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语言特点 – 词汇特点
使用缩略语 TO LET OR FOR SALE Furnished Edinburgh Court, 426 Argyle St, 2nd floor, 1,630 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms with dining and living room, prive garage. Sale at $130,000. Rent 1,400. Tel 138954 office time or 823784.
第七讲 广 告 的 翻 译
Advertising is the non-personal “广告是由特定的广告主通常 communication of information 以付费的方式通过各种传播媒 usually paid for and usually 体对产品、劳务或观念等信息 persuasive in nature about products, 的非人员介绍及推广。” services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.
语言特点 – 词汇特点
1. new 5. free
2. crisp 3. good 4. fine 6. big 7. fresh 10. real 8. great 11. full, sure
9. delicious
12. easy, bright 13. clean 14. extra, safe 15. special 16. rich
模拟生造新词 First of all, because now Yoplait is thicker. Second of all, because it’s creamier. Third of all, because it’s still 100% natural and really very good for you. Fourth of all, because to me Yoplait tastes better than the other Yogurts. And fifth of all, because … well, just because …
语言特点 – 词汇特点
动词使用广泛,但经常出现的动 并不多,出现频率特别高的动词有: bring, choose, come, cook, feel, get, give, go, have, help, keep, know, last, like, love, make, meet, need, save, see, serve, start, take, taste, use
语言特点 – 词汇特点
复合形容词的使用 副 + ved: perfectly-textured, well-served 名 + ving: hand-fitting, record-breaking 形 + ving: best-looking, fresh-tasting 副 + ving: best-selling, hard-working 形 + 不定式:easy-to-dress, hard-to-reach
Information function Demand creation function Persuasion function Action function establishment function
目标群体: 目标群体: 消费者广告 consumer advertising 企业广告 business advertising
宣传目的: 宣传目的: 商业广告 commercial advertising 非商业广告 non-commercial advertising
标题 headline 正文 body text 口号 slogan 商标 trademark 插图 illustration
句法特点 – 结构特点
多用简单句,少用复合句, 多用简单句,少用复合句,口语性强 多用并列结构,较少使用主从结构 多用并列结构, 尽量避免使用被动结构, 尽量避免使用被动结构,多用主动结构
句法特点 – 句子类型
多用祈使句 多用疑问句 省略句出现频繁 分离句使用频繁 少用否定句
句法特点 – 句子类型
The fastest way to get up and running is with our new HP Vectra PCS.
叙述式 对话式 传播知识式 发言人式 故事式 类比式 解题式 ……
Things go better with Coca-Cola. (可口可乐) Taste that beats the other Cold. (百事可乐) Above all in refreshment. (雪乐门香烟) Fresh up with Seven-up. (七喜汽水) Don’t Leave Home without it. (美国运通) The Smarter Place to Be. (美国证券交易所) AT&T, Your True Choice. (美国电话电报公司) The Ultimate Driving Machine. (德国宝马) You’ll Love the Way We Fly. (Delta 航空公司) The Best Tires in the World Have Goodyear Written All over Them. (固特异轮胎橡胶公司)
Good taste. Kent style. (美国健牌香烟) My Rolex is more than Just a watch, it makes me feel dressed. (瑞士劳力士手表。) We make other vegetables green with envy. (美国马铃薯协会马铃薯的广告) DATSUN saves about a gallon of gasoline a day. (DATSUN牌汽车) Soft shoes for hard world. (Ultrasoft 女鞋)
语言特点 – 词汇特点
What a Good time for a Good taste of a Kent? In just a few drops, this man’s skin is going to feel Better. More people choose Kenmore microwaves than any other brand! If you want a really mild cigarette … there’s nothing milder than Ransom. One more Cartier for your fingertips. The hottest news hits, your favorite artists. Your skin will tell you …100% combed cotton towel … the softest, plushest terry. We sell, you’ll really feel the different!
Leabharlann Baidu
语言特点 – 词汇特点
复合形容词的使用 形 + 名:top-quality, high fashion top-fashion 名 + 形:feather-light, sugar-crisp, farm-fresh, brand-new Ving + 形:shinning-clean, sparkling-clean 名 + ved: honey-coated, chocolate-flavored, copper-coated, home-made
语言特点 – 词汇特点
用词简单, 用词简单,具有口语化倾向
I couldn’t believe it, until I tried it! I’m impressed! I’m really impressed! You’ve gotta try it! I love it! - Is microwave cooking fast? - You bet!
直接性标题 (direct headline)
间接性标题 ( indirect headline)
综合性标题 ( combination headline)
Grade A Milk, 23£ a Quart
Bed & Breakfast service offers 200 apartments Rates $ 75-300p/n
语言特点 – 词汇特点
We know eggsactly How to Sell Eggs. DRINKA PINTA MILKA DAY. Kash’n’Karry Supermarket The Orangemostest Drink in the world.
语言特点 – 词汇特点
I was in love with a girl name Cathy. I killed her. 200 Years. Six Generations. One Family. PURINA KITTEN CHOW BRAND KITTEN FOOD – Because Kittens need more nutrition than adult cats.
语言特点 – 词汇特点
模拟生造新词 wwwhat’s newww? At www.landsend.com, the answer is – a lot. … www.landsend.com gives you even more ways to explore Lands’End with even more ease, comfort, confidence and security. Guaranteed. Period. So, wwwhat are you wwwaiting for?
语言特点 – 词汇特点
使用动词讲究且数量有限 常见表达方式如: 常见的表示 “buy” 的含义的动词: Make get, take, try, come, go, have, make, … your toothpaste. Give see, use, give, need,him/her an … discover, Introduce you family to serve, choose, introduce, remember,… look… let/send for, call, come on, Try for, hurry 等。 your problems. Let … solve
多用祈使句 Buy one pair. Get one free. Stop in a store near you. Take a look. Go ahead, compare. See for yourself. So step in and take a look. Visit an authorized IBM Personal Computer dealer. Come to where the flavor is Come to Marlboro Country
目标区域: 目标区域: 地方广告 local advertising 全国广告 national advertising 国际广告 international advertising
传播媒体: 传播媒体: 印刷广告 print advertising 电子广告 electronic advertising 户外广告 out-of-door advertising