strategies to the organization.Change Agent: We help line management in preparing their organization to deal with change, which is the main constant in a very competitive global marketplace.Employee Champion: We work with line management to increase the employee`s capability and commitment to the Company.Administrative Expert: We ensure that the programs designed to attract and retain our employees are executed in a high quality and “zero defect” manner.Professional career developmentOpportunities in HRAssociate HR Manager: R esponsible for supporting one or more specific core HR systems and processes at the corporate level or in a site.HR Manager : Responsible for leading one or more specific core HR system and processes at the corporate level. Responsible for leading the HR function in a small independent site.Senior HR Manager: Responsible for leading a big plant or a business unit or geographic area. Responsible for leading two or more core HR systems and processes.Associate HR Director: Responsible for leading HR in a big geographic area that may include multiple sites or several business units. Responsible for leading a wide group of HR core systems. HR Director: Responsible for leading Greater China HR organization, setting HR direction and priorities for the Company.It is important to note that location flexibility may be required in Greater China (e.g. Hong Kong to China, Taiwan to China, and Guangzhou to Beijing) and International assignment opportunities (in many P&G locations) may be available at various levels in HR. marketplace6、财务部fiancé and accountingBring your education, experience, and scientific knowledge to P&G and we'll keep you growing and developing your skills and areas of expertise. The TCS provides an integrated career path for all R&D employees who may enter at differing points on the path based on their education, experience, and area of specialization. Progression depends on excellence in technical results, and developing mastery, innovation, and collaboration.Opportunity:job rotation,oversea experience,location flexibilityPath:financial analyst——senior financial analyst——group manager——AD & Above7、市场研究部consumer & market knowledgeCMK’s Aspiration in Support of P&G’sVisionCMK is the voice of t he world’s consumers and shoppers, navigating the way to improve consumers' lives via connecting hindsight, insight, and foresight to drive business success. We are internal consultant and proactive business leader in company. We lead the identification of consumer, market and retail evolution and robust predictions of business outcomes, and use it to drive company strategy and portfolio choice. We inspire teams to maximize new and established brand initiatives by acting on the integrated knowledge of: 1) c onsumer/shopper’s needs and habits, 2) market and retailer dynamics, 3) external influences and, 4) key drivers of business growth. This enables the design and optimization of robust propositions for established brands and new initiatives in both developing and developed markets. We are collaborative leaders and crucial members of P&G’s global brand building community and China market research industry. We are committed to grow our future leaders via world class training, deliberate assignment / career planning and diversified organization.Professional career development opportunities in CMKAssociate ManagerHandles one brand under training of immediate manager.ManagerHandles one or two brands as well as category projects.Senior ManagerManages one category e.g. Hair Care or Oral Care.Associate DirectorManages several categories.DirectorManages a large region and a large business.General Manager/Vice PresidentManages a large region or a group of categories on a global basis8、客户业务发展部Customer Business DevelopmentWe grow great business and organization leadersIn P&G we understand that our Company’s success begins when our shoppers are choosingwhich brand to purchase. We call this “the first moment of truth”. Customers are a key pillar of the P&G strategy because they greatly influence this first moment of truth.Who Are We?As a member of Customer Business Development (CBD), you will have a significant impact on the first moment of truth by jointly creating value with our customers that positively influences the first moment of truth. CBD plays a leading role in this effort from sophisticated global retailers to small neighborhood stores and open markets. The Customer Business Development concept, which we invented, came from recognizing that jointly creating value with our retail customers and distributors is fundamental to the growth of our mutual businesses. As a member of CBD, you will be responsible for developing partnership and leveraging training, analytical data, communication skills and personal leadership to deliver our joint goals.Professional career development opportunities in CBDThe CBD career path comprises major early responsibilities, executive level interfaces, a dynamic environment and intellectual challenges. Success will mainly depend on your business results, strong leadership, strategic thinking and solutions, creativity and strong people development skill. Key Account ManagerResponsible for total business including volume and sales fundamentals like distribution, shelving, pricing and merchandising at a defined geographic territory or customer.Unit ManagerManage sales volume of a larger geography or customer and leading a team of people.Market/District ManagerResponsible for either a larger territory or bigger customer business with greater organizational complexity by leading both UM and their people to achieve breakthrough business results. Associate DirectorResponsible for a multi-functional CBD organization of a larger territory or global retailer team or small sized country business.DirectorResponsible for a larger-scale and multi-functional CBD organization for a channel or amedium-sized country.In CBD you also have the opportunity to work in our Market Strategy & Planning Department (Internal Broadening Assignment), which is the critical link between CBD Field and BrandManagement developing the right initiatives, customer marketing concepts and activities for our brands.It is important to note that location flexibility may be required in CBD mainland China9、法律部LegalVision:Provide superior quality, timely and proactive legal services and results by using our thorough understanding of the Company's needs and our legal expertise in an atmosphere of respect, trust and satisfaction. We are responsible, efficient, confident and creative in working with otherfunctions hand in hand and with outside organizations in a professional way.Your Initial Job AssignmentIn the Legal Department, you will assist in planning, conducting legal research, and providing legal advice. And you will also be responsible for the preparation of legal documents, compliance with contract terms, and be involved in handling relevant legal issues, corporate projects and lawsuits. ∙Function Introduction∙Success Stories∙Intership Program∙10、对外关系部External RelationsVision: Create P&G business advantage through External RelationsMission: Cultivate superior influencer relationships to build and protect the business andreputation of P&G and its brands.This mission is carried out through excellence in five core disciplines: Brand PR, Regulatory and Technical and Relations, Government relations, Corporate Reputation and Consumer Relations.Professional career development opportunitiesYour Initial Job AssignmentExternal RelationsExternal Relations encompasses work in: Government Relations, including managing P&G’sinteractions with government locally, with the central government and international governments;Technical External Relations, includes the development of regulatory strategies, securing product approvals, ensuring regulatory compliance, issue and crisis management and brand technical support; Brand Public Relations includes planning and managing brand public relations programs, such as contacts and relationships with news media and key stakeholders and large scale integrated marketing PR programs and annual retaining PR programs; CorporateCommunications and Corporate Social Responsibility includes developing and deploying corporate public relations strategies, policies, and procedures and corporate communications programs to build P&G image and reputation; Technical Marketing includes building andleveraging relationships with external experts and professional organizations to build credibility for P&G research and our brands and development of communications to educate consumers about our brands.11、市场部marketingHave you ever imagined managing an international leading brand? Are you prepared to take challenges and make your work creative and exciting?MissionP&G Marketing is a global community of the world’s best Brand Builders and Business Leaders.We are dedicated to growing Brand and Category share leadership, and to empower oursucceeding generations to do the same. In short, we are passionate about building Brands that last forever. Join the winning team of P&G Marketing! The job is frequently glamorous and highly strategic.This is the place where global leading brands are being built and promoted, and this is where you will undergo the transformation from a fresh graduate to global leader.Marketing Core Skills∙General Business Leadership – create and deliver winning business strategies based on superior understanding of the consumer, customer and competitive environment.∙Marketing Functional Mastery – Create consumer / shopper / influencer-inspired marketing strategies, and develop / execute superior, efficient marketing plans.Organizational Leadership / Leveraging – Collaborate with, influence and lead direct reports, teams /peers, and the broader organization to deliver business and marketingobjectives.Professional career development opportunities in MKTAssistant Brand ManagerDevelops skills in brand strategy and marketing plan development, advertising, Public Relations, consumer bonding, direct marketing and project management.Brand ManagerTakes the full responsibility for volume and profit of a brand, and leads a brand group to develop and deploy the brand strategy and plans in all aspects.Associate Marketing Director / Marketing DirectorTakes tremendous responsibilities in one or more categories.Our Marketers will also find career choices that focus on Marketing Expertise – e.g. advertising development, media, corporate marketing, knowledge creation & integration etc. Eventually your superior leadership and great achievement can take you to broader responsibilities as a General Manager and you can be in charge of the organization to manage national or even global P&G businesses!。
由于各地区都需要相同的专业人员,因而企业专业人员 有时会出现重复。其次,每一个地区组织是相对独立的, 都是一个独立的利润中心,容易使各地区经理从本地区 利益出发,使各地区的活动协调比较困难。再次,对跨 国经营的企业来说,实行这种组织形式需要大量具有国 际经验、且能在异国文化、政治和经济系统内生活和工 作的经理人员,无疑将会增加销售成本。
PART 2 部门简介
PART 2 部门简介
客户业务发展部 Customer Business Developme
市场研究部 Consumer & Market Knowledge
对外关系部 External Relations
P&G 产品销售
信息与解决决策方案部 Information & Decision Solutions
· 不足之处:
– 造成了一些矛盾冲突。由于产品(品牌)经理权力有限, 不得不依赖于同广告、推销、制造部门之间的合作,这些部 门又可能把他们视为“低层的协调者”不予重视。 – 产品(品牌)经理容易成为自己负责的特定产品(品牌) 的专家,但是不一定熟悉其他方面如广告、促销等业务,因 而可能在其他方面成为不了专家,影响其综合协调能力。 – 建立和使用产品管理系统的成本,往往比预期的费用要高。 产品管理人员的增加,导致人工成本增加;企业要继续增加 促销、调研、信息系统和其他方面的专家,必然承担大量的 间接管理费用。
宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之 一。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球一百六十多个国 家和地区消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企 业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝 洁大中华区总部位于广州,目前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、 东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,员工总数超过六千三百 人,在华投资总额超过十亿美元。 二十年来,宝洁在中国的业务发展取得了飞速的发展,主要 表现在——
职业规划,以终为始一、描绘蓝图1. 职业发展:做生意,还是做职业经理人。
希望发挥自己哪些优势,规避哪些劣势2.家庭生活:什么时候结婚抚养下一代,想给家庭带来怎样的生活水平3.社交生活:希望拥有怎样的社会地位,生活水平,朋友圈4.个人成长:个人知识能力,职业素质的成长,如业务能力,管理能力,沟通能力5.生活方式:自由职业者,朝九晚五的上班族,家庭为重,事业为重,家庭事业并重二、寻找赞助了解什么行业,公司可以实现你的梦想,满足你的需求三、构筑梦想了解公司对人才的需求,并分析自己目前具备的优劣势有针对性的提高自己的能力PS work:客户(customer)-分销中心(RDC)-仓库(Warehouse)-质量检验(OA Lab)-生产线(Operation)-供应商(suppliers)一 PS有哪六个分部门?它们的主要职责是什么?PS有六大discipline(分部门):1.SNO-Supply Network Operation:Delivers supply chain integration through to our customers’ shelves to win the first moment of truth, which enables superior retail presence and improved customer and consumer value. Our mantra is “Always There, Always Preferred, Always Affordable.”2.ENG-Engineering (工程部): Deliver a competitive advantage by innovating, providing and protecting supply network technologies, systems and facilities in a safe and healthful environment to maximize consumer value and increase project Net Present Value and shareholder return.3.MFG-Manufacturing (制造部): Use different technologies, human resources and capital assets to manage the making, packing, and assembly systems to produce the right products at the right time with quality, consistency and total delivered cost reduction.4.PUR-Purchases (采购部):Leveraging our commercial skills and industry expertise. We work with global, regional and local suppliers to deliver the best total value to the company. We acquire and contract for all raw materials, packing materials, equipment, and services for the company.5.QA-Quality Assurance (品质保证部): Develop and establish a Company-wide vision, strategy and quality policy that ensures the delivery of design and execution excellence within legal and regulatory compliance. Build the business by leveraging quality to win at the First and Second Moments of Truth while delivering consumer satisfaction.6. IDM-Innovation Diamond Management: Deliver fewer, bigger initiativeswith greater speed and efficieny to win in market and serve more of the world’s consumer more completely, by leading the organization and closely partnering with the business leaders to unleash our potential.二. PS是一个什么样的部门?答:PS产品供应部(Product Supply)是宝洁公司最大的综合部门,拥有宝洁公司50%的员工,在全球80多个国家拥有超过140家宝洁工厂,其下包括六大discipline(分部门): SNO-Supply Network Operation, Engineering (工程部), Manufacturing (制造部), Purchases (采购部),Quality Assurance (品质保证部)和 IDM-Innovation Diamond Management。
案例介绍——宝洁的国际化进程及其组织结构演变1.宝洁公司概况宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),简称P&G,是一家美国消费日用品的生产商,也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一。
通过收购Norwich Eaton制药公司,Rechardson-Vicks公司,公司活跃于个人保健用品行业。
通过80年代末,90年代初收购了Noxell,密丝佛陀,Ellen Betrix 公司,宝洁在化妆品和香料行业扮演着重要角色。
时间P&G国际化地区大事件1837 美国保洁创立1915 加拿大首次在美国以外设立生产设施1930 英国在英国购买了Thonmas Hedley有限公司,建立第一个海外分支机构1935 菲律宾购买其制造公司,建立远东地区第一个运作机构1948 墨西哥成立国际分部,建立在拉丁美洲第一间公司1954 法国在马赛租用洗衣粉工厂,发展欧洲大陆生意1960 德国在法兰克福设立办事处,相继推出公司第一种织物柔顺剂:液态Downy1961 沙特阿拉伯开设分公司,发展中东公司1973 日本收购日本Nippon Sunhome公司,开始在日本制造并销售公司产品1987 中国建立合资企业,广州保洁有限公司注册成立3.宝洁跨国经营的原因跨国经营是指以国际需求为导向,以扩大为目标,进行包括、在内的一切对外经营活动,即在获取、产品生产和销售、市场开发目标的确立等方面,将企业置身于并发挥自身比较优势,开展对外经济技术交流,参与、国际协作和竞争等一系列经营活动。
宝洁公司旗下的品牌宝洁公司旗下的品牌是全球率先的消费品公司宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)旗下拥有众多知名品牌,涵盖了个人护理、家居护理、健康护理和宠物护理等多个领域。
以下是对宝洁公司旗下几个主要品牌的介绍:1. 宝洁(P&G)宝洁是宝洁公司的核心品牌,以其卓越的产品质量和广受欢迎的商品而闻名。
2. 洁柔(Charmin)洁柔是宝洁公司旗下的卫生纸品牌,以其柔软舒适和卓越的吸收性能而备受消费者爱慕。
3. 汰渍(Tide)汰渍是宝洁公司旗下的洗衣液品牌,是全球最畅销的洗衣液之一。
4. 雅芳(Avon)雅芳是宝洁公司旗下的美妆品牌,专注于女性个人护理和美容产品。
5. 资生堂(SK-II)资生堂是宝洁公司旗下的高端护肤品牌,以其独特的护肤科技和优质的产品而享誉全球。
除了以上品牌,宝洁公司还拥有许多其他知名品牌,如奥妙(Ariel)、海飞丝(Head & Shoulders)、奇骏(Crest)、雀巢(Nestlé)等。
宝洁公司旗下品牌宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)是全球最大的消费品公司之一,成立于1837年,总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市。
1. 宝洁公司旗下品牌-宝洁宝洁(P&G)是宝洁公司的主要品牌,是全球最大的消费者产品品牌之一。
2. 宝洁公司旗下品牌-海飞丝海飞丝(Head & Shoulders)是宝洁公司旗下的一个著名的护发品牌。
3. 宝洁公司旗下品牌-奥妙奥妙(Ariel)是宝洁公司旗下的一个著名洗衣品牌。
4. 宝洁公司旗下品牌-护舒宝护舒宝(Always)是宝洁公司的一个卫生用品品牌,主要专注于女性卫生产品的研发和生产。
5. 宝洁公司旗下品牌-洁而舒洁而舒(Crest)是宝洁公司的一个口腔护理品牌,专注于牙膏和口腔洗液等产品的研发和制造。
宝洁公司工作分析一产品供应部PS1.介绍产品供应部是宝洁公司最大的综合部门,拥有公司50%的员工,在全球40多个国家拥有超过140家工厂,其下包括五大分部门,在2007年AMR Research进行的全球供应链评选中,宝洁公司供应链荣膺快速消费品行业全球第一2.工作分析工程(工程部):提供竞争优势通过创新,提供和保护供应网络技术、系统和设备在安全、健康的环境,以最大化消费者价值和提高项目净现值和股东回报。
职能 一线销售部门,直接与家乐福、沃尔玛等超市谈 生意; 仔细研究客户与市场,提供数据与分析决策支持;
负责公共关系及品牌形象管理; 负责品牌推广与市场营销; 负责产品研发与创新
负责生产与物流,保证在正确的时间把正确的产 品送到正确的地点;
P&G 的组织架构与营销的职能分工
• Part 1 公司简介
• Part 2 各部门职能分析
• Part 3 与联合利华的对比分析
• Part 4 营销部门T 1 公司简介
PART 1 公司简介
市场研究部 Consumer & Market Knowledge
对外关系部 External Relations
市场部 Marketing
P&G 产品销售
产品供应部 Product Supply
信息与解决决策方案部 Information & Decision Solutions
研究开发部 Research & Development
由于各地区都需要相同的专业人员,因而企业专业人员有时会出现重复。 其次,每一个地区组织是相对独立的,都是一个独立的利润中心,容易 使各地区经理从本地区利益出发,使各地区的活动协调比较困难。再次, 对跨国经营的企业来说,实行这种组织形式需要大量具有国际经验、且 能在异国文化、政治和经济系统内生活和工作的经理人员,无疑将会增 加销售成本。
宝洁 组织架构
![宝洁 组织架构](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/497fc03de97101f69e3143323968011ca300f724.png)
宝洁组织架构1. 引言宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble,简称宝洁)是全球知名的消费品公司,总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市。
2. 公司层级结构宝洁公司的组织架构采用分层管理模式,分为总部和各个业务部门。
2.1 总部层级结构宝洁公司的总部层级结构如下:•首席执行官(CEO):负责整个公司的战略规划和决策,对公司的整体运营负责。
2.2 业务部门层级结构宝洁公司的业务部门层级结构如下:•市场营销部门:负责产品的市场推广和品牌管理,包括市场调研、广告宣传、销售策略等。
3. 公司分支机构宝洁公司在全球范围内设有多个分支机构,以便更好地服务于不同的市场和客户。
3.1 区域分支机构宝洁公司的区域分支机构按照地理位置划分,主要分为以下几个区域:•美洲区:包括北美洲、中美洲和南美洲,总部设在美国辛辛那提。
宝洁公司是一家全球领先的消费品生产商,其财务数据和营收表现一直非常出色 。近年来,宝洁公司的营收持续增长,市场份额不断扩大,这表明公司在市场上 的竞争力和影响力不断提升。
宝洁公司始终坚持以消费者需求 为导向,通过深入了解消费者需 求,提供满足不同消费者需求的 产品和服务。
宝洁公司采取多品牌战略,通过 不断创新和优化,提高品牌知名 度和美誉度,增强市场竞争力。
作为全球最大的消费品生产商之一,宝洁公司在消费品行业中拥有举足轻重的地位和影响力。公司的产品涵盖了 多个领域,如洗发水、洗衣粉、化妆品等,深受全球消费者的喜爱。同时,宝洁公司的成功经验也为整个行业的 发展提供了有益的借鉴和参考。Βιβλιοθήκη 05公司文化与价值观
宝洁公司始终将客户的需求放在首位 ,致力于提供优质的产品和服务,满 足客户的期望和需求。
宝洁公司凭借卓越的产品质量和创新能力获得了众多奖项和 荣誉。
宝洁公司以其卓越的产品质量和创新能力获得了众多奖项和 荣誉。这些奖项和荣誉不仅证明了宝洁公司在行业中的领先 地位,也体现了公司对产品质量的严格把控和对创新的不断 追求。
Sales manager
Product supply
Other special manager
The end
Sk-ii was born in Japan, SkIt’s Japan skin experts It’ use cutting-edge cuttingtechnology ,applied to the development of skin. In Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, southeast Asia, South Korea and China is a popular brand.
Procter &gamble's main products
The Vidal Sassoon is P&G shampoo brand of rising stars, it set up the image of professional shampoo, conditioner, and at the same time, as the international salon pioneer, the Vidal Sassoon inspired in all directions, every style of all make public the Vidal Sassoon ‘s spiri company structure
CEO Sales vice President
Category general manager Financial vice President
Product development
Marketing director Finance director Market research
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宝洁公司各部门介绍Function IntroductionExternal RelationsVision: Create P&G business advantage through External Relations excellence.Leaders inbusiness transformation through information and decision solutions.Mission:Cultivate superior influencer relationships to build and protect the business and reputationof P&G and its brands.This mission is carried out through excellence in five core disciplines: Brand PR, Regulatory and Technical and Relations, Government relations, Corporate Reputation and Consumer Relations.Professional career development opportunitiesYour Initial Job AssignmentExternal RelationsExternal Relations encompasses work in: Government Relations, including managing P&G’s interactions with government locally, with the central government and international governments; Technical External Relations, includes the development of regulatory strategies, securing product approvals, ensuring regulatory compliance, issue and crisis management and brand technical support; Brand Public Relations includes planning and managing brand public relations programs, such as contacts and relationships with news media and key stakeholders and large scale integrated marketing PR programs and annual retaining PR programs; Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility includes developing and deploying corporate public relations strategies, policies, and procedures and corporate communications programs to build P&G image and reputation; Technical Marketing includes building and leveraging relationships with external experts and professional organizations to build credibility for P&G research and our brands and development of communications to educate consumers about our brands.LegalVision:Provide superior quality, timely and proactive legal services and results by using our thorough understanding of the Company's needs and our legal expertise in an atmosphere of respect, trust and satisfaction. We are responsible, efficient, confident and creative in working with other functions hand in hand and with outside organizations in a professional way.Your Initial Job AssignmentIn the Legal Department, you will assist in planning, conducting legal research, and providing legal advice. And you will also be responsible for the preparation of legal documents, compliance with contract terms, and be involved in handling relevant legal issues, corporate projects and lawsuits.Customer Business DevelopmentWe grow great business and organization leadersIn P&G we understand that our Company’s success b egins when our shoppers are choosingwhich brand to purchase. We call this “the first moment of truth”. Customers are a key pillar of theP&G strategy because they greatly influence this first moment of truth.Who Are We?As a member of Customer Business Development (CBD), you will have a significant impact on the first moment of truth by jointly creating value with our customers that positively influences the first moment of truth. CBD plays a leading role in this effort from sophisticated global retailers to small neighborhood stores and open markets. The Customer Business Development concept, which we invented, came from recognizing that jointly creating value with our retail customers and distributors is fundamental to the growth of our mutual businesses. As a member of CBD, you will be responsible for developing partnership and leveraging training, analytical data, communication skills and personal leadership to deliver our joint goals.Professional career development opportunities in CBDThe CBD career path comprises major early responsibilities, executive level interfaces, a dynamic environment and intellectual challenges. Success will mainly depend on your business results, strong leadership, strategic thinking and solutions, creativity and strong people development skill.MarketingHave you ever imagined managing an international leading brand? Are youprepared to take challenges and make your work creative and exciting?MissionP&G Marketing is a global community of the world’s best Brand Buil ders andBusiness Leaders. We are dedicated to growing Brand and Category share leadership,and to empower our succeeding generations to do the same. In short, we are passionateabout building Brands that last forever.Join the winning team of P&G Marketing! The job is frequently glamorous and highly strategic.This is the place where global leading brands are being built and promoted, and this is whereyou will undergo the transformation from a fresh graduate to global leader.Marketing Core Skills•General Business Leadership – create and deliver winning business strategies based on superior understanding of the consumer, customer and competitive environment.•Marketing Functional Mastery – Create consumer / shopper / influencer-inspired marketing strategies, and develop / execute superior, efficient marketing plans.•Organizational Leadership / Leveraging – Collaborate with, influence and lead direct reports, teams /peers, and the broader organization to deliver business and marketing objectives.Professional career development opportunities in MKTAssistant Brand ManagerDevelops skills in brand strategy and marketing plan development, advertising, Public Relations, consumer bonding, direct marketing and project management. Brand ManagerTakes the full responsibility for volume and profit of a brand, and leads a brand group todevelop and deploy the brand strategy and plans in all aspects.Associate Marketing Director / Marketing DirectorTakes tremendous responsibilities in one or more categories.Our Marketers will also find career choices that focus on Marketing Expertise – e.g.advertising development, media, corporate marketing, knowledge creation & integration,etc. Eventually your superior leadership and great achievement can take you to broader responsibilities as a General Manager and you can be in charge of the organizationto manage national or even global P&G businesses!Consumer & Market KnowledgeCMK’s Aspiration in Support of P&G’s VisionCMK is the voice of the world’s consumers and shoppers, navigating the way toimprove consumers' lives via connecting hindsight, insight, and foresight to drivebusiness success.We are internal consultant and proactive business leader in company.We lead the identification of consumer, market and retail evolution and robust predictions of business outcomes, and use it to drive company strategy and portfolio choice. We inspireteams to maximize new and established brand initiatives by acting on the integrated knowledgeof: 1) consumer/shopper’s needs and habits, 2) market and retailer dynamics, 3) external influences and, 4) key drivers of business growth. This enables the design and optimization of robust propositions for established brands and new initiatives in both developing and developed markets. We are collaborative leaders and crucial members of P&G’s global brand building community and China market research industry. We are committed to grow our future leaders via world class training, deliberate assignment/career planning and diversified organization.Information & Decision SolutionsOur Vision:Leaders in business transformation through information and decision solutions.Key Capabilities:Project Management, Business Process Transformation, Business Analysis, Service Management, Application Management, Enterprise Architecture, etc.A P&G IDS career offers an exciting and fast paced environment to build Business, Technical and Leadership skills. You will apply these skills to deliver a competitive advantage and significant business results within one of the world’s top companies. IDS is a strategic capability for key P&G operations (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Product Supply, Finance, etc.). P&G IDS is also a global organization so you will have the opportunity to work closely with both IDS and business experts from all over the world, and to work in a widevariety of assignments.Professional career development opportunities in IDSSystems Analyst / Systems ManagerBe responsible for IDS solutions in certain business area (e.g. Customer Team, Plant, Brand Team and Service Line). Innovate, implement and leverage high impact IDS solutions for the business’s development.Section ManagerLead the IDS function within a business unit (e.g. Top Retailer Channel, Skin Care Category, Market and Service Line). Be responsible for IDS portfolio management, master plan and deliver business operation critical solutions and service, and developing the IDS organization.Associate Director / DirectorLead the IDS function for a large business unit/ function / service line (Sales, Supply Network Solution), establish IDS Strategy, Investment, Project Portfolio, and Organization Design direction. Work closely with senior P&G business leaders and global GBS/IDS leaders, as well as senior customers and suppliers at the regional and global level.A P&G Greater China IDS careerA P&G Greater China IDS career provides opportunities for you to become a professional business leader with multiple skills of systemically understanding of the business and end-to-end business processes, cutting edge information technologies, and competency of project management, business process transformation, business analysis and service management. You have opportunities to work in business solutions of Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resources Planning and Knowledge Management, etc.。